First Mining Drc-Zambia Sept/Oct edition 2019

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Mopani mines’ decision to close


Nigeria Mining Week to focus on attracting investment


Safety: The role of steel wire ropes in mine safety



Geosynthetic Cementitious composite mats in mining


up shop stirs tension

Geomembranes in Mining

DRC: President to Host

Invest DRC Forum in S.Africa



Editor Bertha M. bertham@fmdrc-zambia

VOL 12 | ISSUE 5 | September - October 2019

Sub-Editor Nita Karume


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In this issue... DRC mining risks heighten as artisanal cobalt miners turn to copper Pg 07

Zambia and India strengthen bilateral trade Pg 10

Nigeria Mining Week to focus on attracting investment.. Pg 16

WithYou You With

16/04/2019 14:55 14:55 16/04/2019



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Contributing Writer Oscar Nkala, Mfuneko Jack Lindani Mkhize Caroline Thomas Sales and Marketing Victor Ndlovu +27 11 044 8986



ccording to a recent study, the mining equipment market is set to boom in the next few years. This, I believe, is also an indicator that the mining

industry will keep on its upward trend as a commanding market. Emerging markets that have invested in mining, including African countries will thus feel the beneficial impact of the same. Welcome to the September-October Issue of First Mining DRC/Zambia. This issue has a special focus on the Nigeria Mining week, and the push to get investors for the country’s mining sector. As usual, the news section is laden with the latest in

Isabel Isiziwe +260 96 187 4888

mining news across Africa, from a solar energy boost

Advertising Consultants Meshack Ndzendevu Polite Mkhize Gladmore Ndhlovu Leslie Nyembe

by Mimbula mine whilst Mopani Mine’s decision to close

Production Coordinator Kholwani Dube


Graphic Design and Layout Irene Faith Omudho Art Director Augustine Ombwa Arobia Creative Consultancy

that will undoubtedly boost the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s mining sector in the midst of mining risks across the country to the resumption of operations two shafts drives a wedge between mine workers and their respective unions. Among the features highlighted are; Geosynthetic Synthetic





Geomembrane lining in mining applications and the role of steel wire ropes in mine safety. The main feature, however, is a focus on mine water treatment with a view to getting better results. Read on to find out about the largest grinding media foundry in Zambia.

Nita Karume

Published By Mailing Times Media Circulation/Sales +27 11 044 8986

Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of its publications, but no warranty is made as to such accuracy and no responsibility will be borne by the publisher for the consequences of actions based on information so published. Further, opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Mailing Times Media (Pty) Ltd


400 MW of solar energy a boost for mining in DRC


multinational clean energy company has secured an order to establish 400 MW of solar photovoltaic power plant capacity in the DRC. It is intended to gradually reduce energy scarcities faced by the mining industry in certain regions and will also be the first solar plant of the country. The firm responsible for delivering the solar plant is Hanergy Thin Film Power Group. The agreement was signed – a strategic partnership framework between Hanergy and the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources of the DRC on 29 May. The execution of the co-operation will begin in December this year. Under the agreement, the two parties along with the National Power Company of the DRC will follow an “EPC+F” financing model in joint efforts through project cooperation and technical exchange to consolidate and increase cooperation in the fields of electricity, water, renewable energy and fuel. The plants will have a cumulative capacity of 400 MW and will specifically help reduce energy scarcity faced in

the provinces of Katanga, Lualaba, Kasaï-Oriental, Kasaï-Central, Kivu and Sankuru. “Our strategic partnership with the global clean energy giant Hanergy is a step ahead towards meeting the DRC’s original target of 65% electrification by 2025, letting alone the new Sustainable Development Goals of universal electricity access by 2030,” says José Maboya Nzalingo, General Secretary of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources. The initial strategic partnership framework agreement suggests that energy generated in the first stage is estimated will be 20 MW, benefiting over 100 000 people. With the total capacity of 400 MW, the project also aims to generate around 10 000 jobs and providing education to create 100 technology specialists. “The present 400 MW solar power station project is primarily aimed at meeting the on-peak demand of nearby mining companies and reduce local diesel consumption, while reducing carbon emissions substantially,” notes Guo Bin,


CEO of Hanergy Uganda Company. Even though the DRC is endowed with large mineral resources, its national electrification access rate was just 9% as per 2013 data, instigating major hindrance in the country’s economic development. Despite, having abundant hydraulic and solar resources, the electricity infrastructure in the DRC is very poor with obsolete technologies for energy generation and transmission. Since 2009, Hanergy has been working to integrate worldwide solar technologies, and making robust investment for the research and innovation in field of thin-film solar power. The company’s solar cells set the world record for conversion efficiency several times, with the newest one being 29.1%. It launched and upgraded a handful of consumer products at CES Asia 2019, including Humbrella, the solar-powered parasol; HanPack, the solar backpack; HanPower, a portable solar power-bank product, retaining its leading position in the mobile energy sector.


Zambia’s Association of Mine Suppliers and Contractors rebuffs Mopani’s new business model program to optimize its mining contracts. Public Relations Manager Nebert Mulenga said the aim of the contract optimization process is to improve workplace safety and operational performance while maintaining and achieving strong local participation. He explained that the new program seeks to promote higher operational excellence across all Mopani operations and help improve the delivery of projects on time and within budget.


ambia’s Association of Mine Suppliers and Contractors have rebuffed Mopani Copper Mine’s plans to introduce a new business model called contractor optimization. The Association president Augustine Mubanga has alleged that the program is aimed at reducing the number of local contractors working with the mining giant.

According to Mubanga, Mopani Copper Mines has indicated to them that it intends to reduce the number of local contractors from 51 to four only. Consequently, the plan will see local contractors losing jobs. Mubanga opined that such schemes are aimed at sidelining local contractors from participating in the Mining industry. Meanwhile, Mopani Copper Mines has confirmed that it has commenced a

Mulenga said Mopani Copper Mines Plc will encourage the formation of partnerships among all contractors (local and foreign) after the completion of the tender adjudication process to build sustainable local contractor capacity through effective technology and skills transfer. He further added that foreign companies winning tenders with Mopani will be compelled to outsource or subcontract a percentage of their contract value to 100% Zambian-owned entities as part of Mopani’s mandatory Enterprise Development Program (EDP) and in line with the Citizens Economic Empowerment Act, 2006.

Zimbabwe’s mining sector generates US $1.1Bn within the first half of 2019


imbabwe’s mining sector has generated US $1.1Bn in the first seven months of 2019. This is quite a leap from the projected target of US $1.2Bn, according to the Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ). MMCZ, which falls under the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, is an exclusive agent for marketing and selling of minerals produced in Zimbabwe except silver and gold. The corporation’s general manager Tongai Muzenda, said mineral earnings for the period under review slightly missed target due to a number

of challenges cripppling the mining sector. According to an interview released by the local media, Muzenda said that the total sales for the period January 2019 to July 31 were US $1.1Bn compared to US $910m during the comparable period in 2018. Muzenda further added that the mineral earnings for the period January to July 2019 were off MMCZ’s target of US $1.27Bn and the biggest challenge being the prevailing power cuts facing the mining sector and the country at large, as power cuts deterred production.



DRC mining risks heighten as artisanal cobalt miners turn to copper


rtisanal miners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have been turning to copper following the plummet in cobalt prices. That means security risks for miners in the DRC are set to intensify. The DRC’s industrial miners are facing a “battle on all fronts”, says says Indigo Ellis, DRC analyst at Verisk Maplecroft. Artisanal miners shifting from cobalt to copper will mean that industrial miners will face more illegal incursions as the hunt for copper intensifies, Ellis says. “Industrial copper miners’ risk exposure will rise” as crackdowns by the DRC armed forces become more frequent. Large-scale copper mining companies face local opposition because of high levels of unemployment in mining areas and the “common perception that firms do not allow communities to share in the benefits of resource wealth,” Ellis says. “Aside from regulatory challenges and depressed cobalt prices, the crackdown on illegal mining at industrial mine sites will increasingly threaten their social licence to operate.”

