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Plithogenic Soft Set
Article · June 2020 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3783023 CITATIONS 0 READS 49 1 author:
Shawkat Alkhazaleh Jadara University 31 PUBLICATIONS 620 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE
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ShawkatAlkhazaleh DepartmentofMathematics,FacultyofScienceandInformationTechnology,JadaraUniversity,Irbid,Jordan
Abstract In1995,Smarandacheinitiatedthetheoryofneutrosophicsetasnewmathematicaltoolforhandling problemsinvolvingimprecise,indeterminacy,andinconsistentdata.Molodtsovinitiatedthetheoryofsoft setasanewmathematicaltoolfordealingwithuncertainties,whichtraditionalmathematicaltoolscannot handle.Hehasshowedseveralapplicationsofthistheoryforsolvingmanypracticalproblemsineconomics, engineering,socialscience,medicalscience,etc.In2017SmarandacheinitiatedthetheoryofPlithogenicSet andtheirproperties.Healsogeneralizedthesoftsettothehypersoftsetbytransformingthefunction F into amulti-attributefunctionandintroducedthehybridsofCrisp,Fuzzy,IntuitionisticFuzzy,Neutrosophic,and PlithogenicHypersoftSet.Inthisresearch,forthefirsttimewedefinetheconceptofPlithogenicsoftset, andgiveitsomegeneralizationsandstudysomeofitsoperations.Furthermore,Wegiveexamplesforthese conceptsandoperations.Finally,thesimilaritiesbetweentwoPlithogenicsoftsetsarealsogiven.

Keywords: Softset;Neutrosophicset;Neutrosophicsoftset;Plithogenicset;Plithogenicsoftset.
1. Introduction
Inourlifenoteverythingnonvagueorcertainwheremanythingsaroundusaresurrounded byuncertaintyandvagueness,Zadeh[13]wassuccessfullyfulfilledtheneedtorepresentuncertaindatabyintroducingtheconceptoffuzzysets.AlsoAtanassov[4]extendZadehsnotion offuzzysettoIntuitionisticfuzzysetswhichprovedtobeabettermodelofuncertainty.The wordsneutrosophyandneutrosophicwereintroducedforthefirsttimebySmarandache[9,10] asamoregeneralplatform,whichextendstheconceptsofthefuzzysetandintuitionisticfuzzy set.In1999Molodtsov[8]proposedaparameterisedfamilyofsetsnamed”softset”,todeal withuncertaintyinaparametricmanner.Smarandachedefinedaconceptofplithogenicset, whereaplithogenicset P isasetwhoseelementsarecharacterizedbyoneormoreattributes, andeachattributemayhavemanyvalues.Eachattribute’svalue v hasacorrespondingdegree ofappurtenance d(x,v)oftheelement x,totheset P ,withrespecttosomegivencriteria. Inordertoobtainbetteraccuracyfortheplithogenicaggregationoperators,acontradiction

NeutrosophicSetsandSystems,Vol.33,2020257of274 (dissimilarity)degreeisdefinedbetweeneachattributevalueandthedominant(mostimportant)attributevalue.However,therearecaseswhensuchdominantattributevaluemaynot betakingintoconsiderationormaynotexist[thereforeitisconsideredzerobydefault],or theremaybemanydominantattributevalues.Insuchcases,eitherthecontradictiondegree functionissuppressed,oranotherrelationshipfunctionbetweenattributevaluesshouldbe established.Theplithogenicaggregationoperators(intersection,union,complement,inclusionandequality)arebasedoncontradictiondegreesbetweenattributesvaluesandthefirst twoarelinearcombinationsofthefuzzyoperatorst-normandt-conorm.Plithogenicsetisa generalizationofthecrispset,fuzzyset,intuitionisticfuzzyset,andneutrosophicset,since thesefourtypesofsetsarecharacterizedbyasingleattributevalue(appurtenance):which hasonevalue(membership)forthecrispsetandfuzzyset,twovalues(membership,andnonmembership)forintuitionisticfuzzyset,orthreevalues(membership,non-membership,and indeterminacy)forneutrosophicset.Aplithogenicset,ingeneral,mayhaveelementscharacterizedbyattributeswithfourormoreattributes.In2019Abdel-Bassetetal.[1]suggestedan approachconstructedontheconnotationofplithogenictheorytechniquetocomeupwitha methodicalproceduretoassesstheinfirmaryservingunderaframeworkofplithogenictheory. Inthisresearch,theygavesomedefinitionsoftheplithogenicenvironment,whichismoregeneralandcomprehensivethanfuzzy,intuitionisticfuzzyandneutrosophicones.Abdel-Basset etal.[3]proposedmethodtoincreasetheaccuracyoftheevaluation.Thismethodisacombinationofqualityfunctiondeploymentwithplithogenicaggregationoperations.Theyapplied theaggregationoperationtoaggregatethedecisionmakersopinionsofrequirementsthatare neededtoevaluatethesupplychainsustainabilityandtheevaluationmetricsbasedonthe requirements.Alsotheyappliedtheaggregationoperationtoaggregatetheevaluationofinformationgatheringdifficulty.In2020Abdel-BassetandRehab[2]proposedamethodology asacombinationofplithogenicmulti-criteriadecision-makingapproachbasedontheTechniqueinOrderofPreferencebySimilaritytoIdealSolutionandCriteriaImportanceThrough Inter-criteriaCorrelationmethodstoestimationofsustainablesupplychainriskmanagement.
