Glow —Thomas S. Monson
Personal Excellence Profile The world's most innovative, intuitive, self-awareness and personal excellence profiling tool
CHLOÉ TAYLOR BROWN I have always been attracted to golden, effervescent light. Over the years, no matter where I have lived, it seems to have found me— or maybe I aligned with it and was able to attract the light. I would like to think that it has something to do with the warm, breezy summer day I was born—in Mississippi on June 23rd, just after the Summer Solstice. I don't know for sure, but, nevertheless, somehow those golden rays find me. In addition, I know that within me lies the most amazing, loving, guiding light there is. It's in all of us—we were born with it. It's an innate, organic, lively, exhilarating superpower, waiting for us to tap into, to use for our inspiration and empowerment. In this issue of Flourish Digital Magazine we have all embraced our light in different and similar ways. I'm thrilled to be able to share it with you and all our readers. The light brings vivaciousness, liveliness, and vitality—it is, indeed, the breath of life. Let's go from thinking and wondering if we are special to knowing it—and then stepping into that space—holding our position and owning it
Editor's Note
like we know for sure that we are children of the light, as you will read in Janis Hunt Johnson's article. Find your beauty in Randy Cele's poem, Her Beauty, and remember to read Kim Scouller's article on Finances: Taking Care of Your Loved Ones. Indulge in Paula G.'s Understanding a Woman's Spirit, and then go ahead and Taste Prosperity with FudArt Chef Nardia Adams. If you've been thinking of rejuvenating, find out more from Lyn Ross; then tap into your super-conscious awareness to understand more about yourself. Discover what's trending this Spring from Sadiyah Adams. Experience Japanese teahouses with Trevin Dye, and receive the gift of Serenity from artist Normie Taylor. This issue has something for everyone— including mothers (read Elena Taylor Bagger's Hey, Mamas! column). And you must read my featured interview with Rhonda C. Hight—I know you'll be inspired to discover why we are clapping for her in this issue. Until next issue, continue turning toward the light.
Chloé Taylor Brown Editor-in-Chief chloe@flourishdigitalmagazine.com @flourishdigitalmagazine @chloetaylorbrown @chloetaylorbrown
g g n i n i n i n i h h S S THE
@flourishdigitalmagazine @sadiyah_adams FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 5
Chloé Taylor Brown
super-conscious awareness
the next best trends
Chloé Taylor Brown
Paula G. Voice
Chloé Taylor Brown
Sadiyah Adams
hey, mamas!
Elena Taylor Bagger
we are children of light Janis Hunt Johnson
Start flourishing Chloé Taylor Brown
how to pay attention Chloé Taylor Brown
the light: our energy, our excellence Chloé Taylor Brown
LIVE! BELIEVE! DREAM! BUTTERFLY STRONG Paula G. Voice talks with Evelyn T. Keener
In conversation with Chloé Taylor Brown
Chef Nardia Adams
japanese teas & teahouses
Quick, on-the-go DINING etiquette
Trevin Dye
Chloé Taylor Brown
82 84
FUDART: a TASTE OF prosperity
rejuvenating skin treatments Lyn Ross
creating YouR 30-day image enhancement plan Chloé Taylor Brown
write your MANTRA: design your life
Chloé Taylor Brown
Song: like you
Poem by Randy Cele
Poetry from Seane Shaw
Meet CJ Adore
she is serenity
Transformative art from Normie Taylor
finances: Taking care of your LOVED ONES Kim Scouller
building rapport again after social distancing Chloé Taylor Brown
16 52
BE A Flourish Flourish Digital Digital Magazine Magazine
Saprea exists to liberate individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts
I praise You, for I am reverently and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. —Psalm 139: 14
Believing that you are special is a prerequisite to becoming your best self. Yes, to become completely comfortable with your natural abilities, your talents, your personality, your special gifts, your innate greatness, and your contribution to the world, you must believe and know that you are special. This is the beginning of maintaining your personal power and holding a position in the areas that are important to you; it's your secret to designing the kind of life you were born to live and experience. If you don't think you're special, you will feel unworthy of all the greatness that’s intended just for you. So, declare your intentions loud and clear to the world, put your plan into action, connect your dots, and make it happen.
DECLARE YOUR INTENTIONS: Try This: Start with the simple task of declaring an intention when you wake up every morning. This works for kids, teens, and adults. Here are some examples.
I intend to smile and acknowledge others today. I intend to eat healthy at home, school, or work today. I intend to call and not text today. I intend to speak clearly and energetically in class, or work today. I intend to inspire and encourage my team today by being present. I intend to use my manners and etiquette skills more today. I intend to wear a beautiful bright color today. I intend to write and contribute to myself today by writing and working toward completing my book. I intend to reach out to those who can support my goals today.
I believe that to fully express ourselves—and the essence of who we are in all its fullness—we must know and understand who we really are, first. It doesn’t mean that we can’t be successful if we do not; however, when we evaluate our heart’s desires—being truthful, honest, and honorable in determining our ideal, and what we believe or know will make us happy and whole—our spirit calls us toward that, which is the light. And we shine. Many call this passion, purpose or calling. I call it a big-life game, and I want us to discover it and play it in real time. This is the dream that shines brightly within, and it's attached to our best self—the self we’re all yearning to meet and rendezvous with, whether we know it or not. This is “the light” God has given us to draw out of our own self, to create a beautiful life for ourselves and for others. Our best self is multidimensional and shines brightly, Darling, including all important parts of our life—with the grand total of us harmonizing and balancing out to be a whole, complete person. When we realize that in our natural state we possess tremendous abilities, talents and gifts, then we truly know that because of these special gifts, the very best thing we can do—for ourselves, our family and our world—is to make the most of ourselves by using these gifts and allowing our light to shine brightly. The key to determining our ideal, our purpose—our big-life game for our life—is to know and acknowledge our dreams and passions. By determining our ideal and then admitting it out loud—to ourselves and to a few other key individuals—we will start acquiring, building up and maintaining the power to strategically design our life based on our vision and our ideal. >
I really want you to feel these questions. You know what I mean: Just let them resonate; reflect upon them. Why? Because they are lifealtering questions—when you answer them for yourself. Can you visualize being your best self and being ridiculously happy? Who are you being? What are you creating? What are you enjoying, and contributing? Vast contributions to the world come from individuals being true to themselves—and honoring their knowledge, abilities, gifts and talents, and aligning this excellence with their heart’s desires. In responding to these important questions, keep in mind that your best answer and what is best for you deals with you doing something honorable with these gifts. If you are true to your higher self, then your ideal and life’s purpose will empower many others—directly or indirectly. Living our daily lives without a determined ideal or a clear vision strips us of our power because it becomes fragmented and dispersed into insignificant tasks. This leaves us distracted and unfulfilled in our efforts. In setting out to embrace the light within you, you must determine your ideal. Be completely honest with yourself. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to think big, all while keeping in mind that you are multidimensional. Are you a wife, mother, a sister, a friend, a husband, father, brother, or son? Are you a professional? Are you spiritual? Are you a community leader? What are your thoughts about money and leisure time? Make a list of what is important to you. This list will show you what you value, and then you will be able to list these values in order of importance. When your values are clear, your vision and decision-making ability become clear as well—opening the pathway for you to determine your ideal and start accomplishing and manifesting your heart’s desires, and sooner that you think. When your vision for your life is clear and synchronized with your talents, gifts, skills and energy, you will be powerful in setting goals for your life—goals that will take you where you want to go and be. Your daily decisions and actions will become more meaningful, manageable, and fun. When things do not go as planned you will be able to step back, keep your focus, and breathe with ease. You will have the tools to bring everything back into perspective and alignment by reminding yourself what is important in your life based on your determined ideal, which keeps you in your own glorious golden light. < FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 13
Write Your Mantra & Live Life By Design.
Since early 2020, more than 5.7 million people have died from covid-19 in the world—nearly 1 million of them in the United States. Most of us know someone who has been affected by this unpredictable virus. This tragedy has caused many of us to consider whether we should put an estate plan in place to take care of our loved ones. I usually write about topics based on my experience as a financial professional. For this article, I’m writing based on my experience as an attorney to answer some of the questions I receive from clients every week. >
Without a Will, the state where you reside will decide who takes guardianship over your minor children.
Should I Have a Will? Yes, a Will serves several purposes: Identifies who you want to serve as guardian of your minor children States how you want your property distributed Names the person you want to carry out your wishes Uses tax strategies to avoid estate tax issues. If you do not have a Will, generally the applicable County Probate Court in the state where you reside will decide who takes guardianship over your minor children, and who will administer your estate. Also, if you die without a Will, state law will govern how your property is distributed. Furthermore, without proper planning for large estates,
your heirs could end up owing the
A Financial Power of Attorney gives your spouse
government estate taxes.
or other trusted family member or friend the ability to handle your financial affairs—like paying your bills and taxes or selling your property, if you are not able to do so.
A LIVING WILL OR ADVANCE DIRECTIVE A Living Will or Advance Directive for Healthcare identifies the person(s) you want to make your healthcare decisions if you cannot, and states what medical treatment you would like to receive if you are not able to make those decisions. SHOULD I HAVE A TRUST?
A Trust can provide many benefits: Continues management over your property Protects your minor children Protects children with special needs from losing government assistance Provides privacy since Trusts are not filed with Probate Court Avoids probate in many states if you own real estate in multiple jurisdictions Minimizes estate taxes
The most common Trust is a Testamentary Trust to manage the estate while your children are young. While the funds in the Trust are used for your children’s health, education, support and maintenance, many parents elect to distribute the principal of the Trust in increments, sometimes waiting until their children are in their thirties before the Trust is fully distributed.
HOW CAN I AVOID PROBATE? Assets titled in the name of your Trust are usually not subject to probate. Also, real estate that is owned by you and your spouse, or another loved one, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, avoids probate and passes the title automatically to the other owner upon your death.
Families with disabled children receiving government assistance should put a Special Needs Trust in place to ensure that their disabled child will not lose government assistance upon receiving an inheritance. Families with large estates should consider using a Credit Shelter Trust, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust, Charitable Remainder Trust and/or certain types of Grantor Trusts to minimize estate taxes, and for other tax benefits.
