First Mining Drc-Zambia July/August edition 2020

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VOL 13 | ISSUE 4 | July - August 2020

XRD and XRF testing in Mineral Processing

In this issue... Ebola outbreak spreads to western DRC Pg 04

Mist elimination and air pollution control technology in mining Pg 08

Explorer Multi-Purpose and High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer


Europe Theta/Theta Benchtop X-Ray Diffractometer

Explorer Multi-Purpose and High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer

G.N.R. S.r.l. Via Torino, 7 28010 Agrate Conturbia (NO) - Italy E-mail: -







Ivanhoe Mines forges ahead with Kakula, DRC

Off-road highway wheels and rims for mining works



Filtering and dewatering in mining

Endress+Hauser Switzerland turns 60



HPE Africa’s robust range of equipment for mining

Pilot Crushtec Intern’l partners with Wastech



VOL 13 | ISSUE 4 | July - August 2020


Editor Bertha M. bertham@fmdrc-zambia

Forging forward

Sub-Editor Nita Karume

XRD and XRF testing in Mineral Processing

In this issue... Ebola outbreak spreads to western DRC Pg 04


Mist elimination and air pollution control technology in mining Pg 08


Contributing Writer Oscar Nkala, Mfuneko Jack Lindani Mkhize Caroline Thomas

Multi-Purpose and High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer

COVER STORY: PG 17 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) & X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) testing in Mineral Processing XRD is chosen above the other techniques because it provides detailed information about the crystalline structure of minerals.

Sales and Marketing Victor Ndlovu +27 11 044 8986 Isabel Isiziwe +260 96 187 4888 Advertising Consultants Meshack Ndzendevu Polite Mkhize Gladmore Ndhlovu Leslie Nyembe Production Coordinator Kholwani Dube Graphic Design and Layout Irene Faith Omudho

Art Director Augustine Ombwa Arobia Creative Consultancy


s in many other industries, mining companies are striving to keep functioning as effectively as possible in this time of COVID-19. Their immediate focus is to protect the health and safety of their workforce, deploy a rapid response to the crisis (including setting up a command center for critical decision-making), use tight financial steering to maintain cash flow, and strive to ensure continuity in their operations and supply chain (for example, by proactively identifying and mitigating disruption risks). Be that as it may, miners can also think ahead to a time when the virus will stop spreading and when infection as well as death rates will level off in the geographies where they have operations. The timing of such recovery will likely vary across countries and regions. However, there are some aspects that come into play and should thus be considered in this regard: government regulations as far as operations are considered and the implications of any changes that will need to be effected, managing raw material inventory and ensuring sustainability once the markets stabilize. The scale and impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is unprecedented in history, from both a humanitarian and economic perspective. Moreover, the situation is dynamic and rapidly evolving, on a daily basis. To navigate in this context, mining companies of course must manage the immediate priorities facing them.

Published By Mailing Times Media

This issue of First Mining DRC has in store the usual news from across Africa as well as selected features in mining, both in terms of equipment as well as best practices in the industry. It remains pertinent that we forge ahead with hope for a brighter day.

Circulation/Sales +27 11 044 8986

Nita Karume

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd



Ivanhoe Mines forges ahead with the development of Kakula in DRC


vanhoe Mines is forging ahead with the underground development of the Kakula copper mine, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The company, together with its joint venture partner Zijin Mining Group, has completed more than 17 km of underground development at the mine, of which 5.1 km is ahead of schedule. The team achieved 1.7 km of underground development this past month. This, according to media reports, is 575 m ahead of plan for the month on its own. Moreover, Kakula’s 2 000 t/h ore conveyor system also started operating in June, which will further increase the mine’s pace of underground development. The majority of the development headings at the Kakula mine currently are traversing mediumgrade sections of the orebody, with

average grades ranging between 3% and 5% copper. Several development headings are continuing in high-grade zones grading more than 8% copper, and this ore is being placed on a dedicated, high-grade surface stockpile at Kakula North that now totals about 68 000 t, grading an estimated 5.90% copper.

Women in mining: a new dawn of opportunities for women in the mining industry


he just concluded Digital DRC Mining week that ran from 17-19 June saw a record number of ladies tuned in for the DRC-focused Women in Mining live webinar session. Women in Mining-DRC (WIM_DRC) was first established in Lubumbashi at last year’s conference and exhibition and aims to end all forms of discrimination against women in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) mining sector and to develop the DRC by integrating the gender approach to ensure good governance, fairness and transparency. The 40 participants of the WIM_ DRC webinar included members of parliament, state and civil service workers, representatives of the industrial and artisanal mining sectors and civil society as well technical and financial partners. Speaking during the webinar, the executive director of HEAR Congo; a grassroots organization focused on vulnerable women and children- Kaleba Huguette Ngoie-Kasongo said that the challenges women face in the mining sector are very similar if not the same

worldwide. It always revolves around issues of inequality and equity. She further added that as such, it is important that the women who are involved in the mining sector work in synergy in an inclusive manner. She emphasized the importance of women being strategic in ensuring their views are heard through representation of a structured and recognized platform like WIM_DRC. Ngoie-Kasongo added that women can make men important allies to assist them in this process. The main goal, she explained, is for women in the mining sector to be well equipped, well connected and to position themselves as leaders to embrace their roles and responsibilities. Beyond being heard, they need to be respected. Clear vision of gender parity During the discussion on taking women taken into account when it comes to local content in the extractive industry, the Deputy Head of Cabinet Gety Mpanu

The medium-grade surface stockpiles at Kakula North, Kakula South and Kansoko together contain an additional 394 000 t, grading an estimated 2.71% copper. As Kakula’s underground development progresses over the next few months, the majority of the headings are expected to transition into the highgrade ore zones. Processing plant Meanwhile, the construction of a 3.8-m-tonne-a-year processing plant is also progressing rapidly. Ivanhoe says fabrication of the plant’s largest components – two ball mils each measuring 9.75 m, or 32 ft, long and 6.1 m, or 20 ft, in diameter – has been completed at Citic Heavy Industries’ factory, in China, and shipping of additional components is under way. The Kamoa-Kakula copper project is a join venture between Ivanhoe, with a 39.6% stake, and Zijin Mining Group, with an equal stake, Crystal River Global, with a 0.8% stake and the DRC government, with a 20% stake. Mpanu stated, “It is important that women get involved significantly in order to contribute to the development of the country, particularly for a sector that has been dominated by men for decades, in public and private companies, in decision-making as well as in crafts. She also insisted that the aforementioned expansion cannot be achieved without political will and without a clear vision of gender parity in the mining sector. According to Mpanu, to assume important positions of responsibility, it is important to invest in training in order to guarantee women who are experts in their fields. The Deputy Head of Cabinet also highlighted the shortcoming in the rate of women in mining at 17%, compared to the 50% required by law. She however, added that the President supports the cause and is working to strengthen the vision. This is while urging decision makers in the mining sector to get involved to increase efficiency of the process. Asanko Gold’s “Botae Pa Initiative” in Ghana Similarly, in Ghana, the international mining company Asanko Gold Inc. has launched the Asanko Women in Mining “Botae Pa Initiative” at the Asanko Gold Mine, AGM.

Read more about Women in Mining on



Ebola outbreak spreads to western DRC

diarrhoea. An epidemic of the virus on the other side of the country that began in August 2018 killed more than 2,277 people. The WHO declared the outbreak over in Ituri and North Kivu provinces on June 25. Experts said the use of a vaccine and swift containment efforts including mobile handwashing stations and a door-to-door education campaign kept the disease at bay. While the number of infections in the new outbreak is low, Ryan cautioned: In the era of COVID, it is very important that we do not take our eyes off these other emerging diseases.


bola is spreading in the western Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), with nearly 50 known cases across a large region bordering the Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic. Mike Ryan, the WHO’s top emergencies expert, said that 48 cases had been confirmed in DRC’s Equateur province since authorities announced a new outbreak there on June 1. There were three additional probable cases, he said, while a total of 20 people have died.

The province includes part of the River Congo, he said, adding that it was a large geographical area where communities were linked, and people travelled long distances. The newest outbreak is the 11th in the DRC since scientists first characterised the disease in 1976. The WHO said it has vaccinated 11,327 people against Ebola in the past month. The Ebola virus causes haemorrhagic fever and is spread through direct contact with body fluids from an infected person, who suffers severe vomiting and

GoviEx to appeal Zambia’s decision to terminate Chirundu mining license


oviEx Uranium Inc. is looking to appeal Zambia’s decision to terminate its Chirundu mining license. The Canadian company acquired the permit in late 2017 from African Energy Resources, and it included the Njame and Gwabe deposits. Both assets, according to GoviEx, were subsequently included in the preliminary economic assessment for the company’s Mutanga uranium project. However, due to the smaller scale and higher cost nature of the two deposits,

they were scheduled to be mined in the later stages of the preliminary economic assessment and were not included in the mine plan. The Vancouver-based uranium explorer said Njame and Gwabe’s exclusion is expected to have low to no impact on the project economics. Unfair decision Since acquiring the Chirundu mining permit, GoviEx said it had “ensured all statutory reports and payments” were


The DRC, one of the world’s poorest countries, is also dealing with a measles epidemic that has killed more than 6,000 people, as well as COVID-19, which has infected more than 3,000 and killed 188, according to official figures. In its latest weekly bulletin on Monday, the WHO said the growing outbreak in Equateur was “grave” matter given the complex humanitarian crisis in the DRC, with multiple disease outbreaks as well as ongoing clashes between armed groups that have displaced thousands of people in the country’s east. made. It also noted it had expanded its community and social responsibility programs to cover the villages within the Chirundu licenses, including the reconstruction of a school and the commencement of an adult education program. In a statement released to the press, the chief executive Daniel Major expressed his disappointment in the decision made by the Mining Cadastre with regards the Chirundu license. He further added that they do not believe the decision is fair or in the interests of our Zambian stakeholders. Under the Zambian Mines and Minerals Development Act of 2015, GoviEx has thirty days to appeal the government’s decision. The news comes only a day after the miner highlighted significant gold anomalies identified near its Falea uranium-copper-silver project in Mali. The find, the company said, shows the potential extensions of the Sirabaya West and the Siribaya-Bambadinka gold trends through, and possibly intersecting within the Falea project.


Petra Diamonds puts up Tanzania’s Williamson mine for sale which was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, Williamson mine has been reportedly going downhill since 2017 following the parliamentary probe into discrepancies in diamond mining in the region. The probe reportedly exposed weak mining contracts between selected government officials and the mining companies.


etra Diamonds, an international mining group has put up Tanzania’s Williamson mine for sale. Williamson diamond mine is located 23km Northeast of Shinyanga. In a released statement to the media, the company stated that it is also looking to sell its South African mines. Meanwhile, the Deputy minister for minerals said that the Tanzanian government is yet to be officially notified on the matter. The government owns a 25% stake in the mine which up until recently was under care and maintenance. Three years

back, the mine underwent a series of challenges including a government sanctioned parliamentary probe for alleged tax evasion. At the time, the government also proceeded to seize some of the diamond consignments.

