First Mining Drc-Zambia July/Aug 2019

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VOL 12 | ISSUE 4 | July - August 2019

DRC raises the stakes on illegal mining

In this issue... Zambia first-half copper output drops 4% Pg 10

New Era on African Mining Pg 14

Revolutionary earthmoving equipment transport system Pg 26






Cover Story: DR Congo raises

the stakes on illegal mining




Zambia: First - half copper output drops by 4%

15 10 18

Condra: Reliability leads to repeat crane order


Toyota: Land Cruiser & Hilux used in underground mining



Trimble 4D Control Software


Editor Bertha M. bertham@fmdrc-zambia

VOL 12 | ISSUE 4 | July - August 2019

Sub-Editor Nita Karume

DRC raises the stakes on illegal mining

In this issue... Zambia first-half copper output drops 4% Pg 10

New Era on African Mining Pg 14


Revolutionary earthmoving equipment transport system Pg 26


DR Congo raises the stakes on illegal mining Deploying soldiers to clear thousands of illegal informal miners from mining concessions is a new approach by the authorities in Democratic Republic of Congo

Contributing Writer Oscar Nkala, Mfuneko Jack Lindani Mkhize Caroline Thomas Sales and Marketing Victor Ndlovu +27 11 044 8986 Isabel Isiziwe +260 96 187 4888 Advertising Consultants Meshack Ndzendevu Polite Mkhize Gladmore Ndhlovu Leslie Nyembe Production Coordinator Kholwani Dube Graphic Design and Layout Irene Faith Omudho Art Director Augustine Ombwa Arobia Creative Consultancy Published By Mailing Times Media Circulation/Sales +27 11 044 8986



ining plays a significant role in the development process of African countries by creating wealth and employment and a market for other industries such as manufacturing and services. Mining activities have also resulted in the development of physical infrastructure, such as communication, energy and water. As 1st Mining DRC-Zambia we acknowledge that a thriving mining sector can contribute to economic development, alleviation of poverty and an improved standard and quality of life throughout the region, hence we seek to have our readers informed of developments in the sector. Equipment is becoming smarter, faster, and safer, helping mining companies improve productivity while keeping operating costs at a minimum. With the new innovations in underground mining equipment, the future is looking quite abundant for miners looking to maximize profits and productivity. Our cover feature shines light into the DRC’s move to remove informal miners by deploying soldiers into the affected area. Congolese authorities say informal miners endanger the country’s interests and the army deployments are meant to prevent accidents such as one that killed 43 illegal miners at a Glencore project on June 27. Deploying soldiers to clear thousands of illegal informal miners from mining concessions is a new approach by the authorities in Democratic Republic of Congo, wrestling with the problem for decades. We hope you enjoy the recent offerings of this issue and that you continue to support us in our quest to be a medium that connects and disseminates timely information about the Southern African mining industry to you, our stakeholders, and to the world.

Nita Karume

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd


DR Congo raises the stakes on illegal mining


Congolese army officer arrived in Kafwaya village in June and warned residents not to trespass on a major Chinese copper and cobalt mine next door. As night fell about a week later soldiers moved in.

Using soldiers to keep illegal miners out of vast concessions is likely to be protracted and potentially violent analysts say. The United Nations has accused the Congolese army of human rights abuses.

“They didn’t say anything to anyone,” said Fabien Ilunga, an official in Kafwaya, home to thousands of miners eking out a living illegally exploiting nearby mineral resources. “The army started to burn down tarpaulin houses.”

Tech giants and automakers using Congolese cobalt in smart phones and electric cars are cleaning up supply chains after reports of child labour at informal mines in Congo. Any prolonged violence between soldiers and miners could unsettle investors again.

Deploying soldiers to clear thousands of illegal informal miners from mining concessions is a new approach by the authorities in Democratic Republic of Congo, wrestling with the problem for decades. Years of negotiations, alternative employment programmes and sporadic interventions by police all failed to resolve the issue, long a concern for mining companies exploiting some of the world’s richest mineral deposits.

“Any further involvement of state security forces on mine sites will increase miners’ social risk exposure, already probably the biggest risk they face,” said Indigo Ellis, Africa analyst for risk consultancy Verisk Maplecroft. Congolese authorities say informal miners endanger the country’s interests and the army deployments are meant to prevent accidents such as one that killed 43 illegal miners at a Glencore project on June 27.

HOMES TORCHED Since the army deployed in south-eastern Congo, thousands of illegal diggers have been pushed off Glencore’s Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) mine and China Molybdenum’s Tenke Fungurume Mine (TFM). In the case of Kafwaya, in China Molybdenum’s 1,800 square kilometre TFM concession, local activists said a few days after the army’s initial warning on June 13, soldiers set market stalls ablaze and put up camp nearby. Less than a week later, soldiers torched dozens of homes belonging to miners and farmers and ransacked a school, residents and a local activist group said. They said the fires severely burned a three-year-old girl and a 14-month-old boy caught inside. General John Numbi, who led the operation, denied anyone was hurt. Asked later about specific allegations, he sent a text message that said: “Let’s be serious.”



China Molybdenum declined to comment. TFM’s deputy general director, Kasongo Bin Nassor, said at a conference last week the mine asked government to do more to secure the concession, but did not request the army be deployed. He said the mine was invaded and illegal miners roughed up TFM employees, damaged machinery and made it hard to access parts of the concession. “Once you have metals that require serious investment, you cannot encourage artisanal mining,” Bin Nassor said.

BMW said in April it would buy cobalt directly from mines in Australia and Morocco. eneral Motors said it did not purchase cobalt directly and referred questions to LG Chem, its battery supplier. LG Chem us using blockchain technology in partnership with automakers Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen, tech firm IBM and Huayou Cobalt for ethically sourced minerals, including cobalt.

Apple said since 2016 its suppliers in Congo have taken part in third-party audits to ensure they abide by a code of conduct. The US tech giant dropped two cobalt refiners and smelters last year. With 64% of global cobalt supplies coming from Congo in 2018, according to the United States Geological Survey, it will be difficult to cut the country out of supply chains.

General Numbi is currently under US, EU and Swiss sanctions for reportedly threatening violence against opposition politicians in 2016. He denies any wrongdoing. STRATEGIC INTERESTS The risk of ending up with Congolese cobalt mined by children in dangerous conditions has prompted some car companies to look for alternatives. Tesla is trying to use more nickel – mainly sourced from Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia and New Caledonia – and less cobalt in car batteries. Tesla says its next generation battery won’t use cobalt at all.


“In the near term, they know and accept they have to buy cobalt or products at least in some part from the DRC,” said Caspar Rawles, senior cobalt analyst at consultancy Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. Glencore said its KCC concession had not asked the army to intervene and while troops were operating around the mine, they had not entered the site. The army said it evicted 20,000 miners. Miners responded with a series of protests during which stores were looted and at least 20 people were arrested. The commodities trading and mining company based in Switzerland referred Reuters to a letter its managing director wrote to Congo’s President Felix Tshisekedi urging Congolese forces to respect human rights and use least force possible. IndustriALL, an international union, said its affiliate at KCC asked regional Governor Richard Muyej to address the issue of illegal miners but opposed sending in the army. “There are strategic interests at stake,” said General Numbi. “If investors complain government will take measures to deploy the army if it decides the police cannot handle it.”

MINING ALTERNATIVES The industrial copper and cobalt mines in south-east Congo are far from conflict zones in the east where there are gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten mines controlled by militias and army commanders. The eastern areas of Congo have been targeted by US legislation seeking to stop so-called conflict minerals ending up in products such as smartphones. Analysts say clashes between the army and miners in the copper belt where TFM and KCC are located could further unsettle investors worried by the reports of child labour and dangerous conditions in artisanal mines. “It’s not entirely clear whether you can operate a responsible mine inside the DRC or not. I genuinely do not know whether you can,” said a mining investor, who asked not to be named for fear of angering authorities. Clashes earlier this year between police and stone-throwing miners in southern Lualaba province, where TFM and KCC are located, killed three officers, convincing authorities better armed forces were needed. Local police and private contractors supposed to secure mines are often bought off by illegal miners and traders, analysts say, strengthening the case for intervention by the army. Government sought to convince informal miners to

leave in favour of agriculture and mining companies also offered alternatives. Glencore, for example, supports cooperatives working in farming, welding, sewing and carpentry. Informal miners say they don’t earn nearly as much through these activities and begrudge industrial mines claiming the richest concessions, some on land where their families have lived for generations. An estimated 170,000 small-scale miners operate across Lualaba and numbers appear to be growing. Often equipped with just shovels, buckets and straw sacks, they burrow deep underground in search of ore. Accidents are common. “There are cave-ins all the time,” said an official at an industrial mine. “Wherever there is cobalt in the DRC, there will be artisanal miners.” In the absence of long term economic alternatives for the illegal miners, they are likely to return to concessions, pushing soldiers to harsher measures, said another mining consultant, who asked not to be named. “Displacing artisanals is like whack-amole,” he said. “What they will end up doing is brutalising miners to make them too afraid to come back.”



