1 minute read
1 The particularity of light
1 The particularity of light
(1) No initial velocity and acceleration; (2) an electromagnetic wave can enter in the cabin of the aircraft, the light cannot; (3) electromagnetic wave with the positive electrode and the negative electrode “light” waves without; (4) light is displayed on the screen, the cycle is one white and one black, white is the 'energy', black is not energy (should be negative energy); (5) the energy equation of macroscopic wave and electromagnetic wave, there are amplitude factor, and the ‘light’ energy �� = �� ℎ formula (energy is equal to the frequency by Planck constant) description, no amplitude in wave energy formula.
All 'Frequency single-particle' are equal, so the 'volume and weight'are equal.
‘Light’ acts similarly to a 'mutton string'; the ‘light’ has no wavelength, only 'Frequency single-particle' distance between.
The ‘light’ is not a wave. It is a type of excitation. The ‘light’ is traveling in a straight line, as the advertisement on the edge of a small bulb.
One leaves a "bright", then triggersa second small bulbs also 'bright';the first smalllamp automatically turns off; then the third lamp startslight-emitting, automatically turningoff the second small bulbs; then fourth bulbs is excited towards luminescence, and the third small bulbs off; so on. One can see the ‘light’ at a certain speed, moving from left to right.
‘Light’ like 'mutton string': if the rod strings 'Frequency single-particle' are not connected with each other, one observes the composition of light wave from the infrared to the most low-frequency X-ray; if the ‘Frequency singleparticle' rod strings are connected to each other, even the overlap will become light particles (X light to the r particles);