Flourish Digital Magazine: Spring 2023

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She Pivots: Redefining success for professional women in career transition


Teaching, uplifting and innovating at Atlanta's Little Farmhouse Café


Chloé Taylor Brown: Helping women reframe their stories


HOPE: Have Only Positive Expectations


Manifesting your dreams in as early as 7 days


It’s never too late to be what you might have been the

issue to pivot, shift & flourish the issue to pivot, shift & flourish
A Transformational Lifestyle A Transformational Lifestyle women's Retreat women's Retreat She Pivots & Shifts She Pivots & Shifts Dr.MaxineCain &ChloéTaylorBrown Curatedby When Where June10,2023 TheFourSeasonsHotel,Atlanta G Get complete details at et complete details at ShePivotsAndShifts ShePivotsAndShifts
reliable, transformative and fun. Facilitated by Chloé Taylor Brown EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP & TEAM-BUILDING PROGRAMS

The publisher ALetterfrom

Hello there! Welcome to the Spring edition of Flourish Digital Magazine, where we celebrate the season of growth, expansion and renewal and because of this, I am thrilled to announce the appointment of Dr Maxine Cain as our new Editor-in-Chief Dr Cain, an award-winning leader, innovator, and Human Resources professional, brings her extensive experience and visionary leadership to our esteemed magazine. Read her first Editor's Note (p. 6) and discover how we plan to bring more experiences and collaborations to our community as we encourage each other to flourish together Read more about Maxine starting on p 30

In this issue, our focus is on fostering positivity, nurturing meaningful connections, and empowering one another to thrive So, let's embrace the spirit of Spring as we delve into the power of hope, positive expectations and the beauty of heartfelt emotional exchanges.

Here we unveil effective money affirmations that propel entrepreneurs from humble beginnings to soaring heights in the world of business Explore how we empower moms to evolve and flourish alongside their families Elevate your style game with celebrity-inspired personal branding and expert skincare tips for a radiant, head-turning look

Recognizing that our interconnected world thrives on the bonds we forge with one another, we'll guide you through the art of making beautiful connections with purposeful networking, while reminding ourselves that adaptability is key: We must be able to pivot and shift as necessary to truly flourish in life's ever-changing landscape

Discover the essence of the feminine spirit as a power player, and uncover the secrets to mastering influential roles Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures that shape our world from the intimate intricacies of marriage to the delectable flavors of global cuisine, and the allure of captivating entertainment.

Join us as we ascend to the penthouse of creativity, where imaginative branding takes center stage Together, let's bloom this Spring and embrace the vibrant essence it brings in this captivating issue of Flourish Digital Magazine <

Publisher chloe@flourishdigitalmagazine com @flourishdigitalmagazine @chloetaylorbrown @chloetaylorbrown ChloéTaylorBrown F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E . C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 4
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Dear Flourishing Women,

I am thrilled to join you as the new Editor-in-Chief of Flourish Digital Magazine, a platform dedicated to the empowerment and inspiration of professional women like you.

Our heartfelt mission is to embolden you with grace, influence, kindness and boundless opportunities allowing you to thrive authentically We offer thought-provoking articles, insightful interviews, and practical guidance, equipping you with the resources to reach your goals and make a positive global impact

At Flourish Digital Magazine, we prioritize cultivating a nurturing community that mentors and shapes the future generation of female leaders. Our vision encompasses growth through transformative experiences, synergistic collaborations, and inspiring partnerships that encourage women to be fearless, kind, feminine, purposeful and intentional by sharing the unwritten rules of success

Together, we hold the power to create meaningful change. Our combined strength lies in our compassionate and courageous spirit, even in the face of adversity. Let us embrace our uniqueness and unite in our shared purpose as we pen the magazine's next chapter. I eagerly anticipate embarking on this journey with you and welcome your invaluable feedback and ideas Let's collaborate to make FDM the premier destination for professional women worldwide

Feel free to reach out to us by writing an email to feedback@flourishdigitalmagazine.com with your thoughts or inquiries. We treasure your input and eagerly await your correspondence. Stay connected by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter Come be a part of our empowered community, where we all flourish together



feedback@flourishdigitalmagazine com

@flourishdigitalmagazine @drmaxinecain @iammaxinecain

Together, wecanflourish inavibrant, inclusive,and upliftingworld.


12 12 30 30 18 18 18 18 BONNIEMAULDIN BONNIEMAULDIN Helping entrepreneurs go from the bottom to the top in business 30 50 56 MAXINE&CHLOÉ Collaboration that redefines success for women at an inflection point SOUTHERNSTRIDE A conversation with accomplished spiritual jazz musician Eric Essix by Paula G. Voice CHLOÉANDRiCK Divinely aligned: Profile of a fairytale marriage by Danisha Rolle 76 4THiNGS,6STEPSTOPROTECTYOURSKiN by Lyn Ross, Beauty Editor 12 12 SiMPLESKiNCARE SiMPLESKiNCARE by Chloé Taylor Brown 64 64 KELLI'SGRILLEDKABOBS KELLI'SGRILLEDKABOBS A delectable, easy recipe from Kelli Ferell 66 CHEFCHRISMORRISON Teaching, uplifting and innovating at Atlanta's Little Farmhouse Café by Karen Gamba 50 50 66 66


by Donella Cranford


signature topics from psychotherapist Ariane Camille


Elena Taylor-Bagger talks about how to grow through the changes


poetry by Jade Cherell



a Psalm comes to life with Janis Hunt Johnson


How she found hope and gratitude during her cancer survival journey by Karen Gamba


inspiration from Lady Wisdom, Paula G Voice



SELF-PRESENTATION by Chloé Taylor Brown


Daniel Evans explains the science of manifesting your dreams



Profile of a visionary attorney revolutionizing family law by Karen Gamba


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worksasapsychotherapistinAtlanta,Georgiaassistingentrepreneurs withtheireverydayemotionalreactionstolife'sstressors Shealso assistspeoplewithaddressingsymptomsofemotionaldistress suchasdepressionandanxiety >

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Tobethego-toholistic resourceforhigh-performance creativesandleaders,to discoverstrategiesforwellness.

Weprideourselvesinprovidingsafespaces foryourthoughtsandfeelings,lessonson emotionalintelligence,andresourcesto maintainyouremotionalwellness.


Someoneelsetellingyouthatyouare"inyourfeelings"hasneverbeenseenortakenasacompliment. Whyisthat?Whotaughtusthatembracing,acknowledgingorexpressingouremotionsisabadthing? Isharewithmyclientshowlessonsaroundemotionalexpressionshapethewayweacceptother people'sfeelings Iopenupaboutfeelinghostagetomyownemotions,battlingsuicidalthoughts,and howIovercamethestigmasofbeinglabeledas"emotional."Fromthelensofaneurotic-young-adultturned-psychotherapist,Icounseladultsonidentifyingtheirworldview,developingemotional intelligenceskills,andadoptingthewellnesspracticesthathelpusworkwithouremotionsratherthanin ouremotions

Thistopicisgreatforleaderstounderstandhowtheiremotionsimpacthowtheynavigatewiththeir team.


Afteradecadeofpursuingtheprofessionalcareeroftherapistentrepreneurship,Iamaddressingthe elephantofimpostersyndrome andhowtonavigatethroughit Learnfourstepstoremindingyourselfto bepresentandmindfulwhenthoughtsofself-doubt,lackofconfidenceandunworthinessarise Through theacronymH.E.R.E.youwilllearnactionablestepstocarrywithyouthroughoutyourdays,topursuethe lifeyouwanttolive.Idemonstratethepowerofperspective.AsIhavepersonallyassistedandnavigated throughmyownnegativeself-talk,Iprovideinsightintocognitivebehavioraltherapytoolsthatwillallow youtoprovokeachangeinthinkingthatleadstoachangeinbehavior

Thistopicisperfectforleaderswhodoubttheirauthorityandstrugglewithboundaries,respect,and follow-through.


Beingafounderiscool untilyoureachburnout,overwhelmandisolation.I'velearnedthatrarelydoyou findentrepreneurswhohavealsobeentaughtthatyoucanbuildbothwealthandhealthsimultaneously IprovidefourkeycomponentstobeingwellusingtheH.Y.P.E.acronym:findingaHaven,Yielding,thepower ofPerspective,andhealthyEngagement.Usingthesefourelements,entrepreneurslearnself-awareness, self-regulation,mindfulnessandboundaries allinone.Ihaveseenthetransformationofsafespaces throughmyownjourneywithmeditationandyoga Iteachhowtogiveyourselfpermissiontoslowitdown anunlikelybutessentialhabitformostbuilders


www emotional-exchange com @emotionalexchange The H y P E Community ARIANECAMILLE F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 1 1

Effective Cleansing

Effective cleansing is the first step. It removes daily oils, dirt and grime, which sticks to your skin, clogging your pores Cleanse your face morning and night with a cleanser that is right for your particular skin type Different brands of cleansers refer to the same products differently but usually there is a gentle foaming cleanser that can be used for all skin types. There is a rich and creamy cleanser for normal to dry skin. There are gel cleansers that are oil-free and mild for normal to oily skin. And there are cleansers for very sensitive skin as well. Remember this: If you are not sure of your skin type ask an aesthetician, a dermatologist or a consultant at a make-up counter.


Exfoliants and facial scrubs gently slough off dead surface cells, allowing your skin to breathe, which actually smooths and evens the skin’s surface. All skin types need exfoliation some more often than others. When you need a rebalancing boost, exfoliate. Also, for a fabulously smooth feeling all over, take your scrubs into the shower with you at least once a week to get rid of dead skin from the epidermis layer all over. It will allow your newly generated skin to emerge faster, giving the entire body a natural and healthy glow Trust me, you won’t be able to keep your hands off yourself >

B Y C H L O É T A Y L O R B R O W N F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E . C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 1 2

Eye Care

Eye care is essential because the eye area is very delicate and needs special care You will need a lightweight and nongreasy cream or gel to condition and renew eye-area skin I began using eye cream around age twenty-five

Lip Care

Lip care keeps lips from cracking and drying. Exfoliate your lips before going to bed by applying a menthol-based lip balm. Cracked and dry lips can be very unattractive. Upon awakening, use your wash cloth to gently exfoliate for youthful-looking lips all the time.


Toning helps to calm your skin and to close your pores after steaming, cleansing and exfoliation. It then prepares it for optimal absorption.


Moisturizing replaces necessary oils, and creates a seal over your skin while smoothing and preparing it for make-up It also protects the skin from the elements There are oil-free moisturizers that control oil and breakthrough shine as it hydrates For normal to dry skin, there are rich, hydrating face creams that are wonderful

Nourish & Condition

Nourish and condition your skin by drinking plenty of water; by eating fresh, live foods; by getting proper rest and exercise; and by feeding your skin topically with Vitamins A, C and E. Try using a topical C in the morning. Use a topical A at night, and then apply glycolic acid on top of the Vitamin A and C. Finally, remember that your face also includes your neck and chest area, but not your breasts. <

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In the practice of affirmations, you are audibly proclaiming a new chapter of prosperity in your life and business. However, you need to close the old chapters before beginning a new one, or it won't manifest.

