On Target with FLW FMWR - April 2013

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16 APRIL 2013

this issue Marketing P.1 Customer Service P.1 Tools, Tidbits, and Trends P.2 The WOW Factor P.2 Upcoming Events P.3 Web Hits P.3 Key Marketing Dates P.3 Sponsorship P.4 Training P.5 Professional Development P.5 TEAM FMWR P.6 Employee/Program Highlights P.6

CUSTOMER SERVICE It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages. Henry Ford OPEX & OPEX REFRESHER TRAINING DATES




25 APR - OPEX 0730-1630 AMCC 26 APR - OPEX Refresher 0800-1130 or 1300-1630 AMCC 21 MAY - OPEX 0730-1630 AMCC 22 MAY - OPEX Refresher 0800-1130 or 1300-1630 AMCC Remember space is limited to 28 per session so please get your staff registered now. The Refresher is for front line staff. Anyone who is a rater is to attend the Sustaining the Covenant Management Workshop – date TBD.

“Hand out ICE Cards, ask the customer what they think, feel & need – then we will know how to deliver our services.”

Obesity vs. Fast Food! Is the goal to confuse people or just cause arguments between parents and children?

Braille fail! I understand the target is for those purchasing for sight impaired but the irony is somewhat ridiculous. And really? “Never seen before?”

WTF were you thinking? Surely you could rearrange this and it would still get your message across? Must be a generation gap thing.

Banana-nana-fofana Some say the name of your product isn’t important. I disagree, and this demonstrates it perfectly. A banana by another name is still a long yellow thing!?

Overemphasis Okay, so you have a bad acronym, don’t make it worse!

Proof Reading is very important Kids may eat free but they’ll pay to use the restroom!

Don’t bring this home to mom Really? Research your acronyms!

Benefit statement Surely they could have thought of a better selling point. I wouldn’t pick up hitchhikers!

Mr. Wayne Bardell Director FMWR Fort Leonard Wood

Customer Service isn’t a department, it’s an attitude!

There are no words! Except WHY?


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