FOBISIA CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

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CPD Digest Volume 3, Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

INSIDE eJAWS Reflections from The British International School Kuala Lumpur, North London Collegiate School Jeju and The British School New Delhi

Upcoming Events Confirmed JAWS 22nd April 2021

Drama Thursdays: School Productions

Page 14

30th April 2021

Challenging and Supporting All Learners in Mathematics eJAWS

Page 15

Primary Education for Sustainability Invitational JAWS

Page 16

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

14th - 15th May 2021

In-country Thailand event: postponed from 5-6th February

St. Andrews International School, Bangkok

21st May 2021

Mastery in Maths for Key Stage 2 and 3 eJAWS

Page 17

Communication, Language and Literacy in the Early Years eJAWS

Page 18

Promoting Creativity Through the Visual Arts eJAWS

Page 19

Excelling in Middle Leadership JAWS

Page 20

The International School @ ParkCity

28th May 2021

The International School @ ParkCity

4th June 2021

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

11-12th June 2021

Sri KDU International School co-hosted with the British School Kuala Lumpur

Join the FOBISIA Community....

C 2 I CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

Conferences 20th-21st May 2021

CPD & Safeguarding eConference: Working and Leading together

Page 5

28th May 2021

Bursars’ and Business Managers’ eConference

Page 6

NPQH (Cohort 6: remaining sessions) 5th May 2021

Leading with Impact

6th May 2021

Leading Effective Partnerships

7th May 2021

Leading Strategically

Join the FOBISIA Community....

C CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021 I 3

Upcoming FOBISIA Webinars Keep an eye on for further details, updates and registration links! 26th April 2021

BlueSky Education: The Changing Shape of Performance Management and Appraisals in Schools Register here

28th April 2021

GL Education: Identifying and responding to the wellbeing challenges of 2020/21 Register here

3rd May 2021

Haileybury Almaty School: Sustainable Development Goals in Stories - embedding the SDGs into the Curriculum Register here

6th May 2021

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur: Reading Difficulty Power Tools - Don’t Plan by Hand, Plan With Power Tools! Register here

10th May 2021

Tanglin Trust School: The Year 3 Architects: Transforming Curriculum through Storytelling Register here

24th May 2021

Fieldwork Education: Introducing IEYC to support EYFS Register here

27th May 2021

Discovery Bay International School: Quizzing Digitally - the Undisputed Champion of Engagement? Registration link not yet available

1st June 2021

Finalsite: Engaging your school community with portals Registration link not yet available

3rd June 2021

The British School in Tokyo: Primary maths lesson design: a look at how to include creativity and fun in a maths lesson Register here

8th June 2021

Schrole Group: Diversity and Inclusion - Why getting it right matters Register here

4pm ICT

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4pm ICT

3pm ICT

3pm ICT

4pm ICT


2.30pm ICT

3pm ICT

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CPD & SAFEGUARDING eCONFERENCE 2021 Working and Leading Together

This year we are combining two great conferences for one affordable fee with no limit on numbers. Sessions will be available online for a month afterwards. With a fantastic line-up of well recognised and expert speakers, all staff with an interest in CPD or Safeguarding will find material to suit them. Sessions will run from 1000 - 1630 ICT.

20-21 May 2021


Maria Cunningham Maria

Natasha Devon MBE is a writer

Cunningham is Director of Education at the Teacher

& activist. She tours the world delivering talks and conducts

teacher, Maria supports school leaders both in the UK and

equality. Natasha is founder of the Mental Health Media

Development Trust. A school governor and former primary

research on mental health, body image, gender and social

internationally to achieve sustainable people-powered

Charter, which scrutinises the way the media report on

improvement and has led on major programmes in

mental health. She is a Trustee of Student Minds, a Patron

England including the CPD Excellence Hubs and Wellcome

for No Panic, an Ambassador for The Reading Agency and

CPD Quality Assurance Project.

a Member of the Men & Boys Coalition.

