1 minute read
Scilogs, V: joining the dots
Why we got the same rank in positive solutions, S+1, S+3, S+2, S+4, and same rank in negative solutions S-1, S-3, S-2,
S-4 ? It is normal, since for positive values S+… one considers the smallest values of S+… (i.e. the most close values of
S+… to the maximum value). While, for the negative values S-… one considers the largest values S-… (i.e. the further values of S-… from the minimum value). Even more, if we do the line summation, we also get the same order L1, L3, L2, L4:
L1: 0.7+3.6+2.7+1.6 = 8.6
L2: 0.8+2.8+2.4+1.4 = 7.4
L3: 0.9+2.4+2.4+1.8 = 7.5
L4: 0.6+2.8+2.4+1.2 = 7.0 In my opinion, the TOPSIS Simplified is consistent no matter how we do it, and its result is more justified than that of classical TOPSIS.
We have the following procedure: - first we find the weights w1, w2, ..., wn of criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn respectively using alpha-D MCDM; - then we multiply for each alternative A1, A2, ..., Am the coefficients corresponding to the above criteria by their weights.