Issue 36

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2  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

september-october 2013


focus on dalian

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2  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

september-october 2013


focus on dalian

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For the Community, By the Community


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Advertising Agency / 广告代理 Oriental Vision Communication Co.,Ltd Suite 1801-1803, YouhaoMansion, Youhao Square, Dalian, 116001 广告代理:大连东方视野文化传播有限公司 地址:大连市友好广场友好大厦 1801~1803 室 Tel: 0411 8252-0112, 8252-0567

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Hardcopy / 纸版期刊 Every issue of Focus on Dalian delivered to your doorstep: Monthly Newsletter / 每月通讯 Subscribe by sending an email with the subject ‘Newsletter’ to:

Cover / 封面 The cover of this issue comes from the Rock in Dalian article, it features Jiang Hao, also known as Jason, lead singer of Dalian's own Doc Talk Shock. 本期封面摘自本期文章《青春在摇滚》。封面人物为姜浩,英文名 Jason, 他是大连本土 Doc Talk Shock 乐队的主唱。 Management 管理团队 Publisher / 编辑出版 Oriental Vision Communications Co., Ltd. Dalian Chairman / 董事长 Lv Tongju General Manager / 总经理 Jenny Diao Managing Editor / 总编辑 Kentaku Sai Editor in Chief / 主编 Daniel Jones Content Director / 中文主编 Angela Zhang Chinese Chief Editor / 执行主编 Coco Long Art and Design 设计团队 Art Director / 设计总监 Liu Xiao Design Supervisor / 创意主管 Liu Liechao Design Team / 设计团队 Ding Ding, Wang Li, Wang Haibo, Wang Gang Editing and Production 编辑制作 Translation / 翻译 Chen Lina, Linda Qu Assistant Editor / 总编辑助理 Alexander Sui, Yibo Lv Interns / 实习生 Dominic Yang,Ali Esmaili,Catherina Christina Marie Production Advisor / 制作顾问 Sonia Tellez Staff Editors / 编辑 Pam Peters, Mira Wu Staff Writers / 撰稿人 Kris Van De Velde, Bas Overtoom, Linda Synnott, James Howden, Angie Xu, Lillian Fisher, Huang Haisu, Uliana Olson, Yu Ge, Zhang Shi Kun,Tan Xiaoguo(Aushi)

Current Contributors 近期贡献者 Alyn Smith,Chris Livengood Marketing and Sales 市场及营销策划 Marketing Manager / 市场策划经理 Ross Newell Sales Manager / 营销策划经理 Vivian Fei Sales Supervisor / 营销策划主管 Zhao Tian Sales Consultants / 营销策划顾问 Zhang Yelin, Tan Youqiang Distribution Manager / 发行经理 Shania Fu Distribution Consultant / 发行顾问 Yang Yue PR and Events 公共关系及活动团队 PR Director / 公关部总监 Melissa Xu Project Manager / 公关部项目经理 Du Yingying, Senior Project Planner / 高级策划师 Feng Xiangwei Photography 视觉管理 Photography Manager / 摄影总监 Lisa Wang Photographers / 摄影 Shen Zixuan, Greg Rogala Planning Department 策划管理 Promotions Manager / 策划部经理 Mu Yuhan Social Media and IT 社会媒体及 IT IT Manager / 技术总监 Chen Yu Administration Assistant / 行政助理 Joyce Tao

Complimentary copy, not for sale. 非卖品,仅限赠阅

8  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013


For the Community, By the Community


源于社会 服务社会

Advertising & Marketing 广告及市场 0086 (0411) 8252-0567 (English) 0086 (0411) 8259-1161 ( 中文 ) 0086139-4095-8413 (English) 0086151-4115-1148 ( 中文 )

Editorial 编辑

0086 0411 8252 0112 (English/ 中文 )

Info & Events 信息 & 活动 0086 0411 8252 0112 - 208 0086 0411 8252 0113 – 208

Address 地址

Advertising Agency / 广告代理 Oriental Vision Communication Co.,Ltd Suite 1801-1803, YouhaoMansion, Youhao Square, Dalian, 116001 广告代理:大连东方视野文化传播有限公司 地址:大连市友好广场友好大厦 1801~1803 室 Tel: 0411 8252-0112, 8252-0567

Focus Online 网络在线

New Online Magazine / 最新电子杂志

Microblog / 微博 Sina Weibo: 东方视野 FOCUSonDALIAN Tencent Weixin: 东方视野聚焦大连 Renren ( 公共主页 ): 东方视野 FocusOnDalian

Subscribe 会员

Hardcopy / 纸版期刊 Every issue of Focus on Dalian delivered to your doorstep: Monthly Newsletter / 每月通讯 Subscribe by sending an email with the subject ‘Newsletter’ to:

Cover / 封面 The cover of this issue comes from the Rock in Dalian article, it features Jiang Hao, also known as Jason, lead singer of Dalian's own Doc Talk Shock. 本期封面摘自本期文章《青春在摇滚》。封面人物为姜浩,英文名 Jason, 他是大连本土 Doc Talk Shock 乐队的主唱。 Management 管理团队 Publisher / 编辑出版 Oriental Vision Communications Co., Ltd. Dalian Chairman / 董事长 Lv Tongju General Manager / 总经理 Jenny Diao Managing Editor / 总编辑 Kentaku Sai Editor in Chief / 主编 Daniel Jones Content Director / 中文主编 Angela Zhang Chinese Chief Editor / 执行主编 Coco Long Art and Design 设计团队 Art Director / 设计总监 Liu Xiao Design Supervisor / 创意主管 Liu Liechao Design Team / 设计团队 Ding Ding, Wang Li, Wang Haibo, Wang Gang Editing and Production 编辑制作 Translation / 翻译 Chen Lina, Linda Qu Assistant Editor / 总编辑助理 Alexander Sui, Yibo Lv Interns / 实习生 Dominic Yang,Ali Esmaili,Catherina Christina Marie Production Advisor / 制作顾问 Sonia Tellez Staff Editors / 编辑 Pam Peters, Mira Wu Staff Writers / 撰稿人 Kris Van De Velde, Bas Overtoom, Linda Synnott, James Howden, Angie Xu, Lillian Fisher, Huang Haisu, Uliana Olson, Yu Ge, Zhang Shi Kun,Tan Xiaoguo(Aushi)

Current Contributors 近期贡献者 Alyn Smith,Chris Livengood Marketing and Sales 市场及营销策划 Marketing Manager / 市场策划经理 Ross Newell Sales Manager / 营销策划经理 Vivian Fei Sales Supervisor / 营销策划主管 Zhao Tian Sales Consultants / 营销策划顾问 Zhang Yelin, Tan Youqiang Distribution Manager / 发行经理 Shania Fu Distribution Consultant / 发行顾问 Yang Yue PR and Events 公共关系及活动团队 PR Director / 公关部总监 Melissa Xu Project Manager / 公关部项目经理 Du Yingying, Senior Project Planner / 高级策划师 Feng Xiangwei Photography 视觉管理 Photography Manager / 摄影总监 Lisa Wang Photographers / 摄影 Shen Zixuan, Greg Rogala Planning Department 策划管理 Promotions Manager / 策划部经理 Mu Yuhan Social Media and IT 社会媒体及 IT IT Manager / 技术总监 Chen Yu Administration Assistant / 行政助理 Joyce Tao

Complimentary copy, not for sale. 非卖品,仅限赠阅

8  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

Hotel News




大连远洋洲际酒店 夏日露天烧烤自助晚餐

Celebrate the legendary Oktoberfest this year at the Paulaner Brauhaus of Kempinski Hotel Dalian from October 23 to 26 with the world famous Max Zankl Swing & Show Band from Munich. Enjoy Brewmaster’s Oktoberfest Beer, German specialties and the exciting atmosphere.

Enjoy Special Buffet Dinner only at the InterContinental Dalian. The Highest BBQ in the city, overlooking the picturesque streets of Dalian. We are serving various flame grilled western and local BBQ meats and seafood. Listen to great music, sip on an ice cold beer and relax. Come and spend a night in the company of friends and family at our café @ 6 terraces. Every Friday and Saturday night enjoy oysters, sashimi, sushi and other seafood. 入夜的初夏,在大连远洋洲际酒店六楼紫丁香咖啡厅高层的凉台 上,伴着一丝丝微风,欣赏着华灯初上的美景,聆听着优美的音乐, 畅饮着冰爽的啤酒,品尝着美式及当地烤肉和海鲜,佐以厨师各种精 心调配的酱料, 俨然一处宁夏小夜。 每周五、周六,将有生蚝、寿司、三文鱼等更多海鲜美味待您品尝。

享誉世界的德国十月啤酒节于 10 月 23 日至 26 日在大连凯宾斯 基饭店普拉那啤酒坊餐厅隆重举行。驻店德国酿酒师特别酿制了“十 月啤酒节啤酒”,著名的慕尼黑 “Max Zankl Swing & Show” 乐队 远道而来,现场引爆为期 4 天的啤酒节狂欢派对。相约凯宾斯基,让 香醇的啤酒、德国的美食、激情的音乐和醉人的氛围,伴您度过美妙 的德国啤酒节狂欢之夜。


全季酒店 • 中档商务品牌连锁酒店



The All Seasons Hotel (originally named Hanting All Seasons Hotel) will open on Renmin Road early September. Its simple but quality design, much-liked facilities and excellent service provide a new relaxing choice for business clients.

Located at the beautiful Xinghai Square, these service apartments are easily accessible. Its newly-decorated rooms can compete with five-star hotels and also come with individual WiFi. Any client who makes a reservation for 6 months can enjoy one month for free.

全季酒店(原名汉庭全季酒店)将于 9 月上旬在人民路黄金路段 开业。简约而富有品质的设计风格,深受客户喜爱的酒店设施以及恰 到好处的优质服务,为练达的精英型商旅客人,在大连黄金路段提供 新的住宿休闲选择。

位于风景秀丽的星海广场,坐拥优越地理位置、交通便利。全部 新装修的房间以及媲美五星级酒店的配套设施,使顾客无需花费昂贵 的费用即可享受星级服务。每个房间配备独立 WiFi,使商旅客人不再 为网速发愁。现办理六个月以上入住即可获赠一个月免费续房。

14  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

Hotel News




大连远洋洲际酒店 夏日露天烧烤自助晚餐

Celebrate the legendary Oktoberfest this year at the Paulaner Brauhaus of Kempinski Hotel Dalian from October 23 to 26 with the world famous Max Zankl Swing & Show Band from Munich. Enjoy Brewmaster’s Oktoberfest Beer, German specialties and the exciting atmosphere.

Enjoy Special Buffet Dinner only at the InterContinental Dalian. The Highest BBQ in the city, overlooking the picturesque streets of Dalian. We are serving various flame grilled western and local BBQ meats and seafood. Listen to great music, sip on an ice cold beer and relax. Come and spend a night in the company of friends and family at our café @ 6 terraces. Every Friday and Saturday night enjoy oysters, sashimi, sushi and other seafood. 入夜的初夏,在大连远洋洲际酒店六楼紫丁香咖啡厅高层的凉台 上,伴着一丝丝微风,欣赏着华灯初上的美景,聆听着优美的音乐, 畅饮着冰爽的啤酒,品尝着美式及当地烤肉和海鲜,佐以厨师各种精 心调配的酱料, 俨然一处宁夏小夜。 每周五、周六,将有生蚝、寿司、三文鱼等更多海鲜美味待您品尝。

享誉世界的德国十月啤酒节于 10 月 23 日至 26 日在大连凯宾斯 基饭店普拉那啤酒坊餐厅隆重举行。驻店德国酿酒师特别酿制了“十 月啤酒节啤酒”,著名的慕尼黑 “Max Zankl Swing & Show” 乐队 远道而来,现场引爆为期 4 天的啤酒节狂欢派对。相约凯宾斯基,让 香醇的啤酒、德国的美食、激情的音乐和醉人的氛围,伴您度过美妙 的德国啤酒节狂欢之夜。


全季酒店 • 中档商务品牌连锁酒店



The All Seasons Hotel (originally named Hanting All Seasons Hotel) will open on Renmin Road early September. Its simple but quality design, much-liked facilities and excellent service provide a new relaxing choice for business clients.

Located at the beautiful Xinghai Square, these service apartments are easily accessible. Its newly-decorated rooms can compete with five-star hotels and also come with individual WiFi. Any client who makes a reservation for 6 months can enjoy one month for free.

全季酒店(原名汉庭全季酒店)将于 9 月上旬在人民路黄金路段 开业。简约而富有品质的设计风格,深受客户喜爱的酒店设施以及恰 到好处的优质服务,为练达的精英型商旅客人,在大连黄金路段提供 新的住宿休闲选择。

位于风景秀丽的星海广场,坐拥优越地理位置、交通便利。全部 新装修的房间以及媲美五星级酒店的配套设施,使顾客无需花费昂贵 的费用即可享受星级服务。每个房间配备独立 WiFi,使商旅客人不再 为网速发愁。现办理六个月以上入住即可获赠一个月免费续房。

14  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013



创新 势在必行 2013 年夏季达沃斯 新领军者年会 9 月 11 日  ̄ 13 日 中国 • 大连 SEP.11-13TH DALIAN, CHINA By Kentaku Sai, Yibo Lv, Dom Yang 编辑/才轩卓、吕思墨、杨晞旻

Klaus Schwab: The founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum

克劳斯 • 施瓦布:世界经济论坛创始人、主席

Klaus Schwab was born on March 30, 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, he later became a citizen of Switzerland. In 1971, Schwab founded the World Economic Forum as a not-for-profit foundation committed to improving the state of the world, later building it into today's global partnership of business, political, and intellectual leaders. He paid a visit to China on October, 1997. He has been to China several times since; He came inJune, 2000 for the 21st Century Forum Annual Meeting, June, 2000 for the opening ceremony of Beijing Representative Office of the World Economy Forum, September, 2007 for the “From Davos to Dalian, Annual Meeting of the New Champions” and in September 2009 and 2011, Schwab participated Dalian Summer Davos Forum. 克劳斯 • 施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab),1938 年 3 月 30 日出生于德国的拉芬斯堡,后加入瑞士籍。于 1971 年倡议创建了世界经济论坛,并担任论坛主席。1997 年 10 月访问中国。2000 年 6 月,来华 参加“21 世纪论坛”2000 年会议。2006 年 6 月来华参加世界经济论坛北京代表处揭牌仪式。2007 年 9 月参加“从达沃斯到大连——新领军者年会”。2009 年 9 月参加大连夏季达沃斯年会。2011 年 9 月参加大连夏季达沃斯年会。

The World Economic Forum is an unofficial international organization that aims at researching and discussing economic problems existing in world economy field, promoting international economic cooperation and communication. The World Economic Forum usually holds its annual conference in Davos at the beginning of every year, which is the reason why The World Economic Forum is also called Davos. In 2005, the chairman of The World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab came up with the idea of holding a Summer Davos in China. The World Economic Forum, Beijing Representative Office was established in 2006 June, which was the first representative office setup outside Switzerland. Since 2007, The World Economic Forum has held annual meetings of the New Champions in China (Summer Davos Forum).The goal of the summer Davos Forum is to provide Global Growth Companies with a platform to discuss issues and share experience. “From now on the World Economic Forum has two pillars, the Winter Davos and the Summer Davos. We plan to develop the

Summer Davos to be on the same scale as the Winter Davos. The Summer Davos is going to focus on discussing enterprises internationalization issues.” Schwab said. Because of Dalian’s rapid development and fully equipped infrastructure, Dalian became the first city to hold the Summer Davos Forum. The seventh Summer Davos annual meeting is going to be held in Dalian this year and the theme will be “Meeting the Innovation Imperative”. 1500 influential leaders from more than 90 countries will get together in the newly-built Dalian modern International Conference Center to discuss the most important economic, industrial and technologic trends that influence consumers’ behavior, commercial models and regulations. With the continuous development of the Chinese economy and because members of OECD are currently in long-term economic crisis, world economy regulations are expected to change in the next 10 years. Although these changes are expected, no one is sure how exactly they will be affected.

Presently, western countries can’t find a balance between their financial systems and the real economy and the major economic entities in Asia haven’t finished the transition from export-oriented increase to consumeroriented increase. However, factors such as population growth, resource exhaustion and environmental degradation show that some innovative slutions are needed as we move forward. What kind of model could produce this breakthrough? Which factors, new models and technologies could change the industrial environment? What is the new economic growth trajectory? and how can the innovation of business circles improve risk-reduction? As the chairman of the World Economic Forum, Schwab has observed changes in the world economic structure. Because of the rapid development of large rising economies like China and the gradual form of multiple economic powers, Schwab has visited China several times to seed new ideas for the forum.

世界经济论坛是以研究和探讨世界经 济领域存在的问题,促进国际经济合作与 交流为宗旨的非官方国际性机构。通常在 每年年初,世界经济论坛都要在达沃斯召 开年会,因此世界经济论坛也被称为“达 沃斯论坛”。 2005 年,世界经济论坛主席克劳斯 •

发展成与冬季达沃斯年会规模、影响相当 的大型国际会议,重点讨论全球成长型公 司关注的企业国际化问题。 大连因其快速的发展和完善的基础设 施,而成为夏季达沃斯年会的首个主办城 市。施瓦布比较大连与达沃斯两个会场, 连续用了三个“Bigger”(更大)来形容, 然后又补充了一个词“Fantastic”(梦 幻般的)。 9 月 11 日 ~13 日 , 第七届夏季达沃 斯年会在中国大连举行,年会的主题是“创 新: 势 在 必 行”。 来 自 90 多 个 国 家 的 1500 多名颇具影响力的领袖,相聚于大连 新建的现代化国际会议中心,共同探讨那 些深刻影响消费者行为、商业模式和增长 规律的,最为关键的经济、行业和技术动态。 随着中国经济的持续发展和经合组织 成员国经济长期陷入危机,未来十年的世 界经济秩序预计将发生变化。尽管人们对

发生这个战略性转变几乎毫不怀疑,但是 他们对其可能产生的结构性影响也感到一 片茫然。当前,西方国家的金融体系和实 体经济之间的关系尚未取得平衡,而亚洲 主要经济体也尚未完成从出口型增长到消 费型增长的转变。 然而,人口趋势、资源枯竭和环境恶 化等情况都表明,未来需要加大创新力度。 那么,什么样的领导力模式才能产生突破 式创新呢?哪些主要趋势、新型模式和新 兴技术能改变行业生态环境呢?未来的经 济增长点是什么?企业界的创新如何增强 社会的风险抵御力? 作为世界经济论坛的掌门人,施瓦布 对世界经济格局的变化有着敏锐的观察和 切身的体会。中国等新兴经济大国的飞速 发展,世界经济多极力量的逐步形成,使 得他一次又一次来到中国,寻求新的灵感, 寻求论坛新的突破,

施瓦布提出了“中国夏季达沃斯”的设想。 2006 年 6 月,世界经济论坛北京代表处 成立,这是世界经济论坛在瑞士境外设立 的首家代表机构。 世界经济论坛于 2007 年开始,每年 在中国举办世界新领军者年会(“夏季达 沃斯”论坛)。夏季达沃斯论坛的目的是 为“全球成长型公司”创造一个与成熟企 业共同讨论、分享经验的平台。 “今后世界经济论坛将有两个支柱, 一个是冬季达沃斯,一个是夏季达沃斯” 施瓦布说。世界经济论坛打算把夏季年会

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september-october 2013


focus on dalian

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Industry Summit 行业峰会

Meeting Agenda Highlights 议程亮点 The New Champions Annual Meeting 2013 is aiming to provide a neutral platform for the communication and sharing of information among world leaders through special procedures.

2013 年 新 领 军者年会的议 程旨在提供 一个中立的平 台,通过各种 特殊的环节和 形式让全球领 导者进行相互 交流和学习。

★ “Insight, new concept” series meetings: each meeting will last 30 minutes, on which the thought leaders will have conversations and each leader will introduce one influential new concept. ★ Culture series meetings: Artists and cultural leaders will share innovative ideas. ★ Scientific meeting: each artistic and scientific issue will be discussed through strong visual representations played on a wide projection screen. Forum debate meeting: topics will be debated through quick team based discussions, audience members can also participate. ★ “Global Future” series meetings: experts and strategy-makers from The Global Agenda Council and Risk Response Network will discuss trends that will change global or regional futures. ★ Creative Studio: World-acknowledged experts will use on-the-spot presentations and team discussions to introduce bold creative ideas. This meeting’s partners includes: European Research Council (ERC), Fudan University (FDU), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), School of Advanced International Studies in Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), National University of Singapore (NUS), Nature Magazine, Peking University and Oxford University. ★ Innovations: there will be five ‘innovative’ regions in New Champions Annual Meeting, and innovators will communicate with audiences. They will show us the power of innovation by introducing cutting-edge technology, new products and original ideas. ★ Talk to Supervisors: Supervisors of The New Champions Annual Meeting will communicate with committee members to discuss relative topics and challenges faced. ★ Solution Exploration series meetings: held by committee leaders of the forum to discuss some creative solutions to difficult issues as well as their influence. ★ “Strategy Changes” series meetings: participated in by global business leaders in various fields, aiming to introduce new trends, new models and new technology that will change industry structure. ★ TV debate meetings: this series of meetings are made by the forum and media and broadcasted globally to millions. This year’ s annual meeting cooperative media partners include: Pengbo TV Station, Money Magazine, Caixin Media, Singapore News Asia, CCTV, CNBC and CNBC African Channel, Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) and Phoenix Television. A highly-interactive meeting with the aim to encourage peers studying, analyzing and solving of complex strategic issues. ★“洞察力,新观念”系列会议:每场会议持续 30 分钟,与各行业思想领袖进行对话,每位领袖重点介绍一个影响所有人的新观念。 ★文化系列会议:艺术家和文化领袖在独特的文化氛围中,分享其富有创意的理念和新颖观点 。 ★科技区会议:通过宽大的高清投影屏幕,演示具有强烈视觉效果的内容,深入探讨从艺术到科学的各项议题 。 ★论坛辩论会:通过快速紧凑的小组讨论针对设定辩题进行辩论,现场观众也可以参与辩论。 ★“全球未来”系列会议:全球议程理事会和风险应对网络的专家与决策者共同探讨深刻改变全球、区域和行业格局的趋势和动态 。 ★创想研究室:世界知名专家将富有创意的现场演示和小组讨论结合在一起,介绍大胆而创新的设想。本届会议的合作伙伴包括: 欧洲研究理事会 (ERC) 、复旦大学、香港科技大学(HKUST)、新经济思维研究所 (INET) 、约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学 院 (SAIS) 、麻省理工学院(MIT)、新加坡国立大学(NUS)、自然杂志、北京大学、牛津大学。 ★创新:年会将在新领军者村设置五个“创新”区域,安排新领军者社区的颠覆式创新者与大家见面并展开交流。这些创新者将通 过介绍前沿技术、新型产品和原创思想,向我们展示创新的力量 。 ★与导师交流:邀请新领军者年会导师与新领军者社区会员展开生动的交流,共同探讨一系列相关话题与领导力所面临的挑战 。 ★探讨解决方案系列会议:由论坛许多社区领导开展,重点研究解决某些棘手问题的创造性方式,进一步探讨其影响力和可推广性。 ★“战略转变”系列会议:由各行业的全球商业领袖参加的一系列会议,介绍那些正在改变行业格局的新趋势、新模式和新技术 。 ★电视辩论会:该系列会议由论坛和媒体领袖联合制作并在全球播出,拥有数百万观众;本届年会的媒体合作伙伴包括:彭博电视台、 《财经》杂志、财新传媒、新加坡亚洲新闻台、CCTV、CNBC 及 CNBC 非洲频道、日本广播公司 (NHK)、凤凰卫视 。 ★研讨工作实和研讨空间会议:为高度互动式讨论会,鼓励同侪学习、分析和解决各种复杂的战略性问题。

The World Economic Forum also hold private sessions to provide key issue solutions from multiindustry perspectives. These sessions are related to formal agendas and involve industries such as: energy and resource, health care, information technology and telecommunication, Infrastructure and city development, metal mining, communication and transportation and science and technology. These sessions are invitation only. 世界经济论坛举办同侪间的闭门会议,就新出现的关键问题为参会者提供跨行业的多方利益 相关者观点。这些密集的互动式闭门会议与正式议程的主题是相互关联的,其相关行业议题包括: 能源与资源、医疗卫生、信息技术和电信、基础设施与城市发展、金属采矿、交通运输、科学技术。 该部分闭门会议仅凭邀请参会。

Main Agenda 议程主要内容

Interactive Discussions 互动式集中讨论

These days the world is facing unprecedented and complex global challenges, which involve the economy, politics, society and the environment. It is predicted that China’s growth and the gloomy current situation of each economic OECD member will change the global economic order. Population increase, resource shortage and a growing competition gap has put more pressure on governments and has urged them to improve economic growth and stability, employment, social fairness and sustainable development. New business strategies, new technology and internet consuming behaviors have taken over from traditional operating methods, but traditional business styles still have an influence on the new. All these elements show that innovation, which is key to performing changes within the economic and social scopes of organizations is becoming an important part of the economy-promoting and risk-resisting solution. Under these circumstances, the World Economic Forum has set the topic of this year’s annual meeting as ‘Innovation: imperative’.

To exert the power of innovation

当今世界正面临一系列前所未有、错综 复杂的全球性挑战,涉及经济、政治、社会和 环境等领域。预计中国的增长轨迹和经合组织 各经济体的长期不景气状况将改变全球经济秩 序。人口趋势、资源短缺和日益扩大的竞争力 鸿沟增加了政府部门的压力,促使其推动增长 和创造就业,同时确保财政稳健、社会平等和 环境可持续发展。全新的商业模式、各种新兴 技术以及互联时代公民与消费者行为方式的改 变不仅颠覆了传统企业经营模式,也受到了传 统企业的干扰。 所有这些因素都表明,创新,即努力在组 织机构的经济或社会潜力范围内实现有计划、 有重点的变革,正日益成为推动经济增长、提 升竞争力和抵御风险的重要因素。在此背景下, 世界经济论坛将 2013 年新领军者年会主题设 定为“创新:势在必行”。

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How can leaders stay current during periods of rapid transition in technology, economy and society? How can we create an innovative ecosystem? How can leaders best utilize their talents and have the competitive edge? Which aspects of business innovation will overturn industry and market? How can each institution promote innovation using social technology? How can we promote new education models to solve the global talent shortage? In what way will the new strategy-making model help people become more easily adaptable in a complex environment?

释放创新的力量 ★在技术、经济和社会快速转型的过程中,领导者应当如何学习? ★如何打造有利于创新和创业的生态系统? ★领先的创新者如何将人力资本转变为竞争优势? ★商业模式方面的哪些创新将颠覆行业和市场? ★各机构如何运用社会技术推动创新? ★如何推广全新的教育模式,以解决全球范围内的人才短缺问题? ★新的决策模式如何有助于人们在复杂的环境中游刃有余?