2. Preliminary
Remark2.2. Inamoregeneralway,thesummationcanbelessthan1(forincomplete neutrosophicinformation),equalto1(forcompleteneutrosophicinformation),orgreater than1(forparaconsistent/conflictingneutrosophicinformation).
Molodtsovdefinedsoftsetinthefollowingway.Let U beauniverseand E beasetof parameters.Let P (U )denotethepowersetof U and A ⊆ E.
Definition2.3. [8]Apair(F,A)iscalleda softset over U, where F isamapping
F : A → P (U ) .
Inotherwords,asoftsetover U isaparameterizedfamilyofsubsetsoftheuniverse U. For ε ∈ A,F (ε)maybeconsideredasthesetof ε-approximateelementsofthesoftset(F,A).
Definition2.4. [6]Let P (U )denotesthesetofallfuzzysetsof U .Let Ai ⊆ E .A pair(Fi,Ai)iscalledafuzzysoftsetover U ,where Fi isamappinggivenby Fi : Ai −→ P (U )
Definition2.5. [7]Let U beaninitialuniversalsetandlet E besetofparameters.Let P (U ) denotesthesetofallintuitionisticfuzzysetsof U .Apair(F,A)iscalledanintuitionistic fuzzysoftsetover U if F isamappinggivenby F : A −→ P (U ).WewriteanIntuitionistic fuzzysoftsetshortlyasIFsoftset
Definition2.6. [5]Let U beaninitialuniversesetand E beasetofparameters.Consider A ⊂ E.Let P (U )denotesthesetofallneutrosophicsetsof U .Thecollection(F,A)istermed tobetheneutrosophicsoftsetover U ,where F isamappinggivenby F : A → P (U ).
3. FormalDefinitionofSingle(Uni-Dimensional)AttributePlithogenicSet
InthissectionwerecallthedefinitionofplithogenicsetgivenbySmarandache[11,12]and somedefinitionsrelatedtothisconceptasfollows: Let U beauniverseofdiscourse,and P anon-emptysetofelements, P ⊆ U
Definition3.1. Let A beanon-emptysetofuni-dimensionalattributes A = {α1,α2,...,αm}, m ≥ 1;and αi ∈ A beagivenattributewhosespectrumofallpossiblevalues(orstates)isthe non-emptyset S,where S canbeafinitediscreteset, S = {s1,s2,...,sl},1 ≤ l ≤∞,orinfinitely countableset S = {s1,s2,...,s∞},orinfinitelyuncountable(continuum)set S =]a,b[,a<b, where]...[isanyopen,semi-open,orclosedintervalfromthesetofrealnumbersorfromother generalset.
3.2. AttributeValueRange
Definition3.2. Let V beanon-emptysubsetof S,where V istherangeofallattribute’s valuesneededbytheexpertsfortheirapplication.Eachelement x ∈ P ischaracterizedbyall attribute’svaluesin V = {v1,v2,...,vn},for n ≥ 1.
3.3. DominantAttributeValue
Definition3.3. Intotheattributesvalueset V ,ingeneral,thereisadominantattribute value,whichisdeterminedbytheexpertsupontheirapplication.Dominantattributevalue isdefinedasthemostimportantattributevaluethattheexpertsareinterestedin. Remark3.4. Therearecaseswhensuchdominantattributevaluemaynotbetakinginto considerationornotexist,ortheremaybemanydominant(important)attributevalueswhendifferentapproachshouldbeemployed.
3.4. AttributeValueTruth-ValueDegreeFunction
Definition3.5. Theattributevaluetruth-valuedegreefunctionis: ∀P ∈ U,d : U × V −→ ℘([0, 1]z ),so d(P,v)isasubsetof[0, 1]z ,where ℘([0, 1]z )isthepowersetofthe[0, 1]z such that z = F (forfuzzydegreeoftruth-value), z = IF (forintuitionisticfuzzydegreeoftruth-value),or z = N (forneutrosophicdegreedetruth-value).
3.5. AttributeValueContradictionDegreeFunction
Definition3.6. Theattributevaluecontradictiondegreefunctionbetweenanytwoattribute values v1 and v2,denotedby c(v1,v2)isafunctiondefineby c : V × V −→ [0, 1]suchthatthe cardinal |V |≥ 1andsatisfyingthefollowingaxioms:
(1) c(v1,v1)=0,thecontradictiondegreebetweenthesameattributevaluesiszero; (2) c(v1,v2)= c(v2,v1),commutativity.
3.6. plithogenicset
Definition3.7. Let U beauniverseofdiscourse,and P anon-emptysetofelements, P ⊆ U . a isa(multi-dimensionalingeneral)attribute, V istherangeoftheattributesvalues, d isthe degreeofappurtenanceofeachelement xsattributevaluetotheset P withrespecttosome givencriteria(x ∈ P ),and c standsforthedegreeofcontradictionbetweenattributevalues. Then(P,a,V,d,c)iscalledaplithogenicset.
Remark3.8. (1) d maystandfor dF , dIF or dN ,whendealingwithfuzzydegreeof appurtenance,intuitionisticfuzzydegreeofappurtenance,orneutrosophicdegreeof appurtenancerespectivelyofanelement x totheplithogenicset P ;
(2) c maystandfor cF , cIF or cN ,whendealingwithfuzzydegreeofcontradiction, intuitionisticfuzzydegreeofcontradiction,orneutrosophicdegreeofcontradiction betweenattributevaluesrespectively;
(3) Thefunctions d(.,.)and c(.,.)aredefinedinaccordancewiththeapplicationsthe expertsneedtosolve;
(4) Oneusesthenotation: x(d(x,V )),where d(x,v)= {d(x,v)∀v ∈ V }, ∀x ∈ P ;
Theplithogenicsetisanextensionofall:crispset,fuzzyset,intuitionisticfuzzyset,and neutrosophicset.InthisPaperwewillstudytheplithogenicsetasanextensionoffuzzyset, intuitionisticfuzzyset,andneutrosophicset.