Further, the committee in charge of the probe revealed conflicting data on the actual amount of diamond transported outside the country among various government institutions. According to the committee, reports from the Ministry of minerals showed that Tanzania exported diamonds valued at US $362.1m in the period between 2007 and 2016.

Company financials Earlier on this year in March, Petra launched a strategic review of its finances. According to media reports for the third quarter ending March 31, revenue fell 32%. This was partly attributed to weak sales during the month

However, and conversely, for the same period the Tanzania Minerals Audit Agency valued the exports at US 374.6m. Additionally, the Ministry had reported US 18m in royalty fee payments whereas the Audit Agency had the same at US $15m.

Tanzania’s established mineral centers rack up millions in revenue


anzania’s recently established mineral centers located in the country’s mineral-rich regions has boosted revenue collection to over US $154.8m in the fiscal year 2019/20. This is part of the phases by the government in a move to eliminate mineral smuggling and crack down on tax evasion. The mineral centres are part of President John Magufuli’s drive to optimize mineral trading to benefit not just multinationals, but also small-scale miners, brokers and dealers and ensuring the country gained more from its natural resources. The Minister for Minerals, Mr Doto Biteko while presenting the 2019/20 budget said that until February this year, 28 mineral centres had been established across the country. Among the regions are Mwanza, Geita, Chunya, Arusha, Namanga, Singida-Sekenke, Dar es Salaam, Kahama, Shinyanga, Ruvuma, Katavi, Tanga, Iringa, Manyara, Singida, Shinyanga, Dodoma, Kigoma, Tabora, Mbeya, Mara and Songwe.

for a long time, including small-scale miners who lacked places to sell their minerals, as well as the presence of illegal mining and smuggling of minerals.

Minister Biteko explained that the centres were intended to provide means of formalizing a trading system, giving small-scale miners access to a government-regulated market where they could directly and legally trade gold without the necessity of travelling to major cities. In addition, the mineral buying centres will allow the government to collect more levies from both miners and businesses. He also noted that the establishment of the hubs had addressed major challenges that faced the mining sector

Benefits of te mining centers According to the minister, the mineral centres have ensured all constraints in the mineral trade chain are removed and promote the industry and benefit Tanzanians individually and collectively. Further, the market centres have brought about significant change in the mining sector, including accelerating the growth of the sector by 12.6% from January to September 2019, compared to 0.9% of 2018. The mineral centres have also brought about other benefits to the people, including the creation of employment opportunities and an increase in incomes for small-scale miners. He explained that he commended President John Magufuli and his government for the great strides that had been made in the country.



Commit Works expands global footprint into South America

Productivity software to help mines emerge and surge amidst COVID-19


ommit Works, a leading mining software company headquartered in Brisbane, AUS, is pleased to announce its global expansion continues, now into South America. This builds on Commits Works’ expansion trajectory into South Africa, North America and New Zealand in 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively, and only seven years after its founding in 2013. The announcement also follows the successful relationship the company has been building with its first South America customer, a gold mine in Argentina, since December 2019.

The South America customer has been realizing preliminary production improvements that are consistent with the double-digit results Commit Works has helped mines elsewhere in the world achieve. The foundation of those outcomes has been significant reductions in variability that boost and sustain productivity. Said Moynagh, “South America has many high value mines, and its important the resources are managed in the most efficient way possible. We want to help mine leaders and their entire teams do that, responsibly and safely.”

The company is also considering opening an office in South America later this year – even and especially in times of COVID-19 since their software and proven approach will help customers to emerge and surge when mines fully reopen. “Our expansion in the region is an opportunity for us to work with the area’s brightest talent to positively impact the technology and mining sectors, and help mine’s emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever.

“Expanding into South America is an incredible opportunity our entire team is thrilled to have,” said Paul Moynagh, CEO and founder, Commit Works. “With our frontline productivity software and proven approach that drives commitment, trust and performance, we can help mines throughout the continent sustainably deliver hard dollar value into the business, and build a better, more collaborative culture for the entire workforce.”




Paddle Style Bulk Material Flow Control Detects Flow Interruptions

Element Six is one of the world’s leading supermaterials companies, specialising in synthetic diamond, PCBN and tungsten carbide

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Good roads improve safety and reduce overall operating costs. Element Six can provide long lasting tungsten carbide picks

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BULK HANDLING Belt cleaners keep conveyor belts clean, making conveyor systems safer and more productive


by eliminating carry back. Element Six tungsten carbide conveyor scraper blades last longer in

Metalliferous ores require comminution in order

abrasive conditions, thus minimising downtime.

to liberate the valuable minerals from the waste. Element Six can provide extremely hard wearing tungsten carbide parts for crushers, screens and


he model FS bulk material flow control manufactured by Conveyor Components Company can be used as a flow / no flow device, or it can also be used as a downstream plugged chute detector. The rugged cast aluminum enclosure is designed for NEMA 4 weatherproof applications, while the explosionproof version can be used in NEMA 7 vapor explosion proof and NEMA 9 dust ignition proof environments. Optional black epoxy coating is also available for additional corrosion resistance. The standard 20 amp SP/DT microswitches (or optional 15 amp DP/DT microswitches) can be used to control a variety of equipment such as start-stop operations of conveyors, elevators, feeder systems, and even provide control of audible or visual warning alarms. The paddle is stainless steel material and can be easily replaced if worn or damaged. Paddle and counterweight are easily field adjustable to any angular orientation. The model FS controller is cULus Listed. If you would like additional information on this or other products that Conveyor Components Company offers please contact their sales department toll free 800-233-3233, fax 810-679-4510, e-mail info@ or visit their website at

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excavate rooms of the mined material while leaving pillars to support the roof. Element Six tungsten carbide tools can be used to increase cutting speed and cost efficiency.

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Mist elimination and air pollution control technology in mining


ine ventilation is the process of total air conditioning responsible for the quantity control of air, its movement, its distribution, and it is the most vital auxiliary operation in underground mining. It is the mainstay of the miner’s life support system. Air is necessary not only for breathing, but also to disperse and dilute chemical and physical contaminants, such as gases, dust, heat and humidity. Mist is a problem that combines the effects of the aforementioned contaminants. It is a common safety hazard in underground mines observed especially in the declines. Mist forms when saturated air loses internal energy by mixing with a colder air stream, by simply ascending through the ventilation system of the mine, or when contact with cold wall-rock decreases air temperature. The liquid droplets cause severe technical problems in a process such as reduced process efficiency, physical damage to downstream components, and loss of product and process fluids.

Mist elimination methods Some of the known methods used in mist elimination include but are not limited to: heating mine air, chemically drying humid air, refrigeration of air, use of centrifugal fan scrubbers, using cool mine water to lower the temperature and humidity of intake air, and installation of additional fans to increase air movement. Heating is often criticized because of the added heat to the mine environment, but in cool climates with cool or temperate underground temperatures heating does not cause problems. Unfortunately, heating consumes energy and may thus prove to be quite expensive. Also, it does not reduce the quantity of particles suspended in the air available to act as nuclei. Cooling by refrigeration is effective, but it is the most expensive of the known elimination methods. In a cool climate it may also cause difficulties as the temperatures are already low and freezing should be avoided. The mist removing effect of increased air velocity is said to be based on air mass mixing and promoting evaporation from mist


droplets. Economically this method is suggested to be the most plausible solution. Increasing air velocity is currently one of the most popular methods of mist elimination, but its efficiency is questionable. Centrifugal scrubbers work well in level workings according to literature, but they are not necessarily suitable for clearing declines. Their effectiveness in mist elimination is based on their multiple function characteristics. They increase air velocity and reduce particle concentration and humidity. Removing humidity by preventing leakages from rock walls and other water sources can also be used to some extent. Unfortunately treating a long ramp is expensive. As there are also open ditches and pumping stations along the decline, preventing leakages may not be enough for mist elimination. Chemical drying is considered impractical in mining industry because the amount of drying material needed is huge. Spreading the material and gathering it is also troublesome.


Conventional Drying Tower Mesh Pads SX, Saramet, SS316L, Alloy 20 and Fluoropolymer Options

New Improved Vertical Panel Design Hot Shut Down Replacement in Hours External Tower Access Improves H&S

CANDLE FILTERS Bulk Fibre and Wound Type Candle Filters for Your Sulphuric Acid Absorber Towers Xtra-Flow Filters for up to 30% increased gas flow. Carbon Fibre Filters for Hydrofluoric Acid Issues Candle Filter Irrigation Systems for Plant Start-up and NOx Issues

Xtra-Flow Standing Filter

Xtra-Flow Hanging Filter

Contact Us Begg Cousland Envirotec Limited Glasgow, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)141 556 2289 Email: |

Begg Cousland srl Santorso, Italy Tel: +39 (0)445 1980709 Email:


However, all methods considered, minimization technique is suggested to be initially designing the ventilation system to reduce opportunities for mist formation. Air pollution in mining In mining, a lot of focus is placed on prevention of pollution, since the sources tend to be more diffuse, whereas in minerals processing the technologies are focused toward capture and treatment of emissions. Air quality management issues in mining and ore beneficiation are primarily centered on particulate emissions. Minerals processing through metallurgical processes often results in the emission of Nitrogen and Sulphur Oxides as well as certain metals and fumes which are sometimes as important if not more important than the particulate emissions from these processes. Sources of dust on mines result mainly from blasting, handling, processing or transporting of materials, or can be suspended from disturbed areas or

waste disposal facilities, including waste rock and tailings, by wind erosion. These need to be addressed in comprehensive Environmental Management Plans. These plans frequently do not go far enough toward management of dust emissions because they do not properly integrate air quality management into mine environmental planning, and are not based on a good solid understanding of the possible air quality impacts. Mines require the consolidation of air quality management into a single, integrated air quality management plan which addresses all sources, relative impacts, abatement measures, procedures, responsibilities, monitoring and performance assessment methods. This should ensure that, at any time and under any usual set of conditions, and at any stage in the mine’s lifecycle from mine planning, operation to closure air quality is managed to within acceptable levels.

Although not quantifiable, such an approach can result in fewer down the-line costs and facilitate the mine’s effective “licence to operate”, as it is often referred to in Sustainable Development terms, which includes access to minerals as well as financial support. Air quality management in mining is a complex task, mainly due to the wide range of source types, the fact that most are diffuse and highly variable in nature, difficult to measure, and site-specific in terms of silt and moisture contents. Environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall and humidity compound emissions uncertainties. Mines are not static, and have continuously changing footprints with respect to haul road location and distance, the size of waste rock and tailings sites, and have varying production and mine development rates. For this reason, it is imperative to use flexible, operator-friendly source inventories which can be maintained on a regular basis by mine operators

Vertical panel demisters for Sulphuric Acid Drying Towers - Is that what you have been waiting for?


or over 50 years conventional drying tower mist eliminators have been installed and removed by accessing them physically inside of the tower. This requires operators to enter the tower with acid proof suits, masks and or breathing equipment. It is time consuming and dangerous to be inside the tower for hours on end. Apart from the Heath and Safety issues for your workers to replace the filter, it requires you to completely shut down the Sulphuric Acid Plant. Some progress was made with side entry removable, horizontal demister pads, which eliminated the need to enter the tower, but this proved problematic. These problems included the demisters support structures distorting over time making withdrawal though the access holes almost impossible, the requirement for larger area access platforms and significant external acid dripping due to the horizontal removal method. In collaboration with Outotec, Begg Cousland Envirotec developed vertical framed panel demisters which are removed via top access doors. The

type and the improved H & S benefits your operators in reduced exposure to dangerous conditions.