Linking international markets

How does high-potential investment affect political and business structures? How do changes in China’s development influence global economic growth? How will the political condition of Northeast Asia influence the investment, trade and supply chain? Since the Doha Round of World Trade Talks ended in deadlock, how much potential is there for trans-pacific and transatlantic trade cooperation? How can each institution increase the risk-resistance power of their supply chains? Since western countries are facing low-growth, how can the new market sustain their economic increase? How can we put anti-corruption efforts at the core of future development models?

连接各国市场 ★高增长经济体的对外资本投资将如何改变政治和商业格局? ★中国发展模式的转变将如何影响全球增长? ★东北亚紧张的政治局势将如何影响投资、贸易和供应链? ★随着多哈谈判陷入僵局,新兴的跨太平洋和跨大西洋贸易合作计划具有多大潜力? ★各类机构如何打造供应链的风险抵御力? ★在西方国家面临低增长态势的背景下,表现突出的新兴市场将如何维持增长? ★如何将反腐工作置于增长和发展模式的核心位置?

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Industry Summit 行业峰会

Meeting Agenda Highlights 议程亮点 The New Champions Annual Meeting 2013 is aiming to provide a neutral platform for the communication and sharing of information among world leaders through special procedures.

2013 年 新 领 军者年会的议 程旨在提供 一个中立的平 台,通过各种 特殊的环节和 形式让全球领 导者进行相互 交流和学习。

★ “Insight, new concept” series meetings: each meeting will last 30 minutes, on which the thought leaders will have conversations and each leader will introduce one influential new concept. ★ Culture series meetings: Artists and cultural leaders will share innovative ideas. ★ Scientific meeting: each artistic and scientific issue will be discussed through strong visual representations played on a wide projection screen. Forum debate meeting: topics will be debated through quick team based discussions, audience members can also participate. ★ “Global Future” series meetings: experts and strategy-makers from The Global Agenda Council and Risk Response Network will discuss trends that will change global or regional futures. ★ Creative Studio: World-acknowledged experts will use on-the-spot presentations and team discussions to introduce bold creative ideas. This meeting’s partners includes: European Research Council (ERC), Fudan University (FDU), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), School of Advanced International Studies in Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), National University of Singapore (NUS), Nature Magazine, Peking University and Oxford University. ★ Innovations: there will be five ‘innovative’ regions in New Champions Annual Meeting, and innovators will communicate with audiences. They will show us the power of innovation by introducing cutting-edge technology, new products and original ideas. ★ Talk to Supervisors: Supervisors of The New Champions Annual Meeting will communicate with committee members to discuss relative topics and challenges faced. ★ Solution Exploration series meetings: held by committee leaders of the forum to discuss some creative solutions to difficult issues as well as their influence. ★ “Strategy Changes” series meetings: participated in by global business leaders in various fields, aiming to introduce new trends, new models and new technology that will change industry structure. ★ TV debate meetings: this series of meetings are made by the forum and media and broadcasted globally to millions. This year’ s annual meeting cooperative media partners include: Pengbo TV Station, Money Magazine, Caixin Media, Singapore News Asia, CCTV, CNBC and CNBC African Channel, Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) and Phoenix Television. A highly-interactive meeting with the aim to encourage peers studying, analyzing and solving of complex strategic issues. ★“洞察力,新观念”系列会议:每场会议持续 30 分钟,与各行业思想领袖进行对话,每位领袖重点介绍一个影响所有人的新观念。 ★文化系列会议:艺术家和文化领袖在独特的文化氛围中,分享其富有创意的理念和新颖观点 。 ★科技区会议:通过宽大的高清投影屏幕,演示具有强烈视觉效果的内容,深入探讨从艺术到科学的各项议题 。 ★论坛辩论会:通过快速紧凑的小组讨论针对设定辩题进行辩论,现场观众也可以参与辩论。 ★“全球未来”系列会议:全球议程理事会和风险应对网络的专家与决策者共同探讨深刻改变全球、区域和行业格局的趋势和动态 。 ★创想研究室:世界知名专家将富有创意的现场演示和小组讨论结合在一起,介绍大胆而创新的设想。本届会议的合作伙伴包括: 欧洲研究理事会 (ERC) 、复旦大学、香港科技大学(HKUST)、新经济思维研究所 (INET) 、约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学 院 (SAIS) 、麻省理工学院(MIT)、新加坡国立大学(NUS)、自然杂志、北京大学、牛津大学。 ★创新:年会将在新领军者村设置五个“创新”区域,安排新领军者社区的颠覆式创新者与大家见面并展开交流。这些创新者将通 过介绍前沿技术、新型产品和原创思想,向我们展示创新的力量 。 ★与导师交流:邀请新领军者年会导师与新领军者社区会员展开生动的交流,共同探讨一系列相关话题与领导力所面临的挑战 。 ★探讨解决方案系列会议:由论坛许多社区领导开展,重点研究解决某些棘手问题的创造性方式,进一步探讨其影响力和可推广性。 ★“战略转变”系列会议:由各行业的全球商业领袖参加的一系列会议,介绍那些正在改变行业格局的新趋势、新模式和新技术 。 ★电视辩论会:该系列会议由论坛和媒体领袖联合制作并在全球播出,拥有数百万观众;本届年会的媒体合作伙伴包括:彭博电视台、 《财经》杂志、财新传媒、新加坡亚洲新闻台、CCTV、CNBC 及 CNBC 非洲频道、日本广播公司 (NHK)、凤凰卫视 。 ★研讨工作实和研讨空间会议:为高度互动式讨论会,鼓励同侪学习、分析和解决各种复杂的战略性问题。

The World Economic Forum also hold private sessions to provide key issue solutions from multiindustry perspectives. These sessions are related to formal agendas and involve industries such as: energy and resource, health care, information technology and telecommunication, Infrastructure and city development, metal mining, communication and transportation and science and technology. These sessions are invitation only. 世界经济论坛举办同侪间的闭门会议,就新出现的关键问题为参会者提供跨行业的多方利益 相关者观点。这些密集的互动式闭门会议与正式议程的主题是相互关联的,其相关行业议题包括: 能源与资源、医疗卫生、信息技术和电信、基础设施与城市发展、金属采矿、交通运输、科学技术。 该部分闭门会议仅凭邀请参会。

Main Agenda 议程主要内容

Interactive Discussions 互动式集中讨论

These days the world is facing unprecedented and complex global challenges, which involve the economy, politics, society and the environment. It is predicted that China’s growth and the gloomy current situation of each economic OECD member will change the global economic order. Population increase, resource shortage and a growing competition gap has put more pressure on governments and has urged them to improve economic growth and stability, employment, social fairness and sustainable development. New business strategies, new technology and internet consuming behaviors have taken over from traditional operating methods, but traditional business styles still have an influence on the new. All these elements show that innovation, which is key to performing changes within the economic and social scopes of organizations is becoming an important part of the economy-promoting and risk-resisting solution. Under these circumstances, the World Economic Forum has set the topic of this year’s annual meeting as ‘Innovation: imperative’.

To exert the power of innovation

当今世界正面临一系列前所未有、错综 复杂的全球性挑战,涉及经济、政治、社会和 环境等领域。预计中国的增长轨迹和经合组织 各经济体的长期不景气状况将改变全球经济秩 序。人口趋势、资源短缺和日益扩大的竞争力 鸿沟增加了政府部门的压力,促使其推动增长 和创造就业,同时确保财政稳健、社会平等和 环境可持续发展。全新的商业模式、各种新兴 技术以及互联时代公民与消费者行为方式的改 变不仅颠覆了传统企业经营模式,也受到了传 统企业的干扰。 所有这些因素都表明,创新,即努力在组 织机构的经济或社会潜力范围内实现有计划、 有重点的变革,正日益成为推动经济增长、提 升竞争力和抵御风险的重要因素。在此背景下, 世界经济论坛将 2013 年新领军者年会主题设 定为“创新:势在必行”。

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How can leaders stay current during periods of rapid transition in technology, economy and society? How can we create an innovative ecosystem? How can leaders best utilize their talents and have the competitive edge? Which aspects of business innovation will overturn industry and market? How can each institution promote innovation using social technology? How can we promote new education models to solve the global talent shortage? In what way will the new strategy-making model help people become more easily adaptable in a complex environment?

释放创新的力量 ★在技术、经济和社会快速转型的过程中,领导者应当如何学习? ★如何打造有利于创新和创业的生态系统? ★领先的创新者如何将人力资本转变为竞争优势? ★商业模式方面的哪些创新将颠覆行业和市场? ★各机构如何运用社会技术推动创新? ★如何推广全新的教育模式,以解决全球范围内的人才短缺问题? ★新的决策模式如何有助于人们在复杂的环境中游刃有余?

Linking international markets

How does high-potential investment affect political and business structures? How do changes in China’s development influence global economic growth? How will the political condition of Northeast Asia influence the investment, trade and supply chain? Since the Doha Round of World Trade Talks ended in deadlock, how much potential is there for trans-pacific and transatlantic trade cooperation? How can each institution increase the risk-resistance power of their supply chains? Since western countries are facing low-growth, how can the new market sustain their economic increase? How can we put anti-corruption efforts at the core of future development models?

连接各国市场 ★高增长经济体的对外资本投资将如何改变政治和商业格局? ★中国发展模式的转变将如何影响全球增长? ★东北亚紧张的政治局势将如何影响投资、贸易和供应链? ★随着多哈谈判陷入僵局,新兴的跨太平洋和跨大西洋贸易合作计划具有多大潜力? ★各类机构如何打造供应链的风险抵御力? ★在西方国家面临低增长态势的背景下,表现突出的新兴市场将如何维持增长? ★如何将反腐工作置于增长和发展模式的核心位置?

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Cultural Banquet 文化晚宴


Tour of Industrial Areas 达沃斯产业游

Dalian High-Tech Zone

Dalian High-Tech Zone is a national high-tech zone first approved by the State Council in March, 1991. In 2008, it was awarded status as a “National Advanced High-Tech Zone” by the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is the base of the high-tech industry in Dalian, the platform of independent innovation, the core zone of software and service outsourcing, the pilot zone of Dalian’s opening strategy and the demonstration zone of revitalizing the city through science and technology. The Dalian High-Tech Zone is made up of high-tech industries with more than 5,000 companies. Ninety six of these companies are top 500 global companies including IBM, HP, Ericsson and Dell. In the first half of 2013, the GDP reached 12.03 billion RMB, with a comparable growth of 9.8%. Some of the featured industries in the park are software and information technology services which are developing rapidly. The software and information technology services are being developed towards advanced services of embedded software, system integration and industry solution.

大连高新区 With the help of the Davos Forum, as a worldwide platform, some of the world’s leading enterprises will have better understanding of the development of Dalian through a tour of high-tech industrial areas (including Dalian High-tech Zone, Dalian Ascendas IT Park and Dalian Software Park). It has been organized with the aim of attracting new companies to Dalian.

借助夏季达沃斯论坛这一世界性平台,让 世界各界领军企业充分了解大连的创新发展, 特开展高新区(包括腾飞园区、东软国际软 件园在内)的产业游,旨在吸引全球精英, 为大连的发展注入世界级的新鲜活力。

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大连高新技术产业园区,是国务院 1991 年 3 月首批批准的国家级高新技术产业园区 之一,2008 年被科技部评为“国家先进高新 区”,是大连市高新技术产业基地、自主创新 平台、软件和服务外包的核心区,也是大连市 的对外开放先导区、科技兴市的示范区。大连 高新区是高新技术产业聚集的基地,拥有企 业 5000 多家。IBM、惠普、爱立信、戴尔等 96 个世界 500 强企业项目在高新区落户。仅 2013 年上半年,国内生产总值达 120.3 亿元, 可比增长 9.8%,以软件和信息技术服务业为 核心的特色主导产业更是高速发展,产业高端 化和集聚效应明显,软件和信息技术服务快速 向嵌入式软件、系统集成、行业解决方案等高 端服务挺进。

Dalian Software Park

Dalian Software Park was established in 1998, and it has been developed into the biggest ITO/BPO/KPO industrial base and an ecological science and technology park integrating production, study and research. Software enterprises and talents are all gathered here, which has been good for the city, saving significant energy and promoting the adjustment and improvement of economic structure. It’s a center of software and service innovation in Asia Pacific, and a successful model in the development process of China's urbanization. As one of eleven “National Software Industrial Bases” and six “National Software Export Bases”, Dalian Software Park is honored as the most international Software Park in China with the highest level of development. Preferential investment policies, rich talent resources, multi-channel capital sources and vibrant market management in the park has made for an excellent development space for domestic and overseas software enterprises.

Dalian Ascendas IT Park

Dalian Ascendas IT Park is located at the Lvshun South Road and referred to as Dalian’s future Silicon Valley. This 15km software industrial belt is specified by Dalian municipal government as a pilot park of the software industry’s development in Dalian. The launch of the Ascendas IT Park plays an important role in the rapid development of the whole software industrial belt. The Ascendas IT Park is a park invested in 50% by the Singapore Ascendas Group and 50% by Dalian Software Park Company. It will learn from the successes of the two sides, especially from the experience of the Ascendas Group becoming a successful science and technology park in Asia, and provide an international first-grade business space for IT people in Dalian.



大连软件园于 1998 年奠基,目前已发展 成为国内最具规模的 ITO/BPO/KPO 产业基 地和产学研一体的生态科技园区,成功实现了 软件企业和人才的高度聚集,为城市创造了巨 大财富,节省了大量能源,推动着经济结构的 不断调整升级,成为亚太区的软件和服务创新 中心,中国城市化发展进程中的一个成功标杆。 作为全国 11 个“国家软件产业基地”之一和 6 个“国家软件出口基地”之一,大连软件园 被誉为中国发展水平最高、最国际化的国家级 软件园。园区内优惠的投资政策,丰富的人才 资源、多渠道的资金来源和活跃的市场营销为 国内外软件企业提供了良好的发展空间。

大连软件园腾飞园区位于大连未来绿色硅谷 的旅顺南路。大连软件产业带延长 15 公里,被 市政府指定为大连未来软件行业持续增长和发展 的先导区。腾飞园区的启动在推动整个软件产业 带的快速发展中起到重要的作用。大连软件园腾 飞园区由新加坡腾飞集团,与大连软件园股份有 限公司分别出资 50%,共同开发的园区。大连 软件园腾飞园区将借鉴合资双方在园区开发中的 成功模式,尤其将汲取腾飞集团在亚洲范围内成 功科技园的特色和经验,为大连的 IT 人士提供 一个首屈一指、朝气蓬勃的国际化商务空间。

When The Dalian Summer Davos Forum Preparatory and Coordinating Committee researched and arranged every job at the first plenary meeting this year, the mayor of Dalian, Li Wancai emphasized that holding a splendid Davos annual meeting is a full round test to the leadership standards, organizational abilities and service quality o f t h e c i t y. W e n e e d t o i n s i s t o n t h e following working principles of “highlighting features, enhancing coordination, careful organization and limited environmental and economic effects” to put on a high standard international large scale meeting with unique characteristics whilst being environmentally friendly. Mayor Li pointed out that “The Summer Davos” in Asia: Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2013 is a worldwide international meeting and Dalian is going to make use of the exposure from this meeting to show Dalian’s advanced industries, characteristic productions and local culture to the world. We should communicate with world famous enterprises and let the world hear the voice of Dalian, we should make

sure the annual meeting has the special mark of Dalian. The city should catch this opportunity and positively start many kinds of trade communication activities to gain solid business achievements, move forward and help stimulate the development of Dalian and increase Dalian’s international

2013 年大连市夏季达沃斯论坛筹备协调 委员会的第一次全体会议,研究部署各项筹 备工作时,大连市市长李万才强调,举办一 届精彩的达沃斯年会,是对大连市领导水平、 组织能力和服务水准的全面考验。要坚持“突 出特色、加强协调、精心组织、绿色节俭” 的工作原则,扎扎实实做好各项筹备工作, 把本届年会办成高水平、有特色、绿色节俭 的国际盛会。李万才市长指出,世界经济论 坛“2013 新领军者年会”是世界瞩目的国际 经济会议,大连要借助这个平台进一步扩大 城市影响,展示城市魅力,办一届大连元素 和特色突出、城市充分受益的年会。要通过 这次年会,把大连的优势产业、特色产品、 地域文化向世界充分展示。要与世界知名企 业广泛开展对话交流,向世界发出大连的声 音,使年会打上鲜明的大连印记。以本届年

会为契机,积极有效地开展各种形式的经贸 交流活动,取得实实在在的经贸成果,进一 步激发大连经济发展活力,全面提升大连国 际化水平。 在整个夏季达沃斯的组织承办上,大连 可谓经验丰富。本届年会,将从方方面面突 出文化内涵,城市气质。其中,文化晚宴部分, 三面环海的大连,将代表海鲜之家的螃蟹、 海螺、牡蛎,奉献给全世界贵宾品尝。与往 届相比,本次晚宴突出大连本地的美食文化。 蓝天碧海是大连这座海滨城市的名片,温带 海洋性气候使大连特产的樱桃、苹果、桃子 久负盛名。晚宴上,新领军者年会上的精英, 在愉快的氛围下品尝着海鲜,餐后水果更是 锦上添花,让嘉宾在美食中去构想世界的未 来。

presence. Dalian has affluent experience in holding The Summer Davos. This year, Dalian is going to highlight cultural connotation and city spirit. For the Cultural Dinner part, the coastal city with three sides is going to let distinguished guests from around the world taste its seafood such as crabs, conches and oysters that represent the home of seafood. Compared to previous years, this Cultural Dinner is going to project Dalian local cuisine culture. Blue sea and clear sky is the name card of Dalian and thanks to the temperate marine climate, cherries, apples and peaches from Dalian are famous across China. Attendees will be treated to a dinner featuring locally produced seafood and fruits.

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Cultural Banquet 文化晚宴


Tour of Industrial Areas 达沃斯产业游

Dalian High-Tech Zone

Dalian High-Tech Zone is a national high-tech zone first approved by the State Council in March, 1991. In 2008, it was awarded status as a “National Advanced High-Tech Zone” by the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is the base of the high-tech industry in Dalian, the platform of independent innovation, the core zone of software and service outsourcing, the pilot zone of Dalian’s opening strategy and the demonstration zone of revitalizing the city through science and technology. The Dalian High-Tech Zone is made up of high-tech industries with more than 5,000 companies. Ninety six of these companies are top 500 global companies including IBM, HP, Ericsson and Dell. In the first half of 2013, the GDP reached 12.03 billion RMB, with a comparable growth of 9.8%. Some of the featured industries in the park are software and information technology services which are developing rapidly. The software and information technology services are being developed towards advanced services of embedded software, system integration and industry solution.

大连高新区 With the help of the Davos Forum, as a worldwide platform, some of the world’s leading enterprises will have better understanding of the development of Dalian through a tour of high-tech industrial areas (including Dalian High-tech Zone, Dalian Ascendas IT Park and Dalian Software Park). It has been organized with the aim of attracting new companies to Dalian.

借助夏季达沃斯论坛这一世界性平台,让 世界各界领军企业充分了解大连的创新发展, 特开展高新区(包括腾飞园区、东软国际软 件园在内)的产业游,旨在吸引全球精英, 为大连的发展注入世界级的新鲜活力。

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大连高新技术产业园区,是国务院 1991 年 3 月首批批准的国家级高新技术产业园区 之一,2008 年被科技部评为“国家先进高新 区”,是大连市高新技术产业基地、自主创新 平台、软件和服务外包的核心区,也是大连市 的对外开放先导区、科技兴市的示范区。大连 高新区是高新技术产业聚集的基地,拥有企 业 5000 多家。IBM、惠普、爱立信、戴尔等 96 个世界 500 强企业项目在高新区落户。仅 2013 年上半年,国内生产总值达 120.3 亿元, 可比增长 9.8%,以软件和信息技术服务业为 核心的特色主导产业更是高速发展,产业高端 化和集聚效应明显,软件和信息技术服务快速 向嵌入式软件、系统集成、行业解决方案等高 端服务挺进。

Dalian Software Park

Dalian Software Park was established in 1998, and it has been developed into the biggest ITO/BPO/KPO industrial base and an ecological science and technology park integrating production, study and research. Software enterprises and talents are all gathered here, which has been good for the city, saving significant energy and promoting the adjustment and improvement of economic structure. It’s a center of software and service innovation in Asia Pacific, and a successful model in the development process of China's urbanization. As one of eleven “National Software Industrial Bases” and six “National Software Export Bases”, Dalian Software Park is honored as the most international Software Park in China with the highest level of development. Preferential investment policies, rich talent resources, multi-channel capital sources and vibrant market management in the park has made for an excellent development space for domestic and overseas software enterprises.

Dalian Ascendas IT Park

Dalian Ascendas IT Park is located at the Lvshun South Road and referred to as Dalian’s future Silicon Valley. This 15km software industrial belt is specified by Dalian municipal government as a pilot park of the software industry’s development in Dalian. The launch of the Ascendas IT Park plays an important role in the rapid development of the whole software industrial belt. The Ascendas IT Park is a park invested in 50% by the Singapore Ascendas Group and 50% by Dalian Software Park Company. It will learn from the successes of the two sides, especially from the experience of the Ascendas Group becoming a successful science and technology park in Asia, and provide an international first-grade business space for IT people in Dalian.



大连软件园于 1998 年奠基,目前已发展 成为国内最具规模的 ITO/BPO/KPO 产业基 地和产学研一体的生态科技园区,成功实现了 软件企业和人才的高度聚集,为城市创造了巨 大财富,节省了大量能源,推动着经济结构的 不断调整升级,成为亚太区的软件和服务创新 中心,中国城市化发展进程中的一个成功标杆。 作为全国 11 个“国家软件产业基地”之一和 6 个“国家软件出口基地”之一,大连软件园 被誉为中国发展水平最高、最国际化的国家级 软件园。园区内优惠的投资政策,丰富的人才 资源、多渠道的资金来源和活跃的市场营销为 国内外软件企业提供了良好的发展空间。

大连软件园腾飞园区位于大连未来绿色硅谷 的旅顺南路。大连软件产业带延长 15 公里,被 市政府指定为大连未来软件行业持续增长和发展 的先导区。腾飞园区的启动在推动整个软件产业 带的快速发展中起到重要的作用。大连软件园腾 飞园区由新加坡腾飞集团,与大连软件园股份有 限公司分别出资 50%,共同开发的园区。大连 软件园腾飞园区将借鉴合资双方在园区开发中的 成功模式,尤其将汲取腾飞集团在亚洲范围内成 功科技园的特色和经验,为大连的 IT 人士提供 一个首屈一指、朝气蓬勃的国际化商务空间。

When The Dalian Summer Davos Forum Preparatory and Coordinating Committee researched and arranged every job at the first plenary meeting this year, the mayor of Dalian, Li Wancai emphasized that holding a splendid Davos annual meeting is a full round test to the leadership standards, organizational abilities and service quality o f t h e c i t y. W e n e e d t o i n s i s t o n t h e following working principles of “highlighting features, enhancing coordination, careful organization and limited environmental and economic effects” to put on a high standard international large scale meeting with unique characteristics whilst being environmentally friendly. Mayor Li pointed out that “The Summer Davos” in Asia: Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2013 is a worldwide international meeting and Dalian is going to make use of the exposure from this meeting to show Dalian’s advanced industries, characteristic productions and local culture to the world. We should communicate with world famous enterprises and let the world hear the voice of Dalian, we should make

sure the annual meeting has the special mark of Dalian. The city should catch this opportunity and positively start many kinds of trade communication activities to gain solid business achievements, move forward and help stimulate the development of Dalian and increase Dalian’s international

2013 年大连市夏季达沃斯论坛筹备协调 委员会的第一次全体会议,研究部署各项筹 备工作时,大连市市长李万才强调,举办一 届精彩的达沃斯年会,是对大连市领导水平、 组织能力和服务水准的全面考验。要坚持“突 出特色、加强协调、精心组织、绿色节俭” 的工作原则,扎扎实实做好各项筹备工作, 把本届年会办成高水平、有特色、绿色节俭 的国际盛会。李万才市长指出,世界经济论 坛“2013 新领军者年会”是世界瞩目的国际 经济会议,大连要借助这个平台进一步扩大 城市影响,展示城市魅力,办一届大连元素 和特色突出、城市充分受益的年会。要通过 这次年会,把大连的优势产业、特色产品、 地域文化向世界充分展示。要与世界知名企 业广泛开展对话交流,向世界发出大连的声 音,使年会打上鲜明的大连印记。以本届年

会为契机,积极有效地开展各种形式的经贸 交流活动,取得实实在在的经贸成果,进一 步激发大连经济发展活力,全面提升大连国 际化水平。 在整个夏季达沃斯的组织承办上,大连 可谓经验丰富。本届年会,将从方方面面突 出文化内涵,城市气质。其中,文化晚宴部分, 三面环海的大连,将代表海鲜之家的螃蟹、 海螺、牡蛎,奉献给全世界贵宾品尝。与往 届相比,本次晚宴突出大连本地的美食文化。 蓝天碧海是大连这座海滨城市的名片,温带 海洋性气候使大连特产的樱桃、苹果、桃子 久负盛名。晚宴上,新领军者年会上的精英, 在愉快的氛围下品尝着海鲜,餐后水果更是 锦上添花,让嘉宾在美食中去构想世界的未 来。

presence. Dalian has affluent experience in holding The Summer Davos. This year, Dalian is going to highlight cultural connotation and city spirit. For the Cultural Dinner part, the coastal city with three sides is going to let distinguished guests from around the world taste its seafood such as crabs, conches and oysters that represent the home of seafood. Compared to previous years, this Cultural Dinner is going to project Dalian local cuisine culture. Blue sea and clear sky is the name card of Dalian and thanks to the temperate marine climate, cherries, apples and peaches from Dalian are famous across China. Attendees will be treated to a dinner featuring locally produced seafood and fruits.

