FOBISIA CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022

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CPD Digest Volume 4, Issue 5, 7th January 2022

INSIDE See inside to hear from JAWS hosts - what went well last term?

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Upcoming CPD Events Confirmed Events


21 Jan 2022

Middle Leaders Toolkit eJAWS Bangkok International Preparatory & Secondary School


26 - 28 Jan 2022

Sport and PE AGM & Conference (Online)


27 Jan 2022

Drama Thursday: Drama and the EAL Learner


28 Jan 2022

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion JAWS


5 Feb 2022

Best Practice Send Models for an Inclusive Education Invitational JAWS: Bangkok Schools


18 Feb 2022

Female Leaders in Education eJAWS


4 Mar 2022

Emotional Intelligence in EYFS - How Do We Get the Children Through This? eJAWS


The Challenges of Senior Leadership JAWS


FOBISIA HQ / Sport & PE Committee

GEMS International School Tropicana Metropark

The British International School of Kuala Lumpur

St. Andrew’s International School Bangkok

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

St. Christopher’s International Primary School, Penang

18-19 Mar 2022

The British International School of Kuala Lumpur & Sri KDU International School

Postponed Events Postponed from 14 Jan 2022 New date TBC

Social-Emotional Learning eJAWS

Postponed from 21 Jan 2022 New date TBC

Primary Maths eJAWS

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

North London Collegiate School Jeju

2 | CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022

Upcoming CPD Events Cancelled Events 4 -5 Feb 2022

The Wonder of Year 1 JAWS

18 -19 Feb 2022

Learning & Teaching in Physics JAWS

1- 2 Apr 2022

Music Across All Key Stages JAWS

6 - 7 May 2022

Musical Futures JAWS

St. Andrew’s International School Bangkok

The Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpur

Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok Riverside

The Regent’s International School Bangkok

CPD Courses Spring Cohort DEADLINE 16 Jan 2022


National Professional Qualifications

Education Success Partners in partnership with Best Practice Network


Join the FOBISIA Community....

CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 3

Upcoming FOBISIA Webinars 20 January 2022 3pm ICT

Education Perfect: EdTech in the ‘New Normal’ Classroom Register here

25 January 2022 3pm ICT

Linda Cruse: Service, Learning and Leadership Register here

More webinars coming in March! Please visit for further details, updates and registration links

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Being an Educator as Creative Leader: Invitational Music eJAWS 12th November 2021 Prince of Wales Island International School, Penang


n 12th November 2021, the very first FOBISIA Music JAWS went online. Hosted by Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS), Penang, Malaysia, a total of 19 music colleagues from 14 FOBISIA Schools across five countries - Kazakhstan, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia - participated in this event. We were honoured to have two creative workshop presenters, Chi Hoe Mak and Andrew MacGregor, join us and conduct workshops at the start of the event. Chi Hoe started the morning session with an interactive workshop called ‘Singing in and out of Corona time’. All participants had a lot of fun and also got the opportunity to discover ideas, tools, singing exercises and games to help bring enjoyment in the virtual and ‘not-so-virtual’ classroom setting. After a short break, Andrew shared his expertise in traditional teaching aspects of the Shakuhachi (Japanese Bamboo Flute), including his experiences in breathing, mindfulness, creativity and uncertainty in the teaching and playing of the Shakuhachi.

It was great to have one of our POWIIS music alumni, Gabriel de Leon, who is currently a music scholar and in his final year at the Berkley College of Music in Boston, join us as the keynote speaker. Gabriel took us through his musical journey and how music education has transformed him as an individual. He particularly enjoys the creative aspect of being a musician and shared his new-found passion for music production and the recent music projects that he has been involved in. A series of music performances by POWIIS students through the POWIIS Tuesday Lunchtime CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 5

Performance Youtube Channel was shared with all participants during the lunchtime break. After lunch, the afternoon was packed with 15 workshops led by FOBISIA music colleagues to explore, discuss and share music teaching ideas, practices and resources across our schools. The focused workshop topics were based on the suggested areas to link with the theme of the event - ‘Being Educators as Creative leaders’: • • • • •

Individualizing learning and differentiation in music teaching; Teaching techniques for music composition and arrangement; Exploring music pedagogy with music technology; Incorporate cross curriculum in music teaching, and; Empowering creativity and critical thinking through music teaching.

