Issue 44

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on Dalian


中英文 DM 杂志

大印广登(2012)034 号

J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2015 总第 44 期

杂志 大连东方视野文化传播有限公司

focus on dalian

|  january - february 2015  |  7

Lenbach Beer House


Lenbach Beer House is a western style restaurant serving German beer, French wine, Italian food and elegant French dishes as well as authentic German cuisine. Lenbach features a dozen well-known German beers, including Radeberger Pilsner, Schofferhofer, Goffel Rolsch and Aecht Schenkerla Rauchbier.

Especially recommended is “liquid bread”, the Schneider Weisse beer. It’s open fermented using high-quality wheat, hops, and deep-underground mineral water, for a pure all-natural beer. Also try Schofferhofer with its rich head and exquisite taste, different from traditional Bavarian wheat beers. It is worth mentioning that the Italian pizza served here is different from American pizza, being thinner and capped with the highest quality c h e e s e s , p i z z a s a u c e a n d f re s h toppings for mouthwatering flavor. German curry sausage is also a not-tobe-missed dish, matched with chips,

mashed potatoes and imported pickles. In Lenbach, join foreign friends to drink worldre n ow n e d Ge r m a n beer and enjoy hometown dishes to ease homesickness; join Chinese friends to taste western food and wines in a gourmet western culinary experience.







致优雅的意大利餐和法餐,粗犷奔放的德 餐。 兰巴赫引进兰德伯格皮尔森、雪芙豪

益;雪芙豪夫以丰富的泡沫和更细腻的口 感区别于传统的巴伐利亚小麦啤酒,饱腹 感不会过分强烈,更易饮。

豆泥和进口酸黄瓜,更加美味。 在兰巴赫,您可以看到众多外国友人 们畅饮德国啤酒,品尝家乡菜,缓解乡

夫小麦、科隆至尊、朗客烟熏等十几个著 名品牌的德国啤酒。特别推荐有“液体面

值得一提的是,区别于铁盘盛的美式 披萨,这里的意式披萨更薄,配以上等的

愁,也可以看到众多中国朋友品尝西方美 食美酒,感受西方饮食文化并陶醉其中!



focus on dalian

|  january - february 2015  |  11



人生是各色经历的集锦 让我们带您体验

Festivities kicked-off with a special Christmas Lighting Ceremony on December 5, 2014. A ceremony to light the hotel’s impressive Christmas tree and a celebratory toast took place. Once the lights had officially made their debut, the Castle Choir sang festive Christmas songs to the crowd. Next were a special presentation and the cutting of a festive Log Cake with UNICEF, followed by a prize draw, and special meals at ZhenBao and the Royal Cellar. 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店于 2014 年 12 月 5 日晚 18 时 15 分举行盛大的圣诞点灯仪式。伴随着唱诗班悠 扬的歌声,璀璨的圣诞树将被点亮,浓厚的圣诞氛围环绕 在整个酒店。城堡酒店还与联合国儿童基金会举办圣诞树 根蛋糕慈善义卖活动和幸运抽奖环节。仪式结束后,酒店 于臻宝中餐厅和皇室啤酒坊举行答谢晚宴。


Grand Hyatt® Dalian Wins Best Business Hotel Award

大连君悦酒喜获《时尚旅游》第九届 中国旅游金榜“年度商旅酒店”大奖 Grand Hyatt, Dalian has been named Annual Best Business Hotel in aceremony held by National Geog raphic Traveller. National Geographic Traveller is one of the most widely read travel magazines in the world. The theme of the magazine’s recent awards ceremony was “Best of China”. Through careful selection and thoughtful voting, the magazine named Grand Hyatt.