The DRC’s biggest copper miner, Chinese-owned Tenke Fungurume, told employees this week that it’s operating at a loss. Mining security will be high on the agenda at China Molybdenum, which holds a controlling stake in Tenke Fungurume, after the Congolese army killed an artisanal miner at one of its mines in Lualaba province on August 18, Ellis says. Lualaba is part of the former Katanga province in southern DRC and is the country’s most significant copper and cobalt mining area. June’s military deployments were just the beginning of a long battle between the army and illegal miners in Lualaba, Ellis says. Amnesty International in July called on the DRC to withdraw its forces from Lualaba, given their long history of excessive use of force and a “lack of appropriate training in managing public order.” Poor price outlook The difficulties faced by artisanal miners in the DRC in ekeing out a living

are unlikely to be reduced by turning to copper. According to a note from Capital Economics in London on August 16, deteriorating investor sentiment will probably prevent any meaningful rebound in copper prices this year. Chinese demand for copper has weakened, and Capital Economics expects further declines in demand in coming months as construction activity tails off. That prompts Capital Economics to cut its end-2019 forecast for copper to $5,800 per tonne from $6,000 previously. Meanwhile, cobalt prices have started to firm after Glencore announced plans to freeze output in the DRC, but at around $30,000 per tonne remain well short of their peak levels around $100,000 per tonne in the first half of 2018. Diligence dues Due diligence by mining companies in the DRC has been shown to have a real impact in improving security. The International Peace Information Service (IPIS) visited 623 DRC mine sites employing an estimated 115,500 artisanal miners between 2016 and 2018, before publishing its findings this April.



Mopani mines’ decision to close up shop stirs tension


opani Copper Mines’ decision to close two shafts is creating tension between citizens of Zambia and government, National Union Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) Furthermore, Police in Kitwe have denied mine unions a permit to hold a peaceful protest against Mopani Copper Mine over plans to close down two

shafts, Mindola and Central due to lack of resources to manage them. President James Chansa said people are rising up against the current government due to job losses being necessitated by mining firms like Mopani Copper Mine. He also added that despite assurances from Mopani Copper Mine of reducing the number of people to lose jobs from

PW Nigeria and Meridian Drilling UK stakwes out in Nigeria Mining space


W Nigeria and Meridian Drilling to showcase their solutions and share their knowledge with the Nigerian mining sector. They join industry experts at the 4th annual Nigeria Mining Week in October. PW Nigeria has acquired a number of licences , the majority of which are in Niger state, and is currently carrying out a detailed exploration programme in May 2019. With their partner, Meridian Drilling UK, they formed an exploration drilling company based in Nigeria, Meridian Drilling and Exploration Services, and have successfully completed several projects. They now have three rigs in operation and plan to bring in another two this year due to the increased workload.

Currently they are the contractor for AshakaCem, a Lafarge Holcim company for 3.2m BCM overburden strip at their Ashaka cement factory. They have completed the first 12 months of the Symbol Mining project and are currently in talks for the extension of the mine in early 2020. PW Nigeria Ltd are progressing an MOU with the Plateau State Government for the collation of the historic exploration data onto a readily available platform. They furthermore signed a memorandum of understanding with another AXA

PW Nigeria Ltd They have secured a $2m investment from Irish-Canadian consortium for first pass exploration on 3 out of the 4 explorations leases in Niger State.


600 to 252, the move has not settled well with miners. President Changa spoke against Mopani’s move, citing how the decision has rendered the labor movement useless as well as creating unnecessary tension between the citizens of Zambia and the government of the day. As such, he called to the government to step in and stop Mopani from pushing through with its decision. Speaking earlier, Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) President Joseph Chewe said the labour movement had planned to stage a peaceful protest against Mopani Copper Mines but were shocked to have been denied a permit by police. Chewe added that police did not give reasons as to why the permit to proceed was denied despite indications all was well. Mr. Chewe also berated the closing of the shafts, which would result in the loss of 620 jobs for about 1,500 contractors. He questioned their decision following Mopani’s assurance to Zambians that they would consider the numbers and were willing to dialogue.

listed company, Kogi Iron, who have a world class iron ore deposit in Kogi State and have been assisting with logistics, contractual issues, infrastructure works and ore extraction for testing in South Africa. Meridian Drilling Established in 2012, Meridian Exploration Services works in conjunction with Meridian Drilling Inc to bring a complete range of services for their mineral exploration. Ranging from advising on rig selections for clients own purchase to providing rigs and drilling services, they have extensive experience in supplying clients with top of the line contracting services that cater to their specific needs and requirements. From small projects to larger and more complex jobs, they have experience dealing with all sorts of parameters, specialising in remote locations. PW Nigeria and Meridian Drilling representatives will share their expertise at the event; including their approach, vision and solutions to face the challenges related to the mining industry in Nigeria.


Mimbula Mine Resumes Operations


oxico Resources Chief Executive Officer Alan Davies says Mimbula mine in Chingola has resumed operations after a consent order was entered into the dispute between Konkola Copper Mines and Moxico Resources and two others.

as it will employ hundreds of workers immediately, through construction and operations, and as it invests over $40million in its first phase investment. And Davies praised government for creating good investiment climate for Foreign investment.

And Davies has thanked government for the continued favourable investment climate in the country which he said makes the country one of the most sort after investiment destination in mining.

He said Republican President Edgar Lungu and his government should be commended for ensuring that Foreign investors feel safe in the country.

Commenting on the consent order which has allowed his company to resume operations, Davies said the company was relieved that the dispute involving his Company and KCM is over and that operations have commenced. He said Mimbula mine has contributed to the creation of jobs in the country

He said Zambia remains one of the best investment destinations due to its continued peace which makes investors not only safe but are assured that their investment is protected. Davies’ comments comes in the wake of the order by the Court of Appeal who have ordered Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) to Immediately withdrew the

application for Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court against the Judgement of the High Court regarding the disputes involving Moxico Resources Zambia limited and two others. In the matter before the Court of Appeal Konkola Copper Mines PLC (Appellant) had appealed against the ruling which was in favour of Rephdim Mining and Technical Suppliers Limited (1st Respondent), Mimbula Minerals Limited as (2nd Respondent) and Moxico Resources Zambia PLC as (3rd Respondent). The parties have since entered a Consent Order which has ordered that the parties agree that all litigations between them in relation to the subject matter of this order immediately be terminated and deemed withdrawn and that no liabilities will arise against any of the parties.



Zambia and India strengthen bilateral trade boost agriculture in Zambia, 1,000 metric tons of rice and 100 metric tons of milk powder as humanitarian assistance and 5 Fire tenders for deployment at the Zambia Air force bases.