In Single-ValuedFuzzySet(SVFS),theattributeis α =”appurtenance”;thesetof attributevalues V = {T },whosecardinal |V | =1;thedominantattributevalue= T ;theattributevalue appurtenancedegreefunction: d : P × V −→ [0, 1], d(x,T ) ∈ [0, 1] andtheattributevaluecontradictiondegreefunction: c : V × V −→ [0, 1], c(T,T )=0,
In Single-Valuedintuitionisticfuzzyset(SVIFS),theattributeis α =”appurtenance”; thesetofattributevalues V = {T,F },whosecardinal |V | =2; thedominantattributevalue= T ;theattributevalueappurtenancedegreefunction: d : P × V −→ [0, 1], d(x,T ) ∈ [0, 1], d(x,F ) ∈ [0, 1]with0 ≤ d(x,T )+ d(x,F ) ≤ 1;and theattributevaluecontradictiondegreefunction: c : V × V −→ [0, 1], c(T,T )= c(F,F )=0, c(T,F )=1.
In Single-ValuedNeutrosophicSet(SVNS),theattributeis α =”appurtenance”;the setofattributevalues V = {T,I,F },whosecardinal |V | =3;thedominantattributevalue= T ;theattributevalue appurtenancedegreefunction: d : P × V −→ [0, 1], d(x,T ) ∈ [0, 1], d(x,I) ∈ [0, 1], d(x,F ) ∈ [0, 1], with0 ≤ d(x,T )+ d(x,I)+ d(x,F ) ≤ 3; andtheattributevaluecontradictiondegreefunction: c : V × V −→ [0, 1], c(T,T )= c(I,I)= c(F,F )=0, c(T,F )=1, c(T,I)= c(F,I)=0 5. ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
4. PlithogenicIntersection
Inthissectionwerecallthedefinitionofplithogenicintersectionoverthreecases:fuzzy, intuitionisticfuzzyandneutrosophicsetwhicharedefinedforthefirsttimebySmarandache in2017and2018[11,12].
4.1. PlithogenicFuzzyIntersection
Definition4.1. Let U = {u1,u2,...,un} A = u1 µ(u1 ) , u2 µ(u2 ) ,..., un µ(un) ,and B = u1 ν(u1 ) , u2 ν(u2 ) ,..., un ν(un) beanytwoplithogenicfuzzysetsover U .Thentheplithogenicfuzzy intersectionbetween A and B defineasfollows: A ∧FP B
4.2. PlithogenicIntuitionisticFuzzyIntersection
Definition4.2. Let U = {u1,u2,...,un}.Suppose A = u1 (µT (u1 ),µF (u1 )) , u2 (µT (u2 ),µF (u2 )) ,..., un (µT (un),µF (un)) ,and B = u1 (νT (u1 ),νF (u1 )) , u2 (νT (u2 ),νF (u2 )) ,..., un (νT (un),νF (un)) beanytwoplithogenicintuitionisticfuzzysetsover U .Thentheplithogenicintuitionistic fuzzyintersectionbetween A and B isdefinedasfollows: A ∧IP B = ui ((1 cv)(µ(ui)∧F ν(ui))+(cv)(µ(ui)∨F νF (ui)),(cv)(µ(ui)∨F ν(ui))+(1 cv)(µ(ui)∧F νF (ui))) , ∀i =1, 2,...,n Where ∧F and ∨F representfuzzyt-normandfuzzyt-conorm(s-norm)respectivelyand cv representthedegreesofcontradictions.
4.3. PlithogenicNeutrosophicIntersection
beanytwoplithogenicneutrosophicsetover U .Thentheplithogenicneutrosophicintersection between A and B isdefinedasfollows:
∀i =1, 2,...,n,where
F and
F representfuzzyt-normandfuzzyt-conorm(s-norm)respectivelyand cv representthedegreesofcontradictions.
5. PlithogenicUnion
Inthissectionwerecallthedefinitionofplithogenicunionoverthreecases:fuzzy,intuitionisticfuzzyandneutrosophicsetwhicharedefinedforthefirsttimebySmarandachein2017 and2018[11,12].
5.1. PlithogenicFuzzyUnion
Definition5.1. Let U , A and B asdefinedin4.1.Thentheplithogenicfuzzyunionbetween A and B isdefinedasfollows: A ∨FP B = ui (1 cv )(µ(ui)∨F ν(ui))+(cv )(µ(ui)∧F νF (ui)) , ∀i =1, 2,...,n Where ∧F and ∨F representfuzzyt-normandfuzzyt-conorm(s-norm)respectivelyand cv representthedegreesofcontradictions.
5.2. PlithogenicIntuitionisticFuzzyUnion
Definition5.2. Let U , A and B asdefinedin4.2.Thentheplithogenicintuitionisticfuzzy unionbetween A and B isdefinedasfollows: A ∨IP B = ui ((1 cv)(µ(ui)∨F ν(ui))+(cv)(µ(ui)∧F νF (ui)),(cv)(µ(ui)∧F ν(ui))+(1 cv)(µ(ui)∨F νF (ui))) , ∀i =1, 2,...,n Where ∧F and ∨F representfuzzyt-normandfuzzyt-conorm(s-norm)respectivelyand cv representthedegreesofcontradictions.