Tom Sherrington is an education

Jonathan Taylor worked as a Covert Internet Investigator within the Metropolitan Police Child

consultant and author. He writes the popular blog

an MSc in Criminology / Criminal Psychology, Jonathan

Learning Rainforest, Great Teaching in Real Classrooms. and in 2017 he published his book The

Abuse Investigation Command for 10 years. Graduating with

With 30 years' experience as a physics and maths teacher

specialises in Online Safety & the dangers of Social Media &

and school leader, including 11 years as a Headteacher,

Gaming. Jonathan appears on national television as an

Tom works with several schools and colleges providing

online Safety & Social Media Consultant & recently filmed

consultancy support on curriculum, assessment and

Documentaries for Channel 4 & CBS on the dangers of

improving the quality of teaching.

Online Child Sex Offenders.

Other speakers include:

Regional Director at Cambridge Assessment International Education

Independent Child Protection Consultant

Chris Gould

Dr. Elly Barnes MBE

Rachel Ewan

Real Training

Safeguarding Alliance

Dr.Ben Schmidt

Mental health & wellbeing training consultant

Speaker details coming soon

CEO of Educate & Celebrate LGBT+ education charity

Speaker details coming soon

Faria Education Speaker details coming soon


Speaker details coming soon

Karen Ardley

Linda Cruse

Linda MacGregor

Leadership Consultant and facilitator

Frontline humanitarian, Leadership Expert

Leader in suicide prevention in Australia and beyond

Tim Gerrish

Trevor Greenhill

Veema Education

International Child Protection Advisor

Education Consultant at STEER

Speaker details coming soon

CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021 I 5



Community Forum FOBISIA Community Forum

A vibrant professional online community exclusively for FOBISIA Member Schools across Asia.

JOIN THE FOBISIA FAMILY! JOIN THE FOBISIA FAMILY! 6 I CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

JAWS Reflections

The Challenges of Senior Leadership JAWs The British International School Kuala Lumpur Sri KDU International School 26th-27th February 2021


n late February 2021, The British School of Kuala Lumpur and Sri KDU hosted ‘The Challenges of Senior Leadership’ JAWs. Led by Andrew Wyeth (Head of Secondary, Sri KDU), Frances Baxter (Deputy Head of Secondary, Sri KDU) and Aidan Edmanson (Deputy Head of Secondary, BSKL), the virtual 2-day event was attended by over forty delegates from Malaysia and other locations around South East Asia, including China, Thailand and Vietnam.

Over the two day programme, the participants were tasked with exploring a number of areas. Day one primarily focused on the challenges of leading the self and others, exploring varied leadership approaches, the importance of emotional intelligence, our fundamental educational beliefs and how we can develop ourselves as leaders, yet also how we can draw on this knowledge to support us in both dealing with challenging situations and in building leadership capacity. Furthermore, Day two concentrated on leading towards a vision and examined the importance of the ‘why’ in vision formulation, the role played by individual perception, and various strategic models and change theories. Like most JAWs events, the success of the event relied prominently on those who chose to attend. Delegates volunteered to lead a number of workshop sessions including coaching as a leadership tool, communication to maximise wellbeing and efficiency, and implementing a whole school learning strategy. We would like to thank everyone for their fantastic efforts in sharing their practice and expertise. Furthermore, the two days culminated in a group exercise where teams were placed

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JAWS Reflections

in a scenario as the brand new whole school leadership team of an international school. Based on the school’s recent inspection report they were tasked with presenting a detailed action plan to their organisation’s board of governance, outlining their key priorities for the next three to five years. The task allowed delegates to draw on, and apply, a number of concepts from the two day programme and it was great to observe the level of care, organisation and experience on display. Likewise, this led to a great deal of healthy challenge and debate. Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to step away from the busy nature of our own professional contexts and reflect on, and challenge ourselves, in terms of our own behaviour and performance as leaders. Ultimately, this, as well as a chance to network and share practice, is what makes opportunities such as this, so extremely valuable. Likewise, despite the challenges of the later switch to a virtual event there was still much value to be gained from positive collaboration and sharing of practice. Finally, we were delighted with the number of leaders in attendance and the general outcome. We would like to thank everyone involved for their positive approach to the two day programme and, for the third consecutive year, we would hope to run a similar JAWs next academic year.

