TODIMMethodforSingle-ValuedNeutrosophic MultipleAttributeDecisionMaking
Dong-ShengXu 1,CunWei 1,*andGui-WuWei 2,* ID
1 SchoolofScience,SouthwestPetroleumUniversity,Chengdu610500,China;
2 SchoolofBusiness,SichuanNormalUniversity,Chengdu610101,China
Abstract: Recently,theTODIMhasbeenusedtosolvemultipleattributedecisionmaking(MADM) problems.Thesingle-valuedneutrosophicsets(SVNSs)areusefultoolstodepicttheuncertaintyof theMADM.Inthispaper,wewillextendtheTODIMmethodtotheMADMwiththesingle-valued neutrosophicnumbers(SVNNs).Firstly,thedefinition,comparison,anddistanceofSVNNsare brieflypresented,andthestepsoftheclassicalTODIMmethodforMADMproblemsareintroduced. Then,theextendedclassicalTODIMmethodisproposedtodealwithMADMproblemswiththe SVNNs,anditssignificantcharacteristicisthatitcanfullyconsiderthedecisionmakers’bounded rationalitywhichisarealactionindecisionmaking.Furthermore,weextendtheproposedmodelto intervalneutrosophicsets(INSs).Finally,anumericalexampleisproposed.
Keywords: multipleattributedecisionmaking(MADM);single-valuedneutrosophicnumbers; intervalneutrosophicnumbers;TODIMmethod;prospecttheory
Multipleattributedecisionmaking(MADM)isahotresearchareaofthedecisiontheorydomain, whichhashadwideapplicationsinmanyfields,andattractedincreasingattention[1,2].Duetothe fuzzinessanduncertaintyofthealternativesindifferentattributes,attributevaluesindecisionmaking problemsarenotalwaysrepresentedasrealnumbers,andtheycanbedescribedasfuzzynumbers inmoresuitableoccasions,suchasinterval-valuednumbers[3,4],triangularfuzzy variables[5–8], linguisticvariables[9–13]oruncertainlinguisticvariables[14–21],intuitionisticfuzzynumbers (IFSs)[22–27]orinterval-valuedintuitionisticfuzzynumbers(IVIFSs)[28–31],andSVNSs[32]or INSs[33].SinceFuzzyset(FS),whichisaveryusefultooltoprocessfuzzyinformation,was firstlyproposedbyZadeh[34],ithasbeenregardedasanusefultooltosolveMADM[35,36], fuzzylogic[37],andpatternsrecognition[38].Atanassov[22]introducedIFSswiththemembership degreeandnon-membershipdegree,whichwereextendedtoIVIFSs[28].Smarandache[39,40] proposedaneutrosophicset(NS)withtruth-membershipfunction,indeterminacy-membership function,andfalsity-membershipfunction.Furthermore,theconceptsofaSVNS[32]andanINS[33] werepresentedforactualapplications.Ye[41]proposedasimplifiedneutrosophicset(SNS),including theSVNSandINS.Recently,SNSs(INSs,andSVNSs)havebeenutilizedtosolvemanyMADM problems[42–67].
Inordertodepicttheincreasingcomplexityintheactualworld,theDMs’riskattitudes shouldbetakenintoconsiderationtodealwithMADM[68–70].Basedontheprospecttheory, GomesandLima[71]establishedTODIM(anacronyminPortugueseforInteractiveMulti-Criteria DecisionMaking)methodtosolvetheMADMproblemswiththeDMs’psychologicalbehaviors areconsidered.SomescholarshavepaidattentiontodepicttheDMs’attitudinalcharactersinthe MADM[72–74].Also,somescholarsproposedfuzzyTODIMmodels[75,76],intuitionisticfuzzy
Information 2017, 8,125;doi:10.3390/info8040125
information Article
TODIMmodels[77,78],thePythagoreanfuzzyTODIMapproach[68],themulti-hesitantfuzzy linguisticTODIM approach[79,80],theintervaltype-2fuzzyTODIMmodel[81],theintuitionistic linguisticTODIMmethod[82],andthe2-dimensionuncertainlinguisticTODIMmethod[83].However, thereisnoscholartoinvestigatetheTODIMmodelwithSVNNS.Therefore,itisverynecessarytopay abundantattentiontothisnovelandworthyissue.TheaimofthispaperistoextendtheTODIMidea tosolvetheMADMwiththeSVNNs,tofillupthisvacancy.InSection 2,wegivethebasicconceptsof SVNSsandtheclassicalTODIMmethodforMADMproblems.InSection 3,weproposetheTODIM methodforSVNMADMproblems.InSection 4,weextendtheproposedSVNTODIMmethodto INNs.InSection 5,anillustrativeexampleispointedoutandsomecomparativeanalysisisconducted. WegiveaconclusioninSection 6
Definition1 [39,40]. Let X beaspaceofpoints(objects)withagenericelementinfixset X,denoted by x.NSs A in X ischaracterizedbyatruth-membershipfunction TA (x),anindeterminacy-membership IA (x) andafalsity-membershipfunction FA (x),where TA (x) : X → ] 0,1+ [, IA (x) : X → ] 0,1+ [ andFA (x) : X → ] 0,1+ [ and 0 ≤ supTA (x) + supIA (x) + supFA (x) ≤ 3+ TheNSswasdifficulttoapplytorealapplications.Wang[32]developtheSNSs.
