Issue 46

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中英文 DM 杂志

大印广登(2012)034 号

Ming & Qing Style Furniture 明清红木家具杂谈 Four Legged Friends: dog ownership in Dalian 四条腿的朋友:养狗在大连

M a y / J u n e 2015 总第 46 期

focus on dalian



- june 2015 | 7


The CaSTLe hoTeL iS aWarded “The beST LoCaTion in China”

大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店荣获 “2015 亚洲美盛会 - 中国最佳目的地酒店” On 23rd April, The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian was honored as “The Best Location In China” by the 2015 Asia Beauty Festival Awards in Korea. Co-sponsored by the Korean Model Association, Korea Pro Makeup Job Interchange Association, and BNT Magazine, the Festival is Asia’s biggest for the fashion and beauty industries. The festival involves top models, artists, and designers in shows and performances, and selects winners in different categories from 15 countries in Asia. 4 月 23 日,大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店荣幸地获得了“2015 亚洲美盛 会 - 中国最佳目的地酒店”的殊荣。由韩国社团法人模特协会、韩国专业美 妆工作交换协会及韩国《BNT 杂志》共同主办的“2015 亚洲美盛会”是亚 洲最大规模的时尚类评比,将专业化妆师汇聚一堂,促进了亚洲模特、时尚、 美容、美妆、生活等相关产业的发展与交流;并从亚洲 15 国代表中选出各领 域的精英冠军。


MaifeST aT The KeMpinSKi hoTeL daLian



The Wedding ShoW “Love • hope” SupporTed by hiLTon daLian & Conrad hoTeL daLian

大连万达希尔顿酒店 & 大连康莱德酒店 “唯爱·希望”婚礼秀圆满落幕 On April 11th, a wedding show named “Love•Hope” was held at the Hilton Dalian Hotel. The wedding show featured simple designs and environmentally friendly ideas, using imported non-disposable flowersfor wedding decoration. The show also shared the idea of avoiding extravagances and having a green style wedding.

Experience the traditional German Maifest at Paulaner Bräuhaus of Kempinski Hotel Dalian from May 14 until 16. Savor specially brewed seasonal Maibock beer and Bavarian spring specialties. Enjoy the famous Bavarian band “Maxl’s Bavarian-Trio”… An already legendary party you will not forget! 5 月 14 日至 16 日,到大连凯宾斯基饭店普拉那啤酒坊欢度传统 的德国五月啤酒节,品尝特酿“五月啤酒”和巴伐利亚春季美食,远 道而来的著名巴伐利亚“三重奏”乐队每晚为您带来精彩的表演。请 不要错过盛况空前的五月啤酒节狂欢派对。

2015 年 4 月 11 日, 一场主题名为“唯爱·希 望”的风尚婚礼秀,在大 连万达希尔顿酒店三楼大 宴会厅隆重上演。婚礼秀 遵循绿色简约的婚宴设计 理念,采用可循环使用的 进口永生花卉,崇尚自然, 拒绝奢靡,倡导新人们注 重环保消费的婚庆理念。


ouTSTanding inTerConTinenTaL iS your beST ChoiCe


Recently, the Dalian InterContinental Dalian Hotel added one more award to its list: the Chinese restaurant in the Hotel won ‘Most Favorite Restaurant’ from ‘Local’s favorite Dalian Dish in 2014’. At the same time, the management group of the hotel also won the title of ‘Best Operator’. 日前,大连远洋洲际酒店荣誉榜再添浓墨重彩一笔,酒店汇美 轩中餐厅在“2014 百姓喜爱的大连菜”评选中,荣获“百姓最喜 爱的饭店”。同时,酒店经营团队也荣获“最佳经营者”的美誉。

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focus on dalian



- june 2015

李春昶 In design, execution is just as important as vision. Li Chunchang insists on building a team that is both efficient and fluid. She explains that interior design work is usually divided between two teams; hard and soft décor. Hard décor being the things you can’t move (wa lls, doors,


fireplaces, ceilings), soft décor are the things that you can move (upholstery furniture, textiles, plants, flower displays). Li Chunchang believes in integrating the two and works with a team made up of both hard and soft décor designers. She feels it gives them a more united way of working, they

work for each other, and it’s evident in their work. This approach helped real estate company, WanKe, solve one of their most common c ompla i nt s. Buyers were often dissatisfied with the shapes of the apartments. WanKe conducted marketing research and consulted with

L i Chu nc h a ng’s te a m to build apartments that were optimized for modern living. It also allowed her and her team to create stunning designs for show-apartments and interiors for the people who moved in. She says that there has been a growing change in style and priorities recently. Typically


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