Hcd feb 5

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Horse Capital Digest 3

February 5, 2016



COVER STORY Goldman, Morocco keep on rolling Tally in $50,000 Tuffrider/Equine Couture Grand Prix

18 Clever Vale Lucky and Smart

on 25 Rockin’ Robin Bags Adult Jumper

about the


10 Events Calendar 12 From the Grandstand 17 USHJA modifications 28 3’3’ Class Approval

30 2nd Week’s Results 40 Out West in Thermal 42 TIP sets slate

Lisa Goldman and Morocco win the $50,000 Tuffrider/Equine Couture Ocala ESI Photo

Brought to you by Horse Capital Digest of Ocala/Marion County, The Horse Capital of the World®. 4 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

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Ocala, Florida 34474 • (352) 732-8858 e-mail: info@wiretowire.net • www.ftboa.com Brock Sheridan Mike Mullaney Tammy A. Gantt John D. Filer Antoinette Griseta Emily Mills, Nancy Moffatt Jeff Powell LONNY TAYLOR POWELL CAROLINE T. DAVIS PATRICK VINZANT

Florida Equine Communications, Inc. (A corporation owned by the Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Association)

Executive Office – 801 SW 60th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34474 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

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Digest are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the editors and owners of this publication. Horse Capital Digest attempts to print reliable results and entries. Printed by Florida Equine Communications



George Russell Lonny Taylor Powell Joseph M. O’Farrell III Gil Campbell Sheila DiMare Fred Brei Phil Matthews, DVM Barry Berkelhammer, Mark Casse, George Isaacs, Richard Kent, Milan Kosanovich, Roy Lerman, Diane Parks, Jessica Steinbrenner, Charlotte C. Weber, Greg Wheeler PAST PRESIDENTS Don Dizney, Harold Plumley, Stanley Ersoff, John C. Weber,MD, Douglas Oswald CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER/ ASSISTANT TREASURER Caroline T. Davis ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT/ BUSINESS & OPERATIONS MANAGER Patrick Vinzant ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT/ MEMBER SERVICES & EVENTS DIRECTOR Tammy A. Gantt EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/ ASSISTANT SECRETARY Becky Robinson MEMBERSHIP SERVICES & EVENTS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Sally Moehring AWARDS, REGISTRATIONS & PAYMENTS Sheila Budden

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What’s Going On

A Guide to the HITS 2016 Circuit H

added space and improved electric service allows both vendors and shoppers to have a more enjoyable experience throughout the circuit. Located in the same convenient area near the HITS Restaurant, there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy at the Vendor Courtyard.

ITS Ocala is a 10-week circuit, running from Jan. 19 through March 20.

POST TIME STADIUM The Post Time Stadium will host select special classes each week, including several grand prix, hunter prix, and jumper classics throughout the circuit, highlighted by the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix Sunday, March 27. Post Time Stadium is an exciting addition to create a special atmosphere for spectators as well as exhibitors participating in the high level classes chosen for this arena.

VIP TREATMENT The Overlook VIP Club will be open all 10 weeks of the 2016 Ocala Winter Circuit. Located ringside, overlooking the Grand Prix Ring and Main Hunter Ring, the Overlook Club will serve breakfast and lunch throughout the show circuit. Menus will be designed by the chefs of The Tavern at Diamond Mills in Saugerties, N.Y. Overlook Club table holders will also enjoy reserved seating and light food and beverage service during events in the Post Time Stadium.

SHOPPING GALORE The Vendor Courtyard was enlarged and enhanced to include all shops located on-site. The

THE GREAT AMERICAN MILLION To be held on Sunday, March 27, the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix completes the HITS Triple Crown of Show Jumping as the second jewel of the coveted series. This will give Ocala competitors an opportunity to compete for the richest prize in show jumping and will serve as an exciting end to the 2016 Ocala Winter Circuit.



8 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Hunter Ring 2 is now much larger, serving as a second “Main” Hunter Ring. The ring once known as Hunter Ring 6 will become the schooling area for Hunter Rings 2 & 3, providing a great warm-up space for showing and practicing during the week. HCD


to HITS Ocala 2016 A brief overlook of the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit in 2016 W

e are pleased to announce that HITS Ocala, Jan. 19 – March 20, will be a 10-week USEF-rated circuit this year. All 10 weeks have been USEF National- or Premier-rated Hunters. All shows count toward the Horseware Ireland Grand Circuit Awards, Marshall & Sterling Insurance League, and the HITS Championship in Saugerties, N.Y. this September. The Great American $1 Million Grand Prix returns to the stage in the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium on Sunday, March 27. The second jewel of the HITS Triple Crown of Show Jumping debuted with great success in 2014 and we look forward to treating exhibitors and spectators alike to another tremendous event! The Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup CSIO4*, an official World Ranking Competition, will take place Friday, Feb. 19 during the Ocala Winter Festival. Over $400,000 was offered in the FEI Jumper division throughout the week, including $200,000 in the Nations Cup and $150,000 in the Grand Prix. The Overlook VIP Club offered a unique hospitality experience including world-class culinary presentation, complete with complimentary beer and wine service. The Ocala Horse Properties Stadium is the full-time Grand Prix Ring. The stadium, located on HITS property just across 137th Avenue, opened to rave reviews two years ago. The former Grand Prix Ring is Jumper Ring 1 and provided a second Feature Jumper Ring for horses and riders moving up the ranks. The Overlook VIP Club has been at the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium for the entire circuit, serving breakfast and lunch each show day throughout the circuit. The former VIP area was replaced by a lovely cafÊ serving breakfast and lunch, with covered seating overlooking Jumper Ring 1 and the Main Hunter Ring.

Footing in all the Hunter Rings and Hunter Schooling Areas has been redone to match the footing in the Main Hunter Ring. Follow the progress on our Facebook page. The safety and well-being of your horses, and peace of mind for you, is our top priority. Over the past year, HITS has been at the forefront of implementing a standard Equine Health Protocol at all its shows. The Bio-Security Plan and Required Vaccination Protocol that HITS developed is being emulated across the country. Please be sure to review the requirements as printed in the prize list, and check HitsShows.com prior to your arrival to review the most up-to-date information.

With $3 million in prize money and qualifiers for all the HITS Championship classes, HITS offers something special for everyone, every week. HCD

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EventsCalendar FEBRUARY Feb. 2-7: Ocala Premiere lll. HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Feb. 9-14: Ocala Winter Classic lV. HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Feb. 12-14: Ocala – 8 a.m.-5 p.m. – Equiventures Horse Trial. Spectators free. On-site vendors. Free to public. Florida Horse Park, 11008 S. Hwy 475. For more information contact Richard Trayford at (352)

MARCH March 1: Hallandale – Pedigree & Conformation Clinic. A Pedigree & Conformation Clinic at Gulfstream Park. The all-day event is an intensive course concerning thoroughbred pedigrees and conformation. While geared to racehorses, the clinic is valuable for those in hunter/jumper and dressage sports who are using thoroughbreds. This educational event features various topics for prospective, new and established thoroughbred owners and breeders. Register at www.toba.org March 1-6: Ocala Tournament VII. HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com

425-7709 or visit www.equiventures.com Feb. 16-21: Ocala Winter Festival V. HITS Showgrounds. Featuring the $273,000 FEI CSIO-4* Division and the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup (Feb. 19). At HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Feb. 17: Ocala – 7 p.m. –Jumping Under the Stars. Florida Horse Park located at 11008 S. Hwy 475.

March 6: Ocala – 8 a.m. – STRIDE English, Western and Driving Dressage Show. Florida Horse Park, 11008 S. Hwy 475. On site vendors. Free to public. Visit www.stridedressage.org to learn more March 8-13: Ocala Winter Finals VIII. HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com

February 2016

Post Time Farm hosts RMI shows in 2016 RMI Mid-Florida Spring Fling – USEF AA Hunter/Jumper Horse Show at HITS Post Time Farm – May 20-22 RMI Mid-Florida Spring Encore – USEF AA Hunter/Jumper Horse Show at HITS Post Time Farm – June 3-5 For information about these or any other RMI horse shows: www.rushshows.com or rushshows@aol.com or 904-396-4106 March 9 -11: Ocala – 10:30 a.m. – Ocala Breeder’s Sales Under Tack shows. OBS grounds at the training track, Airport Road, 1701 SW 60th Ave. March 14: Ocala – 5:30 p.m.-10 p.m. Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ & Owners’ Association Fifties Flashback Gala. Circle Square Cultural Center. For tickets call 352-629-2160March 15-20: Ocala Winter Celebration - IX. Featuring the $100,000 Sullivan GMC Truck Grand Prix (March 20). At HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com

For more information go to www.flhorsepark.com Feb. 19: Ocala – 5:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. – Breeches & Blue Jeans Charity fundraising Event. Ocala Breeders Sales, 1701 SW 60th Ave. Featuring band Weeds of Eden with live music, great food, cash bar, raffle, live auction, silent auction and hundreds of great items to win. For information call Second Wind Thoroughbred Project at 352-250-2874 Feb. 20: Morriston – Run for the Ribbons Horse Show for Thoroughbreds and now all breeds. Presented by Cedar Lock Farm, 14650 NW Hwy 464B. For entry forms and more info visit www.cedarlockfarm.com Feb. 21: Melbourne - Space Coast Arabian Horse Club Open Pleasure Show. Wickham Park Equestrian Center. Visit www.spacecoastarabian.com for details. Feb. 23-28: Ocala Masters Vl. At HITS Showgrounds. Featuring the WCHR Week and $100,000 USHJA grounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com 10 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016


International Hunter Derby (Feb. 27). At HITS Show-

EventsCalendar March 15-16: Ocala – 11 a.m. – OBS March Selected Sale of 2-year-olds in training. OBS Sales Pavilion March 22-27: Ocala Championship - X. Featuring the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix (March 27). At HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com

APRIL April 9: Day at the Races hosted by the Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ & Owners’ Association at Tampa Bay Downs. Bus leaves from Ocala. Complimentary event but RSVP required - first come, first serve basis. Call 352-629-2160 April 10: Ocala – 8 am – STRIDE English, Western and Driving Dressage Show. Florida Horse Park located at 11008 S. Hwy 475. Spectators free. Onsite vendors. Free to public. Visit www.stridedressage.org to learn more April 29-30: Weirsdale – 11 a.m. - Special Olympics Equestrian Sports Championship, Grand Oaks Resort


3 acres in Citra. 1 stall/hook-up for RV also available. 305-522-0879

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From the A spectator’s guide to show jumping By HITS Staff


t’s beautiful, it’s impressive and it’s exciting, but I just don’t get it. If, while sitting in the grandstand at a horse show, you find yourself thinking these things, you’re not alone. Have no fear, however, HITS has put together a guide to horse shows for the avid or perhaps notso-avid spectator. The following will give you an insider’s look at the horse show world and how to navigate all that you will see during HITS Ocala Winter Circuit.

WHAT YOU’RE WATCHING AND HOW TO JUDGE IT: JUMPERS—Jumper classes, like the March 27


Great American $1 Million Grand Prix, are spectator favorites because they are relatively simple to judge and are based on speed and athleticism. Jumper classes are judged on “faults” and “time.” The standard is cut and dry: You either have the fastest round without faults or you don’t. A fault is a numerical penalty for an error. A horse and rider that knock down a rail or any part

of the jump that establishes its height will acquire four faults. If a horse refuses to jump any one of the fences in the course, that also counts as four faults. A second refusal results in elimination of the horse and rider from the class. Speed becomes important as there is a time allowed set for each course. A time fault is given for each second or fraction of a second that the horse remains on course over the time allowed. A clean round is one where there are no time or jumping faults. If more than one horse goes clean over a course, a timed jump-off or shorter course will determine the winner. Should two or more horses have an equal number of jumping faults in the jump-off, the fastest time will determine the winner. HUNTERS—Hunter classes judge the horse. A hunter should have a long, low, ground-covering stride and jump the fences easily, smoothly and with consistent pace. Hunters are quiet, exhibit good manners both over fences and under saddle and jump courses that involve

12 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Grandstand direct lines and straight-forward fences, usually designed with natural elements and colors. At the conclusion of over -fences classes, hunters are often asked to jog for soundness. They trot in a line in front of the judge before placings are made final. The judge will evaluate the horse’s conformation, health and overall gait both during the class and in the jog. At the end of class, a judge will assign a hunter and its rider a numerical score out of 100 based on how well they executed the course and how professional they looked doing it. Shiny boots, well-tailored clothes and a smartly groomed horse all count in the hunter ring. EQUITATION—Equitation classes judge the rider on their form, their guidance of the horse, effectiveness of their aids, position of legs, hands and upper body position, and the ability to perform certain tests with style and precision. The rider’s legs should be perpendicular to the ground and quiet with the heel down. Their hands should be supple and follow the movement of the horse’s head. The upper body should be upright, but relaxed with a slight arch in the lower back. The rider’s head should be up and looking forward. Equitation classes are generally judged on the flat at the walk, trot and canter and over fences. Equitation riders, like hunter riders, are assigned a score out of 100 by a judge based on their performance. The highest score wins the blue. Learn these terms and you will be on the way to impressing all your “horsey” friends STRIDE – the amount of ground a horse covers. At the canter, the average stride of a horse is 12 feet. The distances between fences of jumping courses are set accordingly. SCHOOLING – practice or training before competition. The riders practice in a schooling area and are not allowed to practice on the actual course. ORDER OF GO – the order in which the competitors compete over the set course.

COURSE WALK – riders walk the course to measure the number of strides their horse will need between each jump. FAULTS – numerical penalties assigned for downed rails, refusals or going over the time allowed. TIME ALLOWED – the time, determined by the course designer, that it should take a horse to navigate a jumper course. REFUSAL – a horse that stops in front of a fence and will not attempt to jump it. CLEAN/CLEAR – when the horse and rider complete all jumps on the course without a single jumping or time fault. JUMP-OFF – the riders who have a clean round compete in a timed jump-off over a shortened course to determine the winner of the class. TACK – the equipment used on the horse including the saddle and the bridle. COMBINATION – two or more jumps set close together and designed to be jump with fewer strides in between and judged as one element. LIVERPOOL – a fence set over water or a

ditch filled with water that horse and rider must clear. GREEN – a horse, usually young, with little experience. HCD

ONGOING Florida Thoroughbred Museum & Gallery, 801 SW 60th , Ocala 34474, open Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m. and holidays). Free and open to the public. For information, call 352-629-2160

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14 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Repeat It’s Goldman, Morocco again Vale, riding the second of his three mounts, Aventador, owned by Bella Equestrian, was clean to make it three for the jump-off, followed by Amanda Flint, of Long Valley, N.J., and Superbad. Vale then went clear on Bonzini, advancing his second horse to the jump-off, and closing out the first round was Goldman and Morocco, who were clean to move on as the sixth and final pair to make it to the second round. Returning first over the short course, Van Aarem had a rail at the first fence, finishing in 41.941 with four faults. Linback Tuffrider/Equine Couture Grand Prix Morocco and Lisa Goldman from Hawthorne Woods, Ill., and Whittaker MVNZ had a rail at the combination, but their sped past the rest of the field with the only clear round in the faster time of 40.215 seconds took the lead. An unfortunate jump-off to take home the winner’s share of the prize money. rail at a vertical immediately off a short turn from the midGoldman and Morocco began the week with a win in the course combination and a time of 42.184 seconds put Vale and $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome the previous Wednesday, Aventador into third place for the moment. Fourth to enter the jump-off was Flint aboard Superbad. and they continued their winning ways to top the field of 28 competitors. Aaron Vale of Williston, riding Bonzini for Their four-fault round in 43.639 seconds put them in fourth Thinkslikeahorse, earned second-place, and Laura Linback for the time being. Choosing to move up in the order while Vale prepared his of Mundelein, Ill., and Woodrun’s Whitaker MVNZ were second horse, Goldman and Morocco posted not only the first third. Manuel Esparza of Mexico City designed a challenging clear round in the jump-off, but also the fastest, in a time of first-round course of 16 jumping efforts that proved difficult 39.751 seconds. Goldman was thrilled with their performfor the first nine to attempt it. First to go clear was Master- ance, and fondly calls Morocco her “old man,” but at 13 years mind, owned and ridden by KC Van Aarem of Wheaton, Md. old, the chestnut continues to be a formidable competitor, Two trips later, Linback and Whitaker MVNZ also went clear. seemingly anticipating Goldman’s plan as he gallops the course and turns on a dime. It all came down to Vale, returning on his second mount, Lisa Goldman and Morocco up and over Bonzini. Vale pulled out all the stops, shaving a full second off in the $50,000 Tuffrider/Equine Couture Ocala Goldman’s time to finish in 38.573, but a rail at a mid-course vertical was heart$50,000 Tuffrider/Equine Couture Grand Prix breaker, and Vale had to settle for secPlace Horse Owner Rider ond place. 1 Morocco Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman $15,000 OCALA – umpers converged at HITS Post Time Farm in Ocala on Sunday, Jan. 24, to compete for big money and big opportunities in the $50,000 Tuffrider/Equine Couture Grand Prix, the $7,500 UDump Jr/A-O Jumper Classic and the $1,000 S.A. Comunale Adult Jumper Classic.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bonzini S Whittaker MVNZ Mastermind Aventador Superbad Centurion B Qurint Waltraut Bon Girono Quidam's Good Luck S & L Elite

Thinkslikeahorse Woodrun KC Van Aarem Bella Equestrian Amanda Flint Mary Goldman Chuck & Dana Waters David Raposa Showcase 81 LLC Troy Glaus MTM Farm

Aaron Vale Laura Linback KC Van Aarem Aaron Vale Amanda Flint Lisa Goldman Hayley Waters David Raposa Bryn Sadler Aaron Vale Dorothy Douglas

$11,000 $6,500 $4,000 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

U-Dump Junior/Amateur-Owner Classic The competition kicked began with the $7,500 U-Dump Junior/AmateurOwner Jumper Classic. Jordan Coyne from Newport Richey, Fla., riding her own Cascada, emerged victorious in a three-horse jump-off with Thaisa Erwin of Middleburg, Va., taking second place honors with Matilda and Haley Gassel

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we would be no worse than second. Even though my horse is small she covers the ground well. We were happy to come out on top.”


