Greater Port Macquarie Focus i124

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Feature Story Mark Seymour

March 2016 / issue 124


2 greater port macquarie focus.

focus Greater Port Macquarie

Got a story idea? Looking to advertise in Focus? Contact us for more information. ADDRESS: 4/74 Clarence St, Port Macquarie POSTAL: PO Box 690, Port Macquarie PHONE: 02 6584 7433 FAX: 02 6584 6733 WEB: iPHONE: TV:



SALES MANAGER: Louise Beaumont


Welcome to the March issue of Greater Port Macquarie FOCUS.











PHOTOGRAPHER: Michael Marchment


Comments and opinions of our contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of the Publishers or Editor. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders. Information appearing in Focus is believed to be correct at the time of going to press, however no liability will be held for inaccurate information approved or supplied by advertisers or contributors. While all care is taken it is recommended that readers confirm dates, times, prices and any other material including advice with individual businesses and industry professionals. Coffs Coast Focus is produced and published by Creative House Publications PTY LTD ABN: 621 287 8600 5. Material in Focus is Copyright © Creative House Publications PTY LTD 2016 and may not be reproduced whole or in part, in any form, without permission of the Publisher. All rights reserved.

OW .... We’ve been producing our annual Women In Business Feature for the last six years or so ... And this year it is bigger than ever, with over 30 pages of local women joining in to promote themselves, their business and their causes. We asked the women a few key questions this year to uncover more about them and their businesses, including how they create a positive team environment, how they evaluate customer feedback, and how they define success. Congratulations to all the businesses participating, and thank you for sharing your stories. The front cover this month features a wonderful group of fabulous women who all make an enormous contribution to our local community.

A special thank you goes out to Lusanna Klotz from meg & me boutique for styling the ladies in clothing and accessories from meg & me. Also a big thank you to Richard Newell from Oz Design Furniture for allowing us to use the store and Oz Design products as the backdrop for our shoot. Last but not least - thank you to our fabulous front cover ladies - Lauren Hawke, Susan Judd, Necia Waghorn, Michelle Newman and Elizabeth Galloway. The feature starts on page 62. LOVE THE MINI MAG This month we’ll be producing a special mini mag for the Women in Business Feature - make sure you check it out! INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY FOCUS is proud to be the Platinum sponsor for the 2016 Hasting’s Heroines International Women’s Day Breakfast.

E S U O H S S A L G N ’S O



Tuesday 15 March, 8pm

In conjunction with the Hastings Business Women’s Network, we’ll be celebrating the achievements of women in our community and honour this year’s recipient of the Hasting’s Heroines Award at a special breakfast on March 8th at Panthers. The guest speaker for the event, Kirsty Cross, is one of a few female pilots in the Royal Australian Air Force and currently serves as a Captain of the E7 Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft. Through her experiences, Kirsty has found a passion for the advocacy and advancement of the status of women in her community. You can read more about Kirsty and the Breakfast event on page 82. FINAL SAY “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.” – Anne Sweeney

visit ation for prices and booking inform

On view 11 March - 24 April

TH E MUSIC & LIFE OF JO HN DE NV ER ance takes you

w, this perform More than a tribute sho tivating of the world’s most cap e on a journey about on ances, h live musical perform and celebrated men, wit footage exclusive archival film the show also features of John Denver.

Sunday 20 March, 5pm



. shake & stir theatre co oss the rpiece will storm acr Brontë’s gothic maste m the a new adaptation fro Glasshouse stage in ns of ctio du pro ically acclaimed company behind the crit l Farm and 1984. George Orwell’s Anima

Drawn of the natural world in Discover the wonders ibition s. In this stunning exh to a cabinet of curiositie mer, pired by the Wunderkam of exquisite drawings ins . rld wo beauty or our Keeler-Milne explores the

0pm Artist Talk: Friday 1 April, 5.3 2 April, 10am-3pm Drawing workshop: Saturer,da19yx 19cm (detail) 30 Corals, 2014-2015,

charcoal on pap

Photo by Dylan Evans

02 6581 8888 greater port macquarie focus. 3




i Mark. Please give us some background on when music became a prominent part of your life ... It’d be safe to say I’ve had a connection with music since I was five years old, really; there’s a lot of singing in our family for one reason or another. My mother really encouraged it, general awareness of music and with all our musical instruments throughout our childhood; we had a family choir which we competed in country talent quests with. Somewhere towards the end of my adolescence I started getting into Rock ‘n’ Roll, and I was given an acoustic guitar - that was the clincher for me. I discovered the joy of playing guitar and singing, accompanying my own voice - that kind of hit it for me. I just got into writing; it was a gradual process of engaging, I think. I wrote my first song when I was about 21 or 22. I remember being in a cover band in uni. It had several singers, and I was rostered to do Twist and Shout by the Beatles. I was stepping up to do that and in the key that Paul McCartney sang in, and I realised that I actually really had a voice! I had the attitude to the microphone - the whole trip. I remember thinking, “Gee, I really like doing this” - and that was the switch, I reckon. It wasn’t a beautiful story of self discovery; it was just a series of accidents and defining moments. Tell us about your latest musical endeavour, “Mark Seymour and the Undertow”. 4 greater port macquarie focus.


S U M M E R •

I remember thinking , ‘G ee , I this’, really like doing switch e and that was th a t n’ as I reckon . It w self of y or st beautiful st a ju as w it y; er discov and s nt series of accide . ” ts en defining mom

When and how did you form, and who makes up the rest of the band? Well, the band’s made up of Cameron McKenzie on electric guitar, Peter Maslen on drums and John Favaro on bass. I’ve been in a gradual process of developing long term music relationships with those guys. I’ve been working with the drummer since ... Well, he was on my first solo album! I’ve been playing on and off with him for 15/16 years, but not in a formal sense. And then Cameron produced several of my records, so those two guys have been around for ages. The bass player story is a bit of a moveable feast - Fazzy came in about four years ago, and that sort of clinched it. Pretty much he’s a rival who created all this chemistry, and the band has a really good sound. It’s very clear and simple, it’s got a lot of space in it, but we create all this scale - there’s a lot of drama and emotion in it ... And that’s kind of the key, I reckon. It’s personality and sure chemistry. There’s no formula to it; it’s purely accidental. With the last album, I wrote the songs in clusters and we’d go into these really obscure little rehearsal rooms around Melbourne, just to see how it shook out, and jammed on those songs. The band’s got a life of it’s own, really; it works really well. We do a lot of work - a lot of regional touring.

Speaking of touring, you and the guys are coming to Port Macquarie alongside Jimmy Barnes, Noiseworks, the Angels and the Badloves for the Red Hot Summer tour. What are you looking forward to most about getting out on the road with these fellow Aussie legends? It’s pretty interesting. I’ve done a few of them already! It’s not what I expected, by any stance. I’m really enjoying it; I thought initially that this is what it’s going to be like - we’re going to be playing mid afternoon, I don’t know how many people we’ll be in front of; is this actually going to work? There’s very little pressure, the crowds are big - they’re solid crowds, it’s a very popular tour - I don’t know how many times they’ve done it. It just seems to be a simple formula ... The bands come on, we’re playing for about 45 minutes - that’s not ideal; I’d like to be on longer, but it works really well. We just rip into it, and the punters really relate and enjoy themselves. You’ve had so many iconic and well loved songs throughout your career. Will you be playing any of these old classics, such as Holy Grail, and Throw your Arms Around Me? It’s not exactly a “hit list”. I mix it up; I do Hunter’s songs, though. There’s a key catalogue of songs that I rotate basically, given the nature

of the show, that I think people want to hear. If you could collaborate with any artist past or present, who would you choose? I did a duet with Abby Dobson a while ago; that was pretty special. I only played with her a couple of times, but that was pretty good. She’s a great singer, stage time was really good as well - we just interacted really well. I’ll definitely be doing it again at some point. What have you got planned for the next 12 months? We’re actually working on an album ... Ahh, OK, I’ll give it away … There’s a “best of” coming out, for which we’re actually going to record 24 songs pretty much spread out over my entire career, dating back to about 1985. The band is going to re-record them all, so that’s the next project. And then I’m going on tour at the back end of the year with the very audacious gentleman, James Reyne. That’ll be fun; I think that starts at the beginning of July. Thanks Mark.

the plug! Don’t miss Mark Seymour and the Undertow along with Jimmy Barnes, the Badloves, the Angels and Noiseworks on the Red Hot Summer Tour. March 19th, Westport Park. or

issue I S S U E

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Seen through Brett Wood’s eyes, a beautiful landscape becomes something even more unique - his extraordinary vision and artistic talent is highlighted in his work. Brett also offers Boutique Photography Tours locally and in New Zealand, where he provides expert guidance and tuition for those who want to become proficient behind the lens ...

WHITE MAGIC EXHIBITION. With soft colourings and flowing themes, the White Magic exhibition now showing at Long Point Gallery will take your breath away. Come and see the synergy of canvas works by Samantha Clark and Yvonne Kiely.




Smokers, fire pits, offset, sauces, dry rubs, charcoal, hickory ... All these terms meant little to the Burn for Yew barbecue team when they entered their first competition in early 2014 with a handful of mates and just a yearning for a good time.

R EGU L A R S 12. what’s on for March 24. eat local restaurants 28. out to lunch with Susie Boswell 30. palate pleasures with Lou Perri 34. social scene with Kate Wood-Foye 45. travel with Susie Boswell 61. starguide with Terri Hall 100. tourism with Janette Hyde 102. robyn’s spot with Robyn Butler 109. port chamber update with Hadyn Oriti 118. landcare with Estelle Gough

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No matter where you are in the world, read Focus for free online every month @ greater port macquarie focus. 5

focusinterview. 30 Corals 2014-15 charcoal on paper. 19 x 19 cm




i Jennifer. Describe your artistic background ... Where did you grow up, and what/who first inspired you to produce art? I have always drawn. I remember drawing when I grew up in Melbourne. Being the youngest child (by many years) in a family of four children, I sometimes felt like an only child and kept myself amused for hours on end by drawing. Looking back, I can see myself creating imaginative worlds, and that pattern continues today but in different forms. Drawing, looking at drawings and artworks all over the world is a great source of inspiration. Each week I divide my time between working on drawings or paintings in my studio and teaching drawing in my own business called “Dare to draw”. What media do you most like to work with (and why)? I am mostly involved with painting and drawing. In painting I choose to use oils on a richly textured linen. I have put a great deal of effort into learning the skills and techniques of the old masters and enjoy using their methods of glazing and scumbling. These materials and processes allow you the pleasure of creating paintings with luminosity and depth. Some people think my drawings are made on black paper with white chalk - but that is not correct. What you see in my drawings are either areas of charcoal or the white of the paper. In drawing I use willow charcoal on a textured watercolour paper. I love the soft and velvety blackness that can be achieved and how it can be worked to create a range of tones. A piece of willow charcoal is a small section 6 greater port macquarie focus.

of willow vine that has been fired to a high the inaugural exhibition of these drawings. I am temperature. Each stick is slightly different and looking forward to seeing them all installed in this beautiful space. when it’s crushed, it becomes reduced to black Going into even more depth about this dust. This creates quite a challenge in terms of particular exhibition, how many pieces will drawing, and my aim is to create something of be on display, and what are some of your complexity from this fragile media. particular favourites? You have an upcoming exhibition at the Over 150 drawings will be on exhibition Glasshouse, entitled Drawn to a cabinet of and these drawings fall into three subject curiosities. Where did the inspiration categories: specimens from the come from for this work ... land, the sea and the air. These Can you expand more categories of land, sea and air on the concept of contain drawings of rocks, “Wunderkammer”, and gemstones, nests, urchins, what this means? d Beauty an sponges, moths and Curious people have e ar ry myste ch hi w feathers. Each series has always fathomed the es em th repeated y m in ed had its own challenges intricacies and workings in w rt te are in ” e. tic ac and rewards, so I love of the natural world. pr tic tis ar them all. The culture of collecting, Why does the natural classifying and drawing world hold such natural specimens predates fascination for you? the naming of disciplines Despite living in a largely such as biology, science or art. urban environment in the inner During the Renaissance, collected city of Sydney, I am always looking for specimens were assembled into rooms connections with nature. My first major series that were designed to evoke the spectacle of works were cloud and sky studies. Everything and marvel of the natural world. These in the Glasshouse exhibition has been drawn designated spaces were called wonder-rooms from a specimen that I have either collected or (Wunderkammer in German) or cabinets of has been loaned to me. curiosities. Beauty and mystery are repeated themes which Building on this tradition over the last are intertwined in my artistic practice. Creating three years, I have created my own cabinet of and exhibiting drawings of organic forms not curiosities. It is a two dimensional cabinet of only documents and celebrates them as part drawings of natural specimens.These drawings of our natural world, but also inherently brings seek to capture the distinct characteristics and awareness to their fragility and vulnerability in a details of a range of organic forms, yet also climate of threat and change. imbue them with a sense of intrigue. This is what I resonate closely with the words of the late will be shown at the Glasshouse, which will be

American artist Georgia O’Keefe when she said: “I have used these things to say what is to me the wideness and wonder of the world as I live in it”. What do you hope visitors at this exhibition will take away from the experience of viewing your art? Hopefully, a sense of delight and wonder. What do you feel has been your most significant artistic achievement to date? In 2011 I was privileged to be invited on an artists’ trip to a desert region in far west NSW. My inspiration was the plants that were in abundance after an unusually high rainfall. The result was a series of 48 charcoal drawings titled NSW Desert plants. It was a proud moment in 2014 when the Art Gallery of NSW acquired these 48 drawings to be part of their Australian collection and then hung them alongside works by Drysdale and Nolan. Where to from here for you ... What plans do you have for the next 12 months or so? I would like to continue along the path of the cabinet of curiosities. I have been inspired by some travel to Japan and the collection of an assortment of Japanese objects. Where can readers see more of your artwork or find out more about you? My website is a good place to start: or instagram @jenniferkeelermilne Thanks Jennifer. Interview by Jo Atkins. See Drawn to a cabinet of curiosities from March 11 to April 25. Exhibition opens March 11, 6pm: free entry. Visit for more information.

greater port macquarie focus. 7



i Brett. What led you to call Port Macquarie home? My wife and I first moved to Port Macquarie seven years ago from Wagga Wagga as a lifestyle change; I transferred with my job in the construction equipment industry. We love Port and can't see ourselves leaving


Wood P H O T O G R A P H E R


8 greater port macquarie focus.

now. How did your interest in photography begin? When I think back, I've always had a strong interest in photography. I remember buying a film SLR camera from Cash Converters many years ago and beginning to shoot around the bush in rural NSW in my travels for work. My real burning passion started during one of our many trips to New Zealand a few years ago, where I fell in love with the scenery and had to photograph it! The rest is history, as I become totally addicted to photography. Your landscape shots are simply amazing! How does your creativity work when it comes to taking such beautiful photos? Are you planned and methodical with your photo shoots, or more of a “fly by the seat of your pants” kind of guy? Initially I would just go to a location and "wing it". I think as you grow as a photographer you become a lot more critical of your own work, so you really want to get it dead right. These days, I'm a lot more regimented in my shoots; I often plan a location for weeks in advance and even dream up "the shot" in my head. I'll also look at locations on Google Earth! I'll generally get to a location and take a walk around without the camera and work out a composition that I like, then I'll often only shoot that one composition if I'm happy with it. Sometimes if I feel I've got it right I may try another perspective as well; getting the composition right is so important What do you feel is the most important thing to remember when it comes to shooting outside - how do you ensure you can keep taking great shots? I would say a couple of things are key ... You must continue to push your creative side and always try to come up with a shot that is original or unique to you. Locations get photographed a lot, and it’s important to have your own interpretation of it. Also, the use of the available light - sometimes the "perfect light" only lasts for a couple of minutes, so you need to make the most of that. Finally, one word in photography that everyone knows is "composition" - you have to compose the shot perfectly. It needs to be easy to look at to the viewer’s eye - clean and simple and not too busy. As a famous pioneer of photography, Ansel Adams said, "You don’t take a photograph; you make it”.


Wood P H O T O G R A P H E R

What’s your favourite camera/lens combo (and why)? I've always been a fan of Canon cameras and despite technology of other brands improving quickly, I'll stick to Canon; I find them user friendly, strong and reliable. My camera is a Canon 6D full frame, and I have two favourite lenses for landscapes - the Canon 16 - 35 mm f4L, and recently I've bought a Sigma ART 24 mm prime, which is an amazing little lens. What’s your connection to New Zealand? Many of the images you’ve taken also showcase this beautiful country ... My wife and I first travelled to New Zealand about 15 years ago, and we immediately fell in love with this amazing place. We have since travelled to New Zealand at least once a year for our holidays. I feel an indescribable connection to the place, and I often refer to it as "my spiritual home". If you haven't been, then go - it truly is an epic place! Such jaw dropping scenery and so pristine, and the locals are a good bunch too. Describe the photographic tours/ packages you offer ... What’s ue You must contin involved, what do people get to eative cr ur yo sh pu to experience? d always try to an de si This year I have really ramped shot that come up with a up my Boutique Photography ique un or is original get Tours. Currently I have two tours ns tio ca Lo to you. t, and it’s lo to New Zealand almost booked photographed a your own ve ha out, and I am also doing several wall in your house or business. Several important to it. ” weekend tours around the Port forms of print are available, most popular interpretation of Macquarie region. being framed prints and canvas photo art. I keep the groups small, and I’m There's a gallery and ordering details on my very customer focused, ensuring the website: customers get the absolute most from the Sunset Gallery also has some of my framed prints on experience and learn as much as they can, so they display locally. can come away with professional level photos. The tours are Where are some of your favourite places to take photos fully inclusive of guiding, tuition, accommodation, meals, drinks, locally? transport, insurance etc. The favourite that comes to mind is definitely Crescent Head; You sell prints of your work too. What size prints are you it has such great diversity and scenery. Obviously the local Port able to supply, and how do people go about ordering Macquarie beaches are great, and another favourite would be these? Diamond Head, south of Laurieton. This is a part of my business that has grown immensely in the What’s coming up for you over the next 12 months - any past year. I can do a print from the size of a postcard to an entire big plans?

Lots of big plans on this year! I’ve recently launched my new website, which is getting plenty of traffic, my print sales continue to grow quickly, my Boutique Photography Tours will also be very busy this year, and I'm overwhelmed with the enquiry level that has come from this already. I can announce that I've proudly just recently entered into a partnership with NiSi Filters as a sponsorship and also as a reseller of this premium product; they are a quality range of filters for photographers. There will be a range of new photos released this year from New Zealand that will have a "different twist", so keep an eye out for that! I'll also continue to keep updated with everyone on Facebook, Instagram and release a few new blogs through my website. Thanks Brett. Interview by Jo Atkins. greater port macquarie focus. 9

focus_local recipe



Image of the month.

INGREDIENTS (Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 15 minutes, makes 12)

Title: Sunset at Settlement Point Canals. Photo by: Hamish Gailbraith. Camera: iPhone 5; no filter. Taken a great photo of our local area? Like to see it published in FOCUS for the world to see? Just email

3 cups plain flour 1½ tablespoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 75 g butter 1 - 1½ cups milk, approximately

Extra milk for glazing To serve Strawberry jam Whipped cream

METHOD with Eric from


AT ’ S I N

• Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Cut butter in until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. • Add 1 cup milk and mix quickly with a knife to a soft dough, adding more milk if needed. Knead a few times. • Dust an oven tray with flour. Lightly press scone dough out to 2 cm high; cut into 12 even-size pieces or use a scone cutter. Leave a

2 cm space between scones. • Brush tops with milk. Bake at 220 °C for 10 -15 minutes, or until golden brown. • Slice scones in half. Spread jam on each half and top with a generous dollop of whipped cream. Note: 3 cups self raising flour can be used instead of plain flour and baking powder.

focus_giveaways CORN

Excavations in Mexico have unearthed wild corn cobs dating back to 5,000 BC, and cultivated corn cobs around 2,000 BC. Australia is a relative newcomer, first cultivating corn in the 1790s. New South Wales produces around half of the national production of corn, but only around 20% of that production is sold as fresh corn on the cob. The balance goes into the processing sector for tinned corn kernels and other products. Whilst it is ranked in the USA as the third most popular fresh vegetable, it sits at 10th place in Australia - although national consumption of fresh corn is increasing. And why not? It’s such a versatile vegetable and is a good source of several nutrients. It is high in fibre, as well as containing folic acid, vitamin C and niacin. Chargrilled corn cobs are a delicious addition to any BBQ, and there is nothing nicer than a creamy corn risotto, either with chicken or crab. Cook the corn cobs in plenty of water - and don’t throw the water away! Use it as the stock for the risotto, and you won’t be wasting all the goodness and flavour in the water. Corn is grown locally by fourth generation grower Matt Davis at Telegraph Point and is available from selected greengrocers, including Ken Little Fruit and Veg in Munster Street.


Find out more about The Other Chef at

10 greater port macquarie focus.

Giveaway A U T U M N


Win one of 3 double passes to Autumn Intensive with the Potbelleez at the Port Macquarie Hotel on Saturday, March 26th. Event kicks off at 9pm and has an extended licence to 4am. To win, jump on our Facebook page, comment on the Potbelleez competition post and correctly tell us what the three anthems featured in the Potbelleez article in this month’s FOCUS are. Competition closes 5pm Friday 18th March; winner will be announced Wednesday 23rd March at 5pm.





BLUES & BBQ FESTIVAL PERTH DWELLERS “THE TOMMYHAWKS” ARE MAKING THEIR WAY ACROSS THE DESERT TO PORT MACQUARIE FOR OUR BLUES AND BBQ FESTIVAL ON APRIL 2ND. i Ness. How did you guys get together, and who makes up the band? Myself and Axe, who’s our singer. I met her about

keeping count of all the views we’ve had on YouTube, so she gives us updates every few days and she always sounds really excited about it so - I think that means it’s good! Is there an album on the horizon? We’ve actually recorded another EP, so there

four years ago; she’s from London. I started

are another three songs to go with that. We’re

playing music with her and we started another

just waiting on them to be mastered and then

band called Axe Girl, and Tommyhawks was

we’ll be releasing that EP. I don’t know if it’s

our side project. We were just a two piece

a secret or not, but I’ll just tell you anyway

for a while, and after a few years we

... We’re thinking we might package the

got two more girls involved - Thea

two EPs together - the new one

plays saxophone and Jess plays drums. How would you describe your music style? Well, we’ve been getting lots of Blues festivals and that kind of thing. I think there’s an element of

and the old one. So that’s kind

t The thing abou ks aw yh m the Tom be ly ab ob pr is we will ... We in a camper van the g like to stop alon a of t beach; it’s a bi nd of ki ay lid campy ho tour on be vi g in gig play for us ... ”

Blues there; some of it’s

muso, so there are some Jazz elements,

You’re playing at our Blues & BBQ Fest on April 2nd. What’s the on stage vibe we can expect? I’m actually looking forward to spending more time in Port Macquarie than we (Jedediah)

quite Folky. Thea plays Sax and she’s a classically Jazz trained

of an album, isn’t it?

did when we were at Festival of the Sun, because we just drove in that day and we were out by the next

and Jess has quite often been likened to the

morning to get back to Sydney to all fly home.

female Dave Grohl.

The thing about the Tommyhawks is we will

You’ve released a single, New Friends.

probably be in a camper van ... We like to stop

How has it been received by your audi-

along the beach; it’s a bit of a campy holiday


kind of gig playing vibe on tour for us, so I

I think it’s good. We’ve been playing it live

imagine we might be able to spend more time

for a while, and it’s definitely one of the songs

and see a bit more of Port Macquarie.

that people always mention. Thea’s been

Thanks Ness.

FOCUS CAUGHT UP WITH MULTI ARIA AWARD WINNING ARRTIST TEX PERKINS FOR A QUICK CHAT ABOUT BLUES, BBQS AND HIS PROJECT, THE APE ... ou’re a man of many Fest-er Mojo Juju at our festival, Blues & ventures. Tell us a bit about BBQ. Are you looking forward to working “The Ape”; who makes up alongside this gritty songstress? Oh yeah! That's great! I love her. This is this supergroup, and how shaping up to be a real feast of fun! did you guys get together? Tell us about the onstage vibe Well, The Ape we can expect? got together about three years Pure, dumb fun! Primitive ago. I decided I needed a Rock and dance grooves Rock band to help me with played by the hairiest, my mental health; I had The Ape is a e lik e or ugliest handsome men my head deep inside m s ap le at th la existential introspective you've ever seen. goril and out of the trees songwriting and was What do you love you starts humping most about the BBQ probably a bit up my own in the earhole. ” culture? backside. Well, drinking So, I needed a music that and eating are pretty could blast out the cobwebs unbeatable activities, but of my mind - something loud, simple and most of all, fun! Pat drinking and eating with dirty Bourke and Gus Agars on bass and drums Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll? Only one and Raul Sanchez on guitar definitely helped thing could beat that! No ... It's not footy! me achieve this. They are my saviours! I am Thanks Tex. the ape man, they are the ape men, I am the walnut ... coo coo cashew! the plug! How does the style differ from other Catch Tex Perkins and The Ape PLUS projects you’ve worked on? The Tommyhawks at the Blues & BBQ Stylistically it's probably halfway between the Festival, 2 April 2016, 2pm - 9pm. Town Beasts of Bourbon and The Cruel Sea. The Beasts Green, Port Macquarie. was like a buffalo charging out of the swamp come to tear your head off. Earlybird tickets $45 plus booking fee. The Ape is more like a gorilla that leaps out of Camping $10 per person. the trees and starts humping you in the earhole. You’re playing alongside fellow Byron Blues

greater port macquarie focus. 11

focus_What’s On Greater Port Macquarie


March 2016




Crafts on the Coast will celebrate local and regional boutique breweries. When Saturday 5th March - Sunday 6th March. Where Seabreeze Beach Hotel, South West Rocks Price Entry is FREE and tasting tickets are $22 for 10 with a tasting cup, available from the bar. “Brewers Dinner” - $85. Contact (02) 6566 6205;

TASTE OF AUTUMN Where Seasons Café and Restaurant at Cassegrain Winery. When Sunday 6th March. Time 11am. Contact 6582 8320.

Twilight Lasiandra Fashion Parade. When Sunday 13th March from 4pm. Where Wauchope Country Club Auditorium. Festival Enquiries and Bookings: 0412 137 621.



Where Port City Bowling Club When Saturday 12th March from 3pm Anyone interested in being involved is encouraged to contact the club on 6583 1133 to register. Phone: 6583 1133. Contact:

21. SPORTSMAN’S DINNER TREK4KIDZ - Starlight Foundation Fundraiser. Where Port Macquarie Golf Club. Time 7pm - 7:30pm. Date 7th April 2016. Guest Speaker Nathan Hindmarsh. Tickets $60 per head. To purchase tickets, please contact Michelle McDonald on 0417 204 850. 12 greater port macquarie focus.

ENHANCED BIRTH AND PREGNANCY WELLBEING Free information session. Spaces limited; to secure your spot, claim your free ticket from yogamummasportmacquarie Where Port Macquarie Library, cnr Gordon and Grant Sts. When Monday 21st March. Time 5:30 8:30pm. Contact Kassie 0457 069 092.



Reptile displays, breeders and vendors will all be present. There’ll be a fundraising auction starting at 12pm (for organisations such as Devils Ark and Port Macquarie Marine Bird Rescue). When 20th March; 10am - 3pm. Where Port Panthers auditorium. Cost Entry is $5 adults and $2 kids, payable at the door.



Port Macquarie Art Society 41st Annual Easter Art Exhibition

When Thurs 24th to Thurs 31st March. Where Art Society Heritage Gallery - Hamilton Green, 198 Hastings River Drive. Open Daily 10am - 6pm. Entry by gold coin donation; kids under 12 free. Contact 0409 820 694 or visit


LIVE AND INTIMATE WITH MISS HOLLY WOOD Come along to The Point Port Macquarie for something special, something intimate and someone truly special. Local winner of DragHero, Miss Holly Wood will take you on a journey of the intimate kind. Bookings essential, limited to 40 guests. When 25th March. Contact Bookings Call The Point Port Macquarie on 6584 2020 Tickets 3 course (VIP) $65 or 2 course (General Admin) $55.



Jules Mackin

Attilla Sautov

As I embark on my fifth Ironman here in Port Macquarie, my focus and motivation will be on racing for those who have been affected by cancer.


will be raising money to help find a cure for this dreaded disease. Almost eight years in remission, I am lucky enough to be able to talk about my experience, help spread awareness and Aged 32 years, hopefully make a small I suffered with difference. ; it was Cervical Cancer for I have set a significant h a lot to go throug living fundraising target of e al m any young fe Ironman time from last $10,000; 100% of all ” e. m ho away from year! I work on a three donations go directly to the goal system, starting with cancer researchers. shooting for the moon, Aged 32 years, I suffered then the stars, and then just with Cervical Cancer; it was a get around the course! lot to go through for any young As a community we must try female living away from home. Luckily, and find a prevention and stop this the treatment was a success. Sadly, most awful dreaded illness. So please get behind people throughout a lifetime will be affected this cause and donate today using this by some form of cancer, either directly link: or indirectly; it affects families, friends, JulesMackinPortIronman16 colleagues and carers. A big thank you to those who have already On Sunday, May 1, 2016 I will be wearing donated. I have currently raised $861, and I’m a bright orange top representing Cantoo and working towards $10,000! racing for cure cancer. I am hoping to beat my

Attilla Sautov is a phenomenal violinist, having performed as concert master and soloist in over forty countries.


riginally from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, he has resided in Australia for ten years and became an Australian citizen in 2015. Having just returned from Italy (with a new 1705 Stradivari model violin from Cremona), Attilla is embarking on a tour of New South Wales, performing solo works by Paganini and Bach. This will be the first time he will tour without a chamber orchestra or pianist. However, there is no compromise on entertainment, as Attilla’s style of playing demonstrates the incredible acrobatics that, in the right hands, can be achieved on the violin - techniques which are inherent in Paganini’s compositions. In contrast, Bach’s music, although not as technically challenging, is extremely moving,

and his solo violin works allow the audience to focus completely on the rich and versatile sound of the instrument. Attilla performs with great passion and warmth, and with breathtaking technique. However, he also has a trademark rapport with his audience (who are often left speechless by his talents) and enjoys bringing his musical gifts to regional communities. “The people in smaller towns are always so welcoming,” he said. Attilla will be performing at All Saint’s Anglican Church, Kempsey, on Wednesday 9 March at 7pm, and St Thomas’ Anglican Church, Port Macquarie on Thursday 10 March, at 7pm. Tickets Adult: $30, Concession: $25. Book at or phone 0417 619 915.

greater port macquarie focus. 13

Suck It Up

BUTTERCUP IF YOU’RE INTO EVERYTHING OUTDOORS, AND RUNNING, WRIGGLING, CLIMBING, CRAWLING, GETTING WET AND MUDDY OVER BOGGY BUT BEAUTIFUL TERRAIN, WITH CHALLENGING OBSTACLES, MUD PITS AND MORE, THEN SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP IS FOR YOU! Taking place at Bago Vineyards on the 21st May ... Why is Bago the perfect location for this event? Obstacle racing is not just about the course itself and the obstacles on it, but the venue and its scenery can make a great event amazing and very memorable. Bago Vineyards has a great variety of terrain, including hills, woodlands, various water sections and plenty of surprises at every turn. PLUS, it’s a great location to bring the family. The younger children can get lost in this huge maze they have built, or supporting adults can sit back and enjoy a wine or two. What more could you ask for! The 8 km Suck it Up Buttercup obstacle course is not for the faint hearted - what can people expect? Apart from a muddy awesome day out, you can expect a variety of 40+ obstacles, water crossings, challenges, plenty of laughs at others and yourself ... The chance to be a weekend warrior or add a bit of spice to your current fitness training regime.

14 greater port macquarie focus.

Ice Ice Baby and Mud Mucker are just two of the obstacles on the course - what others will participants encounter? The bell ringer is a 6m rope or ladder climb, the giant inflatable Adrenaline Rush Extreme obstacle and Bago walls are just a few. The rest is a surprise, which is half the fun! What are the different race waves? Starting at 8:45am: with the Ice Break Coffee “Dirty Dollars” Elite Competitive Wave for the serious racer. This is an Obstacle Course Racers League sanctioned section of the obstacle race that has set rules associated. All of these competitors will complete the course twice (16 km) and over 80 obstacles. First male and female will receive $400 cash prize each and second male and female will receive $100 cash prize each. Proudly sponsored by Ice Break Coffee. A dedicated Kids Race Wave for 7-12 years, and a dedicated Youth Wave 13 - 16 years. Everyone 17 years and older will compete in the Adult Race Waves.

What are your top four tips for families and teams competing? Dress up! This makes it so much more fun for a great team experience. Try everything on the course, help each other out, leave no man or woman behind, and just laugh and have fun! What are you looking forward to about bringing the inaugural Suck It Up Buttercup event to the Port Macquarie area? Apart from needing certain things to meet our course criteria, we look for what our participants would like - what will it look like from the outside in, and the logistics of getting things to the location. Bago ticked all of those boxes, but most importantly the enthusiasm of the owners and the vibe of the Port Macquarie people - a genuine bunch of friendly people who are keen

to have an event like this in their own backyard. We’re looking forward to getting to know everyone and bringing you an event that you will remember. What do you hope to achieve in order to keep these events running in the future? We hope to gain a loyal following who are proud to call the event their own. For most adults, life today can become stressful with genuine everyday pressures, so we want people to have a sense of acheivement, get out of their comfort zone and have a stack of fun. When people are asked about Port Macquarie, we hope that Suck It Up Buttercup will be part of those conversations. To engage the community and create an event everyone looks forward to each year.



Photograph by Matthew Jones.








hat is the School of Hard Knocks? The School of Hard Knocks is an innovative, well established and highly respected social inclusion initiative that seeks to reconnect isolated community members by building mental and physical wellbeing, confidence and self esteem. This is achieved with a range of creative arts, and in Port Macquarie the School of Hard Knocks will kick off with the establishment of a School of Hard Knocks Choir. The choir will meet weekly in an easily accessible central location, where choir members can lighten their lives having fun in a safe and friendly community setting. The School of Hard Knocks was founded by Dr Johnathon Welch AM in Melbourne just over 10 years ago. It has extended to include another school in Brisbane, and the Port Macquarie group will be the first regional School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) member city. Who can join the choir and how? There is absolutely no experience necessary. Anyone can join the choir, as long as they are 18 years or more and want to either enjoy their love of singing or learn how to sing. It’s a great opportunity to try something new, learn some new skills, make new friends and just have fun! The choir will also include a team of volunteers who will “buddy” with the choir members and prepare and serve lunch after every weekly rehearsal. The volunteers will also assist with transport to and from the rehearsal venue, assist with planning and logistics and running front and back of house operations at any public performances to be planned in the future. This will be the first School of Hard Knocks regional choir. How did it come about that

Anyone is welcome to ire e com and enqu e th g in in jo t ou ab e th h ug choir thro n, tio sa ni ga host or arie the Port Macqu llege Co Community as n (also know ng ).” SkillsLink Traini

Port Macquarie has the privilege of being the first regional choir? Yes, we’re the first regional choir in the SOHK national family network, because Jonathon loves Port Macquarie and has often performed here in his own shows. He once thought about moving here to make it his permanent home. That was just before the SOHK took off and claimed him in Melbourne for some time to come. Who is the local choir master, who chose them, and what is their role? Local musician, singer and choir leader, Marie van Gend, supported by the wonderful Ruth Allen, will be our Choir Director. Marie is well known for many choral directing roles, including Kala Rala and other mass choir activities. Miriam Lattimore will be our accompanist, and she is also known for many musical accomplishments throughout the region. How big is the School of Hard Knocks nationally? There are hundreds of choir members in Melbourne, where the School has several different choral groups, including one for refugees. The original Choir of Hard Knocks that featured in a well-known ABC television series has about 40 members who are still together after a decade of singing, with some having passed on and others who joined more recently. They will undertake a national tour in 2016. Around the world the Choir model has ignited the development of hundreds of choirs, including “street choirs”, dementia and aphasia choirs.

