WEB Design (H I P C A M)

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Engl i sh

Scr ol ldown t ol ear nmor e!

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AISmar tDet ect i ons

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Tal kands eeyourl ovedonesf r om yourHi pc am Appwher everyouar e.

Benot i fiedofever yt hi ngt hat ’ shappeni ng i nyourhomewi t ht heHi pc am PI RSens or .

Enj oyi t si nc r edi bl es c r eenandamoder n c amer ades i gnf oras pec i al pl ac ei ny ourhome.

I ndoorMAX l et syous eeever ydet ai l wi t hahi ghr es ol ut i oni mage.


Accesst oal lyourcamer as t hr ought heHi pcam App!

Checkt heVi deoHi st or y i fyoumi ssanyt hi ng!

Eas ys t ar t Fol l ow t hi s4s t epst os t ar tus i ngyourc amer a!

Downl oadt heapp

LogI n

St ar tt hecamer a

Lett heappr eadt he QRCodei nt heback oft hecamer a


Hi pc am Pr ot ec t Choos et hepl ant hatbes ts ui t syourneeds !

Fr ee


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