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Recording the city’s flowing time


南山情调 By Coco Long,Dominic Yang 编辑/ 隆小可、杨晞旻

Nanshan is a nice little area of Dalian, made up of small streets lined with plants and tree and filled with fresh air. It is a reservation site with some of the oldest houses in Dalian and many notable people in history have lived here. Each little house in the Nanshan area seems to have a story to tell. 南山植被茂盛,空气清新,这里小街道连绵, 老房子交错,是令人心醉的城市宁静地。这里散发 着迷人历史情调,这里是大连保存得最完整的老房 子区域,也曾居住很多历史名人。慢慢走在南山街 区,高大的法国梧桐遮天蔽日,过滤都市喧嚣,在 静静时光里,每幢小楼都在讲述时光深处的故事。 september-october 2013


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Recording the city’s flowing time


南山情调 By Coco Long,Dominic Yang 编辑/ 隆小可、杨晞旻

Nanshan is a nice little area of Dalian, made up of small streets lined with plants and tree and filled with fresh air. It is a reservation site with some of the oldest houses in Dalian and many notable people in history have lived here. Each little house in the Nanshan area seems to have a story to tell. 南山植被茂盛,空气清新,这里小街道连绵, 老房子交错,是令人心醉的城市宁静地。这里散发 着迷人历史情调,这里是大连保存得最完整的老房 子区域,也曾居住很多历史名人。慢慢走在南山街 区,高大的法国梧桐遮天蔽日,过滤都市喧嚣,在 静静时光里,每幢小楼都在讲述时光深处的故事。 september-october 2013


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Walking Past the Shadow of Nanshan 走过南山的光影

Text/ JiRuguang (Author of Dalian Old Streets) 文/ 嵇汝广(《大连老街》作者)

The older generations say the best foreignstyle houses are in Nanshan. If you are from Dalian or a newcomer, it would be a shame if you didn’t visit the area. When the sakura petals fall and the sophora flowers blossom, just standing there can bring contentment. Nanshan contains a beauty recognized by the Russians as early as 110 years ago. They made it an aristocratic area for white people. After Qingniwa was occupied by Japanese invaders, 14,000 out of 20,000 Dalian citizens lived at Nanshan. The Japanese wanted to take Nanshan for their own, so during

When the sakura petals fall and the sophora flowers blossom, just standing there can bring contentment. 樱花落了, 槐花遂开了, 徜徉老街老巷, 盘旋胡同院落, 或留连闻香, 或寻觅流光, 或静静发呆, 都是人生最惬意的 消受。

September to November 1905, they drove the Dalianese out. Then the Japanese made new plans for Nanshan. At that time, most streets were named after trees, such as Phoebe, Maple, Willow and Sakura. The earliest houses are called JinJiang Apartments, which are located near the recently built Hongqi community on Youhao Road. Japanese scholar, XizeTaiyan, once commented about these apartments saying, “Man Railway ① was a big cross-industry enterprise. In 1907 it moved to Dalian. They have in total more than 3,000 staff and 10,000 operators called ‘servants’. How to solve their living problem became urgent.” At first, Man Railway adopted the old buildings formerly occupied by Russians. Those houses are located at North ShengliQiao, and are referred to as the ‘Russian houses’ by old Dalian citizens. However, the houses weren’t suitable for Japanese living. The buildings were built in a Russian style and the Japanese Tatami mats wouldn’t fit. In addition, Japanese people are generally shorter than Russians and so the height of chairs and windows were a little high. To solve these problems, Japanese people put in a new layer of flooring to raise the height and also cut their Tatami mats according to the new room dimensions. However, these Russian houses couldn’t meet the needs of more than 10,000 people. So workers in lower positions were reduced to living in stables, with 15-16 people in one 12-15m2 room. Many Japanese complained a lot and referred to the stables as the ‘lowest passenger cabins’. JinJiang Town is on hilly land to the south of Large Square (now known as Zhongshan Square) where you will find Russian architecture. It was only

10 minutes’ walk from Man Railway (present day Luxun Road) and several minutes’ walk from Large Square. So Man Railway decided to invest a large amount of money to construct new apartments for its employees here, these are the Jinjiang Apartments. The Jinjiang Apartments were built in November 1907 and completed in December the next year. The designer was Tai Tianyi. According to the plan, there are 4-6 buildings in each block, 4-12 residence in each building. Seen from old photos, these newstyled buildings were influenced by the English cities of the 20 th century, especially London low-rise apartments. Most of them are Queen Anne Style, not unlike Shanghai or Tianjin’s foreignstyle apartments at that time. The development of Jinjiang Apartments made Nanshan and its surrounding areas the earliest to have this modern, high-class architecture. Later in the 1920s-1930s, the Japanese built another ‘Gongrong Residence’. QinggangZhuoxing once described this residence as “green roof, white wall and red wall fencing”. There is a real mix of architectural styles such as English, French and Dutch buildings with red, brown, green or grey roofs. On each roof there is a long and thin squared chimney, which reminded people of prosperity at that time.” Today the old streets around the Nanshan Hotel still retain their original beauty. With its mix of styles and history I find the area a great place to stroll, reflect, ponder and contemplate. Mother told me that this was because of its spirituality, which is possessed by anything that has existed for over 100 years.

① Man Railway is the short title used for South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd, which was the biggest Japanese monopoly organization and colonization institution in China.

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很多老人都说,南山有大连最好的 洋房,所以,若不来这里走一走,无论 土生的海蛎子,或是外来的沙蚬子,注 定是一份遗憾。樱花落了,槐花遂开了, 徜徉老街老巷,盘旋胡同院落,或留连 闻香,或寻觅流光,或静静发呆,都是 人生最惬意的消受。 南山的丽质应是天生的,早在 110 年前,俄国人就把这个区域纳入了所谓 “欧罗巴区”。言下之意,它是白种人 的贵族区。不过,他们仅仅留下了一纸 迷梦。日本人占据青泥洼后,大连的居 民不足 2 万,其中约有 1.4 万就蜗居在 南山。日本人当然要独享这片风光秀美 的天地,1905 年 9 月至 11 月间,以“下 层中国人的一般杂居,在卫生风纪方面 有值得忧虑之处”为借口,将大连市区 最早的先民强行迁至所谓的“支那街(即 小岗子,今东关街区域)”。 当时,南山的街道多以树木来命名, 如楠町、枫町、柳町、樱町等,遂诞生 了最初的街巷。南山最早的一片洋房, 叫近江町公寓,大致位置就是今友好路

另外,由于日本人身材矮小,坐在和式的 榻榻米上,视线要比坐在欧式的椅子上低, 所以窗台的高度也不合适。为了解决这些 问题,日本人先在旧地板上架了一层新地 板,用以抬高视线高度。然后,又在新地 板上按照房间大小切割,铺设榻榻米。可 是,这些俄国房根本无法满足万余人的需 求。地位低下的工人大约十五六人拥挤在 马棚里、12~15 平方的房间里。不少日 本人一肚子怨气,甚至戏称是住在“最下 等的客舱”。 近江町是大广场(今中山广场)往南 缓缓升高的丘陵地,零星地散落着一些俄 国人的建筑,距满铁本部(今鲁迅路)徒 步只需 10 分钟,距离规划中的大广场也 只有几分钟,所以满铁决定投入巨资在那 里建造新的职工住宅,即近江町公寓。 近江町公寓 1907 年 11 月始建,次 年 12 月建成,设计者是当时满铁工务课 二号人物太田毅。根据规划,每个街区 配置 4~6 栋建筑,每栋建筑 4~12 户。 从遗存的老照片看,这些新式洋楼的外 形明显受到了 20 世纪初英国城市,特

国式、法国式与荷兰式……红、茶、绿、灰, 色彩各异的屋顶上,全都突兀地伸出一 根细长的、四角形状的砖砌烟囱,它明朗、 清楚,同时无形之中给人以繁盛的感觉”。 今南山宾馆附近区域依然保留的老街便 是那些美丽的遗痕,我经常会来这里呆 望,尤其是失意的时候。冥冥中总有一 种不可说的仙气,似幻似梦。妈妈告诉我, 那就是灵性,凡过了百年的物件都会有。 我最爱南山的望海街,常常会在雨 天里撑一把伞,来此漫步轻歌。踱步寻 望,细品老街,别样享受。望海街 1 号 并不在路口,造型虽简洁,却具有明显 的地中海风情。欧式的坡屋面由木质檩 条支撑,覆着传统的青瓦,多种不同形 式的窗户恰到好处,使得整个建筑外表 忽然变得活泼起来。建筑右侧高高耸立 的烟囱,打破了构图的平静和单调,增 添了一种向上的动感。沿街是一片院墙, 青石为基,顺势相依,左边门柱上悬着 一块木门牌——望海街 1 号。那门牌儿 应是大连现存最古老的木质门牌儿,油 刷的黑字依稀可见。我意外发现,右边

红旗小区一带。关于这个近江町公寓, 西泽泰彦在《旧南满洲铁道株式会社的 住宅政策》做过详细的论述:“满铁① 是一个跨行业的大型企业,1907 年本部 迁往大连时,其职员高达 3000 余人, 此外 , 还有 1 万多名被称作‘佣人’的 作业工人。如何解决数量巨大的职工住 宅便迫在眉睫。” 起初,满铁是利用俄国人的旧建筑改 建住宅。那些房子大致都在胜利桥北,老 大连人通常把它们叫做俄国房。当时,这 些洋房在很多方面并不符合日本人的生活 习惯。因为建筑是俄国体系的,按照日本 建筑模式制成的榻榻米无法原样铺进去。

别是伦敦市郊低层公寓的影响,基本都 是简朴的安娜女王风格(Queen Anne Style),仅艺术价值言,毫不逊色于同 时期的上海、天津等地的洋房。 近江町公寓的开发,使南山麓一带 成 为 大 连 最 早 的 高 档 住 宅 区。20 世 纪 20 年代后期至 30 年代,日本人又在南 山区域兴建了所谓的“共荣住宅”。曾 居住共荣住宅东端的清冈卓行在《洋槐 树下的大连》中以“绿屋顶、白墙壁、 红围墙”九个字来形容故宅的风情。当 然,百余栋洋楼并非单纯一种模式,“形 形色色高大的石造建筑间,多有高高的 砖瓦围墙相隔。这里的砖砌方式,有英

内门柱上还残留着当年的门牌号——榊 町 69 番。历史的变迁皆记录在此,它或 是大连唯一一处存有新旧门牌对照的老 房子了。当看到时,便会感觉历史都在 眼前了。建筑的变化之美与历史的美, 让流淌的时间豁然停顿,浮躁的心,亦 在瞬间空明。其实,我们冥冥中所感知 的即是禅,它横贯了历史长河,亦穿越 了种族与民族的界线。

① 满铁是南满铁道株式会社的简称,是日本在华最大的垄断组织和殖民机构。

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Walking Past the Shadow of Nanshan 走过南山的光影

Text/ JiRuguang (Author of Dalian Old Streets) 文/ 嵇汝广(《大连老街》作者)

The older generations say the best foreignstyle houses are in Nanshan. If you are from Dalian or a newcomer, it would be a shame if you didn’t visit the area. When the sakura petals fall and the sophora flowers blossom, just standing there can bring contentment. Nanshan contains a beauty recognized by the Russians as early as 110 years ago. They made it an aristocratic area for white people. After Qingniwa was occupied by Japanese invaders, 14,000 out of 20,000 Dalian citizens lived at Nanshan. The Japanese wanted to take Nanshan for their own, so during

When the sakura petals fall and the sophora flowers blossom, just standing there can bring contentment. 樱花落了, 槐花遂开了, 徜徉老街老巷, 盘旋胡同院落, 或留连闻香, 或寻觅流光, 或静静发呆, 都是人生最惬意的 消受。

September to November 1905, they drove the Dalianese out. Then the Japanese made new plans for Nanshan. At that time, most streets were named after trees, such as Phoebe, Maple, Willow and Sakura. The earliest houses are called JinJiang Apartments, which are located near the recently built Hongqi community on Youhao Road. Japanese scholar, XizeTaiyan, once commented about these apartments saying, “Man Railway ① was a big cross-industry enterprise. In 1907 it moved to Dalian. They have in total more than 3,000 staff and 10,000 operators called ‘servants’. How to solve their living problem became urgent.” At first, Man Railway adopted the old buildings formerly occupied by Russians. Those houses are located at North ShengliQiao, and are referred to as the ‘Russian houses’ by old Dalian citizens. However, the houses weren’t suitable for Japanese living. The buildings were built in a Russian style and the Japanese Tatami mats wouldn’t fit. In addition, Japanese people are generally shorter than Russians and so the height of chairs and windows were a little high. To solve these problems, Japanese people put in a new layer of flooring to raise the height and also cut their Tatami mats according to the new room dimensions. However, these Russian houses couldn’t meet the needs of more than 10,000 people. So workers in lower positions were reduced to living in stables, with 15-16 people in one 12-15m2 room. Many Japanese complained a lot and referred to the stables as the ‘lowest passenger cabins’. JinJiang Town is on hilly land to the south of Large Square (now known as Zhongshan Square) where you will find Russian architecture. It was only

10 minutes’ walk from Man Railway (present day Luxun Road) and several minutes’ walk from Large Square. So Man Railway decided to invest a large amount of money to construct new apartments for its employees here, these are the Jinjiang Apartments. The Jinjiang Apartments were built in November 1907 and completed in December the next year. The designer was Tai Tianyi. According to the plan, there are 4-6 buildings in each block, 4-12 residence in each building. Seen from old photos, these newstyled buildings were influenced by the English cities of the 20 th century, especially London low-rise apartments. Most of them are Queen Anne Style, not unlike Shanghai or Tianjin’s foreignstyle apartments at that time. The development of Jinjiang Apartments made Nanshan and its surrounding areas the earliest to have this modern, high-class architecture. Later in the 1920s-1930s, the Japanese built another ‘Gongrong Residence’. QinggangZhuoxing once described this residence as “green roof, white wall and red wall fencing”. There is a real mix of architectural styles such as English, French and Dutch buildings with red, brown, green or grey roofs. On each roof there is a long and thin squared chimney, which reminded people of prosperity at that time.” Today the old streets around the Nanshan Hotel still retain their original beauty. With its mix of styles and history I find the area a great place to stroll, reflect, ponder and contemplate. Mother told me that this was because of its spirituality, which is possessed by anything that has existed for over 100 years.

① Man Railway is the short title used for South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd, which was the biggest Japanese monopoly organization and colonization institution in China.

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很多老人都说,南山有大连最好的 洋房,所以,若不来这里走一走,无论 土生的海蛎子,或是外来的沙蚬子,注 定是一份遗憾。樱花落了,槐花遂开了, 徜徉老街老巷,盘旋胡同院落,或留连 闻香,或寻觅流光,或静静发呆,都是 人生最惬意的消受。 南山的丽质应是天生的,早在 110 年前,俄国人就把这个区域纳入了所谓 “欧罗巴区”。言下之意,它是白种人 的贵族区。不过,他们仅仅留下了一纸 迷梦。日本人占据青泥洼后,大连的居 民不足 2 万,其中约有 1.4 万就蜗居在 南山。日本人当然要独享这片风光秀美 的天地,1905 年 9 月至 11 月间,以“下 层中国人的一般杂居,在卫生风纪方面 有值得忧虑之处”为借口,将大连市区 最早的先民强行迁至所谓的“支那街(即 小岗子,今东关街区域)”。 当时,南山的街道多以树木来命名, 如楠町、枫町、柳町、樱町等,遂诞生 了最初的街巷。南山最早的一片洋房, 叫近江町公寓,大致位置就是今友好路

另外,由于日本人身材矮小,坐在和式的 榻榻米上,视线要比坐在欧式的椅子上低, 所以窗台的高度也不合适。为了解决这些 问题,日本人先在旧地板上架了一层新地 板,用以抬高视线高度。然后,又在新地 板上按照房间大小切割,铺设榻榻米。可 是,这些俄国房根本无法满足万余人的需 求。地位低下的工人大约十五六人拥挤在 马棚里、12~15 平方的房间里。不少日 本人一肚子怨气,甚至戏称是住在“最下 等的客舱”。 近江町是大广场(今中山广场)往南 缓缓升高的丘陵地,零星地散落着一些俄 国人的建筑,距满铁本部(今鲁迅路)徒 步只需 10 分钟,距离规划中的大广场也 只有几分钟,所以满铁决定投入巨资在那 里建造新的职工住宅,即近江町公寓。 近江町公寓 1907 年 11 月始建,次 年 12 月建成,设计者是当时满铁工务课 二号人物太田毅。根据规划,每个街区 配置 4~6 栋建筑,每栋建筑 4~12 户。 从遗存的老照片看,这些新式洋楼的外 形明显受到了 20 世纪初英国城市,特

国式、法国式与荷兰式……红、茶、绿、灰, 色彩各异的屋顶上,全都突兀地伸出一 根细长的、四角形状的砖砌烟囱,它明朗、 清楚,同时无形之中给人以繁盛的感觉”。 今南山宾馆附近区域依然保留的老街便 是那些美丽的遗痕,我经常会来这里呆 望,尤其是失意的时候。冥冥中总有一 种不可说的仙气,似幻似梦。妈妈告诉我, 那就是灵性,凡过了百年的物件都会有。 我最爱南山的望海街,常常会在雨 天里撑一把伞,来此漫步轻歌。踱步寻 望,细品老街,别样享受。望海街 1 号 并不在路口,造型虽简洁,却具有明显 的地中海风情。欧式的坡屋面由木质檩 条支撑,覆着传统的青瓦,多种不同形 式的窗户恰到好处,使得整个建筑外表 忽然变得活泼起来。建筑右侧高高耸立 的烟囱,打破了构图的平静和单调,增 添了一种向上的动感。沿街是一片院墙, 青石为基,顺势相依,左边门柱上悬着 一块木门牌——望海街 1 号。那门牌儿 应是大连现存最古老的木质门牌儿,油 刷的黑字依稀可见。我意外发现,右边

红旗小区一带。关于这个近江町公寓, 西泽泰彦在《旧南满洲铁道株式会社的 住宅政策》做过详细的论述:“满铁① 是一个跨行业的大型企业,1907 年本部 迁往大连时,其职员高达 3000 余人, 此外 , 还有 1 万多名被称作‘佣人’的 作业工人。如何解决数量巨大的职工住 宅便迫在眉睫。” 起初,满铁是利用俄国人的旧建筑改 建住宅。那些房子大致都在胜利桥北,老 大连人通常把它们叫做俄国房。当时,这 些洋房在很多方面并不符合日本人的生活 习惯。因为建筑是俄国体系的,按照日本 建筑模式制成的榻榻米无法原样铺进去。

别是伦敦市郊低层公寓的影响,基本都 是简朴的安娜女王风格(Queen Anne Style),仅艺术价值言,毫不逊色于同 时期的上海、天津等地的洋房。 近江町公寓的开发,使南山麓一带 成 为 大 连 最 早 的 高 档 住 宅 区。20 世 纪 20 年代后期至 30 年代,日本人又在南 山区域兴建了所谓的“共荣住宅”。曾 居住共荣住宅东端的清冈卓行在《洋槐 树下的大连》中以“绿屋顶、白墙壁、 红围墙”九个字来形容故宅的风情。当 然,百余栋洋楼并非单纯一种模式,“形 形色色高大的石造建筑间,多有高高的 砖瓦围墙相隔。这里的砖砌方式,有英

内门柱上还残留着当年的门牌号——榊 町 69 番。历史的变迁皆记录在此,它或 是大连唯一一处存有新旧门牌对照的老 房子了。当看到时,便会感觉历史都在 眼前了。建筑的变化之美与历史的美, 让流淌的时间豁然停顿,浮躁的心,亦 在瞬间空明。其实,我们冥冥中所感知 的即是禅,它横贯了历史长河,亦穿越 了种族与民族的界线。

① 满铁是南满铁道株式会社的简称,是日本在华最大的垄断组织和殖民机构。

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Old Foreign Style Houses Feelings of History 老洋房历史的味道 Although we can’t travel back a hundred years, we can gather information about a city from its old houses. You can trace the life of a smooth wooden doorplate and see how styles have changed in the architecture and decorative pieces. Nanshan has old classical European-style architecture with Japanese characteristics and was the first developed area in Dalian. It has also been home to many historical celebrities, who are influential in both China and the rest of the world. It is a part of Dalian culture and even today many famous people still live here. No two houses are the same in Nanshan, each of these buildings built in the 20’s and 30’s are unique. You will be surprised by its interior design: the allocation of space for its rooms, parlour, kitchen and laundry is quite adequate. The designers thought process can be felt throughout the house. Nanshan houses are a perfect combination of European outside and Japanese inside, quite suitablefor Dalian’s environment. Japanese wooden houses bear the advantage of good ventilation but can’ t keep out the cold of winter, which would be of no use in Dalian. Instead, Japanese architects employed a brick and wood structure to suit Dalian’s climate. This is not only practical, but also contributes to Nanshan’s aesthetic

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quality. Despite the exterior being typically Northern European, you can still feel Japanese style through its gardens and the species of plants within them. It is an elegant merging of eastern and western styles. The open-styled house is in harmony with nature, which is the core characteristic of Japanese architecture. 我们没去到过一百年前的时光,却 从老宅子收集到曾经的年代讯息;我们 没有时光机,不能穿梭回旧时光,却能 看到一座百年城市的缩影。人未动,心 已远。老建筑早已带我们回到一百多年 前,见识曾经的光景。从光润的木门牌上, 不仅能看到曾经的生活痕迹,也可从华 丽的雕窗花中,感受到过去的建筑风格。 一道木门,一处老宅,曾经光阴弥留印记, 传递的却是历史的厚重和文化。大连南 山,代表着大连老建筑,特别是和风欧 式建筑的经典。同时这里是大连最早开 发的地区,能够完整地证明大连的历史 发展,最重要的是,这里拥有众多历史 名人故居,多是影响中国近代史乃至世 界近代史的历史人物。这里是大连文化 不可缺失的一个重要文脉,也有许多国 内国外高层和显著人士居住在此,散发 着浓厚的历史沉淀。

在南山街区所有的老洋房中,根本 无法找出一模一样的两栋,二三十年代 的设计所赋予的独特性显而易见。在这 些颇具生活概念的房子里,不得不讶异 它的布局:从房间到客厅到过道,从厨 房到洗衣房,分配极为合理、科学。每 座老洋房从点滴细节中,便能发现当时 设计师所想体现出的精神,用“量身定制” 去形容再恰当不过。 老洋房设计的精妙之处体现在方方 面面,例如,南山老房建筑是欧美外形、 日本小住宅形式与大连现实的自然状况 的凝聚体。日本木结构的房子通风效果 好,夏天防热,但冬天不防冷,这样的 建筑放在大连自然会失败。于是,为了 适应大连的气候,日本建筑师开创了外 墙砖木结构的建筑形式,这也是南山历 史文化街区建筑价值之所在。 南山住宅建筑以日本式的砖木结构 而著称,建筑风格多是日本设计师对北 欧风格的模仿,但细细体验,仍可以感 受到将自然融入庭院建筑构图的日本风 格。它一方面引入了西方城市的高效开 发方式,同时创造了一种东西合璧的雅 致外观。开放式房屋建筑,与自然浑为 一体,保持和谐关系的特点,还是能体 现出日本建筑的精髓。

This villa was built in 1930, and there once lived a famous Dalian doctor Meng Tiancheng. The house now belongs to a sanatorium office for Shenyang Army. It retains its original appearance from 80 years ago. Stepping into the garden, you’ll be greeted by thick leaves and a cool breeze which brings you in from the outside world. The little garden contains fruit trees, wild flowers, vegetables and a pond. Walking into the house, you can hear the creaking of old floor boards. The era is also present in its furnishings, the old table, chair, lamps and pictures all from a different time. Taiwanese doctor, Dr. Meng Tiancheng, was the founder and dean of Dalian

Bo’ai (Fraternity) Hospital. After Chinese emancipation, he was the Dean of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 210 Hospital, a CPPCC member of Dalian, founder and president of Dalian Taiwan Hometown Association and famous Dalian democratic personages. He has made a great contribution to the Dalian medical industry. In May 1946, Meng Tiancheng and his wife made an announcement in the newspaper that they would donate the hospital of 6200m 2 with 500 beds, advanced equipment, medicine, information and technology to Dalian Public Security Bureau and the people of Dalian. In June the same year, Dalian Bo’ai Hospital was formally re-titled as

Former Residence of MengTiancheng No. 36 of Fenglin (Maple) Street 孟天成故居 枫林街 36 号

Dalian Gong’an Zongju (Public Security Bureau) Hospital. In the Korean War, many wounded soldiers were sent to Dalian from Dandong. Some severely wounded were sent to Dalian Gong’an Zongju Hospital. Meng Tiancheng, who was 70 years old by then, still worked hard to treat the soldiers. Meng Tiancheng’s medical skills were excellent, according to Sun Yu, expert of Dalian history. People would describe an incurable disease by saying, “Even Meng Tiancheng has no method”. His skill as a doctor and morality as a person leaves him greatly admired, and he’ll forever be a part of Dalian history.

