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June 30 – August 9, 2015
Featured Classes:
USEF 4-Star Jumper Rating
$30,000 Grand Prix Every Saturday Weeks 1 through 5
USEF Premier Hunter Rating Equitation Tuesdays Every Week Over $750,000 in Prize Money NEW FOOTING!
$10,000 Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper Classic Every Sunday $5,000 3'3" Hunter Derby Every Thursday Weeks 1 through 5 Week 3 is a 2015 WCHR Member Event
Week 6 Features: $50,000 Grand Prix & $15,000 3'3" Hunter Derby
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Ocala, Florida 34474 • (352) 732-8858 e-mail: info@wiretowire.net • www.ftboa.com Brock Sheridan Mike Mullaney Tammy A. Gantt John D. Filer Antoinette Griseta Emily Mills, Nancy Moffatt Jeff Powell LONNY TAYLOR POWELL CAROLINE T. DAVIS PATRICK VINZANT Florida Equine Communications, Inc. (A corporation owned by the Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Association)
Wire To Wire is published daily except us is in error. Statistics in the publication reWednesday and Sunday by Florida Equine Communicalating to results of racing in North America are compiled tions, 801 S.W. 60th Ave., Ocala, Florida 34474. from data generated by Daily Racing Form, Equibase, Advertising rates available upon request. All rights Bloodstock Research Information Systems Inc., the reserved. Reproduction of contents without permiscopyright owners of said data. sion prohibited. Opinions expressed in Wire To Wire are DRF content: Copyright 2004 Daily Racing Form, those of the individual authors and are not necessarily LLC and Equibase Company LLC, all rights reserved. those of the editors and owners of this publication. Reproduction is prohibited. Wire To Wire attempts to print reliable results and enPrinted by Florida Equine Communications tries. We are not responsible if the information reported to AMERICAN HORSE PUBLICATIONS • FLORIDA MAGAZINE ASSOCIATION • MEMBER BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU
FLORIDA THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ AND OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION George Russell Lonny Taylor Powell FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Brent Fernung SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Phil Matthews SECRETARY Joseph M. O’Farrell III TREASURER Fred Brei DIRECTORS Joe Barbazon, Barry Berkelhammer, Gilbert Campbell, George Isaacs, Milan Kosanovich, Roy Lerman, Diane Parks, Jessica Steinbrenner, Charlotte C. Weber, Greg Wheeler CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Caroline T. Davis BUSINESS & OPERATIONS MANAGER Patrick Vinzant MEMBER SERVICES & EVENTS DIRECTOR Tammy A. Gantt PRESIDENT
4 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Sally Moehring Becky Robinson Sheila Budden
What’s Going On
A Guide to the HITS
2015 Circuit H
ITS Ocala is a 10-week circuit, running through March 23.
POST TIME STADIUM The Post Time Stadium will host select special classes each week, including several grand prix, hunter prix, and jumper classics throughout the circuit, highlighted by the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix Monday, March 23. Post Time Stadium will be an exciting new addition to create a special atmosphere for spectators as well as exhibitors participating in the high level classes chosen for this arena.
the HITS Triple Crown of Show Jumping as the second jewel of the coveted series. This will give Ocala competitors an opportunity to compete for the richest prize in show jumping and will serve as an exciting end to the 2015 Ocala Winter Circuit.
A NEW LOOK Hunter Ring 2 received a complete makeover. It is now much larger, serving as a second “Main” Hunter Ring. The ring previously known as Hunter Ring 6 will become the schooling area for Hunter Rings 2 & 3, providing a great warmup space for showing and practicing during the week. HCD
The Vendor Courtyard is being enlarged and enhanced to include all shops located on-site. The added space and improved electric service will allow both vendors and shoppers to have a more enjoyable experience throughout the circuit. Still located in the same convenient area near the HITS Restaurant, there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy at the Vendor Courtyard.
VIP TREATMENT The Overlook VIP Club will be open all 10 weeks of the 2015 Ocala Winter Circuit. Located ringside, overlooking the Grand Prix Ring and Main Hunter Ring, the Overlook Club will serve both breakfast and lunch throughout the show circuit. Menus will be designed by the chefs of The Tavern at Diamond Mills in Saugerties, N.Y. Overlook Club table holders will also enjoy reserved seating and light food and beverage service during events in the new Post Time Stadium.
THE GREAT AMERICAN MILLION To be held on Monday, March 23, the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix completes www.horsecapitaldigest.com 5
March 6, 2015
Biesel, Ammeretto outpace field in $50,000 Grand Prix
16 Consistent & Confident Just being there the key for Geitner
on 8 10 11 22
From the Grandstand Horsemanship Quiz Events Calendar Equine Health Entry Requirements 40 Results 20 Marital Bliss Team Killam victorious
about the
David Beisel and Ammeretto Photo by ESI
Brought to you by Horse Capital Digest in Ocala/Marion County, The Horse Capital of the World®. 6 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
The Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Association has recently opened a new twitter account with @Florida_Horse as the handle. You can now follow everything FTBOA and Florida Equine Publications by logging on to twitter.com/Florida_Horse. Like us on Facebook! Don’t forget that FTBOA and FEP information, stories and updates can also be found on Facebook. You can “like” us at Facebook.com/thefloridahorse.
to HITS Ocala 2015
A brief overlook of the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit in 2015 W
e are pleased to announce that HITS Ocala, Jan. 13 – March 23, will be a 10-week USEF-rated circuit this year. All 10 weeks will be USEF Nationalor Premier-rated Hunters. Exact dates and rating details are listed on the page 25. All shows count toward the Horseware Ireland Grand Circuit Awards, Marshall & Sterling Insurance League, and the HITS Championship in Saugerties, N.Y. this September. Monday night show jumping returns when the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix takes the stage in the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium on Monday, March 23. The second jewel of the HITS Triple Crown of Show Jumping debuted with great success in 2014 and we look forward to treating exhibitors and spectators alike to another tremendous event! The Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup CSIO4*, an official World Ranking Competition, will take place during the Ocala Winter Festival (HITS V). Over $400,000 will be offered in the FEI Jumper division throughout the week, including $200,000 in the Nations Cup and $150,000 in the Grand Prix. The Overlook VIP Club will offer a unique hospitality experience including world-class culinary presentation, complete with complimentary beer and wine service. The Ocala Horse Properties Stadium will be the full-time Grand Prix Ring this year. The stadium, located on HITS property just across 137th Avenue, opened to rave reviews last year and it will be even more popular this year when used on a regular basis. The former Grand Prix Ring will become Jumper Ring 1 and will provide a second Feature Jumper Ring for horses and riders moving up the ranks. The beautiful Overlook VIP Club will be at the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium for the entire circuit, serving breakfast and lunch each show day throughout the circuit. The former VIP area will be replaced by a lovely cafÊ
serving breakfast and lunch, with covered seating overlooking Jumper Ring 1 and the Main Hunter Ring. Footing in all the Hunter Rings and Hunter Schooling Areas is being redone to match the footing currently in the Main Hunter Ring. Follow the progress on our Facebook page or check it out in person if you are in Ocala this fall. The safety and well-being of your horses, and peace of mind for you, is our top priority. Over the past year, HITS has been at the forefront of implementing a standard Equine Health Protocol at all its shows. The Bio-Security Plan and Required Vaccination Protocol that HITS developed is being emulated across the country. Please be sure to review the requirements as printed in the prize list, and check HitsShows.com prior to your arrival to review the most up-to-date information. With $3 million in prize money and qualifiers for all the HITS Championship classes, HITS offers something special for everyone, every week. HCD
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From the
Aspectator’s guide to show jumping By HITS Staff
At the conclusion of over -fences classes, hunters are often asked to jog for soundness. They trot in a line in front of the judge before placings are made final. The judge will evaluate the horse’s conformation, health and overall gait both during the class and in the jog. At the end of class, a judge will assign a hunter and its rider a numerical score out of 100 based on how well they executed the course and how professional they looked doing it. Shiny boots, well-tailored clothes and a smartly groomed horse all count in the hunter ring. EQUITATION— Equitation classes judge the rider on their form, their guidance of the horse, effectiveness of their aids, position of legs, hands and upper body position, and the ability to perform certain tests with style and precision. The rider’s legs should be perpendicular to the ground and quiet with the heel down. Their hands
t’s beautiful, it’s impressive and it’s exciting, but I just don’t get it. If, while sitting in the grandstand at a horse show, you find yourself thinking these things, you’re not alone. Have no fear, however, HITS has put together a guide to horse shows for the avid or perhaps not-so-avid spectator. The following will give you an insider’s look at the horse show world and how to navigate all that you will see during HITS Ocala Winter Circuit.
8 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
HITS, Inc. is pleased to announce that Official Merchandise for the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™, presented by Edge Brewing Barcelona, is now available for pre-order from Mona’s Monograms. In addition to top-notch apparel featuring the exclusive 2015 Nations Cup design, all merchandise can be personalized to include names and logos. Pre-ordered merchandise will be available for on-site pick-up at Mona’s Vendor Row store throughout the HITS Ocala Winter Circuit and in the HITS Post Time Farm International Village. Orders can also be shipped. For complete details, visit Monasllc.com.
American $1 Million Grand Prix, are spectator favorites because they are relatively simple to judge and are based on speed and athleticism. Jumper classes are judged on “faults” and “time.” The standard is cut and dry: You either have the fastest round without faults or you don’t. A fault is a numerical penalty for an error. A horse and rider that knock down a rail or any part of the jump that establishes its height will acquire four faults. If a horse refuses to jump any one of the fences in the course, that also counts as four faults. A second refusal results in elimination of the horse and rider from the class. Speed becomes important as there is a time allowed set for each course. A time fault is given for each second or fraction of a second that the horse remains on course over the time allowed. A clean round is one where there are no time or jumping faults. If more than one horse goes clean over a course, a timed jump-off or shorter course will determine the winner. Should two or more horses have an equal number of jumping faults in the jump-off, the fastest time will determine the winner. HUNTERS—Hunter classes judge the horse. A hunter should have a long, low, ground-covering stride and jump the fences easily, smoothly and with consistent pace. Hunters are quiet, exhibit good manners both over fences and under saddle and jump courses that involve direct lines and straight-forward fences, usually designed with natural elements and colors.
Grandstand should be supple and follow the movement of the horse’s head. The upper body should be upright, but relaxed with a slight arch in the lower back. The rider’s head should be up and looking forward. Equitation classes are generally judged on the flat at the walk, trot and canter and over fences. Equitation riders, like hunter riders, are assigned a score out of 100 by a judge based on their performance. The highest score wins the blue. Learn these terms and you will be on the way to impressing all your “horsey” friends STRIDE – the amount of ground a horse covers. At the canter, the average stride of a horse is 12 feet. The distances between fences of jumping courses are set accordingly. SCHOOLING – practice or training before competition. The riders practice in a schooling area and are not allowed to practice on the actual course. ORDER OF GO – the order in which the competitors compete over the set course. COURSE WALK – riders walk the course to measure the number of strides their horse will need between each jump.
FAULTS – numerical penalties assigned for downed rails, refusals or going over the time allowed. TIME ALLOWED – the time, determined by the course designer, that it should take a horse to navigate a jumper course. REFUSAL – a horse that stops in front of a fence and will not attempt to jump it. CLEAN/CLEAR – when the horse and rider complete all jumps on the course without a single jumping or time fault. JUMP-OFF – the riders who have a clean round compete in a timed jump-off over a shortened course to determine the winner of the class. TACK – the equipment used on the horse including the saddle and the bridle. COMBINATION – two or more jumps set close together and designed to be jump with fewer strides in between and judged as one element. LIVERPOOL – a fence set over water or a ditch filled with water that horse and rider must clear. GREEN – a horse, usually young, with little experience. HCD
Tracy Fenney presentation in last year’s $50,000 Purina Animal Nutrition Grand Prix, presented by Zoetis.
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 9
Horsemanship Quiz Challenge: Registration Open covers topics that include horse identification, anatomy, LEXINGTON, Ky. – egistration for the 2015 USHJA Horsemanship nutrition, riding theory and welfare. It is available to everyone interested in expanding their Quiz Challenge, presented by Sweet Briar College, is now open at www.ushja.org/HQC. Young equine knowledge, not just HQC participants. The HQC is open to any USHJA member who was not equestrians are encouraged to test their horsemanship knowledge by completing the online practice quiz and the 21 years old prior to Dec. 1 of the current competition year. Two different levels of quizzes, composed of multipleLevel 1 and Level 2 quizzes. Participants who excel will be eligible for selection to compete in the 2015 HQC Na- choice and true/false questions, will be administered ontionals where they can win a bevy of prizes, including a line. Participants must score an 80% or above on the Level Charles Owen helmet and a $1,000 grant for training and We look forward to seeing this year’s HQC competitors put education, provided by the their knowledge and skills to the test, and we encourage USHJA Foundation. “We are thrilled to have the everyone to use our resources to improve their horsemanship. Horsemanship Quiz Challenge We can never stop learning in this sport. open for the fourth year,” said —Cricket Stone, chair of the USHJA Youth Committee Cricket Stone, chair of the 1 Quiz to advance to the Level 2 Quiz. Those who score USHJA Youth Committee, which oversees the program. “Each year we continue to grow and improve the pro- 90% or above on the Level 2 Quiz will be eligible for segram, and we enjoy seeing young riders that are incredibly lection to compete at the 2015 HQC Nationals. Participants have until Sept. 1 to complete the two levels. knowledgeable and committed to quality horsemanship “We look forward to seeing this year’s HQC competiexcel in the HQC program.” Resources, including a practice quiz and a study guide, tors put their knowledge and skills to the test, and we enare available to encourage and assist participants in courage everyone to use our resources to improve their preparing for the online quizzes. The official study guide horsemanship,” Stone said. “We can never stop learning in this sport.” In 2014, the HQC produced two individual gold medalists: Zoe Conlee, 18, of Ridgefield, Wash., and Devyn Hinkle, 18, of Oakland, Calif. The team gold was awarded to the IHSA team of Kabisa Baughen, Brown University; Emily Dengler, State University of New York, and Emily Garrett, Ohio University. In addition to their gold medals, Conlee and Hinkle received Charles Owen helmets, $1,000 grants for training and education, and 60-day internships at Spy Coast Farm, the leading American sport-horse breeding and training facility. Members of the winning IHSA Team each received a $1,000 grant for training and education and a Charles Owen helmet, in addition to their gold medals. For a complete list of 2015 HQC specifications, including eligibility, requirements, qualifying procedures for Nationals, as well as Nationals competition specifications, please visit www.ushja.org/HQC. HCD
Hannah Bentz completes her practicum at the 2014 HQC Finals.
10 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
EventsCalendar MARCH Mar. 3-8: Ocala Winter Finals VIII. At HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Mar. 6-8: Black Prong HDT. Bronson - Black Prong Driving Center. For more information contact Ellen Ettenger at 352-615-6460, email: shorty1956@gmail.com Mar. 10-15: Ocala Winter Celebration IX. At HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Mar. 11: Winter Wednesday Jumper Show. Florida Horse Park. For more information, please visit www.winterwednesdays.com. Mar. 14: POP Schooling Show. Florida Horse Park. Please visit FHP-POP.com for online entry form and complete information Mar. 16: Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ & Owners’ Association Awards Gala is one of the premiere equine events to attend in Ocala. The Gala honors the 2013 thoroughbred racing champions and their owners and breeders. Features a cocktail reception, silent auction, live auction, dinner and ceremony. RSVP by March 9 to Tammy Gantt at 352-629-2160
Mar. 18: Winter Wednesday Jumper Show. Florida Horse Park. For more information, please visit www.winterwednesdays.com. Mar. 17-22: Ocala Championship X. At HITS Showgrounds. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Mar. 19-22: Florida Horsemens Association 100 Mile Competitive Trail Ride. Florida Horse Park. For more information on this event, please contact Carolyn Maillard, email chm1027@aol.com Mar. 20: Southern Junior Rodeo Assoc. Rodeo. Florida Horse Park. For more information, contact Wyatt Papy at coltcc98@embarqmail.com Mar. 21: The Caravan. Grand Oaks. Friesian Driving event. For more information contact Gerard Paagman at 402-422-6151, email: gerard@paagman.nl
March 2015 Webcasts dates HITS, Inc. has announced additional webcasts of its 2015 winter Grand Prix to be aired online on the USEF Network. Links to the USEF Network webcasts can also be found on the HITS homepage. The webcast schedule is as follows: • Friday, March 13, Time TBD – $25,000 SmartPak Wild-Card Grand Prix at Thermal • Saturday, March 14, Time TBD – $50,000 East Meets West Hunter Challenge at Thermal/Ocala The HITS Grand Prix webcasts are free to watch live online and on-demand. For more information, visit HITShows.com.
Mar. 21: Florida Horse Sales. Southeastern Livestock Pavilion. Mar. 23: Great American $1 Million Grand Prix. HITS Post Time Farm. For more information visit HitsShows.com or email: info@HitsShows.com Mar. 25: Winter Wednesday Jumper Show. Florida Horse Park. For more information, please visit www.winterwednesdays.com
Mar. 27-29: Pleasure Driving Show. Florida Horse Park. For more infomation call Ellen Ettenger at 352-615-6460, email: shorty1956@gmail.com Mar. 27-28: Southeastern Pro Rodeo. Southeastern Livestock Pavilion. For more infomation call 352843-1616 or visit www.ocalarodeo.com
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 11
12 Horse Capital Digest • March 6,, 2015
Cloud of Dust Field can’t keep pace with
Beisel, Ammeretto in $50,000 Grand Prix
avid Beisel, of Goshen, Ohio, took first place in the $50,000 HITS Grand Prix Feb. 22 on Equine Holdings, LLC’s Ammeretto. The Grand Prix took place in the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium with a large crowd of spectators gathered to watch under sunny skies. There were 16 efforts in the first-round course designed by Jack Robson and 15 jumped clear, which set the stage for an exciting jump-off against the clock. The jump-off started with the first fence from Round 1 (the Brook
David Beisel and Ammeretto take the $50,000 HITS Grand Prix on Feb. 22 at HITS Ocala
Ledge) in the opposite direction, then a left rollback to Fence 6, which was changed to a vertical, a gallop and a right rollback to Fence 8; a half-circle right to Fence 7 and a left turn to the combination 4a and 4b finishing over Fence 10 going the opposite way from the first round. Fence 12 from the first round was removed to allow the riders to cut the turn from the first to the second fence in the jump-off. Beisel and Ammeretto went first, and so fast that none of the 14 other horses behind him could beat his time. The crowd whooped and hollered as he galloped and the bay stallion turned around the short course, finishing clear in 36.324, setting the Great American Time to Beat that held up the entire second round.
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 13
Clouds of Dust
For a little horse, he has a humongous stride. He’s a good turner and he’s crafty, so I could go a little faster than the big horses to the combination.
—David Beisel
Andre Thieme of Germany qualified three for the jump-off. His first entry was Contanga 3, winner of last year’s Great American $1 Million Grand Prix as well as the Feb. 19 SmartPak Grand Prix. His split time was on track to take the lead but a rail late in the course slowed him to 37.494 with four faults. Next up was Amanda Flint of Long Valley, N.J., riding the Coverboy Group’s Superbad, who proved that the winning time could be beaten but had a rail at 4a of the combination for four faults in 36.321. It should be noted that Fence 4a fell six times in the jump-off. Five more tried but failed to jump clear until Thieme returned to the ring on his second mount, Conthendrix. The pair cleared the course with ease, stopping the clock just short of the winning time in 36.823 to place second. Scott Keach of Reddick, riding Southern Cross Equestrian LLC’s Viriato, was next to jump clear in a slightly more conservative 39.432 for third. Thieme returned on Seth Vallhonrat’s Cellisto to ride a slow clear in 46.448 for fourth to round out the double-clears. Beisel said of Ammeretto – a 10-year-old stallion by Numero Uno, whom he has had for seven years – “I had the fastest time in
David Beisel and Ammeretto at presentation
the (Feb. 19) Prix with the last jump down so I was pretty sure if I was clear that I could be fast enough to win. For a little horse, he has a humongous stride. He’s a good turner and he’s crafty, so I could go a little faster than the big horses to the combination. I gave him a week off before Nations Cup and he came out way too fresh and amped up that week. It was nice to have him back in form.” Thieme, who had three in the jump-off and placed second, fourth and ninth, said, “I was hoping to go for the win on my first horse but he (Contanga 3) had a rail. The second one (Conthendrix) I thought I might have had it and it almost worked. The last one (Cellisto) I knew I had no chance for the win. I rode him for my friend Seth Vallhonrat and it was his first Grand Prix, so I just rode for clean. My horses are jump$50,000 HITS Grand Prix ing well so I am not complaining,” said Place Horse Owner Rider Prize $ Thieme, who is looking to defend his title in 1 Ammeretto Equine Holdings LLC David Beisel $15,000 the Great American Million on March 23. 2 Conthendrix Andre Thieme Andre Thieme $11,000 (Beisel and Ammeretto placed seventh in 3 Viriato Southern Cross Equestrian, LLC Scott Keach $6,500 4 Cellisto Seth Vallhonrat Andre Thieme $4,000 the class.) 5 Black Diamond Mandy Killam Kris Killam $3,000 Third-place Keach was pleased with his 6 Superbad The Coverboy Group Amanda Flint $2,500 horse, saying, “You can always go quicker 7 Quidam's Good Luck Troy Glaus Aaron Vale $2,000 but, for where my horse is in his training, it 8 Balotan The Coverboy Group Amanda Flint $1,500 was very good.” 9 Contanga 3 Andre Thieme Andre Thieme $1,500 A programming note: The Great Ameri10 Rocky W Kaitlin Campbell Kaitlin Campbell $1,000 11 Call me Hannes Harlow Investment Enterprises, LLC David Beisel $1,000 can $1 Million Grand Prix is scheduled to 12 Le Bon Classic Cloverlea Farm, Inc. Tricia O'Connor $1,000 begin at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 23. HCD
14 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Paddock Clubat HITS 2015 PADDOCK CLUB FEATURES UPGRADES IN 2015 The Paddock Club overlooks the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium and offers the best seats to view all the feature Grand Prix at HITS Ocala.
eservations for tables of eight are available for the entire 10-week circuit, as well as on a weekly basis. Upgrades for 2015 include a new frame tent with solid surface floor and new china dishes. The Paddock Club is open throughout HITS Ocala Winter Circuit, from Jan. 13 to March 23. Service includes complimentary breakfast and lunch each show day prepared by the expertly trained culinary staff of the Diamond Mills Hotel & Tavern in Saugerties, N.Y. During the weeks of the Furusiyya FEI Nations CupTM (Week V, Feb. 11 through 15) and the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix (Week X, March 18 through 23), the Culinary Institute of America alumnus Executive Chef Giuseppe
Napoli will create specialty menus to be served in the Paddock Club each day, along with complimentary beer and wine service, included with VIP reservations. The Paddock Club VIP Membership Packages are $1,500 per week for weeks I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX; $4,000 per week for Week V featuring the Furusiyya FEI Nations CupTM; $4,000 per week for Week X featuring an additional day of VIP service, with dinner served during the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix on Monday, March 23 and $15,000 for the full circuit of 10 weeks. To reserve your VIP Table in the Paddock Club, contact Hospitality Coordinator Chelsea Dwinell at 617.888.2357 or email Chelsea@HitsShows.com.