5.3. PlithogenicNeutrosophicUnion
Definition5.3. Let U , A and B asdefinedin4.3.Thentheplithogenicneutrosophicintersectionbetween A and B isdefinedasfollows: A ∨NP B = ui (1 cv)(µ(ui)∨F ν(ui))+(cv)(µ(ui)∧F νF (ui)), 1 2 [(µI (u1 )∧F νT (u1 ))+(µI (u1 )∨F νT (u1 ))],(cv)(µ(ui)∧F ν(ui))+(1 cv)(µ(ui)∨F νF (ui)) , ∀i =1, 2,...,n,where ∧F and ∨F representfuzzyt-normandfuzzyt-conorm(s-norm)respectivelyand cv representthedegreesofcontradictions.
5.4. Hypersoftset
Definition5.4. [11]Let U beauniverseofdiscourse, ℘(U )thepowersetof U .Let a1,a2, ,an,for n ≥ 1,be n distinctattributes,whosecorrespondingattributevaluesare respectivelythesets A1,A2, ··· ,An,with Ai ∩ Aj = ∅,for j = i,and i,j ∈{1, 2, ··· ,n.} Thenthepair (F,A1 × A2 ×···× An) ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
where: F : A1 × A2 ×···× An −→ ℘(U ) iscalledaHypersoftSetover U .
6. PlithogenicSoftSet
Inthissectionwedefinetheconceptofplithogenicsoftset(InGeneral)asageneralization ofsoftset.Wealso,defineitsbasicoperationsnamely,unionandintersectionandstudytheir properties.
Definition6.1. Let U beauniverseofdiscourse,(U )z the z powersetof U suchthat z = C (Powersetof U ), z = F (Thesetofallfuzzysetof U ), z = IF (Thesetofallintuitionisticfuzzysetof U ),or z = N (Thesetofallneutrosophicsetof U ).Let a1,a2, ··· ,an,for n ≥ 1,be n distinct attributes,whosecorrespondingattributevaluesarerespectivelythesets V1,V2, ,Vn,with Vi ∩ Vj = ∅,for j = i,and i,j ∈{1, 2, ··· ,n.}.Suppose Vi = {vi1,vi2, ··· ,vimi } andlet Υ= V1 × V2 ×···× Vn.Let D =(D1,D2, Dn)thedominantattributeelementof Ai ∀i and c (Di,vij ) ,i ∈{1, 2, n} ,j ∈{1, 2, mi} theattributevaluecontradictiondegreefunction suchthat ci : Vi × Vi −→ [0, 1],Thenthepair(F z P , Υ),where: F z P :Υ −→ [0, 1]D × (U )z iscalledaPlithogenicSoftSet(P-SSInshort)over U .
Toillustratetheabovedefinitionwegivethefollowingexamplesforallcases:crisp,fuzzy, intuitionisticandneutrosophic: 6.1.
Example6.2. Let U = {c1,c2,c3,c4}.Here U representsthesetofcars.Let a1 = speed,a2 = color,a3 = model,a4 = manufacturingyear.Supposetheirattributesvaluesrespectively: Speed ≡ A1 = {slow,fast,veryfast}, Color ≡ A2 = {white,yellow,red,black}, Model ≡ A3 = {model1,model2,model3,model4}, manufacturingyear ≡ A4 = {2015 andbefor, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019}
Wherethedominantattribute’svalue D =(slow,red,model3, 2019).Let H ⊆ Υsuchthat H = { 1 =(slow,white,model1, 2015 andbefor) , 2 =(slow,yellow,model3, 2017) , 3 =(fast,red,model4, 2018)}.Defineafunction F z P : H −→ [0, 1]D × (U )C asfollows: ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
F C P ( 1)= (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D ) (1,1,1,1) , (c4 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D ) (1,1,1,1) ,
F C P ( 2)= (c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D ) (1,1,1,1) ,
F C P ( 3)= (c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D ) (1,1,1,1) , Thenwecanfindtheplithogeniccrispsoftset(P-CSS) F C P ,H asconsistingofthefollowing collectionofapproximations:
F C P ,H = 1, (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) (1,1,1,1) , (c4 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) (1,1,1,1) , 2, (c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) (1,1,1,1) , 3, (c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) (1,1,1,1)
6.2. PlithogenicFuzzySoftSet
Example6.3. ConsiderExample6.2andsupposethatthe
F F P ( 1)= (c1 ,(0,0.4,1,1)D ) (0 6,0 7,1,1) , (c2 ,(0,0.4,1,1)D ) (0 7,0 3,0,0) , (c3 ,(0,0.4,1,1)D ) (0 1,0 3,0,0) , (c4 ,(0,0.4,1,1)D ) (0 7,0 6,1,1) ,
F F P ( 2)= (c1 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D ) (0 6,0 2,0,0) , (c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D ) (0 5,0 7,1,1) , (c3 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D ) (0 1,0 1,0,0) , (c4 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D ) (0 7,0 4,0,0) ,
F F P ( 3)= (c1 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D ) (0 1,0 2,0,0) , (c2 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D ) (0 1,0 3,0,0) , (c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D ) (0 8,0 7,1,1) , (c4 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D ) (0 1,0 1,0,0) ,
Thenwecanfindtheplithogenicfuzzysoftset(P-FSS) F F P ,H asconsistingofthefollowing collectionofapproximations:
F F P ,H = 1, (c1, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 6, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 6, 1, 1) , 2, (c1, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 6, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 5, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 7, 0 4, 0, 0) , 3, (c1, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 8, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 0, 0) .