S.A. Comunale Adult Jumper Classic Megan Manubay of Bear, Del., and her horse Okla Homa, owned by Donald Stewart, topped Sunday’s $1,000 S.A. Comunale Low Adult Jumper Classic in the Grand Prix Ring. They finished with a clean jump-off time of 43.251 seconds. Kelly Moore from Morriston, riding her own La Sonara was second, finishing in 44.928. Jackie Arakelian of Winchester, Mass., riding Fleetwood Mac for Ann Dotoli, was third in 47.443 seconds. The .90 meter course was designed by Esparza. Eight were able to negotiate the first-round track without a fault, and with five of the eight jump-off entries going clear, it all came down to the Jordan Coyne and Cascada take the $7,500 U-Dump Jr. Amateur-Owner Jumper Classic quickest round. “I am very excited to start our partnership of Lenoir City, Tenn., taking third on Werner 61, owned by with a win. He did the Level 7s with Aaron [Vale] so I hope to move up with him,” said Manubay. “The course was challengWestwind Equine Training Center. Esparza built a demanding 1.45 meter course that sorted out ing, but fair for the first week, and there were lots of turns. I just the first-round participants with evenly distributed faults rode the turns neat and I was fortunate that the final rider had a throughout. Time was a factor early on as Brian Moggre of rail. He would have beat my time.” HCD Flower Mound, Texas, left all the rails up but exceeded the time allowed with $7,500 U-Dump Jr/A-O Jumper Classic two time faults for fourth-place. GasPlace Horse Owner Rider sel, Coyne and Irwin all jumped clear 1 Cascada Jordan Coyne Jordan Coyne $2,200 to move on to the jump-off with An2 Matilda Thaisa Erwin Thaisa Erwin $1,550 drea Torres Guerreiro from Waterford, Westwind Equine Training Center Haley Gassel $1,050 3 Werer 61 4 MTM Flutterby Major Wager LLC Brian Moggre $700 Va., and Santa Catalina Farm’s Victo5 Victoria Santa Catalina Farm Andrea Torres Guerreiro $600 ria, who turned in the fastest four6 Fiona Van't Paradijs Mackenzie McGehee Mackenzie McGehee $500 fault round in 81.874 for fifth-place. 7 As Di Chupito North Face Farm Erin Haas $450 First to go in the jump-off was 8 Ugolin Du Mont Melissa Rudershausen Melissa Rudershausen $450 Gassel, who put the pedal to the Westwind Equine Training Center Haley Gassel 9 Qulte Dark 2 metal but had four faults at the last 10 Crossfire 10 Chuck & Dana Waters Hayley Waters fence, finishing in 40.056 seconds. 11 Vougeot de Septon Abbey Slaven Abbey Slaven 12 Cornerstone Derek Petersen Jared Petersen Coyne chose a more conservative ride to the last jump for a clear round in 43.450, taking the lead. Irwin rode clear on a similar track, just a frac$1,000 S.A. Comunale Adult Jumper Classic Place Horse Owner Rider tion slower in 43.766 for second1 Okla Homa Donald Stewart Megan Maubay $300 place. 2 La Sonara Kelly Moore Kelly Moore $200 “We bought her a year ago off a 3 Fleetwood Mac Ann Dotoli Jackie Arakelian $160 video from Europe, she’s an 8-year4 Ensor Van't Molsbroek Katherine Heywood Caitlyn Shlels $130 old Rhinelander but she is quite 5 Life is Life 15 Erica Garcia Laura Myers $110 small, only 15.3 [hands],” said 6 Aramis Van Het Jose Fernando Bonetti Michael Ziebarth $100 7 GLS Volos Kelsey Barfield Laurie Russel Coyne. “When Hayley had the last 8 Wubo Rose Remeta Sky LLC Karen Young rail I figured I would just go at a 9 S & L Downtown Kaitlyn Smith Megan Alt medium pace and try to be clear, then

16 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

USHJA modifications approved LEXINGTON, KY. – he United States Hunter Jumper Association announced that U.S. Equestrian Federation President Chrystine Tauber approved four Presidential Modifications requested by the USHJA to make effective immediately Hunter/Jumper rules that will go into effect permanently later this year. The Presidential Modifications include: • Presidential Modification to GR1131.13: This allows for competition management to divide the Age Group Equitation sections at their discretion, while points will still count toward the correct age group as defined in GR1131.12a. Note: This continues a Presidential Modification from 2015. • Presidential Modification to HJ207 and HJ211.1: This allows


for the visible scoreboard to be an option for competitions rather than a requirement, by removing the current language in HJ207.17. • Presidential Modification to HU109.10: This allows exhibitors in “A” rated Junior Hunter sections to compete up to two (2) large and two (2) small horses when the sections are divided by age of rider. Note: This continues the current practice. • Presidential Modification to HU158.1b: This will modify the required amount of prize money paid in the rated Hunter sections of national competitions restricted to Juniors and/or Amateurs from $5,000 to $3,000. The USEF Board of Directors approved rule changes in January that will make these Presidential Modifications permanent later this year. For more information about Hunter/Jumper rules, visit www.ushja.org/rules HCD

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Lucky Vale’s strategy keeps Goldman at bay

OCALA – he HITS Ocala Winter Circuit continued with the $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome on Wednesday, Jan. 27, and the $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix the next day.


SMARTPAK GRAND PRIX Aaron Vale of Williston and Quidam’s Good Luck, owned by Troy Glaus, had more than just luck in the $25,000 Smart Pak Grand Prix. Vale skillfully chose to leave out strides on the


Aaron Vale and Quidam's Good Luck presented as the winner of the $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix

18 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

& Smart week’s SmartPak winner Catungee, owned and ridden by Christophe Schroder, from Andersonville, Tenn., followed with another clear. Goldman returned on her second mount, Rocs to Riches, to go clean and to make it four for the jump-off. Marilyn Little of Frederick, Md., a team and individual gold medalist in ThreeDay Eventing at the 2015 Pan Am Games, made it five, riding Raylyn Farms’ Corona 93, and Vale and Quidam’s Good Luck, last to go in the first round, made it six. First to return to the jump-off was Goldman and Morocco. Goldman chose to do eight strides up the first line so she could turn a dime to fence 3, and took an extra pull on the reins at the last fence to garner a clean round in 37.085 seconds. The Great American Time to Beat held up as Holloway and Lucky Strike followed. Choosing to leave out a stride in the $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix Place Horse Owner Rider Prize first line, Holloway looked like she might 1 Quidam's Good Luck Troy Glaus Aaron Vale $7,500 get it done, but she lost time in the turn 2 Morocco Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman $5,500 after the second fence and stopped the 3 Lucky Strike Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman $3,250 clock in a fault-free 39.327 seconds for 4 Corona 93 Raylyn Farms, Inc. Marilyn Little $2,000 5 Rocs to Riches Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman $1,500 third. Schroeder and Goldman both 6 Catungee Christoph Schroeder Christoph Schroeder $1,250 chose to do the seven strides up the first 7 Bonaparte VP Wisbec Billie Derouet Billie Derouet $1,000 line and each had four faults at the fol8 Centurion B Mary Goldman Lisa Goldman $750 lowing vertical with Rocs to Riches 9 Hindsight Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman $750 Harlow Investment Enterprises David Beisel $500 10 Call Me Hannes clocking in at 39.366 seconds to finish 11 S&L Elite MTM Farm Dorothy Douglas $500 fifth, and Catungee in 41.506 seconds to 12 VDL Bravo S Hays Investment Corp Hunter Holloway $500 finish sixth. Little and Corona 93 were clear just behind Holloway’s time to finish fourth in 39.551 seconds. $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome Returning last to the jump-off, Vale Place Horse Owner Rider Prize knew just what he needed to do. 1 Christofolini H Andrea Torres Guerreiro Manuel Torres $750 “This course is really suited to my 2 Aletta Olympic Dreams, LLC Matthias Hollberg $450 horse; I went down in seven strides to the 3 Hindsight Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman $300 4 Bloom Z Beyaert Farm, Inc Mattias Tromp $250 first line, and caught a really short turn 5 Alaster Redfield Farm David Beisel $225 back to the vertical, which made the 6 Basje Kendra Bullington Harold Chopping $200 seven to the combination a little wide, but 7 KM Whatever RV Bayaert Farm Inc Mattias Tromp $175 it really kept the momentum going,” said Hannes Van Het Scheefkasteel Carolina Ramelli Barrera Juan Manuel Gallego $150 8 9 Carlo Amatoville Enterprises Aaron Vale Vale. 10 Sovereign Barbara Disko Lisa Goldman “Of course it was just a gallop to the 11 Tresor Du Paradis Mr & Mrs John Bartko Tracy Magness last. I really liked the course. It had a couHarlow Investment Enterprises, LLC David Beisel 12 Call Me Hannes

shortened course and in doing so, he prevailed over Lisa Goldman of Hawthorn Woods, Ill., on Morocco by more than a full second, and by more than three seconds over third-place finisher Brandie Holloway from Topeka, Kan., and Lucky Strike, owned by Hays Investment Corp. Twenty-two participants jumped for a chance at the winner’s share of prize money over a course set at 1.50 meters by course designer Oscar Soberon. Six horses had fault-free first rounds, starting off with Goldman and Morocco, the winner of the previous Sunday’s $50,000 Tuffrider/Equine Couture Grand Prix. Ten more tried but failed to negotiate the track which crisscrossed the ring and featured a triple combination across the center. Next to go clear was Holloway and Lucky Strike. Last

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ple of odd-shaped lines in it which made it so that not everyone was clean. My other two horses didn’t make the jump-off but jumped really well. I thought when I walked the course that my horse would have a good chance to win and I stayed out of his way, so he won.”

BROOK LEDGE OPEN WELCOME Jumpers attacked the 1.40-meter course set by course designer, Oscar Soberon of Dallas, for the $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome in Week II of the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit. Manuel Torres, of Waterford, Va., riding Christofolini H, owned by Andrea Torres Guerreiro, was the first of 11 riders to jump the first round clean. He set the course on fire in the jumpoff with a time of 35.784 seconds. Matthias Hollberg of Middleburg, Va. and Aletta, owned by Olympic Dreams LLC, was second at 35.921 seconds, and speedster Lisa Goldman of Hawthorn Woods, Ill., on her own

Hindsight, was third in 37.011. The 13-effort course got the better of the first five to attempt it, with seven different fences collecting faults. As the first to attempt the jump-off, Torres took no prisoners with a furious pace, setting the Great American Time to Beat at 35.784 seconds. Next to achieve a double-clear was Goldman on Hindsight. The gray jumped so high, that his time in the air cost him valuable seconds and he completed the shortened course in 37.011 to finish third. Four more were able to go double-clear including David Beisel of Goshen, Ohio, riding Redfield Farm’s Alastar, the first of his four rides, finishing in fifth-place. Hollberg and Aletta flew to the finish line but were not able to catch Torres, finishing second in 35.921 seconds. Mattias Tromp of North Salem, N.Y., jumped a tidy doubleclear on Bloom Z, owned by Beyaert Farm Inc, to finish fourth in 38.093. Harold Chopping from Southern Pines, N.C., riding Kendra Bullington’s chestnut Basje, was the final double-clear,


Manuel Torres and Christofolini H on their way to a $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome win

20 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Though certainly not a surprise, it is still always amazing to see our in-state thoroughbred industry numbers in terms of how they fit with and relate to Florida’s economy. A recent 2013 conservative study conducted by nationally acclaimed pari-mutuel and gaming economists Cummings & Associates of horse breeds from the pari-mutuel industry based in the Sunshine State provided a handful of very impressive equine economic impacts including:

■ $1 billion per year of Economic Impact ■ More than $400 million expended per year in local salaries and payroll taxes ■ More than 12,000 jobs ■ An annual economic impact state-wide far in excess of coveted baseball spring training

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FLORIDA THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ AND OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION Lonny T. Powell, CEO and Executive Vice President 801 SW 60th Ave. • Ocala, FL 34474 • 352-629-2160


Fax: 352-629-3603 • www.ftboa.com • info@ftboa.com www.ftboa.com • www.facebook.com/thefloridahorse

FLORIDA DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner • 850-617-7341 • Fax 850-617-7331 e-mail: Christopher.denmark@freshfromflorida.com 407 S. Calhoun • 416 Mayo Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399

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Rockin’ Robin Cliff II and Robin Swinderman ESI PHOTO

Victorious in HITS Ocala

$2,500 M&S/NAL Adult Jumper Classic Ocala – he $2,500 M&S/NAL Adult Jumper Classic ran in the Grand Prix Ring at HITS, Ocala on Sunday, Jan. 31, and course designer Oscar Soberon from Dallas, Texas, made use of the entire ring, setting a course of 15 jumping efforts at 1.10 meters. Thirty-three took the course with a time allowed of 92 seconds, and 16 went clean to move on to the jump-off. Robin Swinderman of Morriston and Cliff 2, owned by Meadowwood Farm LLC, have been consistent winners this circuit. They went early in the order, setting a blistering pace that could not be beat. Their time of 32.686 seconds held the lead in the class all the way to the end. Maisie McSwain of Gainesville, Ga., riding Horseflight.com’s Remiville, came in just a tenth of a second behind Swinderman, in a time of 32.772 for second-place. Debi Batz of Lewisburg, Tenn., and Abalia crossed the timers in 32.867 seconds for third-place. “He is an amazing horse! He does all the winning,” said Swinderman. “The plan is to keep the streak alive with the $7500 Classic next week and the $25,000 Classic Week X.” HCD


$25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Horse Cliff II Remiville Abalia Cat Woman Azteca VDL Oilean Uno El Fernantez Zet Viva KT Guaranteed Camilla Caliente Z Parquette

Owner Meadowood Farm, LLC Horsefllight.com Debi Batz Daniel White Amanda Fllint Fat Chance Farm Kimberly Leslie Michael Kirby Casey Zuraitis Sadie Leon Sherri Jamison Kristen Brown

Rider Robin Swinderman Maisie McSwain Debi Batz Gabrielle Calvert Erika Christie Joy Slater Kimberly Leslie Casey Zuraitis Casey Zuraitis Sadie Leon Sherri Jamison Alec Tolle

Prize $ $750 $450 $300 $250 $225 $200 $175 $150 www.horsecapitaldigest.com 25

Devoucoux Robert Lee and Cameron

Robert Lee aboard Cameron captures the $5,000 Deoucoux Hunter Prix in Ocala

26 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016


take $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix

Ocala T

he Ocala Winter Circuit continued this weekend as horses and riders competed Saturday, Jan. 30, for the blue ribbon in the $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix and the $1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix.