这所修建于 1930 年的别墅,曾住 着一位当时大连人家喻户晓的名医孟天 成。现为沈阳军区大连房管局第十干休 所用房。这处住宅保留着 80 多年前的风 貌。走进院子,小径铺满苔藓,密密的 树叶,清凉的风,阳光斑驳地落下来, 有恍如隔世的感觉。院子虽小,但也五 脏俱全,果树、野花、蔬菜,甚至还有 水塘。踏进屋子,地板咯吱作响,楼内 没有千篇一律的家具和摆设,那些旧得 一桌一椅一灯一画,因为有了使用后的 历史痕迹,特别有味道。 孟天成博士,台湾籍,是大连博爱 医院创始人。解放前,创建大连博爱医 院并担任院长,解放后担任中国人民解 放军 210 医院院长,大连市政协委员, 大连市台湾省同乡会创会会长,大连知 名民主人士。孟天成一生为大连医疗产 业 做 出 了 重 大 贡 献。1946 年 5 月, 孟 天成与妻子在《人民呼声》报声明,将 其建筑面积 6200 平方米的医院全部房 产、500 张床位、比较齐全先进的仪器、 药品、资料和技术,自愿无偿献给大连 公安总局和大连人民。同年 6 月,博爱 医院正式改名为大连市公安总局医院。 上世纪 50 年代初,抗美援朝时期, 很多伤员由丹东送往大连,一些重病伤 员送到当时公安总局医院。已是 70 多岁 高龄并患有十二指肠溃疡的孟天成,不 辞辛苦,夜以继日为伤员进行治疗,并 亲自指导做手术。 大连地方史志专家孙玉介绍,当时 孟天成医术精湛,以至于大连解放后大 连街上有句话:“这病,孟天成都摆手 了”。孟天成一生医德高尚,声望远播, 永远活在大连人们心中。

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Old Foreign Style Houses Feelings of History 老洋房历史的味道 Although we can’t travel back a hundred years, we can gather information about a city from its old houses. You can trace the life of a smooth wooden doorplate and see how styles have changed in the architecture and decorative pieces. Nanshan has old classical European-style architecture with Japanese characteristics and was the first developed area in Dalian. It has also been home to many historical celebrities, who are influential in both China and the rest of the world. It is a part of Dalian culture and even today many famous people still live here. No two houses are the same in Nanshan, each of these buildings built in the 20’s and 30’s are unique. You will be surprised by its interior design: the allocation of space for its rooms, parlour, kitchen and laundry is quite adequate. The designers thought process can be felt throughout the house. Nanshan houses are a perfect combination of European outside and Japanese inside, quite suitablefor Dalian’s environment. Japanese wooden houses bear the advantage of good ventilation but can’ t keep out the cold of winter, which would be of no use in Dalian. Instead, Japanese architects employed a brick and wood structure to suit Dalian’s climate. This is not only practical, but also contributes to Nanshan’s aesthetic

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quality. Despite the exterior being typically Northern European, you can still feel Japanese style through its gardens and the species of plants within them. It is an elegant merging of eastern and western styles. The open-styled house is in harmony with nature, which is the core characteristic of Japanese architecture. 我们没去到过一百年前的时光,却 从老宅子收集到曾经的年代讯息;我们 没有时光机,不能穿梭回旧时光,却能 看到一座百年城市的缩影。人未动,心 已远。老建筑早已带我们回到一百多年 前,见识曾经的光景。从光润的木门牌上, 不仅能看到曾经的生活痕迹,也可从华 丽的雕窗花中,感受到过去的建筑风格。 一道木门,一处老宅,曾经光阴弥留印记, 传递的却是历史的厚重和文化。大连南 山,代表着大连老建筑,特别是和风欧 式建筑的经典。同时这里是大连最早开 发的地区,能够完整地证明大连的历史 发展,最重要的是,这里拥有众多历史 名人故居,多是影响中国近代史乃至世 界近代史的历史人物。这里是大连文化 不可缺失的一个重要文脉,也有许多国 内国外高层和显著人士居住在此,散发 着浓厚的历史沉淀。

在南山街区所有的老洋房中,根本 无法找出一模一样的两栋,二三十年代 的设计所赋予的独特性显而易见。在这 些颇具生活概念的房子里,不得不讶异 它的布局:从房间到客厅到过道,从厨 房到洗衣房,分配极为合理、科学。每 座老洋房从点滴细节中,便能发现当时 设计师所想体现出的精神,用“量身定制” 去形容再恰当不过。 老洋房设计的精妙之处体现在方方 面面,例如,南山老房建筑是欧美外形、 日本小住宅形式与大连现实的自然状况 的凝聚体。日本木结构的房子通风效果 好,夏天防热,但冬天不防冷,这样的 建筑放在大连自然会失败。于是,为了 适应大连的气候,日本建筑师开创了外 墙砖木结构的建筑形式,这也是南山历 史文化街区建筑价值之所在。 南山住宅建筑以日本式的砖木结构 而著称,建筑风格多是日本设计师对北 欧风格的模仿,但细细体验,仍可以感 受到将自然融入庭院建筑构图的日本风 格。它一方面引入了西方城市的高效开 发方式,同时创造了一种东西合璧的雅 致外观。开放式房屋建筑,与自然浑为 一体,保持和谐关系的特点,还是能体 现出日本建筑的精髓。

This villa was built in 1930, and there once lived a famous Dalian doctor Meng Tiancheng. The house now belongs to a sanatorium office for Shenyang Army. It retains its original appearance from 80 years ago. Stepping into the garden, you’ll be greeted by thick leaves and a cool breeze which brings you in from the outside world. The little garden contains fruit trees, wild flowers, vegetables and a pond. Walking into the house, you can hear the creaking of old floor boards. The era is also present in its furnishings, the old table, chair, lamps and pictures all from a different time. Taiwanese doctor, Dr. Meng Tiancheng, was the founder and dean of Dalian

Bo’ai (Fraternity) Hospital. After Chinese emancipation, he was the Dean of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 210 Hospital, a CPPCC member of Dalian, founder and president of Dalian Taiwan Hometown Association and famous Dalian democratic personages. He has made a great contribution to the Dalian medical industry. In May 1946, Meng Tiancheng and his wife made an announcement in the newspaper that they would donate the hospital of 6200m 2 with 500 beds, advanced equipment, medicine, information and technology to Dalian Public Security Bureau and the people of Dalian. In June the same year, Dalian Bo’ai Hospital was formally re-titled as

Former Residence of MengTiancheng No. 36 of Fenglin (Maple) Street 孟天成故居 枫林街 36 号

Dalian Gong’an Zongju (Public Security Bureau) Hospital. In the Korean War, many wounded soldiers were sent to Dalian from Dandong. Some severely wounded were sent to Dalian Gong’an Zongju Hospital. Meng Tiancheng, who was 70 years old by then, still worked hard to treat the soldiers. Meng Tiancheng’s medical skills were excellent, according to Sun Yu, expert of Dalian history. People would describe an incurable disease by saying, “Even Meng Tiancheng has no method”. His skill as a doctor and morality as a person leaves him greatly admired, and he’ll forever be a part of Dalian history.

这所修建于 1930 年的别墅,曾住 着一位当时大连人家喻户晓的名医孟天 成。现为沈阳军区大连房管局第十干休 所用房。这处住宅保留着 80 多年前的风 貌。走进院子,小径铺满苔藓,密密的 树叶,清凉的风,阳光斑驳地落下来, 有恍如隔世的感觉。院子虽小,但也五 脏俱全,果树、野花、蔬菜,甚至还有 水塘。踏进屋子,地板咯吱作响,楼内 没有千篇一律的家具和摆设,那些旧得 一桌一椅一灯一画,因为有了使用后的 历史痕迹,特别有味道。 孟天成博士,台湾籍,是大连博爱 医院创始人。解放前,创建大连博爱医 院并担任院长,解放后担任中国人民解 放军 210 医院院长,大连市政协委员, 大连市台湾省同乡会创会会长,大连知 名民主人士。孟天成一生为大连医疗产 业 做 出 了 重 大 贡 献。1946 年 5 月, 孟 天成与妻子在《人民呼声》报声明,将 其建筑面积 6200 平方米的医院全部房 产、500 张床位、比较齐全先进的仪器、 药品、资料和技术,自愿无偿献给大连 公安总局和大连人民。同年 6 月,博爱 医院正式改名为大连市公安总局医院。 上世纪 50 年代初,抗美援朝时期, 很多伤员由丹东送往大连,一些重病伤 员送到当时公安总局医院。已是 70 多岁 高龄并患有十二指肠溃疡的孟天成,不 辞辛苦,夜以继日为伤员进行治疗,并 亲自指导做手术。 大连地方史志专家孙玉介绍,当时 孟天成医术精湛,以至于大连解放后大 连街上有句话:“这病,孟天成都摆手 了”。孟天成一生医德高尚,声望远播, 永远活在大连人们心中。

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The old Mansion of the Dalian Customhouse President No. 125 Nanshan Road, Dalian 大连税关长官官邸旧址 南山路 125 号 Built in 1920, this is a European-style garden residence with Japanese characteristics. In 1948 it was home to Ouyang Qin, the Dalian Prefectural Director. The Municipal Party Secretary also worked here. This building was turned into a municipal government office in 1978 with an area of 1057 m2. The architecture is ingenious and elegant, which is quite precious in Dalian.

Former Residence of Sun Chuanfang No. 10 Nanshan Street 孙传芳故居 南山街 10 号 This is an eye-catching Europeanstyle villa, currently the office of the Municipal Party Committee, and was once the residence of the famous Sun Chuanfang. It is unclear when this villa was built, but it has experienced times of war. In January 1929, Sun Chuanfang was defeated by the Northern Expeditionary Army and sought refuge with Zhang Zuolin. After Zhang was killed by the Japanese, he came to Dalian by himself and lived in the villa. After the 1931 Mukden Incident, Sun Chuanfang moved to Tianjin. The villa was used by the Japanese Secret Service until Japan surrendered on August 15th of 1945. The villa’s exterior uses Ionic order architecture with a half arc porch. Time has been kind to this building. The wooden European stairs, carved railings and smooth wooden windows are exquisite and still in tact. The carved gypsum ceiling, drop light and foyer lamps all remain the same and have never changed.

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南山街 10 号,是幢欧式花园别墅, 路过的人都忍不住多望几眼。这里便是 赫赫有名的孙传芳别墅,现为共青团大 连市委办公楼。它是一座欧式花园别墅, 建筑年代目前尚不明确。这座别墅记录 了当年动荡的军阀故事。1929 年 1 月, 被北伐军打败又投靠张作霖的孙传芳, 在张作霖被日军炸死之后,一个人来到 大连,住在这座别墅里。1931 年“九一八” 事变之后,孙传芳一家从这处别墅里迁 出去天津,别墅便成了日本关东军陆军 驻大连的特务机关,直至 1945 年 8 月 15 日日本投降。 孙传芳故居外观用了爱奥尼克柱式, 半弧形门廊,欧味十足。在这座老洋房 身上,时光不是磨难,是一种雕琢,打 磨出建筑最珍贵的美。木制欧式楼梯、 雕花栏杆、光润木窗,精美而厚重,记 录着当时的年代痕迹。天棚的石膏花饰, 客厅的吊灯,过道上廊灯,仍是原质原样, 不曾改换。

这幢建筑建于 1920 年,加入了日 本特色的欧式花园住宅,曾是大连税关 长官官邸。1948 年,大连地委书记欧 阳钦在此居住,市委书记亦在此办公。 1978 年,变成市政协办公地点。建筑面 积 1057 平方米,建筑造形灵巧、秀美, 是大连现存不多的和风欧式花园住宅。

The old home of Zhang Zuolin No. 32 Wanghai Street 张作霖旧居 望海街 32 号 German consulate in Dalian No.30 Fenglin(Maple) Street 德国驻大连领事馆 枫林街 30 号 This western house was built around 1925 with an area of 600m2. During the period of Japanese invasion it housed the German consulate. At that time Germany and Italy were allied with Japan and established this consulate in March 1926. After the breakout of World War Ⅱ in September, 1939, Germany vacated the villa. Today it is the Versailles Club, with a shining golden appearance that returns it to its former glory.

枫林街西式洋楼位于枫林街 30 号, 建于 1925 年前后,建筑面积约 600 平 方米。日本侵占时期为德国驻大连领事 馆。这栋建筑记录了德国人侵略这座城 市的一段历史,当时德国与日本、意大 利属于盟国关系,所以在 1926 年 3 月 设 立 了 德 国 驻 大 连 领 事 馆,1939 年 9 月第二次世界大战爆发后德国撤离此 地。如今,这处建筑变成凡尔赛会所, 外墙被漆成闪亮的金色,力求还原当年 的辉煌。

This is the mansion of Zhang Zuolin, now a private restaurant called ‘Guandi’. It’s also a protected building. This quiet and beautiful house is unique. The age of the ancient fence is offset by the freshness of the flowers and leaves that climb it. The exterior of the house, which is now a hundred years old, has turned a dark red, and has very fine decorative details, which was a way to show the owner’s power at that time. 这里曾是张作霖的府邸,现在是“官 邸”私家菜馆,如今已经被列为大连受 保护的几十栋老房子之一。官邸的清幽, 别具一格,沧桑底色的围墙,攀附着花 草。百年前的房子,经过岁月沉淀,外 墙已磨砺成深红色。大处的恢宏与细处 的精致,无一不诉说着当年的气派。

Former Residence of HebenDazuo No. 56 Fenglin Street Zhongshan District 河本大作旧居 枫林街 56 号 This villa was built in 1938 covering an area of 600m2. It was the residence of a former senior adviser for the Japanese Kwantung Army. Mao Anying also lived here for many years as a place for recuperation. Now it is the Nanshan Hotel and a piece of key protected architecture in Dalian. Heben Dazuo was involved in the ‘Huanggu Tun incident’ and the ‘Mukden Incident’. In 1936, after he retired, Man Railway granted him a considerable pension, enough to buy the villa and live there with his wife and two daughters. After Japan was defeated, he was sent back to Japan as an overseas Japanese.

这栋别墅建于 1938 年,面积 600 平方米,是原日本关东军高级参谋河本 大作住宅,毛岸青也曾在这里居住疗养 多年。现为大连南山宾馆所用。2007 年, 该建筑被列入大连市第二批重点保护建 筑名单。河本大作是“皇姑屯事件”和 “九一八事变”的策划者。 1936 年, 河本大作任期满,满铁给了他一笔可观 的退休金,1938 年,他用这笔钱在南山 麓楠町(如今的枫林街)建造了这所别 墅,将他的妻子和两个女儿安置在那里, 直至日本战败,以日侨身份被遣返回国。

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The old Mansion of the Dalian Customhouse President No. 125 Nanshan Road, Dalian 大连税关长官官邸旧址 南山路 125 号 Built in 1920, this is a European-style garden residence with Japanese characteristics. In 1948 it was home to Ouyang Qin, the Dalian Prefectural Director. The Municipal Party Secretary also worked here. This building was turned into a municipal government office in 1978 with an area of 1057 m2. The architecture is ingenious and elegant, which is quite precious in Dalian.

Former Residence of Sun Chuanfang No. 10 Nanshan Street 孙传芳故居 南山街 10 号 This is an eye-catching Europeanstyle villa, currently the office of the Municipal Party Committee, and was once the residence of the famous Sun Chuanfang. It is unclear when this villa was built, but it has experienced times of war. In January 1929, Sun Chuanfang was defeated by the Northern Expeditionary Army and sought refuge with Zhang Zuolin. After Zhang was killed by the Japanese, he came to Dalian by himself and lived in the villa. After the 1931 Mukden Incident, Sun Chuanfang moved to Tianjin. The villa was used by the Japanese Secret Service until Japan surrendered on August 15th of 1945. The villa’s exterior uses Ionic order architecture with a half arc porch. Time has been kind to this building. The wooden European stairs, carved railings and smooth wooden windows are exquisite and still in tact. The carved gypsum ceiling, drop light and foyer lamps all remain the same and have never changed.

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南山街 10 号,是幢欧式花园别墅, 路过的人都忍不住多望几眼。这里便是 赫赫有名的孙传芳别墅,现为共青团大 连市委办公楼。它是一座欧式花园别墅, 建筑年代目前尚不明确。这座别墅记录 了当年动荡的军阀故事。1929 年 1 月, 被北伐军打败又投靠张作霖的孙传芳, 在张作霖被日军炸死之后,一个人来到 大连,住在这座别墅里。1931 年“九一八” 事变之后,孙传芳一家从这处别墅里迁 出去天津,别墅便成了日本关东军陆军 驻大连的特务机关,直至 1945 年 8 月 15 日日本投降。 孙传芳故居外观用了爱奥尼克柱式, 半弧形门廊,欧味十足。在这座老洋房 身上,时光不是磨难,是一种雕琢,打 磨出建筑最珍贵的美。木制欧式楼梯、 雕花栏杆、光润木窗,精美而厚重,记 录着当时的年代痕迹。天棚的石膏花饰, 客厅的吊灯,过道上廊灯,仍是原质原样, 不曾改换。

这幢建筑建于 1920 年,加入了日 本特色的欧式花园住宅,曾是大连税关 长官官邸。1948 年,大连地委书记欧 阳钦在此居住,市委书记亦在此办公。 1978 年,变成市政协办公地点。建筑面 积 1057 平方米,建筑造形灵巧、秀美, 是大连现存不多的和风欧式花园住宅。

The old home of Zhang Zuolin No. 32 Wanghai Street 张作霖旧居 望海街 32 号 German consulate in Dalian No.30 Fenglin(Maple) Street 德国驻大连领事馆 枫林街 30 号 This western house was built around 1925 with an area of 600m2. During the period of Japanese invasion it housed the German consulate. At that time Germany and Italy were allied with Japan and established this consulate in March 1926. After the breakout of World War Ⅱ in September, 1939, Germany vacated the villa. Today it is the Versailles Club, with a shining golden appearance that returns it to its former glory.

枫林街西式洋楼位于枫林街 30 号, 建于 1925 年前后,建筑面积约 600 平 方米。日本侵占时期为德国驻大连领事 馆。这栋建筑记录了德国人侵略这座城 市的一段历史,当时德国与日本、意大 利属于盟国关系,所以在 1926 年 3 月 设 立 了 德 国 驻 大 连 领 事 馆,1939 年 9 月第二次世界大战爆发后德国撤离此 地。如今,这处建筑变成凡尔赛会所, 外墙被漆成闪亮的金色,力求还原当年 的辉煌。

This is the mansion of Zhang Zuolin, now a private restaurant called ‘Guandi’. It’s also a protected building. This quiet and beautiful house is unique. The age of the ancient fence is offset by the freshness of the flowers and leaves that climb it. The exterior of the house, which is now a hundred years old, has turned a dark red, and has very fine decorative details, which was a way to show the owner’s power at that time. 这里曾是张作霖的府邸,现在是“官 邸”私家菜馆,如今已经被列为大连受 保护的几十栋老房子之一。官邸的清幽, 别具一格,沧桑底色的围墙,攀附着花 草。百年前的房子,经过岁月沉淀,外 墙已磨砺成深红色。大处的恢宏与细处 的精致,无一不诉说着当年的气派。

Former Residence of HebenDazuo No. 56 Fenglin Street Zhongshan District 河本大作旧居 枫林街 56 号 This villa was built in 1938 covering an area of 600m2. It was the residence of a former senior adviser for the Japanese Kwantung Army. Mao Anying also lived here for many years as a place for recuperation. Now it is the Nanshan Hotel and a piece of key protected architecture in Dalian. Heben Dazuo was involved in the ‘Huanggu Tun incident’ and the ‘Mukden Incident’. In 1936, after he retired, Man Railway granted him a considerable pension, enough to buy the villa and live there with his wife and two daughters. After Japan was defeated, he was sent back to Japan as an overseas Japanese.

这栋别墅建于 1938 年,面积 600 平方米,是原日本关东军高级参谋河本 大作住宅,毛岸青也曾在这里居住疗养 多年。现为大连南山宾馆所用。2007 年, 该建筑被列入大连市第二批重点保护建 筑名单。河本大作是“皇姑屯事件”和 “九一八事变”的策划者。 1936 年, 河本大作任期满,满铁给了他一笔可观 的退休金,1938 年,他用这笔钱在南山 麓楠町(如今的枫林街)建造了这所别 墅,将他的妻子和两个女儿安置在那里, 直至日本战败,以日侨身份被遣返回国。

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focus on dalian

|  31

Enjoy Gourmet Food in Nanshan 南山赏味好时光

An afternoon in Northern Europe Cafe Copenhagen 北欧理想下午 哥本黑根咖啡

Italian Restaurant Barolo 意式约会餐厅 Barolo 西餐店

This year, Cafe Copenhagen opened a Nanshan branch on Nanshan Road. The manager Jason said that they wanted to find a quiet place to open the new branch to give it a more leisurely and casual feeling, and Nanshan is the ideal place. Inside the simple décor is complimented by the low lighting. A western restaurant with Danish style, customers can appreciate the laid back setting and enjoy the gourmet food from the very impressive menu. They have a professional Italian chef who has been cooking traditional, authentic Italian food. A taste of his pasta dishes would be a gift to your taste buds. At Café Copenhagen they feel the preparation of the pizza crust is very important. They use a special plain flour, mixed with salt, water and yeast. They have a Napolitana pizza that comes highly recommended; It’s a typical Italian pizza with strong cheese flavor.

Barolo Italian Restaurant is located at the top of Nanshan. From its windows you have a great view of the whole of Nanshan, it is a rare place in the city. The Italian-style decoration with retro European furniture creates an elegant and luxurious environment. Barolo is a quality Italian restaurant, choosing fine ingredients, authentic cooking methods, a selection of wines to match each dish on the menu and good customer service. Barolo takes pride in its ingredient selection and preparation. On the menu you can find specialty dishes such as the mouthwatering Caviar with Parsley & Parmesan, cooked in the traditional Italian way. The chef recommends the Squid Ink Pasta with Cream, the fresh squid ink and intense cream complement each other perfectly. Barolo is named after an important wine region of Italy, where the restaurant’s

The Tiramisu is also recommended and goes really well with a fresh latte. 当人们对南山的印象还停留在高端 会所、密集日本料理这样的印象词汇时, 哥本黑根今年却安静而低调地出现了, 就在南山路一个不起眼的路边,如果没 有注意到奶油蓝的门面,也许就会擦身 而过。 店长 Jason 介绍说,哥本黑根这家 分店在选址上,重点留意南山这片幽静 的地方,慢慢去承载西餐店的梦想,哥 本黑根的气质就是要那种悠闲又慵懒的 感觉。昏暗的灯光、北欧简约摆设,把 人带入一种静谧的遐想。在这个充满丹 麦风情的西餐厅里,可以躲在温暖角落 看窗外街景,尽享美食与惬意时光。 哥本黑根南山店聘请到意大利专业 大厨,烹饪传统而地道的意大利美食。

牛肉碎马苏里拉芝士宽面,口味浓郁, 芝士厚重,只需一小口,味蕾瞬间打开。 披萨面皮的制作非常重要,哥本黑根选 用专门的中筋面粉制作披萨,质感非常 温和。面团的制作选用面粉、盐、水和 天然酵母。那不勒斯披萨是意大利美食 基本款,抓一块芝香浓郁的披萨,一口 咬透,吃到香浓汁溢。再细品略微有嚼 劲的银鱼,满足感无与伦比。 空气感十足的提拉米苏,终于帮助 咖啡摆脱掉了单一口感,与新鲜拿铁交 融,既有提拉米苏的细腻热烈,又带着 拿铁的醇香。吃过之后觉得齿间香甜, 浑身的细胞都被注入了一股甜蜜。

wine is imported from. A dinner without wine is like a spring without sunshine, so when you come to Barolo to enjoy gourmet Italian food, don't forget to match a bottle of good wine.

招牌地中海奶油墨鱼意大利面是最近主 厨推荐菜,将新鲜墨鱼汁与意面混合, 透着海洋的天然之味。再淋上浓郁奶油, 将奶油的醇香和墨鱼汁香气混合得刚刚 好,吃一口,立刻被气势汹汹的香气惊 艳到。 其实,Barolo 是意大利最重要的葡 萄酒产区,这个名字最能代表意大利红 酒 文 化。Barolo 在 古 早 的 年 代 就 博 得 “葡萄酒之王者、王者之葡萄酒”的声 誉,受到许多王公贵族的追捧。这间餐 厅大部分酒品都来自 Barolo,因此取名 为 Barolo。没有葡萄酒相配的一桌菜, 就犹如明媚春天缺少了阳光。因此,到 Barolo 来享受意大利美食的时候,一定 要搭配上一瓶好酒。

餐厅开在南山高处,巨大的落地玻 璃窗和紧邻庭院的玻璃房,惬意放松。 推开窗户,整个南山美景都能看见。这 样的景致和私密性,在城中实属难得。 餐厅将时尚精致的意大利情调及复古欧 式家具融为一体,夜晚配上昏暗灯光, 营造出意式的优雅和奢华环境。 Barolo 坚 持 高 端 传 统 意 大 利 餐 厅 路线,从食材选择,烹饪手法到酒品搭 配,甚至连服务都全都遵循欧式传统。 Barolo 精选食材,力求将食物最本真、 最优秀的一面呈现在食客舌尖。特选鱼 子酱配水芹与帕玛臣芝士,采用传统意 大利式做法,清爽新鲜的口感令人振奋。

Restaurants &Clubs Langhua Izakaya The boss is from Osaka, so the fried sticks and yakitori here have strong Osaka style. A Teishoku at 20 yuan is great value for money. The recommended dishes are tonkatsu and curry rice. 浪花居酒屋 老 板 是 大 阪 人, 各 种 炸串和串烧很有浓郁大阪风 格。中午来吃 20 几元一份 的定食很划算,推荐炸猪排 和咖喱饭。

Sushi Luck A very popular Sushi shop onYan’an Road. Boasts traditional and some American style sushi. They recommend the Hawaiian rolls. 寿司乐 延安路上口碑很高的寿 司店。不仅有传统和式寿司, 还有与美式口味结合的夏威 夷卷。

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Qiqi Club Qiqi Cub is a top-class private club in Dalian. An ideal choice for meeting friends and business recreation. The price of KTV here is more expensive than other places in the city, but you get professional service that you won’t get anywhere else. 七七会所 本城顶级私人会所,采用会员制。 是朋友聚会、商务娱乐的理想选择, 虽然 KTV 价格比较贵些,但是专业的 服务和私密环境,还是非常物有所值。

Tianzheng Puffer Fish Japanese Restaurant This is a puffer fish themed Japanese restaurant. A stand out menu item is the 588RMB set menu, where you can eat puffer fish preparedin 12 different ways. 天正河豚 河豚主题的日本料理店。选 择 588 元的套餐的话,可以品尝 到 12 种河豚鱼的吃法。

Xiangyun Nanshan Japanese Restaurant It’s a Japanese restaurant in the Nanshan Garden Hotel. Each tatami room has a different scenic view. Their must-ordered dish is sashimi, especially the fatty Salmon Sashimi and the Red Snapper. Sashimi is best matched to liquor with a strong fruit fragrance, such as ‘Daiginjo’ or ‘JunmaiDaiginjo’ with the smell of apples and pineapples. 祥云南山日本料理 开在南山花园酒店里的日本料理。每间榻榻米包房都能 看见不一样的庭院美景。刺身是必点餐品。三文鱼腩刺身、 真鲷都是经典,放入嘴中,轻轻一抿,立刻化为一汪香甜的 油脂。配合刺身的话,最好选果香馥郁型酒,“大吟酿”、“纯 米大吟酿”都是此类,散发出苹果、菠萝的果香,有高雅之感。

Xueyuan Restaurant This high-end private Chinese restaurant has great food and service. From the waiters in the dining room to the chefs in the kitchen all staff are very professional and highly trained.Recommended dishes are Stewed Shark's Fin, Stewed Bird’s Nest with Milk, Crispy Chicken and Braised Sea Cucumber with Millet. 雪园 本城高端私密餐厅。这里有一贯中国传 统的优雅和美好服务,令人感受到不一样的气 场。所有服务人员都非常专业,受过优质培训。 主厨水准很高,充分体现中国菜精髓。

Chuanduan Japanese Teppanyaki Located onNanshan Street, this is a high-end Japanese restaurant. Its use of the freshest and authentic ingredients has earned it a very good reputation. The food is cooked rapidly to preserve its natural taste and freshness. 川端日式铁板烧 位于南山风情一条街,属于高端私密日 本料理店。口味和口碑都不错,对食材十分 讲究,带来舌尖上的多重快感。铁板烧可以 迅速加热食物,能够锁住食物原汁原味和新 鲜度,吃起来非常鲜嫩,还很健康。

september-october 2013


focus on dalian

|  37

Enjoy Gourmet Food in Nanshan 南山赏味好时光

An afternoon in Northern Europe Cafe Copenhagen 北欧理想下午 哥本黑根咖啡

Italian Restaurant Barolo 意式约会餐厅 Barolo 西餐店

This year, Cafe Copenhagen opened a Nanshan branch on Nanshan Road. The manager Jason said that they wanted to find a quiet place to open the new branch to give it a more leisurely and casual feeling, and Nanshan is the ideal place. Inside the simple décor is complimented by the low lighting. A western restaurant with Danish style, customers can appreciate the laid back setting and enjoy the gourmet food from the very impressive menu. They have a professional Italian chef who has been cooking traditional, authentic Italian food. A taste of his pasta dishes would be a gift to your taste buds. At Café Copenhagen they feel the preparation of the pizza crust is very important. They use a special plain flour, mixed with salt, water and yeast. They have a Napolitana pizza that comes highly recommended; It’s a typical Italian pizza with strong cheese flavor.