Polygon Panel Design

panels are arranged in a polygon configuration at the top of the tower, This design has been incorporated into many new acid Outotec SAP designs and can be retrofitted to existing towers. This significant design improvement allows easy outside access leading to quick removal and replacement of the panels with a crane even during a short stoppage. The vertical removal method minimises the external acid dripping and allows them to be easily placed inside protective plastic bagging prior to being lowered to ground level. There is no requirement for excessive area access platforms like the previous horizontal


A customer in Namibia producing Copper changed out the vertical panel filters installed in their Outotec SAP during a Hot shut down within four hours. They have further optimised and reduced this time by removing every second bolt on the access panels prior to stopping the plant. A spare set of panels are installed, and the dirty set are washed for re-use. One of their plant operators commented at a recent sulphuric acid workshop that the improvement in change out time compared to a conventional design is remarkable.

Vertical Panel Top Access Design


Epiroc further improves the highest payload capacity underground truck in the world Since the successful launch of Minetruck MT65 in 2016, Epiroc have maintained Minetruck MT65’s position as the highest payload capacity underground truck in the world. We are pleased to present a summary of recent improvements that have made the truck even better and further improves the value for the customer. are the direct result of this feedback,” says Daniel Sandström, global product manager in the Underground division at Epiroc.


he new engine dramatically lowers emissions, enabling more sustainable operations. Our latest engine technology meets Tier 4 Final/ Stage 5 requirements and is certified to comply with the North American standards CANMET (Canada) and MSHA (USA). NOx has been reduced by 45%, and diesel particle matters have been lowered by 80% compared to a Tier 2 engine. Lower emissions improve the working environment and reduce the need for ventilation, leading in turn to lower operation costs and a smaller environmental footprint.

Another great advantage of Minetruck MT65 is its new Ejector dump box option for compact envelop applications. We developed this solution to cover more applications with the same load frame.

An additional load-weighing display can be placed in the cabin window so the loader operator is able to ensure that the truck is fully loaded every time. This will not only help maximize the payload but also minimize the risk of overfilling/overloading. This information can also be monitored through Epiroc’s proven telematics system Certiq. Certiq monitors and records vital machine information, which helps to both improve productivity and reduce unnecessary wear.

The modular design is a pin-on solution that attaches to the load frame, which makes it possible to swap between standard and Ejector dump boxes as needed. “We keep a constant dialogue with our customers around the world to receive feedback from the field. These updates



To reduce this problem; choose a tyre with irregular or asymmetric spacing of the lugs and voids to reduce harmonic vibration at highway speeds. There are also situations such as light powdery snow or sand where an all-terrain pattern would be better. The general purpose all terrain tyre generally has an interlocked tread pattern with siping (small cuts) on the tread blocks. The voids in these tyres are usually much smaller than those on tyres designed for use in the mud. The denser pattern of blocks and smaller voids make these tyres more quiet on the street.

Off-road wheels and rims for mining works


s truck ownership has increased, so has the amount of off-highway recreation. There is no special license required to drive off-road, even though there are many different techniques and practices involved. There does exist an often unspoken etiquette that is practiced by old-school fourwheelers, which developed not just so that everyone can get along on the trail, but, primarily, for safety considerations. With the availability of trail-ready 4x4’s, both in the traditional truck mold and outside of it, the slow and steady progression of four-wheeling initiation through involvement and camaraderie has been bypassed. The honor-byassociation process misses the chance to be taught to the enthusiastic guy who just bought his first real 4x4. Features of off-road tyres for mining Responsible 4-wheeling is about finesse. Other features and driving techniques assist in the overall safety of your offroad outing, but finesse is the first and most important portion of your driving repertoire to acquire. One of the most crucial aspects to offroading is understanding the absolute importance of tyre pressure. Among the most pertinent tyre pressure considerations in regards to summer off-roading is utilizing optimum sand tyre pressure. Optimum sand tyre pressure is a combination of many things, of

which truck-owner’s myths are least productive. However, your tyres, their construction methods and materials, what your car weighs, how it is loaded, and wheel width, all play into the sandpressure tyre formula with predictable results. Why low pressure works, and how to determine your best sand pressure, follows: The choice of tread pattern, otherwise known as your tyre’s footprint, is extremely important to consider during your new tyre decision making process, and especially so if your are fitting your truck for an off-road adventure. Tread pattern should be chosen based on the intended use of your truck. The most popular tread pattern for all around offroad use is a mud terrain pattern. The mud terrain or mud tyre pattern is characterized by large lugs on the tyre with big voids between these lugs. The large lugs provide plenty of bite in low traction conditions while the big voids allow the tyre to clean itself by throwing off mud or other material when spinning, thus providing a good bite on every rotation of the tyre. These tyres are also very popular for rock crawling as the large lugs can provide a way of gripping and pulling the tyres up and over irregular rocky edges where a smoother pattern would just spin. The biggest disadvantage of these patterns is that they run rough and loud on the highway.


It also increases the surface area of the tread which gives the tyre improved flotation on surfaces such as light powdery snow or sand. The increased siping can be important in snow were it is the number of edges, even quite small edges, biting into the snow that provides the traction. The downside is that the smaller voids cannot clean themselves as easily of packed mud or slush. If these voids fill up with mud the tyre loses much of its bite and traction is lost. A variety of manufacturers also offer a family of tires sometimes called trail tyres or some similar name. These are most often tyres designed for use on light trucks or sport utility vehicles which see most of their use on the street. They will generally be quieter, get better gas mileage and last longer than either of the other off-road patterns. The tread patterns are designed to provide significantly improved comfort or performance on the street which can sometimes compromise off-road capability. Fortunately, this is the limit to which most of their intended market are likely to take them. A wheel rim for off-road mining trucks comprises a wheel rim body, a locking ring and an outer wheel flange, wherein the wheel rim body is composed of a wheel flange with a height of 51mm and an annular groove, the annular groove is used for mounting the locking ring; and the locking ring is embedded into the annular groove to prevent the outer wheel flange from coming off the wheel rim after a wheel tire is inflated. The wheel rim for off-road mining truck has the following beneficial effects such as simple structure, reasonable design, and improvement in the adaptability of wheel rim and loading force of the off-road mining truck.













E4 IND5 L5-S E3 MINING HIGHWAY G2 G2 E2 IND-5 E3 E3 E4 E4 E2 E3 E3 E4 E4 G2 E2 E2 E4 E3/L3 L3 E3/L3 E4/L4 L5-S L5 G3/L3 E2 E4 IND-4 L5-S E4 E4 E4 E3/L3 E3/L3 L3 G3/L3 L5 L5 E3 E4 E3/L3 E3/L3 E3/L3 L3 E4/L4 L5 L5 E4 E4 E4 E3/L3 E3/L3 E3/L3 L3 E4/L4 E4 L5 L5 E3/L3 E3/L3 E4/L4 E4 L5 E3/L3 E4 E3/L3 E3/L3 E4 E4 L4 L5


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22PR 22PR 22PR 22PR ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ 20PR 20PR 20PR ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★★ ★★ ★★

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220 220 200 200 170 170 170

12.00R20 12.00R24

13.00R25 14.00R20

14.00R24 (385/95R24)


16.00R24(445/95R24) 16.00R25(445/95R25)





21.00R33 21.00R35 23.5R25




29.5R29 650/65R25 750/65R25 35/65R33

South Africa: Phone: +27 71 100 7675 WhatsApp:+1 587 334 2246 | Skype: hendri.swanepoel1 Email:

144 144 146 114 114 100 95 95 97 86 86 95 95 97 86 86 80 76 76 74 90 90 90 90 88 80 90 44 44 40 35 36 36 36 57 57 57 57 57 56 24 24 43 43 43 43 43 42 42 22 22 22 36 36 36 36 36 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 24 22 22 35 28 17 17 17 17
























Securing mining supply chains under lockdown C ovid-19 lockdown restrictions around Southern Africa have thrown the spotlight on mines’ supply security, especially key inputs like explosives and specialised blasting services. According to Albie Visser, General Manager at blasting specialist BME, mines have relied heavily on the flexibility and ingenuity of service providers to keep the supply chain functioning. “The first weeks of the lockdown were challenging, especially regarding the logistics of moving our emulsion product across national borders from South Africa into other southern African countries,” said Visser. “Different countries – and even different border posts – applied different rules, making it difficult to know what the exact compliance requirements were.”

It does mean more buses arriving at the work site, but any infection picked up can then be controlled and traced within that group. There is also another screening test at the mine site when staff arrive, and the necessary social distancing is observed. “To date our measures have been very effective, with no Covid-19 infections at any of our operations,” he said.

Albie Visser, BME General Manager, South Africa and Namibia

“Most of our production plant processes are highly automated, so we can readily apply the necessary social distancing and minimise staff without affecting production,” said Hennecke. “This applies to our explosives facilities as well as our factories for non-electric and electronic detonators.”

He noted that the pandemic had caught most authorities unaware, leading to regulations being hurriedly developed and enforced. “In some cases, the regulatory requirements were not practical,” he said. “At one border, for instance, drivers were required to have a Covid-19 test not older than three days – but in South Africa it took nine days to get results from a test through normal channels.” This meant that innovative thinking was called for, and BME worked closely with its own suppliers and the mines themselves. While some deliveries were initially delayed by border issues, the company’s responsiveness and agility kept up its deliveries to site. National lockdowns in the region affected the mining sectors differently from country to country. “South Africa’s lockdown saw demand for emulsion drop sharply at first, but this has almost returned to normal as mines ramped up to full production where possible,” he said. “While mining in Botswana has slowed, Namibia’s mining industry has been more resilient and our supplies to Zambia are almost unaffected.”

From the manufacturing perspective, BME’s facilities are also well positioned to keep feeding the supply chain even under lockdown conditions, according to Ralf Hennecke, BME’s General Manager: Technology and Marketing.

Ralf Hennecke BME General Manager Technology and Marketing

In South Africa, BME is working on many mine sites, with an average of three teams per site. By conducting risk assessments and adapting its existing safety systems, BME quickly developed its own Covid-19 protocols in line with national safety regulations – even before some of the mines finalised their own systems. Among the measures BME has applied is to divide staff into small groups to keep closer control of movements and restrict infections. For example, each group will stay together for transport purposes, and will use only one specified bus. “Each bus, which has a thermometer for daily testing, will collect staff from their homes,” said Visser. “We know exactly who they live with, for purposes of future contact tracing.”