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 15
Consistent BY BEN BAUGH
t’s business as usual for a horseman that wouldn’t have it any other way. DFG Stables’ Daniel Geitner has spent the last three weeks exhibiting at HITS Ocala. The South Carolina-based rider has been a fixture on the circuit, winning his fair share of Grand Prixs, and has been a consistent presence in the international hunter Derbys. He and his wife Cathy own DFG Stables in Aiken, S.C. “We’re staying busy,” said Geitner. “We have about 75 horses in training. This fall and winter, I’ve been to Europe about three or four times. We’ve been shopping and bought three or four horses.” However, it’s that barn depth, one featuring quality and talented horses, that remains the focal point of the operation. Geitner’s string includes capable veterans as well as developing talent that are poised to move up the levels. One of the horses to watch is Checklist, the horse that Geitner exhibited in the 2014 International Hunter Derby Finals at the Kentucky Horse Park last August. Geitner and the Warmblood turned in impressive efforts in 2014, including a third-place effort in the Atlanta Spring Challenge $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby and a fourth-place finish at the Aiken Spring Classic Masters $15,000 USHJA International Hunter Challenge Derby Classic at Highfields Event Center. “Last year I did a good bit of the first year green hunters,” said Geitner. “I’ll probably focus more on the Derbys this year with him.” But it’s the depth he currently has in the barn that allows him to build progressively toward the future. “We have a couple of up-and-coming Derby
prospects that are doing the first year green hunters now,” said Geitner. “We’ll get some miles under their belt, and hopefully they can step up to that level.” However, it’s not just the hunters where there’s depth in the barn. Geitner brought a triumvirate of jumpers to HITS Ocala from Aiken. His Grand Prix horse, the Kenwood Syndicate’s Oldenburg Kenwood, was bred by Lewis Gestuet, by the stallion Kannan and out of the broodmare Gertie. In 2014 Geitner and Kenwood took blue-ribbon honors by winning the Tryon Fall I $30,000 Grand Prix and the Aiken Fall Festival II’s $5,000 Welcome Stake, and also collected a win in the TR&HC’s Charity Horse Show’s $15,000 Tryon Jumper Classic. “In the jumpers I still have Kenwood. He’s been great,” said Geitner. “He won a very nice Grand Prix last year in Tryon. And I have an 8year-old named Chivas. He’s American-bred by Judgment. And there’s also a new horse we’ve just added, Coco Chanel, another 8-year-old that will hopefully start stepping up to Grand Prix competitions this year. They’re both quite talented and brave.” DFG Stables has a presence in multiple markets, with strings of horses competing on different circuits. The first week Geitner was exhibiting at HITS Ocala, his wife was showing at the Progressive Show Jumping shows in Aiken. “That’s probably the most difficult thing about this business,” said Geitner. “We’re coming down here with 20 and my wife Cathy is showing this week in Aiken with 20. We have a really good crew working for us. They keep us organized and my wife is the hardest-working person I know. She does an amazing job of juggling lots of things to enable me to focus on riding, training and selling.” Continued on next page
16 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
DFG’s Geitner a steady presence
& Confident
Daniel Geitner www.horsecapitaldigest.com 17
Consistent & Confident
It’s [HITS] great because you are able to ride all over the place, The footing is great...You can get a wealth of experience.
—Daniel Geitner
18 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
The HITS Ocala Post Time Training Center is the perfect fixture to give young horses an opportunity to be exposed to a number of things, keeping their minds fresh by allowing them to hack around the show grounds, do Figure 8s or lunge in the infield, jog on the training track, make use of the warm-up rings or get miles in the rings. “It’s great because you’re able to ride all over the place,” said Geitner. “The footing is great. I see they’ve made some really good improvements to the footing in a lot of the smaller rings. Going back past the barns into the fields is great, even over in the other direction behind the campers. You can get a wealth of experience. I brought a bunch of young horses. You’re able to get a good deal of experience in just a couple of weeks here.” Winner of more than 50 Grand Prixs, Geitner is no stranger to success and brought a number of pregreen hunters and younger horses to HITS Ocala, having sold many of the older horses that have gone through the DFG program. He had the distinction of riding in several steeplechase races while attending St. Andrews Presbyterian College in Southern Pines, N.C. Geitner also owns several racehorses in partnership with fellow Grand Prix rider Hardin Towell and other friends. “We own Fifth Business and two fillies that just turned 2,” said Geitner. “They’re by [Kentucky Derby winner] Street Sense and Twirling Candy.” As with many professionals, Geitner finds him-
self away from his family for a part of the year, but DFG Stables is truly a family affair as he and his wife combine their talents and abilities to make sure the operation runs seamlessly. DFG Stables in Aiken covers 167 acres and has 55 stalls and a German-Geo Textile ring. But family remains an important part of the Geitners’ lives, and their children Wyatt and Lillie have immersed themselves in the culture associated with the show circuit. “Wyatt and Lillie are both doing great,” said Geitner. “They love the horses. My daughter Lillie is probably the rider of the two. Wyatt’s smart in school and probably too smart for this business, which is fine with me. They enjoy it. They love the horses. “We just got Lillie a great pony and it’s given her a lot of confidence. I think she really enjoys it.” But it’s that consistency and steady presence that has enabled Geitner to succeed as a professional. He gives much of the credit for his success to his wife, his competent staff and to his equine teammates who are a critical component in his propitious fortune. “You’re only as good as what you’re riding,” said Geitner. “It really just makes such a big difference. Your confidence as a rider gets high. The horses feed off of it; the hunters and jumpers. It really makes life easy. It keeps the business rolling. “Everybody wants to buy a quality horse. It helps the selling aspect, having that good of a string of horses, and it’s nice knowing I could sell one or two and still have plenty of others that are waiting in the wings.” HCD
The Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Association Museum and Gallery is hosting an art exhibition and charity art sale titled “Florida-breds and More” through April. The exhibition features the original artwork of Miami-based fine artist Dania Sierra. Sierra’s works have graced the cover of Del Mar’s 2011 media guide and program cover when she served as the artist in residence and her works have also been featured art for South Florida art festivals. Sierra began painting horses with champion racehorse Big Brown with a Picasso style and as her work with horses developed, her more recent works are realistic but retain the vibrant colors she is well known for. Her love for animals, specifically horses, inspired her to create this equine series. The exhibition is open Mondays through Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed noon to 1 p.m. The admission is free. The masterfully executed in rich thick oils make the contemporary pieces unique and are wonderful collector's pieces for all horse enthusiasts and the proceeds are for a charity. Proceeds from the charity art sold during the exhibition benefit the Florida Thoroughbred Charities, which funds the Second Chances horse retirement farm at the Lowell Correctional Institute which gives women there an opportunity to earn an equine education certification while working with retired thoroughbreds. Famous thoroughbreds housed at the farm include old campaigner Carterista, millionaire champion sprinter Shake You Down and past Florida Horse of the Year Forbidden Apple. Proceeds also go to student scholarships in which FTC funded 26 in 2014.
801 SW 60th Ave. • Ocala, FL
A SUBSIDIARY OF FLORIDA THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ AND OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION 34474 • 352-629-2160 • Fax: 352-629-3603 • www.ftboa.com • info@ftboa.com 4
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 19
Marital Bliss
Killams team up to win $25,000 SmartPak
went eighth in the jump-off and finished in 32.530, and fifth on Bull Run’s Eternal, who went second in the jump-off, after Thieme, and completed the round in 32.702. Both of VanderVeen’s rides are owned by Bull Run Jumpers LLC. Killam said of his ride, “I was happy for my horse. I had the fastest time in [the Feb. 22] Grand Prix but I let my horse down by pulling on the reins [which perhaps led to his four faults in that jump-off]. This time I went forward. The turnback to the green oxer was hard for me but the last line rode well. The course was straight forward for the first time showing under the lights.” Runner-up Thieme was happy for Cellisto’s owner Vallhonrat and praised his horse. “He is a championship horse,” he said. “I am so happy for my friend Seth.” The lights in the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium lit up Brazilian course designer Anderson Lima’s 15-effort Grand Prix. Before the class, Lima deRider Prize $ scribed his course, saying, “It’s Kris Killam $7,500 a long course, but they have Andre Thieme $5,500 plenty of places they can go to Dorothy Douglas $3,250 cut the time. There are no Kristen VanderVeen $2,000 tricks. I would like to have Kristen VanderVeen $1,500 about 10 clean.” Scott Keach $1,250 Devin Ryan $1,000 He got exactly what he wanted. Peter Leone $750 “Anderson Lima is my faIan Silitch $750 vorite course designer,” VanManuel Torres $500 derVeen said. “I’ve always Devin Ryan $500 enjoyed his courses.” HCD Thaisa Erwin $500
ris Killam of Naples won the $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix Feb. 26, riding his wife Mandy’s 13-year-old Selle Français gelding, Black Diamond. Killam topped a field of 32 with several riders showing on multiple horses and 10 moving on to the jump-off. Andre Thieme of Germany was the first to attempt the short course and he set the Great American Time to Beat at 32.102 riding Seth Vallhonrat’s Cellisto. Their performance would hold up for second place. Killam went fifth in the jump-off and cleared the course in 31.098 to take a commanding lead, while Dorothy Douglas, from Flower Mound, Texas, riding S & L Farms’ S & L Elite, went sixth with another clear in 32.285 to finish third to Killam and Thieme. Kristen VanderVeen of St. Charles, Ill., took fourth and fifth place. VanderVeen claimed fourth on Bull Run's Faustino de Tili, who
$25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Horse Black Diamond Cellisto S & L Elite Bull Run's Faustino de Tili Bull Run's Eternal Viriato Cooper My Pleasure Cordovo Pluto Liratus Matilda
20 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Owner Mandy Killam Seth Vallhonrat S & L Farms Bull Run Jumpers Five LLC Bull Run Jumpers One LLC Southern Cross Equestrian, LLC Devin Ryan My Pleasure LLC Gaston Family Investments LLC Santa Catalina Farm Devin Ryan Thaisa Erwin
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 21
Post Time Farm | Ocala, Florida
Equine Health Entry Requirements P
rotecting the health of your horse and other horses at HITS Ocala Winter Circuit is of the utmost importance to HITS. To that end HITS has implemented required biosecurity measures to decrease the risk of introduction and/or spread of contagious or infectious disease at its shows. Horses must arrive only between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily. Off-hours arrival must obtain permission from show management by calling 352-620-2275 24 hours prior to arrival.
Andre Thieme
Signed by the owner/agent/trainer verifying that the horse has been healthy with no sign of infectious disease and has not had a fever above 102°F within 72 hours (3 days) of arrival. An Event Participation Declaration Form is available in this prize list and at HitsShows.com. A new Event Participation Declaration Form must be filed each time the horse enters the property. Horses stabled off the property that “ship-in” on a regular basis must comply with this requirement as well as additional requirements noted on the following pages. Visit HitsShows.com for further details.
PROOF OF VACCINATION A signed statement from the attending veterinarian that the horse has been vaccinated against the following: Within 6 months (180 days) of each show: Equine Influenza Within 3 months (90 days) of each show: EHV 1 and EHV 4 If a vaccination will expire during one of the shows, the horse must receive its new vaccination prior to being issued a competition number for that show.
PRESENTATION OF HEALTH REQUIREMENTS The Equine Health Requirements are required for all horses entering the show grounds both showing and non-showing. 22 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
These documents must be filed in the Show Office before any competition numbers will be issued. In addition, random checks for equine health requirements will occur. Be sure to keep a copy of all of your horse’s equine health requirements in an easily accessible spot (in your tack room or tack trunk, truck or trailer) to ensure you can comply with this requirement. The results on all required papers must indicate the horses’ registered (show) name. Any horse not accompanied by these documents will be directed to the Show Veterinarian to obtain the required documents and/or vaccinations, and/or will be placed in quarantined stabling until the proper documents are obtained. Any horse showing signs of fever/illness/stress is subject to examination by HITS officials and/or the Show Veterinarian, who may, at their sole discretion, place the horse in quarantined stabling or take further action if deemed necessary. See Rules and Regs for more information, and visit HitsShows.com for the most up to date requirements. HCD
Farm Service Directory Free Listing Please check the category/categories (maximum of 2 please) you would like listed for your Florida farm/business in
50 R
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Please identify the breed For example - QUARTER HORSE
Ye ar
s o f S e r vi c e
Serving Florida’s Thoroughbred Indus since 1958 try
Please help us keep you current RESPONSE DEADLINE APRIL 24, 2015
FLORIDA FARM/BUSINESS NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________ FLORIDA FARM/BUSINESS PHONE: ————————————— FARM/BUSINESS FAX:____________________________ WEBSITE: ______________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________ OWNER OF FARM/BUSINESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ MANAGER OF FARM: ________________________________ MANAGER’S PHONE: ________________________________ BARN PHONE: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ACREAGE: __________________________________________________________________________________________ SIZE OF TRAINING TRACK: ______________________________________________________________________________ SERVICES OFFERED: __________________________________________________________________________________ STALLIONS STANDING: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ VISITING POLICY: ____________________________________________________________________________________ VISITORS WELCOME FROM __________________ TO ________________ VISITORS PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ❏ NO VISITORS ❏
DATE ____________________________ SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________________________
RETURN TO: THE FLORIDA HORSE • 801 SW 60TH AVE., • OCALA, FL 34474 For more information: 352-732-8858 • Fax: 352-629-3603 or 352-867-1979 Attention: Antoinette Griseta
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 23
After several placings, Harold Chopping nets Ist tally in $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix
unters took over the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium for the $5,000 Devoucoux Prix on Feb. 21.
In the Devoucoux Hunter Prix, with is open to Juniors, Amateurs and Professionals, Harold Chopping of Southern Pines, N.C., riding Caroline Russell Howe’s Caramo, had the high score of 87 in Round 1 and an 86 in Round 2. He finished with a two-point lead over second-place Alliawishus, owned by Kimberly Mittauer and ridden by Megan Wexler of Ocala.
$25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Horse Caramo Allawishus Cavalli Sandrimo Quebo Quidam Lovely Charity Cameron
Owner Caroline Russell Howe Kathryn Mittauer Debbie McIntyre Meadowood Farm, LLC Beechwood Stables, LLC Meredith Elise Keen Nicole Hiehle Marianne Huss
24 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Rider Prize $ Harold Chopping $1,500 Megan Wexler $1,000 Russell Frey $700 Lauren Schweppe $500 Annabel Revers $400 Morgan Ward $350 Nicole Hiehle $300 Robert Lee $250
Chopping and Caramo have had multiple placings in the Devoucoux Prix this season, but this is the first time they’ve come out on top. Chopping said, “He’s such a wonderful horse. You can always count on him to do his best. This week, I was able to put it all together for the win.” Chopping has shown in and placed in the Devoucoux Prix for five of the six weeks of the Ocala Circuit, so he can start setting his sights on the $500,000 Diamond Mills Hunter Prix Final in Saugerties, N.Y., this September. Third-place winner Cavelli, owned by Debbie McIntyre and ridden by Russell Frey of Batavia, Ill., had the secondhighest score in Round 1 with an 86, but an 81.5 in Round 2 dropped them from second to third. Sandrimo, owned by the Meadowood Farm LLC and ridden by Lauren Schweppe of Ocala, moved up from fifth place in Week 4 to finish in fourth with scores of 86 and 81.5, for a total of 167.5. The courses were designed by Jack Robson of Coronado, Calif.. The top 12 riders were invited back for a second round and scores were added together to determine a winner. The 12-obstacle course included long approaches, rollbacks and bending lines set to utilize the entire stadium and offer the opportunity for the hunters to show their ability to jump from the gallop. HCD
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 25
Easy Sailing Rojas-Restrepo, Cafino Z Win $7,500 U-Dump Classic 26 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
ina Rojas-Restrepo and Caf ino Z stepped into the ring for the jumpoff, blazed around the course in 28.637 seconds and took home the blue ribbon in the $7,500 U-Dump Junior/Am-
ateur-Owner High Classic Feb. 22 in the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium. The diff iculty of the f irst-round course was clear as all 15 obstacles fell at least once during the class. Only four successfully negotiated the 1.45 meter course designed by Jack Robson. Robert Lee of Old Saybrook, Conn., riding Brook Run Farm LLC’s Acrobat, was f irst to jump off and had both elements of the f inal combination down for eight faults in a time of 29.447 to f inish fourth. Next up was MacKenzie McGehee of Jacksonville, riding her own Fiona Van’t Paradijs, who went clean in 31.178 to take the lead. Michael Burnett of Carmel, Ind., riding his own Iron, was also clear, just a fraction behind in 31.252. All bets were off when Caf ino Z and Rojas-Restrepo shaved over two full seconds off the leading time, dropping McGehee to second and Burnett to third. HCD
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 27
From coast to coast, Florida’s tax-friendly, pro-business environment is poised and ready to attract new companies and create new employment opportunities. No tax on stallion seasons ■ No personal state income tax ■ No individual capital gains tax ■ Florida’s greenbelt exemption provides property tax breaks for Florida horse farms ■ Physical climate allows for year-round training, racing, showing and business opportunities ■ Feed and animal health items, along with other specific items, are also exempt ■ Horses are exempt from sales tax when purchased from their original breeder ■ Ranks second in the U.S. for number of thoroughbred horses ■ National leader in veterinary and equine research ■
Lonny T. Powell, CEO and Executive Vice President 801 SW 60th Ave. • Ocala, FL 34474 • 352-629-2160 Fax: 352-629-3603 • www.ftboa.com • info@ftboa.com
Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner 850-617-7341 • Fax 850-617-7331 e-mail: Christopher.denmark@freshfromflorida.com 407 S. Calhoun • 416 Mayo Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399
28 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
www.ftboa.com • www.facebook.com/thefloridahorse
Florida... the Best State for Business www.horsecapitaldigest.com 29
You are
Honor our 2014 Florida-bred Champions and their Breeders, Owners and Trainers 6 p.m. Monday, March 16 Circle Square Cultural Center Ballroom 8395 SW 80th Street, Ocala FL 34481
Our Evening of Elegance Cocktail Reception Silent Auction for Florida Thoroughbred Charities Dinner and Awards Ceremony
Tickets $100 Members Members can extend their discount to up to 3 guests
$125 Non-Members
Sponsorships from $500 to $10,000 available
Early RSVP Recommended by March 9. Visit www.ftboa.com for a full weekend event schedule and hotel/car rental partner discounts Florida Thoroughbred Breeders’ and Owners’ Assn., Tammy Gantt, tgantt@ftboa.com, 352-629-2160
30 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
6th An Annual
Kiiisissssss K th th
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www.horsecapitaldigest.com 31
Knockout Schaefer and Sugar Ray Take Title
in $2,500 Pyranha Low Amateur Jumper Classic
ourse designer Anderson Lima from Brazil designed a track of 15 efforts at 1.25 meters for the $2,500 Pyranha Low Amateur Jumper Classic and five jumped clear first rounds. First to tackle the jump-off, and one of the three double clears, was Abby Slaven of Ocala, riding the Coverboy Groups’ Vougeot de Septon. She had a clear round in 38.547, which earned her third place. Slaven was followed by Alexandra Carlton of Madison, Conn., riding her own Colourline, who had four faults in a time of 34.617 to place fourth. Next up was class winner Samantha Schaefer from Westminster, Md., who said of the course, “The track was bigger and more technical than it has been in the
$2,500 Pyranha Low Amateur Jumper Classic Horse Sugar Ray Vozura VDL Vougeot de Septon Colourline Lagrain Junior Z Lexx Undelie de Roset Mystic Joe
Owner John Skinner Dana Gattuso The Coverboy Group Alexandra Carlton Thinkslikeahorse Corri Goldman Corri Goldman Sabine Neumann
Rider Samantha Schaefer Dana Gattuso Abbey Slaven Alexandra Carlton Mallory Vale Corri Goldman Corri Goldman Sabine Neumann
Prize $ $750 $450 $300 $250 $225 $200 $175 $150
last few weeks. There were no double clears in the junior section of the Classic and I knew from the walk that I could not ride the jump off ‘pedal to the metal.’ I had to ride it smart. “I have had Sugar Ray for six years and every day you know exactly what you have. He wants to win as much as I do and that’s hard to beat.” Schaefer’s time of 34.138 held the lead despite a clear attempt by Dana Gattuso of Flemington, N.J., riding her own Brecourt, who came close with a time 32 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
of 34.446 to place second. Mallory Vale of Williston, riding the entry of Thinkslikeahorse and Lagrain Junior Z, had eight faults in the jump-off in a time of 39.762 for fifth. HCD
Samantha Schaefer aboard Sugar Ray tops in the $2,500 Pyranha Low Amateur Jumper Classic
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 33
Big-time Debut
Lexi Reed with newcomer Afandina Win $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome $2,500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Horse Afandina Blue Moon 22 Wild Card Via Dolorosa Liratus Pluto Alonso Anabella FVF Sailor Man Butterfly Rouge Quipit L.F. Quitaire
Owner Lexi Reed Full Circle Farm Hollberg Equestrian Derek Petersen Devin Ryan Santa Catalina Farm Jill Knowles Santa Catalina Farm Fox View Farm Kimberly Mulligan-Mangione Quipit Group Badger Hill Farm, LLC
34 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Rider Prize $ Lexi Reed 750 David Jennings 450 Thaisa Erwin 300 Derek Petersen 250 Devin Ryan 225 Manuel Torres 200 Karl Beyer 175 Manuel Torres 150 Maryann Charles * Kimberly Mulligan-Mangione * Ragan Roberts * Grace Long *
exi Reed and her new mount Afandina took charge in the Ocala Horse Properties Stadium on Feb. 25. Anderson Lima, designer of the following day’s Smart Pak Grand Prix, also designed this course of 13 efforts set at 1.40 meters. Seven horses moved on to the jump-off. Thaisa Erwin from Middleburg, Va., riding Wild Card, owned by Hollberg Equestrian of Ocala, was first to contest the jump-off. She completed the eight-effort final course without a fault in a trim 41.490 seconds. The lead changed hands with the next rider, David Jennings from Franklin, Tenn., riding Full Circle Farm’s Blue Moon, who shaved almost a full second off of Erwin’s time, finishing in 40.565 seconds. The lead changed for the final time when Afandina and Reed from Beaver Falls, Pa., flew around the course in 38.185. Four more made the attempt. Only the combination of Via Dolorosa and Derek Petersen from Archer, Fla., managed to beat the time but they had a rail down to finish fourth in 37.886 seconds. Reed said her ride “was very exciting for me. This is a new horse that is just 8 this year and he has only been in America five weeks. I was doubleclear but slow on him all three days last week, so I decided to kick it up a notch and it paid off. So far it has been a great circuit and I am very much looking forward to what the last couple of weeks have in store.”