President Edgar Lungu with India’s President Shri Ram Nath Kovind and India’s PM Narendra Modi


ambia and India have called for increase and deepening of bilateral trade which stood at 833 million United States dollars in 2018/2019 and was largely dominated by exports from Zambia. The two countries have stressed the need to expand the basket of traded items, adding that trade and investment cooperation should be expanded and deepened, by encouraging public and private companies to explore trade and investment opportunities, as well as improve the ease of doing business in their respective countries. President Lungu and President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind acknowledged the steady inflow of Indian private investment into Zambia, in the areas of mining, infrastructure, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, and agriculture. The two Heads of State said this when they held bilateral talks, at the ongoing State Visit to India where President Lungu was accorded a ceremonial reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan. In a Press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by President Lungu’s Press Aide Isaac Chipampe, the two leaders praised the continued existence of cordial and mutual relations existing between the two countries. President Kovind warmly recalled his fruitful visit to Zambia in April 2018 and said he was satisfied with the position and progress

of the agreements signed, and the decisions reached by the two countries during the said period. President Lungu also held talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and reaffirmed the mutual desire to further strengthen economic, commercial, health, infrastructure, capacity building and cultural cooperation between the two countries. The President further thanked the Indian government for supporting Zambia’s developmental programmes in energy, health, infrastructure, trade, as well as contributions towards capacity building to the country’s Defense Forces, through the MoU signed on Defense cooperation. Six MoU’s were signed on cooperation, which include Geology and Mineral Resources, Health and Medicine, Art & Culture, Diplomacy and International Studies, Elections and Defense Cooperation as well as an MoU for Zambia’s participation in tele-education and telemedicine through the e-VBAB Network Project. The Government of India also announced its support to set up an SME Incubation Centre, with a view to promote the development of Small and Medium enterprises in Zambia. In addition, the Government of India announced grants for 100 Solar Irrigation pumps to help


President Lungu thanked the Government of India for the announcements and donations of medicines and medical equipment worth 3 million United States dollars delivered to Zambia, which were pledged during President Kovind’s state visit to Zambia last year. The Zambian Head of State also welcomed the donation of 100,000 dollars to the Mahatma Gandhi Primary School, and announced that as a show of appreciation and in honour of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, the Zambian Government would welcome the installation of the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at the school. The two governments discussed the positive impact of cooperation in the Health Sector and expressed satisfaction over the ongoing construction of 650 health posts in Zambia and the ongoing implementation of the Lusaka City Roads Decongestion Project, funded by the Indian Government under the Buyers Credit scheme of Exim Bank of India. Meanwhile the Zambian and Indian governments further agreed to cement cultural interactions between the two people and intensify cooperation at the United Nations to address current global challenges such as climate change, peace, security, and sustainable development as well as the reform of the global body. During the State Visit, President Lungu also visited an agro-business and food processing unit in the NCR region. President Lungu is accompanied to India by a high level delegation comprising Ministers for Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji, Presidential Affairs, Freedom Sikazwe, Commerce, Trade and Industry, Christopher Yaluma, Mines and Minerals Development Richard Musukwa, Minister in the Office of the Vice President Olipa Phiri, and Senior Government Officials.


Zambia’s Copper Production will drop by 100,000 tonne - says ZCM


he Zambia Chamber of Mines has projected a 100,000 tonnes drop in copper production this year. Chamber of Mines Chief Executive Officer Sokwani Chilembo adds that Zambia’s mining industry is also expected to drop-off the global top ten Copper producers list. He says the forecasted drop in copper production is a distant continental second behind the Democratic Republic of Congo who trailed Zambia’s volumes for 75 years until 2013. Mr. Chilembo says Zambia’s mining industry has been battling to sustain production levels, to contain cost escalation and to maintain asset quality after over a decade of near biennial tax burden increases. He adds that non-tax revenue measures have rapidly accumulated and electricity

tariff increments. This is contained in a statement availed to ZNBC News in Lusaka. And The Zambia Chamber of Mines has challenged stakeholders in the mining sector to fully exploit the extractive industry in Northern Province. Chamber of Mines Deputy Chief Executive Officer Talent Ng’andwe said small-scale miners and other players should actively take part in mining activities in the province which has some mineral deposits. Mr. Ng’andwe said mining must not only be limited to copper production adding that there is need to explore the potential for other minerals and precious stones within the province. And Mr. Ng’andwe has urged local authorities to take advantage of the extractive business to raise revenue. He added that increased

quarrying activities due to construction, provides an opportunity for councils to generate funds. Mr. Ng’andwe said this in Kasama during a stakeholders’ dissemination meeting organized by Zambia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Earlier, Northern Province Assistant Secretary Sineva Kambenja said government remains resolute to ensuring that the country benefits from the mining sector in line with the Seventh National Development Plan.

ZCM pegs Zambia’s mining productivity on the 2020 national budget


he Zambia Chamber of Mines (ZCM) is currently holding out hope that the forthcoming 2020 national budget will help restore the mining sector’s productivity and return Zambia to its previous position as one of the world’s leading copper producers. Furthermore, the Chamber has reiterated that Zambia is set to record lower copper production output this year by at least 100,000 metric tonnes, triggered mainly by the unchanged 2019 mining fiscal regime. In a statement released earlier on this week, the Zambia Chamber of Mines chief executive officer Sokwani Chilembo stated that the Chamber hoped that its submissions ahead of next year’s budget would be given serious consideration to help restore the mining sector’s productivity. According to the statement, the Chamber already submitted detailed mining tax proposals.

These proposals aim to resuscitate the Zambian mining sector by putting in place competitive, stable and investorfriendly measures. Some of the measures contained in the Chamber’s submission include a ‘true’ mineral royalty sliding scale as opposed to the present stepped scale capped at 7.5%; restoration of deductibility of the mineral royalty against corporate tax and the removal of concentrate import duties, among others. Chilembo explained that the Chamber hopes the full submission will receive rigorous consideration to secure an outcome that will result in production growth to over 1m tonnes in five years and increase mining tax receipts by around a fifth. The revenue increase will be even higher if policy is adjusted enough to motivate operationalization of just one or two of the promising large mining prospects in the country.

Zambia recorded a marginal increase in its copper production last year to around 861,946 tonnes from 799,329 tonnes recorded in 2017, boosted by First Quantum Minerals’ (FQM) operations in Kalumbila District. However, from January 1, 2019, government effected the 2019 mining fiscal regime, which caused turbulence with some mining houses recording lower copper output. Ministry of Mines data revealed that while copper output for the first three months of this year was higher than last year, production slumped and drastically lagged behind in April, May and June, closing the 2019 half-year period with 355,751 metric tonnes from 408,919.01 tonnes recorded in the corresponding period last year.



PwC on Nigeria’s mining future:

continuity in the implementation of the roadmap regulatory framework with enactment of new laws and establishment of the National Council of Mining and Mineral Resources Development. Notably, The Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geosciences, Jos (Establishment) Act was assented to by the president in November 2018 for training of manpower for the sector and research.

Perhaps what makes this year’s Nigeria Mining Week even more interesting is that following the inauguration of the new administration, the new ministers have only recently been appointed for the ministry in the persons of Arc. Olamilekan Adegbite and Dr. Uchechukwu Ogah, the honourable minister and honourable minister of state respectively. This is likely going to be one of their first major interactions with the stakeholders in the sector and it will be great to hear them share their vision and aspirations for the sector during their tenure.” This is according to Mr Cyril Azobu, PwC Nigeria’s Head Advisory and Mining Sector Leader. The upcoming Nigeria Mining Week, taking place in Abuja from 14-16 October, is jointly organized by PwC, Spintelligent and the Mining Association of Nigeria (MAN). “We recently put out a paper in which we shared our thoughts for the sector going forward” says Mr Azobu “and we look forward to continuity in the implementation of the roadmap by the new ministers, albeit with adjustments and enhancements made to certain

In addition, the Federal Government in 2018 presented a Roadmap for the ‘Development of Nigeria’s Industrial Minerals’, developed by the World Bank assisted Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification (MinDiver) Project. Furthermore, the National Gold development efforts saw to the issuance of the first gold refining license in 2018.” aspects, to ensure the targets that have been set therein, are met.” He continues: “for us at PwC, our commitment to supporting stakeholders, both in the public and private sectors, unlock the potential and derive value from the sector is unflinching. We understand that to achieve progress, there must be close collaboration amongst key stakeholders and we believe the Nigeria Mining Week is an excellent platform for driving this.” Key driver for economic growth The Abuja conference and exhibition is expected to attract more than 1200 mining experts, 180+ mines and exploration companies, 40+ sponsors with more than 24 countries represented. Mr Azobu will chair the Grand Opening Session on 15 October with the theme: “Removing the roadblocks along the value chain: Setting the mining industry as a key driver for economic growth”. Mr Azobu notes that during the last 12 months there have been a few notable achievements in the country’s mining sector. “For example,” he explains, “there have been efforts to improve the sector’s


He adds that efforts to curb illegal mining were ramped up by the provision of surveillance vehicles for the mines inspectors across the country and increased inter-agency co-operation. PwC Nigeria’s Head Advisory and Mining Sector Leader adds that “the Ministry has also continued on its journey to transform its processes by digitizing some of its key activities. Efforts are ongoing to automate the ministry’s activities with the provision of an eGIS web portal and electronic submission of licenses, permits and certificates to improve efficiency and speed-up the processing of transactions.” To read the full interview with Mr Azobu and other event partners, ambassadors, speakers and sponsors, go to http:// Leading industry suppliers Barron and HMD Mining have already been confirmed as gold sponsors for the event while AG Vision, Kian Smith Trade Co, Meridian Drilling & Exploration Services and PW Nigeria Ltd are silver sponsors.


