2016-2017 Florida A&M University Annual Report

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“On October 3, 1887, a rising star was established in Tallahassee, Florida. This star, Florida A&M University, has risen to levels exceeding the expectations of many while fulfilling the hopes and dreams of countless others who chose to venture into the pathway illuminated by the Eternal Flame. FAMU has experienced its share of challenges, but with each challenge overcome, its commitment to ‘Excellence With Caring’ has been reaffirmed with even greater resolve.”

Larry Robinson, Ph.D.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 . P re si d e n t ’s M e ssa g e 2 . I n t ro d u ct i o n PRIORITIES AND GOALS 3 . G o a l O n e : E n h a n ci n g A ca d e m i c E xce l l e n ce a n d S t u d e n t S u cce ss 5 . G o a l Tw o : E n h a n ce S t u d e n t L i f e , G ro w t h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t 9 . G o a l T h re e : I n cre a se R e se a rch F u n d i n g 1 3 . G o a l F o u r : E n h a n ce F u n d r a i si n g a n d U n i v e r si t y R e l a t i o n s 1 7 . G o a l F i v e : E n h a n ce A d m i n i st r a t i v e P ro ce sse s 1 8 . G o a l S i x: C o m p l e t e t h e U n i v e r si t y ’s S t r a t e g i c P l a n DI V I S I O N S , C O L L E G E S A N D S C H O O L S 1 9 . G o v e r n m e n t a l R e l a t i o n s 2 3 . O ff i ce o f t h e P ro v o st a n d V i ce P re si d e n t o f A ca d e m i c A ff airs 2 4 . M i l e st o n e s, N e w C o n st r u ct i o n , C o m m u n i t y O u t re a ch a n d Partners hips 2 6 . D i v i si o n o f F i n a n ce a n d A d m i n i st r a t i v e S e r v i ce s 2 7 . O ff i ce o f C o m m u n i ca t i o n s 2 8 . B ro o ksv i l l e A g r i cu l t u r a l a n d E n v i ro n m e n t a l R e se a rch S t a t ion ( BAE R S) L E A DE R S H I P 2 9 . FA M U B o a rd o f Tr u st e e s 3 0 . U n i v e r si t y A d m i n i st r a t o r s 3 1 . FA M U F o u n d a t i o n B o a rd M e m b e r s FINANCIALS 3 3 . B a si c F i n a n ci a l S t a t e m e n t



Dear FAMUans and Supporters: During the 2016-2017 academic year, we have taken steps to advance Florida A&M University’s mission through the development of a new vision statement and strategic plan with a set of priorities that will transform the University over the next five years. These priorities include the aggressive recruitment of student scholars who are prepared to meet the rigorous standards of our academic programs and willingly embrace and advance our core values. The result of this coordinated effort, involving faculty, staff, students, alumni, members of our Board of Trustees and the FAMU Foundation Board of Directors, is that the University will experience its first enrollment increase since 2010. While there is considerable excitement that more students are choosing FAMU, the University’s new five-year strategic plan, “FAMU Rising,” outlines innovative methodologies that will contribute to greater student success, while addressing in detail, each of the Florida Board of Governors’ performance metrics. The plan also includes initiatives that will lead to productive and engaged faculty, innovation stemming from research and extension, highly effective business processes, and exemplary customer service grounded in our core values. We created a new division to track implementation of the plan and heighten awareness of key issues, such as institutional effectiveness, planning and analysis. This report captures highlights of a year of progress in all facets of the University community, from students thriving in new Living-Learning Communities on campus to students exploring new cultures while studying abroad. We have seen greater fiscal accountability in FAMU Athletics, increased fundraising in the Foundation and more effective friend-raising among alumni, legislators, the private sector and community partners. This was all achieved by remarkable people who work quietly, but passionately to ensure that FAMU remains the No. 1 public historically Black university in America. Thank you for allowing me to serve this beloved “College of Love and Charity” and share with you some of the results of their efforts.


On September 15, 2016, Florida A&M University’s (FAMU) Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Robinson Interim President. Just two weeks earlier, FAMU was awarded a $15.4 million grant by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to establish the Center for Coastal and Marine Ecosystems led by Dr. Robinson and a team of researchers from five additional universities. One of the primary goals of the NOAA center is to utilize innovative education and research to prepare students to address critical issues in coastal ecosystems and communities. On January 20, 2017, the FAMU family celebrated Dr. Robinson’s 20 years of service to the University by planting an orange tree at the Frederick S. Humphries Science Research Center. The tree is a tribute to his impact on education and research at FAMU. More importantly, it honors his deeply rooted passion for student success, which serves as the foundation for his academic priorities for the University. Securing funds and building partnerships that provide students real-world experiences are among the top goals established by Dr. Robinson and the Board of Trustees. These and other outcomes from the past year are outlined on the pages that follow.

