13 JANUARY 2013
this issue Marketing P.1 Customer Service P.1 Tool, Tidbits, and Trends P.2 The WOW Factor P.2 Upcoming Events P.3 Web Hits P.3 Key Marketing Dates P.3 Sponsorship P.4 TEAM FMWR P.6 Professional Development P.6
CUSTOMER SERVICE THE BUDDY SYSTEM Your customers drive your bottom line. You better like them; they are going to pay your bills and build your business. Always imagine yourself in the other person's shoes. Do you want slick or sincere? Do you want a smile or a grin? An honest answer to questions or a canned reply? OPEX & OPEX REFRESHER TRAINING DATES
26 FEB - OPEX 0730-1630 AMCC 27 FEB - OPEX Refresher 0800-1130 or 1300-1630 AMCC 20 MAR - OPEX 0730-1630 AMCC 21 MAR - OPEX Refresher 0800-1130 or 1300-1630 AMCC Remember space is limited to 28 per session so please get your staff registered now. The Refresher is for front line staff. Anyone who is a rater is to attend the Sustaining the Covenant Management Workshop – date TBD.
Customer Service isn’t a department, it’s an attitude!
Business New Year Resolutions Just as the advent of a New Year makes for an excuse to lose 10 pounds or put more money into savings, so too is it a good time for businesses or managers to take stock of where they are and where they want to be this time next year. Setting some short term objectives is a great way to start with an ending target of tying your short term objectives into your long term goals. Inspiration and accountability are also two essential components for turning goals from abstract into reality. Goals are not separate from the culture of the organization , they happen when you create a culture of caring which leads to buy-in. A few starters; Solicit Employee Input You may have a clear vision of where you want your company to go, but it's also crucial to motivate employees so they're looking in the same direction you are. So, instead of issuing a top-down initiative, try co-creating goals with employees. Set Long-Term and Short-Term Goals Create long-term goals to provide mileposts to help you visualize progress for the years to come. Then develop short-term, monthly and quarterly objectives to lead your organization step-by-step toward the accomplishment of the longer-term goals.
Stay Organized and Focused The reality is, a growing business will have more than just a few goals. That's when a vigilant focus and a commitment to organization comes into play. Pick a time each week to review goals – tracking short term goals will keep long term goals visible and on track.
Be Consistent Another problem that can arise with having many distinct goals for your business is the possibility they will conflict with each other. Example Companies wanting 100 percent customer satisfaction but also want the highest margins. Customer service is expensive, so that's not going to happen. You have to pick. Look at the big picture. Also look out for a situation where you're unwittingly preventing employees from accomplishing a goal. Have a “Plan B” Even with your best efforts, you won’t reach every goal. Knowing this, allow for some variation in your plans. There should always be an alternative that addresses unexpected challenges or opportunities beyond your control Build a Culture of Appreciation One important (and often overlooked) part of the business goal setting process is rewarding the employees who are actually working to achieve those goals. This isn't always a financial incentive, a simple thank you and celebrating what went right instead of only focusing on what went wrong is appreciated. If you work in a company long enough where that's not practiced, the motivation starts to disappear. “The most important thing in any business is the people! Take care of yourself and your employees. Happy healthy employees make for a happy healthy organization’” Mr. Wayne Bardell Director FMWR Fort Leonard Wood