Even the company’s remote bulk emulsion plants – often located on customer’s mine sites – can be operated with minimal staff. He highlighted that BME’s technology, including planning and reporting platforms like BLASTMAP™ and XPLOLOG™, also assist mines to reduce opportunities for Covid-19 transmission. “Our technological innovations allow data to be digitally captured, stored and transferred to the mine’s operational and administrative systems,” he said. “This can be done safely with only a few human touchpoints, and also in real time for greater efficiency.” He said mines are more than ever looking for solutions that will deliver more output with fewer resources, and BME is supporting this drive with its constantly innovating technologies.


Alke ATX explosion proof electric vehicles


he ALKE’ ATX EX Electric Utility Vehicles are developed to work in the hardest, most demanding conditions. They can be used for logistics, maintenance, first aid, firefighting, surveillance services, units with mobile cranes, etc. They can be certified in accordance with ATEX standards for Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia and North American UL/NEC standards, or with reference to other important international standards such as IECEx. Special configurations are available upon request, for specific applications or sectors like subsoil (ATEX M2) or environments where explosive materials are present.

• • • • • •

activities Bring more efficiency to maintenance operations Improve the general efficiency of the plant Provide an healthy and safe work environment Minimize shut-down times Don’t require inspection before entering the plant Eliminate risk of explosion in case of human or inspection equipment errors

Alkè explosion-proof electric vehicles are available with 2 or 4 seats cab. On all the models (2-seat or 4-seat), another two seats can be added on the loading area thanks to the special (optional) rear seats kit. These vehicles come in a wide variety of versions thanks to the numerous optional fittings and configurations. The battery swap system can double the autonomy, thanks to the fast replace procedure of the batteries which guarantees high autonomy and non-stop operation. Alkè explosion-proof versions have specific design and safety expedients concerning the electrical system (batteries, connectors, sensors, control unit, etc.) and all those non-electric parts that could generate high temperatures or sparks (mechanical parts, brakes, plastic elements, etc.). Comfort in the cab is guaranteed by an air-conditioning system designed to work at up to 55°C, and by an electric heating system - both explosion-proof certified.

The benefits of EX models are many: • • • •

Minimize time taken for transportation of equipments and employees Bring more efficiency to survellance/monitoring activities Provide rescue units and compact firefighting units able to enter hazardous areas to support injured people in case of accidents Minimize time taken for cleaning and waste collection



In the cloud: Finding device data faster and immediately start working ufacturers’ designs, making it easier to select the right product. Users can find what they’re looking for in an even more targeted manner and can discover useful additions or alternatives with just a few clicks.


he new EPLAN Data Portal is launched and this web-based application is now exclusively available in the EPLAN ePulse cloud environment. Users of the current EPLAN Platform, Version 2.9 can access it after registering at www., and they benefit from immediate online access to high-quality product catalogues from a continually growing pool of renowned component manufacturers. Director Cloud Business Master Data Timm Hauschke says: “The direct transfer of the offered component data into the EPLAN documen-tation reduces the efforts required for designing for our customers and increases the quality of the machine and plant system documentation.” All solutions anchored

in the EPLAN Platform access the web service in equal measure. Reaching the goal even faster EPLAN has made it even easier to use and navigate through the comprehensive range of stored device data with its new user interface. An intuitive search function offers fast and practical support. A suggestion function – for instance for product groups, components or manufac-turers – has also been integrated, with a look and feel similar to common search engines. This saves time when designing and leads to quick results. Another practical benefit: calculation programs such as Rittal Therm or selectors from Schneider Electric have already been integrated with the man-

Current data in the cloud The integration of EPLAN Data Portal into EPLAN ePulse offers a number of advantages right off the bat: updates can be imported at any time – whether it be in the application itself or in the portfolio of more than three hundred component manufacturers that already offer around one million device data for direct download. Additionally, more than 1.5 million variants of devices can be called up via integrated configurators. Another practical benefit for users is that their software is always up-to-date in the cloud environment. Standard ensures more depth of data Standardised component data are indispensable for creating efficient processes. When control cabinets are being designed in 3D, wire lengths automatically calculat-ed, or mounting plates processed by machines, standard-ised device data is required. As Hauschke explains: “The EPLAN Data Standard supplements proven classification standards for device data, for instance eCl@ ss Ad-vanced, by making them fit for practical use. It ensures the consistent use of data throughout all engineering and manufacturing processes – moving towards a fully integrated value chain.” Users benefit from considerable time savings that have an effect from the start of project planning through to commissioning. After all, the repre-sentation of a device in various system diagrams is based on a uniform data source – the single source of truth. Background EPLAN Data Portal is a portal for exchange between component manufacturers and electrical engineers and fluid design engineers, providing master data for down-loading. Aside from alphanumeric component data, it also includes schematic macros, device information in multiple languages, preview images, documentation and additional information.



X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) & X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) testing in Mineral Processing


RD is used for the identification of the mineralogy of samples from various parts of an ore body or mineral process stream. XRD can identify which minerals are present and in what amount. This information is then used to inform geologists responsible for feeding the mill and metallurgists responsible for optimisation of beneficiation. Differing mineral mixes and content will significantly impact the methods used to process specific ore. XRD is chosen above the other techniques because it provides detailed information about the crystalline structure of minerals. It is an established technique to identify minerals in a laboratory environment. A good XRD analysis requires less

skills and qualification compared with other methods. Sample preparation is simple and fast. By comparing samples to a database of known minerals, data interpretation is relatively straightforward. Furthermore, sample preparation should be relatively simple and achievable in very little time. The X-ray based technologies are mature technologies which have been around for decades. They are well understood resulting in relative ease of availability. The ideal XRD system requires very quick and easy sample preparation. This is so that once the sample is crushed and sieved to a fine powder (<150um) in the field using a simple mortar, pestle and sieves, it is then fed into the XRD for analysis.

Test times are in the order of minutes or tens of minutes, producing a diffraction pattern that can be run through an XRD database and software package to report the results very quickly. This process greatly accelerates the traditional XRD analysis process which routinely involves despatch to a laboratory and significantly more complicated sample preparation procedures. Features of a good XRD system So many things! Portablility and ruggedness in terms of mobility and toughness. Simplified sample preparation – very basic crushing and sieving is needed using small field tools supplied with the product. Ease of use – any field technician can prep and load the sample in minutes, and operate the integrated



web browser user interface on a phone or laptop to initiate the collection of a diffraction pattern from a sample. Use of a low x-ray power source ensures safe use, simplifies radiation licensing, eliminates water cooling and enables us to use small lithium ion batteries to operate the unit meaning no mains power is needed. These features ensure an extremely low cost of ownership when compared with other XRD’s.

motivation for explorers to continue and can easily wind up mapping larger areas than ever would have been conceived before these revolutionary technological advancements. Not only have these instruments made a huge impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of mineral exploration, they actually enhance the thrill of the exploration experience. When exploring for precious metals, one of the most widely used techniques

XRF Analyzers have drastically changed the methods by which exploration geologists perform mineral exploration over the past ten years. Old school exploration included hauling taluses in bags to be taken to the lab to determine possible mineral content. It could take up to weeks before the data was actually furnished.

is to identify and monitor geochemical pathfinder elements which conveniently, are typically more easily detected by the XRF analyzer. Depending on location and specific types of ore deposits, certain elements are present and/ or consistently ratio targeted elements of interest such as gold or silver. Arsenic is a very common element to use as a pathfinder element for gold. By identifying anomalous Arsenic, there is a distinct possibility of tracking gold deposits. The only way to truly evaluate if an instrument is a good fit for your needs is to try it on your materials. Is it the right tool for what you are doing? Is the user interface responsive and easy to use and navigate? Clear, straightforward navigation is crucial for a good user experience and minimizing training. Is the information you need right there on the screen? Do you get lost setting up the analyzer? A good user experience translates to higher throughput and a faster return on investment.

Today’s exploration methods include real time data obtained with handheld XRF analyzers in the field and on the spot with a GPS location linked to it. Handheld XRF analyzers have revolutionized the spirit of exploration not just as far as results are concerned, but the speed in which they are acquired as well. The instantaneous results act as a huge

After testing the instrument, you’ll be ready to get the right analysis tool in your toolbox and start saving time and money with your handheld XRF analyzer.

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et Point Laboratories, a division of Synerlytic Services (Pty) Ltd, an ISO17025:2017 accredited analytical chemistry lab, is best known for being a formidable partner in the mining and water industry. Set Point Labs provides analytical facilities to clients through an extensive network of operations in South African cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town and Namibia, Windhoek. With attentive, personal customer focus and a reputation for efficient turn-around times, making the Set Point brand unique to the industry.

analysis of effluent/wastewater, drinking water, processed water, surface water and groundwater. Servicing clients throughout Africa, Set Point aims to provide each client with a unique service to make their analysis efficient, reliable and cost-effective. In the aim to service clients throughout Africa, Set Point Laboratories assist clients in sourcing logistics solutions. Getting samples to the various laboratories as easily as possible.

As a new and changed world emerges from International Lockdown Measures after the announced Global COVID-19 Pandemic by the World Health Organization, Set Point laboratories have changed as well. In the aim to combat the COVID-19 pandemic we are all currently facing, Set Point Laboratories has introduced alcohol content testing at their facilities. Always, setting the bar high in both the minerals and water industry.

With the vision as an innovative, forwardthinking business that is lead through honesty, high principles and pride in every component of partnerships with clients. Set Point laboratories are operated by highly qualified and motivated staff, who deliver fully comprehensive and professional testing services. These include providing a wide variety of minerals analysis as well as full suite water analysis. Minerals analysis is conducted through X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, used to determine a range of light to heavy elements by fused disc or pressed-pellet. Borate fusions followed by XRF is most suited to certain ore types such as iron and manganese ores, phosphates, chromite, limestones and major silicates. The samples are fused using automated fusers and are analysed using XRF Spectrometers. Pressed-pellet provides a low-cost testing option, suitable for large sample volumes, examples of application include; Copper, Nickel, determination of Merensky, UG2 and Platreef mineralization of Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa, or analysis of uranium hosted by siliceous rocks. Water analysis is also conducted at Set Point Laboratories using various accredited techniques such as; Photometric, Electrometric, Colorimetric, Gravimetric, ICP-OES and ICP-MS and Enzyme Substrates. These techniques are used to obtain the best possible results in chemical and microbiological


Science and technology Made in Italy GNR Analytical System solution for the Mining Industry

GNR is a dynamic Italian company that is dedicated to the design of analytical instrumentation with a focus on the industrial field. Many analytical techniques have traditionally been used to solve industrial problems, but the complexity of the technique and the cost of instrumentation make them confined to large research centres or subcontracted laboratories.