Local businesses can tap into the growing Zambian mining sector These account for around 80 percent of Zambia’s annual copper production. These mining groups are leaders in direct capital investment in this industry, having ploughed a collective US$12,4 billion into new mining projects between 2000 and 2014. Most of the mines in Zambia are majorityowned by international investors. The Zambian government, through its investment holding company Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Investments Holdings (ZCCM-IH), is a minority shareholder in nearly all mines, hence cumulatively the government is the biggest shareholder in Zambia’s mining industry.


imbabwe’s strategic position as Zambia’s neighbour offers immense opportunities for local exporters to boost their business. A recent market survey conducted by ZimTrade — the national trade development and promotion organisation — in May 2019 revealed that there are opportunities for local businesses to tap into the growing market in Zambia’s mining sector. Apart from the promising mining sector, Zambia is strategically positioned as a gateway into markets such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Angola and Central African Republic, and this provides a niche for local companies looking to increase brand awareness and form new partnerships. Zambia is predominantly a copper mining country, with 6 percent of the world’s reserves. It is the second largest copper producer in Africa after the DRC. Mining is a growing sector in Zambia, with several projects being commissioned annually, especially in the Copperbelt province. It is projected that investments in the Zambian mining sector will reach

approximately US$15 billion in new projects alone by 2020. Zambia’s mining sector is dominated by four main mining groups: Barrick Lumwana, FQM Kansanshi, Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani Mine. These account for around 80 percent of Zambia’s annual copper production. These mining groups are leaders in direct capital investment in this industry, having ploughed a collective US$12,4 billion into new mining projects between 2000 and 2014. Most of the mines in Zambia are majorityowned by international investors. Mining is a growing sector in Zambia, with several projects being commissioned annually, especially in the Copperbelt province. It is projected that investments in the Zambian mining sector will reach approximately US$15 billion in new projects alone by 2020. Zambia’s mining sector is dominated by four main mining groups: Barrick Lumwana, FQM Kansanshi, Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani Mine.


Penetrating the Zambian mining sector offers further opportunities in downstream activities that the mines support. For example, most mines run hospitals, schools and training centres. These institutions also present downstream opportunities which local suppliers should consider exploiting. Products and services to export During the market survey, buyers in some of the leading mines revealed some of the products and services that have a ready market in Zambia, which include capital plant equipment for comminution such as primary and secondary crushers, flotation cells, gearless drives, grinder mills, classifiers and concentrators. Other capital plant equipment required in Zambian mines are separators, materialhandling feeders, mine ventilation, draglines, tyres, mining support vehicles, drills and earthmoving equipment and power generation machinery. Some of the buyers also enquired on suppliers for electrical equipment and consumables that include transformers, electric motors, cables, batteries, ventilation fans and general electrical consumables.


South African court blocks liquidation of Vedanta’s KCM company in Zambia


South African blocked the liquidation of Vedanta Resources’ Konkola Copper mines (KCM) company in Zambia. This is amid a growing dispute with the government in Lusaka. As such, the Johanneburg High Court ruling sets Vedanta Resources on a collision course with President Edgar Lungu, who has vowed to find new investors for the strategic mine. KCM, Zambia’s largest copper mining firm, has been at the centre of a standoff between Vedanta Resources, its majority owner, and Zambia’s President Edgar Lungu as at early this year.

The Indian-founded company, which owns an 80% stake in the Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), had filed for a restriction with the Johannesburg arbitration tribunal seeking to block Zambia’s appointment of a liquidator to wind up Vedanta’s operations. According to media reports, the court ruling serves to validate Vedanta’s plea that the Consolidated Copper Mines Limited Investment Holdings, (ZCCM-IH) representing Zambia in the matter, had breached articles of the shareholders’ agreement on winding up operations.

The High Court also ordered the ZCCMIH to pay Vedanta’s legal costs for three lawyers who applied for the interdict. Zambia which owns just 20 percent of shares in the KCM, has been locked in a dispute with Vedanta, over the alleged abuse of its mining license since May. According to Chibanda Kenyama, a Zambian economist based in Lusaka, Vedanta’s failure to develop the Konkola dip was evident in the serious liquidity problems it faced from overdrafts contracted from commercial banks to years of overdue suppliers’ payments.



Zest WEG provides fast-track solution for tailings project

demonstrates the engineering flexibility that WEG Transformers Africa can offer customers in meeting specific operating parameters,” Stuart Brown, sales team leader at WEG Transformers Africa, says. “It is not a distribution transformer as such, but rather a VSDtype transformer.” Cooling capacity had to be increased to accommodate the harmonics, and flux density is also reduced. The WEG transformers are built to SANS 780 specification, which stipulates losses even lower than the global IEC standard. Brown explains that this will translate over time into energy savings for the customer and is an important advantage. Fabrication of all MCCs and the adaptations to the container were undertaken by WEG Automation Africa at its facilities in Robertsham, Johannesburg and Heidelberg, further adding to the high local content on this project. This local manufacturing capability is an integral part of Zest WEG Group’s status as a B-BBEE Level 1 contributor.


EG Automation Africa and WEG Transformers Africa, part of the Zest WEG Group, assisted with the commissioning of a containerized substation and control room solution at DRDGOLD’s new Far West Gold Recoveries Project’s Phase 1 tailings site.

The container was mounted on a concrete plinth with 2.5 m pillars elevating the structure to allow optimal visibility from the control room. Heat losses were factored into the design to ensure the substation remained cool and the installation is fitted with a comprehensive fire detection system.

The tailings recovery project will see 500 000 tons per month of material pumped from the Driefontein 5 dam through a new 2 km pipeline to the Driefontein 2 plant. Business development manager for projects and contracts at WEG Automation Africa, Tyrone Willemse highlights the tight timelines in which work had to be conducted.

Willemse says that an important consideration was to reduce the footprint of the substation, and using freestanding VSDs allowed this. “Had the VDS configuration been a conventional design these units would have been incorporated in panels and we would have needed an additional container,” he says. The VSDs are placed against the container wall and are completely isolated from any exposed conductors.

The development of Phase 1 began in August 2018 with first commissioning beginning just four months later, in December 2018. In an unusual step for such a project, the electrical portion was supplied ahead of the mechanical aspects to expedite the contract. “At the tailings facility, the customer required a medium voltage (MV) substation, a low voltage (LV) substation and a control room,” Willemse says. “This was accommodated within a doublecontainer structure, which also included a room to house all the free-standing variable speed drives (VSDs) and uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs).”