Aldango Gold Refinery in Rwanda partners with East & Central Africa Mining Forum in Kigali in October “Aldango desires to change the face of mineral wealth in the region”


he Aldango Ltd Gold Refinery in Rwanda has partnered as a diamond sponsor with the upcoming East & Central Africa Mining Forum conference and exhibition in Kigali. The inaugural edition of the event is hosted by the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (RMB) from 28-29 October and will focus on the opportunities in the regional mining industry. Mr Jean de Dieu Mutunzi, Executive Chairman of Aldango Ltd, says “Aldango is supporting the government to transform Rwanda into a precious metal manufacturing and trading hub across Africa.” Mr Mutunzi will address the opening session of the conference on “Building a state-of-art refining facility “and take part in panel discussion during a session on “Developing enablers for value addition projects in the region”. The regional mining community is already excited about what promises to be a high-level sector gathering, with more confirmed government speakers including: - Hon. Francis Gatare, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Mines,


ast & Central Africa Mining Forum will provide participants access to best practices to gain insights into reliable, cost effective technologies and fast-tracking financial support. Industry participation will include junior mining operators and exploration companies; stakeholders from the mining equipment, technology

Petroleum & Gas Board (RMB), Rwanda • Hon Doto Biteko, Minister of Minerals, Tanzania • Dr Andu Ezbon Adde, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Mining, Republic of South Sudan • H.E. Amb. Albert Mudenda Muchanga, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union Commission in Ethiopia “We work hand in hand with the RMB” Aldango Ltd (Gold Refinery) is a Rwandan registered legal entity, developing businesses in the gold and precious metal sector in Rwanda and the entire continent at large. In an exclusive interview Mr Mutunzi says “the company is desirous to add great value to the nascent gold sector in Rwanda and beyond, so as to change the face of mineral wealth in the region and solve the so-called resource curse that has befallen the richest nations in sub-Saharan Africa. This is through the company’s robust KCY (know your customer) and strict compliance policy. Aldango has the capacity to process 200 kgs of gold per day.” and service (METS) sector; transport and logistics firms to help cross-border cooperation; and financiers, who will help provide the right financial model and tools for projects of any scale. The event is organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning Cape Townbased exhibition and conference


He adds: “we work hand in hand with the RMB, which have proven their expertise in mining, processing and trading activities.” Event exclusively focused on industry According to Mr Mutunzi, Aldango partnered with East & Central Africa Mining Forum “due to the fact that the event is exclusively focused on the mining industry as well as associated support services and we are convinced that this forum will enable to boost Aldango’s profile, expand our networks and can create huge impact to demonstrate Aldango’s product and services.” He adds that their message will be to “inform the participants about the first and only state-of-the-art refining facility in Rwanda, its value addition to the country as well as the business opportunities and services Aldango can offer.” The full interview with the Executive Chairman of Aldango Gold Refinery can be read on the event website: Aldango-interview producer across the continent in the infrastructure, energy and mining sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include DRC Mining Week, Nigeria Mining Week, African Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa, Future Energy East Africa and Future Energy Nigeria. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President to Host Invest DRC Forum during First South Africa State Visit


s part of President Félix Tshisekedi’s first state visit to South Africa, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will host its first ever InvestDRC Forum on November 22, 2019 in Johannesburg. Organized under the auspices of the Government of DRC. InvestDRC ( is the premier platform for networking and high-level discussions on the opportunities available in the DRC and how to overcome investor challenges. It will unite intra-African and Congolese investors in their mission to unlock new potential across diverse sectors through infrastructure. Following an opening address by H.E. the President, the program will feature keynotes by cabinet ministers. All 26 of DRC’s provincial governors have been invited. South Africa is one of DRC’s closest trade and diplomatic partners. The countries share 37 bilateral agreements, the most that DRC has with any country. It is expected that three more bilateral agreements will be signed during the

State Visit. “We in the DRC consider bilateral relations with South Africa to be very important,” said H.E. Bene M’Poko, Congolese Ambassador to South Africa. “The two Presidents will be meeting for the first time to consolidate the excellent relationship between our countries.” InvestDRC will bring together an elite class of ministers and senior level government officials and top executives of private sector companies and place them directly in front of the investors who are ready to embrace the opportunities on offer across DRC’s economy. The invitation-only event will gather more than 400 participants spanning the public and private sector spectrum. President Tshisekedi’s first state visit to South Africa creates a solid platform to strengthen bilateral relations through new trade deals between both countries. InvestDRC is engaging several business associations and stakeholders to participate in the event, including the Minerals Council South Africa, the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Business France, the African

Energy Chamber and major financial institutions. “This is a new presidency and a new era for the DRC. Through the InvestDRC Campaign, the Government is showing its strong commitment to create an enabling business environment, to attract investment in crucial sectors and to enhance trade relations with the international community, including South Africa,” said Anita Kruger, Director of InvestDRC. The InvestDRC Summit is part of a broader investment promotion campaign to highlight investment opportunities in various sectors of the country through the participation of the DRC’s government and leadership, companies and investors. A comprehensive investment report called InvestDRC to be released in Q1 2020 will unite the Congolese public and private sectors and present DRC as a dynamic and forward-thinking investment destination. For more information on the event, visit



Nigeria Mining Week to focus on attracting investment

I encourage state governments, World Bank, NEXIM Bank, BOI and other foreign and local investors to come on board and move mining in Nigeria to the next level” says the recently elected new President of the Miners Association of Nigeria (MAN), Alhaji Kabir Mohammed Kankara. Kankara will deliver the welcome address at the upcoming Nigeria Mining Week in Abuja, taking place from 14-16 October. Nigeria Mining Week, in partnership with PwC is sending a wide call for industry leaders to gather in October 2019 in Abuja, to share best practices and demonstrate the latest strategies

to evolve the sector successfully. Becoming your annual “rendez vous” for mining opportunities and investment in West Africa, Nigeria Mining Week will come back on the success story of 2018 and what has been done in the last 12 months. As organising partners, MAN has been part of the event since its inception four years ago, along with PwC and Spintelligent. The conference programme for the fourth edition of the event is launching this week. Improving the miner’s productivity “As the President of MAN”, Alhaji Kabir Mohammed Kankara adds, “my vision for the association is to see


that miners are given an enabling conducive environment to practice their legitimate business without any security challenges and harassment from the host communities or the host state governments by partnering with the government security agencies e.g. police, Civil Defence Corps, state governments and community leaders.” He continues: “I also wish to improve the productivity capacity of an average miner through sourcing of intervention funds and equipment from federal and also encourage state governments, World Bank, NEXIM Bank, BOI and other foreign and local investors to come on board and move mining to the next level.