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Membership and Benefit Details at www.ftboa.com
FLORIDA THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ AND OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION Tammy Gantt, Director of Membership Services/Events 801 SW 60th Ave. • Ocala, FL. 34474 • 352-629-2160 • Fax: 352-629-3603 • www.ftboa.com • tgantt@ftboa.com 40631
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 35
Gabrielle’s Way Gabrielle Fournier and Milky Way Win $2,500 Low Junior Classic
Gabrielle Fournier aboard Milky Way captures the Low Junior Classic
$2,500 Low Junior Classic Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Horse Milky Way Eminem Unbelievable Hagrid Van Ten Biesen Wassandra G Quartus S & L Ferrari Antonio
Owner Brie Tiffany Taggert Enterprises Paraizo Equestrian Partners, LLC Hadley Benneyan Hanna Powers Mary Katherine Hargreaves S & L Farms Amanda Shaffer
36 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Rider Prize $ Gabrielle Fournier $750 Madison Johnson $450 Lizzie Van der Walde $300 Rhian Murphy $250 Hanna Powers $225 Mary Katherine Hargreaves $200 Merrill Harvey $175 Amanda Shaffer $150
n the $2,500 Low Junior Classic on Feb. 22, six went on to an immediate jump off, but the course took its toll with no one going clean. On the same course designed by Anderson Lima that hosted the $2,500 Pyranha Low Amateur Jumper Classic, five jumped clear first rounds. The winning round was completed by Gabrielle Fournier of Rochester, N.Y., riding Brie Tiffany’s Milky Way. They had four faults in a time of 35.627. Madison Johnson of Mathews, N.C., riding Taggert Enterprises’ Eminem, also had four faults for second place in 36.333. Lizzie Van der Walde of Ann Arbor, Mich., aboard Paraizo Equestrian Partners LLC’s Unbelievable, finished third with four faults in 51.736.
Steady as you
$1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix Place Horse 1 Wonder Street 2 Hey Sailor 3 Urlala 4 Socialite 5 Zoe 6 Memorable 7 Del Piero 8 Kenya
Owner Sophie Transou Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center Terry S Maloomian Sidney Jefferson Kristine D'Andrea Over Fences Farm, LLC Alex Trolli Michelle Durpetti
Rider Prize $ Sophie Transou $450 Alex Trolli $300 Kimberly Maloomian $200 Sidney Jefferson $150 Kristine D'Andrea $125 Anna Kubiak $100 Alex Trolli $100 Michelle Durpetti $75
Consistent scoring takes $1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix for
Sophie Transou, Wonder Street
uniors and amateurs had the opportunity to jump the same course used in the Feb. 21 Devoucoux Hunter Prix. There were 40 horses who jumped the first-round course in the Platinum Performance Hunter Prix, with scores ranging from 75 to 87 returning for the second round. Sophie Transou of Tallahassee, riding her own Wonder Street, had a score of 85 in the first round and returned for the second round in third place. A duplication of that first round score, for a total of 170, earned her top honors. Transou, who trains with Ronnie Anderson, said, “I was really happy with my ride. I was a little nervous about the rollbacks. I’ve been practicing them in my lessons but, since I don’t do the junior hunters, I never have to do anything like that handy in a class. “I’ve only had this horse since the summer and this is the first weekend that it went really well. My goal was just to be consistent.” Runner-up Alex Trolli of Clarence, N.Y., riding Hey Sailor, had an 87 in Round 1 and another excellent score of 82 in Round 2 for a total of 169 — just one point less than the winner. Kimberley Maloomian from Needham, Mass., a past winner of the $250,000 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix Final and of the $1,500 Platinum Performance in the Ocala January Festival, rode her mother’s Urlala and placed third with identical scores of 83 and 83. Fourth place went to Sidney Jefferson from Alliston, Ontario, riding her own Socialite with scores of 80 and 85. Rounding out the top five was Kristine D’Andrea of Orange, Conn., riding her horse Zoe with scores of 84 and 80. HCD
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 37
hen making the trip to HITS, make sure you make time to swing by all the unique restaurants the area has to offer. Here’s the a few that made our list and why.
Cuvee’ Wine & Bistro is an intimate, elegant restaurant that is a great place to take clients or to be entertained in one of their private dining rooms. The upscale cuisine and wide array of wines from around the world make it a “must do.” The places speaks for itself as the winner of Wine Spectator’s award of excellence and also OpenTable.com diner’s choice winner of 2012. Closed Sundays, but open late Fridays and Saturdays until 2 a.m., they are at 2237 SW 19th Ave. Road, Suite 102, Ocala or call 352-351-1816.
The Ivy House Close to HITS in Williston, The Ivy House has been named by Florida Trend magazine as one of the “Top 500 Best Places to Eat in the State” for several years now. Housed in a turn of The Century Southern Home, built by Dr. Willis, whose father founded Williston. The daily special is served Southern-style and supper (not dinner) is Thursdays through Saturdays. The baked crispy chicken compares with Paula Deen’s best and it’s just hard to resist the Southern fried lobster. And if you prefer turf over surf (and what horse lover doesn’t?), try their signature steaks. They get packed so be sure to call ahead if you are a large party or even better take advantage of their full service catering option. Visit ivyhousefl.com for details. They are at 106 NE Main Street, Williston and their phone is 352-528-9278. Their Ocala address is 917 E. Silver Springs Blvd. Call 352-622-5550.
Pi on Broadway has a unique rooftop view of Ocala’s quaint downtown square. Run by Juan Bengoa, Pi is famous for their secret hummus recipe served with extra virgin olive oil, and warm flatbread for only $6. Regulars also rave about the craft beer, tapas, gourmet pizza and two levels of bars. They also have live music nightly. Just like the other downtown restaurants, your hosts at the place let you know they enjoy serving you in good company. They have nightly Happy Hours and on Thursdays the drink specials flow until 9 p.m. with 2-for-1s. Roma, the mainstay of the racing set, is Ocala’s favorite Italian restaurant. Racing’s big players in the game consistently stop in Pi On Broadway for the great specials and the best Italian 38 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
around prepared by Lorenzo. Food just so good, it’s hard to choose a favorite. But for starters, noteworthy items include their homemade meatballs, clam chowder, pizza, pasta dishes, garlic rolls and knots, or even one of the top burgers in town. If you’re into more than just the show circuit, they also show the horse races on TV all day long, plus other sports action. They are located on Hwy 27 just east of 60th St. in Ocala and their phone number is 352-368-7662.
Pepe’s If you’ve ever been to Mexico, then you will know what we are talking about when we say Pepe’s is authentic Mexican. The address leads you to what appears to be a grocery store, but trust us, go inside to the back of the store and turn right to find the hidden treasure. If you don’t know your right from left, no worries, the other way leads to the homemade tortilla mill where thousands are made daily. English is spoken, but if you want to practice your Spanish, it’s a good place to try. Portions are huge, so plan to take some home with you. Pepe’s is located at 7915 W Highway 40, Ocala. Call 352–291-8888, they also have La Hacienda at 4185 W Highway 40.
Thyme Flies More like an old-school diner, the Thyme Flies is located on the grounds of the Ocala airport and is known for great salads. They also have a fantastic fish fry Friday. The view’s not bad either – lawn jockeys representing great racing stables line the walkway to the runway and aviation photos don the walls throughout. It’s located at 1200 SW 60th Ave. in Ocala. Call 352-291-0283. HCD
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 39
ShowResults OCALA MASTERS - VL FEBRUARY 17 – 22, 2015 Champion/Reserves Class Title/ Placing Horse Name Low Hunter Champion Argentino Z Champion Cute Date Reserve For Sure Reserve Cydelle Reserve Charm Training Hunter Champion Out on Bale Reserve Coltrane Baby Green Hunter Champion Cordiarado Reserve Card Shark Adequan Hunter Champion It’s My Life Reserve Whiskey Blue HITS Hunter 1 Champion Turtle Bay Reserve Baja HITS Hunter 2 Champion Uptown Girl Champion Little Black Dress Reserve Kallaway Reserve Duval Pre-Green Hunter 1 Champion Light It Up Reserve Xoxo Pre-Green Hunter 2 Champion Fandango HX Reserve Escalade First Year Green Hunter Champion Memorable Reserve Biarritz Second Year Green Hunter Champion Candid Reserve Looking Glass Conformation Hunter (comb) Champion Karmin Reserve Social Hill High Performance Working Hunter Champion Jersey Boy Reserve Chapman ET Performance Working Hunter 3’6 Champion Winter Wonder Reserve San Paolo Performance Working Hunter 3’3’ Champion Eclipse Reserve Eileen Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 Champion Classified Reserve Whiskey Blue Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over Champion Cathartic Reserve Samaritan Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 Champion Orlon Reserve Blue Highway Adult Hunter 18-35 Champion Ultimatum Reserve Kavalier Adult Hunter 36-45 Champion Cartagena BD Reserve Vandrin Adult Hunter 46-55 Champion Regent’s Park Reserve Fairfax Adult Hunter 56 & Over Champion SweetWater Reserve Whitman
Rider Name
Owner Name
Sarah Barge Jeffrey Ayers Jeffrey Ayers Caitlyn Shiels Amanda Steege
Exceptional Equines, L.L.C. Aizlynn Radwanski Sally Culhane Marcia Franklin Dr and Mrs John McGuire
Mary Lisa Leffler Greg Crolick
Denise Clolery Melissa Hirt
Kyle Dewar Sam Pegg
Kyle Dewar Barb Ferriman
Michael Hughes Ashley Foster
Dana Gattuso RAF LLC
Lauren Gumpert Dawn Von Bernuth
Terrapin Hill Farm, LLC Dawn Von Bernuth
Karyn Foley Roxanne Vincek Paul Mathews Eliza Month
Dawn Von Bernuth Valerie Cordock Katie Cassidy-Ginsberg Eliza Month
Amanda Steege Maria Rasmussen
Theodore Iorio Forest Hill Farm
Adrienne Iverson Jeffrey Ayers
Redfield Farm Jeffrey Ayers
Maria Rasmussen Jeffrey Ayers
Over Fences Farm LLC Gerald Camera
Jennifer Alfano Donald Sheehan
Jennifer Alfano Debi and Richard Jaynes
David Connors Jennifer Alfano
Four Winds Farm SBS Farms Inc
Jennifer Alfano Adrienne Iverson
SBS Farms Inc Redfield Farm
Amanda Steege Hillary Johnson
Beechwood Stables LLC Cole Battershall
Hillary Johnson Molly McAdow
Starr Meijer Lorrie Canady
Samantha Schaefer Ashley Foster
Samantha Schaefer RAF LLC
Ashley Hixon Jennifer Munday
Ashley Hixon Jennifer Munday
Margot Peroni Carly Corbacho
Margot Peroni Carly Corbacho
Andrew Coolen Corinne Milbury
Melissa Rudershausen Corinne Milbury
Kirsten Pollin Kristen Sameth
Dana Davies Kristen Sameth
Jeannie Savegnago Liz Hudspeth
Jeannie Savegnago Liz Hudspeth
Kathy Chiaf Allyson Lewis
Kathy Chiaf Allyson Lewis
40 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Small Junior Hunter 15 & Under Champion Kingpin Reserve Tahitian Gold Small Junior Hunter 16-17 Champion Broadway Reserve Cold Case Large Junior Hunter (comb) Champion Cinderella Man Champion Conquista
Annabel Revers Madeline Berg
Beechwood Stables LLC Madeline Berg
Morgan Ward Ashton Alexander
Lindsey Ward Donald Stewart
Gabriella Fournier Ashton Alexander
GDF Equine, LLC Don Stewart & Marjorie Berkache Devon Mac Leod Nancy Moore
Reserve Notorious Devon Mac Leod Reserve Morocco Grace Boston Children’s Hunter Pony Champion Coastal Sunset Brianna Folk Reserve Dragonslair Bedazzled Rachael Lomel Children’s Hunter Pony Large Champion Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros Reserve Losander’s CamelotLindsey Hurley Children’s Hunter Horse 14 & Under Champion US Marshall Rachael Hopkins Reserve Caligo Laine Grosvenor Antares Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17 Champion Anucci Jess Lusty Champion Wanna Be Lexi Dreisbach Small Green Pony Hunter Champion Woodlands Polar Bear Reserve Clovermeade Semper Fi Medium Green Pony Hunter Champion Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek Reserve Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Large Green Pony Hunter Champion Blue On Bye Devin Seek Reserve Tater Tot Devin Seek Small Pony Hunter Champion Sparkle Claire Campbell Saddle Sold SeparatelyBrianna Folk Reserve Medium Pony Hunter Champion Leon Madeline Schaefer Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek Reserve Large Pony Hunter Champion Hallelujah Catherine Black Reserve Devil Mint Devin Seek Pre-Children’s Hunter Champion Elf Merilee Weil Reserve Best Dressed Aidan Gerard Pre-Adult Hunter Champion Bellamy Elizabeth Iseler Reserve Caspian Heather Conder Post Time Child Hunter Champion Cydelle Madeline Pogorzelski Reserve Taxi Katharine Fletcher Post Time Adult Hunter Champion Chances Czar Tonia Werner Reserve Precious Mettle Saundra Hendrickson Modified Child Hunter Champion Quite Chocolate Catherine Kubiak Champion Illusionist Angelina Smith Champion Bonjour Kailyn Waldeck Reserve Essex Street Katherine Padilla Reserve Once Upon A Time Emma Dowdle Reserve MTM Up2U Natalie Alden Modified Adult Hunter Champion HC Ebantos Champion Coscolino Kimberly Beattie Reserve Infatuation Matthew Jenkins Reserve Whitman Allyson Lewis Short Stirrup Hunter Champion Chat Room Amelia Redd Champion Lancer Rachel Lusk Reserve Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd Farnley Keep It A Secret Caia Watridge Reserve Schooling Pony Hunter - Small Champion Texas Hold ‘Em Casey Oliver Reserve Clovermeade Semper Fi
Kristen Brown Rachael Lomel Waters Edge Stable Deerfield LTD. Kiki Hopkins Laine Grosvenor Monica Hunt Coreen Gilligan Devin Seek Bibby Hill Aliya MakerAliya Maker Bibby Hill Devin Seek Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Maffitt Lake Farms Katy Gasiorowski Maher Family LLC Two Point Equestrian, LLC Madeline Schaefer Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Rose Hill Farm Scarlett Lee Aylsworth Samantha Kirchhoff Ginny Gerard Elizabeth Iseler Heather Conder Marcia Franklin Kevin Eufemia Tonia Werner Saundra Hendrickson Over Fences Farm LLC Angelina Smith Kailyn Waldeck Katherine Padilla Karen Mitchell Natalie Alden HC Sport Horses Kimberly Beattie Reinbow’s End Farm Allyson Lewis Carol Stillwell Emer Coyne Texie Loyd Fox Meadow Farm Joy Kloss Aliya MakerAliya Maker
ShowResults Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium Champion Losander’s CamelotLindsey Hurley Reserve Cruz Bay Catherine Black Schooling Pony Hunter - Large Champion Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox Reserve Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar Modified Junior Hunter Champion Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier Champion Boris Elle Young Reserve Notorious Devon Mac Leod Reserve Quidam Morgan Ward Modified Amateur Hunter Champion Calido’s Son Amanda Hauser Reserve Tuscan Sky Mackenzie Ennis Reserve Blue Shamrock Alexa Bayko Thoroughbred Hunter 1 Champion Ready Set Rock Emily Terry Peterson Reserve Will to Win Kate Wilson Thoroughbred Hunter 2 Champion Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers Reserve Neighbor Elizabeth LaPierre Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over Champion Cheers Robin Swinderman Reserve Aristo Sally Culhane Junior Hunter Low 3’3’ Champion Best Of Madeline Schaefer Reserve Quintessential Elizabeth McKim Equitation 11 & Under Champion Boston Maeve O’Donovan Reserve Panda-Shamu Ava Allegre Equitation 12-13 Champion Ranger Samantha Koeppel Reserve Easy Living Emma Dowdle Equitation 14-15 Champion Constantine Abigail Brayman Reserve Donder Clara Bechtold Equitation 16-17 Champion Brugge Grace Upshaw Reserve French Kiss Morgan Ward Pony Equitation Champion Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros Reserve Prince Caspian Marlee Altizer Adult Equitation 18-45 Champion Caymus Dana Brawley Reserve Scarto Caroline Carr Adult Equitation 46 & Over Champion Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago Reserve SweetWater Kathy Chiaf Maiden Equitation Champion Campari 112 Andrea Russell Reserve Blue Twisted Steel Hallie Weegar Novice Equitation Champion Cyprinus Carpio Justine Perrotti Reserve Chepetto Naya Shim Limit Equitation Champion Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer Reserve Watch Me Sophie Transou Intermediate Equitation Champion D.A. Bjorn Deana Schenkel Reserve Brightside Lily C. Walton Adult Maiden Equitation Champion Out on Bale Denise Clolery Reserve Orion Erin Hunt Adult Novice Equitation Champion Notorious Vashti Brotherhood Adult Novice Equitation Reserve Zingarella Donna Rosenwasser Adult Limit Equitation Champion Remington Emily Crabtree Reserve _chapp_ Donna Rosenwasser Short Stirrup Equitation Champion Chat Room Amelia Redd Reserve Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd Advanced Beginner Equitation Champion Carolina’s Small Talk Luke Rinehart Reserve Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford
Deerfield LTD. Catherine Black Ashley Vail Aycox Theresa Tolar GDF Equine, LLC Remeta Sky LLC Devon Mac Leod Meredith Elise Keen Amanda Hauser Mackenzie Ennis Monica Hunt Mckenzie Kreilich Kate Wilson Jeffrey Ayers Elizabeth LaPierre Robin Swinderman Sally Culhane Gabriella Conte EHM Equestrian LLC Maeve O’Donovan Vick Russell Aliya Maker Kelsey Hileman Anna Gassib Starlite Farm Grace Upshaw Abby Graham Waters Edge Stable Marlee Altizer Brawley Farms Inc Dr. Melissa Webster Jeannie Savegnago Kathy Chiaf Kimberden Inc. Hallie Weegar Justine Perrotti Naya Shim Alexis Worthington Emmanuelle Mille Debbie Adams Lily C. Walton Denise Clolery Erin Hunt Devon Mac Leod Mike Rosenwasser Emily Crabtree Donna Rosenwasser Carol Stillwell Texie Loyd Luke Rinehart