Motor Control Centres (MMCs) were also provided for the modifications to the Driefontein 2 plant. The MCC for the thickener is fed by two 1 600 kVA transformers and the tailings MCC is fed by one 1 600 kVA transformer; both were manufactured at WEG Transformers Africa’s Wadeville facility. These WEG transformers have a local content of 95 %, well over the required 90 % specification. “For this project, the transformers are designed to incorporate the VSD component of the load, and this


Particular care was taken with on-site modifications at the plant itself.At the milling and classification MCC extension, WEG Automation Africa was required to connect to DRDGOLD’s existing MCCs. The use of joggle chambers on either side of the existing board made for best practice and greater safety. On the return water MCC, a raised plinth was added for easier cable access. Top entry cables for the slurry receiving and tailings MCC was facilitated by innovative board design. The MCCs incorporate an extensive range of WEG LV products including WEG air circuit breakers (ACBs) to facilitate a 50 kA fault level, WEG moulded case circuit breakers (MCCBs), WEG contactors, WEG fast-acting high rapid fuses, and WEG motor protection relays. WEG W22 LV electric motors were selected to drive the tailings facility pumps, ensuring lower energy consumption through the design of these units, which have an optimal cooling fin design. Ingress protection is to IP66 ensuring effective sealing against liquid and dust. WEG Automation Africa, formerly known as Shaw Controls, recently changed its name to align with parent company, Brazil-based WEG’s global strategy.



lobal-MRA (Mining Release Agent) is the non-stick agent for ore build-ups in mining, transport and equipment, eliminates Dead-bed or Carry-Back Dead-bed (Carry-back) is ore build-up on mining equipment which prevents equipment performing at full capacity. A new product Global-MRA (Mining Chemical) is able to eliminate dead-bed (Carry-back) when sprayed onto equipment surfaces by creating a non-stick film. The biggest payback for the important release agent for mining equipment comes from applying it in haul truck beds to allow trucks to dump out a full load of fresh ore each time. Increases Productivity Main goal of Mining Release Agent is to increase mining operation efficiencies. By reducing time Mining Release Agent increases productivity as a whole, therefore increase in profitability. Saves Time and Money Mining Release Agent, eliminates the need to scrub off from truck dead bed, stops reduction of ore transportation quantity hence saves both time and money. Bio Green GLOBAL MRA is BIODEGRADABLE Natural Ingredients Made out from natural ingredients USES Mining Release Agent’ s user friendly solution for dead bed /carry back. Mining Release Agent is useful for Dump Truck Beds, loaders, Skips, Buckets, Crushing Stations, Chutes, Drag Chains, Conveyors, Vehicle Under carriage

For more details, please visit: Email: WhatsApp number: +61416789510

©Arobia Creative Consultancy

When used correctly, the product performs the following functions: • Lubricates • Creates a non-stick film • Protects surfaces • Stops rusting due to ore build-up (moisture retention) • Prevents overheating (undercarriages)



Zambia first-half copper output drops 4%


ambia’s copper production dropped 4 percent to 393,419 tonnes in the first six months of the year, ministry of mines data showed on Thursday. Mines Permanent Secretary Paul Chanda attributed the decline to challenges such as declining ore grades but said full-year output is likely to exceed 2018 figures. “Our estimates still indicate that we are likely to exceed last year’s production of

slightly over 861,000 tonnes and reach close to 900,000 tonnes this year,” Chanda told Reuters. Production for the first six months of 2019 fell to 393,419 tonnes from 410,919 tonnes in the same period last year. Zambia’s Chamber of Mines said in May that 2019 output in Africa’s second-largest copper producer could be as much as 100,000 tonnes lower than last year

because of changes to mining taxes. The country’s new finance minister on Wednesday said he would soon give a clear position on replacement of Zambia’s value-added tax with a nonrefundable sales tax. Since being appointed this week Bwalya Ng’andu has sought to mend fences with Zambia’s mining industry. The proposed tax is a sore point between the government and mining companies.

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Reliability leads to repeat crane order for Condra T hirty years’ reliable duty in a corrosive environment has won for Condra a repeat order from Lonmin Platinum for an overhead tankhouse crane to replace an identical machine delivered three decades ago.

The original crane was installed in 1990 at Lonmin’s Middelkraal Farm refinery outside Marikana, North West Province, where it lifts and positions copper plates and slabs within the acid tanks used during the electrolytic refining process. During this final phase, anodic copper slabs with a 99 % purity attained during three prior processes are suspended by the crane in large tanks filled with an electrolyte solution of copper sulphate and sulphuric acid. Small, thin sheets of pure cathodic copper are then positioned between these anodes and an electric current applied. Copper ions leave the anodic slabs and move through the electrolyte to place themselves on the cathodic

sheets, which after time become thick copper plates of 99,99 % purity, ready for removal by the tankhouse crane for rinsing and despatch to factories that produce copper products. Lonmin’s double-girder electric overhead travelling crane has a span of 19,9 m, a capacity of 5 tons, a lifting height of 7,7 m and two lifting speeds of 2 and 8 m per minute. Long-travel speed over the 42 m of the tankhouse is 80 m per minute.

Condra has delivered to other refineries tankhouse cranes with long-travel speeds as high as 140 m per minute, more than three times the speed of a standard crane and about as fast as an average person’s jogging speed. “To cater for a possible customer need for higher speeds in the future, we have included in Lonmin’s new crane provision for an easy upgrade to frequency drives,” explained Condra’s Managing Director Marc Kleiner.

“Condra is currently investing in improved digital loadcells to further improve reliability across our tankhouse line in general, even though the reliability of the Marikana crane was well proven over a period of three decades,” he said. Lonmin’s new tankhouse crane will incorporate features from Condra’s design library that move it beyond the company’s current generation of tankhouse cranes. These include four LED girder downlights to illuminate the work area, remote crane control with a pendant back-up, an electrical control panel fitted with acid filtration ventilation to cater for the corrosive tankhouse environment, and a special paint finish for the same reason. Quality control will include inspection and certification at defined stages of manufacture, and there will be magnetic particle inspection of the welding seams to ensure airtight girders and the avoidance of corrosion on the internal faces.



Even cleaner coal with Multotec’s X10 spiral


ultotec Gravity Division has taken ‘low cut’ spiral technology to the next level with its new SX10 low density spiral. This further extends the benefits this innovation offers in fine coal beneficiation. According to Multotec Technology Manager Faan Bornman, the Multotec SX10 low density spiral’s reduced cut point of 1,55 g/cm3 delivers considerable advantages over the cut points of between 1,6 and 1,8 g/cm3 typically achieved in the industry today. The result, he says, is a cleaner coal with less waste being achieved in a single stage. This saves on capital costs as no further spiral stages are required for cleaning down the line. The approach taken with the Multotec SX10 spiral is to remove the gangue, or mineral containing particles, from the trough in two off-takes. The first off-take removes ash. This opens up the available separation surface of the spiral, allowing the remaining material to separate more easily, separating clean coal from lessclean coal.


“The low density spiral is essentially a primary and secondary stage on one centre column,” Bornman says. “Rejects are discarded into the centre column and the remaining product is repulped before being sent to a secondary off-take.” Facilitating the two off-takes is a longer spiral on the Multotec SX10. This increases the residence time and gives the particles sufficient time to separate. Depending on the setting of the product box splitters, this new spiral has the ability to produce a thermal coal and a coking coal on one spiral. Bornman says this was proven through test work done in the USA. The two offtakes enable the removal of most of the gangue leaving a middlings and cleaner coal products to be collected at the dart splitters. Experimental work was carried out using coal from two South African collieries and the unit has also undergone site test work in the USA. Promising results were obtained leading to the first order for Multotec SX10 spirals from a North America-based mine.


With DWD Drilling DRC’s Elephants bigger (and deeper) are better for mine dewatering! ____________________________________________________________________________________ DWD Drilling (DRC) is a DRC registered company based in Lubumbashi and a subsidiary of the Botswana based, DWD Group. DWD Drilling DRC focuses on specialised drilling operations with purpose-designed and built equipment directed at large diameter, deep, high volume and high yield, vertical and horizontal dewatering wells and, large diameter, deep, directional coring. The DWD Group operates a fleet of equipment ranging from Schramm TX 130 rigs to purpose-built Elephant drill rigs capable of servicing a full spectrum of our clients’ needs from greenfields exploration through to brownfields resource expansion programmes. Qualified and competent personnel form a strong base of knowledge and experience in various fields of expertise allowing DWD Drilling (DRC) to offer clients a solid and unique partnership and service. The DWD Group through DWD Engineering an ISO 9001:2015 accredited company has designed and built proprietary drill rigs inclusive of the Buffalo multipurpose drills and Rhino blast-hole and horizontal dewatering rigs while also developing equipment in anticipation of the growing gas and oil discoveries, worldwide. DWD Engineering operates from our facility in Rasesa (Botswana) with a focus on drill rigs, structural steel, hydraulics, service and repairs of vehicles and support equipment. The group has and continues to operate across the SADC region inclusive of Botswana, DRC, South Africa, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique. DWD Drilling (DRC) operates two Elephant drill rigs in the DRC and successfully completed the first DRC dewatering drilling contract (20” and 24” holes to depths of 350m) at Frontier Mine in early 2017. A dewatering contract at MMG Kinsevere Mine and a further contract at Frontier Mine are being serviced at present. In 2015 a 24” hole to 600m was completed at 20” to 754m at the Lubambe Mine in Zambia. DWD Drilling (DRC) is also willing to deploy horizontal secondary in-pit dewatering technology to the DRC and / or Zambia for dewatering and side-wall stress relief purposes by means of 6 ½” horizontal boreholes and 4 ½” slotted casing installation to depths of 350m, subject to demand.