F IF P ( 1)= (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 2),(0 7,0 1),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c2 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 1),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 6,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
F IF P ( 2)= (c1 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 6,0 3),(0 2,0 6),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
F IF P ( 3)= (c1 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 7),(0 2,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 7),(0 1,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c4 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 4,0 4),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 1,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
Thenwecanfindtheplithogenicintuitionisticfuzzysoftset(P-IFSS) F IF P ,H asconsisting ofthefollowingcollectionofapproximations:
F IF P ,H = 1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 2),(0 7,0 1),(1,0),(1,0)),
2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 6,0 3),(0 2,0 6),(0,1),(0,1)),
3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 7),(0 2,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)),
(c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 1),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)), (c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)), (c4,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 6,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
(c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)),
(c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)),
(c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 7),(0 1,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)), (c4,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 4,0 4),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)), (c4,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 1,0 7),(0,1),(0,1))
Example6.5. ConsiderExample6.2and U = {c1,c2,c3
F N P ( 1)= (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 7,0 2,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
F N P ( 2)= (c1 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 2,0 6,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c2 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 1,0 2),(0 3,0 5,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c3 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 6,0 1),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 2,0 3),(0 7,0 2,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
(c3 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 2,0 7),(0 1,0 1,0 8),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
F N P ( 3)= (c1 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 2,0 7),(0 2,0 1,0 7),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c2 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 2,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1,0 1),(0 7,0 1,0 2),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
Thenwecanfindtheplithogenicneutrosophicsoftset(P-NSS) F N P ,H asconsistingofthe followingcollectionofapproximations:
F N P ,H = 1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 7,0 2,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)), (c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 1,0 2),(0 3,0 5,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)), (c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 6,0 1),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 2,0 6,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)),
(c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 2,0 3),(0 7,0 2,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)), (c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 2,0 7),(0 1,0 1,0 8),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 2,0 7),(0 2,0 1,0 7),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)), (c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 2,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)), (c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1,0 1),(0 7,0 1,0 2),(1,0,0),(1,0,0))
7. UnionandIntersection
Inthissection,weintroducethedefinitionsofunionandintersectionofplithogenicsoftsets, derivetheirproperties,andgivesomeexamples.
Definition7.1. The union oftwoplithogenicsoftsets(F z P ,A)and(Gz P ,B)over U ,denoted by (F z P ,A) z P (Gz P ,B),istheplithogenicsoftset(H z P , Ω)whereΩ=
where ∨z P isaz-plithogenicunion.
Definition7.2. The intersection oftwoplithogenicsoftsets(F z P ,A)and(Gz P ,B)over U , denotedby ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
F z P (ε) , if ε ∈ A B
(F z P ,A) z P (Gz P ,B),istheplithogenicsoftset(H z P , Ω)whereΩ= A ∪ B, and ∀ ε ∈ Ω, H z P (ε)=
Gz P (ε) , if ε ∈ B A
F z P (ε) ∧z P Gz P (ε) , if ε ∈ A ∩ B
where ∧z P isaz-plithogenicintersection.
7.1. PlithogenicFuzzySoftUnion
Example7.3. ConsiderExample6.2Let
A = a1 =(slow,white,model1, 2015 andbefor) ,a2 =(slow,yellow,model3, 2017) , a3 =(fast,red,model4, 2018) and B = b1 =(slow,white,model1, 2015 andbefor) ,b2 =(slow,yellow,model3, 2017) , b3 =(fast,red,model4, 2018) ,b4 =(slow,red,model1, 2019)
Suppose F F P ,A and GF P ,A aretwoplithogenicfuzzysoftsetsover U suchthat F F P ,A = a1, (c1, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0 6, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 6, 1, 1) , a2, (c1, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0 6, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0 5, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0 7, 0 4, 0, 0) , a3, (c1, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.1, 0.2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.1, 0.3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.8, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.1, 0.1, 0, 0)
GF P ,B = b1, (c1, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 5, 0 6, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 8, 0 4, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 2, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 5, 1, 1) , b2, (c1, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.5, 0.3, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.3, 0.2, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.8, 0.5, 0, 0) , b3, (c1, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.5, 0.6, 0, 0) , (c2, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.8, 0.3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.2, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.6, 0.3, 0, 0) , b4, (c1, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.2, 0.3, 1, 0) , (c2, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.1, 0.3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.8, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.1, 0.1, 1, 0) .
Byusingbasicfuzzyunion(maximum)andbasicfuzzyintersection(minimum)wehave: ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
F F P ,A F P GF P ,B = H F P ,K where
H F P ,K = k1, (c1, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 6, 0 66, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 8, 0 36, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 2, 0 26, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 56, 1, 1) ,
k2, (c1, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.6, 0.25, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.3, 0.15, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0.8, 0.45, 0, 0) , k3, (c1, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 3, 0 6, 0, 0) , (c2, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 45, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 5, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0.6, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 35, 0 3, 0, 0) ,
k4, (c1, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 2, 0 3, 1, 0) , (c2, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 8, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 1, 0) .