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2. 3. 4.

Iusedtothinkaffirmationswereutterly bogus.Iwouldtryitforseveralyears,andit wouldn'twork.ButIwaswrong.

Affirmationswork.Youcaninvitetheright opportunitiesintoyourhealth,relationships andfinances inasearlyassevendays.You needtohaveonlyonehabittoseetheir manifestation

There'satleastonepersonyouknowinyour liferightnowwhoalwaysseemsto experiencesuccess,favorandtheright timingineverything Likeit'snatural Why?

It'sbecausethere'sonehabittheypractice Mostlikely,theylearneditwhentheywere children,andthat'swhyit'snaturaltothem. ButIhavenoticedthatifyouwerebornin 1990andbeyond,youmightnothave learnedthishabit.Butonceyoupracticeit foratleastsixtydays,youwillstart manifesting.






Theyrappedaboutthesethingsasifthey alreadyhadthem


Proclaimingyoualreadyhavesomething youcannotseeyet

Myfirstrealexperiencewithaffirmations happenedinthemusicbusinesswhile workingatBadBoyEntertainment.Inoticed thatmostoftherapsongsproducedinthe 90swereaboutdrivingcreamBentleys,living inhomeswithapoolandhottub,traveling aroundtheworldinaGulfstreamjet,parking yourluxurycarsinasix-cargarage,counting stacksofmoney,relaxingonyachts,hanging outwithmodelsspeakingdifferent languages yougetthepicture. Andhere'stheinterestingpart:Whilethey wererappingaboutallthis,theirrealitywas theexactopposite Theserapperslivedin one-bedroomapartmentsandpublic housingprojectsinNewYorkCity'sworst parts.Theydidn'townanything.Theydidn't evenhavedriver'slicenses!

Within three years, these rappers had everything that they had rapped about Some are currently worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and at least three of them are nearly billionaires.

Why is that?

It'scalledcellularneuroplasticity. Youmayhaveheardofit.Butincaseyou haven't,it'sbasicallythis:Yourcellssend messagestothebrainandcreatenew pathwaysofsubconsciousness.These messagesarecreatedbyyouaudibly,and yourcellstakethefrequencyandcreate newneuronsinyoursubconscious

Rightnow,you'vebeensayingthesamethings repeatedlyformanyyears andnotrealizing thatyouarecontinuouslyaffectingyour subconscious.

Herearejustafewwaysthatyoucanstartto triggernewpathwaysthroughneuroplasticity:

Exercise Writing
Makingmusic >
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Didyoucatchthat?Theserapperstriggered cellularneuroplasticitybyputtingtheir affirmationsintotheirmusic

Bydoingso,youtellyourselfthatyouare reprogrammingyoursubconscious,andnew neuronswillsendthosemessages.Andby doingso,youwillautomaticallybehaveand dothingsthatwillleadyoutoaplacethat willdrawthethingsyouhaveaffirmed.Thisis exactlywhattherappersdid.

Buttherewasonethingtheyhadtodofirst fortheaffirmationstobeeffective

ForgiveOthers,TakeOwnership&Closethe Chapter.Peopleworldwidearepracticing affirmations "speakingtotheuniverse" andit'snotworking Or,It'stakingtoolong Why?Ourcellsbecomedamagedwhenwe harborunforgiveness,pasthurts,and unexpressedangerorsadness.Theycan't receivethenewfrequency

IhaveaSiriusXMradioinmycar Iwouldnot beabletoreceiveanyofthemusicIlistento ifthesatellitecrashed.IwouldturnonmyXM radio,expectingtohearsomething,butit wouldnevercome Inthesameway,when yourcellsaredamaged,youcannotreceive newmessages.Youraffirmationswillnot manifest.


Weareharboringnegativefeelingsbecause wearenotwillingtotakeresponsibilityfor ourpart.Nowletmequalify:Youmayhave beenphysicallyorverballyabusedbya parent,arelative,orsomeoneelsein authority Youheartheirvoicesinyourhead, andit'snotyourfault.

Butyoustillneedtotakeownership And therearetwowaystodothat:

Forgiveothersandopenyourmindto learningwhatyoucandobetter.Take ownershipofyourownbehavior your actionsordecisionsthatinvitedwrongdoing intoyourlife

Takeresponsibilityforthevoicesthatyou hearinyourheadbysaying,"It'stimetogo" Sayaloud,"It'stimetoclosethischapter" Youhavetosayitaudibly.

Ifyouthinkaboutit,that'swhatthoserappers didwhentheysaythingslike"Iwentfrom eatingcornflakeswithwatertoeating escargotwithcaviar"Theyweresimplytelling theirsubconsciousthattherewasachange coming,whichwasgoingtotakeplace wheretheywouldstopdoingtheoldthings thattheyhadbeendoingbefore,andstart doingnewthings

Ialsohappentoknowafewoftheserappers. Whiletheirmusicmightbealittlehardtohear inreallife,theyareactuallyverypersonable andoptimistic Theyarepositivepeoplewho donotharboranygrudgeorangertowards anyone.

Theytookownershipbyforgiving,closingthe chaptersofthepast,andinvitinganew chaptertobegin.Dothisaudiblywhileyou're alone preferablyfirstthingeverymorning.

Iwasharboringsomuchunforgivenessand bitternesstowardmyex-wife,towardthe musicbusiness,towardpeoplewhohurtme inthepast andIdidn'twanttoletitgo Becauseofthat,IfailedateverythingIdid, andaffirmationswerenoteffective.WhatI hadtodowastoforgive andalsotolearn toholdmyselfaccountableformyown actions Inowtakeownershipofmysituation sothattheunneededcellscanbediscarded andnewcellscreatedwithnewmessaging.

AssoonasIlearnedtoforgiveandstopbeing angry,Istoppedblamingothers andlookedat myselffirst.Ilearnedtoreactdifferentlytothe world Bydoingso,nowdoorsopenforme,and favorfollowsme

It'sablessingtobeanentrepreneurinthe financialservicesindustry.Ilovehelpingpeople buildthelifetheywanttolive Yetsometimes, thingscangetintheway suchasharboring negativeemotionsthatpreventyoufrom movingahead.Ifthathappenstoyou,nowyou knowwhattodo. <

Yourfriend, Daniel

Learnhowtomeetanyfinancialgoalwithinfive minutesbysubscribingtoDaniel'snewsletter

Evans&Company 1225FranklinAvenue,Suite325 GardenCity,NY11530
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ivoting isn't Plan B. P It's part of the process.

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B O N N I E m a u l d i n

Meet Bonnie Mauldin, a true powerhouse and prodigy. powerhouse and prodigy She is an accomplished She is an accomplished author, professional author, professional speaker, entrepreneur, speaker, entrepreneur, investor, and television investor, and television producer, as well as one of producer, as well as one of the most sought-after the most sought-after marketing consultants in marketing consultants in Atlanta Atlanta. > >

Meet Bonnie Mauldin, a true

BYKARENGAMBA F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E . C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 1 8

Bonnie's talent and expertise have helped countless individuals and businesses reach their full potential and achieve success beyond their wildest dreams.

Bonnie recently authored two books, Harmonic Messaging and Look Before You Leap both of which offer invaluable insights and practical strategies for entrepreneurs, business owners and corporations who are looking to enhance their sales and marketing efforts Harmonic Messaging is a unique blend of Bonnie’s passion for music and her extensive experience in the business world. She focuses on helping businesses find harmony and coherence within their operations, enabling them to overcome the common disconnect between marketing and sales, in order to reach their full potential

But Bonnie’s work doesn’t stop there. She has also created two workshops that offer guidance and support to individuals, corporations and businesses looking to achieve their goals Additionally, her popular podcast From The Bottom To The Top is a treasure trove of proven sales, marketing and productivity tactics that can help any business succeed Bonnie’s own journey is a testament to her resilience and determination Despite growing up in a neighborhood plagued by poverty, drug use, crime and gang violence, she refused to let her environment define her life Instead, she worked tirelessly to fight her way out of poverty working multiple jobs and excelling academically She eventually earned a full academic scholarship to Wayne State University to study Clinical Laboratory Science

Although Bonnie started her career as a surgical assistant in a major hospital, she soon realized that she wanted to make a greater impact on others. This led to her leaving a career in medicine and starting her own full-service digital marketing agency, which has since helped countless small business owners in the fields of healthcare, education, senior living, construction and manufacturing develop strong business principles and achieve success

But her passion for helping others doesn’t end with marketing She recently developed the Fast Dot Game, a mobile game app that helps young children and seniors improve cognitive function Her innovative approach to gaming development was showcased in April 2023 at the East Coast Gaming Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina one of the biggest gaming conferences in the United States.

Bonnie’s impressive achievements have not gone unnoticed She was recently selected as a Pink Lady for the 5th Annual Pink Awards, a prestigious event that brings breast cancer awareness and Black excellence to the forefront

by actors Malik Yoba and Carl


celebrates and honors individuals who are a positive force within their respective industries and communities

Through her work, Bonnie Mauldin has become a true inspiration to anyone looking to achieve success and overcome adversity. Her motto, “From the bottom to the top,” speaks to her unwavering determination It serves as a reminder that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. Bonnie Mauldin is a genuine prodigy the real deal. Her legacy is sure to continue inspiring generations to come <

Hosted Anthony Payne, Pink Awards event
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Learn How To:

Adore your authenticity.

Be present and trust your gut.

Make good solid decisions based on your heart's desires.

Be a fantastic verbal and non-verbal communicator of your thoughts and goals.

Learn to build rapport by respecting yourself and others.

Choose your friends wisely, and interact with them as your team.

Act like a lady and get ready for the real deal. It's near.

Set your goals based on your decisions, and make it happen.

Have certainty and faith in yourself and in your plans as you put it all together.

Command respect by being authentic and turning up your "it" factor.

Be ready. Your vision is expanding.

Do all of this and accomplish what you #DECIDED in Number 3.

12. Enquire about booking a program at CHLOETAYLORBROWN.COM Review Girl-Swag at Amazon.com HelpingGenZtoGenX Women&Girlsto Thrive&Flourish! Aprogressive, interactive personal development curriculum& program. GIRL-SWAG GIRL-SWAG F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E . C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 2 0
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Contact Contact +1 770-653-7883 +1 770-653-7883 A D V E R T I S E & A D V E R T I S E & P R O M O T E P R O M O T E Y O U R B U S I N E S S , Y O U R B U S I N E S S , P R O D U C T , S E R V I C E P R O D U C T , S E R V I C E O R Y O U R S E L F W I T H O R Y O U R S E L F W I T H F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E M A G A Z I N E Flourish Flourish Digital Digital Magazine Magazine BECOME A BECOME A PARTNER PARTNER SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TODAY & TODAY &

Hey, Mamas!