WHAT IS A LARGE ESTATE? When determining the value of an estate, the IRS includes life insurance and the value of all other property owned by the deceased, including real estate and businesses.
If you die before 2026, the IRS will permit you to exclude up to $12 million ($24 million for married couples) of the value of the estate from estate taxes. Anything above $12 million ($24 million for married couples) will be subject to a tax rate of up to 40 percent. If you die after 2025, current law provides for a reduced exclusion amount of $6 million for an individual ($12 million for married couples), so anything above that amount will be subject to a tax rate up to 40 percent. Spouses always have the ability to transfer property to each other free of estate taxes. The rules and exclusion amounts are different for non–US citizens.
For life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and investment accounts in which you have specified beneficiaries, the financial institutions will generally pay out to the named beneficiaries, thus avoiding probate. Banks will usually not require probate if the deceased’s bank account has a surviving joint owner rather than a named beneficiary. <
Kim Scouller is an attorney with Jade Law Offices of Kim Scouller, LLC and is licensed to practice law in Georgia and Kentucky. For estate planning, business, and wealth management legal services, contact Jade Law Offices at 678-775-2205 or by email at kimscouller@bellsouth.net.
A Woman's Spirit By Paula G. Voice
Each season, there are certain phrases or concepts that prevail. Feminine energy is one of them. Everyone claims to have the absolute definition of feminine energy. Within each woman lies her own definition of feminine energy and within each woman lies the manner in which she demonstrates that energy. Society has changed so drastically that we often find ourselves walking outside of our energy. We have to take on roles that were not meant to be ours but because of the void, we walk in it. Then when the time comes for us to yield to those energies–to allow the feminine energy to generate–we often have forgotten how. We have to fight daily for our own energy and for the temperament that we project. It seems so difficult at times because we become weary, but we do sometimes have to fight for our feminine energy. There are certain things that are instinctual to a woman, which often get misinterpreted. Her need for security sometimes gets misinterpreted as a “gold digger”–a woman who just wants a man for his money. Now, I know, sometimes that is the case. But most of us just need to feel safe and secure, period. That’s it! Just like a man needs respect, a woman needs to feel safe. When she does, that feminine energy is revealed and she responds to the man in a manner that lets him know she appreciates his presence. There are lyrics to a song somewhere that describe the way she walks, and talks, and how that makes the man feel. Ladies, we have to walk in our own truth and embrace our given energy. Your lifestyle or circumstances may make it difficult for you to do that but if you can find that beautiful, feminine, loving and nurturing person who resides within, you can embrace her and allow her to flourish. We are often described as being strong, fierce, resilient, bold, brave and so on. All of those descriptive words can be true but when they overpower the softer, gentler side, it may appear that a softer, gentler you does not exist. We know this not to be true. Feminine energy is about receiving and allowing ourselves to receive unapologetically. It’s about discerning the presence of a man and the energy he generates. It’s about discerning when to yield to the energy he brings to the present. We must love ourselves enough and embrace our femininity so that we can grow and step out into our purpose. You have been purposed to do what it is you have been gifted to do and to do it in your feminine space. Tap into that feminine energy and embrace that beautiful, vibrant, soft, gentle, lovely and playful journey. <
Paula G. Voice Paula G. Voice is a sagacious lifestyle influencer— influencing dreamers to breathe life into their dreams and ultimately live the reality of their vision. It is never too late to embrace your journey and live your dream. Flourish!
"The PEP helped us see the God within ourselves and our relationship. It helped us see where we are currently and how to level up and get where we want to be. We raised our internal vibration and power, which translated into real usable external power." Take the PEP.
Photo Credit: Lucy Markewicz
Chinese dumplings are visible, tasty signs that illustrate essential parts of Chinese culture. The crescent-shaped dumplings served during Lunar New Year symbolize the brightness of the moon and the promise of a bright and prosperous year ahead.
CHINESE CHICKEN DUMPLINGS INGREDIENTS 1 small onion finely chopped 2 cups of cabbage finely shredded, as for coleslaw 500g chicken mince 1 egg 15 ml soy 30 ml chopped spring onion 30 ml chopped coriander wonton wrappers
FILLING 15 ml garlic crushed 15 ml water 15 ml sesame oil pinch of white pepper Preheat pan on stove with a coating of oil. Gently fry onion in warm oil until translucent. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add a Tablespoon of garlic for a few minutes, without browning. Add thinly shredded cabbage and cook for about 5 minutes until wilted. Taste again for seasoning. Add salt and pepper if needed. This will become fragrant. Cool down. In a separate bowl, add the chicken mince, along with the egg, water, soy and white pepper. Add the cool cooked cabbage, chopped coriander and chopped spring onion. Stir in a tablespoon of sesame oil.
FOLDING Place the wonton wrapper on the table or in the palm of your hand. Place a teaspoon of mix into the middle. Using your finger or a brush, wet the edge of the wrapper. Close the wrapper by pleating the wet edges together to ensure it is all closed. The pleat on the side is used to close the wrapper. This is done by folding and pinching one end of the wrapper and gently pleating on one side of the wrapper, pressing together of the edges until completely closed. Use a bit more water to seal the edges if needed but not all over the dumpling. Alternatively, place the wrapper in a dumpling, pie or shaper, brush edges with water and press close.
COOKING For potstickers, place oil in a hot pan and brown the bottom. Add a half a cup of water with a lid on and steam the balance until cooked. For dumplings, boil a half a pot of water, place dumplings inside and cook until they float or become translucent. Serve with dipping sauce of soy, chili, spring onion and sesame seeds. > For metric to imperial conversions please visit https://www.calculator.net/conversion-calculator.html FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 25
I hope this recipe brings light and prosperity in your homes and lives when making this wonderful dish.
Fudart offers delicious and innovative
Contact Nardia for all catering, events or
solutions for any event, from public to
consulting inquiries.
private. Whether your needs require an intimate celebration or a large-scale
international conference, the fully equipped production kitchen and the
customized food truck behind the Fudart brand easily cater to both—and everything in between.
Photo Credit: Lucy Markewicz
Who Needs B U N S L I K E S T E E L
when you can have
What’s one great way to instantly improve the look of your complexion? A nourishing facial or peel with a side of dermaplaning!
Anyone who’s ever had a wonderful skin rejuvenating session at a MedSpa can attest to the numerous benefits. When done professionally, peels and facials offer an effective and safe way to reveal fresh, new skin with improved texture and tone. For radiant, youthful-looking skin, here are some facial options to consider.
Enzyme and
Add Dermaplaning to
Acid Peels
Different Peel Types
Your Session!
The foundation of skin
There are a few different types
For an advanced facial
rejuvenation for many years,
of peels worth trying, all with
treatment consider adding
skin peels remain a popular
varying benefits. For example,
Dermaplaning. Dermaplaning
service. Peels may range from
enzyme peels (like pumpkin)
is a very popular treatment
light enzyme exfoliation to
are excellent for all skin types
that uses an exfoliating blade
medium depth acid exfoliation.
and skin tones. Retinol peels
to skim dead surface skin cells
In essence, peels are designed
are great for mature skin and
and peach fuzz from your face.
to safely release dead skin
have been shown to improve
You might be surprised by how
cells that dull the look of your
the appearance of fine lines
much smoother and how
skin and boost your skin’s
and wrinkles. A lactic acid peel
glowing your face looks
resilience to environmental
is a natural alpha hydroxy acid
without that fine layer of facial
(AHA) peel that exfoliates
hair. Applying makeup, such as
without disrupting the skin’s
your foundation, will go on
natural moisture barrier, so it is
more evenly as well. This is a
great for more sensitive skin
bonus because you can often
see peach fuzz poking out
from under a layer of Oily skin types may benefit
foundation. And, no,
from a glycolic peel. Glycolic
dermaplaning does not make
has the capacity to penetrate
the hair grow back darker or
the pores more deeply, helping
thicker since the hair is not
to control excess oil and purge
being removed by the root.
pores while exfoliating dead
Specialized treatments are an
skin cells. You can also use
excellent way to boost your
glycolic acid on your body for
confidence and improve your
like acne, rosacea, and sunspots
an overall radiant complexion.
appearance without surgery.
using her personalized skincare
There are so many different
Before Spring is here, why not
formulas. Today, Institut’ DERMed
types of skin peels available
go for it? For the ultimate in
is a premier medspa in Atlanta,
that it’s worth chatting with
relaxation and results, be sure
Georgia, and a leading skincare
your aesthetician to find the
to research the medspa
right one for your skincare
(medical spa) you’re visiting.
The best medspas in the
Lyn Ross Lyn Ross is founder of Institut’ DERMed™ and a Master Aesthetician who opened the first medspa in the Southeast in 1989. She has helped women, men, and teens overcome skin conditions
brand distributed globally.
country offer the latest nonsurgical treatments and FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 29
ADORNMENTS MADE WITH LOVE Semi-Precious Stones, Crystals, Cultured Pearls, Ethnic Designs, Wood, Hematite, Vintage, Glass Beads, Sterling Silver, and Gold-Plated Motifs— for Women & Men. City Antiques & Interior Arts 700 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 100 Roswell, Georgia
kai_shani_creations Photography by Joshua Brown
ALTERATIONS HOME DECOR PERSONAL SHOPPING By appointment only: +1 470-261-9674
We all have something within us called “super-conscious awareness,” which can be described as the perceiver and the knower. The super-conscious awareness commands a superconscious mind. The ability to command is leading, directing and aligning you with your heart's desires. The super-conscious mind is the mind that makes something out of nothing. The super-conscious mind helps turn our dreams into realities. The highest form of comprehension and understanding is the ability to know. And when we know that we know, we can start creating super-conscious visions by conceptualizing. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 32
Once we have conceptualized the vision we can give it back to the super-conscious mind. Why give it back to the superconscious mind? Because the super-conscious mind can then start the process of bringing the super-conscious vision into reality. The vision is the mental image produced by your imagination, based on your heart’s desires. Use your ability to perceive and discern. Use your intellect, your insight, and of course, your foresight to turn your dream into a real thing and experience. >
by Chloé Taylor Brown
If you're passionate enough about your goals, and feel good enough about yourself, then you can create and live your dream and heart's desires. If you're ready to experience a fun, onpurpose, intentional life, then start following your passions. Pay attention to what really turns you on and makes you want to go deeper. What is it that you just love, and you know how to stick with it like it's a part of you? Bishop T.D. Jakes said, “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion—for your passion will lead you right into your purpose." Your passion makes you feel good. You can’t help but do it—indulge, and rendezvous with it. It’s within you. It draws out your light because it's part of your inner essence. You may think of it as a hobby, or something you used to do; but please, it's time to reconsider your passion(s). These are your gifts, talents and special skills—and God gave them to you. Lean in to these inner gems and pay attention to how you're feeling when you're thinking about it and being about it. Go ahead, step into your excellence by following your passions. www.chloetaylorbrown.com
Nature demonstrates an interconnectedness and interdependence between complementary but opposite qualities that make up a whole. Our quality cannot exist without its opposite. We observe light and darkness, order and chaos, good and bad, old and new.