TodescribetheresultinExampleabovelet’scompute (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D ) (0 6,0 7,1,1) ∨F P (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D ) (0 5,0 6,1,1) as follows: (1 0)∗max(0.6, 0.5)+0∗min(0.6, 0.5)=0.6,(1 0.4)∗max(0.7, 0.6)+0.4∗min(0.7, 0.6)=0.66, (1 1) ∗ max(1, 1)+1 ∗ min(1, 1)=1and(1 1) ∗ max(1, 1)+1 ∗ min(1, 1)=1
7.2. PlithogenicFuzzySoftIntersection
Example7.4. ConsiderExample7.3Byusingbasicfuzzyunion(maximum)andbasicfuzzy intersection(minimum)wehave: F F P ,A F P GF P ,B = H F P ,K where H F P ,K = k1, (c1, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 5, 0 64, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 34, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 18, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 52, 1, 1) , k2, (c1, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.5, 0.25, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.5, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.1, 0.15, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.7, 0.45, 0, 0) , k3, (c1, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 3, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 45, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 5, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 35, 0 1, 0, 0) , k4, (c1, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 2, 0 3, 1, 0) , (c2, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 8, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 1, 0) .
TodescribetheresultinExampleabovelet’scompute (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D ) (0 6,0 7,1,1) ∧F P (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D ) (0 5,0 6,1,1) as follows: (1 0)∗min(0.6, 0.5)+0∗max(0.6, 0.5)=0.5,(1 0.4)∗min(0.7, 0.6)+0.4∗max(0.7, 0.6)=0.64, (1 1) ∗ min(1, 1)+1 ∗ max(1, 1)=1and(1 1) ∗ min(1, 1)+1 ∗ max(1, 1)=1 7.3.
,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 5),(0,1),(0,1))
,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 6,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) , a
((0 6,0 3),(0 2,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 7,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 1,0 9),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 7,0 3),(0 4,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
a3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 2,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 1,0 9),(0,1),(0,1))
GIF P ,B = b1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 6,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 2),(0 4,0 6),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
b2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 5),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
b3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 6,0 4),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
b4, (c1,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 8),(0 3,0 6),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
(c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c2,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 7),(0 2,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 5,0 4),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
(c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 3,0 6),(0 2,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 8,0 1),(0 5,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
(c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 7),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 3),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1))
(c3,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 2),(0 7,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 1,0 8),(0,1),(0,1))
F IF P ,A IF P GIF P ,B = H IF P ,K where
HIF P ,K = k1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 3),(0 66,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 2),(0 4,0 54),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 7),(0 26,0 63),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 56,0 26),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
k2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 6,0 3),(0 25,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 7,0 25),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 3,0 6),(0 15,0 85),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 8,0 1),(0 45,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
k3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 3,0 6),(0 6,0 4),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 45,0 5),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 35,0 55),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1))
k4, (c1,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 8),(0 3,0 6),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 2),(0 7,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 1,0 8),(0,1),(0,1))
7.4. PlithogenicIntuitionisticFuzzySoftIntersection
Example7.6. ConsiderExample7.5Byusingbasicfuzzyunion(maximum)andbasicfuzzy intersection(minimum)wehave:
F IF P ,A IF P GIF P ,B = H IF P ,K where
HIF P ,K = k1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 4),(0 64,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
(c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 34,0 56),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 24,0 68),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 2),(0 54,0 32),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
k2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 25,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 7,0 25),(1,0),(1,0)) ,
(c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 8),(0 15,0 85),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c4,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 7,0 3),(0 45,0 5),(0,1),(0,1)) ,
k3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 3,0 6),(0 2,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 45,0 5),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 5,0 4),(0 7,0 2),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 35,0 55),(0 1,0 8),(0,1),(0,1))
k4, (c1,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 8),(0 3,0 6),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c2,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 3,0 7),(0,1),(0,1)) , (c3,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 2),(0 7,0 3),(1,0),(1,0)) , (c4,(0,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 9),(0 1,0 8),(0,1),(0,1)) 7.5. PlithogenicNeutrosophicSoftUnion
A = a1 =(slow,white,model1, 2015 andbefor) ,a2 =(slow,yellow,model3, 2017) , a3 =(fast,red,model4, 2018) and B = b1 =(slow,white,model1, 2015 andbefor) ,b2 =(slow,yellow,model3, 2017) , b3 =(fast,red,model4, 2018)
Suppose F N P ,A and GN P ,B aretwoplithogenicneutrosophicsoftsetsover U suchthat