X-ray Diffraction

Europe Theta/Theta Benchtop X-Ray Diffractometer

Today's industrial applications are less and less compatible with the time it takes, for example, to send a sample to a central laboratory and wait for its response. A decidedly uneconomic approach considering that in many sectors such as mining, production sites are located in remote areas. GNR's challenge is therefore to provide customers with instrumentation that can guarantee the same accuracy and accuracy that can be achieved in the laboratory and can be used by not necessarily qualified personnel. Two different analytical techniques are herein after presented as example of GNR capability to develop instrument for industrial application.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) provides rapid identification of particulate materials, clays and other minerals offering detailed information about the crystallographic structure of mineral samples to be used to identify the different phases present. In the past, XRD was typically used to determine bulk mineral assemblages in rocks, clays, ores, particulates and metallurgical products. It provides a semi-quantitative method for determining the normative or weight percentages of the phases present, including the fraction of each mineral phase that occurs in your samples. Now, with the use of Rietveld (RIR analysis) quantification methods and powerful computers, quantitative XRD data can be obtained. Modern high-speed detectors allow rapid data collection on large numbers of samples and whole pattern cluster analysis is used to differentiate sample populations.

Explorer Multi-Purpose and High Resolution X-Ray Diffractometer

RDE-OES Total Cost of ownership (TCO) is a method of economic assessment widely used by many companies in the mining sector. However, the contribution and the importance of monitoring of the quality of lubricants during the exercise is often not properly considered. A proper assessment can result in significant savings in terms of lubricant usage, maintenance costs, reduced equipment downtime and resulting in increased plant productivity. It is generally established that a relevant portion of maintenance expenditures in the mining field relate to the cost of lubricants Measurement of Wear metals, contaminants and additives in lubricants oils and coolants it is one of the main diagnostic methods considered within preventive maintenance programs such as Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM) Equipment Condition Monitoring (ECM) and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM).

A regular evaluation program can avoid problems of sudden breakdowns of mechanical components such as gears, bearings, turbines, allowing you to assess the machine downtime and maintenance on time. The ability to assess both the type of element and its concentration can give valuable information to identify the mechanical component in distress. Determining certain elements used as wear additives, dispersants and detergents can give indications on the qualities of the lubricant and its residual life. In addition, the determination of exogenous elements such as Silicon, which due to its high abrasive power could compromise the functionality of the equipment, allows to evaluate interventions to protect mechanical systems. Thanks to its design designed for use in critical environments, the ease of use that does not require the

RotrOIL Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometer

RTL-ASC – Carousel’s detail

presence of specialized operators, Rotroil , the optical emission spectrometer of G.N.R. Analytical Systems is the suitable tool for measuring wear metals, additives and contaminants in lubricated oils and cooling fluids used in the mining field. In just 30 seconds it is able to simultaneously measure the presence of more than 30 elements with a very reduced operating cost directly on the production site. For large quantities of samples/day Rotroil can be provided with a 48-position autosampler to allow, once set, the automatic unattended measurement. For more information visit our web site and watch our products video on GNR Analytical Instruments Group Youtube channel.


TOMRA’s promise to diamond mining operations: 98% diamond recovery guaranteed


Once the system is fully operational, TOMRA remains at the customer’s side through its Service Level Agreement, unique on the market, to ensure the solution continues to deliver the desired results. The tailored agreement can include on-site presence as required, 7 days/week product support, application engineer visits, tiered urgency support, targeted site response, training, as well as spare and wear parts coverage to ensure maximum uptime and protect the customer’s investment.

aximizing diamond recovery while optimizing costs: this is the priority at the top of the list of every diamond producer. With TOMRA’s holistic approach and cutting-edge technologies, both can be achieved to deliver outstanding results. TOMRA is today the world’s leading supplier of X-Ray Transmission (XRT) diamond recovery technology, having recovered some of the largest and rarest gemstones in history. TOMRA’s promise to customers is simple: 100% detection in the specified range, irrespective of luminescence profile or coating, and a guaranteed diamond recovery greater than 98%.

Eira Thomas_Lucara Diamond CEO

A complete solution and holistic approach to deliver TOMRA’s customer promise TOMRA approaches every project as a partnership with the customer to deliver a complete solution that meets their operational and business requirements. It begins with a detailed analysis of the customer’s requirements and operational needs. Working collaboratively, it assists in developing a tailor-made flow sheet redesign that combines its

ground-breaking XRT technology with its Near Infrared (NIR) and Laser solutions as needed. This collaborative approach continues throughout the project, with testing at its Test Center in Germany and on-site as required, through to installation and beyond. The complete solution can also include the web-based TOMRA Insight platform that turns all the sorters into connected devices for monitoring and tracking the system’s performance.


Advanced technologies add value at various stages of the process TOMRA’s XRT technology recognizes and separates material based on its specific atomic density. It uses a cutting-edge X-Ray camera with DUOLINE® sensor technology to measure spectral absorption information. TOMRA’s proprietary high-speed X-Ray processing unit uses the data to produce a detailed “density image” of the material. The result is a high level of purity in sorting materials, irrespective of size, the degree of moisture or surface pollution present. TOMRA’s XRT high-capacity sorters are incredibly effective in the recovery of free, liberated diamonds at

high feed rates up to 300 tph. TOMRA’s NIR sorters recognize and separate Kimberlite and waste rock based on their chemical composition. This technology is useful in upgrading lower grade ROM and stockpiles, producing a Kimberlite concentrate for further processing. Marie-Claude Hallé had first-hand experience of how TOMRA’s solutions can add value to diamond mining operations when she held the role as Marketing Operations Manager for leading Canadian diamond exploration and producing company Stornoway Diamonds: “You have to really envision that TOMRA has actually changed the game in terms rough diamond recovered around the world and allowed producers to access large exceptional quality goods that perhaps in the past would be crushed to pieces.” Customized solutions for Kimberlite, Lamproite and Alluvial applications With its customized approach, TOMRA can deliver on its promise of guaranteed results both in hard rock Kimberlite/Lamproite, and Alluvial deposits – each of which presents their specific challenges. In Kimberlite, the challenge is to recover ‘needle in a haystack’ diamonds, which requires controlled crushing of kimberlite

Additionally, complex, energy- and water-intensive Kimberlite liberation processes, and the cost of transportation for crushing and processing are challenges facing modern diamond miners today. TOMRA’s XRT and NIR technologies, which offer extremely high concentration factors, allow the production of hand sortable, ultra-high grade concentrates in as little as two stages compared to up to seven in traditional methods.

Madderson_Geoffrey_Diamond Segment Manager for TOMRA Sorting Mining

ore to avoid damaging or breaking the diamonds. High waste dilution impacts the crushing energy needed and further increases diamond breakage risk. Utilizing TOMRA NIR technologies we can remove non-diamond bearing material, not only improving the crushing profile of the ore, but also increasing the value of each ton of ore processed. TOMRA NIR waste sorting technology can make diluted marginal kimberlite deposits economic.

The challenge of economically mining low-grade alluvial deposits is due to their typically lower grade and the sporadic nature of the deposits. The high recovery performance of TOMRA’s XRT technology enables single-stage or double-stage diamond recovery, offering a drastically lower Operating Cost and Capital Investment so that mining marginal deposits becomes economically viable. Another advantage of TOMRA’s XRT solution is that it can operate as a dry process, which dramatically reduces its environmental impact and operational complexity. Besides, it opens the door to new opportunities, making it possible to mine deposits in arid areas where water access is minimal. TOMRA XRT machines have proved effective in alluvial operations. One such



case is that of the Lulo mine in Angola operated by Lucapa Diamonds, where TOMRA XRT technology is used to process material between 18 and 55 mm in size and allows the recovery of diamonds up to 1 100 carats – and where it has recovered Angola’s second-biggest diamond on record in 2017, a 227-carat stone. “The recovery of the 227-carat diamond using the new XRT circuit justifies our investment in TOMRA’s large diamond recovery technology, which has more than paid for itself with the recovery of this one stone alone,” commented Stephen

Wetherall, Lucapa Diamonds Managing Director at the time of the recovery. Optimized flow sheet redefined: cuts down on complexity and costs, maximizes efficiency and recovery TOMRA is in the unique position of being able to offer diamond operations a full XRT recovery flow sheet to 2mm that delivers concentration factors up to 1 Million with a much-reduced number of concentration stages. “TOMRA XRT technology replaces multiple stages of diamond concentration by virtue of its ability to concentrate


diamonds to a hand sortable product after only a single step,” explains Geoffrey Madderson, Diamond Segment Manager for TOMRA Sorting Mining. “This concentration factor allows for the removal of multiple recovery steps, drastically reducing both the capital investment and operational costs to recover Diamonds.” TOMRA’s XRT technology can replace traditional methods such as Dense Media Separation (DMS), wet magnetic separation and XRL final recovery with single-stage solutions for +8mm and double-pass for -8mm +4mm particles.

TOMRA’s solution eliminates up to seven concentration stages, dramatically reducing the complexity of the supporting plant and infrastructure. This results in significantly lower power and water consumption, which not only reduces costs, but also the environmental impact of the recovery process. An additional benefit of TOMRA’s solution is that it is a fully automated process, so that there is no manual handling during pre-concentration and recovery, which has positive implications on security and eliminates human error resulting in greater accuracy. High recovery rate TOMRA’s sorters not only stand out for their high capacity, they process these large volumes with great efficiency, finding more diamonds than other, traditional separation methods – including coated and low- or non-luminescent diamonds. The performance of its XRT sorters is independent of the heavies content in the feed, and is ideal for processing high-yielding ores unsuitable for Dense Media Separation.

The result is an exceptionally high recovery rate: “TOMRA guarantees >98% recovery: that is how confident we are in our technology,” states Geoffrey Madderson. Large diamond recovery With TOMRA’s sorting solutions, diamond producers can install Large Diamond Recovery systems with a small capital investment and operate with a fraction of operating expenditures per tonne compared to traditional recovery methods such as DMS and XRL. In addition, the economic recovery of Ultra Low-Frequency Exceptional Diamonds of +32mm is now possible. TOMRA’s XRT technology has exceeded all expectations at Lucara Diamond Corporation’s Karowe mine in Botswana with a string of record-breaking diamond recoveries. TOMRA’s Large Diamond Recovery circuit was installed in 2015 and Eira Thomas, Lucara Diamond CEO is fully satisfied: “We felt, certainly, that the technology that TOMRA offered was the best. But, more importantly, I think it was really around the approach, the

attitude of collaboration and willingness to actually work with Lucara as we undertook to solve this problem.” “TOMRA’s ability to deliver not only a technology that can detect such large diamonds but also an economical process solution for the recovery of ultra-rare, exceptional diamonds, is what sets it apart from its competitors. This is the reason that to date, TOMRA XRT has become synonymous with the recovery of extraordinary diamonds from all around the world,” concludes Geoffrey Madderson. About TOMRA Sorting Mining TOMRA Sorting Mining designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting technologies for the global mineral processing and mining industries. As the world market leader in sensor-based ore sorting, TOMRA is responsible for developing and engineering cutting-edge technology made to withstand harsh mining environments. TOMRA maintains its rigorous focus on quality and future-oriented thinking with technology tailor-made for mining.