Larry Robinson, Ph.D. Interim President





• Implemented a plan to manage and

FAMU continues to look for innovative opportunities to expand study-abroad experiences for students. Our International Education and Development team introduced FAMU students to new study-abroad programs in Spain during summer 2017. Students from the Honors Living-Learning Community visited Salamanca, Spain to study at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. FAMU students also participated in two classes in art and architecture appreciation in Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona.

stabilize enrollment

• Implemented effective mechanisms for


communicating with the FAMU Board of

Trustees (BOT), Board of Governors (BOG),

Chancellor’s Office, alumni, faculty, students

and other key stakeholders

• Completed the new “FAMU Rising” strategic plan and gained the approval of the BOT

and BOG

• Made several strategic hires to fill leadership


team positions

• Established the Division of Strategic

Planning, Analysis and Institutional

Effectiveness to increase accountability

and enhance efficiency and effectiveness

in university operations

SGA Student Senate President Brandon Johnson attended the Milstein Family Foundation Campus Allies Mission to Israel in conjunction with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Ashley Samuel

Marissa Dopson

Rhonda Gaines

Diamond Clark-McQueen

The accrediting body for pharmacy programs, the American Colleges of Pharmacy Education, visited the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and granted the college full accreditation until 2022. For the first time in the college’s history, four graduate students in public health studied global health issues in Durban, South Africa and in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Marissa Dopson and Rhonda Gaines studied in the Dominican Republic. Ashley Samuel and Diamond Clark-McQueen studied in South Africa.

• Increased annual giving by 30 percent • Implemented a plan to reduce athletics’

annual budget deficit

• Strengthened relationships with faculty,

students, staff, alumni and legislators

“My matriculation in SGA and at FAMU prepared me

for this incredible opportunity. I could not wait to

attend and represent my HBCU in my efforts to help expand FAMU’s global brand.


- Brandon Johnson

In May, four FAMU students, alongside Army ROTC Professor of Military Science Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Escobar, traveled nearly 10,000 miles to Vietnam to learn about the battles of the Vietnam War as well as timeless leadership lessons.





STABILIZING ENROLLMENT Aggressive recruitment strategies helped spur an increase in students applying to FAMU, and the University is on track to increase enrollment. Vice President of Student Affairs William Hudson, Jr., Ph.D., and his team’s recruitment strategies have yielded a 40 percent increase in freshmen admissions when compared to last year. The SAT scores of incoming freshmen and scholars also increased when compared to the previous year.

CELEBRATING FUTURE RATTLERS COAST TO COAST Dr. Robinson and FAMU recruiters teamed up with FAMU alumni, trustees, deans and other stakeholders from coast to coast to recruit the best and the brightest.

In Jacksonville, at Jean Ribault High School, more than $900,000 in scholarship opportunities were presented to students from the area. Nearly 600 students attended the event. Admissions counselors and representatives from the University’s 14 colleges and schools were also on hand.

November was a busy time for recruiting scholars. Dr. Robinson joined FAMU trustees and their wives, who opened their homes to host receptions to recruit National Merit Scholarship semifinalists. Trustees Dave Lawrence, Harold Mills and Thomas Dortch Jr., hosted receptions in the fall.



• Jacksonville

• Miami

• Orlando

• Tampa

• Tallahassee

• Atlanta

• Detroit

• Los Angeles

• Mobile, Alabama

In Los Angeles, FAMU was among more than 150 colleges and universities recruiting the best and brightest college prospects at the HBCU Black College Expo Tour. In January 2017, Board of Trustees Chair Kelvin Lawson and his wife hosted Jacksonville scholars. In Gainesville, Trustee Robert Woody collaborated with the Alachua County FAMU Alumni Chapter to host an event for high school scholars. Vice President William Hudson, Jr., and his team held their first Santa Fe Community College recruiting event for transfer students.





Kennedy Harris and Darien Bolden Jr. enjoy living in LLCs.

Dr. Robinson greets St. Pete College President Tonjua Williams, Ph.D.

To better assist students interested in transferring to FAMU, Student Affairs partnered with seven Florida state colleges and launched the Ignite Transfer Student Program. The program offers students deferred admission, scholarships and other incentives when they complete their associate’s degree. Partners include St. Petersburg College, Broward College, Tallahassee Community College, Valencia College, Santa Fe Community College, Palm Beach State College and Miami Dade College.

This year, the University increased the communities to nine from five. Due to continued growth, the STEM LLC, originally established in 2015-2016 has developed into two LLCs: the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and the College of Science and Technology LLCs. The additional communities are: • College of Agriculture and Food Sciences LLC • College of Education LLC • School of the Environment LLC

FAMU STUDENTS SHINE AT CONFERENCES FAMU students made news around the globe with their work at conferences and with our corporate and government partners. Graduate student Erica Morgan West completed a summer internship at NASA. She is an award-winning physics student who was selected as the only American representative at the International Molecular Simulation Conference at the University of Amsterdam in Holland.