Theysayyoudon'tknowwhattheotherpersonhasgonethroughuntilyou've walkedintheirshoes.Andeventhen,youmaybeabletoempathizeabitmore, andyeteveryexperienceisuniquelydifferentforeachperson.Indefiningour path,ourpurpose,ourpassionandourgoals,eachofushasparticular motivations,alongwithuniqueeventsthathavehappenedinourlives,which shapetheveryroadwetraveleachday MyownpathtookaturnafterIbecame asinglemomoffive aftertwenty-oneyearsofmarriage.Ihadtoreestablish whoIwas,whatIvalued,andwhatIbelievedin.Ihadtosetnewgoals,refinemy skills,seeksupportandultimatelyseekoutwhattruesuccessmeanttome. >

“Changeis inevitable. Growthisoptional.”
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ThepaththatI'dtraveledfortwentyyears wasdifferentfrommyfriends,andmynew pathisalsodifferent.Foryears,Ivaluedmy responsibilitytoprovideformyfamily with controlovermostthingsinmylife,including myhealth.I'dbeenindifficultsituations before,evenlivinginahotelforacoupleof years Mydeepdesiretochangemylifeand provideformykidsturnedouttobean intenseworkethiconlysurpassedby Supermanhimself!Iendedupworking96 hours,sevendaysaweek,whileIwasin schoolfull-time,andIwasmommyfulltime allthewhiletryingtopropupthe illusionthatmylifewasthesame

Itissodifferentnow Iwasoneperson, battlingthisout,tryingtocreateanorm thatdidn'texist.So,Ireinventedmynorm— tofitmylife,myfamily,tofitme.Ittook awhile,butIlearnedthateventhough changemaybefrighteningattimes,it’s alsoagoodthing Welearnandgrow Andif we’relucky,wegettopassitontoothers IhopethefundamentalsthatIsharefrom whatI'velearnedwillhelpyoumove forwardinlight,confidence,love,and energy thatwillcatapultyoutobeingat peaceandbeingcontent(withoutbeing complacent),andtolivingthelifeyoutruly areexcitedandhappytolive Although everymom 'sissuesarepresentand differentfromthenext,herearesometips thatallmomscanfollow tohelpyoulive lifetoitsfullesteachday,tomoveforward andtocontinuetogrow

Studyyourself. Taketimetofindout whoyoutrulyareunderneaththe superwomancapeandclothing.Ifound outthatIwasvulnerable FromthereI allowedmyselftodivedeeperintowhat Ilikedanddisliked,whatIvaluedand trulywantedoutoflife.


Getoutsideofyourcomfortzone.Challenge yourselftodothethingsthatgiveyouangst. I'mawanderer/gypsy/nomadtypeofchick. IloveexploringandgoingtoplacesthatI've neverbeen Icanstrikeupaconvowith anyoneatanytime However,Ifoundout thatIwasn'tconfidentinmyknowledgeof thethingsIknew,becauseIwasafraidof rejection.Fromthere,Ibegantospeakand write andacceptingfeedback(thegood, thebadandtheugly)

Read,experience,learn,and implement. It'snotenoughjusttoread, experience,andlearn.Youmust implementit,oryouwillstandstill.Seek outyourinterestsandattendevents thatencourageyouinyourpath I learnedearlyonthatIwasgatheringa lotofinfo,booksandmagazines butI didn'tquiteimplementthem.Sonow,it's partofmydailyroutinetoimplement.

Seeksupport.ForasmuchasI'man extrovert,I'mjustasmuchanintrovert. IhavelearnedthatIneedthesupport ofothers andImustaskforit.Ifound upliftingpositivewomen'sgroupsto associatemyselfwith I'veattended eventsandmadevaluablelong-lasting friendships Bynomeansisthistheendallandbe all,butit'sastart Asthesharing continues,Iwelcomeyourfeedback. (I'vegrown!)

The Innovative Mom® I.M. Me

Elena Taylor-Bagger

Elena Taylor-Bagger

Elena Taylor-Bagger

Founder of The Innovative Mom, and single mom to five young adults

www theinnovativemom com @theinnovativemom the innovative mom
love and acceptance of you being you
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Celebrity-Style Celebrity-StyleBRA


Chloé - Style! Chloé - Style!
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Everything around us is SHIFTING

all the time.

Energy is moving in all things. What gives energy a continuity, what creates a pattern, is


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In gardens of jade where Spring's embrace lies, a tapestry is woven with nature's sweet sighs Tulips awaken, their petals unfurl, a symphony of colors, a new world unfurls.

Jade, the gemstone of life and rebirth, its verdant hues mirror the pulse of the earth. In Spring's warm embrace, the tulips arise, a dance of delight beneath azure skies

The delicate tulips, a symbol of grace, their vibrant hues paint a tender embrace from jade-green whispers to fiery red blooms, they cast off the remnants of winter's cold tomb.

In flourishing we gather, our spirits renewed, as jade's gentle touch stirs dreams to be pursued The tulips' sweet splendor, a testament true, of nature's grand power, the cycle anew.

We pivot and shift, like the blossoms that sway, adapting to change as we find our own way, embracing the dance of life's ebb and flow, with the wisdom of jade, and tulips that grow

So let us rejoice in this season of bloom, where jade and tulips dispel winter's gloom. In gardens of splendor, we find solace and cheer, embracing the promise of Spring's tender sphere. <

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NETWORKING: Making Connections in the New Business Landscape

If you ’ re feeling a little intimidated at the thought of going out to meet new people in person following years of work-from-home in your comfy athleisure wear and slipper boots, here are a few solutions to strategically get you back in the networking game without feeling overwhelmed. >

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The covid-19 pandemic changed the way we do business, how we network, and how we interact with each other Even though we have found our way back to connecting with friends, colleagues, and family, things are decidedly different from how they were a few years ago As we emerge with more flexible work-from-home schedules and networking events continue to unfold in hybrid form relying on some of these new tactics, while tapping into ingrained experiences and values, will provide ample opportunity to grow your network, expand business visibility, and connect with new people whether live or virtual

Sign Up for Virtual Events

No, it’s not the same as being able to shake someone ’ s hand in person when introducing yourself However, virtual events are not going away, and they have become a big part of how successful professionals are gaining visibility for themselves and their businesses, while showcasing their thoughtleadership and growing their networks Many virtual conferences offer opportunities for guests to participate in Q&As or share information about themselves Prepare a short sentence or two about yourself and be sure to participate in discussions and connect with attendees and speakers on LinkedIn following the event, with a thoughtful message that allows you to not only connect but potentially continue the conversation and grow a professional relationship.

Invite Someone for Coffee

Smaller gatherings are a wonderful way to truly get to know a colleague, someone you would like to work with, or a potential client Even introverts will agree that smaller, shorter, and more focused meetings allow for greater comfort and attention to detail when getting to know someone, trying to problem-solve or creating a pitch to potentially grow a business relationship. Concerned about stony silences in a conversation when meeting someone in person for the first time? Do your research beforehand and be sure to have a list of questions handy in case the conversation stalls Be authentic and show genuine interest in the person you are getting to know Be open to sharing ideas and keeping things casual A hard or pushy sell is never a good way to build a network >

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Work on Your Digital Presence

You don’t have to learn any new Tik Tok dances for this one Create a robust LinkedIn profile and deliver posts that showcase your expertise Social media is flooded with competition, which makes it hard to stand out. Maintaining a successful social media presence is a full-time job. If you don’t have the time to write your own content, find interesting articles that align with your opinions and share them with your network Additionally, like and share content you find valuable that is posted by people in (and outside of) your network Not only will they value your support, they will see that you are eager to share their media with your network This, in turn, will get more eyes on you If you have the means to invest in a social media management team, consider it. Having a strong social media strategy is becoming more of a must these days than a luxury If this is outside of your budget, spend some time researching how to raise your profile, and create better connections so that you can share better, more relevant content on your social media platforms

Look for In-Person Curated Events

Before the pandemic, large-scale networking events and conferences were a great way to meet people en masse. Today, taking the time to find more bespoke events that put you in a room or at a table with peers, like-minded professionals, or the types of executives you ' re eager to learn from or do business with, is key Much like a more personal coffee meeting, smaller, focused events will give you an opportunity to truly connect with people at the event, instead of trying to grab as many business cards as possible. (The "speed network" strategy was never an effective way to grow a solid and reputable network in my humble opinion although some people have been successful with this approach.)

Finding targeted, thoughtful and authentic opportunities to either share content or connect with professionals is the best way to do business whether live or online Focus on having impactful conversations and sending thoughtful messages to show that you are respectful of the other individual’s time. Professionals are now offered the opportunity to network with individuals around the world and learn from thought leaders across industries with the click of a button Explore ways to use the opportunities and resources our reshaped professional world has presented us, and go out there (or stay indoors) and meet someone new!

Thankfully, today there are many ways to ease back into networking without fully letting go of your comfort zone <

Karen Gamba is the CEO of the ExV Agency a global PR and Content Production Agency with offices in Atlanta, New York, and Hong Kong. Karen is an expert on networking and business growth strategies and has shared her expertise with startups and corporations across industries, around the world. For more information visit:



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MAXINE She Pivots

Dr.MaxineCainleadsinpivoting. SheisthefounderofSTEMAtlanta Womenandanaward-winning PeopleLeader.Shehasdedicatedher lifetoempoweringwomenandgirlsto seizeglobalopportunitiesinScience, Technology,Engineering,andMath ThroughherShePivotsprogram,she hashelpedcountlesswomenunlock theirpotentialandassumeinfluential rolesinsocietiesworldwide. >

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As an accomplished professional woman, business owner, or C-suite executive, you may find yourself searching for a way to break through barriers and redefine success Introducing She Pivots & Shifts an exclusive, transformative experience designed for women like you, who are ready to step into their power and unleash their potential This groundbreaking collaboration between Dr Maxine Cain and Chloé Taylor Brown will provide you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to revitalize your career and your life by pivoting and shifting

Pivotingandshiftingaretwodistinct termsoftenusedinthecontextof personalandprofessionaldevelopment. Whiletheymayappearsimilar,they representdifferentapproachesto changeandgrowth.