Where will the School of Hard Knocks Port Macquarie Hastings rehearse and perform? When do rehearsals begin? When we have recruited more choir members, we hope to begin our weekly rehearsals sometime in March. Rehearsals will be in various spots, but first off in the Conservatorium of Music venue in Hollingworth St (the old Scout Hall), and in the Ross Family Studio in the Glasshouse. We will be working towards some major performances to be held in the main Glasshouse Auditorium. How many people can join the choir and from where? Is there transport available for those outside Port Macquarie? There is currently no restriction on the number of people who can be part of The School of Hard Knocks Choir Port Macquarie and Hastings. We want to attract choir members from Port Macquarie, Camden Haven and Wauchope and are currently working with a generous service organisation to be able to schedule and provide transport for those who need it. Anyone is welcome to come and enquire about joining the choir through the host organisation, the Port Macquarie Community College (also known as SkillsLink Training). Just ring (02) 6583 7288, or call in at 77 Hastings River Drive. Can the public attend performances and rehearsals? The public will be most welcome at public performances, which will also include a range of public rehearsals once the choir are confident

and comfortable to test their new skills in a public space. We are already imagining the choir breaking into song in the Glasshouse forecourt. Wouldn’t that be fabulous! Why did SkillsLink choose to partner with The School of Hard Knocks? SkillsLink is dedicated to serving the needs of vulnerable communities, and we feel the School of Hard Knocks matches perfectly our work with our service to the community. Everything we do is about building confidence, educating, sharing new skills and social inclusion. The School of Hard Knocks will be a brave first step for some people who crave to be part of a group and more involved in their community while having more fun. The School of Hard Knocks has consistently delivered that inclusion and positive experience to so many people in many worldwide communities, and we are privileged to now offer this great programme to the people of our region. How do you feel the choir will benefit the community? A healthy community is a happy community. Every small step makes a difference for positive change. Simply, we want to help isolated members of our community to grow their confidence, have fun, be happy and feel part of something special. The School of Hard Knocks delivers that special formula in buckets. Singing has been known to replace various addictive behaviour, reduce hospitalisation among choir members and set new life courses. The friendships, interaction and support between choir members and volunteers is also a special part of the recipe and that touches many more people than those in our choir room. We and many others will be celebrating and supporting the success of our choir members. Thanks Katrina. greater port macquarie focus. 15


WHITE E X H I B I T I O N With soft colourings and flowing themes, the White Magic exhibition now showing at Long Point Gallery will take your breath away. Come and see the synergy of canvas works by Samantha Clark and Yvonne Kiely.

hat will draw people in at the White Magic exhibition at Long Point Vineyard? I think what’s really special about this exhibition is that two artists came together with a theme in mind and then went their separate ways and created works that really complement and echo each other. The synergies are just gorgeous. White Magic with all its soft colourings and flowing themes is super on trend in the design world at the moment. You only have to look at the Pantone colours of the year - Rose Quartz and Serenity - to see these works fit beautifully into many modern homes and spaces where a fresh energy is desired. The stunning location of the gallery only helps to magnify that very essence. Long Point Vineyard has some truly beautiful natural surrounds, and the grounds are very romantic, family friendly and picturesque. What is the story behind the creation of some of these pieces? Sam: Some of those who have been following my art career have come out and commented on the changes in my style - from big, bright and bold to something markedly softer and quieter. We laugh about the huge changes in my life that have led to me being able to meditate more, get back to nature and gain stillness. “The quieter you become the more you can hear” is one of my favourite 16 greater port macquarie focus.


Rumi quotes, and I hope styles together to Using only qual and archival paints viewers are moved to make White Magic plied sealers I have ap xture that as they take in the so special? lour te co of rs ye la exhibition. Over the last 12 nvey and design to co , I want I like the wateriness months both of us ng ni layers of mea te that calms in these have taken stock of vi in to gs my paintin .” re co artworks. I like that a what’s truly important ry ve e th you into lot of people coastally in life and taken steps to resonate with the concept purposefully release toxins, of white magic and can see inside of us and around us. creations like these in their space We’ve painted our layers and without too much anguish over meaning … breathed deeply onto canvas. It’s They can take it and make of it what they been a very freeing experience and an will. Why not let things be easy? Why not empowering one, and I think that’s why the let people take a piece of white magic and White Magic theme resonated so strongly for light themselves up, lighten up their space both of us and why so little discussion had to and give energy to their surroundings? I like take place at all for the pieces to blend and that exchange very much. That is the reason I make a magic all of their own. Being the kind create. of friends, too, who share stories and learnings Yvonne: The prevailing story behind my and secrets, it was a natural progression for recent work is love, light and freedom. These our work to speak the same language. It is very paintings of Whispering Rock Pools and Misty special. Oceans are calling the viewer to look deeper, What is behind the name, White Magic? slow down and breathe deeply. White Magic is the power within us and the I have not rushed, and this energy is power around us. Not just for creatives, but translated onto canvas. Using only quality for anyone. It’s that force of energy that lights archival paints and sealers, I have applied layers people up with passion, compassion or drive of colour texture and design to convey layers of to do something extraordinary. But for all of its meaning; I want my paintings to invite you into electricity, it is gentle. the very core. As I let go and dip into the magic From an art therapy point of view, why is of white light, silence and stillness, sometimes this style of painting freely so therapeutic? whimsical characters appear - like the hidden Yvonne: The skills used in helping others as mermaid in my painting Sea Garden. a practicing Art Therapist affords me a deeper How did you bring both of your artistic understanding of what lies beneath my work

and creative process ... Like in a dream where we experience visual images which are difficult to put into words, but we can attempt to draw it or paint, even if only in abstract form. The therapeutic effect of communicating and expressing positive ideas in images is such a primal calling. Original artwork has powerful energy which can be felt in a space where it is displayed. This visual dialogue can be experienced through the eyes and heart like music is to the ears and heart. I paint as freely and unadulterated as possible. I paint and draw and dilly dally about until I’m totally happy with what has emerged ... And this is my therapy. How can people view and purchase more of your work? You can find us both in our home studios by appointment, via our websites (www.hey-stella. com, and Yvonne is an Artist Market favourite. We love meeting art lovers from all walks of life and helping you to find pieces that sing for you! Thanks Sam and Yvonne. Follow Sam and Yvonne on Facebook: Hey Stella and Yvonne Kiely Art.

the plug! Exhibition running ‘til March 30. Long Point Vineyard and Gallery, 6 Cooinda place, Lake Cathie. Phone: 6585 4598.



Join in the fun up north! Do you love camping in our coastal National Parks? Have you ever been to Crowdy Bay National Park on the Mid North Coast?


his fabulous national park, a 45 minute drive north from Taree, has been the subject of volunteer bush regeneration This work since 1979 in Australia’s year ’s longest running Bitou Bush eradcamp will be is provided on the Saturday ication project and is recognised held from h 5t y da es night by the National Parks Tu at a national level. ay nd Su to il pr A Association Mid North Coast Native to South Africa, Bitou il. ” pr A th 10 branch that run the camp in Bush thrives in our coastal enviconjunction with NPWS. Tools ronments, out-competing native are also provided. We have the use plants and altering the balance of the of a trailer fully equipped with cooking ecosystem. The project involves removal of facilities and all eating and cooking gear other weeds, including Lantana. While huge this makes the camp far easier for volunteers. progress has been made in restoring areas to Why not join in the fun, soak up the atmotheir natural state, there is still much work to be sphere around the campfire under the blazing done. stars and be awoken by morning birdsong, while Each year a bush regen camp is held at the at the same time making a contribution to our gorgeous spot of Kylie’s Beach. This year’s will be environment? Have a swim at Diamond Head or held from Tuesday 5th April to Sunday 10th April. drop in a fishing line. A walk around the magnificent Diamond Head Details can be obtained from Sue on (named by Captain Cook as he sailed past) will THIS IS NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL (02) 6559 7134. be held on the Saturday morning. A BBQ dinner



ONE DAYER is back

On Sunday 20th March, thousands of Black Dog Riders will hit the highways to raise vital funds for Lifeline and raise awareness of depression and suicide prevention.


he Port Macquarie leg of the run is organised by Todd Taylor, who is passionate about the ride: “Suicide is the leading cause of death in Australians under the age of 45, and I’ve experienced depression before. The Black Dog Ride is very personal to me and a great way to bring people together and get the conversation about depression out into the open.” “The Black Dog Ride One-Dayer event has an important role in building awareness of this issue and encouraging Australians, particularly men, to seek help early,” said Catherine Vaara, CEO of Lifeline Mid Coast. Organiser Todd Taylor invites members of


the public to attend the event. The local and famous black dog, Murphy, will be available for photos with bikes, bikers, car enthusiasts and members of the public. Departing from the Short Street car park at 9:30am, first stop is Laurieton, followed by 20 minutes at Kew, then Wauchope, with a final 20 minute stop at Beechwood, finishing up at Black Duck Brewery at 1:30pm. There will be raffles from 1pm and the after party will see local bands Lords of Pinball and RockHard playing to round off the day. Everyone is welcome to attend. To join the ride in Port Macquarie, please register early at


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isn’t technology as usual. Its Aluminium Architecture as usual. Its Jaguar InControl isn’tservice technology as usual. ForLightweight a limited time, the all new XF comesisn’t withengineering complimentary scheduled servicing for 5 Touch years*.system That’s not as usual. John Patrick Prestige Cars John Patrick Prestige Cars 169 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie. Tel: 02 6584 1800 For a limited time, the all new XF comes with complimentary scheduled servicing for 5 years*. That’s not service as usual. Plus, with Guaranteed Future Value available+, there’s never been a better time to visit your local Jaguar dealer. Plus, with Guaranteed Future Value available+, there’s never been a better time to visit your local Jaguar dealer. *Includes 5 years/100,000km (whichever comes first) free scheduled servicing excluding wear and tear items. Offer available for vehicles purchased and delivered from 1st Feb – 30th June 2016 +To approved applicants only. Guaranteed Future Value terms and conditions are available upon

Jaguar Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks of Jaguar Dealer Nameapplication. Dealer Address, Suburb. Tel: 1234 1234 Financial Services and trading name of Jaguar Financial Services referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – Dealer NameA Dealer Address, Suburb. Tel: 1234 1234 Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.

THE ART OF *Includes PERFORMANCE 5 years/100,000km (whichever comes first) free scheduled servicing excluding wear and tear items. Offer available for vehicles purchased and delivered from 1st Feb – 30th June 2016 +To approved applicants only. Guaranteed Future Value terms and conditions are available upon *Includes 5 years/100,000km (whichever first) free scheduled servicing wear and tear items. available for vehicles purchased application. Jaguar Financial Services is acomes registered trading name of Jaguar excluding Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. Offer The registered trademarks of Jaguar and delivered fromand 1st trading Feb – 30th June 2016 +To approved applicants only. Guaranteed Future Value terms and conditions are available upon Financial Services JGAU-RTMT16-OLA1232_XF_HPC_Dealer_Temp_V1_FA.indd 1 name of Jaguar Financial Services referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – application. Jaguar Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks of Jaguar A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Financial Services and trading name of Jaguar Financial Services referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.


5/02/2016 1:17 pm

greater port macquarie focus. 17

Feel the Nundle welcome this Autumn

Welcome to Nundle

THIS AUTUMN Friendly, caring, inviting, relaxed and creative are some of the words Nundle people use to describe their community. It is this personality of the town, 50 km from Tamworth, which attracts thousands of visitors a year and contributes to its vitality.


undle is known for its colourful community events and it is the culture of volunteering and helpfulness among the town of 300 people that makes the events





Boutique shopping at Nundle Country Trader, Ratters Flat Antiques and Jenkins Street Antiques and Fine China, Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores and Sacs on Jenkins sends visitors home with mementos of their journey. possible. Nundle has a strong food culture, with ArcWith musicians Karl Broadie, Jeff Gibson, Toni en-ciel Trout Farm at Hanging Rock supplying Swain and John Krsulja calling Nundle home, medal-winning whole and filleted trout, live music is emerging as a constant smoked trout, gravlax and pate. The Peel throughout the year. Inn, listed among Australia’s best At the 2016 Nundle Go For beer gardens, reflects seasonal Gold Festival, on Easter favourites in its menu, n io at Saturday and Sunday, including blackberries, od m om Acc March 26 - 27, there will homemade bread, and in the town ry xu lu be more live music than pies. om fr es ng ra t and ever before. Destination weddings bed and breakfas ned ntai In addition to local at The DAG Sheep motel to self-co ns , musicians playing music Station are another houses and cabi uses , ho pu b-stay, bunk from their new albums, reason for the bustling and camping .” there will be visiting vibe on weekends, with artists Lou Bradley, David families booking out the Wei and Eva Timmers, and accommodation and making Chinese dancers the Australian a weekend celebration of the Yau Kung Mun Association and nuptials. Multicultural Communities Council of NSW Accommodation in the town ranges wowing the festival crowd twice daily. from luxury bed and breakfast and motel to At other times of the year, visiting self-contained houses and cabins, pub-stay, musicians perform at the annual Nundle bunk houses, and camping. Country Picnic, there are regular shows at The Word-of-mouth promotes the much-loved Supper Room hosted by Toni Swain, and Nundle tourist park with popular camp kitchen, fire pit is making a name for itself during the mid-year and upgraded amenities. Hats Off to Country at The DAG, and Country The Nundle CWA, Landcare and Nundle at The DAG and Nundle Rocks The Peel Inn Fishing Club banded together to open access during the Tamworth Country Music Festival. to the Peel River adjacent to the park. Prized Nundle is a hub for art and craft, with Girls’ positions look over the river, and well-marked Day in the Country and weekend retreats tracks provide access to holes for fishing, organised by Kerry Swain of Cottage on the fossicking and paddling. Hill, Nundle Woollen Mill and Nundle Art During the warmer months visitors join locals Gallery running workshops in felting and in the pristine Nundle Swimming Pool, Sheba glass art, Nundle Art Show held annually, and Dams or Chaffey Dam to cool off with a swim. Nundle Craft showcasing residents’ handmade, To plan your visit to Nundle, see: homemade and homegrown produce every or call Nundle Visitor weekend. Information Outlet on (02) 6769 3026.

Nundle Country Picnic


26-27 MARCH


Nundle Go For Gold Festival

Girls’ Day in the Country

(Cottage on the Hill quilting weekend)



The Great Nundle Dog Race

Plan your getaway now


or call Nundle Visitor Information Centre (02) 6769 3026 18 greater port macquarie focus.




ntroduce us to team CSU-PMW ... Who are the various members, and what do the initials in the name stand for? Team CSU-PMW is a team of four women in our forties - Laura Begbie, Michelle Berryman, Kirst Connell and me (Sandra Wallace). Laura, Michelle and I all live in Port Macquarie, and Kirst is joining the team from Bowral in the Southern Highlands. Our team captain, Laura, is the friend common to all of us, and over the past few years we have shared adventures, the ups and downs of family and work life, as well as a few sporting challenges. CSU is Charles Sturt University (CSU), where I am employed as the Regional Relations Project Officer. CSU has generously provided our team with some funding via its Healthy, Active, Sporting Regions Programme, which is part of the University’s Community University Partnerships Grant Programme. The PMW refers to the make-up of our team (Port Macquarie Women) and also our stage of life … Maybe readers can fill in the gaps with that one … Your team plans to take part in the Coastrek event on March 4. What is Coastrek exactly? The event on March 4th is the Wild Women on Top Sydney Coastrek, which supports the Fred Hollows Foundation. On the day, 3,400 trekkers in teams of four (two must be women) will take on either the 55 km Classic Beach Trek from Palm Beach to Balmoral, the 50 km Iconic Harbour Trek from Coogee Beach to Balmoral or the 30 km Long Reef to Balmoral Trek. Our team is undertaking the 50 km challenge. The event began in 2009 with 40 trekkers, and since then 14,500 people cumulatively (90% of them women 35 - 55 years) have taken part in the event. What are the aims of Coastrek?

The main aim of Coastrek is for women to trek very appealing. to transform lives and restore sight by raising For me, the charity itself holds special meanmoney for the Fred Hollow Foundation. ing, as my cousin became blind as a young man The event’s goal this year is to raise $3 million in his twenties and although his blindness wasn’t for the Foundation, which represents restoring curable, for so many people it is. sight to 120,000 people in Australia and Fifty kilometres is a long way to developing countries. The Founwalk! What training have you dation aims to end avoidable all been doing in preparablindness by year 2020. tion? s The Fred Hollow In the six years that the The organisers of the Foundation event has been running, event have been great in less can restore need over $9 million has sending out a training st blindness for ju been raised, which has schedule each week, so $25 per person , resulted in sight being which consists of a mix e rais every dollar we restored to more than of long and shorter a can really make quarter of a million peowalks, stair training and difference. ” ple (360,000). interval training. We have The reason that Coastrek all become very familiar is primarily an event for womwith the Lighthouse Beach to en is that avoidable blindness Town Beach coastal track, which is a gender issue: three out of five of has been a perfect training ground. the world’s blind are women. Women are Two weeks ago our team organised a more likely to stay home to care for kids, and 35 km training walk, which took us from Lightchildren carry infectious disease such as trahouse Beach via the coastal track to Settlement choma - therefore women are more susceptible Point, a short break on the ferry and then on to to infectious blinding trachoma. Women are also the end of the Northern breakwall and then back less able to access treatment - in many commuto Lighthouse Beach via the tracks through nanities, men control finances, and their medical ture reserves behind Shelley and Flynns beaches. needs are prioritised and it is often girls who are We invited other teams also training for the the ones to stay home to care for blind relatives. event to join us, as well as anyone wanting a How and why did you and your fellow team picturesque walking tour of Port Macquarie. members decide to become involved in the Despite the wet weather, we were joined by up event? to 20 on and off during the day, including some We came aware of Coastrek through some women training for the Kokoda Trek later in the mutual friends in Port Macquarie who were also year (and a few leeches!) As well as great discussion about shoes, socks and blister prevention, it entering the event, and it grew from there. I was a wonderful way to meet new people, and I think we were all looking for a physical chalam sure many problems of the world were solved lenge to take on, and the prospect of getting fit, along the way. being able to train with friends and also do some Apart from raising money for the Fred good along the way by helping the Fred Hollows Hollows Foundation, what do you personally Foundation with its fundraising objectives was

hope to achieve by taking part in Coastrek? I think for all of us, Coastrek has provided a great opportunity to set a goal and support one another along the way to achieving that goal. All of us are pretty busy people with work and family commitments, and the Coastrek training has provided the motivation to set time aside for our own physical fitness and personal wellbeing. We are really looking forward to pulling it all together on the day. Who would you like to thank for their support so far? We would like to say a big thank you to all the friends and colleagues who have supported us with their generous donations and their encouragement along the way. Also a big thanks (and good Luck!) to walkers from other Port Macquarie Coastrek teams we have trained with, our families who have provided encouragement and of course, to Charles Sturt University for their generous support. How can locals help with your fundraising efforts? We are still accepting donations via our Coastrek fundraising page. We are very grateful for any support. The Fred Hollows Foundation can restore needless blindness for just $25 per person, so every dollar we raise can really make a difference. If you would like to donate, please visit the web page below, hit the DONATE NOW button and search for CSU-PMW. Where can readers find out more information? More information on the event is available at the Coastrek website: We would really encourage Port Macquarie women to get a team together for Coastrek 2017. Thanks Sandra. Interview by Jo Atkins. greater port macquarie focus. 19

20 greater port macquarie focus.

focusinterview. Photos by Matthew J Photography








wo years on, and the team is now preparing to compete in the largest barbecue competition in the Southern Hemisphere - right here in Port Macquarie, at the Blues and BBQ Festival on April 1st

and 2nd. Team Captain - or the “Pit Boss” Brad Hodge tells us about their journey so far and how the passion for low and slow barbecue has them hooked … Who are your team members, and what skills do they bring with them? Adam Robertson, Craig Scaysbrook and Brad Hodge are the original members of Burn For Yew, with Jimi Finch, Ryan Moore and Dwayne Styles joining us at competitions along the way. None of us have a cooking background, but a definite passion for this style of cooking, which has helped us progress in the competition scene. When did the passion for low n slow BBQ begin? It all started before the first Blues and BBQ (festival) in Port Macquarie, when Craig and Adam decided to enter a team, and I joined them. We competed on Craig’s homemade ugly drum smoker and a Weber BBQ. We didn't do great, but the bug got us. From there, we progressed onto a traditional offset smoker and now a trailer mounted 30 inch Radar Hill Smoker. We have had plenty of practice runs, using our friends as judges. You’ve competed at a few national competitions now - how have you placed,


and what has been your most consistent meat? We have set ourselves a These cuts are goal of improving at each cooked for long competition that we at periods of time compete in, and so far we re , tu ra pe m a low te have done so. We have ece pi h ug to a g in turn recently returned from , er nd te of meat into Meatstock in Sydney - where .” ss ne od smokey go we recorded our best ever results, finishing 1st in Pork Ribs, 3rd in Seafood, 4th in Chicken and 6th overall out of 48 teams. Our strongest category in the past has been our beef, for which we cook brisket - but that let us down at Meatstock. For those who don’t know about the What have you learnt, and how has it art of low n slow, can you give us a helped your team improve? quick run down on what it entails? There is so much to learn about this style of Primarily, you use secondary cuts of meat cooking. Such as: how to cook different cuts such as beef brisket, beef ribs, pork shoulder of meat, cooking temps, fire management, etc. You can only use a cooker that is heated use of different flavours, types of wood to use through coals, pellets or wood fire. These cuts etc. When we first started, Google was our are cooked for long periods of time at a low best friend, with hours spent looking for tips, temperature, turning a tough piece of meat trick and recipes. We also had some great help into tender, smokey goodness. The flavours and from Hillbilly Wes Griffiths, now of “Bovine and tenderness you can get out perfectly cooked Swine” and the boys from The Meat Sweats barbecue are just amazing. barbecue team, Mitch and Vaughan. These guys The Burn for Yew BBQ team will compete were always more than happy to answer any on home soil next month at the Blues and questions we had. BBQ Festival - it will be Australia’s largest I recently attended a masterclass with the BBQ competition. How are you feeling World Champion, Tuffy Stone. Using some tips about it, and how do you think you will go from Tuffy most certainly helped us score better in an event that size? at Meatstock. It’s going to be an amazing event. We can’t

wait for it. We will approach it as we always do as just a bit of fun and aim to cook some good food. With a bit of luck, the judges will like it, and we will hopefully score well. Make sure you get down and support a great event and all the local teams competing. Thanks Brad; good luck!

the plug! The Blues and BBQ Festival is on April 1st and 2nd. Entry is free. Tickets for the afternoon Music Festival featuring Ted Perkins are on sale now. Earlybird tickets $45 plus booking fee. Camping $10 per person.

greater port macquarie focus. 21

COMING UP in 2016 Players Theatre Port Macquarie is proud to announce a great line-up of shows for 2016. We kick off the year with the great Paul Simon play - The Odd Couple, under the Direction of Steve Harris and a great local cast. The Odd Couple is centred around the lives of two friends, Oscar and Felix, who share an apartment. Oscar is messy and out of control. Felix is neat and particular. Put them together and watch the sparks fly, as Oscar’s messy nature keeps Felix busy and Felix’s fastidious characteristics drive Oscar spare. We won’t spoil the story, but suffice to say there is an enormous argument and Oscar throws Felix out ... and a twist you won’t believe. At the end of the day though, it is clear some of Felix has rubbed off on Oscar. Show runs March 4 - 20. Next up it’s the musical The Producers, under the Direction of Daniel Parlievet, which runs from 13 - 29 May. The Festival of One Act Plays returns over the June long weekend, with the organising committee seeking submissions from interested Directors and visiting theatre companies. Grease, the wonderful musical, will hit the stage under the Direction of Hamish Keddie from July 22 to August 14. ‘Allo ‘Allo, the well known BBC TV series adaption of this fabulous comedy comes to Players under the Direction of Cameron Marshall from September 23 to October 9. We then round out the year with the musical Sweet Charity under the direction of Peter Dransfield and Sue Morvan from November 11 to December 4. We also are bringing back the Panto, with Puss In Boots returning in January 2017. As you can see, it’s another year of quality community theatre, and we look forward to delivering these top productions in 2016. Book now online at

22 greater port macquarie focus.

MARKETS IN MARCH The month of March sees both the Foreshore Market and The Artist Market in The Vines come to life. With the start of autumn and the slightly cooler days, it makes for the perfect market days. The Foreshore Market will be held on Saturday 12th March from 8am - 1pm, where you will find stalls overflowing with the freshest of produce, local cheeses, woodfired bread and local craft. It is definitely the place to stock your pantry with the most wonderful selection of local produce and goodness. Bring along your shopping baskets and get started; the farmers and producers are always up for a chat - learn about where they come from and what inspires them. We have around 100 stalls on a monthly basis who love bringing this market to you on the second Saturday of every month. The Artist Market in The Vines is truly an eclectic mix of stallholders, and that is what makes it so special. March welcomes Easter early this year, so we look forward to celebrating a lovely family day at Cassegrain Winery on Easter Sunday. Bring along your picnic blankets, meet up with your friends and family and sit back and enjoy the magic setting and the fantastic music line up that we have on the stage this month. There will be extra activities for the kids and plenty of Easter eggs to enjoy. It will be the perfect way to celebrate family and all the goodness that Easter represents. Come and discover for yourself why so many love and adore this market on the fourth Sunday of every month.

Photo courtesy of Dylan Evans



Balbuziente Emily Bronte’s gothic story comes to life in this stirring, passionate performance by the Shake & Stir Theatre Co. Ross Balbuziente plays the darkly brooding Heathcliff - a character who has never failed to inspire strong emotions throughout the ages.This is a breathtaking production sure to leave people moved … And you can experience it for yourself at the Glasshouse. i Ross. Tell us a bit about yourself … How did you become the Artistic Director at Shake & Stir Theatre Co? I was one of the founding members of Shake & Stir back in 2006. It’s quite exciting in 2016, because the company celebrates its 10th anniversary. I’ve been a co-Artistic Director for that period with two colleagues, Nick Skubij and Nelle Lee. We’ve been producing work in Brisbane and touring the country since 2006, and it’s a passion of ours to adapt classics for stage - it has always been a passion, and still is today. Shake & Stir is well known for its skill in adapting literary classics into stage productions - for example, the company’s previous shows include Animal Farm and Dracula. Such challenging works - and Wuthering Heights is no exception! Why did you choose Emily Bronte’s classic as your most recent stage adaption? At Shake & Stir, we’re suckers for a theatrical challenge! We never shy away from the challenge of bringing these iconic books to life on stage. They’re all favourites of ours at Shake & Stir … of course, we all have differences of opinions too, but we’ve been so fortunate over the past 10 years to have been able to bring to life some of our collective favourites. Wuthering Heights is right up there as one of our all-time favourites! This book just lends itself so beautifully to a stage production, and this is why we were all so attracted to the idea … Emily Bronte’s descriptions in her novel are so evocative and translate so beautifully on stage - especially when you have an incredible design team led by a brilliant director. The whole team has achieved that atmosphere that Bronte discusses and refers to in her book on the stage … How would you describe this atmosphere? Dark and gloomy? Yes, dark and moody - but very modern in its aesthetic. Without giving too much away, I can confirm that we will be bringing all of the

natural elements into the theatre. So yes … It gets hot, and it gets wet! Thanks to large scale projections and the harmony between our lighting, sound, costume, projection and set designers, the whole production just works so beautifully to create a live atmosphere. Emily Bronte’s The place is actually descriptions so another character in in her novel are slate an tr d an e iv the book and in our evocat stage on ly ul tif au so be production - so much you n he - especially w of the novel refers to le ib ed cr have an in the windy, gusty, wet, by a design team led tumultuous weather .” brilliant director the Earnshaw family. He and the moors, and the had a very rough life at that characters are constantly point, and it really doesn’t get trying to keep the outdoors much easier for him. Mr Earnshaw from entering the indoors (and passes away, and Heathcliff is treated to their lives); then what happens some very rough treatment at the hands when the characters open the floodgates of Hindley Earnshaw, who ultimately sepand literally go into that weather and that arates him from Cathy [Heathcliff’s love, and atmosphere … It’s such a contrast between Hindley’s sister]. being inside, warm and safe to being outside It just becomes a whirlwind of angst and amongst the unpredictability of nature and its revenge. consequences. This has a knock on effect to Has he been a challenging role for you to one’s nature, one’s life, one’s relationships … play? You also play Heathcliff in the production. Incredibly challenging - and mentally He’s certainly a character who’s evoked challenging, because you have to get to some strong feelings amongst readers - who pretty dark places to fill Heathcliff’s shoes. either seem to love him or hate him. How It’s also challenging to do night after night, do you view him as a character and a but it’s also very rewarding - and it certainly man? makes the glass of wine after the performance Right from the get-go, the task was not to even more enjoyable! judge the character and not to play the end It’s quite a small cast for this production; point of the character… Human nature is a very delicate thing; every action has a reaction, how have you found this works in terms of the story? and we all act in certain ways because of a The beauty of the adaptation and the direcmultitude of factors. tion of this show is that the cast members also Poor Heathcliff has a bad rap from the start, play the generations that follow their initial but you have to get to know the guy to see character. I only play one character, but you do why he has anger management issues (at the see Heathcliff right from the time he’s a little very least). My goal was not to judge the character, but to understand why he is how he is. boy until his ultimate demise. It’s a beautiful Not a lot is told about his character prior to journey, playing his whole life. meeting him, other than that he is homeless Gemma Willing though, who plays Cathy and impoverished before he was brought into Earnshaw, also plays the role of Catherine

Linton [Cathy Earnshaw’s daughter]. It’s really lovely to see an actor play the parent of their child … Nick Skubij plays Mr Earnshaw, Hindley, then Hareton so, three generations - grandfather, father, and son. Theatrically, it’s quite a lovely convention. It also makes the line of descendants clearer to understand. Final words … If you’re a fan of Wuthering Heights, you’re not going to be disappointed, because it’s a faithful adaption - but with a modern aesthetic. If you’ve never read the book, or the book terrified you, I encourage you to come along - because it’s really about all that juicy stuff we all love today with TV drama, movies and fiction. Emily Bronte was really ahead of her time when it came to writing about family drama… Thanks Ross. Interview by Jo Atkins.

the plug! See Wuthering Heights at the Glasshouse on 15th March at 8pm. Tickets: $59; conc $54; member $49; under 25s $40. Visit or call the Box Office: 6581 8888.

greater port macquarie focus. 23

aromatic rare roast TUNA, olives, confit tomato, green bean and taragon from ZEBU BAR & GRILL

download our eat. dining guide for iPhone & Android

24 greater port macquarie focus.

views, soaking up the sun and enjoying a glass of wine or cold beer has never been easier, match that with delicious meals and you have the perfect lunch or dinner. Think of Salty’s when booking your next function or birthday party, talk to us today about the perfect package to suit your needs. Licensed Family friendly Indoor / outdoor dining

A new menu, a new restaurant feel combined with our classic Hastings River view and friendly service. The team at Salty’s.

mi casa restaurant

Signature Meatballs and 25 Buller Street, Port Macquarie Paella Stuffed Squid . 6583 1499

9 McInherney Close, Port Macquarie 6584 0841

an exciting new menu featuring fresh local ingredients and unique flavours. Start off with an entree of three cheese Zucchini flowers with truffle honey, or share a charcuterie plate. Try the “Rockin” Dunbogan Oysters with a chilli, lime and ginger granita, or the signature meatballs with seared plum, manchego crisp and cider jus. Pair the paella stuffed charred baby squid or the pork belly with sauerkraut and chorizo jus with a glass of the Marques de Caceres Rioja. Reserve your table now. • Fully Licensed (no BYO).

zebu bar+grill

zebu bar+grill

DIARY DATE - Easter Long Weekend Buffet Breakfast - head down to the water with family and friends and enjoy the full Rydges Rise Buffet Breakfast from 6:30am until 10am.

off the hook Off the Hook is owned and operated by Paul and Narelle Walsh. We offer a great variety of choice: tasty old style hamburgers, snacks, salads, and of course, fish and chips.

Owners Brendan

We have added a larger selection of fish to our menu, & including our Jennis Field. favourite, the Flathead fillets.

3/2 Horton Street (Located on Town Green), Port Macquarie. 6584 4559

Hay Street Foreshore, Port Macquarie 6589 2822

6 nights Tues - Sun from 6pm.

7 days, from 6:30am - late. Bar open noon daily. Bookings recommended.

Executive Chef Adam Tait.

Hay Street Foreshore, Port Macquarie 6589 2822 7 days, from 6:30am - late. Bar open noon daily. Bookings recommended.


Located along Port Macquarie’s Town Green. 6584 1146 7 days, from 11am - late. EFTPOS available; phone orders welcome.

greater port macquarie focus.

Bago Tavern

aqua the westport club

Have you tried our Dino Rump? When dinosaur met cow, seriously good food was created. Come and put one to the test today. Along with a great restaurant serving well crafted modern pub food, a fantastic range of draught and packaged beers, an extensive wine list, and friendly professional staff, the Bago Tavern is truly your place to enjoy. We even have a great spot for families with little ones - an undercover outdoor area with children’s playground.

Indulge in the rich flavours of Aqua’s own blend of espresso - the perfect complement to a delectable dessert. Satisfy your taste buds and enjoy the contrasting flavours of coffee and “the sweet course”. Aqua’s baristas will craft your favourite cup while chefs create a memorable dessert - all brought to you at your table as you enjoy the breathtaking views of the Hastings River. Head Chef Grant Smart

Our modern Australian menu is frequently redesigned and created just for you, ensuring only the freshest seasonal ingredients are used in our dishes.

Chef de Cuisine Luke Corkery.

Aqua is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. Bookings are recommended, call 6583 1499.

235 High Street, Wauchope 6586 4722 We are open seven days a week, 11am ‘til late. Lunch from 11:30am and dinner from 5:30pm.

The Westport Club's


7 days. Lunch 11:30am - Mi Casa Restaurant is spicing things up with 2:30pm. Dinner 5pm - 8:30pm.

Summer is just around the corner - head to Zebu to soak up the pre holiday atmosphere with cracking water views and blue skys. Enjoy the quintessential taste of summer with a glass of vino or a muddled mojito teamed with some succulent oysters or crispy duck spring rolls, whilst listening to some live tunes from many local talented musicians. If it’s something a little more refined you are after, head to the grill for our degustation menu with five hand crafted courses from Executive Chef Adam Tait matched with fine wines sourced from across Australia. Still can’t Squeeze out the last drop of summer with some live tunes, a decide? Be tempted by the King Fish Carpaccio relaxing drink and bite to eat on the foreshore at Zebu! Pop into the bar and enjoy a cocktail or two, or reserve your waterfront with fingerlime, chorizo and radish paired with a crisp Andrew Thomas Six Degrees Semillon - simply table in the grill to experience contemporary coastal dining at its best. irresistible! If doing breakfast is more your thing - chillax on the water with our Diary Date: New Year’s Eve - Bring in the New RISE BUFFET BREAKFAST - a huge gourmet selection including fresh Year in Sin City Style with a night in Vegas juices, wheat grass, scrummy smoothies, extra yummy buffet goodies and Chef with Executive dancing girls, blackjack and poker! Adam Tait. made-to-order treats! 6:30am - 10am every day! See page 21 for more info!

Dino rump


New Menu from Chef Kris Winter

Wednesday - Saturday, dinner from 6pm. Wednesday - Sunday, lunch from 12pm.

Kingfish carpaccio, fingerlime, chorizo and radish

Chefs d Chris &

Bookings are recommended.

25 Buller Street, Port Macquarie 6583 1499 Lunch 7 days - 11:30am - 2:30pm. Dinner 7 days - 5pm - 8:30pm. greater port macquarie focus. 25

The fri staff.

Sticky pork cutlet with white bean puree, zucchini pearls, chilli caramel and popcorn

Pad Thai and Curry Puffs.

restaurant synergy

northpoint thai cuisine

Where food and service work in harmony. Synergy Restaurant & Bar, located at the Mercure Centro Hotel in the heart of town. For an intimate dining experience, offering modern Australian cuisine at its best. Intimate private dining rooms available on request, for bookings of 10 or more guests. Also consider our unique rooftop banquet room, with amazing ocean views, for that spectacular event.

Northpoint Thai is conveniently located in a quiet corner of the CBD at the end of Murray St.

Save the date: EASTER DINING: Good Friday , fresh seafood blackboard specials. Including of course our “Local Fresh Seafood Platters” for two once again.

Fresh and full of flavour, Northpoint Thai Cuisine has been established in Port Macquarie for nearly three years. With an experienced Thai chef, the extensive menu features a wide range of local products and fresh ingredients with true Thai flavours. Choose from a selection of entrees, salads, soups, noodle dishes, stir fries and curries. right: Executive Chef Jay Snelgar left: Sous Chef Shivaneel Nath.

Bring a group of friends and enjoy a banquet style meal of different dishes to share for an experience to remember. Northpoint Thai is the perfect place for your next special occasion, party or event - book now. • Lunch specials from $9.90 - daily specials • Bookings preferred for dinner • BYO

Don’t forget to join us at “Happy Hour” every evening from 5pm - a refreshing 40% off all beverage - restaurant SYNERGY’S cocktail lounge, see you there!

Shop 1/2 Murray St, Port Macquarie 6583 8990

Cnr Hay & William Streets, Port Macquarie 6583 0830 or book online 7 days, 6:30am - 10am for breakfast; 5pm - late for dinner. Bookings essential.