Filtering and dewatering in mining


et beneficiation of minerals necessarily requires removal of large amounts of water— typically contaminated—before further processing of the concentrated ores can be carried out. Often such concentrates are transported over large instances by ground or sea transport. For economic reasons dewatering/ filtering are essential unit operations. Often the capacity requirements of the mining operations are very large, the product processed has low unit value, and the material is abrasive. The selection of filtering equipment is often arbitrary. No clear guidelines can be found by noting current practices in different countries. The ‘mineral dressing’ industry (i.e. the concentration of valuable ore materials out of its unavoidable mix with

unwanted solids) is a good example of the employment of a very wide range of separation equipment, for use once the mined material has been comminuted to the state where the individual particles are each largely composed of one or other of the component materials. Where this degree of distinction is not possible by size reduction alone, then the processing must continue in the liquid state, by dissolution in acid, for example. The basic dressing operations are major users of bulk sedimentation equipment, especially froth flotation and gravity sedimentation systems. Cyclones and hydrocyclones are much used, as are sedimenting centrifuges. The nature of the materials to be separated may allow the use of heavy media separation, or of magnetic or electrostatic precipitators.


At this stage of the production process, filtration is largely used in the form of dry screens, stationary or vibrated, supplemented by devices such as shaking tables, jigs (using fluidised beds) and spiral separators. Filtration has a much more significant part to play in the process operations for the treatment of metallic ores and non-metallic minerals, once they have been classified in the dressing stages, where much of the processing and recovery take place in suspension in water. The equipment used here, such as vacuum belt filters or band presses, can be very large. The production processes for metals from their ores, and of simple metal products, do not have this same importance for process filtration applications, except in the wet processing of nonferrous metal ores, which is a growing field for separation equipment. Utility

EFFICIENT, COST EFFECTIVE MINE DEWATERING PUMPS THAT YOU CAN TRUST A TRUFLO BLUEY PUMP IS THE TOP CHOICE FOR RELIABLE MINE DEWATERING & LIQUID TRANSFER. TruFlo Pumps are one of the world leaders in mine dewatering pump and pontoon packages. Our expansive range of mining pumps can deliver solutions to mining projects globally. Engineered to the highest performance standards and customizable to any specific application, a TruFlo pump is a proven asset to any mine site.

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applications, however, are important in all parts of the sector, with widespread use of recycled coolants, and with many hydraulic and pneumatic systems, especially in rolling mills, for example.

ning h thicke Pre-leac ening k ic th h c g and/ Post-lea e k thic nin Final tails on or filtrati ence in e experi Extensiv alt b and co copper . projects

• • •

Slurry Thickening and Filtration Solutions • • • • • • • •

Slurry characterisation Lab and Pilot Studies Design data generation Equipment sizing Dewatering circuit design Site audits Technical adjudication of dewatering equipment tenders Thickener control

Water Conditioning

ClariVie44® is a water conditioning reagent developed inhouse for the improvement of overflow clarity and reducing flocculant costs particularly in problematic clay slurries or any other dispersive slurries.

Contact Us

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Understanding slurry means designing the process to suit the properties of the slurry


Filtration and thickening are areas of mineral recovery technology that are often overlooked. Nonetheless, they represent an important component of the entire process, since without dewatering, it would be hard to produce concentrates to transport specifications while water recycling from tailings streams is becoming increasingly important as energy costs for pumping steadily increase. In addition, the benefits of dry tailings disposal are becoming increasingly appreciated from both environmental and social responsibility perspectives. Filter presses, belt filters, hyperbaric and vacuum disc filters, and vacuum drum filters for mineral-sector applications. Its range of thickener products includes conventional units as well as CCD thickener circuits and flocculation plants. Filtering equipment Most miners use belt-presses for dewatering fine and ultra-fine coal and tailings, and for recovering process water, while hyperbaric filters find applications in dewatering ultra-fine coal. Installations For the iron-ore industry, vacuum filter technology is mainly used by magnetite producers, while hematite operations in the U.S., India and Russia use hyperbaric disc filters. These have reportedly more than four-times the throughput of vacuum disc filters, while reducing the moisture content by an additional 4-6%. In non-ferrous mineral processing, mining projects like Nkana in Zambia, Langer Heinrich in Namibia and Glencore’s Mumi operation in the DRC use thickeners for CCD circuits. Nchanga in Zambia uses 26, 80-m2 horizontal vacuum belt filters for copper recovery, while Mumi has two 122-m2 units for contaminant removal. Andritz filter presses are in use in various gold and base metals operations in Russia and Kazakhstan, and also for water clarification in underground dewatering plants in a number of gold and platinum mines in South Africa.




he term “Slurry Pumping” is as undefined as perhaps the term “Human Race”?

As for the latter, some are big, brute, bouncer types that are hardcore and able to clear out nightclub in seconds. Others are precise sculptor types that are able to chisel charming statues from solid rock. Yet others are the intermediaries that drive the taxis to get these people to and from work; pick up the fallout on the pavement outside the bar and wash away the stains; clean the stone chips from the studio floor and dust off the furniture. AQS Liquid Transfer is proudly part of the crew that keep both the big brutes and the sculptors alive and supported. Among our abilities in the broader slurry pumping industry, we take pride of place in some niche segments such as:


supply systems are precise and modular. Managed by cascadeable Vega VSD controllers, they have proven themselves in all facets of mining. Series installation and precise pressure monitoring ensures that your train stays on the tracks.


and dirty water pump ranges are available from 1.5kW to 110kW and able to achieve vertical discharge heads of up to 180m (water) and delivering the best in terms of: • Improved Life Cycle Value (testament from the bouncers and the sculptors in mining) • Flexibility and adaptability for modifications to align with specifications in different mining segments. • Material choices which include metal wear parts with 28% Chrome content


DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM PUMPS for slurry pumping:

(i) HEAVY DUTY FLAP VALVE PUMPS (Delivering up to 15 000G/h) • Pumps up to line size solids • Bottom discharge porting to prevent settling of pumped media • Easiest AODD Pump to maintain with quick access to serviceable components • Superior suction lift for dry prime up to 24 feet, in water; which is 5% greater than ball valve type AODDP’s

• • •

Thick Manifold and Chamber Walls, providing greater wear resistance when pumping solids and solid laden slurries All Bolted Construction ensures sealing forces are applied evenly Robust Diaphragm Connecting Rod guaranteed not to bend or break

(ii) HEAVY DUTY BALL VALVE PUMPS • Top Ported Option for fluids containing floating solids, suspended solids, or entrained gases. • Weighted Check Valve Balls feature a metallic core that is 30-60% heavier than a solid rubber check ball, helping to improve performance with viscous fluids. • Proven application in processes with SG of up to 1.8 AQS Liquid Transfer is part of the Axflow Group and have supply and support capability in West-, Centraland Southern Africa. We obsess over ATTITUDE, QUALITY & SERVICE.

Written by Leon Fourie AQS Liquid Transfer 012 548 7204



Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection on giving miners premium protection on site


for their SV-K fire suppression system. This has been granted with a Certificate of Approval by the Certification Body Global-Mark. The AS 5062-standard is equivalent to the upcoming Zambia Bureau of Standards new standard ZS1209/2019. Dafo Vehicle is also in the process of getting an FM approval in accordance with FM 5970.

ining, both surface and underground, is a complex operation that needs large off-road vehicles/ heavy duty mobile equipment (HDME) and processing equipment that operate at remote locations 24/7. In addition, these machines operate under challenging and demanding conditions in environments with many potential fire hazards as the HDMEs often carry a lot of flammable liquids in pressurized fuel lines close to hot engines and transmissions. When a fire breaks out on a mining vehicle the results can be catastrophic. Expensive repair or replacement of valuable equipment are the obvious consequences. Extensive downtime and business interruption can result in even greater expenses as this equipment often takes many months to repair or replace. Further and most importantly, a fire on a mining vehicle can mean serious injuries to the machine operator, miners and in some cases also lead to geological instability of the workplace.

Fredrik RosĂŠn - Marketing Manager

Factors to consider when purchasing a vehicle fire protection system The first step is always checking to ensure that the system under procurement is a robust system fit for purpose in the harsh mining environment. For instance, the Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection system has fulfilled the requirements of the Australian Standard AS 5062:2016 - Fire protection for mobile and transportable equipment


Dafo Vehicle offers the most reliable and effective fire suppression systems for heavy duty mining vehicles designed to survive challenging working environments and secure safety of operations. The systems are designed to mitigate losses due to fire and reduce the impact on investment, reducing downtime and securing business continuity and increasing the productivity of the end users. Dafo Vehicle’s robust system not only protect individual hazards within the vehicle such as leaking fuel, hydraulic fluid, and/or lubrication, built up flammable deposits, but it is also a system with low life cycle costs.

Do not compromise safety Reduce the impact on investment Secure business continuity

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Democratic Republic of the Congo Cool & Care SARL Tel. +243 858930150

roduct - A dP S ie

Ghana TIGRIS 2000 LIMITED Tel. +233 240488733 Morocco M.G.C AFRICA Tel. +212 695031203 South Africa AAS (Advanced Automated Systems) Tel. +27 82 383 2757 Zambia ASM Global Tel. +260 978 700 751ÂŽ ID Number: 103658

Equivalent to Zambia Bureau of Standards - ZS1209/2019


HDME designed to survive challenging working environments and secure safety of operations. The systems are designed to mitigate losses due to fire and reduce the impact on investment, reducing downtime and securing business continuity and increasing the productivity of the end users. Dafo Vehicle’s robust system not only protect individual hazards within the vehicle such as leaking fuel, hydraulic fluid, and/or lubrication, built up flammable deposits, but it is also a system with low life cycle costs.

