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The Measure of aÂ



DREXINA NELSON Pretty Eyes Behind the




By Robin Diangelo


In Times of Crisis




WHO MADE THE BEER? Down Home Brewing

8 Minutes 46 Seconds I CAN'T BREATHE


Try This For A Natural Summer Glow!

The Institut’ DERMed™ Chromabright Serum

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF June 23rd was my birthday, so I ventured out to my neighborhood Mexican eatery for a margarita and thought, OK, I can do this. I decided I would allow myself to start going out again after doing a fantastic job of social distancing and isolating myself for three months. The next day, June 24th, I went to a meaningful meeting, experience and performance—an all-in-one event with 25 Black women and 25 White women (we all wore masks). The theme and topic was, "Tell it to My Face," a conversation about racism. We were encouraged and prompted to "tell it to each other's face" what we were sincerely thinking and feeling in order to come to some kind of "joint consensus" that we can work on collectively to expose and dismantle systematic racism. On June 25th I went to Trader Joe's and picked out my own fresh fruits, veggies, chocolate-covered almonds and alkaline water, and wore my new "birthday" sunglasses. By Friday the 26th, everything started to shift again as I was flooded with news of rapidly escalating coronavirus numbers and that a new lockdown would be inevitable. I felt heavy as a wave of energy left my body and I knew right away that I had to make a decision as to what I would direct my attention toward. I knew I could not go back to the place where I had previously been where for an entire night I cried for many who had died of COVID-19 and for George Floyd as I continually heard him call out for his mother. I cried for all of my Black brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. I cried, and I cried. I allowed myself to grieve and I did it very well—for two days. Then I gathered myself and redirected my attention to what made me feel better and eventually wonderful again. We all have this power, you know, to redirect our attention toward what we want to focus on, what we want to expand and grow in, and what makes us feel better.


Now, as I write this, June 30th, exactly one week since my birthday, it feels like a whole month, if not two have passed—yet many things seem to be standing completely still. It is within this "stillness" that I am finding great benefits for such a time as this. I am encouraging myself and all of us to use as much of this time to figure out where our own personal power lies within us, and to draw this magnificence and wonderment out to behold, experience and share with others. This is where we will find our new future and fortune. Beloved, the only way to draw out our best in a sustainable way is to align or realign with our best self—and then to merge our individuality, personality, gifts, talents and our heart's desires with our purpose, and focus on this. No matter what is going on around us, especially things and situations we have no control of, know that your desires, dreams and goals are valid and attainable, and that you are worthy. My hope is that you will enjoy the summer issue of Flourish Digital Magazine and that you will continue to do all you can to be safe—as you also think of the safety of others. All the best to you.



chloe@flourishdigitalmagazine.com Instagram: @flourishdigitalmagazine @chloetaylorbrown





IMAGE POWER & YOU Understanding the Selfing Process


WHAT DOES "BLESSED" LOOK LIKE? For your mental well-being


DO YOU HAVE RESERVATIONS? Summer dining during COVID-19


FOOD Let it be thy skincare


DOWN HOME BREWING Who made the beer?


HE IS SHAWN CRENSHAW Every man deserves an ovation


MIND YOUR P'S & Q'S At home, work & socially


WHAT'S YOUR SKIN GAME? Love your skin tone




CLAIM YOUR JOY By Paula G. Voice


NONE OF US By Christina Pasqualone



PRETTY EYES BEHIND THE LENS Our cover model, Drexina Nelson A COVID-19 SUMMER


46 86

72 92


SO, WE GO FROM "I RISE" TO "I WILL REJOICE"! London interview with music minister Louisa Obadan WHEN TRAVEL RESUMES Enjoy yourself in Cartagena










Lizz Russell's Easy Summer Fashions, shot In Bahrain 76 Leveraging Lingerie 82 Earthly's World 80


"OK, MAYBE" 65



An Artistic Expression of Hope 27


The Measure of a Well-Groomed Woman Starts Here...with Her Inner Beauty BY




Indeed, her clear, smooth skin and good "looks" go far beyond the surface. Her inner beauty being-ness spills out and glows. It begins with her spirited attitude, her self-awareness, confidence, style, and how she treats her body from the inside out. > LOU FREEMAN, PHOTOGRAPHER | TASHA SHANNON, HAIR | GABRIELLE BOWENS, MAKEUP | RYAN CHRISTOPHER, FASHION STYLIST




Daily meditation can help you get rid of toxins and clear the cobwebs that may have entered your essence, trying to block your natural flow, Darling. Peace. Be still.

Water: The Elixir

Your body is made up of about sixty-five percent water—and on most days you’ll need to drink at least eight to ten cups of water to replenish what you’ve lost during the day.


HOW ARE YOU BEING—ON THE INSIDE? Having worked in the image, beauty and fashion industries many years during my adult life, I’ve witnessed a lot of vanity…with me being right there in the middle. But, what’s important and lasting is Inner Beauty Being—which always begins with you loving, liking and respecting yourself first. The women who practice inner beauty being are IBBers—their beauty radiates from the inside out. They eat the proper foods, which are fueled by chemical substances called essential nutrients, such as: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water—these nutrients come from the proper and right food sources. So, eating right will help you to reproduce, build, and repair body tissue and to regenerate new skin cells—and we love that. Water is the most important essential nutrient. It’s an elixir within itself—the fountain of youth. Every cell in your body needs water for optimal health, including your skin cells. You could survive for weeks, perhaps even months, without food but you could last only about eight to ten days without water.

IBBers participate in fun, natural, exhilarating activities that encourage them to stretch and to breathe deeply, giving their body a good cardiovascular workout while rejuvenating their spirit.

Water circulates through your blood transporting oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It helps to maintain the body’s natural balance. It has no caloric value, though, and it is not a source of energy in and of itself. On the other hand, water promotes good digestion and it helps you to absorb the right nutrients from the foods that you eat. It removes your body’s waste through urine and sweat and it eliminates digestive waste. Water is so good for you! Continue on the next page >



Fruits & Veggies

IBBers believe in herbs and supplements and know that they are essential to their well-being and longevity.

Laughter: An Energizing Force

According to Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is the health of the body.” Take the time to have fun and laugh.

A Glowing Complexion

The foundation of grooming begins with good skin and a glowing complexion— which is a direct reflection of your inner health and well-being.

Your body is made up of about sixty-five percent water—and on most days you’ll need to drink at least eight to ten cups of water to replenish what you’ve lost during the day. Water can be replenished also by drinking other decaffeinated and non-alcoholic liquids and by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Getting your fair share of water will cleanse and flush out impurities that clog your pores and diminish your natural beauty. It will help to promote a more supple and youthful complexion. Next time you’re dying of thirst, quench it with water. IBBers believe in herbs and supplements and know that they are essential to their well-being and longevity. They participate in fun, natural and exhilarating activities that encourage them to breathe deeply, giving their body a good cardiovascular workout while rejuvenating their spirit. The breathing that comes from moving your body through fun physical activities is deep, simple, smooth and strong. This type of breathing will help you to feel more youthful and energetic while at the same time helping you to relax and focus. It will build your heart muscle and clear the clutter from your mind and spirit. IBBers laugh a lot too—for the fun of it and for the health benefits derived from a good belly laugh. According to Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is the health of the body.” Take the time to have fun and laugh. It is not a luxury, like so many of us believe, but just what the doctor ordered. If you’re sick, it might make you well. If you’re sad it might make you happy. Go on, girl, try it out loud…laugh! IBBers also know the intrinsic value of friendships with other IBBers and living their lives full out—regardless of where they live, or how much money they earn, whether married or single. They love being with other people and being alone. And most importantly, IBBers honor the essence of who they are through quiet time, inner reflection and meditation—a sure and proven way to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. Daily meditation can help you get rid of toxins and clear the cobwebs that may have entered your essence, trying to block your natural flow. Meditation will encourage you to relax and to release, allowing you to hear the soft whispered words that are just for you. Consider this: The next time you’re getting ready, think about the Selfing Process and its grooming layer to see how you’re doing with your inner health (see page 10). Okay, you now know that the foundation of grooming begins with good skin and a glowing complexion—which is a direct reflection of your inner health and well-being. You also know that paying attention to what goes into your mouth and what’s inside your body is key. No amount of topical creams, ointments and serums can be effective when you’re covering up for years of neglect. <


Your giggle is girly & your

smile is everything, Darling!

The all-time universal facial expression is a smile. A true smile can reveal happiness and joy. The corners of your mouth will curve upward; your eyes will twinkle causing the outer corners to crinkle into crow's feet. Divas...don't worry. These crow's feet are a good thing. This type of heartfelt smile is difficult to produce on demand. It is controlled by your emotions and it is a true reflection of your mood level. However, with body awareness you can use your facial expressions to maintain the upper hand, dictating how you want others to perceive you. —ChloÊ Taylor Brown


You By Chloé Taylor Brown

The way you present yourself, lounging at home, video conferencing and in-person meetings can set you apart and give you power and credibility— or, your image can destroy your chances of ever getting through the right doors, not to mention obtaining great success in certain areas of your life. Image is a silent language that speaks volumes. Your image and appearance can be a reliable and legitimate way to present yourself to the world— authentically, or as a persona. Usually, when we refer to a person’s appearance we naturally think of the way that person looks or the clothes or fashions being worn at any given time or place. But there is more to it than that. Because fashion, body image and self-esteem are so interconnected, it is essential that you understand that clothing and fashion are often thought of as an extension of who you are as a human being.

Now, I know that sounds silly but it is true. Many people look at the clothes and the fashions that you wear as “you” and as a central part of body image. Because of this, unconsciously, in the body– fashion–self-esteem interaction, you experience something inside of yourself called the Selfing Process. The selfing process is the communication of the self, which allows you to “put on.” This process includes five layers of getting ready that work harmoniously together. However, the necessary prerequisites are first respecting and liking yourself. In most cases it doesn't matter which layer of the selfing process you begin to work on first. However, I have found that this process flows smoothly when following the five steps as they are listed here. >


The Selfing Process is mainly visual, though it can be tangible, and involve other senses as well.

5 Layers of the Selfing Process 1. Verbal communication 2. Poise, posture & movement 3. Manners & etiquette 4. Grooming & cosmetics 5. Clothing & fashion

In understanding how the selfing process works it helps to recognize that bodily behavior and clothing are significant aspects of non-verbal communication, which allows us to create an external identity and persona to help accomplish our objectives.

When we combine the interaction of body image, self-awareness, fashion and communication we can create a mixture of multi-messages.

In order to acquire and maintain image power at will you must first know, understand and like who you are. Then it’s about learning the five steps of the selfing process and putting them into practice. As far as I am concerned, everything about you getting ready and perfecting your authentic image hinges on you liking and respecting yourself and the selfing process. Image power has nothing to do with how short or tall you are, how thick, thin, wide or narrow you are. The only thing you need to do is accept who you are (your authentic self) and create your ideal image by following these five steps.

These messages can contradict each other and create confusion for you and other people watching you. On the other hand, if used properly, the selfing process can help you to convey messages that are clear and accurate, communication that reflects who you are and what you would like others to perceive about you. You are in control. When creating your external identity it is important to recognize that we are all social persons. No matter how extroverted or introverted we might be, we need to identify ourselves within a group. We all want to belong to a certain degree. That’s why there are social clubs, organizations, sororities and other groups of interest to individuals. But, in order to belong and be of value, we need to appreciate who we are so that we can share and connect with others. We are also psychological individuals who can be as private and as disconnected as hibernating bears…while at the same time we are definitely seeking to establish our individuality as well.

You’ll know how to be, look and behave authentically—to who you are and to who you want to become. You’ll be able to go anywhere and fit in and really enjoy yourself. You can look and feel fabulous at any age, height or size. Your goal is to accentuate the positives and learn how to enhance your overall image. Don’t make creating your authentic image complicated, though. Keep it simple until you feel absolutely sure about your new direction. <

Think of a time when you allowed yourself to “put on,” where you practiced the selfing process—a time where you purposely set out to dress and behave in a certain way to accomplish a certain goal. Go on, reflect and write it down in your journal or on a note card to reflect. Your appearance is your first communication device—and, if used properly, it can be one of your most effective communication tools. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 11

Every summer has a spontaneous story. It starts with a state of mind.