F N P ,A = a1, (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 7,0 2,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
a2, (c1 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D)
((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 2,0 6,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
a3, (c1 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 2,0 7),(0 2,0 1,0 7),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
GN P ,B = b1, (c1 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 5,0 2,0 3),(0 6,0 3,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
(c2 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 1,0 2),(0 3,0 5,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 2,0 3),(0 7,0 2,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
(c2 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 2,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 6,0 1),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 2,0 7),(0 1,0 1,0 8),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1,0 1),(0 7,0 1,0 2),(1,0,0),(1,0,0))
(c2 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1,0 1),(0 2,0 3,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
b3, (c1 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 3,0 2,0 5),(0 3,0 2,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 2,0 2,0 6),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
(c3 ,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 3,0 1,0 6),(0 3,0 4,0 3),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , b2, (c1 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 3,0 2),(0 4,0 4,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c2 ,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 4,0 3,0 3),(0 8,0 1,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
(c2 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 5,0 1,0 4),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c3 ,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 2,0 2),(0 6,0 2,0 2),(1,0,0),(1,0,0))
F N P ,A N P GN P ,B = H N P ,K where
HN P ,K = k1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 6,0 25,0 1),(0 66,0 25,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) , (c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 8,0 1,0 1),(0 26,0 4,0 32),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 3,0 1,0 6),(0 3,0 5,0 18),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , k2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 6,0 3,0 1),(0 3,0 5,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 25,0 3),(0 75,0 15,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) , (c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 15,0 7),(0 15,0 15,0 7),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , k3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 2,0 6),(0 3,0 15,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 5,0 15,0 4),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 15,0 15),(0 7,0 15,0 2),(1,0,0),(1,0,0))
7.6. PlithogenicNeutrosophicSoftIntersection
Example7.8. ConsiderExample7.7Byusingbasicfuzzyunion(maximum)andbasicfuzzy intersection(minimum)wehave:
F N P ,A N P GN P ,B = H N P ,K where
HN P ,K = k1, (c1,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 5,0 25,0 3),(0 64,0 25,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) ,
(c3,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 5,0 22),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , k2, (c1,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 5,0 3,0 2),(0 3,0 5,0 2),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c2,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 4,0 25,0 3),(0 75,0 15,0 1),(1,0,0),(1,0,0)) , (c3,(0,0 5,0,1)D) ((0 1,0 15,0 8),(0 15,0 15,0 7),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , k3, (c1,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 2,0 2,0 6),(0 2,0 15,0 7),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c2,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 1,0 1,0 8),(0 3,0 15,0 5),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) , (c3,(0 5,0,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 15,0 15),(0 6,0 15,0 2),(1,0,0),(1,0,0))
(c2,(0,0 4,1,1)D) ((0 7,0 1,0 2),(0 24,0 4,0 38),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)) ,
Proposition7.9. Let F z P , Gz P and H z P beanythreePSSsover U .Thenthefollowingresults hold:
proof Fromunionandintersectiondefinitionsandthefactthatfuzzyset,intuitionistic fuzzyandneutrosophicsetarecommutativeandassociative,wecangettheproof.
Proposition7.10. Let (F z P ,E), (Gz P ,E) and (H z P ,E) beanythreePSSsover U .Thenthe followingresultshold: ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
(1) F z P z P (Gz P z P H z P )=(F z P z P Gz P ) z P (F z P z P H z P ) , (2) F z P z P (Gz P z P H z P )=(F z P z P Gz P ) z P (F z P z P H z P ) proof. Let z ≡ Fuzzy, ∀x ∈ E,andwithoutlossofgeneralitysuppose c =0 (1) λF F P (x) F P (GF P (x) F P H F P (x)) (x)= s λF F P (x) (x) ,λ(GF P (x) F P H F P (x)) (x) = s λF F P (x) (x) ,t λGF P (x) (x) ,λH F P (x) (x) = t{s λF F P (x) (x) ,λGF P (x) (x) ,s λF F P (x) (x) ,λH F P (x) (x) } = t λ(F F P (x) F P GF P (x)) (x) ,λ(F F P (x) F P H F P (x)) (x) = λ(F F P (x) F P GF P (x)) F P (F F P (x) F P H F P (x)) (x) For z ≡ IF and z ≡ N usethesamemethod.
(2) Wecanusethesamemethodin(a).
8. PlithogenicSoftSimilarity
InthissectionweintroduceameasureofsimilaritybetweentwoP-FSSs(z ≡ F )andwe leavetheothersimilaritywhen(z ≡ IFandN )forfutureresearch.Thesettheoreticapproach hasbeentakeninthisregardbecauseitispopularandveryeasyforcalculation.
Definition8.1. Let F F P ,E and GF P ,E betwoP-FSSsover(U,E)asinDefinition6.1. Similarity between F F P ,E and GF P ,E ,denotedby S F F P ,GF P ,isdefinedasfollows: S F F P ,GF P = 1 |E| |E| k=1 Mk where Mk =1
|e| i=1 |Fj (eik) Gj (eik)| |U | j=1
|U | j=1
|e| i=1 |Fj (eik)+ Gj (eik)| Where e ∈ E.
Definition8.2. Let F F P ,E , GF P ,E and H F P ,E betwoP-FSSsover(U,E).Wesaythat F F P ,E and GF P ,E are significantlysimilar if S F F P ,GF P 1 2 .
Proposition8.3. Let F F P ,E and GF P ,E beanytwoP-FSSsover (U,E) suchthat F F P or GF P anon-zeroP-FSS.Thenthefollowingholds:
(1) S F F P ,GF P = S GF P ,F F P , (2) 0 S F F P ,GF P 1, (3) F F P = GF P ⇒ S F F P ,GF P =1, (4) F F P ⊆ GF P ⊆ H F P ⇒ S F F P ,H F P S GF P ,H F P , ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
(5) If F F P ,A F P GF P ,B = ∅⇒ S F F P ,GF P =0
proof. Proofs(a)-(d)followsfromDefinition8.1,Wewillgivetheproofof(e). Forthelefthandsidewehave F F P ,A F P GF P ,B = ∅,then
t F F P (eik),GF P (eik) =0, ∀i,k.Now, byusingDefinition8.1wehave Mk =1
|e| i=1 |Fj (eik) Gj (eik)| |U | j=1
|U | j=1
|e| i=1 |Fj (eik)+ Gj (eik)| .
Since t F F P (eik),GF P (eik) =0,then Fj (eik) Gj (eik)= Fj (eik)+ Gj (eik)andthisgives |U | j=1
|e| i=1 |Fj (eik) Gj (eik)| |U | j=1
|e| i=1 |Fj (eik) Gj (eik)| =1.Then
Mk =1 1=0.