Hunters took to the ring to contend for victory in the second qualifying opportunity at the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit for the $500,000 Diamond Mills Hunter Prix at the HITS Championship in September 2016. The team to beat was Robert Lee from Old Saybrook, Conn., and Cameron, owned by Marianne Huss. They dominated the class with the highest score of the first round, 85, to take the lead. They kept a consistently high score of 84 in the second round, for a total of 169, to take home the blue. Texas native Aaron Vale and Dress Balou, owned by Donald Stewart, scored a 79 in the first round but made an exciting comeback in round 2. Vale and Dress Balou, winners of the 2014 and 2015 editions of the Diamond Mills Hunter Prix Finals, returned to the ring to score the highest score of the second round, 87, giving them a total of 166 for second-place. Finishing third was Tracy Fenney and MTM Passport, owned by Cammy Turgon. The equestrian from Flower Mound, Texas, finished with a first-round score of 82 and a second round score of 83, finishing just behind Vale with a total of 165. Fourth-place was awarded to Amanda Steege of Bedminster, N.J., and Jessica Tindley’s Calvary and Notorious, owned and ridden by Devon MacLeod, rounded out the $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix in fifth-place.

PLATINUM PERFORMANCE HUNTER PRIX Alexa Riccio and Premonition, owned by Jay Mullen, claimed the blue in the two-round classic of 10 jumping efforts by staying consistent throughout both rounds. The equestrian from Hopkinton, Mass., scored a 79 in the first round, improving to an 84 in the second to win the class with a total of 163. Finishing just behind Riccio was Jordan Cheneval of New Hope, Pa., and Toblerone, owned by Daniel White. Cheneval and Toblerone had the same second-round score of 84 but a first-round score of 77.5 put them in second-place with a total of 161.5. Also in the ribbons was Paramount, owned and ridden by Amy Lloyd Thompson of Chester Springs, Pa. They finished with the highest first-round score of 82 and a score of 77 in the second round for a total of 159 and the third-place prize. Fourth-place went to Valiant, owned and ridden by Melissa Marshall of State College, Pa. The top five was completed by Rachael Hopkins riding US Marshall, owned by Kiki Hopkins. HCD



Alexa Riccio and Premonition win the $1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix.

$5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Horse Cameron Dress Balou MTM Passport Calvary Notorious Casmir CWF Penelope My Alibi

Owner Marianne Huss Donald Stewart Cammy Turgon Jessica Tindley Devon Mac Leod Amy Jensen Jessica DiCampli Jamie Vincent

Rider Robert Lee Aaron Vale Tracy Fenney Amanda Steege Devon Mac Leod Matt Martin Matt Martin Matt Martin

Prize $1,500 $1,000 $700 $500 $400 $350 $300 $250

$1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Horse Premonition Toblerone Paramount Valiant US Marshall MTM Insider Zoe First Light

Owner Jay Mullen Daniel White Amy Lloyd Thompson Melissa Marshall Kiki Hopkins MTM Farm Kristine D'Andrea Emily Miller

Rider Alexa Riccio Jordan Cheneval Amy Lloyd Thompson Melissa Marshall Rachael Hopkins Allison Joyce Kristine D'Andrea Emily Miller

Prize $450 $300 $200 $150 $125 $100 $100 $75

www.horsecapitaldigest.com 27

Opportunities at 3’3” NCEA OK’d to create equitation class

president and CEO of HITS Inc. “2016 will feature fiWACO, TEXAS – The National Collegiate Equestrian Association has nals on both coasts in what will be the first year of a announced that the U.S. Equestrian Federation’s has quickly popular medal class.” In this inaugural season of the NCEA Medal class, given it approval to form a new national 3’3” equitation the top 50 point earners on the East and West Coasts reclass: the NCEA Junior Hunt Seat Medal. Open to all USEF and Equine Canada licensed com- spectively, will be invited to compete at the finals. Points petitors, NCEA Junior Hunt Seat Medal finalists will earned in all classes held at shows starting in early 2016 earn national visibility and increase their exposure for through Aug. 31 will be eligible for the 2016 finals. “We are proud to support this new and challenging collegiate equestrian scholarships. Riders will also ex3’3” medal class for perience, for the first time, the bracketThis medal class is a celebration of the riders 18 years of age and under,” said Lori style competition. athleticism seen in young equestrian Nelson, senior direc“This new medal tor of National Affilclass provides junior competitors across the nation. iate, Competition and competitors an op– Dr. Leah Fiorentino Alliance Partner Reportunity to distinguish themselves among their peers by competing in a lationships for the United States Equestrian Federation. format similar to what they would find at the college “Collegiate equestrian creates a bigger pool of talent at level,” said Dr. Leah Fiorentino, executive director of all levels in the equine world and assures the nation that the NCEA. “The head-to-head bracket format enables we can continue to be competitive in international many top junior equestrians, both Hunt Seat and West- showjumping competitions and world equestrian ern, the ability to continue to compete at their pre-col- games.” The NCEA is working with the AQHA and other govlege levels, and promotes excellence not just in the ring, erning bodies in the Western Horsemanship and Reining but in the classroom as well. “This medal class is a celebration of the industries to establish a similar bracket format compeathleticism seen in young equestrian com- tition for youth riders in those disciplines interested in a HITS will host two petitors across the nation, and introduces collegiate equestrian career. “I am very excited to be part of the inception of the them to a new format at the finals where they finals for the medal NCEA 3’3” medal class for which I believe is greatly compete against another rider on the same class, the first on the needed in our sport,” said Carolyn Vincent, secretary of horse.” East Coast at HITS Initiated by the NCEA’s National Advi- the NCEA Medal class. The NAB has initiated the NCEA Junior Hunt Seat sory Board, the NCEA Junior Hunt Seat Culpeper, Va., from Medal to continue to build support for independently classes will begin at participating horse Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, and sustainable collegiate equestrian programs and provide shows as early as this spring. the second on the HITS will host two finals for the medal opportunities for junior riders to increase recognition for class, the first on the East Coast at HITS their athletic achievements. The NCEA’s NAB is comWest Coast at HITS Culpeper, Va., from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, and mitted to elevating and advancing equestrian to the most Thermal, Sunshine II, the second on the West Coast at HITS Ther- sustainable and strongest of all NCAA women’s sports. from Nov. 9 to 13. mal, Sunshine II, from Nov. 9 to 13. Class The NCAA currently recognizes 24 colleges and universities with equestrian programs and is working with specifications include: more than a dozen more to expand the program to addi• A minimum of eight fences, 3’3” in height tional academic institutions. • A Jumper- or Hunter-type course For more information about the NCEA or the Junior • An Open Numerical-Scoring System Hunt Seat Medal, please visit http://www.collegiatee• Flat work off with lateral movements • Finals to include a Bracket Phase so that riders com- questrian.com. Ryegate Show Services Inc. is administering the new pete head to head against the other finalists on the NCEA Junior Hunter Seat Medal. Follow www.ryesame horse “These new medal finals will fill a niche at the 3’3” gate.com for information on upcoming shows, standings height. The fact that junior riders will be in a position to and online membership form. Questions on the NCEA showcase their talents on a larger scale creates an ex- Junior Hunter Seat Medal should be directed to annettraordinary opportunity,” said Thomas G. Struzzieri, tel@ryegate.com. HCD

28 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Championship places, dates set LEXINGTON, KY – he United States Hunter Jumper Association has announced locations and dates for the 2016 Stirrup Cup and Zone Horse of the Year Championships. Additionally, the organization has updated the specifications for the Stirrup Cup and Zone Horse of the Year programs and changed the Outreach competition year. For consistency, the organization is aligning the competition year for Stirrup Cup and Outreach to coincide with the USEF competition year (Dec. 1-Nov. 30). As such, 2016 will be a “long” year, running from Sept. 16, 2015 to Nov. 30, 2016, and then moving to the USEF competition year beginning in 2017. Updates to the Stirrup Cup specifications aim to add clarity by specifying that, in addition to Hunter and Equitation points being calculated from Hunter Regional I and Regional II shows, Jumper points will be calculated from Jumper Level 1 and 2 shows; previously Jumper levels were not outlined. Further, year-end awards will be given to the top six competitors in each category, instead of the top


eight as was previously required. Zone Horse of the Year program specifications have been updated to simplify and streamline the program. First, if a zone does not create qualifying criteria for their championship, the championship will be open to all competitors who meet the minimum eligibility requirements. Beginning in 2017, championship locations will be selected for two-year terms. The new specifications reclassify “bonus points” as “championship points” and will be earned as outlined in the specifications. Finally, a zone Horse of the Year championship point chart has also been added to the specifications for hunter breeding. The 2016 Stirrup Cup and Zone Horse of the Year Championships are available on each zone's webpage as follows: The Stirrup Cup Awards program recognizes accomplishments of USHJA members actively competing in Regional I and Regional II rated competitions. The Zone Horse of the Year program recognizes member accomplishments at the zone level. Both the Stirrup Cup and Zone Horse of the Year awards programs are separate from the USEF Horse of the Year Program. HCD

www.horsecapitaldigest.com 29


54. $100 First Year Green Hunter Under Saddle Hunt Tosh 1 Largesse Alice White 2 Gatsby Daniel Geitner 3 Raffle

Tues., Jan 26 Result Horse 212. 1.10m Jumper 1 Chasinta 2 Rocouture 3 Mary Poppins 1. Hi-Low Hunter O/F 1 Patriot 2 Inquiry 3 Most Of All 2. Hi-Low Hunter O/F 1 Holiday Best 2 Liberty Road 3 Balou Velvet



Lisa Goldman Lisa Goldman Sulu Rose-Reed

Hannah Bilton Susan Jacobson Chiara Zuccolotto

Hunt Tosh Daniel Geitner Harold Chopping

The Wheeler Family CDS Stables Pamela Tope

Melissa Feller Hunt Tosh Sarah Barker

Nancy Bloom Dr. Betsee Parker Jason Neill

30 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

55. $600 Second Year Green/High Perf Hunter O/F (comb) Daniel Geitner Allison Mills 1 Sky Pilot Amanda Steege Finale Partners LLC 2 Loxley 3 Notorious Devon Mac Leod Devon Mac Leod 56. $600 Second Year Green/High Perf Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Loxley Amanda Steege Finale Partners LLC Daniel Geitner Allison Mills 2 Sky Pilot Devon Mac Leod Devon Mac Leod 3 Notorious 59. $100 Second Year Green/High Perf Hunter U/S (comb) Daniel Geitner Allison Mills 1 Sky Pilot 2 Loxley Amanda Steege Finale Partners LLC 3 Notorious Devon Mac Leod Devon Mac Leod 61. $400 Conformation Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Boy Scout Emily Williams 2 Checkmate Tommy Feigel Brandie Holloway 3 Entourage

Kristen Brown Cloverly Farm LLC Hays Investment Corp.

MTM Farm Hannah Bilton MTM Farm

62. $400 Conformation Hunter O/F (comb) Hunt Tosh 1 Patriot Daniel Geitner 2 Foremost 3 Entourage Brandie Holloway

The Wheeler Family Augusta Pines Farm Hays Investment Corp.

Maddie Chenoweth Carolina Villanueva Hoover Farms Andrea Torres Guerreiro Olympic Dreams, LLC Lisa Goldman

65. $100 Conformation Hunter U/S (comb) 1 Patriot Hunt Tosh 2 Foremost Daniel Geitner 3 Ariana Daniel Geitner

The Wheeler Family Augusta Pines Farm Stephanie Von Bidder

76. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'3" O/F 1 Encore Hunt Tosh 2 Damocles Daniel Geitner 3 Sin City Tracy Magness

Nancy Jones Janet Peterson Annie Friedman

77. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'3" O/F 1 Sin City Tracy Magness 2 Crocket CWF Hunter Holloway 3 Damocles Daniel Geitner

Annie Friedman Jami Jensen Janet Peterson

71. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'6 O/F 1 Waterford VDL Paige Caskey 2 Gioia Caitlin Gibbs

Linda Schwartz Sue Gibbs

72. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'6 O/F 1 Waterford VDL Paige Caskey 2 Gioia Caitlin Gibbs

Linda Schwartz Sue Gibbs

572. $100 Take 2 Thoroughbred Hunter O/F (comb) 1 The Wow Factor Aaron Vale 2 Optimistic Linnane Batzel 3 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers

Frances Robinson Linnane Batzel Jeffrey Ayers

573. $100 Take 2 Thoroughbred Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 2 The Wow Factor Aaron Vale 3 Roheryn Lucy Rachel Donohue

Jeffrey Ayers Frances Robinson June Wu

15. Training Hunter O/F 1 Ebay 2 Georgina 3 Caribou

David Beisel Daniel Geitner Alicia Heberle

Lisette Bennett Ted Gregory Julie Harrington

16. Training Hunter O/F 1 Ebay 2 Soul Sister 3 Georgina

David Beisel Emily Williams Daniel Geitner

Lisette Bennett Kristen Brown Ted Gregory

20. Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Candor 2 Soul Sister 3 Ebay

Jeffrey Ayers Emily Williams David Beisel

Jeffrey Ayers Kristen Brown Lisette Bennett

The Wheeler Family Augusta Pines Farm Cloverly Farm LLC

21. Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Ebay 2 Soul Sister 3 Candor

David Beisel Emily Williams Jeffrey Ayers

Lisette Bennett Kristen Brown Jeffrey Ayers

Ceil and Kenny Wheeler CDS Stables Elizabeth Cozart

5. Low Hunter O/F 1 Castello 2 Keepsake 3 Season

Stephanie Dubois-Emond Colleen McKenzie Matt Martin Olivia White Melissa Jones Sarle Tara Dow-Rein

Randi Vladimer CDS Stables Elizabeth Cozart

6. Low Hunter O/F 1 Castello 2 Phrenicos 3 Pilot

Stephanie Dubois-Emond Colleen McKenzie Donald Sheehan Seven Hills LLC Melissa Jones Sarle Tara Dow-Rein

Wed., Jan. 27 263. $1000 1.30m Wild Gold Jumper Dorothy Douglas 1 MTM Axel 2 Chasinta Lisa Goldman Tracy Fenney 3 MTM Come No 259. $1000 1.20m FarmVet Jumper 1 La Tonia Aaron Vale 2 La Conia 7 Dorothy Douglas 3 Willie D'Lothian Hunter Holloway 1 Christofolini H Manuel Torres 2 Aletta Matthias Hollberg 3 Hindsight Lisa Goldman 213. 1.10m Jumper 1 Enchilotti Melissa Jones Sarle 2 RF Funny Girl Helene Emond 3 MTM Emoji Tracy Fenney 216. 1.15m Back on Track Jumper 1 Abitibi Blues Tracy Magness 2 Artemide D Ecaussinnes Vick Russell 3 Enrique Aaron Vale 1 Lenox Jennifer Sarsfield 2 EWSZ Jalisco Stephanie Dubois-Emond 3 Chatsworths Pierre Silvio Mazzoni 3 KISMET FHJ Silvio Mazzoni 292. $500 YJC 6 Year Old Class - 1.25m 1 Sena Blue Devin Ryan 2 Catalyst S Harold Chopping 3 Fame Devin Ryan 295. $500 YJC 7 Year Old Class - 1.30m 1 Elusive Aaron Vale 2 Eddie Blue Devin Ryan 3 Eos M David Beisel 770. 0.65m Jumper 1 Disco Troop Jaime Gibson 2 Lucky Star Anne Morgan 200. 0.80m Jumper 1 Megatron David Beisel 2 Somethin Else Roger Seitzmeir 3 Newsdad Aaron Vale 204. 0.90m Jumper 1 Madonna Charlotte Jarrett 2 Texas Tea Lucy Rachel Donohue 3 Adonis Traudi Miller-Moss 208. 1.00m iEquine Jumper 1 FVF Brulee Hannah Loeffelbein 2 Carat D'Louver Jillian Berger 3 Bram S Despereaux Jillian Berger 60. Conformation Hunter Model (comb) 1 Patriot Hunt Tosh 2 Foremost Daniel Geitner 3 Checkmate Tommy Feigel 50. $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Largesse Hunt Tosh 2 Inquiry Daniel Geitner 3 Cambridge Inn Harold Chopping 51. $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Cascade Amanda Steege 2 Inquiry Daniel Geitner 3 Cambridge Inn Harold Chopping