WHAT DOES "BLESSED" LOOK LIKE? Acknowledged, we all exist and navigate within a fast-paced world. Our lives are ever-changing and evolving, ready or not. At present as we hunker down, and adjust to appropriate social measures, we still have desires. Our pace and perhaps our path may have shifted but our constant is still an innate need for fulfillment. Regardless of our financial situation or other special circumstances, desires occupy our hearts and minds. Moreover, for some, certain desires can be a motivating force. Globally, as we seek to establish our new normal, one constant remains: perpetual desire. > BY EDWINA SMITHSON


TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING Proverbs 3:5 The things we desire illustrate our individuality. How we seek to fulfill these desires indicates our level of faith. The vision boards, bucket lists and the plethora of filled online carts indicate the heart's hopes. How these desires are provided for is key. The things our labor provides often allow us immediate manifestation and an imagined perception of control. That is, until things don't go as planned.


AND MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS Philippians 4:19 What about things only God can provide? What of the "help me, Lord," "make a way, heavenly Father" and "Jesus, I need you" moments? These are times when all plans have failed, and the journey seems bleak. These moments are real. These moments between the request and the manifestation are real. These moments test our faith. The spirit of fear will attempt to set up residency within the heart to cause doubt. When facing a giant is your only option and you stand alone seeking divine help, God will answer—and His presence is real. Jesus is real. God surrounds us with His goodness if only we would seek Him.

I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU Deuteronomy 31:6 The manifestation will arrive, although it may somehow differ from your vision. It may be delayed as a trying of our faith. Our words may become fearfilled, thus slowing down the blessing. The process takes patience sometimes. Some answers come immediately— avoiding a car accident, being delayed avoiding harm, or finding a twenty-dollar bill when you need it. But do we see God in the manifested blessings? Do we acknowledge the answer even when it comes wrapped unlike what we envisioned? Can we accept the manifestation when it arrives through an undesirable acquaintance? Can we humble ourselves, grow and strengthen our faith muscle? >

DON'T MISS OUT ON ANSWERED PRAYERS Can we accept it when we get what we need, and it looks nothing like what we wanted? Do we accept the answered prayer? When the manifestation comes, can we even see it, or do we miss it? Have you gotten the manifested blessing and failed to recognize it? AND ALL THINGS, WHATSOEVER YOU ASK IN PRAYER, BELIEVING, YE SHALL RECEIVE Matthew 21:22 It has been my experience that most manifestations do not appear as I first envisioned. The details differ yet still satisfy. This persistent outcome has taught me to trust God's process—to wait on God and to grow to know His ways. Now I no longer expect exactly how He will manifest; I have peace knowing He will manifest.

God said to my spirit recently, "What does 'blessed' look like?" I smiled. I knew He wanted to remind me— as I was shaking out rugs and facing an endless to-do list—"Child, you are blessed." While cleaning? Blessed. While mopping? Blessed. While scrubbing the bathroom down? Blessed. I know that God wanted me to acknowledge that "Blessed" looked like me. Yes, even when I was exhausted, hair a mess, no make-up and the house in need of cleaning. Relax and rely on His ability to meet your needs. God is good. Jesus is faithful. Be encouraged. < FAITHFUL IS HE THAT CALLETH YOU, WHO ALSO WILL DO IT 1 Thessalonians 5:24

DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART Psalms 37:4 Personal experience through an intimate walk with Jesus has tamed my anxiety and made me trust His ways. God's answers to my prayers were not fulfilled according to my vision, but fulfilled by His provision. When housing became a need all my requests were manifested...but in another state. When I needed funds, sometimes the provisions came by coupons, new clients, a dear friend obeying the spirit of God or even bank credits. A recent desire for companionship resulted in a visit from a stray cat who came by the house and never departed. The move to the new state has been an economic and emotional blessing. At first it appeared as if I were in exile. Now I couldn't be more pleased. Prayer moves God, and His word is alive. We must trust and be patient.




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Summer 2020


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On this journey called life, I have learned a few things. I pray that the few things I share here will help you on your journey. We often hear “I just want to be happy.” Some express that happiness will be obtained when they secure a certain job, have a certain income, get married, or have children. Sometimes those desires are obtained, yet happiness still is not achieved. Other times when those desires are obtained, happiness indeed follows. But if not, at some point those desires are lost, and happiness goes with it. Then there are the individuals who appear to have so little yet they seem so happy. There are people who have been on their death bed yet they're still happy. Some have debilitating physical challenges yet they still seem to shine. At times we may scratch our heads, perplexed. How can this be? How can some, who have nothing or who are in challenging situations, be so happy? And how can some who appear to have it all, seem so unhappy? Thus, we arrive at the crossroads of Happiness and Joy. Now these are not hard-core definitions—just conclusions I have drawn from personal observations and experiences. Happiness appears to be contingent on external factors. “I’m happy today because the sun is shining.” “I’m happy because I received a pay raise.” “I’m happy because the customer service representative solved my problem.” Happy! Suppose the sun did not shine, a pay raise was not received, or the customer service representative did not solve the problem? There goes the Happiness! Joy, on the other hand, appears to come from within. We have seen those courageous individuals who coexist with physical disabilities yet light up a room with their smile.

We see individuals who appear to have lost everything materialistically speaking, yet still flash a bright smile. What is wrong with these folks? It is called Joy! Joy is an element that comes from within. I was a proud member of a group called The Pioneer Girls. Pioneer Girls was a Christian-Based Girl Scout type of group. We did similar activities and earned similar badges. However, we also had to memorize scripture and acronyms which we were challenged to live by. One of the acronyms I recall was JOY. It was how we were supposed to live our lives. We learned we could be filled with JOY by putting Jesus first in our lives. Second, we are tasked to be kind to Others, to treat them with the love of Jesus (and ya’ll know, that is hard sometimes!). Finally, Yourself: We are called to love ourselves. Since my childhood, I have juggled the last two, depending on the circumstances. Throughout life I have seen the distinction between Joy and Happiness played out in various ways. A baby is happy as long as it is fed, dry, and loved. We all know! You mess with one of those, and it is on and poppin'! I will never understand how so much vocal power can come out of such a small body. The materialistic driven folks are happy as long as they have all the material things they want—not necessarily need but want. Now let us look at the joyfilled folks. Sometimes you may ask “what is wrong with them?” “I don’t see anything to be happy about!” That is the point! The source of Joy is not visible. The source of Joy is not tangible. The source of Joy is not found in material things. The source of Joy is not found in the chaos of the world. The source of Joy lies deep within. Joy is spirit. Joy is soul. Joy is thinking about, appreciating and meditating on what you do have vs. what you do not have. Joy does not depend on outside circumstances. >


Amid this pandemic, we can all find some Joy. Do you wake up every morning? Does the sun still shine? Do you still have a roof over your head? Does the water come out of the faucet when you turn it on? Do the lights come on when you flip the switch? Is your spouse healthy? Are your noisy, energetic children happy and healthy (yes, I know, you are about to pull your hair out because they are driving you nuts...)? Are all or most of your family members healthy? Granted, some, unfortunately may not be. We keep them constantly in prayer. Do you see where I am going with this? Amid chaos, confusion, sickness, and fear, we can search and find the Joy that lies within. My oldest granddaughter was gravely ill this past season. My heart stopped for a month (figuratively). Each time I look at my granddaughter I am filled with Joy that she is alive and thriving. However, I am not happy that she must wear a device planted in her little chest. That device keeps her heart beating, in the event her heart stops. Absolutely, I am here to tell you that prayer works! Christian or Muslim, Catholic, Jewish, etc.—sincere prayer works! I praise and thank God daily for her life. I digress for a moment. If you do not know God for yourself, ask God to forgive your sins, believe that Christ died to save you, and ask Him to come into your life. Then ask Him to teach you and show you how to pray. He will direct you to the right people, song, program, thought, circumstance—whatever is needed in your path —to lead you on your journey to a sincere, prayerful life. Throughout history we have seen how Joy has caused some courageous people to survive. “Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward.” That's Nelson Mandela! Wow! So many years he spent in prison, yet he maintained his dignity and integrity! Anne Frank wrote, “Whoever doesn’t know it must learn and find by experience that a quiet conscience makes one strong.” Wow! I am going to just let that one sit there for a moment. Joy! Joy! Joy! In difficult, desperate times, we must find Joy. I often hear people compare sheltering in place to being in prison. I would challenge each of those individuals to perhaps consider offering their “prison” to a true prisoner—to someone who is behind bars. I do not know about you, but our homes should be our sanctuary. Granted, it is a bit challenging to be stuck inside all day, every day, looking at those same four walls. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 20


However, most of us can go out for the essentials. If those walls are really that bad, get a can of paint (if finances allow) and paint those walls (since you are home anyway)! Make lemonade from lemons. Spring clean! Move some furniture around. Clean the closets! Complete that project you always wanted to complete! My heart is full as I write this. My desire is for each of you to discover your Joy! Inner peace, inner Joy, is what gives you the strength, the focus, and the perseverance to power through difficult seasons. I am encouraged by the lives of so many men and women in the Bible—men and women who persevered through difficult dark times, men and women who lost everything only to have it all restored in the end. Job is such an inspiring example. Job was a servant of God, a faithful servant. >

"FIND SOME JOY!" The devil thought he could cause Job to turn from God. God told the devil he could take everything from Job except his life. The devil did just that; but Job never turned his back on God. Job remained a servant of God. This story demonstrates that as human beings, we are not immune to suffering. The challenge is what we do, say, or think during times of suffering, that determines our destiny. I always say: Seek prayer! I know that may not be everyone’s go-to solution but—I am a witness—it works! Find some Joy! What is it in your life that resides within you? What is it that gives you peace? What soothes your soul? We are engrossed in so much outer turmoil that it can cause depression, fear, anxiety, and despair. However, even amidst such negativity, if we can find a place of peace that lies within, and reflect on the many blessings we have, we will find Joy. We must fight for Joy because the perils of the world will steal it if we do not. I often think of those who are physically imprisoned yet appear to be content. Regardless of their physical status they are content within. They exude an inner peace. Find your inner peace; find your inner Joy. < FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 21

"We are the ones we have been waiting for."

—Peter Levine

Saki said, "I am exhausted, to be honest. At times, I find it difficult to deal. However, I pray daily, and try to fast weekly to find some balance." Keith Knows said, "I am emptying myself daily to be renewed. Old energy is clearing and new energy is entering." Dr. Stephen Vault said, "Angry. Frustrated. Tired."





"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." —Desmond Tutu


REVIEW "The value in White Fragility lies in its methodical, irrefutable exposure of racism in thought and action, and it's call for humility and vigilance."

The New York Times best-selling book exploring the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality.


8 SUGGESTIONS TO EFFECT SUSTAINABLE CHANGE THROUGH PROTEST 1. Start in Your Community: Know your community, county and local leaders. Find out who your city and state political leaders are. Know statistics, ethnicities, economic diversity, the educational system, community programs and immediate needs. Get involved where you feel you can make a difference. VOTE on all levels of power.

2. Get to Know Local Organizations: Learn which organizations are really making a difference for change and get involved with them.

3. Be Proactive: Start sharing your gifts and talents within your community, your city and your state.

4. Document Everything: Document positive change that you see and experience. Research and dig to discover what is needed to effect change. Increase your numbers and keep track of your supporters and how you can continue to work together in greater numbers.

5. Support Progressive Programs: Support programs that are benefiting your community, your town, your city.

6. Seek, Find & Challenge: Challenge companies that are benefiting from community purchases to make a positive difference by becoming a community partner.

7. Engage Social Media & Local Media: Social media is the biggest tool right now. Use it for social change and to publish your findings. Become a voice through rallies, public speaking, music, art, etc. Get to know your media representatives to get media attention for your contributions and to publicize your community's needs.