近日,大连君悦酒店在国内最具影响 力媒体《时尚旅游》举办的“第九届中国 旅游金榜”颁奖典礼上,荣膺“年度商旅 酒店”大奖。酒店自开业来获得业界高度 认可,屡获殊荣。

November 28th saw the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the foyer of the InterContinental Dalian Hotel. This Christmas we worked with the BN vocational school and held a charity event for impoverished students. On both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, a traditional dinner was served at Café@6 and the Piccolo Italian Restaurant with people taking par t in a lucky draw activity and enjoying live perfor mances. Both cafés ser ved diners delicious, quality traditional food that didn’t disappoint.Thanks to everyone who came and joined us for a real Christmas experience at the InterContinental Dalian Hotel. For booking and more information, please call 8236 6666. 伴随着圣诞老人爽朗的笑声及唱诗班优美的圣诞颂歌,2014 年 11 月 28 日晚,大连远洋洲际酒店温馨而盛大的圣诞点灯仪式拉开帷幕。 这个圣诞,远洋洲际酒店携手大连百年职业学校,为贫困学生送去关爱。 无论是 12 月 24 日的平安夜,还是 12 月 25 日圣诞节,紫丁香咖啡厅、彼科 洛意大利餐厅精心打造的西方传统圣诞大餐,以及惊心动魄的超值大奖,酒店 唱诗班的精彩演绎等众多美妙绝伦的娱乐节目,都将伴您度过一个难忘的节日。 无论您选择哪个餐厅,精工细作、装饰精美的传统圣诞食品,将令您流连忘返。 今年的圣诞节和平安夜,大连远洋洲际酒店将带您走入纯正的圣诞世界。预订 或垂询,请致电:8236 6666

12  |  focus on dalian  |  january - february 2015


Kempinski Dalian Offers Year End Party Packages

相聚凯宾斯基 欢庆新春

Celebrate the festive year end season, share the success of the year and make it a great start for 2015. Kempinski Hotel Dalian has prepared a variety of packages for your selection. You may choose Dragon Palace, Grand Ballroom or Paulaner Brauhaus for your year end party: Dragon Palace, starting from RMB 2,015 per table, including 2 hours free flow of Paulaner Beer; Grand Ballroom, starting from RMB 238 per person, including beverages; Paulaner Set Menu, starting from RMB 158. 辞旧迎新,正是欢庆佳节,乐享过去一年的成功并开启崭 新里程的好时机。大连凯宾斯基饭店为您的年会、庆功宴和团 聚餐准备了多种宴席包价和套餐:龙苑中餐厅宴席每席 2,015 元起,包含 2 小时无限畅饮普拉那鲜酿啤酒;大宴会厅宴会 每位 238 元起,包含饮品;普拉那啤酒坊套餐每位 158 元起。


We Are Ready for Christmas and Invite You to Do Charity with Us

远洋洲际酒店圣诞点灯 邀您共同奉献爱心


It a l i a n ex pat M add a len a d i Tommaso has earned quite a few fans with her upbeat performances around Dalian. But back in her native city Varese, on the border with Switzerland, she started out playing keyboard and singing in a Power Metal band, Timedust (“If you can call it singing,” she says). Maddy then moved on to a Ramones tribute band, before moving to China where she got her foot in the door performing at Shamrock Pub’s open mic night singing pop, rock and blues. Maddy performs regularly in softer settings like the Shamrock Pub or Café Copenhagen, but is also quite capable of rocking rowdier

stages like Hertz, JDs 3rd floor, or Anchorage Bar. This versatility is aided by the roster of backing musicians she plays with, from single guitarists to a 3-piece band. On one end of t he spect r u m, you have Swedish guitarist Fred Lucchesi strumming his acoustic in alternate tunings, on the other end the rock group Little Lamb banging out songs with Aaron Bartholomew on electric guitar, Lubo Taliga on bass, and Giulio Perrucci on drums. A variety of genres via a variety of musicians. Maddy has several guitarists she perfor ms w it h week to week , because as she says, “Like this I always have to learn something

new and every time it’s interesting. In Italy it's pretty annoying, people is jealous and you can only play with your own band.” R e g a rd less of who M a ddy i s performing with, she engages the audience through her stage presence and mix of styles. And that has people coming back to see her. Maddy performs up to four nights a week at different downtown venues big and small. Come out for dinner, come out for a drink; come out to listen whether it’s a mellow background set or an engaging rock performance. For variety is the spice of life.

