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Schopenhauer’s Will Philosophy

Neutrosofia (o nouă ramură a filozofiei) se bazează pe triadele <A>, <neutA> și <antiA>. Propoziția "Războiul de 30 de ani a durat 7 metri" este falsă în toate celelalte ramuri filozofice – ceea ce nu reflectă cu acuratețe valoarea ei, dar în neutrosofie este nedeterminată (adică este <neutA>).

Schopenhauer’s Will Philosophy


To Vic Christianto These topics are all interesting: - Schopenhauer’s will philosophy and quantum physics; - meta-realities of modern physics; - the quantum mysticism is against scientific realism. I'd first be interested in connecting Schopenhauer’s will philosophy and quantum physics with neutrosophy. In neutrosophy, we can connect an idea with its opposite idea and with its neutral idea and get common parts, i.e. <A> ∧ <nonA> = nonempty set. The common part of the uncommon things! It is a true/real... paradox. From neutrosophy, all started: neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic set, neutrosophic probability, neutrosophic statistics, neutrosophic measure, neutrosophic physics, neutrosophic algebraic structures etc. and further plithogeny, plithogenic set, plithogenic logic, plothogenic probability etc.

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