Definition2 [32]. LetXbeaspaceofpoints(objects);aSVNSsAinXischaracterizedasthefollowing: A = {(x, TA (x), IA (x), FA (x))|x ∈ X } (1) wherethetruth-membershipfunction TA (x),indeterminacy-membership IA (x) andfalsity-membershipfunction FA (x), TA (x) : X → [0,1], IA (x) : X → [0,1] and FA (x) : X → [0,1] ,withthecondition 0 ≤ TA (x) + IA (x) + FA (x) ≤ 3. Forconvenience,aSVNNcanbeexpressedtobe A = (TA, IA, FA ), TA ∈ [0,1], IA ∈ [0,1], FA ∈ [0,1], and 0 ≤ TA + IA + FA ≤ 3.
Definition3 [50]. LetA = (TA, IA, FA ) beaSVNN,ascorefunctionS(A) isdefined: S(A) = (2 + TA IA FA ) 3 , S(A) ∈ [0,1].(2)
Definition4 [50]. LetA = (TA, IA, FA ) beaSVNN,anaccuracyfunctionH(A) ofaSVNNisdefined: H(A) = TA FA, H(A) ∈ [ 1,1].(3)
toevaluatethedegreeofaccuracyoftheSVNN A = (TA, IA, FA ),where H(A) ∈ [ 1,1] .Thelargerthevalue ofH(A) is,thehigherthedegreeofaccuracyoftheSVNNA.
Definition5 [50]. Let A = (TA, IA, FA ) and B = (TB, IB, FB ) betwoSVNNs,if S(A) < S(B),then A < B; ifS(A) = S(B),then
(1) ifH(A) = H(B),thenA = B; (2) ifH(A) < H(B),thenA < B.
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Definition6 [32]. LetAandBbetwoSVNNs,thebasicoperationsofSVNNsare:
(1) A ⊕ B = (TA + TB TA TB, IA IB, FA FB );
(2) A ⊗ B = (TA TB, IA + IB IA IB, FA + FB FA FB ); (3) λ A = 1 (1 TA )λ , (IA )λ , (FA )λ , λ > 0; (4) (A)λ = (TA )λ , (IA )λ ,1 (1 FA )λ , λ > 0.
Definition7 [42]. LetAandBbetwoSVNNs,thenthenormalizedHammingdistancebetweenAandBis: d(A, B) = 1 3 (|TA TB | + |IA IB | + |FA FB |) (4)
TheTODIMapproach[71],developedtoconsidertheDM’spsychologicalbehavior,caneffectively solvetheMADMproblems.Basedontheprospecttheory,thisapproachdepictsthedominanceof eachalternativeoverothersbyconstructingafunctionofmulti-attributevalues[69].
Let G = {G1, G2, , Gn } betheattributes, w = (w1, w2, , wn ) betheweightof Gj, 0 ≤ wj ≤ 1, and n ∑ j=1 wj = 1 A = {A1, A2, ··· , Am } arealternatives.Let A = aij m×n beadecisionmatrix, where aij isgivenforthealternative Ai underthe Gj, i = 1,2, ··· , m,and j = 1,2, ··· , n.Weset wjr = wj /wr (j, r = 1,2, , n) arerelativeweightof Gj to Gr,and wr = max wj |j = 1,2, , n , and0 ≤ wjr ≤ 1.
(6) andtheparameter θ showstheattenuationfactorofthelosses.If bij btj > 0,then φj (Ai, At ) representsagain;if bij btj < 0,then φj (Ai, At ) signifiesaloss. Step3. Derivingtheoveralldominancevalueof Ai bytheEquation(7): φ(Ai ) =
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) max i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) min i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) min i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) , i = 1,2, , m.(7)
Step4. Rankingallalternativesandselectingthemostdesirablealternativeinaccordancewith φ(Ai ).Thealternativewithminimumvalueistheworst.Inversely,themaximumvalueis thebestone.