Aidan Edmanson Deputy Head of Secondary, The British School Kuala Lumpur

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JAWS Reflections

Effective English Tools for an Effective School eJAWS North London Collegiate School Jeju 5th March 2021


nglish departments are really part of the school furniture. They are all pervasive, but beyond their existence, their impact on whole-school success is often overlooked. A possible reason for this is that impact that English has on whole-school learning is so omnipresent that we, including English teachers, take it for granted. The NLCS e-JAWS, Effective English Tools for an Effective School, sought to address that and provide further tools to support our impact on learning. The first speaker was Ms Louise Symonds, who is currently the English Language Strategist and NLCS Jeju. Her presentation centred on academic English and helping students to form a convincing English voice. This is integral for student success in other subjects, especially the humanities, that are essay focused and, especially in later year groups, require a good deal of sophistication and academic voice. She shared several strategies to aid in the development of academic English in key stages 3 and 4 and stressed the importance of emphasizing and embedding this development as early as possible so that it becomes habituative and permeates throughout students’ educational experiences. Mr Michael Dillon and Dr Lesley Gissane followed Louise’s session with a seminar on the development of student scholarship in the Extended Essay at the IB Diploma level through effective and engaging feedback. This session used the work of John Hattie and Shirley Clarke on feedback in conjunction with student examples and case studies to provide a framework for developing independent scholarship in students. Although the seminar was primarily aimed at schools that offer the Extended Essay, the skills and need for independent scholarship transcend to all academic platforms and is essential in preparing students for university studies. The third session was an enlightening presentation on the Accelerated Reader (AR)

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JAWS Reflections

programme, its effectiveness, and how to promote ownership of reading through its use. Mr Garreth Bradshaw and Ms Sarah Thornley are both experienced users of AR, Garreth is the AR coordinator at NLCS Jeju and elaborated on the benefits and operational aspects of the programme. Sarah is an excellent practitioner of AR in the classroom and provided tools and tips for making it an effective tool for learning and language development in the classroom and beyond. The final session was a workshop hosted by Mr Geoff Hall and dealt with the crosscurricular nature of English and literary studies. The workshop highlighted the benefits of the symbiotic nature of English and other subjects. The focus of the workshop was a case study of a cross-curricular project that involved Shakespeare’s sonnets and music technology. The final outcome of the workshop produced some rather talented rapping skills as teachers rapped Shakespeare’s sonnets over classic Hip Hop backing tracks. As an online provision, due to the pandemic, technology did its best to thwart the programme itinerary, but the enthusiasm and interest of both the presenters and the attendees was enough to ensure that it was a success. Any initial consternation at hosting a virtual version of a JAWS quickly dissipated once the programme commenced and was thoroughly enjoyed by the presenters. Don’t be surprised if you see the NLCS English team soon at an e-JAWS near you.

Geoff Hall Head of English, North London Collegiate School Jeju

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JAWS Reflections

Communications eJAWS The British School New Delhi 19th March 2021


t gave us immense pleasure to host our first ever FOBISIA Communications JAWS. When we bid for it early on in 2020 we had planned for it to take place in our school, although eventually we had to move it online. Nevertheless, it was an enriching experience working closely with the presenters and the FOBISIA team to put together the structure for the conference and plan the workshops. With 32 participants from 18 schools, including one colleague from the FOBISIA communications team, the day offered a wonderful exchange of ideas, questions and reflections to communications professionals. A lot was packed into just 5 hours. The topics ranged from building your brand to talking to specific sections of stakeholders, communicating in a crisis (given that we are living in one), making the most of social media, understanding analytics, and recognising school communications as a primary tool for building relationships and inclusivity within the community. Colleagues shared good practices in the form of campaigns and digital tools, as well as successes and breakthroughs when communicating with parents. Another hot topic was setting up an alumni office and communicating with former students. A common challenge faced by most schools with respect to communication was the too much too little conundrum – how much is just right? There were also discussions regarding limitations owing to factors such as geographical location and resources, and adapting the communications strategy in view of these limiters. From a fun ice breaker to Raid your Room, Dance Off and Deskercises, the day was interspersed with energisers to keep the participants active and engaged. As a surprise for all the attendees, a short video of snippets from the day was played at the end of the conference. All in all, the event allowed for a generous exchange of ideas and insights, and colleagues left feeling inspired and armed with a better understanding of communication tactics and strategies to explore and apply in their own schools. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the workshop leaders for sharing their insights, all the attendees for participating enthusiastically in the discussions and activities, and to FOBISIA for providing us with this knowledge sharing platform. A big shout out to Fariha from the FOBISIA team for her support in the weeks leading up to the event! We hope to stay in touch with all the participants and to keep the conversations going.

