27th International Conference on
Faculty submitting paper proposals must submit your entire paper for consideration. Papers that do not exceed 30 single-‐spaced pages will be considered. These papers must be submitted in journal form following these Conference’s Guidelines for Authors. The papers will be peer reviewed by a faculty committee. A total of 10-‐12 papers will be selected, and the selected papers will be identified in the Conference program as Award-‐Winning Conference Papers. The faculty review committee will also choose one paper to receive the Conference Best Paper Award, which includes an honorarium of $1,000. The name of the winning author and the paper are announced initially at the Awards Ceremony—the winning author is NOT notified prior to this announcement. To receive this award, the author MUST be present at the Conference Awards ceremony on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. The papers will be published in Selected Papers from the 27th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning and copyright to the papers will be held by Florida State College at Jacksonville. The journal will be published in PDF format on the conference website. Selected Papers is submitted to APAs PsycINFO. 1. STYLE. Write clearly and simply in the third person for an audience of professionals from diverse fields. Avoid technical jargon and abbreviations. Define technical terms when they are introduced. 2. FORMAT. In general, follow the guidelines presented in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. Center the title of the article at the top of the first page. Center the name(s) of the author(s) under the title, and under each name, center the italicized name of each author's institutional affiliation. Use bold font for the title, author's/authors' name(s) and affiliations, and all headings. Use up to three subheading levels throughout the article as needed. Major headings should be centered. Secondary headings should be flush with the left margin. Third-‐ level headings should have a five-‐space paragraph indentation with the first letter of each major word in caps followed by a period. In this last situation ONLY, the narrative should begin on the same line as the heading. In all other subheadings listed above, the narrative should begin on the next line.
27th International Conference on
College Teaching and Learning
3. PAGE SIZE, MARGINS, TYPE STYLE AND SIZE, SPACING, AND NUMBERING. Page size should be set at 8.5"x11" with one inch margins. Use Times New Roman, 12-‐ point font, and SINGLE SPACE throughout, including references. Leave a five-‐space left margin at the beginning of each new paragraph. Number pages at the bottom center of each page, beginning on page 2. 4. TABLES AND FIGURES. Number tables and figures sequentially using Arabic numbers (i.e. Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2). Below the table/figure number, place the title with the first letter of each major word in caps. Place the number and title flush with the left margin and above the data. Place tables and figures in the narrative, following their first mention in the text. 5. REFERENCES. Provide references in the narrative by last name(s) of author(s), followed by year of publication. For example, Myron (2007) found . . . It was found . . . (Myron, 2007). The introduction for all papers (other than those presenting a summary of the literature on a specific topic) must contain a brief summary of relevant literature. Place full reference information at the end of the article only for those sources cited in the narrative. Center the word References, and double space before the first source listed. List references alphabetically by last name of the senior author.
JOURNAL REFERENCES. List the last name of the senior author, followed by a comma and her/his initials. Do the same for additional authors. Next, list the journal publication year (in parentheses), followed by a period. Next, list the article title (first letter of first word and proper nouns only in caps), the journal name and volume in italics, the issue (in parentheses) and page number(s).
BOOK REFERENCES. List the last name of the senior author followed by a comma and her/his initials. Do the same for additional authors. Next, list the publication year (in parentheses) followed by a period. Then, list the italicized title of the book (first letter of first word and proper nouns only in caps), followed by a period. Last, list the name of the city in which the book was published, followed by a colon and the publisher’s name.
27th International Conference on
6. CITATIONS. Do not use footnotes in your article. Cite all sources within your text and provide corresponding references. 7. MECHANICS. Check your article to ensure accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation. 8. COPYRIGHT AND REPRINTS. Florida State College at Jacksonville will hold the copyright for all articles published in Selected Papers. Although no reprints will be provided, authors of accepted articles will receive permission to reproduce their articles as needed. 9. SUBMISSION. Submit the paper via your conference account at teachlearn.org as a .doc format. No other form of submission will be accepted. The deadline for all submissions is February 1, 2016.
Authors are encouraged to review previous editions of Selected Papers. Electronic copies of Selected Papers from several previous Conferences on College Teaching and Learning are available at teachlearn.org.