Barolo Italian Restaurant is located at the top of Nanshan. From its windows you have a great view of the whole of Nanshan, it is a rare place in the city. The Italian-style decoration with retro European furniture creates an elegant and luxurious environment. Barolo is a quality Italian restaurant, choosing fine ingredients, authentic cooking methods, a selection of wines to match each dish on the menu and good customer service. Barolo takes pride in its ingredient selection and preparation. On the menu you can find specialty dishes such as the mouthwatering Caviar with Parsley & Parmesan, cooked in the traditional Italian way. The chef recommends the Squid Ink Pasta with Cream, the fresh squid ink and intense cream complement each other perfectly. Barolo is named after an important wine region of Italy, where the restaurant’s

The Tiramisu is also recommended and goes really well with a fresh latte. 当人们对南山的印象还停留在高端 会所、密集日本料理这样的印象词汇时, 哥本黑根今年却安静而低调地出现了, 就在南山路一个不起眼的路边,如果没 有注意到奶油蓝的门面,也许就会擦身 而过。 店长 Jason 介绍说,哥本黑根这家 分店在选址上,重点留意南山这片幽静 的地方,慢慢去承载西餐店的梦想,哥 本黑根的气质就是要那种悠闲又慵懒的 感觉。昏暗的灯光、北欧简约摆设,把 人带入一种静谧的遐想。在这个充满丹 麦风情的西餐厅里,可以躲在温暖角落 看窗外街景,尽享美食与惬意时光。 哥本黑根南山店聘请到意大利专业 大厨,烹饪传统而地道的意大利美食。

牛肉碎马苏里拉芝士宽面,口味浓郁, 芝士厚重,只需一小口,味蕾瞬间打开。 披萨面皮的制作非常重要,哥本黑根选 用专门的中筋面粉制作披萨,质感非常 温和。面团的制作选用面粉、盐、水和 天然酵母。那不勒斯披萨是意大利美食 基本款,抓一块芝香浓郁的披萨,一口 咬透,吃到香浓汁溢。再细品略微有嚼 劲的银鱼,满足感无与伦比。 空气感十足的提拉米苏,终于帮助 咖啡摆脱掉了单一口感,与新鲜拿铁交 融,既有提拉米苏的细腻热烈,又带着 拿铁的醇香。吃过之后觉得齿间香甜, 浑身的细胞都被注入了一股甜蜜。

wine is imported from. A dinner without wine is like a spring without sunshine, so when you come to Barolo to enjoy gourmet Italian food, don't forget to match a bottle of good wine.

招牌地中海奶油墨鱼意大利面是最近主 厨推荐菜,将新鲜墨鱼汁与意面混合, 透着海洋的天然之味。再淋上浓郁奶油, 将奶油的醇香和墨鱼汁香气混合得刚刚 好,吃一口,立刻被气势汹汹的香气惊 艳到。 其实,Barolo 是意大利最重要的葡 萄酒产区,这个名字最能代表意大利红 酒 文 化。Barolo 在 古 早 的 年 代 就 博 得 “葡萄酒之王者、王者之葡萄酒”的声 誉,受到许多王公贵族的追捧。这间餐 厅大部分酒品都来自 Barolo,因此取名 为 Barolo。没有葡萄酒相配的一桌菜, 就犹如明媚春天缺少了阳光。因此,到 Barolo 来享受意大利美食的时候,一定 要搭配上一瓶好酒。

餐厅开在南山高处,巨大的落地玻 璃窗和紧邻庭院的玻璃房,惬意放松。 推开窗户,整个南山美景都能看见。这 样的景致和私密性,在城中实属难得。 餐厅将时尚精致的意大利情调及复古欧 式家具融为一体,夜晚配上昏暗灯光, 营造出意式的优雅和奢华环境。 Barolo 坚 持 高 端 传 统 意 大 利 餐 厅 路线,从食材选择,烹饪手法到酒品搭 配,甚至连服务都全都遵循欧式传统。 Barolo 精选食材,力求将食物最本真、 最优秀的一面呈现在食客舌尖。特选鱼 子酱配水芹与帕玛臣芝士,采用传统意 大利式做法,清爽新鲜的口感令人振奋。

Restaurants &Clubs Langhua Izakaya The boss is from Osaka, so the fried sticks and yakitori here have strong Osaka style. A Teishoku at 20 yuan is great value for money. The recommended dishes are tonkatsu and curry rice. 浪花居酒屋 老 板 是 大 阪 人, 各 种 炸串和串烧很有浓郁大阪风 格。中午来吃 20 几元一份 的定食很划算,推荐炸猪排 和咖喱饭。

Sushi Luck A very popular Sushi shop onYan’an Road. Boasts traditional and some American style sushi. They recommend the Hawaiian rolls. 寿司乐 延安路上口碑很高的寿 司店。不仅有传统和式寿司, 还有与美式口味结合的夏威 夷卷。

36  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

Qiqi Club Qiqi Cub is a top-class private club in Dalian. An ideal choice for meeting friends and business recreation. The price of KTV here is more expensive than other places in the city, but you get professional service that you won’t get anywhere else. 七七会所 本城顶级私人会所,采用会员制。 是朋友聚会、商务娱乐的理想选择, 虽然 KTV 价格比较贵些,但是专业的 服务和私密环境,还是非常物有所值。

Tianzheng Puffer Fish Japanese Restaurant This is a puffer fish themed Japanese restaurant. A stand out menu item is the 588RMB set menu, where you can eat puffer fish preparedin 12 different ways. 天正河豚 河豚主题的日本料理店。选 择 588 元的套餐的话,可以品尝 到 12 种河豚鱼的吃法。

Xiangyun Nanshan Japanese Restaurant It’s a Japanese restaurant in the Nanshan Garden Hotel. Each tatami room has a different scenic view. Their must-ordered dish is sashimi, especially the fatty Salmon Sashimi and the Red Snapper. Sashimi is best matched to liquor with a strong fruit fragrance, such as ‘Daiginjo’ or ‘JunmaiDaiginjo’ with the smell of apples and pineapples. 祥云南山日本料理 开在南山花园酒店里的日本料理。每间榻榻米包房都能 看见不一样的庭院美景。刺身是必点餐品。三文鱼腩刺身、 真鲷都是经典,放入嘴中,轻轻一抿,立刻化为一汪香甜的 油脂。配合刺身的话,最好选果香馥郁型酒,“大吟酿”、“纯 米大吟酿”都是此类,散发出苹果、菠萝的果香,有高雅之感。

Xueyuan Restaurant This high-end private Chinese restaurant has great food and service. From the waiters in the dining room to the chefs in the kitchen all staff are very professional and highly trained.Recommended dishes are Stewed Shark's Fin, Stewed Bird’s Nest with Milk, Crispy Chicken and Braised Sea Cucumber with Millet. 雪园 本城高端私密餐厅。这里有一贯中国传 统的优雅和美好服务,令人感受到不一样的气 场。所有服务人员都非常专业,受过优质培训。 主厨水准很高,充分体现中国菜精髓。

Chuanduan Japanese Teppanyaki Located onNanshan Street, this is a high-end Japanese restaurant. Its use of the freshest and authentic ingredients has earned it a very good reputation. The food is cooked rapidly to preserve its natural taste and freshness. 川端日式铁板烧 位于南山风情一条街,属于高端私密日 本料理店。口味和口碑都不错,对食材十分 讲究,带来舌尖上的多重快感。铁板烧可以 迅速加热食物,能够锁住食物原汁原味和新 鲜度,吃起来非常鲜嫩,还很健康。

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Bands coming to

这个秋季将 来到大连的乐队

Dalian this Autumn Sep.15th




Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Echo’s new Library 回声新图书馆

Zuo You (Left and Right) Band (Beijing)

Japanese Pop-Band VIVA LOVE

Finnish Melodic Death Metal Omnium Gatherum

XiaoHe, Folk Noise Solo Artist


日本关西四人乐队 VIVA LOVE

芬兰旋律死亡 金 属 Omnium Gatherum

张小盒 , 民间噪 声独奏艺术家





Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Mr.Graceless (Beijing)

”Iron Mic“ MC Battle Underground hiphop contest, the northeast division of dalian station

China's famous post-punk band PK.14(Beijing)

China's famous classical rock band Miankong(The Face)(Beijing)

Graceless 先生 乐队(北京)

”Iron Mic“ MC Battle 地下说唱大 赛东北赛区大连站

著名后朋克乐队 PK.14(北京)

著名老牌摇滚乐队 “面孔”(北京)

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For events at Hertz Bar see their douban page for more details and updates on upcoming events and their regular Tuesday Jazz nights and Electro Fridays Location: Tangshan jie and Sanyuan Jie For Events at Echo’s new Library (near Dalian University o f Te c h n o l o g y ) s e e t h e i r Sep.21st Douban Page Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧 Echo will also be holding Ershou Meigui events at their soon to be (Second-hand Roses)(Beijing) open gallery at Shicao beach, more information on page116 二 手 玫 瑰 乐 队 要了解更多赫兹酒吧的活动, (北京) 登陆他们的豆瓣小站 了 解 最新活动更新,及他们每周二 Nov.17th 的爵士夜和每周五电音夜活动。 Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧地点:唐山街与三元 赫兹酒吧 街交汇处 jiedao sha si 要了解回声书店的新图书馆 qiguai dongwu (大连理工附近)登陆回声书 (Streets kill strange 店豆瓣小站 animals) com/117597 街道杀死奇怪 回声书店还将在即将开放的石 动 物 乐 队( 北 槽海滩画廊上举办活动,要了 京) 解更多信息请看本期第 116 页。 september-october 2013


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Bands coming to

这个秋季将 来到大连的乐队

Dalian this Autumn Sep.15th




Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Echo’s new Library 回声新图书馆

Zuo You (Left and Right) Band (Beijing)

Japanese Pop-Band VIVA LOVE

Finnish Melodic Death Metal Omnium Gatherum

XiaoHe, Folk Noise Solo Artist


日本关西四人乐队 VIVA LOVE

芬兰旋律死亡 金 属 Omnium Gatherum

张小盒 , 民间噪 声独奏艺术家





Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧

Mr.Graceless (Beijing)

”Iron Mic“ MC Battle Underground hiphop contest, the northeast division of dalian station

China's famous post-punk band PK.14(Beijing)

China's famous classical rock band Miankong(The Face)(Beijing)

Graceless 先生 乐队(北京)

”Iron Mic“ MC Battle 地下说唱大 赛东北赛区大连站

著名后朋克乐队 PK.14(北京)

著名老牌摇滚乐队 “面孔”(北京)

50  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

For events at Hertz Bar see their douban page for more details and updates on upcoming events and their regular Tuesday Jazz nights and Electro Fridays Location: Tangshan jie and Sanyuan Jie For Events at Echo’s new Library (near Dalian University o f Te c h n o l o g y ) s e e t h e i r Sep.21st Douban Page Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧 Echo will also be holding Ershou Meigui events at their soon to be (Second-hand Roses)(Beijing) open gallery at Shicao beach, more information on page116 二 手 玫 瑰 乐 队 要了解更多赫兹酒吧的活动, (北京) 登陆他们的豆瓣小站 了 解 最新活动更新,及他们每周二 Nov.17th 的爵士夜和每周五电音夜活动。 Hertz Bar 赫兹酒吧地点:唐山街与三元 赫兹酒吧 街交汇处 jiedao sha si 要了解回声书店的新图书馆 qiguai dongwu (大连理工附近)登陆回声书 (Streets kill strange 店豆瓣小站 animals) com/117597 街道杀死奇怪 回声书店还将在即将开放的石 动 物 乐 队( 北 槽海滩画廊上举办活动,要了 京) 解更多信息请看本期第 116 页。 september-october 2013


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Dalian Tweets / 大连微博新鲜事 / Meeting Popular Local Micro-Bloggers 关注大连微博达人


(LiaoNing Super Cars Club)

辽宁超跑俱乐部 Username 微博名:@LNSCC 阿林 Follows 关注:332 Followers 粉丝:4792 Weibo 微博:956

By Yibo Lv 编辑/ 吕思墨

Arlin is the founder of the LNSCC (LiaoNing Super Cars Club). Founded in 2010, it’s the first club for supercars in the Northeast. The club is made up of supercar owners who enjoy a little competitive racing. The collective membership boasts cars from across the world, such as Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porsche. LNSCC regularly holds large track events so participants can enjoy a real supercar driving experience.

阿林是 LNSCC 辽宁超跑俱乐部创始人,于 2010 年成立东北地区首个超跑 俱乐部。他将热爱竞速乐趣的超跑车主汇聚于此,使兰博基尼、法拉利、保时捷等 名车发挥出最极致震撼的运动性能。LNSCC 经常组织大型赛道活动,一辆马达轰 鸣的跑车加上一颗驰骋拼搏的心,如此便可享受极速快意的人生驾驭体验。

Q: How was the LNSCC club founded? A: At first I had several friends who loved supercars, gradually it became a large circle of people that attracted more car-lovers, and then it became a club, the LNSCC. Q:What car makes and models does LNSCC have? A:Lamborghini LP700、 560、550,Ferrari 458、430,

Maserati、Audi R8、Porsche 911 and so on. Q: What is the concept of LNSCC? A: We advocate safe driving, we like to drive at high speed but on the condition that it doesn’t disturb others or create noise pollution. Q: What kind of events do you hold? A: LNSCC frequently holds

large track events and membership experience events. Each year we cooperate with Benz AMG to hold a test drive contest. Currently we are planning to take the fleet to Chengdu to drive on the super track there. In addition, LNSCC has cooperated with Wanda Group by inviting clubmembers and their relatives

and friends to watch the film The Fast and the Furious. Q: What is the effect of Weibo on LNSCC? A: “LNSCC- 辽宁超跑俱乐 部” is our official micro-blog.

Q: LNSCC 俱乐部是如何成 立的 ? A: 起初是身边有几个喜欢跑 车 的 朋 友, 逐 渐 发 展 为 一 个 圈 子, 后 来 吸 引 了 更 多 爱 车 之友,便有了现在的 LNSCC 俱乐部。 Q: 俱乐部目前有什么车型? A:兰博基尼 LP700、560、

550, 法 拉 利 458、430, 玛莎拉蒂、奥迪 R8、保时捷 911 等等。 Q: LNSCC 的理念是什么? A:我们倡导不影响他人生活, 不 造 成 噪 音 污 染, 以 保 证 安 全 为 前 提, 体 会 极 致 竞 速 驾 驶乐趣。 Q: 你们有哪些俱乐部活动呢?

A:LNSCC 经 常 举 办 一 些 大型赛道活动和会员体验活 动 等。 我 们 每 年 都 会 与 奔 驰 AMG 联合举办试驾体验赛, 近期计划将俱乐部车队带去成 都,体验标准大型赛道的极速 感受。另外,LNSCC 与万达 集团合作,邀请会员及亲友包 场看《速度与激情》。

Q:微博对 LNSCC 起到什么 作用呢? A:“LNSCC- 辽宁超跑俱乐 部”是我们的官方微博,我们 会与俱乐部会员进行互动,发 布新会员,最新活动情况,并 为车友提供实用信息。

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We interact with our club members, issue the latest member and event news and provide practical information to our car owners.

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Dalian Tweets / 大连微博新鲜事 / Meeting Popular Local Micro-Bloggers 关注大连微博达人


(LiaoNing Super Cars Club)

辽宁超跑俱乐部 Username 微博名:@LNSCC 阿林 Follows 关注:332 Followers 粉丝:4792 Weibo 微博:956

By Yibo Lv 编辑/ 吕思墨

Arlin is the founder of the LNSCC (LiaoNing Super Cars Club). Founded in 2010, it’s the first club for supercars in the Northeast. The club is made up of supercar owners who enjoy a little competitive racing. The collective membership boasts cars from across the world, such as Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porsche. LNSCC regularly holds large track events so participants can enjoy a real supercar driving experience.

阿林是 LNSCC 辽宁超跑俱乐部创始人,于 2010 年成立东北地区首个超跑 俱乐部。他将热爱竞速乐趣的超跑车主汇聚于此,使兰博基尼、法拉利、保时捷等 名车发挥出最极致震撼的运动性能。LNSCC 经常组织大型赛道活动,一辆马达轰 鸣的跑车加上一颗驰骋拼搏的心,如此便可享受极速快意的人生驾驭体验。

Q: How was the LNSCC club founded? A: At first I had several friends who loved supercars, gradually it became a large circle of people that attracted more car-lovers, and then it became a club, the LNSCC. Q:What car makes and models does LNSCC have? A:Lamborghini LP700、 560、550,Ferrari 458、430,

Maserati、Audi R8、Porsche 911 and so on. Q: What is the concept of LNSCC? A: We advocate safe driving, we like to drive at high speed but on the condition that it doesn’t disturb others or create noise pollution. Q: What kind of events do you hold? A: LNSCC frequently holds

large track events and membership experience events. Each year we cooperate with Benz AMG to hold a test drive contest. Currently we are planning to take the fleet to Chengdu to drive on the super track there. In addition, LNSCC has cooperated with Wanda Group by inviting clubmembers and their relatives

and friends to watch the film The Fast and the Furious. Q: What is the effect of Weibo on LNSCC? A: “LNSCC- 辽宁超跑俱乐 部” is our official micro-blog.

Q: LNSCC 俱乐部是如何成 立的 ? A: 起初是身边有几个喜欢跑 车 的 朋 友, 逐 渐 发 展 为 一 个 圈 子, 后 来 吸 引 了 更 多 爱 车 之友,便有了现在的 LNSCC 俱乐部。 Q: 俱乐部目前有什么车型? A:兰博基尼 LP700、560、

550, 法 拉 利 458、430, 玛莎拉蒂、奥迪 R8、保时捷 911 等等。 Q: LNSCC 的理念是什么? A:我们倡导不影响他人生活, 不 造 成 噪 音 污 染, 以 保 证 安 全 为 前 提, 体 会 极 致 竞 速 驾 驶乐趣。 Q: 你们有哪些俱乐部活动呢?

A:LNSCC 经 常 举 办 一 些 大型赛道活动和会员体验活 动 等。 我 们 每 年 都 会 与 奔 驰 AMG 联合举办试驾体验赛, 近期计划将俱乐部车队带去成 都,体验标准大型赛道的极速 感受。另外,LNSCC 与万达 集团合作,邀请会员及亲友包 场看《速度与激情》。

Q:微博对 LNSCC 起到什么 作用呢? A:“LNSCC- 辽宁超跑俱乐 部”是我们的官方微博,我们 会与俱乐部会员进行互动,发 布新会员,最新活动情况,并 为车友提供实用信息。

68  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

We interact with our club members, issue the latest member and event news and provide practical information to our car owners.

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French Phytomer The Oasis Hydrotherapy Spa in Dalian Kempinski

法国菲迪曼 进驻大连凯宾斯基 欧意希斯水疗中心

Phytomer means ‘plants in the ocean’. The brand was created in St Malo, France in 1971 and is based on elements of the ocean. This brand was the first to bring ocean therapy to the modern beauty world. 菲迪曼,英文释义为“海洋中的植物”,于 1971 年在法国的圣马洛研创,属于以海洋成份为基础的美容系列产品, 是全球第一个把海洋及海洋疗法带入现代美容的护肤品牌。

Recently French international super brand -Phytomer arrived at the Oasis Hydrotherapy Spa at the Dalian Kempinski Hotel to bring advanced and unique soothing treatment to the people of Dalian. Phytomer means ‘plants in the ocean’. The brand was created in St Malo, France in 1971 and is based on elements of the ocean. This brand was the first to bring ocean therapy to the modern beauty world.

Phytomer has 30 years’ experience in hydrotherapy. Currently there are hydrotherapy spas and resorts in 75 countries across the world. At the Dalian Kempinski Oasis Hydrotherapy Spar, you can experience the marvelous and refreshing feeling of swimming in the ocean. Recently this hydrotherapy Spar started their Phytomer Ocean Fragrant Therapy. It begins with a small-scaled ocean bath, then a massage

using warm a lavender bag to sooth your body and spirit, followed by an overall soothing massage with ocean scented massage lotion to completely relax your body and mind. The Oasis Hydrotherapy Spa in Dalian Kempinski Hotel is uniquely decorated with Arabian royal and European styles with an area of 4500m², making this the largest and most multifunctioned hydrotherapy spa in Northeast China. It

has a Finnish Sauna, aroma steam baths, snow room, ice spring, swimming pool, gym, hydrotherapy and beauty salon, which provide professional services like hydrotherapy, beautifying and fitness classes. Many internationally recognized hydrotherapy product brands can also be found here, such as Futuresse and Biodroga from Gremany, La Colline from Switzerland and Guinot and Phytomer from France.

近 日, 来 自 法 国 的 全 球 顶 级 美 容 品 牌 —— 菲 迪 曼 (Phytomer) 进 驻 大 连 凯 宾 斯基欧意希斯水疗中心,为中 外宾客和大连市民带来先进的 产品和独特的护理疗程。 菲迪曼,英文释义为“海

菲迪曼在水疗界有 30 多 年的经验,目前,全球 75 个 国家的知名尊贵水疗中心及度 假胜地都在使用。在大连凯宾 斯基欧意希斯水疗中心,可以 加入菲迪曼的蓝色世界,享受 畅游海洋般的新奇感受,汲取

开始,在身体按摩护理中配合 使用加热后的海洋薰衣草香 拓 包, 放 松 疲 惫 的 身 体 与 精 神。再以海洋香芬按摩乳进行 全身舒缓按摩,令身心彻底放 松舒缓。 大连凯宾斯基饭店欧意希

单位。它拥有设备先进的芬兰 桑拿浴、香薰蒸汽浴、雪屋、 冰泉、游泳池、健身房、有氧 操室、水疗房和美容、美发沙 龙等,提供水疗护理、美容、 美体、美发、美甲和健身课程 等专业化服务,荟萃德国“芙

洋中的植物”,于 1971 年在 法国的圣马洛研创出,属于以 海洋成份为基础的美容系列 产品,是全球第一个把海洋及 海洋疗法带入现代美容的护 肤品牌。

海洋精华,快速恢复生机,解 除疲劳,焕发容颜等。 目前,大连凯宾斯基饭店 欧意希斯水疗中心,首先推出 了菲迪曼海洋香拓护理疗程。 整个护理从小海洋活力泡浴

斯水疗中心,以华美的阿拉伯 皇家装饰格调和欧洲风尚而独 具特色,其服务面积达 4,500 平方米,是目前中国东北规模 最大、功能最全的酒店水疗中 心,也是大连市水疗协会会长

乐丝”“宝迪嘉” 、瑞士“科 丽妍”、法国“维健美”“菲 迪曼”等世界顶级水疗产品及 其系列护理项目。

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French Phytomer The Oasis Hydrotherapy Spa in Dalian Kempinski

法国菲迪曼 进驻大连凯宾斯基 欧意希斯水疗中心

Phytomer means ‘plants in the ocean’. The brand was created in St Malo, France in 1971 and is based on elements of the ocean. This brand was the first to bring ocean therapy to the modern beauty world. 菲迪曼,英文释义为“海洋中的植物”,于 1971 年在法国的圣马洛研创,属于以海洋成份为基础的美容系列产品, 是全球第一个把海洋及海洋疗法带入现代美容的护肤品牌。

Recently French international super brand -Phytomer arrived at the Oasis Hydrotherapy Spa at the Dalian Kempinski Hotel to bring advanced and unique soothing treatment to the people of Dalian. Phytomer means ‘plants in the ocean’. The brand was created in St Malo, France in 1971 and is based on elements of the ocean. This brand was the first to bring ocean therapy to the modern beauty world.

Phytomer has 30 years’ experience in hydrotherapy. Currently there are hydrotherapy spas and resorts in 75 countries across the world. At the Dalian Kempinski Oasis Hydrotherapy Spar, you can experience the marvelous and refreshing feeling of swimming in the ocean. Recently this hydrotherapy Spar started their Phytomer Ocean Fragrant Therapy. It begins with a small-scaled ocean bath, then a massage

using warm a lavender bag to sooth your body and spirit, followed by an overall soothing massage with ocean scented massage lotion to completely relax your body and mind. The Oasis Hydrotherapy Spa in Dalian Kempinski Hotel is uniquely decorated with Arabian royal and European styles with an area of 4500m², making this the largest and most multifunctioned hydrotherapy spa in Northeast China. It

has a Finnish Sauna, aroma steam baths, snow room, ice spring, swimming pool, gym, hydrotherapy and beauty salon, which provide professional services like hydrotherapy, beautifying and fitness classes. Many internationally recognized hydrotherapy product brands can also be found here, such as Futuresse and Biodroga from Gremany, La Colline from Switzerland and Guinot and Phytomer from France.

近 日, 来 自 法 国 的 全 球 顶 级 美 容 品 牌 —— 菲 迪 曼 (Phytomer) 进 驻 大 连 凯 宾 斯基欧意希斯水疗中心,为中 外宾客和大连市民带来先进的 产品和独特的护理疗程。 菲迪曼,英文释义为“海

菲迪曼在水疗界有 30 多 年的经验,目前,全球 75 个 国家的知名尊贵水疗中心及度 假胜地都在使用。在大连凯宾 斯基欧意希斯水疗中心,可以 加入菲迪曼的蓝色世界,享受 畅游海洋般的新奇感受,汲取

开始,在身体按摩护理中配合 使用加热后的海洋薰衣草香 拓 包, 放 松 疲 惫 的 身 体 与 精 神。再以海洋香芬按摩乳进行 全身舒缓按摩,令身心彻底放 松舒缓。 大连凯宾斯基饭店欧意希

单位。它拥有设备先进的芬兰 桑拿浴、香薰蒸汽浴、雪屋、 冰泉、游泳池、健身房、有氧 操室、水疗房和美容、美发沙 龙等,提供水疗护理、美容、 美体、美发、美甲和健身课程 等专业化服务,荟萃德国“芙

洋中的植物”,于 1971 年在 法国的圣马洛研创出,属于以 海洋成份为基础的美容系列 产品,是全球第一个把海洋及 海洋疗法带入现代美容的护 肤品牌。

海洋精华,快速恢复生机,解 除疲劳,焕发容颜等。 目前,大连凯宾斯基饭店 欧意希斯水疗中心,首先推出 了菲迪曼海洋香拓护理疗程。 整个护理从小海洋活力泡浴

斯水疗中心,以华美的阿拉伯 皇家装饰格调和欧洲风尚而独 具特色,其服务面积达 4,500 平方米,是目前中国东北规模 最大、功能最全的酒店水疗中 心,也是大连市水疗协会会长

乐丝”“宝迪嘉” 、瑞士“科 丽妍”、法国“维健美”“菲 迪曼”等世界顶级水疗产品及 其系列护理项目。

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What to do with beans 如何料理豆类

Where Have You Bean?