The event concluded with a small curriculum discussion where participants were split into Primary and Secondary groups to discuss and share any music curriculum related topics. A big thank you to those music colleagues who spent their time getting together online despite being in different time zones. If you are interested in hosting the FOBISIA Music JAWs next year, please do not hesitate to contact any of the FOBISIA Music Committee members. We would love to hear from you!

Mr Ben Lim Deputy Curriculum Leader - Arts

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Media Studies eJAWS The Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpur 17th November 2021


fter a challenging year of pivoting between face-to-face and distance learning, many of us breathe a sigh of relief as we get back into the classroom and feel the buzz of the classroom learning again. A year into teaching some of the new topics for our specifications, we have had various experiences of school closures, exam cancellations and for some of us, the Media A Level was the only exam to go ahead in schools last year. This is the second Media Studies JAWS that we have hosted and I can’t quite believe that they have both been virtual but as we consider the merits of collaboration, online could absolutely be the way forward. With a few familiar faces from last year, it was good to be in a virtual space with colleagues

from across Asia. Twelve months ago we talked about adjustments to our approaches to teaching and learning and how to support students navigate through distance learning. Now, being online for a professional learning opportunity feels more normal. We have all learned lots over the past twelve months and we had lots of experiences and resources to share. From delving more deeply into Media Ecology theory, a topic that initially had many of us bamboozled last year, to developing writing skills and extended analytical responses, to framing planning around Big Questions, developing practical skills in magazine making and a corker of a session on retrieval CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 7

activities. The sessions were well tailored to suit both new and experienced teachers. Having the option of breakout rooms for a choice of workshops also worked well. I was particularly excited to learn about alternative, more practical options for the GCSE.

It was brilliant to learn how experienced and enthusiastic our colleagues are, many have worked in industry, some have been examiners and everyone is here to share ideas, support each other and to look for ways that we can keep the subject interesting and relevant to our learners. For a subject that changes so frequently, with little need for textbooks, our best resource is collaboration.

A big thank you to all colleagues who took an active part in this eJAWS. I for one took a number of ideas and added them to my planning for that same week. I look forward to hearing how the workshops and discussions have had a direct impact on other’s development and student learning.

Charlotte Moore Head of Media Studies, The Alice Smith School 8 | CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022

Session Ideas for a Job-Alike Workshop Running a session at a Job-Alike Workshop does not need to be a daunting experience - here are just a few ideas that can work really well Carousel of Learning Activities Use a variety of activities to generate discussion and collect ideas on a topic. This can start with an open question which everyone contributes ideas to. “Slap Down” or Little Gems Participants each bring an idea or strategy that they have used that works in the classroom or within their role and have 3 minutes to share it with the group. Role-play or Scenarios Create a scenario that can be role-played or discussed to generate ideas on a topic. Open Questions/Key Questions Begin the session with a question that generates a discussion, ensuring that everyone is heard. Question(s) may be submitted in advance. “Top 3” Ideas: Ask participants to bring their own “top 3’ resources/apps/websites etc. to be shared with the group. This will generate lots of discussion and encourages participants to share good practice. Twitter Have a live Twitter feed during presentations. This will allow capture of those ‘golden nuggets’ generated in the session. Use ‘Storify’ to create a ‘take-away’ of the Twitter feed. Clips Start a session with a video clip, research, photos or quotes to stimulate topic discussion.