Pivoting refers to a significant change in direction, strategy, or focus, usually as a result of new information, insights, or opportunities. Pivoting involves reevaluating one ' s current path, identifying a new goal or vision, and then making the necessary adjustments to pursue that new direction. In a professional context, pivoting could involve changing careers, industries, or business models. In a personal context, it might mean altering significant aspects of one ' s life such as relationships, lifestyle choices, or personal values. >

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Shifting, on the other hand, implies a more subtle and gradual change in perspective, mindset or behavior Shifting involves refining one ' s approach or attitude rather than making a dramatic change in direction It often focuses on personal growth, self-awareness and emotional intelligence In a professional context, shifting might involve adopting new leadership styles, communication techniques or working habits in order to improve performance or collaboration In a personal context, it could mean developing new coping strategies, mindset shifts or personal habits that lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life

She Shifts

Chloé Taylor Brown leads in shifting She is a former international model and now a renowned executive life coach, author, international speaker, facilitator, and mentor to women and girls around the world She has spent the past two decades guiding professionals, small businesses, and Fortune 500 corporations to uncover their true goals, passions, and purpose Her innovative Personal Excellence Profile (PEP) assessment tool has been transforming lives and organizations by aligning team members into cohesive, high-performing units


Don't miss this rare opportunity to join a select group of purpose-driven women in a two-day journey, blending the groundbreaking She Pivots initiative by Dr Maxine Cain with Chloé Taylor Brown's iDentity Shift coaching process This immersive experience will challenge you to reimagine your path, reinvent yourself, and emerge as a feminine influencer and unstoppable force in your industry the one you choose for yourself >

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Thistransformationalworkshopisimportantforprofessionalwomenintransitionbecauseitprovidesthemwiththe necessarytools,resources,andsupporttonavigatethechallengesandseizetheopportunitiesthatariseduringa careerchange.Theworkshopempowerswomentoredefinesuccessontheirterms,cultivateself-awareness, developnewskills,andbuildanetworkoflike-mindedpeers.Byattendingthisworkshop,participantswillgainthe confidence,clarityandresilienceneededtoembracenewpossibilitiesandmakewell-informeddecisions ultimatelyleadingtopersonalandprofessionalgrowthandfulfillment

InthisexclusiveShePivots&ShiftsExperience,Dr CainandChloéTaylorBrownwillguideyouthroughanintensive journeyofself-discovery,reinventionandcreativeexploration.

Together,theywillempower youto:

elevate your personal excellence in twelve essential life abilities through Chloé's proprietary Personal Excellence Profile (PEP) assessment;

reimagine and leverage your assets and talents for a capital-ready position;

develop entrepreneurial, emerging tech training, leadership and mentoring skills;

strategize your path to personal and professional success; and

align your team members for higher efficiency, effectiveness, and excellence

This unparalleled opportunity is tailor-made for women who are ready to embrace change, pivot from their original plans, and adopt a new identity that aligns with their evolving goals and aspirations It's time to break free from the constraints of your current situation and step into a world of limitless possibilities, fueled by your innate feminine power and excellence.

Spaces for the She Pivots & Shifts Experience are limited, so don't miss your chance to transform your life and tap into your inner powerhouse. Secure your spot today and embark on a life-changing journey alongside two visionary leaders who will help you redefine your purpose, realign your goals and revolutionize your career or business.

The future is yours to create, and it starts here. Join us for the She Pivots & Shifts Experience and unlock the door to a world of boundless opportunities, personal growth, professional success, fun and fulfillment <

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Defining your desires is crucial in living a life of fulfillment and purpose But it's not always easy to be honest with ourselves about what we truly want The fear of rejection or ridicule can hold us back from sharing our deepest desires with others and even from admitting them to ourselves

However, by keeping our desires hidden, we limit our personal excellence and hinder our potential to flourish. When we're not clear on what we want, we often find ourselves stuck in situations that don't align with our true selves, leading to frustration, stress, and a lack of confidence and fulfillment

So, how can you begin to define your desires and unlock your personal excellence? Start by being honest and daring with yourself Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you, what brings you joy and fulfillment, and what you want to achieve in life

Write down your desires, even the ones that may seem impossible or unrealistic Remember, the sky is the limit, and you never know what you can achieve until you try Embrace your uniqueness and allow yourself to dream big You may want to read a book I really like called The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

Next, share your desires with someone you trust This could be a close friend, family member, or even a coach or mentor By sharing your desires with others, you open yourself up to accountability, support and new opportunities

Go ahead and start acting towards your goals and desires

“Begin with the end in mind,” as Dr Stephen Covey writes in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Break your goals down into smaller, achievable goals and action steps, and create a plan to reach them Celebrate each step you take towards your desires And trust in the journey

Remember, defining your desires and unlocking your personal excellence is a journey, not a destination It takes courage, honesty and dedication to live a life aligned with your true self So, are you willing to take the first step towards living a life of fulfillment and purpose a life that you will love? <


(continued from page 5)

Growth is a natural process. It is manifested in the seasons of the year and in the seasons of our lives Throughout our lives, hope will grow as we intentionally focus on HOPE having only positive expectations. Hope grows deeper within us when we commit to being intentional in our practice of HOPE While every season of life brings challenges and trials, each season also gives us new opportunities to grow.

How hopeful are you? Have you ever considered how, or even whether, hope impacts you, your family, your work or your health? Often during a time of despair, our hope is challenged But God says that He plans to give us " a future full of hope" as stated in Jeremiah 29:11.

Hope is an optimistic attitude of mind based upon an expectation of positive outcomes.

Hope is a joyful expectation about the future

Hope is where we’re going, not where we’ve been

Life is beautiful Yet sometimes events shift, and circumstances in our lives change Things can often look dark, but our hope can keep us peaceful and restore our joyful presence. Keep your hope activated.

I read a story that aided me in growing my hope, and I’m going to share it with you below, with the hope that it will assist you in growing your HOPE May you have only positive expectations!

Dr Tony Evans, the Senior Pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, visited New York with his wife during the blackout in 2003 They were put up in the Crown Plaza, with no light or air conditioning, only darkness. His wife pulled up the blinds to try and open the window for air when they saw the Marriott Hotel right across the street lit up with bright lights. Wondering how in the world that could be in a total power blackout, Dr Evans decided to walk across the street to the Marriott

He experienced the brightness, the music playing, and the journalists inside the lobby reporting on the total darkness in New York. He asked the hotel manager, how can you have this much light during this total darkness? The hotel manager replied, “It’s simple. When we built this hotel, a gas generator was installed, so we have power on the inside that’s not dependent on the outside ”

We, too, have an inside power that isn’t dependent on the outside circumstances: We have hope. Let us have only positive expectations. Now, that kind of hope doesn’t just happen overnight. So, how do we grow our hope? >

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Focus only on what you can control. When we recognize what we can control, with God’s help, that leads us to become aware of what we can’t control We restore our hope and peace by focusing on what we can control.

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Set aside ten to fifteen minutes daily to pray and meditate on HOPE. Practice makes perfect, as my mom would often say Find scriptures or affirmations that support you in having only positive expectations as your daily focus.

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Pray consistently that your hope is increased Prayer is simply talking to God, no matter where you are. God can and will answer your prayers, but you must diligently seek Him.

Find an accountability partner. Be sure the two of you are spiritually aligned. There is power in two. An accountability partner can support you along the way as you practice growing in hope Acting as a helpful, independent observer, your accountability partner will be your guide as you strategize.

As you spiritually water the soil of your heart, your hope will grow. This is how you grow and flourish in


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Flourishingin Flourishingin God’sBackyard God’sBackyard

One day when I wasn’t feeling particularly positive, I turned to God in prayer and picked up my Bible for some direction Psalms are often a good place to start You can just open up your Bible right at the middle, and find something uplifting. As I turned to a page, I came across a passage that jumped out at me because I saw the word flourish there repeated two verses in a row:

As I always do, since I love language, I wanted to go deeper into the Hebrew for a better understanding of the original meaning behind these words of Scripture >

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree; they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green.”
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—Psalm 92:12–14


First, I found out that Psalm 92 was written as a worship song of joy and thanks to God on the Sabbath day

So let’s take a deep breath and slow down to take a “Sabbath moment ” Let’s give ourselves permission to take a rest from our worries, and hand them all over to God


The word flourish in the Hebrew here is parakh, meaning “to bud,” “to sprout,” “to send out shoots,” “to break forth,” “to blossom,” and even “to make fly” and “to hatch ”

This got me thinking: No matter what happens, if we are righteous that is, if we are striving to do what’s right then it’s a given that we will grow Something is inevitably going to develop A new idea will appear You and I will find a way to venture out into the world, and do something new

Deep breath Have faith As we branch out, God’s wisdom is our guide


The ancients viewed a palm tree tamar in Hebrew as graceful in stature, a symbol of prosperity Palm trees were an oasis a refuge from the heat

A cedar tree erez in Hebrew has a sweet aroma and very tenacious roots A majestic tree, it’s known to be a durable wood used for building strong structures.

Another deep breath I prayed: I want to be less prickly I want to sit up straight, stand up for myself, and give myself more grace like a palm tree

I breathed deeply, in and out I can grow sweeter and stronger, like a cedar tree, if I dig my roots down deeper into following and doing what’s right


The word for planted in this verse is shatal, meaning “to transplant.” It makes me think about how when something grows enough, you have to move it to a bigger pot

When we stick with God following what’s good, and doing what’s right we can’t help it, we ’ re just going to keep on growing

The Hebrew here for house is bayeet meaning not only “home” but also “to face inward ”

The word for courts is khatser, referring to a “courtyard” or “private enclosure ” I picture a sanctuary of peace and quiet like a secret garden where we can always feel safe and sound in God’s loving care


To bear fruit noob in Hebrew also means “flourish” as well as “germinate,” “increase,” and even “make cheerful ” When we stay ensconced within God, we will keep thriving even in old age

Don’t let anyone tell you that you ’ re too old to move forward. No way! In God’s secret sanctuary, things are always looking fresh the Hebrew is dashen “rich,” “ prosperous, ” “substantive,” and “full of sap”!

It’s so green, too that’s ra-ahnan not just any color green, but absolutely “luxuriant.”

Talk about flourishing! I’m going to keep hanging out in God’s backyard <

Flourish Digital Magazine copyeditor |
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spiritual author/prayer coach/healer
LEARN MORE USE YOUR VOICE Break the Silence Saprea.org


A Visionary Attorney Revolutionizing Family Law

Elizabeth Douglas, Esq. is not your average family law and divorce attorney She is a trailblazer in her field, passionate about helping her clients achieve the best possible outcomes, and committed to educating individuals about their rights in sensitive and taboo legal issues such as surrogacy, fertility and divorce.

With over a decade of experience in family law, Elizabeth has handled some of the most challenging and high-profile cases in the legal world. Her innovative and educational approach has led to impressive results for her clients and has earned her numerous awards and accolades She has been selected to the Rising Stars list and Super Lawyers list multiple times >

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As a certified mediator and member of several prestigious legal associations, Elizabeth is not only committed to representing her clients but also to making a positive impact in her community She serves on the Executive Committee of the New York State Bar Association's Family Law section and she is a cochair of several committees, including the Surrogacy, Family Court, Domestic Violence, and Diversity committees

Elizabeth's dedication to her work is only matched by her love of culture, travel, and adventure When she's not busy with speaking engagements or working with clients, she enjoys rock climbing, cycling, hiking and exploring the world's most beautiful destinations.

Born in New York, Elizabeth has a deep appreciation for elegant global cuisine, art, and luxury experiences Her passion for excellence and commitment to her clients' satisfaction are the driving forces behind her successful law firm, the Douglas Law Family Group This year, they will celebrate their tenth anniversary, and Elizabeth is excited about what the future holds.

"I cannot believe ten years have flown by already," Elizabeth says "I am grateful for the relationships I have built, the incredible clients I have been able to represent, and the amazing team we have at the Douglas Law Family Group I am looking forward to many more years doing good work in the community and representing families at our firm.”