Lunch Tues - Sat ,11:30am - 2pm. Dinner Tues - Sun, 5pm - 9:30pm Closed Monday. Open Christmas Day, 5pm - 9pm.

salty's bar and grill

the bar restaurant and cafÉ

Easter will fall at the end of March this year, so be sure to book your table for the long weekend and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. At Salty’s we strive to create an authentic and memorable dining experience. Using a variety of local sourced products and produce, we offer a broad range of modern Australian dishes as well as some good old fashioned favourites, catering for all ages. Fully Licensed Family friendly Indoor / outdoor dining

Here at The Bar Restaurant and Café at Flynns Beach, Mitchall and the team would like to welcome you to come in and enjoy yourself with friends and family. Choose from fresh daily seafood specials, quality steak, specialty cocktails and house made desserts.

The team at Salty’s

Try the roasted pork belly with cauliflower puree and pea foam matched with a glass of local Bago Verdelho. Top it all off with our signature Double Chocolate Brownie with charred orange, chocolate sauce, popping candy and housemade honeycomb icecream. New menu coming soon! Check us out on Facebook to stay up to date with what’s happening here at The Bar Restaurant and Café. • 10% DISCOUNT FOR ALL FOCUS READERS! Just mention this ad and enjoy.

9 McInherney Close, Port Macquarie 6584 0841 Wednesday - Saturday, dinner from 6pm. Wednesday - Sunday, lunch from 12pm.

26 greater port macquarie focus.

. 4 Flynn Street, Port Macquarie 6583 5477 Open Monday to Saturday from 5pm. Reservations recommended.

Head Chef Mitchall and his family








hen did you start your career in cooking, and what inspired you to become a chef? I never really wanted to do anything else. As soon as I had my earliest opportunity to leave behind other ambitions, I started cooking at the age of 14. Stefano Manfredi and Tetsuya are two chefs who influenced me along the way and kick started my career in the industry. I started my apprenticeship at Centrepoint Tower, working for a very prestigious German chef. From there I went to Europe; I wanted to travel and learn more. A six month trip turned into 10 years, and I ended up working in Michelin star restaurants such as Embassy in London and Smiths on Smithfields. Tell us about your hospitality background and experience. Most recently I have been in Saigon for the last four years, running the #2 restaurant in the city. I started a cooking school over there with another well known chef, Luke Nguyen, taking kids off the street and teaching them how to cook and earning themselves a TAFE certificate, so that was a rewarding experience. Earlier in my career during my time in Europe I worked in Sweden for Jon Heder, who is the world champion of pastries, and we wrote a cookbook together also. I was the Sous Chef for Gary Hollihead, who is a 3 Michelin star chef, at the age of 23. I have done a bit of everything when it comes to cooking styles. Travelling has been a big influence for me, and in total I have travelled to 36 countries! Mi Casa restaurant is Spanish cuisine with a twist. What are your favourite ingredients to use in this style of cooking? Spanish food is as much about technique as it is produce. For example, paella is all about the

cooking process in the pan, and the texture you get from the bottom of the pan. We are trying to use some of those traditional techniques but also combining other flavours and processes, and experimenting with local flavours and local produce as much as we can. What can patrons look forward to on the new menu? The three cheese zucchini flowers with truffle honey have been very popular and are new on the menu. People will also enjoy the signature meatballs with manchego crisp, seared plum and cider jus or the paella stuffed squid. There is something for everyone on the new menu, and we are working with local suppliers to bring in fresh seafood and produce to our menu. For example, we use “Rockin” Oysters from Dunbogan. James Wood harvests these direct from the Camden Haven area, and they are even exporting overseas to Japan and Singapore. Produce is also forged from local farms in our region. How long have you lived in Port Macquarie, and what do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I've lived in Port Macquarie about a year now. My wife, Candy, and I bought a house up here, and we love everything about the area - the beaches are fantastic. The climate and people in Port Macquarie are great. We also have a Wagyu farm up in Dorrigo where we enjoy spending time. What is offered when it comes to catering for parties and functions? We can cater for up to 60 guests and aim to provide an interactive and entertaining dining experience. We can tailor experiences to the group’s needs, and we are also looking to expand outside catering for special occasions. Thanks Kris.



ollowing the success of the have never forgotten their roots. Summer Intensive electronic “It’s who I am, it’s who Jonny is,” says dance music party, which saw Dave of spinning tunes. “We’ve always been 800 groovers getting down at itchy and always kept one finger in the pie one of the biggest electronic the whole time.” They’ve also kept digging dance music parties to ever hit through the world’s digital crates for those Port Macquarie, organisers announce the next special tracks, rather than snap up their favouinstalment, “Autumn Intensive”, an electronic rite producers’ every release, though it’s Ausdance music party to take place on the Saturtralian acts who they name check as current day of the Easter weekend. Autumn Intensive favourites - Tommy Trash, Sgt Slick, Bass Kleph, will not only feature some of Australia’s bigUberjak’d and Christian Luke among them. gest DJs and finest electronic dons, including So the return of The Potbelleez DJs should The Potbelleez DJs, Dixie, Komes and local acts come as little surprise to those who’ve Sonic Boom and Dannii delighting followed the two Irish expats your sense from the decks, but over the past decade. “It’s feature a carnival theme to what we’re best at,” says enhance the experience Jonny, and few who The Potbelleez e for party goers. Autumn DJs have becom have witnessed them of Intensive will feature such a mainstay r behind their favoured la local hip hop favourAustralian popu battle station of four sy ites, Korzdahavoc and music, that it’s ea e CDJs and two mixers ad an after party DJ sets to to forget they m the would argue. The nd cap off the live perfortheir name behi e th pair have a sixth sense of deck s of some mances. ” s. ub when they DJ together, sweatiest cl “This time around we an instinct for what the are going for a carnival other is about to do without party theme,” said organiser so much as a sidewards glance. Lisa Willows. “Jonny’s got an ear for making the “We will have popcorn, fairy floss biggest reaction possible to really bring and photo booth available, so party goers the crowd up,” Dave says, “while I’ve got can capture the fun times they have on the the backbone to set all that up.” night,” adds Shaun Dunn, “and we are really Autumn Intensive will again feature two excited to have The Potbelleez DJs joining us!” rooms running two styles of electronic music The Potbelleez DJs have become such a on the night. Organisers explain, “We will be mainstay of Australian popular music, that it’s having the party and the after party all in the easy to forget they made their name behind one spot in carnival style.” the decks of some of the sweatiest clubs. We can’t wait to blow your mind at the Port While anthems like Don’t Hold Back, Hello, Macquarie Hotel on Saturday, March 26th; the Are You With Me and From The Music have event kicks off at 9pm and has an extended become festival-smashing bombs for Dave licence to 4am. Goode and Jonny Sonic, The Potbelleez DJs

greater port macquarie focus. 27


Out to Lunch

with Susie Boswell



necdotally, some say Port Macquarie’s growth, despite it all, is not happening fast enough - that people have sold their homes to buy new, but the pipeline’s turgid, and they end up renting in the interim. All the same, on the broad view there’s a big number of lots zoned for residential, just look around: to the west alone there’s Ascot Park, perhaps 1500 blocks overall at Sovereign Hills, and still other new developments. “Sovereign Hills has their new section coming on, the southern part,” Trevor Suitor notes. “It’ll incorporate a new display village. We’ve two new homes going in there that’ll be opened in September.” Lake Cathie, too, has good land stock in six new areas and an expanding over-55s resort. An industry authority says it’s poised to boom substantially against its existing villagey atmosphere. Suitor agrees: “At $250,000 to $270,000, 70 per cent of a new estate there has been sold. We’re building there this year; it’s good coastal land right on the beach. If we had coastal land as good as that [available] in Port it’d be $350,000. In all there’s probably 1000 blocks [in three of the estates] zoned to come on there.” Will prices continue to rise? “As they do. Same as taxes,” Suitor says, matter-of-fact. “But building is still very affordable. Go back 10 or 20 years and look at wages against housing costs: there’s been no dramatic increase. “Second-hand housing will generally sit

28 greater port macquarie focus.

just under new housing but at the moment in Port Macquarie new housing is probably more affordable - primarily because there’s little available land in areas east of the CBD, so anything for sale in the eastern area” beachside - “is obviously of a higher value; it’s an extremely strong market. We do renovations as well; we’ve done renovations for as much as $700,000: people are prepared to put a lot of money into existing houses in the right location. “So it’s making the western area look attractive and fuelling a lot of interest in new housing to the west. If you find a reasonably-priced block of land in the western area of Port Macquarie you’ll still get into a 4-bedroom home for the late $400,000s or early 500s including the land - finished, carpeted, driveway. It’s a little bit dearer in the Brierley Hill area, but not much: the early 500s to 550 will still buy you a very nice new home – well-built, four bedrooms, ensuite ... Put the same house in the Lighthouse area and your land’s $270,000 over there, you’ve got to add an extra 40, 50, 60, so now you’re in the $600,000s. People will pay a premium to be near the beach.” Suitor’s now stepped back from the day-today business; his daughter and sons, (pictured with him, from left) Kristy, Adam and Danny, are Pycon’s executive team. “They’re now the majority shareholders and predominantly run the company. They’ve taken it to a whole new level of expertise as well as rapid growth. We’re taking on a much larger geographical area. We’ve five supervisors in the compa-

ny. The client expects that: a supervisor they can communicate with and who’s not just responsible for the quality [of the build] but the end result. A second supervisor will hand over to the client. It’s a cross-check to make sure the quality’s good; we pride ourselves on our quality and work hard at it. If we make a mistake we don’t hesitate to fix it. We’ve got a good reputation.” It’s just as well, because Suitor reckons north-coastal NSW, not just Port Macquarie and environs, is dynamic. “Most areas of the coast at the moment are busy, or have been, as much as Port Macquarie; we’re not the only ones getting the boom. Coffs Harbour’s extremely busy; our inquiry rate there’s slightly higher than in Port Macquarie.” So it’s not that people have fallen exclusively for Port Macquarie? “Coffs has had a good supply of land over the past 12 months and into the future that’s brought their industry up. Hallidays Point-Red Head has had a reasonable supply. Forster hasn’t. Taree’s had a reasonable supply ... wherever there’s a reasonable supply of land there’s been reasonable building numbers. Where land’s patchy the numbers are lower. Available land equals building activity. Activity tends to bring activity. And a whole range of other industries: the infrastructure associated with building - hardware supply, right down to general jobs, retail and so on. Building spreads through the whole economy of a town, so when building’s booming the town tends to boom with it. As the population grows it fuels more building.”

Such as Port’s new university. “Wonderful! There’s a lot of building for accommodation [for students, staff], a lot of people investing in homes for their children to live in while at uni and for parents to visit.” Will it slow down eventually? “I think the coast - if you’re a coastal builder like we are - has a great future. You’ve got a big market: as well as natural growth, a 10-year market of baby boomers retiring out of Sydney. It’s happening. It won’t stop: the town’s now reached the stage where it’s a regional town. Other towns around Port Macquarie will never grow to a regional town, but they grow around regional towns. So places like Taree, Forster and so on will remain as they are, just minimal growth, and will feed into Port Macquarie - as will other towns around Coffs Harbour, as they will around Lismore as well. They’re the three regional areas of the coast; there’s no question that Port Macquarie will take its rightful place. With the hospital facilities, the airport upgrade, Pacific Highway duplication, university - the university was the missing link - you put those things together and you’ve now got a strong regional area. If you go to places like Toowoomba, with a population of more than 120,000, you’ll see just how busy a town that size is. Port Macquarie’s still got a lot of growing to do; there’s huge room for growth. “The coastal area from around Forster to Grafton will be the major growth centre of regional NSW. So we’re geographically well placed. “We’re confident of a very good future.”

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Easter Weekend The Port Macquarie Golf Club has a huge

0417 204 850.

Easter raffle on Good Friday, 25th March.

Trek4Kidz is an annual week-long event where a group explores different regional areas of the Australian countryside by car. Since its inception, the trek has visited more than 300 towns, 35 schools and raised over $1,045,000 for the Starlight Children’s Foundation.

You can win some great prizes, including seafood vouchers, local business vouchers and of course Easter eggs! Tickets are on sale from 6:30pm raffle starts at 7pm. Proudly Supporting the Starlight Foundation TREK4KIDZ! A Sportsmans Dinner fundraiser will be held at the Port Macquarie Golf Club on Thursday 7th April from 7pm. Come along for a fantastic night out, including a two course dinner and a visit from Guest Speaker Nathan Hindmarsh! Tickets are $60pp and are available through the Starlight Foundation - contact Michelle McDonald on

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These funds would enable Starlight to grant 160 life-changing wishes or transform the hospital experience for 28,243 sick children at hospitals around Australia, including John Hunter Children’s Hospital. Collectively we are able to make a difference in the lives of seriously ill children. Seeing these kids smile is what it’s all about.

Lou Perri from the Stunned Mullet



t seems we are trying to come round to a full circle, having started at a time in history where it was just about logistically impossible to consume anything other than local produce. Then of course the world was swept along with the momentum of the industrial revolution and all manner of technological advances which enable mass regional and international importing and exporting ventures of everything under the sun, and we all went a bit crazy for the “exotic” - well, simply because we could. We almost had to venture so far away from what was right under our noses, to realise that actually it was often that very stuff - right there in front of us - that was the absolute best. Freshness, flavour, higher nutritional value, food miles, carbon footprints, supporting the local economy, community spirit - the list goes on when expounding the benefits of sourcing local produce. For the independent consumer, the increasing availability of local produce means that it is becoming far easier to source and purchase it. The “locavore” movement is one in which is gaining momentum, as many more people begin to realise the numerous benefits of choosing local. So why, you may ask - with all this evidence to the contrary, do I still go to restaurants and see so many ingredients sourced from other places? And not just other parts of Australia, but other countries? Surely there is a local equivalent that can be used instead? And surely it is better, cheaper and way more ideologically sound than the item from some far flung place you see on your menu … In a regional area such as the Mid North Coast, this topic sparks particularly passionate debate, as we live in a fertile and abundant area and there is indeed a plethora of amazing produce available to us. This is undeniably true, but unfortunately the realities of running a contemporary restaurant, a small business, as well as competing in an international marketplace mean that the necessity of sourcing some key meal components elsewhere

cannot be avoided. Much as what we have available to us right here and right now is fantastic, the fact is that we exist in a specific microclimate, and the reality is that there simply isn’t the scope of premium produce in our locale that is required by modern consumers - who are, let’s face it - demanding of choice and diversity on the menu they see before them. When it comes to sourcing a particular component of a dish - let us use proteins as an example, there needs to be a selection on offer that pleases at least most diners. Poultry, a couple of red meats, fresh fish and/or shellfish. Then, very importantly there needs to be an adequate and reliable supply available to cope with demand. The produce needs to be of the highest quality possible and at a landed cost to keep food costs down enough to enable a small business to survive. Sometimes the item that meets all this criterion just isn’t the local option. Sometimes there are no local options available, for whatever reason - be it the microclimate and/or seasonal thing, or simply a matter of supply and demand. Sometimes the best piece of beef we can find, at the price that enables us to keep our doors open, just has to come from somewhere else. It’s as simple as that. Local is absolutely the best option, and it would be a wonderful environment for a restaurant to be able to sustain itself entirely from local produce - many do to an extent, with their own gardens and their own farms. But however much we may long for this utopia and wish to support our own regional economy, it remains that in order to offer the best that we can offer, retain consistency and keep our doors open - our sourcing of ingredients will be a complex blend of the best of local, regional, national and international items. What we hope to achieve are dishes abounding with freshness, flavour and premium produce, supporting our local economy as much as we can, and most importantly, putting a smile on the faces of our diners!





here did you guys meet? Peta-Maree and Amanda are sisters. Sam and I are brothersin-law and have known each other for about 15 years. How did the idea to establish your own brewery come about? While studying science at university, Sam developed an interest in brewing. Firstly, out of necessity - because time was plentiful, and money was short. As time went on, study ended, his income increased, yet the brewing continued. Sam’s brewing evolved from using home brew kits into the development of his own custom made all grain brewery system. It was made using a drink cooler for mashing and an old keg heated over a gas burner as a kettle. Kempsey is where we all grew up. After high school, both couples moved away to study in Sydney. About 13 years ago, Amanda and Sam moved back to Kempsey to be closer to family, pursue careers and start a family of their own. Peta-Maree’s and my story is very similar, only nine years later. It was by fortunate coincidence that when Peta-Maree and I moved home, we purchased a house in the street parallel to Sam and Amanda - only a three minute walk apart. It wasn’t long after Peta-Maree and I moved back to Kempsey that we set Thursday nights aside as family dinner nights. This is how Sam got me interested in brewing also - Thursday nights evolved to become a family, dinner, and brewing night. After dinner, Sam and I would retire to the shed to brew. To refine our skills, we purchased a self-contained 50 L brewing system called a Braumeister. Us boys began brewing more beer than we could consume and began giving some away to family and friends to try. The feedback was very encouraging, which only motivated us to brew more. The concept of developing a brewery 32 greater port macquarie focus.

gained momentum as confidence increased. Munich Helles, a German Black (Schwarz) beer, Describe how you’ve developed Bucket and also an American style “Pail” ale. Brewery to date … Your newest brew is your “Pail Ale”. No If you ask Amanda and Peta-Maree, Sam and I doubt everyone’s wondering what the sigspent too much time together in the shed talking nificance of the “Bucket” or pail is - how did beer and breweries! About two years ago, Sam the business get its name? and I started researching how to open a brewery. Before Sam and Amanda’s daughter was born, Starting a brewery is expensive, and we her two older brothers (James and Patrick) were didn’t want to make mistakes. Feelasked to contribute suggestions for her ing confident about our recipes name. They thought “Bucket” was but not too sure about the an appropriate name for a little process of opening a brewsister. Needless to say, she was The Hotel ery, we hired a consulcalled the far more suitable Kempsey has tant. The consultant proname, Sophie. Instead, the biggest been one of our vided advice about what family dog inherited the et supporters . Buck ers equipment to buy and name Bucket. e be now has all thre direction on navigating When home brewing, ...” available on tap the labyrinth of legislative Bucket was always underfoot, requirements. eagerly awaiting any opporOnce deciding on the tunity to eat any spilled malt. equipment, it had to be One afternoon when having a beer manufactured. We agreed on a in the shed and trying to decide on an 300 L brewhouse, accompanied by three appropriate brewery name, Bucket nearly fermentors tripped one of the boys over, and Bucket Brewery two x 300 L fermentors and one x 600 L was born. fermentor, which took about six months to be A silhouette of Bucket the dog is our logo and delivered. In March 2015, the equipment arrived. was designed by Amanda and Peta-Maree’s other We quickly set about installing it and familiarising sister, Kasey. Kasey owns her own design and ourselves with its operation. print business in Melbourne called Pink Tea Pot. Since then we have been refining our skills to Where can people currently try/purchase become efficient, meanwhile still working full your brews? -time jobs and balancing family commitments. Hotel Kempsey - Bucket Black, Bucket Lager The Hotel Kempsey has been one of our bigand Bucket Pail Ale; Seabreeze Beach Hotel at gest supporters. Bucket now has all three beers South West Rocks - Bucket Lager; 63 First Aveavailable on tap, to a great response from the nue, Sawtell - Bucket Lager. And we have keen Kempsey locals. interest from other local venues. What beers are you currently brewing? Your beer is currently available by the keg, In Sam’s other life as a high school teacher, he but you’ll be producing canned beer soon. teaches kids science and also German. Multiple Where will we be able to buy cartons of leisure and working trips to Germany inspired your product? Sam’s interest in all things German, which has The Bucket team made an early business influenced our brewing. decision to produce beer in packaging people Bucket Brewery is regularly brewing three can take home. Lots of very enthusiastic people styles: a German inspired lager modelled from a were asking how to set up a keg in their house.

However, this isn’t achievable or advisable for everyone. We embarked on the difficult decision of deciding between cans or bottles. Cans won, because the technology has come a long way. You no longer get the “tinny” taste, and it’s much better for the beer, as cans don’t allow any light and less oxygen into the container. Six packs and cartons will be on sale at the Hotel Kempsey, Cellarbrations West Kempsey, and the Seabreeze Beach Hotel South West Rocks, among others, shortly. And you’ll be one of the local breweries showcasing your talents at the Crafts on the Coast event, on March 5th and 6th at the Seabreeze Hotel, South West Rocks? The Bucket team are ecstatic to be a part of Crafts on the Coast. We commend the staff at the Seabreeze Beach Hotel for creating an opportunity for local producers to showcase their product and pair it with great food and live music. Bucket Brewery, along with Black Duck Brewery (Port Macquarie), Little Brewing Co. (Port Macquarie), Murray’s Brewery (Port Stephens), and Six String Brewing (Central Coast), as well as Hills Cider (South Australia) will provide tastings and match one of their beers with a course at the brewers’ dinner on Saturday night. We hope people try our beer and become customers again in the future. It’s also a great networking opportunity to meet other producers. Is Bucket Brewery open to the public? Where can readers contact you or find out more info? As the Bucket Brewery is currently operating from a private residence, we aren’t allowed to provide tours to the public. We are working towards having a venue that is accessible so we can showcase our equipment and brewing skills. The best way to contact us is by email, either or Thanks Tim. Interview by Jo Atkins.

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from Rydges Port Macquarie and Sails Resort Port Macquarie. Photo Credit Steve Harris Fab Photos

Right. Sue Reid and Ebony green enjoying Ladies in Red at Rydges!

Right. Barbara Sherrin, Alex Barron, Simone Berry and Sarah Roussel at Ladies in Red. Photo Credit Steve Harris Fab Photos

Above. Carmen Geddit, Jacob Merchant and Maxi Shield at Drag HERO.

Photo Credit Steve Harris Fab Photos

Above. Lynne Hope, Cassandra Clark, Emily Acheson, Rebecca Rowsthorne at Rydges Ladies in Red.



Right. Stunning sisters Kristina Clark and Alexandra Naidyuk.

Photo Credit Steve Harris Fab Photos


ntriguing indeed - filled with size 14 stilettos, broken feathers, a wedding veil, sequins and a studded leather choker. In fact, it’s been a crazy month, with surprise visits, birthday bashes, drag shows, fundraisers, christenings and more fundraisers. Amongst all this we find ourselves hurtling towards Easter at a crazy pace, with my favourite festival of o-chocola about to begin. I love a good show, a little lip sync and a well turned heel. There was no shortage of these on a recent Saturday night as eight glamonzian Drag Queens and one King strutted their stuff across the Rydges dancefloor in the national drag competition, DRAGHERO. Not for the faint of heart, this event did not disappoint, with some serious DIVA action and some hilarious onstage talent and Ru Paul inspired antics. Congrats to Event Director Jason Merchant and his on the ground team, Michael Marchment and Nic Cameron, for putting on a fab show, with talented performers duelling it out in a three round extravaganza of lip sync marathon, comedy and some seriously athletic dancing and a little wildlife to add to the entertaining mix! Hosted by hilarious Sydney based drag duo Maxi Shield and Carmen Geddit, whose razor sharp wit and comedic commentary kept the audience in stitches, with talented

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glamazonians Rhea Listik, Honey Moonshine, Krystal Chandelier, Vanity Wilde and Lucy Furr all paying tribute to fab divas. The show kicked off with local glamour Miss Holly Wood entering the stage with long fairy floss blonde locks and a rather large live serpent … Check ... Correct … live snake! This opening act set the tone for a raucous and fabulous series of performers, with some killer performances from Rhea Listik and Krystal Chandelier, channelling the likes of Adele, Pink and Miss Beyonce … Congrats to ultimate winner, Wauchope’s own Miss Holly Wood AKA Sam Merryful, who recently returned from a year working and performing in Canada, Runner up Ziggy Discoballs, and third place for the glamourous Miss Indi Pendant. A hilarious night raising money for HERO, a not for profit organisation promoting equal opportunity and respect for all in the Hastings community. Ladies in Red lit up the night at Rydges, all in the name of fashion and fun for a good cause! One hundred and fifty ladies and four brave gents glammed up in their foxy red best to sip cocktails and drink in the fashion and some sexy tunes as City Limits, Le Dãin Designs, Sublime & Blossom, Little Palm Boutique, Tarocash and Inner Vision Surf showed off their fashions on the catwalk to kick off the local Red Shield appeal for the Salvos. Evelina Kemp and her

team at Evelina Kemp Hair and Beauty and Danielle Herdegen of D Hair created some edgy styles to match the creative makeup artistry from the very talented Kim Walker and Jamie Finn of Port Day Spa. All of these ladies and our stunning models generously donated much of their time and talents to be a part of the special event to raise funds for those in need. Thank you to all the local businesses who donated goodies for fundraising - this event couldn’t happen without your ongoing generosity. Guests included Tara Mesiti, Lisa Richardson, Jane Howland, Emily Acheson, Rebecca Rowsthorne, Dale Rankmore, Jenna Coombes, Sarah Wood, Kylie Morgan, Michelle Newman, Jo McNamara, Debbie Moore, Anne Marie Crowe, Lorissa Simpson, Brooke Wood, Jemma Williams, Chie Matthews, Sue Fitzgerald, Nicola Galace and Hannah Stortenbeker. DJ Mave had the girls grooving, with Matt J of Pose It Photobooths providing the fun factor. Steve Harris captured the fashion and the winning ladies, including Roslyn Cimador - Best Red Accessories, Kim Walker - Best Red Heels with the ultimate Lady In Red title going to the glamourous Rebecca Tighe in a full length red gown, taking home a kitty of fab prizes including stunning jewels from major sponsor Carole Beros House of Le Dãin Designs in Sawtell. Thanks to the Rydges crew, Amanda,

Jackie, Astra, Walter, Ebony and co. Viva la rouge! Torrential rain couldn’t stop the birthday celebrations for Jamie Styles, who returned to Port Macquarie from Cairns in Feb with his lovely wife and bestie, Christie Lee Jackson, for a celebration at Big Hill Crescent Head, with 50 family and friends braving the wild weather to bring in his 40th year. A massive weekend of catch-ups with a crazy bunch, including Kristy May Mitchell, Rebecca Jones, Matt Temple, Josh Jones, Sam Ward, Renee Jenner, Katie Bird and Denni Coombes. Happy birthday, Jimi! Chocolate and hot cross buns are on the horizon, and who are we kidding - they’ve been in the supermarkets since Boxing Day! I’m trying to hold off until the Easter Long weekend … This year I will not be camping … nor even glamping … hotels all the way this time around, after a rather scarring Easter last year which left us wet and freezing camping out in the BBQ area of the BIG4 camp kitchen, wrapped in damp towels and drinking Verve Cliquot in the laundry trying to stay warm. Tents flooded, torrential rain for three days, and lightning lashing the sky! Not exactly my idea of a relaxing weekend … So camping is absolutely out ... but chocolate and hot cross buns are absolutely 100% in! Happy Easter to all! ‘til next month! Kate.

March AT KEN LITTLE’S During March the William pears really become the fruit to buy. You can smell them when you walk into the shop. They are so delicious and sweet. Just the fruit for the kids’ lunch boxes and also for the babies starting to try out their taste buds. Mangoes are on their last legs now, with only a few of the late varieties left. We will still have peaches, nectarines and plums ‘til the end of the month. Figs are a great buy at present, and all the new season apples are ready to go! Gala is the pick, with Jonathans also available. Fuji has just arrived and new season pink ladies will be in stock towards the end of the month. On the vegie side, local beans are still available and of course, that fabulous corn grown at Red Hill, Telegraph Point is as usual of a very high quality and so tasty! We know the avocadoes have been pricey, but you will be pleased to know the price will start to fall now that the Queensland crop is being harvested. Come in soon and say G’day. Ken.

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Golfers differ in their size, strength and most of all, their swing characteristics.

When: Wed 23 March until Monday 28 March 2016. Time: 10am - 4pm.

Think how clubs have been sold; all of the different brands and models of clubs sitting in displays, already built to a preordained series of standard specifications.

Who says art and surf don’t mix? Eleven Bonny Hills artists and one surfer artist from Lake Cathie have come together for an exhibition of artworks at Wauchope Bonny Hills Surf Life Saving Club over an extended Easter period. Whoever knew Bonny Hills had so many talented artists?

It is no different than a shoe store stocked with all the different brands and styles, but with all the women’s in a size 7. It is obvious that one golf club is not going to fit every golfer. Club fitting is the process of selecting a set of variables (Length, Lie Angle, Loft, Shaft Flex and Grip Size) in a golf club that complement the golfer. In other words - customising the club to the golfer, rather than the opposite. Come in to Golf Ladies First for a professional custom fit; we will work with you to find the perfect clubs to suit your game. Custom fitting is one of the most important aspects of improving your game. The better your clubs fit you, the better your scores can be.

A precentage from art sales and all entry donations will be donated to the Surf Club to assist with its services as more and more people discover the delights of beautiful Rainbow Beach. The twelve artists know each other through their common membership of Hastings Valley Fine Art Association. Many paint together regularly. Each artist will have several paintings of local scenes or people on exhibition, as well as other works. Paintings will be in a variety of styles, from more abstract works by Robin Mearns, to Jan Wilson’s delicate pencil work, the robust palette of Debbie Sarkoezy, the wistful paintings of Walcha artist Linda Lockyer (who also lives in Bonny Hills) or the sparkling miniatures of Rita Carosi - to single out just a few.

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32nd Annual Wauchope Lasiandra Festival




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32nd Annual Wauchope Lasiandra Festival

New events and community involvement will be the catalyst for a fun 32nd Annual Wauchope Lasiandra Festival. Chrissy Jones chatted with President Sam Elphick to find out what’s in store for festival goers …


here are many events on the festival calendar. Tell us what festival goers can see and do this year… There is a wide array of community events across the entire month of March, with something for everyone to enjoy, from golf and bowls at the Wauchope Country Club to Purple People Shopping Day on Thursday, March 10, which takes in the Lasiandra Festival Fiesta at TG’s Childcare, the Lifeline Garden Party and Purple & Pink Day at Timbertown Childcare. Participating shops will have Purple People Day specials in store, and there will be markets in Bain Park, 8:30am to 5pm.

There’s also a Family Fun Day out at Yippin Creek Reserve on Saturday, March 12, that’s hosted by Hastings Valley Miniature Railway. This is a great morning out for all the family; all can ride the mini rail - as long as you have covered shoes! Then if you want to back the winner in the Lasiandra Cup, you can go out to the Greyhound track from 1pm for another fun event. What are some events not to be missed? There are many, but to name a few … The Lasiandra/Lifeline Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance to be held in the Wauchope Country Auditorium on Saturday 12th from 7pm is a top night out for all. The Country Club is a fantastic venue; we invite everyone to come along

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32nd Annual Wauchope Lasiandra Festival

All funds raised by the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival Committee go back into the festival and the town in some way, be it towards the promotion of the festival and its events or into improvements at Lasiandra Park in Cameron Street, Wauchope.

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and dance the night away. It’s only $5 per head to get in, and there will be lucky door prizes, a raffle and prizes for the Best Dressed Lady and Gent. You might get more points in this one if you are in the purple theme. The next day, Sunday 13th March is another busy one, with Jazz in the Vineyards at Bago Vineyards kicking off the day from 10am and then festival goers can converge on the Wauchope Country Club from 4pm for the Lasiandra Twilight Fashion Parade. Various Wauchope businesses will present

their current fashions in a fun atmosphere. Entertainment from a local DJ and Rosa Van der Ley, plus the dancers from Port Macquarie Performing Arts will give us the first and only exclusive Australian performance of their routine, which they will debut in Disneyland, California, later on in March. I am looking forward to that! Where do funds raised during the festival go? All funds raised by the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival Committee go back into the festival and the town in some way, be

32nd Annual Wauchope Lasiandra Festival

Our committee would like to thank all of the festival sponsors and the community for their continued support; without this, the festival would simply not exist.

it towards the promotion of the festival and its events or into improvements at Lasiandra Park in Cameron Street, Wauchope. The park amenities have been the victim of vandalism in recent times, in particular the gazebo. Committee members and members of the community have been working to keep this much valued community asset for all to enjoy. Anyone you would like to thank? Our committee would like to thank all of the festival sponsors and the community for their continued support; without this, the festival would simply not exist. There is a full festival programme in this edition of FOCUS; I encourage all the community to get involved, have fun and help us to celebrate Wauchope’s Floral emblem, the Lasiandra, and all that our fantastic town has to offer locals and visitors alike. How can readers find out more, book a table at an event or book a market stall at Purple People Day? The best way would be to contact our Secretary, Chrissy, by phoning her direct on 0412 137 621 or by sending an email to or like our Facebook page for festival updates. Thanks Sam.

COME TO THE Gardening Party

cupcakes ~ face painting ~ lolly buffet ~ plants

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32nd Annual Wauchope Lasiandra Festival


Monday 7th – Monday 28th March 2016

Wauchope Lasiandra Festival Committee present the 32nd Annual Lasiandra Festival, which will take place across the entire month of March. There will be a wide array of community events, with something for everyone to enjoy. MONDAY 7TH Women’s Bowls - Lasiandra Triples. Wauchope Country Club; Ph: 6585 3020 THURSDAY 10TH 8:30am PURPLE PEOPLE SHOPPING DAY Art & Craft Markets in Bain Park + Purple People Day Specials from participating businesses. Judging of Staff Costume, Window Front and Premises Displays. Bargains galore across the CBD of Wauchope. Enquiries/ Bookings: Chrissy 0412 137 621. PURPLE & PINK DAY, Timbertown Childcare 10am to Noon; Lifeline Garden Party Kids’ face painting, balloons, gardening and cupcakes. Lifeline Shop, 41 Cameron Street, Wauchope. “Lasiandra Festival Fiesta” TG’s Child Care SATURDAY 12TH 10am Hastings Valley Miniature Railway Family Fun Day @ Yippin Creek Reserve. Rides by gold coin donation. Please wear covered footwear. 1pm Hastings River Greyhound Club 42 greater port macquarie focus.

Beechwood Road, Wauchope Afternoon meeting featuring the 32nd Annual “Lasiandra Cup”. 7pm Lasiandra/Lifeline Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance Venue: Wauchope Country Club Auditorium. Entry: $5 adults; U/18 gold coin. Music by Chuck E. Prizes for: Best Dressed Lady and Gent. Lucky Door prizes and raffle on the night Enquiries/bookings: Chrissy 0412 137 621. SUNDAY 13TH 10am Bago Vineyards presents “Jazz in the Vineyards”. Admission $5pp; children u/5 Free (entry includes Bago Maze). BagoJazz Café * Boutique Beer on Tap * Wine Tasting/ Sales * Local Cheese Platters. 4pm Twilight Lasiandra Fashion Parade Venue: Wauchope Country Club Auditorium. Standard entry: $5 per head; kids under 16 FREE. VIP entry: $35 per head includes champagne and canapés on arrival.

Fashion and fun for all! Prizes for: Best Dressed Lady & Gent. Lucky Door prizes and raffle. Enquiries & VIP Bookings: 0412 137 621. MONDAY 14TH 8:30am Veteran Ladies’ Golf Day, Wauchope Country Club WEDNESDAY 16TH 8:30am Ladies’ Golf Day, Wauchope Country Club 5pm Men’s Bowls - JACK DWYER MEMORIAL TRIPLES at the Wauchope Country Club. SUNDAY 20TH Noon 32nd Annual Lasiandra Festival Celebration BBQ & Presentations Venue: Lasiandra Park, Cameron Street, Wauchope. EASTER MONDAY 28TH MARCH WAUCHOPE JOCKEY CLUB’S 32nd ANNUAL LASIANDRA TROPHY RACE. PRIZES FOR BEST PURPLE DRESSED Beechwood Road Track, Wauchope. More info and event bookings: contact Secretary Chrissy on 0412 137 621 or by email to

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Introducing Port Macquarie’s newest food and wine event ... The first in a series of four events planned for 2016 and beyond, Taste of Autumn will be a seasonal celebration of food and wine, to be held at Cassegrain Winery on Sunday 6th March from 11am.


he Taste events will be held on Restaurant and Functions Manager, Carolyn the first Sunday of March, June, Fowler, is excited to be launching this new September and December, to mark food and wine event in Port Macquarie. the transition of seasons. “Eating seasonally and supporting local and The programme includes: a winemakerregional producers goes hand-in-hand,” Ms led tour of the winery, the largest of its kind Fowler says. in the region; a masterclass tasting of new Eating seasonally has proven health, release wines; tank and barrel sampling; and sustainability, environmental and economic an alfresco three course banquet by Seasons benefits and forms the premise behind the Café-Restaurant with live entertainment. restaurant, launched late last year. This initiative has been developed to “Where your food comes from is just as highlight the importance of eating seasonally important as how good it tastes! We’ve and supporting our local and developed our French-inspired regional producers. John menu with this in mind; Cassegrain, Managing our chefs rely heavily od fo Director of Cassegrain on regional produce. ur Where yo is om Wines, is pleased to be Guests will be able to fr comes as t an rt able to offer guests the sip and savour their po just as im ! es st ta it opportunity to take part way through the Mid od go how d our pe lo ve de in this innovative event. North Coast and ve e’ W menu “Consumers are greater NSW,” Ms French-inspired d; our with this in min on wanting to be informed Fowler continues. chefs rely heavily ” more than ever before; Local providores e. regional produc the growing interest in comprise the popular the farm-to-plate movement Lighthouse Butchery, is testament to that. Taste of Hastings Fruit & Veg, Autumn will give wine enthusiasts Ricardoes Tomatoes, Tuscany a unique opportunity to be a part of the Wauchope, Sungrow Dairy and process and be the first to try 2016 vintage Wauchope Bakery, including produce wines directly from the tank and barrels from Port Macquarie, Wauchope, Comboyne, while still in the winemaking process,” Mr Taree, Nambucca Heads and the Hunter Cassegrain says. Valley. “Our winery tour and masterclass tasting The masterclass tasting will include wines will be educational, interactive and fun. It made from grapes sourced from Orange, will serve as a wonderful introduction to the Rylstone, Tumbarumba, New England, world of wine appreciation. Guests will meet Cowra, the Hunter Valley and of course, the the makers, plus learn about emerging NSW Hastings. regions, different varietals and styles, food Bookings are essential - call (02) 6582 matching and more as we journey through a 8320. Tickets are $76.50 for club members comprehensive tasting flight,” he continues. and $85 for non-members. Taste of Autumn will also be an For more information, go to opportunity for guests to sample the new or visit their Facebook page. autumn menu at Seasons Café-Restaurant.