Navneet Kaur Deputy Head of Communications CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021 I 11


WHAT IS JAWS? A FOBISIA Jobs Alike Workshop (JAWS) is an opportunity for professionals in similar fields to share knowledge and good practice in a costeffective and practical way. A JAWS can be conducted in-person or online (eJAWS)  A face-to-face JAWS is held across 1-2 days whilst an eJAWS is a 2-6 hour event  It includes a schedule of short workshops relevant to specific topics outlined by the host school  Workshops can be presented by the host school and attending schools  The host school is responsible for organising, leading and facilitating a JAWS, with support from FOBISIA Headquarters. For more information, please read the CPD Handbook here 12 I CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

What is expected of JAWS participants? Participants should expect to be asked to present a workshop and are encouraged to do so Participants can co-host workshops All participants should be actively involved in the planning of the agenda and be provided with opportunities to contribute.


Interested in participating in a JAWS event?

Session Ideas for a Job-Alike Workshop Running a session at a Job-Alike Workshop does not need to be a daunting experience - here are just a few ideas that can work really well Carousel of Learning Activities Use a variety of activities to generate discussion and collect ideas on a topic. This can start with an open question which everyone contributes ideas to. “Slap Down” or Little Gems Participants each bring an idea or strategy that they have used that works in the classroom or within their role and have 3 minutes to share it with the group. Role-play or Scenarios Create a scenario that can be role-played or discussed to generate ideas on a topic. Open Questions/Key Questions Begin the session with a question that generates a discussion, ensuring that everyone is heard. Question(s) may be submitted in advance. “Top 3” Ideas: Ask participants to bring their own “top 3’ resources/apps/websites etc. to be shared with the group. This will generate lots of discussion and encourages participants to share good practice. Twitter Have a live Twitter feed during presentations. This will allow capture of those ‘golden nuggets’ generated in the session. Use ‘Storify’ to create a ‘take-away’ of the Twitter feed. Clips Start a session with a video clip, research, photos or quotes to stimulate topic discussion.

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THURSDAY 22ND APRIL 2021 5.00 TO 6.30PM (MALAYSIA TIME) For more information please contact: Robin: Joe:

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Challenging and Supporting all Learners in Mathematics eJAWS Friday April 30th

11am - 3:45pm

An eJAWS workshop exploring challenge and support in Mathematics in KS3. Themes include:

● ● ●

Challenging all learners in mixed ability teaching (KS3 teaching) Challenging the most able learners and preparing them for maths beyond school (Mechanics practicals, CCA, competitions, peer working) Challenging and supporting students whilst learning remotely

All attendees are expected to contribute on one of these topics during a ‘speed dating’ style session. We would also invite each attending school to run a 30 or 45 minute workshop aimed at sharing good practice. For more information, please contact Natalie Clark ( or David James (

Register via THIS LINK Register by April 23rd

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Friday 21st May 9am-2pm


Mastery in Maths for Key Stage 2 & 3

Planned sessions:

bar modelling and the p art-whole models planning for mastery, ad apting plans preparing for KS3 resource & expertise sh aring proof & reasoning for y ounger students

Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, ms: computations, or algorith ING. it is about UNDERSTAND

Register online by the 10th May 2021 Questions?

