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Other projects Strengthening the ecosystem
CEIPE- Centro de Excelência e Inovação em Políticas Educacionais (‘Center of Excellence and Innovation in Educational Policies’) (FGV)
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS)
Donation - Continuing with a partnership of more than 10 years with the Harvard University research center, the institutional support is focused on actions in the areas of collaborative research, scientific cooperation, support for young researchers and public policies based on evidence.
Dia do voluntariado pela Primeira Infância (Early Childhood Volunteer Day) - Viva Unido
Grupo de Institutos Fundações e Empresas (‘Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies’ / ‘Gife’) Donation
Movimento pela base
Donation - An association-based contribution to Movimento pela Base’ (‘Movement at the Base’), the leading institution working to defend and implement the ‘Base Nacional Comum Curricular (‘National Common Curriculum Base’ / ‘BNCC’) in Brazil. It is made up of a group of non-governmental organizations and education professionals which, since 2013, have been working to facilitate the construction and implementation of a quality national curriculum.
United Way Brasil Donation
World’s Best School Prizes Jury
By providing direct and accessible digital communication, the Foundation aims to improve society’s understanding of the impact of the experiences that children undergo in Early Childhood.