意大利人Maddalena di Tommaso (中文名邓玛迪)因她欢快的演奏方式 受到大连乐迷的欢迎。她的故乡是意大 利的瓦雷泽,与瑞士接壤。起初,她在一 个叫时间碎末的金属乐队担任键盘手 和歌手(“如果你觉得那是在唱歌的话, 可以称我为歌手”,Maddy说道)。之后 Maddy加入了另一支乐队,该乐队是为 纪念美国第一支朋克乐队莱蒙斯而组。 后来她来到中国,刚开始是在三叶草酒 吧的“开放麦日”演唱流行、摇滚和布鲁 斯风格的歌曲。 Maddy经常在舒适轻松的地方演

出,像三叶草酒吧或是哥本黑根咖啡厅, 但也完全可以在稍微嘈杂的摇滚舞台演 出,比如赫兹酒吧、极地酒吧的三楼以 及五彩城的Anchorage酒吧。她多面艺 人的身份与她合作过的音乐家是分不开 的,和她合作过的有单人吉他手和三人 的乐队。你有时会看到她和漫不经心的 瑞典吉他手Fred Lucchesi合作,有时 她会出现在摇滚乐队小羊羔中和电吉他 手Aaron Bartholomew,贝斯手Lubo Taliga以及鼓手Giulio Perrucci一起 表演,不同音乐家都有着不同的风格。 Maddy每周都会和不同的吉他手合作,

她说: “这种方式让我可以从不同人身上 学到新东西,很有意思。在意大利,情况 不是特别乐观,大家很爱嫉妒别人,你 也只能在自己固有的乐队进行演出。” 无论Maddy和谁一起演出,她的 台风 和混搭的风格都能吸引到台下的 观众,有些人还会特意来听她的演出。 Maddy一周有四次演出,地点在城里大 大小小的地方。无论晚餐还是小酌,无 论背景是轻柔还是摇滚,总有一种感觉 你会喜欢,多样性才是人生的调剂品。

The shop is located on a small quiet lane at the back of Times Square. As you open the door, the sight and smell of a room full of various Australian eucalyptus flowers and plants envelop you. Looking through the white window, there i s M r. K a y d e c o r a t i n g a Christmas tree with flowers, a pile of twigs nearby on his workbench. After his daily workload of making and delivering bouquets, Mr. Kay then e n g a g e s i n n e w p ro d u c t d e s i g n . Cu r r e n t l y h e i s working on a Christmas flower gift series. The shop’s interior décor was designed by Mr. Kay, with white as its backdrop so as not to take attention away from his colorful displays. The presentation of the flowers and decorations seems casual

and scattered, but blends in well with the atmosphere and furniture. A selection of faded and dried roses are elaborately packaged and displayed in the corner of the shop and beautifully shows Mr. Kay’s taste and attention to detail. I t ’s b e e n o v e r a m o n t h since the shop opened, and every time a bouquet is put together, the color combination is carefully considered before applying his expertise to create the perfect arrangement. He says that flowers have great vitality; a combination of pink hydrangeas and champagne colored roses creates a “forgetme-not” themed bouquet, while an arrangement of eucalyptus and deep colored hydrangeas says “stay”. Mr. Kay’s bouquets are always very expressive.

初冬的下午,前往凯先生花 店,隐秘在时代广场背后小巷子 里的却是另一番宁静景象。推开 洁净的玻璃门,浓郁的澳洲尤加 利味道扑面而来,温暖的屋子里 摆满了各式花材和植物。透过白 色的窗户,我们看见穿着深色毛 衣的凯先生在工作台上忙着制作 一棵圣诞树。工作台上堆满了枯 枝和花材,在橙黄的吊灯照射 下,花材被镀上了一层温柔的光 圈。简单细小的枯枝经过重塑形 状和排列之后,再点缀些果实, 便形成一棵灵动的圣诞树。 每天,忙完所有的花礼制作 和配送之后,凯先生会继续设计 新产品。最近,他正在设计制作 圣诞系列花礼。 这家店铺的空间设计全部经 由凯先生一手打造,店内所有杂 物布置在一片纯白中。看似随 意、凌乱的摆设,却和谐地处理 了花材、植物与家具的关系。各 种细节装饰也充满了店主的个人 审美特色。在这里,已经褪色的

