1 minute read
Geopathogeneous Radiation
Cartea http://fs.unm.edu/NeutrosophicProceedings.pdf are articole filozofice de-ale mele, sau ale mele împreună cu alți co-autori, sau ale altora. Cartea http://fs.unm.edu/Neutrality.pdf este de logică neliniară (adică având operatori logici neliniari), împreună cu un profesor din Bielorusia. Și cartea groasă (cea mai voluminoasă a mea) http://fs.unm.edu/MultispaceMultistructure.pdf are câteva lucrări filozofice. Neutrosofia este o metafilozofie, i.e. găsirea de părți comune la filozofii opuse...
Geopathogeneous Radiation
To Dmitri Rabounski The human being is continuously transforming, and the most adapted will perpetuate. Adapted to radiation, adapted to cosmos traveling... Indeed, it will be interesting to see how the born-in-space children will be? How lack or high gravitation will influence the human biology. You introduced the geopathogeneous radiation [“fundamental radiations of the Earth causing changes (mutationa) in the levels of genes”] concept. The Solar System considered as a body, and even more the while Universe is considered as unitary body. Small changes can produces big output?