Exceptional Middle Leadership eJAWS North London Collegiate School Jeju

e-JAWS: North London Collegiate School Jeju Exceptional Middle Leadership 19th November 2021

Victorian Ghost Stories

Friday 19 November 8.45 Clear and crisp, the morning could not onwards have been more welcoming as we waited for the first Zoom session to begin. The sun’s heat cut through and the November chill, much like the- forty faces on the Join us for interactive workshops discussions including screen, from across Asia, would bring the ‘COVID barrier’ crashing down. After twenty-two months • How can we can excel as Middle Leaders? of living through the pandemic, the prospect of interacting with other humans that did not work at Howwas cantruly weexciting. build capacity in our teams? my• school • How can we support colleagues to support their students and build team thatitsworks? NLCSa Jeju hosted first FOBISIA eJAWS on 19th November. The focus was Excelling in Middle

Leadership and workshop leaders provided a range of sessions, focusing on different aspects of These are just some of the workshops that will be on offer middle leadership, including Coaching Towards Excellence, Building Capacity in your teams and throughout theTransformation. day. Teaching Sprints for The day was incredibly well-attended. We did not anticipate the demand forNorth online professional and the Zoom breakout Location: Londondevelopment Collegiate School Jeju rooms were rather full!

Apply through linkwasbelow: The most valuable partfollowing of the day for me the opportunity to use the sessions as a springboard to conversation with other colleagues across Asia, all of whom held varied positions within their schools and brought their own experiences to what we were discussing. These conversations were all the richer for that. The day was energising, refreshing and chance to remember that teachers do not Registration Deadline: Wednesday 10a November stand alone. We are a worldwide community that is richer for experiences such as eJAWS that allow Caroline usContact: to talk, discuss, listen andSannegadu, come away inspired, so that our students leave our classrooms with similar feelings.

Caroline Sannegadu English Teacher & Professional Tutor

Startt here. here. Go Go anywhere. anywhere. Star 10 | CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022

A Roadmap to InternationalMindedness eJAWS 2nd December 2021 The British School New Delhi

Disrupting the ‘Immersion Assumption’ to make the ‘Implicit Explicit’ Hosting the eJAWS on ‘International Mindedness’ has been a wonderful learning experience. We were delighted to welcome over 30 participants from 14 FOBISIA schools. As international schools, it is our responsibility to challenge the ‘Immersion Assumption’. We must take deliberate steps to ensure that global citizenship and intercultural understanding are developed and embedded by design and not by default. The sessions focused on a range of aspects that promote international mindedness in schools: global citizenship, intercultural skill development, transitions, translanguaging, inclusion and diversity.

Why this theme? International mindedness has been one of the strategic priorities in The British School New Delhi and is one of the four key drivers in the CIS (Council of International Schools) accreditation process. In 2019, a strategic leadership initiative led to the creation of whole school Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) including one with a focus on International Mindedness. The aim of the PLC was to develop a deliberate and intentional focus on each of the strands (Global Citizenship, Intercultural learning, Translanguaging and Transition) in all aspects of school life. We took a number of steps to bring this to fruition, initiated by developing a school wide definition for international mindedness, followed by staff training and development, INSET sessions, readings, CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 11

research and surveys. The steps helped us to audit our provision and also identify actionable next steps. The eJAWS was an opportunity to share our learnings over the last two years, the steps taken and the impact on student learning. We felt that if this is a priority for our school, it would be a priority for other international schools and the opportunity to exchange practical ideas was valuable. It was wonderful to have five other FOBISIA schools who presented on various topics under the theme along with sessions from the British School. We looked at several components of Global Citizenship Education, including Sustainable Development Goals and Child Rights, through the work and reflections by students. We also explored examples of how Global Sustainability is integrated within the curriculum. The CIS continuum offered opportunities to identify next steps.

We learned about the different experiences of ‘Third Culture Kids’ including personal stories from the perspective of Adult TCK’s! We had opportunities to look at the support needed for arrivers, leavers and stayers. Presenters shared how they support transitions within and across schools and the different experiences at different stages in a school. Strong induction processes, anticipatory guidance and mechanisms to support transition and mobility go a long way in making the process smooth for all involved. Understanding and identifying Cross Cultural Kids (CCK’S) in our international school community, sharing best practices to support the ‘Transition Care’ programme and assessing the impact of the systems allowed stronger reflections.

