1 minute read
Difference between DSmT and DST
Scilogs, V: joining the dots
That reflects continuity of PCR5/6. For example, let’s say A∧B = φ and one has two sources of information:
m1 e1 b1 1-e1-b1
m2 a1 e2 1-a1-e2 where all a1, b1, e1, e2 are in [0, 1], and e1 and e2 are positive numbers very close to zero. Then, using PCR5/6 one has: x1/e1 = y1/e2 = (x1+y1)/(e1+e2) = e1·e2/(e1+e2) whence x1 = [(e12) ·e2]/(e1+e2) 0 y1 = [e1·e22]/(e1+e2) 0 where x1 and y1 are the transferable masses to A and respectively B, while x1 and y1 are parts of the conflicting mass e1·e2 since A and B are in conflict because their intersection is empty.
Difference between DSmT and DST
À Jean Dezert Au debut DSmT était très proche de la DST: seulement
A∧B = nonempty. On utilisait la DSmC (conjunctive rule etendue sur le hyper-power set) seulement. Meme toi tu as saisi ca. Et
Haeni nous critiquait...