Beans can be easily prepared in a rice cooker. Soak the beans in water overnight to reduce cooking time. Place beans in rice cooker, add water to about 1 inch above the beans (check regularly and add water as necessary) To the rice cooker add coarsely chopped onions, garlic, star anise, bay leaves, bean paste or salt, dried peppers or black pepper, as per your tastes The cooked beans can be stored in the freezer for use at a later time.

超级豆子 By Pam Peters

Toss cooked beans into the rice cooker when cooking your rice along with some cabbage, onions and hot peppers for a lovely one-pot meal.

Tear-out Recipe

Spinach and Pomegranate Salad By Uliana Olson

This fresh, delicious salad is a beautiful fusion between the sweet flavor of pomegranate and sour flavor of vinegar and cheese.

Mash beans and fry with onions, garlic and tomatoes for a delicious protein rich pasta sauce. Put chickpeas in a blender with olive oil, garlic, lemon or vinegar for homemade hummus which can be used on sandwiches instead of mayo, as a low fat dressing for pasta or potato salads, and as a veggie or chip dip. Lentils are much less time consuming: put in a pot with lots of chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, celery and seasonings for a quick “Sloppy Joe” topping for fresh bread or rice.

做法一 用电饭锅烹煮豆类。将豆子放在电饭锅内,加水至覆盖至豆子 上面1英寸,定时检查,随时加水(用水将豆子泡一夜,可减少烹 煮时间)。将洋葱切成大块,并将其与大蒜、茴香、月桂叶、豆瓣 酱或食盐、干辣椒或黑胡椒一起加入电饭锅内(依个人口味)。煮 过的豆子可以存放在冰箱内,留作以后使用。 The multi-faceted nutrition and prevention powers of beans— which encompasses common beans (kidney, black, navy, pinto), chickpeas, soybeans, dried peas and lentils—make them an anti-aging dietary necessity.There are good reasons that beans occupy two places on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid: the first is with highprotein foods such as meat, eggs, poultry and fish, and the second is with vitamin-rich vegetables. Beans are low in fat (except for soybeans—but soybeans contain ALL the essential amino acids of a complete protein), calories and sodium but high in complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. They are also an

excellent source of protein and when combined with things such as barley, oats, rice or corn, they become a highly usable, complete protein. Beans are extremely beneficial in both anti-diabetes diets and low-carb diets because they are low on the glycemic scale, which means they do not cause the hunger-inducing spike in blood sugar levels that comes with simple carbs like white bread, sugar and baked goods. One cup of cooked beans provide 15 grams of dietary fiber, more than half the recommended daily value, and take longer to digest so they provide energy and satiation for longer periods. Dried beans and lentils are a staple of many cuisines

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worldwide. For thousands of years, beans and lentils have been and continue to be one of the most nutritious foods available. Start with one meatless day a week, Meatless Mondays—and speed up the recovery process after a reckless weekend. 豆类营养价值高,能够预防 疾病,是抗衰老必备食品。豆类 包含菜豆、黑豆、海军豆、花 豆、鹰嘴豆、黄豆、干豌豆及小 扁豆等。 豆类在美国农业部食品指南 金字塔中占据两个位置。主要原 因是豆类如同肉类、蛋类、家禽 和鱼类一样,是高蛋白食物。而 且,豆类是富含维他命的蔬菜。 豆类脂肪含量低(除大豆之

外,但大豆含有蛋白质中的全部 氨基酸),低卡路里,低钠,但 复合碳水化合物及膳食纤维含量 高。豆类还是极好的蛋白质来 源,当与其它食物如大麦、燕 麦、大米或玉米结合起来时,它 们会成为非常有用的完全蛋白 质。 豆类在抗糖尿病饮食与低碳 水化合物饮食中非常有益,一杯 煮熟的豆类中含15克膳食纤维, 比每日推荐摄入量的一半还高, 并且吸收时间更长,可长时间提 供能量,维持饱足感。 干豆类及小扁豆是世界范围 内的主要菜肴。千百年来,豆类 一直是最有营养的食物之一。每 周从无肉星期一开始,来减轻周 末放纵的负罪感。

做法二 煮粥的时候,可以将熟豆子放入锅内,再加入白菜、洋葱及辣 椒。一锅美味的粥就做成了。

做法三 将豆子捣碎,同洋葱、大蒜及西红柿一起煎炸,做成美味富含 蛋白质的拌面酱。

做法四 将鹰嘴豆及橄榄油、大蒜、柠檬或食醋放入搅拌器中,做成自 制的低脂肪鹰嘴豆泥,可以代替蛋黄酱用来做三明治,或放入意 面、土豆沙拉、素食盘或点心盘中。

做法五 将扁豆放入加了碎番茄、洋葱、大蒜、辣椒、芹菜及各种调料 的锅中,做成“Sloppy Joe”酱,可以放入面包或米饭中。

Ingredients (2 servings) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Cup spinach 1 Cup arugula 1 Small red onion 1/2 Cup cashews (or any nuts you like) Soft goat cheese or feta cheese 1 Pomegranate Balsamic vinegar Sesame seeds (optional)

Directions 1. Marinate red onion in balsamic vinegar, while peeling the pomegranate. 2. Wash the greens and combine. Cut cheese into small pieces and put on top, sprinkle with nuts, pomegranate and sesame seeds. Thank goodness it’s summer! september-october 2013


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What to do with beans 如何料理豆类

Where Have You Bean?

Beans can be easily prepared in a rice cooker. Soak the beans in water overnight to reduce cooking time. Place beans in rice cooker, add water to about 1 inch above the beans (check regularly and add water as necessary) To the rice cooker add coarsely chopped onions, garlic, star anise, bay leaves, bean paste or salt, dried peppers or black pepper, as per your tastes The cooked beans can be stored in the freezer for use at a later time.

超级豆子 By Pam Peters

Toss cooked beans into the rice cooker when cooking your rice along with some cabbage, onions and hot peppers for a lovely one-pot meal.

Tear-out Recipe

Spinach and Pomegranate Salad By Uliana Olson

This fresh, delicious salad is a beautiful fusion between the sweet flavor of pomegranate and sour flavor of vinegar and cheese.

Mash beans and fry with onions, garlic and tomatoes for a delicious protein rich pasta sauce. Put chickpeas in a blender with olive oil, garlic, lemon or vinegar for homemade hummus which can be used on sandwiches instead of mayo, as a low fat dressing for pasta or potato salads, and as a veggie or chip dip. Lentils are much less time consuming: put in a pot with lots of chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, celery and seasonings for a quick “Sloppy Joe” topping for fresh bread or rice.

做法一 用电饭锅烹煮豆类。将豆子放在电饭锅内,加水至覆盖至豆子 上面1英寸,定时检查,随时加水(用水将豆子泡一夜,可减少烹 煮时间)。将洋葱切成大块,并将其与大蒜、茴香、月桂叶、豆瓣 酱或食盐、干辣椒或黑胡椒一起加入电饭锅内(依个人口味)。煮 过的豆子可以存放在冰箱内,留作以后使用。 The multi-faceted nutrition and prevention powers of beans— which encompasses common beans (kidney, black, navy, pinto), chickpeas, soybeans, dried peas and lentils—make them an anti-aging dietary necessity.There are good reasons that beans occupy two places on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid: the first is with highprotein foods such as meat, eggs, poultry and fish, and the second is with vitamin-rich vegetables. Beans are low in fat (except for soybeans—but soybeans contain ALL the essential amino acids of a complete protein), calories and sodium but high in complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. They are also an

excellent source of protein and when combined with things such as barley, oats, rice or corn, they become a highly usable, complete protein. Beans are extremely beneficial in both anti-diabetes diets and low-carb diets because they are low on the glycemic scale, which means they do not cause the hunger-inducing spike in blood sugar levels that comes with simple carbs like white bread, sugar and baked goods. One cup of cooked beans provide 15 grams of dietary fiber, more than half the recommended daily value, and take longer to digest so they provide energy and satiation for longer periods. Dried beans and lentils are a staple of many cuisines

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worldwide. For thousands of years, beans and lentils have been and continue to be one of the most nutritious foods available. Start with one meatless day a week, Meatless Mondays—and speed up the recovery process after a reckless weekend. 豆类营养价值高,能够预防 疾病,是抗衰老必备食品。豆类 包含菜豆、黑豆、海军豆、花 豆、鹰嘴豆、黄豆、干豌豆及小 扁豆等。 豆类在美国农业部食品指南 金字塔中占据两个位置。主要原 因是豆类如同肉类、蛋类、家禽 和鱼类一样,是高蛋白食物。而 且,豆类是富含维他命的蔬菜。 豆类脂肪含量低(除大豆之

外,但大豆含有蛋白质中的全部 氨基酸),低卡路里,低钠,但 复合碳水化合物及膳食纤维含量 高。豆类还是极好的蛋白质来 源,当与其它食物如大麦、燕 麦、大米或玉米结合起来时,它 们会成为非常有用的完全蛋白 质。 豆类在抗糖尿病饮食与低碳 水化合物饮食中非常有益,一杯 煮熟的豆类中含15克膳食纤维, 比每日推荐摄入量的一半还高, 并且吸收时间更长,可长时间提 供能量,维持饱足感。 干豆类及小扁豆是世界范围 内的主要菜肴。千百年来,豆类 一直是最有营养的食物之一。每 周从无肉星期一开始,来减轻周 末放纵的负罪感。

做法二 煮粥的时候,可以将熟豆子放入锅内,再加入白菜、洋葱及辣 椒。一锅美味的粥就做成了。

做法三 将豆子捣碎,同洋葱、大蒜及西红柿一起煎炸,做成美味富含 蛋白质的拌面酱。

做法四 将鹰嘴豆及橄榄油、大蒜、柠檬或食醋放入搅拌器中,做成自 制的低脂肪鹰嘴豆泥,可以代替蛋黄酱用来做三明治,或放入意 面、土豆沙拉、素食盘或点心盘中。

做法五 将扁豆放入加了碎番茄、洋葱、大蒜、辣椒、芹菜及各种调料 的锅中,做成“Sloppy Joe”酱,可以放入面包或米饭中。

Ingredients (2 servings) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Cup spinach 1 Cup arugula 1 Small red onion 1/2 Cup cashews (or any nuts you like) Soft goat cheese or feta cheese 1 Pomegranate Balsamic vinegar Sesame seeds (optional)

Directions 1. Marinate red onion in balsamic vinegar, while peeling the pomegranate. 2. Wash the greens and combine. Cut cheese into small pieces and put on top, sprinkle with nuts, pomegranate and sesame seeds. Thank goodness it’s summer! september-october 2013


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菠菜石榴沙拉 甜石榴、酸醋与奶酪的完美混搭,造就这道新鲜 美味的沙拉。

食材 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 杯菠菜 1杯芝麻菜 1 个小红洋葱 半杯腰果 山羊奶酪或菲达奶酪 1个石榴 香醋 芝麻(可选)

制作方法 1 2

将红洋葱浸泡在香醋中,石榴去皮。 将绿色蔬菜洗净,之后混合搅拌,奶酪切成小块放在上 面,然后再撒上腰果、石榴和芝麻,即可享用。

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菠菜石榴沙拉 甜石榴、酸醋与奶酪的完美混搭,造就这道新鲜 美味的沙拉。

食材 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 杯菠菜 1杯芝麻菜 1 个小红洋葱 半杯腰果 山羊奶酪或菲达奶酪 1个石榴 香醋 芝麻(可选)

制作方法 1 2

将红洋葱浸泡在香醋中,石榴去皮。 将绿色蔬菜洗净,之后混合搅拌,奶酪切成小块放在上 面,然后再撒上腰果、石榴和芝麻,即可享用。

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Q: Do you use any special locations for micro photography?


A: Actually, we use many beautiful locations during the

shooting process. For example, the beach at sunset, the warm glow reflecting off the lapping waves, a girl without shoes is standing by the sea, with her slightly curled hairs waying with the ocean breeze. The camera captures this natural and wonderful moment and a micro photo is created.

the real you

Micro Photography Era of Lake


Q: What’s the meaning of photography and the definition of micro photography?


A: Photography is not only about altering your aperture

and making pixels, it’s also about trusting your lens and capturing beautiful moments, the original purpose of photography was to record real life. The perfect photography is discovering and recording the tiny details in life, such as a natural smile, the look of concentration while reading and firm forward footsteps. Lake micro photography is a refreshing type of photography providing a new shooting experience – a photographic way of recording real life, without any limits and having a story line.

By Yibo Lv 编辑/吕思墨

微信、微博、微电影的日益流行,“微” 概念渐入人心。如今,大连兰克时尚摄影 机构将“微”带进了写真摄影的世界,微 写真,作为一种全新的摄影理念闯入了人 们视线。大连兰克国际摄影,是全国首家 摄影机构创意定义“微写真”,即微型写 真,又称“微型照片故事”。微写真是一 个积极向上、主张创意的新概念摄影。倡 导随心、随性、随角度的故事摄影新体 验,是一种“Don’t think, just shoot” 的拍摄态度。兰克微写真滋生了时尚的触 角,活跃而感性的年轻人为之疯狂。跟随 兰克时尚摄影机构总经理王守洋的镜头, 一起走进微写真的世界。

The concept of Micro Photography is 'Don’t think, just shoot'

Wang Shouyang (TIGER) General Manager of Dalian Lake Fashion Photography Agency 大连兰克时尚摄影机构总经理 王守洋(TIGER)

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Micro messaging ( WeChat), micro blogs and micro films are becoming more and more popular, and the concept of ‘micro’ is being applied to many things and implies that they are not just small but also personal and accessible. Now, Dalian Lake Fashion Photography Agency has applied this concept to photography and has called it ‘Micro Photography’. The concept of Micro Photography is ‘Don’t think, just shoot”. It does away with the cliché photo-shoot processes and instead captures people as themselves. It appeals to a lot of people who want to create a ‘Micro Story’ about who they are and where they are at this moment in their lives. We spoke to Wang Shouyang ( TIGER), the General Manager of Dalian Lake Fashion Photography Agency, to get an insight into the world of micro photography.

Q: How do you shoot micro photography? A: Lake micro photography uses the concept

of not posing too much, leaving the client to just act as they normally would giving a more natural and casual look. When you’re not confined to props and poses, your real-self shines through. The professional and creative photographers from Lake communicate with their clients and take the most care to make a shooting plan that fits the clients’ needs.

Photos hold the memories of years gone by. Micro photography captures moments as they really are. After many years, these photos can bring it all back.

Q: 微写真是如何拍摄的? A:兰克微写真以艺术纯美,贴近生活的

映像封存了许多 美好年少青春记忆, 多年后将照片里的故事娓娓道来, 还可以在回忆时光里, 留下印记。 那些微写真带来的真实感受, 就好像重新做了回自己, 无拘无束地走在天大地大里, 让心中所有微小的声音 都在外部世界找到确切的落点, 如此真实,如此笃定。

故事性写真开创了“不摆pose,随性自 然”的摄影理念。专业又充满创意的兰克 摄影师们游刃有余地穿梭光影艺术的世界 里,通过互动沟通和心灵交流,设定出拍 摄方案并进行纪实性原创拍摄。不再受道 具或摆拍的束缚,真实轻松地还原自我本 性的洒脱。

摇曳,微微面向那苍穹中的一抹亮色,定 格这一寂静,无需粉饰也不必刻意,好似 不经意地一瞥,就收集齐了所有自然中淡 淡的美好。如此,一张浪漫独特的微写真 就诞生了。

Q:如何理解摄影的意义和微写真 的定义? A:摄影不是单纯放大光圈、精确像素, 而是一种信任镜头留下一瞬光影的魅力。 忠于摄影的初衷是记录真实生活,重现时 光。无瑕天真的微笑、低头阅书的专注、 坚定向前的脚步,生活中微小的细节被放 大被重视,如此清澈自然地还原生活,这 才是摄影让人记录真实细微时光的完美体 现。兰克微写真(Micro photography) 是LakeLomo大连兰克时尚摄影机构全 球独创的以纯电影故事为创意元素及拍摄 手法,独创的一种新兴的摄影艺术,代表 一种摄影体验——随性的、没有任何束缚 的、回归摄影本源的、赋予故事情节的影 像纪实记录方式。

Q: 微写真中有没有一幕让你印象 深刻? A:其实我们在拍摄微写真的时候,常常 会记录下非常多美的画面。比如静谧的海 水映出落日下夕阳的余晖,女孩赤脚站在 及脚踝的海岸边,微蜷的长发肆意在风中 september-october 2013


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Q: Do you use any special locations for micro photography?


A: Actually, we use many beautiful locations during the

shooting process. For example, the beach at sunset, the warm glow reflecting off the lapping waves, a girl without shoes is standing by the sea, with her slightly curled hairs waying with the ocean breeze. The camera captures this natural and wonderful moment and a micro photo is created.

the real you

Micro Photography Era of Lake


Q: What’s the meaning of photography and the definition of micro photography?


A: Photography is not only about altering your aperture

and making pixels, it’s also about trusting your lens and capturing beautiful moments, the original purpose of photography was to record real life. The perfect photography is discovering and recording the tiny details in life, such as a natural smile, the look of concentration while reading and firm forward footsteps. Lake micro photography is a refreshing type of photography providing a new shooting experience – a photographic way of recording real life, without any limits and having a story line.

By Yibo Lv 编辑/吕思墨

微信、微博、微电影的日益流行,“微” 概念渐入人心。如今,大连兰克时尚摄影 机构将“微”带进了写真摄影的世界,微 写真,作为一种全新的摄影理念闯入了人 们视线。大连兰克国际摄影,是全国首家 摄影机构创意定义“微写真”,即微型写 真,又称“微型照片故事”。微写真是一 个积极向上、主张创意的新概念摄影。倡 导随心、随性、随角度的故事摄影新体 验,是一种“Don’t think, just shoot” 的拍摄态度。兰克微写真滋生了时尚的触 角,活跃而感性的年轻人为之疯狂。跟随 兰克时尚摄影机构总经理王守洋的镜头, 一起走进微写真的世界。

The concept of Micro Photography is 'Don’t think, just shoot'

Wang Shouyang (TIGER) General Manager of Dalian Lake Fashion Photography Agency 大连兰克时尚摄影机构总经理 王守洋(TIGER)

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Micro messaging ( WeChat), micro blogs and micro films are becoming more and more popular, and the concept of ‘micro’ is being applied to many things and implies that they are not just small but also personal and accessible. Now, Dalian Lake Fashion Photography Agency has applied this concept to photography and has called it ‘Micro Photography’. The concept of Micro Photography is ‘Don’t think, just shoot”. It does away with the cliché photo-shoot processes and instead captures people as themselves. It appeals to a lot of people who want to create a ‘Micro Story’ about who they are and where they are at this moment in their lives. We spoke to Wang Shouyang ( TIGER), the General Manager of Dalian Lake Fashion Photography Agency, to get an insight into the world of micro photography.

Q: How do you shoot micro photography? A: Lake micro photography uses the concept

of not posing too much, leaving the client to just act as they normally would giving a more natural and casual look. When you’re not confined to props and poses, your real-self shines through. The professional and creative photographers from Lake communicate with their clients and take the most care to make a shooting plan that fits the clients’ needs.

Photos hold the memories of years gone by. Micro photography captures moments as they really are. After many years, these photos can bring it all back.

Q: 微写真是如何拍摄的? A:兰克微写真以艺术纯美,贴近生活的

映像封存了许多 美好年少青春记忆, 多年后将照片里的故事娓娓道来, 还可以在回忆时光里, 留下印记。 那些微写真带来的真实感受, 就好像重新做了回自己, 无拘无束地走在天大地大里, 让心中所有微小的声音 都在外部世界找到确切的落点, 如此真实,如此笃定。

故事性写真开创了“不摆pose,随性自 然”的摄影理念。专业又充满创意的兰克 摄影师们游刃有余地穿梭光影艺术的世界 里,通过互动沟通和心灵交流,设定出拍 摄方案并进行纪实性原创拍摄。不再受道 具或摆拍的束缚,真实轻松地还原自我本 性的洒脱。

摇曳,微微面向那苍穹中的一抹亮色,定 格这一寂静,无需粉饰也不必刻意,好似 不经意地一瞥,就收集齐了所有自然中淡 淡的美好。如此,一张浪漫独特的微写真 就诞生了。

Q:如何理解摄影的意义和微写真 的定义? A:摄影不是单纯放大光圈、精确像素, 而是一种信任镜头留下一瞬光影的魅力。 忠于摄影的初衷是记录真实生活,重现时 光。无瑕天真的微笑、低头阅书的专注、 坚定向前的脚步,生活中微小的细节被放 大被重视,如此清澈自然地还原生活,这 才是摄影让人记录真实细微时光的完美体 现。兰克微写真(Micro photography) 是LakeLomo大连兰克时尚摄影机构全 球独创的以纯电影故事为创意元素及拍摄 手法,独创的一种新兴的摄影艺术,代表 一种摄影体验——随性的、没有任何束缚 的、回归摄影本源的、赋予故事情节的影 像纪实记录方式。

Q: 微写真中有没有一幕让你印象 深刻? A:其实我们在拍摄微写真的时候,常常 会记录下非常多美的画面。比如静谧的海 水映出落日下夕阳的余晖,女孩赤脚站在 及脚踝的海岸边,微蜷的长发肆意在风中 september-october 2013


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Positive Life Rules

Take Things As They Come

Being adaptable is key, it is a real challenge for Chinese students to adapt to a new environment. The moment you arrive in your country of study, you should regard yourself as an independent adult, be mature and to take care of yourself. It’s just as important to be a part of campus life, don't isolate yourself, try to integrate with native students and other foreign students, it will make your time there more memorable and will provide you with once in a life time experiences.

Rules to quickly adapt to foreign study life


适应能力是个人素质的后天培养,无论身处何地,都能以处乱不惊之态面对 新环境,这是留学生将要接受的挑战之一。现在的中国留学生多是独生子女,过 于依赖父母且生活能力及劳动观念差,其实迈出国门的下一步就要把自己想成是 独立的大人,逐渐用成熟的判断力,照料自己的生活。学会融入当地生活,不要 将自己隔离在社会环境之外,要用包容接纳的心胸来感受异国文化风情,这也是 留学中最有趣难忘的收获。

快速融入异国学习生活法则 By Yibo Lv 编辑/吕思墨

Chinese students desire to go abroad, not only for their parents but also for a wonderful future. Some of these young students however are suffering from homesickness and loneliness. A positive attitude is really important for studying abroad. Focus on Dalian will teach you several rules to adapt to foreign countries quickly, to be a part of a new environment and enjoy the local culture.

Tip 2 秘笈二

莘莘游子远赴他乡追寻留学之路,承载着父母的寄望和对未来的向往,这一 路看似掌声鲜花无数,可现实却常常让少小离家的学子们体会到思乡寂寞与学习 生活上的迷茫无助。事实上,以正确积极的心态面对出国这一大事非常必要,既 来之,则安之。本期,《东方视野》为大家做一回留学辅导师,教几招快速融入 异国学习生活法,成为新环境一份子,体验地道留学之趣。

Tip 1 秘笈一 Honesty is very important, all homework must be the students own work. You must work hard in every test and for every assignment. Each score might be recorded for your final grade. Teamwork is significant. Learn not only from your professors but also your classmates. It’s good to know your way around Microsoft and your campus networking system. 诚信是学习中最为重要的,原创性是作业 的首要条件。比如论文引用时要严格细致 标明引用的著作名称、作者姓名及出自哪 一部分。 坚持以持久勤奋认真的学习态度来面对各 项作业,每一次表述或演讲都可能计入评 估范畴。 在国外,小组授课和团队作业是日常学习 方式的主流,多向同学老师请教,积极配 合团队分工,时刻牢记合作精神远大于个 人英雄主义。 学会用“他们的”方式来学习。很多学 校不收取手写作业,有的则要求用校 内邮箱与教师沟通,此时就要熟练应用 Microsoft文件处理能力并掌握校内系统 文件的形式。

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身临其境 有容乃大生活法

Useful Study Rules

参加当地节日,体验异域文化。各国国庆节都举行盛大隆重的活动, 还有一些特色风俗文娱活动,如日本烟火大会、美国感恩节及彩蛋复 活节等,不妨参与进去,能够直观生动了解当地文化。 提高动手能力是开源节流的好办法。可以买半成品家具来自己组装, 按照说明书自己动手可以重温儿时拼图搭积木的乐趣。买菜下厨房绝 对可以练就让人羡慕的好厨艺。 随时旅游,及时行乐。既然已经来到陌生又新奇的国度,那为什么不 深入地了解游玩一番呢?收获的不仅是一路欢歌笑语,更是对美好生 活的无比热爱。

扬长避短 中西结合学习法

Education in China is more focused on scores, but are Chinese students really good at studying? Compared to Chinese education, foreign schools care more about applied knowledge and creativity. The questions are not only about finding an answer, the way you solve the question is just as important if not more. Chinese students like to learn by themselves, but abroad teamwork is encouraged when studying. To study hard and think more are the rules to success. 不得不说中国教育确实占有很大优势,单以数学一科为例,中国学生可以凭借高中水 平击败国外大学水平。可事实上,真的是中国学生会学习吗?与中国教育不同的是,国外 教育以实践与创新并行为教育理念,学生不应只会答出一道题为目的,如何应用拓展及发 散思维才是国外教育关键。另外,自学能力固然重要,可团队合作精神更是学习工作中不 可或缺的价值体现。因此,以刻苦勤勉为先机,注重自学分析与团队合作,中西合璧学习 法才能更胜一筹。

Participate in local festivals, enjoy the different culture. A Do-It-Yourself mentality is a good way to save money. DIY furniture is always very interesting, and cooking at home is also a good idea. Travel Around, learn from the local culture.