The basis of Dafo Vehicle’s system is the suppression agent Forrex™ which is specially developed to suppress fires in combustible engines. Forrex™ is highly effective on flammable liquid fires like petrol, diesel and hydraulic oils. The system combines the features of liquid and dry chemical, includes unique and propriety tailormade solutions and offers outstanding flame knockdown and unique protection against re-ignition as it will cool down the overheated engine parts in case of a thermal event. In addition, Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection continuously works towards sustainability, meaning environmental sensitivity without compromising safety. A potential fire in a mining environment would have a significant impact on the working- and public environment. To possibly get ahead of such, Dafo Vehicle is measuring and mitigating impacts from manufacture to end-of-life, making it favorable for mining environments. Dafo Vehicle offers the most reliable and effective fire suppression systems for

Democratic Republic Congo Cool & Care SARL Tel. +243 858930150 E-mail: Ghana TIGRIS 2000 LIMITED Tel. +233 240488733 E-mail:


Technological advancements to lookout for Dafo Vehicle has launched a fire protection system for electric and hybrid vehicles that is activated before a fire in a battery occurs. The fire protection solution has been developed for buses but will also be available for other heavy electric vehicles as we now see are entering the mining environment. Additionally, introduction of the DafoCLOUD, a cloud-based risk management system is set to revolutionize the industry. The system provides a full overview of lifecycle of Fire Detection and Suppression System (FDSS). The DafoCLOUD provides access to the full history and genealogy of sub-systems of the FDSS and the complete information is seamlessly accessible and updatable by relevant stakeholders. The DafoCLOUD is the basis for reducing and controlling the total cost of ownership with keeping maximized safety in focus. With more than 165000 vehicle systems sold worldwide knowhow and experience ensure our customers to have the latest technology combined with proven reliability. The current solutions are being used worldwide as integrated solutions at the OEM production lines as well as retrofit installations at the end user in the mining industry. Morocco M.G.C AFRICA Tel. +212 695031203 E-mail: South Africa AAS (Advanced Automated Systems) Tel. +27 82 383 2757 E-mail: Zambia ASM Global Tel. +260 978 700 751 E-mail:


Geonoise Acoustical Consultants


eonoise was founded with a belief that humankind has a deep relationship with sound. Therefore, we are determined to explore the possibilities of what we can do with it. After over 30 years of experience, we figured that we love the feeling of witnessing how people discover their experience and knowledge with sound. We feel it when we help to create ideal acoustic environments and when we show people the best acoustic tools to handle their job. We are a partner ready to serve you anywhere in South Africa Geonoise Instruments Geonoise Instruments was founded 30 years ago and has been providing noise measurement and registration equipment, vibration monitoring, noise analyzing software and turnkey solutions. Pile testing equipment, blast monitoring, machine conditioning monitoring.



Endress+Hauser Switzerland turns 60 Although global, the Group is firmly rooted in Switzerland The Swiss sales center of Endress+Hauser is celebrating its 60th anniversary. Active in Switzerland since 1960, today the global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering helps customers in a wide range of industries to improve their products and manufacture even more efficiently.

Modern headquarters: today Endress+Hauser Switzerland shares the “Sternenhof” building in Reinach with various other Group companies


ndress+Hauser was founded in 1953 in Lörrach, Germany. Swiss engineer Georg H. Endress recognized the major potential for innovative electronic level instrumentation in the German market, which he wanted to target together with German banker Ludwig Hauser. This led to the birth of Endress+Hauser Switzerland seven years later when the founder opened a sales center in his native country on 1 January 1960. Highly demanding market “Although the history of Endress+Hauser Switzerland represented a home field advantage from the very start, it has always demanded 100 percent effort on our part,” says Alex Gasser, Managing Director of the Switzerland sales center since 2017. While the Swiss process industry trusts the company’s products, solutions and services, it nevertheless

places high demands on the market leader. “In order to persuade our customers, we have to constantly enhance our offerings.”

To manage its customers in Switzerland, the company has a workforce of 110 employees, most of whom work at the headquarters in Reinach (Basel-Landschaft canton) where Endress+Hauser Switzerland was founded 60 years ago. Sales engineers and service technicians are distributed across the country to provide customer intimacy. The sales organization is aligned with specific industries, which allows it to offer expert advice and consultation. And the lean structure means that both small-to-medium enterprises and large companies can be well managed.

Focus on value-added offerings: these days, services represent a vital part of the business at the Switzerland sales center.


New offerings create added value Endress+Hauser Switzerland specialized in value-added services and automation solutions at an early stage. The sales organization also boasts extensive experience in the efficient management

and completion of large-scale projects. “We support our customers across the entire life cycle of a system from engineering, project management, consulting, installation and commissioning activities, to maintenance, service and training,” explains Alex Gasser. Endress+Hauser Switzerland benefits from the fact that the Group is present in 125 countries, yet still maintains its roots in the Basel region. One-third of the Group’s more than 14,000 global employees work in the tri-border area of Switzerland, Germany and France. Innovative products are developed and manufactured in the region, while the global network is coordinated and managed from Reinach. “This is the heartbeat of Endress+Hauser,” says Alex Gasser with confidence. “And for our customers we constantly have our finger on the pulse!”

The first sales center was located at Sternenhofstrasse 21 in Reinach.

The Endress+Hauser Group Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement and automation technology for process and laboratory applications. The family company, headquartered in Reinach, Switzerland, achieved net sales of over 2.6 billion euros in 2019 with a total workforce of 14,000.


Endress+Hauser devices, solutions and services are at home in many industries. Customers thus use them

to gain valuable knowledge from their applications. This enables them to improve their products, work economically and at the same time protect people and the environment. Endress+Hauser is a reliable partner worldwide. Own sales companies in 50 countries as well as representatives in another 70 countries ensure competent support. Production facilities on five continents manufacture quickly and flexibly

to the highest quality standards. Endress+Hauser was founded in 1953 by Georg H Endress and Ludwig Hauser. Ever since, the company has been pushing ahead with the development and use of innovative technologies, now helping to shape the industry’s digital transformation. 8,000 patents and applications protect the Group’s intellectual property.

ISO SPHERICAL ROLLER BEARING WITH SHIELDS NTN-SNR is launching an unprecedented solution to extend your bearing service life time! A bearing protected by steel shields on both sides, KIZEI® is 100% interchangeable with standard open spherical roller bearings thanks to ISO dimensions. Mounting elements and procedures are identical to that of a standard bearing. This exclusive NTN-SNR product will dramatically reduce your maintenance costs and improve your equipment reliability! ®

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09/01/2020 14:03



HPE Africa’s robust range of equipment for highly-efficient earthmoving in mining and quarrying machines offer faster cycle times, greater loading capacity and improved productivity than other similar class machines. R850LC-9 85T excavators have advanced Tier 3 engine technology for fuel efficiency and hydraulic system improvements ensure enhanced performance, smoother operation and precision-control. A newly-designed pump compartment controls functions like two speed travel, power boost, auto boom-swing priority and a safety lock.


PE Africa - exclusive distributors in Southern Africa for Hyundai construction equipment, McCloskey crushing and screening plants and Soosan hydraulic hammers - celebrates 20 years of business this year. The robust range of Hyundai earthmoving equipment - which encompasses wheel loaders, wheeled and tracked excavators, backhoe loaders and skid steer loaders – has been designed to cope efficiently in arduous conditions, including the mining and quarrying sectors. “The selection of suitable equipment for specific earthmoving tasks is critical, not only to optimise productivity, but to also ensure efficient capital expenditure, minimal downtime and safety on site. It is also critical that equipment which is selected, complies with a mine’s regulations,” says Ross, Collard, managing director of HPE Africa, part of the Capital Equipment Group (CEG) of Invicta Holdings Limited. “Factors to consider include a machine’s performance features, fuel-efficiency, availability of spare parts and dependability of support from the supplier. Operator training to ensure precision-control and high safety on-site is also critical. Companies looking to in-

vest in capital equipment, should also consider a supplier’s financial options and instalment payment choices. “In a highly competitive and challenging industry, the HPE Africa team is committed to continue to find innovative solutions to assist our customers with the challenges they face in combining cost-efficient earthmoving operations and high productivity. Apart from the supply of quality machines, supported by technical expertise, we have recognised the need in the mining sector for a dependable on-site engineering, repair and maintenance facility. “We also work closely with every customer to modify equipment when necessary, to meet exact performance requirements. Field tests ensure that every machine conforms with stringent quality and safety specifications and meets exact application requirements.” Many machines in the Hyundai range have been designed to cope efficiently on difficult terrain in mining and quarrying. Hyundai R850LC-9 excavators are known for quick, effortless manoeuvrability and high productivity. These


The strengthened undercarriage improves performance of these machines in arduous operating conditions, particularly in the mining and quarrying sectors. Durable covers have been specially designed for these machines, to protect travel motors and hoses against damage from rocks. HPE Africa’s Hyundai R1250-9 excavators are available with an operating weight of 118 000 kg, an engine output of 567 kW at 1 800 rpm and a maximum travel speed of 3,2 km/hr. Features for precision control include a smart auto boom-swing priority, computer-aided power (CAPO) and an improved hydraulic system. Hyundai’s advanced CAPO system interfaces with multiple sensors throughout the hydraulic system, as well as the electronically controlled engine, to provide the optimum level of engine power and hydraulic flow for maximum performance and productivity. This system also provides complete self-diagnostic features and digital gauges for critical information, including hydraulic oil and water temperatures and fuel levels. Operators are able to easily select the correct power mode for specific applications. For example, P (Power Max) mode maximises machine speed and power for mass production. S (Standard) mode provides a reduced, fixed rpm for optimum performance, greater control and improved fuel economy. E (Economy) mode provides precise flow and engine

power, based on load demand. By using the versatile U (User) mode, the operator can customise engine speed, pump output, idle speed and other precise machine settings for the specific job. Hyundai HL770 and HL780 wheel loaders, which offer precise operation and easy control, are perfectly suited to arduous terrain and difficult handling requirements. According to HPE Africa, users are not only impressed with the durability and low fuel-consumption of these robust machines, but maintenance requirements are minimal. Operators note clear visibility during operation and greater comfort. HPE Africa is also sole distributor for McCloskey crushing and screening equipment, which encompasses high capacity, mobile J45 jaw crushers, designed for high production, simple and fast assembly, ease of operation, minimal downtime and low maintenance requirements. “Our customers are impressed with the simple design of this series, which requires minimal electronics. This means there are fewer problems resulting from dust damage in arduous environments,” says Rasheel Sukdhoe, McCloskey product manager, HPE Africa. “McCloskey crushers have a user-friendly dust-and water-proof control panel, that allows efficient monitoring of pressures, fluid levels and fuel consumption. The minimal, yet effective electronics system, also provides push-button control of the jaw, track and feeder functions. With both level and load sensors, this machine ensures efficient material handling in all applications.

The feeder rate can be regulated manually or automatically by a load-sensing jaw. The main conveyor is fitted with heavy-duty skirting, positioned close to ground level, for ease of access and maintenance. An optional independent pre-screen maximises efficiency of the crusher and delivers the screened product via a side conveyor with a 2.5 m stockpile height.

and demolition, as well as infrastructure, road building and landscaping.

HPE Africa’s comprehensive range of McCloskey equipment includes modular and mobile jaw, cone and impact (horizontal and vertical) crushers; trommel and vibrating screeners, stacking conveyors and washing systems. These machines are used in diverse industries, including aggregates, mining, waste management and recycling, construction

These breakers combine advanced technology for high productivity and a robust structure, to ensure extended service life and minimal maintenance requirements. Notable features include a high power to weight ratio for optimum efficiency and a patented valve system, which is synchronised with a simple hydraulic system

Soosan products available from HPE Africa, encompass hydraulic breakers and quick couplers, which are complimentary attachments to the company’s Hyundai construction equipment.

“These J45 jaw crushers have a deep jaw chamber and an aggressive toggle design for high productivity. McCloskey equipment also has considerably more room for maintenance than other brands on the market, making servicing of these machines quick and easy for service staff.” Heavy-duty McCloskey J45 jaw crushers have a 1 140 mm (45”) x 688 mm (27”) single toggle jaw, ensuring efficient handling of materials in all applications, including tough conditions. This high-performance crusher also has a heavy-duty bofar grizzly design and pan feeder chutes, with steeper angles, designed to reduce material sticking to the chutes. A high-capacity hopper with 6 m³ capacity, is mounted over a vibrating feeder.