干枯的玫瑰,被精心包扎起来, 倒挂在墙角,随着冬季的干燥空 气,只会越发干巴巴,一点点流 逝掉味道,却散发出一种永恒的 美丽。 两个月的花店筹备,开业一 个月,凯先生设计的花艺全凭 自己对色彩的感知,和对鲜花 的理解,一遍遍尝试着它们的配 搭,哪怕一个微小的细节,都会 去尽力调整。每一件花礼都被花 艺师附上生命力:粉色绣球花与 热烈的香槟玫瑰,组合成一篮子 深沉的“不忘”,大枝尤加利与 深色绣球花混合出一束“留”, MR.KAY的花语每分每秒都是 对你的告白。

A Feast of Innovative Ideas TEDx Dalian was founded by Kong Weilong. When he first came up with the idea of bringing TEDx to Dalian, he didn’t have a specific plan or give the project deep consideration. All he knew was that this would be something great in the future. Being a freshman at that time, Kong lacked the management skills and the ability to build a team, and was not completely satisfied with the first Dalian TEDx event. However, during the implementation process he picked up these skills, and developed a better understanding of what he wants to achieve. After two years of practical experiences, TEDx Dalian is having more of an influence in society, while also attracting more outstanding speakers and a growing audience. In 2014, Kong Weilong spent over 6 months organizing this event. After deep discussion and selection procedures, 12 speakers were finally chosen for this event. Speakers who would share experiences, ideas and thoughts on future trends in their industries. He said, “There might be 100 valuable things that we can learn from a speaker, but as long as we can extract at least one of those things and learn from it, that is all we want. Other things, such as a speakers’ presentation style, stage fright and other imperfections can all be avoided or improved on under our strict training.”

ELITES IN TED DALIAN Bao Yimin, a well-known designer Bao Yimin shared ten pieces of advice for designers, and encouraged people to surround themselves with positive people. He said that dreams are fragile, and can be easily given up if people around you are

bringing you negative energy.

Geng Le, CEO of Geng Le shared his stories on how he runs his website. He ran this site as a part-time job at first without much support from his family, but today the site is worth 300 million dollars and he was even invited to meet Premier Li Keqiang as a charity activist. Geng Le feels that his success reflects the development of technology as well as the development of the country as a whole.

Xu Qingxiang, the manager of Mo Chen Culture Development Co., Ltd Xu Qingxiang, as she puts it, is a girl who would rather go for what she wants rather than pursuing things that other people regard as“happiness”. After her graduation from Yonsei University, she chose not to stay in Korea, and turned down a job offer indesign, a position others would consider to be a dream job. She worked in real estate for a while, but left at a point where she felt the industry had had its best growth period. In the end, she chose to enter the media industry, while it was still somewhat underdeveloped in Dalian. Currently, she is working on a fan meetupevent with Korean superstar Kim SooHyun. Xu follows her heart and disregards what other people deem as “success”, leading her own lifestyle.

Feng Guang, the original president of the Entrepreneurs Organization Dalian branch. Feng Guang, the founder of the internet designer brand “Mi Shan” and “Ai Si”, started a clothing brand that features traditional Chinese beauty combined with global trends.

WHAT IS TED? TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan: "Ideas Worth Spreading". TED was founded in 1984 by Richard Wurman. In 2002, Chris Anderson took the charge of TED and his non-profit, The Sapling Foundation, became the owner of TED. TED invites leaders and elites in the world to share the stories behind their careers. TED consists of three words, technology, entertainment and design which are the three areas that affect our future. They address an even wider range of topics with a lot different new ideas coming from industry leaders. Typically audiences aremade up of CEOs, scientists, humanitarians and designers, who are often as outstanding as the speakers themselves. Presenters such as Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, British zoologist Jane Goodall, American architect Frank Gehry, singer Paul Simon, Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, International designer Philippe Starck and Bono, the lead singer of U2 have all given TED Talks.