Beginner Equitation (WalkTrot) Champion Northwinds Indian Summer Farms Reserve Enchanted Kathryne Crabtree HITS 2’ Jumper - 0.65m Champion Tiger Lily Richard Rinehart DDWP Candy’s Cupcake Addison Reed Reserve Level 0 Jumper - 0.80m Champion Beloved Wings Kate Wilson Reserve Winter Prinz Sage Trunnell Level 1 Jumper - 0.90m Champion Blue Moon Ashley McNally Reserve Linden T Andras Szieberth Level 2 iEquine Jumper - 1.00m Champion Sea King Gold Ian Silitch Reserve Winchester Sarah Grant Level 3 Jumper - 1.10m Champion Zorrochello Nele Kortsch Champion Seen and Heard Kayley Kloss Level 3 Jumper - 1.10m Champion Fatima Kate Wilson Donald Van Het Goor Mauricio Garcia Champion Champion Luc Richard Rinehart Level 4 Jumper - 1.15m Champion Contessa Richard Rinehart Reserve Vivawell Angel Karolyi Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m Champion Leila Eileen O’Leary Reserve Final Round Katherine Becker Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m Champion Vienna MBF John Burdo Reserve Lightning Strikes M Lisa Solski Reserve A Propos Liz Hudspeth Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m Champion Capitol G Cristina Santini Reserve Contessa Jholie Lawrence Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m Champion Lumiro Nellee Fine Reserve Charlie Murphy Diana Harris Reserve El Fernantez Zet Kimberly Leslie Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m Champion Brother Thelonius Becky Adams Reserve Prince Royal Ashley Foster Reserve Cisco Kid Gretchen Vida Reserve Sky’s the Limit Avery Sharp Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m Champion Carlson V Melissa Watt Reserve Patron Lori Osterstock Reserve Jumping Jill Z Lynn Seithel Children’s Jumper Low - .90m Champion Blue Moon Ashley McNally Reserve Seen and Heard Mackenzie Fischer Children’s Jumper Medium - 1.00m Champion Winchester Sarah Grant Reserve Stillwater Fredericka Sciarra Children’s Jumper High - 1.10m Champion Lyons Creek Action Skyllar Beckel Charmeur van de Begijnakker Skyllar Beckel Reserve Level 5 FarmVet Jumper - 1.20m Champion Zammetje Michael Hughes Reserve Donnaludine David Beisel Reserve Context Hayley Alfonso Reserve Giljana Jonathan Corrigan Level 6 Jumper - 1.30m Champion Fideel Sean McCook Reserve Veerle Robin Fairclough Reserve Okla Homa Aaron Vale Reserve Anabella Manuel Torres Junior CWD Jumper Low Champion Eminem Madison Johnson Reserve Milky Way Gabriella Fournier Junior Jumper Medium WEC Quidam-Quidam Cooper Dean Champion Reserve Conquillas Morgan Ward Amateur Jumper Low Champion Sandman Jackie Henderson Reserve Philadelphia 54 Christina Webb
Isabel Hunt Maffitt Lake Linda Orton Emily Rapchak Patricia Irvine Patricia Dempsey Sage Trunnell Lisa O’Neill Andras & Daina Szieberth Sarah Scott Sarah Grant Annabel Benito Mackenzie Fischer Barbara Booth Giorgia Ieromazzo Grace Coffey Kristine Surette Raylyn Farms, Inc. Eileen O’Leary Katherine Becker John Burdo Lisa Solski Kathryn Dozier Cristina Santini Jholie Lawrence Nellee Fine Diana Harris Kimberly Leslie Heartland Sport Horses Patty Foster Gretchen Vida Avery Sharp Melissa Watt Lori Osterstock Lynn Seithel Lisa O’Neill Mackenzie Fischer Sarah Grant Kathy Chiaf Skyllar Beckel Skyllar Beckel Christina Fried Equine Holdings LLC Tyndall Wood Farms Steven Klein World Horse Sales James Fairclough Donald Stewart Santa Catalina Farm Taggert Enterprises Brie Tiffany William Upton Morgan Ward Stan Henderson Fox View Farm
Anissa Dahlkemper
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 41
ShowResults Amateur-Owner Jumper Medium Champion Lyla Reserve SCS Clyde Z Reserve Valentina 156 Amateur-Owner Jumper High Champion Charmeur Ask Reserve As Di Chupito Reserve Iron YJC 6 Year Olds Champion Graf Joe Reserve Five Star YJC 7 Year Olds Champion Balveneur Z Reserve Butter Scotch Reserve Dendelion
Emily R Sheveland Haley Robinson Alex Parrish
Emily R Sheveland Salt Creek Stables, LLC Lexander Farm, LLC
Melissa Rudershausen Erin Haas Michael Burnett
Melissa Rudershausen North Face Farm Michael Burnett
Amanda Flint David Beisel
Laura Ganny REV Media Marketing LLC
Linda Radigan David Beisel Greg Prince
Linda Radigan Rockmount Equestrian Corp. Artillery Lane LLC
Division Results Hi-Low Hunter O/F 1 Memorable 2 Cartagena BD 3 MTM Cheshire Hi-Low Hunter O/F 1 Castle 2 Undercover 3 Quidam Hi-Low Hunter O/F 1 Fernhill Westin 2 Best Of 3 Geldlich Low Hunter O/F 1 Argentino Z 1 Socialite 2 Just Looking 2 Valor 3 For Sure 3 The Only Exception Low Hunter O/F 1 Cute Date 1 Argentino Z 2 The Only Exception 2 Cicole 3 For Sure 3 Astor Low Hunter O/F 1 Charm 1 Cydelle 2 Marvelous 2 Tell All 3 Establishment 3 Cute Date Low Hunter O/F 1 Cydelle 1 Charm 2 For Sure 2 Tell All 3 The Only Exception 3 Jacob’s Creek Low Hunter Under Saddle 1 Quentin 1 Cute Date 2 For Sure 2 Just Looking 3 Barina 3 Argentino Z Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Orlon 2 Kallaway 3 Church Road Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Preview My Assets 2 Royal Highland 3 Private Ryan Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Zazu 2 Fairfax 3 Zapour Training Hunter O/F 1 Out on Bale 2 Special Kay 3 Definitely, Maybe
Maria Rasmussen Mary Lisa Leffler Tracy Fenney
Over Fences Farm LLC Dana Davies MTM Farm
Jennifer Alfano Bob Brawley Morgan Ward
Sharon O’Neill Kimberly Guthrie Meredith Elise Keen
Daniel Geitner Kate Conover Linda Orton
Haley Redifer Gabriella Conte Amelia Cummings
Sarah Barge Sidney Jefferson Billi Rose Brandner Deirdre Catani Jeffrey Ayers Jenelle Branom
Exceptional Equines, L.L.C. Sidney Jefferson Billi Rose Brandner Sarah Lambert Sally Culhane Katie Rudnick
Jeffrey Ayers Sarah Barge Jenelle Branom Billi Rose Brandner Jeffrey Ayers Harold Chopping
Aizlynn Radwanski Exceptional Equines, L.L.C. Katie Rudnick Folklore Performance Horses, LLC Sally Culhane Amy Nolan
Amanda Steege Caitlyn Shiels Chris Steer Maria Rasmussen Jennifer Jones Jeffrey Ayers
Dr and Mrs John McGuire Marcia Franklin Chris Steer Over Fences Farm LLC Ellen Greiner Aizlynn Radwanski
Caitlyn Shiels Amanda Steege Jeffrey Ayers Maria Rasmussen Jenelle Branom Jacqueline McQueen
Marcia Franklin Dr and Mrs John McGuire Sally Culhane Over Fences Farm LLC Katie Rudnick Shelley Stettner
Ashley Hartman Jeffrey Ayers Jeffrey Ayers Billi Rose Brandner Molly McAdow Sarah Barge
Patricia Hall Aizlynn Radwanski Sally Culhane Billi Rose Brandner Nina Donnelly Exceptional Equines, L.L.C.
Margot Peroni Paul Mathews Jennifer Ritucci
Margot Peroni Katie Cassidy-Ginsberg Cynthia Boudreau
Grace Wilson Grace Wilson Allyson ‘Sunny’ Baros-KablerAllyson ‘Sunny’ Baros-Kabler Lena Rae Reeb Jamie Ringel Betty Oare Liz Hudspeth Denise Melillo
Mr & Mrs Ernest M Oare Liz Hudspeth Denise Melillo
Mary Lisa Leffler Jacqueline McQueen Shannon Dickinson
Denise Clolery Trestle Tree Farm Diane Welter
42 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Training Hunter O/F 1 Out on Bale 2 Cordiarado 3 Special Kay Training Hunter O/F 1 Coltrane 2 Guinness 3 Instant Karma Training Hunter O/F 1 Out on Bale 2 Coltrane 3 Zingarella Training Hunter Under Saddle 1 Out on Bale 2 Uptown Girl 3 Picture This Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Cordiarado 2 Let’s Duet 3 Card Shark Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Cordiarado 2 Card Shark 3 First Light Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Varina 2 Cordiarado 3 Let’s Duet Baby Green Hunter O/F 1 Card Shark 2 First Light 3 Cordiarado Baby Green Hunter Under Saddle 1 Let’s Duet 2 Deep Snow 3 Card Shark $250 Adequan Hunter O/F 1 HH Copyright 2 Whiskey Blue 3 Allawishus $250 Adequan Hunter O/F 1 Salem 2 It’s My Life 3 Come What May $250 Adequan Hunter O/F - M&S 1 It’s My Life 2 Come What May Adequan Hunter Under Saddle 1 Violets Are Blue 2 Chiquita 3 Come What May HITS Hunter 1 O/F 1 Baja 2 Best Dressed 3 Turtle Bay HITS Hunter 1 O/F 1 All In 2 Baja 3 ShowStar HITS Hunter 1 O/F 1 Instant Karma 2 Turtle Bay 3 Shades of Summer HITS Hunter 1 O/F - M&S 1 Turtle Bay 2 Shades of Summer 3 Cinderella HITS Hunter 1 Under Saddle 1 Turtle Bay 2 Instant Karma 3 Rhythm N Blues HITS Hunter 2 O/F 1 Kallaway 1 Establishment 2 Uptown Girl 2 Warrenton 3 Little Black Dress 3 Duval
Mary Lisa Leffler Kyle Dewar Jacqueline McQueen
Denise Clolery Kyle Dewar Trestle Tree Farm
Greg Crolick Lise Revers Clair Kellner
Melissa Hirt Beechwood Stables LLC Dale Johnson
Mary Lisa Leffler Greg Crolick Donna Rosenwasser
Denise Clolery Melissa Hirt Mike Rosenwasser
Mary Lisa Leffler Karyn Foley Jeffrey Ayers
Denise Clolery Dawn Von Bernuth Aizlynn Radwanski
Kyle Dewar Molly McAdow Sam Pegg
Kyle Dewar Molly McAdow Barb Ferriman
Kyle Dewar Sam Pegg Shachine Belle
Kyle Dewar Barb Ferriman Emily Miller
Clair Kellner Kyle Dewar Molly McAdow
Waters Edge Stable Kyle Dewar Molly McAdow
Sam Pegg Shachine Belle Kyle Dewar
Barb Ferriman Emily Miller Kyle Dewar
Molly McAdow Cynsie Broda Sam Pegg
Molly McAdow Cynsie Broda Barb Ferriman
Amanda Steege Ashley Foster Megan Wexler
Nancy Gordon RAF LLC Kathryn Mittauer
David Beisel Michael Hughes Ehrin Rittmueller
Mr and Mrs David Beisel Dana Gattuso Dawn Kelly
Michael Hughes Ehrin Rittmueller
Dana Gattuso Dawn Kelly
Mary Eufemia Kristen Bumpus Ehrin Rittmueller
Kevin Eufemia Louisa Kania Dawn Kelly
Dawn Von Bernuth Ginny Gerard Lauren Gumpert
Dawn Von Bernuth Ginny Gerard Terrapin Hill Farm, LLC
Amanda Wise Dawn Von Bernuth Margherita Montagna
Amanda Wise Dawn Von Bernuth Denise Gumbs
Dale Johnson Lauren Gumpert Isabella Durand
Dale Johnson Terrapin Hill Farm, LLC Jenna Weiner
Lauren Gumpert Isabella Durand Kayley Kloss
Terrapin Hill Farm, LLC Jenna Weiner Joy Kloss
Lauren Gumpert Dale Johnson Julia Kaim
Terrapin Hill Farm, LLC Dale Johnson Lisa O’Neill
Paul Mathews Ellen Greiner Karyn Foley Joy Ludy Roxanne Vincek Eliza Month
Katie Cassidy-Ginsberg Ellen Greiner Dawn Von Bernuth Joy Ludy Valerie Cordock Eliza Month
ShowResults HITS Hunter 2 O/F 1 Gentleman Prefer Blondes Amanda Wise Positive-ism Inc 1 Kallaway Katie Cassidy-Ginsberg Katie Cassidy-Ginsberg 2 Little Black Dress Roxanne Vincek Valerie Cordock 2 Warrenton Joy Ludy Joy Ludy 3 Duval Eliza Month Eliza Month 3 Infatuation Matthew Jenkins Reinbow’s End Farm HITS Hunter 2 O/F 1 Uptown Girl Karyn Foley Dawn Von Bernuth 1 Calatino Kimberly Mulligan-MangioneJanet Sparre 2 Follow Me Home Megan Wexler Louise Petz 2 Little Black Dress Roxanne Vincek Valerie Cordock 3 Fortunate Mary Stavola Mary Stavola 3 Infatuation Matthew Jenkins Reinbow’s End Farm HITS Hunter 2 O/F - M&S 1 Uptown Girl Karyn Foley Dawn Von Bernuth 1 Duval Eliza Month Eliza Month 2 Follow Me Home Megan Wexler Louise Petz 2 Flamenco 135 Thomas Hern Amy Hern 3 Infatuation Matthew Jenkins Reinbow’s End Farm 3 Fortunate Mary Stavola Mary Stavola HITS Hunter 2 Under Saddle 1 August Moon Liz O’Mara Susan Pullara 1 Sir Mick Jagger Alexa Adesokan Celeste Casale 2 Infatuation Matthew Jenkins Reinbow’s End Farm 2 Little Black Dress Roxanne Vincek Valerie Cordock 3 Dallas Anna Phillips Anna Phillips 3 Fortunate Mary Stavola Mary Stavola $250 Pre-Green Hunter 1 O/F 1 Xoxo Maria Rasmussen Forest Hill Farm 2 Ripken HTF Amanda Steege Christine Steenman 3 Fila Debbie McCarthy Taylor Lampert $250 Pre-Green Hunter 1 O/F 1 Symbolic Mary Lisa Leffler Denise Clolery 2 Ripken HTF Amanda Steege Christine Steenman 3 Jacob’s Creek Jacqueline McQueen Shelley Stettner $250 Pre-Green Hunter 1 O/F 1 Light It Up Amanda Steege Theodore Iorio 2 Symbolic Mary Lisa Leffler Denise Clolery 3 Snowbound Kate Conover Silver Springs Farm $250 Pre-Green Hunter 1 O/F* 1 Xoxo Maria Rasmussen Forest Hill Farm 2 Marvelous Sarah Barge Chris Steer 3 Northern Lights Cathy Inch Katriina Ruotsalo Pre-Green Hunter 1 Under Saddle 1 Light It Up Amanda Steege Theodore Iorio 2 Cabalina Sarah Barker Kate Richardson 3 Heartbreaker Jennifer Alfano Barbara Kearney $250 Pre-Green Hunter 2 O/F 1 Claas Clever Molly McAdow Mary Beth Canfield 2 Play Call Aaron Vale Donald Stewart 3 Checkmate Lauren Schweppe Elizabeth Stroh $250 Pre-Green Hunter 2 O/F 1 Fandango HX Adrienne Iverson Redfield Farm 2 Exclusive Jennifer Jones Redfield Farm 3 Escalade Jeffrey Ayers Jeffrey Ayers $250 Pre-Green Hunter 2 O/F 1 Fandango HX Adrienne Iverson Redfield Farm 2 Claas Clever Molly McAdow Mary Beth Canfield 3 Escalade Jeffrey Ayers Jeffrey Ayers $250 Pre-Green Hunter 2 O/F* 1 Fandango HX Adrienne Iverson Redfield Farm 2 Exclusive Jennifer Jones Redfield Farm 3 Escalade Jeffrey Ayers Jeffrey Ayers Pre-Green Hunter 2 Under Saddle 1 Bianca Sara Green Redfield Farm 2 Escalade Jeffrey Ayers Jeffrey Ayers 3 Bailando Jill Shull Samantha Hurley $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F 1 MTM Cheshire Tracy Fenney MTM Farm 2 Biarritz Jeffrey Ayers Gerald Camera 3 Memorable Maria Rasmussen Over Fences Farm LLC $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Memorable Maria Rasmussen Over Fences Farm LLC 2 MTM Passport Therese Peck Cammy Turgon 3 Biarritz Jeffrey Ayers Gerald Camera $600 First Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Karmin David Connors Four Winds Farm 2 Memorable Maria Rasmussen Over Fences Farm LLC 3 Let’s Talk Catherine Rinehart Andrea Stout
$600 First Year Green Hunter O/F - Handy 1 Biarritz Jeffrey Ayers 2 Karmin David Connors 3 Memorable Maria Rasmussen $100 First Year Green Hunter Under Saddle 1 Corporate Maria Rasmussen 2 MTM Passport Therese Peck 3 Karmin David Connors $600 Second Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Candid Jennifer Alfano 2 Looking Glass Donald Sheehan 3 Cavalli Russell Frey $600 Second Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Looking Glass Donald Sheehan 2 Lordano Ashton Alexander 3 Candid Jennifer Alfano $600 Second Year Green Hunter O/F 1 Candid Jennifer Alfano 2 MTM Hands Down Amanda Steege 3 Lordano Ashton Alexander
Gerald Camera Four Winds Farm Over Fences Farm LLC Ashley Netzky Cammy Turgon Four Winds Farm Jennifer Alfano Debi and Richard Jaynes Debbie McIntyre Debi and Richard Jaynes Lynn Seithel Jennifer Alfano Jennifer Alfano Beechwood Stables LLC Lynn Seithel
$600 Second Year Green Hunter O/F Handy 1 Cavalli Russell Frey 2 Lordano Ashton Alexander 3 Calvary Amanda Steege
Debbie McIntyre Lynn Seithel Jessica Tindley
$100 Second Year Green Hunter Under Saddle 1 Calvary Amanda Steege 2 Looking Glass Donald Sheehan 3 Candid Jennifer Alfano
Jessica Tindley Debi and Richard Jaynes Jennifer Alfano
Conformation Hunter Model (comb) 1 Karmin David Connors 2 Social Hill Jennifer Alfano 3 Saville Row Molly McAdow
Four Winds Farm SBS Farms Inc Erik Swanson
$400 Conformation Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Karmin David Connors 2 Social Hill Jennifer Alfano 3 Saville Row Molly McAdow
Four Winds Farm SBS Farms Inc Erik Swanson
$400 Conformation Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Karmin David Connors 2 Saville Row Molly McAdow 3 Kingpin Amanda Steege
Four Winds Farm Erik Swanson Beechwood Stables LLC
$400 Conformation Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Karmin David Connors 2 Social Hill Jennifer Alfano 3 Hidden Treasure Tommy Feigel
Four Winds Farm SBS Farms Inc Dorothy Ammerman
$400 Conformation Hunter O/F Handy (comb) 1 Kingpin Amanda Steege 2 Social Hill Jennifer Alfano 3 Karmin David Connors
Beechwood Stables LLC SBS Farms Inc Four Winds Farm
$100 Conformation Hunter U/S (comb) 1 Karmin David Connors 2 Social Hill Jennifer Alfano 3 Saville Row Molly McAdow
Four Winds Farm SBS Farms Inc Erik Swanson
$600 High Performance Working Hunter O/F 1 Jersey Boy Jennifer Alfano 2 Chapman ET Adrienne Iverson 3 Better Man Greg Crolick
SBS Farms Inc Redfield Farm Top Call Farm
$600 High Performance Working Hunter O/F 1 Jersey Boy Jennifer Alfano 2 Better Man Greg Crolick 3 Chapman ET Adrienne Iverson
SBS Farms Inc Top Call Farm Redfield Farm
$600 High Performance Working Hunter O/F 1 Jersey Boy Jennifer Alfano 2 Chapman ET Adrienne Iverson 3 Better Man Greg Crolick
SBS Farms Inc Redfield Farm Top Call Farm
$600 High Performance Working Hunter O/F Handy 1 Jersey Boy Jennifer Alfano 2 Chapman ET Adrienne Iverson 3 Quite Chocolate Maria Rasmussen
SBS Farms Inc Redfield Farm Over Fences Farm LLC
$150 High Performance Working Hunter Under Saddle 1 Quite Chocolate Maria Rasmussen 2 Better Man Greg Crolick 3 Chapman ET Adrienne Iverson $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’6 O/F 1 Winter Wonder Amanda Steege 2 Illusionist Greg Crolick 3 San Paolo Hillary Johnson
Over Fences Farm LLC Top Call Farm Redfield Farm Beechwood Stables LLC Angelina Smith Cole Battershall
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 43