Tip 3 秘笈三 Respect your classmates and their culture. Going Dutch is the most common way to pay when having a meal with friends. Keep secrets, don’t gossip and don’t talk behind peoples’ backs. When receiving a gift, say thanks and take it. Give something back at the next opportunity. Smiling is the best language. 来自世界各地的同学有不同肤色、不同种 族,学会尊重对方的文化。 账单AA制是留学生们普遍结账方式,不 必有任何不适。 中国人社交圈一般比较复杂,所以“静时 多思己过,闲时莫论人非”。 外国朋友也懂得礼尚往来,在生日时送礼 物,欣然接受并感谢,下次也可以准备个 小礼物回赠。 微笑是最好的语言。

Friendly Relationship Advice

互帮互助 投桃报李人际法

When abroad, you will quickly realize that friends who are close-by are more useful than friends and family who are far away. Whether you are ill or have other difficulties, it is the friends that are closest who are in a position to help you. Classmates from all over the world are learning and living in the same environment, helping each other is the key to a balanced relationship and an easier life. Getting along with your classmates is a good way to integrate into campus life, so don’t hesitate, say "hello", treat each other well and respect them and their culture. You will not only improve your spoken English, they can also introduce you to aspects of local life. 出国之后才真切体会到什么是“远亲不如近邻”,无论是生病或是遇到困难,首先出 手相助的多是身边朋友或是室友邻居。来自五湖四海的同学在同一环境下学习生活,互帮 互助才是平衡这个小团体的关键。另外,和外国友人的相处直接关系到你是否真正融入当 地生活,所以大胆和外国同学说“hello”,真心相待,尊重彼此。与他们交友不仅可以提 高口语,还能了解到丰富有趣的当地生活。 september-october 2013


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Positive Life Rules

Take Things As They Come

Being adaptable is key, it is a real challenge for Chinese students to adapt to a new environment. The moment you arrive in your country of study, you should regard yourself as an independent adult, be mature and to take care of yourself. It’s just as important to be a part of campus life, don't isolate yourself, try to integrate with native students and other foreign students, it will make your time there more memorable and will provide you with once in a life time experiences.

Rules to quickly adapt to foreign study life


适应能力是个人素质的后天培养,无论身处何地,都能以处乱不惊之态面对 新环境,这是留学生将要接受的挑战之一。现在的中国留学生多是独生子女,过 于依赖父母且生活能力及劳动观念差,其实迈出国门的下一步就要把自己想成是 独立的大人,逐渐用成熟的判断力,照料自己的生活。学会融入当地生活,不要 将自己隔离在社会环境之外,要用包容接纳的心胸来感受异国文化风情,这也是 留学中最有趣难忘的收获。

快速融入异国学习生活法则 By Yibo Lv 编辑/吕思墨

Chinese students desire to go abroad, not only for their parents but also for a wonderful future. Some of these young students however are suffering from homesickness and loneliness. A positive attitude is really important for studying abroad. Focus on Dalian will teach you several rules to adapt to foreign countries quickly, to be a part of a new environment and enjoy the local culture.

Tip 2 秘笈二

莘莘游子远赴他乡追寻留学之路,承载着父母的寄望和对未来的向往,这一 路看似掌声鲜花无数,可现实却常常让少小离家的学子们体会到思乡寂寞与学习 生活上的迷茫无助。事实上,以正确积极的心态面对出国这一大事非常必要,既 来之,则安之。本期,《东方视野》为大家做一回留学辅导师,教几招快速融入 异国学习生活法,成为新环境一份子,体验地道留学之趣。

Tip 1 秘笈一 Honesty is very important, all homework must be the students own work. You must work hard in every test and for every assignment. Each score might be recorded for your final grade. Teamwork is significant. Learn not only from your professors but also your classmates. It’s good to know your way around Microsoft and your campus networking system. 诚信是学习中最为重要的,原创性是作业 的首要条件。比如论文引用时要严格细致 标明引用的著作名称、作者姓名及出自哪 一部分。 坚持以持久勤奋认真的学习态度来面对各 项作业,每一次表述或演讲都可能计入评 估范畴。 在国外,小组授课和团队作业是日常学习 方式的主流,多向同学老师请教,积极配 合团队分工,时刻牢记合作精神远大于个 人英雄主义。 学会用“他们的”方式来学习。很多学 校不收取手写作业,有的则要求用校 内邮箱与教师沟通,此时就要熟练应用 Microsoft文件处理能力并掌握校内系统 文件的形式。

102  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

身临其境 有容乃大生活法

Useful Study Rules

参加当地节日,体验异域文化。各国国庆节都举行盛大隆重的活动, 还有一些特色风俗文娱活动,如日本烟火大会、美国感恩节及彩蛋复 活节等,不妨参与进去,能够直观生动了解当地文化。 提高动手能力是开源节流的好办法。可以买半成品家具来自己组装, 按照说明书自己动手可以重温儿时拼图搭积木的乐趣。买菜下厨房绝 对可以练就让人羡慕的好厨艺。 随时旅游,及时行乐。既然已经来到陌生又新奇的国度,那为什么不 深入地了解游玩一番呢?收获的不仅是一路欢歌笑语,更是对美好生 活的无比热爱。

扬长避短 中西结合学习法

Education in China is more focused on scores, but are Chinese students really good at studying? Compared to Chinese education, foreign schools care more about applied knowledge and creativity. The questions are not only about finding an answer, the way you solve the question is just as important if not more. Chinese students like to learn by themselves, but abroad teamwork is encouraged when studying. To study hard and think more are the rules to success. 不得不说中国教育确实占有很大优势,单以数学一科为例,中国学生可以凭借高中水 平击败国外大学水平。可事实上,真的是中国学生会学习吗?与中国教育不同的是,国外 教育以实践与创新并行为教育理念,学生不应只会答出一道题为目的,如何应用拓展及发 散思维才是国外教育关键。另外,自学能力固然重要,可团队合作精神更是学习工作中不 可或缺的价值体现。因此,以刻苦勤勉为先机,注重自学分析与团队合作,中西合璧学习 法才能更胜一筹。

Participate in local festivals, enjoy the different culture. A Do-It-Yourself mentality is a good way to save money. DIY furniture is always very interesting, and cooking at home is also a good idea. Travel Around, learn from the local culture.

Tip 3 秘笈三 Respect your classmates and their culture. Going Dutch is the most common way to pay when having a meal with friends. Keep secrets, don’t gossip and don’t talk behind peoples’ backs. When receiving a gift, say thanks and take it. Give something back at the next opportunity. Smiling is the best language. 来自世界各地的同学有不同肤色、不同种 族,学会尊重对方的文化。 账单AA制是留学生们普遍结账方式,不 必有任何不适。 中国人社交圈一般比较复杂,所以“静时 多思己过,闲时莫论人非”。 外国朋友也懂得礼尚往来,在生日时送礼 物,欣然接受并感谢,下次也可以准备个 小礼物回赠。 微笑是最好的语言。

Friendly Relationship Advice

互帮互助 投桃报李人际法

When abroad, you will quickly realize that friends who are close-by are more useful than friends and family who are far away. Whether you are ill or have other difficulties, it is the friends that are closest who are in a position to help you. Classmates from all over the world are learning and living in the same environment, helping each other is the key to a balanced relationship and an easier life. Getting along with your classmates is a good way to integrate into campus life, so don’t hesitate, say "hello", treat each other well and respect them and their culture. You will not only improve your spoken English, they can also introduce you to aspects of local life. 出国之后才真切体会到什么是“远亲不如近邻”,无论是生病或是遇到困难,首先出 手相助的多是身边朋友或是室友邻居。来自五湖四海的同学在同一环境下学习生活,互帮 互助才是平衡这个小团体的关键。另外,和外国友人的相处直接关系到你是否真正融入当 地生活,所以大胆和外国同学说“hello”,真心相待,尊重彼此。与他们交友不仅可以提 高口语,还能了解到丰富有趣的当地生活。 september-october 2013


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Words Of Wisdom

Chinese Idioms By Mira Wu

Chengyu are a type of traditional Chinese idiomatic expressions most of which consist of four characters. Chengyu were widely used in Classical Chinese and are still common in the Chinese vernacular today. According to the most stringent definition, there are about 5,000 chengyu in the Chinese language, though some dictionaries list over 20,000.

Where there is a will, there is a way

世上无难事 只要肯登攀 shì shàng wú nán shì zhǐ yào kěn dēng pān 世上无难事 - Nothing is impossible 只要 - As long as 肯 - Be willing 登攀 - To climb

Man's nature at birth is good

人之初,性本善 rén zhī chū,

xìng běn shàn

人之初 - Men at their birth/ People at the beginning 性本 - Nature is 善 - Good/Kind

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Words Of Wisdom

Chinese Idioms By Mira Wu

Chengyu are a type of traditional Chinese idiomatic expressions most of which consist of four characters. Chengyu were widely used in Classical Chinese and are still common in the Chinese vernacular today. According to the most stringent definition, there are about 5,000 chengyu in the Chinese language, though some dictionaries list over 20,000.

Where there is a will, there is a way

世上无难事 只要肯登攀 shì shàng wú nán shì zhǐ yào kěn dēng pān 世上无难事 - Nothing is impossible 只要 - As long as 肯 - Be willing 登攀 - To climb

Man's nature at birth is good

人之初,性本善 rén zhī chū,

xìng běn shàn

人之初 - Men at their birth/ People at the beginning 性本 - Nature is 善 - Good/Kind

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降低旅游服务标准,游客有权要 求旅行社赔偿未完成旅游服务项 目的合理费用。 你可能会因遇到亟待解决的法律问题却无法马上得到法律援助而感到无助,你可能会因文化和语言上的障碍无法和电话另一边的律师事务所交流沟通而 感到沮丧。现在不必再为这些而烦恼啦!不管是工作还是生活中遇到的法律问题,现在都可以由深谙西方文化并精通英语的智库律师帮你解决。

Legal Rights Protection for Group Tours 参团旅游维权要点 Sometimes disputes with travel agencies are unavoidable, so today we will introduce to you some key points on the legal rights protection for group tours.

Q1: Disputes of Clauses in the Contract The contract normally shall be signed between the travel agency and the traveler before the agency organizes the travel schedule. If this contract is prepared and drafted by the agency, the traveler should pay attention if there are any clauses which are unfair and unreasonable to the traveler or reduce/exclude responsibilities of the agency, and they are then entitled to claim that the abovementioned clauses are invalid.

Q2: Disputes of the Travel Program Reduction The travel agency shall s tri ctly org a niz e t h e t r a v e l programs according to the concluded contract. If the

following situations happen, the traveler will have the right to claim compensation for the reasonable cost of uncompleted travel programs: a) the change of the travel schedule without notice; b) the omission of tourist attractions; c) the reduction of tourist services; d) the lowering of tourist service standards.

Q3: Disputes of Group Combination without Notice By law, for the domestic group travel organized by the agency, if the number of travelers are less than the deadline agreed in the contracts, these contracts can be terminated by notifying the travelers 7 days in advance. If the agency combines its travelers with the group of other agencies, it must be consented in writing by the travelers, and the travelers who don’t agree with this combination can terminate their contracts with

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their agency and claim the whole refund.

Q4: Disputes of Damage to Person/Property in Free Time There is usually some free time in a group tour, if the damage to person and/or property happens during this time and this damage is caused due to failure to fulfill the reasonable and necessary duties of prompting and rescue by the agency, the agency will be responsible for such damage(s).

Q5: Disputes of Shopping According to former rules for the disputes of shopping caused by bringing travelers to the designated places by the agency, the travelers can only claim their rights to the sellers. From October 1, 2013, by the new related law, without mutual consent or travelers’ requests, its not allowed to bring travelers to the designated shopping places. Once it has occurred,

行社将游客转给其他旅行社,应 当征得游客书面同意。游客不同 意转团,有权解除合同,并要求 旅行社退还已收取的全部费用。

间发生人身损害、财产损失,且 该项损失是因旅行社未尽合理、 必要的提示义务、救助义务,则 旅行社仍需承担责任的。

四、自由活动时间的人身 损害和财产损失纠纷


三、随意转团纠纷 法律规定,旅行社组团境内 旅游,因未达到合同约定人数不 能出团,可以解除合同,但应当 至少提前七日通知游客。如果旅

组团旅游通常会安排一定的 自由活动时间,如果游客在此期

如旅行社把游客带到指定 场所购物,游客因购物而产生纠 纷,按照既往规定游客只能向销

售者主张权利。但从2013年10月 1日起新法规定,未经双方协商一 致或游客要求,旅行社组织接待 游客不得指定具体购物场所,但 若游客在旅行社指定购物场所购 物,游客有权在旅游行程结束后 三十日内,要求旅行社为其办理 退货并先行垫付退货货款。

the travelers will have the right to return the goods and the agency will have to refund the payment of goods, within 30 days after the end of the group tour.

参团旅游时也许会遇到 与旅行社的纠纷,本期我们 介绍参团旅游常见法律纠纷 的维权要点。

一、合同条款纠纷 旅行社组织旅游行程,应事 先与游客签订合同。如果合同是 旅行社事先准备的格式合同,游 客应注意格式合同中是否存在对 游客不公平、不合理或者减轻、 免除旅行社责任的条款,对于这 一类条款,游客有权主张无效。

二、减少旅游项目纠纷 订立合同后,旅行社应当严 格按照约定组织旅游活动。如果 旅行社擅自改变旅游行程、遗漏 旅游景点、减少旅游服务项目、 september-october 2013


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降低旅游服务标准,游客有权要 求旅行社赔偿未完成旅游服务项 目的合理费用。 你可能会因遇到亟待解决的法律问题却无法马上得到法律援助而感到无助,你可能会因文化和语言上的障碍无法和电话另一边的律师事务所交流沟通而 感到沮丧。现在不必再为这些而烦恼啦!不管是工作还是生活中遇到的法律问题,现在都可以由深谙西方文化并精通英语的智库律师帮你解决。

Legal Rights Protection for Group Tours 参团旅游维权要点 Sometimes disputes with travel agencies are unavoidable, so today we will introduce to you some key points on the legal rights protection for group tours.

Q1: Disputes of Clauses in the Contract The contract normally shall be signed between the travel agency and the traveler before the agency organizes the travel schedule. If this contract is prepared and drafted by the agency, the traveler should pay attention if there are any clauses which are unfair and unreasonable to the traveler or reduce/exclude responsibilities of the agency, and they are then entitled to claim that the abovementioned clauses are invalid.

Q2: Disputes of the Travel Program Reduction The travel agency shall s tri ctly org a niz e t h e t r a v e l programs according to the concluded contract. If the

following situations happen, the traveler will have the right to claim compensation for the reasonable cost of uncompleted travel programs: a) the change of the travel schedule without notice; b) the omission of tourist attractions; c) the reduction of tourist services; d) the lowering of tourist service standards.

Q3: Disputes of Group Combination without Notice By law, for the domestic group travel organized by the agency, if the number of travelers are less than the deadline agreed in the contracts, these contracts can be terminated by notifying the travelers 7 days in advance. If the agency combines its travelers with the group of other agencies, it must be consented in writing by the travelers, and the travelers who don’t agree with this combination can terminate their contracts with

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their agency and claim the whole refund.

Q4: Disputes of Damage to Person/Property in Free Time There is usually some free time in a group tour, if the damage to person and/or property happens during this time and this damage is caused due to failure to fulfill the reasonable and necessary duties of prompting and rescue by the agency, the agency will be responsible for such damage(s).

Q5: Disputes of Shopping According to former rules for the disputes of shopping caused by bringing travelers to the designated places by the agency, the travelers can only claim their rights to the sellers. From October 1, 2013, by the new related law, without mutual consent or travelers’ requests, its not allowed to bring travelers to the designated shopping places. Once it has occurred,

行社将游客转给其他旅行社,应 当征得游客书面同意。游客不同 意转团,有权解除合同,并要求 旅行社退还已收取的全部费用。

间发生人身损害、财产损失,且 该项损失是因旅行社未尽合理、 必要的提示义务、救助义务,则 旅行社仍需承担责任的。

四、自由活动时间的人身 损害和财产损失纠纷


三、随意转团纠纷 法律规定,旅行社组团境内 旅游,因未达到合同约定人数不 能出团,可以解除合同,但应当 至少提前七日通知游客。如果旅

组团旅游通常会安排一定的 自由活动时间,如果游客在此期

如旅行社把游客带到指定 场所购物,游客因购物而产生纠 纷,按照既往规定游客只能向销

售者主张权利。但从2013年10月 1日起新法规定,未经双方协商一 致或游客要求,旅行社组织接待 游客不得指定具体购物场所,但 若游客在旅行社指定购物场所购 物,游客有权在旅游行程结束后 三十日内,要求旅行社为其办理 退货并先行垫付退货货款。

the travelers will have the right to return the goods and the agency will have to refund the payment of goods, within 30 days after the end of the group tour.

参团旅游时也许会遇到 与旅行社的纠纷,本期我们 介绍参团旅游常见法律纠纷 的维权要点。

一、合同条款纠纷 旅行社组织旅游行程,应事 先与游客签订合同。如果合同是 旅行社事先准备的格式合同,游 客应注意格式合同中是否存在对 游客不公平、不合理或者减轻、 免除旅行社责任的条款,对于这 一类条款,游客有权主张无效。

二、减少旅游项目纠纷 订立合同后,旅行社应当严 格按照约定组织旅游活动。如果 旅行社擅自改变旅游行程、遗漏 旅游景点、减少旅游服务项目、 september-october 2013


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Dalian Calendar 同城活动

同城活动 Dalian Dalian Calendar Calendar 同城活动

September 九月

Dalian Senior Health and Lifestyle Exhibition

Date: 7th of September to 9th of September Add: Dalian Xinghai Exhibition Center This exhibition serves as a platform for products manufacturers, pension developers and other professional bodies to promote China’s healthy living ideas and better services for the elderly. Dalian citizens of all ages are invited to participate.

World Economic Forum - DAVOS


Date: September 11th to 13th Add: Dalian International Conference Center The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. 日期:9月11日 ~ 9月13日 地址:大连国际会议中心 世界经济论坛是以研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题、促进国 际经济合作与交流为宗旨的独立国际性机构,旨在改善全球 状况,涉及政治、经济、文化、宗教、传媒和学术等领域。

Dalian International Fashion Festival


日期:9月7日 ~ 12月9日 地址:大连星海会展中心 该博览会为老年产品生产商、养老地产开发商及其它专业机构搭 建了一站式服务平台,以推动我国老龄产业发展,倡导现代健康 生活理念和尊老敬老传统文明,更好地为老年人服务。

Omnium Gatherum

日期:9月19日(星期四) 19:00 ~ 21:00 地址:大连西岗区赫兹酒吧 Omnium Gatherum是来自芬兰的旋律死亡金属乐队,成立于 1996年。是死亡金属音乐爱好者不可错过的演出。

时讯 Up coming

Date: 2013/09/14-17 Add: Dalian World Expo Center Renowned for its grand and spectacular performances, the 24th annual Dalian International Fashion Festival will showcase the latest trends in the fashion industry both locally and internationally. Such a major event is guaranteed to attract people from all around the world, so don’t miss it.

日期:9月14日 ~ 9月17日 地址:大连世界博览中心 大连国际服装节以其盛大精彩的表演而闻名。第24届服装节将展示 本地及国际最新潮流趋势,必将吸引来自全世界的人们,精彩不容 错过。

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Dalian International Agriculture Fair

大连国际国际农 业博览会

Date: 18th of October to 22nd of October Add: Dalian Xinghai Exhibition Center The Dalian International Agricultural Fair offers an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between domestic and international business exchanges. Do not miss this chance to share in the achievements of modern agriculture.

日期:810月18日 ~ 10月22日 地址:大连星海会展中心 大连国际农业博览会旨在加强国内外企业的交流与合作,实现共同发 展。不要错过这个分享现代农业成果的机会。


Date: Thursday 19th of September 7pm to 9pm Add: Dalian Xigang District Hertz Bar Founded in 1996, the Omnium Gatherum band from Finland will be performing live in Dalian. This is the show that all fans of melodic black/death metal music have been waiting for, a show not to be missed.

Xiaohe brings experimental folk noise to the Echo Library

October 十月

2013大连老年用 品博览会

Li Yundi, the Piano Dream, China – Dalian Solo Concert

李云迪中国钢琴梦 大连独奏音乐会

Date: Sunday- 13th of October From 7pm to 9pm Add: Dalian International Conference Center, Grand Theatre Spend an evening in the company of Li Yundi as he takes you into the grand realm of classical music with his solo masterpiece.

日期:10月13日(星期日) 19:00 ~ 21:00 地址:大连国际会议中心大剧院 这个夜晚,聆听李云迪的钢琴独奏,畅游古典音 乐世界。

小河实验音乐 回声图书馆独奏音乐会

Date: 21st of September 2pm Add: Shengkela residential area, North Gate of Dalian University of Technology Xiaohe, China’s most famous experimental folk noise solo artist will be playing at the Echo library on the 21st of September. Echo library, which opened in August this year, is run by the same people as the Echo Bookstore in Dalian Harbor. Echo also plans to open a gallery on Shicao Beach (near Tiger Beach) this October. They will be holding events there every weekend for the first month. The acts are to be confirmed but you can stay up-to-date by checking their Douban page: 日期:9月21日 14:00 地址:理工大学北门东方圣克拉小区 小河,中国最著名另类民谣歌手、先锋独立乐手及实验音乐制作人 将于9月21日在回声图书馆演出。回声图书馆于今年8月份开放, 由大连港的回声书店店主经营。 回声还计划于10月份在石槽海滨(老虎滩附近)开一间画廊,开放 第一个月的每个周末会在那里举办活动。具体情况待定,可登录回 声书店豆瓣小站了解最新活动。

Dalian Sino-Japanese Exchange, Japanese/Chinese Exchange


Date: Every Tuesday and Thursday, From 29th of July to 24th of October Time: 7pm to 9pm Add: Dalian, Shahekou district, Dalian Software Park In Dalian, international relations fascinate a lot of Chinese citizens and foreigners who wish to learn, socialize and make friends. For those of you yearning for such an experience, do not let this chance slip away.

日期:7月29日 ~ 10月24日每周二及周四 19:00 ~ 21:00 地址:沙河口区软件园 想学习汉语的日本朋友,想学习日语的朋友,希望开口交流语言 的朋友,欢迎大家参加大连中日交流会。

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Dalian Calendar 同城活动

同城活动 Dalian Dalian Calendar Calendar 同城活动

September 九月

Dalian Senior Health and Lifestyle Exhibition

Date: 7th of September to 9th of September Add: Dalian Xinghai Exhibition Center This exhibition serves as a platform for products manufacturers, pension developers and other professional bodies to promote China’s healthy living ideas and better services for the elderly. Dalian citizens of all ages are invited to participate.

World Economic Forum - DAVOS


Date: September 11th to 13th Add: Dalian International Conference Center The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. 日期:9月11日 ~ 9月13日 地址:大连国际会议中心 世界经济论坛是以研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题、促进国 际经济合作与交流为宗旨的独立国际性机构,旨在改善全球 状况,涉及政治、经济、文化、宗教、传媒和学术等领域。

Dalian International Fashion Festival


日期:9月7日 ~ 12月9日 地址:大连星海会展中心 该博览会为老年产品生产商、养老地产开发商及其它专业机构搭 建了一站式服务平台,以推动我国老龄产业发展,倡导现代健康 生活理念和尊老敬老传统文明,更好地为老年人服务。

Omnium Gatherum

日期:9月19日(星期四) 19:00 ~ 21:00 地址:大连西岗区赫兹酒吧 Omnium Gatherum是来自芬兰的旋律死亡金属乐队,成立于 1996年。是死亡金属音乐爱好者不可错过的演出。

时讯 Up coming

Date: 2013/09/14-17 Add: Dalian World Expo Center Renowned for its grand and spectacular performances, the 24th annual Dalian International Fashion Festival will showcase the latest trends in the fashion industry both locally and internationally. Such a major event is guaranteed to attract people from all around the world, so don’t miss it.

日期:9月14日 ~ 9月17日 地址:大连世界博览中心 大连国际服装节以其盛大精彩的表演而闻名。第24届服装节将展示 本地及国际最新潮流趋势,必将吸引来自全世界的人们,精彩不容 错过。

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Dalian International Agriculture Fair

大连国际国际农 业博览会

Date: 18th of October to 22nd of October Add: Dalian Xinghai Exhibition Center The Dalian International Agricultural Fair offers an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between domestic and international business exchanges. Do not miss this chance to share in the achievements of modern agriculture.

日期:810月18日 ~ 10月22日 地址:大连星海会展中心 大连国际农业博览会旨在加强国内外企业的交流与合作,实现共同发 展。不要错过这个分享现代农业成果的机会。


Date: Thursday 19th of September 7pm to 9pm Add: Dalian Xigang District Hertz Bar Founded in 1996, the Omnium Gatherum band from Finland will be performing live in Dalian. This is the show that all fans of melodic black/death metal music have been waiting for, a show not to be missed.

Xiaohe brings experimental folk noise to the Echo Library

October 十月

2013大连老年用 品博览会

Li Yundi, the Piano Dream, China – Dalian Solo Concert

李云迪中国钢琴梦 大连独奏音乐会

Date: Sunday- 13th of October From 7pm to 9pm Add: Dalian International Conference Center, Grand Theatre Spend an evening in the company of Li Yundi as he takes you into the grand realm of classical music with his solo masterpiece.

日期:10月13日(星期日) 19:00 ~ 21:00 地址:大连国际会议中心大剧院 这个夜晚,聆听李云迪的钢琴独奏,畅游古典音 乐世界。

小河实验音乐 回声图书馆独奏音乐会

Date: 21st of September 2pm Add: Shengkela residential area, North Gate of Dalian University of Technology Xiaohe, China’s most famous experimental folk noise solo artist will be playing at the Echo library on the 21st of September. Echo library, which opened in August this year, is run by the same people as the Echo Bookstore in Dalian Harbor. Echo also plans to open a gallery on Shicao Beach (near Tiger Beach) this October. They will be holding events there every weekend for the first month. The acts are to be confirmed but you can stay up-to-date by checking their Douban page: 日期:9月21日 14:00 地址:理工大学北门东方圣克拉小区 小河,中国最著名另类民谣歌手、先锋独立乐手及实验音乐制作人 将于9月21日在回声图书馆演出。回声图书馆于今年8月份开放, 由大连港的回声书店店主经营。 回声还计划于10月份在石槽海滨(老虎滩附近)开一间画廊,开放 第一个月的每个周末会在那里举办活动。具体情况待定,可登录回 声书店豆瓣小站了解最新活动。

Dalian Sino-Japanese Exchange, Japanese/Chinese Exchange


Date: Every Tuesday and Thursday, From 29th of July to 24th of October Time: 7pm to 9pm Add: Dalian, Shahekou district, Dalian Software Park In Dalian, international relations fascinate a lot of Chinese citizens and foreigners who wish to learn, socialize and make friends. For those of you yearning for such an experience, do not let this chance slip away.