8. Saving Grace: Use facts, wisdom, prayer, discernment and creativity to make your points and diversify your circle. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 25

By Jacqui Lewis



I have an amazing future ahead of me. My dreams are honorable and I am worthy to realize them. #BlackLivesMatter FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 26


I S A B E L L E I G :

none of us

@ I S A B E L L E M U S I C

knew this was coming—a pandemic followed by a fight for humanity. When I began to write this article, everything was completely different. George Floyd was alive, and our biggest hurdle was getting through this virus. But as I’m writing today, the world we are living in right now has had it, and the pandemic has seemed to have taken a back seat. The current battle, the more important fight for humanity, has finally taken precedence. I could go on and on about my political stance and talk about all the things wrong with the world as it is. However, this article is focused on what I love about now. Thankfully, there is always beauty in pain. >


I'M WHITE & MY 3-YEAR-OLD NEPHEW IS BLACK I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. I was privileged by the color of my skin, the schools I went to and the money I came from. However, I was also exposed to all races and cultures from a very early age. My life’s passion has always been music, and many of my mentors are Black. They became my family and my closest allies. Because of this I always wondered why they are seen as less or different due to the color of their skin. I am older now and not as naive to the world around me as I used to be. I see the world for what it is—the constant fight between good and evil. I often sit and wonder how things realistically will change forever. How can we really make a difference? The answer I keep coming back to is longevity. It took 381 days to boycott public transportation before the Supreme Court's ruling that Montgomery's segregated bus service was unconstitutional. It may take that long or longer to make changes against police brutality and racism. All I know is, endurance always wins the race. IG: @ISABELLEMUSIC YOUTUBE

My 3-year-old nephew is Black. He was adopted by my brother and his wife a month after he was born and has forever changed my family. To say he is special may be family biased but if you knew him, you would feel the same. He lights up every room from the moment you see him. The greatest lesson he has taught us is that as humans, we are capable of loving anyone with our whole heart no matter the color, race, or appearance. He is a constant reminder every day, that love sees no color. When I saw George Floyd with a knee on his neck, I couldn’t help thinking about my nephew. I can’t imagine someone ever hurting him, especially with the reason being his beautiful dark skin. Maybe it is easier for me to fight against racism because I see my nephew’s face, but I realize it has to be more than that. It’s so much bigger than my family, or yours. It’s about protecting basic human rights.


As an individual I never feel like I am doing enough. However, I have to believe that small things add up. Having an uncomfortable conversation with a family member or a friend who made a racist comment is important. Signing a petition against hate crimes and supporting Black Lives Matter maybe doesn’t feel like a lot, but millions of signatures and phone calls will make people listen. Fighting the systems of racism, and contributing in any way we can to organizations that make it their mission to fight them too is also necessary. As I am a White woman, I know you probably read this and think, "how could she understand?" I will never be able to understand. But I have to commit myself to this human cause in any way I can. Change has happened before and it will happen again. We have hit the bottom and it’s time to climb back up. We can only do it together. <

he is shawn crenshaw Stand up for Mr. Crenshaw: Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Shawn Crenshaw, Inc., & Creator of Ovation for Men Cologne. Shawn Crenshaw has distinguished himself as a brand innovator and risk-taking problem solver. Indeed, he has done just that through his vision for Ovation™, his Eau de Parfum for men, which resulted from his frustration with major fragrance companies and their lack of authentic brand messaging and positive images targeted to African-American consumers. Specifically, Shawn realized that there wasn't a fragrance on the market that purposefully targeted the style, accomplishments and showmanship of African-American men. Shawn created Ovation for Black Men to celebrate their greatness.


PRETTY EYES BEHIND THE LENS “As a photographer, I truly believe if you look deep inside someone, you can bring out things the client didn’t know existed. And you can help them, and the world, see the beauty that breathes so softly in each of us.”

Meet Drexina Nelson, Flourish Digital Magazine's July/August Cover Model. Drexina is a photographer, producer, creator, and founder of THE SOCIETY STUDIOS, a full-service image production facility that includes a photo studio, education and event space, salon suites, and creative workspace to connect, collaborate and create.

Drexina has always been an aficionada of beauty. After completing both her B.A. and M.B.A. degrees and a stint in corporate America, she jumped into the fashion industry as a make-up artist for some of the city’s most prominent photographers. She quickly discovered that she wanted to capture her own beauty ideals, and opted to —Drexina Nelson pursue a career in photography. >


DREXINA'S INSPIRATION Drexina learned to combine her love for beauty and the arts, her keen eye for composition and style, and her knowledge of business. Her transition from make-up to photography proved to be a wise choice, thus opening the doors to her own studio, The Society Studios. Drexina has had the privilege of capturing some of the most beautiful and talented people in the world of entertainment. She has shot some of the most amazing fashion and beauty campaigns; magazine covers for national publications; photo shoots for mainstream television and film actors, award-winning recording artists, reality TV stars, and some of the most prominent music labels in the industry.



The inspiration for her work ranges from fashion and beauty to the appeal of human interaction. Whether it is the way a person moves, dresses, or laughs, Drexina’s inspiration for each shoot is to capture the essence and individuality of the client with her lens. It is her ability to successfully achieve such a goal that has earned her a reputation as a premiere beauty, fashion, and commercial photographer. www.drexina.com < KEVIN FFRENCH, PHOTOGRAPHER @KFFRENCH96

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

― Virginia Woolf



When COVID-19 showed up in the U.S. earlier this year who would have guessed the devastating impact that it


would have on the restaurant industry across the country, let alone the world. This pandemic has impacted more than 15 million people in an industry that was on track to beat record revenue projections of nearly $880 billion in sales, by some experts estimates. Restaurant owners have had to make the difficult decision to furlough workers, to shut down temporarily or even, sadly, to close their doors for good. It has undoubtedly been a challenge for this industry and will probably continue to be for quite some time. Nevertheless, there is hope! >


Seane Shaw's love of food, conversation, entertainment and building relationships has aligned and manifested as "Dinner & Dialogue" IG: @dinner_dialogue BLOG: DINNERANDDIALOGUE TV.COM

There is a resilient fervor that exists in the restaurant business...

There is a resilient fervor that exists in the

The many trips to the grocery store and the several

restaurant business that has sustained crises

attempts at creating those exotic dishes has either

before, but this is all uncharted territory. Instead

tried our patience—or made us better cooks. Either

of some restaurants spending time procuring

way, there will be a change in the way we dine from

seasonal vegetables and locating ingredients for

this moment forward. When the proverbial green

their signature dishes, they are having to take on a

light is given, there will likely be restaurant

more daunting task of searching for protective

capacity guidelines that are scaled down more than

masks, gloves and other sanitizing products for

to what we’ve become accustomed.

their employees for when they reopen their doors. Even if your anxiety has gotten the best of you, all As patrons, we will also have to make a conscious

is not lost. There are several alternatives for

decision about when we will feel comfortable

creating that great dining experience while still

enough to patronize our favorite eateries.

supporting your local restaurants. You can order out for curb-side pickup. There is also Uber Eats

You maybe asking yourself; How safe will it be to

delivery. Not only that, as a unique and interactive

return? Has the restaurant taken the necessary

alternative, several chefs have offered virtual

precautions to ensure the safely of their guests? Do

cooking classes. Bartenders have provided cocktail

I risk dining with the “invisible contagion” or

demos showcasing their mixologist prowess. (For

should I wait for the scientists' consensus that

more information, go to Eater Atlanta.)

states that it’s safe to venture out and dine again? How will the dining experience change?

We are all in this together—and it will take a village to get us through this challenging time. Let's keep

These are all valid inquiries and should be taken

the dialogue going and enjoy our dining

into consideration. After all, the dining experience

experiences in any and all capacities. Continue to

is an event that we all long for and enjoy as a social

make memories in a healthy and safe way.

gathering of friends and loved ones. If nothing else, there’s a greater appreciation of the restaurant industry as a result of this pandemic. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 36

Bon Appetit!

FOOD LET IT BE THY SKINCARE “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” —Hippocrates I have known this quote to be true in my life and in the lives of many of my clients. Food is not only medicine for our bodies, but fuel for our minds. Food comforts our souls—and when we eat the right foods, it’s amazing for our skin. Keeping our skin looking radiant and hydrated can be challenging, especially during our 40’s and 50’s with hormonal imbalances, dryness and adult acne. However, food is not only our medicine, but it can also be a part of our everyday skin regimen. There’s plenty of beauty secrets hiding right in your kitchen.


By Lisa Washington

5 Things I'm sharing five things you can do to keep your skin looking amazing, just by using food—foods for dry skin and oily skin, and a beauty mask (which you can make for your face and enjoy as a smoothie, as well). I also asked two of my best friends: "what’s in your fridge and pantry?" We found foods they are using right now to keep their skin looking incredible in their 40’s. So, let’s get started! >

5 Things We Can All Do For Our Skin Dehydrated Skin: Drink plenty of water, clear teas, and clear broths. Clear liquids help us remove toxins from the body, and it keeps our skin cells hydrated.

1 2


Dry Hands: You can rehab those hands by using coconut oil or olive oil before bed and then slip on white gloves; covering the hands will help the oils to absorb into the skin. I like to do this after my bath when my skin is still damp. Also, using oils right after a bath on your body locks in moisture. Jojoba oil has the same sebum as our own skin, so it's an excellent oil for the body. Rough Elbows: A great solution for this: Exfoliate those puppies. All you need is scoop of sugar, 2 tbsp. of olive oil and a little lemon juice. Mix and you have a great scrub. After you finish the exfoliation, rinse thoroughly and apply coconut oil or shea butter. Face Irritated? Try milk; it’s awesome for the skin on the outside. Milk is loaded with proteins, fat, amino acids and vitamin A. These key ingredients reduce redness and calm irritated skin. The best way to get these benefits is to soak a clean washcloth in cold milk and place it over your face for 10 minutes, then wash off with a good cleanser and add your favorite serum or moisturizer.



Acne at any age can be annoying. Try dabbing apple cider vinegar on the spot. To make your own apple cider vinegar spot treatment, simply dab a small amount onto the blemish with a soaked cotton swab or cotton ball. >

“My number-one best food for my skin health isn't really a food—it's water! I start every day with lots of water and teas. My favorite food to add to meals is avocado. The healthy fat helps me absorb the vitamins in my veggies and makes my skin more supple and smooth. I also love eating nuts—mostly cashews and almonds. The minerals and fats in these nuts are great for skin too!” —Andrea Christian Parks, MD/MBA Obstetrician and Gynecologist


Healthy from the Inside Out! Lisa's foods to help you hydrate and keep a healthy glow for your skin type

Foods good for normal to dry skin:

Foods good for oily/acne-prone skin:

avocados Eating fruits and vegetables particularly rich in vitamin extra virgin olive oil A is a great source to help heal the skin naturally for flax seeds acne-prone skin, such as; fresh walnuts apricots hazelnuts tangerines, oranges oily fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna) mango sweet potatoes papaya oatmeal leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers leafy greens winter squash green tea pumpkin low-sugar fruits, raspberries, carrots blueberries and blackberries halibut, flounder, trout and salmon

Herbs for dry skin: dandelion root, fennel seeds, licorice, red clover, stinging nettle, yellow dock >

“The two things in my diet are alkaline water. I carry around a jug with me everywhere I go. Secondly, avocado—one daily.”

—Dr. Julie Lord, Chiropractor, Partner & Lead Pilates Instructor, Studio 13 in Serenbe, Georgia


Lisa's Hydrating Smoothie & Mask Ingredients For A Delicious Mask You Can Drink! 3/4 cup plain yogurt or kefir 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1/2 avocado 1/2 tablespoon honeyÂ

Instructions: Peel the avocado. Add to a blender with the remaining ingredients and enjoy. After making your smoothie, take one half cup of the smoothie and slather it on your clean face and let it stay for about 15 to 20 minutes, before rinsing off, thoroughly.

The yogurt or kefir, along with the avocado, will hydrate and moisturize the skin. The avocado's fat will help keep the skin smooth and radiant from the omega fatty acids, and lactic acid from the milk in the yogurt or kefir will brighten up the skin, because it is a natural alpha hydroxy acid. Lactic acid is one of the best natural alpha hydroxy acids because it is able to penetrate the skin. The honey in the mask will help give your skin a natural glow. The antioxidants in the blueberries will also make your skin glow. When consumed, blueberries are known to help boost your mood.

Note: Alpha hydroxy acids will make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so use these as treatments no more than once a week and no longer than 15 minutes; make sure to use sunscreen. I hope these suggestions will help you look at the foods you eat in a different way. Food truly is our number-one line of defense for our bodies and minds, and it makes great skincare. Live Well. Live Beautifully. Love and Light. <

Lisa Washington, Flourish Digital Magazine lifestyle contributor and CEO of B'Tyli Wellness and Beauty Co. IG: @lifewithlisawashingtom www. setthetablewithlove.com


treat yourself when you're alone. SOCIAL DISTANCING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BORING.