Darien Bolden, Jr.

LIVING-LEARNING COMMUNITIES ENHANCE STUDENT SUCCESS Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) at FAMU are proving to be an effective tool for enhancing student success. Each living area is designed to connect first-time college students, faculty and staff through the classroom, programming and personal interaction.


Education Major

“My transition to a college life has greatly benefited

from being in the FAMU Education Living-Learning

Community. Searching for people with the same major

as me seemed a daunting task, but it was reduced to

a mere chore thanks to the LLC. I was blessed enough

to be placed around individuals who have common

interests and ultimately a passion to teach like myself.

Living and attending class with students in an education major is perhaps the most positive feature of the

Education LLC. We are able to reach out to each other

for support, and additional assistance is offered through

weekly group and one-on-one tutoring sessions.

FAMU senior biology student Ezekiel Bello won the “Best Research Poster” award in the Developmental Biology and Genetics category at the annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. The gathering is one of the largest professional conferences for minority students to pursue advanced STEM training.

In November 2016, the National Society of Black Engineers signed an agreement with FAMU to disburse nearly $400,000 to assist 24 deserving engineering students. The initiative is funded by Northop Grumman, a leading global security company. In early 2017, the company welcomed Dr. Robinson to its President’s Summit in Redondo Beach, California. Vice President Maurice Edington, Ph.D., and Murray Gibson, Ph.D., dean of the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, accompanied Dr. Robinson to help expand existing research collaborations, internships and jobs.







FY 2015/2016:

$40.46 Million FY 2016/2017:

$44.5 Million

FAMU’s sponsored awards increased by approximately 10 percent from the preceding year. The University celebrated distinct honors and new partnerships and training that will fuel innovation and impact the global economy from Florida to the mission to Mars. According to Timothy E. Moore, Ph.D., vice president for Research, proposals submitted by FAMU increased over the past two years due to faculty confidence in the research enterprise and improved customer service from the Office of Sponsored Programs.


FAMU faculty and students are tasked with developing advanced composite materials that can withstand the rigors of spaceflight and reduce weight. FAMU is the first HBCU involved in the Orion mission. Total funding is $5 million over five years.

FAMU celebrated a distinct honor for FAMU-FSU College of Engineering professors Tarik Dickens, Hui Wang and Carl Moore. They were awarded a National Science Foundation Historically Black Colleges and Universities Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (HBCU-RISE) Award. This competitive national grant is worth nearly $1 million and is the first awarded to FAMU and one of only two ever awarded in Florida.

CODING ACADEMY LAUNCHED I/O Avenue Code Academy is a unique program launched by FAMU’s Continuing Education, Information Technology Services, the Division of Research, Domi Station and the Tallahassee Mayor’s Office. The entities teamed up to secure $100,000 in federal “Tech Hire” funding per year to establish a coding training program for high school graduates, college students, mid-career individuals and others seeking higher paying jobs. The FAMU School of Business and Industry (SBI) facilitated the partnership. SBI Dean Shawnta Friday-Stroud joined Dr. Robinson and Tallahassee business leaders in Nashville,where Dr. Robinson helped unveil the program during a news conference.

U.S. FORESTRY SERVICE NATIONAL UAV TRAINING CENTER The FAMU School of the Environment and the Sustainability Institute have teamed up with the U.S. Forestry Service to develop the first-ever national center for unmanned aerial vehicle training for forestry service personnel. The Center, which is funded by RESTORE Act funds, will allow Forestry Service personnel to develop new skills and technologies to assess, map and track forest hydrology and its impact upon coastal and littoral waters. Total funding is $3 million over five years.



FAMU RECEIVES CYBER SECURITY DESIGNATION FAMU is exploring new private funding mechanisms to support emerging cyber security fields of study. The National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security have designated FAMU as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education through 2022. The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering was selected to become a part of the Lockheed Martin team to build the nation’s manned spacecraft.

In June, the National Science Foundation awarded FAMU a $2 million grant to improve student success in the University’s STEM programs. Vice President Maurice Edington, Ph.D., is principal investigator for the project. The co-principal investigators are Lewis Johnson, Ph.D., Desmond Stephens, Ph.D., and Paulette Reneau, Ph.D. Faculty will receive training as part of the four-year initiative.





FAMU FOUNDATION With the support of alumni, corporate donors and friends, the FAMU Foundation reports annual giving increased by 30 percent during the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The FAMU Foundation’s endowment stands at $123 million as of June 30, 2017.