ShowResults $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’6 O/F 1 Winter Wonder Amanda Steege 2 San Paolo Hillary Johnson 3 Lion Ian Silitch $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’6 O/F 1 Winter Wonder Amanda Steege 2 Bostonian Deirdre Catani 3 Lion Ian Silitch $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’6 O/F Handy 1 Winter Wonder Amanda Steege 2 Lion Ian Silitch 3 San Paolo Hillary Johnson $100 Performance Working Htr 3’6 Under Saddle 1 Winter Wonder Amanda Steege 2 MTM Bugatti Jennifer Ritucci 3 San Paolo Hillary Johnson $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’3’ O/F 1 Brooklyn Matthew Jenkins 2 Love Struck Matthew Jenkins 3 Eclipse Hillary Johnson $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’3’ O/F 1 Divine Molly McAdow 2 Eclipse Hillary Johnson 3 Insight Daniel Geitner $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’3’ O/F 1 Violets Are Blue Mary Eufemia 2 Eclipse Hillary Johnson 3 Carla Cara Garito $250 Performance Working Hunter 3’3’ O/F Handy 1 Eileen Molly McAdow 2 Eclipse Hillary Johnson 3 Violets Are Blue Mary Eufemia $100 Performance Working Hunter 3’3’ Under Saddle 1 Eileen Molly McAdow 2 Brooklyn Matthew Jenkins 3 Valor Deirdre Catani $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Classified Samantha Schaefer 2 Whiskey Blue Ashley Foster 3 Stallone Samantha Schaefer $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F* 1 Classified Samantha Schaefer 2 Whiskey Blue Ashley Foster 3 Valentine Jaime Auletto $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Classified Samantha Schaefer 2 Whiskey Blue Ashley Foster 3 Stallone Samantha Schaefer $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F Handy 1 Whiskey Blue Ashley Foster 2 Classified Samantha Schaefer 3 Valentine Jaime Auletto $100 Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 Under Saddle 1 Classified Samantha Schaefer 2 Stallone Samantha Schaefer 3 Valentine Jaime Auletto $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F 1 Lordano Lynn Seithel 2 Lovely Charity Nicole Hiehle 3 Samaritan Jennifer Munday $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F * 1 Cathartic Ashley Hixon 2 Quintessential Kevin Foster 3 Samaritan Jennifer Munday $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F 1 Cathartic Ashley Hixon 2 Lovely Charity Nicole Hiehle 3 Quintessential Kevin Foster $600 Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F Handy 1 Versace Lynn Seithel 2 Cathartic Ashley Hixon 3 Samaritan Jennifer Munday $100 Amateur-Owner Hunter Under Saddle 1 Cathartic Ashley Hixon 2 Samaritan Jennifer Munday 3 Lordano Lynn Seithel $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Kenya Michelle Durpetti 2 Blue Highway Carly Corbacho 3 Second Hand News Jessica Van Brocklin Smith
44 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Beechwood Stables LLC Riley Scharland Cole Battershall
$400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F* 1 Orlon Margot Peroni 2 Socialite Sidney Jefferson 3 Blue Highway Carly Corbacho $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Orlon Margot Peroni 2 Blue Highway Carly Corbacho 3 Second Hand News Jessica Van Brocklin Smith $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 O/F Handy 1 Ferragamo’s Feature Jenna Weiner 2 Blue Highway Carly Corbacho 3 Orlon Margot Peroni $100 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 18-35 Under Saddle 1 Ferragamo’s Feature Jenna Weiner 2 Gandhi Caroline Calhoun 3 Socialite Sidney Jefferson
Courtney Butz Kelly Stensland Starr Meijer
Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Scarto 2 Kavalier 3 Picture Me
Caroline Carr Corinne Milbury Jennifer O’Donnell
Dr. Melissa Webster Corinne Milbury Jennifer O’Donnell
Galway Farm Starr Meijer Page Flournoy
Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F* 1 Kavalier 2 Zoe 3 Urlala
Corinne Milbury Kristine D’Andrea Kimberly Maloomian
Corinne Milbury Kristine D’Andrea Terry S Maloomian
Kevin Eufemia Starr Meijer Cara Garito
Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Ultimatum 2 Kavalier 3 Scarto
Andrew Coolen Corinne Milbury Caroline Carr
Melissa Rudershausen Corinne Milbury Dr. Melissa Webster
Lorrie Canady Starr Meijer Kevin Eufemia
Practical Horseman Adult Hunter 18-35 O/F 1 Ultimatum Andrew Coolen 2 SWS Presley Kimberly Guthrie 3 Urlala Kimberly Maloomian
Melissa Rudershausen Kimberly Guthrie Terry S Maloomian
Adult Hunter 18-35 Under Saddle 1 Willow Bay Caleb Cooney 2 Zoe Kristine D’Andrea 3 Ultimatum Andrew Coolen
Renee Haren Kristine D’Andrea Melissa Rudershausen
Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F 1 Vandrin 2 Kensington 3 Cassino Z
Kristen Sameth Stacy Wolf Michelle Stopford
Kristen Sameth Nathan & Stacy Wolf M & M Stopford
Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F* 1 Cartagena BD 2 Caymus 3 Vandrin
Kirsten Pollin Dana Brawley Kristen Sameth
Dana Davies Brawley Farms Inc Kristen Sameth
Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F 1 Vandrin 2 Billy Rock Star 3 Cartagena BD
Kristen Sameth Michelle Stopford Kirsten Pollin
Kristen Sameth Hardford Farm M & M Stopford Dana Davies
Practical Horseman Adult Hunter 36-45 O/F 1 Cartagena BD Kirsten Pollin 2 The Reverend Kristina Watkins 3 Billy Rock Star Michelle Stopford
Dana Davies Kristina Watkins Hardford Farm M & M Stopford
Adult Hunter 36-45 Under Saddle 1 Cartagena BD Kirsten Pollin 2 Dilettante Heather Dayner 3 Con Amir Michelle Stopford
Dana Davies Savannah Skeete M & M Stopford
Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F 1 Regent’s Park 2 Shock Top 3 Fairfax
Jeannie Savegnago Brook Run Farm LLC Liz Hudspeth
Beechwood Stables LLC Cole Battershall Sarah Scott Beechwood Stables LLC Ivy Watson Sarah Scott Beechwood Stables LLC Sarah Scott Cole Battershall
Lorrie Canady Courtney Butz Sarah Lambert Samantha Schaefer RAF LLC Samantha Schaefer Samantha Schaefer RAF LLC Jaime Auletto Samantha Schaefer RAF LLC Samantha Schaefer RAF LLC Samantha Schaefer Jaime Auletto Samantha Schaefer Samantha Schaefer Jaime Auletto Lynn Seithel Nicole Hiehle Jennifer Munday Ashley Hixon RAF LLC Jennifer Munday Ashley Hixon Nicole Hiehle RAF LLC Lynn Seithel Ashley Hixon Jennifer Munday Ashley Hixon Jennifer Munday Lynn Seithel Michelle Durpetti Carly Corbacho Jessica Van Brocklin Smith
Jeannie Savegnago Kimberly Jungherr Liz Hudspeth
Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F* 1 Fairfax Liz Hudspeth 2 Marvelous Chris Steer 3 Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F 1 Manhattan Denise Short 2 Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago 3 Shock Top Kimberly Jungherr Practical Horseman Adult Hunter 46-55 O/F 1 Cartier Carol Lynn Nelms 2 Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago 3 Cortez Michelle Shapiro Adult Hunter 46-55 U/S 1 Fairfax Liz Hudspeth 2 Persistence Denise Short 3 Quintas Dawn Kelly
Margot Peroni Sidney Jefferson Carly Corbacho Margot Peroni Carly Corbacho Jessica Van Brocklin Smith Jenna Weiner, LLC Carly Corbacho Margot Peroni Jenna Weiner, LLC Caroline Calhoun Sidney Jefferson
Liz Hudspeth Chris Steer Jeannie Savegnago Denise Short Jeannie Savegnago Brook Run Farm LLC Carol Lynn Nelms Jeannie Savegnago Katie Gray Liz Hudspeth Denise Short Dawn Kelly
ShowResults Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F 1 SweetWater Kathy Chiaf 2 Hill Country Dorothy Ammerman 3 Tres Bien Janet Vanderslice Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F* 1 Zazu Betty Oare 2 Le Beau Pamela Tope 3 Frontman Charlotte Williams Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F 1 Cornerstone Lindsay Ianello 2 Whitman Allyson Lewis 3 SweetWater Kathy Chiaf Practical Horseman Adult Hunter 56 & Over O/F 1 SweetWater Kathy Chiaf 2 Zazu Betty Oare 3 Tres Bien Janet Vanderslice Adult Hunter 56 & Over Under Saddle 1 Whitman Allyson Lewis 2 Reveille Patti Hooker 3 Tres Bien Janet Vanderslice $300 Small Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F 1 Quebo Annabel Revers 2 Calisto Devin Seek 3 Tahitian Gold Madeline Berg $300 Small Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F* 1 Kingpin Annabel Revers 2 Calisto Devin Seek 3 Tahitian Gold Madeline Berg $300 Small Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F 1 Kingpin Annabel Revers 2 Tahitian Gold Madeline Berg 3 Pirate Gold Camryn Halley $300 Small Junior Hunter 15 & Under O/F Handy 1 Kingpin Annabel Revers 2 Fernhill Westin Haley Redifer 3 Calisto Devin Seek
Kathy Chiaf Dorothy Ammerman Janet Vanderslice Mr & Mrs Ernest M Oare Elizabeth Redd Kasperon LLC Lindsay Ianello Allyson Lewis Kathy Chiaf Kathy Chiaf Mr & Mrs Ernest M Oare Janet Vanderslice Allyson Lewis Cambridge Meadow Farms Janet Vanderslice Beechwood Stables LLC Ashley Vail Aycox Madeline Berg Beechwood Stables LLC Ashley Vail Aycox Madeline Berg Beechwood Stables LLC Madeline Berg Laura Barrett-Gurtis Beechwood Stables LLC Haley Redifer Ashley Vail Aycox
$100 Small Junior Hunter 15 & Under Under Saddle 1 Fernhill Westin Haley Redifer 2 Quebo Annabel Revers 3 Tahitian Gold Madeline Berg $300 Small Junior Hunter O/F 16-17 1 Cold Case Ashton Alexander 2 Carissima W Kianna Luscher 3 Quidam Morgan Ward $300 Small Junior Hunter O/F* 16-17 1 Ferrari Madison Johnson 2 Boris Elle Young 3 Cupid Ashton Alexander $300 Small Junior Hunter O/F 16-17 1 Broadway Morgan Ward 2 Quidam Morgan Ward 3 Cold Case Ashton Alexander $300 Small Junior Hunter O/F Handy 16-17 1 Broadway Morgan Ward 2 Quidam Morgan Ward 3 Cascina Hunter Holloway $100 Small Junior Hunter Under Saddle 16-17 1 Boris Elle Young 2 Carissima W Kianna Luscher 3 Cold Case Ashton Alexander $300 Large Junior Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 1 Morocco Grace Boston 2 Casual Grace Boston 2 Conquista Ashton Alexander Berkache 3 Bostonian Ivy Watson 3 Soltiste Sophie Lenihan $300 Large Junior Hunter O/F* (comb) 1 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 1 Conquista Ashton Alexander 2 Morocco Grace Boston 2 Notorious Devon Mac Leod 3 Soltiste Sophie Lenihan 3 Bostonian Ivy Watson
Horse Capital of the World !
Haley Redifer Beechwood Stables LLC Madeline Berg Donald Stewart NorthEast Equi-Wave Therapy, LLC Meredith Elise Keen Madison Johnson Remeta Sky LLC Lynn Reed Lindsey Ward Meredith Elise Keen Donald Stewart Lindsey Ward Meredith Elise Keen Hays Investment Corp. Remeta Sky LLC NorthEast Equi-Wave Therapy, LLC Donald Stewart GDF Equine, LLC Nancy Moore Grace Boston Don Stewart & Marjorie Ivy Watson Tess Lenihan GDF Equine, LLC Don Stewart & Marjorie Berkache Nancy Moore Devon Mac Leod Tess Lenihan Ivy Watson
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WOGX-TV (FOX 51) - Sundays 8:30 a.m. Gainesville Cox Channel 13 and HD 1013, Dish Network Gainesville WOGX (FOX 51), channel 51 in the Ocala, Fla., area. Dish Network Channel 7793
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ShowResults $300 Large Junior Hunter O/F (comb) 1 Samba Morgan Ward 1 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 2 Andiamo Carly Hoft 2 Notorious Devon Mac Leod 3 Conquista Ashton Alexander 3 Moneypenny Samantha Perlman $300 Large Junior Hunter O/F Handy (comb) 1 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 1 Conquista Ashton Alexander Berkache 2 Notorious Devon Mac Leod 2 Moneypenny Samantha Perlman 3 Sent From Heaven Kelsey Cerkleski 3 Adonis Gianna Grotto $100 Large Junior Hunter Under Saddle (comb) 1 Morocco Grace Boston 1 Samba Morgan Ward 2 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 2 Ne-Yo Ashton Alexander 3 Diamonds And Gold Alliah Kassem 3 Casual Grace Boston Children’s Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F 1 Dragonslair Bedazzled Rachael Lomel 2 Coastal Sunset Brianna Folk 3 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel Children’s Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F* 1 Dragonslair Bedazzled Rachael Lomel 2 You Go Girl Izzy Beisel 3 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel Children’s Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F 1 Coastal Sunset Brianna Folk 2 Smartpak Hayden Weinstein 3 Coconut Izzy Beisel Children’s Hunter Pony Sm/Med O/F 1 Smartpak Hayden Weinstein 2 Lily Addison Reed 3 Coastal Sunset Brianna Folk Children’s Hunter Pony Sm/Med Under Saddle 1 Frontpage Lindsey Hurley 2 Smartpak Hayden Weinstein 3 You Go Girl Izzy Beisel Children’s Hunter Pony Large O/F 1 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 2 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 3 Chat Room Emma Witham Children’s Hunter Pony Large O/F* 1 Small Valley Emma Callanan 2 Chat Room Emma Witham 3 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley Children’s Hunter Pony Large O/F 1 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 2 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 3 Chat Room Emma Witham Children’s Hunter Pony Large O/F 1 Sir Lancelot Ashley Vail Aycox 2 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 3 Chat Room Emma Witham Children’s Hunter Pony Large Under Saddle 1 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 2 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 3 Chat Room Emma Witham Children’s Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F 1 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 2 Love Struck Kelly Stensland 3 My BFF Erin Cummins Children’s Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F* 1 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 2 Cenzina Hannah Doherty 3 Wonder Street Sophie Transou Children’s Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F 1 Caligo Laine Grosvenor 2 My BFF Erin Cummins 3 Cordova Raven Mellinger Children’s Hunter Horse 14 & Under O/F 1 Caligo Laine Grosvenor 2 Memorable Anna Kubiak 3 Wonder Street Sophie Transou
46 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Jessica Ungerer GDF Equine, LLC Donald Stewart Devon Mac Leod Don Stewart & Marjorie Berkache Animation GDF Equine, LLC Don Stewart & Marjorie Devon Mac Leod Animation Kelsey Cerkleski Gianna Grotto Nancy Moore Jessica Ungerer GDF Equine, LLC Redfield Farm Alliah Kassem Grace Boston Rachael Lomel Kristen Brown David Gochman Rachael Lomel Lochmoor Stables David Gochman Kristen Brown Hayden Weinstein David Beisel Hayden Weinstein Trestle Tree Farm Kristen Brown Lindsey Hurley Hayden Weinstein Lochmoor Stables Waters Edge Stable Deerfield LTD. Carol Stillwell Judy Henderson Carol Stillwell Deerfield LTD. Deerfield LTD. Waters Edge Stable Carol Stillwell Ashley Vail Aycox Waters Edge Stable Carol Stillwell Deerfield LTD. Waters Edge Stable Carol Stillwell Kiki Hopkins Kelly Stensland Erin Cummins Kiki Hopkins Radler Equines Inc Sophie Transou Laine Grosvenor Erin Cummins Raven Mellinger Laine Grosvenor Over Fences Farm LLC Sophie Transou
Children’s Hunter Horse 14 & Under Under Saddle 1 Quite Chocolate Catherine Kubiak 2 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 3 Gatwick Abby Mccoy Antares Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F 1 Wanna Be Lexi Dreisbach 2 UpCountry Coco Alec Tolle 3 The Lion King Laurel Mishkin Antares Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F* 1 Wanna Be Lexi Dreisbach 2 Anucci Jess Lusty 3 Secret Santa Gabrielle Calvert Antares Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F 1 Cartier Jessica Rosenwasser 2 Symbolic Brianna Sims 3 Anucci Jess Lusty Antares Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17 O/F 1 Anucci Jess Lusty 2 Bonjour Kailyn Waldeck 3 UpCountry Coco Alec Tolle Antares Children’s Hunter Horse 15-17 Under Saddle 1 Say No More Olivia Albright 2 MTM Up2U Natalie Alden 3 Berlinetto Ashley Vail Aycox Green Pony Schooling Hunter O/F 1 Woodlands Polar Bear Devin Seek 2 Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek 3 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek $200 Small Green Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Woodlands Polar Bear Devin Seek 2 Romance Emma Callanan 3 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker $200 Small Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Woodlands Polar Bear Devin Seek 2 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker 3 Romance Emma Callanan $200 Small Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Woodlands Polar Bear Devin Seek 2 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker 3 Romance Emma Callanan $200 Small Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Woodlands Polar Bear Devin Seek 2 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker 3 Romance Emma Callanan Small Green Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Woodlands Polar Bear Devin Seek 2 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker 3 Romance Emma Callanan $200 Medium Green Pony Hunter O/FConformation 1 Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek 2 Nine West Devin Seek 3 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek $200 Medium Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek 2 Pretzel Claire Lube 3 Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek $200 Medium Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek 2 Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek 3 Nine West Devin Seek $200 Medium Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek 2 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek Meighan 3 Nine West Devin Seek Medium Green Pony Under Saddle 1 Smallwood Mystic Devin Seek 2 Nine West Devin Seek 3 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Orchard HIlls Ghiradelli Abigail Brayman 2 Blue On Bye Devin Seek 3 Tater Tot Devin Seek
Over Fences Farm LLC Kiki Hopkins Abby Mccoy Coreen Gilligan Jamie Stryker Laurel Mishkin Coreen Gilligan Monica Hunt Daniel White Mike Rosenwasser Denise Clolery Monica Hunt Monica Hunt Kailyn Waldeck Jamie Stryker Olivia Albright Natalie Alden Ashley Vail Aycox Bibby Hill Bibby Hill Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Bibby Hill Morgan Ward Aliya Maker Bibby Hill Aliya Maker Morgan Ward Bibby Hill Aliya Maker Morgan Ward Bibby Hill Aliya Maker Morgan Ward Bibby Hill Aliya Maker Morgan Ward Bibby Hill Redfield Farm Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Claire Lube Bibby Hill Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Bibby Hill Redfield Farm Bibby Hill Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Redfield Farm Bibby Hill Redfield Farm Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Alexandra Mager Maffitt Lake Farms Katy Gasiorowski