Furthermore, I wish to raise the level of the mining sector to make it another big source of revenue earning for the nation and increase the GDP of Nigeria. I also wish to make our association as another big employment generator to the teeming youths that are roaming about looking for jobs.” The Abuja conference and exhibition is expected to attract more than 1200 mining experts, 180+ mines and exploration companies, 40+ sponsors with more than 24 countries represented.

and aspirations for the sector during their tenure.” This is according to Mr Cyril Azobu, PwC Nigeria’s Head Advisory and Mining Sector Leader. It is well known that Nigeria is the economic powerhouse of West Africa, but what is not as well know is that Nigeria has the potential to become a West African Mining giant. Learn about the latest developments with regards to the roadmap, towards a new paradigm in natural resource management: Building a competitive and sustainable mining value chain.

This high-level and strategic mining investment platform will bring critical stakeholders together with Nigerian and international investors to drive the Nigerian solid minerals sector forward, with the vision to open up credible business opportunities and put Nigerian mining on the map. Nigeria Mining Week will link investors, project developers, financiers, technology providers and government and highlight an industry that in the future will become a driver of Nigeria’s economy.

Leading industry supplier Barron is returning as gold sponsor while AG Vision, Kian Smith Trade Co, Meridian Drilling & Exploration Services and PW Nigeria Ltd are also already confirmed as silver sponsors. “Perhaps what makes this year’s Nigeria Mining Week even more interesting is that following the inauguration of the new administration, the new ministers have only recently been appointed for the ministry in the persons of Arc. Olamilekan Adegbite and Dr. Uchechukwu Ogah, the honourable minister and honourable minister of state respectively. This is likely going to be one of their first major interactions with the stakeholders in the sector and it will be great to hear them share their vision



Appointment of Nigeria’s new Mining Minister Olamilekan Adegbite welcomed “Nigeria Mining Week the ideal platform to hear government’s plans” mining sector. ”We have been following developments in the mining industry since the appointment of the former cabinet in 2015 and have witnessed the development of the sector over the past five years” says Emmanuelle Nicholls, Group Director: Mining at Spintelligent, organisers of the annual Nigeria Mining Week exhibition and conference in Abuja in October in partnership with the Miners Association of Nigeria (MAN) and PwC Nigeria. She adds: “the global mining community is now paying attention to the renaissance of mining in Nigeria and its interest continues to increase. Mining is fast becoming the industry of repute and promise for the diversification of the Nigerian economy. We have high hopes for the sector and wish for industry’s growth to continue at a steady rate over the next decade and we have faith in the new Minister of Mines and Steel Development Adegbite and in his commitment to the sector to lead this trajectory,” she concludes.

Newly appointed Nigeria Mining Minister Olamilekan Adegbite.


he appointment of the new Nigerian Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Olamilekan Adegbite, has been welcomed by key media and event stakeholders in the country’s mining sector. Shortly after his appointment this week, the new minister was quoted as saying that he intends to learn from current Ekiti State Governor Kayode Fayemi, who held the position from 2015 to 2018, and who he said did a lot in the sector. Minister Adegbite is the former Ogun state Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure.

in-Chief of the leading mining trade publication Mining Review Africa. “If the newly appointed Olamilekan Adegbite follows in his footsteps, then the realisation of a vibrant mining sector in the next few years is undoubtedly achievable.”

“During his tenure, former mining minister Governor Kayode Fayemi established the foundation and groundwork upon which Nigeria’s mining sector can grow towards contributing 10% to GDP in 2026,” says Laura Cornish, Editor-

“Minister Adegbite holds the key” The organisers of Nigeria Mining Week have congratulated the newly appointed cabinet member, saying Minister Adegbite holds the key to driving the renewal of the Nigerian

She adds: “Mining Review Africa looks forward to hearing from Adegbite at this year’s Nigeria Mining Week which is the ideal platform to stay informed about government’s plans for bringing investment into the country.”


Official host ministry partner The Nigerian Ministry of Mines and Steel Development is the official host ministry partner of the annual Nigeria Mining Week conference and exhibition, taking place from 14-16 October in Abuja. Since inception four years ago, both predecessors of Minister Adegbite, Governor Kayode Fayemi and most recently Mr Bawa Bwari, have attended the event in their capacity as Mining and Steel Development Minister either as keynote speaker or as VIP guest. This year’s industry gathering in Abuja is expected to attract more than 1200 mining experts, 180+ mines and exploration companies, 40+ sponsors with more than 24 countries represented. Leading industry supplier Barron is returning as a gold sponsor while AG Vision, Kian Smith Trade Co, Meridian Drilling & Exploration Services and PW Nigeria Ltd have also already confirmed as silver sponsors.







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Better Results for your mine Water Treatment Comply with environmental laws and lower your costs by advancing your mine water treatment processes


ccording to the international council of mining and metals: mining companies viewed water like any other production input. But this has changed in recent years. Water scarcity is a growing challenge in the mining environment. Mining requires water at almost every stage of the process and the bulk of the assets of major mining companies are in water-stressed regions mostly in the southern hemisphere. For many mining companies’ water is being considered as a strategic resource rather than just only rocks.

This can be a problem as a lot of mines are situated in remote areas without a sufficient access to water. And the preparation of the water used in processes like leaching or flotation consumes energy and chemicals.

Water plays a crucial role for mining operations. Not only the people working in mines rely on it but also many of the mining processes consume an average of 10 megaliters of water a day.


Finally, mines must discharge the used water back into the environment without harming it in accordance to local standards and in conjunction to the mines water use license. More and more mines rely on water extraction processes like reverse osmosis to ensure their water supply. But such processes have to be closely monitored to ensure the results. Same goes for the preparation of the industrial water. Only with a tight control of parameters like pH and dissolved oxygen, the usage of energy and chemicals can be optimized. Same goes for the treatment of the water after it has been used to make sure, environmental regulations are fulfilled.

Reverse osmosis is one of the most common raw water preparation techniques. It relies on filtering the water through special membranes. The challenge is, to have as long as possible filtration cycles without harming the membranes which are prone to blockages and processes like fouling and scaling. Therefore, the most important parameters on the inlet besides flow is the differential pressure measurement over the filter.

Mine Water preparation is one of the most important process for mining water. A neutral pH value will ensure the efficiency of the settling and the turbidity measurement can determine the level of the suspended solids. Digital Memosens sensors are highly accurate and can be easily be calibrated without disturbing the process thanks to a removable head where data is stored. You can connect up to eight Memosens

sensors to a Liquiline transmitter CM44x to make water quality control a breeze as well as reducing the cost per measuring points. The water balance of the entire mine, a number of components, or a single entity, may be quantified as part of the water quality and/or quantity management activities at a mine site. Reasons for undertaking a facility or site water balance study may include: 1. evaluate strategies for optimum use of limited water supplies; 2. establish procedures for limiting site discharge and complying with discharge requirements, particularly control of the quality of the water and/or the quantity of contaminants discharged from the site; and 3. limiting or controlling erosion due to flow over exposed surfaces or in channels, swales, and creeks; and 4. estimating the demands on water treatment plants, holding ponds, evaporation ponds, or wetlands. Monitoring and Controlling of water quality used in mines forms as KPA’s which need to be managed in order to comply with local legislations. Endress+Hauser can support mines by reducing these targets and assist with reporting on the required KPA’s and milestones even more efficiently.


Dust prediction as a basis for planning dust suppression at minerals sites


his article outlines an innovative approach to predicting when there might be a need for dust suppression, potentially enabling resources to be targeted more effectively than might be at present. The control of water resources and energy use is appropriate for all large quarries, especially where the need for dust control is frequently localised and/ or temporary. It becomes even more important where expensive additives are used especially if their on-site efficacy has not been tested. Continuous dust suppression is seldom required. Predicting and preventing dust emissions from mineral sites traditionally involves detailed knowledge of site operations, access to local weather forecasts and the availability of controls such as fixed water sprays and mobile bowsers. Sometimes, such control measures are either applied unnecessarily as a blanket measure, or too late once dust is airborne and there is a risk of complaint.