TOTAL CASH, GIFTS & PLEDGES FOR 2016-2017 WERE $8,564,161.81 Prior year comparatives: 2015-2016 = $6,566,220.07 (total cash, gifts and pledges) 2014-2015 = $5,310,393.35 (total cash, gifts and pledges)

Top Constituents by Total Giving

Total Giving






$1.5M 3,900 donors

FAMU alumni who donated $100,000 to establish endowments for student scholarships were honored in March with special plaques at the University’s Eternal Flame. The honorees included Lisa Rae Bledsoe LaBoo, a School of Business and Industry(SBI) alumna; Hubert Reddick (posthumously), a graduate of the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities; John and Arnette-Scott Ward, College of Education and SBI graduates; and the FAMU NAA Polk County Alumni Chapter, under the leadership of longtime Chapter President Doris Hicks.





Dr. Robinson traveled coast to coast to connect with alumni at recruitment and fundraising events, informing them about the state of the University.


The average gift amount is $2,193 compared to $1,409 in FY 2015-2016.

States with Highest Gifts


During the 2016 Florida Blue Florida Classic, alumni Bernard and Shirley Kinsey donated $250,000 to purchase new band uniforms for FAMU’s Marching “100.” Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Dr. R.B. Holmes and the Legacy Committee hosted the Legacy Banquet fundraiser to support repairs at Bragg Memorial Stadium.

Nine FAMUans received Distinguished Alumni Awards at the National Alumni Association’s National Convention in Baltimore during a blacktie gala. In addition, the NAA raised more than $270,000 during its annual fundraising breakfast. Dr. Robinson, trustees, faculty, staff and Rattler legislators provided alumni with updates about FAMU.



FAMUANS IN TEXAS WELCOME DR. ROBINSON AND ALUMNI TO A SUPER EVENT In Houston, during Super Bowl LI weekend, the FAMU Foundation Board of Directors Chairman Thomas Jones, Jr. hosted a brunch for Dr. Robinson, Houston alumni, students and friends. Dr. Robinson provided an update on the state of the University and supporters made donations.

FAMU INCREASES UNITED WAY CONTRIBUTIONS Dr. Robinson serves on the Board of Directors of the United Way of the Big Bend and is passionate about ensuring that faculty and staff share their talents and treasures with the community. This year, the number of FAMUans making contributions increased when compared to the previous year. FAMU donated $45,243.21 to the United Way. Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Angela Coleman, Ed.D., chaired fundraising efforts on campus along with co-chair Joyce Ingram, associate vice president and chief human resources and diversity officer.

ALUMNI RAISE FUNDS TO “SAVE OUR STUDENTS” FAMU Foundation Chair Thomas Jones, Jr., EBONY Magazine Owner Willard Jackson, EBONY Chair Emeritus Linda Johnson Rice, Sharon Robinson, Dr. Robinson and FAMU Foundation Board Members John Green and Laurence Humphries discussed plans for new HBCU initiatives during the reception.

Angela Coleman, Ed.D.

The FAMU NAA closed out 2016 by awarding hundreds of FAMU students with more than $120,000 from the “Save Our Students” campaign. The program was launched to support students in need of funds to graduate from college.


In Chicago, Dr. Robinson addressed alumni at the 2017 Midwest FAMU NAA Regional Conference luncheon. He also attended a fundraising reception at an art studio that is co-owned by alumnus Stephen Mitchell.

Houston alumni chapter members Elizabeth Stephens, Michael Love and LaMonica Love were among Rattlers who attended the brunch.

Joyce A. Ingram




NEW DIVISION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING, ANALYSIS AND INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS CREATED In January, the University merged two units – Institutional Research and Reporting Analytics – and created a new division: Strategic Planning, Analysis and Institutional Effectiveness. •

The division is responsible for increasing accountability and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of academic and business operations.

The division will enhance campus customer service through increased monitoring, evaluation of operations and solicitation of stakeholder feedback.

Maurice Edington, Ph.D., founding dean of the FAMU College of Science and Technology, was promoted to serve as the unit’s founding vice president.

Members of the FAMU softball team joined Dr. Robinson and athletics staff on the steps of Lee Hall to recognize Coach Veronica Wiggins. FAMU’s legendary softball coach earned her 700th victory. Now in her 26th season as the team’s coach, she is the first historically Black college or university Division I coach to reach this milestone.

FAMU ATHLETICS For FAMU Athletics, the 2016-2017 fiscal year proved to be transformational. For the first time in many years, the department ended the year with a balanced budget. Athletics Director Milton Overton, Jr. reported that all of the department’s key performance indicators for a successful athletics department increased. All FAMU Athletics teams are eligible for NCAA postseason play due to positive results in the classroom and improved NCAA compliance initiatives.

ATHLETICS 2016-2017 HIGHLIGHTS • • • • •


Three Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) championships Fewer overall injuries Record-breaking football game attendance A record 4,300 season tickets were sold More than $1 million in cash donations received

FAMU welcomed new head basketball coach and former Oregon Assistant Coach Robert McCullum to the FAMU family.



During the Super Bowl 2017pregame show in Houston, the NFL recognized FAMU’s Bob Hayes and other HBCU Hall of Fame inductees. Dr. Robinson and Hayes’ sisters were among HBCU presidents and guests invited to attend a weekend of activities.