44 greater port macquarie focus.

Colonial cobbler Boots are back! And they are better than ever! The new range at Colonial Cobbler showcases quality brands in the latest colours and styles. This season we are seeing a combination of textures, as seen in the navy suede/brown leather combo from Naturalizer. Luxurious soft leathers and lightweight materials are changing the face of footwear. Find your perfect fit in the classic black or tan ankle boot, with buckle and zip accents. Colonial Cobbler also has a great range of quality leather handbags and wallets to match your new pair of boots! Naturalizer Jarrett Classic Navy Suede This leather and suede ankle boot make the transition from one fashion season to another easy. Featuring Naturalizer's N5 Comfort technology, featuring a flexible sole, lightweight

materials, extra cushioning, heel-to-toe balance, and a breathable lining. Features include a contoured footbed with superior arch and heel support, buckle trim, side zip closure for easy entry and non-slip outsole. Now in store! New range of Cabello Comfort boots - Handmade in Turkey. This extremely lightweight boot features quality leather uppers with generous fitting. Designed to last and provide exceptional comfort and support. Cabello footwear provides excellent value for money and features a number of comfortable constructions in quality materials. Striving to satisfy the customer with footwear that fits well, that is comfortable and supportive, that can be worn all day, and that looks smart. Come and see what’s in store at Colonial Cobbler today!

focus _Travel

with Travel Editor Susie Boswell.



ust as capital city taxis are having to make room for Uber ride-sharing services, hotels are finding their market, too, becoming more segmented. Where B&Bs once were merely a blip on the hotels’ bottom line, the internet has made house swaps and, latterly, airbnb-style apartments and rooms serious contenders for the accommodation dollar at home and abroad. It all benefits the consumer. And popular tourist locales, especially those where hotel rates traditionally sit at a premium, are profiting too. Tahiti, most desirous of destinations, has seized the opportunity to attract greater numbers of visitors by highlighting rental home offerings as an aspiring holidaymakers’ alternative. Tahiti Tourisme recommends options ranging from resort studio units for two to beachfront holiday houses and 12-bedroom luxury villas, on offer on the main island, Tahiti - capital, Papeete - and nearby Moorea, as well as in the Tuamotu group, an archipelago of some 80 islands lying eastwards. Few first-timer Aussies are prepared for the black-sand beaches that surround the main island: most then seek out swimming pools for a dip. Moorea, meanwhile - an easy 40-minute ferry ride from Papeete - offers the golden sands we expect of the South Pacific coupled with a serene atmosphere, charming locals, easy walks, challenging rainforest-mountain hiking and a laidback atmosphere that’s not too “international”, not too quiet. The Tuamotus, an hour and a quarter by plane to the gateway, Rangiroa, offer the white sand and shallow, simply stunning, translucent waters more often associated with the more exclusive and expensive Bora Bora and her Society islands neighbours that lie to the west of the capital. See sample rentals at www.tahiti-homes. com, an excellent portal with clear photos, comprehensive descriptions and straightforward pricing (note the menu bar at bottom-right, to switch rates from Euros to AUD). Tahiti Tourisme touts the option as good value for groups or couples wanting to enjoy their own space. While Tahiti’s best known for its overwater bungalows and luxury resorts, this is a totally different aspect of the islands for visitors seeking more flexible arrangements, such as families and friends holidaying together. Whether a rustic beach house where the lagoon’s just a few paces away, or a fully-staffed property with top-class

service, there’s a rental home to suit, the tourism authority says. It notes most have a private pool, semi-private beach and good cooking facilities and that rental cars and activities can be arranged. One must-do activity is to see a Polynesian dance show under the stars and soaring palms; Tahiti’s version of the hula is way more carnal than the Hawaiian interpretation, and utterly unforgettable. For Tahiti 101ers I suggest a week or two on Moorea. You’ll no doubt want to return .. when the Tuamotus will offer a more affordable version of Bora Bora and her neighbours. Tip: do not fail to bring home your own sample of the islands’ inimitable black pearls. JAMES COOK was an intrepid traveller: between the age of 30 and his death at 50 the maritime explorer logged so many glorious locations few can match even today. Among highlights on his vast itinerary were Tahiti, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Hawaii and the Hervey Islands - this last now known as the Cook Islands. The explorer originally dubbed the islands “Hervey” in honour of the then Lord of the Admiralty. (A consummate public servant, he named several of his discoveries for his boss). In turn, the islands were re-named for Cook himself a half-century after his death. Cook Islanders are New Zealand citizens and Kiwis have a close association with the Cooks. Now, with Cook Islands Tourism supporting vigorous local promotions, Australians too are discovering this sublimely beautiful destination, somewhat overlooked by us until now. See for example Muri Beach Club Hotel’s discounts of 30%, and Little Polynesian’s 45%, on 7-night stays, on sale to 31.3.16, valid to 31.3.17. www.; www.littlepolynesian. com. AirNZ has a six-hour direct flight SydneyRarotonga on Saturdays and non-stop seven-hour return a week later. Virgin Australia is cheaper if you’re happy to travel via, or stop over in, Auckland. GHOST THE MUSICAL, based on the Demi Moore-Patrick Swayze Oscar-winning romantic movie, opens on Friday March 18 at Sydney’s Theatre Royal, following big West End and Broadway seasons. The special effects and illusions are said to be amazing: Molly’s departed, a ghostly Sam, passing through a solid door; spirits rising to the heavens; subway passengers hurled into the air; inanimate objects flying about the stage and characters disappearing and reappearing. Tickets from around $70 with fees. Final performance: 3pm matinee, Sunday May 1. greater port macquarie focus. 45



46 greater port macquarie focus.


trip to Cambodia spurred his desire to help make a difference … and this is how YHWH Clothing

I have loved art n for as long as I ca d te remember. I star y ar im pr in g in draw e school and com t ec bj su ol high scho hing yt er ev n, io select was creative.”

was born… Hi Mike. What’s your connection to the Port Macquarie area - how long have you called it home? Port Macquarie has been my home for the past four years. I moved up from Sydney when I was 22 to take on a position as a student youth pastor at a local church. I didn't really know anyone in the area, but I was ready for the adventure. What’s your regular day job these days, and how does it help inspire you? I work as a school chaplain, which essentially is like a Christian youth worker/ social worker - like a youth pastor

in a school. I work in this capacity at Heritage Christian School and Hastings Secondary College (Port campus). Working in a welfare position has given me a window into some of the issues in our community; hearing about the pain in other people’s lives stirs my heart to act. So in a strange way, other people’s pain has inspired me, it has inspired me to act - wherever possible - for the good of others, to share with them the love of God. The business (discussed below) is not about me making money; its intention is to support a social enterprise in southeast Asia that through the provision of work is helping to support families that live in the slums. When and how did you first become interested in art and drawing? I have loved art for as long as I can remember. I started

drawing in primary school and come high art and contemporary art, with the other school subject selection, everything was obvious inspiration being my faith in Jesus. creative. I would even draw in maths and I think my three favourite designs are death English - slowly filling my books from the back before decaf, keep the faith, and dry bones. end with art. My most recent design is dry bones, and it Post high school I have not pursued a career is inspired by a section of scripture which talks in a creative field but have continued to create about how God can bring new life and fresh art in my spare time. hope to old dry bones - hope beyond hope. The image is of a skeleton How did you come up with the idea to produce designs that with a glowing heart and could be screen printed on skate board in hand to T-shirts? jumping for joy. I really Justees is the I love art and all things like this one, I think social enterprise creative - a natural result of because it depicts reen who sew and sc my eye for design is an eye what I hope to see print for YHWH e for style. A few years ago ar as the impact of my Clothing . They en I was down in Newcastle re involvement in other sewn and sc r de un nd ha and came across an people’s lives, that I by printed s.” on iti nd co e independent clothing store; may play my part in ad fair tr the guys there designed and bringing hope when it printed all their own stuff - and seems lost. it was dope. Looking at their Where can people art, I thought to myself, “I could do purchase your shirts or find something like that”. out more info? Lead us through the establishment of your I have an online store. On this website business, YHWH Clothing. How long has people can purchase tees, check out the it been up and running, and what does latest lookbook and read up even more about YHWH stand for? the YHWH Clothing story. http://yhwhclothing. Early in 2015, my wife and I went on a holiday to Cambodia and Thailand. Whilst in The business is also on instagram, which is Cambodia, we stayed with friends who worked the best place to keep up to date with new at an international school full of students whose stock, sales and promotions. parents were in Cambodia to make a difference (mostly missionaries). Thanks Mike. Through our friends we met and heard the Interview by Jo Atkins. stories of a few of these people; David Bryce from Justees was one of these people. David runs Justees - shirts for justice, the social enterprise through whom I get my shirts made. My desire to make a difference met with his, and the only ingredients necessary to get things moving was a bit of capital and some art; upon returning home, I got to work. YHWH Clothing has been running since mid-2015. YHWH is the contemporary English translation of the ancient Hebrew name for God. Your shirts are sewn and screen printed in Cambodia, but tell us more about the organisation that actually completes the work? Justees is the social enterprise who sew and screen print for YHWH Clothing. They are sewn and screen printed by hand under fair trade conditions. How does this work provide greater benefits to the community? The business as it grows seeks to employ young men from the local slums, men who otherwise may not have the opportunity to get work and thus not be able to afford an education. If a young husband in the slums is able to support his family, this will help the family - as well as others around them - to avoid the lure of loan sharks, debt collectors, prostitution, crime, selling children into sex slavery, etc ... Describe some of your designs ... What are some of your favourites? My designs are inspired by street art, tattoo

greater port macquarie focus. 47

WELLBEING with Dr. Peter Elfar, Sundial Dental

with JK Healthcare




A healthy and balanced diet with plenty of regular physical activity plays an important role in the development, management and prevention of a range of different health conditions.


omen are more likely to suffer from iron deficiency, osteoporosis, increasing weight post menopause and mood

disorders. They are also more likely to skip meals, resulting in inadequate dietary intake. • Aim for a balanced diet with a wide variety of nutritious food and drinks. • Include moderate amounts of whole grains such as cereal, oats and rice. • Include small amounts of “good fats” such as oily fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil. • Include red meat, fish and chicken most days. Other sources of iron include fortified cereals, eggs, nuts and legumes. Try to include a source of Vitamin C with meals to improve the absorption of iron. • Limit your intake of saturated and trans fats. Opt for lean meats, trim fat and remove chicken skin. • Aim for an adequate calcium intake, with 2 3 serves of low fat dairy each day or a suitable

dairy substitute such as low fat/calcium fortified soy milk. • Limit alcohol consumption. Limit intake to no more than two standard drinks and ensure at least two alcohol free days. Opt for reduced alcohol and low calorie varieties. • Participate in regular physical activity. • Avoid skipping meals or comfort eating when feeling low. Eat regularly and avoid junk food. Include adequate Omega 3 fats such as oily fish. Phone a friend, read a book, have a relaxing massage or try going for a walk instead! Not sure what this all means? What is a good serving size to meet your individual needs? Want more information, or to make an appointment with one of our Accredited Practicing Dietitians or Credentialled Diabetes Educators - Jodie Kennett and Lucy Johnston? Please call JK Healthcare on 6583 7717 or email us at for a FREE newsletter!

Gum disease is an inflammatory process of the gums as a result of bacteria in plaque and calculus build up. Early signs may include bleeding when brushing or flossing; severe signs include loose teeth and eventual loss of teeth.


n recent years, gum disease has been associated with a number of systemic health issues such as heart disease, clogged arteries, stroke, diabetes and respiratory disease. The direct link is debated, but research has indicated that patients with gum disease are at higher risk of heart disease; one theory is that the inflammation associated with gum disease can cause inflammation in the arteries of the heart. The link between periodontal disease and diabetes is goes both ways. People with diabetes are more likely to develop periodontal disease, and those with periodontal disease will have more difficulty controlling their blood sugar. Gum disease shouldn’t be ignored for both local and systemic reasons. If you have been told you have gum disease or you have noticed some of the signs, treatment is required. Treatment depends on the severity of the gum disease. For mild/early cases, treatment is the removal of the plaque and calculus by a dental hygienist using specialised instruments. In

severe cases traditionally this would be treated with gum surgery, a painful procedure which will requires the gum to be cut and repositioned lower down the tooth to allow for better cleaning at home. A revolutionary procedure has recently replaced this called LANAPLaser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. The special laser seeks out diseased tissue and kills the bacteria involved. This means that healthy tissue is not damaged and thus means less pain for the patient. The bone is then allowed to regenerate and the periodontal ligament that holds the tooth in place can reattach. For more information visit or ring us at Sundial Dental 6583 3533 to book a consultation and discuss your treatment today. Lanap Australia At LANAP Australia, we are committed to saving your teeth. As an alternative to gum surgery and possible extractions, we provide solutions for treating periodontal disease.

For this recipe you will require a juicer Ingredients 1 carrot 2 oranges - skin removed small knob ginger - skin removed handful chopped pineapple Method Feed ingredients through juicer, serve chilled with ice. * Get creative with your juicer pulp - add to meat or vegetable patties for a wholesome burger

48 greater port macquarie focus.

Dr. Bobby Kumar COSMETIC SURGEON Why Breast Augmentation Surgery? Women choose Breast Augmentation to enhance breast size, shape

massagE At Port Macquarie


It takes a real commitment to excellence. The ability to be able to consistently deliver the finest remedial or relaxation massage available anywhere involves high levels of dedication and personal sacrifice but He ling Ying (Ling), the hugely popular principal of Massage at Port Macquarie, wouldn’t have it any other way.

Light is a complicated area of science. There are different parts of the spectrum and different wavelengths with different effects on our eyes.

Highly qualified in Australia, as well as in her native China, Ling’s skills are quite unique, as she successfully combines today’s recognised contemporary techniques with timehonoured Chinese modalities to provide real assistance to those with physical discomfort, sport, health or occupational mobility issues, insomnia or even common fatigue. In fact, Ling’s loyal long-term clients are an ongoing testimony to her outstanding level of care. Fully accredited by the Australian Association of Massage Therapists, Ling practices from her air-conditioned home clinic in the Lighthouse Beach/Shelly Beach area, where parking is just a few paces from the door. Approved treatments are recognised by most major health funds, with HICAPS providing instant rebates. Warm, considerate and surprisingly strong, Ling cares for her clients - male, female, young and not-so-young - with compassion, respect and always with traditional Chinese courtesy and values.

and volume for different reasons, including:

Thanks to the “Slip Slop Slap” TV ads, most people are aware of the dangers of too much exposure to Ultra-Violet, with eye diseases like cataract, pterygium and macular degeneration. However, there is another part of light that is a very significant issue in our digital lifestyles, be they with a smartphone, tablet or computer. Blue light is the part of visible light that has the shortest wavelengths and the highest energy. It is produced at high proportions from these devices, and the concern is the length of time they are used and how close the user’s face is to the device.

• Dissatisfaction with small, uneven breasts; • To restore volume and shape lost through breast feeding or weight loss; • To achieve confidence in a curvaceous and feminine figure. What if I need more than just a Breast Augmentation? Dr. Bobby Kumar, Cosmetic Surgeon, tailors Breast Surgery to meet each individual’s needs and goals, often combining Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift and/or Breast Reduction surgery when required to address size, shape and position. With an emphasis on pre operative planning and post operative follow up, caring for the individual over the short and long term is given top priority. What are the options with Breast Implants?

Laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light damages light-sensitive cells in the retina. An option to reduce this risk is to use a special coating that is available on your spectacle lenses. Some examples include Eyesafe, RetinaShield, Seecoat Blue and Prevencia.

Women considering Breast Implants should be fully informed as to the

These are sometimes referred to as “computer glasses”, and your optometrist will recommend them if you spend long periods in a digital environment - this is to help protect your eye health and to reduce the risk of developing short-sightedness.

lege of Cosmetic Surgery, with extensive surgical training and over

By Tony Hanks.

003 or 0430 491 009 or email

range of choices available; differences in Breast Implants include Size, Volume, Shape, Projection and Profile. A naturally full and shapely appearance can be achieved with the appropriate implant choice. Dr. Bobby Kumar is a Surgical Fellow of the Australasian Colten years experience in Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Bobby Kumar only operates in fully accredited private hospitals with a Specialist Anaesthetist. Consultations by Appointment. Call Wendy today on 1300 676

Plus, get a FRee 2nd PaIR wIth youR InItIal PuRchase. It’s haPPy new yeaR FRom us. *Conditions apply.

Port Macquarie: 95 william st – 6583 7333 29 horton st – 6584 3948

Wauchope: 6 Bransdon st – 6585 2393

greater port macquarie focus. 49

'Models' shown are actual patients of Saacks Orthodontics

A laugh is a


that bursts Mary H Wildrup

FREE ORTHODONTIC CONSULTATION FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN Permanent teeth generally begin to come in at age 6 or 7. It is at this point that orthodontic problems become apparent. "Because bones are still growing, it‘s an ideal time to evaluate," says Dr Eric Saacks. "Then we can determine what orthodontic treatment, if any, may be needed either now or in the future." Orthodontic treatment in younger children is known as interceptive orthodontics. Intervention may begin as early as age 6 or 7. At this age, the jaw and teeth are still developing. That means certain conditions, such as crowding, cross bite, and protruding teeth may be easier to address, either immediately or with the knowledge of possible future problems plan a suitable treatment course which could result in considerable savings. Call us today to arrange a no-obligation orthodontic consultation for your child. You’ll come away from the consultation with all the facts. And your child can look forward to a truly healthy smile. Call 6584 2333

50 greater port macquarie focus.




RACE TEAM The Hogs Breath Café Tineli Women’s Race Team is set to compete in the Subaru National Road Series this year, under the guidance of Team Director, Kurt Polock. The team has

signed competitive cyclists from both Port Macquarie and further afield, and training camps will be held locally throughout the year to hone each team member’s skills.

Kurt gives us a rundown on the team’s members and goals for the season …


i Kurt. What’s your association/role with the Hogs Breath Cafe Tineli Women’s Race Team? I'm the Team Director/ Sportif, so I pretty much run the day to day operations of the team. I organise race entries, flights, accommodation, meals etc. and devise the race plans and strategies. Who are the various members, and where are they from? The team has signed the following riders: Deborah Hennessey (Port Macquarie), Hayley Bateup (Gold Coast), Jena Grimsey (Gold Coast), Laura Renshaw (Newcastle), and Sara Mills (Sydney). We are also allowed to have invited riders join the team as guest riders at various times throughout the season, so we are very privileged to have Lauren Kitchen (Hitec Products, Port Macquarie) as our team ambassador and a guest rider when she is home from Europe. Julie Leth (Denmark) and Emily Roper (Gold Coast) have also come on as guest riders. What have been some of the major cycling highlights for the team members over the past few months? It’s been a hectic few months leading up to the launch of the team in January. Having to sign riders and trying to attract sponsors to support the project, then getting the team clothing and equipment ready for the team to hit the road and race was a real challenge.

The tours consis


So, it was a relief to see Macquarie throughout of three - five ry va s it all come together at the year for your team. ce stages; distan al du vi di in the team launch here Give us a few more km from a 15 ute in m 45 a to l in Port Macquarie - and details about these ia time tr km 0 14 a to , um ri then to see the team camps - what will they crite ey are th d an , ce ra ad debut at the Cadel Evans involve? ro es of held in most stat Great Ocean Road race, The camps give me an Australia . ” the second race of the indication as to where the world tour and perform so riders are at with their fitness well, with Lauren fifth and the and strength levels. Some riders team placed sixth against world tour will be suited to different events; for teams was the real highlight. example, if a rider isn't a strong climber in The team will be competing in the the hills, I probably wouldn’t take them to the Subaru National Road Series this year. Tour of Tasmania, where the tour is very much a Tell us a bit about the series ... It’s known as climber’s race. the pinnacle of cycle racing within Australia, When in Port Macquarie, the girls will be on but roughly how many events will the team the road between four - six hours each day. It’s compete in over the course of the season, also a good opportunity for the girls to learn what states in Australia will the events held, from each other. and what are some of the cycling distances What race results are you hoping for this they’ll need to cover? year? The series has been running for several years Like anything, it takes time to build a strong now, with the women's series growing rapidly foundation and a team, so 2016 will be aimed at over the past two seasons. building a base for the future. Several of the girls This year there are six multistage tours. The have only ever raced at club or state level events, tours consist of three - five stages; distances vary so I will be looking to riders such as Deborah from a 15 km individual time trial to a 45 minute Hennessey, who has experienced what it’s like criterium, to a 140 km road race, and they are at the highest level, to take a leadership role on held in most states of Australia. the road along with Hayley Bateup, who raced We are looking at doing four - five of the in the Nutrigrain Ironwoman Series for 17 years. events depending on availability of the riders and I'm sure the other girls will look up to them for how far we can stretch the budget. guidance. Various training camps will be held in Port Who would you like to thank for their

support in the team’s cycling journey to date? It would not have been possible to put the team together without the support of corporate and local sponsors. Christine and Andy from our local Hogs Breath Café (Port Macquarie) - their support has been outstanding. From the first time we spoke to them about the launch of the team, they have been right behind the project. Hogs Breath Café Australia has also been extremely supportive and is right behind the team with marketing and promotions. Tineli, who are the team’s clothing sponsors, have supplied the girls’ training and race kits, and they look fantastic. Staminade supply the team with hydration products, as well as financial support. Webstudio, locally owned, is our website designer. There are also Merida Bikes, Bikes in Byron and My Bike Group, and we cannot forget our favourite place for a coffee and refuel after training, and that’s Tumblegum Bakehouse and Café. Where can readers follow the Hogs Breath Café Tineli Women’s Race Team progress throughout the year? Our team website: And our Facebook page: Hogs Breath café Tineli Women's Race team. Thanks Kurt. Interview by Jo Atkins. Pic (left): Deborah Hennessey. Main pic L to R - Sara Mills, Deborah Hennessey, Julie Leth, Lauren Kitchen. greater port macquarie focus. 51

52 greater port macquarie focus.

JK Healthcare JK Healthcare is owned by local Jodie Kennett, Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE). Working in the industry for over 20 years, she now has over 11,500 clients! The business includes Jessica Moss (APD) and Louise Schneider (Reception). We provide clear and realistic education regarding your dietary needs, including heart disease, cancer, bowel disorders, food allergies, and weight management. A CDE advises on conditions such as Diabetes, Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Resistance, and glucose monitors. We also regularly conduct clinics at Wauchope and Lake Cathie. New For 2016! • Pump Info Sessions. These are great for people with Diabetes taking insulin, and interested in learning more about Insulin Pump Therapy. Insulin Pump Therapy helps people with Diabetes who are having multiple insulin injections each day. Gone are the days of eating to match your insulin - now your insulin matches your food! • Diabetes Groups. For those concerned about their blood glucose levels, weight or who have Diabetes. Includes education and exercise in both Wauchope and Port Macquarie. • Why not drop in and check out our new range of books? For a FREE newsletter, subscribe by emailing admin@ Look for JK Healthcare on Facebook to get recipes! For more information, please contact Jodie Kennett on 6583 7717.

FINDING Inner Balance Introducing the new Inner Balance Centre: a dynamic, passionate, natural health centre with a focus on women’s health and the health of their families, providing a supportive and caring environment that fosters physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Practitioners Ivana Moudry, Sara Phillips and Sarah Kearney have combined their experience to provide a sanctuary to reduce stress and promote natural health and wellbeing. Ivana from the Centre for Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture specialises in natural fertility; IVF support; preconception, pregnancy, labour, postnatal care, children’s and women’s health. Sara, a mindfulness life coach, offers unique support to parents; with 1:1 coaching, workshops and online groups, empowering parents to improve their lives, in parenting, health and wellbeing, work or work/life balance. Sarah conducts women’s health, fertility and relaxation yoga classes in groups or one on one. Classes promote energy flow in the body and peace for the mind. Group classes (one hour) begin Wed 2 March, 6:15pm (Support Fertility) and Sat 5 March, 2pm (Women’s Health).

greater port macquarie focus. 53


Highly skilled amateur boxer Felipe Blemith had a massive year in 2015, narrowly

missing out on his chance to qualify for the Rio Olympics, but maintaining a positive attitude and keeping his options open for the future. Felipe trains at the Port Macquarie Boxing Club, and highly recommends the sport for any youngsters aged 10 and up.

i Felipe. How did you develop an interest in boxing? Growing up, I always had a lot of energy - running and all the typical school sports just weren’t enough for me, so someone suggested boxing. An ex-boxer friend of mine from high school [in Sydney] recommend a gym, so I decided to go. This was when I was 21. How long have you lived in Port? I moved here about seven years ago, found Port Macquarie Boxing Club, and I’ve been going there ever since. How has Port Macquarie Boxing Club helped develop your skill as a boxer? They’ve always supporter and encouraged me … Most people who’ve had experience with boxing know the fundamentals, so it’s about improving on those and stepping it up. The club has also helped me with the self-belief you can sometimes lack. 2015 was a mammoth year for you. What were some of the highlights? Winning silver at both the State and the Australian Titles. This was such a great experience, to achieve this result at that level - I never expected to get that far. It was great to see so many wonderful athletes at that level. They’re all so humble … You know, we’re all just really calm and collected people. A lot of people build this image of boxing being a thug’s game or a mug sport, but at this high amateur level, everyone is so calm, cool and collected - and so friendly! It’s so good to see this in a sport. You competed, as mentioned, in the Australian Titles in Queensland. Describe the final match … 54 greater port macquarie focus.

It was against a guy from South Australia But, the decision went to David - and it was a - David Biddle. He’s a really tough, aggressive split decision. So, David qualified for the Asian opponent. Boxing can be a bit like a chess Games. match, where you kind of have to feel the other From the Asian Games, the top few qualify to guy out - but when the other guy doesn’t mind potentially compete at the Olympic Games in Rio getting hit in the head just to get to you and this year. pressure you, it makes it a difficult match and How do you bounce back from an even more difficult to execute your own plan. experience - and a decision - like this? I’m the type of fighter who doesn’t like to You need to have a bit of downtime and get hit - I like to sneak my punches some time for reflection. My passion in. I’m quick, slick, I like to get is boxing - so either way, out of the way and not get whether I continue or not le A lot of peop e hit. Most of my fights have with competing, I’ll still be ag im is build th ’s ug th actually played out like at the gym training and a g in be of boxing t, or sp this! I’m all about quick having fun. ug m a game or ateur am gh hi hands and quick head After Rio, the next is th at but is ne yo er movements. Olympics are four ev l, ve le d He was a very tricky years down the track, so calm , cool an so opponent - very fit, and and of course it’s also collected - an d good to friendly! It’s so very aggressive. two years to the next t. ” or sp see this in a What do you feel you Commonwealth Games. learned most from that Are either of these events match? in your sights? I think I learned that even when I’m 32 now, and boxing is more of it seems like things aren’t going your way a young man’s sport. At this age, it can at the time, to control your fear and to stay become a bit hard on the body, and you do calm. It taught me to hold on to my selfslow down that fraction of a second. belief… Which was great, because I did beat him But, the Commonwealth Games in 2018 is a the next time around. big possibility for me. The other option I have How many times did you have to fight this is to turn professional, but this decision is still same boxer? a bit up in the air. Either of these options are a I fought him three times in the space of a definite pathway for me. month. David won the gold at the Australian Which weight division do you compete in Titles and I won the silver, but there was a “best - and how much training/prep do you do out of three” competition to see who would each week? qualify to go on to compete at the Asian Games. The 64 kg division. In training, I usually sit We fought two days in a row - I beat him around 66 kg, but leading into fights I drop 2 kg. the second time, and that was a tough fight! I train six days a week, anywhere between During the third fight, I had him figured out - it two or three hours a day - split into two sessions. went back to me hitting and not being hit. This involves running - sprints and distance -

sparring, bag work, pad work, skipping and lots of conditioning such as push ups and sit ups, to toughen up the body. Any coaches/sponsors you’d like to thank? Paul Grant, Dean Groth and Kevin Rayment, trainers at the gym, and Mitch - the gym’s physio (based at Everyday Health and Fitness). These guys have supported me all the way. My work - NJ Construction - helped me with flights and accommodation for the Australian Titles in Queensland, so I’m really grateful to them. If you decide to travel the professional boxing route, how would you need to go about this? A lot of this is about finding the right manager and a professional coach. This may involve moving away from the area … But it’s also about finding the right sponsors, the right matches, and about self-promotion - what sets you apart from the rest. Where would you like to see yourself in a couple of years? That’s a long way ahead … I have a family and three kids, so we’ll wait and see. But to represent my country at the Commonwealth Games that’d be awesome! Final say … For any kids out there aged from 10 up with heaps of energy, I highly recommend they get down to their local boxing gym. It’s good fun! It’s so different to typical sports - it’s a great way to vent that excess energy! You never know where it’ll take them. Thanks Felipe. Interview by Jo Atkins For more info about the Port Macquarie Boxing Club, visit Facebook:




According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 34% of business owners are women, representing a 45% increase of women in business over the past 20 years.


ore than two in five women business operators are aged 40 - 54; 42% have a diploma or degree. Women business owners are most likely to live in couple families, where both partners work and have dependent children. It is not surprising then, one of the main reasons women become entrepreneurs is to provide a solution to a common challenge in striking a balance between work and family responsibilities. This allows women to have a rewarding and challenging career, whilst providing flexibility and power to choose when, how, what and where their work gets done. Certainly the return of women in the workforce and increase in women owning their own business has significantly changed the workforce landscape compared to a generation or so ago. Whilst the notion of work-life balance is high on the list of priorities, it can take some practice juggling a career, business, health, pleasure, leisure, kids, partner, family and friends. At times women might look like a contortionist, skilled at stretching their bodies (and time) into different spaces, displaying great flexibility and strength as they balance life. At other times they may feel uncomfortable, pulled, pushed and stretched in all directions. The risk being, any change in footing, movement, focus, direction or shift in weight or energy changes their whole alignment, sending their body out of balance with the potential to cause discomfort and damage if unattended. One common element effected by the imbalance of work-life is relationships; relationships with self and others. Women business owners are at the centre of a network of various relationships that include a mix of family, community and business. Work-life balance is like the wheels on your car: they need to be checked, maintained and adjusted regularly for optimal performance, safety and drive. Here are my top tips for optimal Work-Life Balance: 1. Time Management - spend time on things that are productive vs being busy or active. Allocate shorter timeframes and deadlines on

tasks and make them critical, so that you don’t fill time. Limit information overload! Ask yourself is it relevant, or am I collecting information for information sake? Be aware of time wasting activities and avoid them or set strict short timeframes and stick to the time allocated. 2. Learn to say “no” - practice focused and decisive decision making. 3. Spend time on things that add meaning and value to your life - this will give you energy! Allocate time on things you love doing, and people you love being around and want to develop, grow, nurture, connect, reconnect, recharge and rekindle with. Limit or avoid things and people that zap your energy! 4. Delegate, delete or outsource - tasks that you don’t need to do. 5. Leave work at work - be aware of the energy you bring home and share with others. Spend 10 - 15 minutes after work each day transitioning from work, to switch off and leave work at work. If you find it hard to switch off from work, go for a walk, swim or bike ride, take a relaxing bath, listen to music, do yoga or meditate. 6. Switch off distractions - switch off electronic devices and technology so that you can be fully present, connected and in the moment with your partner, kids, family and friends. 7. Make time for you - reconnect and find peace with your inner self. Get comfortable with “you time”; this is where your growth lies. 8. Nurture your mind, body and soul - be mindful what you feed your brain, your language, your thoughts, your actions, what you eat and put into your body (and how that impacts on your emotions, mood and body). Eat healthy, exercise regularly and allow time for your body to rest, recover and rejuvenate. Start with short 10 15 minutes per day relaxation techniques such as meditation/breathing exercises to recharge your batteries. 9. Take the work-life balance test - to raise your awareness around what needs more focus, attention, maintenance and adjustment in your life for optimal performance. Download at www. greater port macquarie focus. 55

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t’s been a year since we last caught up with the Vintage Ports at FOCUS ... Describe the past season for us; what were some of the major happenings at the club? The last season has been another exciting one for us. We have had away trips to Barraba, Dorrigo, Eastwood and Forster and hosted arguably the most successful Gala Day in recent club history. We have seen many new members join the fold from out of town, as well as members of our senior club, The Pirates, qualify for our team of elites. For those who may have missed the interview last time around, fill us in on what the Vintage Ports is all about and what types of players you welcome at the club ... The Vintage Ports is a group of rugby supporters who are over the age of 35. Our group is approx. 50/50 male and female. Our aim is to support local rugby, but mostly to meet socially as often as possible and visit, or host, other similar rugby groups. We also play the odd game of rugby with modified rules, to ensure no one gets hurt. These games always result in a draw, regardless of the score, and are played in the club spirit of Fun, Friendship and Fraternity. Plans have been underway for a while to send a team to Cardiff, Wales, in August this year. What’s the aim of the visit, and what does the team hope to accomplish while overseas? We are sending a team to Cardiff in August this year. This is for the Golden Oldies Rugby World Cup Festival. In 2014 we travelled to Argentina with a team of 20 and teamed up with a team called the Whitsunday

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Whalers. We went through that carnival undefeated Our club would not exist without the hard work and and performed very well. dedication of so many volunteers (too many to name), This year we are only taking 10, but the but also the generous support of our main club, The Whalers have asked to join us again, so Pirates. I would also like to acknowledge together I am sure we will be able to the generous support of Debbie Moore, do just as well. from Debbie Moore Real Estate. Her Tell us a little more about organisation has been very generous is g Fundraisin this visit to Wales ... What t both financially and with in-kind an rt po very im dates will you be away, sponsorship. ill st e ar to us . We rs and how many players What other important events/ so on sp g seekin t, ki g in will be travelling from Port dates does the club have on ay pl r ou for ve Macquarie to take part in its calendar over the next few which would gi both the trip? months? great exposure .” The main aim of this trip Our Gala Day is Saturday 5th here and abro ad is just to have fun and also to March starting at 10am. We will promote beautiful Port Macquarie have teams from Eastwood, Grafton, to the world - to show other teams Newcastle, Central Coast, Barraba, as well we not only produce good rugby players, as local teams from the Mid North Coast. but good people as well. The Carnival is in late The ladies will be having a bus winery tour with August and goes for one week, with three days lunch before heading back to Stuart Park to watch of rugby and rest days in between. These carnivals some footy, before our Gala dinner later that night at are normally attended by over 2,000 people. TG’s. Does fundraising play a big part in organising We also have our seniors week recruitment drive an event such as this one, and is there any way coming up, Saturday 2nd April, which includes a FREE in which community members can assist in this BBQ lunch and refreshments for all new members. process? Where can readers find out more about the club or Fundraising is very important to us. We are still even join if they’re interested in playing? seeking sponsors for our playing kit, which would We can be contacted for more information by give great exposure both here and abroad. We will be emailing or find us on holding raffles through this season at the Pirates home Facebook under Vintage Ports amateur rugby: https:// games at Stuart Park, and hopefully that too will help. Who would you like to thank/acknowledge for Thanks Michael. supporting the Vintage Ports? Interview by Jo Atkins.