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We looked at the importance of having a shared definition for intercultural understanding suited to each school’s unique context. Examples of intercultural development were shared to strengthen the attributes through the curriculum. We explored definitions of diversity and inclusion and were left with thoughts about challenges that common questions like, ‘Where are you from?’ pose to students in international schools.

The eJAWS reinforced the impact of Translanguaging in Culturally Responsive Teaching. Translanguaging is not just a tool but a strategic approach to support multilingual learners to access the curriculum. This is a deliberate action to make students feel supported and be a part of our community. Translanguaging helps develop international mindedness and propels students towards the objective of building a community of empathetic global citizens. Key takeaways as shared in the plenary led by our director OBE Vanita Uppal: • Global citizenship, intercultural understanding, translanguaging and transition should be interwoven into the fabric of the school curriculum and not be piecemeal activities / events which are added on. • Working with staff and supporting all colleagues to develop and strengthen a shared understanding of international mindedness and interculturality through structured professional development opportunities must be a priority. • Connecting with international schools on a regular basis so that communication is not an event but rather a journey.

Bindu Grover, Jeneeta Sarah Chacko, Nadia Engelbrecht and Sneh Wadhwaney PLC International Mindedness The British School New Delhi

CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 13

How Organisations Facilitate a Culture of Wellbeing With Simon Mann eConference 10 - 11 December 2021 Taipei European School and Bangkok International Preparatory & Secondary School


s we continue to watch globally the issues that schools face we are all aware that wellbeing is more important now than ever before. From schools that have remained closed for nearly two years, to schools that have remained open throughout but have closed borders preventing staff from leaving. The aim of this conference, which was co hosted by our two schools and supported by the keynote speaker Simon Mann, was to offer a range of tools for leaders to use when considering wellbeing in our own FACILITATING A CULTURE institutions. OF WELLBEING

Simon was able to really help us ‘learn it’, reflect on what we do now, why we do what we are doing and celebrate the positives. He was then able to delve into practical application for elements such as solution focused coaching, modeling himself but also building in good time for delegates to practice. It was complimented by a wide variety of delegates presenting a range of wellbeing aspects from their own school and building connections for future collaboration. Overall it was a really valuable two days which we hope has supported schools in moving forward with wellbeing to fit their needs.

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Bangkok International Preparatory & Secondary School Mr Jake McIntosh Email: Tel: +66-2-700-5858 ext. 276

Aidan Stallwood, Taipei European School and Jake McIntosh, Bangkok International Prep and Secondary School

14 | CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022

eJAWS Middle Leaders Toolkit How to excel at Middle Leadership Friday 21st January 2022 09:00 - 14:30 BKK Time (via Zoom) This eJAWs is aimed at aspiring, new and experienced middle leaders. It will provide the opportunity to share tips and resources, discuss perspectives and reflect on best practice. The day will be split into three overarching themes. Presenting is optional (but is very much encouraged!). Each overarching theme will begin with an activity to introduce the topic, followed by presentations from attendees. Overarching themes: 1. Practicalities ● Effective meetings, agendas, time management, communication etc 2. Implementing Change ● Powerful action plans, initiatives, workload, buy in etc 3. Working with people ● Successful relationships, wellbeing, difficult conversations etc Participants can choose to present for 3 minutes, 10 minutes, or 30 minutes.

The deadline for registration is ed s s a 20th December ine P

l Dead

See you there!

CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 15

PE& Sport

PE & eConference SPORT 2022

26 - 28 January 2022

The PE & Sport eConference is back! One registration fee based on school size, open to all PE & Sport staff at your school. This year’s lineup of experts include some top names who are ready to offer training and development opportunities across a variety of PE & Sport related topics including: Leadership & Sports Psychology; Motivation, Mindfulness & Wellbeing; Coaching; PE Assessment; Planning & Curriculum for GCSE and IB; Girls in Sport; and more! The conference will open with a keynote address by Julie Stern on Wednesday afternoon, focussing on ‘The Future of PE, Sport & Health’


ne date: Wednesday 15 December 2021 Click here to register your D school eadl- iClosing