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, 8,125
ThenthetraditionalTODIMmodelconcludesthefollowingcomputingsteps: Step1. Normalizing A = aij m×n into B = bij m×n Step2. Computingthedominancedegreeof Ai overeveryalternative At underattribute Gj: δ(Ai, At ) = n ∑ j=1 φj (Ai, At ), (i, t = 1,2, , m) (5) where φj (Ai, At ) =
wjr bij btj / n ∑ j=1 wjr, ifbij btj > 0 0, ifbij btj = 0 1 θ n ∑ j=1 wjr btj bij /wjr, ifbij btj < 0
Let A = {A1, A2, , Am } bealternatives,and G = {G1, G2, , Gn } beattributes.Let w = (w1, w2, , wn ) betheweightofattributes,where wj ∈ [0,1], n ∑ j=1 wj = 1.Supposethat R = rij m×n = Tij, Iij, Fij m×n beaSVNmatrix,where rij = Tij, Iij, Fij ,whichisanattributevalue,givenbyan expert,forthealternative Ai under Gj, Tij ∈ [0,1], Iij ∈ [0,1], Fij ∈ [0,1], 0 ≤ Tij + Iij + Fij ≤ 3, i = 1,2, ··· , m, j = 1,2, ··· , n
TosolvetheMADMproblemwithsingle-valuedneutrosophicinformation,wetrytopresent asingle-valuedneutrosophicTODIMmodelbasedontheprospecttheoryandcandepicttheDMs’ behaviorsunderrisk.
Firstly,wecalculatetherelativeweightofeachattribute Gj as: wjr = wj /wr, j, r = 1,2, , n.(8) where wj istheweightoftheattributeof Gj, wr = max wj |j = 1,2, ··· , n ,and0 ≤ wjr ≤ 1. BasedontheEquation(8),wecanderivethedominancedegreeof Ai overeachalternative At withrespecttotheattribute Gj: φj (Ai, At )
wjr d rij, rtj / n ∑ j=1 wjr, ifrij > rtj 0, ifrij = rtj 1 θ n ∑ j=1 wjr d rij, rtj /wjr, ifrij < rtj
(9) d rij, rtj = 1 3 Tij Ttj + Iij Itj + Fij Ftj .(10) wheretheparameter θ showstheattenuationfactorofthelosses,and d rij, rtj istomeasurethe distancesbetweentheSVNNs rij and rtj byDefinition7.If rij > rtj,then φj (Ai, At ) representsagain; if rij < rtj,then φj (Ai, At ) signifiesaloss.
. φj (Am, A1) φj (Am, A2) ··· 0
j (A2, A1) 0 ··· φj (A2, Am ) . .
, j = 1,2, , n (11) OnthebasisofEquation(11),theoveralldominancedegree δ(Ai, At ) ofthe Ai overeach At can becalculated: δ(Ai, At )
o φj (A1, A2) ··· φj (A1, Am ) φ
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∑ j=
δ = [δ(
t )]m×m = A1 A2 . Am o δ
··· δ
. . . δ
Forindicatingfunctions φj (Ai, At ) clearly,adominancedegreematrix φj = φj (Ai, At ) m×m under Gj isexpressedas: A1 A2 ··· Am φj = φj (Ai, At ) m×m = δ
A1 A2 . Am 0
j (Ai, At ), (i, t = 1,2, , m).(12) Thus,theoveralldominancedegreematrix
= [δ(Ai, At )]
×m canbederivedbyEquation(12):
1 A2 Am
Ai, A
(A1, A2)
(A1, Am )
(A2, A1) 0
(A2, Am )
(Am, A1)
(Am, A2)
Then,theoverallvalueofeach Ai canbecalculatedEquation(14):
δ(Ai ) =
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) max i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) min i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) min i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) , i = 1,2, ··· , m.(14)
Alsothegreatertheoverallvalue δ(Ai ),thebetterthealternative Ai. Ingeneral,single-valuedneutrosophicTODIMmodelincludesthecomputingsteps: (Procedureone)
Step1. Identifyingthesingle-valuedneutrosophicmatrix R = rij m×n = Tij, Iij, Fij m×n inthe MADM,where rij isaSVNN.
Step2. Calculatingtherelativeweightof Gj byusingEquation(8).
Step3. Calculatingthedominancedegree φj (Ai, At ) of Ai overeachalternative At underattribute Gj byEquation(9).
Step4. Calculatingtheoveralldominancedegree δ(Ai, At ) of Ai overeachalternative At byusing Equation(12).
Step5. Derivingtheoverallvalue δ(Ai ) ofeachalternative Ai usingEquation(14). Step6. Determiningtheorderofthealternativesinaccordancewith δ(Ai )(i = 1,2, , m).