To reduce expense and manage water resources targeted suppression is preferable, however this requires knowledge of both where and when dust and/or PM10 are likely to be generated. On behalf of a large hardrock quarry in the UK, DustScanAQ has developed a bespoke PM10 predictive tool which enables site staff to deploy targeted suppression to reduce or prevent unacceptable emissions from occurring. Analysis of two years of site-specific monitored PM10 and meteorological data determined a strong relationship between PM10 concentration and wind speed, wind direction, temperature and precipitation. These relationships were used to create an empirical model based on weighting factors derived from the relative impact of each meteorological parameter on PM10 concentration. Temporal influences such as time of day, day of the week and season also affect PM10 concentrations and are considered

in the model. Specific weighting factors were also calculated using the same methodology applied to meteorological parameters. The predictor utilises open-access 5-day meteorological forecast data with a 3-hour resolution from a reputable source. A summary of these data is presented alongside the PM10 predictions for each 3-hour period of the following day, enabling the quarry manager to obtain all necessary information in an easily digestible format. Average risk levels for the subsequent three days are also provided to allow proactive measures to be taken. The PM10 predictor is primarily a dust and air quality management tool. The prediction is in the form of a simple ‘Traffic Light’ system which allows rapid and efficient interpretation of dust/air quality risks and action to allocate dust suppression equipment and staff. 22 22

With DWD Drilling DRC’s Elephants bigger (and deeper) are better for mine dewatering! ____________________________________________________________________________________ DWD Drilling (DRC) is a DRC registered company based in Lubumbashi and a subsidiary of the Botswana based, DWD Group. DWD Drilling DRC focuses on specialised drilling operations with purpose-designed and built equipment directed at large diameter, deep, high volume and high yield, vertical and horizontal dewatering wells and, large diameter, deep, directional coring. The DWD Group operates a fleet of equipment ranging from Schramm TX 130 rigs to purpose built Elephant drill rigs capable of servicing a full spectrum of our clients’ needs from greenfields exploration through to brownfields resource expansion programmes. Qualified and competent personnel form an strong base of knowledge and experience in various fields of expertise allowing DWD Drilling (DRC) to offer clients a solid and unique partnership and service. The DWD Group through DWD Engineering an ISO 9001:2015 accredited company has designed and built proprietary drill rigs inclusive of the Buffalo multipurpose drills and Rhino blast-hole and horizontal dewatering rigs while also developing equipment in anticipation of the growing gas and oil discoveries, worldwide. DWD Engineering operates from our facility in Rasesa (Botswana) with a focus on drill rigs, structural steel, hydraulics, service and repairs of vehicles and support equipment. The group has and continues to operate across the SADC region inclusive of Botswana, DRC, South Africa, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique. DWD Drilling (DRC) operates two Elephant drill rigs in the DRC and successfully completed the first DRC dewatering drilling contract (20” and 24” holes to depths of 350m) at Frontier Mine in early 2017. A dewatering contract at MMG Kinsevere Mine and a further contract at Frontier Mine are being serviced at present. In 2015 a 24” hole to 600m was completed at 20” to 754m at the Lubambe Mine in Zambia. DWD Drilling (DRC) is also willing to deploy horizontal secondary in-pit dewatering technology to the DRC and / or Zambia for dewatering and side-wall stress relief purposes by means of 6 ½” horizontal boreholes and 4 ½” slotted casing installation to depths of 350m, subject to demand.

Enquiries regarding the group or drilling operations can be directed at: Rudie de Wet (Director – DWD Group)

+267 713 00 166


Dannis Sumbu (General Manager - DWD Drilling DRC) +243 842 281 348


Corne van Rooyen (Ops.Manager – DRC / Zambia)


+243 896 766 985


SCAW - The Largest Grinding Media Foundry in Zambia


CAW Limited is one of the largest provider of high quality grinding media and Iron & Steel castings in Zambia, as well as in the Central and Southern African market region. The company was founded in 1960; and has a work force of 700+ employees. SAFETY AND HEALTH Scaw ltd is committed and prides itself in maintaining very high standards of health and safety of its workforce. PRODUCTS & PERFORMANCE SCAW Limited’s Quality policy and Objectives are anchored by an effective and maintained Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015) certified by BSI since 2018. The Quality Management System has been a tool used to support continued improvement to meet or exceed our customers’ needs and expectations and to meet international standards. Our stringent quality control procedures and processes ensure minimum defects in our products, which To attain the above quality objectives, SCAW boasts of state of the art quality control laboratory which has the following equipment: • Optical Emission Spectrometer Metal Analyzer.

• • • •

Brinell and Rockwell testing machines. Metallurgical Microscope. 400 kN Universal Testing Machine (tensile testing & bend testing). Dye Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Inspection non-destructive test methods, etc.

CAPACITY SCAW has a production capacity in excess of 30,000 tons of cast grinding media, 18,000 tons of forged balls, 12,000 tons of mill balls and 1,800 tons of other castings per annum. The company boasts of the following product portfolio: 1. High Chrome Grinding Media. 2. Hammer Forged Ball Grinding Media 3. Grey and other Alloy Iron Castings. 4. Plain Carbon, Low & High Alloy Steel Castings. 5. Machining and Fabrication Services. 6. Industrial Gases: Oxygen and Acetylene High Chrome and hammer forged grinding media SCAW produces 100 to 125mm hammer forged mill balls. These are mainly used in SAG mills during the grinding of ore.

We also produce high chrome grinding media with 11% to 14% & 15% to 17% Cr in 35mm to 100mm diameter, which are used for grinding ore in Ball Mills. We also manufacture 27% Cr mill balls ranging in size from 35mm to 90mm. All our products are manufactured under strict quality control procedures, which include optical emission metal analysis for achieving the desired chemical composition, hardness, and microstructure tests or analysis. The high chrome mill balls are hardened, (oil or air quenched) and tempered so as to achieve the best microstructure within the metal, which makes it tough and wear resistant in comparison to ordinary low chrome mill balls. SCAW’s current grand total mill balls production capacity is in excess of 30,000 tpa. SCAW has also set up one of the largest infrastructure to produce various grades of castings, which meet international standards. SCAW has over 20,000 patterns built over the last 50 years for almost all parts of the plant used by KCM, Mopani, and other mining and mine related industries. Scaw ltd also produces castings in low and high alloy steels including austenitic manganese steel, white CI (cast iron), and grey CI and other low and high alloy CI up to 3.5MT single piece weight. Steel, Alloy and Ferrous Alloy Castings SCAW modern equipment include a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) controlled Wesman Tempering Heat Treatment furnace. Some of the fast-moving castings are rod and ball mill liners, primary and secondary jaw crusher liners, chute and loading box liners crane wheels, trunnion liners, bend pipes, base plates, stack base liners etc. Our production capacity is more than 150 metric tonnes per month of castings. Industrial Gases: Oxygen and Acetylene SCAW is also able to produce 10,000 oxygen gas cylinders per month at a filling pressure of 150 bars and purity of 99.5%. Cylinder capacity is 10.69 kg. We have our acetylene gas production capacity of 900 cylinders per month with each cylinder holding 6.689 kg and a filling pressure of 22 bars at 99.7% purity.


recognizes its workers as important partners in achieving its goals and hence recognizes the importance of ensuring that they are provided with protective clothing and safety accessories like eye protection goggles, ear plugs and boots for use at the plant. Scaw Limited also provides attachment opportunities to students from higher learning institutions for to enable them to gain practical industrial experience. Scaw Rangers is a football team that has been sponsored and supported by Scaw Limited for over twenty (20) years. In Zambia as well as other progressive countries, sport is viewed as a means to resolve conflict and to create a cohesive society by promoting unity within the nation. Scaw Limited gives much credence to sport because if every citizen/ employee was healthy and performing at optimal capacity, there would be increased productivity resulting in a vibrant economy. In view of the immense potential of sport, Scaw Limited continues to support the national effort to achieve sustainable sports development in this manner.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Company has over the last few years continued to plough back its profits into the community through various corporate social responsibility programs to uplift the living standards of the people. Scaw Limited has been working with the government to foster development in the country through employment creation. The company has continued to supplement the government’s efforts in improving the welfare of the people in Zambia through its expansion programs which has have created more than 650 jobs for the local people. Scaw Limited also operates within the confines of the labour laws and its employees are well represented by two mine unions which work hard to address their members’ problems. The company also has an in-house clinic where employees can go for medical check-ups to safeguard their well-being. Scaw Limited complies with the work place health and safety policies to prevent accidents at the work place. The company

The Largest Grinding Media Foundry in Zambia provider of high quality grinding media and Iron & Steel castings Plain Carbon, Low & High Alloy Steel Castings. Machining and Fabrication Services. Industrial Gases: Oxygen and Acetylene ©Arobia Creative Consultancy

High Chrome Grinding Media. Hammer Forged Ball Grinding Media Grey and other Alloy Iron Castings.

