Environmental program

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Nov 2013

Environmental Project Markham Park

Thank you VOLUNTEERS We are changing the world! By: Maria Mercedes Hernandez

Environmental Program At Markham Park Volunteers:14 Task: Planting Hours: 8:30 -12:00

Project Leader:

Maria Mercedes Hernandez

BENEFITS OF PLANTING: According to the environmental protection agencies, planting trees is a must if we want to save our planet. Trees not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help reduce the greenhouses leading to global warming.

Advantages of planting trees:  An average size tree creates sufficient oxygen in one year to provide oxygen for a family of four.  If we plant 20 million trees, the earth will get with 260 million more tons of oxygen.  One acre of trees can remove up to 2.6 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year.  During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.  Trees keep in cheek the air and water pollution.  They are the natural habitat of the animals and birds, as well as many endangered species.

WHY NATIVE PLANTS? Organization: HandsOn Broward www.handsonbroward.org

 Add beauty to the landscape and preserve our natural heritage  Provide food and habitat for native wildlife  Help slow down the spread of fire by staying greener longer  Decrease the amount of water needed for landscape maintenance  Require very little long-term maintenance if they are properly planted and established  Produce long root systems to hold soil in place  Protect water quality by controlling soil erosion and moderating floods and droughts

1,014 Plants!! 1,000-Trees = 1,000-Tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere!


Petunia seeds germinate in 5 to 15 days. Petunias can tolerate relatively harsh conditions and hot climates. They need at least five hours of sunlight every day. They grow well in low humidity, moist soil. Young plants can be grown from seeds. Petunias should be watered once every two to five days. South America origin.

551 Plants!



The fruit is a berry, 2–5 mm diameter and pink to redpurple. The berries are highly astringent but are made into wine and jelly. American beautyberry has been used as a folk remedy to prevent mosquito bites.

Florida native! 60 Plants!

FIREBUSH: This Florida native plant blooms for months, attracting both birds and butterflies, and is practically bullet-proof once established. Gardeners love firebush because it produces flowers from late spring until the first frost, and the bright red flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies, including the zebra longwing and gulf fritillary butterflies. Song birds also like to feed on the berries. It is also a great plant because it is heat and drought tolerant once established, can grow in a range of soils, and has no seriousinsect or disease problems.



grow and tough as nails, Black-Eyed Susan is a sunny-colored wildflower that is salt- and drought-tolerant, making it an excellent choice for coastal landscapes. One of the nine Rudbeckia species native to Florida, Black-Eyed Susans are the most commonly grown species in landscapes and are perfect for butterfly gardens.



There are many lovely Coreopsis (Tickseed) from which to choose, most reaching a height of about 2', although size can vary drastically between cultivars. Considered to be one of the best native wildflowers available for the garden, Coreopsis are easy to grow, displaying daisy-like, cutflower-perfect blooms in vibrant shades of yellow, pink, and more, and a long bloom time -- all summer and into the fall. The growth habit of Coreopsis is quite variable, from very compact to informal and sprawling, although all are well-formed and bushy.



A hardy, drought tolerant perennial found throughout much of the United States. Easily established from seed, it frequently forms dense colonies of brilliant red flowers with yellow rims. Thrives in full sun in well-drained areas. Occasional watering will extend the blooming period. Allow seed heads to completely dry prior to trimming. This will aid in reseeding for the following year.


1014 Plants!

Thank you Volunteers!

10 Reasons to Volunteer: 1. Volunteering provides physical and mental rewards. It:  Reduces stress  Makes you healthier 2. Volunteering provides valuable community services so more money can be spent on local improvements.  The estimated value of a volunteer's time is $15.39 per hour. 3. Volunteers gain professional experience. 4. It brings people together. 5. It promotes personal growth and self-esteem. 6. Volunteering strengthens your community. 7. You learn a lot. 8. You get a chance to give back. 9. Volunteering encourages civic responsibility. 10. You make a difference:

Every person counts!

We are making a difference in Broward!


As a project Leader, I had enjoy every single moment that I had shared with people from my community and surrounding areas, kids, teenagers and adults . Some of them volunteer from their heart and others for community hours, but we all have found a common motivation: The Environment. For this reason, as an environment activist, I have created this magazine to explain the importance that is behind our volunteer project. I want to go beyond of just leading a group; I want to explain how our actions contribute to the protection of our natural resources and as consequence: our communities, our planet! One day, those teenagers that today are looking for community hours; will impact the world with their decisions! On this specific project at Markham Park, we learned about the importance of planting and benefits of using native plants. Thank you to all the volunteers for your outstanding job! I can’t wait to see you next time as we continue to demonstrate our commitment to protecting the environment. Maria Mercedes Hernandez HandsOn Broward Environment Project Leader


This magazine has been produced by: Maria M Hernandez LEED AP

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