FAMU Tennis Team

Emma Kiplagat


David Too

RATTLER BOOSTERS MAKE PROGRESS The FAMU Rattler Boosters, Inc., reorganized to ensure continuous support for student athletes. Fundraising initiatives are underway, including plans for a Homecoming campaign. In • • • • • •

addition, the Boosters: Adopted a name change from the Rattler Boosters to Florida A&M University Rattler Boosters, Inc. Hired an executive director and director of advancement for major gifts Filed the annual report of the Rattler Boosters, Inc., with the State of Florida Purchased a new internet domain name to rebrand the organization with a new website Announced that elections will be held in the near future Decided that subsequent to the elections, the Boosters will: 1) File for a new IRS Employee Identification Number 2) And dissolve the current Florida corporation and create a new Rattler Boosters, Inc., corporation with new articles of incorporation




FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN APPROVED Starting in the fall of 2016, Vice President Maurice Edington, Ph.D., collaborated with co-chairs Beverly Barrington and SBI Dean Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Ph.D., to lead the University’s Strategic Plan Work Group. They convened University administrators and stakeholders to design a road map to chart the University’s progress toward meeting key academic, fiscal and operational priorities from 2017-2022. Growing FAMU’s enrollment to 12,000 by 2022 is a key objective of the “FAMU Rising” strategic plan. The FAMU Board of Trustees and Board of Governors approved the plan. Several implementation teams have been assembled to develop action plans that will be used to guide the execution of the plan’s specific strategies. In addition, each of the University’s colleges and schools and major administrative divisions are in the process of developing unit-level strategic plans that align with the University’s plan.


During the 2017 legislative session, the Florida Legislature funded the following:


Barbara Cohen-Pippin

Center for Access and Student Success (CASS) ($3.5 million): The CASS building will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services for students and constituents. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in June.

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Salaries ($1 million): This appropriation will align FAMU faculty salaries with Florida State University’s salaries in the College of Engineering.

Online Course Offerings ($1 million): Thes funds will expand access to courses for students who work in the summer or have obstacles with attending classes on FAMU’s campuses.

First Lady Sharon Robinson hosted a meet and greet for the wives of Florida legislators at the President’s House.

In January 2017, Dr. Robinson hired Barbara Cohen-Pippin as director of Governmental Relations. The Office of the President and Cohen-Pippin worked with alumni, students, faculty, staff, trustees and other University supporters to seek legislative appropriations for FAMU and developed a legislative strategy for 2017-2018. The strategy included hosting road shows, events, and meetings with lawmakers to get an early start on raising awareness about the University’s legislative budget requests. The FAMU community was joined by legislators and other supporters to break ground on a new student services building.




Dr. Robinson joined State University System presidents, FAMU trustees and the Board of Governors for a “Safer, Smarter, Stronger” news conference at the state capitol. The initiative is designed to raise awareness about the system’s legislative budget requests to support mental health initiatives, security and research.

U.S. SENATOR VISITS FAMU In February, the FAMU Board of Trustees and students joined Dr. Robinson for a conversation with Sen. Bill Nelson during his visit to the School of the Environment. The longtime supporter of FAMU visited the campus to observe the advances in STEM education and addressed a group of 100 students, faculty and administrators.


University leadership has been working to implement a new medical marijuana education initiative as delegated to FAMU in State Senate Bill 8A. FAMU is in charge of educating minority communities across the state about the medicinal benefits and consequences of the unlawful use of marijuana. FAMU’s plan for a spring rollout of its initiatives was well received by the State’s surgeon general and staff. To fund the education initiative, FAMU receives $10 for every license issued to medical marijuana patients. STATE LEGISLATION AWARDS FAMU MAJOR ROLE IN HEMP RESEARCH

At the invitation of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Dr. Robinson joined more than 80 HBCU presidents and chancellors for meetings at the White House and with congressional leaders on Capitol Hill. The presidents discussed priorities, such as establishing year-round Pell Grants; investing in HBCU facilities and infrastructure; and requiring federal agencies to significantly increase contracts and grants with HBCUs.

FAMU has the opportunity to develop pilot projects to cultivate, process, test, research, create, and market safe and effective commercial applications for industrial hemp in the agricultural sector of Florida. The Industrial Hemp Pilot Project legislation (CS/CS/SB 1726) gives the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services authorization and oversight of the development of industrial hemp pilot projects at FAMU and the University of Florida.





During the fiscal year, more than 2,100 students e a r n e d d e g re e s f ro m FA M U . T h i s i n c l u d e s 106 graduates of the FAMU College of Law in Orlando. Spring Commencement was expanded to three exercises to accommodate family and friends of graduates. Among the spring graduates were three phenomenal FAMU women who earned doctoral degrees in engineering. Graduates heard from dynamic commencement speakers such as Roslyn Brock, chair emeritus of the NAACP; Thomas Dortch, business leader and BOT member; and corporate executive and motivational speaker Jemal Gibson, who is a FAMU alumnus.