Elizabeth's advice to anyone facing a challenging situation is simple: "There's always a way to solve something Giving up shouldn't be an option When you don't give up, the feeling of pride for your hard work will be the best experience"

As Elizabeth continues to make a difference in the lives of her clients and her community, she remains an inspiration to those who seek to achieve excellence in their chosen fields Her passion, dedication and commitment to educating individuals about their rights have earned her a well-deserved place among the most influential and successful family law and divorce attorneys in New York <

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A savvy businesswoman elegantly adapts and pivots when faced with shifting circumstances, embracing change as an opportunity to grow, thrive and flourish.
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―Maxine Cain


Coaching & Training for Girls to Become Confident, Dynamic Young Women



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Erika Wolf is an expert in living a healthy lifestyle. Her journey to health and wellness is one that is fueled by a deep passion for self-advocacy, integrative medicine and holistic therapies Her personal experience has been marked by a diagnosis of advanced breast cancer However, it is through her journey that she discovered the incredible power of a positive mindset and holistic healing

As a wife and mother of two, Erika knew that her cancer diagnosis required her to take immediate action On this path, she discovered the impact of alternative therapies and standing up for herself She believes that a positive mindset is the key to overcoming many challenges She experienced, firsthand, the incredible impact of integrative medicine and holistic therapies during her treatment and recovery

This year, Erika is releasing her first book, Cancer & Other Things I’m Grateful For: How Self-Advocacy and Integrative Medicine Led to Holistic Healing The book is a no-holds-barred, real-time account of Erika’s personal journey from diagnosis and treatment to recovery It is an inspirational guide for anyone who is dealing with a challenging health diagnosis >

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As a public speaker, Erika tackles tough questions that individuals often deal with when they are, or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer Through honesty and openness about how to remain positive, Erika asks questions like: “Does the natural reaction to grieve a cancer diagnosis and plead, ‘Why me?' counteract the very healing we seek?” and “Can fears be transformed into unexpected gratitude?”

Erika K Wolf's Cancer & Other Things I’m Grateful For Book Tour is an opportunity for individuals around the country to hear this message firsthand The tour includes events at the Ayurveda & Yoga Women's Spring Retreat in Hocking Hills, Ohio; the Darby Community Library in Darby, Montana; the Holistic Lifestyle Expo in Orlando, Florida; The Arthur Alley Book Event at Loganberry Books in Shaker Heights, Ohio; and the Yoga In The Park Event in East Liverpool, Ohio

Her story is a testament to the resilience we can all find within. Through her message, Erika hopes to inspire others to take control of their health and wellness. Her journey is proof that with a positive mindset and a willingness to explore alternative therapies, individuals can overcome even the toughest challenges in life

Erika was born and raised in East Liverpool, Ohio, and graduated from Kent State University. She is an advocate for the empowerment of women and, through her speaking engagements, focuses on topics about changing careers and being fluid in change She also focuses on health and wellness topics and the power of selfadvocacy Erika currently lives in rural Montana with her husband and two dogs where she works remotely as a digital marketing director She loves the outdoors, and believes that connectivity to nature, whenever possible, is a wonderful way to find peace, healing and balance. <


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Gardening can be very therapeutic as well as symbolic Seeds are planted into fertile soil, they're watered, and they eventually push through the soil to reveal new growth. That new growth blossoms, the roots spread underneath. . .and then the plant seems to be growing out of control. >

S A G A C I T Y S P E A K S : L A D Y W I S D O M S A Y S
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The plant has outgrown the pot it was birthed in A larger pot is needed This beautiful plant now is housed in a pot that can accommodate its growth, so it continues to flourish. But then something happens. The plant continues to blossom, and the roots continue to spread, until ultimately they begin to peak through the bottom of the pot The next thing you know, you can see that the roots are growing out the bottom! The plant has outgrown the pot it is housed in again!

As we go through the seasons of our life, we find ourselves outgrowing our present circumstances We are learning and growing as we go We are overcoming, navigating and coping with all sorts of circumstances. As a result, we have acquired experiences, skills and insights that help take us to that "next level" we often hear about Sometimes, though, this comes at a cost

But when you are on a moving train, you ' ve got to forge ahead!

Everyone is not always on board when change and growth come Some will want you to stay right where you are, because they may not be growing themselves, or they actually may not want to grow! This can become a dilemma because you don’t want to leave friends and family behind You don’t want to appear ungrateful or look as if you ' ve forgotten about those who have been in your life. But if they are not willing to grow, you must make some difficult choices

So much has been placed inside of each of us. Not everyone can go where you are going When you get on that train, you must move forward and embrace your destiny You have worked hard, you have made sacrifices and you have earned the opportunities that are yet to unfold in your life

This requires that you step out of your comfort zone and into new territory, which will, with time become another comfort zone Then you will step outside that one too, sometime in the future


What challenges have you faced when dealing with your own growth?

What will be the cost of your growth, and how will you pay it?

When you realize you have outgrown your space, what will it take for you to gain the courage to step outside your comfort zone?

As long as there is life and breath, plants and people have the potential for growth. I always love to quote George Eliot, who said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” Each day we wake up, we have the opportunity to do something to expand our life experiences

People who have known you all your life know you only in a specific light It may be hard for some of them to support your journey, your growth, your transformation. We don’t have to feel guilty about leaving anyone behind; we just need to focus on moving forward and making our dreams come true Transformation is a beautiful thing It's a moment when you discover who you are and your purpose what it is that you are here to do and to be

You are being planted in a new pot a bigger pot that will accommodate your new growth. Display your leaves proudly and stretch for the sky! <


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A conversation with

Paula G : Eric, you have a rich history a rich legacy of music. I know there's so much more to come. Give our readers a glimpse of your journey up to this point.

Eric Essix: I developed an interest in the guitar at a very early age and got my first instrument at ten years old I began playing in church, with a group called the Harmonettes. At that time I was listening to music from many different genres from Rock to R&B. I decided to focus on jazz in high school after attending a concert by the jazz fusion band Weather Report, which essentially changed my life.

I got a job at UPS while attending college. On the side I joined a local band in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama playing contemporary jazz standards and original songs. When the band parted ways, I decided I wanted to write my own songs and try a career as a solo recording artist. I got a record deal right off the bat with a West coast jazz label called Nova Records With that happening right out of the gate, it had to be nothing but God.

Paula G.: That should tell you something right there.

Eric Essix: Yes, definitely! I recorded two albums for Nova Records, which got my name out there. In the meantime, I graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston in 1993. I signed another deal with Ben Tankard’s Spirit Jazz label in Nashville, and in 1998, I signed with Zebra Records, which was distributed by Warner/Electra/Atlantic at that time.

I recorded two records for Zebra and those are the ones that really put me on the map, so to speak, in the contemporary jazz genre The second one, Southbound, was really a transitional project musically for me because I made a conscious decision to really lean into my Southern roots, particularly Gospel and Blues. Southbound defined who I would eventually become as an artist It pushed me to be honest about who I was and how the music I grew up listening to influenced my sound and my writing.

Paula G : There were some powerful pieces on that particular album that really, as you say, were a bit of reflection of who you were and where you were on your journey and also reflect what was occurring at that particular time in this country

Eric Essix: Yes. The whole shift to incorporate roots music into my style really worked in my favor. And it made me stand out in a way, because there were not that many smooth jazz artists at that time based in the South So, staying true to who I was had a profound effect on me as an artist and taught me a powerful lesson as a person.

My career today, thirty-four years in, has reached a plateau of sorts but I am still passionate about creating art I’ve been very fortunate to continue making records that get airplay and allow me to tour with my band.

Paula G : Maybe it's a plateau, but you're continuing to move forward Sustaining and continuing

Eric Essix: Exactly. I've been extremely blessed to find my own lane in this business, which has helped me stay in the game and press forward I still have something to say musically, and I’m still inspired to perform and connect with people in a live setting. My plan is to keep making music and putting it out as long as there are people who want to hear it.

Paula G: Before we go any further, I want to acknowledge your partner in life whom you have been happily married to in this season. The Bible says, "he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing."

[Proverbs 18:22] You’ve got a good thing, Eric How has your lovely wife added joy into your life?

Eric Essix: Well, they say that life is better when you have someone you love and respect to share it with. I can truly say mine is infinitely better and more meaningful with Tomiko in it >

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Paula G.: That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. Because it is important to recognize the power of a solid relationship and the joy it brings to both. So what are your thoughts on using your gifts, and being rooted in the church as it relates to your longevity?

Eric Essix: My spiritual life has kept me grounded. And, I believe it is the source of the longevity I’ve experienced. My connection to Gospel music and coming up in the church has kept me centered, and it is ingrained in the music I create. Whether it's the sound of the organ on a track, my reimagining of a traditional Negro Spiritual or that guitar lick in a solo that has a little Gospel flavor that connection will always be a part of my sound and who I am as an artist

Paula G.: When I listen to your music, it comes to me to "be still" [Psalm 46:10] to listen to His "still, small voice" [1 Kings 9:12] At times, when I hear your music, that's what resonates Be still, and listen to the tones and hear how you have intertwined the spirituality. It's just like the voice of God. And if people are not listening carefully, they might just miss it. They could miss that lesson.

Eric Essix: I sincerely hope that people can feel that Presence in my music. Sometimes it’s subtle. But on most of the albums that I've recorded, there is a definite nod to my faith that is unmistakable In fact, I have recorded two Gospel albums with my arrangements of traditional songs that I grew up listening to and singing in various church groups: Abide With Me in 2005 and This Train: The Gospel Sessions in 2016. I am proud to have them as part of my catalog!

Paula G.: Absolutely. With that being said, and considering your journey thus far, it's obvious that God truly has sustained you. God has given you the space and the wisdom and the discernment and the guidance to navigate through the music industry all of these years. How have you seen that change over time? What are your thoughts on that? >

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Eric Essix: The music industry is unrecognizable from what it was when I started for better and for worse. I love the autonomy and freedom that technology has given artists to create, to be entrepreneurial and to get their music out there without being tethered to a record label

I have released eighteen albums on my own label since 2002. It has been challenging yet incredibly satisfying to be able to do that. At the same time, with the rise of streaming services and the decline of CD sales, artists now have to deal with massive declines in revenue Figuring out how to replace those losses is tough. It has hit independent artists like me who play instrumental music and jazz particularly hard. That has been the biggest change for me

Paula G.: One thing that I have missed especially during the pandemic, but even prior to the pandemic, because I am unapologetically old-school I've missed live music. I've missed going to see a live band We've been transitioning to a more technologically dependent environment Would you share your thoughts on this?

Eric Essix: I’m old-school too. So I admittedly came into the world of digital technology kicking and screaming, twenty-two years ago I've thoroughly embraced it now, though especially in the production and recording of music. Technology has definitely helped me be more creative in the studio with all the tools that are available.

That said, there are still a few things that I still prefer to do when making records, like recording with musicians physically present in the studio whenever possible. I think it just gives the music a rhythm and a vibe that makes it more enjoyable to listen to And to your point about live music: Nothing can equal the experience of playing and interacting with human beings playing music on stage in front of a live audience. I think that goes for both the musicians and the listeners.

Paula G : And it's worthy to note, that if somebody pulled the plug or the power went out, Eric Essex can still pick up an acoustic guitar and keep it rolling!