Enquiries regarding the group or drilling operations can be directed at: Rudie de Wet (Director – DWD Group)

+267 713 00 166

Dannis Sumbu (General Manager - DWD Drilling DRC) +243 842 281 348

email: email:

Corne van Rooyen (Ops.Manager – DRC / Zambia) +243 896 766 985 email:



New Era on African Mining As an operations critical component to the Mining process, the advances in Large Format Printing technology is mirroring the advances made in other sectors within the mining process. The concept of ultra-speed, security and accuracy from Draught-to-print cannot be underestimated as this allows optimal turnaround times. Uber design has now brought us, unthinkable speeds in A0+ printing with only the paper that is moving. Having no moving parts has finally brought with it predictable, safeguarded services and maintenance cycles that eliminate the biggest cause of unexpected downtime. The result has been truly revolutionary.


frica, an abundant source of natural gas and mineral reserves has been one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of copper, coal, platinum, gold, diamonds, uranium, aluminium, gas and oil. Following the recent figures released by Statista, the primary mineral targets for the DRC, of one being copper, has increased from 102 000 metric tons to 1 200 000 metric tons in the last three years. Making the DRC the fifth largest producer of copper in the world and coincidentally the largest provider in Africa. The same statistics have shown that with the integrated mining improvement and growth, Zambia is short on their heels being second to providing economic interest and investments from their export earnings. In the last eight years they have had an increase from 690 000 metric tons in 2010 to 870 000 metric ton in 2018. Similarly, with the advancement of one industry it is possible to increase on the development of another. The development of new technology and its coalescence with other scientific fields have allowed for a far greater potential of exploration and extraction of various mineral composites.


Midcomp Azero is the sole licence holder of the Hp PageWide XL, the benchmark for modern large format printing technology, in South Africa. It’s printing speed and accuracy has achieved what many thought to be impossible. Up to 30 A1 prints per minute, with ultra-fast processing capabilities, the user’s time is freed up substantially. Our users in various established entities of the mining, civil and geographical markets have enjoyed not only the fast, secure, cost-effective and low energy rating of the Hp PageWide XL itself but also the exceptional services that Midcomp Azero has provided for them. From maintenance, contracts and consumable provisions, all the users’ printing needs are met with little to no inconvenience. Fully comprehending the value of time and precision in this highly specialized field, equipped and trained to solve any large format constraint, the team at Midcomp Azero offers fast solutions to printing quandaries or possible interruption. Together these industry advances are a credit to the planning, structuring and implementation of ground-breaking sciences and technology. Being at the forefront of all mineral and geotechnical engineering is quickly becoming the African hallmark of mining.

The latest innovations in underground mining


he mining industry is overflowing with radical equipment. Key Players in the underground mining equipment market include Caterpillar, Komatsu (Joy Global), Volvo, Hitachi Construction Machinery, Sandvik, Atlas Copco, Metso, ThyssenKrupp, LiebherrInternational, ZMJ, FLSmidth, Doosan Infracore, China Coal Group and many more and have launched some of the most technologically advanced machinery in recent years and the pace isn’t slowing down. Equipment is becoming smarter, faster, and safer, helping mining companies improve productivity while keeping operating costs at a minimum. With the new innovations in underground mining equipment, the future is looking quite abundant for miners looking to maximize profits and productivity.

earth’s surface. The mining methods required for underground extraction are selected based on parameters such as geographical conditions, spatial and geometric characteristics, the economic value of ore, estimated operational costs, and availability of raw materials. Globally, APAC region generates the highest consumption value, followed by the North America, Europe, South America and Africa. The growing mining activities in developing countries of APAC such as China, India, and Australia, are the major factors influencing the

growth of the market. Also, the growing demand from coal industry will drive the underground mining equipment market. Cat announces first battery-electric LHD Caterpillar has announced the R1700 will form its first battery-electric platform, using fast, on-board charging. The OEM believes battery-powered LHD machines have the potential to significantly impact the economics of underground mining and the viability of opening new mines.

Underground mining involves mineral production by extracting natural resources such as metals, coal, and minerals, including iron ore, titanium, bauxite, and copper, and various nonmetallic products from beneath the



made of armoured safety glass; the cabin is tiltable, so that the operator has an optimal upward view. In addition, the machine itself is protected for the typical underground mining and tunnelling environment, i.e. TML hides the hydraulic hoses away in a guide system inside the telescopic boom.

From reduced ventilation infrastructure to an overall lowering of operating costs, the potential benefits of underground battery equipment are already well known. The Cat R1700 was introduced in 2018 as a ground up redesign, with an efficient new electro-hydraulic system, which can save fuel and provide a 65% increase in lift force. According to the manufacturer, the system can help improve digging performance in the pile. The new battery-electric R1700 XE will combine the diesel loader’s features with a Caterpillar-developed lithium-ion battery and charging system. Epiroc’s Serpent Ventilation Solution Epiroc launched an integration between its Serpent Ventilation solution and Mobilaris Mining Intelligence (MMI) at Bauma. This aims to help increase safety and health for operators and improve energy efficiency in underground tunnels or mine sites. MMI can monitor ventilation components and installation as well as control airflow based on sensor monitoring.

with the second generation in rigs for face drilling, production drilling and rock reinforcement, loaders and mine trucks. TML Technik Mining Package One of TML’s mining machines, the UNIDACHS 740 scaler, comes with a high-specification ‘Mining Package’. The UNIDACHS’ 360° rotary, telescopic boom offers a high range of flexibility, as well as a long reach, while the height of the machine is relatively low, allowing quite large sections to be profiled in a very safe manner. The Mining Package adapts the UNIDACHS 740 scaler to the extreme conditions underground. In addition to the unique kinematics of the telescopic boom, the package offers comprehensive protection for the machine operators. The operator’s cabin has a Falling Objects Protection System (FOPS) installed on the roof and on the front screen, which is

Sandvik UG equipment works with third-party proximity detection Sandvik’s load and haul division has developed an interface for its underground loaders and dump trucks that allows for the installation of thirdparty proximity detection systems (PDSs) In South Africa, for example, underground mine equipment is required to have an active PDS equipped. In order to meet these legal requirements and to boost the overall safety of underground operations, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology designed its own PDS interface. PDSs will minimise the risk of collision, as they are generally designed to slow down or stop the equipment in case the system’s sensors detect a person or an object carrying an electronic tag inside a predefined zone. The exact operation of the PDS, Sandvik said, naturlly depends on the selected system and the local conditions, which vary from site to site. While the PDS interface was originally developed for the South African market, product safety manager for load and haul Marjut Seppälä said the interface is now globally available. The interface also comes with the Speed Brake Interlock feature, which monitors the equipment speed and guides the operator to slow down by means of visual and audio messages on the system display.