Example8.4. Let U = {c1,c2,c3,c4} and a1 =speed, a2 =color, a3 =model, a4 =manufacturingyear.Supposetheirattributesvaluesrespectively:
Speed ≡ A1 = {slow,fast,veryfast}, Color ≡ A2 = {white,yellow,red,black},
Model ≡ A3 = {model1,model2,model3,model4}, manufacturingyear ≡ A4 = {2015 andbefor, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019}.Suppose
E = e1 =(slow,white,model1, 2015 andbefor) ,e2 =(slow,yellow,model3, 2017) , e3 =(fast,red,model4, 2018)
Suppose F F P ,E and GF P ,E aretwoplithogenicfuzzysoftsetsover U suchthat F F P ,E = e1, (c1, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 6, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 4, 1, 1)D) (0 7, 0 6, 1, 1) , e2, (c1, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 6, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 5, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0 5, 0, 1)D) (0 7, 0 4, 0, 0) , e3, (c1, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 2, 0, 0) , (c2, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 8, 0 7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0 5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0 1, 0 1, 0, 0)
GF P ,E = e1, (c1, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0.5, 0.6, 1, 1) , (c2, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0.8, 0.4, 0, 0) , (c3, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0.2, 0.2, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0.4, 1, 1)D) (0.7, 0.5, 1, 1) , e2, (c1, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.5, 0.3, 0, 0) , (c2, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c3, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.3, 0.2, 0, 0) , (c4, (0, 0.5, 0, 1)D) (0.8, 0.5, 0, 0) , e3, (c1, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.5, 0.6, 0, 0) , (c2, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.8, 0.3, 0, 0) , (c3, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.2, 0.7, 1, 1) , (c4, (0.5, 0, 1, 1)D) (0.6, 0.3, 0, 0)
Thenwecanfindthesimilaritybetween F F P and GF P asfollows: M1 =1
4 i=1 |Fj (ei1) Gj (ei1)| 4 j=1
4 j=1
4 i=1 |Fj (ei1)+ Gj (ei1)| Now,for j =1wehave 4 i=1 |F1(ei1) G1(ei1)| = |(0 6 0 5)| + |(0 7 0 6)| + |(1 1)| + |(1 1)| =0 2 and 4 i=1 |F1(ei1)+ G1(ei1)| = |(0.6+0.5)| + |(0.7+0.6)| + |(1+1)| + |(1+1)| =6.4 For j =2wehave 4 i=1 |F2(ei1) G2(ei1)| = |(0.7 0.8)| + |(0.3 0.4)| + |(0 0)| + |(0 0)| =0.2 and 4 i=1 |F2(ei1)+ G2(ei1)| = |(0.7+0.8)| + |(0.3+0.4)| + |(0+0)| + |(0+0)| =2.2. For j =3wehave 4 i=1 |F3(ei1) G3(ei1)| = |(0 1 0 2)| + |(0 3 0 2)| + |(0 0)| + |(0 0)| =0 2 and 4 i=1 |F3(ei1)+ G3(ei1)| = |(0 1+0 2)| + |(0 3+0 2)| + |(0+0)| + |(0+0)| =0 8 For j =4wehave ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
4 i=1 |F4(ei1) G4(ei1)| = |(0.7 0.7)| + |(0.6 0.5)| + |(1 1)| + |(1 1)| =0.1 and 4 i=1 |F4(ei1)+ G4(ei1)| = |(0.7+0.7)| + |(0.6+0.5)| + |(1+1)| + |(1+1)| =6.5. Then M1 =1
4 i=1 |Fj (ei1) Gj (ei1)| 4 j=1
4 j=1
4 i=1 |Fj (ei1)+ Gj (ei1)| =1 [0 2+0 2+0 2+0 1] [6.4+2.2+0.8+6.5] =0 96 Similarlyweget M2 =0 92and M3 =0 78.ThenthesimilaritybetweenthetwoP-FSSs F F P and GF P isgivenby S F F P ,F F P = 1 3
3 k=1 Mk = 0 96+0 92+0 78 3 ∼ = 0 89
9. Conclusionsandfutureresearch
InthispaperwehavedefinedtheconceptofPlithogenicsoftset,andgavesomegeneralizationsofthisconcept.Wealsogaveexamplesfortheseconcepts.Westudiedthebasic propertiesoftheseoperations.Animportantresultofsuchapaperisthatnewquestionscan beusedasanideaforfurtherresearch,assucharesearchalwaysunearthsfurtherquestions. Theworkpresentedinthispaperposesinterestingnewquestionstoresearchersandprovides thetheoreticalframeworkforfurtherstudyonplithogenicsoftsets.Basedontheprevious resultswemaysuggestproblemsinrelationtoourresearchthatweanticipatetoventure elsewhereinthecasesofoperationsinplithogenicsoftsets,similarityinplithogenicsoftsets andapplicationsonplithogenicsoftsets.Wecaninvestigatethefollowingtopicsforfurther works:
(1) Todefineandstudythe”AND”and”OR”operationsofplithogenicsoftset.
(2) TodefineandstudytheapplicationofsimilaritymeasureofplithogenicsoftsetonDM andMD.
(3) TodefineandstudytheapplicationofplithogenicsoftsetoperationsonDMandMD.
(4) Togeneralizedplithogenicsoftsetstoplithogenicsoftmultisets,expertset,possibility setandetc.
ThisresearchwassupportedbytheDeanshipofScientificResearch,JadaraUniversity. ShawkatAlkhazaleh,PlithogenicSoftSet
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