Ceil and Kenny Wheeler Alice White Janet Peterson

Leslie Kinnin Helene Emond MTM Farm Annie Friedman Vick & Pauline Russell Trade Winds Farm Jennifer Sarsfield EWSZ Jack Michael Pollard Cynthia Johnson Amanda Marano Pamela Mahony Barbara Rowland Thinkslikeahorse Lori Larrabee Patrice Schreiber Marablue Farm LLC Townsend Farm Patrice Schreiber Adrianna Melillo Frances Robinson Lance Williamson Michael Kirby Traudi Miller-Moss John / Stephanie Ingram LLC Jillian Berger Jillian Berger

ShowResults 40. $250 Pre-Green Hunter (Comb) O/F 1 Sunshine OHS Hugh Graham 2 Baywatch Kate Conover 3 Phrenicos Donald Sheehan 41. $250 Pre-Green Hunter (Comb) O/F 1 Debonaire Patty Stovel 2 Keepsake Matt Martin 3 Season Melissa Jones Sarle

Foxridge Farms Stables Phoebe & Michael Manders/Raylyn Farms Seven Hills LLC

205. 0.90m Jumper 1 Copperdini 2 Tarantino 3 KT Vanessa Z

Cooper Dean Nina Tedesco Adelaide Toensing

Tatra Farm Michael Kirby Maarten Huygens

Kenneth Stovel Olivia White Tara Dow-Rein

209. 1.00m iEquine Jumper 1 Linden T 2 Cassidi 3 Maverick

Andras Szieberth Ting Oliver Kelsey Penski

Andras Szieberth Christian Oliver Kelsey Penski

244. Children/Adult Jumper Low - .90m (comb) 1 Madonna Charlotte Jarrett 2 Medoc De Livre Emily Lo Vece 3 What's Up Olivia Fiscus

Lance Williamson Emily Lo Vece Kathy Martin

228. Adult Jumper Medium (Comb) - 1.00m 1 Karma Virginia Connors 2 El Fernantez Zet Kimberly Leslie 3 Mint Slewlep Katie Strine

Virginia Connors Kimberly Leslie Melissa Rudershausen

248. Children's Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Upcountry Daiquiri Jack Lube 2 Capri Van De Helle Amanda Dittenhoefer 3 Anamchara Carson Tazzioli

Jamie Stryker Beyaert Farm Inc Carson Tazzioli

52. $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Cascade Amanda Steege 2 Inquiry Daniel Geitner 3 Dream Catcher Jeffrey Ayers

Randi Vladimer CDS Stables Sally Culhane

53. $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F - Handy 1 Raffle Daniel Geitner 2 Cornetto Royal Cassandra Kahle 3 Cambridge Inn Harold Chopping

Janet Peterson Yvetta Rechler-Newman Elizabeth Cozart

Thu., Jan 28 264. $1000 1.30m Wild Gold Jumper 1 Vonda Cassina Aaron Vale 2 Triomphe Z Mattias Tromp 3 MTM Axel Dorothy Douglas 415. $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix 1 Quidam's Good Luck Aaron Vale 2 Morocco Lisa Goldman 3 Lucky Strike Brandie Holloway 266. $1500 1.40m Enviro Equine Jumper 1 Cumana David Beisel 2 Diamant's Legacy Derek Petersen 3 Biallon Tina Yates 286. $1000 Jr/A-O 1.40m Jumper 1 MTM Ace of Spades Brian Moggre 2 Havana De La Lande Elisa Uribe Gutierrez 3 Acanto 7 Kate Mulligan 214. 1.10m Jumper 1 Lavanta Devin Ryan 2 Holy Smoke Aaron Vale 3 Cancun Z Julia Granzow 217. 1.15m Back on Track Jumper 1 Capitale Linda Radigan 2 Vainqueur Ian Silitch 3 Enrique Aaron Vale 260. $1000 1.20m FarmVet Jumper 1 Alexis Thomas John Russell 2 Vesta de Lavardin Daniel Geitner 3 L Cardan Mattias Tromp 283. $1000 Jr/A-O 1.30m Jumper (comb) 1 Fabius Cienne Warren 2 Elusive Mallory Vale 3 Chopper 5 Danny Mahon 291. YJC Five Year Old Class - 1.15m 1 KISMET FHJ Silvio Mazzoni 2 Strawberry Hill Tameron Petersen 3 Orion Lucy Rachel Donohue 293. $500 YJC 6 Year Old Class - 1.25m 1 For Sunday David Beisel 2 As Di SoGrand Lisa Goldman 3 Venganza Patty Stovel 296. $500 YJC 7 Year Old Class - 1.30m 1 Redeemed Derek Petersen 2 Five Star David Beisel 3 Eos M David Beisel 280. $1000 Jr/Am 1.20m Jumper (comb) 1 Undelie de Roset Corri Goldman 2 Lyla Emily R Sheveland 3 Ashwey Calisto Mallory Vale 236. Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 Parquette Alec Tolle 2 Native Jisk Margaret Cobb 3 Aco Monaco Kristin Martiniello 240. Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Oilean Uno Joy Slater 2 Splash Joy Slater 3 Rocouture Susan Jacobson 252. Children's Jumper High - 1.10m 1 HSS Lasiano Sydni Moss 2 Basho Ada Neumann 3 Why Not Me Alexandra Barnes 771. 0.65m Jumper 1 Dreamcatcher Taylor Lampert Something To Be Proud Of Tara Harvill 2 3 First Things First Cooper Beisel 201. 0.80m Jumper 1 Newsdad Aaron Vale 2 Spice Girl Mauricio Garcia 3 Smooth Criminal Elizabeth Cloutier

PBJ Farms, Inc Beyaert Farm Inc MTM Farm Troy Glaus Lisa Goldman Hays Investment Corp. Kara Cooke Derek Petersen Highpoint Farm, LLC Major Wager LLC Elisa Uribe Gutierrez Kate Mulligan Lavanta Coffee Roasters Amen Corner Farm, LLC Showcase 81, LLC Elisa Shapiro Nita Crowley Trade Winds Farm David Krantz November Hill Paraizo Equestrian Partners LLC

57. $600 Second Year Green/High Perf Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Notorious Devon Mac Leod Devon Mac Leod 2 Sky Pilot Daniel Geitner Allison Mills 3 Loxley Amanda Steege Finale Partners LLC 58. $600 2nd Yr Green/High Perf Hunter O/F Handy(comb) 1 Sky Pilot Daniel Geitner Allison Mills 2 Notorious Devon Mac Leod Devon Mac Leod 3 Loxley Amanda Steege Finale Partners LLC

Cienne Warren Thinkslikeahorse KW Mahon Inc.

63. $400 Conformation Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Patriot Hunt Tosh 2 What About Me Harold Chopping 3 Boy Scout Emily Williams

The Wheeler Family Lynn Reed Kristen Brown

Cynthia Johnson Flying Hill Farm Diego Acosta

64. $400 Conformation Hunter O/F Handy (comb) 1 Patriot Hunt Tosh 2 Foremost Daniel Geitner 3 What About Me Harold Chopping

The Wheeler Family Augusta Pines Farm Lynn Reed

Harlow Investment Enterprises, LLC Lisa Goldman Patty Stovel

3. Hi-Low Hunter O/F 1 CrackerJack 2 Tignanello 3 Boomer

Jackie MacDonald Team Rakowsky Equestrian LLC Shachine Belle

Derek Petersen REV Media Marketing LLC Patrice Schreiber

80. $100 Performance Working Hunter 3'3" Under Saddle 1 Sin City Tracy Magness Annie Friedman 2 Encore Hunt Tosh Nancy Jones 3 Crocket CWF Hunter Holloway Jami Jensen

Corri Goldman Emily R Sheveland Thinkslikeahorse

78. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'3" O/F 1 Encore Hunt Tosh 2 Crocket CWF Hunter Holloway 3 All In Adrienne Wodenka

Nancy Jones Jami Jensen Adrienne Wodenka

Kristen Brown Fay Smith Seven Hills LLC

79. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'3" O/F Handy 1 Encore Hunt Tosh 2 Attila Shachine Belle 3 Kalifornia Dreamin' Kirsten Malacarne

Nancy Jones EMO Stables Kelley Norton

75. $100 Performance Working Htr 3'6 Under Saddle 1 Waterford VDL Paige Caskey 2 Gioia Caitlin Gibbs

Linda Schwartz Sue Gibbs

Erin Hisey Allana Featherstone Alexandra Barnes

73. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'6 O/F 1 Waterford VDL Paige Caskey 2 Surreal Amanda Steege 3 Matrix De La Folgore Michael Bonham

Linda Schwartz Katharine Page Gita Deonarcin

Taylor Lampert Tara Harvill Mr and Mrs David Beisel

74. $250 Performance Working Hunter 3'6 O/F Handy 1 Waterford VDL Paige Caskey 2 Surreal Amanda Steege 3 Gioia Caitlin Gibbs

Linda Schwartz Katharine Page Sue Gibbs

Frances Robinson Nan Mancuso Elizabeth Cloutier

576. $100 Take 2 Thoroughbred Hunter U/S (comb) 1 Talkhouse Jessica Rich 2 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 3 Optimistic Linnane Batzel

Jessica Rich Jeffrey Ayers Linnane Batzel

Fat Chance Farm Fat Chance Farm Susan Jacobson

Jackie MacDonald Shachine Belle Shachine Belle

www.horsecapitaldigest.com 31

ShowResults 574. $100 Take 2 Thoroughbred Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 2 The Wow Factor Aaron Vale 3 Talkhouse Jessica Rich 575. $100 Take 2 Thoroughbred Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 2 Optimistic Linnane Batzel 3 The Wow Factor Aaron Vale 19. Training Hunter Under Saddle 1 Festival Matt Martin 2 Ebay David Beisel 3 Snowbird David Josiah 24. Baby Green Hunter Under Saddle 1 Solana Paige Cade 2 Festival Matt Martin 3 Candor Jeffrey Ayers 17. Training Hunter O/F 1 Ebay David Beisel 2 Bespoke Daniel Geitner 3 Cartier Brook Stainthorpe 18. Training Hunter O/F 1 Bespoke Daniel Geitner 2 Ebay David Beisel 3 Cartier Brook Stainthorpe 22. Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Candor Jeffrey Ayers 2 Hugo Kristjan Good 3 Gamekeeper Vick Russell 23. Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Festival Matt Martin 2 Soul Sister Emily Williams 3 Candor Jeffrey Ayers 9. Low Hunter Under Saddle 1 China Lake Donald Sheehan 2 Midshipman David Josiah 3 Pilot Melissa Jones Sarle 44. Pre-Green Hunter (comb) Under Saddle 1 China Lake Donald Sheehan 2 Norma Jean Kate Conover 3 Ritz Carlton Michael Grinyer 7. Low Hunter O/F 1 Ritz Carlton Michael Grinyer 2 In Print Alexis Tantimonico-Bifano 3 Pilot Melissa Jones Sarle 8. Low Hunter O/F 1 Midshipman David Josiah 2 Sienna Fifi Schmidt 3 Centano 8 Kirsten Malacarne 42. $250 Pre-Green Hunter (Comb) O/F 1 Baywatch Kate Conover Raylyn Farms 2 Midshipman David Josiah 3 Sunshine OHS Hugh Graham 43. $250 Pre-Green Hunter (Comb) O/F* 1 Phrenicos Donald Sheehan 2 Sunshine OHS Hugh Graham 3 Debonaire Patty Stovel

Jeffrey Ayers Frances Robinson Jessica Rich Jeffrey Ayers Linnane Batzel Frances Robinson Gracie Sullivan Lisette Bennett Ardath Hastey Paige Cade Gracie Sullivan Jeffrey Ayers Lisette Bennett Elizabeth Tarumianz Alyssa Ohmstede Elizabeth Tarumianz Lisette Bennett Alyssa Ohmstede Jeffrey Ayers Barb Ferriman Vick Russell Gracie Sullivan Kristen Brown Jeffrey Ayers Craig Allen/ Don Sheehan Ilissa Loewenstein Meyer Tara Dow-Rein Craig Allen/ Don Sheehan Raylyn Farms, Inc. Cecelia Moffat Cecelia Moffat Donna Struve Tara Dow-Rein Ilissa Loewenstein Meyer Elizabeth Phillips Kelley Norton Phoebe and Michael Manders/ Ilissa Loewenstein Meyer Foxridge Farms Stables Seven Hills LLC Foxridge Farms Stables Kenneth Stovel

Fri., Jan 29 265. $1000 1.30m Wild Gold Jumper 1 Vonda Cassina Aaron Vale 2 La Tonia Aaron Vale 3 Dekadenz Christoph Schroeder 267. $1500 1.40m Enviro Equine Jumper 1 Biallon Tina Yates 2 Contiki Nicholas Dello Joio 3 Venus Marilyn Little 270. $10,000 Open Prix - 1.45m 1 Qurint Hayley Waters 2 Carlo Aaron Vale 3 Fifty Shades Andrea Torres Guerreiro 294. $500 YJC 6 Year Old Class - 1.25m 1 For Sunday David Beisel 2 Floyd W Devin Ryan 3 Sena Blue Devin Ryan 297. $500 YJC 7 Year Old Class - 1.30m 1 Eos M David Beisel 2 Elusive Aaron Vale 3 Five Star David Beisel

32 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

PBJ Farms, Inc Maddie Chenoweth Faith Davis Highpoint Farm, LLC Wembley Farms Inc Raylyn Farms, Inc. Chuck & Dana Waters Amatoville Enterprises Andrea Torres Guerreiro Harlow Investment Enterprises, LLC Smithfield Farms, LLC Amanda Marano Patrice Schreiber Thinkslikeahorse REV Media Marketing LLC

261. $1000 1.20m FarmVet Jumper 1 Vesta de Lavardin Daniel Geitner 2 Crusade Aaron Vale 3 Chicago 160 Mauricio Garcia 288. $1000 Amateur-Owner 1.45m Jumper 1 Charmeur Ask Melissa Rudershausen 2 Wild Card Katie Tyler 3 Havana De La Lande Elisa Uribe Gutierrez 285. $1000 Jr/A-O 1.35m Jumper (comb) 1 Clever Girl Molly Struve 2 Seattle 6 Katie Tyler 3 SCS Clyde Z Haley Robinson 273. $1000 Junior CWD 1.25m Jumper 1 Lyons Creek Action Skyllar Beckel 2 Icebreaker Kady Abrahamson 3 Hailey AD Z Kady Abrahamson 282. $1000 Amateur 1.25m Jumper 1 Undelie de Roset Corri Goldman 2 Quick Son Haley Robinson 3 Orchidee Milody Molly Struve 206. 0.90m Jumper 1 Spice Girl Mauricio Garcia 2 Texas Tea Lucy Rachel Donohue 3 Cruisineety Z Tracy Magness 215. 1.10m Jumper 1 Holy Smoke Aaron Vale 2 Papillion Peanut Wendy Libert 3 Bardolino Mitchell Haddon 218. 1.15m Back on Track Jumper 1 Cornet Cartier Silvio Mazzoni 2 Figo B Jennifer Brennan 3 Mystic Joe Sabine Neumann 237. Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 KT Guaranteed Casey Zuraitis 2 Mr. Darcy Joe Casola 3 Abalia Debi Batz 241. Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Oilean Uno Joy Slater 2 Rocouture Susan Jacobson 3 Caliente Z Sherri Jamison 253. Children's Jumper High - 1.10m 1 HSS Lasiano Sydni Moss 2 FVF Brulee Hannah Loeffelbein 3 Scandal LS Ireland Maechtle 772. 0.65m Jumper 1 Tin Can Madison Cohen 2 True Mileage Unknown Caelan Mandigo 3 Simply Phillip Claudette Yarbrough 202. 0.80m Jumper 1 Anamchara Carson Tazzioli 2 Iczing Fifi Schmidt 3 Tarantino Nina Tedesco 210. 1.00m iEquine Jumper 1 Ash Wednesday Tyler Frey 2 Okla Homa Megan Manubay 3 Palm Sunday Tyler Frey 229. Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m 1 Okla Homa Megan Manubay 2 V.P.N. Brie Tiffany 3 WESTBOUND Olivia Rathgeb 233. Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m 1 El Fernantez Zet Kimberly Leslie 2 Karma Virginia Connors 3 Patron Lori Osterstock 249. Children's Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Secretive Logan Taylor 2 Con-Air Mackenzie Martin 3 Charleton Katie Hess 221. Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Skelton W Grant Anderson 2 Life is Life 15 Laura Myers 3 Vivaldi Hilary Riffe 225. Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Treffer Susan Jacobson 2 Latigo Alyssa Pascucci 3 Dixie Kimberly Jungherr

