On Target - MWR Newsletter - April 2014

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APRIL 2014 Great Ideas

pg 1

Joy in The Work Place

pg 2

1 Team/1 Mission

pg 3

Tools, Tidbits, Trends

pg 4

Upcoming Events

pg 5

Web Analytical

pg 5

Customer Service

pg 6

WOW Events

pg 6

Marketing Dates

pg 7

Sponsorship Dates

pg 7

Training & PD

pg 8

Team MWR

pg 9

Celebrate & Nominate

pg 10

Thomas Schoenbeck, Region Director , IMCOM Central Region, tours the CDCs


Great Ideas/Programs

Start Planning for Earth Day 2015: EARTH DAY PALLET CHALLENGE Inspired by Pinterest & Fort Bliss Challenge patrons to create something out of pallets ~ artwork, furniture, garden items etc. This is a great way to showcase recycling, raise awareness of Earth Day and get rid of pallet that might be piling up at the warehouse. Offering patrons free pallets for pick up reduces and reuses materials that may otherwise end up in a landfill. This has been done at Fort Bliss (ask me for their rules & regs).

RECYCLED RUNWAY This competition seeks to promote the use of recycled material in creative and artistic ways, while raising environmental and waste awareness among the entrants and those who view the costumes. ONE RULE, ALL costumes must be made from only recyclable/reusable materials. This can include, but is not limited to: cardboard, aluminum, plastics, paper, steel/tin, Styrofoam, paper bags, glass, and recycled fabric.




WARNING: Your Workplace Can Improve By Adding Joy. Yes, I said JOY! Creating a sustainable and successful workplace is a challenge, knowing what traits you want your workplace to have is a good place to start. Joy isn’t the first word that comes to mind when contemplating business success but you can help your workplace become more energetic and passionate using the Joy, Inc. blueprint by Richard Sheridan, CEO and Chief Storyteller of Menlo Innovations and author of Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love. 1. Imagine joy. Set out to intentionally build the workplace that you want to work for. 2. Build community. Good attitudes spread. A contagious joyful attitude can spread from your employees, to your clients, and to the community. 3. Foster communication. An open work environment creates natural opportunities for conversation and growth. “A culture that embraces and honors its people with a changeable space encourages serendipity.” 4. Use storytelling. Engage your patrons with stories of your company and your team. “If you can get customers to start telling your stories, you will reinforce your mission every single minute of every day, even when you’re not in the room.” 5. Tear down towers of knowledge. One person shouldn’t be so integral to your organization that they can’t go on vacation or has to be on-call all the time. While these could seem like job security, ultimately, it’s too much pressure on one person and the infrastructure.

”To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” --Pearl S. Buck 6. Design for living. “Whatever you do for a living, design plays a role.” Design helps tell your organization’s story and should help create the joyful user experience for your brand. 7. Kill fear. “Fear is one of the biggest killers of joy,” so it holds your team back from making bold decisions unless the bold decisions mirror what management wants. Which, come to think of it, often means they’re not really bold. 8. Make mistakes faster. “Small, fast mistakes are preferable to big, slow, deadly mistakes.” Create a culture where people can fail and succeed to survive and thrive. A small, fast mistake means you’re learning. A big, slow mistake means you’re dumb. 9. Rely on discipline. There’s no replacing hard work and accountability for your work. Discipline creates results. Joy and discipline are not polar opposites nor are joy and anarchy the same thing. 10. Catalyze teamwork. At Menlo Innovation, they work in a pairing system. Each week they switch pairs and maximize the skills of each employee as they rotate through different pairings. This pairing and re-pairing strengthens the whole team. Source: Richard Sheridan, Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love.