ShowResults $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Blue On Bye Devin Seek 2 Orchard HIlls Ghiradelli Abigail Brayman 3 Tater Tot Devin Seek $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Tater Tot Devin Seek 2 Blue On Bye Devin Seek 3 Orchard HIlls Ghiradelli Abigail Brayman $200 Large Green Pony Hunter O/F 1 Tater Tot Devin Seek 2 Orchard HIlls Ghiradelli Abigail Brayman 3 Blue On Bye Devin Seek Large Green Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Blue On Bye Devin Seek 2 Orchard HIlls Ghiradelli Abigail Brayman 3 Tater Tot Devin Seek Small Pony Hunter Model 1 True Sport Emma Callanan 2 Sparkle Claire Campbell 3 The Magic Word Libbie Gordon $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Sharp Dressed Man Sophee Steckbeck 2 Saddle Sold Separately Brianna Folk 3 True Sport Emma Callanan $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F* 1 Saddle Sold Separately Brianna Folk 2 Sparkle Claire Campbell 3 True Sport Emma Callanan $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F 1 Sparkle Claire Campbell 2 The Magic Word Libbie Gordon 3 Tazmanian Devil Grace Debney $425 Small Pony Hunter O/F Handy 1 Sparkle Claire Campbell 2 The Magic Word Libbie Gordon 3 Tazmanian Devil Grace Debney Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Saddle Sold Separately Brianna Folk 2 Silver wishes Rose Campbell 3 Sparkle Claire Campbell Medium Pony Hunter Model 1 Leon Madeline Schaefer 2 Her Highness Libbie Gordon 3 Blackout Caroline Ellis $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Denmark Grace Debney 2 Rodeo Drive Madelaine Black 3 iCloud Devin Vega $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F* 1 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek 2 De Lovely Kenya Sanders 3 Denmark Grace Debney $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F 1 Leon Madeline Schaefer 2 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek Meighan 3 So You Say Devin Seek $425 Medium Pony Hunter O/F Handy 1 Leon Madeline Schaefer 2 Rodeo Drive Madelaine Black 3 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Leon Madeline Schaefer 2 De Lovely Kenya Sanders 3 Annapolis Aliya Maker Large Pony Hunter Model 1 Happily Ever Laughter Camryn Halley 2 Hallelujah Catherine Black 3 Devil Mint Devin Seek $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F Conformation 1 Devil Mint Devin Seek 2 Hallelujah Catherine Black 3 Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F* 1 Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar 2 Hallelujah Catherine Black 3 Happily Ever Laughter Camryn Halley
Maffitt Lake Farms Alexandra Mager Katy Gasiorowski Katy Gasiorowski Maffitt Lake Farms Alexandra Mager Katy Gasiorowski Alexandra Mager Maffitt Lake Farms Maffitt Lake Farms Alexandra Mager Katy Gasiorowski Morgan Ward Maher Family LLC Sydney Berube Megan D’Amico Two Point Equestrian, LLC Morgan Ward Two Point Equestrian, LLC Maher Family LLC Morgan Ward Maher Family LLC Sydney Berube Grace Debney Maher Family LLC Sydney Berube Grace Debney Two Point Equestrian, LLC John Skinner Maher Family LLC Madeline Schaefer Cindy Bohn Cyrus Taraporevala John Skinner Madelaine Black Megan D’Amico Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Kenya Sanders John Skinner Madeline Schaefer Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Bibby Hill Madeline Schaefer Madelaine Black Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Madeline Schaefer Kenya Sanders Aliya Maker Donald Stewart Rose Hill Farm Scarlett Lee Aylsworth Scarlett Lee Aylsworth Rose Hill Farm Theresa Tolar Theresa Tolar Rose Hill Farm Donald Stewart
$425 Large Pony Hunter O/F 1 Hallelujah Catherine Black 2 Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox 3 Peterpotamus Ashley Vail Aycox $425 Large Pony Hunter O/F Handy 1 Hallelujah Catherine Black 2 Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox 3 Devil Mint Devin Seek Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle 1 Clovermeade All About the BunnyAbigail Brayman 2 Happily Ever Laughter Camryn Halley 3 Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox Level 0 Jumper - 0.80m 1 Beloved Wings Kate Wilson 2 High Society Elizabeth Videtta 3 Levente Kelly Cribb Level 0 Jumper - 0.80m 1 Beloved Wings Kate Wilson 2 Stormy Weather Addison Reed 3 Tiger Lily Richard Rinehart Level 0 Jumper - 0.80m 1 Lucky Stefanie Collier 2 Spice Scout Davis 3 Final Round Katherine Becker Level 0 Jumper - 0.80m 1 Winter Prinz Sage Trunnell 2 Gratiana Christiana Nichols 3 Tiger Lily Emily Rapchak Level 1 Jumper - 0.90m 1 Adonis Traudi Miller-Moss 2 Rhoswen Shawn Butler 3 Gator Champ Samantha Seiler Level 1 Jumper - 0.90m 1 Paintopotamous Keegan Dashner 1 Dillon Andrea Russell 2 Dream Team Sara McCloskey Center 2 Magnum P.I. Kendall Vogt 3 Blue Moon Ashley McNally 3 Noble Alexandra Casola Level 1 Jumper - 0.90m 1 Tiger Lily Emily Rapchak 1 Blue Moon Ashley McNally 2 Linden T Andras Szieberth 2 Kastani Paul MacRae 3 Magnum P.I. Kendall Vogt 3 Paintopotamous Keegan Dashner Level 1 Jumper - 0.90m 1 Linden T Daina Greene 2 Cascade Molly McQuilkin 3 Blue Moon Ashley McNally Level 2 iEquine Jumper - 1.00m 1 Sea King Gold Ian Silitch 2 Not to Worry Annabel Benito 3 Quite-L Harold Chopping Level 2 iEquine Jumper - 1.00m 1 Captain Sparrow Molly McAdow 1 Big Bill Alexandra Griffin 2 Sea King Gold Ian Silitch 2 Quite-L Harold Chopping 3 Santiago Taylor Lampert 3 Chicago 160 Marianna Mancuso Level 2 iEquine Jumper - 1.00m 1 Vicky Samantha Masters 2 Winchester Sarah Grant 3 Valencia Catherine Rinehart Level 2 iEquine Jumper - 1.00m 1 Winchester Sarah Grant 2 Valencia Catherine Rinehart 3 Big Bill Alexandra Griffin Level 3 Jumper - 1.10m 1 Seen and Heard Kayley Kloss 1 Fatima Kate Wilson 2 Bugatti Kim Mervyn 2 Obelix Bob Brawley 3 Classic Line Magee Allegrucci 3 Cronique Christi McQuaker Level 3 Jumper - 1.10m 1 Donald Van Het Goor Mauricio Garcia 2 Milky Way Gabriella Fournier 3 Arvakur Mary Lisa Leffler
Rose Hill Farm Ashley Vail Aycox Ashley Vail Aycox Rose Hill Farm Ashley Vail Aycox Scarlett Lee Aylsworth Rabbit Hill Farm Donald Stewart Ashley Vail Aycox Patricia Dempsey Elizabeth Videtta Bridget Earl Patricia Dempsey Addison Reed Emily Rapchak Stefanie Collier Scout Davis Katherine Becker Sage Trunnell Christiana Nichols Emily Rapchak Traudi Miller-Moss Shawn Butler Leah Feiner Keegan Dashner Rolling Acres Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Showcase 81, LLC Lisa O’Neill Alexandra Casola Emily Rapchak Lisa O’Neill Andras & Daina Szieberth Caitlin Pennington Showcase 81, LLC Keegan Dashner Andras & Daina Szieberth Robert McNeel Lisa O’Neill Sarah Scott Joan Ducey-Munde Lisa Tolnitch Mark Domitrovich Katherine Heywood Sarah Scott Lisa Tolnitch Taylor Lampert Marianna Mancuso Oakland Ventures LLC Sarah Grant Bailey Calkins Sarah Grant Bailey Calkins Katherine Heywood Mackenzie Fischer Barbara Booth Leon Knoops DDM Equestrian, LLC Ole Bach Heartland Sport Horses Giorgia Ieromazzo Brie Tiffany Kiana Fiore
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 47
ShowResults Level 3 Jumper - 1.10m 1 Zorrochello Nele Kortsch 2 KT Eber Elizabeth Stewart 3 Greenwich Time Frankie Owens Level 3 Jumper - 1.10m 1 Luc Richard Rinehart 2 Cliff II Lauren Schweppe 3 Platinum Promise Avery Sharp Level 4 Jumper - 1.15m 1 Win a Date Sean McCook 2 Contessa Richard Rinehart 3 October Hill’s Alecto Daniel Geitner Level 4 Jumper - 1.15m 1 Donald Van Het Goor Mauricio Garcia 1 Vivawell Angel Karolyi 2 Glen Lux Antonio Martinez 2 Contino VDL Angel Karolyi 3 Milky Way Gabriella Fournier 3 Cuba Libre Daniel Geitner Level 4 Jumper - 1.15m 1 Vivawell Angel Karolyi 1 Contessa Richard Rinehart 2 Contino VDL Angel Karolyi 2 Glen Lux Antonio Martinez 3 The Heist Bob Brawley 3 Bambino Gigi Spence Level 4 Jumper - 1.15m 1 Contessa Richard Rinehart 2 Luc Richard Rinehart 3 In Koo Michael Hughes Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Leila Eileen O’Leary 2 Regin U Katriina Ruotsalo 3 Diamonte Katriina Ruotsalo Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Miss Scarlett Eileen O’Leary 2 Final Round Katherine Becker 3 Regin U Katriina Ruotsalo Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Final Round Katherine Becker 2 Leila Eileen O’Leary 3 Captain Sparrow Angela Swanson Adult Jumper Low 18-45 - .90m 1 Leila Eileen O’Leary 2 Indian Love Call Renae Samay 3 Linden T Daina Greene Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Wanderer Beth Shepherd 2 HJ - Danubio Beth Shepherd 3 Lightning Strikes M Lisa Solski Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Vienna MBF John Burdo 2 A Propos Liz Hudspeth 3 Lightning Strikes M Lisa Solski Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Vanilla Ice Caroline Williams 2 A Propos Liz Hudspeth 3 Lightning Strikes M Lisa Solski Adult Jumper Low 46 & Over - .90m 1 Dimpel Vant Free H Wayne Burnett 2 Vienna MBF John Burdo 3 Amecilli Stephen Comunale Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m 1 Toulon Amanda Mitts 2 Lots Of Class Chelsea Thomas 3 Contessa Jholie Lawrence Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m 1 Capitol G Cristina Santini 2 Rookie Kendall Durst 3 Pandora Z Gustavo Facundo Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m 1 Capitol G Cristina Santini 2 Rookie Kendall Durst 3 Lots Of Class Chelsea Thomas Adult Jumper Medium 18-45 - 1.00m 1 Contessa Jholie Lawrence 2 Capitol G Cristina Santini 3 My Silhouette Croix Darwin
48 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Annabel Benito Elizabeth Stewart DS Holdings, LLC Grace Coffey Meadowood Farm, LLC AJ McCoy Loretta Patterson Kristine Surette Page Flournoy Giorgia Ieromazzo Raylyn Farms, Inc. Kinser Anne Vale Hollow Creek Farm Brie Tiffany Page Flournoy Raylyn Farms, Inc. Kristine Surette Hollow Creek Farm Kinser Anne Vale Keyea Webster Gigi Spence Kristine Surette Grace Coffey Drumnacross Farm Ltd Eileen O’Leary Katriina Ruotsalo Katriina Ruotsalo Eileen O’Leary Katherine Becker Katriina Ruotsalo Katherine Becker Eileen O’Leary Mark Domitrovich Eileen O’Leary Renae Samay Andras & Daina Szieberth Beth Shepherd Beth Shepherd Lisa Solski John Burdo Kathryn Dozier Lisa Solski Caroline Williams Kathryn Dozier Lisa Solski H Wayne Burnett John Burdo Stephen Comunale Chloe D Reid LLC DC Sales & Entertainment, LLC Jholie Lawrence Cristina Santini Chantal Masselin Francisco Acevedo Cristina Santini Chantal Masselin DC Sales & Entertainment, LLC Jholie Lawrence Cristina Santini Croix Darwin
Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m 1 Charlie Murphy Diana Harris 2 Adamant Rick Hay 3 Classic Paul Delbrook Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m 1 Lumiro Nellee Fine 2 Carlson V Melissa Watt 3 Autumn Hill Tameron Petersen Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m 1 El Fernantez Zet Kimberly Leslie 2 Wanderer Beth Shepherd 3 Lumiro Nellee Fine Adult Jumper Medium 46 & Over - 1.00m 1 Lumiro Nellee Fine 1 Brother Thelonius Becky Adams 2 Umako de Virginia Jackie Henderson 3 Mr. Darcy Joe Casola Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 Sky’s the Limit Avery Sharp 2 Brother Thelonius Becky Adams 3 Trans Atlantic Alyson Griffiths Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 Prince Royal Ashley Foster 2 Win a Date Cienne Warren 3 Cliff II Robin Swinderman Adult Jumper High 18-45 - 1.10m 1 Cisco Kid Gretchen Vida 2 Eclipse Shannon Dwight 3 Cash II Devan Spence Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Jumping Jill Z Lynn Seithel 2 Midori Lynn Seithel 3 Bravo Zulu Jody Scudder Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Patron Lori Osterstock 2 Midori Lynn Seithel 3 Jumping Jill Z Lynn Seithel Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Ballingowan Zeal Shanon Baker 2 Carlson V Melissa Watt 3 Patron Lori Osterstock Adult Jumper High 46 & Over - 1.10m 1 Carlson V Melissa Watt 1 Blue Moon Ashley McNally 2 Seen and Heard Mackenzie Fischer 3 B Mine Francis Lamas Children’s Jumper Low - .90m 1 Blue Moon Ashley McNally 2 Can You Keep A Secret Brianna Laheta 3 Seen and Heard Mackenzie Fischer Children’s Jumper Low - .90m 1 Lucky Erin Cummins 2 Can You Keep A Secret Brianna Laheta 3 Burberry Kayleigh Lawn Children’s Jumper Low - .90m 1 Blue Moon Ashley McNally 2 Cascade Molly McQuilkin 3 Arbor Hill Grace Saad Children’s Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Lady Isabella Micaela Semanchik 2 Pistol Madeline DeRose 3 Stillwater Fredericka Sciarra Children’s Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Winchester Sarah Grant 2 Madison Avenue Kelsey Ferguson 3 Jumbo Jet Lillian Kirbo Children’s Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Stillwater Fredericka Sciarra 2 Jumbo Jet Lillian Kirbo 3 Scandal LS Ireland Maechtle Children’s Jumper Medium - 1.00m 1 Winchester Sarah Grant 2 Chicky B Hannah Fowler 3 Logan Madison DeRegis Children’s Jumper High - 1.10m 1 Lyons Creek Action Skyllar Beckel 2 Charmeur van de BegijnakkerSkyllar Beckel 3 Just a Dream Anika Pirkle
Diana Harris Rick Hay & Fiona Gallagher Paul Delbrook Nellee Fine Melissa Watt Flying Hill Farm Kimberly Leslie Beth Shepherd Nellee Fine Nellee Fine Heartland Sport Horses Martha Younger Joe Casola Avery Sharp Heartland Sport Horses Alyson Griffiths Patty Foster Loretta Patterson Meadowood Farm, LLC Gretchen Vida Julie Firestone Devan Spence Lynn Seithel Lynn Seithel Jody Scudder Lori Osterstock Lynn Seithel Lynn Seithel Shanon Baker Melissa Watt Lori Osterstock Melissa Watt Lisa O’Neill Mackenzie Fischer Redfield Farm Lisa O’Neill Chloe Kasten Mackenzie Fischer Stefanie Collier Chloe Kasten Katie McKeiver Lisa O’Neill Robert McNeel Carli Gentile Micaela Semanchik Thinkslikeahorse Kathy Chiaf Sarah Grant Kelsey Ferguson Lillian Kirbo Kathy Chiaf Lillian Kirbo Kathy Mason Maechtle Sarah Grant Maddie Skimming Kyla Makhloghi Skyllar Beckel Skyllar Beckel Anika Pirkle
ShowResults Children’s Jumper High - 1.10m 1 Lyons Creek Action Skyllar Beckel 2 Just a Dream Anika Pirkle 3 Naturel Ashton Alexander Children’s Jumper High - 1.10m 1 Cat Woman Gabrielle Calvert 2 Charmeur van de Begijnakker Skyllar Beckel 3 Rentier Logan Taylor $1000 Level 5 FarmVet Jumper - 1.20m 1 Donnaludine David Beisel 2 Cupid Kristen Bumpus 3 Amon De Diamant_ Mary Lisa Leffler $1000 Level 5 FarmVet Jumper - 1.20m 1 Giljana Jonathan Corrigan 2 Lagrain Junior Z Aaron Vale 3 Five Star David Beisel $1000 Level 5 FarmVet Jumper - 1.20m 1 Zammetje Michael Hughes 2 Escape Mary Lisa Leffler 3 MTM Yowza Grace Christerson $1000 Level 5 FarmVet Jumper - 1.20m 1 Context Hayley Alfonso 2 Zammetje Michael Hughes 3 Winchester Raven Weinlein $1000 Level 6 Jumper - 1.30m 1 Okla Homa Aaron Vale 2 Remington David Beisel 3 Fideel Sean McCook $1000 Level 6 Jumper - 1.30m 1 Veerle Robin Fairclough 2 Bonzini S Aaron Vale 3 Fideel Sean McCook $1000 Level 6 Jumper - 1.30m 1 Anabella Manuel Torres 2 Fideel Sean McCook 3 Giljana Jonathan Corrigan $1500 Level 7 Iron Spring Jumper - 1.40m 1 Pluto Manuel Torres 2 Cavendish Patty Stovel 3 Cescha M Isabelle LaPierre $1500 Level 7 Iron Spring Jumper - 1.40m 1 Okla Homa Aaron Vale 2 Afandina Lexy Reed 3 Bonzini S Aaron Vale $1500 Level 7 Iron Spring Jumper - 1.40m 1 Cavendish Patty Stovel 2 Carlot Mary Lisa Leffler 3 Afandina Lexy Reed $2500 Brook Ledge Open Welcome - 1.40m 1 Bill Clinton David Tromp 2 MTM Grand Slam Tracy Fenney 3 Cordovo Ian Silitch $10,000 Friday Prix - 1.45m 1 Wings Angel Karolyi 2 Wanted Michael Hughes 3 VDL Wittinger Amanda Flint $1000 Junior CWD Jumper Low - 1.20m 1 Antonio Amanda Shaffer 2 Quartus Mary Katherine Hargreaves 3 Benedetto Mary Katherine Hargreaves $1000 Junior CWD Jumper Low - 1.20m 1 Eminem Madison Johnson 2 S & L Ferrari Merrill Harvey 3 Milky Way Gabriella Fournier $1000 Junior CWD Jumper Low - 1.25m 1 Milky Way Gabriella Fournier 2 Eminem Madison Johnson 3 Unbelievable Lizzie Van der Walde $1000 Junior Jumper Medium - 1.30m 1 WEC Quidam-Quidam Cooper Dean 2 Elizabeth R Kennedy Knapic 3 GPS Evita Hunter Holloway $1000 Junior Jumper Medium - 1.35m 1 Conquillas Morgan Ward 2 Orberose du Gord Morgan Ward 3 WEC Quidam-Quidam Cooper Dean $1000 Amateur Jumper Low - 1.20m 1 Sandman Jackie Henderson 2 Undelie de Roset Corri Goldman 3 Sophia Tracy Alexander
Skyllar Beckel Anika Pirkle Artisan Farms, LLC Daniel White Skyllar Beckel Christine Clawson-Judd Equine Holdings LLC Kristen Bumpus Rolling Acres Steven Klein Thinkslikeahorse REV Media Marketing LLC Christina Fried Danielle Torano MTM Farm Tyndall Wood Farms Christina Fried Bridlebourne Stables LLC Donald Stewart Kaitlyn Adair World Horse Sales James Fairclough Thinkslikeahorse World Horse Sales Santa Catalina Farm World Horse Sales Steven Klein Santa Catalina Farm Patty Stovel Les Ecuries de la Chaudiere Donald Stewart Lexy Reed Thinkslikeahorse Patty Stovel Rolling Acres Lexy Reed Koyo Investment Group MTM Farm Gaston Family Investments LLC McLain Ward Drumnacross Farm Ltd Amanda Flint Amanda Shaffer Mary Katherine Hargreaves Mary Katherine Hargreaves Taggert Enterprises S & L Farms (CT) Brie Tiffany Brie Tiffany Taggert Enterprises Paraizo Equestrian Partners LLC William Upton Laura Chapot & Barbara Rochford Palindrome Investments, LLC Morgan Ward Redfield Farm William Upton Stan Henderson Corri Goldman Tracy Alexander
$1000 Amateur Jumper Low - 1.20m 1 Philadelphia 54 Christina Webb 2 Vougeot de Septon Abbey Slaven 3 Sophia Tracy Alexander $1000 Amateur Jumper Low - 1.25m 1 Sandman Jackie Henderson 2 Philadelphia 54 Christina Webb 3 Breezeby Rebecca Irvine $1000 Amateur-Owner Jumper Medium - 1.30m 1 Lyla Emily R Sheveland 2 Zoran de Saulieu Z Carolina Ramelli Barrera 3 Coachella Erin Haas $1000 Jr/A-O Jumper Medium - 1.30m (comb) 1 Valentina 156 Alex Parrish 2 Fifty Shades Andrea Torres Guerreiro 3 Lyla Emily R Sheveland $1000 Amateur-Owner Jumper Medium - 1.35m 1 SCS Clyde Z Haley Robinson 2 Wender R Amanda Hauser 3 Encore 3E Karley Hopwood $1000 Jr/A-O Jumper High - 1.40m (comb) 1 Iron Michael Burnett 2 Via Dolorosa Jared Petersen 3 Laspari Adrienne Marciano $1000 Jr/A-O Jumper High - 1.40m (comb) 1 Charmeur Ask Melissa Rudershausen 2 Mastermind KC Van Aarem 3 Ferno Van De Hermitage Hannah Holik $1000 Jr/A-O Jumper High - 1.40m (comb) 1 As Di Chupito Erin Haas 2 Quick Blue Z Kady Abrahamson 3 Unique MacKenzie McGehee YJC Five Year Old Class - 1.15m 1 EWSZ La Ola Stephanie Dubois-Emond 2 EWSZ La Sienna Miro Frei YJC Five Year Old Class - 1.15m 1 EWSZ La Ola Stephanie Dubois-Emond 2 Elementary Dale Mills 3 EWSZ La Sienna Miro Frei $500 YJC 6 Year Old Class - 1.25m 1 Graf Joe Amanda Flint 2 Eos M David Beisel 3 Cassiopaya Marcus Gruenthal $500 YJC 6 Year Old Class - 1.25m 1 Enchilotti Maryann Charles 2 Vertigo Delorme Robin Fairclough $500 YJC 6 Year Old Class - 1.25m 1 Five Star David Beisel 2 VDL Electra Colin Savaria 3 Cassiopaya Marcus Gruenthal $500 YJC 7 Year Old Class - 1.30m 1 Butter Scotch David Beisel 2 Contefino 6 Harold Chopping 3 Dendelion Greg Prince $500 YJC 7 Year Old Class - 1.30m 1 Balveneur Z Linda Radigan 2 Dendelion Greg Prince 3 Ali Baba B Olivia Dorey Equitation 11 & Under Flat 1 Boston Maeve O’Donovan 2 Elf Merilee Weil 3 Panda-Shamu Ava Allegre Equitation 11 & Under Fences 1 Panda-Shamu Ava Allegre 2 True Religion Skyler Hendricks 3 Boston Maeve O’Donovan Equitation 11 & Under Fences 1 Boston Maeve O’Donovan 2 True Religion Skyler Hendricks 3 Panda-Shamu Ava Allegre Equitation 11 & Under Fences 1 Boston Maeve O’Donovan 2 Panda-Shamu Ava Allegre 3 True Religion Skyler Hendricks Equitation 12-13 Flat 1 Ranger Samantha Koeppel 2 Easy Living Emma Dowdle 3 Cumberland Meghan Keliher