Akri-mony is a gender-neutral fragrance by Nivlac. A unique Eau de Parfume inspired by being fluent and free. FRAGRANCESBYNIVLAC.COM
Butterfly Strong A CONVERSATION WITH EVELYN T. KEENER Evelyn T. Keener is a poet, author, speaker, and coach. She is the CEO of Live, Believe, Dream—a company birthed from the navigation of her life journey and its transitions. Through it all, she continues to soar because when the light shines, she radiates resilience. Paula: When I hear about your journey, the word resilience comes to mind. Would that be fair?
Evelyn: I would say that’s a fair depiction. Of all of the adjectives people use to describe me, I would say resilience is at the top of the list. I never thought about it until people started using the word. And when I thought more about it and looked back over my life, I believe that has always been a characteristic that was already given to me before I even came into this world.
Paula: So, you were born with it?
Evelyn: Yes, and I also believe that is how my mother raised us. And the virtues that she instilled upon us added to those characteristics which I already had. She was always telling us, "You can do it!” and saying, "I don't have average children.” Mom said to me, “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the bike." I have a memory of when one of the neighborhood kids knocked me off my bike and my hands got caught in the spokes. I had scrapes all over me. I came in the house literally in hysterics and tears.
She calmly sat on the couch and cleaned my wounds with peroxide and alcohol—while I was still screaming and crying. When she was done, she wiped my tears and said, “Now go back outside and play. Get back on that bike." She was the first person who demonstrated to me that pick-yourself-up, dust-yourself-off and get-back-on-the-bike mentality.
Evelyn, continued: And as I think back on it, I had to be
Paula: Share with us a bit about how you have shared your gifts
resilient; because God knew what my journey was going to
and talents on your journey while juggling the challenges that
be. So that if I didn't have resilience as a characteristic, I
you've had in your life.
don't think I would have made it through most of the trials and tribulations I have been through, which started at eight
Evelyn: It goes back to how I was raised. You just need to do it.
years old with my first surgery. I did not have an
You need to get up, you need to get dressed, you need to get
understanding of exactly what my diagnosis was. I did not
on that bus, you need to get to school. You need to do your
understand what surgery meant. I did not have an
homework. You need to give 100 percent in everything you do. I
understanding of death and everything that being sick
was raised by an independent mother to be an independent
child—who turned into an independent adult.
After the first surgery there were some complications and
Sometimes, it is about what is put in you in order to get it out of
they had to take me back into emergency surgery. My
you. It's about what you're made of. In other words, you can only
mother was able to walk by the side of the bed as they
get out of a car, what you put into a car. If you don't have any
rolled me back to the surgical area. I was not crying at all,
gas in the car, then the car is not going to go anywhere. The
but I looked at my mom who was crying and I told her, "Don't
"gasoline" that is in me—I would say are my characteristics:
cry, Mommy, it's going to be all right." I was resilient and
being resilient and optimistic, and wanting to live life
empathetic even then.
abundantly, wanting to live out my beliefs, and knowing that what I believe in, and what I share with other people, can and
Paula: Resilience, as I'm listening to you talk, seems to run
will make a difference.
through your veins. And to your point, God knew what your journey would be, giving you that strength at the age of eight and holding on to that memory today.
I may not end up being an Oprah, but it doesn't matter. There’s somebody out there that Oprah doesn't touch. I may be the person to touch a particular individual with something that I've
Evelyn: I also believe optimism is one of my crucial characteristics. I have been an optimistic person for the most part. I think that me telling my mom that everything was going to be OK and consoling her back then was more from my optimistic point of view. I see the glass as half full, not half empty. I can do anything. Wonder twin powers activate! I believe that when we have children, we should encourage them to be optimistic, tell them that they can try
been through, or that I've done. It may come through a message that I share on my social media page.
The event that I do is called The Girlfriend's Luncheon, which started as a way for me to give back and be a servant to my girlfriends. That may sound crazy to some people. But the Bible says it's better to serve than to be served. Another one of my characteristics, is my spiritual gift: I am a server, and I am a giver. It's what God put into me.
or do or be anything they can imagine. The worst thing that could happen is that they could fail—but failure is a
I wanted to do something for my girlfriends who had poured so
stepping stone to greatness.
much into me at different times of my life, but definitely as I went through stage zero ovarian cancer and then I had a full
The worst anyone can do is tell a child that they can't. That something is too high to obtain or to reach for—that you need to aim lower. I know that these statements are huge dream killers, and nobody likes a dream killer. I wrote an inspirational message in one of my books about these dream killers. Unfortunately, parents, friends and associates don't realize that you can be dream killers.
hysterectomy and complications with that. And I was out of work and trying to get myself back on track, and all of my girlfriends were just there for me with no hesitation. It was just an opportunity to pour into others. And it began to grow. We never know why an idea comes to us. But this one is for sure, now that we are going into the seventh year of doing this as a public event.
We can't tell little Black kids that they can't be President
I thought initially that it was just for me to give back to my
anymore. It's possible! We can't tell a young Black poet that
girlfriends. God really intended for this to be an ongoing event,
she won't speak at the inauguration of a President. It's
because as women we need to pour into each other and allow
possible! We can't tell somebody that they can't run their
ourselves to be poured into. We also have to learn how to step
own business and be successful and take care of their
outside of our immediate circles—because what we're looking
family. It's possible! Just because it wasn't possible for you
for or what God has given us could be for someone who is
does not mean it's not possible for someone else.
outside of our circle.
Evelyn, continued: We have to learn how to be open to
you." It completely changed everything for me that day. Fast
meeting other people—and to being open to either sharing
forward one day at work, God just dropped three letters in
what it is that we need or what we're looking to do. And
my spirit: LBD. I had no idea what that meant, but as I was
being ready to pour into somebody else what God has put
serving His people, He was giving me my business. He was
into us. And that's what the Girlfriend's Luncheon is. It's an
telling me what I was going to do. So, it started off with
opportunity for a group of women to come together. And
God's message, "Stop waiting on people and start serving My
now we are encouraging our few distinguished gentlemen to
people. These people who come in here are My people." The
join us as well—and to mix and mingle, to shop with one
second thing was that once I started obeying God, then He
another, to be encouraged by one another—and to leave with
started giving me my business.
a completely different level of optimism and with a desire to go out and just pour into other people or to be poured into.
The first step toward my business was LBD, which I didn't understand. I said, "I don't know what that means, God, but
Paula: You mentioned earlier about believing in yourself and basically living your life to the fullest every day. Tell us a bit about your motto, "Live, Believe, Dream."
I'm going to trust that You're going to tell me," and within a week, God said, "Live, Believe, Dream. Do you have on your LBD?" Then it started progressing from there! I started creating—working with a company, and creating my logo, and
Evelyn: It's amazing how in the worst time of your life God can give you a seed. God can drop something in your spirit, and you have no idea why. In 2009, I was laid off from my job as a banquet manager from a restaurant. I was given the opportunity to come back and be a server if I wanted to until I found something else, and I chose to do so. But what I was finding as I went back to be a server is that I was not serving.
writing, and sharing my inspirational emails with my guests who came in.
And one of those guests ended up being an avid follower of mine and helped me in ways to get my book released. So, I encourage anyone to be obedient to God in this lifetime. Incline your ear to Him. Serve His people and He will give you the desires of your heart.
I was just waiting on tables. And there is a difference.
Anyone who's going out to a restaurant, there is the person
Paula: Amen! The doors of the Church are open!
who comes to your table, barely says their name, just says, "Do you all know what you want to have?" They write your order down and they—or someone else—brings your food. And they bring you your check and then you're out of there. Serving is more than just doing that! God told me this one day—because I wasn't making any money. I said to God, "This is not working!" And God said, "That's because you're waiting tables and not serving My people." And God said to me, "Once you start serving My people, then I will start blessing
Evelyn: Honestly, it really, really did happen that way. I had been making like $40 or $50 a day in a four-star restaurant, which is unheard of. Everybody else was leaving with loads of money, but I wasn't. But I couldn't look at what they're doing as a child of God.
I realized that I have to do things the way God wants me to do them. In doing that, I actually cultivated relationships with all of my customers to the point that I really didn't have to worry about what a Friday night would look like for me, because all of my regulars would come in and I didn't have to worry about who was going to get seated next or who was coming in next or how much they were going to spend.
My regulars always sat in my section. So I would start giving away my butterfly jewelry—or my tie or a broach I had on—just because someone asked for it, or because there was some kind of connection in a conversation that I was having with them. And my coworkers would say, "I just don't get you, Evelyn. Why do you give your stuff away?" And then I said, "Because it's better to be a blessing than to get blessed." And my customers just became more than customers to me. It was like an extension of my family to me. I had relationships with them. Two of them have passed away, but their families are my Facebook friends, and they encourage me and reach out to me. So again, it's important to open up your circle and treat people the way you want to be treated.