一个演讲盛会的维度 孔维龙是TED大连的发起人,首届TEDx对于他 来说,并不是特别满意。2012年,作为大一新生的孔 维龙,管理能力、团队组建能力都不够成熟。起初筹建 TEDx的时候,孔维龙并没有想太多,仅有个模糊的概 念,只是觉得这个项目在未来会很不错,在执行的过程 当中,自己的思路越来越清晰,从一个模糊的状态变得 很确定。 经过两年多的实践积累,TEDx大连年度大会影响 力越来越大,吸引到的讲者和观众也更加有分量。 2014年,孔维龙花费大半年时间在做这件事情, 梳理各个行业最受年轻人需要和欢迎的讲者,经过团队 讨论和筛选,最终敲定12名讲者。通过这12位讲者, 阅读这些人的人生经历,试图让观众总结出一份对世界 或者某行业的最新趋势的解读。 孔维龙说:“某位讲者身上可能有100个点可以分 享,可是他只需要分享出其中最有价值的那一个点就可 以,这是考量的重要依据。其他方面,诸如讲者的外 貌,有没有舞台恐惧症,以及其他的小缺憾,经过我们 的培训都是可以改掉的。经过TED严格的演讲培训之 后,大多数讲者都会有质一般的提升。” 如果抛开传统的框架,一场TED大会完全可以让一些 观众感知更多的人生经历与思想,因为一场演讲大会的维 度,应该不仅是关于分享,还关乎一种全新的思考方式。

TED现场 世界知名创意师,华人创意教父 包益民 包益民给创意人十条建议,并鼓励大家远离身边充 满负能量的人。他说,人的梦想是很脆弱的,如果身边 的人不断地带来消极暗示,那么一个人的梦想很容易就 此被磨灭。

淡蓝网CEO 耿乐 耿乐向观众分享了他十多年创办网站的历程,从最 初下班后在家里独自经营网站的兼职站长,到如今市值 三亿美元的淡蓝网CEO,从被家人反对的创业者,到 成为被国务院总理李克强接见的公益人士。耿乐认为, 自己的成功还折射出国家的进步和科技的发展,在时代 大繁荣的背景下,一点点实现自己的理想。

墨辰文化发展有限公司总经理 许青香 许青香讲述的是一个为自己梦想而放弃别人眼中幸 福的故事。从韩国延世大学毕业后,她放弃了别人羡慕 的海外深造机会,放弃了别人一心想投入的设计工作, 又在房地产最火热的时候离开地产圈。最终,在大连演 艺市场还待开发的时候,选择进入该领域。如今,她正 在筹备金秀贤粉丝见面会。丢掉“别人”眼中的幸福, 遵循自己内心,才活得漂亮。

EO创业家协会大连分会创始会长 冯光 冯光是互联网原创设计师品牌“密扇”与“爱丝” 创始人。在电商火速发展的形势下,创立了极具中国风 的服装品牌,将世界流行时尚与传统相结合,发扬中国 传统美学。

TED是什么? TED( 指 technology, entertainment, design 在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一 家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的 TED 大会著 称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。 TED 诞生于 1984 年,其发起人是里查德·沃曼。 2002 年起,克里斯·安德森接管 TED,创立了种 子基金会(The Sapling Foundation),并运营 TED 大会。 TED 邀请世界上的思想领袖与实干家来分享他们最 热衷从事的事业。“TED”由“科技”、“娱乐” 以及“设计”三个英文单词首字母组成,这三个广泛 的领域共同塑造着我们的未来。 事实上,这场盛会涉及的领域还在不断扩展,展现着 涉及几乎各个领域的各种见解。参加者们称它为“超 级大脑 SPA”和“四日游未来”。大会观众往往是 企业的 CEO、科学家、创造者、慈善家等等,他们 几乎和演讲嘉宾一样优秀。比尔·克林顿、比尔·盖 茨、英国动物学家珍妮·古道尔、美国建筑大师弗兰 克·盖里、歌手保罗·西蒙、维珍品牌创始人理查德·布 兰森爵士、国际设计大师菲利普·斯达克以及 U2 乐 队主唱 Bono 都曾经担任过演讲嘉宾。


on Dalian


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