Tele-remote stations for rockbreakers

How to maximize mining efficiency and productivity - Control Room Best Practice Almost every mine today makes use of some kind of operations control centre, commonly taking the shape of control rooms, making it possible to remotely monitor; measure and control operations. In keeping with the increasing level of mechanization and automation of mines – presenting a myriad of safety and logistical challenges through the interaction of man and heavy machinery - the importance of control rooms in providing situational awareness and as the hub of operations management has proportionally increased. Indeed, one can be bold enough to conclude that without appropriately designed control rooms, safe high-speed mechanized mining would neither be practical nor commercially viable. This article provides a glance into some best practice in control room construction, equipping and processes.


LT WORLD’s Samson travelling Eco-Hoppers have an effective dust control system that minimises the escape of dust during the grab discharge cycle in bulk materials handling. Control rooms collect, analyse and relay information necessary to monitor, measure and report performance, and control processes in mining operations. In the most modest form, a control “room’ can take the form of a desk in a quiet corner of a planning room equipped with a two way radio and a desktop computer to record and report information from operations and relay information between operational units. The more advanced control rooms, a couple of examples of which are showcased below, feature communications infrastructure; people

and material tracking and visualization tools; and planning, scheduling and optimization systems that would closely rival the capabilities of those employed in the most advanced manufacturing and processing operations. “This is where everything is integrated” In the West Rand Goldfields of South Africa, the 3 km deep South Deep Mine has constructed the South Deep Control Centre to “manage and monitor all operations (at its flagship Twin Shafts complex) from a central point. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of operators through informed decision making,” says Johan Sliep, Head of Technical and Production Intelligence Systems for Gold Fields Group Services.


“This is where everything integrates,” he adds. After one and a half years of construction, the ZAR 2.5 million project is nearing completion. In its final state, the stateof-the art control centre will provide overarching visualization and control over all operations, including production, plant and logistics, centrally to deliver on South Deep’s strategic positioning as a highly efficient, safe, low cost, fully mechanized world class operation. The capabilities built into the South Deep control centre include mine planning, production scheduling, fixed plant management, safety management, production monitoring and control, backfill management, breakdown and planned maintenance management,

processing and remote operations and analytics. These systems rely on optic fibre backbone down the shaft and a blend of standard Wi-Fi and proprietary wireless mesh for communication of operational data from various sources. Additionally, an expansive network of leaky feeder supports voice communication over two-way radio in all areas of the vast underground mine. Johan reflects that “every technology deployment has a business case associated unless it is a foundational requirement such as (communication) infrastructure, which on its own has a limited business case value”. Or as Peter Burman, Program Manager - Mine Automation at Boliden Mine puts it, “A communication infrastructure is nothing you should try to create a business case upon, that is stupid. A communication infrastructure is imperative to survival in todays automated underground mines, it is like trying to create a business case for the sun or the air - it is simply a thing we need (in order) to survive”. Tagging and tracking systems enable effective safety management from a central control room through real time location tracking of personnel and equipment which is often used to augment legacy clock-in, clock-out systems. The improved situational awareness from systems as Mobilaris Mining Intelligence reduces operational delays during normal operations, allows shafts to be cleared faster prior to blasting and reduces the duration of rescue missions when accidents occur by providing vital decision support to control room operators. Proximity Detection Systems (PDS) together with the vehicle mounted Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS), which Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as Epiroc now include as standard features on their equipment, warn mine operators and pedestrians of potential person-to-vehicle or vehicleto-vehicle interactions within a radius of up to 100m, however, the situational awareness from Mobilaris Mining Intelligence, extends the range of traffic awareness for control room operators, mine operators and pedestrians alike, providing the exact identity, location and direction of travel of people and vehicles in the entire mine. This is achieved through the high-precision positioning

Tele-remote stations for loaders. and decision support capabilities of Mobilaris Situational Awareness, Mobilaris Onboard and Mobilaris Pocket Mine. When quizzed about what is on his wish list for the South Deep Control Centre, Johan Sliep suggests that “full operational control and management of operations” would be the ideal end-state for the mine. What would that look like exactly and how could it be achieved? “We give mines the power to take mine control to the next level.” “Mobilaris Mining Intelligence is on the verge of launching a solution that would unlock the next level of control room capabilities in its innovative Mobilaris Event Automation platform which gives additional functionality to its already impressive Mobilaris Mining Intelligence product family” says Hans Wahlquist, VP Business Development & Strategic Product Management for Mobilaris MCE. Hans describes Mobilaris Event Automation as a tool to enable mine engineers to make full use of the information that comes from; location data of machines, equipment, materials and personnel; the status of work tasks in the shift plan; sensory data from

various monitoring systems; machine data from a mixed fleet and much more, by enabling them to create tailored automated actions themselves. “With this feature, we give mines the power to take mine control to the next level,” Hans says. Event Automation, which is already deployed at Mobilaris’ first customers for the platform, would allow automated actions to be triggered when a defined set of causal events occur, for example, the switching on of a ventilation fan when threshold limits of carbon dioxide gas are detected or the dispatch of a work order to a loader operator when a bolting activity is reported as completed. The beauty of the platform lies in the ability of mining personnel to “create” the commands defining the cause and effect actions themselves. Clearly, from the cases above, mining companies and OEMs that have embraced digital technology and evolved their operations; up-skilled, crossskilled and re-organized their workforce enabling the use of technology that will inevitably be common-place across all mines in the next 3 to 5 years are achieving operational excellence in this industry 4.0 age.

Display of a hoisting controller, maintenance and production scheduling and reporting systems and tele-remote stations for loaders and rockbreakers.



Metso Outotec starts operations partner for positive change for tomorrow’s aggregates, minerals, metals and recycling industries

As sustainable processing of the world’s natural resources is becoming a norm within the industries, Metso Outotec is driving the transformation


etso Outotec, a unique new company with leadership in sustainable minerals and metals processing and recycling technologies begins its operations today. Headquartered in Finland and listed in Nasdaq Helsinki, Metso Outotec employs over 15,000 professionals in more than 50 countries and its illustrative combined sales for 2019 were about EUR 4.2 billion. The company offers its customers crushing and screening equipment for the production of aggregates as well as equipment and solutions for minerals processing, metals refining, chemical processing, and metal and waste recycling. Metso Outotec’s industryleading service capabilities and global network are complemented with a comprehensive range of spare and wear parts, refurbishments and professional services.

Metso Outotec brings together a long history of technological leadership, customer focus and excellence in services, leveraging the strengths of both companies. The benefits to customers and other stakeholders are unmatched in the industry: full offering that ranges from ore body to metal, extensive global services network and significant investment in R&D, allowing the company to create sustainable technologies to the customers’ benefit. The combination offers potential for significant crossselling and cost synergies and an even stronger platform for innovation, digital leadership and growth. The partner for positive change The growing interest towards the environment and the impacts of climate change, urbanization, decreasing ore grades and electrification are forcing


traditional industries like aggregates, minerals processing and metals refining to redefine their license to operate. Metso Outotec can drive these industries towards a responsible use of the world’s natural resources. It is our core expertise to help our customers transform the industry. We offer sustainable technologies and services that reduce the consumption of energy and water by increasing process efficiency, recycling and reprocessing of tailings and waste. Our extensive offering and expertise help our customers improve their business and lower their risks. We are their partner for positive change,” says Pekka Vauramo, the President and CEO of Metso Outotec. ” We have the best talent in the industry, and I am very excited to start the journey together today,” he concludes.


Pilot Crushtec International partners with Wastech Engineering


umanity’s endless drive for technological advancement, and the financial rewards that go with it, have not been too kind on the environment. But Wastech Engineering, based in Hallam, Victoria, has made a name for itself by leading Australia’s push towards a cleaner future while returning shareholder value for over 25 years. Now, Wastech have teamed up with Pilot Crushtec International to ensure their position as market leader remains intact for the next 25. Pilot Crushtec and Wastech Engineering have concluded a distribution agreement which will see Pilot Crushtec’s product range expand into the Australian recycling industry while giving Wastech Engineering the advantage of Pilot’s 30 years of experience in some of the world’s most demanding crushing and screening applications. With a solutions-driven approach and a 24/7 service team, Wastech shares Pilot Crushtec’s ethos of succeeding by ensuring that their customers succeed. A focus on low cost-pertonne crushing, impeccable levels of support and excellent product quality have helped Pilot Crushtec achieve international recognition in the crushing and screening sector. Armed with this

insight and support, we believe Wastech will continue to lead Australia to a sustainable future while maintaining the service-focused approach that got them to this position. Wastech’s successful formula has placed a focus on partnering with leading OEMs from around the world and supplementing these strong brands with local manufacturing and industryleading service levels and a deep knowledge of the Australian recycling and waste management sector. The initial focus will be on Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste as well as glass recycling. Pilot Crushtec’s range of Modular Horizontal Impact (HSI) crushers and screens are already in use numerous C&D applications around the world and the Twister ™ Vertical Shaft Impact (VSI) crusher line has been successfully deployed in several glass crushing plants within Australia. These two areas have historically seen the most seamless integration into the recycling market for Pilot Crushtec products and are expected to provide a solid platform on which Wastech can build their offering while responding to the changing demands of the recycling industry.

Pilot Crushtec has crushers for all hard and soft rock applications as well as building rubble, bricks and concrete to allow you to manufacture usable raw materials from recycled products. These crushers are complimented by a comprehensive range of screens, feed hoppers and modular style conveyor systems to allow us to design a turnkey project simply and efficiently for your next recycling project. This partnership also gives Wastech the opportunity to make enter the Australian Mining and Quarrying sector, potentially unlocking much value for both companies as well as for the sector itself. The products which Wastech intend to focus on would be suited to quarries producing high-grade road stone, well-shaped construction aggregate, and various sand specifications. Junior miners would also be targeted, with a specific focus on upgrades to screening capabilities, while the VSI range would be aimed at increasing production while reducing cost-per-ton in pre-milling applications. We believe the values and business principles shared by Pilot Crushtec and Wastech Engineering will be a solid foundation from which to build a partnership that creates value for customers and stakeholders throughout Australia.











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Ansultech.................................................................................................................................15 Begg Environment...............................................................................................................09 Bobcat....................................................................................................................................... 44 Dafo............................................................................................................................................ 33 Element 6................................................................................................................................ 07 G.N.R.................................................................................................................................IFC/20 GeoKatanga.........................................................................................................................IBC Minrom.......................................................................................................................................18

NTN............................................................................................................................................ 37 OTR Tyres ...............................................................................................................................13 Set Point....................................................................................................................................19 VSlurrytec................................................................................................................................ 24 Tigerfluids............................................................................................................................OBC Truflo.......................................................................................................................................... 27 AQS Liquid............................................................................................................................. 29 Yildiz Pompa.......................................................................................................................... 30

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