MWR Marketing: 573.596.0117 / www.fortleonardwoodmwr.com


“If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace, and you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.” Johnny Carson

Will Add More









1.Choose to Be Happy at Work - Dwell on the aspects of your work you like. 2. Do Something You Love Every Single Day - If you do something you love every single day, even your job will be more pleasant. 3. Take Charge of Your Own Professional and Personal Development - You are the person with the most to gain from continuing to develop professionally & growing. 4. Take Responsibility for Knowing What Is Happening at Work - Seek out the information you need to work effectively. Develop an information network and use it. 5. Ask for Feedback Frequently - Ask for feedback. Talk to your boss & customers; if you're serving them well, their feedback is affirming. 6. Make Only Commitments You Can Keep - If your workload is exceeding your available time and energy, make a comprehensive plan to ask the boss for help & resources. 7. Avoid Negativity - No matter how positively you feel, negative people have a profound impact on your psyche. Don't let the negative Neds & Nellies bring you down. 8. Make Friends - Liking & enjoying your coworkers are hallmarks of a positive, happy work experience. Take time to get to know them. You might actually like & enjoy them. Your network provides support, resources, sharing, & caring.

Military kids can win cool prizes in the Young Lives, Big Stories contest In recognition of the Month of the Military Child, Army MWR is hosting a creative contest open to military kids world-wide. Youth from preschool through twelfth grade are invited to express their feelings about what it means to be a military child using photos, words, drawings or videos. One overall winner and the top entries in each age category will win prizes such as a Wii or iPad. Please encourage our military kids and their parents to get involved and share their big stories! The contest runs from April 1-24, 2014.

Source: DegreeSearch.org


Upcoming Events For a link to ALL MWR Flyers and Events click here

Be Social!

April 9 RODNEY ATKINS IN CONCERT Country music star and sports enthusiast Rodney Atkins will perform for Military Service Members, April 9 at Nutter Field House, Fort Leonard Wood. The Concert is in partnership with USO Missouri and Family and MWR and is open to the Fort Leonard Wood Community. Venue opens at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7:00pm. No tickets are required for this event. Festival seating, no outside food, beverage and coolers, no cameras, video or audio recording devices. 573 596-6913 or www.fortleonardwoodmwr.com. April 11 COMMANDER’S GOLF SCRAMBLE Hosted by Piney Valley Golf Course; shotgun start at 12:00 pm. 4/person scramble; cost is $30 for Advanced Green Fee Patrons (AGFP) or $40 for non AGFP’s. Includes greens fees, cart and range practice from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. Food and beverages are provided at each event. 10221 Water Intake Rd. 573-329-4770. Additional Dates: May 9/ June 13/ July 11/ August 8/ September 12/ October 17/ November 14

Click the buttons above for our Social Media Sites


April 11 FLASH LIGHT EGG HUNT Family & MWR invites children 13 and up to join us for the first ever MWR Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt. Bring your flashlight and basket and get ready for an evening of fun! Egg hunt will take place at 8:00 pm at the Colyer Park located on Nebraska Avenue. 573596-6913.


April 12 6th ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Infants and children 12 yrs and younger are invited to Family & MWR’s 6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt beginning promptly at 10:00 am. Egg hunt will take place at the Colyer Park located on Nebraska Avenue. Venue opens at 9:00 am with a visit from the Easter Bunny and entertainment by Janie Next Door. 573-596-6913.


April 16 NAF WAREHOUSE SALE Bargain hunters can receive deep discounts at the NAF excess property Warehouse Sale. Sale will be held 8:00 am – 3:00 pm at Bldg. 2311 Railroad Street. Items are sold “as is” with no refunds. Sale is open to the public. 573-596-0173.

MWR SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK: 6,084 Page likes TWITTER: 2,179 Followers / 1,349 Tweets FLICKR: 2,058,349 Views / Best Day Mar 17 with 39,461 views. This was the day we posted the Shamrock Shuffle Photos.

PINTEREST: 18 Boards / 189 Pins / 123 Followers YOUTUBE: 243 Views

April 11 FERMENTED COLORS PAINTING CLASS Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere while socializing, painting and enjoying the beverage of the night (red and white wines). Painting Class is from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Pershing Community Center. Cost is $50 and includes 2 tickets for cocktails and a take home 16 x 20 acrylic canvas painting that you have created. Bldg. 4109 Piney Hills Drive. Class is open to the public; must be 21 or older and registered by April 10 prior to 4:00 pm at the Arts & Craft Frame Shop located in the PX Mini Mall or call 573-596-0242.