P.O. Box 20418, KITWE ZAMBIA. PLOT 1316 DR. AGERY AVE., INDUSTRIAL AREA, KITWE, ZAMBIA. TEL: +260 212 213946/ 213541 FAX: +260 212215432 EMAIL: | Web:



RTS Africa Technologies provides accurate, reliable hydrogen detection solutions for increased safety in mine battery-charging stations


ncreasingly, mines are using battery-powered electric vehicles underground as they help eliminate the problem of air pollution from diesel exhaust emissions. However, there is also an inherent risk in having large multi-battery charging bays underground. The charging process generates hydrogen, which escapes from the banks of batteries on charge to form a potentially explosive mixture. This could result in a potentially catastrophic hydrogen gas explosion – constituting a very real health and safety risk in the process. In addition, in a ‘fiery’ mine such as a colliery for example, hydrogen combustion may potentially trigger a more serious secondary coal-dust explosion. RTS Africa Technologies, based in Tshwane, specialises in innovative technologies, which provide solutions to industrial challenges. Among other things, the company has been involved in supplying hydrogen production and analysis equipment for many years. The RTS Africa Group has two divisions, namely RTS Africa Engineering and RTS Africa Technologies. RTS


Africa Technologies includes H2 Scan hydrogen detection instrumentation as well as other monitoring and detection instrumentation. “Importantly, we also offer hydrogen detection instruments – the Hy-Alerta 500 and the Hy-Alerta 600B/610B from our international principal H2Scan – for use in many potential industrial applications – including the mining sector. For example, these products serve as a valuable safety aid in hydrogen gas detection within battery charging stations in underground mines,” explains Managing Director of RTS Africa, Ian Fraser. The Hy-Alerta 500 instrument is a highly versatile hand-held detection device. It is able to detect the widest range of hydrogen gas concentrations without the need for any peripheral equipment. The Hy-Alerta 500’s versatile hydrogen sensor probe has a unique visual LED array that will effectively help navigate to the source of a hydrogen leak where hydrogen gas is produced, used, transported, or stored. “With two sensing elements on the same semiconductor die, the HyAlerta 500 can detect hydrogen leaks as low as 15 ppm and will not saturate or be destroyed when detecting high concentrations of hydrogen up to 100%,” Fraser explains. H2scan’s Hy-Alerta 600B/610B fixed area hydrogen monitors are better suited for area and space monitoring;

and will provide hydrogen-specific leak detection and measurement for hydrogen concentrations as low as 4000 ppm. They can furthermore be scaled to any concentration up to 5% hydrogen by volume, a range representing 10% to 125% of hydrogen’s low flammability limit. “This instrument can be connected to a flashing light or an alarm siren and, if need be, can communicate with a mine’s existing SCADA-type control system,” Fraser points out. Both the Hy-Alerta 600B and 610B models have been designed for either ceiling or wall mount; and have RS422 capability that extends the interface from the sensor to the controller to several hundred feet. “In addition, H2scan’s hydrogenspecific sensor technology has no cross-sensitivity to any other combustible gases, thus eliminating false-positive alarms and increasing system reliability,” Fraser says. He points out that hydrogen is the only gas for which H2Scan makes analysers. The company’s industryleading hydrogen analysers and leak

detectors are based on patented, solid-state core hydrogen sensor technology exclusively licensed from the U.S. Department of Energy; and are supported by 15 years of research and development, and field verification work. In terms of occupational health and safety certification, H2Scan’s instruments conform to the highest international standards. For the past ten years, RTS Africa Technologies has been the sole agent – locally and pan-Africa – for H2Scan. Many Hy-Alerta instruments are currently being used to detect hydrogen leaks around power station generators. “Ultimately, with the improved measurement capability provided by these solutions, industries such as mining and the petrochemical industry will be able to operate with the added peace of mind that the risk of hydrogen combustion has been eliminated,” concludes Fraser.


The role of steel wire ropes in mine safety


he level of wire rope technology used in mine hoisting applications has a significant effect on the overall efficiency of the hoisting system. Steel wire ropes are used essentially for transmitting tensile forces. The main characteristics which make them so well suited to this function are flexibility and their strength in terms of both mass and diameter. Various rope constructions also possess other characteristics in varying combinations, such as resistance to abrasion, to repeated bending, to shock loading and to lateral pressure. Underground mines access is only possible through a series of vertical, or incline shafts and during its lifetime, an underground mine may sink many surface and sub-surface shafts to access the ore. Ideally, a mine shaft can be almost any shape although cost dictates that it is either rectangular or circular. Function of steel wire ropes To date, the only method that has been devised to transport workers, equipment and rock in a shaft is some form of conveyance running in steel guides that stretch the length of the shaft from surface to the bottom. The hoisting of broken ore to surface is normally conducted in one or more dedicated compartments. These compartments are equipped with a special type of conveyance designed to convey rock known as skips- with capacities up to 20T.

A conveyance is then suspended from one end of the steel wire rope, with the other end attached to the winding engine drum. It also goes without saying that since mines are continuously increasing in depth, wire ropes safety is of utmost importance. So much so that back in 1904, the government of South Africa

Steel wire ropes are currently the only practicable method of suspending and moving a conveyance between operating levels in the shaft and surface.


made it mandatory for mines to cut samples from the front end of the winding rope at six-month intervals and send to the Government Mechanical Laboratory for destructive tensile testing. This was after a winding rope broke in a shaft at the Robinson Deep mine in Johannesburg causing the deaths of 46 miners in the same year. Over time, wire rope technology evolved to deliver larger diameter ropes with higher breaking forces, able to cater for increasing mining depths and heavier payloads. As a result, rope technology and industry needs outgrew the capacity of the 500T machine and it was replaced by the 1 000T (10MN) machine in 1973. Further advances in rope technology eventually resulted in this machine being replaced by a 15MN, commissioned in 1989 and still in use today.


7Mine® Deep Shaft Mining High-Performance Hoist Rope from Teufelberger-Redaelli C

ontinuously Teufelberger-Redaelli was expanding it’s product portfolio for mining applications and very successfully tested its new High-Performance Hoist Rope for drum winders. The 7Mine was in operation for more than 6 years on several multi-layer drum winders in South Africa and Canada. In all cases, the new 7Mine® hoist rope was able to significantly outperform the previously used triangular strand ropes in terms of rope service life. Furthermore, the rope showed a lot less torque and an improved rope stretch characteristic compared to triangular strand ropes. So far, the deepest shaft equipped with a 7Mine® was in South Africa with a depth of around 2300 m. The two ropes supplied were 54 mm in diameter and had a length of 2700 m each. Teufelberger-Redaelli developed this new high-performance rope to replace triangular strand ropes without any downsides in terms of rope weight and breaking strength. The rope will help mines to improve the productivity of their existing systems by using a modern state-of-the art high-performance hoist rope. Based on the extremely positive field tests, Teufelberger-Redaelli is convinced that it has now a high-performance rope

in its mining portfolio, which can be perfectly used in the deepest mines on earth. Teufelberger-Redaelli is not only expanding its product portfolio for mining applications very successfully, but is also strengthening its presence in the Sub-Saharan zone. With true experts located in South Aftrica, customers will have a direct contact for technical project consulting as well as for first hand rope expertise.