Paula: Yes, I know you've shared with me about a couple of customers. I think you spoiled them a bit because they wouldn't allow anybody to serve them but you.
Evelyn: Yes, that's right. I did! I spoiled my customers quite a
Evelyn: A lot of my old beloved qualities from before have
bit! And yes, there would be times when the other servers
come back, but they were ten times amped. I had more
would notice that some guests were being very needy. It is
confidence in myself when I walked in the room. I was
what it is. So if they got a needy customer, they would come
comfortable with my natural hair or afro. I was comfortable
and get me!
with no make-up on. I was comfortable with my shape and size. I was comfortable with being Evelyn T. King, which was my
Paula: You would take over!
name at the time. I wasn't married yet. And as I made that transformation, the butterfly idea just stuck out for me. And so I
Evelyn: Yes, that's right! And I had no problem with taking over.
just started using the butterfly on everything that I did,
Because at the end of the day, it is what it is. Yes, they might
including my logo for my company—Live, Believe, Dream and
come in at 9:55 and we closed at 10:00. But we don't close
until ten. They came in at 9:55. So we needed to give them the same service as the person who came in here at 8:55. So, yes, that table is going to become my table. And I'm going to stay until they leave—which could be 10:30, or 11:00. And I'm going to expect the staff (who thought they were about to walk out the door) to give those customers the same service and cook their food and make their dessert as they'd done for every other customer. Yes, I had very high expectations. I expected my guests to be taken care of.
And that's why the butterfly is so precious for me. But the butterfly is not only for me. And so, when someone says, "Oh my God, I love your earrings," or someone tells me their mother or their sister or someone has an affinity for earrings, and they mention it two or three times like that, that's God’s way of telling me, "Take those earrings off and give them to the person," or "Take that brooch off and give it to the person," or "Take that butterfly scarf and give it to that person, so they can give it to the other person." And I've just done that
Paula: You mentioned to me that you would give them a
probably more times than I can count!
butterfly. Your butterfly brooch or pin. Tell us about your hashtag, "butterfly strong."
Paula: Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much. Anything that you would like our reading audience to walk away with?
Evelyn: The story behind the butterfly is: I had a breakup in 2010 that really took me to my core. And the person who broke up with me is actually currently my husband now. But at the time, he said that he just did not see the person that he had met and that he did not love me anymore. And that was a really hard reality to face.
The truth is, I had lost my shine. It was not his shine, but mine. And I had to really look in the mirror, and be like, wow, that's pretty deep for someone to say! But I had to look at it from the-woman-in-the-mirror standpoint: "Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong, but let's take that and let's look in the mirror." And soon I saw that he was right!
Evelyn: I would like for people to know that every day that you wake up is another chance to live another day. So don't just exist and breathe in and out. Live abundantly. Live your best life. Find out what your beliefs are and what do you believe in, and be convicted in your beliefs. If you believe that you're going to be a Pulitzer Prize–winner, believe it with everything that you have. Everybody should know that that's what you believe you're going to be! Or if you want to be a home cook or be on a cooking show or whatever it may be. Believe it with all your heart. And tell everyone you know! Everybody should know what your belief is, and what your dream is. Dream boldly whatever you believe. Dream it, live it every day; believe it every day. Dream it so boldly that no one can be confused
I wasn't writing poetry anymore. I wasn't going out anymore.
about who you are, what you're going to do, where you're
And that was something that I did. I used to go out with my
going to go, and what you are about. Live, Believe, Dream—
friends. But I was so concerned about what he and I were
every day.
doing or where he and I were going that I stopped even going out with my friends and doing things with them. I saw that my whole life had become me just revolving around this one man.
And so, I spent many days between May of 2010 and
Paula G. Voice Paula G. Voice is a sagacious lifestyle influencer—
December 2010 crying. I would go to work in the day, and I
influencing dreamers to breathe life into their
would cry at night. But what happened was, that curled-up-in-
dreams and ultimately live the reality of their vision.
a-ball crying every night was me going into my cocoon. And
It is never too late to embrace your journey and live
eventually, God allowed me to transform—and turn into this butterfly. It was a full transformation. I felt like when I walked
your dream. Flourish!
in a room, people saw me differently. I wasn't the person I was before. I was a new creature—truly a new creature.
After another year of lockdowns, restrictions and often gloomy news, internet users are looking for originality and color, and they’re certainly not averse to breaking with convention. Worldwide, here are a few emerging trends that may shape 2022.
RETURN OF RETRO When it comes to beauty, watch out for eyelids, teeth and even skin to be adorned with jewels in 2022. There is a 100percent chance there will be an increase in “crystal eye make-up.” Similarly, dental jewelry continues to prove popular. Finally, rhinestone pedicures are emerging as a new trend. Originality is also on the agenda for nails and hair. Galaxy nail art is on the rise, for example. And hair looks are set to go beyond the ordinary in 2022, with the mullet making a comeback. But naturalness is in the spotlight too, it seems— with short natural hairstyles rising in popularity. In fashion, pearls will be adorning women and men alike. “Pearl wedding decorations” have been a craze, while talk about pearl necklaces for men are up sevenfold worldwide. > FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 40
The world is your oyster! In 2022, people of all ages will embrace iridescent accents—in their homes, in their jewelry boxes and even as nail art. Pearl-themed parties will be on the rise, too, as people opt for pearly gowns and wedding decor. Pearls might seem like a traditional type of accessory, but not in the hands of Deni Todorovič. This fashion expert gives an unexpected twist to any outfit—from street-style to red-carpet looks. Follow Deni on Instagram @STYLEBYDENI for fresh takes on timeless fashion inspiration. >
“Take it from me: pearls don’t have to be preppy! I see them more as an easy way to elevate anything, like a denim jacket or wedding party invite. Pearlcore gives you edge, texture, and that gorgeous iridescent glow.” FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 41
Space buns? Hair for it! In 2022, people will celebrate their natural texture with big hair styling techniques. Gen Z–driven space buns and high-puff hairstyles will continue to spike. Fola Amudipe is the epitome of “puff goals.” This beauty creator and natural hair educator publishes ideas that show off her hair journey and debunk natural hair myths. Follow Fola on Instagram @FOLAHONTAS for jaw-dropping looks and high-fluff hair inspo. >
“My content is about celebrating and caring for your hair. And I show it all to my community—‘puff goals’ style, natural hair looks and beauty tutorials. I mean, who wouldn’t want to rock space buns on a regular Monday?” FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 42
All in for all-inclusive travel. Sitting back is the new adventure map. In 2022, people want to get away—to beautiful escapes where they won’t have to lift a finger. Millennials, Gen X and Boomers are turning to resorts and all-inclusive packages for easy getaways. Another daiquiri, please. If you’re planning a trip this year, meet the first creator you should look to for tips: Oyin Edogi. She inspires her community to travel the world confidently while putting luxury at the top of the agenda. Follow Oyin on Instagram @SWEETLIKEOYIN for tropical vacay ideas that add an extra touch of self care. >
“I always get asked for trip recommendations. This year I’m telling people to go where they can completely unplug. Forget the jam-packed itineraries. You deserve to relax at a resort (and fingers crossed for that oceanview room).” FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 43
We all want to try somebody’s grandparent’s recipe. Simmer down, experimental chefs—we’re going back to the basics. This year, Gen X and Boomers will say goodbye to over-the-top eating experiences and embrace their roots (or somebody else’s). Gather ‘round the table for traditional dishes from all over the globe. It’s the oral history we need in 2022. Some meals are meant to be delicate. Others are meant to warm your soul. Food creator and photographer Waseem Hijazi brings all the cozy feels with simple, easy vegan dishes. Follow Waseem @DEMEALS.CA on Instagram for global-inspired recipes like za'atar tortillas, lentil pasta and homemade hummus. <
“I could write a love letter to the humble stews and comfort foods of the world. This year I’m craving traditional recipes rooted in heritage. Bring on all the Turkish coffee cake and mango chips, please.”
@flourishdigitalmagazine @sadiyah_adams FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 44
akenai yoru wa nai " "T Th he erre e iis s a allw wa ay ys s
light b be eh hiin nd d tth he e c cllo ou ud ds s.." " FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 45
Who would have thought that tea
conversation over tea—when to speak and
would have so much to teach us?
when to enjoy in silence, the use of the
Although this is but one lesson of the
utensils and the like. At first blush, these
multifaceted tea ceremony, it is a
rules seem unnecessary and even
timeless one nevertheless. It teaches
overbearing to those of us accustomed to
us that we can never genuinely
more superficial beverage consumption;
acknowledge others unless we are
however, these manners provide us with
willing to discard the self-attachments
the ability to discipline our inner lives and
that dominate society. Those who
to train ourselves to encounter any
understand and appreciate the true
circumstance with self-composure.
nature of tea do so knowing that “the failure to perceive the deepest
A major lesson for the world to learn from
humanity of others is one of the
the tea ceremony is to cultivate harmony.
greatest causes of strife in the world
Within the teahouse, all become equal.
Through the abandonment of social status, all are free to come together at a
Tea, of course, is not the answer to the
human level solely for the mutual
world’s problems, but it may be a start.
enjoyment of tea. Even the entrance of the traditional teahouse, which is very small and low to the ground, expresses this spirit. The ni-ji-ri-guchi , or “crawling in entrance,” represents the essence of the tea ceremony. Every guest to the teahouse must kneel because of the size of the entrance. Therefore, regardless of one’s social status outside the teahouse, symbolically, all assume an equal posture in order to enter. Having been thus “reduced” prior to entering the teahouse, all individuals are now free to enjoy equal levels of respect. Thus the teahouse creates an atmosphere with a basic respect for all of humanity.