FDM – Flourish Digital Magazine DHB – Down Home Brewing FDM – How did Down Home Brewing come about? DHB: Will – I met Chris through a mutual friend about ten years ago. In choppin' it up with him, he taught me about beer initially using this kit I got off of Groupon. From there, we continued to grow, and I would soon become a brand ambassador and then a partner in this business. I’ve always had a passion for beer, and for becoming a part of Down Home Brewing. It opened up and sharpened my vision in what I’ve been interested in pursuing. We’ve really been pushing the brand and working with our network. As Chief of Operations, I know my lane and know what needs to happen from that perspective. And Chris, being the brewer, brings his expertise. His son, Chris, is also a great brand ambassador along with another family member, Dre, who really helps in getting the word out. To help with this, we have a small team to bring brand awareness via social media along with our distributor, which helps in getting it out to various markets. > FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 42

FDM: What’s the process in selecting the types of beers? And who’s the taste master? DHB: Chris – There’s a lot to consider when coming to that decision. But at the end of the day it’s all about what we feel. We make batch after batch and if we don’t feel like it’s good enough, we won’t put it out. Currently we have three options of beer covering the spectrum— from a more traditional beer to a softer type. However, in our portfolio we have several selections coming soon. We have a pomegranate-flavored beer that we created in 2015 and put out in 2017 that’s pretty awesome. It’s a light sipping ale with a smooth taste. It’s available in Whole Foods, Target and several other stores.


We also have to shout out to Slim & Husky’s Pizza Beeria. Those guys out of Tennessee have been really supportive and have a great concept. Even though, collectively we have about a dozen styles of beer in our portfolio, we want to be strategic with the deployment to the public. FDM: Who is your target market when you’re creating your products? DHB: Chris – I think it’s for whoever tries it and likes our beer. It really could be anyone. Every day we get messages from all walks of life. DHB: Will – We definitely like those who rock with us, but there’s something about black folks and especially black women who like our beer. They really love the pomegranate beer. These are women who would generally like wine and specifically Moscato. When that happens, it feels like we’ve broken the mold. It just warms my soul. FDM: What has been your greatest opposition or challenge since starting your company? >


DHB: Chris – Yes! It’s been us as Black people. They would make comments like "why would you put a Black man on this? Don’t do it! It won’t sell!" I’m going to leave it like that. Will – We would get some backlash from our own people. However, we do have a great number of supporters in our community. We respect everyone’s opinion. FDM: What are some of your aspirations in growing your brand? Any thoughts of adding wine or alcohol? DHB: Yes to all of that. Actually, we have an in-house sangria. It’s not quite mass-distributed yet but eventually we will release that. We’ve also experimented on nonalcoholic beer. We also would like to have our own brick and mortar. We also intend to expand into other markets outside of Georgia into other cities.

DHB: Chris – At the end of the day, you have to value your life, have fun—and do you! Will – I feel that we’ve already left a legacy, in that we are the first African American brewing company in Georgia. That’s already in the books. We are proud of who we are! “To thine own self be true.” Chris – We also have to pass this company down to the younger generation to carry the torch—and my son is learning the business and is very helpful already. So, I’m excited about him being involved and making an impact. <

FDM: Being that we are still experiencing social distancing, have you considered leveraging social media to have taste testing and virtual socials and launches? DHB: How about we get you a mixed six pack and you can try them and let the people know what you think? FDM: What’s your strategy post COVID-19? DHB: We are looking for a permanent home for Down Home Brewing Company that will allow our customers to experience us in a different way. FDM: What do you want your legacy to be?




ETIQUETTE Etiquette is about using your manners (behaviors) so that you are comfortable with yourself and, as a result, you are able to make those around you feel comfortable as well. It's about knowing the rules and knowing when it's okay to break them so as to not humiliate others. When you are gracious, thoughtful and kind, other people are attracted to you.

MANNERS Your manners should match the way you dress and the way you'd like others to know you. I can't count the times I've witnessed beautiful people of all ages who have lost their manners, or perhaps they never acquired them in the first place. What about a fabulously dressed woman in feminine attire who walks, sits and speaks like an unrefined man? In many instances, these women just don't know they are behaving inappropriately or projecting a "split image." By ChloĂŠ Taylor Brown





Evergreen with a joyful sound, and a deep desire to create inspired music—that's Louisa Obadan—otherwise known as Louweezar. A UK-based music minister, she writes, sings, composes and also produces her own songs, with even greater aspirations to produce more songs in the foreseeable future. She has recently released the first three singles off her forthcoming album, tunes which express her passion and convey a lifestyle of worship. Louweezar is best described as a woman with a heart of service. Apart from her early formative years in singing and performance troupes, her experience in music ministry is well-seasoned from the many years she spent in teaching and mentoring as a music minister, voice trainer and music director while serving in her local church. She has also worked with other ministries across the world. > FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 46

SO, WE GO FROM "I RISE" TO "I WILL REJOICE"! Louweezar has worked on various projects with numerous Christ-minded ministers, artists, churches and organizations and has shared platforms with many prominent and talented artists. She is passionate about God and the advancement of God’s kingdom. Louweezar has provided supporting and lead vocals on many music projects; she also writes and does voice-overs for products and services. Louweezar desires to continue to create a legacy of music, which she hopes will cause faith to arise in the hearts of the people who come in contact with her music. For where there is faith, the impossible becomes possible. And in a world where there is so much talk about what can’t be done, faith speaks and it is done! Louweezar is always inviting her audience to connect with her, her work, her itinerary and all the in-betweens—as a singer, songwriter, and intentional worshipper. She is a unique performer, made by fire and covered by grace. I recently had the opportunity to chat with Louisa on my radio show about her career, how London is coping with COVID-19, and exploring other aspects of our global commonality. Here are excerpts adapted from our conversation: Paula: Louisa, thank you so much for joining me for this conversation. How are you, all the way from London in the middle of the night? I always get excited when I host guests from across the way in juggling the time difference and the technology. How are you doing? How is your family doing? How are you all co-existing with this pandemic? Louisa: Oh, thank you so much for having me on the show. I really appreciate it. So the family is doing great. We are in London, isolating. Things are getting a little bit better now. We are allowed to go outside for multiple times for FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 47

exercising. It has been an interesting season with COVID-19. It’s like a double-edged sword. It’s a sad time because loads of people are losing their lives. However, it’s also a time where you can take and reflect. You can reconnect with loved ones, reconnect with God. So much is happening in this season. I think it is an opportunity, really. Paula: So, tell me, have the British panicked over the toilet paper as much as the Americans have? Louisa: It was a battle of the toilet paper! Oh, Jesus! It was a horrid, horrid time! You can get it now. I think we can all look back and we are able to laugh now but it was a trying time. Paula: We might not have a can of beans, but we’ve got toilet paper! So, are people conforming? Are people wearing masks? Staying apart from each other? That sort of thing? Louisa: Yes, there’s a really beautiful park near where I live. Even if you tried, you couldn’t recreate that. People were far apart from each other but in a beautiful way. So, you could see the clusters of people. It seems like you could picture it. People are going out and there are lots of masks. I went out today. I ventured out. And it was interesting. The queues are endless. At every point you’ve got a queue—the grocery story, the convenience store, everything you need, you’ve got a queue. Paula: So, for my American audience, a queue is a line. >

Louisa: Oh! We line up! We love the queues. The amazing thing about it is, sometimes you approach a bank and you notice people standing. Sometimes it’s innate; they’re just standing there, and they are not even queuing. And after you have stood there for a while you are like, “are you queuing?” and they are like, “no.” It’s a British thing, guys, it’s a British thing! Paula: So, tell us, what is a typical day for Louisa? Louisa: Well, now given this COVID situation it is really different now. I’ll link it to what is going on now in my local community. A typical day would involve either we get a delivery—a food delivery—if we’ve ordered some groceries. Or if we just need to top off the groceries. Something I started doing, was normally you would get an item delivered to your door. They were coming in, but now they just leave it at the door. I would go down and sometimes their package would go missing. I thought what could I do to extend a hand of fellowship to my neighbors? I would use the call button to let them know they had a package downstairs. They would be like, “oh wow, thank you so much! That was so nice of you!” I found I got to know a few neighbors that way, which is good because prior to COVID-19 we didn’t get a chance to see each other. We would go out early for work or come back in the dead of night and never get to see each other. Another thing within my community is, obviously I sing. We have a community choir, which has brought our community together. It’s amazing how it has brought our local community together even more—and it’s not just where I live. How would you call it, the borough? How would you call it? The province, the neighborhood? Paula: Yes—the block, the neighborhood, the subdivision.


Louisa: Yes, so we’ve got people who are interested in singing, so we all signed up last year, 2019. We didn’t know it was going to be such an instrumental thing to bring people together. The most recent song we did was “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” We didn’t realize what kind of impact it would have—so now a mental health charity in the UK has asked for the video. And this is the week in the UK that is Mental Health Awareness week [the week of May 17th]. They want to use that video to reach out to people. And it’s just doing so much in the community for people who are coming out and singing. And now that we can come out, we are going to probably start singing in the park and get more people to sing together. So COVID has brought some good things out. Paula: You mentioned the parks. There are a lot of open areas. In my travels to the UK I’ve noticed a lot of businessmen sitting in the park eating lunch, or families out in the parks just sitting and enjoying the scenery. Beautiful. And for you to be able to share your gift of music. Share with us some of your projects that over the years have really moved you. Louisa: Oh, wow. That’s a good question. Oh my God, where do I start? This is going back so many years. I'm going to take you guys down memory lane now. Woo! Even going back to my childhood. It has been quite community-focused. So, where I grew up it was like a private estate. And the children inside the private estate—we had dance, and we had music. And then, even growing up—you guys would know this—something they brought over here: the Brownies, the Girl Guides Association. So we used to sing and we would go out to the community. In my church we would sing, and in my local choir in my local community, and going off to university. I’ve always been on the creative side. I've had the privilege of singing backup vocals on quite a lot of projects already. I’ll talk about some in the East Midland area. I’ve worked with some gospel choirs. The House of the Rock Choir—I used to be a part of that ministry. There was something a man of God I knew used to say, “Being a small part of a big thing is better than being a large part of a small thing.” So >

Louisa Obadan—otherwise known as Louweezar—is a multitalented gospel music minister based in London, England.

Louisa (continued): that little contribution over time has enriched me as an individual, and helped me to grow in my craft and contribute to people’s lives. I’m still in touch with people who were trained in the East Midland, people who did not know how to sing a single note—and they are now directing a choir! I get fulfillment from training people and seeing them develop. Paula: That must send chills up your spine to see how the music in people has developed. How have you seen music change over the years? The culture of the music, the rhythm of the music? Louisa: I think music is a powerful tool. Even when you may not understand English or speak the language, music is a powerful tool. It is something that is universal. I see it where culture does influence music, depending on where you are. It's culturally based. You would see certain influences going into the music. However, the message of the music, I think for me, is more important than the cultural influence. Because for me, I believe that— particularly with COVID in Italy when it was really bad—it was music that united the people. So, over time it is definitely evolving, and it will continue to evolve. We are hearing new sounds, within the gospel industry and in gospel music overall. I really believe that, because we serve a God who is not stagnant. He FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 49

is ever changing, so there’s a sound for every season. That’s why we may hear a song, and we may say, "wait a minute, that’s not like a song we have ever heard before." That’s because it’s about God. The message is about God. And He is a God of variety. It’s a privilege to be able to write gospel music. Paula: Tell us about how “I Rise” came about. Louisa: Oh, my days! "I Rise"! So that song—I think it was back in 2016 when I started receiving that song. That song came from a place where I was really already declaring victory—just declaring that I was simply going to receive it in my life. And that was such a long extended time—a long period in my life—a period of wilderness. And it was such a challenge, the song, the lyrics. I was just trying to declare what the word of God said, and some of the scriptures that were coming to my heart in that season. Especially for all our lives. It was especially around Second Corinthians Chapter 2, talking about how God has caused us to triumph in Christ. There’s a part of the song that says, “I triumph in Christ Jesus proclaiming my liberty” because I was feeling confined—and just under such a burden, like literally I was restrained. You know how in dreams, where you can’t do much because everything has been placed this far and no farther for you? It was a song that came out of my desire to see the will of God in my life. >

Paula: So, we go from "I Rise" to "I Will Rejoice"! I always love having these conversations. This is really an example of —people always say that I talk about worldwide conversations. Louisa, you have shared so much about yourself—your journey and daily life in London. And there are so many American listeners who have not set foot outside of the United States. And there is no judgement or anything. A lot of times we form our opinions of each other based on what we read in a book or what we see on television, or what someone may tell us. I always embrace the opportunity to have these conversations so that those who may not have traveled to America or traveled to London can say “my goodness, we are more alike than we are different.” Tell us a bit about “I Will Rejoice.” Louisa: It’s a bold and intentional declaration. It’s out of Psalms. This is a song that was birthed back in 2015. And this is what I want to say. As you can see, these songs were dated a couple of years ago—and that is one thing I have grown to appreciate from God: He is always relevant. If it is a gift, a word, a purpose, a goal, a vision—it’s always relevant because it is from God. Who knew we would be going through COVID during these two songs? "I Will

Rejoice." I will rejoice—irrespective of what I am going through or what season I am going through. Am I going to sing and talk about the Lord? I actually wasn’t in a season of rejoicing when this song came. I was scared—looking over my shoulder—scared that I was going to lose my job. Life was all in my face, so this song just came from within me. Paula: Our time always goes so quickly. You have been a delight. Thank you so very much for joining us. You have brought so much energy to us. This was such a wonderful, refreshing conversation with this gifted woman who lives in London—and stands in line at the grocery, like the rest of us. She is a gifted woman who has been sheltering in place like the rest of us—and competing with others in her community for toilet paper, like the rest of us! She is a gifted woman who is a continent away but one whom we can relate to because we all are, truly—in this thing called life—together. < Find Louisa Obadan's songs on her YouTube Channel, Louweezar. She can also be found on Spotify and anywhere else you listen to music. Paula G. Voice, AKA "Lady Wisdom," is a radio host and sagacious independent lifestyle influencer. Find her on Instagram at @paulagvoice.