Epiroc has also focused on sustainability in mining through battery electric, zeroemission equipment that can result in a safer and healthier underground working environment. After more than 60,000 operating hours, the company has expanded its proven battery offering and zero-emission underground fleet



Disrupt mining: technologies that are shaking up the industry

Electric Vehicles Mining isn’t necessarily seen as the most environmentally friendly industry, and with the Paris Climate Agreement and a host of other factors urging the international community to do more to reduce emissions and tackle climate change, the use of electric vehicles is set to become more and more popular, replacing their diesel-powered alternatives. It’s an interesting market too – no one company has monopolised the space and, whilst companies like Cat are developing products like their Underground Electric LHD, we’re also seeing a host of smaller players moving into the area. ETF Manufacturing introduced their all-electric surface haul truck and GHH have also introduced their own range of electric LHDs.


onstruction and mining are two industries often considered to be behind the times when it comes to technological advancements but those within the industry itself certainly know very different. In fact, they tend to take upcoming technological advancements in their stride, introducing new and innovative ways to get the job done. Whether it’s the introduction of a drilling rig for mining, or even something as simple as a laser level, technology is constantly helping these industries thrive. The mining industry faces a number of challenges as worldwide prices fluctuate, firms are held more accountable for the safety of their workers and contractors, and the performance of every single mine in effectively engaging local communities and protecting the environment is more heavily scrutinized than ever before. The mining industry is being forced into more cost saving and efficiency measures and this has naturally bred innovation. Automation Automation is one of the hottest topics in every sector of industry at the moment. Whether it’s the World Bank fearing for the future of low skilled workers or reasons to be optimistic, it’s an issue very much in vogue.

frequent presence around mines, with market leaders Cat and Komatsu, Hitachi introducing their automated haulage systems in the last two years. The next step in mining automation could even be mines with no miners, after Rio Tinto unveiled their plans for a $2.2B ‘intelligent mine’ packed with driverless trains, trucks and robotics. They’re not necessarily just replacing jobs either – some automation in mining is allowing producers to drill deeper and with narrower shafts into conditions uninhabitable for humans. Underground Excavators In underground mining, safety is a top priority and Atlas Copco released their new line of Underground Mobile Miners specifically for hard rock mines. This new technology circumvents the traditional, and more dangerous, drill and blast method and also means that mines wouldn’t have to be evacuated in order to mine hard rock. Atlas Copco believe their technology has the potential to ‘change the mining industry’.

X Ray Diffraction It’s not all hardware that is changing the game, mining software has been making every mine ‘smarter’ for some time, and one of the most innovative examples of this is X-ray diffraction. This is used to analyse samples to check their property densities, which saves both time and money when targeting particularly rich materials. Companies like ALROSA are already enjoying the benefits through effectively utilising the technology. Sensor Based Sorting Innovation isn’t just staying down the mine either. Companies have been investing heavily in new mineral processing technology, with sensor based sorting being a particular area of focus. Sensor based sorting is designed to split commercially valuable minerals from ores as efficiently and cheaply as possible – leading to increased productivity. Steinert and Tomra are both big players in sensor based sorting, and in 2018 I think we’ll see these two and others investing more into the area, and the incorporation of even newer technology into separation, such as mining magnets.

Mining is no different – autonomous trucks are becoming an ever more



Zero emission solution for the Toyota: Land Cruiser & Hilux used in underground mining Tembo 4x4 e-LV’s are the next step in light vehicle development for mining, with 100% electric drive and zero emissions. The Toyota Land Cruiser and Hilux are transformed into the Electric Cruiser & Electric HLX by using proven technology for reliability and robustness. electric unit, which requires little maintenance. It is a completely sealed and waterproof system. Theoretically you can run it under water. The on-board charger makes live for the operator as easy as possible, allowing the vehicle to be charged directly from the existing electrical infrastructure. Using engine braking the vehicle is able to charge its batteries, for instance on downhill sections into an underground mine. This allows for a range between 60-80 km with the existing battery capacity on a full charge and is the exact average range to cover one shift underground. Vehicle management is done by an elaborate system, featuring a full can bus, telematics with remote access and a user- and maintenance friendly interface.


he Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series & Toyota Hilux are the most common used light vehicles in mining worldwide. The heavy-duty frame and powertrain have proven to survive in these rough environments and the basic design make the Land Cruiser & Hilux the ideal base vehicle inside the mines. However, the standard Land Cruisers & Hilux with diesel engines cannot meet future emission standards.

there are no experiments, only proven technology. All parameters of the engine, such as maximum speed and torque can be customised to a setting suitable for your situation. Precise fleet management gives you full control over the vehicle, its usage and maintenance status. The engine and gearbox of the original vehicle have been replaced with the

‘The ECU is easy to access with a diagnostic tool and it can automatically share data with a server for maintenance and fleet management purposes. This simplifies maintenance on this already very simple and robust vehicle. The Electric Cruiser and Electric HLX are ready for the future in underground mining and contribute to a greener, cleaner and better place to work.

Fitting an electric engine solves the only weak point of these otherwise excellent vehicles. It takes away all exhaust gasses, improves the air quality of the workplace and reduces the need for ventilation when used underground. Built to be as robust as the original product the Electric Cruiser and Electric HLX are engineered with the mining industry in mind. Using off-the-shelve parts from the automotive industry



and needs of the user. The CTD-Diver is also sampling the conductivity. The TD-Diver, Micro- and Cera-Diver are available in the following pressure ranges: 10 m, 20 m, 50 m and 100 m. The CTD-Diver is available in ranges of 10, 50 and 100 m. The latest trend in the monitoring of groundwater is telemetry. It means that it is possible to send data from the Diver using a Diver-Link modem to our DiverHub web portal. Visit our website for more information.

Efficient Mine Water Monitoring and Management


an Essen Instruments has launched the first Diver data logger in 1995. This product was one of the first data loggers in the world. It combines a pressure and temperature sensor, electronics and a battery in one housing. Since that time, we have produced more than 300.000 Diver data loggers, which were used all over the world in many projects. Together with the Diver data logger Van Essen introduced a free of charge software program, nowadays known as Diver-Office. This program is updated at least once a year to meet up with the demands of our customers. Since 2009 Van Essen Instruments developed its own telemetry system, called Diver-NETZ. The system is based on a single modem which through a radio link can be connected to a maximum of 17 wells equipped with a radio module on top. The data is then being transmitted to the Diver-HUB web portal. The portal allows customers also to import Diver data collected manually and barometric pressure form external sources. Each data logger is a submersible datalogger for long-term uninterrupted, real-time water level monitoring using

a pressure sensor when submerged at a fixed level under the water surface. The pressure sensor measures the equivalent hydrostatic pressure of the water above the sensor diaphragm to calculate the total water depth. The Diver autonomously measures pressure and temperature and records them in its internal memory. The Diver is ideal for ground and surface water level applications. The Diver features: Designed for up to 10 years of use. Solid enclosure to make borehole deployments easier. • Spend less time in the field with fast download speeds • Large memory • Compatible with all of your existing Diver accessories.

• •

This Diver features either a stainless steel (316 L) casing with a 22 mm diameter (TD-Diver) or 18 mm diameter (Micro-Diver) or a ceramic housing with a 22 mm diameter for the Cera- and CTD-Diver. The TD-Diver, Micro-Diver and Cera-Diver samples pressure and temperature offers different sample methods depending upon the project

Since 2010 Aquaquest, our local distributor in Zambia, has been offering specialized cost effective water development and management advice to the water sector in Zambia and surrounding countries. Aquaquest works with commercial farmers, urban and rural developers, the government and the mining sector in identifying, evaluating and executing groundwater and surface water based projects. Services include; groundwater and surface water resource assessments, river flow analysis, water supply design, geophysical surveys, drilling supervision, test pumping analysis, irrigation requirement calculations, GIS and mapping, topographic surveys and water quality analysis. Personnel available for projects include internationally trained senior hydrogeologists and water resource graduates, and a network of international experts, including agricultural experts end environmentalists. Aquaquest supplies groundwater monitoring equipment from Van Essen Instruments to various groundwater users within Zambia. The combination of Aquaquest’s technical expertise and the high quality equipment of Van Essen Instruments allows for offering project based solutions where equipment is supplied, installed and configured and where the customers are trained in its usage and assistance with the analysis of groundwater data is provided. More information can be found on this website, or call +260 975157816



Reagents are the most important part of the flotation process. In the early stage of the development of the flotation process, the major advances were due to better flotation reagents. In developing a treatment process, much time, energy and attention is spent on the selection of reagents to give the most effective separation and concentration results. In commercial plants, the control of reagent additions is the most important part of the flotation strategy. Modern classification of the reagents is based on the function of a particular reagent. On this basis, reagents are divided into collectors, frothers, regulators and depressants. Several thousands of chemicals were either tested or suggested as flotation reagents. Nowadays, there are only a few hundred of these reagents that are extensively used in flotation.

Flotation reagents for mining applications

In the mining industry, cyanide is primarily used for leaching gold and silver from ores, but it is also used in low concentration as a flotation reagent for the recovery of base metals such as copper, lead, and zinc.


