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Reuer and Rust have always been in the market for a career position that serves others before themselves. Rust initially pursued a degree in psychology, recognizing its value in truly understanding and assisting others, no matter the field. After deciding that she wanted a change of pace, Rust immersed herself in the world of finance, as she saw an opportunity to make a difference through customer service and going above and beyond the standard for customers.
“I wanted to pursue the field of mortgage someday, but that’s a hard field to get into. Luck would have it that somebody local was hiring a junior loan assistant, so I got my foot in the door through that position and started at the bottom of the totem pole. I loved the position and industry as a whole, but I was hungry for more,” Rust said.
“I loved the ability to go the extra mile for others in my position, so I questioned why we weren’t doing this for every person that came to us for help. I didn't want to just be doing things for the money; I wanted to help people. I decided to pivot and start Dynamic Mortgage Group, which is where I hired and met Maddie. Maddie was on the same page as me, which is why we’ve gotten along so well.”
Reuer worked in customer service for SCHEELS in college. Wanting something more at the time, she sought out a customer interaction-heavy position that would help her grow as a person. “It's helped me learn how the world works for different varieties of people and how they handle the very stressful topic of mortgages,” Reuer said.
Reuer and Rust broke off from their former positions to form Dynamic Mortgage Group with certain benchmarks and standards in mind for their customers, including being available 24/7. It's evident based on their company benchmarks and goals, as well as their ethics and standards, that they aren't in this business for the money.
“We're not transactional people. In fact, we make very little money compared to most in our industry. Dynamic Mortgage Group’s whole point has always been to give everybody a chance at affordable housing. We invest everything that we get right back into the company. Our main goal was and is to have integrity, which is, unfortunately, lacking in many mortgage brokerages,” Rust said.
“We’re in a male-dominated industry, completely local and self-funded, just trying to do the right thing for people. We sat together and spent hours coming up with a name, logo, and what we were going to stand for. We always came back to simply doing the right thing and ensuring that people are never alone during this process.”