Julie Stern

Will Swaithes

Allistair McCaw

Leon Taylor

Steve Sallis

Jace Ferguson

Dr. Emma Ross

Mihai Catrinar

Carmel Lim-Torres

Simon Mann

Steve Waide

Paul Quinn

Nick Deforest

Pat Lacasse

Tony Corcoran

Ross Howitt

Gordon Maclelland

Andy Hailey

Adrew Sheaff

Dr Elly Barnes MBE

Greg Dryer

FOBISIA1 16 | CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022



Drama & The EAL Learner 27 January 2022 5:00 - 6:30pm (Kuala Lumpur) With The Arts a growing subject area within international schools in South East Asia, the aim of this session is to not only share challenges faced within Drama, but to also celebrate the opportunities and positive outcomes through teaching Drama to EAL students: 1. Introduction to Drama and EAL - share the challenges and opportunities gathered from pre-session diagnostic questionnaire 2. Exploring different scenarios with an EAL student (e.g. teaching Macbeth to a Year 8 student from Japan) 3. Curriculum and resources - sharing projects or resources that have worked in making Drama accessible for EAL students


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CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 19

Best Practice Send Models for an Inclusive Education Invitational JAWS for Bangkok Schools

Saturday 5th February 2022 8:30 am - 3:00 pm

St Andrews International School Bangkok - High School We need you! Participants are encouraged to contribute to JAWS activities. The final agenda will be based on participants input. Please indicate in the registration form if you have any areas of expertise you would like to share with the group or if there is any subject area you would like to learn more about. ON THE AGENDA: • Moving away from ‘behaviour’ to a Student Engagement Support Model • Art Therapy approaches in Primary settings • Fostering Social Communication Skills in the Early Years • Music Therapy approaches in Early Years settings - Music to enhance engagement • Managing emotional regulation concerns in mainstream classrooms • Classroom considerations for children with Autism • Environmental management to support student engagement • Early intervention programmes in Maths Register here: or scan the QR code


in clos

! soon

Registration deadline: Friday 14th January 2022 (once registered, invoices will be sent out shortly) Cost: THB 1,200 (includes refreshments and lunch) For more details: Verity []

CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 21

d e l l e anc


Limited places available. Please register early to avoid disappointment. Kindly contact Harry Rodger, Head of Physics at for more information

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN EYFS EJAWS How do we get the children through this? Friday 4th March

The Challenges faced...

Early Years practitioners have been facing an unprecedented challenge over the past 24 months.

For many educators, there have been trials, tribulations, successes and surprises whilst teaching online and now we are faced with an additional hurdle. How do we settle the children back into school after so much time away?

Register here EYFS JAWS - Friday 4th March Deadline - Wednesday 23rd Feb There is an expectation for delegates to present in some way.

Can we possibly take the rich, explorative & collaborative learning opportunities our children have in school and replicate these at home?

eJaws focus Children's wellbeing through this tremulous time How have we kept them engaged? How have we created a 'class community' and sense of belonging whilst they have been away? How can we put their wellbeing first to ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition back into the school learning environment?

Contact Details

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Distance Learning NPQs in FOBISIA Schools 2021/2022 Academic Year

FOBISIA is delighted to be working exclusively with Educational Success Partners (ESP) and Best Practice Network (BPN) to offer DfE accredited NPQ programmes via distance learning to our Member Schools. Accredited by the UK Department for Education, the ESP/BPN partnership is the leading provider of the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) globally.

Participants on ESP’s NPQ programmes get access to the highest quality development, crafted by former and practising education professionals and CPD experts, delivered in a way that is attuned to demanding work schedules. All international participants have access to a fully online, distance learning delivery model which includes facilitated online webinars, regional collaborative learning groups and 1:1 tutor support throughout their NPQ studies.