Trevin Dye serves as Assistant Director of International Business Development for the Japanese government at the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). He is also the Chairman of the Luxury Marketing Council of Atlanta; President of 2getherGlobal, LLC consulting firm; and the Academic-in Residence for The Hopenclass based in Paris, France. Trevin Dye
We Are Children of Light TAKE TIME TO REFLECT
WALK AS A CHILD OF LIGHT Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” In other words, when the way feels dark, and we just don’t know where we’re headed, God acts as our flashlight—lighting the path ahead, showing us where to go. We don’t have to feel weighed down by life’s challenges, fretting and worrying. Light indicates not only such ideas as illumination (inspiration), warmth (fire), and clarity (shedding light on something), but also buoyancy. That is, we feel lighter when we let go of false responsibility and hand over all our burdens to God. We could say this is a process of enlightenment. Astrophysicist Laurance Doyle points out that it’s no surprise that the uncovering of truth is called “enlightenment, not enheaviment.” So let’s go forward with our light on! Let’s walk through life with a bounce in our step, as “children of light” (Ephesians 5:8). You will prosper, you will heal, you will grow, you will experience joy. God’s Light is still shining, even in the darkest night. The moon’s reflection is a proven sign that we are capable of reflecting God even when things look dark. So celebrate life! Celebrate you! God’s flashlight illuminates your path. And God’s batteries never run out of juice! As the Keb’ Mo’ song goes: Let your light shine. Let your love show It’s a short ride Down the long road. When the rains come And the winds blow Let your light shine Wherever you go. This world is ready and waiting For you to break on through. It’s time to recognize, To realize, You’re the only one like you. Step on up, Step into your greatness.
by Janis Hunt Johnson Flourish Digital Magazine Copyeditor & Spiritual Author/Coach/Healer www.CSRenewal.medium.com
Don’t be afraid. There’s a place where you will rise up to; No one else could do what you do.
© 2004 Kevin Moore and Jenny Yates
Her Beauty By Randy Cele
Her Beauty They used to say she was a flower in bloom
Glowing and growing full of potential. She had these eyes,
these beautiful, warm hypnotic eyes
Such power.
Her lips, an art
Spoke of nothing if not life and truth
Even birds couldn't resist her enchanting voice.
She is so captivating. The way she sways her hips as she struts
Is a distraction
Her body is
Her swagger brings King Kong to his knees
But there's something in her eyes...
Something that makes her see a full moon on dark nights.
If she is all that
God blessed Africa with,
then Africa is a blessing to the world.
Her beauty can break boundaries
Stir up nations
And destroy kingdoms.
Such power, such calm, such grace
She is queen, king and servant Only the sun kisses her silky-smooth, bronze skin
Her hair is an afro—thick and soft
Her perfume is bewitching.
She is an African beauty. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 51
Building Rapport Again After Social Distancing
Fellowship... Have you ever met someone and instantly you knew you would be friends for a lifetime? If you have experienced this, then you know what rapport feels like. Rapport is when you have a great relationship and harmony with someone. If you have wonderful rapport with someone, then you feel connected and comfortable with that person. Many of us have experienced times when we felt that we did not have rapport with someone —and it seems that since we've been through the pandemic and social distancing, we need to practice our connection skills a little bit more. But don’t worry; there are steps you can take to learn how to connect with just about anyone. In case it's been a while since you have had a need or desire to meet new people, or simply to connect again with old acquaintances, here's the scoop: The foundation and prerequisite for building great rapport is to love and respect yourself, to respect others, and to be a good communicator—verbally and non-verbally. >
Another word for rapport is fellowship. Rapport is: a friendly, harmonious relationship, especially a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding or empathy that makes communication possible or easy. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 53
10 Quick & Easy Steps to Building Rapport 1.
Respecting others’ viewpoints, values, and beliefs
Giving eye contact
Truly listening to what the other person is saying and showing empathy
Finding areas of interest and commonality with the other person
Acting like you already have rapport with the other person
Showing interest in what the other person is saying
Using appropriate movement and gestures
Not interrupting others
Sharing your thoughts and feelings
Being your authentic self
Body Awareness You may not realize this, but your body language is a very important part of building rapport. How you move your body, the gestures you make, and even your posture—each sends a message about what you feel and how you feel about yourself, as well as what type of friend you may be. >
Poise & Posture Can Be Put to the Test by Walking The key to grace and elegance of movement when walking is that it must be perfectly natural. Each person has a distinct walk; however, our goal is to help you relax in your own walk, to perfect it through poise, posture, and grace. Think of a racehorse. You must learn to move with the same grace, elegance, and coordination. Every girl and every woman has the ability to walk like a high-fashion runway model; it has nothing to do with your height, weight, or size, but everything to do with how you feel about yourself and what your body language is expressing. Keep this in mind. Your body language is a representation of how you feel about yourself. So, be aware of your body and the messages it is sending to others. <
An empty tank will take you exactly nowhere. Take time to refeul
Hey, Mamas! If anyone knows me truly, they know that being out front is one of my most uncomfortable places. I love doing, but being seen is the one thing that creates a weird space for me—so much so, that I was nominated and won an award for Behindthe-Scenes Queen! How’s that for really not wanting to be seen! I was truly grateful, by the way. Being seen doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re the one in the forefront wearing the red lipstick and the designer dress— moving and shaking, being recognized by the people. There’s nothing wrong with that by any means, but it’s just not quite the "being seen" I’m speaking of. Being seen as a mom—whether you’re starting a business, or you’re a stay-at-home, workfrom-home, or working mom—can take on a totally different meaning. >
When you are being supported, empowered, educated and nurtured, this is the combination of elements that allows you to shine no matter what you’re doing. Let’s break this down: As moms, we run with our engines on full blast most of the time, so having support—even with the small things—can make a huge difference in how we show up in our own lives. The goals we set can be achieved when we have support—which can be from family, friends our children or partners. Support can catapult us in the direction we’re destined for. So often we are the empowerment for others. But receiving is just as important as giving. Try surrounding yourself with empowering people, and listening to people you admire. See how that changes how you feel on a daily basis. I don’t just submit my article to Flourish, I actually read all the other articles, too! It’s empowering, creating a space for me to connect in print or digitally with people who inspire me. Seek out what speaks to you and encourages you—and make it a regular part of your life. They say you should never stop learning and growing. It’s a constant that helps you create the best version of yourself so that you can make an impact in the world. Try becoming a global citizen. Look outside of your immediate area and see what other moms are doing around the world. Connect and enjoy! Maya Angelou said it best:
"I’VE LEARNED THAT MAKING A LIVING IS NOT THE SAME THING AS MAKING A LIFE." Education belongs in a multitude of categories, and one of the most important ones, I think, is living a life that allows you room to step outside of the norm and learn. The definition of nurturing is "to care for and encourage the growth or development of." That's a tall order, but we do it every day. From the moment our children are born, we look at their little faces—and the desire to love, care for, encourage and be there for them is our guiding force . We wear that cape proudly from that moment on. Nurturing yourself, though, is quite different. Receiving is as important as giving, so go to the mirror, look at yourself, and say to yourself: "I want to love, care for and encourage the growth and development for you today—and every day. Yes, you!" Here’s to you taking on Springtime, letting your light shine and being seen! <
Affirmation: "Today as a woman, as a mom, as a human, I will be seen."
ELENA TAYLOR-BAGGER Founder of The Innovative Mom & single mom to 5 young adults
By the time I arrived in Milan, Italy to pursue my ultimate girl-goal, and the ultimate catwalk as an international model, I thought of myself as being a lady—poised, polished, refined and put together. But, actually, Mississippi’s refinement didn’t quite meet the standards of Milan’s cosmopolitan urbanity and sophistication. Even though I had spent nearly two years in San Francisco for model training with Paul Butler and Elite Model Management, my first modeling agency, I wasn't ready for Milan. It took two months for me to just gather myself—so that finally I would not be intimidated, awe-struck, nervous, or simply afraid to be present and excited. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 60
When I arrived, I had to get ready for this busy, fast-paced international city— and quickly! In addition, I had to be ready at the whim of my agent’s phone call for castings and go-sees. And every meal seemed like a celebration to me, which I also had to get ready for and be ready for, every day—for lunch and dinner. I was a lady, that was for sure; but my knowledge of proper dining etiquette was slightly off. I was put to the test. I had never been taught the rules of “proper” or “formal” dining. I hope these tips will serve you well. >
IT'S ABOUT THE BASICS What's Your Favorite Thing About Food, Eating & Dining?
LEARN & PRACTICE It was good to learn and practice proper dining rules and etiquette in Italy because it happened every day, twice a day, and it was taken very seriously, in a natural kind of way.
PROPER TABLE MANNERS MATTERS In a world where proper table manners mattered, it was challenging for me to truly enjoy my meals, or to make a favorable impression during meals. My table manners weren’t poor according to American rules of dining; however, I had intentionally placed myself in a European setting and country, so now, I needed to know the European ways of dining. You know what they say: "When in Rome, do what the Romans do."
DON'T BE EMBARRASED So often, not knowing proper table manners can be embarrassing—for me, for you, and for those who have to witness our dining fumbles. That’s why it’s important to know the rules, from the most formal settings to casual outings. One of my pet peeves is picking your teeth at the table. It's grooming, which should be done privately. And another thing: Don't overstuff your mouth. >
your silverware speaks
non-verbal communication
THE SOLUTION I had placed my knife and fork down in the closed position, indicating that I was finished. Who knows what else I was doing! By laying my knife and fork together diagonally across my plate (not the resting position —when your silverware is placed at the top of your plate) I indicated to the waiters that I was finished, and my unfinished meal would be taken away. I was way too embarrassed to say, “Hey, wait a minute, I’m not done here,” so I left hungry on way too many occasions. That is, until the day I started hanging out with other models who had worked and traveled throughout Europe for years. Shannon leaned in toward me and whispered, “Chloé, they’re very formal here. The waiters are watching you and assuming you know the rules...." That was it! She gave me a quick lesson on the spot. I continued to learn more as the weeks passed, and I soon began to flourish while dining in Milan, Italy. >
From simple dinners for two, lunch meetings, house parties and casual dining, how many times have we witnessed almost everyone engaging with their phones and not each other? And how annoying has it been when the air has been thick with buzzing, beeping, flashing lights or songs that play way too long? This is unintentional rudeness; however, know that it becomes intentional rudeness when we engage with our phones at the table when others are in our presence.