Eric Essix: Exactly! As a matter of fact, lately I have been imagining what a move in the direction of acoustic jazz with my own music would sound like. When I consume music as a listener, purely for my own enjoyment, I tend to put on some early Miles, Coltrane, Wes Montgomery, Bill Evans or Kenny Burrell I would love to experiment with a project that has that kind of sound.

Paula G.: You've got twenty-eight albums to date, and you are still on this train, moving forward

Eric Essix: By God's grace.

Paula G.: Yes, and God's grace seems to have been imparted generously upon you over these last thirty-four years

What are some of your latest projects? What are you working on?

Eric Essix: Well, currently I just completed a film score for a documentary on the life of Birmingham Civil Rights icon Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, who is one of my personal heroes. I also had an opportunity to work with Grammy-winning keyboardist and producer, Kelvin Wooten on that project.

I am now planning the second leg of tour dates with my band to support my latest album release, Stride. Of course, I am always searching for inspiration for another recording project at some point too I’m just focused on continuing to learn and grow as an artist

Paula G.: That's so appropriate because our focus, our theme for this particular issue, is Spring, the growing season. So I'm glad that you shared that. As long as we are living, as long as we are breathing, we have the opportunity to grow And we embrace transitions. We meet them at each particular crossroad, and look for guidance on which direction to go.

Eric Essix: Absolutely That's where I am now I'm a mature artist I've been doing this for a long time Often I feel I haven't progressed artistically as much as I should. There have been a few times in my career when I've been inspired to move in a new direction or take a different approach to my work I'm at one of >

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Eric Essix, continued: those crossroads now in life, where I can feel change coming. Over the years, I have learned to embrace change because I know it can very often stimulate growth So, this may be my growing season. And I am honestly excited to be in it! I feel that my best work as an artist is in front of me. And that motivates me to keep moving forward.

Paula G : We can't wait to see what's on the horizon for you, Eric. I appreciate you. I appreciate you sharing. It's encouraging to those who may look at the long career of Eric Essex and ask, "What more could he possibly do? He's done so many amazing things with his music " But when you say that you're still transitioning and growing, and that you still haven't done everything you'd like to do musically that is encouraging to our readers.

As I say on my television show, we're all juggling this journey called life, while walking in the gifts and the talents that God has given us, reflecting a process Sometimes we may have to hit the pause button on expanding on those gifts and talents because life happens, things happen, and sometimes we have to pause and address those things that come up. But eventually with God's guidance, we can always pick it back up again and move forward So thank you for sharing. Thank you for being so transparent.

Eric Essix: I appreciate this opportunity to share, Paula Thank you!

Paula G : Keep striving, and embrace your journey. <



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t h e i D e n t i t y S h i f t lp a y b o o k
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Chloé&Rick: Chloé&Rick: DivinelyAligned DivinelyAligned

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Picture this couple: an NBA player and an international model, both statuesque, and poised, popular and professional.

Rick Brown and Chloé Taylor Brown are just that. For as much as their story is fairytalelike, it’s also just as unimaginable.

Rick is from Canton, Mississippi, and moved to Atlanta when he was fifteen. Chloé grew up in rural Mississippi and was raised by her aunt after her mother died in a car crash when Chloé was only thirteen

Their initial meeting left a lasting impression. Rick saw Chloé for the first time at Mississippi State University and thought she was “a nice quiet homegirl ” They met during their freshman year through a mutual friend Chloé thought Rick was too shy so she was uninterested. Little did she know Rick’s reserved demeanor had drive and a winning mentality. He was persistent. Even though Chloé declined his advances over and over, Rick didn’t give up He wanted to date her After four years of friendship, in Rick’s senior year, Chloé’s perspective changed, and they began to date.

Rick entered the NBA draft and was selected by the Golden State Warriors. Chloé joined Rick in the Bay Area to complete her college internship in Fashion, where she started her modeling career. Two years later the couple was married

That was just the beginning of their fairytale

After three years, Rick was traded from Golden State to the Atlanta Hawks. Chloé was working in Milan, Italy at the time, so the news that they were moving from the Bay Area to Atlanta did not come with excitement for her Surprisingly, once settled, Rick didn’t have the best experience in Atlanta. Although many of his friends were there, with them came many distractions. Chloé described the distractions as a lot of “hanger-on-ers ” There were people looking for handouts, and friends with bad intentions; so as you can imagine, that led to unwanted stress. Luckily, Rick was later signed to a team in Italy.

After a decade of being together overseas, Rick says their relationship was “strong, and everything was very nice ” Chloé says, “In my mind I lived in a world that I created.” Even while supporting Rick and his career, Chloé was able to focus on modeling. >

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Later, though, with a little grunt work and determination, Rick tracked it down, and they purchased her dream home. To say the least, this was a wonderful time in their lives. It was all they could hope for: They were in love and traveled back and forth to Europe with their children

Rick’s highlight was the NBA draft. He had no idea where he was going. But when he found out it was the San Francisco Bay Area it was a big deal because his sisters lived in San Francisco and he hadn’t seen them in several years His second highlight was hitting the last-second, game-winning shot with Real Madrid. To win in this way was also a career dream come true. People in Spain still send pictures and videos from this game. There is a high that you experience in life when things are going well, and you are truly living your wildest dreams

But we all know that there will be ebbs and flows, highs and lows in life.

Nine months after Rick retired from his fifteen-year career there was uncertainty, yet nostalgia too This was a challenging time because they had three children nine-year-old Jade, six-year-old Taylor and three-year-old Justin. Rick had never been at home with the children on a regular basis. He had to learn to transition from basketball player to family man And his focus had to quickly shift, “since all the kids played sports.” He got involved and made the big adjustment. He saw that his wife was at times “a short-order cook. This one wants this, another one wants that.” He became more empathetic and present

For Chloé, motherhood was second nature. She was well-organized and had been accustomed to traveling with three children internationally. She describes Rick as “one of the best fathers. He was there to see everything He has always been a handson, really good father His kids really like him ” They reminisce on those times as great highs.

Justin with Jade weeks before his death

After a perfect summer on a perfect Sunday, six weeks before their youngest son Justin’s fourth birthday, Justin fell into their pool and drowned. He was revived in the hospital but they eventually took him off of life support.

The family wallowed in grief It was a hard time for everyone. Chloé had to want to be happy again. They had to pick themselves up. Rick felt guilt. Chloé eventually chose forgiveness. It was a tragic accident. Together they mourned, they hurt and they leaned on one another

While the hurt, vulnerability and love is evident, it was Chloé’s strength and resolve that helped sustain them. Rick says, “Chloé has always been a positive person. I can see why people are attracted to her persona because she gives off a radiant glow People want that And I am a direct recipient of that. Whenever I have something going on, she is the first person I go to. Any problem I have, we can talk it out. When she gives me her opinion, I take it to heart. I don’t think I’ve had any other person like that in my life that I can go and talk to so openly That is >

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such a big deal " Rick adds, "I’ve always wanted that Some of my friends people I’ve known most of my adult life and childhood I don’t even talk to on such a deep level. Nothing comes close to me expressing it to her.” From Rick, Chloé gets “truth and vulnerability. Rick is determined to do whatever he can for his family. But mostly I like that we’re friends That’s the thing We really do laugh a lot together ”

Chloé continues, “I am called, and I am chosen So I have to show up I have to be bold, powerful, and truthful and share my knowledge.” But Rick is an introvert who would rather be quiet. Chloé will pull him in and say "let’s do this" or "let’s go here." He will eventually get out of whatever funk he is in and say, “OK, I’ll go ”

In 1997, almost a year after their son drowned, Chloé was in her big, fabulous closet, where she had taken her Bible It was actually a Bible that she had found on the street a few years prior. She had a big decision to make and did not know what to do. So she did the only thing she could. She prayed. She prayed hard about whether her family should move or stay in their home. She had all the reasons as to why she wanted to keep staying there and how much she loved that house But Justin had died there so, should they stay or move? She opened the Bible and the pages flipped to 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray. . . . " She wept and prayed, laying prostrate.

She was calm when she finished crying and praying. She had let it all out, and left it in the closet and with God At the time, she had been writing her first book, which ended up becoming her memoir As she sat at her desk, the phone rang She answered and it was a man who said, “Somebody told me that you wanted to sell your house.” She had just been praying about it. She told the man that the house was not on the market. He said, “A friend told me to call you.” At first she was annoyed but then she heard The Holy Spirit tell her: “You just finished praying about this ” The man was calling from her gate She let him in to see the house

This was on a Wednesday. He came back on Friday with his wife and made them an offer that they could not refuse He had the money and told them he would pay for it right then but that they didn’t have to move right away This would give Rick and Chloé time to find and purchase a new house How easy could it be?

In December of 1998, The Holy Spirit spoke again and told Chloé she was going to have another baby They went to church and during the sermon Chloé and Rick knew instantly that it was true. Until that moment, she had had no idea they were four weeks' pregnant with their fourth child, Joshua. At the time, Rick was coaching high school kids, doing basketball lessons and sports camps, and training kids. He was working in a nice gym and helping to develop his own children as athletes as well.

Josh was born in August 1999 They were in a great place By then they both had witnessed divine experiences They are both very spiritual beings Chloé trusts her gut instincts; she has told Rick things, and they happen She gets what she calls "downloads" or "spiritual musings" that work Rick confirms that it works in his life, and he sees it happen in her life, and with some of the people she works with in her coaching practice.

They are unquestionably divinely aligned spiritual soul mates. In recent years they have become even more spiritually yoked. More precise communication, more meaningful conversations and honesty brought that on. They communicate on a higher level now. This was not always the case.

Their communication broke down in 2017 when Rick had a midlife crisis His life had become a monotonous cycle that he wanted to escape He never replaced his professional fulfillment after retiring from professional basketball; he was working jobs he didn’t want to do He was making ends meet but looking for something else He became tired of the rat race and became consumed by another woman. Rick had an affair. >

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Rick turned to his friends. They advised him to put himself first. Make himself happy. He listened. He thought that happiness was having an affair and leaving his wife and children

If someone came to him for advice now, knowing what he now knows, he would tell them to communicate, and get outside counseling aside from your inner circle. He did not seek professional help and didn’t realize he needed it He thought he had done all he could do His kids were grown and gone He had to do some soul searching. He knew what he was looking for and it was financial freedom. He thought he'd found it in this other woman The woman Rick met promised him a grand life and for him she was a “sugar mama ” Rick wanted to go back to Spain to return to the limelight, where he had hit that winning shot. He wanted to hear all the cheering again.

Chloé was blindsided She didn’t know that Rick was having an affair or even planning to leave; she only knew things were falling apart, and sabotaged. Nothing was working out and she was about to have a nervous breakdown, so she went away for six weeks to stay at her sister’s house While she was rejuvenating and re-centering, Rick was angry whenever he called

Later, Chloé realized that an affair speaks on its own: It is secretive and deceitful, and has its own language Rick was trying to make her wrong >

C Ch
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While Chloé was at her sister’s, she knew that Rick missed her and wanted her to be home, but she couldn’t figure out what was going on Then their youngest son, Joshua, told his mother that he had overheard his father speaking with another woman

Everything came crumbling down.