April 20 EASTER BRUNCH Pershing Community Center from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Cost is $15.95 adults / $7.95 children 4-11 FREE for children 3 yrs. & under. To make reservations call 573-329-2455.

Check your web sites, patrons are lurking!

MWR Marketing: 573.596.0117 www.fortleonardwoodmwr.com



Don’t just satisfy your customers,


WOW them!

W. O. W stands for Wonderful, Outstanding and Way beyond what you ever expected!

Smile, literally. A smile can “translate” through the phone, causing your voice to sound friendly and warm. But be careful not to “smile” at a very angry customer. • Mirror your customers. Try to match their tone and emotion. Mirroring doesn’t mean to yell if a customer is yelling at you. Be yourself, and mirror in the best way you can to create quick rapport.




• Reflect and validate. When a customer is upset or frustrated, they might not be able to take in what you say—even when it’s the right answer. First, really listen to help them calm down. After saying all they need to say, they’re more likely to be receptive to hearing the solution you offer.



• Acknowledge. Tell customers you understand their problem and the reason for their call. Make sure they feel heard. • Give the customer time. Let customers vent if they need to, even if you understand the issue right away. People often need to finish expressing themselves in their own way before they are ready to proceed.

• Summarize. Repeat back what a customer has told you in a supportive way. This demonstrates that you understand the problem. • Communicate hold time. Before you put someone on hold, get confirmation that it’s OK to do so. General rule: don’t leave a customer on hold more than 2 minutes without checking back, even if it’s to say it may take longer. If you know it will be an extended hold, tell them ahead of time. Offer to call back, if that’s preferable.


Marketing MARKETING: To capitalize on our Marketing efforts, please forward your Marketing Requests at least 45 days out! Getting the request at 45 days or EARLIER ensures that the Marketing Office can meet all our advertising deadlines to maximize exposure of your event, program or facility. •Requests will be accepted at anytime however you may miss out on many advertising avenues. •JUNE Marketing Requests due by APRIL 15. ~ 8 June – Best Friend Day ~ 14 June – Army Birthday / Flag Day ~ 15 June – Father’s Day ~ 21 June – Summer Solstice •JULY Marketing Requests due by MAY 15.


~ Park & Recreation Month ~ 4 July– Independence Day ~ 10 June – Teddy Bear Picnic Day

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS MAY A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION (PO) SELL SPONSORSHIP? A PO can raise funds on the installation in accordance with local guidance and consistent with the purpose statement contained in their charter, as approved by the SJA office. A PO can raise funds or obtain cash or donated products through solicitation of businesses outside the gate but cannot promise advertising exposure or public recognition on the installation to that business beyond the POs membership or outside of the activity for which the solicitation is supporting. POs cannot conduct or compete with MWR events and, therefore, cannot solicit donations or sponsorship on behalf of MWR events, nor can they misrepresent their affiliation/relationship with the installation in such a manner that the business believes that it is the installation and not a PO that is soliciting. POs and units may conduct a resale activity at an MWR event as prescribed in chapter 13-18 a., AR 215-1.




Jan 6, 2014


Feb 3, 2014


Mar 3, 2014


Apr 1, 2014


May 1, 2014


Jun 2, 2014


Jun 30, 2014


Jul 28, 2014


Sep 1, 2014

Jan 2015

Sep 29, 2014

Feb 2015

Nov 3, 2014

~ 28 June – Parent’s Day


Be sure to get your Sponsorship requests in as early as possible – dates to the RIGHT. Reminder: Sponsorship is a benefit to both the sponsor and the program receiving sponsorship. Sponsorship is not a guarantee – but will be sought if all requirements are met. Shereece Spain Sponsorship Manager (573) 596-0147 shereece.n.spain@us.army.mil

TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPERATION EXCELLENCE TRAINING 16 APR OPEX for New Employees Bldg 470, Rm 1129 1230-1630 17 APR (Extra Mile) OPEX Refresher Bldg 470, Rm 1129 0800-1000 or 1300-1500 13 MAY OPEX for New Employees Bldg 470, Rm 1129 0800-1200 14 MAY (Professionalism) OPEX Refresher Bldg 470, Rm 1129 0800-1000 or 1300-1500

MANDATORY TRAINING EEO FOR EMPLOYEES – Abrams Theater 29 APRIL 0900-1100 or 1330-1530 ALCOHOL AND DRUG PREVENTION – Abrams Theater 1 MAY 1000-1130 or 1300-1430 SUICIDE PREVENTION – Abrams Theater 20 MAY 0830-1000 or 1300-1430 MANDATORY ONLINE TRAINING Trafficking in Persons http://www.combat-trafficking.army.mil/ Constitution Day http://constitutionday.cpms.osd.mil/ Cyber Awareness No FEAR https://ia.signal.army.mil/ https://www.atrrs.army.mil SHARP https://www.lma.army.mil Civilian Education System (CES) https://www.amsc.army.mil Anti-Terrorism Awareness https://atlevel1.dtic.mil/at/ Workplace Violence http://www.cpms.osd.mil/

Remember space is limited to 28 per session so please get your staff registered now. The Refresher is for front line staff. Anyone who is a rater is to attend the Sustaining the Covenant Management Workshop – date TBD.

IDP TRAINING 16 APR Bldg 470, Rm 1129 0800-1030 or 1030-1200 13 MAY Bldg 470, Rm 1129 1300-1430 or 1430-1600

Space is limited to 16 people. Register with Anita Tatro at anita.r.tatro.naf@mail.mil

Customer Service isn’t a department, it’s an attitude!

Civilian Education System (CES) Basic Course (BC) / Distributed Learning (DL) and Resident ATRRS (1-250-C-60 (DL) & 1-250-C60 phase 2) https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/chrtas/default.asp Resident course located at Army Management Staff College-West, Fort Leavenworth, KS Designed for civilian leaders who exercise direct leadership to effectively lead and care for teams; Army employees with a permanent appointment to a supervisory or managerial position; military supervisors of civilian employees and other DoD employees. Applicants must have completed the Foundation Course (FC) if employed as an Army civilian after 30 September 2006 or had a break in service, and previous service date is before 30 September 2006. Applicants must have a current TAPES performance rating of successful or NSPS rating of Level (2) or above, and be in good standing regarding conduct. Designed for civilian leaders who exercise direct leadership to effectively care for teams. Training focuses on basic education in leadership and counseling fundamentals, interpersonal skills and self-awareness. The BC consists of a dL course and a two week resident course. The resident course will be taken after successful completion of the dL course and takes place in a university setting encompassing a classroom environment and small group seminars. Self-registration process through the Civilian Human Resource Training Application System web-site https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/chrtas/default.asp.


Unsung Heroes / CRD Wadeana Porrett & Chloe Williams

SSD Dream Team / ITR ~ CRD Laurie Coddington & Joanne Fulbright

Employee of the Quarter Patricia Davis / BOD

“There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.” Henry Ford CYS

Nancy Starnes / CYS Services

Celebrate! Nominate!

Regional Director, Thomas Schoenbeck Tours CDCs

Catch Us At Our Best is an employee recognition

program for Fort Leonard Wood Family & MWR, designed to

Region Director Thomas Schoenbeck Tours the CDCs

recognize and celebrate the excellent work of all our team members. Everyone is invited to participate! Team Members, Co-workers, Supervisors, and Community members are encouraged to fill out a nomination form when they experience an MWR Team Member going the extra mile and exceeding expectations.

We want to celebrate the awesome work of

COL Pfeffer & Mr Bardell

our Team - please join us in Catching Us At Our Best! Nominations can be submitted online!

Dream Team Laurie Coddington & Joanne Fulbright / CRD

Awards presented at the quarterly FMWR Award Ceremony.

COL Pfeffer, CSM Nolan & Mr Bardell

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