November Hill Amen Corner Farm, LLC Marianna Mancuso Melissa Rudershausen Katie Tyler Elisa Uribe Gutierrez Donna Struve Katie Tyler Salt Creek Stables, LLC Skyllar Beckel Abrahamson Equestrian LLC Abrahamson Equestrian LLC Corri Goldman Salt Creek Stables, LLC Clay Struve Nan Mancuso Michael Kirby Melinda Cohen Amen Corner Farm, LLC Mr & Mrs John Bartko Mitchell Haddon Wallace Ward Shannondell Farm, Inc. Sabine Neumann Casey Zuraitis Joe Casola Debi Batz Fat Chance Farm Susan Jacobson Sherri Jamison Erin Hisey John / Stephanie Ingram LLC Kathy Mason Maechtle Madison Cohen Caelan Mandigo M Square Enterprises Carson Tazzioli Silvermine Farm Inc Michael Kirby Amen Corner Farm, LLC Donald Stewart Amen Corner Farm, LLC Donald Stewart Wim Janssen Olivia Rathgeb Kimberly Leslie Virginia Connors Lori Osterstock Judith Habeeb Bobbie Harvey Leah Brindley Silvermine Farm Inc Erica Garcia Hilary Riffe Susan Jacobson Alyssa Pascucci Kimberly Jungherr

ShowResults 245. Children's Jumper Low - .90m Robison Emily Lo Vece 1 Fantastik Mackenzie Martin 2 Medoc De Livre Emily Lo Vece 3 561. $250 Modified Junior Hunter O/F Corasonne Brian Moggre 1 MTM Bugatti Sydni Moss 2 3 Acido 7 Elizabeth Bailey 562. $250 Modified Junior Hunter O/F Corasonne Brian Moggre 1 Carla Caitlyn Sheffer 2 3 MTM Bugatti Sydni Moss 563. Modified Junior Hunter Under Saddle 1 Single Malt Jack Lube Donder Clara Bechtold 2 3 Belito Caroline Fuller 371. ASPCA Horsemanship Medal 1 Drake Caroline Ellis Acido 7 Elizabeth Bailey 2 3 Call Me Tiger Alison Macdonald (MA) 382. Sore No-More Children's Medal - Horse (comb) 1 So What Alexandra Rainis Fortunate Kim Burnette 2 3 Grafite Madison Pan-kita 97. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Silvio Virginia Frediani Got To Be Jackie Arakelian 2 3 Reign Lindsey Phipps 98. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F* 1 Reign Lindsey Phipps 2 Silvio Virginia Frediani 3 Got To Be Jackie Arakelian 577. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F 1 Crusader Stephanie Zimmerman 2 Aristo Sally Culhane 3 Cambastian Heather Dayner 578. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F* 1 Aristo Sally Culhane 2 Surreal Katharine Page 3 Crusader Stephanie Zimmerman 564. $250 Modified Amateur Hunter O/F 1 Claudio Jacqueline O'Connell 25. $250 Adequan Hunter O/F 1 Casa Loma Paul Mathews 2 Castello Page Flournoy 3 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 26. $250 Adequan Hunter O/F 1 Casa Loma Paul Mathews 2 Three Olives Anna Wells-Sharp 3 Cymplify Aaron Vale 29. Adequan Hunter Under Saddle 1 Three Olives Anna Wells-Sharp 2 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 12. Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Attila Shachine Belle 2 Desperado Donald Sheehan 3 Khalifa Michael Bonham 377. Mini Medal 1 Eddy Escobar Lily Mckenna 2 Gazant Hope Cushman 3 Massimo Catherine Mooney 378. Mini Maclay 1 Desperado Laine Grosvenor 2 Eddy Escobar Lily Mckenna 3 Massimo Catherine Mooney 379. Mini HITS 1 Gazant Hope Cushman 2 Acadia Park Samantha Hawrysko 3 Eddy Escobar Lily Mckenna 314. Equitation 16-17 Fences 1 Olaf Brooke Pfeiffer 2 Uno Elizabeth Traband 3 Eddy Escobar Lily Mckenna 315. Equitation 16-17 Fences 1 Olaf Brooke Pfeiffer 2 Acadia Park Samantha Hawrysko 3 Uno Elizabeth Traband

Emily Lo Vece Bobbie Harvey Emily Lo Vece Bernadette Mulliken Riley Scharland Elizabeth Bailey Bernadette Mulliken Redfield Farm Riley Scharland Dr John Gill Clara Bechtold Caroline Fuller Donald Stewart Elizabeth Bailey Alison Macdonald (MA) Arklys, LLC Mary Stavola Joelle Kennedy Virginia Frediani Jackie Arakelian Lindsey Phipps Lindsey Phipps Virginia Frediani Jackie Arakelian Stephanie Zimmerman Sally Culhane Heather Dayner Sally Culhane Katharine Page Stephanie Zimmerman Julia Boral Elizabeth Lusk Page Flournoy Kylie Harvill Elizabeth Lusk Anna Wells-Sharp Hasbrouck Donovan Anna Wells-Sharp Kylie Harvill EMO Stables Kathryn Haefner LLC Katie Hess Lily Mckenna Ann Dotoli Anna Eugene Kathryn Haefner LLC Lily Mckenna Anna Eugene Ann Dotoli Samantha Hawrysko Lily Mckenna Brooke Pfeiffer Cameron Hughes Lily Mckenna Brooke Pfeiffer Samantha Hawrysko Cameron Hughes

313. Equitation 16-17 Flat Olaf Brooke Pfeiffer 1 2 Eddy Escobar Lily Mckenna Carilana Z Alicia Weismann 3 310. Equitation 14-15 Fences 1 GoldWave Sydney Bounds Falcor Sophie Transou 2 3 Sky's the Limit Catherine Mooney 311. Equitation 14-15 Fences 1 Falcor Sophie Transou Sky's the Limit Catherine Mooney 2 3 GoldWave Sydney Bounds 312. Equitation 14-15 Fences Falcor Sophie Transou 1 2 Sky's the Limit Catherine Mooney GoldWave Sydney Bounds 3 309. Equitation 14-15 Flat 1 GoldWave Sydney Bounds Carpe Diem Cassidy Warren 2 3 Falcor Sophie Transou 10. Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Wall Street Emily Voorhees Nonstop Flyte Eileen O'Leary 2 3 Clarissimo Brian Feigus 540. Modified Adult Hunter O/F Optimistic Linnane Batzel 1 Carmina Patti Hooker 2 3 Whitman Allyson Lewis 541. Modified Adult Hunter O/F 1 Kalifornia Dreamin' Kelley Norton 2 Encore Nancy Jones 3 Reveille Patti Hooker 542. Modified Adult Hunter O/F 1 Encore Nancy Jones 2 Optimistic Linnane Batzel 3 Corlando GZ Alyssa Lang 543. Modified Adult Hunter Under Saddle 1 Whitman Daniel Geitner 2 Skyscraper Elizabeth Carey 3 Luxus Melanie Jacobson 385. Dover Saddlery Adult Medal 1 Bacardi Kristin Fagan 2 Nonstop Flyte Eileen O'Leary 3 Valiant Melissa Marshall 390. Ariat National Adult Medal 1 Sha Neigh Neigh Bailey Brasington 2 Whisper Alexa Bayko 3 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 329. Adult Equitation 46 & Over Fences 1 Sienna Elizabeth Phillips 2 Ingram Hill Tameron Petersen 3 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz 330. Adult Equitation 46 & Over Fences 1 Sienna Elizabeth Phillips 2 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz 3 Ingram Hill Tameron Petersen 328. Adult Equitation 46 & Over Flat 1 Ingram Hill Tameron Petersen 320. Adult Equitation 18-35 Flat 1 MTM Insider Allison Joyce 2 Dior W Caleb Cooney 3 K.T. Four Seasons Casey Zuraitis 321. Adult Equitation 18-35 Fences 1 Dior W Caleb Cooney 2 Premonition Alexa Riccio 3 MTM Insider Allison Joyce 322. Adult Equitation 18-35 Fences 1 MTM Insider Allison Joyce 2 Dior W Caleb Cooney 3 Isis Rachel Jarosz 524. Pre-Adult Hunter O/F 1 Inferno Marita Zuraitis 2 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 3 Bellamy Ann Iseler 525. Pre-Adult Hunter O/F 1 Bellamy Ann Iseler 2 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 3 Orion Erin Hunt

Brooke Pfeiffer Lily Mckenna David Tromp Show Stables, Inc. Sydney Bounds Sophie Transou Elsa Kania Sophie Transou Elsa Kania Sydney Bounds Sophie Transou Elsa Kania Sydney Bounds Sydney Bounds Cassidy Warren Sophie Transou Rachael Klein Mary Donner Redfield Farm Linnane Batzel Cambridge Meadow Farms Allyson Lewis Kelley Norton Nancy Jones Cambridge Meadow Farms Nancy Jones Linnane Batzel Alyssa Lang Allyson Lewis Elizabeth Carey Benhaven Stables, LLC Kristin Fagan Mary Donner Melissa Marshall Oakland Ventures LLC Monica Hunt Kylie Harvill Elizabeth Phillips Flying Hill Farm Elizabeth Tarumianz Elizabeth Phillips Elizabeth Tarumianz Flying Hill Farm Flying Hill Farm MTM Farm Red Oak Partners, LLC Casey Zuraitis Red Oak Partners, LLC Jay Mullen MTM Farm MTM Farm Red Oak Partners, LLC Yvette Bean Marita Zuraitis Marita Zuraitis Ann Iseler Ann Iseler Marita Zuraitis Erin Hunt

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ShowResults 526. Pre-Adult Hunter O/F Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 1 Orion Erin Hunt 2 Inferno Marita Zuraitis 3 527. Pre-Adult Hunter Under Saddle Bellamy Ann Iseler 1 2 Forecast Sunny Mercy Paine 3 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 520. Pre-Children's Hunter O/F Lordanus Lauren Gumpert 1 Town Crier Madison Groeller 2 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 3 521. Pre-Children's Hunter O/F Town Crier Madison Groeller 1 Wall Street Rachael Klein 2 3 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 522. Pre-Children's Hunter O/F 1 Lordanus Lauren Gumpert Wall Street Rachael Klein 2 3 Snow Shower Izzy Beisel 523. Pre-Children's Hunter Under Saddle Town Crier Madison Groeller 1 Snow Shower Izzy Beisel 2 3 Lordanus Lauren Gumpert 301. Equitation 11 & Under Flat 1 Lordanus Lauren Gumpert 2 Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 3 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 302. Equitation 11 & Under Fences 1 Lordanus Lauren Gumpert 2 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 3 Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 303. Equitation 11 & Under Fences 1 Lordanus Lauren Gumpert 2 Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 3 MG Celine Mackenzie Lamb 304. Equitation 11 & Under Fences 1 Lordanus Lauren Gumpert 2 Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 3 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 557. Schooling Pony Hunter - Large O/F 1 Another Dream Caroline Kornegay 2 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt 3 Sun Kissed Alexandra Cisneros 558. Schooling Pony Hunter - Large O/F 1 Sun Kissed Alexandra Cisneros 2 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt 3 Snow Day Sarah Steadman 559. Schooling Pony Hunter - Large O/F 1 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt 2 Stanmore's First Blue Addison Reed 3 Blue On Bye Abigail Brayman 560. Schooling Pony Hunter - Large Under Saddle 1 Blue On Bye Abigail Brayman 2 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt 3 Stanmore's First Blue Addison Reed 553. Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium O/F 1 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 2 Dance With Me Casey Oliver 3 Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 554. Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium O/F 1 Champlain Charade Libbie Gordon 2 Dance With Me Casey Oliver 3 Exquisite Hannah Loeffelbein 555. Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium O/F 1 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 2 Champlain Charade Libbie Gordon 3 Exquisite Hannah Loeffelbein 556. Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium Under Saddle 1 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 2 Coming Up Tulips Trinity Hammerschmidt 3 Playtime Bailey Mc Cracken 549. Schooling Pony Hunter - Small O/F 1 Flashback Maddie Tosh 2 Highlands Polaris Claire Campbell 3 The Magic Word Casey Oliver

34 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Marita Zuraitis Erin Hunt Marita Zuraitis Ann Iseler Kaitlyn Van Konynenburg Marita Zuraitis Eileen Oakley Barbara Scott Chelsea Tuohy Barbara Scott Rachael Klein Chelsea Tuohy Eileen Oakley Rachael Klein Leap Of Faith, LLC Barbara Scott Leap Of Faith, LLC Eileen Oakley Eileen Oakley Abigail Blankenship Tara Dow-Rein Eileen Oakley Tara Dow-Rein Abigail Blankenship Eileen Oakley Abigail Blankenship Mackenzie Lamb Eileen Oakley Abigail Blankenship Tara Dow-Rein Tara Dow-Rein Patti Foster Alexandra Cisneros Alexandra Cisneros Patti Foster Sarah Steadman Patti Foster Melinda Courtland Maffitt Lake Farms Maffitt Lake Farms Patti Foster Melinda Courtland Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney Bibby Hill Nicole Gordon Donald Stewart Bibby Hill Two Point Equestrian, LLC Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney Donald Stewart Two Point Equestrian, LLC Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney Lisa Hammerschmidt Bailey Mc Cracken Madeline Schaefer Maher Family LLC Monica Hunt

550. Schooling Pony Hunter - Small O/F Kygo Devin Seek 1 The Magic Word Casey Oliver 2 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 3 551. Schooling Pony Hunter - Small O/F Kygo Devin Seek 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 Texas Hold 'Em Nicole Gordon 3 552. Schooling Pony Hunter - Small Under Saddle Highlands Polaris Claire Campbell 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 The Magic Word Casey Oliver 3 376. WIHS Pony Medal 1 Denmark Grace Debney Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 2 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel 3 317. Pony Equitation Fences 1 Caleche Devin Seek 11. Schooling Hunter O/F Winston JS Ashlynn O'Keane 1 2 Amici Ashlynn O'Keane 536. Modified Child Hunter O/F Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 1 Liberty Belle M Sydney Johnson 2 3 Einstein Lily Rusis 537. Modified Child Hunter O/F Pilot Carly Rein 1 2 Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 3 Ferragamo Claudette Yarbrough 538. Modified Child Hunter O/F 1 Pilot Carly Rein 2 Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 3 Liberty Belle M Sydney Johnson 539. Modified Child Hunter Under Saddle 1 Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 2 Einstein Lily Rusis 3 Pilot Carly Rein

Bibby Hill Monica Hunt Patti Foster Bibby Hill Patti Foster Joy Kloss Maher Family LLC Patti Foster Monica Hunt John Skinner Abigail Blankenship David Gochman Laura Barrett-Gurtis Sarah Scheiring Ashlynn O'Keane Nicole Roach Sydney Johnson Catherine MacGlashan Tara Dow-Rein Nicole Roach Bailey Harach Tara Dow-Rein Nicole Roach Sydney Johnson Nicole Roach Catherine MacGlashan Tara Dow-Rein

Sat., Jan. 30 372. USEF Talent Search Medal 1 Orion Caroline McLeese 2 Condor Tye Donaldson 3 Watch Me Hannah Loeffelbein 262. $1000 1.20m FarmVet Jumper 1 Zulieka Kaitlyn Adair 2 Camille KC Van Aarem 3 Winnoret W Matt Martin 268. $1500 1.40m Enviro Equine Jumper 1 Aventador Aaron Vale 2 Dekadenz Christoph Schroeder 3 Velin du Houssoit Ian Silitch 284. $1000 Jr/A-O 1.30m Jumper (comb) 1 Coachella Erin Haas 2 Matchmaker Jessica O'Hanrahan 3 SCS Clyde Z Haley Robinson 287. $1000 Amateur-Owner 1.40m Jumper 1 Caprisio Caroline McLeese 2 Wild Card Katie Tyler 3 Victoria Andrea Torres Guerreiro 219. 1.15m Back on Track Jumper 1 Cupid Kristen Bumpus 2 Donut W Sally Hinkle Russell 3 Maybe Someday Heren Lee 272. $1000 Junior CWD 1.20m Jumper 1 Why Not Jade Webby 2 Quixotic Z Mara Picciochi 3 Amazing Elizabeth Traband 281. $1000 Amateur 1.20m Jumper 1 Lyla Emily R Sheveland 2 Ashwey Calisto Mallory Vale 3 Carrara 11 Catherine Wachtell 254. Children's Jumper High - 1.10m 1 HSS Lasiano Sydni Moss 2 Nazario 2 Lauren Lindner 3 Scandal LS Ireland Maechtle 238. Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 Cancun Z Julia Granzow 2 Parquette Alec Tolle 3 Cat Woman Gabrielle Calvert