SPORTS AND SPINAL PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINICS IS ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS ON THE MID NORTH COAST. OWNED AND MANAGED BY LONG-TIME LOCAL SENIOR PHYSIOTHERAPIST AND SENIOR EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST DEAN LAWLER, WITH PRACTICES IN PORT MACQUARIE, LAURIETON AND SOON IN WAUCHOPE, THEY HAVE FAST BECOME THE PROVIDERS OF CHOICE ACROSS THE REGION AND BEYOND. What makes Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics different to other providers? We provide exceptional health care across our entire team. We are passionate about what we do and that shows. We are focused on patient centred care and outcomes. Our focus is getting you back to what you love doing as soon as possible. We spend the time with our patients as we want to know about how your condition is affecting you and that helps us determine the best treatment for you. How can the experienced staff at Sports & Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics make such a difference to people’s health? We are the leaders in our field. We have over 50 years of combined clinical experience in all aspects of assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and also

in aspects of general health and fitness. We have a model of care - Pain to Performance, in which we move our clients from pain to performance. We don’t just alleviate their pain, we eliminate it, prevent it from reoccurring and get them moving and performing better than ever before. How does Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics help people suffering back pain? Our physiotherapy treatment and management approach to back pain follows a very scientific and evidence-based approach. Not all back pain is alike nor does one exercise or treatment technique cure all. In fact, some back exercises or treatments can make back pain significantly worse. At Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics we understand this and we constantly strive to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge research and

development into one of the most common conditions we see that affects 80% of the population. Why are you the only health provider in the region to offer a money back guarantee at Sports & Spinal Physiotherapy Clinic? We believe in our ability and in the services we provide. We believe that people shouldn’t have to pay if they aren’t truly satisfied with our service. We are very experienced and proud of the quality of all our services, and we stand by that. If for any reason they are not thrilled, we will give them their money back and their next consultation is free. What else is new at Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy? Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clinics have also added Sports and Spinal Aged Care Services. We

currently have an expanding presence in a number of aged care facilities in the region, where we have Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Massage Therapists, Exercise Physiologists, Dietetics and Clinical Psychology delivering specialist aged care services to improve the quality of life of older Australians. What is this FREE PRE-ASSESSMENT VOUCHER? We have introduced a FREE Pre-Assessment Voucher and Report for those who are unsure or uncertain if our services can assist them towards being pain free or recover faster or feel better. We take the guess work out! See below for further details or contact clinics - Port Macquarie 6584 5379 or Laurieton 6559 7500. We also have satellite clinics in Taree, Forster, Kempsey and Macksville.

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with Clairvoyant Terri Hall Phone. 0424 818 343

MARCH 2016

with Terri

Sensei STEPHEN AQUARIUS. January 21 - February 19

Expect life to have no more illusion. You are seeing things very clearly at present, and what you see will be what you get. You enjoy being busy, so set some fresh goals and give yourself permission to succeed. You can expect to be busy in a peaceful manner. Selenite helps cut through illusion.


February 20 - March 20 Home and relationships will be big influences this month. Avoid carrying conflict forward from the day before. Instead, clear conflict from your mind and body before you put your head on your pillow at night. Try a heart chakra healing meditation exercise for a peaceful outcome. Rose Quartz is the crystal for self-love.


March 21 - April 20 As your sensitivity increases, it is important to release any frustrating feelings and not be tempted to bite your tongue and bottle, as this will create havoc for you. If you choose not to share your turmoil with another person, at least write it down and burn the paper it’s written on. Turquoise helps us communicate in a confident way.

TA U R U S . April 21 - May 21

If receiving love is a challenge for you, try doing a heart chakra healing meditation. This will enable you to receive and reciprocate love effortlessly. Trust in the sweetness of unconditional love to carry you until the fear has diminished. Selenite shatters fears and encourages positive energy.

GEMINI. May 22 - June 22

Avoid looking at the cup as half empty as much as possible, as this is becoming habit and will easily lead to depression. Your sensitivity is becoming more vulnerable where negativity is concerned, so try being a little more aware of your thoughts and disconnect from sad or dark thoughts ASAP. Citrine helps shatter negativity and bring light thoughts into the picture.

CANCER. June 23 - July 23

If you have been feeling suspended lately, it could be that you are holding onto undigested emotions and your higher consciousness does not approve of you taking these things into the future. Try reflecting on the past twelve months and let go of inner conflict gratefully for the enlightenment it offered. Malachite helps bring past hurts to the surface for releasing.


July 24 - August 23 Avoid slipping into negative thought patterns, as this goes completely against your grain. You have the ability to rise above challenges and allow the experience to make you more powerful, not pitiful. This strength will carry you through tough times. Clear Quartz gives us emotional strength when needed.


August 24 - September 23 Avoid stressing over finances, as this blocks your ability to draw money towards you. Instead, try planning for that special treat for yourself and see how clever you can be with budgeting and being prepared for that rainy day. Your positivity will reap some great rewards. Citrine shatters the negative and attracts an abundance of positive energy.


September 24 - October 23 If your security in life is being challenged at present, you could be experiencing lower back aches and pains. This may just be a blocked root chakra. Try doing some healing by placing your hands on the area and telepathically thank yourself for being able to support your needs fearlessly. Ruby shatters fear.


October 24 - November 22 In times of turmoil, try looking inward and focus on all the qualities and attributes that you chose to incarnate with that you are approving of. This will initiate self-worth and fill your aura with a pure loving vibration, so nothing negative can enter your energy. Rose Quartz stimulates self-love.

For our family, training at Kumiai Ryu is a great shared activity. We love celebrating each other’s successes as we know exactly what’s involved! Karate is great for kids’ fitness and self-discipline. KRMAS teenagers often seem older than they are thanks to the maturity they display. My wife and I started in our 30s and it’s been brilliant for our health. The training intensity increases gradually as you move up the belt levels, so it’s a very safe way to get fit. Our improved flexibility, strength and coordination have done wonders for old knee and back troubles. Training also motivates us to eat healthy. We’re both now in the best shape of our lives! KRMAS has taken us places we never imagined, including competing in Tokyo, training in Thailand, and supporting our Kung Fu fighters in Malaysia, Turkey and Indonesia. We’ve made firm friends at KRMAS and met many inspirational people. I’ve become an accredited instructor and love teaching karate, and I can’t wait to see my wife and kids earn their black belts soon. Top Photo of the Long family from L - R Sensei Stephen Long, Sempai Sarah Long, Sempai-Sho Isaac Long & Sempai Claudia Long.

S A G I T TA R I U S . November 23 - December 21

Set some fresh goals, prioritising your emotional satisfaction. Now is a great time for you to have contentment and bliss; however, at times you’re too hard on yourself with unrealistic expectations. By asking for emotions you wish to experience as new goals, you won’t be placing restrictions on yourself. Rose Quartz is a powerful self-loving crystal.

CAPRICORN. December 22 - January 20

Past hurts have been surfacing lately, for you to release the effects and memories of these traumas. Avoid over-analysing, as this could add further stress. Just try giving life permission to show you what needs your attention, and give powerful loving answers to yourself. Ruby is powerful for inner strength.

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Proudly introducing our women in business for 2016

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Innovate Body + Mind Studio. CHRISTIE CRISTOFORO


What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Christie: Our studio! Innovate Body + Mind Studio is a boutique, integrated and community focused approach fitness and wellbeing, targeting the body and mind. We offer yoga and HIIT separately and also our signature ‘blended’ classes (high intensity + yoga). This style is new here and we are so excited about the options it’ll provide our community. Define Success…Success is challenging the norm. It’s not gym junkie vs yogi. Instead you’re a tribe member who wants an integrated approach to health. Our job will be done when our students feel a mind-body connection and have a healthy approach to their fi tness to improve quality of life, vitality and emotional balance. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? Kerri: Feedback! Listening to what our students want and what drives them is the number one thing I like to focus on. Failure isn’t always a bad thing. If we’re not meeting customer requirements, we need to find out why and fix it accordingly. How do you stay motivated? Some days I will walk into a class and think, how am I going to get through this?! But as soon as I start talking to my class I instantly get in the zone. Why? Because I’m not there for me, I’m there for them. My clients and class participants keep me motivated because of their enthusiasm and trust in me to help them achieve their goals. Plus I love what I do and I love connecting to the people I’m teaching.

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Kerrie McMahon. WORLD PAR-TEA How do you create a positive environment for your team? We treat them equally and with respect. Putting your team first really pays off tenfold by them looking after our customers. What new products are you developing in 2016? Every time I go to cull our hand blended 180+ organic/natural teas, it’s just impossible ... They are all so sought after. Our business has really boomed since we relocated to the Rydges complex (next to Port Day Spa) a year ago, with locals and tourists enjoying our loose leaf teas and large range of teaware.

Freedom of Speech. How do you create a positive environment for your team? By focusing on the positive results we are achieving every day for both children and adults in our practice, and by acknowledging each others’ strengths and achievements. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Our speech pathology team has increased to two full-time, with over 50 years’ experience between us. This basically means that there is no communication or swallowing difficulty we cannot handle!

Two new products are: Condiments: Strawberry tea infused with fresh local strawberries to create an old fashioned Strawberry Jam (GF). A smokey black tea infused Tomato Relish (GF) - all hand crafted by “The Other Chef”.

We are also expanding to offer more preschool, school and home visits for our clients.

3 new tea blends

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? By their feedback and word of mouth responses. Freedom of Speech has been in business in this area for nearly 20 years, and we have never been busier.

Dragonfuit Dreaming Tea: any time of the day or evening, this spectacular Rooibos fruit blend includes Rooibos, crystalised ginger, lemongrass, dragonfruit, ginger and liquorice. Organic Morning Sickness Blend: a pleasant tasting herbal blend to provide relief from sickness and nausea. Tried and tested on mumsto-be! Chamomile, ginger root, fennel seeds, peppermint and red rose petals. Peach Blonde Tea: the delicate white tea is soothing, the peach bright and fruity, and the ginger adds the perfect amount of zest, whilst also soothing an upset stomach! Serve it hot or cold, either way ... It’s SCRUMPTIOUS!

Define Success … Doing what you love every day and knowing that you’re making a real difference to people’s lives.

What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? Our national association, Speech Pathology Australia, keeps us up to date with the latest evidence based research, as well as opportunities to attend workshops and conferences in areas of interest. How do you stay motivated? Knowing that there are people out there who need help, and that we can provide that help.

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Customer satisfaction is the essential for all businesses to succeed in today’s market.

Kerrie Winn. FRANCHISEE - FURNITURE AND BEDDING HARVEY NORMAN How do you create a positive environment for your team? Most of my team have been with me a very long time - the average time being eight years. There is closeness amongst the team and that itself creates a positive and familiar environment. Keeping my team motivated, happy and given daily encouragement and allowing them to feel self satisfaction by promoting their ideas adds to the positive environment. Being a TEAM with a common goal, regular meetings and communication all create our positive environment. What new products and services are you developing in 2016? Much of my time is spent viewing new range lounge, dining, outdoor, manchester and bedding products throughout the year. Regular meetings and discussions with buying committees and viewing the new trending ranges and

colours throughout the European Markets - plus my passion for Australian Made which has been re-invigorated with the fall of the Australian dollar all gives me a great and exciting overview of what’s coming this year. We have lots of colour in lounge suites, the warmth of Messmate timber being very popular through dining and occasional furniture. Our bedding market is really seeing a surge in the introduction of ergo motion ensemble bases with built in massage units built in attractive linen shrouds. The ever improving technology in our bedding provide us with an enormous range of mattresses to suit all needs and budgets from all top bedding suppliers AH Beard, Sleepmaker, Sealy and Tempur. What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? The old fashioned and simple diary still works well for me and of course having the ability to

delegate to experienced managers and staff allows me time to continually oversee all aspect of my business. Define success ... My definition of success is making it happen ... Success gives great self satisfaction, watching my business grow, my sales people develop and most importantly seeing that satisfied, happy customer excited about their purchase and overall in store experience. How do you evaulate customer satisfaction? Customer satisfaction is the essential for all businesses to succeed in today’s market. We aim to give all our customers an excellent experience to maximise their satisfaction both with service and products - so they become loyal customers who re shop with us. Repeat business is my measure of customer satisfaction.

Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about lately? 2015 saw my business Harvey Norman Bedding Franchise receive nationally for the first time NO. 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE STORE OF THE YEAR. This is judged externally, so is a true measure of our service and measured against all other 180 Harvey Norman stores. We also received Highest Growth Regionally, with bedding supplier AH Beard and Sleepmaker highest growth in premium bedding sales. A very satisfying and pleasing result for bedding in 2015. How do you stay motivated? Motivation is easy - simply I still wake every morning and can’t wait to get in and get stuck into my day - there is always something different to do. It’s easy to be motivated when you love what you do.

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Kerri Moore. OPTICAL DISPENSER Kerri Moore has worked as a qualified optical dispenser in the Camden Haven for over 20 years. The improvements in technology have transformed spectacle lens designs and materials over recent years, but the increased choice has made dispensing more complex. Kerri’s training, knowledge and experience turns prescription numbers into a comfortable, easy to wear, purpose made pair of spectacles. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? As the only locally owned, independent optometry practice in the Port Macquarie area, we are able to source products from an unlimited number of optical suppliers for frames, sunglasses, spectacle lenses and contact lenses, without the constraints of a buying group. We are stockists for Bolle, Vera Wang, Kaos, Fysh, Bogner, Prodesign, Koali, Lightec and Kensi to name a few, and we are always looking for interesting shapes, colours and designs to add to a wide range of frames to suit all styles and budgets. “Chemistrie” is a new patented magnetic lens layering system which allows the one frame to add a sunglass tint, a magnification reader or even a 3D lens onto tiny micro magnets embedded in the lens. There are 23 sunglass colours, 3 magnet colours, five titanium bridge colours and 12 Swarovski crystals which allow complete customisation. These no fuss, ultra light weight,custom rimless clip ons turn your favourite frame into sunglasses, and/or an extra strength magnifier for a particular hobby. They are ideal for high prescriptions and multifocal wearers as the cost of the original lens doesn’t have to be duplicated for each pair of glasses. As the only local stockists of “Chemistrie” it is well worth a visit to look at the samples we have in store. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? The proof is in the pudding, as they say! I am there at the end of each consultation, and I personally deliver all the spectacles when they are ready to be collected. We offer a very personalised service, with longer than standard consultation times and comprehensive warranties on all our products.

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Julie Currie. VISION THERAPIST After attending many American run programmes, Julie is the only OEP (Optometric Extension Programme) trained vision therapist on the Mid North Coast and will soon complete a new Australian accreditation process. What is Vision Therapy? In the case of Learning-related vision problems we use standardized tests to work out relative strengths and weaknesses. Highlighting strengths helps to keep children motivated while we work on improving specific visual skills. Patients will see me for regular weekly sessions and will then practice the tasks at home. The activities are structured to find the most effective method to improve as quickly and easily as possible. Vision therapy is an individual programme of activities that retrains the brain to improve vision skills, whether it be to correct a lazy or turned eye, to improve muscle stamina and flexibility for binocular vision (two eyes working as a team) or to improve the visual processing skills needed to learn at an age appropriate level. Other specialised vision therapy is used in sports vision and in rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury, such as strokes or car accidents. How do you stay motivated? Team work, and inspiring each other by sharing success stories and realising the degree to which improving vision can impact the lives of not only the patients, but their families and those around them. Working with children of all ages and abilities does have its challenges but the positive feedback I receive from parents is very rewarding. Improved visual skills often relates to improvements in self-esteem, behaviour and confidence as well as academic changes. I also love the challenge of modifying or creating new activities to keep vision therapy interesting and fun for the kids - the craft box and my imagination are a great combination!

Natasha Barnard-French.


After graduating from Optometry, Natasha went on to complete a research Masters in Vision Development and Learning. The following year she was introduced to Behavioural Optometry and found it was the perfect link between her research interest and the real world of patient care. Through ACBO (Australasian College of Behavioural Optometry) she went on to complete the highest level of training and was awarded her Fellowship in 2005. “Panoptic Vision (meaning all-encompassing) is the only full scope Behavioural Optometry practice on the Mid North Coast.” How do you create a positive environment for your team? I feel so fortunate to have a team of completely dedicated, exceptionally talented people who are inspired about the difference they get to make every day at “work”. Making the time to acknowledge the day’s achievements always goes a long way to staying motivated for tomorrow. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Apart from expanding vision therapy services, thanks to Julie’s never ending wish list, I am very interested in pursuing different specialty lens options. Behavioural Optometry is very neuroscience based and looks at the way the brain processes all aspects of visual information. Lenses are a powerful tool in redirecting vision to work more efficiently. SHAW lenses were launched in Australia last year and have provided an amazing breakthrough in reducing the problems caused when the two eyes have very different prescriptions. We have always struggled with the various problems this creates, but apart from contact lenses, there was never a solution … Until now. There are two very exciting aspects of these lenses - they can reduce the amount of patching required to improve amblyopia (lazy eye) and they are very helpful for patients who have had one cataract removed but need to wait some time before having the other eye corrected. Usually the imbalance this causes can be very disruptive, even dangerous when considering the increased risk of falls.

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We help start up and existing small and medium sized businesses with one-on-one business advice.

Loren Enfield. SOUL SURFING Define Success ... I have four beautiful and capable young children, a community-focused business, and still devote time to my passions in the surf, nature, or at play. My life is a balanced art of family, work and soul-nurturing activities, with surfing and yoga predominantly. How do you stay motivated? Being a working mum (as a surf coach and now yoga teacher too) keeps me energised, calm and positively driven. Every day, I aim to be the best version of myself, and in every action I aim to share my positive awareness with my community. As a mum, I felt the benefits I was gaining from my own time out, and so a few years ago, I created Women on Waves (or WOW) programme for other women to experience the same feelings of relaxation and rejuvenation. Seeing other women find better balance,

Marilyn Breen & Renae Tate. ETC BUSINESS ADVISORS joy and health through surfing keeps me motivated too. WOW is still going strong, and on weekends you’ll see us all down at a local beach loving our surfing time, with new women continuing to join us! What new products are you developing in 2016? Creating innovative and inspiring programmes has been a major part of my last 10 years. At Soul Surfing, we focus on our customers’ needs of all ages, nurturing their surfing in a fun and safe environment. For 2016, Soul Sisters lights up again, providing women with a full day retreat, leaving the duties of modern living behind. Each retreat is unique, with plenty of activities to complement the surfing and yoga. Soul Sisters aims to have women leave feeling more self-love, selfempowerment, and self-drive towards creating positive balance.

What new products or services are you developing in 2016? We are excited to be launching a co-working space in Port Macquarie in May. This will be a first for the region, and we are thrilled to be able to provide a space for business people to connect, access support and foster innovation. In May we are also planning a Creative Industries Forum for all creative producers, artists and artisans across the Mid North Coast to come together and work on their business. These are just two exciting new initiatives that ETC’s Business team is working on in 2016. Of course, we are still available to help startup and existing small and medium sized businesses with one-on-one business advice.

inspiring and empowering people and helping

Define success … Renae - when you find your passion and purpose and can make that your living - that’s success. For me, it’s about

got that insight or inspiration that they were

them achieve their goals. Marilyn - witnessing a client’s satisfaction when they open their first business or bring together their ideas into a plan that allows them to move forward in their business venture. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? Marilyn - one of the most pleasing ways is through the new people who seek my advice on the referral of a previous client. This personalised network is a very clear indicator that my customers have found my assistance useful. Renae - I love that moment when a client has looking for and you can see that moment on their face - it’s a light bulb moment!

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Natalie Welsh. Riverboat Skipper Cruising the beautiful Hastings River is a job that many would envy. Natalie Welsh is lucky enough to do just that as a part of the friendly team at The Cruise Terminal. Chrissy Jones caught up with the busy Skipper of The River Princess and Chinese Junk for a chat.


ou have a great job - working at The Cruise Terminal … What does a normal day entail? A normal day starts with getting our boats ready for our guests, then welcoming people on-board and making sure everyone is having a great time. I do a number of different cruises, and of course we make sure all the mechanical aspects of our vessels are in working order and fully maintained. Working with a fantastic crew makes sure that the days I spend on the water are always enjoyable. What qualifications and experience do you have? Having over twenty years of experience driving different vessels on the rivers and oceans of Australia, I hold a Master Class 5 licence/ MED/ and am also a Scuba Diving Instructor. I began as a coxswain driving dive tenders when I was a Dive Instructor and slowly and surely gained experience and qualifications to make the transition into marine operations. What would you say the best thing about being a Skipper on a vessel is? Well, there are numerous things to like about my position, but I think delivering a great day of adventure for the passengers is always very gratifying. As the skipper of the vessel, what are your main concerns during a cruise? Safety is always the most important aspect of any cruise. Customer comfort and satisfaction are also paramount for our business. Anyone can buy a boat and operate a cruise, but the secret of a successful business is always the respect and care the team deliver. Creative marketing and the genuine desire for excellence is the major factor in this industry. Coming from an extremely sophisticated tourism

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centre in Cairns, I can inspire and collaborate with my work others do with you. Good communication and colleagues to excel, where other operators may not listening skills are also essential. be as concerned. Do you have any awards or accolades to boast Would you recommend other women to join you of lately? in this industry? My latest award I received was the Maritime Of course. The more women involved, the Award for Outstanding Commitment, when better off the industry gets! Marine I finalised a TAFE course in 2012. I am operations has certainly changed pleased to mention that I’ve also over the years. There are more received a number of Tourism women actively involved in all Awards in Queensland as well. ya maritime careers. I think this What are your interests out Anyone can bu ea is a very encouraging time for of work hours? bo at and operat cret of women in this industry. I love to spend time at the cruise , but the se ss is sine a successful bu Any memorable beach with my family and ect and always the resp experiences on the walk our Border Collie. We liver. ” care the team de waterways that you would are so fortunate to have such like to share with readers? a pristine environment to enjoy. Where do I start! Currently, What keeps you motivated in here in Port Macquarie, I really enjoy the workplace? the whale season and the customers’ Happy workmates and the pleasure reaction when we observe the whales we give to our guests that explore the river breaching, or dolphins that swim alongside the with us on-board The River Princess and the boats in the river. I have so many memorable Chinese Junk. experiences from my days driving and diving at the Do you aspire to learn any new skills in the Great Barrier Reef as well. It’s hard to describe in a future? few words what it feels like to have had the privilege I would like to be of service to those who wish to be part of it all. to learn. I have in the last few years thought about The biggest challenge of your job? teaching in the TAFE environment and have a TAE Usually weather. Some days challenge you and the qualification enabling me to do so. I would think natural conditions are varied, so you never take things a part-time involvement could benefit the next for granted - especially on the water. generation of mariners who wish to get a start in this What’s your best tip for staying on task and field. We’ll have to wait and see if a position comes being organised in your job? up and whether I’ll be able to squeeze that in an Respect for the people you work with is a big already busy week. thing. I think it’s important to have a strong sense Thanks Natalie. of purpose and duty for the work you do and the You’re more than welcome.

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QualOT Hand Therapy. THE TEAM The team; Therese Guild, Nicole Bosci and Elizabeth Besgrove. How do you create a positive environment for your team? As a team we create a positive environment within our workplace. We all share a common passion for our work and thrive on returning people back to work, school, leisure pursuits and basic everyday activities. This is how we measure our success, which in turn, drives our motivation to help people. Patient satisfaction keeps us rewarded! What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Our most unique product would be our customised orthosis for the hand, wrist or elbow. They are highly individualised to our patients’ needs and are always being upgraded according to the latest research. Currently, we have expanded our practice to the management of traumatic or post surgical scars of any part of the body. Scar management is a specialised skill we develop in the management of trauma injuries, and we are often asked by people about “other scars” and can we do anything for them. The answer is, “Yes, we can”. There are some amazing products out there to help, and we will be developing this service further for our clientele. What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? The Australian Hand Therapy Association convenes a conference annually. This brings together such an amazing melting pot of Hand Therapists and their ideas; we close the practice for three days a year so we can all attend the conference. It keeps us motivated, informed and always gives us a few extra clinical gems to come home with.

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Arcadia Loughland

Fresh-faced 29-year-old businesswoman Ashley Sargeson has come a long way since she purchased a half-share in Touchwood Flowers at just 18 years of age.

How do you create a positive environment for your team? We encourage our team to express their individual ideas and strengths, allowing each person to contribute as a valued member of the team.

Now the outright owner, she has learnt to spend time working on the business and in it, using her phone and large desk-top diary to keep herself on task and well-organised.

What new products or services are you developing in 2016? We are currently developing a range of tools that will give our clients a competitive edge and professional network benefits.

Bridal floristry has always been a feature at Touchwood Flowers, and Ashley’s talent has twice seen her appear on industry professional Tesselaar’s Top 10 design list.

What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? Have a diary and use it every day to prioritise what items are urgent, important and not so important and update this throughout the day.

Her position as the only local florist with an in-store bridal studio is a large part of her commitment to continue a retail presence in Port Macquarie.

Define success ... Success can be different things to different people. On a micro level it is achieving my personal goals. On a macro level it is exceeding the expectations of my customers and seeing the smiles on their faces.

“I just knew I wanted to be a professional, full-service retailer, rather than someone who dabbles in floristry from home.” For Ashley, business ownership also provides flexibility and allows her to spend time with husband, Aaron, and cheeky 4-year-old daughter Lily, and on her other interests, like Physie.

“I’m willing to work hard on and in every aspect of my life, which for me is the key to achieving success, happiness, and a good work-life balance.”

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? We often receive referrals or repeat business from our current customer base. A referral to a friend or family is the best feedback we can receive. What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? I find a mentor who has achieved a similar goal as I am trying to achieve and discuss with them how they were successful. Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about lately? Recently I competed in a fitness competition in Sydney and achieved a silver award and two achievement awards. This reinforced to me if you have clear goals and constantly work toward them, this often brings you success.


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Susan Rupert and the women of the mbc family. How do you create a positive environment for your team? My team have great ideas, and I trust them to take ownership of their projects. mbc is a family owned recruitment agency, which allows us to be spontaneous and have a little fun. Fun happens when people feel well connected with a team, where there’s mutual respect, open communication, acceptance of who people are, and everyone’s working towards shared goals. Being available to listen and showing meaningful appreciation also creates a positive workplace. What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? With a busy team of fifteen consultants and four divisions including Labour Hire, Traffic Control,

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Recruitment and a dedicated Nursing Agency, it’s easy to get distracted. My advice is to prioritise tasks, identify the actual distractions and implement countermeasures. For many businesses, recruiting staff is a distraction from the day to day running of their business. That’s where mbc recruitment can help. Our fast and flexible recruitment solutions give organisations the time they need to run their business and build success. How do you define success? I live by the same sentiment as Dr Wil Rose: “Success is not counted by how high you climb, but how many people you brought with you”. This definition of success is focused on people and relationships.

As a recruitment agency, helping people be successful in their chosen career or industry is our top priority.

gives employees the opportunity to reach

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? Feedback and follow up is essential with clients and candidates. We’re open, flexible and collaborative. For us, it’s always a two-way partnership.

training, ensuring workers are qualified

We pick up the phone to talk and resolve issues. If problems arise, we view them as valuable opportunities, as long as we address them in a timely and professional manner. What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? As a recruiter, I understand the importance of personal training and development across all industries. It helps businesses thrive and

their full potential. That’s why we offer nationally recognised and have the most up to date skills and qualifications to suit our clients’ needs. How do you stay motivated? Above all, I value people, health and our community. At mbc we’re committed to making a real difference in the lives we serve. We recently launched a new website to support our existing In-home Nursing and Home Care Support services to meet community needs. Our nurses are doing a wonderful job to ensure people can stay healthy and happy at home.

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Natasha Schurink. TRAVEL MANAGERS How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? When you have a great experience in life, it makes you want to go back. To me, the biggest indication of customer satisfaction is my clients’ repeat business and referring their friends and family to me. I pride myself on little details, and the end result is the amazing, flawless journey my clients will experience on their travels. How do you stay motivated? Staying motivated is not a problem - keeping up with the workload is the hardest part! Every client desires a different experience or destination to the last person or their last trip, so it never gets boring. I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of new destinations or constructing different

itineraries to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. This is why I can spend countless hours putting together options for my clients, so they have as much information as possible to choose the itinerary that suits them best and ticks as many boxes as possible on the wish list. Define success: Many people define success as wealth, respect or fame, but this is not a complete definition. To achieve these things is important to some ‌ But being able to work your way, doing a job you love, into a position of wealth, well-being and happiness, with the ability to give back to others from the rewards of your hard work and achievements is equally as important.

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Dance is an amazing way to stay fit and healthy, as well as improve confidence, coordination and musicality.

LVC TEAM. I love my work ... And this year is exciting, as I have new staff who are extra creative and passionate about their work. This year we want to shake things up and introduce some exciting classes which will appeal to a wide range of students, both young and young at heart. Over thirty years ago I opened La Vive Classique Academy of Dance and since then, along with my staff, I have trained so many people to dance across the Hastings, Manning and Macleay Valley. Dance is an amazing way to stay fit and healthy, as well as improve confidence, coordination and musicality. Many of our students start with us as tiny tots; however, that isn’t always the case. I am constantly blown away by how much raw talent there is out there in our community, which is a real motivator for me. So, I encourage all young people out there to not hold back and if you have the passion and want a career in the performing arts, come and meet with me. There are so many inspiring things happening every day in our school, with our incredibly diverse and talented team. I encourage everyone to develop and evolve. How do you create a positive environment for your team? I am incredibly passionate and motivated when it comes to dancing, and it’s important my team are equally as passionate as I am. We work positively together and create fun and exciting classes for our students. They are part of the planning and decision making of the yearly calendar, and their creative input is greatly appreciated and rewarded. We enjoy LVC working breakfasts to bounce ideas off

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each other and as a bonding activity. Classes are available for the staff to diversify their talents and to keep them fit and healthy which include teachers yoga. What new products or services are you developing for 2016? We are always evolving and like to keep up to date with new dance trends. This year we have been developing new classes, including Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop, Acro-Dance, Baby Bopper Jazz for tiny tots, and coming soon is latest craze thats sweeping the fitness world…Barre Attack! We are also branching out and offering burlesque classes for hens parties, wedding dance choreography and classes to assist people with special needs and disabilities. We have many experienced teachers travelling from Sydney to teach the students. They keep us abreast of all the exciting new up and coming trends! The Hastings Dance Centre is the other arm of my business and the shop is selling wonderful new items from Bloch, Capezio, Sansha & Martins. We take pride is offering the best brands of dance and performance wear to customers. Our team can correctly fit Bloch pointe shoes and understand the specific needs of dancers of all ages and abilities. We are also opening a new studio in Wauchope, so our students further afield can take part in the fun. This year we are experiencing different Eistedfodd competitions, in order for the students to gain an extensive insight into dance across various regions. What’s your best tip for staying on task

and organised? Planning is a great asset in our world of dance as is having a clear vision of the full year before it starts. Concerts and performances are all booked a year ahead. Long hours and late nights when the studio isn’t buzzing with dancers is the best time to get work done! What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? La Vive has a range of adult classes that I participate in regularly, my favourite being Pilates and Ballet. My latest favourite is adults’ Barre, which incorporates Pilates, weights, core strength and cardio. I also subscribe to numerous publications to keep me stimulated and keep abreast of all new techniques and performances. I also attend personal development sessions through the Royal Academy of Dancing. Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about of late? Some of the highly talented people who have gone on to do amazing things in drama and musical theatre include Natalie Alexopoulos, Chloe Bayliss and Erin Brookhouse. Darren McIntyre, Katie Rooke & Richard Smith have followed their dreams, entering Classical Ballet companies, and now Katie is about to embark on a new journey with Staatsballett in Berlin. Matthew Shilling and David Mack went to the Sydney Dance Company, and Michelle Sharman continues to wow us in Hollywood. Many of the students have graduated from the Australian Ballet School. Scott Alaban started dancing with LVC just 13 months ago, and in January 2016 was

accepted into the Lee Academy full-time after just one year of studying. How do you stay motivated? I love to attend the Australian Ballet Company performances and I’m always present in the audience when my ex students are starring in musicals. I still get excited when i watch the amazing artists at the peak of their professional careers. I am also rewarded when the students make progress and show improvement. The dancers motivate me with their desire to learn and special moments of delight when they light up and shine on stage. Being backstage with the performers and experiencing the atmosphere side stage at the end of the year concert is one moment that motivates me to give La Vive students these performing opportunities. I’ve been a certified RAD teacher for 31 years but I’m still inspired by the changes they make such as including traditional ballet music into the syllabus. This is so engaging for the children and helps me teach them the rich history of dance. Recently we became a member of ATOD and teaching the contemporary program has been stimulating for students and teachers. Define success ... Success is a discipline you must embrace. Success is a journey of trials and beliefs, not measured in dollars but the length of your reach. How far you travel is not up to me; your dreams once unravelled, are your future to be.

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Amy Hobbis & Ashley Steven. ALL ABOUT CONVEYANCING All About Conveyancing has branches in Port Macquarie, Taree, Forster, Gloucester and Tamworth. They employ eight Licensed Conveyancers and a similar number of support staff. Ashley Steven is the licensee at All About Conveyancing, Port Macquarie and is supported locally by Amy Hobbis and more broadly by the remainder of the firm. Ashley has been licensed since 2008 and has many years of experience, having previously worked in large legal firms in the city. In addition to sales and purchases, Ashley brings a wealth of experience in strata title and subdivision work. “I am now living in the most beautiful part of the most beautiful country in the world, and I want to add some value to the Port Macquarie community. I know how stressful it can be when buying, selling

and moving house, and I want to make it easy for those doing that. This is something I do every day, and I know how to relieve the anxiety from my client. At the same time, I focus on protecting their legal interests, so that my client feels comfortable and safe throughout the transaction. Since joining All About Conveyancing, the infrastructure and support available to me is first rate and facilitates frequent and timely responses. With the structure we have, there is no job we can’t do. Consultations are free, and I would welcome your call or visit to see how we can assist you in your property law matter.” My commitment to the community in 2016 is twofold: Firstly, to be available every day to anyone who wants to ask about a property law issue, and secondly, if you employ me to do a job and you are not satisfied, then there will be no charge for the job.

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- Michelle Percival



02 6583 8606

106 William Street, Port Macquarie












I passionately love my family & work. The relationships we create & responsibility we have to achieve the very best outcome for our clients demands a 200% commitment & is dependent on energy, passion & drive. I am truly blessed with a wonderful family, good health & a job I love. It doesn’t get any better balanced than that.

Flexibility & compromise are vital to try & keep the work & family life balanced. In this occupation there is never going to be the perfect balance. Cold meals & late night calls are par for the course. It’s all part of the dedication to your clients though, & the pleasure & thrill of achieving great results for them.

My passion for real estate was well timed because it allowed me to enjoy freedom from family obligations and to explore and focus on my career. Fortunately my husband shares household responsibilities which allows me to focus on my career and achieving great results without sacrificing family obligations.

Do the things you love and have a positive attitude both at work and home! I do try hard to be organised in my working day so I can unwind at home with my family doing the things I love like fishing, camping & gardening. Yoga is an important part of my weekly routine, it grounds me.

Since returning to work, the help & support I get from my family has been integral - without this the quality of family life verse work would not be as manageable. To be organised is the key & a boss that understands life & its challenges makes finding a balance possible.






Finding a ‘balance’ can definitely be tricky. My family is very supportive & flexibility & having good time management is a must. Knowing the efforts I put into my work life are fully appreciated by the wonderful team I work with makes it all worthwhile!

Effective work/life strategies are still sometimes elusive. Some weeks I have it down pat - others, it’s not without bumps in the road. The support of family is integral to longevity in this industry, as is the energy of the team you work with.






Women tend to put themselves last on the list of priorities. Take some time out & do things which are of benefit to you. Even just 5-10 mins time out each day will help you to refresh & be ready for the ever constant demands of work & family life.

It is very much like being on the wildest rides at sideshow alley, throwing you every which way but smooth! Hang in there & enjoy the ride! My escapes are visiting my children, who live away in separate cities, the beach & the family farm.











Not having children of my own at this stage in my life, it is probably easier for me to find a healthy work life balance. I come to work with 100% focus so that when I leave the office, I can devote my time & attention to family & other aspects of life.

Scales fluctuate until you are able to get the exact counter balance on the other side. Life is like this - work may weigh heavily on some occasions so we have to build the other side with life events we enjoy to get a balance, or we take away some of the work load so it balances better with our lifestyle needs.

Switching from the fitness industry back to my real estate roots & securing a position with Percival has made the biggest change to my family life. Having a supportive partner & great employers like Michael & Michelle help. They always encourage us to drop into school activities they would be disappointed if we didn’t!

Finding the balance is possible with support from both sides. My husband is incredibly supportive & Michael & Michelle are fabulous employers who encourage us to take time off when needed so we don’t miss the important things at school or necessary appointments. Our kids are welcome in the office & family is never viewed as an inconvenience at work.

The dilemma of balancing family & work has no easy solution. Every person & family must find specific solutions depending on their own preferences & needs. There is nothing wrong with working hard to gain some of the finer things in life, but you should also not forget the worth of the things & people that really matter most.