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28th May 9am-2pm


communication, language & literacy

in the early years drawing questioning listening stories communication friendly spaces attention rhymes play social strategies understanding songs mark making time scaffolds Register by 21s t May y for more inform ation


# # # # #

18 I CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

dialogue speech


Garden International School is delighted to invite you to an EJAWS event, focusing on the possibilities and challenges of developing creativity within the Visual Arts across both primary and secondary schools. It will take place online on the 4th June 2021 In the spirit of creative collaboration, we invite you to share your experiences, ideas and practical strategies by facilitating a short workshop. All our workshop invite active participation, either through hands-on activities or discussion. What is creativity? ● What art activities fosters authentic creative thinking? ● How can we raise the profile of art through cross-curricular collaboration? ● How can digital technology be used to foster creativity? ● How can we develop recruitment into exam courses? ● How can we activate community links to support the development of creativity?

The sessions will start at 11am (KL time) and finish by 3:45pm.

There will also be an evening social with art history pictionary Register via this link by May 21st For more information, please contact Ev Abbott ( or David James (

4th June 2021 Promoting Creativity through the Visual Arts

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Date : 11th June 2021 & 12th June 2021

This is a co-hosted JAWs event. Programme coordinators: Frances Baxter (Sri KDU) and Aidan Edmanson (BSKL)

Place : Sri KDU International School

FOBISIA JAWs: Excelling in Middle Leadership During the Job Alike Workshop (JAWs) there will be an opportunity to network with teachers from other FOBISIA schools to share excellent practice across Middle Leadership roles. Primarily, this JAWs is targeted at experienced, current, Middle Leaders yet content would prove extremely useful and positively challenging for aspiring Middle Leaders.

Programme - Reassessing our own Leadership Styles - Emotional Intelligance in Leadership - Leading Teaching & Learning - Leading Effective Change - Leading Professional Development - Leading Difficult Situations - Leading Recruitment - Leading the Self - Deepening understanding of Whole School Leadership

Please complete this Google Form (click here) to register or access it using the QR Code. Deadline for registration is Friday, 16th April 2021. Cost : MYR 250 (for face-to-face delegates) FREE (for online delegates) scan this QR code to sign up!

Timings : Day 1 : 9.00am - 3.00pm | Day 2 : 9.00am - 2.30pm contact :

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FOBISIA Affiliate Members

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CPD Calendar 2020-21* Date

Name of Event


Drama Thursdays: School Productions


Challenging and Supporting all Learners in Mathematics JAWS Outstanding Teaching JAWS

Name of School


Robin Lawrence Garden International School Kuala David James Lumpur Regents International School Pattaya Mike Harrowell St. Andrews International School, Susan Whalley Bangkok Online Fariha Ebrahim Nathan Phipps The International School @ ParkCity Online Robin Lawrence The International School @ ParkCity Tracy Lewis International School Brunei Suzy Pugh St. Andrews International School, Jennifer Harvey Bangkok Garden International School Kuala David James Lumpur


Shrewsbury International School Bangkok Riverside

Victoria Rotheram


1112/06/2021 24/06/2021

Approaches to the development of subject language and literacy for all students across all disciplines in a senior-school context JAWS and Conference Excelling in Middle Leadership JAWS (cohosted with BSKL) Drama Thursdays: Theatres and Texts

Sri KDU International School



The future of boarding JAWS and conference

King Henry VIII


Approaches to teaching English (KS3-5)

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

Frances Baxter Robin Lawrence Martin Knights David James

07/05/2021 1415/05/2021 2021/05/2021 21/05/2021

Primary Education for Sustainability JAWS, face-to-face, in Thailand only. CPD and Safeguarding eConference: Working and Leading Together


Drama Thursdays: Theatre Practitioners & Methodologies Communication, Language and Literacy in the Early Years JAWS Developing a wellbeing focused school JAWS

28/05/2021 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 04/06/2021


Mastery in Maths for KS2 & KS3

Modern Languages (primary & High School) + First language programme JAWS Promoting creativity through visual arts in the International school setting JAWS




*Due to COVID-19, this year’s CPD calendar is subject to change. The events and dates listed here may not be confirmed. Please refer to page 2 and our website for more details.

For queries, please contact...

Fariha Ebrahim CPD & Safeguarding Executive

22 I CPD Digest, Volume 3 Issue 6, 2nd April 2021

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