Teufelberger-Redaelli Email: Mobile: +27 6497 587 18 29


Geomembranes in Mining


eomembrane liners have been used significantly in the mining industry since about 1970 for lining solution and evaporation ponds, tailings impoundments and heap leach pads. However, the most extensive use of the geomembrane liners has been, and remains, in the construction of evaporation ponds, starting in the early 1970’s, and heap leach pads starting in the late 1970’s. Mining uses geomembrane liners principally for three areas: evaporation (or solar) ponds for recovery of salts, heap leaching of mineral-bearing rock, and disposal of mill tailings (rock that has had most of the mineral value removed). Evaporation ponds and heap leaching are the largest applications of geomembranes in mining, and heap leaching is the most complex. Heap leach facilities Heap leach facilities are probably the single biggest user of geosynthetics

in the mining industry. In this process, crushed ore is transported by conveyor to an area that has been prepared with a geomembrane liner, above which are located a system of drainage pipes. Geomembrane liners, when used in the design of heap leach pads, tailings storage facilities, or overburden storage facilities, are often exposed to high loading conditions. These loading conditions are beyond those typically encountered in civil applications, such as landfills.

The geomembrane lining material is used to retain chemical solution used to dissolve minerals from ore, and to allow the leachate to be collected and refined. Heap leaching presents a combination of extreme base pressures and high moisture/acidity conditions on the geomembrane not present in any other containment application.

Experts in the mining industry have since discovered the correlation between metal production and geomembrane demand and that both are interrelated and driven by similar economic factors.

These extreme conditions push the envelope of known geomembrane performance often beyond the recommended general design limits, and include ≼ 100 m high heaps, equipment loading of up to 53 tonnes per wheel, coarse rock overliner, concentrated acid or alkaline exposure, hydraulic heads of up to 60 m, liquefaction potential and harsh arid climates with daily temperature extremes.

Furthermore, this relationship is expected to continue and to be amplified with increasing use of heap leaching and diversified applications such as tailings and acid mine drainage control.

The combined action of aggressive solutions and temperatures reaching up to 60oC to 70oC on an exposed geomembrane surface can seriously soften most liner materials.




Furthermore the dumping of ore on the liner necessitates a strong and flexible geomembrane that is resistant to abrasions and punctures. Mining waste comes in two primary forms: waste rock and tailings. In any mining operation, in order to access the valuable, mineral bearing rock, it is first necessary to strip or excavate nonmineral bearing rock. This rock, which has been fragmented during drilling, blasting and excavating process, is

dumped in dedicated storage areas, known as waste rock dumps. Tailings on the other hand are the byproduct of the crushing, milling and chemical extraction process used to recover the valuable mineral being mined. Tailings are generally sand sized or finer, and are managed by pumping at low solids contents and deposited into purpose-built impoundments, known as Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs).

The storage of these very large volumes of waste rock and tailings results in storage facilities that cover very large areas of land. Some of the oil sands TSFs exceed 100 hectares, and areas exceeding 120 hectares are not uncommon in base metal, gold and platinum mining operations. Solid tailings are in most cases mixed with water and pumped to the tailings storage facility (TSF), sometimes over large distances (in excess of 5km). Upon deposition, large volumes of water separate out from the solid material, and this water must be stored and managed in such a way that it poses no risk to the environment. Unlike landfills where the leachate head on the underlining system is restricted, usually to around 0.3m, the hydraulic head acting on a TSF liner system can be several meters. TSFs are increasingly lined to minimize the possible contaminants migration.


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Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats in African mining erosion, subsequently also protecting the natural slope material from slip. Using a GCCM also makes this task significantly easier compared to trying to achieve the same outcome with traditional concrete in projects with accessibility restrictions. Implementing slope protection can improve the safety of a mining facility, and from an environmental perspective, CC is considerably cleaner to install and is therefore a significant improvement to poured concrete. CC is recognised as an eco-friendly concrete alternative by the UK’s Environment Agency and has been specified by environmentally conscious bodies worldwide. It has a lower carbon footprint than conventional concretes along with a low alkaline reserve and washout rate, which eliminates the need to treat runoff.


he development in Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCM) in recent years has resulted in fascinating opportunities for the future of mining infrastructure, along with other industrial sectors. Developed by Concrete Canvas Ltd, as an alternative to traditional poured concrete, the GCCM is a concrete impregnated fabric. Far easier and faster to install than traditional concrete, essentially, it’s concrete on a roll which can be cut to size. Once in place and secured down, hydrate and leave to harden. Within 24 hours, you then have a highly durable and waterproof concrete layer. Concrete Canvas offers two products which, due to their ease of installation and cost-effective benefits, have made significant improvements to mining projects around the world. The company’s original product, Concrete Canvas, requires no specialist labour or equipment and can be installed with basic hand tools.

For mining purposes in Africa, the material can be highly beneficial in two key areas. Firstly, due to CCs water resistance, it makes an excellent ditch liner, ideal for securing water runoff channels to prevent storm and contaminated waters from entering sensitive areas or damaging equipment.

An example of Concrete Canvas being used successfully in an African mining project is the recent installation of CC bulk roles to act as slope protection and drain lining solution in Ahafo, Ghana. As part of the Ahafo Mill Expansion (AME) Project, the Newmont Ghana Gold Limited (NGGL) site needed to install a solution quickly before the rainy season began in April. As a result, in March 2019 CC was installed rather than stone pitching to provide the protection and drainage needed to secure the site.

Once hydrated, CC reaches 80% of its total strength within 24 hours, providing a swift solution to urgent problems. Furthermore, it is not possible to overhydrate CC, which means it can be installed in even the most severe wet weather. Secondly, CC is an excellent solution for protection against slope

9,750m2 of CC was installed safely and on time, resulting in extremely happy clients and contractors. Concrete Canvas has seen continued growth in the mining sector in Africa and they envisage this continuing and for the sector to grow into one of their biggest in the region over the coming years.

producer of GCCM products and as such export the material around the world.

Similarly, Concrete Canvas Hydro (CCH) only requires the material to be thermally welded and the installation of a built-in air channel. Concrete Canvas Ltd is the sole


When looking to specify Concrete Canvas, it’s vital to understand what you’re hoping to achieve and which one of the products will help you achieve it. There is also a range of material variations which alters the length and width of a roll of CC fabric, so doing some measurements before ordering is always vital. To ensure a successful installation and for projectspecific advice, contact Concrete Canvas directly.

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Red Metal Mining Commisions 20MVA Transformers at South African Coal Mine Johannesburg-based project engineering firm, Red Metal Mining (RMM), is currently completing the installation of two 20MVA transformers at one of South-Africa’s largest coal mines. This project also includes the network integration of both transformers (where it is required to run in parallel with the existing transformers on site), as well as the testing and commissioning of the substation protection system. A total of eight 20MVA transformers will be delivered, installed and commissioned, and at this time RMM has successfully commissioned one 20MVA transformer, and is in the preparation phase of the next installation - where one of the main incoming transformers to the mine will be replaced. +27 (0)11 794 9845

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RTS Africa.........................................................................................27 Scaw Metals.....................................................................................25 Sciaps..............................................................................................01

Mining Indaba..................................................................................33


Nigeria Mining Week........................................................................19

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FMDZ is a bi-monthly magazine for mining industry incorporating, exploration, oil, power, drilling and other large scale extraction, storage, transport, Market and utilisation of Africa’s Copper Belt wealth and resources. First Mining DRC-ZAMBIA is published 6 times per annum: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec.

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