THE COOL, RESPECTFUL THING TO DO... MIND YOUR MANNERS AND USE YOUR ETIQUETTE by being respectful of others, especially when loved ones and friends go out of their way to share a wonderful experience and a great meal with you. Silence your phone, be present and selfaware and enjoy your company and the moment.
WHAT ABOUT FOODIES & PHOTOS? IF YOU ARE A FOODIE AND MUST TAKE A PHOTO OF YOUR MEAL be mindful of others and let them know up front. Abide by the etiquette rules if you're at a restaurant or a friend's home. Avoid using a flash, do it quickly, and then post after the meal and experience. <
SEANE SHAW A collection of poems that came to life as a result of living through one of the most challenging times.
5 Simple Mind-Shifts to
Start Flourishing 01
Adore yourself, your body & your authenticity.
Take care of your well-being, first.
Set new goals; keep learning & practicing.
Choose energetic, optimistic & sunny friends.
Stop negative thinking, self-talk & worrying.
Does Your Image Suffer From
Do I understand that my image could be one of my most powerful tools?
What excuses have I used in the past to stop me from looking consistently great?
How can I start taking advantage of my attributes?
What do I want to communicate about myself?
What do I need to do today to create, enhance and prefect my authentic image?
CJ Adore grew up around the Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. His father is a preacher, and he always enjoyed singing in the choir with his family. CJ fell in love with R&B at an early age. He watched Marvin Gaye on MTV and credits him as his inspiration to start making music. CJ appreciates the soulful sound of 90s R&B and keeps that style alive in his music. Lyrically, CJ addresses many different situations that he’s been through or things that close friends have experienced. He enjoys making sensual love music, holding true to the soulfulness of early R&B, while still catering to today’s new sounds. He enjoys writing his own music and going into the studio with a few close friends. Some songs have been made from freestyle but he tries not to force any of his music. @Cjadoremusic
Due to the pandemic, many people have been facing hardships. In order to bring a positive light to the darkness, CJ released a remake of Stand By Me by Ben King. CJ Adore is a positive and loving artist, making music for all ages. He wants to provide some joy to as many people as he can. He always keeps a positive mindset and focuses on the people who enjoy his music. Not everyone can be a fan and that's OK. Outside of music, CJ Adore has done a lot of work on TV. He decided acting was another passion of his and went to school for entertainment in 2018. The biggest film feature CJ has done so far was in Coming To America; there are more exciting things coming soon with his acting. All aspects of CJ's career have been influenced and supported by his family members, who play a large role in his life.
Booking information : CJAdoremusic@gmail.com tel. (901) 626-4403
Chloe Taylor Brown '
A conversation with me could be worth a fortune to you, your family, team or business, or your Fortune 50–500 corporation.
"She is Serenity" BY NORMIE TAYLOR
was created
through me in 2006. I was in a dark
place in my life—in a relationship that was not healthy for me. We were on and off again, which was mentally draining. I decided not to be sad or angry. Instead, I put all my frustration onto the canvas. Instead of crying and feeling lonely I decided to do something different. I am a very creative, intuitive woman so I told myself to paint something—to take my mind off the situation. I never sketch anything on paper; I simply allow God to lead me. And boy, did He lead me! I painted a beautiful confident woman who has peace, grace, and serenity—and I had none of these qualities at that time. Even though I was in a dark place in my life, God shined light through my pain— and through my painting. This painting is very spiritual. Some people have called her the "Black Mary," and others have said that I painted myself. I have had spiritual encounters with God while I was looking at this painting—feeling the peace and serenity this woman has. The Holy Spirit was on me so heavily, I started running through my house thanking God, with tears running down my face! This was my first time having that type of connection with God. He was right there with me. I was—and I still am—so grateful and honored to be in God’s presence.
Rhonda C. Hight
in conversation with Chloé Taylor Brown
We're Clapping For Rhonda I met Rhonda Hight several years ago at a mutual girlfriend's birthday celebration at The Four Seasons hotel in Atlanta, and we hit it off right away, falling into a place of sisterhood as though we had already known each other. Rhonda is a global solopreneur who facilitates learning events throughout the United States and internationally. She specializes in human resources as a training consultant. She is also an author and registered corporate coach who works with organizations to design and deliver experiential training programs as well as provide business coaching services for individuals and teams. She is in her 28th year of business.
Chloé: Rhonda, you've been in business for yourself for almost thirty years. Does it feel like it's been that long? Rhonda: No, Chloé, it doesn't seem like it's been that long at all. Chloé: Rhonda, when you moved to Atlanta, were you transferred from a corporate career, or did you decide you wanted to transition into corporate? Rhonda: The previous job I had was in healthcare as an arbitrator at a hospital in Detroit, Michigan. My story is that I came to Atlanta to save my own life. I didn't even have a job when I came to Atlanta. I took the first job that was offered, which was with an insurance company; and then a position with Coca-Cola became available. So, I've always worked in an office environment and done the corporate thing. I got into Human Resources because the first office job I started was in an administrative role. And the first office job I got was in Human Resources. In those days they called it the Personnel Department.
That's how long I've been in the game. I was in a Personnel Department of a hospital in Detroit, a rehabilitation institute, and I liked it. I liked the work, but I was still green and naïve. I thought that Personnel—or Human Resources, as we call it now—was about helping people. I eventually learned through the various corporate roles I had that actually my primary job was to cover the company's assets. And if I could help people along the way, great. So helping people was not my primary role, and that was disheartening to me. And being in corporate, you hear the stories as you work in these corporations, and you think different things happen. > FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 73
Rhonda, continued: But to keep your job not only do you have to be in the middle of that daily, but at times, if you want to keep your job, you shut down your conscience or even compromise your beliefs. So if you have integrity, you burn out quite quickly. Chloé: Did you feel like you were in the middle of helping the company's bottom line while believing your job was to help the company's human capital? Rhonda: Exactly. The human capital was the second priority. HR's role is a support role in the organization. It's not a financial revenue generator. Your primary job is to protect the company in terms of making sure that from a compliance standpoint, policies and procedures are in alignment with the law and how those things are applied. If you need to get rid of somebody, you can go around those things so that there's less risk to the organization from a legal and financial perspective. That's really our number-one role—protecting the company's assets—and then, of course, providing support to the people who help it go and flow in different ways. But you are serving two masters, really.
There are no guarantees in the grey areas, Chloé, and there is a lot of uncertainty as a solopreneur. An example is this: Business is slow, but you've got faith, and you believe it's going to pick up. You know it's going to turn around. You say, "I'm going to get what I need." You go through ups and downs being a solopreneur. These valley experiences are the gray areas, with tremendous uncertainty. Uncertainty as to whether you'll be able to obtain contracts, the work, or clients or whatever your business model might be. There's uncertainty over the money. Will the money be enough? Will it come in on time? Will I have gaps in my income? And then you wonder how it will impact you personally. And there's further concern if you're supporting a family, or if you're an entrepreneur with employees who are depending on you. I've chosen to be a solopreneur. Because when things are happening with the business and I don't know whether some of the invoices I got out in the street—I don't know if these people are going to pay up anytime soon, or I don't know if my calendar is going to continue to have a bunch of blank dates—but it's all just me.
We’re practically playing a divided game, and it's hard because you’re an employee yourself. So, I can have my spin in the barrel but you then have insight that sometimes the spin isn’t fair—or the process of getting there.
It's not an easy place to be, Chloé, and it's in those moments, you lean on your faith and all of that. And you also have to be able to get comfortable in the gray area and in those valleys and not freak out. When I first started my business, I used to freak out when I had those dips in the business.
Chloé: Do you believe it's easier to navigate your way through your own business more efficiently if you've worked in corporate America and gathered that experience first?
Chloé: And when you freaked out, did you think of quitting and going back to "getting a job"?
Rhonda; I think it's a different approach. I don't think one is better than the other. There's value regardless of your background. To be an entrepreneur, I don't think having a corporate background or being a creative is essential because you can always purchase the services in the areas that are not your strong suit.
The real test is your character—your core. Are you built to be an entrepreneur? Everybody's not built for it. For some, the perceived safety of a direct deposit or signing on the back of a check every two weeks is safer than signing on the front of the checks when they come in. In my book, Take the Lessons & Leave The Baggage: Stories of a Solopreneur, I start out by saying, "this journey is not for everybody." You have to be comfortable with what my therapist called "the grey areas"—which has been one of the most challenging aspects for me.
Rhonda: Yes! At first, I was like, "let me get my resume together." And one of my favorite lines used to be, "No shame in my game. I don't mind asking if you need ketchup with those fries." And God knows I did not want to go work fast food. I would have! But I had to learn that I need to ask, "What do I need to do to turn this situation around with the business?" I just needed to stay fast with the business and keep going, and know that this was going to turn itself around. I had to have faith that God is always going to bring something to the table.