Professors spent the summer redesigning courses in preparation for the fall as part of the Provost’s Digital Learning Initiative. It promotes student engagement, class discussions and instruction all within the swipe of an iPad or tablet. The initiative is designed to ensure that faculty members use technology they are familiar with to connect with students and enhance learning outcomes.

Henry C. Talley V, Ph.D., made history as the first male dean of the School of Nursing. He is a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve Nurse Corps and arrived as the school prepared to celebrate its 80th anniversary. In June, alumni returned to the “Hill” for a weekend of festivities, which included the Rattler Nurses’ Breakfast and Banquet. The FAMU School of Nursing is the oldest continuing baccalaureate nursing program in Florida.


Daniel Solis, Ph.D.

Six-year graduation rates



SIX-YEAR GRADUATION RATES ON THE RISE A special committee helped to implement effective strategies to increase the University’s six-year graduation rate and spread awareness about the importance of students earning their degrees in four years.

During a perfect spring day, the FAMU College of Science and Technology hosted its fourth annual STEM Day. The event offered hundreds of diverse middle and high school students with hands-on, problem-solving experiments in STEM disciplines.

Daniel Solis, Ph.D., of the College of Agriculture and Food Sciences, was appointed to the Board of the Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics. He is the only HBCU representative on this board.

The School of Allied Health Sciences kicked off 2017 with the construction of a new state-of-the-art, interdisciplinary simulation laboratory for health students. The laboratory is supported by a $5 million Title III grant. FAMU students will participate in live patient scenarios prior to entering a real hospital setting and have access to award-winning medical technology.



Longtime partner Eli Lilly and Company strengthened its relationship with the University and the School of Business and Industry by introducing the inaugural Sybil C. Mobley Scholars Program. Named in honor of the late dean, the Scholars Program will provide a 10-week internship for up to eight students the summer after their junior year in the Eli Lilly marketing organization.



OF DISTINCTION HONOREES Angela Robinson, actress and singer Mitzi Miller, editor, writer and producer Andrew Gillum, mayor of Tallahassee Ramon Alexander, member of the Florida House of Representatives Shaun West, former U.S. Secret Service agent Scotty Barnhart, director of the Count Basie Orchestra Kathy Garner, first African-American and female judge in Gadsden County, Florida Terry K. Hunter, renowned artist and arts advocate John K. Southall, director of bands, Indian River State College Tommie Shelby, Harvard University professor of African and African-American Studies Allezo N. Owens, FAMU assistant professor of Religion Larry Richardson, mental health consultant for Jacksonville Job Corps and Jacksonville Jaguars John H. Pryor, United States Air Force veteran and retired educator


In December 2016, Dr. Robinson appointed Wanda Ford, DM, interim chief financial officer and vice president for Finance and Administration. He also tapped Associate Vice President for Research Charles Weatherford, Ph.D., to serve as interim Title III executive director. Alumnus Ronald Henry II was appointed associate vice president of Information Technology Services. The department is working with the Office of Communications to build a new university website.

Wanda Ford, DM

CSSAH distinguished alumni were recognized during a special ceremony in conjunction with the college’s 2017 Alumni Reunion.

The College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (CSSAH) enshrined 13 alumni who have emerged as national trailblazers in media, music, television, art, literature, public service and education into its Gallery of Distinction.


Maiya Stevenson, Akeisha Mandela and Kyrik Gaines performed before thousands.

Three FAMU Concert Choir students were selected to showcase their talents as members of the honors choir during the 2017 Young Adult Honors Performance Series at the renowned Carnegie Hall in New York City.



C. Weatherford, Ph.D.

To stay abreast of the University’s financial dynamics, Dr. Robinson established the University Budget Council to oversee the budgeting process, which includes monitoring and oversight of revenue, expenditures, auxiliary overhead, and investments. The Finance and Administration division’s staff has used appropriate communications with relevant governing bodies, including bi-weekly reports for critical projects, to seek approvals for expenses related to the University’s buildings, grounds, and equipment. .

• FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Buildings A and B renovation and code upgrade project completion • Allied Health Simulation Lab completion • Student Services addition • Stadium repairs • Center for Access and Student Success (CASS) building site finalization and groundbreaking • 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program approval and submission to the Board of Governors


OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS BROOKSVILLE AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH To close out Black History Month events in February, the Office of Communications organized a successful Harambee Festival that attracted more than 5,000 people to Cascades Park in Tallahassee. Celebrating unity in the community and African culture, the festival also served as a recruiting event, with colleges and schools manning booths and faculty leading workshops.

The office also collaborated with Student Affairs to launch a marketing campaign touting the Ignite Student Transfer Program. The staff designed a new logo and brochures and promoted the program on billboards, radio, digital platforms.