Hays Investment Corp. Tye Donaldson Two Point Equestrian, LLC Faith Stewart GK Performance Horses, LLC Victoria Spera Bella Equestrian Faith Davis Siekmann Equestrian LLC North Face Farm Dade City Properties LLC Salt Creek Stables, LLC Katharine/Caroline McLeese Katie Tyler Santa Catalina Farm Kristen Bumpus Sally Hinkle Russell Heren Lee Ashland Stables Mara Picciochi Emma Sargent Emily R Sheveland Thinkslikeahorse Helen Krieble Erin Hisey Lacy Morrone-Cramer Kathy Mason Maechtle Showcase 81, LLC Kristen Brown Daniel White

ShowResults 242. Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m Romancer Sherri Jamison 1 Charlton NPF Nita Crowley 2 230. Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m Cantaro Rosemary Burgess 1 Azteca VDL Erika Christie 2 3 Okla Homa Megan Manubay 234. Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m Karma Virginia Connors 1 2 El Fernantez Zet Kimberly Leslie 3 GLS Volos Laurie Russell 250. Children's Jumper Medium - 1.00m VDL Vicktor Lauren Lindner 1 2 Dauntless Jessica Sage Trunnell Charleton Katie Hess 3 773. 0.65m Jumper 1 Smooth Criminal Elizabeth Cloutier Simply Phillip Claudette Yarbrough 2 3 Something To Be Proud Of Tara Harvill 203. 0.80m Jumper 1 Fable Bandelier Scott Keller Anamchara Carson Tazzioli 2 3 Conmigo Misty Pleiness 207. 0.90m Jumper 1 Texas Tea Lucy Rachel Donohue 2 Daredevil Ting Oliver 3 Cantaro Rosemary Burgess 211. 1.00m iEquine Jumper 1 Papillion Peanut Wendy Libert 2 Panamero Sulu Rose-Reed 3 Esquire Gabryella Dufour 222. Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Iczing Grant Anderson 2 Panamero Nina Butler 3 Chino Kate Phillips 226. Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Vanilla Ice Caroline Williams 2 Nashville Caroline Williams 3 Treffer Susan Jacobson 246. Children's Jumper Low - .90m 1 Madonna Charlotte Jarrett 2 What's Up Olivia Fiscus 3 Robison Emily Lo Vece 373. WIHS Medal - Hunter Phase 1 Orion Hunter Holloway 2 Donder Clara Bechtold 3 RF Typecast Kady Abrahamson 132. $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F 1 Argentum Madeline Schaefer 2 MTM Bugatti Sydni Moss 3 Drake Caroline Ellis 133. $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F* 1 Corasonne Brian Moggre 2 Argentum Madeline Schaefer 3 Forever Autumn Jorga Rose Jones 137. $300 Junior Hunter O/F (comb) 1 At Last Hunter Holloway 2 Quintessential Elizabeth McKim 3 Quebo Tess Lenihan 138. $300 Junior Hunter O/F* (comb) 1 At Last Hunter Holloway 2 Quebo Tess Lenihan 3 Grafite Madison Pan-kita 141. $100 Junior Hunter O/F Under Saddle (comb) 1 Quintessential Elizabeth McKim 2 At Last Hunter Holloway 3 Timoteo Elizabeth McKim 389. THIS National Children's Medal 1 Drake Caroline Ellis 2 Argentum C. Blair Spencer 3 CrackerJack Jackie MacDonald 157. Antares Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F 1 Pirate Gold Sydney Bounds 2 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 3 Zenith UHS Emma Witham 158. Antares Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F* 1 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 2 Chaos Emma Witham 3 So What Alexandra Rainis

Sherri Jamison Nita Crowley Rosemary Burgess Amanda Flint Donald Stewart Virginia Connors Kimberly Leslie Kelsey Barfield Amanda Flint Jessica Sage Trunnell Leah Brindley Elizabeth Cloutier M Square Enterprises Tara Harvill Scott Keller Carson Tazzioli Misty Pleiness Michael Kirby Christian Oliver Rosemary Burgess Mr & Mrs John Bartko Nina Butler Leon Knoops Silvermine Farm Inc Nina Butler Derek Reed Caroline Williams Caroline Williams Susan Jacobson Lance Williamson Kathy Martin Emily Lo Vece Hays Investment Corp. Clara Bechtold Raylyn Farms, Inc. Silver Oak Farms, LLC Riley Scharland Donald Stewart Bernadette Mulliken Silver Oak Farms, LLC Chris Richards Century Performance Horses LLC EHM Equestrian LLC Tess Lenihan Century Performance Horses LLC Tess Lenihan Joelle Kennedy EHM Equestrian LLC Century Performance Horses LLC EHM Equestrian LLC Donald Stewart C. Blair Spencer Jackie MacDonald Laura Barrett-Gurtis Daniel White 2VR Showjumpers Daniel White Thinkslikeahorse Arklys, LLC

152. Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F Contano Raegan Landrum 1 Belvedere Paige Trzaskawka 2 Liberty Belle M Sydney Johnson 3 153. Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F* Contano Raegan Landrum 1 Belvedere Paige Trzaskawka 2 3 Liberty Belle M Sydney Johnson 27. $250 Adequan Hunter O/F 1 No Doubt Fifi Schmidt 2 Calvary Amanda Steege Ebootje Cassandra Kahle 3 28. $250 Adequan Hunter O/F - M&S 1 Ebootje Cassandra Kahle Coastal Grace Jackson 2 Carl Abigail Russo 3 87. $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter O/F (comb) Hashtag Samantha Schaefer 1 2 Cymplify Hasbrouck Donovan 3 Three Olives Anna Wells-Sharp 88. $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter O/F (comb)* 1 Cymplify Hasbrouck Donovan 2 Corice Z Claire Kenna 3 Hashtag Samantha Schaefer 331. Adult Equitation 46 & Over Fences Extra Credit Amy Nolan 1 Ingram Hill Tameron Petersen 2 3 Skyscraper Elizabeth Carey 117. Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F 1 Carmina Patti Hooker 2 Bianca Ellen Greiner 3 Cornerstone Lindsay Ianello 118. Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F* 1 Zazu Betty Oare 2 La Guitarra Lauren Tjaden 3 Whitman Allyson Lewis 121. Adult Hunter 56 & Over Under Saddle 1 Carmina Patti Hooker 2 Levitation Betty Oare 3 Bianca Ellen Greiner 112. Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F 1 Sienna Elizabeth Phillips 2 Saratoga Zan Martin 3 Insight Donna Struve 113. Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F* 1 Insight Donna Struve 2 Saratoga Zan Martin 3 Extra Credit Amy Nolan 116. Adult Hunter 46-55 U/S 1 Saratoga Zan Martin 2 Insight Donna Struve 3 Dream Catcher Sally Culhane 586. $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F* 1 Desperado Laine Grosvenor 2 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 3 Upcountry Capiche Caroline Kornegay 585. $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F 1 Desperado Laine Grosvenor 2 Caligo Laine Grosvenor 3 Upcountry Capiche Caroline Kornegay 589. $100 Junior Hunter Low U/S 1 Carla Caitlyn Sheffer 2 Upcountry Capiche Caroline Kornegay 3 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 353. Adult Novice Equitation Fences 1 Woodstock Marie-Louise Burkle Something To Be Proud Of Tara Harvill 2 3 Tea Time Kristen Hart 354. Adult Novice Equitation Fences Something To Be Proud Of Tara Harvill 1 2 Luxor Elizabeth Everitt 3 Tea Time Kristen Hart 355. Adult Novice Equitation Fences 1 Luxor Elizabeth Everitt 2 Something To Be Proud Of Tara Harvill 3 Tea Time Kristen Hart

Raegan Landrum Paige Trzaskawka Sydney Johnson Raegan Landrum Paige Trzaskawka Sydney Johnson Elizabeth Phillips Jessica Tindley Redfield Farm Redfield Farm Grace Jackson Redfield Farm Samantha Schaefer Hasbrouck Donovan Anna Wells-Sharp Hasbrouck Donovan Claire Kenna Samantha Schaefer Amy Nolan Flying Hill Farm Elizabeth Carey Cambridge Meadow Farms Ellen Greiner Lindsay Ianello EMO Stables Lauren Tjaden Allyson Lewis Cambridge Meadow Farms EMO Stables Ellen Greiner Elizabeth Phillips Zan Martin Donna Struve Donna Struve Zan Martin Amy Nolan Zan Martin Donna Struve Sally Culhane Kathryn Haefner LLC Kiki Hopkins Jamie Stryker Kathryn Haefner LLC Laine Grosvenor Jamie Stryker Redfield Farm Jamie Stryker Kiki Hopkins Marie-Louise Burkle Tara Harvill Judy Norton Tara Harvill Elizabeth Everitt Judy Norton Elizabeth Everitt Tara Harvill Judy Norton

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ShowResults 352. Adult Novice Equitation Flat Luxor Elizabeth Everitt Elizabeth Everitt 1 Tea Time Kristen Hart Judy Norton 2 Woodstock Marie-Louise Burkle Marie-Louise Burkle 3 99. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F Castle Nikki Diamantis Nikki Diamantis 1 Zoe Kristine D'Andrea Kristine D'Andrea 2 Silvio Virginia Frediani Virginia Frediani 3 100. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F Handy Castle Nikki Diamantis Nikki Diamantis 1 2 Zoe Kristine D'Andrea Kristine D'Andrea Reign Lindsey Phipps Lindsey Phipps 3 101. $100 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 Under Saddle 1 Zoe Kristine D'Andrea Kristine D'Andrea 2 Castle Nikki Diamantis Nikki Diamantis 3 Reign Lindsey Phipps Lindsey Phipps 579. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F Zulu Sheila Slack Sheila Slack 1 2 Crusader Stephanie Zimmerman Stephanie Zimmerman Aristo Sally Culhane Sally Culhane 3 580. $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F Handy Surreal Katharine Page Katharine Page 1 Crusader Stephanie Zimmerman Stephanie Zimmerman 2 Cambastian Heather Dayner Heather Dayner 3 581. $100 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over U/S 1 Crusader Stephanie Zimmerman Stephanie Zimmerman 2 Surreal Katharine Page Katharine Page Paramount Amy Lloyd Thompson Amy Lloyd Thompson 3 502. $1000 Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3" 1 Zoe Kristine D'Andrea Kristine D'Andrea 2 Cambastian Heather Dayner Heather Dayner 3 Aristo Sally Culhane Sally Culhane 107. Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F 1 First Light Emily Miller Emily Miller 2 Bespoke Daniel Geitner Elizabeth Tarumianz 3 KissMe Anna Wells-Sharp Anna Wells-Sharp 108. Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F* 1 First Light Emily Miller Emily Miller 2 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz Elizabeth Tarumianz 3 Patriot Appeal Kristina Watkins Kristina Watkins 111. Adult Hunter 36-45 Under Saddle 1 Celtic Sun God Kristina Watkins Kristina Watkins 2 KissMe Anna Wells-Sharp Anna Wells-Sharp 3 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz Elizabeth Tarumianz 323. Adult Equitation 18-45 Fences 1 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz Elizabeth Tarumianz 2 Luxus Melanie Jacobson Benhaven Stables, LLC 3 Prosecca Ashley Ann McGehee Rebecca Donaldson 102. Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 VDL Opportunity Knox Allison Joyce Nicole Manoog 2 Prosecca Ashley Ann McGehee Rebecca Donaldson 3 Bengale Gabrielle Calvert Gabrielle Calvert 103. Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F* 1 VDL Opportunity Knox Allison Joyce Nicole Manoog 2 Valiant Melissa Marshall Melissa Marshall 3 Pop Kulture Jessica Ianello Brosche Jessica Ianello Brosche 106. Adult Hunter 18-35 Under Saddle 1 PROSECCA Ashley Ann McGehee Rebecca Donaldson 2 Luxus Melanie Jacobson Benhaven Stables, LLC 3 VDL Opportunity Knox Allison Joyce Nicole Manoog 349. Adult Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Orion Erin Hunt Erin Hunt 348. Adult Maiden Equitation Flat 1 Orion Erin Hunt Erin Hunt 367. Beginner Equitation (WalkTrot) 1 Snowball Ava May Jacobs Jennifer Brennan 368. Beginner Equitation U/S (WalkTrot) 1 Snowball Ava May Jacobs Jennifer Brennan 369. Beginner Equitation Pleasure (WalkTrot) 1 Snowball Ava May Jacobs Jennifer Brennan 30. HITS Hunter 1 O/F 1 Inferno Marita Zuraitis Marita Zuraitis 2 Ebay Lisette Bennett Lisette Bennett 3 Wall Street Rachael Klein Rachael Klein 31. HITS Hunter 1 O/F 1 Ebay Lisette Bennett Lisette Bennett 2 Forecast Sunny Mercy Paine Kaitlyn Van Konynenburg 3 Wall Street Rachael Klein Rachael Klein

36 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

34. HITS Hunter 1 Under Saddle Forecast Sunny Mercy Paine 1 2 Bellamy Ann Iseler 3 Scandalous Darian Topolski 35. HITS Hunter 2 O/F 1 Serpico Amanda Steege Deep Snow David Wilbur 2 Season Tara Dow-Rein 3 36. HITS Hunter 2 O/F Serpico Amanda Steege 1 Deep Snow David Wilbur 2 3 Season Tara Dow-Rein 39. HITS Hunter 2 Under Saddle 1 Serpico Amanda Steege 2 Vampire Katy Boswell Gold Digger Darian Topolski 3 383. M&S Children's Medal - Pony (comb) Birtley's Crowned Jewel Maddie Tosh 1 Coastal Sunset Casey Oliver 2 3 Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 142. Children's Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F 1 Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 2 Coastal Sunset Casey Oliver Texas Hold 'Em Nicole Gordon 3 143. Children's Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F* Coastal Sunset Casey Oliver 1 2 Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 3 Birtley's Crowned Jewel Maddie Tosh 147. Children's Hunter Pony Large O/F 1 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford 2 Thank Heavens Chelsea Stopford 3 Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 148. Children's Hunter Pony Large O/F* 1 Thank Heavens Chelsea Stopford 2 Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 3 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford 386. M&S 2'6" Children's Medal 1 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 2 Pilot Carly Rein 3 C'est La Vie III CH Grace McCormick 387. M&S 2'6" Adult Medal 1 Vincitore Emily Maura 2 Everest Cassandra Johnson 3 Chances Czar Tonia Werner 333. Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Pilot Carly Rein 337. Novice Equitation Fences 1 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 2 Cartier Alyssa Ohmstede 3 Hemingway Carrie Cheuvront 338. Novice Equitation Fences 1 Cartier Alyssa Ohmstede 2 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 3 Hemingway Carrie Cheuvront 339. Novice Equitation Fences 1 Cartier Alyssa Ohmstede 2 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 3 Hemingway Carrie Cheuvront 336. Novice Equitation Flat 1 Cartier Alyssa Ohmstede 2 Doonaree Lad Margherita Montagna 3 Hemingway Carrie Cheuvront 341. Limit Equitation Fences 1 Gazant Hope Cushman 2 Lazio Victoria Rainis 3 Corriado Abigail Hopkins 342. Limit Equitation Fences 1 Gazant Hope Cushman 2 Lazio Victoria Rainis 3 Corriado Abigail Hopkins 343. Limit Equitation Fences 1 Lazio Victoria Rainis 2 Gazant Hope Cushman 3 Corriado Abigail Hopkins 340. Limit Equitation Flat 1 Gazant Hope Cushman 2 Corriado Abigail Hopkins 3 Lazio Victoria Rainis

Kaitlyn Van Konynenburg Ann Iseler Tara-Dawn Hazen Patricia Hall Cynsie Broda Tara Dow-Rein Patricia Hall Cynsie Broda Tara Dow-Rein Patricia Hall Elizabeth De Golian Tara-Dawn Hazen Maddie Tosh Kristen Brown Nicole Gordon Abigail Blankenship Kristen Brown Joy Kloss Kristen Brown Abigail Blankenship Maddie Tosh Chuck & Dana Waters Chelsea Stopford Nicole Gordon Chelsea Stopford Nicole Gordon Chuck & Dana Waters Chelsea Tuohy Tara Dow-Rein Edward McCormick Emily Maura Cassandra Johnson Tonia Werner Tara Dow-Rein Chelsea Tuohy Alyssa Ohmstede DC Sales & Entertainment, LLC Alyssa Ohmstede Chelsea Tuohy DC Sales & Entertainment, LLC Alyssa Ohmstede Chelsea Tuohy DC Sales & Entertainment, LLC Alyssa Ohmstede Chelsea Tuohy DC Sales & Entertainment, LLC Ann Dotoli Redfield Farm Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Redfield Farm Ann Dotoli Redfield Farm Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Redfield Farm