02 6583 7499

4/111 William Street, Port Macquarie


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The Ladies from Kazac Civil. KAREN CUSATO, DANIELLE MARTIN, TINA WARD, KIM BROWN, MARILYN BRADLEY, REBECCA PROUDLOCK , CATHERINE ANDERS How do you create a positive environment for your team? Kazac Civil has a great team of administrators working in our office. They manage everything from Human Resources, Contract Management, Work Health Safety and much more. I’ve always made a point to really get to know my employees, so we’re actually more like a family! I encourage a healthy work-life balance, and I believe this means the team are far more engaged, productive and happy to be at work! It’s important for me to let the girls know when they do a great job, sometimes by a simple “thank you”. Showing my appreciation for the great work they do creates a positive work environment for everyone. My team members are entrenched in the work they do every day, so when they have an idea to improve the way we do things - I listen. I

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love being able to give good ideas a try, because you never know what might happen. The keys to our great team are: open communication, mutual respect, trust, acceptance of who we all as individuals, everyone working towards the same goal and having fun! We celebrate birthdays (always a good excuse for cake) or occasionally we have cake … Just because! Sometimes everyone needs a break from the seriousness of business! What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? My best tip for staying on task and being organised - I pick three of my most important tasks to be done for the day and if I achieve them - I feel great. It doesn’t always happen, so my trusty to do list (on Outlook) is a great tool for helping me stay organised. Troubleshooting is a big part of my job, from sorting out an accounts issue to resolving

IT problems, so I stay on track by utilising my to do list regularly. Oh, and trying not to check my emails too much during the day … Working “offline” helps a lot to prevent interruptions. How do you stay motivated? Recently the team and I attended a seminar in Port Macquarie, 2016 Fast Start Workshop, through Leadership Management Australia. We learnt about the power of goal setting and, as such, each of the team have now identified their top five goals for 2016. The goals set are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. By keeping track of these goals and regularly checking on their progress, I believe helps everyone keep motivated day in and day out. Only time will tell! However, most important to staying motivated is creating a working environment that is stress free (most of the time!), fun and a place that the team enjoy

coming to every day. How do we evaluate customer satisfaction? Kazac Civil are required to conform to Legislation, Regulations and Australian Standards for all work we perform. Whether it be Quality Management, Work Health Safety or Environmental Legislation, Kazac Civil strive for excellence in everything we do, and our management systems promote continuous improvement and provide assurance to our customers that we fulfil these commitments. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council evaluate the construction of our works, every step of the way, and their final sign off at job completion provides assurance to our customers that construction is completed to a high standard, in order that they may complete the next stage of their works; for example, construction of housing.

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Feedback is always appreciated to enable us to know what people like, what we do well, and even obtain suggestions on any improvements to what we do.

Kylie King. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR How do you create a positive environment for your team? The name “Harcourts” is one of the most recognised in real estate across the world. People associate the name with a dynamic, progressive yet respected and experienced real estate business. For prospective clients this validates their confidence in us as a Harcourts real estate agent. The Harcourts Values include “Putting People First”, “Doing The Right Thing”, “Being Courageous” and “Having Fun and Laughter”. We adhere to these values, and it creates a positive environment for everyone. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Harcourts Greater Port Macquarie’s property management department pride themselves on the superior service they provide to their landlords and tenants. During the previous year we have assessed and improved our internal systems and upgraded our computer operations to ensure a streamlined service to both

landlords and tenants. We have just completed the move to our new office location in Port Macquarie, so we are now ready focus on achieving property investment goals for our landlords. What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? We believe in setting goals and developing a comprehensive plan in order to achieve them. Across all levels of the Harcourts business, we set annual business plans which are reviewed quarterly. This allows our people to really stretch themselves and helps to achieve their dreams. These big goals are then incorporated into my weekly and daily activity plan, so that I don’t lose focus whilst dealing with everyday issues. Two great tips are to time block tasks to enable focus for a specified time period, and to deal with issues in the immediate rather than procrastinate and leave ‘til “another time”. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction?

We speak with people who have used our service, plus conduct surveys to gain insight into their thoughts and experiences. Feedback is always appreciated to enable us to know what people like, what we do well, and even obtain suggestions on any improvements to what we do.

Macquarie staff members are repeatedly achieving recognition for our performance at NSW state level. These awards are based upon personal performance and meeting specified outcomes, plus office achievements in areas of sales and property management.

What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? The Harcourts Academy aims to develop the skills needed to build a highly successful career in real estate. Offering a range of dynamic courses and a tailored system of learning, The Harcourts Academy is one of the leading real estate training organisations. I also subscribe and am involved with other specialist real estate and property management training organisations and receive regular industry newsletter updates.

How do you stay motivated? I enjoy working in property management and real estate, so most of the time it’s relatively easy. After being involved in the industry for over 20 years, I have dealt with many challenges and had many successes. Yes, we have tense and stressful moments in property management, and these can make you doubt your involvement, but I attempt to see everyone’s side of the situation and hopefully achieve the fairest outcome for all involved. Having time with my family away from the business, being involved in community organisations and playing sport gives me time off from the office to have a more balanced approach to life.

Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about lately? Harcourts Greater Port

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Carolyn Kelly. LEGAL


I feel lucky to live in Australia - particularly on the Mid North Coast - and to be a part of its legal system.

How do you create a positive environment for your

Define your business …

team? I have confidence in my team’s ability; I encourage

WTF - WHITE T-SHIRT FACTORY is an audacious and innovative

And I love my job, so it is easy to stay motivated.

team input and involvement.

fashion label founded and designed locally in Port Macquarie.

I work alone, but am supported by a great team of professionals - in the court system and in the legal fraternity. I also rely on other businesses in town for computer IT, printing services, vehicle repairs etc. and that extended network is essential to me.

I’m responsive to their suggestions and provide a supportive,

We strive on unique style and approach to fashion,

caring and good working environment.

manufacturing our very own exquisite blend of Organic

What new products or services are you developing in

BAMBOO-SILK fabric that is not only luxurious, but softer and

2016? We are now the authorised dealership for Baby Lock

stronger with enhanced durability and flexibility.


Our Eco-friendly Bamboo-Silk fabric has been produced in

We’ve instigated the formation of The Port Macquarie

compliance with International Green Processing Standards, and

Modern Quilting Group and Textile Art Group, for ladies in

tested and certified by CSIRO Australia.

Port and surrounding Districts.

What products and services do you offer?

We have arranged well known tutors from around Australia

The WTF BAMBOO SILK range consists of Stylish, Super Soft and

to teach in our store.

Ultra Comfy Polo Shirts, Plain T-shirts, Print T-shirts and Socks.

Define success ... Success is setting realistic and achievable

Custom Orders, such as Uniforms and Bulk Discounts are also

My practice involves helping people at very stressful times of their lives, such as when they are separating from a partner, when they have been arrested, or when they have to go to court for any reason.

goals and being able to enjoy the results when goals are Or it might involve representing children who have been removed from their parents or parents whose children have been removed. I feel privileged to be able to do this kind of work, and at times I hope I make a difference in people’s lives - for the better, that is! Define success: Success is not defined by salary or status but satisfaction and contentment.

78 greater port macquarie focus.


available. Contact us by phone: 1300 WTF WTF [983 983] or by

exceeded. My team comes with many years of patchwork

email: to enquire.

experience, which is shared with customers freely and

What are you most proud of?

without hesitation.

Our high quality, great value products, and Charity

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? Customers

commitments. WTF supports The Movember Foundation and

return regularly with their finished projects. Visiting

Australian Red Cross by donating 2% of all sales. Every purchase

customers who have heard through word of mouth and

will help improve Men’s Health and Worldwide Humanity.

customers who visit from far and wide all give favourable


comments and enjoy their visit. This gives us the motivation

Today! Available Online or In Store at SPORTSPOWER and

to provide the top service we pride ourselves on.

Port Macquarie Golf Club.

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Kristine Edwards & Kath McGuire. CAFÉ CULTURE Kristine Edwards and her husband, Sean, a stake in their workplace destiny. We expect followed their vision 20 years ago and everyone to be a decision maker, solving small created a global café/coffee business. The problems and controlling all our company’s mothership, Café Culture International, now direction. has offices in three What new products/ countries, running world We create a sense of services are you coffee events, coffee ownership for all our developing in 2016? and barber media, and team players. We believe Three major projects providing education and everyone has a stake in this year include Baos & business acceleration to their workplace destiny. Bagels, which Kristine the global industry. and Sean’s son, Charlie, Kath McGuire came on board as financial controller, so the business could expand outside of the Port Macquarie head office. Kath brings over 25 years of banking finance and insurance management to the business. How do you create a positive environment for your team? We create a sense of ownership for all our team players. We believe everyone has

has researched and developed a traditional bagel manufacturing concept for; taking The Golden Bean, a coffee roasting event to the UK, along with our barber magazine, The Cutthroat Journal to the UK and US; and our Australasian Café School in Port Macquarie, which will teach new café owners the skill of running a successful café business.

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What is your



Have you ever scribbled down the story behind your brand personality, why people need your brand, who’s attracted to your brand, how it’s perceived and where it is positioned in the market? Has your story changed since the first chapter, or does it need to?

You need to get your story straight.... then scream it out!

Neopitch offers a blend of traditional marketing services and digital solutions to help your brand deliver a consistent message. Founded by Hayley McGrath, 20 years industry insight will help guide your communications and your business onto the same page.

Visit for her story or call Hayley on 0402 0402 15


80 greater port macquarie focus.



How do you stay motivated? We are incredibly fortunate to live in Australia and as women, to be able to earn our money and own businesses as strong women.

How do you create a positive environment for your team? We have a fun, enthusiastic and sometimes crazy team here at Mojo Styling.

What services do you specialise in? We specialise in a holistic view of everyday health, hair and beauty. We strive to make the foremost with Weddings and bridal packages such as hens night bliss packages where the party gets all their hair and beauty needs met. Spray tans and shellac or just the pampering like massages are very popular! We love the challenge of colour correction. We strive to give you the client the best you ever had. Our team has a wealth of experience and knowledge behind us and can’t wait to meet you!

It’s very hard not to be happy in the store. It’s exploding with colour, has amazing scents from our popular locally made melts and candles and always has new and unique pieces that transform our little shop into a wonderful little world of its own.

How do you create a positive environment for your team? Personal reasons of success in our business is due to a tight group of strong women working together to enable great customer service, using modern and effective technique and the highest quality products such as KEUNE and Goldwell to ensure incredible results. Within our business we have lovely people like Melanie Robinson of Gaia Health, Erica Blanch of Gracewood beauty, hairdressers Yalene Clarke, Julia Thompson, myself and apprentice Karoline. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? I believe that as long as we know what we are doing and keep education a priority, results will reflect our business and feedback in the greater community. We run monthly draws on Facebook for customers to win fab prizes and customer surveys. The best feedback is a returning client who also receives great loyalty rewards.

How do you stay motivated? My motivation is taking the constant stream of ideas buzzing around in my head and applying them to keep Mojo Styling fresh and unique in Port Macquarie. The Mojo team gets so much from engaging our customers, to really find their needs and do our best to meet or exceed those needs - that’s so rewarding. Our customers’ feedback is so important - always positive, encouraging, and often the seed of new ideas! Our exciting new Mojo Beach designs, cool new home décor finds and amazing locally made furniture are on the top of the list at the moment. Define success … Happy customers! At the end of the day, they are the key to success! We want our customers to have a pleasant experience when they visit us, and to walk out with a smile.

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Susanna Christie. COLUMBA COTTAGE How do you create a positive environment for your team? When you have a team that is so dedicated to caring for others, you need to make sure that they are also cared for. Small things like celebrations or recognition of milestones in their lives make a difference, but the big thing is making sure that the workplace is a positive and nurturing space. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Our Cottage has always offered the very best in care for our children. In 2016 we will be undergoing a major refurbishment.

The physical appearance of the Centre is being brightened and brought back to “new”. We have a great new software system called Storypark which provides communication with parents.

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Nortec. STAFFING SOLUTIONS Name: Nikia Hall, Joanne Ford, Luchia Noyes. What is the history behind your business? NORTEC began in Northern NSW over 30 years ago, but is new to the Port Macquarie region since last year.

We deliver programmes and invest in local initiatives that inspire business growth and employment opportunities in our region. Tell us about what makes your business unique? Delivering on our service promise of inspiring futures and creating opportunities. What is the best piece of business advice that you can offer to others? Have passion for what you do, give your all, and the rest will follow. We’re about matching jobseekers to employers who need them; that’s what makes us happy!

We are expanding our free co-curricular activities; and upgrading our finance and administration processes to make them much more parent-friendly and efficient.

What do you consider to be the most important aspect of business? Marketing, good team, customer service? Customer service firstly; having a great team is essential for this. Marketing is important, yes, but you need to deliver on your promises - and this is where we step in!

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? For us, customer satisfactions is easy to measure. It is in the smiles of the children that greet us each morning and the thanks of the parents who know their child will be cared for and educated.

What services do you offer? NORTEC offers recruitment services - both no-fee and commercial for temp, labour hire and permanent, job search support, small business advisory support, and community investment initiatives.

Alyson Gainsford. DYNAMIC HRM SOLUTIONS Switch on your thinking and get results! Albert Einstein famously said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. We have to switch on a new level of thinking if we want a different result! Alyson Gainsford is known for her dynamic thinking and ability to assist business owners and entrepreneurs switch on a new level of thinking, action and results. Alyson helps small businesses, leaders and entrepreneurs to discover their blind spots, overcome their fears and frustrations, develop leadership capability, improve critical decision making, financial performance and develop and grow their team and business whilst having a life outside their business.

SPECIAL OFFER: download Your FREE Special Report on “Business Blind Spots, 5 Reasons Businesses Fail and 6 Secrets Revealed to Switch on Your Business and Get Results!” In this report, Alyson shares with you the Top Reasons Businesses FAIL to Perform and Strategies to Help You Develop, Grow and Get Results in Your Business (valued at $197). Download now at

‘Creating Opportunities. Inspiring Futures’. No-Fee Recruitment Services. Business Advisory Support.

Accredited Training. Community Investment.

Looking for Staff? Lodge online at Or call Nikia on 0437 446 324 Offices throughout the Coffs and Manning Regions greater port macquarie focus. 81

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Photo credit Lauren Kimberley

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Kirsty Cross is one of few a female pilots in the Royal Australian Air Force. She is currently serving as a Captain of the E7 Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft. As Captain of the E7, Kirsty is responsible for the execution of the mission and the safe return of what is a billion dollar aircraft and its crew of specialist operators. Kirsty has 15 years of service with the Australian Defence Force, including service with the Australian Army and graduation from the prestigious Royal Military College, ­Duntroon. Through her experiences, Kirsty has found a passion for the advocacy and advancement of the status of women in her community and will be speaking at the Hastings Heroines International Women’s Day Breakfast this month on March 8th.


rowing up, what were your aspirations? Did it include being a pilot? I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I was leaving school. I had known for some time though, that I wanted to do something out of the ordinary, something that was a challenge. My older brother had always wanted to be a pilot since he was very little. I found myself, probably as a very tedious younger sister, following him along to all the air shows, helping him build model aircraft and the like. I had always loved going to the airport to see the planes and was so excited to see flight crew wheeling their bags to their aircraft for departure, off to somewhere exotic, of course. So these elements eventually led me to where I am now. As a young woman, what challenges did you face during your early career in a field dominated by men, and how did you overcome them? Actually in my very early career, I was working in the Army, as a radio and communications operator. The physical nature of those years in the Army was always a challenge, but I found that it really took my body to places I had never thought it was capable of. Discovering this physical ability demonstrated to me how much potential we actually have within us. It has since given me a great belief that determination and tenacity will eventually see rewards. Even though I was in the Army, I was working in an environment that was probably about 40% female, 60% male. It was highly technical work, but also very physical. I learnt a lot from the women I worked with there. They were great,

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strong women and taught me a lot in those early work with. I just tried to emulate what they did; years. They were some of the best operators that’s how I learnt to find my groove. I think men physical and mental abilities had no regard for do a really great job of finding informal mentors gender. - it seems to happen naturally. I do believe As an aviator, the gender ratios are much that formal mentoring is key in bringing along different - I make up a 3% minority in my women in the workforce. It is something my current workforce. It is well recognised there female colleagues are working hard to establish are significant and various barriers to for the next generation of women pilots. women in my career stream. It I’ve benefited from this too - I now is something the Air Force is have some more senior women working hard to address pilots who touch base with right now. me and who I can use as a lp he r fo k as ld How did you stay bit of sounding board. It is ou Iw ld focused on your incredibly valuable. more often. I wou r al mento rm fo a t ou goals? Tell us about some of ek se times I It is inevitable that the highlights of your earlier. I think at ould it w was afraid that we will face adversity career as Captain. ” s. es kn ea w show in the pursuit of our My first job in Canberra, goals. The trick is to flying government VIPs, was stay in there and ride definitely a highlight. It was through the hard times. I a great honour to do my part had great family and friends for Australia and see them step off who could offer support, but the our aircraft to advocate for our country. unique training environment just often It has also been incredibly rewarding flying meant that I was on my own in terms of with the professional crew we have in the Air understanding what I was going through. Force. Most rewarding is conveying them safely My fellow students were men, and so it was home to their families at the end of the day. hard to talk things through with them as well! Looking back now, what would you change, Ultimately, I think it was probably two things: if anything? the years I had spent in the Army; secondly, I would ask for help more often. I would seek the outright self-belief my mother had always out a formal mentor earlier. I think at times I instilled in me since I was little. Those two things was afraid that it would show weakness. But brought me through. I can see now that there are so many people Did you have any mentors who helped you who are willing to impart their knowledge and along the way? experience. I know my ability to learn would I never had any mentors. I just chose a few have been exponentially improved if I had of just people along the way in my career that I thought asked along the way. did the job right - and were good people to You now undertake training of other pilots.

What is the most valuable piece of advice you pass on to them? I think it would be to ask and ask to understand, not just to know the answer. And of course, to have fun - pilot training can be hard, but it is important to look out the window on those beautiful peaceful mornings. It is a very unique perspective we get to see most days, and it is really worth taking that step back to appreciate it. You will be speaking at the International Women’s Day breakfast on March 8th - what will you be speaking about? The theme for International Women’s Day is Pledge for Parity. I will be talking about my own experiences and hopefully leaving some food for thought along this year’s theme. Why is it important that we advocate for Gender Parity? Well, so many reasons! But mostly for the next generation - I don’t want to see any false limits put on our young women. There is so much talent and potential out there. We need to actively ensure the opportunities are there to see that potential realised. Thanks Kirsty.

the plug! Hear Kirsty’s inspirational talk on Tuesday 8th March at Panthers. When: 6:45am. Tickets: are $45, and all profits from the event are donated to the Port Macquarie Hastings Domestic & Family Voilence Specialist Service.

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Thank you to Meg & Me Boutique and Oz Design Furniture for your assiatnce with the focus Women in Buisness cover

meg & me boutique. meg & me has been in its current location under the Port Pacific Resort for three years, two of which we've had the Espresso Bar operating as well.

The cover shot showcases a great cross section of our brands. There's the quintessential collection from elk with its unmistakable look from season to season. The effortless chic of

We pride ourselves on personal service, quality rather than quantity and trans seasonal ranges that allow customers to extend their wardrobes by adding well chosen pieces from each new collection.

Lounge the Label, which can be worn professionally around the office but also comfortably take you to drinks with the girls after work. Chalice, a label designed by a talented couple of ladies from Western Australia, blends classic cuts with just a hint of edginess, perfect for standing out in the crowd.

We have identified a number of new Australian labels which will appear in store this year. These collections have four distinct drops throughout the year, with each collection dovetailing into the previous to create a cohesive, yet equally individual look for each and every customer.

Whether it be fashion as individual as you are, accessories, leather goods, homewares or even coffee, meg & me should be the top of your list!

Oz Design Furniture. For more than 30 years Oz Design Furniture has been delivering unique and attractive designs for Australian homes. Local owner Richard Newell moved directly to Port Macquarie from Canada in January 2013, and his first encounter with Oz Design was as a customer! Richard fitted out his entire house with furniture from Oz Design and four months later bought the store here in Port Macquarie. “I think we offer the best value in Port with the largest selection of Australian made and imported furniture at great prices.” Experienced store manager Dee McCauley has been with Oz Design in Port Macquarie 84 greater port macquarie focus.

since its opening nine years ago, and the other fantastic staff members include Rhonda, Ilona, Carol and Richard’s wife, Jenny. Father and son duo Peter and Brodie look after home delivery. The team at Oz Design deliver expert advice when it comes to the right styling for any home, and will look after you from the moment you walk into the store to the final delivery of your special items. Committed to providing customers with a great experience, Richard says, “That is what sets us apart and why we get so much repeat business. That is what I’m most proud of.”

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Someone once said to me that the road to success is always under construction, which I think is very true.



Define success ... Success, for me, is not Programme geared for businesses that want solely measured by what you achieve, but by to generate more leads and sales via social the commitment you show to “have a crack” media channels. Digital marketing is a game at something. I was fortunate early on in my changer for business, and we help people build career that I had a a strategy to reach and mentor who taught me engage with people Marketing is a constantly the meaning of “dare in a cost effective way changing and evolving to fail”. If you don’t as part of their overall industry, so we need to be put yourself out there marketing plans. on the front foot of new and have a go, you will developments to stay How do you stay never know what you’re relevant for business. motivated? truly capable of. My motivation is fuelled What new products by the vision that I share or services are you developing in 2016? with my business partner, Jane Hillsdon, to Marketing is a constantly changing and create a full service marketing agency in this evolving industry, so we need to be on the region that inspires confidence for our clients. front foot of new developments to stay We love nothing better than to get results relevant for business. This year, Dragonfly for people who are passionate about their Marketing launched a Social Media Accelerator business and what they do.

What’s your best tip for staying on task and part of making the office a positive place to be in. organised? Organisation is such a huge part of I have a great friendship and working relationship being a conveyancer. We are handling multiple with my assistant, Ivy. We are lucky to work deals every day and each deal has its own as conveyancers, as we are helping our clients deadlines, which means through such an exciting we need to be masters journey, and it’s great to Being organised and of time management. build a relationship with on top of everything I am a huge believer in them. Being organised and keeps stress out of the being proactive - if you on top of everything keeps workplace and keeps know someone is going stress out of the workplace us feeling positive and to request something and keeps us feeling working efficiently. from you, try and get positive and working it done before they are efficiently. There is nothing chasing you. I am also more positive than telling a big fan of a to-do list. I’ll write myself a list in a client they can go and collect the keys to their the morning of the things that I need to achieve new dream home! during the day and the order in which I want to Define success ... I think it is something we tackle them. should all strive for. Someone once said to How do you create a positive environment for your team? Building relationships is a huge

me that the road to success is always under construction, which I think is very true.

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Aimee Pelley. PAINT THE TOWN

Francessca O’Donnell. OUT THERE

Define success… Success is knocking out your goals while following your heart. That’s when you can truly be happy.

How do you stay motivated? I think it’s hard to stay motivated if you are not inspired by what you do.

What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised?

My life and creativity are constantly being inspired and challenged, which keeps me motivated and my brain ticking over.

I’ve needed to be pretty much self-motivated and stay focused

I have a fabulous balance of the excitement of creating new artworks for my flourishing art business, Out There Design and Mosaic, which I run with my partner, Vick Compton.

answer, “yes”, then I know I’m on track. If not, it’s time to

Then there is the constant inspiration and satisfaction of working with young people, sharing my love and knowledge of dance at Port Macquarie Performing Arts and this term also at St Columba Anglican School.

Define success … Being able to do what I want to do, when I

Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about lately? Late last year I was delighted to win the MAANZ 30:30 Vision National Mosaic Award, held at 107 Projects Gallery in Sydney. My entry was a 2D Mosaic titled Fight or Flight.

development? Other like minded successful people, The Micro

My favourite quote is: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” - Neale Donald Walsch. It’s scary as hell to leave your full-time job and start a business from scratch, but you can’t succeed unless you try! Once I realised my passion, I dreamt BIG, set high goals, and took it step by step. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? I am currently working on franchising the company. The response I’ve had from up and down the coast is remarkable! My goal is to have a Paint The Town Taree started by the winter and a few new locations north and south happening in 2017. What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? I’m a member of EBC- Edmund Barton Centre, whom I meet with regularly. Their knowledge on small business development has helped me tremendously. I’ve gained considerable knowledge in the financial, marketing and advertising aspects of business management. Thanks Grant!

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Barbara Smith. THE ROVING TRAINER Having been self employed as The Roving Trainer for 15 years, on what’s important. I say to myself, “If I had a boss, would they think I was at my most productive right now?” If I can honestly switch focus. Oh, and I make a point of celebrating significant achievements – usually by rewarding myself with something fun. want to do it, with whom I choose to do it with and having the time and money and health to do it. What’s your go to resource for personal training and Business Forum (MBF) , The Hastings Business Women’s Network (HBWN), the Hastings Business Enterprise Network (HBEN). Plus numerous internet sites, I often have some inspirational audio going on in the background. I also find the library has terrific

The standard of work by my contemporaries was both inspiring and humbling, which was echoed by the jurors, well know international artist Emma Biggs from the UK and esteemed Australian artist George Raftopoulos.


I also have an extensive network of computer trainers and IT experts to call upon when I come across unusual or difficult technical issues.

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Our passion for visual storytelling is infectious, so when we involve our clients in the creative process it’s easy to see how excited they become.

Tania Marino. EXECUTIVE PRODUCER - THE BIG MOVIE COMPANY How do you create a positive environment for your team? Being a husband and wife team, we are both visual people, so we have a large vision board which is covered with images, text and goals that we wish to achieve and manifest. It is a great inspiration for us and helps keep us moving forward, even when challenges arise.

and connect with your customers, whilst

What services are you developing in 2016? With video becoming the future of online marketing and growing more and more every year, it is expected to dominate marketing strategies in the near future. Any business that fails to include it in their marketing strategies could reduce their opportunities for growth. Video content allows you to share information

a video production service that can handle

reaching new audiences - not to mention the benefits of increased SEO (how people find you) and your online presence. Every business should have video on their home or landing page. For this reason, we have developed a Business Profile and Like N Share Clip Package to get you started in the world of online marketing. Although we are advertising campaigns and larger corporate projects, we predict that with the increase of live streaming and user generated content, businesses should be creating their own regular content themselves. We have put together a series of training seminars that will help business owners and staff utilise the technologies available to create

their own content, with little or no initial investment. What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? I like to have the month’s calendar set out on a very large whiteboard, so I can see at a glance what I have on for the month. I’ve found that if you make yourself a daily to do list the night before and every morning get up and eat a frog (that means doing the things from your list that you least want to do) then the rest of the day should be a piece of cake. I also function better when everything in the office has is its own place and is labelled. Define success ... Doing what you love and living your dreams. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? Our passion for visual

storytelling is infectious, so when we involve our clients in the creative process it’s easy to see how excited they become. Although we are the experts in what we do, working with us is very much a collaboration. The fact that most of our work comes from referrals means we must be doing something right. Professional video testimonials are an extremely effective way to catch your customer’s satisfaction. Add these videos to your website and across multiple social media platforms to attract more customers. Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about of late? Late last year ABC Lateline came to Port Macquarie to do a story on us, which aired in November. The video can be seen on our website.

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Aimee Pelley. PAINT THE TOWN

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Michelle Newman. NEWMAN COMMUNICATIONS Lee Heng. LJ HOOKER WAUCHOPE Define success … For me, it’s: “a meaningful life full of passion and freedom in which we grow as individuals and contribute beyond ourselves”. What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? The Pomodoro Technique involves splitting tasks into 25 minute chunks and setting a timer. If you’re like me and love a deadline, but are prone to distraction, give it a go! It really improves my productivity and creativity.

Smart, local mortgage advice. Port Macquarie mortgage broker Suzy Spicer works with all types of borrowers to get the best loan to suit their needs: First home buyers Refinance Moving house Property investment Commercial property loans Choose from over 25 lenders:

Don’t pay too much, call Suzy today for your free appointment!

Suzy Spicer 0412 976 260 (02) 6583 7222 Suite 2, Level 1, 31- 33 Horton St, Port Macquarie NSW, 2444.

Australian Credit Licence Number 385325

88 greater port macquarie focus.

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? PR is all about building strong relationships, solid reputation and open communication - and these are great markers of client satisfaction in my business. The rewards are repeat business and valuable referrals. What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? I am a bowerbird, collecting fragments of wisdom! I love business blogs, books, webinars and networking events. But the best insights come from the inspiring people I surround myself with. How do you stay motivated? My motivation comes from knowing my “why”. When I aligned my business goals with my purpose in life, I found so much more energy! Time out is equally important.

How do you create a positive environment for your team? Try new things, hold regular one-on-one meetings, be there to hear their concerns, always look to improve their situation, even if it means finding them a better position. Remember, their family is your family. Always ask. Keep testing. Keep improving. Keep challenging the norm. Be yourself. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Not products per se, but services. At a product level, LJ Hooker Wauchope carry various residential and rural propertiesand development offerings from as small as 1 - 3 acres to 100 Ha, business broking and strata management. At a services level we can reach out to vast clientele using my currents skills and contacts - drawing on my experience of having sat on the board of Chatswood Chamber of Commerce - as I bring a great deal of wealth and experience in dealing with clients from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and China. That I speak three languages and various Chinese dialects and also work with overseas buyers, attending to their needs, understanding FIRB and migration, improves the level of acceptance for foreign and local people to our community. We, in Port Macquarie-Hastings need these investors and any local investors to provide jobs and growth to attract more people, investors and businesses here - especially when our local universities are targeting large numbers of students.

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Our reputation for quality action and advice is critical to us.

Veronica Lind. VERMILION MARKETING AUSTRALIA At 18, I started technology sales and got involved in business matters. By 30, I had owned and run 2 technology companies, a coffee roasting business, restaurant and drug store. Later, I moved to Australia joining IBM to lead their global marketing strategies, while focusing on helping businesses grow and connect with their customers. These days, my passion is in helping local businesses, in and out of Australia. I have been invited to present and run workshops for experienced B2B marketing and PR professionals, small business owners and Institutes of Higher Education, written thought leadership articles for Marketing Institute of Singapore and meet women quarterly to discuss personal and business leadership. Vermilion Marketing is my vehicle to help entrepreneurs attain their business visions cheaper, faster and better. We have a simple and affordable Business Accelerator Program that uses marketing

Noleen, Susan, Kelly and Ros. HR CULTURE

and technology as part of clients’ business strategy to generate revenue and improve efficiency.

How do you create a positive environment

the areas we will cover include managing mental

for your team? AT HR Culture, our entire

health challenges in the workplace, best practice

This means that even when we do something simple like creating and managing your website or social media, we help you capture and make sense of your customers’ behaviours, provide the right counsel so that you can personalise your marketing campaigns to accelerate your business. We do not want you to waste money on the wrong marketing tactics!

team really love what they do and show a real

in WHS record keeping, managing employee

passion for helping other businesses with their

performance without doing the wrong thing, and

people. Loving what you do and helping make

tips to reward and recognise your team effectively.

We’re launching EAT-Appy for restaurants and cafes, one of our Appy-Business app that handles takeaway, deliveries and dine-in ordering to payment from the web, Facebook, phone or onsite. Just ONE app with built-in marketing and business operations functions, enabled by technology. This is just one way that we help you accelerate your business. Making it easier for YOUR customers to BUY repeatedly and GROW your services with them!

a difference to our clients and their workplaces, means our workplace is a truly positive place to be. Our goal is to help our clients generate this positive energy at their workplaces as well! What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Believe it or not - each year

How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? WE ASK THEM! We contact our customers regularly to find out how we are tracking from their perspective. Our reputation for quality action and advice is critical to us.

we add new products and services to add value to

What’s your go to resource for personal

our clients. We add new training workshops, new

training and development? Our entire HR

HR software programmes to help you manage

Culture team has been through development

compliance, and we bring experts to our region

programmes with Leadership Management

regularly to inform and train our clients. On

Australia. LMA creates exceptional results through

Tuesday 19 April, we are holding an expo, where

people, and this is definitely what we believe at

local business can ‘“Ask the Expert”. Some of

HR Culture!


The of Business Is Doing MARKETING RIGHT

The SCIENCE of Marketing Is Leveraging TECHNOLOGY RIGHT To Generate Revenue and Increase Productivity

greater port macquarie focus. 89


with Michelle Newman from Newman Communications



s Direct Advisers celebrates 30 years in The qualities you need to be a financial planner include the business this month, Director Ursula Boorman desire to help people, an appetite for learning and change, and reflects on her career as a Certified Financial the ability to explain complex ideas in simple terms. Planner. “A good financial planner understands that you can’t Ursula grew up in Port Macquarie and influence financial markets but that we can influence our remembers working as a waitress at the old RSL club. She clients to make good decisions.” admits she wasn’t a very good waitress, which The best bit of Ursula’s day is being with clients provided good motivation while studying her and making a difference. Bachelor of Economics from the University Ursula is grateful to be a trusted adviser al ci an of New England. to her clients, some of whom she has fin a g in Be A 17 year career in the banking worked with for 16 years. She often planner is very y to day industry in Nambucca Heads followed, goes above and beyond, helping fulfilling . My da nd ou ar e lv starting with a role as ‘The Examiner’ clients deal with the confusion of task s revo achieve helping clients checking signatures and working up Centrelink, and offering support ty, and financial securi to Branch Manager in 1996. during times of illness and loss. g reward is helpin e th As country town career options This has even extended to helping eir them improve th changed, Ursula contemplated what it one lady work out how to use the ” e. lif of quality was she loved about her job. “I decided I buttons in her new car. love helping people.” Ursula says ‘time’ is her biggest Ursula obtained a Diploma of Financial challenge. “I am running a small business Planning and began working as an adviser in as well as being a Certified Financial Planner, so the bank. “I must admit I became a bit disillusioned as making sure we stay on top of legislative changes and recognition in the role revolved around who sold the most. investment issues are important, but so is managing the This didn’t sit right with me.” success of our business. Lucky I have a great team to help in After moving back to Port Macquarie, Ursula came across supporting our clients.” Direct Advisers in 2004. “It was a perfect fit, independently In today’s world, Financial Planners rarely just deal with owned, small and client focused.” investments. “My knowledge base includes superannuation, As a partner in the firm, Ursula was able to provide the tax, aged care, Centrelink, debt reduction strategies and type of services and advice she wanted in a fee-based, no budgeting.” commission environment. Ursula is passionate about helping people to understand “30 years ago, founder of Direct Advisers, Peter Rodgers, their money situation because knowledge is power. “Being a was at the forefront of our profession, rejecting commissions financial planner is very fulfilling. My day to day tasks revolve from investments and instead charging a fee for the services around helping clients achieve financial security, and the provided. This was the future of financial planning!” reward is helping them improve their quality of life.”

90 greater port macquarie focus.

my Day 6:30am

Check news and investment reports over breakfast


Team meeting to discuss client work


Phone calls and emails with Centrelink, mortgage broker and clients

10:00am Planning meeting for 30th anniversary event 10:30am Meet with Alzheimer’s Australia about becoming a Dementia Friendly Business 1:00pm

Lunch break


Meetings with clients to discuss Centrelink updates, bank accounts, and insurance policies


Staff meeting about our Pension Assist service and plan work while I attend a SMSF Conference


Home to hug my family and walk the dog

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I know that my clients are satisfied when they thank me for a job well done, and hopefully refer my services to their friends and family.

Val Evans. SKILLSLINK TRAINING How do you create a positive environment for your team? I believe respect is the key ingredient for a positive environment. We work as a team in a flat structure, with each staff member stepping in to help their colleagues when needed. We find the time for a laugh, to care about each other, and to recognise and celebrate success. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? Our contract under NSW Smart & Skilled has been extended to provide all our Certificate IV courses, Traineeships and School Based Traineeships. We are also putting a greater focus into providing opportunities for the disadvantaged, including the start up of the first regional “School of Hard Knocks” and specialist programmes for people with disabilities and mental ill-health.

Danyelle Macfarlan. LAING+SIMMONS What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? Write a list of “Things to Do” and check progress each day.

Define success ... Everyone defines success

collective effort actually, beginning with my

differently. For me, I would say that success is

amazing Principal and mentor Chris Koch, who

being able to look yourself in the mirror and

continually guides and encourages me to reach

Define success … For me, it is about feeling truly satisfied that I have made a difference in an ethical and caring manner.

be satisfied at the person looking back at you -

my goals and become an agent befitting the

being able to say to yourself that you’re happy

Laing+Simmons brand. Also, the experienced

with who you are and the way you treat others.

and professional team of agents I work

What’s your go to resource for personal training and development?

How do you evaluate customer

alongside who help me and give me guidance,

satisfaction? Customer service is simply a

as well as the Laing+Simmons admin and sales

Taking the time to reflect and think about how it could be done differently and/or better.

terminology that is quite often used “tongue

support team, who are a wealth of knowledge

in cheek”. It’s actually the actions one takes to

in themselves.

How do you stay motivated?

help create a great customer experience that is

Do you have any awards or accolades

measurable. I know that my clients are satisfied

to boast about lately? Having been in the

when they thank me for a job well done, and

industry for only four months, I’m yet to attend

hopefully refer my services to their friends and

my first official Awards Ceremony. I have,

family. That’s the best indication of customer

however, listed and sold seven properties so far


and been involved in the sale of nine others.

What’s your go to resource for personal

Feedback from all my clients has been really

training and development? It’s quite a

positive - that’s reward enough for me!