Definition8 [33]. Let X beaspaceofpoints(objects)withagenericelementinfixset X,anINSs A in X is characterizedasfollows: A = x, TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) |x ∈ X (15)
wheretruth-membershipfunction TA (x),indeterminacy-membership IA (x) andfalsity-membershipfunction FA (x) areintervalvalues, TA (x) ⊆ [0,1], IA (x) ⊆ [0,1] and FA (x) ⊆ [0,1],and 0 ≤ sup TA (x) + sup IA (x) + sup FA (x) ≤ 3. Anintervalneutrosophicnumber(INN)canbeexpressedas A = TA, IA, FA = TL A, TR A , I L A, I R A , FL A, FR A ,where TL A, TR A ⊆ [0,1], I L A, I R A ⊆ [0,1], FL A, FR A ⊆ [0,1], and 0 ≤ TR A + I R A + FR A ≤ 3.
Definition9 [84]. Let A = TL A, TR A , I L A, I R A , FL A, FR A beanINN,ascorefunction S ofanINNcanbe representedasfollows: S A = 2 + TL A I L A FL A + 2 + TR A I R A FR A 6 , S A ∈ [0,1].(16)
Definition10 [84]. Let A = TL A, TR A , I L A, I R A , FL A, FR A beanINN,anaccuracyfunction H A isdefined: H A = TL A + TR A FL A + FR A 2 , H A ∈ [ 1,1].(17)
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Definition11 [84]. Let A = TL A, TR A , I L A, I R A , FL A, FR A and B = TL B , TR B , I L B , I R B , FL B , FR B betwoINNs, S A = 2+TL A I L A FL A + 2+TR A I R A FR A 6 and S B = 2+TL B I L B FL B + 2+TR B I R B FR B 6 bethe scores,and H A = TL A +TR A FL A +FR A 2 and H B = TL B +TR B FL B +FR B 2 betheaccuracyfunction,thenif S A < S B ,then A < B;ifS A = S B ,then
(1) ifH A = H B ,then A = B; (2) ifH A < H B , A < B
Definition12 [33,61]. Let A1 = TL 1 , TR 1 , I L 1 , I R 1 , FL 1 , FR 1 and A2 = TL 2 , TR 2 , I L 2 , I R 2 , FL 2 , FR 2 betwoINNs,andsomebasicoperationsonthemaredefinedasfollows:
(1) A1 ⊕ A2 = TL 1 + TL 1 TL 1 TL 1 , TR 1 + TR 1 TR 1 TR 1 , I L 1 I L 2 , I R 1 I R 2 , FL 1 FL 2 , FR 1 FR 2 ; (2) A1 ⊗ A2 = TL 1 TL 2 , TR 1 TR 2 , I L 1 + I L 1 I L 1 I L 1 , I R 1 + I R 1 I R 1 I R 1 , FL 1 + FL 1 FL 1 FL 1 , FR 1 + FR 1 FR 1 FR 1 ; (3) λ A1 = 1 1 TL 1 λ ,1 1 TR 1 λ , I L 1 λ , I R 1 λ , FL 1 λ , FR 1 λ , λ > 0; (4) A1 λ = TL 1 λ , TR 1 λ , I L 1 λ , I R 1 λ , 1 1 FL 1 λ ,1 1 FR 1 λ , λ > 0.
Definition13 [84]. Let A1 = TL 1 , TR 1 , I L 1 , I R 1 , FL 1 , FR 1 and A2 = TL 2 , TR 2 , I L 2 , I R 2 , FL 2 , FR 2 betwoINNs,thenthenormalizedHammingdistancebetween A1 = TL 1 , TR 1 , I L 1 , I R 1 , FL 1 , FR 1 and A2 = TL 2 , TR 2 , I L 2 , I R 2 , FL 2 , FR 2 isdefinedasfollows: d A1, A2 = 1 6 TL 1 TL 2 + TR 1 TR 2 + I L 1 I L 2 + I R 1 I R 2 + FL 1 FL 2 + FR 1 FR 2 (18)
Let A, G and w bepresentedasinSection 3.Supposethat R = rij m×n = TL ij , TR ij , I L ij , I R ij , FL ij , FR ij m×n istheintervalneutrosophicdecisionmatrix,where TL ij , TR ij , I L ij , I R ij , FL ij , FR ij istruth-membershipfunction,indeterminacy-membershipfunctionand falsity-membershipfunction, TL ij , TR ij ⊆ [0,1], I L ij , I R ij ⊆ [0,1], FL ij , FR ij ⊆ [0,1], 0 ≤ TR ij + I R ij + FR ij ≤ 3, i = 1,2, , m, j = 1,2, , n
TocopewiththeMADMwithINNs,wedevelopintervalneutrosophicTODIMmodel. Firstly,wecalculatetherelativeweightofeachattribute Gj as: wjr = wj /wr, j, r = 1,2, , n (19) where wj istheweightoftheattributeof Gj, wr = max wj |j = 1,2, ··· , n ,and0 ≤ wjr ≤ 1. BasedontheEquation(20),wecanderivethedominancedegreeof Ai overeachalternative At withrespecttotheattribute Gj: φj (Ai, At ) =
wjr d rij, rtj / n ∑ j=1 wjr, if rij > rtj 0, if rij = rtj 1 θ n ∑ j=1 wjr d rij, rtj /wjr, if rij < rtj
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d rij, rtj = 1 6 TL ij TL tj + TR ij TR tj + I L ij I L tj + I R ij I R tj + FL ij FL tj + FR ij FR tj .(21) wheretheparameter θ showstheattenuationfactorofthelosses,and d rij, rtj istomeasurethe distancesbetweentheINNs rij and rtj byDefinition13.If rij > rtj,then φj (Ai, At ) representsagain;if rij < rtj,then φj (Ai, At ) signifiesaloss.