Register your interest in joining the Spring Cohort by emailing byJanuary 16th 2022

CPD Calendar 2021-22* Date



POSTPONED New date TBC 21 January 2022

Social-Emotional Learning eJAWS

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

Middle Leaders Toolkit eJAWS

POSTPONED New date TBC 27 January 2022

Primary Maths eJAWS

Bangkok International Preparatory & Secondary School North London Collegiate School Jeju

27 - 28 January 2021

PE and Sport Conference (Virtual)

28 January 2022

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion eJAWS

CANCELLED 4 - 5 February 2022 5 February 2022

The Wonder of Year 1 JAWS

Drama Thursday: Drama and the EAL Learner

GEMS International School Tropicana Metropark FOBISIA PE & Sport Committee and HQ The British International School of Kuala Lumpur St. Andrew’s International School Bangkok

11 February 2022

Best Practice Send Models for an Inclusive Education Invita- St. Andrew’s International School Bangkok tional JAWS: Bangkok Schools The Positive Power of Education eJAWS North London Collegiate School Jeju

18 February 2022

Female Leaders in Education eJAWS

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur

CANCELLED Learning & Teaching in Physics JAWS 18 - 19 February 2022 24 February 2022 Drama Thursday

The Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpur

4 March 2022

Dulwich College Seoul


18 - 19 March 2022

Inclusion: EAL, Counselling & SEN. Common Approaches To Meeting Diverse Needs eJAWS and Conference Emotional Intelligence in EYFS - How Do We Get the Children Through This? eJAWS FOBISIA Invitational JAWS for Schools in Thailand: Building an Inclusive, Whole-School Culture of Safeguarding The Challenges of Senior Leadership JAWS

18 March 2022

Augmented Reality in the Classroom eJAWS

The British International School of Kuala Lumpur & Sri KDU International School St. Andrew’s International School Bangkok

25 - 26 March 2022

Digital Learning JAWs and Conference

Sri KDU International School

25 - 26 March 2022

KS3 English Curriculum Design JAWS

The Regent’s International School Bangkok

New Date 28 March 2022 31 March 2022

Teaching Assistants – Maximising Impact eJAWS

Dulwich College (Singapore)

Drama Thursday


CANCELLED 1 - 2 April 2022 8 - 9 April 2022

Music Across All Key Stages JAWS University Advising JAWS

Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok Riverside British International School, Phuket

22 April 2022

Best Science eJAWS Ever!

North London Collegiate School Jeju

28 April 2022

Drama Thursday


29 April 2022

Assessment in Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 eJAWS

Dulwich College (Singapore)

POSTPONED (Date TBC) 5 - 6 May 2022

Economics, Business & Accounting for Teachers from SCIE Commerce eJAWS Outstanding Teaching JAWS

Shenzhen College of International Education

CANCELLED 6 - 7 May 2022 12 May 2022

Musical Futures JAWS

The Regent’s International School Bangkok

Understanding Driven Inquiry eJAWS

Dulwich College Seoul

13 - 14 May 2022

Primary Mathematics JAWS

The British School in Tokyo

20 - 21 May 2022

Effective Student Leadership in Schools JAWS

The International School @ ParkCity

26 May 2022

Drama Thursday


27 - 28 May 2022

PE Through the Key Stages (Valuing Activity and Movement Bangkok Patana School from Foundation to Graduation) JAWS and Conference Excelling at Middle Leadership eJAWs Sri KDU International School & The British International School of Kuala Lumpur Drama Thursday TBC

4 March 2022 (NEW DATE) 11 - 12 March 2022

17 June 2022 23 June 2022

St. Christopher’s International Primary School, Penang Bangkok Patana School

Regents International School Pattaya

*Due to COVID-19, this year’s CPD calendar is subject to change. The events and dates listed here may not be confirmed. Please refer to page 2 and our website for more details.

Did you know you can subscribe to FOBISIA CPD event reminders? • Go to and visit Member Support. • Login using your school email address and visit Calendars. • Scroll down and click on the orange bell button on the top right corner of the calendar. • Select the calendars you would like to subscribe to and reminder alerts will be sent to you email.

For queries, please contact... Fariha Ebrahim CPD & Safeguarding Executive

CPD Digest, Volume 4 Issue 5, 7th January 2022 | 29

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