Froth flotation is the most widely used industrial process for the separation of finely liberated minerals. The process involves the aeration of minerals in water in the presence of flotation reagents, which facilitate the attachment of air bubbles to and levitation of select minerals.

ome of the challenges facing the flotation of base metal sulphides are the opening of new and varying ore bodies as well as maintaining essential skills in plants. There is thus not only a need to develop new and exciting chemicals, but also a need

to produce robust chemicals that are tolerant to these changes. In the quest to produce practical flotation reagents robust enough to cope with these changes while still optimizing grade and recovery, there are a few interesting reagent combinations.

SUN ACE South Africa Mining Chemicals Range CODE





Allyl Isobutyl Thionocarbamate


Collector. Excellent selectivity and separating performance for copper ores. Also for copper-zinc sulphide ores.


Sodium Diisobutyl Dithiophosphate


Collector in floating of copper, zinc, sulphides and precious metals with good selectivity. Good suppressor of iron pyrites during alkali circuits. Preferable in multi-ore floatation.


Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol




Isopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate


Excellent collector for flotation of copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum sulphides.


Sodium Hydrosulphide


Copper Floatation.


Potassium Isoamyl Xanthate


Flotation of sulphide metallic ore. Very strong flotation chemical.


Sodium Isobutyl Xanthate

90% or 85%

Flotation of sulphide metallic ore.


Sodium Mercaptobenzothiazole


Vulcanization accelerator in the rubber industry. Collector in flotation of sulphide ore and some oxidized ores.


Sodium Thioglycolate


Flotation reagent. It has the same effect as sodium cyanide to pyrite, copper, galena and molybdenum ores. Low toxicity, easy to separate and waste water is not hazardous. Type of depilatory.


Sodium Ethyl Xanthate


Flotation of sulphide metallic ore.


Sodium N-Propyl Xanthate


Flotation of sulphide metallic ore.

SUN ACE dc-Zambia MAG Advert.indd 1 20

SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY MINING CHEMICALS XANTHATES | FROTHERS | COLLECTORS FLOTATION REAGENTS | NASH Suppliers of xanthates, frothers and collectors to the mining industry, including copper, gold, zinc, lead and other sulphide metallic ores. Email: â—? Call: +27 63 691 0336 01/08/2019 11:09 am

Once at the surface, a froth layer supports the select minerals until they are removed. Unattached materials remain submerged in the pulp.

selectively binds to the surface of target minerals and imparts hydrophobicity to those mineral particles, a necessary condition for air bubble attachment.

The surface properties of a mineral determine its ability to float. Collectors, some of the most important flotation reagents used in the flotation process, are used to modify the surface properties of minerals. A collector is a chemical that

Collectors can generally be classified into three categories – nonionic, anionic or cationic. Nonionic collectors are simple hydrocarbon oils. Anionic and cationic collectors consist of a polar component that selectively attaches


A global leader in the development and production of PVC Stabilisers and Metallic Soaps Sun Ace Group has grown into a leading global manufacturer with facilities and offices in Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East and South America. The resultant company comprises of multicultural and diverse teams with global expertise, drawing on each other and thus enabling SUN ACE to expertly service the markets in which we operate. Sun Ace is recognised as a leading producer of PVC stabilisers and metallic soaps for many customers in the petrochemical, food, personal care, pharmaceutical, plastics and rubber, cement and coating industries around the world. Sun Ace South Africa and our joint venture partners, manufacture mining

floatation reagent, namely xanthates, frothers and collectors. These are used for floatation of copper, gold, zinc, lead and other sulphide metallic ores. Sun Ace South Africa has technical resources to support technical solutions to the mines. Their quality chemical range include: Allyl Isobutyl Thionocarbamate a collector which is excellent in selectivity and separating performance for copper ores and copper-zinc sulphide ores. • Sodium Diisobutyl Dithiophosphate a collector in floating of copper, zinc, sulphides and precious metals with good selectivity. It is also a good suppressor of iron pyrites during alkali circuits. Preferable in multiore floatation. • Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol a frother. • Isopropyl Ethyl Thionocarbamate collector for flotation of copper,

to mineral surfaces, and a non-polar component that projects out into the solution making the surface hydrophobic. Collectors can either chemically bond to the mineral surface with high selectivity (chemisorption), or be held on the surface by physical forces (physical absorption). Collector selection is critical for effective mineral separation via froth flotation.

• • • •

• •

lead, zinc and molybdenum sulphides. Sodium Hydrosulphide for copper floatation. Potassium Isoamyl Xanthate a very strong Flotation chemical of sulphide metallic ore. Sodium Isobutyl Xanthate for flotation of sulphide metallic ore. Sodium Mercaptobenzothiazole a vulcanization accelerator in the rubber industry and collector in flotation of sulphide ore and some oxidized ores. Sodium Thioglycolate a flotation reagent which has the same effect as sodium cyanide to pyrite, copper, galena and molybdenum ores. Sodium Ethyl Xanthate for flotation of sulphide metallic ore. Sodium N-Propyl Xanthate used for flotation of sulphide metallic ore.

Axis House supplies a full range of Flocculants in our Brontë Product Range of performance polymers for solid liquid seperation in alkaline and acid environments.

For on-site testing, product selection, site optimisation and maximum metal recovery contact your Reagent Technology Management Experts

+27 11 463 4888



The advantages of lightweight thermoplastic valves for mining

BMG’s extensive range of SAFi valves, strainers and flow control equipment, form an important part of BMG’s fluid technology components, designed to cope efficiently in arduous conditions, including the mining sector.


MG’s Fluid Technology division works closely with the mining sector in sub-Saharan Africa to ensure that all valves, strainers and flow control equipment supplied, meets the exact requirements of every application. “Fluid Technology installations in arduous mining conditions, demand robust products with very high levels of chemical and corrosion resistance, which can also withstand significant mechanical shocks,” says Willie Lamprecht, national product manager, Valves, BMG - exclusive distributors in sub-Saharan Africa for SAFi Thermoplastic Valves. It is critical in mining operations that the correct valve is selected and properly installed, to ensure efficient operation,

maximum safety and extended service life of each system. Failure of a valve and subsequent leaking of corrosive media can have devastating effects on the environment and be detrimental to the safety of personnel and equipment, leading to premature system failure and costly downtime. “BMG’s experienced team, with a thorough understanding of fluid technology processes, keeps abreast with global trends and ensures the local market has access to the latest products, with advanced developments in design, materials and coatings. “SAFi thermoplastic industrial valves - which were launched locally by BMG approximately 18 months ago – are


gaining popularity over traditional alloy metal valves to handle corrosive materials in demanding applications. “This trend is evident not only in the mining sector, but thermoplastic valves, that are about six times lighter than metallic valves, are also highly-regarded in chemical and petrochemical plants, mining, water treatment, transport and logistics, marine, food production, energy and agriculture. “SAFi’s lightweight polymer materials are integrated with a robust valve design for reliable performance, easy installation and low maintenance, as well as for reducing operational costs and extending service life. “Critical advantages of thermoplastic

materials over conventional alloy metals, are resistance to corrosion of the most aggressive chemicals and high impact resistance. Plastic systems allow the safe transportation of a range of industrial fluids and aggressive chemicals, with no risk of deterioration and environmental pollution.

Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (C-PVC) and PPH thermoplastic with carbon fibres (PP-ATEX materials) are semi-conductive and compliant with ATEX specifications for safe use in hazardous environments and potentially explosive atmospheres. This is particularly important in the mining sector.

“The smooth inner-bore of plastic pipework ensures that there is no build-up of limescale, resulting in less frictional losses and ensures that a consistent flow rate is maintained throughout the life of the pipe system.

Unplasticised PolyVinyl Chloride (U-PVC) materials, with excellent chemical resistance, but low shock and UV resistance, can withstand operation in moderate temperatures, from 0˚C to +60˚C.

“Solvent weld plastic systems are also easy to install and do not require any specialist tools or equipment. Quick installation offers cost savings of up to 50% when plastic is compared to steel or copper as alternative materials. Plastic pipework systems also require less maintenance, thus reduced material replacement costs. Energy consumption is lower due to a lack of friction when pumping fluids throughout the piping system.”

A recent SAFi installation in the hydrometallurgical sector was at a copper mine, where thermoplastic valves provide an efficient solution for the storage and transport of sulphuric acid. The hydro-metallurgical process of copper extraction uses sulphuric acid in large quantities to dissolve the copper-ore on leaching heaps.

The trend in the mining sector, to choose thermoplastic industrial valves over standard components, is evident in process applications that include electrowinning, solvent extraction and acid plants, as well as heap and in-situ leaching (ISL).