Forindicatingfunctions φj (Ai, At ) clearly,adominancedegreematrix φj = φj (Ai, At ) m×m under Gj isexpressedas: A1 A2 Am φj = φj (Ai, At ) m
o φj (A1, A2) φj (A1, Am ) φj (A2, A1) 0 φj (A2, Am ) . . . φj (Am, A1) φj (Am, A2) 0
, j = 1,2, , n (22)
OnthebasisofEquation(22),theoveralldominancedegree δ(Ai, At ) ofthe Ai overeach At can becalculated: δ(Ai, At ) = n ∑ j=1 φj (Ai, At ), (i, t = 1,2, ··· , m) (23)
Thus,theoveralldominancedegreematrix δ = [δ(Ai, At )]m×m canbederivedbyEquation(23): A1 A2 Am δ = [δ(Ai, At )]m×m =
A1 A2 . Am
o δ(A1, A2) δ(A1, Am ) δ(A2, A1) 0 δ(A2, Am ) . . . δ(Am, A1) δ(Am, A2) 0
Then,theoverallvalueofeach Ai canbecalculatedEquation(25): δ(Ai ) =
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) max i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) min i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) min i
m ∑ t=1 δ(Ai, At ) , i = 1,2, , m.(25)
Alsothegreatertheoverallvalue δ(Ai ),thebetterthealternative Ai Ingeneral,intervalneutrosophicTODIMmodelincludesthecomputingsteps: (Proceduretwo)
Step1. Identifyingtheintervalneutrosophicmatrix R = rij m×n = TL ij , TR ij , IL ij , IR ij , FL ij , FR ij m×n intheMADM,where rij isanINN.
Step2. Calculatingtherelativeweightof Gj byusingEquation(19).
Step3. Calculatingthedominancedegree φj (Ai, At ) of Ai overeachalternative At underattribute Gj byEquation(20).
Step4. Calculatingtheoveralldominancedegree δ(Ai, At ) of Ai overeachalternative At byusing Equation(23).
Step5. Derivingtheoverallvalue δ(Ai ) ofeachalternative Ai usingEquation(25). Step6. Determiningtheorderofthealternativesinaccordancewith δ(Ai )(i = 1,2, , m)
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×m = A1 A2 . Am
Inthispart,anumericalexampleisgiventoshowpotentialevaluationofemerging technologycommercializationwithSVNNs.Fivepossibleemergingtechnologyenterprises(ETEs) Ai (i = 1,2,3,4,5) aretobeevaluatedandselected.Fourattributesareselectedtoevaluatethe fivepossibleETEs: 1 G1 istheemploymentcreation; 2 G2 isthedevelopmentofscienceand technology; 3 G3 isthetechnicaladvancement;and 4 G4 istheindustrializationinfrastructure.The fiveETEs Ai (i = 1,2,3,4,5) aretobeevaluatedbyusingtheSVNNsundertheabovefourattributes (whoseweightingvector ω = (0.2,0.1,0.3,0.4)T ),aslistedinthefollowingmatrix.
