1 minute read
Faster Than Light
cercetare în știință: fizica supraluminală, și fizica instantanee {adică studierea proprietăților / legilor / teoriilor etc. fizice la viteze supraluminale, respective la viteze apropiate de cea instantanee}.
Faster Than Light
The worldwide news at CERN Laboratory in Europe has made public the fact that there have been detected particles (neutrinos) that travel at a speed greater than the speed of light. I had this intuition long ago (since 1972), when I proposed this hypothesis of particle speed greater than the speed of light, which is called in the Encyclopedia of Physics on my name, but it is criticized: http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/SmarandacheHypothesi s.html Newton's Laws work for small speeds, Einstein's
Relativity works for speeds close to the speed of light (c). Many physics laws valid for small speeds are not valid for relativistic speeds, and reciprocally. Since it is almost sure that there are particles with speeds greater than the speed of light, new physics are needed. Not only energy and information can be transmitted at speeds greater than c, but also mass. We should think at the phenomena with velocity v > c, even what would happens at infinite (or close to infinite) velocities? What laws might occur? They 77