I had to finally get comfortable with those periods in the beginning. It was hard not to freak out. If I thought I had a deal after putting my foot in, going all-in on an amazing proposal—and then a client or potential client turned around and said no, or the work I thought I had got canceled, well, Girl, I would go through major depression behind that. It was almost like I could hear Stevie Wonder's Rocket Love on loop: "You took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star / but at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back / down to this cold, cold world." >
Chloé: Rhonda, what got you through those months when you were in the grey areas? When you were in the valley? Rhonda: Patience, number one. Understanding that I needed to stay focused and keep doing what I know I need to do. I learned the keys to having consistency in work. And that’s giving and sharing what I had. And the Universe kept giving me what I needed. So it's being of service. And it doesn't have to be in a formal way. You've got to have boundaries, though, of course. But it seems like each time I gave of myself, then there was something coming back to me in some way. And I know that sounds very simplistic. But that's how I got through it. Chloé: Yes, I understand. It's true. It's reciprocity, right? Rhonda, who holds you up or helps you with encouragement? Rhonda: My female tribe. I don't get women who say, "I don't get along with other women." I feel sorry for those women because they don't understand the value of sisterhood. Chloé, I'll tell you, it has been my female tribe that has held me up and held me down through a lot of stuff—not just professionally, but personally as well. And they continue to do so. Chloé: What are you most proud of right now, Rhonda? FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 75
Rhonda: One of the things I'm most proud of now—outside of the children that I am matriarch for—are the young women I mentor. That has been a big part of my joy and journey, and part of my legacy. I have young women who go back over 20 years—we've had those relationships. I am so proud to have been a part of their success, to have poured something into them that added to them being able to achieve their goals and their dreams. I just feel like a proud auntie because that's my legacy, too. I have published authors in the mix. I have women who are in executive C suite roles in their corporate jobs, and entrepreneurs who have been doing their thing for a long time. Chloé: When did you start mentoring? Rhonda: You know what? It wasn't something I deliberately did. So, I'm going to say it's really since I've been in business. Because shortly after I started my business, I was a member of what was then the Atlanta Human Resources Association —and now it's called the NAAAHR—National Association of African Americans and Human Resources. But I was on the board, and active in that organization. And it kind of started from making relationships there. The young ladies were like, "Oh, my God, would you mention me, please?" So, it just happened organically. Chloé: It seems that you have the spirit of a giver and that you've always been a mentor, even when you were much younger, and just a girl yourself. >
Rhonda: Yes. You know what? That's because I was the oldest girl. I was the oldest period, of all the cousins and sisters. So, I guess in a certain way, I have always been a mentor, just by birth order. And, giving comes very naturally to me. It's not something I have to think about. It happens very organically.
I went to therapy back then. And by the way, my friends told me, "You're the first Black person we know who went to counseling.” It helped me to completely shift my viewpoint of myself, which really was my early setup for "self-help" in my early twenties. I want to know your thoughts about counseling, therapy and coaching.
What I've been praying for and asking God to help me with —is to be a better receiver. That's the part that I'm not as good at. Part of it is fear-based, and part of it is ego-driven. Fear-based, in that I never want somebody to do something for me and be able to have something to throw up in my face later. That's a fear. And that fear a lot of times will not allow me to receive, even though I know, and I've had it affirmed, that I'm blocking other people's blessings by being that way—not allowing them to bless me.
Rhonda: I love it! It has really helped me. What has it done for me? Number-one is, I have insight on myself and things. It's one thing if you're an introspective person. You can often see the stuff for yourself. But to have a conversation about those things with someone who is trained, who has tools to share with you to help you deal with those things—it is invaluable. Because I know my junk all day long. But the thing is, I might not be able to figure out, "Why do I keep doing this thing?" For example, "Why do I keep picking the same kind of dudes?" Or "Why do I keep finding myself in situations with the IRS?" So understanding the pathology is priceless. That's one of the ways that it's been helpful for me.
So the other part is ego. The ego part is, I don't want anybody to know I need help. And in part it's because there are people who look up to me—whether it's family members (the young people I now head as matriarch), or even professionally. I don't want other people to know I'm over here struggling with this. I don't want them to know that I've got this insecurity or whatever. And sometimes I've needed help—and help would have been offered, because I've got good people in my life. I have people in my life who are sincere and authentic, and they really care about me. Not just about what they can get out of me. They care about my well-being. But unfortunately, I will bite my tongue off before I accept help. So I'm still working on that. I'm working on being better. Chloé: I want you to keep your tongue, and I want you to start letting your family and tribe know if you need something, Girl. Rhonda: Even with money it's hard, Chloé. I don't borrow because it will bother me until I pay it back. I'm not a good borrower. I've got to get better with it. Because I know they say, when you have drama in your life, it's either drama that you invited in, drama you initiated, or drama you created! And I create drama in my life—or really, I create stress: Maybe that's a better word. And I know it's not even necessary. It's my fear or my ego that will not allow me to reach out for help, even when I know it’s available to me. Isn't that crazy? There are some people who don't even have a support system of any kind. And I've got a fantastic one! Chloé: You talked about your therapy and counseling earlier, and I want to circle back to that. I recall when I was out of college a year or so, I was trying to figure my life out —because the transition from being a college student in Mississippi to being a new model in San Francisco brought me so much uncertainty, FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 76
Also, it's simply so helpful to be able to talk to somebody. And, you know, it's a no-judgment zone. Because a therapist is not invested that deeply—that is, with a therapist, it's not personal. Even though I've spoken with my tribe a few times, there are some things I don't really want to talk to them about. Because I know that even though they won't want to, they're still going to have some form of judgment—because they know me, so they can't really listen to me objectively. And it’s the same with them. That's why I won't coach people I know. So I just really wish that more people, if they're able—and there are free resources out there—would take advantage of some good old-fashioned therapy. I do think it helps. If nothing else, it gives you an outlet for letting out stuff that you feel you can't really share, for whatever reason. So you won't be holding all of that in and carrying all that baggage and being weighed down. Chloé: Yes. It is extremely heavy. And from a perspective of energy, it's very challenging to succeed at higher levels of excellence when we have a heavy load weighing us down. It would be so beneficial for more of us to investigate therapy, counseling and/or coaching when we have issues and situations—before they become big problems. Take The Lessons & Leave the Baggage: Stories of a Solopreneur is your book published in 2018. Why did you write the book? Who were you writing it for? And what's going on with it now? >
Rhonda: That book was 20 years in the making. Let me say that. I didn't know exactly what story I wanted to tell or what I was going to write about. I just knew I wanted to write and publish a book, so I finally made the decision to really get down to it. And I decided I wanted it to help people. I narrowed that down to helping people with a dream—the entrepreneur, the small business owner, or in my case, the solopreneur. I wanted to share with people things they would not learn in a business class or an MBA program. This was stuff I thought were important lessons about being in this game. And I decided to use myself as the lesson. Hey, in other words, "Let me tell you what happened to me and how I learned these lessons. This is what I experienced, and these are the things I learned from them."
So I decided to take that approach. I felt it was important. Because I'm looking at folks like me who are solopreneurs —who are working out of their homes, who are not ever going to have 200 employees, either because they don't want to, or that's not their business model. When I started my business, I was working at Coca-Cola. There were many haters saying, "You're going to be back," or "You're going to miss the money," or "You'll miss the benefits," or "it's not going to be what you think.” And because I didn’t come to the table with a bunch of credentials, they would say, "People are already out there, they've got way more education, or they've been in Vice President positions in corporate." Those were the naysayers. So, I wanted this book to give hope, and inspire people with a dream, no matter what your circumstances are, and no matter where you are now. In the first chapter of my book, I really give insight into my personal life—the fact that I've been homeless, the fact that I've been on welfare, and the fact that I was once addicted to crack cocaine. And I share what happened in my family —including the mental and emotional abuse from my stepfather, who until I was the age of 17, I thought was my biological father. And then of course, there was the loss of key family members, starting with my mom. I felt it was important to share that story because so many people feel like they can't do it because of something they've been through, or even something they're currently going through. And those are the people I'm speaking to with my book. That's who I wrote it for. It's not for those people who were able to go all the way through and get their PhD, with no student loans because their parents hooked them up. If that's you, you've been protected. You probably had a car at 16, and never had to worry. >
Rhonda, continued: I felt that type of person was going to be good. So I wrote my book for the other part of the population out there—for people who have been through some things, who are dealing with some things. They've got dreams, too. They’ve got things they want to do, too. And I wanted them to know, yes, you can do it.
If this former crackhead can be sitting in board rooms with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, traveling the world—yes, I said world, not just the USA—speaking to audiences of 3000 people or more, then you can do it, too. So that was the thing with my book. That's what I hoped to accomplish. And, in terms of where my book is now, I'm embarrassed to say, it's not anywhere except my website, which is www.letstalkllc.com. I do sell books here and there. In 2018 and 2019, my sister—my last sibling—transitioned. Much of 2018 and 2019 was about her and all of that, and then the pandemic hit. So, unfortunately, I haven't done a lot with my book. Still, I'm writing my second book, now, which is an inspirational book I'm writing to commemorate my 60th birthday. And it's called 60 Things I Know for Sure. I hope to have it finished and published by my birthday. It will be my birthday gift to me, and a gift to the world. Chloé: God is amazing and He has really blessed you and stuck with you. Where do you want your business to be in the next three to five years, and where do you want to be? Rhonda: Semi-retired. I just want to be able to be in a position where I can mostly retire and be more purposeful about the projects that I do—as opposed to, "OK, I have to go and take this client because I need some money in the door." I'm positioning myself, which means I'm getting rid of some debt, and my house will be paid off in a year. And I'm driving an old car— a 2001 Lexus SUV. I call her Alexia. I want Lexi to run for awhile. And it's not that I don't like nice things—my home is nice but it's not extravagant. I think part of this is the pathology from having been homeless, having been on welfare and stuff, and dealing with all of that. I always live below my means.
I never want my bills to be talking to me like they’re Snoop Dogg—"[You] betta have my money." I don't want to be pimped by my bills. So that's a good thing for me. Because now, it helps me with this plan that I have, to be able to be semi-retired within the next five years, to where I'm doing what I want to do, just taking projects here and there. Because 30 years in the game is a while! FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 78
I don't want to grind anymore. And to be really honest, Chloé, after this whole covid-19 thing, it's all changed. And I think it's not so just the pandemic, but all the downtime—oh, how things have changed. Really I'm having an opportunity for the first time ever to have a mellow pace. Because from the time I started my business, it's been grind, grind, grind. Chase the bag. What's next? What's new? I want to do purposeful work. I just interviewed for a board of directors’ position for a nonprofit because I want to get back into service in a meaningful way. I want to write this new book, and maybe other books. One of the things I want to do for my family is to take time to get our family tree together because all my elders are gone. I have my son, my sister's kids, and their kids. Once I'm gone, there's no history for these kids. There's nothing except whatever little bit they've been able to pick up and whatever stuff they find when I'm dead. And because there are certain things I don't want to be found, I haven't kept them. Because you don't know when the time will come. As they say, "You know not the hour." So, I'm like, would I be embarrassed that this was found after I'm dead? If yes, then, OK, shred, trash! So I want to be able to leave them something so that if they want to pick that mantle up and continue to gain insight for their children later, they can. Right now, they’re in their twenties and thirties, and it's not that important to them. But once they hit those forties and fifties and their kids start getting older, their history is going to become important. They're going to want to know. I do the best I can, Chloé, because being the matriarch is heavy—even heavier than being a business owner. But I think I'm finally in a good place with it and figuring some things out. I had to do some changing as well, because they're all adults. But in my mind they're all children. So, I had to modify how I communicate with them so that I would receive the level of respect that I desired from them in their communications with me, because I was dealing with them as dictatorial Mama, Auntie, Gigi. You can't raise a grown person. I pour into them now, but I really want to make sure that there's something for them here when I'm no longer here for them, because everybody else is gone. Chloé: Please share two golden nuggets, Rhonda—one thing for business that we could be empowered or inspired by, and one thing about life and living. >
Rhonda: In business, I'll go back to what I said earlier. Where you start is not a determining factor as to where you will end up. Define success for yourself. I have been criticized by colleagues and even friends. They say, "You think small being a solopreneur. You're not a real entrepreneur if you don't have employees. They've said, “You should have been trying to have a television show," or they tell me I should have been doing this or that. During the earlier years, some of that stuff guided me in terms of the hustle-bustle life. Because back then I was adopting other people's views of what success looks like. Now, unless I can take it to one of my utility companies and pay my bill with it.... So I'm doing things my way!