G1 G2 G3 G4
(0.5,0.8,0.1)(0.6,0.3,0.3)(0.3,0.6,0.1)(0.5,0.7,0.2) (0.7,0.2,0.1)(0.7,0.2,0.2)(0.7,0.2,0.4)(0.8,0.2,0.1) (0.6,0.7,0.2)(0.5,0.7,0.3)(0.5,0.3,0.1)(0.6,0.3,0.2) (0.8,0.1,0.3)(0.6,0.3,0.4)(0.3,0.4,0.2)(0.5,0.6,0.1) (0.6,0.4,0.4)(0.4,0.8,0.1)(0.7,0.6,0.1)(0.5,0.8,0.2)
Then,weuse ProcedureOne toselectthebestETE. Firstly,since w4 = max{w1, w2, w3, w4},then G4 isthereferenceattributeandthereference attribute’sweightis wr = 0.4.Then,wecancalculatetherelativeweightsoftheattributes Gj (j = 1,2,3,4) as w1r = 0.50, w2r = 0.25, w3r = 0.75 and w4r = 1.00.Let θ = 2.5,thenthedominance degreematrix φj (Ai, At )(j = 1,2,3,4) withrespectto Gj canbecalculated:
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
0.0000 0.4619 0.2828 0.5657 0.4619 0.23090.00000.21600.16330.2000 0.1414 0.43200.0000 0.4899 0.3651 0.2828 0.32660.24490.00000.2000 0.2309 0.40000.1826 0.40000.0000
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
0.0000 0.40000.12910.05770.1732 0.10000.00000.16330.11550.1826 0.5164 0.65320.0000 0.5657 0.4619 0.2309 0.46190.14140.00000.1826 0.6928 0.73030.1155 0.73030.0000
0.0000 0.4422 0.2981 0.2309 0.2667 0.33170.0000 0.32660.28280.2646 0.22360.24490.00000.20000.2236 0.1732 0.3771 0.26670.0000 0.3528 0.2000 0.3528 0.29810.26460.0000
0.0000 0.3464 0.2582 0.16330.1155 0.34640.00000.23090.30550.3651 0.2582 0.23090.00000.25820.2828 0.1633 0.3055 0.25820.00000.2000 0.1155 0.3651 0.2828 0.20000.0000
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R = A
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
φ3 = A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
5 φ4 = A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A3 A4 A
Theoveralldominancedegree δ(Ai, At ) ofthecandidate Ai overeachcandidate At canbederived byEquation(13):
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
0.0000 1.6505 0.7100 0.9022 0.4399 1.00900.00000.28360.86711.01234 0.1068 1.07120.0000 0.5974 0.3206 0.3884 1.4711 0.13860.00000.2298 0.3774 1.8482 0.2828 1.06570.0000
Finally,wegetorderofETEsby δ(Ai )(i = 1,2,3,4,5): A2 A4 A3 A5 A1,andthusthe mostdesirableETEis A2.
Inwhatfollows,wecompareourproposedmethodwithotherexistingmethodsincludingthe SVNWAoperatorandSVNWGoperatorproposedbySahin[85]asfollows:
Definition14 [85]. Let Aj = Tj, Ij, Fj (j = 1,2, , n) beacollectionofSVNNs, w = (w1, w2, , wn )T betheweightofAj (j = 1,2, , n),andwj > 0, n ∑ j=1 wj = 1 .Then
ri = (Ti, Ii, Fi )
= SVNWAw (ri1, ri2, , rin ) = n ⊕ j=1 wjrij = 1 n ∏ j=1 1 Tij wj , n ∏ j=1 Iij wj , n ∏ j=1 Fij wj
ri = (Ti, Ii, Fi ) = SVNWGω (ri1, ri2, ··· , rin ) = n ⊗ j=1 rij wj = n ∏ j=1 Tij wj ,1 n ∏ j=1 1 Iij wj ,1 n ∏ j=1 1 Fij wj
Byutilizingthe R,aswellastheSVNWAandSVNWGoperators,theaggregatingvaluesare derivedinTable 1
Table1. TheaggregatingvaluesoftheemergingtechnologyenterprisesbytheSVNWA (SVNWG)operators.
A1 (0.4591,0.6307,0.1473)(0.4369,0.6718,0.1627) A2 (0.7449,0.2000,0.1625)(0.7384,0.2000,0.2124) A3 (0.5627,0.3868,0.1692)(0.5578,0.4571,0.1822) A4 (0.5497,0.3464,0.1762)(0.4799,0.4381,0.2067) A5 (0.5822,0.6389,0.1741)(0.5610,0.6933,0.2083)
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, 8,125
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 δ =
Then,wegettheoverallvalue δ(Ai )(i = 1,2,3,4,5) byusingEquation(14): δ(A1) = 0.0000, δ(A2) = 1.0000, δ(A3) = 0.2648 δ(A4) = 0.3944, δ(A5) = 0.0187
AccordingtotheaggregatingresultsinTable 1,thescorefunctionsarelistedinTable 2.
Table2. Thescorefunctionsoftheemergingtechnologyenterprises.
A1 0.56040.5341 A2 0.79420.7753
A3 0.66890.6398 A4 0.67570.6117 A5 0.58980.5531
AccordingtothescorefunctionsshowninTable 2,theorderoftheemergingtechnology enterprisesareinTable 3
Table3. Orderoftheemergingtechnologyenterprises.
SVNWAA2 >A4 >A3 >A5 >A1 SVNWGA2 >A3 >A4 >A5 >A1
Fromtheaboveanalysis,itcanbeseenthattwooperatorshavethesamebestemergingtechnology enterpriseA2 andtwomethods’rankingresultsareslightlydifferent.However,theSVNTODIM approachcanreasonablydepicttheDMs’psychologicalbehaviorsunderrisk,andthus,itmaydeal withtheaboveissueeffectively.Thisverifiesthemethodweproposedisreasonableandeffectivein thispaper.