She s a little sass and a lot of badass T. Y.





A reader lives a

thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one. ― George R.R. Martin


GROWING NEW "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” — Dylan Thomas

Albert Einstein once wrote in a letter to a friend discussing the subject of death: “The past, present and future are only illusions, however persistent.” According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, time does not “happen” bit by bit—it is stretched out, like space is, in its entirety. Nevertheless, in common thinking, we all buy into the pervasive lie of birth, decline, and death. The path to breaking ourselves of this habit must be in awakening—an awareness of Life as It truly is: Spirit, not matter. We can start by looking at how often we refer to age. And right here and now, we can decide to stop the relentless noting and recording of ages. We can help our children do this too, by avoiding (or at least deemphasizing) the significance of birthdays. We can choose to honor Life each and every day. Like the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, we can happily celebrate all our “unbirthdays.” Giving up birthday celebrations may feel impossible. But we can at least start watching and modifying the words we use. Think about it. Here’s one example: We can’t “grow old”—that's impossible! We can only “grow new”! The fact is, we can never regress. We cannot diminish or degenerate, since we are, each of us, God's good ideas, made in God's image and likeness—not physical entities. Reflecting God, we can only be advancing, never declining. This spiritual fact redeems the phrase “advancing years.” So what difference does it make “how old” we are? Age is an artificial concept that comes from measuring how many times our planet revolves around our sun. Then we decide to connect this number with our identity. But this measurement is an irrelevant exercise. God doesn’t revolve around something and then desire to measure it. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 53

Being Infinite, God—Infinite Being Itself—can’t be measured. God is Life. God just is. Each of us is Life’s offspring—reflecting limitless Life! What if we really took this truth to heart? We all know people who seem younger than their years without plastic surgery or make-up—because of the way they live (that is, because of the way they think). Our attitudes literally shape who we are. Here is a true story from the 1800's, cited in the London medical journal The Lancet, in which a woman does not age: Disappointed in love in her early years, she became insane and lost all account of time. Believing that she was still living in the same hour which parted her from her lover, taking no note of years, she stood daily before the window watching for her lover’s coming. In this mental state she remained young. Having no consciousness of time, she literally grew no older. Some American travellers saw her when she was seventy-four, and supposed her to be a young woman. She had no care-lined face, no wrinkles nor gray hair, but youth sat gently on cheek and brow. Asked to guess her age, those unacquainted with her history conjectured that she must be under twenty.... The bodily results of her belief that she was young manifested the influence of such a belief. She could not age while believing herself young, for the mental state governed the physical.

As 19th-century mind-body-spirit pioneer Mary Baker Eddy wrote, "Impossibilities never occur." One instance like the above proves it's possible for us to be young at any age. Decrepitude is not a law, Eddy concluded, "nor is it a necessity of nature, but an illusion." >

ADVANCING YEARS When we know that even what we perceive as this “moment” or the “now” is simply awareness—without “past,” “present,” or “future”—we can choose, with each and every thought, what we will accept as true about our identity and potential.

The human aging process is only a belief in the passing of time—the belief that growth, decline, and death are predictable and inevitable because of the Earth revolving around the sun. But when we know that even what we perceive as this “moment” or the “now” is simply awareness—without “past,” “present,” or “future”—we can choose, with each and every thought, what we will accept as true about our identity and potential. Dr. Deepak Chopra describes the aging process as simply a manifestation of how we perceive the passage of time, the ways we experience change. For instance, if we always feel we’re lacking enough time, struggling to beat deadlines, etc., the hormone levels stay up, blood pressure is higher, and the heart beats faster; on the other hand, when we’re relaxed, feeling like we have all the time in the world, the body’s rhythms are slower. These perceptions affect all our experiences and therefore our overall well-being and life-span.

This article is adapted from p. 140–142 of Five Smooth Stones: Our Power to Heal without Medicine through the Science of Prayer by Janis Hunt Johnson, Contributing Editor of Flourish Digital Magazine. A spiritual activist and interfaith advocate, her ongoing goal is to teach, preach, and heal, following Jesus' example. She is @CSRenewal on Twitter & CS Renewal on Facebook. Read her blog at www.medium.com/@CS Renewal, and learn more about her editing services at www.askjanis.com. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 54

When death does occur, it is only a transition from one state of consciousness to another based upon our level of understanding of what’s spiritually true. Someone may seem to leave our sight (or when we die we may seem to leave), but this experience happens only because we are limiting our own ways of seeing. Life is eternal. Our loved ones who have passed on continue to progress, even if unseen to human eyes. A person who dies is simply beyond the extent of our awareness, like a ship sailing over the horizon, or a seagull flying off into the distance. <

"We are all growing new each day. Embrace the journey and age beautifully."

I am a girl I am not my covering, my shading. I am so much more. I am a human being, a person. Please...see beyond my skin tone. "I Am a Girl: My Father, My Hero by Gayle McKine is raw and real, pulling no punches about the current plight of the relationship between daughters and fathers. Replete with unforgettable imagery, questions that beg for discussion and a voice that refuses to be extinguished, it is well-suited for the stage or classrooms across the world." —Susan Brown, Founder & CEO, Impact Coaching, LLC

Gayle McKine has worn many hats. She is a wife, mom, creator, published author and entrepreneur. She is a proud Air Force veteran, realtor, Bible study fellowship (BSF Int'l) teaching leader, and co-founder, YourTrue Inc., a faith-based nonprofit youth empowerment organization. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 55



Is it just luck we’re in the right place at the right time? Do you believe there is a reason for everything—even though it can be hard to see that reason? Finding yourself in unexpected situations, do you brush it off, or do find yourself inspired in That Moment? Each one of us has an amazing gift, being blessed with a soul that emulates miraculous energy, and a mind that makes choices for the life we live. We all encounter unusual experiences at one time or another; then suddenly we realize it’s not just luck, or coincidence. We are being guided by a higher power for reasons unknown to us until That Moment Right now, the world is experiencing a unique, historical event, which will be remembered as the only time we all were sequestered to our homes simultaneously. Soon, our thoughts begin reeling; we all started questioning the unknown before us. Have strength, stay positive, and keep your faith, knowing, there’s a reason for everything! So many of us have lost jobs, while others work from home. Some are alone. Others are overwhelmed with family all around. And don’t forget those in the midst of the chaos.

You have the time—what are you waiting for? Take an online course to improve skills, learn a new language, change or improve the direction of your career.

In all cases, gain strength from within. Embrace this time as an opportunity to do something positive for yourself and others. You have the time—what are you waiting for? Take an online course to improve skills, learn a new language, change or improve the direction of your career. Make up dance routines. Put up a hoop to play basketball with your family. Set up a fitness plan. Take turns Zooming or Skyping your friends, each of you sharing how to make a favorite dish. No matter what you do, share some positive light and find ways to help others in some way. We’ve been given this time in our lives for a reason. Who knows? Maybe it’s just to see what’s important in our lives—to be grateful for who we are and what we have.

Create a positive change, connect with those who need comfort, share virtual, meaningful hugs with those who need it. It may be nothing for you to do, but it may mean everything to someone alone. When you help others, the return is tenfold, and can take your life in a different direction at That Moment. <

If you love reading truly inspiring, funny, thought-provoking stories, That Moment is a must-read, already with 40,000 readers worldwide. This book will encourage you in your own life. Order a copy signed by the author, and give another to a friend. Learn more at www.ccchampagne.com.











At Ragz 2 Richez We Make Old Things New Again "Refurbished Princess Diana Doll"



THE ZEN OF Generation Z!

Holly Moore-McMiller Cornell University College of Engineering '20 Operations Research Engineering FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 60

A Commencement Letter From a 2020 Grad By Holly Moore-McMiller

Roughly two weeks ago I graduated from college. I am a 21-year-old Black woman with a degree in operations research engineering from an Ivy League university. Although I am immensely proud of all my accomplishments, the lack of a graduation ceremony for 2020 graduates has left me feeling dispirited at times. To cheer myself and any other graduates up, I have written a message to the class of 2020 everywhere. Firstly, congratulations to all graduates and to your parents and families who are celebrating with you today and who will cheer you on to your next steps.

In Hebrew and Yiddish, the phrase for “congratulations” is Mazel tov, which literally translates to “good luck.” Congratulations on the hard work you have put in thus far, which has brought you to today’s commencement, and good luck for what commences now: the rest of your life. With a deadly pandemic ablaze and a revolutionary rebellion against racism and police brutality, we are currently living in unprecedented times. The problems in today’s society were constructed by the generations behind us. However, it is up to us, 2020 grads, to find solutions that reflect our values in order to construct a better future for the generations ahead of us. As an engineer, I know a little bit about solving problems! Operations research is a field closely related to applied math. I’ve studied a great deal of statistics, computer science, and high-level math theory. In my studies, I’ve taken real-world information and built mathematical models to help answer simple questions such as “how many newspapers should a newsstand stock so they never run out each day?” or “how can a university schedule exams such that each student does not have two tests scheduled at the same time in different locations?” You’re probably thinking, “seems basic enough but I have no clue how to go about finding the solution.” Thankfully, I am not writing today to explain the technical approach to solving these problems. Instead, I’m going to spoil a part of the solution process. So listen very closely. If you wanted to solve any of these problems mathematically, it’s important to fully consider all uncertainty. >

"As an engineer, I know a little bit about solving problems!" Holly Moore-McMiller is a 2020 Cornell University graduate from the College of Engineering in Operations Research Engineering


WHY GENERATION Z IS ZEN What does this mean? We all know that life is unpredictable, so you can’t accurately calculate the perfect number of newspapers to keep in stock if you don’t account for the fact that news headlines are a little bit more popular on some days than others. When you build a model, you have to consider the randomness of everyday life in order to ensure that your answer is as realistic as possible. No one could have anticipated that we’d have to have our graduation from our living rooms or outside in our driveways, but it’s happening. Even though the uncertainty and unknowns surrounding this pandemic have been overwhelming at times, I cannot sugarcoat this message by promising things will be easier and "go back to normal." Things will not get easier and you will face a lot of problems— some that seem more complicated than others. And when you face these challenges, I hope you’re able to take a step back and consider the fact that the solution you are looking for is not necessarily going to solve all the problems of the world. The question is “who are you?” and the answer to this question comes from your ability to adapt and overcome any obstacles that you will face. We have already proven to the whole world that we are an adaptable cohort. So to finish my message, FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 62

I hope and pray that we take this attribute with us throughout the rest of our lives, and cherish the humility that it has bestowed upon us. That way, we won’t even bat an eye when a zombie apocalypse occurs in five years! <




Generation Z: 1995–2010 Let's start talking about our newest generation—how to understand them, reach them and connect.

A 2014 Gen Z Study Generation Z students self-identify as being loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible, and determined.

Gen Z's Personal Values The most important personal values to Gen Z's are helping their families and themselves get ahead in life (both 27%), followed by honesty (26%).

04 An Educated, Well-Behaved, Stressed & Depressed Group Mental depression is more common among Gen Z than any previous generation, with increased technological and online dependence and decreased face-to-face interaction as a key cause.