日期:7月29日 ~ 10月24日每周二及周四 19:00 ~ 21:00 地址:沙河口区软件园 想学习汉语的日本朋友,想学习日语的朋友,希望开口交流语言 的朋友,欢迎大家参加大连中日交流会。

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Daily Events 每日活动 AWESOME Café Korean Corner

Dalian Cinema Day





Time/时间: Every day 13 pm 每天13:00 Add/地址: 41 Beidou Street(near Liangyun Sijihui)大连市中山区北 斗街41号,二七广场东海洗浴 对面(良运四季汇) Tel/电话: 0411-8284 6612 Come and join in the fun of learning and speaking Korean and Chinese plus make new friends! 快来加入有趣的中韩语言交流学 习,让我们结识新的朋友,共同提 高韩语和汉语口语的表达能力。 iMandarin Free Oral Chinese Class 爱马德免费口语课 Time/时间: MON: 1:00pm, Tue: 2.00pm, Wed: 3:00pm, Thu: 4:00pm, Fri: 5:00pm, Sat: 6:00pm 日期:星期一 13:00, 星期二 14:00,星期三 15:00,星期四 16:00, 星期五 17:00,星期六 18:00 Add/地址: Room 3701, Tian’an International Tower, 88 Zhongshan Road, Dalian大连市中山路88号天 安国际大厦3701室 Tel/电话: 0411-8230 1216 Email/邮箱:

时讯 Up coming

Weekly Events 每周活动

For all non-native Chinese speakers, Practice speaking, improve pronunciation, increase vocabulary and make friends. iMandarin will have professional teachers hosting the event. Useful words, phrases and sentence structures will be sent to you by email after the event. Free Chinese Culture Classes: Tea ceremony class on July 20th Chinese cuisine class on August 10th 针对所有汉语为非母语的学习 者,提高口语,加强发音,增进 词汇,结识新朋。爱马德将邀请 专业汉语教师主持活动,并传授 具有实用价值的词语、词组和句 型,再将这些知识点课后以电子 邮件的方式发送给学生。

Time/时间: Tuesdays 每周二 Every cinema offers 50% discount on tickets. Apparently Dalian is the first city in China that carries out this half-price policy, having started in 1996. To our surprise, the box office returns on Tuesday are 20%-30% more than the one on weekends. And nowadays the half-price policy has a significant impact on over 200 cities in China. 每周二每个影院均为半价。大连 是国内实行半价政策的第一个城 市,始于1996年。让人惊讶的 是,周二的观众上座率比周六、 周日还要高出20%~30%。目 前,半价政策已对中国200个城 市起到了重大的影响。 Dalian Beijing Opera 大连京剧 Time/时间: Saturdays, 3pm 每周六15:00 Add/地址: Qi Lin Xi Xiang No1, Kun Ming Street. Inside the Dalian Opera Theater, nearby the foreign language school昆明街 麒麟西巷1号,大连市京剧院内 (外国语学院附近) Tel/电话: 0411-8632 8777 Email/邮箱: info.dalian@ Cost/价格: RMB 30-150 depending on your seats. 依座次而定 This has been a Dalian tradition for about 15 years. The shows are all performed by the local opera group. 大连15年来的传统习俗,每周固定 节目均由大连京剧团演员演出。 Live music at Acapella 爱可佩拉现场音乐表演 Time/时间: between 8 and 10 pm 20:00-22:00 Wednesdays: The Gents play warm, upbeat and fun music with their trademark three-voice harmony. Fridays: The Basement Collective: Acapella’s House band with changing guest musicians. Sundays: Routes and Loops: Traditional and original music plus semi-open mic with Tim. 星期三:绅士乐队用其标志性的 三个和谐声音为您带来温暖、乐 观、有趣的音乐。 星期五:爱可佩拉驻场乐队与不 断更新客串歌手。 星期日:和Tim一起欣赏经典原 创音乐。

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Unome restaurant English Corner Unome 餐厅英语角 Time/时间: Tuesdays 7pm-8pm 每周二19:00~20:00 Add/地址: 123 Minzheng Street, Xigang District, Dalian西岗区民 政街123号(奥林匹克广场附近) Tel/电话: 0411-6225 4813 Cost/价格: Regular prices apply 正常价格,无门票 Everyone is welcome to join in the weekly English corner. 欢迎所有人参加每周二的英语角。 AcapellaBarSpeakEasyChineseCorner 一卓汉语角 Time/时间:Tuesday from 20pm 每周二20:00 Add/地址: Acapella Bar, Wuyi road, close to the crossing with Baishan road五一路与白山路交 叉口,爱可佩拉酒吧 Tel/电话: 0411-6225 4813 Enjoy Mandarin Language School invites the public to join the Speak Easy Chinese corner. One theme is introduced each time and the evening is hosted by a qualified and fun language instructor. Enjoy汉语学校诚邀各位参加 易说汉语角,每次活动都有不 同主题,由风趣专业的教员主 持活动。

Time/时间: Every second & fourth Wednesday, 7 pm – 9 pm 每个月第二个、第四个星期三 19:00~21:00 Add/地址:4th floor, Intercontinental Hotel, Youhao Square 友好广场洲际酒店4楼 Cost/价格: RMB10 E-mail/邮箱: Blog/博客: cn/u/2255220365 Weibo/微博: Dalian_Toastmasters To a s t m a s t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, the organization has more than 270,000 members in more than 13,000 clubs in 116 countries. Since 1924, To a s t m a s t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l has helped people of all backgrounds become more confident in front of an audience. 国际土司马斯俱乐部是一个国 际性非营利组织,1924年成 立于美国。在友好亲和的氛围 下,通过组织会议和公共演 讲,来提高领导力和沟通力。 全世界有13,000多个俱乐 部,27万会员受益于此。在大 连国际土司马斯俱乐部,您可 以品尝咖啡、甜点,结识新朋 友并逐渐成为真正领导者!

Dalian Expatriates Dinner

DalianXpat Sunday Coffee



Time/时间: Thursday 5:30pm-8:30pm 每周四17:30~20:00 Add/地址: Holiday Inn Express, No.189 Tianjin Street大连海尊智 选假日酒店 天津街与上海路交 汇处(天津街189号)

Time/时间: Sundays, 10am-1pm 每周日10:00~13:00 Add/地址: Central Perk Coffee, 207 Bulao Street 不老街老友记主 题咖啡店

Huge Buffet selection, plus fresh Seafood, BBQ Meats, Hot Pot, Desserts, Fruit, Soft Drinks plus unlimited Beer. ONLY 78rmb/ person. 现场提供自助餐,包括海鲜、烧 烤、火锅、点心、水果等,所 有饮料及啤酒均畅饮!每位仅需 78元!

Meet locals and local expats for a relaxed Sunday morning cup of tea or coffee. Everyone is welcome. We get a 10% discount so ask for an EXPAT coffee. All we ask is that people buy one or more drinks. 欢迎本地及移民人士前来聚会, 喝茶或咖啡。每周日早上欢迎各 界朋友。 september-october 2013


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Daily Events 每日活动 AWESOME Café Korean Corner

Dalian Cinema Day





Time/时间: Every day 13 pm 每天13:00 Add/地址: 41 Beidou Street(near Liangyun Sijihui)大连市中山区北 斗街41号,二七广场东海洗浴 对面(良运四季汇) Tel/电话: 0411-8284 6612 Come and join in the fun of learning and speaking Korean and Chinese plus make new friends! 快来加入有趣的中韩语言交流学 习,让我们结识新的朋友,共同提 高韩语和汉语口语的表达能力。 iMandarin Free Oral Chinese Class 爱马德免费口语课 Time/时间: MON: 1:00pm, Tue: 2.00pm, Wed: 3:00pm, Thu: 4:00pm, Fri: 5:00pm, Sat: 6:00pm 日期:星期一 13:00, 星期二 14:00,星期三 15:00,星期四 16:00, 星期五 17:00,星期六 18:00 Add/地址: Room 3701, Tian’an International Tower, 88 Zhongshan Road, Dalian大连市中山路88号天 安国际大厦3701室 Tel/电话: 0411-8230 1216 Email/邮箱:

时讯 Up coming

Weekly Events 每周活动

For all non-native Chinese speakers, Practice speaking, improve pronunciation, increase vocabulary and make friends. iMandarin will have professional teachers hosting the event. Useful words, phrases and sentence structures will be sent to you by email after the event. Free Chinese Culture Classes: Tea ceremony class on July 20th Chinese cuisine class on August 10th 针对所有汉语为非母语的学习 者,提高口语,加强发音,增进 词汇,结识新朋。爱马德将邀请 专业汉语教师主持活动,并传授 具有实用价值的词语、词组和句 型,再将这些知识点课后以电子 邮件的方式发送给学生。

Time/时间: Tuesdays 每周二 Every cinema offers 50% discount on tickets. Apparently Dalian is the first city in China that carries out this half-price policy, having started in 1996. To our surprise, the box office returns on Tuesday are 20%-30% more than the one on weekends. And nowadays the half-price policy has a significant impact on over 200 cities in China. 每周二每个影院均为半价。大连 是国内实行半价政策的第一个城 市,始于1996年。让人惊讶的 是,周二的观众上座率比周六、 周日还要高出20%~30%。目 前,半价政策已对中国200个城 市起到了重大的影响。 Dalian Beijing Opera 大连京剧 Time/时间: Saturdays, 3pm 每周六15:00 Add/地址: Qi Lin Xi Xiang No1, Kun Ming Street. Inside the Dalian Opera Theater, nearby the foreign language school昆明街 麒麟西巷1号,大连市京剧院内 (外国语学院附近) Tel/电话: 0411-8632 8777 Email/邮箱: info.dalian@ Cost/价格: RMB 30-150 depending on your seats. 依座次而定 This has been a Dalian tradition for about 15 years. The shows are all performed by the local opera group. 大连15年来的传统习俗,每周固定 节目均由大连京剧团演员演出。 Live music at Acapella 爱可佩拉现场音乐表演 Time/时间: between 8 and 10 pm 20:00-22:00 Wednesdays: The Gents play warm, upbeat and fun music with their trademark three-voice harmony. Fridays: The Basement Collective: Acapella’s House band with changing guest musicians. Sundays: Routes and Loops: Traditional and original music plus semi-open mic with Tim. 星期三:绅士乐队用其标志性的 三个和谐声音为您带来温暖、乐 观、有趣的音乐。 星期五:爱可佩拉驻场乐队与不 断更新客串歌手。 星期日:和Tim一起欣赏经典原 创音乐。

118  |  focus on dalian  |  september-october 2013

Unome restaurant English Corner Unome 餐厅英语角 Time/时间: Tuesdays 7pm-8pm 每周二19:00~20:00 Add/地址: 123 Minzheng Street, Xigang District, Dalian西岗区民 政街123号(奥林匹克广场附近) Tel/电话: 0411-6225 4813 Cost/价格: Regular prices apply 正常价格,无门票 Everyone is welcome to join in the weekly English corner. 欢迎所有人参加每周二的英语角。 AcapellaBarSpeakEasyChineseCorner 一卓汉语角 Time/时间:Tuesday from 20pm 每周二20:00 Add/地址: Acapella Bar, Wuyi road, close to the crossing with Baishan road五一路与白山路交 叉口,爱可佩拉酒吧 Tel/电话: 0411-6225 4813 Enjoy Mandarin Language School invites the public to join the Speak Easy Chinese corner. One theme is introduced each time and the evening is hosted by a qualified and fun language instructor. Enjoy汉语学校诚邀各位参加 易说汉语角,每次活动都有不 同主题,由风趣专业的教员主 持活动。

Time/时间: Every second & fourth Wednesday, 7 pm – 9 pm 每个月第二个、第四个星期三 19:00~21:00 Add/地址:4th floor, Intercontinental Hotel, Youhao Square 友好广场洲际酒店4楼 Cost/价格: RMB10 E-mail/邮箱: Blog/博客: cn/u/2255220365 Weibo/微博: Dalian_Toastmasters To a s t m a s t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, the organization has more than 270,000 members in more than 13,000 clubs in 116 countries. Since 1924, To a s t m a s t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l has helped people of all backgrounds become more confident in front of an audience. 国际土司马斯俱乐部是一个国 际性非营利组织,1924年成 立于美国。在友好亲和的氛围 下,通过组织会议和公共演 讲,来提高领导力和沟通力。 全世界有13,000多个俱乐 部,27万会员受益于此。在大 连国际土司马斯俱乐部,您可 以品尝咖啡、甜点,结识新朋 友并逐渐成为真正领导者!

Dalian Expatriates Dinner

DalianXpat Sunday Coffee



Time/时间: Thursday 5:30pm-8:30pm 每周四17:30~20:00 Add/地址: Holiday Inn Express, No.189 Tianjin Street大连海尊智 选假日酒店 天津街与上海路交 汇处(天津街189号)

Time/时间: Sundays, 10am-1pm 每周日10:00~13:00 Add/地址: Central Perk Coffee, 207 Bulao Street 不老街老友记主 题咖啡店

Huge Buffet selection, plus fresh Seafood, BBQ Meats, Hot Pot, Desserts, Fruit, Soft Drinks plus unlimited Beer. ONLY 78rmb/ person. 现场提供自助餐,包括海鲜、烧 烤、火锅、点心、水果等,所 有饮料及啤酒均畅饮!每位仅需 78元!

Meet locals and local expats for a relaxed Sunday morning cup of tea or coffee. Everyone is welcome. We get a 10% discount so ask for an EXPAT coffee. All we ask is that people buy one or more drinks. 欢迎本地及移民人士前来聚会, 喝茶或咖啡。每周日早上欢迎各 界朋友。 september-october 2013


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Monthly Events 每月活动

Weekly Events 每周活动 DalianXpat Thursday Night Meal

Dalian Foreign Language Corner

Night Markets

ICD Networking Night





Time/时间: Thursdays 6.00 pm -9.00 pm 每周四晚六点到晚九点 Add/地址: Olive Garden Italian Restaurant, 9, Zhigong St大连是 中山区职工街9号, 橄榄园意大 利餐厅 Web/微博: 网站 (由 www.dalianxpat.org组织) The best value meal in Dalian. The Thursday Night meal is a night to forget about the past week and enjoy some real food. The Thursday Night Meal has ONE price RMB 60 and for that you get unlimited food, beer and coffee. So come eat, drink and find some new friends. Open to all DALIANXPAT members, no card needed. 大连最有价值晚宴,周四的晚 宴是忘却一周忙碌、享受美食 的时刻。每位仅需60元,可 以在自助餐厅内无限量享受顶 级西方美食,啤酒、咖啡及饮 料。针对大连XPAT的会员,无 需会员卡。

Time/时间: Sundays 2:30pm-5:30pm 每周日下午2:30-5:30 Add/地址: Room No 411,4th floor, 365 Civil Building (Shengli East Rd., No.333, Xigang District) 大连市西岗区365市民大楼4楼 文化会馆 Tel/电话: 135 0424 6634 Web/微博 E-mail/邮箱:

There are some great night markets in town which start at various times. You can find everything from goldfish to golden earrings, clothes, gadgets and of course food. Shandong Lu/Dalian Jiaotong University(Famous for its snacks)/ Taiyuan Jie(Running since 1997)/ Xi'an Lu / Heishijiao/ Sanba Square 在大连有很多夜市,从金鱼到金耳 环,从衣服到小饰物,还有美味小 吃,你都可以在这里淘到。人气较 高的夜市有山东路夜市、交通大学 夜市、太原街夜市、西安路夜市、 黑石礁夜市、三八广场夜市等。

Time/时间:Every last Friday of the month 7 pm - 9 pm 每月最后一个星期五19:00~21:00 Add/地址: Café Copenhagen, Xiuzhu Mansion, Tianjin Street 天 津街修竹大厦哥本黑根咖啡 Tel/电话: 139 411 28107 Web/网址: Cost/价格: 100 RMB for members 150 RMB for nonmembers 会员 100元,非会员150元

Dalian Artronics Golf Club

时讯 Up coming


COME AND JOIN US! "Dalian Foreign Language Corner" (DF CORNER) 想解决生活、学习、就业、 职 场、社交等疑难问题,来大连外 语角吧。 Dalian Expatriates Coffee 大连外籍人社团咖啡聚会 Time/时间: Sunday, 10:00am-13:00pm 每周日10:00—13:00 Add/地址: Amici Coffee on Youhao Road(Near New World Shopping Mall)欧米奇咖啡店 中山区200号新世界百货1楼 It is a great chance for people making friends and sharing different things. 结识新朋友、和老朋友叙旧的 好机会。

Time/时间: Saturdays, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm 每 周六上午九点至晚 上 九 点 Add/地址: No.667 Jiefang Street, Zhongshan Sq. 中 山 区 解 放 路 667号 Tel/电话: 138894336 5 7 E-mail/邮箱: 3 84271820@qq.c o m Web/微博: 网站:www.artgolfc l ub.c om Cost/价格: RMB100/ 2 People 10 0元/ 2人成团

Time/时间: Sundays, 8 pm 每 周 日 20 : 0 0 Add/地址: Brooklyn Bar and Restaurant, 18 Bulao Street, Xi Gang District 布 鲁 克 林 酒 吧 , 西岗区不老街184号 Cost/价格: RMB10

200 balls, 2 tees, 2 clubs and a trainer is provided You can also experience Chinese tea tasting culture, table tennis competitions, chat with new and old friends and make new opportunities for yourself! 2筐球(200个球)、2个打位、 2支铁杆、助教全程指导。 活动全程还可体验中国茶文化, 参与桌球比赛,结实新朋友,创 造新机遇。

Six people per team; The Quizmaster has anywhere from 4-6 rounds based on History/ Sports/Music/Science and more. Great prizes! All entry money and Brooklyn's cash donation go to the Dalian Wolfhounds. 入场费10元,每六人一组, 竞赛问题涉及历史、运动、 音乐、科学等方面。奖品丰 厚,所有入场费及现金将捐 给 大 连 W ol fhoun d s。

Zhongshan Park Open Air Antique Market 中山公园露天古董市场 Time/时间:Saturdays & Sundays early morning & ends around noon 每周六、周日清晨开始,中午结束 Add/地址: South-east gate of Zhongshan Park, Dongbei Road and Huanghe Road; around and on the steps leading up to the temple. 中 山 公 园 东 南 门 Bus/公交: 101, 31, 70 Bargain for old coins, jade carvings, big statues of Guan Yin, swords and many other kinds of rare and old collectables. 旧硬币、玉雕、观音像、宝剑以 及其它种类稀有古收藏。

Wolfhounds Trivia Quiz 益智猜谜晚会

Xiang Lu Jiao Open Air Street Market/Flea Market 香炉礁露天市场

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Meet friends and business contacts in an elegant environment. There is a buffet and semi-open bar. 在优雅的环境中会友或进行商 业活动,有自助餐及半开放式 酒吧。

Time/时间:Saturdays & Sundays Daytime: starts early 每周六、周日早上开始 Add/地址: Just south-east of Xiang Lu Jiao intersection. Along Dongbei Road, Beigang Street, Xinkang Lane, Minzhu Lane and side streets. 香 炉 礁 十 字 路 口 东 南方 Bus/公交: 1,19 ,303,409, 408,512, 516, 602,710 New and second hand items. Find anything from rusty screws to pets, plants, antiques and designer clothes. Or have you teeth checked by a roadside dentist. 各种新品及二手物品。从生锈螺 丝到宠物、植物、古董、设计师 设计的服装,无所不有。

E-PLUS Language Academy English Corner E-PLUS语言培训学校英语角 Time/时间:The 2nd Wednesday of every month 7 - 8:30 pm 每月第二个星期三19:00-20:30 Add/地址: San Ba Square, Dalian 大连三八广场 Web/网址: Cost/价格: RMB15 A fun evening of Chinese and foreign adults speaking, learning and making new friends. 与外国友人一起学习交流,认 识新朋友(只限成人)。提高 英语口语的好地方。

Want to promote any regular events in Dalian? Email us at 想提供更多大连活动信 息,请发送邮件至 september-october 2013


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Monthly Events 每月活动

Weekly Events 每周活动 DalianXpat Thursday Night Meal

Dalian Foreign Language Corner

Night Markets

ICD Networking Night





Time/时间: Thursdays 6.00 pm -9.00 pm 每周四晚六点到晚九点 Add/地址: Olive Garden Italian Restaurant, 9, Zhigong St大连是 中山区职工街9号, 橄榄园意大 利餐厅 Web/微博: 网站 (由 www.dalianxpat.org组织) The best value meal in Dalian. The Thursday Night meal is a night to forget about the past week and enjoy some real food. The Thursday Night Meal has ONE price RMB 60 and for that you get unlimited food, beer and coffee. So come eat, drink and find some new friends. Open to all DALIANXPAT members, no card needed. 大连最有价值晚宴,周四的晚 宴是忘却一周忙碌、享受美食 的时刻。每位仅需60元,可 以在自助餐厅内无限量享受顶 级西方美食,啤酒、咖啡及饮 料。针对大连XPAT的会员,无 需会员卡。

Time/时间: Sundays 2:30pm-5:30pm 每周日下午2:30-5:30 Add/地址: Room No 411,4th floor, 365 Civil Building (Shengli East Rd., No.333, Xigang District) 大连市西岗区365市民大楼4楼 文化会馆 Tel/电话: 135 0424 6634 Web/微博 E-mail/邮箱:

There are some great night markets in town which start at various times. You can find everything from goldfish to golden earrings, clothes, gadgets and of course food. Shandong Lu/Dalian Jiaotong University(Famous for its snacks)/ Taiyuan Jie(Running since 1997)/ Xi'an Lu / Heishijiao/ Sanba Square 在大连有很多夜市,从金鱼到金耳 环,从衣服到小饰物,还有美味小 吃,你都可以在这里淘到。人气较 高的夜市有山东路夜市、交通大学 夜市、太原街夜市、西安路夜市、 黑石礁夜市、三八广场夜市等。

Time/时间:Every last Friday of the month 7 pm - 9 pm 每月最后一个星期五19:00~21:00 Add/地址: Café Copenhagen, Xiuzhu Mansion, Tianjin Street 天 津街修竹大厦哥本黑根咖啡 Tel/电话: 139 411 28107 Web/网址: Cost/价格: 100 RMB for members 150 RMB for nonmembers 会员 100元,非会员150元

Dalian Artronics Golf Club

时讯 Up coming


COME AND JOIN US! "Dalian Foreign Language Corner" (DF CORNER) 想解决生活、学习、就业、 职 场、社交等疑难问题,来大连外 语角吧。 Dalian Expatriates Coffee 大连外籍人社团咖啡聚会 Time/时间: Sunday, 10:00am-13:00pm 每周日10:00—13:00 Add/地址: Amici Coffee on Youhao Road(Near New World Shopping Mall)欧米奇咖啡店 中山区200号新世界百货1楼 It is a great chance for people making friends and sharing different things. 结识新朋友、和老朋友叙旧的 好机会。

Time/时间: Saturdays, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm 每 周六上午九点至晚 上 九 点 Add/地址: No.667 Jiefang Street, Zhongshan Sq. 中 山 区 解 放 路 667号 Tel/电话: 138894336 5 7 E-mail/邮箱: 3 84271820@qq.c o m Web/微博: 网站:www.artgolfc l ub.c om Cost/价格: RMB100/ 2 People 10 0元/ 2人成团

Time/时间: Sundays, 8 pm 每 周 日 20 : 0 0 Add/地址: Brooklyn Bar and Restaurant, 18 Bulao Street, Xi Gang District 布 鲁 克 林 酒 吧 , 西岗区不老街184号 Cost/价格: RMB10

200 balls, 2 tees, 2 clubs and a trainer is provided You can also experience Chinese tea tasting culture, table tennis competitions, chat with new and old friends and make new opportunities for yourself! 2筐球(200个球)、2个打位、 2支铁杆、助教全程指导。 活动全程还可体验中国茶文化, 参与桌球比赛,结实新朋友,创 造新机遇。

Six people per team; The Quizmaster has anywhere from 4-6 rounds based on History/ Sports/Music/Science and more. Great prizes! All entry money and Brooklyn's cash donation go to the Dalian Wolfhounds. 入场费10元,每六人一组, 竞赛问题涉及历史、运动、 音乐、科学等方面。奖品丰 厚,所有入场费及现金将捐 给 大 连 W ol fhoun d s。

Zhongshan Park Open Air Antique Market 中山公园露天古董市场 Time/时间:Saturdays & Sundays early morning & ends around noon 每周六、周日清晨开始,中午结束 Add/地址: South-east gate of Zhongshan Park, Dongbei Road and Huanghe Road; around and on the steps leading up to the temple. 中 山 公 园 东 南 门 Bus/公交: 101, 31, 70 Bargain for old coins, jade carvings, big statues of Guan Yin, swords and many other kinds of rare and old collectables. 旧硬币、玉雕、观音像、宝剑以 及其它种类稀有古收藏。

Wolfhounds Trivia Quiz 益智猜谜晚会

Xiang Lu Jiao Open Air Street Market/Flea Market 香炉礁露天市场

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Meet friends and business contacts in an elegant environment. There is a buffet and semi-open bar. 在优雅的环境中会友或进行商 业活动,有自助餐及半开放式 酒吧。

Time/时间:Saturdays & Sundays Daytime: starts early 每周六、周日早上开始 Add/地址: Just south-east of Xiang Lu Jiao intersection. Along Dongbei Road, Beigang Street, Xinkang Lane, Minzhu Lane and side streets. 香 炉 礁 十 字 路 口 东 南方 Bus/公交: 1,19 ,303,409, 408,512, 516, 602,710 New and second hand items. Find anything from rusty screws to pets, plants, antiques and designer clothes. Or have you teeth checked by a roadside dentist. 各种新品及二手物品。从生锈螺 丝到宠物、植物、古董、设计师 设计的服装,无所不有。

E-PLUS Language Academy English Corner E-PLUS语言培训学校英语角 Time/时间:The 2nd Wednesday of every month 7 - 8:30 pm 每月第二个星期三19:00-20:30 Add/地址: San Ba Square, Dalian 大连三八广场 Web/网址: Cost/价格: RMB15 A fun evening of Chinese and foreign adults speaking, learning and making new friends. 与外国友人一起学习交流,认 识新朋友(只限成人)。提高 英语口语的好地方。

Want to promote any regular events in Dalian? Email us at 想提供更多大连活动信 息,请发送邮件至 september-october 2013


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TRAVEL WeChat/微信: 东方视野聚集大连


Linkedin: company/focus-on-dalian

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Renren/人人网: 东方视野FocusOnDalian

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TRAVEL WeChat/微信: 东方视野聚集大连


Linkedin: company/focus-on-dalian

时讯 Up coming

Renren/人人网: 东方视野FocusOnDalian

0411-8259 1161

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