Ifthefivepossibleemergingtechnologyenterprises Ai (i = 1,2,3,4,5) aretobeevaluatedby usingtheINNSundertheabovefourattributes(whoseweightingvector ω = (0.2,0.1,0.3,0.4)T ), aslistedinthematrix R,then:
([0.5,0.6], [0.8,0.9], [0.1,0.2])([0.6,0.7], [0.3,0.4], [0.3,0.4]) ([0.7,0.9], [0.2,0.3], [0.1,0.2])([0.7,0.8], [0.1,0.2], [0.2,0.3]) ([0.6,0.7], [0.7,0.8], [0.2,0.3])([0.5,0.6], [0.7,0.8], [0.3,0.4]) ([0.8,0.9], [0.1,0.2], [0.3,0.4])([0.6,0.7], [0.3,0.4], [0.4,0.5]) ([0.6,0.7], [0.4,0.5], [0.4,0.5])([0.4,0.5], [0.8,0.9], [0.1,0.2]) ([0.3,0.4], [0.6,0.7], [0.1,0.2])([0.5,0.6], [0.7,0.8], [0.1,0.2]) ([0.7,0.9], [0.2,0.3], [0.4,0.5])([0.8,0.9], [0.2,0.3], [0.1,0.2]) ([0.5,0.6], [0.3,0.4], [0.1,0.2])([0.6,0.7], [0.3,0.4], [0.2,0.3]) ([0.3,0.4], [0.4,0.5], [0.2,0.3])([0.5,0.6], [0.6,0.7], [0.1,0.2]) ([0.7,0.8], [0.6,0.7], [0.1,0.2])([0.5,0.6], [0.8,0.9], [0.2,0.3])
Then,weuse ProcedureTwo toselectthebestETE. Firstly,since w4 = max{w1, w2, w3, w4},then G4 isthereferenceattributeandthereference attribute’sweightis wr = 0.4.Then,wecancalculatetherelativeweightsoftheattributes
Information 2017, 8,125 10of18
R =
Gj (j = 1,2,3,4) as: w1r = 0.50, w2r = 0.25, w3r = 0.75 and w4r = 1.00.Let θ = 2.5,thenthedominance degreematrix φj (Ai, At )(j = 1,2,3,4) withrespectto Gj canbecalculated:
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
0.0000 0.4761 0.2828 0.5657 0.4619 0.23800.00000.22360.15280.2082 0.1414 0.44720.0000 0.4899 0.3651 0.2828 0.30550.24490.00000.2000 0.2309 0.41630.1826 0.40000.0000
0.0000 0.46190.12910.05770.1732 0.11550.00000.17320.12910.1915 0.5164 0.69280.0000 0.5657 0.4619 0.2309 0.51640.14140.00000.1826 0.6928 0.76590.1155 0.73030.0000
0.0000 0.4522 0.2981 0.2309 0.2667 0.33910.00000.25500.29150.2739 0.2236 0.33990.00000.20000.2236 0.1732 0.3887 0.26670.0000 0.3528 0.2000 0.3651 0.29810.26460.0000
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
0.0000 0.3266 0.2828 0.11550.1633 0.32660.00000.23090.30550.3651 0.2828 0.23090.00000.25820.2828 0.1155 0.3055 0.25820.00000.2000 0.1633 0.3651 0.2828 0.20000.0000
Theoveralldominancedegree δ(Ai, At ) ofthecandidate Ai overeachcandidate At canbederived byEquation(24):
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
0.0000 1.7168 0.7346 0.75060.0698 1.01920.00000.37270.35130.8305 0.1314 1.03100.0000 0.47260.0445 0.3406 1.5161 0.13860.20000.0298 0.4252 1.9124 0.8654 0.66570.0000
Information 2017, 8,125 11of18
φ1 =
3 A4 A5
A1 A2 A
φ2 = A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
φ3 =
2 A3 A4 A5
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
= A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Then,wegettheoverallvalue δ(Ai )(i = 1,2,3,4,5) byusingEquation(25):
(A1) = 0.1143, δ(A2) = 1.0000, δ(A3) = 0.3944
(A4) = 0.4322, δ(A5) = 0.0000 Finally,wegetorderofETEsby δ(Ai )(i = 1,2,3,4,5): A2 A4 A3 A1 A5,andthusthe mostdesirableETEis A2 5.4.ComparativeAnalysis2 Inwhatfollows,wecompareourproposedmethodwithotherexistingmethodsincludingthe INWAoperatorandINWGoperatorproposedbyZhangetal.[50]asfollows:
Definition15 [50]. Let Aj = TL j , TR j , I L j , I R j , FL j , FR j (j = 1,2, , n) beacollectionofINNs, w = (w1, w2, , wn )T betheweightofAj (j = 1,2, , n),andwj > 0, n ∑ j=1 wj = 1 .Then ri = TL i , TR i , I L i , I R i , FL i , FR i = INWAw (ri1, ri2, , rin ) = n ⊕ j=1 wjrij =
1 n ∏ j=1 1 TL ij wj ,1 n ∏ j=1 1 TR ij wj , n ∏ j=1 I L ij wj , n ∏ j=1 I R ij wj , n ∏ j=1 FL ij wj , n ∏ j=1 FR ij wj
(28) ri = TL i , TR i , I L i , I R i , FL i , FR i = INWGw (ri1, ri2, , rin ) = n ⊗ j=1 rij wj
(29) Byutilizingthedecisionmatrix R,andtheINWAandINWGoperators,theaggregatingvalues areinTable 4
Table4. TheaggregatingvaluesoftheemergingtechnologyenterprisesbytheINWAand INWGoperators.
