Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that deals with the body, mind and spirit of a person. The Sanskrit term, ‘Ayurveda,’ has two components: ‘Ayur‘ and ‘Veda‘. ‘Ayur’ means life/longevity. ‘Veda’ means wisdom/science. Hence Ayurveda means ‘science of life‘ or ‘wisdom for longevity‘. For many thousands of years, Ayurveda has been a successful primary health-care modality for millions of people in India. Its age old recommendations and advices for healthy living are relevant even today as they ever were – and probably even more so.
The world is increasingly recognizing the merit of Ayurveda, which offers effective cure for several diseases including chronic ones. It helps rejuvenate the body, fight stress, and offer relief in life-style related diseases. It results in no major side-effects while offering relief; and this is one of the main attributes of Ayurveda.
‘Ayurveda & Health Tourism‘, a quarterly, being published from Kerala, the cradle of authentic Ayurveda, is the largest circulated and most a