ShowResults 182. Small Pony Hunter Model 1 Flashback Maddie Tosh 2 Silver Wishes Rose Campbell 3 Armani Claire Campbell 183. $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Armani Claire Campbell 2 Silver Wishes Rose Campbell 3 The Magic Word Casey Oliver 184. $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F* 1 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel 2 The Magic Word Casey Oliver 3 Flashback Maddie Tosh 188. Medium Pony Hunter Model 1 Coming Up Tulips Libbie Gordon 2 Dance With Me Casey Oliver 3 Leon Claire Campbell 189. $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Denmark Grace Debney 2 Champlain Charade Libbie Gordon 3 Leon Claire Campbell 190. $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F* 1 Denmark Grace Debney 2 Champlain Charade Libbie Gordon 3 Sterling Madeline Schaefer 194. Large Pony Hunter Model 1 Caleche Devin Seek 2 Another Dream Caroline Kornegay 3 By Jove Abigail Brayman 195. $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 By Jove Abigail Brayman 2 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 3 Hillcrest Songbird Abigail Brayman 196. $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F* 1 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 2 Caleche Devin Seek 3 By Jove Abigail Brayman 163. Green Pony Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 Minted Madeline Schaefer 3 Tiny Tim Claire Lube 171. $200 Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter Conf (comb) 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 Tiny Tim Claire Lube 3 Lucky Boy Emma Witham 172. $200 Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter (comb) O/F 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 Highlands Polaris Claire Campbell 3 Lucky Boy Emma Witham 177. $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Minted Madeline Schaefer 2 All About Blue Caroline Ellis 3 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt 178. $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Minted Madeline Schaefer 2 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt 3 All About Blue Caroline Ellis 548. Short Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle 1 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 2 Muffin Man Addison Basile 3 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 544. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 2 Sugar Fix Schuyler Dayner 3 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 545. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Sugar Fix Schuyler Dayner 2 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 3 Muffin Man Addison Basile 546. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 2 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 3 Sugar Fix Schuyler Dayner 547. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 2 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 3 Sugar Fix Schuyler Dayner

Madeline Schaefer John Skinner Maher Family LLC Maher Family LLC John Skinner Monica Hunt David Gochman Monica Hunt Madeline Schaefer Lisa Hammerschmidt Bibby Hill Maher Family LLC John Skinner Donald Stewart Maher Family LLC John Skinner Donald Stewart Madeline Schaefer Laura Barrett-Gurtis Tara Dow-Rein GC Ponies GC Ponies Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney Canterbury Farm Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney Laura Barrett-Gurtis GC Ponies Patti Foster Madeline Schaefer Kelley L. Ferguson Patti Foster Kelley L. Ferguson Thinkslikeahorse Patti Foster Maher Family LLC Thinkslikeahorse Madeline Schaefer Artillery Lane, LLC Patti Foster Madeline Schaefer Patti Foster Artillery Lane, LLC Tara Dow-Rein Addison Basile Laura Barrett-Gurtis Laura Barrett-Gurtis Abigail Perry Tara Dow-Rein Abigail Perry Laura Barrett-Gurtis Addison Basile Laura Barrett-Gurtis Tara Dow-Rein Abigail Perry Laura Barrett-Gurtis Tara Dow-Rein Abigail Perry

408. $1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix 1 Premonition Alexa Riccio 2 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 3 Paramount Amy Lloyd Thompson 407. $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix 1 Cameron Robert Lee 2 Dress Balou Aaron Vale 3 MTM Passport Tracy Fenney

Jay Mullen Daniel White Amy Lloyd Thompson Marianne Huss Donald Stewart Cammy Turgon

Sun., Jan 31 413. $5,000 Junior Jumper Classic - 1.35m 1 Bugatti Kady Abrahamson 2 Chopper 5 Danny Mahon 3 Basco H2 Kady Abrahamson 513. $5,000 A-O Jumper Classic - 1.35m 1 SCS Clyde Z Haley Robinson 2 Anabella Bryn Sadler 3 Cezarro Bryn Sadler 514. $7,500 U-Dump Jr/A-O Jpr Classic - 1.45m (comb) 1 MTM Flutterby Brian Moggre 2 Quite Dark 2 Haley Gassel 3 Charmeur Ask Melissa Rudershausen 420. $50,000 Equioxx Grand Prix 1 S & L Elite Dorothy Douglas 2 Basje Harold Chopping 3 Morocco Lisa Goldman 473. WIHS Medal - Jumper Phase 1 Orion Hunter Holloway 2 Condor Tye Donaldson 3 Sir Sandro Lillian Kirbo 511. $2,500 M&S/NAL Adult Jumper Classic High- 1.10m 1 Cliff II Robin Swinderman 2 Horseflight.com RemivilleMaisie McSwain 3 Abalia Debi Batz 411. $2,500 M&S/NAL Child Jumper Classic High- 1.10m 1 HSS Lasiano Sydni Moss 2 FVF Brulee Hannah Loeffelbein 3 Cita Z Helen Kirbo 412. $2500 Junior Jumper Classic - 1.25m 1 Lyons Creek Action Skyllar Beckel 2 Hailey AD Z Kady Abrahamson 3 Light Show Jorga Rose Jones 512. $2500 Pyranha Amateur Jumper Classic - 1.25m 1 Lyla Emily R Sheveland 2 Carrara 11 Catherine Wachtell 3 Quality On Top Erin Haas 409. $1000 Child Jumper Classic Low - 0.90m 1 Robison Emily Lo Vece 2 Madonna Charlotte Jarrett 3 MTM Fashionista Stone McCormick 410. $1500 Child/Adult Jpr Classic Medium - 1.05m 1 Okla Homa Megan Manubay 2 Zikina Field CBF Rachael Hopkins 3 Cantaro Rosemary Burgess 239. Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 Native Jisk Margaret Cobb 2 Eastern Hero Carson Harper 243. Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Dignity Carolyn Lackey 255. Children's Jumper High - 1.10m 1 Cruisineety Z Jonathan Leon-Salans 223. Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Conmigo Misty Pleiness 2 Napoleon Sarah Duffell 3 Coriona W Brianne Robinson 227. Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Nashville Caroline Williams 2 The Other Guy Leslie Richman 3 Treffer Susan Jacobson 247. Children's Jumper Low - .90m 1 Carpe Diem Cassidy Warren 2 Maverick Kelsey Penski 3 Capri Van De Helle Amanda Dittenhoefer 231. Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m 1 Vipman W Kimberly Tobias 2 WESTBOUND Olivia Rathgeb 3 Infinity Sydney Barnett

Ashland Stables KW Mahon Inc. Abrahamson Equestrian LLC Salt Creek Stables, LLC Showcase 81, LLC Showcase 81, LLC Major Wager LLC Westwind Equine Training Center Melissa Rudershausen MTM Farm Kendra Bullington Lisa Goldman Hays Investment Corp. Tye Donaldson SCCA Ventures Meadowood Farm, LLC Maisie McSwain Debi Batz Erin Hisey John / Stephanie Ingram LLC Raylyn Farms, Inc. Skyllar Beckel Abrahamson Equestrian LLC Diane Masters Emily R Sheveland Helen Krieble North Face Farm Emily Lo Vece Lance Williamson MTM Farm Donald Stewart Claybrook Farms Rosemary Burgess Fay Smith Carson Harper Pine Hollow Farm Melinda Cohen Misty Pleiness Sarah Duffell Augustin Walch Caroline Williams Leslie Richman Susan Jacobson Cassidy Warren Kelsey Penski Beyaert Farm Inc Kimberly Tobias Olivia Rathgeb Sydney Barnett

www.horsecapitaldigest.com 37

ShowResults 235. Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m 1 Granberg Caroline Williams 251. Children's Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Upcountry Daiquiri Jack Lube 2 Carpe Diem Cassidy Warren 136. $100 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under Under Saddle 1 Corasonne Brian Moggre 2 Drake Caroline Ellis 3 Argentum Madeline Schaefer 134. $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F 1 Argentum Madeline Schaefer 2 Drake Caroline Ellis 3 Forever Autumn Jorga Rose Jones 135. $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F Handy 1 Corasonne Brian Moggre 2 Drake Caroline Ellis 3 Argentum Madeline Schaefer 139. $300 Junior Hunter O/F (comb) 1 At Last Hunter Holloway 2 Incalan Tye Donaldson 3 The Governor Hunter Holloway 140. $300 Junior Hunter O/F Handy (comb) 1 The Governor Hunter Holloway 2 Quintessential Elizabeth McKim 3 Quebo Tess Lenihan 501. $1000 CWD Junior Hunter Classic (comb) 1 Argentum Madeline Schaefer 2 Corasonne Brian Moggre 3 At Last Hunter Holloway 380. M&S Junior Medal 1 Clarissimo Caitlyn Sheffer 2 Crimson Z Fiona Steinmetz 3 Famous Last Words Helen Kirbo 391. EJ Haun Medal 1 Uno Elizabeth Traband 2 Caruso Jack Lube 3 Clarissimo Caitlyn Sheffer 370. USEF Hunter Seat Medal 1 Condor Tye Donaldson 2 Sir Sandro Lillian Kirbo 3 Caruso Jack Lube 161. Antares Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 Under Saddle 1 Pirate Gold Sydney Bounds 2 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 3 So What Alexandra Rainis 159. Antares Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F 1 So What Alexandra Rainis 2 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 3 GoldWave Sydney Bounds 160. Antares Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F 1 Casideus Abby Mccoy 2 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 3 Chaos Emma Witham 156. Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under Under Saddle 1 Crowd Pleazarr C. Blair Spencer 2 Liberty Belle M Sydney Johnson 3 Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 154. Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F 1 Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 2 Fortunate Mary Stavola 3 Contano Raegan Landrum 155. Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F 1 Odeon Rouge Mary Stavola 2 Contano Raegan Landrum 3 Belvedere Paige Trzaskawka 404. $500 M&S/NAL Child Hunter Classic - Horse 1 Toblerone Jordan Cheneval 2 Fortunate Kim Burnette 3 Crowd Pleazarr C. Blair Spencer 89. $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Stallone Samantha Schaefer 2 Corice Z Claire Kenna 3 Orlon Margot Peroni 90. $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter O/F (comb) Handy 1 Hashtag Samantha Schaefer 2 Renoir Mackenzie McGehee 3 Corice Z Claire Kenna 402. $1000 Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'6" 1 Cymplify Hasbrouck Donovan 2 Stallone Samantha Schaefer 3 Hashtag Samantha Schaefer

38 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Caroline Williams Jamie Stryker Cassidy Warren Bernadette Mulliken Donald Stewart Silver Oak Farms, LLC Silver Oak Farms, LLC Donald Stewart Chris Richards Bernadette Mulliken Donald Stewart Silver Oak Farms, LLC Century Performance Horses LLC Tye Donaldson Hays Investment Corp. Hays Investment Corp. EHM Equestrian LLC Tess Lenihan Silver Oak Farms, LLC Bernadette Mulliken Century Performance Horses LLC Redfield Farm Fiona Steinmetz Lillian Kirbo Cameron Hughes Chuck & Dana Waters Redfield Farm Tye Donaldson SCCA Ventures Chuck & Dana Waters Laura Barrett-Gurtis Daniel White Arklys, LLC Arklys, LLC Daniel White Sydney Bounds Patricia Hall Daniel White Thinkslikeahorse C. Blair Spencer Sydney Johnson Nicole Roach Nicole Roach Mary Stavola Raegan Landrum Nicole Roach Raegan Landrum Paige Trzaskawka Daniel White Mary Stavola C. Blair Spencer Samantha Schaefer Claire Kenna Margot Peroni Samantha Schaefer Mackenzie McGehee Claire Kenna Hasbrouck Donovan Samantha Schaefer Samantha Schaefer

114. Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F 1 Extra Credit Amy Nolan 2 Dream Catcher Sally Culhane 3 Sienna Elizabeth Phillips 115. Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F 1 Symbolic Kelly DeSaye 2 Dream Catcher Sally Culhane 3 Insight Donna Struve 119. Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F 1 Carmina Patti Hooker 2 Cornerstone Lindsay Ianello 3 Tres Bien Janet Vanderslice 120. Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F 1 Zazu Betty Oare 2 Reveille Amanda Steege 3 Levitation Betty Oare 405. $500 M&S/NAL Adult Hunter Classic 1 Zazu Betty Oare 2 First Light Emily Miller 3 Symbolic Kelly DeSaye 587. $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F 1 CrackerJack Jackie MacDonald 2 Caligo Laine Grosvenor 3 Upcountry Capiche Caroline Kornegay 588. $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F - Handy 1 Minaj Devin Seek 2 VDL Au Revoir Catherine Apostol 3 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 601. $1000 Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 1 Desperado Laine Grosvenor 2 CrackerJack Jackie MacDonald 3 Khalifa Michael Bonham 109. Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F 1 KissMe Anna Wells-Sharp 2 Patriot Appeal Kristina Watkins 3 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz 110. Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F 1 KissMe Anna Wells-Sharp 2 Bespoke Elizabeth Tarumianz 3 Patriot Appeal Kristina Watkins 104. Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Just Sayin Meghan Flanagan 2 Con Coeur Kimberly Beattie 3 Bengale Gabrielle Calvert 105. Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Astaire Jessica Ianello Brosche 2 Con Coeur Kimberly Beattie 3 PROSECCA Ashley Ann McGehee 532. Post Time Adult Hunter O/F 1 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 2 Inferno Marita Zuraitis 3 Bellamy Ann Iseler 533. Post Time Adult Hunter O/F 1 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 2 Bellamy Ann Iseler 3 Charlie Brown Ann Cohen 534. Post Time Adult Hunter O/F 1 Inferno Marita Zuraitis 2 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 3 Charlie Brown Ann Cohen 535. Post Time Adult Hunter Under Saddle 1 Bellamy Ann Iseler 2 Vampire Katy Boswell 3 Better Than Diamonds Marita Zuraitis 400. $500 M&S Bit O' Straw Hunter Classic 1 Something To Be Proud Of Tara Harvill 2 Chances Czar Tonia Werner 3 Everest Cassandra Johnson 32. HITS Hunter 1 O/F 1 Ebay Lisette Bennett 2 Wall Street Rachael Klein 3 Scandalous Darian Topolski 33. HITS Hunter 1 O/F - M&S 1 Ebay Lisette Bennett 2 Wall Street Rachael Klein 3 Scandalous Darian Topolski 37. HITS Hunter 2 O/F 1 Serpico Amanda Steege 2 Monopoly Grace Wilson 3 Deep Snow David Wilbur

Amy Nolan Sally Culhane Elizabeth Phillips Denise Clolery Sally Culhane Donna Struve Cambridge Meadow Farms Lindsay Ianello Janet Vanderslice EMO Stables Cambridge Meadow Farms EMO Stables EMO Stables Emily Miller Denise Clolery Jackie MacDonald Laine Grosvenor Jamie Stryker Donald Stewart Catherine Apostol Kiki Hopkins Kathryn Haefner LLC Jackie MacDonald Katie Hess Anna Wells-Sharp Kristina Watkins Elizabeth Tarumianz Anna Wells-Sharp Elizabeth Tarumianz Kristina Watkins Fairfield Farms LLC Redfield Farm Gabrielle Calvert Jessica Ianello Brosche Redfield Farm REBECCA DONALDSON Marita Zuraitis Marita Zuraitis Ann Iseler Marita Zuraitis Ann Iseler Ann Cohen Marita Zuraitis Marita Zuraitis Ann Cohen Ann Iseler Elizabeth De Golian Marita Zuraitis Tara Harvill Tonia Werner Cassandra Johnson Lisette Bennett Rachael Klein Tara-Dawn Hazen Lisette Bennett Rachael Klein Tara-Dawn Hazen Patricia Hall Four Winds Farm Cynsie Broda