Fox View Farm The Coverboy Group Tracy Alexander Stan Henderson Fox View Farm Rebecca Irvine Emily R Sheveland Carolina Ramelli Barrera North Face Farm Lexander Farm, LLC Santa Catalina Farm Emily R Sheveland Salt Creek Stables, LLC Amanda Hauser Karley Hopwood Michael Burnett Derek Petersen Adrienne Marciano Melissa Rudershausen KC Van Aarem Czech Mate, LLC North Face Farm Abrahamson Equestrian LLC MacKenzie McGehee EWSZ Sarah Jane Robinson EWSZ Lynn Reed Sarah Jane Robinson Laura Ganny Patrice Schreiber Marcus Gruenthal Christina Webb Top Brass Farm REV Media Marketing LLC The Coverboy Group Marcus Gruenthal Rockmount Equestrian Corp. Caroline Russell Howe Artillery Lane LLC Linda Radigan Artillery Lane LLC Olivia Dorey Maeve O’Donovan Samantha Kirchhoff Vick Russell Vick Russell Skyler Hendricks Maeve O’Donovan Maeve O’Donovan Skyler Hendricks Vick Russell Maeve O’Donovan Vick Russell Skyler Hendricks Aliya Maker Kelsey Hileman Jill French
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 49
ShowResults Equitation 12-13 Fences 1 Ranger Samantha Koeppel 2 UFO Alexa Adesokan 3 Lenny Kravitz Hillary Devlen Equitation 12-13 Fences 1 Easy Living Emma Dowdle 2 Mac Daddy Grace Goodwin 3 La Vita Sophie Transou Equitation 12-13 Fences 1 La Vita Sophie Transou 2 Ranger Samantha Koeppel 3 Cumberland Meghan Keliher Equitation 14-15 Flat 1 Constantine Abigail Brayman 2 Donder Clara Bechtold 3 Big Bang Caroline Hamzavi Equitation 14-15 Fences 1 Bravour VDL Carly Hoft 2 Constantine Abigail Brayman 3 VDL Wait N See Maddy Parker Equitation 14-15 Fences 1 Bravour VDL Carly Hoft 2 Constantine Abigail Brayman 3 Donder Clara Bechtold Equitation 14-15 Fences 1 Donder Clara Bechtold 2 Royal Ace Sarah Boston 3 Constantine Abigail Brayman Equitation 16-17 Flat 1 Brugge Grace Upshaw 2 Big Bang Samantha Hamzavi 3 Noble Alexandra Casola Equitation 16-17 Fences 1 Brugge Grace Upshaw 2 Ceron HS Vanessa French 3 Fermoso Katie Eppinger Equitation 16-17 Fences 1 French Kiss Morgan Ward 2 Hasta La Vista Caroline Jones 3 Quapris du bois Margot Giselle Kalnins Pony Equitation Flat 1 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 2 Definitely Maybe Sarah Steadman 3 Prince Caspian Marlee Altizer Pony Equitation Fences 1 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 2 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 3 Prince Caspian Marlee Altizer Pony Equitation Fences 1 Prince Caspian Marlee Altizer 2 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros Pony Equitation Fences 1 Prince Caspian Marlee Altizer 2 Sunkist Alexandra Cisneros 3 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd Adult Equitation 18-45 Flat (comb) 1 Touch Cruise Jordan Borkoski 2 Caymus Dana Brawley 3 Wanderprinz Sara Ballinger Adult Equitation 18-45 Fences (comb) 1 Scarto Caroline Carr 2 Touch Cruise Jordan Borkoski 3 Caymus Dana Brawley Adult Equitation 18-45 Fences (comb) 1 Scarto Caroline Carr 2 Caymus Dana Brawley 3 Conmigo Misty Pleiness Adult Equitation 18-35 Fences 1 Wanderprinz Sara Ballinger 2 Touch Cruise Jordan Borkoski 3 Scarto Clair Kellner Adult Equitation 36-45 Fences 1 Caymus Dana Brawley 2 Snowland Kristen Price 3 Billy Rock Star Michelle Stopford Adult Equitation 46 & Over Flat 1 SweetWater Kathy Chiaf 2 Quintas Dawn Kelly 3 Wishful Debi Peloso
50 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Aliya Maker Jackie Sawyer Hillary Devlen Kelsey Hileman Elvenstar Farm Raven Weinlein Raven Weinlein Aliya Maker Jill French Anna Gassib Starlite Farm Maddie Chenoweth Uma O’Neil Anna Gassib Maddy Parker Uma O’Neil Anna Gassib Starlite Farm Starlite Farm Catrine Golia Anna Gassib Grace Upshaw Maddie Chenoweth Alexandra Casola Grace Upshaw Hyperion Stud, LLC Lisa Kerkorian Abby Graham Caroline Jones Miranda Travers Cavill Waters Edge Stable Anne Jackson Marlee Altizer Waters Edge Stable Texie Loyd Marlee Altizer Marlee Altizer Waters Edge Stable Marlee Altizer Waters Edge Stable Texie Loyd Jordan Borkoski Brawley Farms Inc Sara Ballinger Dr. Melissa Webster Jordan Borkoski Brawley Farms Inc Dr. Melissa Webster Brawley Farms Inc Misty Pleiness Sara Ballinger Jordan Borkoski Dr. Melissa Webster Brawley Farms Inc Kristen Price Hardford Farm M & M Stopford Kathy Chiaf Dawn Kelly Debi Peloso
Adult Equitation 46 & Over Fences 1 Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago 2 SweetWater Kathy Chiaf 3 Ultina Maryanne Low-Haviland Adult Equitation 46 & Over Fences 1 Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago 2 Quintas Dawn Kelly 3 Cartier Carol Lynn Nelms Adult Equitation 46 & Over Fences 1 Regent’s Park Jeannie Savegnago 2 Ingram Hill Tameron Petersen 3 Quintas Dawn Kelly Maiden Equitation Flat 1 Campari 112 Andrea Russell 2 Lapiko Caroline Crotty 3 Shades of Summer Isabella Durand Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Campari 112 Andrea Russell 2 Zellicus Margherita Montagna 3 Ready Set Rock Mckenzie Kreilich Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Blue Twisted Steel Hallie Weegar 2 Tea Time Elizabeth Ferrara 3 Coltrane Sienna Capone Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Blue Twisted Steel Hallie Weegar 2 Shades of Summer Isabella Durand 3 Imagine That Annabell Weil Novice Equitation Flat 1 Carlantic Abigail Bush 2 Abaccus Tamsin Nottage 3 Zarco Catherine Mooney Novice Equitation Fences 1 Cyprinus Carpio Justine Perrotti 2 Phantom Caroline Weaver 3 Chepetto Naya Shim Novice Equitation Fences 1 Chepetto Naya Shim 2 Phantom Caroline Weaver 3 Cyprinus Carpio Justine Perrotti Novice Equitation Fences 1 Lindegardens Lorenzo Kaitlyn Cerreta 2 Abaccus Tamsin Nottage 3 Cyprinus Carpio Justine Perrotti Limit Equitation Flat 1 Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer 2 Illuminate Angelina Smith 3 Easy Living Emma Dowdle Limit Equitation Fences 1 Watch Me Sophie Transou 2 Illuminate Angelina Smith 3 Boston Maeve O’Donovan Limit Equitation Fences 1 Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer 2 Watch Me Sophie Transou 3 Easy Living Emma Dowdle Limit Equitation Fences 1 Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer 2 Afterglow Lily Mckenna 3 Easy Living Emma Dowdle Intermediate Equitation Flat 1 D.A. Bjorn Deana Schenkel 2 Easy Living Emma Dowdle 3 Porthos Martina Holzhauer Intermediate Equitation Fences 1 D.A. Bjorn Deana Schenkel 2 Brightside Lily C. Walton 3 Easy Living Emma Dowdle Intermediate Equitation Fences 1 D.A. Bjorn Deana Schenkel 2 Porthos Martina Holzhauer 3 Brightside Lily C. Walton Intermediate Equitation Fences 1 D.A. Bjorn Deana Schenkel 2 Brightside Lily C. Walton 3 Easy Living Emma Dowdle Adult Maiden Equitation Flat 1 Out on Bale Denise Clolery 2 Wikkinger Laura Carlson 3 Kodiak BF Callie Schaffner
Jeannie Savegnago Kathy Chiaf Maryanne Low-Haviland Jeannie Savegnago Dawn Kelly Carol Lynn Nelms Jeannie Savegnago Flying Hill Farm Dawn Kelly Kimberden Inc. Doris Leventhal Jenna Weiner Kimberden Inc. Margherita Montagna Mckenzie Kreilich Hallie Weegar Judy Norton Melissa Hirt Hallie Weegar Jenna Weiner Lexie Glisson Emer Coyne Lucille Allegre Kadley Holdings LLC Justine Perrotti Rhian Murphy Naya Shim Naya Shim Rhian Murphy Justine Perrotti Ashley Morin Lucille Allegre Justine Perrotti Alexis Worthington Angelina Smith Kelsey Hileman Emmanuelle Mille Angelina Smith Maeve O’Donovan Alexis Worthington Emmanuelle Mille Kelsey Hileman Alexis Worthington Jeffrey Ayers Kelsey Hileman Debbie Adams Kelsey Hileman John Giza Debbie Adams Lily C. Walton Kelsey Hileman Debbie Adams John Giza Lily C. Walton Debbie Adams Lily C. Walton Kelsey Hileman Denise Clolery Sally Hinkle Russell Callie Schaffner
ShowResults Adult Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Out on Bale Denise Clolery 2 Orion Erin Hunt 3 Mystic’s Tresor Raeleen Medrano Adult Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Out on Bale Denise Clolery 2 Orion Erin Hunt 3 Mystic’s Tresor Raeleen Medrano Adult Maiden Equitation Fences 1 Best Dressed Ginny Gerard 2 Out on Bale Denise Clolery 3 Orion Erin Hunt Adult Novice Equitation Flat 1 Zingarella Donna Rosenwasser 2 Notorious Vashti Brotherhood 3 Paradise Bay Johannie Legare Adult Novice Equitation Fences 1 Notorious Vashti Brotherhood 2 Definitely, Maybe Diane Welter 3 Zingarella Donna Rosenwasser Adult Novice Equitation Fences 1 Notorious Vashti Brotherhood 2 Orion Brook Stainthorpe 3 Definitely, Maybe Diane Welter Adult Novice Equitation Fences 1 Notorious Devon Mac Leod 2 Definitely, Maybe Diane Welter 3 Zingarella Donna Rosenwasser Adult Limit Equitation Flat 1 Rhythm N Blues Julia Kaim 2 Toujours Lacey Westover 3 _chapp_ Donna Rosenwasser Adult Limit Equitation Fences 1 _chapp_ Donna Rosenwasser 2 Remington Emily Crabtree 3 Toujours Lacey Westover Adult Limit Equitation Fences 1 Oaks Keli Colby 2 Toujours Lacey Westover 3 Remington Emily Crabtree Adult Limit Equitation Fences 1 Remington Emily Crabtree 2 Oaks Keli Colby 3 _chapp_ Donna Rosenwasser Short Stirrup Equitation Flat 1 Chat Room Amelia Redd 2 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 3 Asgard Mercury Madeline Briggs Short Stirrup Equitation Fences 1 Pumpkin Pie Molly Zygmont 2 Chat Room Amelia Redd 3 Her Prince Charming Savannah Richards Short Stirrup Equitation Fences 1 Chat Room Amelia Redd 2 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 3 Asgard Mercury Madeline Briggs Short Stirrup Equitation Fences 1 iCloud Tiara D’Amico 2 Gold Mark Emma Hechtman 3 Texas Hold ‘Em Emma Von Bargen Advanced Beginner Equitation Flat 1 Carolina’s Small Talk Luke Rinehart 2 Northwinds Indian Summer Isabel Hunt 3 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford Advanced Beginner Equitation Fences 1 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford 2 Lancer Rachel Lusk 3 Carolina’s Small Talk Luke Rinehart Advanced Beginner Equitation Fences 1 Lancer Rachel Lusk 2 Carolina’s Small Talk Luke Rinehart 3 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford Beginner Equitation (WalkTrot) 1 Northwinds Indian Summer Isabel Hunt 2 Worth Waiting For Lyndsey Keen 3 Enchanted Kathryne Crabtree Beginner Equitation U/S (WalkTrot) 1 Northwinds Indian Summer Isabel Hunt 2 Carolina’s Small Talk Elizabeth Rinehart 3 Enchanted Kathryne Crabtree
Denise Clolery Erin Hunt Raeleen Medrano Denise Clolery Erin Hunt Raeleen Medrano Ginny Gerard Denise Clolery Erin Hunt Mike Rosenwasser Devon Mac Leod Johannie Legare Devon Mac Leod Diane Welter Mike Rosenwasser Devon Mac Leod Erin Hunt Diane Welter Devon Mac Leod Diane Welter Mike Rosenwasser Lisa O’Neill Lily Kubly Donna Rosenwasser Donna Rosenwasser Emily Crabtree Lily Kubly Pretty Penny Farm Lily Kubly Emily Crabtree Emily Crabtree Pretty Penny Farm Donna Rosenwasser Carol Stillwell Texie Loyd Sandra Lobel Madeline Pogorzelski Carol Stillwell Savannah Richards Carol Stillwell Texie Loyd Sandra Lobel Megan D’Amico Emma Hechtman Joy Kloss Luke Rinehart Maffitt Lake Farms Anissa Dahlkemper Anissa Dahlkemper Emer Coyne Luke Rinehart Emer Coyne Luke Rinehart Anissa Dahlkemper Maffitt Lake Farms Stephanie Keen Linda Orton Maffitt Lake Farms Luke Rinehart Linda Orton
Beginner Equitation Pleasure (WalkTrot) 1 Enchanted Kathryne Crabtree 2 Northwinds Indian Summer Isabel Hunt 3 Carolina’s Small Talk Elizabeth Rinehart USEF Hunter Seat Medal 1 Pontifox Hunter Holloway 2 Crimson Z Fiona Steinmetz 3 Courage Catherine Apostol ASPCA Horsemanship Medal 1 Sting Sunny Drescher 2 Conquista Ashton Alexander 3 Notorious Devon Mac Leod USEF Talent Search Medal 1 Pontifox Hunter Holloway 2 Willie Ashton Alexander 3 Courage Catherine Apostol WIHS Medal - Hunter Phase 1 Pontifox Hunter Holloway 2 Wayfarer Sophie Lenihan 3 Courage Catherine Apostol USEF Pony Medal 1 Happily Ever Laughter Camryn Halley 2 Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar 3 Rodeo Drive Madelaine Black WIHS Pony Medal 1 Rodeo Drive Madelaine Black 2 Hallelujah Catherine Black 3 Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar Mini Medal 1 Status Quo Rachel Kowalczyk 2 Duncan Caroline Carrara 3 Upper Class Carolyn Drescher Mini Maclay 1 Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer 2 Status Quo Rachel Kowalczyk 3 Afterglow Lily Mckenna Mini HITS 1 Duncan Caroline Carrara 2 Upper Class Carolyn Drescher 3 Geldlich Amelia Cummings M&S Junior Medal 1 Crimson Z Fiona Steinmetz 2 Compass Madison Day 3 Bravour VDL Carly Hoft Sore No-More Children’s Medal - Horse 14 & Under 1 Watch Me Sophie Transou 2 Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer 3 Roxanne Jillian Rosenwasser Sore No-More Children’s Medal - Horse 15-17 1 Cultural Infidel Alexandra Daley 2 Private Ryan Lena Rae Reeb 3 Olaf Brooke Pfeiffer M&S Children’s Medal - Pony Sm/Med 1 Smartpak Hayden Weinstein 2 Coastal Sunset Brianna Folk 3 Morwel High Tide August Sanders M&S Children’s Medal - Pony Large 1 Sir Lancelot Ashley Vail Aycox 2 Montana’s Black Pearl Montana Zito 3 Crocodile Rock Sophia Morales M&S Adult Medal 1 Blue Shamrock Alexa Bayko 2 Touch Cruise Jordan Borkoski 3 High Voltage Leeann Rugolo M&S 2’6’ Child Medal 1 Footloose Madison Maddalena 2 Danny Zuko Haley Allen 3 Cumberland Meghan Keliher M&S 2’6’ Adult Medal 1 Zingarella Donna Rosenwasser 2 August Moon Liz O’Mara 3 Definitely, Maybe Diane Welter M&S Junior/Amateur Horsemanship 1 Royal Ace Sarah Boston 2 Leon Ariana Morales 3 VDL Dagali Madeline DeRose THIS National Children’s Medal 1 Royal Ace Sarah Boston 2 Say Cheese C. Blair Spencer 3 Call me Tiger Alison Macdonald (MA)
Linda Orton Maffitt Lake Farms Luke Rinehart Donald Stewart Fiona Steinmetz Catherine Apostol Sunny Drescher Don Stewart & Marjorie Berkache Devon Mac Leod Donald Stewart Tricia O’Connor Catherine Apostol Donald Stewart Sophie Lenihan Catherine Apostol Donald Stewart Theresa Tolar Madelaine Black Madelaine Black Rose Hill Farm Theresa Tolar Rachel Kowalczyk Caroline Carrara Seth Clayton Alexis Worthington Rachel Kowalczyk Jeffrey Ayers Caroline Carrara Seth Clayton Amelia Cummings Fiona Steinmetz Nevergreen Farm LLC Uma O’Neil Emmanuelle Mille Alexis Worthington Mike Rosenwasser Alexandra Daley Jamie Ringel Brooke Pfeiffer Hayden Weinstein Kristen Brown August Sanders Ashley Vail Aycox Montana Zito Zoie Randall Monica Hunt Jordan Borkoski Leeann Rugolo Madison Maddalena Haley Allen Jill French Mike Rosenwasser Susan Pullara Diane Welter Catrine Golia Luke 3:11 LLC Madeline DeRose Catrine Golia Alexis Worthington Alison Macdonald (MA)
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 51
ShowResults Ariat National Adult Medal 1 Blue Shamrock Alexa Bayko 2 High Voltage Leeann Rugolo 3 Prince Sara Vozeolas EJ Haun Medal 1 Briette Isabelle Song 2 Capo Di Capi Katie Eppinger 3 Quintus Morgan Ward PHA Medal 1 Wayfarer Sophie Lenihan 2 MTM Caruso S Alec Tolle 3 Courage Catherine Apostol $500 M&S Bit O’ Straw Hunter Classic 1 Cyprinus Carpio Justine Perrotti 2 Zingarella Donna Rosenwasser 3 Slam Dunk Jessica Makris-June $1000 Junior Hunter Classic - Small 1 Kingpin Annabel Revers 2 Boris Elle Young 3 Calisto Devin Seek $1000 Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3’6’ 1 Classified Samantha Schaefer 2 Whiskey Blue Ashley Foster 3 Valentine Jaime Auletto $1000 Pony Hunter Classic - Small 1 Saddle Sold Separately Brianna Folk 2 Sparkle Claire Campbell 3 True Sport Emma Callanan $500 M&S/NAL Child Hunter Classic - Horse 1 US Marshall Rachael Hopkins 2 Secret Santa Gabrielle Calvert 3 Cartier Jessica Rosenwasser $500 M&S/NAL Adult Hunter Classic 1 Kavalier Corinne Milbury 2 Ultimatum Andrew Coolen 3 Vandrin Kristen Sameth $5,000 Devoucoux Hunter Prix 1 Caramo Harold Chopping 2 Allawishus Megan Wexler 3 Cavalli Russell Frey $1,500 Platinum Performance Hunter Prix 1 Wonder Street Sophie Transou 2 Hey Sailor Alex Trolli 3 Urlala Kimberly Maloomian $1000 Child Jumper Classic Low - 0.90m 1 Blue Moon Ashley McNally 2 Cantura Alicia Weismann 3 Cascade Molly McQuilkin $1500 Child/Adult Jpr Classic Medium - 1.05m 1 Visionary Madeline DeRose 2 Jumbo Jet Lillian Kirbo 3 Chicky B Hannah Fowler $2,500 M&S/NAL Child Jumper Classic High - 1.10m 1 Lyons Creek Action Skyllar Beckel 2 Cat Woman Gabrielle Calvert 3 Cassidi Ting Oliver $2500 Junior Jumper Classic Low - 1.25m 1 Milky Way Gabriella Fournier 2 Eminem Madison Johnson 3 Unbelievable Lizzie Van der Walde $5,000 NAL Junior Jumper Classic Medium - 1.35m 1 Conquillas Morgan Ward 2 Hennessey Madison Johnson 3 Orberose du Gord Morgan Ward $25,000 SmartPak Grand Prix 1 Contanga 3 Andre Thieme 2 Bill Clinton David Tromp 3 Superbad Amanda Flint $50,000 HITS Grand Prix 1 Ammeretto David Beisel 2 Conthendrix Andre Thieme 3 Viriato Scott Keach WIHS Medal - Jumper Phase 1 Crimson Z Fiona Steinmetz 2 Compass Madison Day 3 Famous Last Words Lillian Kirbo $1000 CWD Junior Hunter Classic - Large 1 Conquista Ashton Alexander 2 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 3 Andiamo Carly Hoft