SAFi thermoplastic valves, with resistance to the chemical attack of sulphuric acid, large dimensions and excellent abrasion resistance, are ideal for this installation. BMG specialists recommend SAFi thermoplastic ball valves for use in on/off regulation applications in mining. These thermoplastic ball valves are maintenance-free and have the ability to close faster than conventional valves, also ensuring extended service life.

BMG’s SAFi range, which conforms to stringent international quality specifications, incorporates ball, butterfly, diaphragm and non-return valves, as well as strainers and tank fittings – all manufactured from highquality non-corrosive materials. SAFI’s most commonly used material - Glass Reinforced Polypropylene (GRPP) - has excellent mechanical, chemical and UV resistance, good dimensional stability and it can be easily machined and welded. This material can withstand operation in temperatures from -10˚C to +100˚C. Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) is a highly resistant thermoplastic, with a smooth surface, which prevents the development of micro-organisms. This material, with excellent UV, chemical and abrasive resistance, offers long-

SAFi’s lightweight thermoplastic materials are integrated with a robust valve design for reliable performance, easy installation and low maintenance, reduced operational costs and extended service life.

term stability at temperatures from -20˚C to +120˚C. Polypropylene (PPH) materials, suitable for use in marine applications, have good chemical resistance, particularly to salts, acids and alkali. Other features include excellent mechanical and shock resistance and thermal stability from 0˚C to +90˚C.

BMG’s extensive range of components for fluid technology systems and general industrial applications, include valves, hydraulic hoses and fittings, accumulators, cylinders, heat exchangers, hydraulic motors and hydraulic plumbing, as well as pumps and reservoir accessories. The company’s 24-hour process support services for production efficiency and reliability-centred maintenance, ensure optimum efficiency and increased service life of every system.



Alpeco Ltd Design and Build Mobile HighSpeed Fuel Transfer Pump for PetroAfrica


lpeco Ltd have designed and built a customised trailer mounted pump and flow meter which could be used both as a stripping pump for off-loading product from road tankers into storage and as a loading system for filling PetroAfrica’s own tankers. Based in the United Kingdom, Alpeco Ltd supply liquid handling and flow control equipment to a wide range of industries and applications around the world. Alpeco’s experienced engineering solution project team design, build and deliver complete innovative tailored liquid dispensing systems customised to customer’s specific requirements. The team work closely with the customer and the end user on any bespoke project to make sure the solution is simple, reliable and cost efficient, by ensuring

they focus on; • increasing efficiency • reducing wastage • eliminating errors PetroAfrica Ltd is a specialist independent wholesale and retail supplier of fuel, lubricants and logistics services, located in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. The company is a supplier of diesel, petrol and kerosene to haulage companies, independent petrol stations, commercial, construction and telecommunication industries. Monitoring of fuel deliveries in and out of the company’s storage facility was becoming a major problem as few of the trucks delivering had any metering equipment fitted. As a result, PetroAfrica commissioned Alpeco to design and build a customised trailer mounted pump


and flow meter which could be used both as a stripping pump for off-loading product from road tankers into storage and also as a loading system for filling PetroAfrica’s own tankers. The CAD-designed fuel pump and meter set was mounted to a robust Ifor Williams trailer with pipe work and hose’s configured to facilitate metered and nonmetered deliveries with flow rates up to 900 LPM. It comprised:

RVP30 3” positive displacement cargo pump complete with inlet filter, fully assembled together with close coupled 3 phase 7.5 H.P ATEX approved electric motor complete with stop start panel, flying lead and plug for connection to 3 phase supply.

Liquid Controls M15-G-X-1 flow meter with strainer, air eliminator, Veeder-Root mechanical counter and printer, air check valve and hose kit.

The completed unit was fully tested and calibrated at Alpeco’s workshop prior to shipping to Tanzania. Alpeco has long been acknowledged as the UK’s leading supplier of tanker metering and associated loading and unloading equipment for the downstream petroleum distribution market. With over 40 years’ experience of identifying and meeting the needs of this complex industry we know that your business depends upon getting maximum usage and efficiency from your tanker fleet and equipment. That’s why safety, reliability and excellent after sales service are always foremost in our thinking for the systems and equipment that we provide. In addition to our extensive range of road tanker products, Alpeco are also able to offer a range of depot equipment such as bottom loading skids, depot intake meters, loading arms, transfer pumps, truck meters, chemical and stainless-steel meters, industrial flow meters and LPG flow meters.

Alpeco Limited supplies highquality fuel and liquid handling equipment across a wide range of industries We offer an extensive range of road tanker products, alongside a range of fuel and chemical handling, depot and industrial processing equipment such as flow meters, pumps, valves and loading skids and loading arms. Email: Tel: +44 1296 619510

Alpeco is an ISO9001 Quality Assured company



Revolutionary earthmoving equipment transport system breaks traditional transport boundaries


n 1996 an excavator operator, Ossi Kortesalmi, came up with his own smart solution for an excavator transport system. Sleipner started its own path, which offers complete solutions for moving tracked equipment. The name Sleipner comes from Norse mythology, where the eight-legged horse called Sleipnir was the trusted steed of a Norse god called Odin. Sleipnir was said to be “the best horse amongst gods and men�, because it could carry twice the weight, at twice the speed of any other horse. Sleipner is a modern-day version of that miraculous horse, with its eight wheels to carry heavy excavators and shovels. Sleipner Finland Ltd. is an innovative and customer-orientated company looking to revolutionize the way heavy tracked equipment is moved on sites, in rugged terrain and versatile conditions. The Sleipner trademark offers high-quality and efficient solutions to mobilize tracked equipment fleets in mining, quarrying and construction fields. Sleipner Finland Ltd headquarters are in Central Finland

rubber tyred earthmoving and mining equipment of most sizes or nature. The system caters to all environments and operations to provide a quick, efficient and cost-effective solution. Sleipner enables the safe and fast transportation of earthmoving equipment with its patented E- and DB-series of transportation solutions which has proven to be effective and successful in any application ranging from limestone quarries and hard rock applications including gold, iron ore and diamond mining operations through to coal mining operations. close to supplier and partner network right next to Finnish and Swedish mining areas. Sleipner have a worldwide partner network helping customers find the best Sleipner solution for their fleets locally. Sleipner Finland Ltd, serves today customers in over 50 countries on six continents. It specializes in a purpose built and innovative transportation system to load quickly move tracked or


E-series The Sleipner E-series is designed for excavators weighing between 20 t and 565t. It allows speeds up to 15km/h, decreasing on-site transit times up to 85%. Rigorously tested for safety of mining countries around the world, this series reduces the need for track and undercarriage repairs, significantly reducing maintenance costs, while also increasing operational flexibility and

utilization uptime. With no additional equipment or operators required, the Sleipner uses the load and haul pair – to crate mobility to the hydraulic shovel when the E-series is used for transport. DB-series The Sleipner DB-series is used for the transportation of bulldozers, drilling machines and other heavy tracked machines weighting up to 120t. DBseries is powered by an ADT and consists of a hydraulically controlled tilting bed with high clearance. DBseries enables quick rear-entry loading

and unloading, loading time for dozers is less than two minutes. One person can handle the whole loading procedure. It has a double articulated agile design which enables picking-up and delivering of equipment on hard conditions. ADT and Sleipner’s DB combination can be turned around on width of a two way mine road as the turning radius is 11 – 14.5 meters, depending of the combination. DB-series advanced, proven braking system is well integrated with the prime mover and it provides safe transport in every condition.

With Sleipner DB-series utilization, the drills’ undercarriage last 2-3 time longer and the excessive undercarriage wear of bulldozers while traveling in 3rd gear is diminished. The ease of relocation from the pit enables much more maintenance to be performed preventively and in the better conditions found in the workshop, resulting in large reductions in expensive and disruptive breakdowns. More information about Sleipner, our products and service, please visit or send us e-mail

Complete solution for moving tracked equipment.

Do you want to • save up to 50% in undercarriage maintenance costs • transform up to 85% of travel time into productive time • improve operational flexibility and predictability

Sleipner Finland Ltd. I I

Follow us at LinkedIn, Facebook or see us in action on YouTube.



