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equilibrium of the gravitations from two celestial bodies A and B on point D, the field potential of that point is static.
According to reference [1], we have the formula:
where: AD and BD representthe distances of D from A,B. MA and MB represent the masses of A,B. The point D is called the “Fixed point of field potential” among A,B.
Let E represents the free point in AB line. Let represents the velocity of the relatively motion at A and B. Let represents the velocity of field potential motion in E, and set A as the grid origin to observe the motion of E. According to reference [1], we have the formula:
This formula can be used to calculate the velocity of field potential motion in any point on AB line. When A and B are separated, is positive. When A and B are closed, is negative. Let A as the grid origin to calculate the velocity of light in E, need plus or subtract . To assume that the celestial object A (the Earth) and the celestial object B (the sun) is at the speed of 100 km per second to get away from each other. Then on the Earth point to thesun at high altitude 3629 km, only produces3.7 km/s of the incremental speed of light; this cannot be founded at the case of the general measurement. It shows that the variation of the velocity of light may be difficult to found at present.
[1] Chen Jianguo. Space-time Spaceship. Geol. press, Jan.1999. [2] Lu Jiahong. Newton's law of gravity on a possible amendment, China University of Sc.and Tec.Journal, No. 1, 1984.