So again, define success for yourself. It's different for everybody. Success for me 30 years into the game looks a little different than it did starting out. But whatever you do, define it for yourself. On the personal side, I'll say: Invest in your mental health. Whether that's going to a therapist; whether that's coloring books—which is one of my things; or whether that's becoming a fitness enthusiast who walks and runs; figure out what helps to keep you in a good place mentally. Discover what will help bring you out of the valley mentally, so that you've got your tools when you start going there. You can say, "OK, I know what I need to do to shift this and get myself back in alignment." Because without peace of mind, without being in a really good place mentally, nothing's going to work, anyway—not professionally, or personally. So, take care of your mental health! Guard your mental health. Protect your peace of mind and do the things you need to do to maintain your wholeness. <
Rhonda C. Hight Chloé Taylor Brown Editor-in-Chief
chloe@flourishdigitalmagazine.com @flourishdigitalmagazine @chloetaylorbrown @chloetaylorbrown FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 79
www.letstalkllc.com @letstalkllc25
@Rhonda C.Hight, RCC
light light
illuminate illuminate —Oprah Winfrey FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 81
You experience better concentration and focus
You experience better execution and attention to details that matter, especially under pressure Your listening and memory skills will improve greatly
You will have the capacity to distinguish what is important and what isn't
You will have the ability to work much smarter
You will have better conflict-resolution skills
You will become more persistent, and you will have an increased effective ability to learn and implement your new knowledge You will demonstrate wiser, clearer decisionmaking abilities, especially in the moment
These abilities are sharpened and intensified because all of your mind and heart are focused on what's happening now, uncluttered by nervous, anxious thoughts and fears about what you or others should be saying or doing. What will you focus on for better results? < FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 83
Over twenty years ago, I experienced a paradigm crash. Everything in my life and within my world shattered into more than a million little pieces— following the death of Justin, my youngest child at the time. Almost every decision that my husband and I made then seemed wrong because we were operating from such a low level emotionally. After months of grief counseling; years of spiritual counseling; more years of personal development, coaching and transformational work; and given time to find the faith that there was just a little bit more that I could become and offer—I slowly began to feel emotionally well enough to reevaluate my life and my values. This was not easy and it certainly took a while, but it restored me just a little more each day. For me to move forward I knew I had to determine a new ideal for my life. No matter how much pain I was in, I concluded that the process had to start right where I was—with me. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 84
The way we communicated with each other and
successful again, I needed to renew and elevate my
people in general would go from friendly to hostile,
thinking to a much higher level of excellence—and
depending on the topic and who we were speaking
then get that out of my head and into my everyday
with or about at that moment. We had completely
life. Fortunately for me, I was able to do this with
lost our ability to communicate with eloquence and
my coach, learning a whole new language of
excellence with each other and within the world.
excellence from him. I learned that the only way I
We were living in a crashed universe, and nothing
was going to be able to pull my life up again was by
worked as it had before our son’s death.
leaving my victim self behind and elevating my excellence levels across the board. Because when
As individuals and as a couple we had become
Justin died, a part of me died, too.
ineffective in building rapport in a way that inspired, empowered, and expanded others to want
The Situation: Because of my son’s death, with all
to be with us and to interact with us in an
the pain, the grief and feelings of insecurity and
expansive, honorable, influential and truthful way.
uncertainty, my thoughts were overwhelmingly
Remember this: It is effectual interaction that gets
negative. As a result, I'd lost my ability to hold on to
people, families, communities and businesses to act
my fun-loving, positive, upbeat creative edge…the
confidently—to become successful and masterful in
side of me that could make the impossible happen. I
the way they produce goods and products and how
had become serious, heavy, stern, untrusting and
they serve others. This high-level ability to produce
untruthful—which shattered my confidence, and
with excellence gives us more certainty as
others’ confidence in me. My sense of self started
individuals, as families and as a nation.
slipping through my fingers like sand. I didn’t know who I was anymore, where I was going nor what I
This assurance elevates our ability to command
was trying to accomplish. Therefore, since I didn’t
more across the board. With this elevated ability to
have a big picture for my life, I stopped striving for
command, we can then set ourselves up to expand
the more excellent way. This fragmented self
once again—as individuals, families, communities,
showed up with me everywhere I went.
states, small businesses, and large corporations alike. It’s all about our levels of excellence and our
Analysis: I didn’t know who I was and neither did
ability to use this energy of excellence to
my husband. This meant that my—and our—value of
accomplish our goals and highest ideals.
self was extremely low. Our ability to perceive was distorted and unstable. As a family our decision-
We Got Our PEP On: Every blue moon, an
making ability was safe at best—not wanting to
innovative and transformational system for growth,
offend this one or that one, our incorrect decisions
change, and renewal is invented and shared so that
were costing us and hurting us significantly.
millions of people may empower themselves and
their world.
They accomplish this by dramatically shifting the way
The Solution and Game Changer: For me, family
they think, feel, and act. After experiencing
members, clients, and the corporations I work with,
considerable growth and expansion, their lives are
the Personal Excellence Profile has been a
forever changed for the better. Visionaries and business
tremendous part of the solution—a true game
leaders like Steve Jobs lived it. Preachers like Joel
changer. It is indeed, a dynamic and fluid blueprint
Osteen speak about it. Media moguls like Oprah Winfrey
to personal and professional excellence. It shows us
talk about “your best life” and what that means.
in living colors our own personal levels of
Now, there is a step-by-step system to follow to
excellence in twelve vital abilities—how these
enhance and elevate our lives, our families, our businesses and even the world. It’s the Personal Excellence Profile, the PEP. PEP. We hear so many people on
results have been creating our outcomes, and what we can do and accomplish now using our higher abilities more effectively and intentionally. It also
TV and in books discuss the secrets to creating a
shows how we can elevate our abilities that are
phenomenal business, outstanding products, or
presently at a lower level, to create our own
extraordinary services, and the secret to living your
breakthroughs and success breakouts—by
best life.
implementing a new way of thinking, being, feeling and acting into our everyday life. To experience the
Change leaders talk enthusiastically about how they
PEP and discover your own excellence, visit
have significantly transformed their lives, and we get
www.chloetaylorbrown.com. www.chloetaylorbrown.com.
excited and happy for them, and even motivated, because we want that for our lives, too. Now, Today: I am making it part of my mission to genuinely share the PEP with you, to really show you how I, along with my clients, family members, friends and colleagues are discovering new energy. Each of us is activating our excellence and personal power—by using this innovative, forward-looking, step-by-step method of transformation called the PEP. The PEP is about excellence: Excellence comes from the word, excel, excel, which means “out of” and “to rise”; it also means “to be better or greater than”; it is “the fact of or state of excelling.” Without a high level of excellence an individual, family, team, group, business, organization or government will not have the capacity to regenerate the necessary energy and power to accomplish what they intend to accomplish. In my opinion, the PEP is the Rolls Royce of all other spiritual, personal, and wholelife assessment tools.
The purpose of the PEP is to give you a good honest look at yourself—where you are now; what you want, now and in the future; what abilities are working for you and/or against you; and the next step(s) you can choose to enhance where you are now for accomplishing your goals and what you want.
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THEORY Nude Paloma Leather Pumps
THE ATTICO Devon Slide Sandals
BOLD, BOLDER & BOLDEST Color is everywhere this season—from head to toe! It seems that many of the designers for the Spring 2022 collections gathered and concluded that since we've all gone through many clouds and storms over the last two Spring seasons, we all need bold, bright, sparkly splashes of color in our lives. If all else fails, step up by adding color to your shoe game. Prada pops with orange, Versace pops with slime green, and Gucci loves canary yellow for Spring. Orange and red are two of the strongest colors but you know the colors of the rainbow—so choose what your go-to bold color will be for Spring. Cargo pants are comfortable, chic and fun—and trending again. Step out sharp and stylish in monochromatic head-to-toe looks. Get back to business in a feminine tailored suit worn with a crisp shirt or a sexy blouse.
Red is all the rave this season. It can be worn for almost all occasions, from day dresses to evening wear. Find your shade of red and step into the light.
Tube tops have made a big comeback—and they can be dressed up or down.
Wide leg cargo pants are easy and stylish—they can be casual and chic, depending on the shoes you pair with them.
Hey There, Beautiful People! My goal this season is to tell others: Keep shining! The world needs your light! And you better believe it! Embrace the best version of yourself, and let your personality shine through. I hope you took my advice last issue and made new friends. I hope you've been out with family, and that you're staying safe. I pray that you and your family are well and that you will gear up to be the best you can be. Remember: It's not the length of life, but the depth of life that matters. Let's flourish together. Stay safe and keep shining bright. Until next issue! Best wishes,
@flourishdigitalmagazine @sadiyah_adams FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | SPRING 2022 | 93
Ida B. Wells