How To Start A FMHCA Chapter Toolkit

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How To Start A FMHCA Chapter Toolkit TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 1. What is a Chapter of FMHCA?

Section 2. What are the advantages to starting a chapter?

Section 3. Getting Started

Section 4. Gather Colleagues Who Are Interested

Section 5. First Meeting

Sub Section 5.a Location

Sub Section 5.b What to accomplish in that first meeting?

Section 6. Bylaws

Section 7. Bank Account

Section 8. Incorporation

Section 9. Approval By FMHCA Board

Section 10. Annual Compliance

Section 11. Keeping Connected

• What is a Chapter of FMHCA?

o What is a Chapter of The FMHCA Organization?

▪ For the most part, FMHCA chapters are established under the umbrella of the parent organization (FMHCA).

• FMHCA Chapters are local branches in multiple areas across the state that share a mission.

▪ FMHCA Chapters will have their own board, and operate independently, while remaining their own entity.

• What Are the Advantages of Starting a Chapter?

o Advantages of Starting a New Chapter

▪ Create a more intimate community.

▪ Collectively develop a support system.

▪ Gain leadership experience through taking on the task and responsibility of leading a chapter.

• Getting Started

o Reach out to your FMHCA Regional Director and let that person know of your interest in starting a FMHCA chapter.

▪ Northwest Regional District:

• The current Regional Director is Joe Skelly

• Includes all FMHCA Local Chapters (Emerald Coast Mental Health Counselors Association) in the following sub-districts counties (17) in the Northwest Region of Florida

• Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Holmes, Washington, Calhoun, Walton, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, Jackson, Wakulla

▪ Northeast Regional District:

• The current Regional Director is Maria Guiliana

• Includes all FMHCA Local Chapters (Mental Health Counselors of Central Florida & First Coast Chapter) in the following subdistricts and counties (21):

• Bay, Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, Gilchrest, Hamilton, Lafayette, Marion, Putnam, Suwanee, Union, Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, St. John’s, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole

▪ Southwest Regional District:

• The current Regional Director is Kerry Conca

• Includes all FMHCA Local Chapters (Gulf Coast Mental Health Counselors Association & Suncoast Mental Health Counselors Association) in the following sub-districts counties (19):

• Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, Lee, Desoto, Hardee, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas, Polk, Sarasota, Citrus, Dixie, Hernando, Pasco, Levy, Monroe, Sumpter

▪ Southeast Regional District:

• The current regional director is Liza Piekarsky

• Includes all FMHCA Local Chapters (Broward Mental Health Counselors Association & Miami-Dade Mental Health Counselors Association & Mental Health Counselors Association of Palm Beach County & Space Coast Mental Health Counselors Association) in the following sub-districts counties (11):

• Brevard, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Volusia, Flagler, Broward, Miami Dade, Highlands, Palm Beach

• Gather Your Colleagues

o Talk with your colleagues and gather at least 12 who are interested in started a chapter.

▪ The initial 12 need to be fully licensed LMHCs.

▪ You are welcome to enlist the help of the FMHCA office in order to reach more colleagues in your area. Simply email the office at or call the office at 561-228-6129 and the office can send out email notifications to FMHCA members in your area. The FMHCA office or one of your colleagues can also send out information to non-FMHCA members in your area.

▪ All of us have access to every Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern and Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Florida through the State of Florida’s License Lookup service:

• First Meeting

o Location

▪ There are multiple ways to find a meeting location. (Here are two main ways chapters have followed):

• Find a meeting sponsor: Some chapters relay on local treatment centers who will offer a meeting room and possibly even a meal if the new chapter will meet at their location, or, allow the treatment center to sponsor the meeting at a local venue, i.e. restaurant.

• Hold the first meetings in your office or conference room at your office/office building. As the chapter grows, the meeting location can change. At least one FMHCA chapter began in a colleague’s office, and as they grew, it moved to a conference room at a treatment center. Finally, they use(d) Parish Halls in local (Episcopal) churches for “free.” (They gave a donation once or twice a year). The rooms were able to hold over 100 people comfortably, and they were able to offer special events, i.e. large workshops and social events at minimal cost.

o What to accomplish in that first meeting?

▪ Once you have 12 interested colleagues, schedule and hold your first meeting.

• Bylaws

▪ Your meetings may be held via Zoom or other online teleconferencing platform, or in-person. That choice is up to you and your colleagues.

▪ You are welcome to invite the FMHCA Board of Directors to your first meeting, but it’s not required.

▪ During your first meeting, you will want to come up with a name for your chapter.

• We recommend letting your colleagues know this ahead of time so that they can come up with some ideas for names ahead of your first meeting.

o Bylaws are important because they guide the roles of the Board of Directors and the purpose of the organization.

▪ Examples of FMHCA Chapter Bylaws can be found here (insert links). You will want to figure out which offices you would like your chapter to have in addition to your executive board, (An Executive Board consists of the President Elect, President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer). For example, you may want to have a Social Media officer, a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern Representative, a Graduate Student Representative, and so on. Please feel free to look at other FMHCA chapters, and see what officers they have.

▪ Robert’s Rules of Order: We also recommend one of your new officers be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, as most organizations follow it. You can learn more about Robert’s Rules of Order here:

o Election of Officers, you may either appoint or elect your first board members. After that, Board Members need to be elected by your membership.

o Submit your rough draft of your Bylaws to your regional director. (See Page for your Regional Director)

o Going forward, if you’d like the FMHCA office’s support advertising your new chapter, please feel free to ask.

▪ The FMHCA office can send out emails about any upcoming meetings or events, and they can advertise on FMHCA social media accounts.

▪ You also have your Regional Director who can assist you.

o Finalize your Bylaws and send to your Regional Director who will share them with the FMHCA Board of Directors.

▪ The Board of Directors will vote to approve your new chapter at the Board meeting immediately after submission of finalized Bylaws.

o Congratulations! You have now started a new FMHCA Chapter! Please know your Regional Director and the FMHCA office remain happy to continue to help you with advertising your events and reaching members and potential members in your area, if you so desire.

o You will want to open a bank account for your new chapter. By this point, you will have identified someone who would like to become Treasurer.

▪ We recommend you have the Treasurer and one other board member create the bank account. (Note: you do not need to be incorporated to open a bank account.)

• Incorporation

o Your chapter does not need to incorporate.

▪ Some FMHCA chapters have chosen to incorporate for a variety of reasons, but it is not required.

• Approval by the FMHCA Board

o Upon approval, the new chapter will receive a chapter certificate and an announcement in InSession magazine.

▪ An announcement of the chapter’s formation is also sent to all FMHCA members who live within the new chapter’s boundaries.

• Annual Compliance

o The one thing FMHCA requests is “Annual Compliance.” Annual compliance means an Annual Report.

o To remain an active chapter, chapters are expected to submit an annual report and create opportunities to develop, disseminate, and advance the adoption of its consensus-based knowledge on concrete and its uses.

• Keeping Connected

o FMHCA is here to support should you/your chapter encounter any issues. FMHCA and Chapters keeping connected is mutually beneficial. FMHCA welcomes the opportunity to partner with your new chapter to host quarterly and/or virtual meetings twice a year.

o Have fun! We hope you enjoy the increased connection with your colleagues both locally and state-wide!

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