ShowResults 38. HITS Hunter 2 O/F - M&S Serpico Amanda Steege 1 Season Tara Dow-Rein 2 3 Deep Snow David Wilbur 146. Children's Hunter Pony Sm/Med Under Saddle Halisko Sophie Hendriksen 1 Birtley's Crowned Jewel Maddie Tosh 2 3 Playtime Bailey Mc Cracken 144. Children's Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F Coastal Sunset Casey Oliver 1 Playtime Bailey Mc Cracken 2 Texas Hold 'Em Nicole Gordon 3 145. Children's Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F 1 Birtley's Crowned Jewel Maddie Tosh Coconut Izzy Beisel 2 3 Kiss N Tell Tiara D'Amico 504. $500 M&S Child Hunter Classic - Pony (comb) 1 Coastal Sunset Casey Oliver Playtime Bailey Mc Cracken 2 Kiss N Tell Tiara D'Amico 3 151. Children's Hunter Pony Large Under Saddle 1 Thank Heavens Chelsea Stopford Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 2 149. Children's Hunter Pony Large O/F Thank Heavens Chelsea Stopford 1 2 Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 150. Children's Hunter Pony Large O/F Thank Heavens Chelsea Stopford 1 2 Bracewood's Camelot Nicole Gordon 357. Adult Limit Equitation Fences 1 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 2 Vincitore Emily Maura 3 Supernatural Nancy H. Katz 358. Adult Limit Equitation Fences 1 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 2 Supernatural Nancy H. Katz 3 Vincitore Emily Maura 359. Adult Limit Equitation Fences 1 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 2 Vincitore Emily Maura 3 Supernatural Nancy H. Katz 356. Adult Limit Equitation Flat 1 Quick Silver Kylie Harvill 2 Vincitore Emily Maura 345. Intermediate Equitation Fences 1 Massimo Catherine Mooney 2 Jazir Abigail Hopkins 3 Gazant Hope Cushman 346. Intermediate Equitation Fences 1 Massimo Catherine Mooney 2 Gazant Hope Cushman 3 Jazir Abigail Hopkins 347. Intermediate Equitation Fences 1 Massimo Catherine Mooney 2 Gazant Hope Cushman 3 Jazir Abigail Hopkins 344. Intermediate Equitation Flat 1 Gazant Hope Cushman 2 Massimo Catherine Mooney 3 Jazir Abigail Hopkins 361. Short Stirrup Equitation Fences 1 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 2 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 3 Huckleberry 362. Short Stirrup Equitation Fences 1 Huckleberry Devon Clark 2 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 3 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 363. Short Stirrup Equitation Fences 1 BestSeller Cassidy Rein 2 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 3 Muffin Man Addison Basile 360. Short Stirrup Equitation Flat 1 Better Then Good Skylar Gurtis 2 Huckleberry Devon Clark 3 Muffin Man Addison Basile 528. Post Time Child Hunter O/F 1 Wall Street Rachael Klein 2 Pilot Melissa Jones Sarle 3 MG Celine Mackenzie Lamb

Patricia Hall Tara Dow-Rein Cynsie Broda Abigail Blankenship Maddie Tosh Bailey Mc Cracken Kristen Brown Bailey Mc Cracken Joy Kloss Maddie Tosh David Beisel Megan D'Amico Kristen Brown Bailey Mc Cracken Megan D'Amico Chelsea Stopford Nicole Gordon Chelsea Stopford Nicole Gordon Chelsea Stopford Nicole Gordon Kylie Harvill Emily Maura Stephen Comunale Kylie Harvill Stephen Comunale Emily Maura Kylie Harvill Emily Maura Stephen Comunale Kylie Harvill Emily Maura Anna Eugene Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Anna Eugene Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Anna Eugene Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Ann Dotoli Anna Eugene Ann Dotoli Tara Dow-Rein Laura Barrett-Gurtis Waters Edge Stable Waters Edge Stable Laura Barrett-Gurtis Tara Dow-Rein Tara Dow-Rein Laura Barrett-Gurtis Addison Basile Laura Barrett-Gurtis Waters Edge Stable Addison Basile Rachael Klein Tara Dow-Rein Mackenzie Lamb

529. Post Time Child Hunter O/F Pilot Melissa Jones Sarle 1 MG Celine Mackenzie Lamb 2 3 Wall Street Rachael Klein 530. Post Time Child Hunter O/F Pilot Melissa Jones Sarle 1 2 Wall Street Rachael Klein MG Celine Mackenzie Lamb 3 531. Post Time Child Hunter Under Saddle MG Celine Mackenzie Lamb 1 2 Pilot Melissa Jones Sarle Wall Street Rachael Klein 3 185. $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F 1 Bianca Sophia Ayers 2 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel The Magic Word Casey Oliver 3 186. $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F Handy 1 Biscotti Maddie Tosh Armani Claire Campbell 2 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel 3 187. Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Bianca Sophia Ayers Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel 2 3 Armani Claire Campbell 403. $1000 Pony Hunter Classic - Small 1 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel 2 Armani Claire Campbell The Magic Word Casey Oliver 3 191. $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F 1 Denmark Grace Debney 2 Champlain Charade Libbie Gordon 3 Sterling Madeline Schaefer 192. $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F Handy 1 Sportster Grace Debney 2 Leon Claire Campbell 3 Sterling Madeline Schaefer 193. Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Coming Up Tulips Libbie Gordon 2 Leon Claire Campbell 3 Cozy Up Maddie Tosh 503. $1000 Pony Hunter Classic - Medium 1 Champlain Charade Libbie Gordon 2 Denmark Grace Debney 3 Cozy Up Maddie Tosh 197. $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F 1 Caleche Devin Seek 2 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 3 Hillcrest Songbird Abigail Brayman 198. $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F Handy 1 Caleche Devin Seek 2 Love and Laughter Devin Seek 3 Blue On Bye Abigail Brayman 199. Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 By Jove Abigail Brayman 2 Wellen Gold Leaf Trinity Hammerschmidt 3 Caleche Devin Seek 603. $1000 Perfect Products Pony Hunter Classic - Large 1 Caleche Devin Seek 2 Brighton Decidedly Grace Debney 3 By Jove Abigail Brayman 173. $200 Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter (comb) O/F 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 Tiny Tim Claire Lube 3 Highlands Polaris Claire Campbell 174. $200 Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter (comb) O/F 1 Tiny Tim Claire Lube 2 Highlands Polaris Claire Campbell 3 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 175. Small/Medium Green Pony Hunter (comb) U/S 1 Picturesque Bow Tie Addison Reed 2 Highlands Polaris Claire Campbell 3 Lucky Boy Emma Witham 179. $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Minted Madeline Schaefer 2 All About Blue Caroline Ellis 3 Sun Kissed Alexandra Cisneros 181. Large Green Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 All About Blue Caroline Ellis 2 Minted Madeline Schaefer 3 TCF Catalina Trinity Hammerschmidt

Tara Dow-Rein Mackenzie Lamb Rachael Klein Tara Dow-Rein Rachael Klein Mackenzie Lamb Mackenzie Lamb Tara Dow-Rein Rachael Klein Sophia Ayers David Gochman Monica Hunt Maddie Tosh Maher Family LLC David Gochman Sophia Ayers David Gochman Maher Family LLC David Gochman Maher Family LLC Monica Hunt John Skinner Donald Stewart Madeline Schaefer Grace Debney Maher Family LLC Madeline Schaefer Lisa Hammerschmidt Maher Family LLC Caroline Ellis Donald Stewart John Skinner Caroline Ellis Laura Barrett-Gurtis Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney Canterbury Farm Laura Barrett-Gurtis Victoria Press Maffitt Lake Farms GC Ponies Gayle Presson Laura Barrett-Gurtis Laura Barrett-Gurtis Bill Schaub/ Grace Debney GC Ponies Patti Foster Kelley L. Ferguson Maher Family LLC Kelley L. Ferguson Maher Family LLC Patti Foster Patti Foster Maher Family LLC Thinkslikeahorse Madeline Schaefer Artillery Lane, LLC Alexandra Cisneros Artillery Lane, LLC Madeline Schaefer Patti Foster

www.horsecapitaldigest.com 39

OUT WEST At thermAl

No Regret timers in 83.253 seconds. THERMAL, CALIF. – Six more attempted course before Hidden Hills, Calif., equesesert Circuit I at HITS Desert Horse Park in Thermal, Calif., came to a grand close with the Jan. 24 Grand Prix trian Ashlee Bond and Little Valley Farm’s Cornancer went clear sponsored by Back On Track. Riders and horses battled to ensure a jump-off. Carol Wright, of Davis, Calif., and her own it out for a shot at glory and a slice of the $50,000 prize purse. Olaf Petersen Jr. of Muenchen, Germany, de- $50,000 Back On Track Grand Prix Place Horse Owner Rider Prize signed a challenging course for the Grand Prix. 1 NJK No Regret NJK Show Jumpers, Inc. Nicole Haunert $15,000 Twenty-eight tested the 16-fence track but only 2 Cornancer Little Valley Farms Ashlee Bond $11,000 three would advance to the jump-off to compete 3 Conejito Carol Wright Carol Wright $5,500 4 Cat Balou Tamie Phillips Tamie Phillips $4,000 for the blue. 5 Saint Quentin Peter Petschenig Peter Petschenig $3,000 A fault-free first round had not been seen until 6 Zilox T Haley Farms, LLC Peter Petschenig $2,500 eventual class winner Nicole Haunert took to the 7 Concorde The Epic Group, LLC Chris Pratt $2,000 course with NJK No Regret, owned by NJK 8 Ziedento St. Bride's Farm Susan Hutchison $1,500 Show Jumpers Inc. Haunert, of Encinitas, Calif., 9 Con Spirit Nathalie Manning Nathalie Manning $1,500 cruised through the course clearing the triple 10 Feline VIII Enrique Gonzalez Enrique Gonzalez $1,000 combination that had proven a tough spot in prior 11 Here I Come LEGISequine .com Jenni McAllister $1,000 G&W Equine Partners LLC Eric Hasbrouck $1,000 rounds. Haunert and NJK No Regret crossed the 12 Boukati B



Nicole Haunert and NJK No Regret after their win in the $50,000 Back On Track Grand Prix

40 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

Conejito followed to secure the third and final spot in the shortened jump-off course. Calgary native Tamie Phillips and Cat Balou were just one heartbreaking time fault away from advancing to the jump-off. They finished the first-round in a close 84.121 seconds, barely past the time allowed, which eventually garnered them fourth-place in the class. Haunert and NJK No Regret were first to re-enter the ring for the second round. They clocked in fault-free in 47.131 seconds. Following was Bond and Cornancer, who zipped through the course in a speedy 43.939, going all out for the win, but four faults at the B element of the combination put them behind in second-place. Conejito and Wright came into the ring with the last chance to claim the class. They passed the timers in 46.558 seconds but rails at the A of the combination and the vertical immediately prior resulted in eight Hope Glynn and Corriendo Tau win the Devoucoux at Thermal faults, putting them in third-place. The top five concluded with Peter Petschenig of Murrieta, Calif., the winning score. Also in the ribbons was John Bragg, of Laguna Beach, Calif., who and Saint Quentin. They finished the first round in 77.791 seconds with four faults, marking the second top-five finish of Desert Circuit I after secured both third- and fourth-place in the classic. He and Social Hour, owned by Laura Strasburg, claimed the $700 third-place prize with a a win in the $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix on Wednesday. first-round score of 82, improving to a second-round score of 84. His fourth-place mount, Lukatoni, owned by Pamela Moellenhoff, earned Devoucoux Hunter Prix That same day, Hunter riders competed for the blue in the $5,000 $500 with scores of 80 in the first round and 81 in the second. Dustin Goodwin of Canby, Ore., and Karson Perry’s Know-How Devoucoux Hunter Prix, the first qualifying opportunity of the Thermal Desert Circuit for the $500,000 Diamond Mills Hunter Prix at the concluded the top five with a first-round score of 76 improving to an HITS Championship in September. Riders piloted their mounts 83 to secure fifth-place and the $400 prize. through the 12-fence course and the top 15 returned for the second Platinum Performance Hunter Prix round to compete for the victory. The $1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix offered the first qualHope Glynn secured the top two spots in the two-round classic earning $1,500 and $1,000 prizes, respectfully. The equestrian from ifying opportunity of the circuit for the $250,000 Platinum Performance Petaluma, Calif., and Corriendo Tau, owned by Karen Trione, claimed Hunter Prix Final at the HITS Championship in September. Exhibitors piloted their mounts through the three-foot course with the highest score of the first-round with a score of 88 and a secondround score of 86.5. Glynn and Burrata, owned by Nicodemus Farms, precision and flair, though only one horse and rider could claim the scored an 87 in both rounds, coming in just a half of a point behind blue-ribbon.


for Haunert

www.horsecapitaldigest.com 41

OUT WEST At thermAl $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Horse Corriendo Tau Burrata Social Hour Lukatoni Know-How Cheshire Campari Early August

Owner Karen Trione Nicodemus Farms Laura Strasburg Pamela Moellenhoff Karson Perry Katie Lee LLC Aleron LLC Ann Thornton

Rider Prize Hope Glynn $1,500 Hope Glynn $1,000 John Bragg $700 John Bragg $500 Dustin Goodwin $400 Hope Glynn $325 Alexis Taylor-Silvernale $300 John Bragg $275


$1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix

Suntrust and Jacqueline Ward after their Platinum Performance victory.

Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Horse Suntrust Catalyst Castle Hill Va Bene Zampano Autobahn Gabriel Crown Royal

Jacqueline Ward of Seabrook, Texas, and Suntrust, owned by Sandra Ward, were the team to beat. With scores of 83 in the first round and 84 in the second, they claimed the first-place title and the $450 prize. Second-place went to Lindsay Maxwell from Los Angeles, riding Colin Cash’s Catalyst. They traversed the course to finish with a solid score of 84 in the first round and an 81.5 in the second round, taking home a $300 check for their efforts.

Owner Sandra Ward Colin Cash Stephanie Ray Lucky Jack Farm LLC Ann Russo Katie Lee LLC Aya Clear Mylene Pilutik

Rider Jacqueline Ward Lindsay Maxwell Stephanie Ray Patricia Brutten Lindsay Maxwell Katie Lee Aya Clear Crystal Theisen

Prize $450 $300 $200 $150 $125 $100 $100 $75

Stephanie Ray of Bend, Ore., and her own Castle Hill, earned thirdplace and the $200 prize. In the first round, they scored 80 advancing to a second-round score of 85 to seal the third-place finish. Fourth-place was awarded to Patricia Brutten of Del Mar, Calif., and Va Bene, owned by Lucky Jack Farm LLC. Fifth-place was Lindsay Maxwell and Zampano, owned by Ann Russo, marking Maxwell’s second top-five finish of the Platinum Performance Hunter Prix. HCD

Jockey Club’s TIP

slates 2016 awards, classes The Jockey Club Thoroughbred Incentive Program has announced that it has approved awards and classes for more than 850 shows in 43 states and Canadian provinces during 2016. A full calendar of events is available on the TIP website at tjctip.com. Awards are available in a wide variety of disciplines, including eventing, dressage, Western and English pleasure, hunter/jumper, Western performance, games, polo and polocrosse. Awards are also available at some events for thoroughbreds within their first two years of showing or for Thoroughbreds within two years of their last start. “In four years, we have offered awards at 1,700 horse shows in 44 states and provinces,” said Kristin Werner Leshney, legal associate for The Jockey Club and coordinator of TIP. “To date, owners and riders of second career thoroughbreds have provided proof of eligibility at those shows more than 17,000 times.” 2016 marks the fifth year that The Jockey Club has offered TIP awards. Of the 150 horse shows that offered awards in 2011, more than 42 Horse Capital Digest • February 5, 2016

100 will be offering awards for a fifth year in 2016. In addition to awards for shows, TIP has renewed the Thoroughbred of the Year Award and the Young Rider of the Year Award. Applications for these non-competition awards will be available at tjctip.com in April with a deadline of June 30. Only thoroughbreds that have been registered with The Jockey Club or a foreign Thoroughbred stud book recognized by The Jockey Club are eligible to participate in TIP classes and compete for awards. All participating thoroughbreds should have a TIP number, which can be obtained at tjctip.com. Created and announced in October 2011, TIP recognizes and rewards the versatility of the thoroughbred through sponsorship of thoroughbred classes and high-point awards at sanctioned horse shows, performance awards, and non-competition awards. Additional information about TIP is available at tjctip.com and on the TIP facebook page at facebook.com/tjctip. HCD

Sign the Petition Today

at www.change.org or at the FTBOA office

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