By taking notice of the achievements of my team and our clients. It is truly motivating to see our students with intellectual challenges achieve the simple things, our “youth at risk” re-engage with learning and step into employment, and our mainstream students gain satisfying jobs after completing their qualifications.

greater port macquarie focus. 91

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Port Macquarie’s

women’s shed. Let us introduce to you Port Macquarie’s first Women’s Shed, a welcoming and safe haven where women can teach, be educated in skills for life, make new friends and have fun in an inclusive environment. FOCUS chats to Chair of the Shed Natalie Junge, who gives us some insight and explains how other women can become a part of this exciting and innovating new group in our community.


ongratulations on the growth of Port Macquarie’s first Women’s Shed! How did it all begin? Thanks Sarah. The response from the local community has been phenomenal. The Shed’s previous Chairperson, Claire Welsh, put a simple message on Facebook last October, to see if any other women were interested in getting together to try and learn some woodworking skills. She was inundated with, “Yes please”, and, “We would love a shed of our own”- and it’s just snowballed from there. What is the Women’s Shed mission? We would like to provide a place where women can learn together as friends - where support, guidance, help and encouragement is given and received. Our shed will be a safe place where women can come to learn new skills, pass on existing skills and become stronger, self-sufficient, confident, and proud individuals through their involvement with our association. It is women helping, supporting and encouraging other women in whatever endeavour or activity they want to pursue. We see ourselves as creating a niche space in our community. It will be a space that is welcoming to all women, with no regard to skill level, background, race, age, social demographic, or any other factor, other than to want to create, learn and grow in a safe and inclusive environment. We see ourselves creating the perfect environment for all women to be themselves and become who they want to be. 92 greater port macquarie focus.

How far has it grown since the beginning; pottery workshops. I think we can cover just how many members are now involved? about every interest. So far, we have over 1,100 women (and some We also have members who have WH&S, men) who have been accepted as a Facebook social media, management and community enmember on our page and, in the seven gagement experience - we even have our weeks that we have conducting own Survey Monkey queen - as workshops and been open well as our trained educators to receiving paid memberand our administrators, ships, we already have all of whom have put There is no skill 53 financial members. themselves forward pt ce required ex What are some of to form the Steering d an for enthusiasm the workshops and Sub Committees. r ou optimism , as s ha r fa provided? These members have so p hi members ous m or en To date, we have been constantly an d ye displa ore pl ex run a few pallet to working to progress e tit pe ap sts … deconstruction and the establishment of all sorts of intere t is up-cycling workshops, the workshops that Seriously, the lis ” s! es endl and a couple of crochet our members desire and and knitting workshops advance the cause for with one (possibly two) more our own shed, to make it a to come. Over the next month, reality. we will be conducting some woodworkPlans for the next 12 months? ing workshops in Port Macquarie and a few The ultimate plan over the next 12 meditation workshops in Wauchope. We months is to find our shed! have just conducted a survey that was open In the meantime though, in the next month to all of our members and Facebook followers, or so we will be conducting some social events and there seems to be an overwhelming requireand activities, not only to drive membership but ment for a social aspect to the shed. to provide a place for our existing and potential Tell us about some of the skills your memmembers to meet and make new friends. We bers bring to the group … will increase our presence, not only through the Our members are a talented bunch! We have media, but by attending events and expos and skills ranging from woodwork and metalwork to getting out into the community via fundraising all types of needlework. Add in some cooking or by forming partnerships with other organisaand baking, mechanics, welding, home renovations that feel we have areas in common where tion projects, upholstery, all aspects of craftwe can be of help to each other. work, art, photography, gardening, and we’ve The Steering Committee will undertake a strajust been offered the possibility of creating some tegic planning session early in May so, based on

the outcomes of the planning session, we will be able to provide our members with a clearer picture of the next year. What’s the process for becoming a member? The process is simple. Our technology team have done a fabulous job to make it easy. Head to our web page at portmacquarie and “click to join”. Once you have completed the online form, someone from the Women’s Shed will be in contact. Are you looking for women with particular skills to share? We can’t really pinpoint any particular skill, as we are constantly evolving and fluid. We are looking for all the women of the Hastings region to join us, whether they have skills to share or want to learn skills from one of the other members. There is no skill required except for enthusiasm and optimism, as our membership so far has displayed an enormous appetite to explore all sorts of interests … Seriously, the list is endless! We would also love our members and potential members to consider putting themselves forward to help the Sub Committee if they can, either in fundraising or setting up workshops. They are not difficult tasks and the Steering Committee is always on hand - we all work together, and the saying “many hands make light work” is very true in the Women’s Shed! We are a truly organic and flexible organisation that is guided by our members’ excitement and enthusiasm to learn new things in a supportive and fun environment. We look forward to you all joining us! Thanks Natalie.

w o m e n

Kristy Judge.


Define success … Success means different things to different people, depending on where they are in their career or personal life. For me, I am incredibly passionate about people and I am lucky to be able to work in a role and organisation that allows me to have enormous variety on a day to day basis, with autonomy to get the job done - but ultimately I work with amazing people who inspire me to always be a little better every day. Dale Carnegie once said: “You never achieve success unless you like doing what you are doing”. Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about lately? Recently Coles were recognised by the Australian Human Rights Commission for our long-running First Steps programme, winning the prestigious 2015 Human Rights Business Award. First Steps is an industry leading, pre-employment and mentoring programme which provides guaranteed permanent part-time roles for people who require additional support to enter or re-enter the workforce. The First Steps programme demonstrates Coles’ commitment to diversity in the workforce as one of many programmes dedicated to promoting and developing a workforce representative of the communities that we serve.

The talented Retail Leader’s shopping list. All available now at Coles.

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Tania Magon. MAVEN ACCOUNTING What new products or services are you developing in 2016? A Complete Self-Managed Super Fund Service Solution. We are adding to our taxation services and providing trustees with access to expert educational information, specialised advice and investment tools, so they can optimise the benefits of running their own retirement fund confidently and more importantly, compliantly, from one central platform. What’s your best tip for staying on task and organised? Nothing like deadlines to keep you on track, giving you a great sense of accomplishment when you meet them. Define success … Happiness and achieving whatever it is that makes you happy. Absolutely nothing to do with money or positioning. Do you have any awards or accolades to boast about lately? No; however, I am proud to serve on the HBWN Committee as Treasurer and the SMSF Association’s Northern Sub Chapter Committee. How do you stay motivated? 1/ Being grateful for the opportunity to work for myself and make my own decisions every day. 2/ Change - navigating through the ever-changing rules and regulations around taxation and the self-management super fund industry always keeps me spirited.

Rebecca Rowsthorne. OWNER How do you create a positive environment for your team? By being a positive person and encouraging staff when they are doing well, and showing staff that working as a team gets better results in the end helps greatly to create a great work environment. What new products or services are you developing in 2016? The Cruise Terminal have hit the ground running in 2016. We have monthly theme cruises planned, and our cruise routes have changed slightly. We are now cruising up the Maria River in the Port Venture; it is quite spectacular. Define success … I never let anything beat me; if I know I have given 100%, then I know I have done my best. That’s how you succeed; keep moving with the times and try new things. How do you evaluate customer satisfaction? By making customers always feel welcome. My staff know what I expect, and I’m pretty strict on customer service. We get great reviews on Facebook and Trip Advisor to back this up. What’s your go to resource for personal training and development? We try to have team meetings once a month and brainstorm ideas and go through procedures. I have also recently joined the Hastings Business Womens Network (HBWN) and the NSW Business Chamber. Both networks offer a wide range of personal development opportunities.


mike koch & the Australia Free APP Mike has just returned from yet another adventure around Australia, launching an app with access to things to see and do completely FREE, FOCUS caught up with Mike who tells all about his latest venture.


ast time we caught up you had Where do we go to download, and what is just released your incredibly the cost? resourceful book, Australia Free, If you go to your app store, you probably and now you’ve just launched wont find it; there are only about 3,500 apps your app. How is the app different from with the words "Australia" and "Free" in it. the book? My app just got released, so it is on the bottom The book was very successful, but everyone hidden somewhere. If you want my app, just go nowadays wants an app. The app contains to my website: and everything that the book does, but with a lot there is a link which you click on which directs more sites added - over 500 more. The you to the app. There is a cost but only a book covered all the major and small one off $5.99 - that's cheaper minor highways in Australia, than some drinks that I have with the activities covering had at some of the hotels around the coastline I have visited along the During the last ve and up the centre - the way. ha 12 months I e th l most popular tourist How often will you al been filling in t no ve route. During the last ha be updating with ro ads that I g, in or pl ex , re 12 months I have exciting and free fo done be d an g in ph ra been filling in all the places to see and og phot ything an g tin en m cu roads that I have not things to do? do free to of interest that is done before, exploring, That's one of the best see and do. ” photographing and things about an app; it documenting anything of can be updated instantly, interest that is free to see and whereas with a book you can't. do. I can add them automatically to As soon as a book is released, the app, but I can't add them to a book. it is outdated. Usually every week How easy is the app to use? I input new data into the app, which is Like the book, I have tried to make it downloaded to your phone automatically. very user friendly. There are only three colour What is your favourite free spot in symbols on the maps. The green symbol with a Australia? "D" are your dump points, the blue ones with a One of the most asked questions I get! I "tent picture" are your free camping/rest areas, don't really have any one favourite, as there and the red ones with a "jumping person" is are some amazing places that I have been a free activity such as a waterfall, a town tour, to, but I do like the whole of the top end, zoo, boat trip, museum or any other must see with its annual wet season carving out some and must do activity when you travel Australia. spectacular gorges and amazing waterfalls. If you are going to work offline, just Western Australia has some spectacular download your route when you have internet beaches you must visit, and then you have and just remember that the photos will only Tassie! Too many to choose, but all are in my work when you have internet reception - I can't app. give you thousands of photos stored on your Thanks Mike. phone.

Readak has proven methods which improve the way students learn, read, study and take exams. An internationally renowned programme, the Readak course is now available to students in grades 5 - 12 and students studying at tertiary level right here in Port Macquarie.

The Readak course offers a path to a successful academic future with its unique programme, which covers:

The key purpose of the Readak course is to provide students with the skills, tools and habits to be an effective, efficient, independent and confident learner, no matter the subject.

• Time management and organisation skills • Reading and comprehension skills • Note taking • Study skills • Essay planning • Exam preparation • Exam taking strategies • Tips on how to alleviate test anxiety

In today’s fast paced and highly competitive world, students face more educational challenges than ever before.

The Readak Advanced Learning Skills course is an essential academic resource for lifelong learning.

is the difference

Local Business Exhibitors WAnted Mid Coast Careers Market Exhibitor Registrations Now Open Port Macquarie Race Club Tuesday 10 May 2016

• provide information on education, training and

New career opportunities and job roles are rapidly evolving in response to the growing needs of business and industry. It's often difficult for young people to get the right information and connect with those who can help with education, training and employment options.

• provide practical demonstrations of real

You're invited to join us for the annual Mid Coast Careers Market, where you can maximise the exposure of your business to the community, as well as promoting the benefits of working in your industry. We'll have over 1,000 attendees from across the region, Kempsey to Taree.

There will be no charge to exhibit, and lunch will

By exhibiting at the Mid Coast Careers Market, you will have the unique opportunity to:

Meredith Evans on 6583 5910 or meredith.

employment pathways • explain specific requirements to young people, parents and teachers workplace activities • promote employment opportunities by having direct access to potential new recruits • network and build education, training and employment partnerships in our community. be provided for exhibitors. The Mid Coast Careers Market will be open to the public, and schools will be scheduled throughout the day from 10am to 2pm. To enable your business to be part of the Mid Coast Careers Market 2016. Please contact

Mid-Year SCHOLARSHIPS SCAS Mid-year scholarships provide an opportunity for students who believe that enrolment at SCAS will enhance their educational and career aspirations to become part of our learning community. At SCAS we provide not only the physical resources to support educational excellence; we also provide a culture that nurtures, accepts and applauds achievement in all its forms. Educational research has proven that the most effective ways of enhancing academic success are to have the best teachers and an environment where learning is valued and supported. We have these resources! Through our scholarships we open the doors of our school to students and families who might not otherwise have considered us as an

educational option. Supporting and nurturing talent and aspiration are intrinsic to our school’s culture. We believe that those who seek to be a part of our school and live its values are our greatest asset. Is this you? Scholarship recipients gain access to a proven academic powerhouse that supports the widest range of cultural and sporting opportunities, but they also have the opportunity to give back to the school and wider community through their efforts and involvement in school life. Sound interesting? Education at SCAS has led to many amazing educational and vocational success stories. Why not be a part of these stories? Ask yourself, “Where would you like your SCAS education to take you?”

greater port macquarie focus. 95




improve hearing Hearing is considered by many to be our most vital sense, enabling us to process everyday sounds so we can communicate clearly and interact safely in our daily environment - after all, we depend on our hearing 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


et every day thousands of Australians with hearing loss struggle through conversations, instead of enjoying the rich sounds that life has to offer. Leading local hearing specialist HearLinx work to transform lives by providing better hearing for the communities of Port Macquarie, Kempsey, South West Rocks and Macksville. They look after the hearing needs of a wide range of locals, including pension and DVA card holders, retirees, workers and children, making better hearing more convenient and accessible than ever. Hearing loss is far more prevalent in the

community than most people realise, with recent studies showing one in six Australians have a treatable hearing loss, but what may surprise many is that nearly 50% of these are under retirement age. “As the world gets louder, the age of those with hearing loss gets younger. The effect of noise exposure means we are increasingly seeing people in their 40s and 50s coming to us with a hearing problem,” says HearLinx Audiologist Derek Moule. Despite this, research shows that the majority of people wait up to seven - ten years

before they do anything about their hearing difficulties. The longer people wait to have their hearing needs addressed, the chances of rehabilitation are significantly reduced, as the sensory receptors in the brain deteriorate over time if not kept active by sounds. As hearing loss progresses, individuals can become isolated withdrawing from activities, causing a significant impact on their relationships and emotional states. “Today’s advances in digital technology mean the majority of hearing losses are treatable, with hearing aids providing better performance than

ever - especially in noisy environments,” said Derek. It is recommend that those who are concerned about their hearing or experience trouble hearing have their hearing tested by a professional hearing specialist. HearLinx offer a wide range of solutions to suit all types of hearing loss, lifestyles and budgets, so there is no need to put off getting your hearing checked. If you have a hearing concern and would like to book your free hearing screening, call HearLinx on 6584 0101.


SoundLens is the hearing aid for people who say, “You’ll never see me wearing a hearing aid”.

WANTED 25 PEOPLE to trial




HEARLINX require 25 PEOPLE to trial the new SoundLens from Starkey with Voice iQ2.

PH 6584 0101

Now you don’t have to put off getting help for your hearing because you’re self-conscious about wearing a hearing aid. With SoundLens, you can hear better and no one will ever need to know why.


96 greater port macquarie focus.


Individual results may vary. *Terms and conditions apply.




Most Outstanding over 50’s Estate in Australasia 2015


mss inc. Who is MSS? MSS is a growing and responsive

developed into a leading provider of support and

Loan amounts are between $300 – $1,200 for essential goods and services such as fridges, washing machines and medical procedures. No fees or charges ever, just repay the money you borrowed.

assessment services for children, families and

Our My Meals programme -

older people living in our community.

One of our most popular services is our My Meals programme. This service delivers restaurant quality meals to your door. The meals are cooked fresh to order within the MSS kitchen by a qualified and talented kitchen staff. Our menu changes with the season, and you will be spoilt for choice with the range of delicious meals to choose from. We have a range of meals and desserts that you won’t be able to resist!

community based organisation servicing the Manning and Hastings regions for over 30 years. Since our beginnings in the early 1980s, we have

Through our three Support Service Streams, we provide assistance to more than 400 people each week. Why not ask us about our No interest loans? The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) provides individuals and families on low incomes with access to safe and affordable credit.

Most Outstanding over 50’s Estate in Australasia 2015



• Stunning clubhouse • 5 star amenities • Designer homes

25 minutes to Port Macquarie Kew Country Club


Queens Lake

Dooragan National Park

Bonny Hills North Haven

for the over 55’s

• Quality slab-on-ground, steel frame construction • Sublime location on Queens Lake

11 Resort Rd, Laurieton NSW visit us online

Call today to arrange your personal sales consultation

P: 1300 55 70 75 greater port macquarie focus. 97



bundaleer Care Services Where is Bundaleer Care Services located and what care do you offer residents? Bundaleer Care Services are based in Wauchope, NSW. We offer a wide range of services to the older residents of Wauchope and surrounding districts including Home Care Services (Government Supported and Private), Retirement Living and Residential Aged Care. What other services do you offer residents? Our services offer residents of the community and of Bundaleer a continuum of care. From in-home support services (including social, domestic, gardening, transport and personal care services) to retirement living, to respite services, to residential aged care with 24 hour professional nursing care. An older person, through our services, may also be able to access support to help promote their

independence, including physiotherapy, podiatry, occupational health and dental services, to name only a few. Why should people choose Bundaleer Care Services as their retirement home? The staff of Bundaleer Care Services work hard to build caring relationships with all residents, above and beyond the physical care that they require. The person is central to what we do here at Bundaleer and their health, welfare and happiness is our focus. How can readers learn more about life at Bundaleer? Please visit our website at au or contact our office on 02 6585 2811. Alternately you can visit the Administration Building of Bundaleer Care Services at 142a Cameron Street, Wauchope

garden village Garden Village is looking forward to a busy Seniors Week during the first week of April.


here are so many talented to start some sort of fitness class, this may be just people living at the Village, it right for you. Both men and women can enjoy. was logical to organise to hold Zumba Gold Class will be held each Tuesday an “Exhibition of Talent” to be at 10am in the GV Community Centre. All are held on Thursday 7 April from welcome. 10 - 2pm in the Garden Village Garden Village offers retirees the freedom to Community Centre. This will be an opportunity live securely in a warm and friendly environment. for those with the creative flair to display their There is a range of services and amenities provided to enrich residents’ lives. Our Wellness Centre talent, be it poetry, needlepoint, photography, provides extra support to those who may require tapestry, painting, etc. Being able to display these assistance to remain independent. wonderful creations shows that we are never too The general store offers shopping convenience old to find and use our creative talents. Many of seven days a week, while GV’s coffee shop allows the participants are happy to share their ideas friends and family to meet for great coffee and and secret stitches with others. Passing on this light meals. The heated pool soothes tired mustimeless skill of needlework, quilting, cross stitch cles and is great for gentle exercise is important, as many of the ladies or aqua aerobics, which is held explained this was a pastime three times a week. There are enjoyed in groups when they many groups or activities were young ladies sitting ed Zumba is design for all to enjoy. Both together, sharing their so that the women and men are experiences. Before the art at individual can st en catered for; for example, days of iPads and TV, this ev their own pace , d the Craft group who was a truly social affair, an r, sitting in a chai of hand make lovely gift one that we could still hm enjoy the rhyt e th in ga and household items, or benefit from today. d the music an .” th al he od go a talented group of guys Garden Village is of benefit in the Men’s Shed mending grateful to those who furniture and creating toys. participated to make the If you would like to take a exhibition such a success in 2015 look at this wonderful lifestyle viland is looking forward to the next lage, please phone for an appointment upcoming Exhibition of Talent on Thursday with Kate Chew to take a tour. At present 7 April. The aim of Garden Village is to create we have limited availability of one bedroom an atmosphere of purpose and opportunity apartments. Anyone interested in two or three for all residents of the village to share their skills bedroom apartments should express their interest and experience. to be placed on our waiting list. More news to There will also be a special doll sale held in come … the Craft room during the exhibit from 9am to Garden Village … Your choice for Retirement 2.30pm. These lovely dolls would be of interest Living. to doll collectors, or just a gift for that special little girl. Another event being held during Seniors Week will be a special Zumba Gold class on Tuesday 5 April at 10am, for the special price of $2 for an hour of “dance fitness and fun”. Zumba Gold has been very popular at Garden Village, where they hold two classes a week with Krista Gilen, accredited Dance and Zumba instructor. Zumba is designed so that the individual can start at their own pace, even sitting in a chair, and enjoy the rhythm of the music and gain the benefit of good health. If you have been wanting

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Janette Hyde from Port Macquarie Tourism Association

tourism UPDATE

NO MEDICATION REQUIRED Health FIXX Australia is a local business providing products that simply use the natural intelligence of your body to promote wellness. Our philosophy is ‘no medication required’ with convenient, affordable solutions to address a variety of ailments & provide optimum health for all ages & fitness levels.



he NSW Touch Association Tourism Ambassadors - we are blessed Executive, led by CEO Dean to have over 30 dedicated people who Russell, deserve many volunteer their time to assist our tourists. accolades for successfully Not only do they support the Visitors organising the largest Touch Information Centre, but are willing Tournament in the world. Greater Port participants whenever an event comes Macquarie was proud to be the chosen to town - their unswerving assistance is venue for such a significant event. invaluable. Thank you to this enthusiastic Port Macquarie Beatles Festival - all group of people, ably led by Peter over for another year and by everyone’s Goodwin. comments when surveyed, was enjoyed Ulysses Annual General Conference by our locals and visitors alike. in Launceston - Greater 2016 East Coast MX Port Macquarie will be Series was hosted represented at the l ta pi os H a al by Hastings Valley event this month by Ko ay Annual Open D Motor Cycle Club PMHC staff and Plan a trip . m 8a om fr on the 27 and Rob Hamilton, pital on to the Ko ala Hos 28 February. Board Member be ill w It . the 26 March y an Over 1,000 of Greater Port m ith w a fun day, Kids , e th r fo enthusiastic bike Macquarie es m ga , stalls agician riders competed Tourism Troop Bob the M aining tert and the very en in Round 2 of this Association. Our .” nd ba e el ukul event. Great to area has won the have this event in our bid to host the Ulysses area. Conference in May 2017, Visitors Information when over 4,000 bikers will Centre - have you visited the Visitors come to town. Information Centre in The Glasshouse Koala Hospital Annual Open Day lately? It has a new look, and it is - from 8am. Plan a trip to the Koala impressive. A montage of fantastic Hospital on the 26 March. It will be a photos from the Greater Port Macquarie fun day, with many stalls, games for the area is featured and along with the Kids, Troop Bob the Magician and the brochure racks and our dedicated very entertaining ukulele band. Tourism Ambassadors, we have finally an Taste of Autumn at Cassegrain Wines area that looks inviting to our Tourists. the first “Taste” event will be held on the iPads have been installed to assist our 6 March, to showcase the new seasonal visitors in finding out about available menu at Seasons Café-Restaurant, host accommodation and our diverse range of exclusive masterclass wine tastings, as attractions. well as other unique opportunities to be

100 greater port macquarie focus.

announced in due course. ACTIVITIES HAPPENING IN MARCH 8 March International Women’s Day Breakfast, Port Macquarie Panthers. Help us celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women who have encouraged effective action in gender parity. 9 March The Festival of Small Halls, 6:30pm, Wauchope Arts Hall. The Festival of Small Halls is a series of tours that takes the best folk and contemporary acoustic artists and brings them to the regions. Wauchope is one of the chosen venues. www.festivalofsmall 13 March Brooks Port Macquarie Running Festival 2016. Come and be a part of the Port Macquarie Running Festival - there is an event here for everyone! www.portmacquarierunningfestival. 26 March Koala Hospital Open Day, 9am. Pay a visit to this special Annual Open Day - lots of fun for all. 1-2 April Blues and & BBQ Festival. BBQ teams from around Australia will again gather in Port Macquarie to battle it out for the Vic’s Meats 2016 Australian Barbecue. Don’t miss a great evening at one of the most iconic foreshores in Australia. Blues bands will hit the stage.

What are some of the innovative products you have in store? VIBROSLIM PLATFORM - oscillates from side to side, minimising stress on the joints & ligaments, causing vibrations to trigger muscles in your body to contract & relax rapidly. Boosts circulation; tones the body; improves core strength; eases fatigue. Superb after a long day on your feet or driving all day. ZEN INFRARED WELLNESS SAUNA - deeply penetrates the muscles & warms the joints, inducing profound sweating via gentle far infrared heat (not UV rays!). Perfectly safe, in fact your body naturally emits infrared heat - it’s used in hospitals to warm premature babies. No steam, simply plugs into a normal power point & is highly energy efficient. What are some of the health benefits? Ease of aches & pains; better sleep; improved circulation (excellent for diabetes, arthritis etc); deep detoxifying from sauna. SWEAT is our natural penultimate cleanser

greater port macquarie focus focus. 99


with Robyn Buttler




I would like to congratulate Leanne Johnson, the Director of Bravissimo Concert at the Glasshouse last month. It is an annual event that showcases the high achiever Higher School Certificate Music students ...


chool students came from as far afield as Wingham and Taree out to Armidale and Tamworth, up to Coffs Harbour and Murwillumbah, and of course included

schools from Kempsey and Port Macquarie. I felt so priviledged to be present at this concert and was blown away by the diverse talent of our up and coming musicians. It would

talented local performers. Performers include Sublime Chimes, Rhythm Revue, Sing Australia and Adam and the Antiques (yours truly is one of the “antiques”). Doors open at 9:45am; free morning tea from

take my whole column to rave about each

10am. Concert from 10:30 to noon.

individual performance, but Shae Leske from

Entry by ticket only; available at Panthers Club

Armidale High School playing the recorder took


my breath away. Her solo tenor recorder piece


had three movements, each taking you on a

1. Watching a show on television the other night

journey … You could have heard a pin drop …

and found it interesting to hear if you put alfoil

The other wonderful talent that really appealed to me was Chris Treeves singing Route 66, accompanied by his student mates from St Joseph’s Regional Jazz Ensemble in Port Macquarie, conducted by Sharon Green. Now

around the picking end of a banana, it will slow down the ripening process … Worth a try in this weather. 2. Organic weed killer - l litre of cheap vinegar

there is a young man you will see on stage in the

and l cup of white salt - mix well (takes a while).

not too distant future. Move over Michael Bublé!

Put in a spray bottle and presto, those weeds in

A magical concert, appreciated by the full house

cracks of pavement etc. disappear in a few days.


Also, bicarb and vinegar is excellent for spray and


wiping bench tops etc.


3. Happy 80th birthday this month to Mary

An “oldie” but a “goodie” - Lucky Starr has been everywhere and now will be coming to Port Macquarie to do a show at Bellevue Gardens Retirement Village. When Sunday 6th March; 3pm sharp. Where Bellevue Gardens Retirement Village,

McLaren, a lady who has contributed so much of her time and energy to the area with her involvement with Cancer Council, Daffodil Day, Biggest Morning Tea and who was Senior Australian of the Year in New South Wales some

1 Parker Street, Port Macquarie (off Hill St).

years ago. Mary has not been in the best of

Cost $30 per head, including tea/coffee and a

health of late, but is so looking forward to being

hot and cold supper. BYO Drinks (hic!)

an OBE (Over Bloody Eighty). Cheers, Mary, to a

Tickets Available at Bellevue Gardens reception,

happy and healthier year ahead.

or call 6584 1400. Not many tickets left. Hope to

4. Article ... pregnant pause ...

see you there!

My boss’ biggest nemesis is the English language.


During one meeting, I asked about the status of

PORT MACQUARIE When Thursday 31st March; 10am. I seem to be on a musical theme this month! Leslie Williams (Member for Port Macquarie)

a particular report. He replied: ”We aren’t going to prepare that report … It would be an exercise in fertility”.

is celebrating Seniors Week with a concert at

It would be funnier if he didn’t earn four times

Panthers for all the district’s “young at heart” but

more than I do ...

“mature” residents. This concert will be FREE and include a free 102 greater port macquarie focus.

Celebrating 10 years

morning tea organised by Hastings Combined Seniors, before you’re entertained by a host of

Happy Easter, everyone. Keep smiling!



ongratulations on successfully reaching the 10 year mark! When exactly did the club first form, and what is the objective of the club? The club was established on 27th March 2006. Fourteen prospective members met to establish the new Club for Port Macquarie/ Hastings region, to foster interest in older vehicles, but with a strong emphasis on associated social activities. At this first meeting a committee was formed and the Club Constitution and rules established. How will you be celebrating your 10th birthday? On Sunday 13th March, the club is hosting a barbecue for all members at John Downs Park from 8am. A special invitation has been extended to advertisers who have been loyal supporters of our monthly newsletter. Give us a bit of insight into some of the highlights over the past 10 years … From that initial meeting of 14, the club has maintained steady growth, with current membership being 85 with the collective ownership of 67 vehicles of all ages and makes. Most remain as members, and eight of the original committee are still actively involved in the club. The objectives established in 2006 remain valid today, with the retention of members and the addition of new members suggesting that the club is continuing to meet the needs of members. With new younger members joining and bringing new ideas, the club is being kept relevant and fresh. Tell us about some of the cars your members proudly own. What makes an “eligible” car? The oldest car is from 1924 and the newest from 1985. Makes include models such as sedans, roadsters, sports cars, convertibles and commercials manufactured by Buick, MG, Rover, Ford, Dodge, Austin, Triumph, Studebaker, Vale, Morris, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Jensen, Jaguar, Honda, Peugeot,

Chevrolet, Pontiac, Riley, Overland, RollsRoyce, Lincoln, deSoto, Chrysler, Hillman, Datsun, Audi, Nash, Holden. Any vehicle 30 years or older can join a car club and benefit from the reduced registration fee offered by the RMS through their “Historic Vehicle” registration scheme. It is not necessary to own an older vehicle to join a club, but an interest in the subject is sufficient. Modern cars can participate in club runs, but obviously use of club cars is encouraged. The last decade has seen some shift in participation from Veteran cars towards cars from the 1930s to the early 1980s. Younger members are drawn to those vehicles from their youth that they grew up with, so clubs around the country are seeing more “modern” cars joining. It’s not all about cars, but also getting out and being social. What are some of the activities the club undertakes? The Port Macquarie Antique & Classic Car Club has a monthly meeting on the second Wednesday at 7:30pm at The Bridge Association rooms, Hastings River Drive. This is part business, to keep members informed of coming activities and part social gathering. This is a good opportunity for prospective members who are very welcome to come along and see how the club operates and to meet fellow enthusiasts. A monthly Sunday run follows that meeting, with a mid-week run also scheduled each month. There are also other informal occasions such as coffee mornings. An annual “away” run is popular, with the most recent being a long weekend in Inverell for 22 members. How can those interested join the club? Give us a call, or look us up on the Port Macquarie Car Club website, or Facebook page. Contacts: Stan Prentice, President. Phone: 6582 2951. Gordon Finlay, Secretary. Phone: 6582 0240. Thanks Stan.



Maureen COOKE

BRIDGE Club Have you ever contemplated the mysteries of Bridge? The Port Macquarie Hastings Bridge Club will be holding classes at their Clubhouse on Hastings River Drive for everyone who would like to learn the game of bridge, with an open day on Monday 26th March starting at 9am and classes starting on Monday 18th April for eight weeks. The teacher will be Yvonne Cains, who has taught and played Bridge for many years. During the course of eight lessons, Yvonne gradually introduces the principles of the game through her comprehensive lessons and practice hands. Yvonne donates the fees raised from her classes to a charity of her choice. Supervised play commences on Fridays after the completion of lessons until you are ready to join in the regular duplicate sessions, which take place at the clubhouse every day except Sunday. The advantages of Bridge include: • Playing Bridge will keep you mentally alert in your latter years. • It is relatively inexpensive to play • You can play socially or competitively • Meet lots of new people For more details, contact Graham on 6584 3497, Yvonne on 6584 5766 or Freya on 6584 6765.

What an amazing lady!

the perfect stairlift solution With a tailor-made Acorn Stairlift, you can stay right where you are - keep your home, keep your freedom and retain your independence. At Acorn we want to make sure that you get the perfect stairlift solution for your needs. Our unique rail system means that we can fit an Acorn Stairlift to all types of staircase, and what’s more, we can do so within a matter of days, rather than weeks. A visit from one of our friendly surveyors will allow you to see what sets Acorn Stairlifts apart from any other stairlift company. After assessing your needs, our surveyor will instantly be able to give you the peace of mind of knowing exactly how affordable an Acorn Stairlift can be. Acorn has always been at the forefront of the stairlift industry. We have led the way with our design and innovation. Acorn will always strive to deliver our products with you, our customers, in mind. Acorn Stairlifts are the first stairlift manufacturer to be awarded the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease-of-Use Commendation.

Maureen is still working out five days a week at 86. I was fortunate to meet with Maureen on Tuesday to sit down and talk about her experience with Curves. Joining Curves 10 years ago, Maureen’s daily routine is to wake at 4:30am. Maureen started going to Curves three days a week, which quickly turned into five days a week. Maureen and six other ladies hit the machines for their workout routine at 6:00am. I asked Maureen about the exercise programme and what benefit she got from it. Maureen said it made her feel rejuvenated, energetic and healthier, both in mind and body. Maureen also said it was like a second home to her, where she gets to meet a diverse range of people - which is great, as it keeps her focused on what is happening both locally and around the world. After her workout, Maureen likes to have a healthy breakfast, while watching the Sunrise programme to get the latest news and weather. Maureen recommends ladies to join....

greater port macquarie focus. 103


Artists Impression


104 greater port macquarie focus.

OV E R 3 0 % A L R E A DY G O N E ! DON’T MISS OUT 50 - 52 William Street, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444

Location Shot

Location Shot

Artists Impression

Location Shot

Location Shot

Location Shot


C A L L 1 8 0 0 2 2 3 76 8 | greater port macquarie focus. 105



Wake up every morning to the best view in Port Macquarie. Close to the beach. Close to the CBD. Close to Café’s and restaurants. Easily accessible. Designated access apartments. Imagine spending your retirement in a relaxed environment with the luxury and prestige of Orion On The Beach.

Retirement Lifestyle

At its Best

here does the name Orion come from? This development is named after the prominent star constellation ‘Orion’, which shines bright in the night sky directly above the site. Tell us about the development? The Orion Development is one of the most exciting construction projects which Port Macquarie has seen in over a decade. This multi-million dollar development will certainly breathe some new life into the William Street and Town Beach neighbourhood. Its premium ground floor retail space will bring an element of fresh new choices into the western end of the strip. Activation of the sites three street frontages with individual buildings will transform the appeal of the location and offer a variety of apartment layouts and styles with unique views and outlook. Orion will deliver 1, 2 and 3 bedroom high quality apartment options, in three individual buildings, fronting William, Lord and Church Streets. The completed William Street complex, will offer outstanding north to north-easterly views to Point Plomer and across the South Pacific where the ocean literally meets the sky. These high quality yet very affordable apartments are set to include open plan living, high quality finishes and inclusions, restaurant and coffee shop, along with manicured grounds and other yet to be announced surprises. With a range of apartments to suit entry level 106 greater port macquarie focus.

budgets right through broadband network in Apartments to prestige living, the Australia. Making it easy n within “Orion - O development also to download movies, being The Beach” are comes under notice as surf the net, and stay in by ped up quickly ap sn being one of the most touch with family. relaxed those seeking a e unique real estate Many potential du le ty es co astal lif wn To offerings on the Mid purchasers have m iu em pr to its .” n. tio North Coast. ca commented that the lo h ac Be What are some of the construction timeframe benefits of owning an works well for them as it Orion apartment? allows sufficient time to sell Residents will be spoilt for choice their current property and purchase with two local beaches within 500 metres, their apartment at Orion on the Beach. a wide variety of retail shopping, quality The three buildings will be brought together restaurants, bars, cafes, multi-screen movie with a beautiful ‘Winter’ garden placed in the theatre and world-class cultural facilities are internal garden area of the complex. This space easily accessed on foot via scenic stroll along will be a relaxed peaceful area with water the South Breakwall as part of the Town Beach features and landscaped gardens. This will be precinct walking trail. an area where the residents can sit and enjoy Combining all of the modern features of this away from the hustle and bustle of the outside contemporary new development with the world. natural surrounds and local amenities sets How is the Orion development helping the Orion out on its own as the only development local community? of its type currently on offer. It ticks all the With a philosophy of ‘keeping it local’, the boxes of executive apartment lifestyle living, developers are excited and very determined on the beach. to include as many local tradespeople and In the first two weeks we have been suppliers as possible to service the delivery overwhelmed by the amazing response from of the project. Similarly, local specialist many locals who are wanting to downsize Nationwide Property Brokers, have been from their homes to a low maintenance engaged to co-ordinate and market the beachside lifestyle. Many other locals have development to the local and broader been looking at upgrading from their older marketplace. It is expected that more than 150 apartment complexes to the modern and direct and indirect local jobs will be created convenient apartments at Orion on the Beach. both during and post delivery of the project, The apartments will boast the latest with construction anticipated to commence in technology such as NBN internet access which the second half of 2016. will allow out residence to use the fastest The development site is already buzzing with

activity with the addition of a display and sales pod, where all facets of the development and pre-sales information can be viewed and discussed on location. Apartments within “Orion - On The Beach” are sure to be snapped up by those seeking a relaxed coastal lifestyle due to its premium Town Beach location. How can readers secure an apartment? Nationwide Property Brokers are currently take Expression Of Interest from prospective purchasers. With 30% of the apartments already taken, be sure to call today to secure an outstanding prestige retirement lifestyle. To learn more about Orion or make a sales enquiry please contact us on 1800 223 768 or email SNAPSHOT LOCATION • CBD shopping, bars, theatres 1km • Coffee/Café ground floor • Restaurant ground floor • Chef’s Hat Restaurant 300m • Bowling Club 300m • Walking Trail 50m • Town Beach (patrolled) 300m • Oxley Beach 500m • Rotary Park picnic area 25m • Breakwall walk 300m SNAPSHOT ORION APARTMENTS • Stunning Views • Premium Location • Superior Local Amenities • Offering of 1, 2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments • Open Plan • Modern Façade • Pricing to suit all needs

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council and the Australian Centre for Arts and Health present Festival Mascot OMA - The Creative Ageing Koala, sponsored by The Whiddon Group (Laurieton and Wingham), for the Hello Koalas Sculpture Trail.