A FULL-CIRCLE LIFE FOR A YOUNG MAN Finding Myself After Sports By Brennan Suttle No matter how fast it moves, life seems to always come full circle. Looking back I was always very animated as a kid. I distinctly remember performing a scene from Star Wars for the school talent show. Being so young at the time I did not care what others thought about the performance, nor did I even ask if people liked it or not. My only goal was to have fun and let imagination soar. I felt so free in the moment—I didn’t even blink at the fact the entire school was watching. I never thought of that experience as acting—until recently. My high school life revolved around sports. I was fortunate enough that my athletic ability kept me busy year-round. I not only participated but excelled in the three sports that I played: football, basketball, and soccer. Most people around the school knew me as an athlete, and I was perfectly fine with that. However, what most did not know was that I had drama classes on my schedule. It was in those classes where I began to have the vision of becoming a professional actor. > FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 63

HOLD ON TO YOUR VISION & DREAMS The marvelous feedback I received from the teacher made me realize I had preeminent skills. Being approached to do a play for the school came to me as a shock but not a surprise. There was only one problem: time. The play took place during the same time as the football season, and the team could not play without their quarterback. As much as I wanted to perform on stage, I chose to continue my path as an athlete. The way I felt my teammates would view me if I quit to act in the play affected my decision. I watched every play that the school produced and visualized myself as some of the characters. My vision was still in place although all my time was allocated to football. A few years went by and all I focused on was athletics. I even went on to play college football out of state and the vision still stuck. It was not until I moved back to Atlanta that I decided to act upon my vision. I am no longer concerned about what others think. I now have tunnel vision. Earlier this year, during the shooting of a short film set to release in 2021, I began to feel like that fearless kid at the talent show again. I felt certain I belonged in that environment. Now that I am comfortable and confident with my true self, I am excited about what my career has in store. <

I Am Brennen Suttle, Actor.


“OK, Maybe” My New Answer I first started using the phrase after overcommitting to things in the past.


"The world is under fire right now, and it’s perfectly fine and necessary to put yourself and your mental health first." “Never say never,” “say yes to life,” and “don’t be afraid to try new things”! These are common words of encouragement, which I have heard my entire life that cater towards a glass-half-full perspective. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been an optimist, but during these past three months what with the COVID-19 pandemic, the never-ending self-quarantine, and the current human rights crisis of police brutality towards Black people, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by any menial task. Really. Here’s the thing. You can only say yes to so many things before you start feeling fatigue and experiencing burnout—and these current events are considered a huge trauma for anyone living on this planet. I have to remind myself that it’s okay to say “no” sometimes. As someone who is typically a “yes” person, I’ve changed my go-to “yes/of course/no problem” answer to something not quite as bold as “no,” but which also simultaneously gives me the immediate relief of a “no”: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you “OK, maybe”! My life has been all the better for it. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 66

The single phrase “OK, maybe” is absolutely necessary in any girl’s life, and I’m personally convinced it has superpowers. It’s almost as if it freezes time so that you don’t immediately have to commit to or turn down something. It gives you time to reflect on whether this is something that you want to do and not just something that you can do. Most importantly, you could also just choose to never follow up! Of course, it’s important to take responsibility as a young adult and eventually give an answer; but the “OK, maybe,” although vague, is still an answer! I first started using the phrase after overcommitting to things in the past. After my university sent us home because of the pandemic, I immediately started feeling overwhelmed and helpless sitting at home in quarantine, while my mother, who is a physician, had to screen people for the virus every day. Since I am an ambassador for my school, there were many things I was supposed to be doing to reach out to incoming freshmen for my major, and I would agree to do everything Admissions asked me to do; but because >

Exploring My Options I was overwhelmed, it wasn’t my best work; and the connections I attempted to make with new students weren’t genuine. From that point on, I had to ask myself, what does it benefit me to say "yes" to everything? I’ll just procrastinate, feel ashamed, and inevitably underdeliver. So, when one day came up and my friend asked if I could submit a congratulations video for the seniors of my former high school, I hit her back with an “OK, maybe”...and then I never followed up! And you know what? My life was better for it. Nothing bad happened, our friendship was completely unaffected, and I didn’t feel overwhelmed with yet another menial task. In all honesty, women culture is sort of like a giving tree, in that we take on the bulk of the responsibility to help others, and we very seldom say "no," but at some point you have to decide when enough is enough. Our energy is finite. So I’ve found it to be incredibly empowering to just say “um, OK, maybe” to something that doesn’t quite interest me. The truth is, you don’t know if you’ll have enough time to do it; or, you just know for a fact that you’ll never do it. There are some responsibilities that we can’t get out of doing, so there’s no need to pile up a bunch of superfluous things on our plate as well. The world is under fire right now, and it’s perfectly fine and necessary to put yourself and your mental health first. If catching up with your girlfriends over a Zoom conference is too much to handle and you’re feeling kind of lazy, put an “OK, maybe” in the group chat, and then take a nap. You deserve it! Just don’t say an outright "no"—that’s kind of harsh! <


"I’ve changed my go-to 'yes/of course/ no problem' answer to something not quite as bold as 'no,' but which also simultaneously gives me the immediate relief of a 'no.'"

This is an unprecedented time of uncertainty and change. A global health crisis in February became a global economic crisis by March. Since then, whole industries either shut down or adapted in an era of social distancing and shelter in place. And more than 20 million Americans lost their jobs, surpassing the worst unemployment rate of the Great Recession.* The horrific death of George Floyd on Memorial Day swiftly became a crisis of conscience for our nation’s leaders. Since then, we’ve heard government, corporate, community and religious leaders declare their outrage at the pervasive institutional injustice and inequal treatment of men and women of color and their promises of meaningful change.


We’ve felt a whole range of emotions from fear to sadness to anger to hope. With the confluence of crises, we are also feeling confusion and uncertainty because we don’t know what will happen in the future. While the rules about money have not changed, there are some things you can do to help your finances while the world ushers in the New Normal. >



TO PIVOT PIVOT #1 CHECK OUT GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS The federal government has offered several assistance programs for individuals, families and small business owners. Many states are also offering assistance and guidance for small business owners. You may not have needed help yet, but with the prospect of another coronavirus wave, it’s a good idea to know what’s available.

Here are links to helpful government websites: https://www.usa.gov/coronavirus https://www.sba.gov/page/coronaviruscovid-19-small-business-guidance-loanresources https://www.usda.gov/media/pressreleases/2020/04/17/usda-announcescoronavirus-food-assistance-program https://www.uschamber.com/co/run/busi ness-financing/state-governmentcoronavirus-assistance-guide >


FINANCIAL PIVOTS PIVOT #2 NEGOTIATE YOUR DEBT You may be trying to figure out how to pay your mortgage, car loan, or credit card debt. Everyone is going through difficult times right now, so most lenders are open to negotiating a temporary payment arrangement or suspension of payments. Check out your lender’s website for more information. If you are a tenant facing eviction or if you are in danger of having your utilities cut off, many states, counties and cities have placed a moratorium on evictions and utility disconnections. Here’s a link to a chart that shows state-level protections for tenants: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/emergency-bans-on-evictionsand-other-tenant-protections-related-to-coronavirus.html.

PIVOT #3 START A NEW BUSINESS I’ve been an attorney for more than 30 years and worked as in-house counsel for one of the largest financial services companies in the world. During my last 4 years at Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc., Transamerica Financial Group Division, I served as president of their broker-dealer with the largest number of registered representatives. The job was an incredible experience but required extensive travel that took me away from my family. So, I left the corporate side and started my own law firm and my own financial business. Now, I have more than one stream of income and I control my time. An unexpected crisis may interrupt the cash flow from one income source, but may not affect all of them. In these uncertain times, I’ve actually seen an increase in both of my businesses as people feel an urgency to put their estate-planning documents in place and are seeking guidance about their finances. Have you thought about multiple streams of income? You may have considered starting a business in the past but it wasn’t the right time or you were too busy. Now is exactly the time to seriously examine the possibilities. What have you always wanted to do? What are your talents and abilities? What new business opportunities do these times present? >


FINANCIAL PIVOTS PIVOT #4 LEARN HOW MONEY WORKS Now is the time to learn basic financial concepts and how they apply to your financial situation and goals. We teach people about the 7 Money Milestones to financial independence. You should make sure each Milestone is addressed, but some may be more important at different times in your life.

1. Financial Education 2. Proper Protection 3. Emergency Fund 4. Reduce Debt 5. Increase Cash Flow 6. Build Wealth 7. Protect Wealth

PIVOT #5 PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE NEXT CRISIS The most financially successful people see opportunities in times of crisis and take advantage of the moment to re-evaluate, re-position and reinvent. Step outside of your current situation and look at the bigger picture. Some people may be resigned to lowering their financial goals in light of what’s going on. Don’t give in to the negativity. Think about how this moment can help you improve your finances and what you can do now to prepare yourself for any future crisis. < *Andrew Soergel, “Unemployment Highest Since Great Depression as Coronavirus Collapses Labor Market,” U.S. News & World Report, May 8, 2020.

For a complimentary copy of the book How Money Works by Steve Siebold and Tom Mathews, email Kim at kim.scouller@wealthwave.com. Visit her website at https://wealthwave.com/kimscouller to learn more. 259165 – WFG06.20



As we face challenging times, the ExV Agency and Women Building Women have taken their three core values to create a list of action items that any business can implement—to help grow visibility, encourage network growth and build support and collaboration within their business community. 1. EMPOWER

The ExV Agency’s business grew exponentially after Karen and Frank merged their businesses. A good exercise for any business affected by the lockdown is to research businesses and individuals that have a like-minded work ethic and the same core values. Start having conversations, explore ways to support other businesses and collaborate without having to sign a merger or partnership deal on a dotted line right away. You may find that by working with others in similar business fields, you will not only grow your strength as a business due to a mix of unique skills being brought together, but you will also learn new ways to streamline systems within your business so you can focus on your strengths and on the portions of the business you are truly good at. Exploratory collaborations could empower your business beyond measure in a short period of time. A good way to better position your business during a time of uncertainty is bringing different viewpoints to your table. > FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 72

2. EDUCATE Be a lifelong student. Challenge yourself to learn something about what you do (and something you don’t) every day. At ExV Agency, we made it our mission to continue to learn and educate ourselves, not only about our business, but also about how we can truly create a positive impact for others. When we initially merged our businesses, which both served the hospitality and events industry, we conducted deep-dive studies on the best modality to run live events. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we studied the best way to pivot our business from a live to a digital forum. We are also continuing our studies in equality, diversity and human rights. We encourage all businesses to look at free education modules, Zoom discussions and ways to learn how to grow a business or adopt pivot strategies if necessary. There are many incredible, free, business resources readily available online, and some complimentary courses are even offered through the world’s leading Ivy League universities.


3. ELEVATE Change the way you look at LinkedIn. LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media platforms for promoting business and network growth—if used correctly. Personalized, heartfelt, concise notes to executives or professionals you’d like to connect with go much further than cheesy sales pitches or simple “let’s connect, we have people in common” messages. Those messages are easy to ignore and often go unread or are quickly deleted. The ExV Agency offers LinkedIn training and focuses lessons on business and network growth conversion through the LinkedIn platform. As we are stuck at home, one of the most effective ways to elevate your business and grow your network is to use LinkedIn correctly. A well-positioned LinkedIn message could lead to true relationship building, business growth and connection. <

The ExV Agency, based in New York City, creates innovative, short-term marketing strategies to highlight opportunities within companies to boost visibility and brand recognition. The ExV Agency is a minority-, woman- and LGBTQIA+-owned business owned by Karen Gamba and Frank Carlisi, who are also the co-creative team behind Women Building Women, a nonprofit organization focused on diversity and inclusion initiatives for women. Karen and Frank focus on three core values: EMPOWER, EDUCATE, ELEVATE. Karen, Frank and their teams apply these three core values throughout their nonprofit work and the work they do at ExV Agency. FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 73

For a consultation on LinkedIn training platforms, 30-day marketing and visibility initiatives, and digital conversation forums, set up a complimentary 20-minute consultation with Karen & Frank at: https://exv-agency.com/contact-us

? e m a g n i k s r u o y s ' What

By Lyn Ross

Even your skin tone with the Institut’ DERMed™ Chromabright Serum. Hyperpigmentation or skin discoloration is caused by overexposure to sunlight, hormonal imbalance or injury to the skin, which stimulate melanocyte cell production in an effort to protect our skin. >

e n o t n i k love your s Melanin is produced by melanocyte cells, and UV light stimulates melanocyte activity. Hyperpigmentation is recognizable by dark spots that appear on the skin following a trauma.