STATION (BAERS) OFFERS COMMUNITY TRAINING In Brooksville, education and training efforts for new and beginning farmers and ranchers are making an impact at our Brooksville Agricultural and Environmental Research Station (BAERS). BAERS partnered with the FAMU Small Business Development Center to offer Business Basics training, focusing on creating a business plan, record keeping, enterprise budgets, and to launch a new Veterans Entrepreneurship Program. Kathy Y. Times Newly appointed Executive Associate Director of Communications Kathy Y. Times worked to build credibility with the media by scheduling meetings with Dr. Robinson and television news managers and editorial boards throughout Florida. Media Relations focused on expanding media coverage statewide and established new relationships with reporters at national media outlets. Positive news coverage of FAMU increased, and the percentage of negative or neutral coverage decreased. Total news media impressions (2016-2017)

49,762 Total news media impressions (2015-2016)


BAERS 2016-2017 HIGHLIGHTS • In August 2016, FAMU’s Board of Trustees approved regulations for BAERS as a Special Purpose Site • Completed renovations to the administration building • Implemented an Information Technology System at BAERS, including a full Smart Technology conference room with video conference capability • Installed a wireless access control and intrusions detection security system • Organized the contract negotiations for the creation of a 10-acre sod farm at the Bankhead Jones 1 property. • Held an AGRI-STEM Spring Break Day Camp with the FAMU Cooperative Extension Program • Monitored the progress of the land preparation, instillation of an irrigation system and planting of the Tifway 419 Bermuda grass sprigs. The farm will supply the FAMU Athletics Department with turf grass for the university’s athletic fields.


FAMU BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kelvin Lawson Board Chair National Client Service Director Acosta Sales and Marketing Kimberly Moore Board Vice Chair Vice President Workforce Development at Tallahassee Community College Justin Bruno President FAMU Student Government Association Matthew M. Carter II Counsel for Ramos & Sparks Group Thomas W. Dortch, Jr. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer TWD, Inc. Bettye A. Grable President of the FAMU Faculty Senate Tenured Associate Professor FAMU School of Journalism & Graphic Communication David Lawrence Jr. Chair The Children’s Movement of Florida


UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS Gary T. McCoy Retired Major General U.S. Air Force Harold Mills Chair and Former CEO ZeroChaos Belvin Perry, Jr. Personal Injury Attorney Morgan & Morgan Craig Reed Global Director of Direct Materials and Services Sourcing and Logistics E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company Nicole Washington Higher Education Policy Consultant Robert L. Woody Assistant to the City of Gainesville Police Chief

Larry Robinson, Ph.D. Interim University President

Rodner Wright, M. Arch. Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Linda Barge–Miles, Esq. Special Assistant to President Barbara C. Pippin Director of Governmental Relations George R. Cotton, Sr. Vice President for University Advancement Maurice Edington, Ph.D. Vice President for Strategic Planning, Analysis and Institutional Effectiveness

Timothy E. Moore, Ph.D. Vice President for Research Milton Overton, Jr. Director of Athletics Shira Thomas, Esq. Acting General Counsel Kathy Y. Times Executive Associate Director Office of Communications Charles Weatherford, Ph.D. Interim Executive Director Title III Programs

Wanda Ford, DM Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration Richard Givens, CPA Vice President for Audit and Compliance William Hudson, Jr., Ph.D. Vice President for Student Affairs


FAMU FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD MEMBERS Chair Thomas Jones, Jr. Partner McConnell & Jones CPAs Vice Chair Hosetta B. Coleman, SPHR Senior Vice President of HR Fifth Third Bank (Tampa Bay Affiliate) Secretary Elaine E. Armster Managing Partner Linkscape360, LLC Treasurer Alfreda D. Blackshear, MD Pediatrician/Owner Alfreda D. Blackshear Pediatrics Board of Trustee Liaison *Belvin Perry, Jr., Esq. Morgan & Morgan, P.A. Interim University President *Larry Robinson, Ph.D. *George R. Cotton, Sr. Vice President, University Advancement Executive Director FAMU Foundation, Inc. Chan Bryant Abney, Esq. Gen. Counsel & Director of HR Gary, Williams, Parenti, Watson, & Gary P.L.


Cheryl A. Harris Booker Senior Vice President of Procurement Allstate William J. Bryant, D.D.S., Sc.D. Orthodontist Orthodontics & TMJ Center of Stuart *Lt. Col. Gregory Clark President FAMU NAA

Marcelia Freeman Vice President Capital Development EIG Global Energy Partners Jemal O. Gibson CEO Gibson Wilson Publishing

*Carmen Cummings-Martin Senior Executive Director Office of Alumni Affairs Kenneth M. Neighbors Shareholder Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Clifton A. Goins, IV Vice President Finance and Operations VSA Partners Inc.