Yet again, The Holy Spirit spoke to Chloé. She knew things that Rick could not deny. Chloé released all negativity and forgave It was then that things started working out for her again

Rick started having unforeseen and unfortunate things happen to him. Rick did not believe in himself or love himself, which is what had made him leave his family in the first place. He had found everything except happiness. He ran from himself into a real-life nightmare. He had to snap out of it. The family lost everything, but Rick was desperate to come back home to start over after just three months of leaving if Chloé would have him >

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Rick and Chloé's love for each other never died. When Chloé watched him work on himself with spiritual counseling, therapy, personal development plus constant begging for a year and a half, Chloé gave him a second chance Rick wanted to make it right Chloé did too

They worked it out and got married again on their original anniversary two years later. They were able to come back in every way as a married couple. They are friends and lovers, and doing more of the things they did when they were younger They now have meaningful, honest conversations, and they’re working on being more adventurous again

It is now just the two of them at home, which hasn’t been the case in over thirty years. The couple sees abundance in their future getting back to the fantastic life that they once lived. Thoughts about the future bring them closer together. They are even looking forward to grandchildren one day.

When asked what he would tell other couples, Rick says it is vital to search your heart, "to see if you feel like this is the person for you You have to know it in your heart without a doubt If you find yourself doubting, having second thoughts, experiencing roadblocks or conflict, there is going to be an issue. Pray, meditate and put in the work.

"The actual work will come. Life won’t always be a fairytale. How do you truly feel about that person? How do you feel about that person when you are around them? Do you get butterflies? Nervous? You can’t just look at outer beauty but inner beauty too ” He insists that it is what is on the inside, the inner light, that will be needed to sustain your relationship.

Chloé says, “Everybody has their own life to live, with their gifts, talents, skills and aspirations to play out. Not projecting my out-of-the box expectations and way of thinking onto Rick is what I have learned In addition, I’m working on vulnerability and on speaking clearly, intentionally and specifically, which is helpful in any relationship A person's Big Life Game will come and unfold, especially if they create and follow their own life's mantra."

Rick adds, "Because Chloé and I are divinely aligned, I will always be reminded to focus on our shared vision. Together, we'll follow our marriage mantra " <

Read more about Chloé & Rick's early years in Chloé's memoir, I Can Laugh Again: From The Valley of Grief to a Glimpse of Heaven Available at Amazoncom

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Kelli's Kelli's


RECIPE Grilled Grilled Kabobs Kabobs
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For vegetable lovers, this recipe is yummy—with healthy ingredients for easy cooking.

Prep time: 15 mins. Cook time: 30 mins. Serves: 4


Portobello mushrooms – 8

Red, orange and green bell peppers – cut into 1½-inch pieces

Zucchini – 1, cut into 1½-inch pieces

Squash – 1, cut into 1½-inch pieces

Red onion – half, cut into ½-inch pieces

Olive oil – 2 Tbsp.

Thyme leaves – chopped

Uncle Butch's Creole Seasoning – 1 tsp.

Kosher salt & ground black pepper


Toss the mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini and onion together with the olive oil, thyme and ¾ teaspoon of Uncle Butch's Creole Seasoning, kosher salt and ground black pepper to taste

Let rest for 15 minutes

Prepare a grill at medium-high heat Thread the vegetables onto four 12-inch skewers alternating

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chef CHRIS morrison

Teaching, uplifting and innovating at Atlanta's Little Farmhouse Café

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Have you ever met someone whose passion for their craft was so palpable that you couldn't help but be drawn in? That's exactly what it feels like to be in the presence of Chef Chris Morrison, the culinary mastermind behind Atlanta's beloved Little Farmhouse Café and Little Farmhouse Catering & Events.

Chef Morrison's passion for creative culinary expression is infectious. He has dedicated his life to bringing people together through food With his Le Cordon Bleu education and experience as the private event chef for Whole Foods Market, he has honed his skills and developed a unique culinary style that showcases the best of what Georgia has to offer.

At the heart of Chef Morrison's philosophy is the belief that food is more than just sustenance it's an art form that requires creativity, intuition and a deep connection to the ingredients He takes great care to source the freshest ingredients, often working with local farmers, to create menus that showcase the flavors of Georgia

But Chef Morrison's passion for food goes beyond just cooking. He is committed to empowering others to explore their own creativity in the kitchen whether it's through cooking classes, mentoring aspiring chefs, or teaching individuals how to become personal chefs in their own homes. He believes that food has the power to bring people together, and he is dedicated to creating unique experiences that foster community and connection

One of the ways Chef Morrison is spreading his passion for food is through his alter ego, "Mr. Delicious." Mr. Delicious embodies Chef Morrison's playful and irreverent spirit, inspiring and delighting everyone he meets. In fact, Chef Morrison has plans to launch a line of Mr. Delicious products that foodies around the world will enjoy and experience, no matter where they are

Despite his success, Chef Morrison remains grounded and committed to giving back to his community. He is passionate about supporting local restaurants and farmers and creating a more sustainable eco-system in the Atlanta area. He is launching a series of bespoke, in-house roundtable dinner events with local up-and-coming chefs, food and beverage media, food bloggers, influencers and sustainable farmers, to discuss the future of the food industry in Atlanta and beyond

Chef Morrison's commitment to quality and creativity is evident in every dish he creates. Whether you're enjoying a meal at the Little Farmhouse Café or planning a unique, special event with Little Farmhouse Catering & Events, you can be sure that working with Chef Morrison will be a delicious and unforgettable experience. He was recently named "Next Chef to Watch" by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and he is a Great Awards nominee. He is also a proud member of Georgia Organics.

In the end, Chef Chris Morrison is more than just a chef He's a culinary artist, a community leader, and a passionate advocate for food His dedication to creative culinary expression, and to unique experiences and empowerment, has made him one of the most exciting and inspiring figures on the Atlanta food scene. So, the next time you're looking for a delicious meal or a unique event experience, look no further than Chef Chris Morrison and Little Farmhouse Catering & Events. <

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Theycanenergizeand enliventhemselvesby creatingtheirownSacred MarriageMantra—toalign theirrelationshiptothrive andflourishagain—and maybefortheveryfirsttime. #MARRIED TOTHE MANTRA


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Too often, we focus on what we don't want in order to avoid negative outcomes. However, this approach can actually backfire—bringing about the very things we are trying to avoid. This happens because our thoughts and energy are directed toward what we don't want, rather than what we do want.

So, how can we shift our focus toward what we do want? The answer lies in the power of reframing. Reframing is the process of taking a negative or limiting thought and turning it into a positive, empowering one. >

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For example, instead of saying "I don't want to be shy," reframe it to "I want to be brave, daring, confident, courageous and assertive." By focusing on what you do want, you create a clear and positive direction for your personal excellence.

Why is this important? Because by focusing on what you want, you attract more of it into your life. This is because your thoughts and energy are aligned towards your desired outcome, rather than scattered and unfocused.

So, take a moment right now to reflect on your current goals and desires. Are you focusing on what you don't want? Or are you reframing your thoughts toward what you do want?

If you ' re not sure, start by identifying the negative or limiting thoughts that are holding you back. Then, reframe them into positive, empowering statements that align with your personal excellence.

Remember: What you focus on grows. So, focus on what you want. And watch your desires turn into reality. <

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This edition of Gemma's Historical Gems gives us a chance to explore the impact of culture on marriage The process of mate selection and the ultimate choice of partners is deeply influenced by tradition and family history, as well as by the social and political events of the era. The institution of marriage has changed but for many, the general pursuit of happiness within the ideally committed relationship remains a priority

Impressed by my own cultural ties to marriage as an African American woman, and while living for six months in India I became curious about the influences of life choices The world over, marriage as a human custom is a strong conduit of cultural patterns I hope to increase our knowledge and understanding regarding the lifechanging choices we make that have such a powerful influence on our lives

First and foremost, the overall purpose of marriage is a practical one: providing stability for the couple, both economically and socially

Legally, the importance of marriage is to ensure the rights of the partners with respect to each other and to define the relationships of children within a community This entitles a person to the various privileges set down by the traditions of that community, including the right of inheritance Within the African American community, the determination for a legally sanctioned marriage was a long-fought-for struggle. During slavery, marriages could be established by simply getting the slaveholder’s permission and sharing a cabin If they shared vows, the wording had to be modified The vow "to have and to hold, in sickness and in health. . .til death do you part" was revised: "Til death do us part" was changed to "til death or buckra part you " The term buckra referred to “the White man " ; so it meant "til death or distance will you part ways " >

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The custom of jumping the broom was a ritual conducted by an enslaved couple, which helped them feel " more married " What is clear is that there was no security or control for those within the marriage

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 declared all people born in the United States of America to be citizens, "without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude " Freed slaves now had the right to own, sell, or lease personal and real property; to enter into contracts; and to be entitled to basic human rights. They also had the right to marry The determination of James Wells in 1869 to legally marry Liza Boling, parents of Ida Belle Wells, speaks to the importance and impact of such a cultural mandate Kinship was essential to Black people. Many enslaved and subsequently freed people valued marriage as a way to signify commitment and love. Thus this legalization of marriage for African Americans was a powerful validation Marriage was not only a way for a couple to codify an intimate relationship but also to express their humanity.

Given the struggle, in the African American community historically the tradition of marriage has been especially cherished As a young girl, I recall attending beautiful weddings of family members and friends This was during the more peaceful times of the 1950s and 60s. As a part of the segregated world, this was significant in that it represented a sense of normalcy. I recall that marriage was representative of a socially and morally acceptable goal

The picture of a beautiful wedding and a perfect relationship was a promise of reward, which I believed in and wanted. I gave little thought and probably had little knowledge of the historical significance of marriage in the Black community However, childhood stories of my own family as well as comparative stories likely related to social class persuaded me that being in love and having respect for each other were the keys to a successful relationship This was always accompanied by such advice as “only if the young man is a Christian, and well directed “ This attribute was considered essential in a potential husband

In 2018 as a Fulbright Scholar in India, I was deeply engaged in observing the culture of arranged marriages in Southeast Asia

After living in India's State of Kerala, I pondered the importance and influence of one ' s history and heritage on this process of commitment to marriage A consistent question asked of me as I presented programs and data from the experience was why and how the arranged marriage functions.

Arranged marriages have been a part of Indian culture since the fourth century Many consider the practice a central fabric of Indian society reinforcing the social, economic, geographic and historic significance of India itself. My first encounter with an Indian wedding was a Hindu ceremony in New Delhi in 1996 It was a highlight of my first Fulbright experience

In the US, we are accustomed to a “love marriage,” representative of the American culture of which we are a part. In India, an overriding fundamental philosophy of the culture is the importance of tradition Carrying out an arranged marriage reinforces the culture upon which individuals base their beliefs, loyalties, hopes, values and principles.