Melasma—a different type of hyperpigmentation— is due to hormonal imbalance and is commonly referred to as 'the mask of pregnancy' because it appears in dark patches. Once the melanocytes have been activated, they are not going away on their own. The best way to gain control over dark spots is to inhibit production in the first place. To do this we use skincare ingredients that are tyrosinase inhibitors. Tyrosinase is an enzyme present in the bottom layers of our skin—catalysts in the production of melanin.

Inhibiting this overproduction helps to slow down the melanocyte cell activity, and—along with antioxidants that inhibit free radicals —make it possible to prevent hyperpigmentation by using topical brightening skincare products.

The Glycolic Acid in the Chromabright formula is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid derived from sugar cane to promote new cell growth, stimulate collagen production, increase epidermal volume and inhibit free radical activity.

Institut’ DERMed Chromabright Serum, (chosen as a "Hot Product Pick" by the editors of American Spa Magazine), contains Chromanyl Palmitate, a brightening active molecule which acts by inhibiting tyrosinase and therefore interfering with abnormal melanin production. Chromanyl Palmitate is a new patented active molecule for skin brightening without the cytotoxicity of hydroquinone. It is also photo protective and has proven in trials to have higher melanogenesis inhibition (blocking melanin pathways) than Arbutin, MAP, and Kojic Acid. With daily use, Chromabright has similar results to hydroquinone—without the risk of skin sensitivity.

Long-term daily application of Institut’ DERMed Chromabright Serum helps to strengthen our skin’s defenses, while fading dark spots and providing potent antioxidants to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and brighten the skin tone.

Combined with the power of super antioxidant and lifting agent Glycolic Acid diminishes the appearance of dark spots, and evens the skin tone.


One of the most important aspects of any good skincare treatment is the use of skincare products in a home care routine. Use daily— morning and evening—for best results. This serum may also be used on the chest, the back of hands and the body.

Lyn Ross, Flourish Digital Magazine's Beauty Editor, Master Esthetician & Founder of Institut' DERMed. www.idermed.com

y s ea summer THE LIZZ RUSSELL COLLECTION Model Francesca Bacoy in LIZZ RUSSELL's silver metallic jumpsuit from the Summer Sparkle Collection. www.lizzrussell.com >


This floral caftan from the LIZZ RUSSELL Love Collection can be worn to cocktail parties, the beach, and even on a mountaintop in Bahrain. >


This LIZZ RUSSELL silk chiffon leopard wraparound flared maxi skirt is flawless, easy and stylish for any body shape. <


SUMMER SOLITUDE IN THE MIDST OF COVID-19 It seems as though we will be going into an extended period of social distancing, and experiencing more isolation. We have to deal with it; and because we must, let's do all we can to be intentional about our personal development. Take care of yourself, take walks, keep your sexy on and make sure to find something to laugh about. Make a daily list of things, experiences and people you adore and appreciate. Call them. And most importantly, pay attention to your thoughts and how you feel about what you're thinking. Be intentional about coming out better. Lyndon Winchester, Model Seane Shaw, Photographer


She is Earthly Augustin—Chef, Wellness Consultant & Model



Photography: Abbie Knights, Kimani Media Group




LEVERAGING LINGERIE Get ready to have some skin in the game this summer with lingerie-style fashion taking center stage in the fun ways that summer allows. From lounging in the bedroom, to the pool, to the streets and night life, be prepared to see peek-a-boo bralettes that shine, shimmer and stand out as well as full-on head-to-toe street lingerie. If you're not that bold, then incorporate hints of pretty lingerie quietly under a blouse or jacket; but, if you are that girl, then let 'er rip. The Kardashians have been rockin' this trend for a while now under bright-colored bondage dresses and long, oversized jackets. So why not you? Literally every woman can add this sexiness somewhere in her closet to jazz up a defining look that fits her personality. It's time to breathe new life into your wardrobe with this sultry, show-stopping style that could become one of your staple pieces. By Michelle Lynch, Flourish Digital Magazine's Fashion & Style Contributor www.posheproductions.com


How to Submerge Yourself into a COVID-19 Summer TRACY SEANE





Make A Splash. No one knows for sure, but it's been said that taking a dip in the pool is safe because the chlorine in swimming pools disables the coronavirus—along with wide-open spaces, sunshine, and avoiding large crowds. Let's continue to maintain social distancing and limit the spread of COVID-19.


AMY PAZAHANICK "I Followed My Heart and Created Agape Tennis Academy."

Sitting in an empty apartment building in the spring of 2012, I am writing down words to summarize why I am embarking on a new, risky journey—the journey of starting my own business. I needed a reason—a reason to justify the major risk, fear and uncertainty. I needed to know my why. I wrote down in no particular order the words responsibility, attitude, honesty, teamwork, and excellence. My pencil stopped, and I felt that those five words were sufficient. Goosebumps came across my body as I realized that the first letters of each of the five words, when rearranged, spelled HEART. Already, I had decided to call my tennis academy, Agape, which is a Greek word meaning unconditional love. I decided that the academy needed to be a place where everyone in the community would be welcome, a place where people felt they belonged: a place of love. >


Agape Tennis Academy has experienced tremendous growth since its birth in 2012. Agape Tennis now manages four facilities, with a total of 68 tennis courts, 30 pickleball courts, and a team of 40-plus employees across Atlanta and Macon, Georgia—with no plans of slowing down. It was impossible to know looking forward how perfectly everything would play out. I trusted my intuition and listened to my heart more than I listen to my head. Steve Jobs once said, “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma.” I have found this to be very true in my life. The secret to my team's success can be defined in one word: care. At our organization, we care. We care about our students of all ages, we care about their development—as players, but more importantly as people. We care about our community and our responsibility in the communities

we serve. We recognize that sport can be used as a vehicle to bring people together. Our mission at Agape is to bring people and communities together through tennis—and just recently, pickleball. Agape serves four large public facilities in Atlanta and Macon. Our facilities serve an extremely diverse clientele—culturally, ethnically and racially. We do not take our place in society lightly. We know we are here to serve the community for good at this perfect time in human history. Starting a business, staying in business, and thriving in business takes a tremendous about of blood, sweat and tears. And there is no way you can do it alone. The bigger your ambitions, the greater your team needs to be. Much of the success of Agape hinges on the ability of our team to work well together. The journey of going from a tennis player, to Division-I collegiate athlete, to tennis coach, to business owner, to one of the leading businesswomen in the tennis industry is a big transition. My team has helped me tremendously along the way. <


Amy's 7 Keys to Reaching Your Full Potential in Becoming, Creating and Accomplishing Your Goals 1. Stay open to constantly improving. Never stop learning. 2. Stay humble. 3. Stay focused and committed to your passion singularly—or what I call keeping your tunnel vision. 4. Follow your heart. 5. Know your why. 6. Make your voice the loudest and most important when chasing your dreams. 7. Never give up. Never, never, never.

Amy Pazahanick, CEO & Founder of Agape Tennis Academy & Agape Tennis Foundation www.agapetennisacademy.com




CARTAGENA, MARSHA'S 100TH SECOND HOME When it’s time to resume your vacation plans, make sure Cartagena, Colombia is on your list—at the top. There are endless things to do in Cartagena, and luckily for me, I returned home from Cartagena just days before the country locked its borders and outbound U.S. travel came to a halt. During this down time in quarantine, polish up on your Spanish—but don’t stress, the Colombians will do their best to understand your requests. Once you decide, carve out at least a week on your calendar and book your accommodations for Cartagena. The Setting The culture is vibrant—music is playing everywhere. Brightly painted walls, bougainvillea pouring out over balconies and plenty of drinks to stay refreshed paint a picture-perfect postcard. The fresh fruit is unavoidable and tempting. The city is walkable, beautiful beaches are nearby and a whole culinary world waits to be discovered. Pair this with the locals’ friendly welcome, and you’ll definitely be referring to Cartagena as your favorite city—even before you’ve returned back home. The Vibe Cartagena has recently become a massive attraction for tourists. Travelers can enjoy visiting this beautiful coast due to the convenient flight prices and multiple direct flights. In Cartagena, you can relax on the charming beaches and explore the lovely city center. You’ll be surprised how wonderful it is to admire the historical attractions under the warmth of the sun, which typically hovers around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, year-round. The Scene Most of the hotels and local shops are located within a walkable distance to shopping and attractions. In Cartagena, there’s really no bad location—and the Airbnb market is exploding there, so if you really want your own quarters, go for it, often at half the price of a hotel. When it comes to the hotels, the majority of them require their staff members to be bilingual, so don’t let the language barrier stop you.


Spending a few days in this amazing city will make you want to travel around the whole country. That’s the Colombian effect: The cities will only make you crave more adventure. >

A FEW MUST-DO’S IN CARTAGENA The Locals Spending time in the Walled City—the area of Colombia built in the 16th century to protect the country against pirates—is asking for a love affair with Colombia. Some of the best restaurants are located there, and the best sightseeing opportunities are right inside the Walled City; so if you can, book part of your accommodations there and experience the area by day and by night. Inside the famed Walled City, you’ll spot the palenqueras: Black women in colorful dresses expertly balancing bowls of tropical fruit on their heads. With their wide smiles and bold-colored dresses, they make for great photos. For a few dollars, you’ll definitely walk away with an Insta-worthy photo that will rack up more likes on your social media than miles on your frequentflyer account. Head a little further north, and visit Getsemani, which is just right outside of the Walled City, and an up-andcoming hipster neighborhood with colorful colonial architecture. Speaking of architecture, if that’s your thing, make sure your phone is fully charged at all times, because the open doors, oval windows and fanciful door knockers are a reflection of the colonial city's social history. <

ENJOY YOURSELF IN CARTAGENA Plan ahead. Accommodations inside the Walled City go fast. If you can, try to book at Hotel San Agustin. Explore the city by foot. It’s relatively safe; just be aware of the pickpockets. While you’re on the go, a fannie pack is better than a back pocket. Enjoy the street food. Arepa de huevos and fresh limeade are a must. Hop on an open-air party bus one evening, grab a light jacket and get ready to drink, dance and be bounced around to the beat of popular Colombian rhythms. If Spanish is not your first language, here’s the three words you must know in Cartagena: mojarra pargo frito. This is the signature dish in Colombia—fried fish and coconut rice. It will run you about 7 US dollars per plate. No need to bring a lot of cash. You’re better off using your US debit card to withdraw pesos, the local currency ($1= approximately 3,700 pesos). Many of the ATM’s are free, with no fees. The exchange rate definitely works in your favor.


Visit Fidel’s at night—inside the Walled City. Bring your dancing shoes. Fill your room with bottled water—don’t drink the tap water. Play dress-up. Visit the market and buy some of the local attire and live life like a local. Take a step further and head to the beach on a Saturday when the locals pack the sands and the fresh ceviche food carts pass you by the minute. Visit any rooftop for cocktails. The access to all of them is free and the view alone is enough to spark up conversation. And, finally, shop and return home with some Colombian art. The vibrant colors, and the fact that you'll be supporting local artists means you just can't leave Colombia without it.

A LUXURY SPA GETAWAY IN SWITZERLAND BY AVA ROXANNE STRITT All this time at home has many people longing for an epic escape. For many, it has exasperated an already strong case of wanderlust. As soon as travel restrictions permit, we are already planning our next adventure. In addition, the global health pandemic has driven home more than ever how important our wellness is. >

S T .

M O R I T Z ,



THE CHARMING VILLAGE OF ST. MORITZ, SWITZERLAND Combine the desire for the queen of all vacations with the need for self-care and wellness, and you’ve got a world-class, luxury spa getaway in Switzerland at the historic Badrutt’s Palace Hotel. Badrutt’s Palace dates back to the late 1800's, so it’s been through all kinds of ups and downs; it is ready to welcome guests back starting the first week of July. When you arrive at this magical destination, you will be transported far away from the stress of our current reality. There has never been a time where an escape like this, built in the heart of the enchanted Swiss Alps and steeped in tradition, is more necessary. Badrutt’s Palace is located in the charming village of St. Moritz, a famous ski spot that has welcomed a long list of celebrities, from Charlie Chaplin to John Lennon and George Clooney. (Don’t miss the Hitchcock Suite, where Alfred Hitchcock liked to stay.) The top-of-the-line service at the hotel frees you from obligation and worry, as the staff handles everything you need. Suites include your own personal butler (including one suite with its own marble entrance hall and library). Enjoy complimentary transportation around town in a Rolls Royce. Marble bathrooms have rain showers and cozy bathrobes. Minibars feature complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages—not to mention the wine cellar here, boasting more than 30,000 bottles.


