Figure 2.
New Service Coordination Hydrologist Selected Brett Whitin has been selected as the new Service Coordination Hydrologist (SCH) at the California Nevada River Forecast Center (CNRFC). His selection leaves a Senior Hydrologist vacancy at the CNRFC. The SCH is the primary external liaison for the CNRFC, serving as part of the management team.
Brett has a great background, having worked for the USACE Sacramento District over a decade ago. He came to the office conference room as a USACE employee attending early Yuba-Feather F-CO meetings. He worked for about three years as a hydrologist at the Southeast River Forecast Center. Upon arriving at the CNRFC in 2010, Brett quickly immersed himself in the new Community Hydrologic Prediction System (CHPS), which forms the National Weather Service framework for hydrologic analysis and modeling. Brett quickly became the office leader, if not one of the national leaders, in operationalizing improvements to the Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS), a probabilistic hydrologic forecast service which accounts for short-term weather forecasts up for up to two weeks lead time, and which uses climatology for periods beyond two weeks out to one year lead time. HEFS is quickly becoming one of the major tools for Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO). Brett has much depth and experience with hydrologic modeling and HEFS, and he interacts very well CNRFC partners and users, as well as CNRFC and CA Department of Water Resources staff. He holds both BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering from Clemson University.