A1 ([0.4591,0.5611],[0.6307,0.7342],[0.1116,0.2144])
A2 ([0.7449,0.8928],[0.1866,0.2881],[0.1625,0.2742])
A3 ([0.5627,0.6634],[0.3868,0.4925],[0.1692,0.2734])
A4 ([0.5497,0.6674],[0.3464,0.4657],[0.1762,0.2844]) A5 ([0.5822,0.6863],[0.6389,0.7421],[0.1741,0.2825])
A1 ([0.4369,0.5395],[0.6718,0.7805],[0.1223,0.2227])
A2 ([0.7384,0.8895],[0.1905,0.2906],[0.2124,0.3144])
A3 ([0.5578,0.6581],[0.4571,0.5685],[0.1822,0.2825])
A4 ([0.4799,0.5851],[0.4381,0.5440],[0.2067,0.3077])
A5 ([0.5610,0.6624],[0.6933,0.8082],[0.2083,0.3097])
AccordingtotheaggregatingvaluesinTable 4,thescorefunctionsareinTable 5.
Table5. Thescorefunctionsoftheemergingtechnologyenterprises.
A1 0.55490.5298
A2 0.78770.7700
A3 0.65070.6209
A4 0.65740.5948 A5 0.57180.5340
Information 2017, 8,125 12of18
= n ∏ j=1 TL ij wj , n ∏ j=1 TR ij wj , 1 n ∏ j=1 1 I L ij wj ,1 n ∏ j=1 1 I R ij wj , 1 n ∏ j=1 1 FL ij wj ,1 n ∏ j=1 1 FR ij wj
AccordingtothescorefunctionsshowninTable 5,theorderoftheemergingtechnology enterprisesareinTable 6.
Table6. Orderoftheemergingtechnologyenterprises.
INWAA2 >A4 >A3 >A5 >A1
INWGA2 >A3 >A4 >A5 >A1
Fromtheaboveanalysis,itcanbeseenthattwooperatorshavethesamebestemerging technologyenterpriseA2 andtwomethods’rankingresultsareslightlydifferent.However,the intervalneutrosophicTODIMapproachcanreasonablydepicttheDMs’psychologicalbehaviorsunder risk,andthus,itmaydealwiththeaboveissueeffectively.Thisverifiesthemethodweproposedis reasonableandeffective.
Inthispaper,wewillextendtheTODIMmethodtotheMADMwiththesingle-valued neutrosophicnumbers(SVNNs).Firstly,thedefinition,comparisonanddistanceofSVNNsare brieflypresented,andthestepsoftheclassicalTODIMmethodforMADMproblemsareintroduced. Then,theextended classicalTODIMmethodisproposedtodealwithMADMproblemswiththe SVNNs,anditssignificantcharacteristicisthatitcanfullyconsiderthedecisionmakers’bounded rationalitywhichisarealactionindecisionmaking.Furthermore,weextendtheproposed modeltointervalneutrosophicsets(INSs).Finally,anumericalexampleisproposedtoverifythe developedapproach.
Inthefuture,theapplicationoftheproposedmodelsandmethodsofSVNSsandINSsneeds tobeexploredinthedecisionmaking[86–99],riskanalysisandmanyotheruncertainandfuzzy environment[100–112].
Acknowledgments: TheworkwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaunder GrantNo.71571128andtheHumanitiesandSocialSciencesFoundationofMinistryofEducationofthe People’sRepublic ofChina(17XJA630003)andtheConstructionPlanofScientificResearchInnovationTeamfor CollegesandUniversitiesinSichuanProvince(15TD0004).
AuthorContributions: Dong-ShengXu,CunWeiandGui-WuWeiconceivedandworkedtogethertoachieve thiswork,Gui-WuWeiwrotethepaper,CunWeimadecontributiontothecasestudy.
ConflictsofInterest: Theauthorsdeclarenoconflictofinterest.
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