CELEBRATE CREATIVE AGEING A festival of ideas, innovation, inspiration and imagination


festival highlights


Lost Images from Australia’s First Conflict. The Fall of German New Guinea


Glasshouse Regional Gallery Open Tuesday and Wednesday


what: This fun, relaxed one hour workshop is led by Ruth Allen, founder of the Port Macquarie Ukestra and the Conservatorium Ukulele Ensemble. No prior musical knowledge is needed.


Port Macquarie Library Tuesday 5 April 1pm or 2.30pm. Bookings telephone 6581 8755



Presented by Art Historian and guest speaker David de Giustino


5pm Monday 4 April. Free tickets Glasshouse Box Office or book online



During March, the whole Community are encouraged to read Lisa Genova’s bestselling novel “Still Alice” with 200 free copies of the book available from the Libraries. Come along to the free Big Book Club with an engaging panel and free supper.


Port Macquarie Library Tuesday 5 April 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Bookings telephone 6581 8755



The Big Chat will offer a day of presentations and workshops from guest speakers from Sydney, Canberra and Tasmania, to stimulate conversations about “Perceptions of Ageing” and how to age well. The National Gallery of Australia iPad Project will be demonstrated, showing how easy it is to draw and create images on an iPad. The ability of the humble “chook” to make life more enjoyable for older people will be revealed in an exploration of the successful UK arts and health program called “Hen Power”, which is being trialled in NSW by the Whiddon Group. And the work of United States educator and artist, Anne Basting, a world leader in drama and storytelling programs for people living with dementia, will be

1 Day Symposium







Watch some cracking short Australian films starring veteran Aussie actors. Features the premier of the local short documentary “Split seconds from the Sound of Music” a Uniting project starring cast members from the local community and Mingaletta.


Wednesday 6 April 11am to 12.30pm Ross Family Studio. Free tickets Glasshouse Box Office or book online



Developed in partnership with the Wales UK Creative Ageing Festival. Laurieton Men’s Shed and Birpai Men’s Group have made and embellished the happiest instrument in the world - the ukulele

where: Glasshouse Foyer open every day

Caption: “Finding Penelope”, a play inspired by a year of intergenerational conversations and staged at Luther Manor, with residents living with dementia in a long term care facility in Wisconsin, USA, created by Anne Basting.

explored with local case studies profiled, using her acclaimed Time Slips Creative Storytelling Project, which she founded in 1998. Plus we will explore a variety of ways to use creative activities, such as painting, music, singing, dancing, drama, storytelling, poetry and photography, to exercise the mind and the spirit. We promise that the arts activities discussed during the day are all easy to master at home, during a hospital stay or in an aged care facility.

Remember “Art is like chocolate for the brain” (Dr Gene Cohen). So join us for The Big Chat over a cuppa, chocolate biscuits and you are guaranteed a day which will be stimulating, enlightening and definitely good fun. Supported by Arts Mid North Coast. If Thursday 7 April 2016, 9.30am to 4.30pm. Tickets $39 Adults (includes lunch). Bookings from the Glasshouse Box Office or book online



Many of us would probably go to a lot more plays, shows, concerts, exhibitions or other events if we had someone to go with. There’s a thriving social arts scene out there to be enjoyed - that’s where Cultural Companions comes in. Free to join and creates a local network of people interested in arts and culture to meet up and go out together as part of a small group. Cultural Companions shows during the Festival include a

choice of “The Divine Miss Bette”; “Legends of Rock”; Art after Hours; One Book, one Community; Young at Heart Short Film Fest; and Free Friday lunchtime concerts. If this sounds like something you might like to join, contact Council’s Volunteer Coordinator on telephone 6581 8111 for more information or visit

FOR A FULL COPY OF THE FESTIVAL PROGRAM, MORE DETAILS OR TO JOIN CULTURAL COMPANIONS, CONTACT PORT MACQUARIE-HASTINGS COUNCIL ON 6581 8111 OR VISIT WWW.PMHC.NSW.GOV.AU/SENIORS. For more information about the Australian Centre for Arts and Health, visit greater port macquarie focus. 99

partnering for success

How has partnering with PDD changed your business? Wiggly Tail Pork Shop & Butchery is our business which has taken a lot of blood, sweat & tears to turn into a three shop enterprise which prides itself on quality, service and a very strong local produce focus. Our business & personal tax had been with the same accounting firm for about 17 years and we thought it was normal to basically only see your accountant at tax time or if we needed to ask a specific question. We started to think about how we would be situated 5 years from now if we decided to sell the business, believing that our current accounting firm would have us on the best track even though they had never really discussed this with us in any depth to find out what we had in mind about our retirement. Then we heard the PDD Advisory Group radio commercials and thought we should have a talk with them just to make sure we were on the right track. This is when we met Andrew and Josh, they were fantastic, on our first appointment they asked us about our business and our future plans as far as

retirement was concerned and within a couple of weeks we had a second meeting and they laid out a plan that would have us reach our goals for retirement within the next few years. We see ourselves as business partners with PDD Advisory Group working on a tax effective plan to have us in the best possible position for transition into retirement. Andrew and Josh have been very easy to talk to, and are very prompt to get back to us with any queries we may have or to make suggestions on how we can do things even better. We would highly recommend PDD Advisory Group to anyone that is in business who would like to partner for success with a firm that is cutting edge and will keep your goals at the forefront of their planning for a tax effective retirement plan customised just for you. Kerry & Christine Buttsworth Owners – Wiggly Tail Pork Shop & Butchery Laurieton, Lakewood & the Growers Market Complex Port Macquarie

Andrew Dargan

Joshua Hamblin

I was born in Sydney, moved with my parents

We were also attracted to the Port Macquarie

I was born and completed my schooling in Armidale

Group could not be turned down.

to a farm at Upper Lansdowne in 1976, near

area mainly because of its fast growing economy

before moving to Sydney to complete university at

I have the full house, a beautiful wife, twin 4 year old

Comboyne & went to school in Taree. Moved

and myriad of opportunities.

UNSW and a Master’s degree at UTS.

boys followed by their 2 year old brother, a dog &

back to Sydney in 1986 after completing my

When I can I enjoy the beach, biking, gardening

After leaving university I worked for John Fairfax

6 chickens.


swimming and snow skiing.

Holdings for 4years, managing the investment of

When I have time I really enjoy the beach, both

I started working in a medium sized Chartered

I have nearly 30 years experience in Chartered

their advertising revenue, interest rate and foreign

codes of Rugby & ocean paddling. With over 16

Accounting firm in Sydney CBD whilst studying

Accounting, working mainly with small to

exchange exposures.

years of banking and financial services experience

part time.

medium sized businesses on tax, accounting

I then headed to the UK and worked in London for

& spending time in major cities, I am enjoying

I finished my study and became a Chartered

and business services matters. As well as having

4 years with Barclays and Lloyds TSB in debt capital

building relationships with our PDD clients in our

Accountant in 1999 and made Partner in a small

client’s in the local area, technology has allowed

markets. I met my wife Tasha in Paris at an Australian

Laurieton & Port Macquarie offices.

North Sydney firm Foster Raff and in 2002 I met

me to continue to service clients in major cities

rugby match and then went straight to an Irish pub

“Most people are so busy working and living day

Katherine my wife, who also grew up in the Taree

such as Brisbane & Sydney.

and the rest as they say is history.

to day they rarely take the time to step back to

area in 1996, and have now been married for 16

“You need to take the time to understand

I returned to Sydney with Lloyds TSB then

look at their financial situation. When we give

years. We moved to Port Macquarie in 2003,

what your client wants to do in the future, so

our clients this time to sit with a professional

and we have 3 boys & a dog.

you can structure their affairs accordingly, this

established my own financial planning business.

We always wanted to bring up our children in

helps to ensure a succession plan that works

I moved to Port Macquarie in 2013 for all of the

and evaluate their current situation together, we

a regional area, as it’s so much easier to move

and a smooth transition to the next stage of

regional reasons most of us have come here, it’s

uncover a world of simple opportunities that will

around, and you get a far more relaxed lifestyle.


a perfect place to bring up a young family & the

have a major financial benefit to them in the years

opportunity to work in a business like PDD Advisory

to come”

Port Macquarie | Laurieton | Wauchope | Sydney phone (02) 6584 2177 web greater port macquarie focus. 93


Hadyn Oriti with the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce





o, I was interested to read a recent article by demographer Bernard Salt, who said that hard times can help to galvanise and reinvent a city. He suggested that what regional towns need to recover from those hard times and succeed includes a diverse economic base, which is fundamental, but also other things such as a university campus, a base for government departments, critical mass in population and a range of lifestyle and housing options. He made observations about the important role of diversity to provide interest, and a community enhanced by young people as well as those a little older. He noted that young people deliver energy, hope, reflection and taxation to regional cities, but that the presence of a retirement cohort provides a degree of strength. Importantly, leadership in his view is critical, together with local entrepreneurs and professionals who have faith in local governance have a role to play. So is infrastructure. So when I apply his views to our situation, I am confident the future of Port Macquarie is assured. It gives me some certainty that despite all that is happening in the world, we are on the right track. We have a large hole in our demographic base between the ages of 18 and 30. It will be filled over the next 5 - 10 years as Charles Sturt University hits its straps. It intends to be the flagship CSU campus for foreign students. So Port Macquarie will become a more interesting and exciting place to be, as CSU welcomes local and foreign students to this area. It will add diversity to our cultural life. Growing communities need places to live, work and enjoy the great Australian way of life. The

Right from the initial meeting Greg was professional, knowledgeable and approachable. Having not sold a house before, I was nervous and full of questions. Greg continually took time out to explain the process with me and kept me informed during the selling process. I always felt comfortable leaving my T.Kinnear. home in the care of Greg and Kim.

Ask Greg


Greg Trembath answers your real estate questions.

I’m getting organised to move into a retirement unit and want to put my home on the market soon. I’ve read that the market

of urgency; however it’s still a great time to be a seller. If it helps provide peace of mind, we recently had the great pleasure of helping a lady by the

in Sydney has gone backwards

name of Shirley, who was moving to

from where it was. What’s

be close to her daughter. She had

the market doing in Port recent Infrastructure Australia report notes growth places pressure on existing infrastructure networks. In Port Macquarie, the Council has undertaken an infrastructure gap analysis that clearly identified there are gaps in our road infrastructure. One obvious gap I have spoken and written about is the need for an orbital road linking Ocean Drive to the airport, together with the precincts south of Lake Road and Oxley Highway. What we as a Chamber of Commerce seek to do, armed with this knowledge, is to assist our leaders work out our priorities for economic development. There are several components to the economic engine room of Port Macquarie. Some important ones are dealing with inadequate road infrastructure. They include the industrial area, the base hospital and medical precinct, the education precinct around the CSU campus site and the airport. All of our local representatives should now focus on ensuring that our transport infrastructure includes a bypass to avoid the sclerotic Lake Road and a flood free link to the airport. There are many wonderful things about Port Macquarie, and we celebrate them. And whilst I am very comfortable that our leaders are aware of these issues, I would not be fulfilling my role if the local chamber did not from time to time give them a little reminder. We need our Council, State and Federal Member to work together to ensure that we do all we can to seize the opportunity presented by the sale of poles and wires and invest in infrastructure that will have long term economic and social benefit. Join with the Chamber and let our representatives know that the one big thing that they could do for Port Macquarie economically is get the funds to build that orbital road.

Macquarie? Margaret. A. Margaret, you’ve come to the right person. We regularly work with people making the move into retirement living or relocating to be closer to family. The number of properties our

been living in the home she

se in The increaulted s res supply ha at less w in some h n and not competitio me sense a quite the s ; however, y c n e of urg at time to it’s still a gre be a seller.

built on Transit Hill for 47 years; what a privilege it was to meet her and to help make it a smooth transition for Shirley and her family. We completed the sale of her home within her preferred timeframe and achieved the price she wanted, with

agency has available for sale at

absolutely no stress.

the moment is low, which means we have more interested buyers than

We’d be very happy to appraise your

properties available to show them.

property and offer you the same personal service

New property listings this year have been steadily

and great outcome.

increasing, and based on Domain industry data,

Answers are general comment and readers should

the number of properties available for purchase

always seek their own independent professional

in Port Macquarie is up by about 12% compared


to last year.

Greg Trembath is Principal Licensee at Greg

The increase in supply has resulted in somewhat

Trembath Real Estate Licensed Real Estate

less competition and not quite the same sense

Agent - Licensed Auctioneer.

gregtremb th REAL ESTATE

greater port macquarie focus. 109


property guide

110 greater port macquarie focus.


The Architecturally designed and built to perfecting standards, March FOCUS Home of the Month is on the market and won’t last long! This prestigious

waterfront lifestyle property is offered for sale by Greg Trembath Real Estate, with an asking price of $995,000.00. Chrissy Jones had the privilege to view No. 13 Cove Place, which is located close to the heart of Port Macquarie, with the beautiful Hastings River at its back door.

alking paths lead to nearby parks, reserves and beaches; all are waiting for you to explore at your leisure. Being close to cafés, restaurants, and Settlement City, the home has easy access via the weir; this is the best of waterfront living without compromise. A thoroughly modern, level living home has been created by the combination of the talents of Robert Snow Architect and national award-winning Master Builder Brandon Calder Homes. Set to impress the most fastidious homeowner, the home boasts high ceilings, clean lines, quality inclusions, its own jetty (as an option) and a wide panoramic view of the waterway from this exclusive idyllic location. The home is elegant, light and stylish, with high level finishes and fastidious attention to detail.

ENTRANCE Found in a quiet cul-de-sac on a private road, the three bedroom home has a modern exterior comprising an eyecatching blend of brickwork, Newport Hector Patina timber cladding and James Hardie Sycon wall panelling. Entry is via the exposed aggregate drive flanked by landscaped gardens and a private, timber-slatted and flat-panelled courtyard to the tiled front portico. A tall, wide timber door with tinted horizontal glass panels forms an elegant entrance, which opens into the tiled foyer and hallway and leads to the rest of the home. An addition off the hallway is an alcove which doubles as a home office/study space. It has a wall-mounted desk, cabinetry above with downlighting over the desk area, clerestory window above, plus all the connections needed for internet connection and the home office.

❆ ❆ ❆


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N.S.W. REG No. 8969

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BUILDING OR RENOVATING ? With experience and local knowledge of

consultants, contractors and approval pathways, remove the stress of co-ordinating and managing the process by contacting Rob

for an obligation free consultation, to coordinate and manage as much or as little as required, from concept, to detailed design,

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greater port macquarie focus. 111


GUEST BEDROOM SUITE LAUNDRY Left of entry is the guest accommodation. Conveniently located in the middle of the Beautifully appointed, it is a home-awayhome, the laundry follows a functional design, from-home for visitors. They will be pampered with purpose-built cabinetry both above and during their stay with an ensuite bathroom below the bench top that houses the stainless comprising shower, wall hung vanity and WC, steel laundry tub. A double-doored linen plush carpeting underfoot in the bedroom cupboard adds extra storage space, and area from Cullens Carpet One, easy access to the outdoor drying ceiling fan overhead, and an area is provided through a opaque glass-fronted builtglass sliding door. in robe. Private access KITCHEN, DINING, or Light grey flo through glass sliding LOUNGE ue in tiles cont e on doors to the northern Unimpeded on ng to the ceili e th se courtyard adds a waterway views are ca en d wall an ed ap sh r private relaxation space la readily available from gu an rect sa ha so al at for guests to enjoy. th all corners of the , th ba fitted BEDROOM ONE & open plan living area. rope shower rose one en and a glass scre FAMILY BATHROOM Comprising kitchen, end. � Generous in size, the dining and lounge, bedroom is fully carpeted, the living area opens out has a opaque glass-fronted through two sets of glass built-in robe, three panelled sliding doors to the outdoor window allowing in plenty of natural light, alfresco area. Entertaining has never ceiling fan and down-lighting. been easier, and there is no better spot to Alongside is the family bathroom. Light sit back, relax and take in the peacefulness of grey floor tiles continue to the ceiling on one the waterway. wall and encase the rectangular shaped bath, The kitchen is fitted out with an array of that also has a rope shower rose fitted and a quality Smeg appliances, including hotplate, glass screen one end. oven, range-hood and dishwasher. A Feature wall tiles, with white wall tiles to the contemporary L-shaped cabinet layout allows remaining walls have been supplied by Tiles for the incorporation of appliances, as well as With Style Your ColorTile Store. plenty of food preparation space for the home


112 greater port macquarie focus.


Under bench cabinets and ntrasting drawers are a co both white and are on nd . sides of the isla w ine al Elegant vertic st , as re te in rack s add zed on br e re th do the ed ac pendant lights pl � . over the island

“ cook to create their culinary masterpieces. Adding to the already ample storage is the double-doored pantry cupboard. A square set island bench is the kitchen’s centrepiece, having an off-white stone top and light brown laminate sides. Under bench cabinets and drawers are a contrasting white and are on both sides of the island. Elegant vertical wine racks add interest, as do the three bronzed pendant lights placed over the island. Easily doubling as a breakfast bar, the island

sections the kitchen from the dining area. The adjoining dining/lounge takes full advantage of the available waterway breezes and views through glass sliding doors from Mid Coast Windows. A raked ceiling line over the kitchen and dining room is drenched in indirect (limited glare) light from clerestory windows placed above

the ceiling line of the adjacent lounge area. These windows facilitate airflow into the house, as well as providing an efficient escape route for rising hot air (stack ventilation). The living room has a lower ceiling height, giving it a more intermit feeling, which provides a point of difference between the spaces. The home allows a seamless transition,

through expansive sliding doors, between the open-plan living area and the outdoor, which allows one to capitalise on the beautiful Port Macquarie climate. The combination of sliding doors, clerestory windows and louvres allow flexibility in climatic control, to capture the different cooling breezes, inviting the outside in. or during inclement weather, shutting the weather out, resulting in a more comfortable living experience.

greater port macquarie focus. 113


It would be easy e to while away th er m m hours on a su esco afternoon in alfr g in ok lo er ov rt comfo (jetty y tt je e at iv pr one’s .” a) tr ex l is an optiona

“ OUTDOOR ALFRESCO This modern outdoor tiled patio perfectly transitions into its surrounds, with imposing Merbau timber posts and a timber slatted screen to provide solar shading from the harsh west sun. It would be easy to while away the hours on a summer afternoon in alfresco comfort overlooking one’s private jetty (jetty is an optional extra). An exposed aggregate pathway wraps

114 greater port macquarie focus.

around the home on both sides, giving access to the front courtyard one side and the garage the other. Allowance has been made for bins, water tank, wash line and air-conditioning, all tucked away, out of sight.

MASTER BEDROOM SUITE This incorporates a spacious main bedroom, expansive en-suite and walk-in robe. The master bedroom has the flexibility, via double cavity sliders, to open up to the living room and water views, which van be closed

when privacy is required. The master suite is luxurious, having plush carpeting underfoot, ceiling fan and louvre-screened windows for direction of breezes. The en-suite has twin above-bench hand basins in a wall-hung double vanity with mirror cabinet above, dual double towel rails and wall hung tapware, a wing wall concealing the WC, a glass-screened shower cubicle with smarttile, stainless steel rope shower and a tiled


wall recess. The sophisticated walk-in robe has been carefully designed with individual hanging and shelving space for him and her. The carpeted horseshoe-shaped robe has a skylight to facilitate natural light and boasts a separate shoe and hat storage unit. Additional features of the home include air conditioning, 1.5 kW photovoltaics, rainwater tank, Colorbond fencing, double parking with internal access (disabled access compliant) from the garage that is fitted with an auto-panel lift door, and tiled flooring throughout the generous open plan living space, which flows onto the outdoor alfresco. Throughout the home, attention to

This home ing demands a view rs ne w eo m from future ho xed, who desire a rela ith w le ty es lif carefree in g in liv t on fr water the to ity im ox pr e clos Port es iti en fantastic am fer.” of to s ha ie Macquar

detail, aesthetics and comfort has been paramount. This home demands a viewing from future homeowners who desire a relaxed, carefree lifestyle with waterfront living in close proximity to the fantastic amenities Port Macquarie has to offer. FROM THE SELLING AGENT - GREG TREMBATH REAL ESTATE The moment I saw Robert Snow Architect’s design, I immediately imagined how

special this home was going to be. Rob’s architectural expertise shines. The way he captures the essential elements, and maximises the natural light and natural air flow really add to the comfort and liveability. The use of tall windows and doors blends perfectly with the high ceilings, enhancing the inviting interior and delivering the ideal living envi-

ronment. The home is future proofed, with power and water provided on the canal side to allow for a boat pontoon and or a boat ramp, if required. Having the privilege to market a waterfront property with this level of appeal is incredibly exciting; it is a home well worth inspecting. Phone Greg Trembath on 0412 001 944.

greater port macquarie focus. 115


FROM THE ARCHITECT - ROBERT SNOW The brief for this home was to design a modern open-plan, single level home with broad appeal. Attention to detail was a cornerstone of the brief, and the astute visitor will appreciate the resolution of the many details which make up this home. The site is within walking distance of the town centre, has wonderful views of water, easy walk across waterway to nearby restaurants, coffee shops and shopping (Settlement City) off a private quiet road to the north. As a friend said to me, ”What is there not to like?” The brief for this home called for: • Single level, contemporary, environmentally sound design, with broad appeal. • The design had to maximise the features of the site, such as views of the water, north - south orientation, level ground and quiet location. • The home had to tick all the environmental boxes: photovoltaics, solar hot water etc. good daylighting, cross and stack ventilation, maximise thermal mass potential.

116 greater port macquarie focus.

• Functional living, creating dual use spaces, such as the study alcove off the hallway. • Flexible open plan living including seamless transition from the master bedroom to living room/water views and a fluid indoor/outdoor relationship. • High level finishes and neutral colours to provide clean palate which is easy to furnish. • Improved accessibility to The home had aid ambulant disabled to tick all the access. boxes: environmental lar so Although the home is photovoltaics, od go c. not (strictly speaking) dishot water et s abled compliant, it has daylighting, cros n, tio ila nt ve k ac been designed to provide and st al mass m er th e is im ax an enhanced level of m potential. ” disabled access, providing compliant grades through the garage into the home with wider than normal doors from the garage, to the master bedroom and key spaces such as the laundry. All the bathrooms, laundry etc. have flush thresholds to be pram and wheelchair friendly.




knowledge of the development and sales history of this

and generated a career now spanning almost seven

waterfront region has provided Di the opportunity to give

years. Property sales proved to be a highly successful and

both purchaser and vendor insight into lifestyle benefits

positive direction to take, with Di being recognised within

and the pricing capacity of the waterfront zones many

the industry as an elite achiever and top performer within

agents do not share.

her first three years.

“A true passion for all aspects of real estate and property

Di continues to create outstanding results and is

marketing has given me the opportunity to sell property

consistently acknowledged for her “highest average sales price”* and ranking in the top five sales consultants*

from first homes or investments to the prestige property in

within the Port Macquarie region.

Achieving $1.65 million for a spectacular waterfront

Di delights in achieving great results for others to

property and achieving multiple sales in a slightly lower

aspire to, and testimony from buyers and sellers to

price point for other prestige waterfront and Lighthouse

Di’s achievements can be viewed on the accredited

Beach homes has been a highlight of Di’s career to date. website.

The key to Di’s success is always working hard, always

Having sold property across wider Port Macquarie, Di has

being available and accessible and working with both

a particularly notable sales record of 85 sales in the North

parties to achieve the best possible result through her

Harbour/Settlement Point precinct alone! An intimate

professional approach and excellent negotiation skills.

which I specialise in” says Di


“Wow! You are absolutely fabulous! It has been a wonderful experience working with you to secure this result. At all times you showed care and respect…Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” - Adrian (Nic) and Wendy (Vendors)

Di Calder Mobile. 0412 654 646 Email. 106 William Street, Port Macquarie Phone 02 6583 8606 Home to Port Macquarie’s most reviewed & top ranking agents *



Estelle Gough from Port Macquarie Landcare




118 greater port macquarie focus.

n summers gone by, its festive red and yellow bells decorated the Christmas Bells Plain near Port Macquarie, but lately it has become elusive. According to Professor Graham Pyke (UTS Sydney), it really does seem to be declining, even though our area is a “Christmas Bells hotspot”. This summer he could not find any Christmas Bell plants on the Plain, which no longer offers the habitat they like. As with many Australian species, loss of habitat is a threat to the Bells. Another threat is altered fire regimes, because fire is significant in the ecology of our bushland. Fire management is now more about hazard reduction, and less about conservation (such as conserving Christmas Bells). Importantly, the frequency of fire is now lower than when our flora and fauna evolved. Charcoal records show fire frequency rose when people first came to this continent, then decreased when European settlers arrived. Professor Pyke confirmed that the peak flowering of Christmas Bells is one year after their habitat has been burned. Flowering then declines as the years go by. But more research is needed to explain why. Possible factors include temperatures and rainfall, reduced vegetation cover, or changes in soil chemistry. We need to know more about the Christmas Bell and how it interacts with the landscape, the climate, and other life forms. Animals are vital to its survival because they pollinate the flowers, leading to seed production. Most

often seen is the White-cheeked Honeyeater, which pollinates the Bells as it gathers their nectar. Each Christmas Bell plant attracts pollinators by making lots of nectar, then replacing what they take as long as flowering continues. But the more nectar these plants give away, the fewer seeds they produce. So having a fairly large, mobile pollinator may confer advantages, but it also comes at a cost. Professor Pyke has discovered that nectar is so precious to these plants that they actually respond and cut nectar production, when caterpillars destroy female parts of a flower. Some pieces of the Christmas Bells puzzle are coming together now, through study of the plant’s ecology and the influence of fire and soil nutrients. This can this help us to save Bells in the wild, giving our children a chance to enjoy them as we have. Meanwhile Christmas Bells have a bright future as “cut flowers”, grown for sale. Already they are successfully grown in both outdoor and shadehouse settings in Port Macquarie. Growers and researchers are working closely together, with more experimental work to come. Like many local people, Landcarers want to see Christmas Bells given every chance to survive. Without active conservation we may lose this species, one of the most beautiful native flowers. Its loss would affect all of the complex web of life that is the natural world - and that includes us. Christmas Bells in the bush should be part of every Christmas Future. Contributed by Julie Ho.

greater port macquarie focus. 119


2016 does not appear to be slowing down for Port Macquarie real estate with plenty of buyers snapping up properties in all price categories.


ince the start of the year there seems to be even more out-of-towners in the marketplace wanting to purchase. Our figures are now showing more than 40 per cent of properties being purchased are by non-locals. These buyers are purchasing for various reasons and they include: pure investment, moving here to retire, and renting out the property for a number of years before moving here full time. In contrast, there appears to be only minimal first home buyers in the market place with data backing up this observation. One area in Port Macquarie that is getting good attention from buyers is Clifton. As I noted in my last column this area was one of the big improvers in 2015 and it appears the momentum is continuing. Based on my calculations there are only 10 properties on the market in Clifton which represents just 1.3 per cent of the total properties available. Clifton property owners appear to know they are on a good thing and are holding on to their property. There are some homes in this area that are due for an update and as this happens over time the area will only become more popular and increase further in value.

120 greater port macquarie focus.

As you may be aware, Federal Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten, has come out proposing reform on ‘negative gearing’ if elected to government. From what I have read he is suggesting ‘negative gearing’ should only be available on ‘new properties’. Currently 90 per cent of investors buy existing homes rather than new properties. He claims this will cause property prices to fall and make them more affordable for all. I am sure home owners (especially those who want to sell after retiring) will be pleased to know we have a potential Prime Minister saying on my watch the value of your home will fall! What Mr Shorten needs to remember is that the more investors out there the more ‘stamp duty’ is collected, hence more revenue for the states. Something else to remember is that investors pay ‘capital gains’ tax as well which is even more dollars for governments to supply crucial services for everybody. If he does get the job – I hope he has done his numbers. Until next month. Sources: and NSW Fair Trading This article has been prepared in good faith with due care by David Plews. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy of information contained in this article and readers should make and rely on their own enquiries as to the correctness of such information.


THE RESIDENCE Everything is just a minute or two from your front door. Take an easy stroll to your choice of popular cafés and restaurants; to shops, cinemas and entertainment venues. Wander across to Town Beach or Town Green.


n the modern world, CBD living is fast becoming the preferred option for so many active locals. No longer the unattainable dream, it is swiftly emerging as an exciting lifestyle opportunity; a personal reward for triumphant completion of those proverbial “hard yards”. In early March, construction is due to commence on Port Macquarie’s newest luxury CBD apartment building and although it seems hard to believe, ‘The Residence’ will represent Port’s first significant downtown residential project for almost ten years; an exclusive symbol of today’s changing mindset. Located on the northern side of cosmopolitan Clarence Street, near the recently upgraded Murray Street intersection and just a stone’s throw from The Glasshouse, the building will accommodate several trendy cafés and eateries on street level, with twenty state-of-the-art apartments above. Each and every home will be accessed by direct elevator to its own private lobby, whilst expansive air conditioned interiors will be finished to the very highest designer standards. Gourmet stone kitchens will impress with their

premium-quality European appliances, some will offer integrated coffee machines and even more sophisticated equipment. Each apartment will boast three sizable bedrooms plus a separate study In today’s area. Bathrooms and ensuites busy world , will incorporate only the the convenience is finest contemporary fixtures ly ul yf jo ch hi w key and fittings, just as the lightand , le ty unlock s lifes so many discerning home filled living spaces will flow, e bl la ai av lifestyle is buyers, this outstanding smoothly and easily, out to in spades , at ‘The project will have so much broad entertaining terraces, Residence’” to offer, and to introduce it front and rear. to the market the developers ‘The Residence’ is designed to have selected Todd and Greg reflect the absolute pinnacle of good Bates, together with the team at taste, sublime comfort and enduring style. McGrath Port Macquarie. In today’s busy world, convenience is the key Locally, the McGrath name has become which joyfully unlocks lifestyle, and lifestyle is synonymous with successful marketing of available in spades at ‘The Residence’. On the panoramic rooftop, where breathtaking views will quality projects, from luxury beachfront or CBD sweep across Port Macquarie’s scenic waterways apartments to prime residential land releases. and capture the vibrancy of its bustling business Recognised for integrity, service and superior district, a crystal swimming pool will sparkle in results, the brand remains the most trusted name the sunshine, as community areas with shared in Australian real estate. barbecue facilities provide a social hub for lucky Of course it’s early days for ‘The Residence’, residents. but homes are already on the market for sale. Destined to become the preferred address for The enquiry level is substantial and growing every

day so McGrath fully expect that most, if not all, are destined to be sold “off the plan”. It goes without saying therefore, that early buyers will enjoy a wider selection from this premium range of stunning apartments. To find out more; to view floor plans, designs, artists’ renders, apartment inclusions and concepts, call Todd Bates, on 0420 318 305, Greg Bates, on 0418 112 025 or the office number, 6589 3777. Arrange a time to visit McGrath’s Gordon Street offices and to learn more about Port Macquarie’s newest luxury CBD development; ‘The Residence’ on Clarence Street, where everything is just a minute or two from your front door. Roger Bates is a freelance copywriter

greater port macquarie focus. 121


Business Minds with Jane Hillsdon of Dragonfly Marketing




itch, can you tell us a little about what you do and about your business, Joyce Constructions? I’m the owner, director and creator of Joyce Constructions. We work on a wide range of construction projects that consist of residential, commercial and industrial developments and can be anything from minor renovations to multi-million dollar builds. I’ve been working in the building industry since I was 18 years old and have certainly learnt a lot along the way. My job now is to work with our clients to ensure they get the desired results that they set out to achieve, with minimal work on their behalf. We control the construction project from design to handover. At the age of 20, you defied the odds by learning to walk again after suffering a severe spinal injury. How did this lifechanging event manage to shape the person you have become today and your overall approach to life? Sport has always been a huge part of my life from an early age. When I was young, I reached high level representative teams in multiple sports and was certain that sport would play an important, if not major role in the rest of my life. At the time of my accident, I was an apprentice and was like most 20 year olds. I liked to have fun and party, and I lived life with a rather carefree attitude. At that point I didn’t really have any inspiration or motivation to run my own construction business. Nor had it even really entered my mind that I may be able to achieve such a

thing. growth over the past decade. Do you feel After the accident, I was told by doctors that we have experienced this industry that I would never walk again. It took a great growth locally and if so, how have you deal of motivation and determination to get managed to capitalise on this growth at my life back to some degree of normality. a local level? It took months of rehabilitation and Yes definitely! Port Macquarie is one of the physiotherapy to regain the ability to stand fastest growing towns in New South Wales. or function independently or to complete the We are a local company, and we strive most basic tasks. After a great deal of work, I to maintain positive word of mouth within started to walk again. the local community about our I then realised that if I could reputation for quality. We let walk again (after being our work speak for itself. I told it was impossible) think too, as the owner al that literally anything is I get great person of the company and satisfaction possible. The accident having been born home from creating a showed me how easy and bred in Port y) and jo (people’s pride things can change and Macquarie, it gives our at th and in knowing ith how short life really clients confidence that w their experience tive could be. we will do the right si po a us has been Along the road to thing by them. one.” recovery, I met lots of When it comes to your inspiring people who competitors, what do were worse off than me you think keeps Joyce yet demonstrated an amazingly Construction ahead of the positive attitude. I’m now a big believer pack? that if you want something bad enough, I think the fact that we are a local you’ll make it happen. builder and that we hold close relationships In your mind, you never even with our clients are the main factors contemplated the fact that you would that have helped us set ourselves apart. never walk again. How has this resilient This is particularly true when it comes to and positive mindset helped you also differentiating us from larger companies that build a successful business? have no real local ties to our local community. It all comes down to how much you want I have the responsibility of upholding not only something and what you’re willing to do to my name, but my family’s name in the public get it. eye. This I take very seriously, and I work very My rehabilitation and regaining the ability hard to maintain the integrity of the business. to walk took a huge effort and sustained We also pride ourselves on providing determination - you only get out what you quality craftsmanship and materials, meeting put in. Business is exactly the same. budgets and timeframes, being flexible and As a whole, the Australian construction catering to our clients’ needs and using local industry has experienced fairly consistent sub-contractors.

What is the most rewarding part about your role within your business? Definitely the end product. I find it very satisfying being able to bring people’s designs and visions to life. I love watching projects develop from concept and design stage to the completed construction. I also really value working with my highly skilled and qualified team, who are dedicated and professional in their operations. I get great personal satisfaction from creating a home (people’s pride and joy) and in knowing that their experience with us has been a positive one. What would you class as your biggest achievement in business to date? Our biggest achievement to date would have to be securing the Clarence House project that we are currently working on. This is a multi-million dollar commercial project situated on the corner of Clarence and Murray street and when complete, will provide a vibrant extension to our town centre. What do you wish someone would have told you before embarking on your journey as a business owner? Just how many hours that you need to put in in order to have a successful business ha ha! And finally, if you could invite any three business people to lunch, who would they be and why would you invite them? I would invite the Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Allan Joyce the Chief Executive Officer of Qantas, just to see if they do the Joyce name proud! I would also invite Dick Smith. He is a selfless and genuine Australian who supports local communities and Australian farmers. Thanks for your time, Mitch! greater port macquarie focus. 122








DU us h ow! TY



TOORAK 4-6 Toorak Court, Port Macquarie Brand new apartments to invest or live in positioned adjacent to new and upgraded infrastructure: •

Port Macquarie Base Hospital precinct

University of NSW Medical Training School

Newcastle University Satellite Campus

Charles Sturt University Campus

2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single garage or carport

Galley style kitchen, alfresco courtyard or balcony

From $349,950

2 Bed

2 Bath

1 Car

Artists Impressions


BERMUDA BREEZE 2-10 Cathie Road, Port Macquarie


Fantastic low maintenance lifestyle or solid investment property in highly sought after locale •

Positioned only 900 metres to the beach

650 metres short walk to shopping village

Three bedrooms, two car spaces, 2.5 bathrooms

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Ducted air conditioning, stone benchtops

Choice of timber flooring or modern tiling

Stage 1 Sold Out, Only 2 left in Stage 2, Act Now

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Located in a small block of 8 low maintenance units

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FOR MORE INFORMATION 1800 223 768 web. email.

greater port macquarie focus. 99

100 greater port macquarie focus.

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