*Phyllis Taite Professor of Law University Faculty Designee FAMU College of Law

John L. Green, J.D., Ph.D., C.P.A. Owner John L. Green, CPA, Atty. At Law

G. Scott Uzzell President, Venturing & Emerging Brands The Coca-Cola Company

Monica Williams Harris Of Counsel/Attorney Jackson Lewis P.C.

Twuanna Munroe Ward Vice President, Affiliate Accounting Scripps Networks

John Crossman President Crossman & Company

Joseph W. Hatchett Counsel Attorney Akerman, Senterfitt & Edison, PA

Tirrell D. Whittley CEO/Principal Liquid Soul

*Rakeem Ford University Student Designee Senate President Florida A&M University

Erica D. Hill Managing Director Supply Chain Leader CBRE


*Wanda Ford, DM Vice President/CFO Finance and Administration Florida A&M University

Laurence A. Humphries Strategy and Planning Coordinator Chevron Latin America

Keith Clinkscales CEO First World Media, LLC Lorin J. Crenshaw Vice President, Finance Lithium & Advanced Materials Albemarle Corporation

Lisa R. LaBoo President/Owner Financial Consultant & Real Estate Investor

Col. (Ret.) Brodes H. Hartley, Jr. Milton L. Jones, Jr. Harold L. Martin, MD Betty Holzendorf Cecil B. Keene (Posthumous) Joseph L. Webster, Sr., MD *Denotes Ex-Officio Board Member



A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION JUNE 30, 2017 University Component ASSETS Units Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $20,316,309 1,913,766 Investments 31,947,151 - Accounts Receivable, Net 16,867,373 4,158,966 Loans and Notes Receivable, Net 27,757 - Due from State 20,000,496 - Due from Component Units 5,512,718 - Inventories 557,871 - Other Current Assets - 472,898 Total Current Assets 95,229,675 6,545,630 Noncurrent Assets: Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,824,341 - Restricted Investments 8,231,515 125,046,224 Loans and Notes Receivable, Net 2,221,579 - Depreciable Capital Assets, Net 509,320,782 144,179 Nondepreciable Capital Assets 52,974,413 27,000 Total Noncurrent Assets 575,572,631 125,217,403 *Unaudited Total Assets $670,802,307 131,763,033 33

University Component Units DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred Amounts Related to Pensions 34,699,033 - Deferred Loss on Bond Debt Refunding 97,887 - Total Deferred Outflows of Resources 34,796,920 Long-Term Liabilities - Current Portion: Capital Improvement Debt Payable 3,486,000 - Capital Leases Payable 1,359,935 - Compensated Absences Payable 1,489,446 - Net Pension Liability 808,938 - Total Current Liabilities 26,669,264 8,693,387 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable 7,706,324 367,341 Construction Contracts Payable 690,074 - Salary and Wages Payable 3,778,328 - Deposits Payable 795,602 - Due to State 84,440 - Due to University - 5,512,718 Unearned Revenue 6,470,177 367,411 Other Current Liabilities - 2,445,917 Long-Term Liabilities - Current Portion: Capital Improvement Debt Payable 3,486,000 - Capital Leases Payable 1,359,935 - Compensated Absences Payable 1,489,446 - Net Pension Liability 808,938 - Total Current Liabilities 26,669,264 8,693,387 Long-Term Liabilities - Current Portion: Capital Improvement Debt Payable 3,486,000 - Capital Leases Payable 1,359,935 - Compensated Absences Payable 1,489,446 - Net Pension Liability 808,938 - Total Current Liabilities 26,669,264 8,693,387


Component University As of July 1 Units LIABILITIES (Continued) Noncurrent Liabilities: Capital Improvement Debt Payable $56,376,867 Capital Leases Payable 10,045,991 Compensated Absences Payable 20,254,290 Other Postemployment Benefits Payable 22,108,000 Net Pension Liability 79,051,830 Other Noncurrent Liabilities 1,975,468 Total Noncurrent Liabilities 189,812,446 Total Liabilities 216,481,711 8,693,387 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred Amounts Related to Pensions 1,367,635 NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets 491,124,291 168,313 Restricted for Nonexpendable: Endowment - 86,554,781 Restricted for Expendable: Debt Service 4,718,308 Loans 1,228,815 Capital Projects 24,957,403 Other - 34,413,837 Unrestricted (34,376,822) 1,963,513 Total Net Position $487,651,995 $123,100,444


FAMU MAINTAINS RANKING AS NO. 1PUBLIC HBCU FAMU continues to get recognition from a number of highly regarded publications. U.S. News & World Report ranks FAMU as the No. 1 public HBCU in the country. Diverse Issues ranks FAMU as the No. 1 institution for African-American bachelor’s degrees and as the No. 2 producer of African- American professional doctoral degrees.

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Tallahassee, FL 32307 1601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. www.famu.edu

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