Trimble 4D Control Software Delivers Streamlined Real-Time Monitoring System Deployment and Simplified Geotechnical Sensor Support Increased Capabilities Save Days of Setup Time for Real-Time Structural Monitoring Projects


rimble (NASDAQ: TRMB) introduced today the latest version of its core real-time monitoring software—Trimble® 4D Control software. Version 5.0 provides new features that enable users to streamline real-time structural monitoring system deployment as well as simplify the connection to geotechnical sensors. Trimble 4D Control software enables project stakeholders to monitor critical infrastructure such as dams and bridges along with mines and buildings surrounding construction sites and tunnels. Robust and powerful, Trimble 4D Control software provides

unparalleled movement analysis as well as extensive support for a wide variety of monitoring sensors—from total stations to piezometers and crack gauges to GNSS reference receivers. In addition, multiple monitoring sites can be managed from a single, customizable platform that enables visualization, performs rigorous analysis and provides alerts, which are essential for real-time automated monitoring applications. “We are committed to delivering the most comprehensive monitoring solution that enables users to reduce installation time and improve efficiency,” said Lisa Wetherbee, business area director


for Trimble Monitoring Solutions. “Configuring sensor communications previously took hours and now only takes a few minutes. Setting up and operating a real-time monitoring system is now easier than before, making it a preferred solution for a wider variety of monitoring projects.” Faster Project Set Up with Simplified Geotechnical Sensor Communication Trimble 4D Control 5.0 introduces support for Worldsensing’s Loadsensing wireless monitoring system. This allows users to rapidly connect and configure geotechnical sensors from a variety of manufacturers with hundreds of sensor models.

and monitoring sensors and may be integrated with various data visualization software. For more information, visit: h t t p s: // w w w.wo r l d s e n s i n g .c o m / product/loadsensing. About Trimble Monitoring Solutions Trimble’s portfolio of advanced sensor solutions, application software and state-of-the-art recorders provide proven integrated tools for monitoring earth systems applications. The solutions allow organizations to monitor the integrity of a building, dam, mine, bridge and other structures and natural hazards, monitoring the seismic activity of a project and surrounding communities.

It simplifies the configuration process for users, delivering real-time data streaming from the geotechnical sensors to Trimble’s 4D Control software. Loadsensing long-range and low-power wireless nodes are an ideal connectivity solution for complex monitoring scenarios. Unique Seismogeodetic System Processing Version 5.0 also includes an updated seismogeodetic data processing module that simplifies the setup when using Trimble’s Kestrel™ seismogeodetic system as part of a real-time monitoring deployment. With this new version, Trimble T4D Control makes it easy to use the enhanced satellite-based RTX corrections capabilities of the Kestrel system, giving structural engineers the

detailed information required for realtime monitoring projects where highquality, real-time seismic data is critical. Availability Trimble 4D Control version 5.0 is available now through Trimble’s Distribution Channel. To learn more, visit: About Loadsensing Loadsensing enables industrial companies to connect and wirelessly monitor infrastructures in remote locations. The data acquisition system is the industry reference for wireless geotechnical monitoring as it’s currently used to monitor over 50.000 sensors worldwide. Loadsensing is compatible with most geotechnical instrumentation

Trimble’s customizable and scalable monitoring solutions harness the power of GNSS, optical, seismic, engineering and geotechnical sensors to provide indepth measurement, data analysis and management tools to help organizations meet a range of project requirements from periodic deformation measurements to real-time automated monitoring solutions. For more information about Trimble Monitoring Solutions, visit: About Trimble Trimble is transforming the way the world works by delivering products and services that connect the physical and digital worlds. Core technologies in positioning, modeling, connectivity and data analytics enable customers to improve productivity, quality, safety and sustainability. From purpose built products to enterprise lifecycle solutions, Trimble software, hardware and services are transforming a broad range of industries such as agriculture, construction, geospatial and transportation and logistics. For more information about Trimble (NASDAQ:TRMB), visit: www.



Reutech Mining launches fastest scanning slope monitoring radar with the least interruption to daily operations and we are certain that the fourth generation MSR will do exactly that.’ Neville Greyling, product manager, explains: ‘With the MSRIV Esprit’s exceptional scan time of less than two seconds for an entire area covering more than 22 million m² at an operating range of 4 000 m, we ensure that virtually no noise is introduced. Due to the fact that an entire area is measured instantaneously, we can provide the truest, up-to-date slope data.’


afety on mines is of paramount importance, as there is no reason any longer to put lives in danger or to risk damage to high value capital equipment. On big open pit mines, one of the dangers is the potential of slope failures. Although slope stability radars have reduced this risk drastically in the last decade, these radars have struggled to handle highly volatile atmospherics and fast-moving slopes. This was due mainly to the technologies applied. Reutech Mining is launching the fastest scanning and most sophisticated slope monitoring radar in the industry, the MSRIV Esprit. The exceptional high scan speed ensures early detection of developing slope failures at mines, and enables accurate movement detections of fast-moving slopes rapidly changing atmospheric conditions.

mining operations in a safer, monitored environment. ‘We are very proud of this very advanced system,’ says Reutech Mining Executive Jan de Beer. ‘At Reutech Mining we are constantly striving to design and produce the most effective slope monitoring solutions with radar. It has proven to minimise risk in daily operations, is critical to mining planning and increases productivity. Nothing satisfies us more than providing the best possible data

With the play on the duality of its name, cleverness and spirit, Esprit testifies to the use of the latest core radar technologies to increase the safety reaction time between first warning and the possible event of a slope failure thereby contributing to the confidence of


Accuracy is of utmost importance in the mining industry: coupling instantaneous 3D area measurements with the fast scan speed ensures that, when doing critical monitoring, slope velocities of up to 13 500 mm/h can be attained – the best in the market. In addition, during strategic monitoring, smaller movements are detected with greater accuracy. ‘This means predicting potential failures earlier and increasing warning times. It will result in overall safer open pit mines in areas prone to fast moving slopes and with rapidly changing atmospheric conditions’, adds Greyling. The Reutech Mining team has gone to great lengths in ensuring that its radar sensors stay in line with cutting-edge technology, and this remains the case with Esprit. However, tribute must also be paid to tried concepts and stability of systems in tough working environments. The product record of the MSR Modular series contributed greatly towards ensuring that, while the Esprit is the latest technology, it also retains the reliability and durability required of an MSR product. `Reutech Mining welcomes the MSRIV Esprit into its expanding range of sensor technology solutions in the mining industry and feels confident that it will set the new benchmark for slope stability sensors. We are a proud team making a difference in mine safety, planning and cost effectiveness, comments de Beer.



The future of mining lies in good leadership


he mining vision for 2030 is an industry that is growing in investment, production and revenue; is well regulated and well led by ethical leaders, and is competitive, appropriately skilled, modernised and invests in research and development., according to the Department of Mineral Resources’ Mining Leadership Compact. Effective leadership is key to achieving this goal, as the mining sector remains a critical part of the SA economy contributing, in 2017, 7% to GDP, 27% to total exports, 19% to fixed investment and providing 1,5-million direct and indirect employment opportunities, supporting more than 10-million dependents. “The need for growing talent and leadership for the South African economy – and the mining sector in particular – is greater than ever before. The disruption that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is causing is significantly affecting 21st century mining, employment and skills,”

says Professor Fred Cawood, director at the Wits Mining Institute. He adds that organisational success and sustainability begins or ends with leadership. A leader is inextricably-linked to an organisation’s culture and shapes the leadership team which in turn filters this influence through every area of an organisation, including the performance and productivity of the workforce. Effective staff engagement As the South African mining sector is labour intensive, the performance of a mining company depends primarily on the productivity of its workforce. “Leaders need to be appropriately skilled and empowered to effectively lead the organisation, but just as importantly, they must be able to impact employee performance through effective leadership and staff engagement,” says Cawood. The institute will be holding a three day seminar entitled Empowering Leaders

Professor Fred Cawood for 21st Century Mining’, covering important topics relevant to leadership in mining, specifically for women.from 6-8 August 2019. Three modules will be covered during the three days. The first module introduces 21st Century Mining. The second is Transformation in Mining, in which leaders from industry and business share insights on transformation and leadership. The third module is Leadership for 21st Century Mining, which aims to empower leaders through the tools of self-awareness, personal development, mentoring, coaching, emotional intelligence and networking.

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