52 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Monica Hunt Leeann Rugolo Allison Belcher Isabelle Song Whipstick Farm, LTD. Rebecca Cohen Sophie Lenihan Brie Tiffany Catherine Apostol Justine Perrotti Mike Rosenwasser Jessica Makris-June Beechwood Stables LLC Remeta Sky LLC Ashley Vail Aycox Samantha Schaefer RAF LLC Jaime Auletto Two Point Equestrian, LLC Maher Family LLC Morgan Ward Kiki Hopkins Daniel White Mike Rosenwasser Corinne Milbury Melissa Rudershausen Kristen Sameth Caroline Russell Howe Kathryn Mittauer Debbie McIntyre Sophie Transou Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center Terry S Maloomian Lisa O’Neill Paul Thomas Robert McNeel Madeline DeRose Lillian Kirbo Maddie Skimming Skyllar Beckel Daniel White Christian Oliver Brie Tiffany Taggert Enterprises Paraizo Equestrian Partners LLC Morgan Ward Madison Johnson Redfield Farm Andre Thieme Koyo Investment Group The Coverboy Group Equine Holdings LLC Andre Thieme Southern Cross Equestrian, LLC Fiona Steinmetz Nevergreen Farm LLC Lillian Kirbo Don Stewart & Marjorie Berkache GDF Equine, LLC Donald Stewart
$1000 Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3’3’ 1 Orlon Margot Peroni 2 Socialite Sidney Jefferson 3 Blue Highway Carly Corbacho $1000 Pony Hunter Classic - Medium 1 Blackout Caroline Ellis 2 Denmark Grace Debney 3 Gap Springs Heart’s Desire Devin Seek $500 M&S Child Hunter Classic - Pony 1 Coastal Sunset Brianna Folk 2 Smartpak Hayden Weinstein 3 Weebiscuit Izzy Beisel $1000 S.A. Comunale Adult Jpr Classic Low - 0.90m 1 Vanilla Ice Caroline Williams 2 Granberg Caroline Williams 3 Taking Chances Zoe Stewart $2,500 M&S/NAL Adult Jumper Classic High - 1.10m 1 Spalding Jennifer Brennan 2 Wings VDL Courtney Gehrig 3 Cliff II Robin Swinderman $2500 Pyranha Amateur Jumper Classic Low - 1.25m 1 Sugar Ray Samantha Schaefer 2 Vozura VDL Dana Gattuso 3 Vougeot de Septon Abbey Slaven $5,000 NAL A-O Jumper Classic Medium - 1.35m 1 Carthesino Z Hayley Waters 2 Fabius Cienne Warren 3 SCS Prima Haley Robinson $7,500 U-Dump Jr/A-O Jpr Classic High-1.45m (comb) 1 Cafino Z Lina Rojas-Restrepo 2 Fiona Van’t Paradijs MacKenzie McGehee 3 Iron Michael Burnett Pre-Children’s Hunter O/F 1 Elf Merilee Weil 2 Silver Icing Claudette Yarbrough 3 Best Dressed Aidan Gerard Pre-Children’s Hunter O/F 1 Elf Merilee Weil 2 The Crowne Prince Lily Rusis 3 Campari 112 Andrea Russell Pre-Children’s Hunter O/F 1 ShowStar Margherita Montagna 2 Best Dressed Aidan Gerard 3 Shenandoah’s Caramel Kiss Claudette Yarbrough Pre-Children’s Hunter Under Saddle 1 Imagine That Annabell Weil 2 The Crowne Prince Lily Rusis 3 Best Dressed Aidan Gerard Pre-Adult Hunter O/F 1 Caspian Heather Conder 2 Precious Mettle Saundra Hendrickson 3 Cinderella Kayley Kloss Pre-Adult Hunter O/F 1 L’Taire Cheryl Welshimer 2 Caspian Lindsay Standley 3 GQ Catherine Chinery Pre-Adult Hunter O/F 1 Bom Bay Ellen George 2 Bellamy Elizabeth Iseler 3 Instant Karma Clair Kellner Pre-Adult Hunter Under Saddle 1 Bellamy Elizabeth Iseler 2 Best Dressed Ginny Gerard 3 Caspian Heather Conder Post Time Child Hunter O/F 1 Taxi Katharine Fletcher 2 Smooth Jazz Lily Rusis 3 Danny Zuko Haley Allen Post Time Child Hunter O/F 1 Cydelle Madeline Pogorzelski 2 Bolshoi Skylar Dorsche 3 Blue Twisted Steel Hallie Weegar Post Time Child Hunter O/F 1 Cydelle Madeline Pogorzelski 2 Danny Zuko Haley Allen 3 Good News Ben Ariella Omar
Margot Peroni Sidney Jefferson Carly Corbacho Cyrus Taraporevala John Skinner Dale Crittenberger & Kimberly Meighan Kristen Brown Hayden Weinstein David Gochman Caroline Williams Caroline Williams Zoe Stewart Shannondell Farm, Inc. Courtney Gehrig Meadowood Farm, LLC John Skinner Dana Gattuso The Coverboy Group Chuck & Dana Waters Cienne Warren Salt Creek Stables, LLC Mauricio Restrepo MacKenzie McGehee Michael Burnett Samantha Kirchhoff Samantha Hurley Ginny Gerard Samantha Kirchhoff Lily Rusis Kimberden Inc. Denise Gumbs Ginny Gerard Alexa Schwitzer Lexie Glisson Lily Rusis Ginny Gerard Heather Conder Saundra Hendrickson Joy Kloss Cheryl Welshimer Lindsay Standley Emily Lo Vece Ellen George Elizabeth Iseler Dale Johnson Elizabeth Iseler Ginny Gerard Heather Conder Kevin Eufemia Hannah Hankerson Haley Allen Marcia Franklin Amanda Wise Hallie Weegar Marcia Franklin Haley Allen Diane Ward
ShowResults Post Time Child Hunter Under Saddle 1 Blue Twisted Steel Hallie Weegar 2 Coltrane Greg Crolick 3 Lapiko Caroline Crotty
Hallie Weegar Melissa Hirt Doris Leventhal
Post Time Adult Hunter O/F 1 Chances Czar 2 L’Taire 3 Precious Mettle
Tonia Werner Cheryl Welshimer Saundra Hendrickson
Tonia Werner Cheryl Welshimer Saundra Hendrickson
Post Time Adult Hunter O/F 1 Chances Czar 2 Precious Mettle 3 GQ
Tonia Werner Saundra Hendrickson Catherine Chinery
Tonia Werner Saundra Hendrickson Emily Lo Vece
Post Time Adult Hunter O/F 1 Chances Czar 2 Jambo 3 Precious Mettle
Tonia Werner Bridget McNamara Saundra Hendrickson
Tonia Werner Bridget McNamara Saundra Hendrickson
Post Time Adult Hunter Under Saddle 1 Flamenco 135 Amy Hern 2 GQ Catherine Chinery 3 Chances Czar Tonia Werner
Amy Hern Emily Lo Vece Tonia Werner
Modified Child Hunter O/F 1 Bonjour 1 Once Upon A Time 2 Tell All 2 Essex Street 3 Cyprinus Carpio 3 My BFF
Kailyn Waldeck Emma Dowdle Anna Kubiak Katherine Padilla Justine Perrotti Erin Cummins
Kailyn Waldeck Karen Mitchell Over Fences Farm LLC Katherine Padilla Justine Perrotti Erin Cummins
Modified Child Hunter O/F 1 Illusionist 1 Quite Chocolate 2 Love Struck 2 Chepetto 3 Cordova 3 Essex Street
Angelina Smith Catherine Kubiak Kelly Stensland Naya Shim Raven Mellinger Katherine Padilla
Angelina Smith Over Fences Farm LLC Kelly Stensland Naya Shim Raven Mellinger Katherine Padilla
Modified Child Hunter O/F 1 MTM Up2U 1 Quite Chocolate 2 Cordova 2 Berlinetto 3 Royal Highland 3 Captain Millet
Natalie Alden Natalie Alden Catherine Kubiak Over Fences Farm LLC Raven Mellinger Raven Mellinger Ashley Vail Aycox Ashley Vail Aycox Allyson ‘Sunny’ Baros-KablerAllyson ‘Sunny’ Baros-Kabler Ashley Ann Lavoie Kevin Davis
Modified Child Hunter Under Saddle 1 Summer Vay-K Jillian Rosenwasser 1 Soft Spoken Grace Wilson 2 Carlantic Abigail Bush 2 Something Special Tamsin Nottage 3 Czech Mate Carly Martin 3 Cyprinus Carpio Justine Perrotti
Donna Rosenwasser Carol Stillwell Emer Coyne Rachael Murphy Carly Martin Justine Perrotti
Modified Adult Hunter O/F 1 Coscolino 1 Whitman 2 Flagship 2 Kalifornia Dreamin’ 3 Pippen 3 Sunkissed
Kimberly Beattie Allyson Lewis Jill Shull Kelley Norton Skylar Charry Cynthia Chaconas
Kimberly Beattie Allyson Lewis Erin Bair Kelley Norton Skylar Charry Cynthia Chaconas
Modified Adult Hunter O/F 1 Amadeo 1 Coscolino 2 Kalifornia Dreamin’ 2 Zoe 3 Pippen 3 Winchester-G
Diane Dematteo Kimberly Beattie Kelley Norton Kristine D’Andrea Skylar Charry Lena Rogachevsky
DDM Equestrian, LLC Kimberly Beattie Kelley Norton Kristine D’Andrea Skylar Charry Lena Rogachevsky
Modified Adult Hunter O/F 1 Kalifornia Dreamin’ 1 Infatuation 2 Coscolino 2 Galliano 3 Paradise Bay 3 Trentino
Kelley Norton Matthew Jenkins Kimberly Beattie Patti Nelson Johannie Legare Diane Dematteo
Kelley Norton Reinbow’s End Farm Kimberly Beattie Patti Nelson Johannie Legare DDM Equestrian, LLC
Modified Adult Hunter Under Saddle 1 Picture Me Thomas Hern 1 Articulate Dana Brawley 2 Sunkissed Cynthia Chaconas 2 Sienna Elizabeth Phillips 3 _chapp_ Donna Rosenwasser 3 Amadeo Diane Dematteo
Jennifer O’Donnell Brawley Farms Inc Cynthia Chaconas Elizabeth Phillips Donna Rosenwasser DDM Equestrian, LLC
Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 1 Farnley Keep It A Secret Caia Watridge 1 Chat Room Amelia Redd 2 Lancer Rachel Lusk 2 True Sport Madison Briggs 2 Texas Hold ‘Em Emma Von Bargen 3 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford 3 Chips Ahoy Abigail Gordon 3 iCloud Tiara D’Amico Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 1 Lancer Rachel Lusk 1 Chat Room Amelia Redd 2 True Sport Madison Briggs 2 Gold Mark Emma Hechtman 2 Her Prince Charming Savannah Richards 3 Chips Ahoy Abigail Gordon 3 Master Yoda Schuyler Dayner 3 Texas Hold ‘Em Emma Von Bargen Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Farnley Keep It A Secret Caia Watridge 1 Garrison Forest Chelsea Stopford 1 Texas Hold ‘Em Emma Von Bargen 2 True Sport Madison Briggs 2 Master Yoda Schuyler Dayner 2 Chat Room Amelia Redd 3 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 3 Chips Ahoy Abigail Gordon 3 iCloud Tiara D’Amico Short Stirrup Hunter O/F 1 Chips Ahoy Abigail Gordon 1 Her Prince Charming Savannah Richards 2 Lancer Rachel Lusk 2 True Sport Madison Briggs 2 iCloud Tiara D’Amico 3 Master Yoda Schuyler Dayner 3 Farnley Keep It A Secret Caia Watridge 3 Chat Room Amelia Redd Short Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle 1 Chat Room Amelia Redd 1 Anakin Caia Watridge 2 Q-2 Abigail Gordon 2 Lancer Rachel Lusk 3 Jumpin Jack Flash Texie Loyd 3 Gold Mark Emma Hechtman Schooling Pony Hunter - Small O/F 1 Texas Hold ‘Em Casey Oliver 2 Morwel High Tide August Sanders 3 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker Schooling Pony Hunter - Small O/F 1 Texas Hold ‘Em Casey Oliver 2 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker 3 Morwel High Tide August Sanders Schooling Pony Hunter - Small O/F 1 Texas Hold ‘Em Casey Oliver 2 Clovermeade Semper Fi Aliya Maker 3 Morwel High Tide August Sanders Schooling Pony Hunter - Small Under Saddle 1 Texas Hold ‘Em Casey Oliver 1 Orchard HIlls Ghiradelli Abigail Brayman 2 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 3 Cruz Bay Catherine Black Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium O/F 1 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 2 Happily Ever Laughter Camryn Halley 3 iBet Sophee Steckbeck Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium O/F 1 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 2 Cruz Bay Catherine Black 3 Small Valley Emma Callanan Schooling Pony Hunter - Medium Under Saddle 1 Halo Corryn Schenkel 2 Losander’s Camelot Lindsey Hurley 3 Evening In Paris Addison Reed Schooling Pony Hunter - Large O/F 1 Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox 2 Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar 3 Peterpotamus Ashley Vail Aycox
Texie Loyd Fox Meadow Farm Carol Stillwell Emer Coyne Morgan Ward Joy Kloss Anissa Dahlkemper Lochmoor Stables Megan D’Amico Texie Loyd Emer Coyne Carol Stillwell Morgan Ward Emma Hechtman Savannah Richards Lochmoor Stables Schuyler Dayner Joy Kloss Fox Meadow Farm Anissa Dahlkemper Joy Kloss Morgan Ward Schuyler Dayner Carol Stillwell Texie Loyd Lochmoor Stables Megan D’Amico Lochmoor Stables Savannah Richards Emer Coyne Morgan Ward Megan D’Amico Schuyler Dayner Fox Meadow Farm Carol Stillwell Carol Stillwell Richard Cunkle Libbie Gordon Emer Coyne Texie Loyd Emma Hechtman Joy Kloss August Sanders Aliya Maker Joy Kloss Aliya Maker August Sanders Joy Kloss Aliya Maker August Sanders Joy Kloss Alexandra Mager Deerfield LTD. Catherine Black Deerfield LTD. Donald Stewart Redfield Farm Deerfield LTD. Catherine Black Judy Henderson Wendi Schenkel Deerfield LTD. Patricia Irvine Ashley Vail Aycox Theresa Tolar Ashley Vail Aycox
www.horsecapitaldigest.com 53
ShowResults Schooling Pony Hunter - Large O/F 1 Kinda Funny Theresa Tolar 2 Peterpotamus Ashley Vail Aycox 3 Neptune Claire Lube
Theresa Tolar Ashley Vail Aycox Olivia Dodd
Schooling Pony Hunter - Large O/F 1 Harrison Laurel Bennett 2 Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox 3 Neptune Claire Lube
Laurel Bennett Ashley Vail Aycox Olivia Dodd
Schooling Pony Hunter - Large Under Saddle 1 Valentino Ashley Vail Aycox 2 Peterpotamus Ashley Vail Aycox
Ashley Vail Aycox Ashley Vail Aycox
$250 Modified Junior Hunter O/F 1 Boris 1 Cinderella Man 2 Cascina 2 Pirate Gold 3 Notorious 3 Hey Sailor
Elle Young Gabriella Fournier Brandie Holloway Camryn Halley Devon Mac Leod Alex Trolli
Remeta Sky LLC GDF Equine, LLC Hays Investment Corp. Laura Barrett-Gurtis Devon Mac Leod Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center
$250 Modified Junior Hunter O/F 1 Boris 1 Quidam 2 Notorious 2 Cinderella Man 3 Best Of 3 MTM Hands Down
Elle Young Morgan Ward Devon Mac Leod Gabriella Fournier Madeline Schaefer Annabel Revers
Remeta Sky LLC Meredith Elise Keen Devon Mac Leod GDF Equine, LLC Gabriella Conte Beechwood Stables LLC
$250 Thoroughbred Hunter 2 O/F 1 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 2 Stay Tuned Meg Graham 3 Neighbor Elizabeth LaPierre
Modified Junior Hunter Under Saddle 1 Cinderella Man Gabriella Fournier 2 Dreamgirl Madison Orr
GDF Equine, LLC Madison Orr
$250 Modified Amateur Hunter O/F 1 Tuscan Sky Mackenzie Ennis 2 Blue Shamrock Alexa Bayko 3 Calido’s Son Amanda Hauser
Mackenzie Ennis Monica Hunt Amanda Hauser
$250 Modified Amateur Hunter O/F 1 Calido’s Son Amanda Hauser 2 Lordano Lynn Seithel 3 Tuscan Sky Mackenzie Ennis
Amanda Hauser Lynn Seithel Mackenzie Ennis
Modified Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1 Blue Shamrock Alexa Bayko 2 Calido’s Son Amanda Hauser 3 Tuscan Sky Mackenzie Ennis
Monica Hunt Amanda Hauser Mackenzie Ennis
Thoroughbred Hunter 1 O/F 1 Neighbor 2 Ready Set Rock 3 Will to Win
Elizabeth LaPierre Emily Terry Peterson Kate Wilson
Elizabeth LaPierre Mckenzie Kreilich Kate Wilson
Thoroughbred Hunter 1 O/F 1 Ready Set Rock 2 Will to Win 3 Thank Goodness
Emily Terry Peterson Kate Wilson Lucy Rachel Donohue
Mckenzie Kreilich Kate Wilson Lucy Rachel Donohue
Thoroughbred Hunter 1 O/F 1 Ready Set Rock 2 Will to Win 3 Stay Tuned
Emily Terry Peterson Kate Wilson Meg Graham
Mckenzie Kreilich Kate Wilson Nancy Granger
$250 Thoroughbred Hunter 1 O/F Stake 1 Will to Win Kate Wilson 2 Askari Abigail Brayman 3 Ready Set Rock Emily Terry Peterson
Kate Wilson Abigail Brayman Mckenzie Kreilich
Thoroughbred Hunter 1 Under Saddle 1 Stay Tuned Meg Graham 2 Ready Set Rock Emily Terry Peterson 3 Jambo Bridget McNamara
Nancy Granger Mckenzie Kreilich Bridget McNamara
$250 Thoroughbred Hunter 2 O/F 1 Celtic Sun God Kristina Watkins 2 Neighbor Elizabeth LaPierre 3 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers
Kristina Watkins Elizabeth LaPierre Jeffrey Ayers
$250 Thoroughbred Hunter 2 O/F 1 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 2 Celtic Sun God Kristina Watkins 3 Neighbor Elizabeth LaPierre
Jeffrey Ayers Kristina Watkins Elizabeth LaPierre
Thoroughbred Hunter 2 Under Saddle 1 Triple Play Daphne Boogaard 2 Stay Tuned Meg Graham 3 Neighbor Elizabeth LaPierre $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F 1 Cheers Robin Swinderman 2 Captain Morgan 9 Michelle Stopford 3 Aristo Sally Culhane $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F* 1 Exakt Gerald Camera 2 Carla Cara Garito 3 Aristo Sally Culhane $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F 1 Brigadier Mary Barben 2 Aristo Sally Culhane 3 Cheers Robin Swinderman $400 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over O/F Handy 1 Aristo Sally Culhane 2 Cheers Robin Swinderman 3 Biarritz Gerald Camera $100 Low Amateur-Owner Hunter 36 & Over U/S 1 Cheers Robin Swinderman 2 Chaccolan Michelle Stopford 3 Exakt Gerald Camera $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F 1 Quintessential Elizabeth McKim 2 Hey Sailor Alex Trolli 3 Prestige Margaret Von Ebers $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F* 1 Quintessential Elizabeth McKim 2 Rogelio Brianna Sims 3 Can Fly Allison Bergmeyer $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F 1 Del Piero Alex Trolli 2 Best Of Madeline Schaefer 3 Austin Sara McCloskey $200 Junior Hunter Low O/F - Handy 1 Best Of Madeline Schaefer 2 Belvedere Nicole Ciervo 3 Del Piero Alex Trolli $100 Junior Hunter Low U/S 1 Donder Clara Bechtold 2 Best Of Madeline Schaefer 3 Forever Emma Ecklin $1000 Junior Hunter Classic 3’3 1 Rogelio Brianna Sims 2 Prestige Margaret Von Ebers 3 Quintessential Elizabeth McKim $1000 Perfect Products Pony Hunter Classic - Large 1 Hallelujah Catherine Black 2 Clovermeade All About the Bunny Abigail Brayman 3 Devil Mint Devin Seek WIHS Medal - Final Results 1 Crimson Z Fiona Steinmetz 2 Pontifox Hunter Holloway 3 Brugge Grace Upshaw HITS 2’ Jumper - 0.65m 1 Derlandzip Ann Jordan 2 Puffin Nicole Mandracchia 3 Bella Adara Teryn Mackey HITS 2’ Jumper - 0.65m 1 DDWP Candy’s Cupcake Addison Reed 2 Bella Adara Teryn Mackey 3 C’est La Vie III CH Grace McCormick HITS 2’ Jumper - 0.65m 1 Dream Catcher Taylor Lampert 2 Tiger Lily Emily Rapchak 3 Puffin Nicole Mandracchia
$250 Thoroughbred Hunter 2 O/F 1 Scorpio Jeffrey Ayers 2 Stay Tuned Meg Graham 3 Golf Pal Jodi Czaplick
Jeffrey Ayers Nancy Granger Jodi Czaplick
HITS 2’ Jumper - 0.65m 1 Tiger Lily 2 Wicked 3 DDWP Candy’s Cupcake
54 Horse Capital Digest • March 6, 2015
Emily Rapchak Scout Davis Addison Reed
Jeffrey Ayers Nancy Granger Elizabeth LaPierre Caitlin Hooper Nancy Granger Elizabeth LaPierre Robin Swinderman M & M Stopford Sally Culhane Gerald Camera Cara Garito Sally Culhane Mary Barben Sally Culhane Robin Swinderman Sally Culhane Robin Swinderman Gerald Camera Robin Swinderman M & M Stopford Gerald Camera EHM Equestrian LLC Buffalo Therapeutic Riding Center Margaret Von Ebers EHM Equestrian LLC Rolling Acres Seth Vallhonrat Alex Trolli Gabriella Conte Sara McCloskey Gabriella Conte Nicole Ciervo Alex Trolli Starlite Farm Gabriella Conte Emma Ecklin Rolling Acres Margaret Von Ebers EHM Equestrian LLC Rose Hill Farm Rabbit Hill Farm Scarlett Lee Aylsworth Fiona Steinmetz Donald Stewart Grace Upshaw Ann Jordan Top Brass Farm Teryn Mackey Patricia Irvine Teryn Mackey Edward McCormick Taylor Lampert Emily Rapchak Top Brass Farm Emily Rapchak Scout Davis Patricia Irvine
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