There are several types of arranged marriages whether Hindu, Muslim or Christian Though all have commonality reflective of the Indian culture, the Christian community is most closely related to many of the well-known features familiar to America. Those with whom I conducted my research were primarily of the Christian community, although there were a few representatives of the Hindu culture When interviewing eighty-five women ranging in age from twenty-one to eighty-seven all of them identified as their preference an arranged marriage over a love marriage. A consistent comment from these respondents was the idea that “while you may take the plunge, call it love, and regret it later, there is no such chance in an arranged marriage ”

A family starts thinking about your marriage only when you are settled and mentally prepared for such a commitment. They know you well, and so they know that you are ready to take the responsibility of another person before they start coaxing you into marriage The process is well established, and consistent

Once it is determined that a women is ready for marriage, it is the responsibility of her father or the eldest male of the family to seek the right mate for her >

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Qualities looked for include: compatibility of religion; economic and social class; educational level; and employment (whether it's professional, laborer, agricultural, and so on). Once potential candidates for the daughter are established, sometimes using a marriage broker, the father meets the potential family of the son the marriage candidate If the man appears to have potential, the mother of the daughter is then included in another acquaintance meeting. Though not well advertised, the discussion of a dowry is begun

This may be considered legally questionable, but in all of my interviews, an agreement over a dowry was mentioned as part of what is discussed with the potential groom ’ s family. Once the dowry has been agreed upon which is the responsibility of the father or of the family of the potential bride arrangements for the woman to meet the potential groom are put into place. (In the past, the bride often did not meet the groom until the day of the wedding.)

There are still many communities in India that claim to practice arranged marriage, where one or both parties don’t actually get the opportunity to give full free consent. In these situations, young people are usually emotionally manipulated into entering the marriage

Cultural norms in India have changed in recent years, giving women and men more opportunity to decide whether or when they should get married. Whether in an arranged marriage or in a love marriage, the goal is the same

The most widespread African American family structure consisting of a single parent has historical roots dating back to 1880. Data from US Census reports reveal that between 1880 and 1960, married households consisting of two-parent homes were the most widespread form of African American family structures But married households decreased The number of single-parent homes began to rise dramatically starting in 1960. >

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The impact of marriage on cultures continues to shape a community's direction Statistics are overwhelmingly revealing In 1890, eighty percent of African American households were comprised of two parents. One hundred years later, only forty percent of African American children lived in married-couple households.

According to data in 2016, about 1 36 million people in India were divorced That is equivalent to a mere 0.24 percent of the married population, and only 0.11 percent of the total population. So that means that less than one in 1,000 marriages in India ends up in divorce

Neither African American nor Indian families can avoid the impact of their culture. Factors contributing to both cultures' marital patterns are worthy of exploration.

The explanation of the changes associated with the African American marriage are numerous Historical data has contributed to several theories. One that is of major consideration is that ironically, Blacks were prevented from obtaining legal marriages while enslaved, but they were "disproportionately punished" if once they were free they lived together without getting married Being married had become a moral and legal requirement for Blacks in American society. Unaware that there would be legal ramifications, some African Americans who had been in quasi-marriages were prosecuted for choosing a different partner to legally marry once they were free Thus the system has provided numerous challenges for the African American family.

Issues contributing to the marriage status of African Americans include structural, cultural, individual and interactive factors Structural factors include the disparity in gender ratios between African American males and females, as well as employment instability among African American males. Cultural factors include changing trends such as marriage not being a prerequisite for sex; the growing independence of women; the shift from a focus on the family to individualism; cohabitation rather than marriage as an increasing option; and the promotion of the values of materialism and patriarchy throughout popular culture.

Individual factors stem from an internalization of cultural values, which affects people’s perceptions of marriage and their expectations of a potential mate their willingness to commit to a relationship that could lead to marriage, and, once they marry, their willingness to sustain the marriage through the many challenges that the couple will face

Changes in Indian statistics regarding marriage, divorce and separation are revealing of the cultural impact. The number of people separated is almost three times the number of people divorced, i e , 0 61 percent of the married population and 0 29 percent of the total population More women are divorced and separated than men. More people are separated than divorced in India because of stigma associated with divorce, and the time it takes to resolve disputes in the slow-moving Indian courts

Strikingly, the number of love marriages is growing in India. And some woman are even choosing not to marry at all. The national census form gives its citizens the following choices to select their status: married, never married, separated, divorced, or widowed

Whatever the culture, when it comes to marriage, as the Bob Dylan song goes, "the times, they are a-changin'”! <

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4things, 6steps toprotect yourskin.

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www idermed


As we approach sunnier days both figuratively and environmentally it’s time to start thinking about the one product that works immediately upon its application: sun protection Did you know that wearing sunscreen year-round helps maintain a youthful appearance? Not only that, it also protects your skin from cancer-causing UV rays which is why it’s imperative to wear year-round sun protection even on cloudy days!

It's so easy these days to incorporate sunscreen into your daily skincare routine, with so many modern formulations in a variety of textures such as waterresistant sprays, lotions, creams, gels, sticks, primers, mineral powders, beautybalm creams and foundations Depending on your needs there is a sunscreen that is sure to fit your lifestyle

Things you need to know about choosing


1. Broad-spectrum

sunscreen: means the product will cover and shield against UVA and UVB rays

2. Water-resistant: indicates that the product will protect the skin in water for a specified duration of time.

3. Sun protection factor (SPF): This numerical factor provides information on the level of protection provided. A minimum of SPF 15 to 30 is recommended for everyday wear When in the sun, it is important to reapply sunscreen to exposed areas every ninety minutes to two hours, or as the product label indicates

4. Active ingredients: Check to see whether the active ingredients are chemical or physical sunscreens. Physical sunscreens most commonly contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which provide a physical barrier on the skin that reflects dangerous UV rays. Chemical sunscreens contain chemicals which protect the skin by interacting with and absorbing ultraviolet energy. Both are effective, but chemical sunscreens may have a higher chance of producing skin irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals


2. Check yourself in a mirror. Take care to apply sunscreen evenly and don’t forget spots like your ears, hairline and neck.

3. Apply before you leave the house. Plan ahead Sunscreen should be applied at least fifteen minutes before sun exposure Chemical formulations take this amount of time to reach their full protection potential, while mineral sunscreens begin working immediately. To create good habits I always suggest applying before heading outdoors.

4. Massage it in. When using a cream or gel sunscreen, be sure to massage the product onto the skin for better absorption.

Steps to applying sunscreen:

1. Be generous. According to The American Academy of Dermatology, most people apply only twenty-five to fifty percent of the recommended amount. Apply at least a nickel-sized dollop to the face alone, and approximately a shot-glass–full for exposed areas of the body (the equivalent of two tablespoons).

5. Sunscreen must be the closest product to your skin for optimal protection. Apply foundation make-up over sunscreen Using a mineral foundation, bronzer and blush provides an extra layer of protection and can be reapplied during the day

Using sunscreen daily helps skin maintain a youthful appearance.
6. Re-apply. When exposed to direct sunlight, be sure to reapply at least every two hours and immediately after swimming, sweating or towel drying. < F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E . C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 7 7
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Is your image making or breaking your ability to level up your success?

In the world of upscale living and high-stakes opportunities, the way you present yourself can make a significant difference in the trajectory of your success Your image is a silent language that speaks volumes, and it can either open doors for you or close them indefinitely From the clothing you wear to the way you carry yourself; every element of your appearance has the power to shape how others perceive you The right image can lend you credibility and influence, while an inconsistent or poorly thought-out presentation can quickly derail your chances of achieving your goals.

Self-presentation is any behavior or action made with the intention to influence or change how other people see you

The importance of image extends beyond superficial concerns about looks It's about understanding that every aspect of your appearance communicates a message about who you are and what you value. For instance, consider how different clothing styles or grooming habits can convey professionalism, creativity or reliability Your image is a subtle yet powerful tool that can be harnessed to shape perceptions and, ultimately, to influence outcomes in both your personal and professional life

There are two primary ways to approach selfpresentation: authenticity and identity.

Embracing your authentic image means aligning your appearance with your true self, showcasing your unique characteristics, and projecting an image that feels genuine and consistent.

On the other hand, adopting an identity or persona can involve consciously curating a specific image to achieve a desired effect. While both approaches have merit, it's essential to understand the implications of each and choose the one that best aligns with your goals

An authentic image is rooted in self-awareness and self-acceptance It involves understanding your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your values and aspirations

When you present yourself authentically, you convey a sense of trustworthiness and integrity that others can easily perceive This can create an aura of credibility and confidence that will serve you well in both personal and professional settings.

To develop your authentic image, consider the following:

Reflect on your personal values, goals, and aspirations

Assess your strengths and identify areas for improvement.

Align your wardrobe and grooming habits with your authentic self including your body type, shape, weight, height and other innate characteristics

Once crafted and aligned, consistently reinforce your image through your behavior, communication style and body language.

On the other hand, a carefully crafted identity or persona can help you project a specific image to achieve strategic goals or navigate challenging situations For instance, an aspiring politician might adopt a polished, authoritative image to convey competence and win the trust of constituents A creative professional, such as a fashion designer or artist, might present a more avant-garde or eccentric image to stand out in their industry.

To develop an identity or persona, consider the following:

Identify the desired outcome or goal you want to achieve.

Analyze the expectations and preferences of your target audience

Craft an image (visually and verbally) that aligns with those expectations while still maintaining a degree of authenticity.

Consistently present this persona in relevant contexts to reinforce its credibility.

Regardless of the approach you choose, remember that your image is a powerful tool that can propel you toward success or hold you back from reaching your full potential By cultivating a thoughtful, intentional selfpresentation, you can harness the power of image to open doors, establish credibility, and create opportunities for growth and achievement in every area of your life

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Attributesofa Feminine 20 PowerPlayer Dr.MaxineCain F L O U R I S H D I G I T A L M A G A Z I N E . C O M | S P R I N G 2 0 2 3 | 8 0

Attributesofa Feminine 20 PowerPlayer



She values herself and displays IvyLeague confidence with grace and style;

She has keen perception;

She is decisive;

She applies her knowledge;

She pursues worthy, big dreams;

She has the knowledge and discipline to maintain and expand her dreams and others' dreams, too;

She energizes her mind, body, spirit and soul, and thrives;

She has the ability to take action, to occupy and maintain a position, and to take charge;

She communicates masterfully and uses her communication abilities to speak truthfully, specifically and clearly to direct energy in a positive manner;

She has abundant, upscale communication channels, contacts and connections;

She shows up and delivers what she promises;

She duplicates, appreciates and acknowledges others' dreams, viewpoints, skills, visions, plans and desires;

She trusts and respects herself and creates trust and respect in others;

She is honest;

She is a big developer and producer;

Those connected to her to her game of excellence and to her area(s) expand spiritually;

She has big dreams, visions, plans, skills and actions;

She knows the value of creating her unique brand and projecting a trustworthy appearance that meets the requirements of any occasion;

She laughs freely, and sincerely enjoys herself, others and life; and

She loves operating in a win/win manner.

Intuitive, strong, bold, prosperous, successful, healthy and happy she is a breath of fresh air.


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