It’s all about the little details that make a big impact at Badrutt’s Palace. For example, at night, staff puts a hot water bottle under your sheets to warm the bed. It even comes with a sweet little note. Relax (and drop those cortisol levels) at the incredible pool and spa area, accessible via a tunnel from the main building. The heated pool is surrounded by glass, with full views of the mountains, especially romantic and cozy when there’s snow falling outside. Guests also love the granite diving rock. Yes, a special rock just for diving. The spa is my personal favorite highlight here, and the best way to make the most of it is to book your own private spa suite, complete with a Jacuzzi tub, steam bath and cozy furniture. The Suite Iris even has its own personal garden for the ultimate peaceful pampering experience—while also minimizing interactions with other guests. (In COVID-19 times, this is a priceless offering for travelers.) The spa offers an extensive treatment list, from traditional deep tissue massages to more unique offerings, such as a cleanse using detoxifying alpine herbs. So you can relax your mind, reduce your stress and boost your health, all in a serene and scenic Swiss wonderland. The spa area also includes an indoor infinity pool, a steam room, ice room, mist room, salt steam room and more—all of which can be combined to boost your health and create a memorable, luxurious, healthy European adventure. >


Another one-of-a-kind offering at the Badrutt’s Palace is its outdoor sauna, made out of an old gondola — the perfect afterskiing treat. Two old gondolas, with their existing wooden benches plus hot coals, have been converted into perhaps the world’s quirkiest saunas.

Round out your healthy vacation with nutritious food, such as an inventive dinner at Igniv or a traditional Swiss meal in a former farmhouse from the 1600's. Then, each afternoon, toast your health and happiness with traditional tea in Le Grand Hall. Your mind and body will thank you for this trip. AVA ROXANNE STRITT IS A TRAVEL JOURNALIST, OFTEN DESCRIBED AS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN THE WORLD ON SPA TRAVEL, AND A TOP AUTHORITY ON LUXURY TRAVEL. FOLLOW HER ON INSTAGRAM AT @SPATRAVELGAL WWW.SPATRAVELGAL.COM


June through September is a wonderful time for the summer season, and November through March for the busy winter season. Badrutt’s Palace has taken special measures to keep guests safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the efforts, beyond following the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health’s rules and regulations, include limiting the number of guests allowed in elevators; giving guests their own box of personal protective equipment; no added cost for in-room dining; outdoor dining options and plenty of space between tables at the on-site restaurants; an on-hand doctor and medical clinic; and many more. <







Karen and I are different yet so very similar! We're both "soft & strong" and both on a fun, meaningful mission to empower others. I had the privilege of meeting Karen Gamba a couple of years ago in Durban, South Africa. We were both there for the seventh installment of The Mbokodo Awards, Honoring Women in the Arts, conveyed and produced by the phenomenal Carol Lindiwe Bouwer of Carol Bouwer Productions in Cape Town, South Africa. Karen was born and grew up in Kimberly, South Africa, which is in the heart of South Africa and where the most beautiful diamonds are found, including the Hope Diamond. She lights up like a lamp on a stand as she shares the fact that Kimberly was the second town in the world—following New York City—to have electricity and streetlights. Karen grew up dreaming of being a writer and journalist, and brought those dreams to New York City with her, where she currently lives and works. She believes the fastest way to build rapport and connect with other people is by telling stories. She is the creator of Women Building Women, an organization that creates business opportunities for women and members of the LGBTQIA+ community through thoughtleadership training and mentorship from women, LGBTQIA+ community leaders

and change-makers, across industries. Karen is also the co-founder of BlueJay Pictures, a minority-owned short-film production company focused on socially conscious content that emphasizes community understanding through entertainment. After 14 years in corporate and business development for international law firms, Karen saw a deep lack of diversity when it came to company thoughtleadership representation. Companies were constantly represented by a certain demographic and were severely lacking in the representation of women and diverse leaders at company events, conferences and forums. And what do you think Karen did? She first approached Real Estate Weekly, a real estate publication in New York City, to initiate the annual Real Estate Weekly Women’s Forum. This event supports and empowers women leaders in real estate, development and construction to be proudly represented at a forum created for women, by women. Since 2011, every year this event draws over 500 women at its annual breakfast held in New York City. >


Karen and Chloé in Durban, South Africa for The Mbokodo Conference and Awards

Karen Gambo is working to make a difference in diversity, inclusion and equality.

A sold-out 500+-capacity Women Building Women event, pre-COVID-19

Karen has the ability to lead with a refreshing feminine appeal of kindness and focus—as well as the ability to listen, learn, take notes, research, ask questions and practice what she has learned in order to implement her strategies to perfection.

Indeed, Karen knows how to maintain and enhance a strong position in manifesting what she wants to accomplish in business for herself and for those she works with. Karen makes a social impact by delivering what she promises to her Take a peek into a day international partners, the same time providing a platform for in thewhile life of at budding women and her clients to rise up by telling their stories, minding their artist Stella Young, “business” and growing from an authentic place. I love that Karen and her and howitshe improves team intentionally shineher the spotlight on others. She tells me with craft unwavering confidence, “I realized I don’t have to wait for a woman to be invited to a forum to speak. I can create the forum and invite her.” Her series, “Against The Current” produced more than 30 events in 2019 and showcased young leaders and senior women who have rarely had the opportunity to share about their thought leadership at industry conferences or events. Karen represents senior executives in industries including private equity, real estate, bio/pharma, sports, entertainment, the nonprofit sector and the arts. Her strategic focus on connecting businesses through corporate responsibility and social impact has been the cornerstone of her mission. >


"I always try to put myself in other people’s shoes, no matter if I agree with them or not."

—Karen Gamba

In 2017, she was nominated by the Star Network for the “Stars Under 40” award, which highlights contributions to community upliftment around New York City. She also received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from United States Congress in recognition of exemplary and invaluable service to the community as well as the “Women Celebrating Women” award issued from The Council of The City of New York. Karen is an international speaker and moderator. In 2019, she was asked to speak at an Indigenous Language Conference in Manila, Philippines, to emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity and diversity initiatives, and the need for educational content around culture, diversity and inclusion. She also spoke at an event at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC attended by international historians, theologians and cultural enthusiasts regarding the viewing of a rare cultural artifact, the Doctrina Christiana, one of the earliest known printed books in the Philippines.

Karen Gamba speaking at The Library of Congress as part of the Doctrina Christiana discussion.

THE PIVOT DURING COVID-19 Like many business owners and entrepreneurs, Karen was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. I asked her if she had been forced or inspired to pivot, shift or even change things in her business in order to continue to thrive and flourish. She said with great enthusiasm, "I'm so glad you asked me that—because this is the world we live in now. You know, a very big part of our business was dependent upon the hospitality industry and on people coming together, and in a COVID-19 world, that is impossible. So everything crumbled." Karen took a deep breath and said, "We did what Frank and I do best, which is pivot" (see p. 72 for more). Karen and her business partner started a "visibility campaign" (entirely pro bono) for their partners and clients—writing, creating and producing two-minute stories and videos, sharing information about their businesses and spotlighting amazing people through online and digital campaigns. < FLOURISHDIGITALMAGAZINE.COM | JULY/AUGUST | 95

Women Building Women Online Conference Follow Karen Gamba on Instagram @exv_agency www.womenbldgwomen.org

rs e t h g u a D s s e l s r e h Mot



One of my favorite things about connecting with, interviewing and engaging in genuine conversations with remarkable women around the globe is to discover how similar we are in our aspirations to sincerely inspire and empower other women and girls, as we learn and grow ourselves. This certainly was the case in meeting and connecting with Rassalyn Willis, a magnanimous woman who has demonstrated a strong and principled leadership style, while focusing on communityoriented initiatives, including the nonprofit she founded, the Motherless Daughters Foundation.

She's spent 21 years in community advocacy, building her business and being a mother of four. I also discovered that we have many things in common: First, she was born in a part of Italy where I had lived once—Vicenza. In addition, she went to college in Mississippi, my home state. One last and significant point is that we both have an innate passion for mentoring and advocating on behalf of young women and girls. For the last 21 years, this community advocate, business owner and mother of four has served the community in numerous capacities.

Rassalyn Willis, Founder, Motherless Daughters Foundation

As executive director of the Motherless Daughters Foundation, which she founded, Rassalyn has established relationships with neighborhood leaders and federal, state and local government officials, enabling her to develop resources and effectively advocate on behalf of the community she serves. Rassalyn's life is very rich, meaningful and colorful. She has embraced who she is, and brought her life into alignment as a businesswoman and girl's girl. She owns and operates one of the first full-service salons and medical spas in the Historic District of College Park, Georgia, the Xclusive Hair Studio & Spa. Rassalyn discovered her excellence and love for art and creativity in the fifth grade when she entered an art competition. She excitedly tells me, "And, I won!" She says it was winning this competition that would save her from being overtaken by "gangs activity" in high school, which she says affected her self-esteem and her performance in school.


That is, until she and her father came to an affectionate agreement that she would move to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to live with her grandmother and continue high school there. This is where Rassalyn began to shine— excavating and expressing her artistic and creative side. She also held on to the memory of "the feeling of winning," and has used these experiences to perfect her skills and to bring creativity and naturalness to her role as as expert hair stylist. In her business she maintains a commitment to quality services to help instill in young ladies the importance of personal image, hair styling and personal care. She established "Pamper Day" as a concept to help young ladies learn how to maintain their hair and nails, which also serves as an outlet for the ladies to talk and relate. As a creative competitive stylist, she has now won many awards and has been featured on radio and television shows and in magazines. >

Under the leadership of Rassalyn Willis, Motherless Daughters has developed educational opportunities at no charge, which consists of extending opportunities for training in STEM, arts & media, and Toastmasters. The organization has also provided out-ofstate travel experiences for the Fulton County (Georgia) chapter during the last six years. All graduates of the program are given the opportunity for scholarships upon completion of the program, with a promise of returning as a mentor for the organization. ”Our dedicated 100% volunteer team has made it possible for our program to remain successful," Rassalyn explains. "We are excited to extend our services globally, providing much needed services for our youth.”

Rassalyn puts her whole heart into her work. "Grooming the new generation to become our future leaders is very important and essential for all of us." Motherless Daughters Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to embracing and encouraging the growth and development of young girls entering their adolescent years without the support of their natural birth mother due to unforeseen circumstances. Through enrichment programs focusing on self-awareness, social development, and community involvement, the organization's hope is to provide an environment that will build character, promote confidence, release charm and cultivate the beauty that each Motherless Daughter beholds. >


Mentoring young ladies and girls is her calling. It's her life's work to help steer the new generation toward becoming leading role models and amazing women. www.motherlessdaughtersfoundation.com

MOTHERLESS DAUGHTERS FOUNDATION "We believe all girls can embrace who they are, can define their future, and can change the world with our help."

Visit Motherless Daughters Foundation at www.motherlessdaughtersfoundation.com


MISSION Motherless Daughters is a mentoring program that offers year-round support so that girls can become empowered to embrace every aspect of adolescent life and motivate them to succeed in spite of challenging circumstances. MENTORING We are here to serve as role models, to give them guidance on how to become a woman in today’s society. We will follow them so they will not have to be alone sharing important milestones in their lives such as puberty, graduation, marriage, motherhood, or any other lifechanging event. ENRICHMENT Our young ladies take part in summer camps and are treated to a yearly trip during the winter or spring breaks. Participants also engage in ongoing cultural and professional programs that provide exposure to a plethora of career fields. SUPPORT SYSTEM We focus on cultural and educational programs for girls as a means of their empowerment and elevation of self-esteem. We also provide counseling programs for our young ladies as well. <


We are half way through 2020 and summer is upon us. The vision that many of us had for this year has suffered a hemorrhage that requires some immediate attention. As the corona virus continues to spread; there is a pandemic of racial division and inequality in this country that needs to be addressed. As a result of the unfortunate deaths of Black people recently at the hands of law enforcement, it is essential that we collectively lift our voices and demand change through action. Along with a keen focus in developing a vaccine; there is a movement underway to eradicate the injustices and racial bias that have plagued our country for years. As Chief Creative Officer, I have a responsibility to help change that narrative by working collaboratively with our team and contributors to leverage our talents to paint a very different picture as a path forward in impacting our future. With each turn of the page, you're part of us all realizing our beauty, boldness and our brilliance by bringing awareness of our power! Thanks for your continued support! Be intentional and become the change we seek! Black Lives Matter! Until next issue! Seane Shaw Chief Creative Officer Flourish Digital Magazine


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