Greater Port Macquarie Focus i172

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Samantha Barlow

March 2020/ 2020///issue /issue 172

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ADDRESS 4/74 Clarence St, Port Macquarie POSTAL PO Box 690, Port Macquarie PHONE 02 6584 7433 focus.mag



SALES MANAGER Louise Beaumont





SALES SUPPORT Claire Dunkley

Welcome to the March issue of Greater Port Macquarie FOCUS.







COPY EDITING Rite ‘n’ Rong Media Services

TRAVEL EDITOR Susie Boswell Comments and opinions of our contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of the Publishers. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders. Information appearing in Focus is believed to be correct at the time of printing, however no liability will be held for inaccurate information approved or supplied by advertisers or contributors. While all care is taken it is recommended that readers confirm material including advice with individual businesses and industry professionals. Articles marked as 'Interview or Contributor' are non-sponsored content. Greater Port Macquarie Focus is published by Creative House Publications PTY LTD ABN: 62128786005. Material in Focus is Copyright © Creative House Publications PTY LTD 2005-2019 and may not be reproduced whole or in part, in any form, without permission of the Publisher. All rights reserved. FOCUS paper is FFC and PEFC certified and meets with ISO14001 accreditation. FOCUS delivery bags can be REDcycled at your local Coles Supermarkets and the paper through normal recycling methods.

elebrating women is the theme for International Women’s Day this year, and we’ve rounded up our locals to promote themselves in our annual 'Women in Business' feature. From page 44 onward you can meet new businesses, established businesses, unique businesses and some of the powerhouse women from our local community. We’ve interviewed an array of these talented women, including Janette Hyde, who wears many hats; Susan Rupert, Director of mbc Recruitment; and Wendy Skimmings from Linked Community


Alistair Flower, of Flower Hotels, as a regular FOCUS contributor. Alistair is a well known businessman, sports supporter, and ambassador for our region. It is fair to say he mingles with many networks and groups and meets a lot of interesting people. With that in mind and wanting to continue to offer our readers stories and interviews with local legends, we invited Al for a regular contribution of "In the Front Bar." In the front bar - where yarns take place, the stories are told and you meet new friends. Welcome Al!



02 6581 8888

Services, to name a few. On the cover, we have featured some emerging new businesses in town including Jessica Cassegrain of Debreceny Real Estate, Aimee Pelley and Jen Stevens from The Seed Creative and Kelly Wilson from Bodiline Pilates and Yoga Studio. Meet our cover stars on page 66. Thank you to Vanessa Lawrence (The Style Vibe and Steal my Vibe for the styling and dresses) and ever talented photographer Gavin Moroney. Look how much these ladies shine! Welcome to our newest contributor. We would like to welcome the gregarious

Gallery closed on Mondays

GALLERY OPENING FRIDAY 6 MARCH, 6pm Free. Bookings required.

Cnr Clarence & Hay Sts,Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Opening hours Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Follow Glasshouse:


SATURDAY 7 MARCH, 2pm & 8pm Take a trip down memory lane with Australia’s own vocal dynamic duo!




Bigger, brighter and more inspiring than ever before. This biennial exhibition showcases artists and artisans from across the Mid North Coast.

Asher Milgate, The forest floor cares for its dead, 2019, dye-sublimation print on aluminium (medium format infrared film), 1000 x 1000mm

Laura Jones, Arcadia, 2020 (detail), oil on linen diptych, 183 x 198 cm

ARTISTS IN CONVERSATION: Asher Milgate and Laura Jones SATURDAY 7 MARCH @ 11am. FREE. Bookings required.









This beloved comedy is a must see for lovers of musicals by Gilbert and Sullivan!

Come and see this awesome show that is targeted at the baby boomers.

Ross Noble returns to the Glasshouse with a hilarious stand-up show.

Strassman is one of Australia’s favourite comedian’s, a master of his art. Greater Port Macquarie focus 3

contents Issue 172 - March 2020



Krissa Wilkinson.

feature a special



The Wauchope Arts Hall is one of the most intimate venues within the region, that attracts performers of extraordinary quality from all over the country. Local visual artist Krissa Wilkinson has been at the forefront of the Arts Council since its inception and continues to dedicate her time and energy to showcase what's on offer in our region.


BackBone. Backbone is 80 minutes showcasing unbelievable human strength: physical, emotional, individual and collective. Presented by Gravity and Other Myths (GOM), Backbone won the Australian Dance Award in 2018 for Outstanding Achievement in Physical Theatre.


the Usual

14. WHAT’S ON for March 26. EAT local restaurants

Christine Wilson.

29. IN THE FRONT BAR with Alistair Flower 33. SOCIAL SCENE with Kate Wood-Foye

Art has been a part of Chris Wilson’s life since she was a small child. She made a career as an illustrator and now that she has retired from the world of commercial illustration, she is creating her own work and exhibiting locally.

34. PALATE PLEASURES with Lou Perri 42. TRAVEL with travel editor Susie Boswell 43. TOURISM with Janette Hyde 76. MINDING YOUR BUSINESS with Michael Mowle 86. STARGUIDE with Terri Hall


Creating Community with Connection & Kindness.

Creating and caring for community is the tenet on which Lake Cathie Public School and Salt Community Church collaborate to help people, and it is enriching the lives of many families during times of need.

4 Greater Port Macquarie focus


99. ABODE property guide 106. LANDCARE with Julie Ho

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No matter where you are in the world, read Focus for free online every month @

Greater Port Macquarie focus 5


Sam has a strong family background in real estate, with a distinct love of the Hastings Valley. Growing up in a family of real estate professionals in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, for the past six years Sam and her family have called the Port Macquarie region home.


or a licensed real estate agent and auctioneer, Sam’s career path has been unusual and, at times, very challenging. A former Sergeant of Police in the NSW Police Force, where she served for more than two decades, Sam has a remarkable story of resilience and survival, captured in the inspirational book Left for Dead - A true story of Resilience and Courage, which she co-authored with her husband. Sam is the special guest speaker for the 2020 International Womens’ Day event, hosted by the Hastings Business Women’s Network and Leslie Williams MP. We got to meet you and hear a little about your story in the last edition of FOCUS, and your achievements in real estate - but this month we want to talk a little more about your upcoming role in the local International Women's Day event. So to start for those who don’t know you, can you give us a little background of family and career? I was born in Paddington, Sydney and grew up in the Eastern Suburbs.

6 Greater Port Macquarie focus

For most of my childhood my maternal grandmother lived with us. My dad was the principal of a successful real estate business in Randwick. When I was four years old, I got a certificate for swimming 50 metres at the Coogee ocean pool. My mum remembers the ocean was really rough that morning, with waves breaking over the edge of the baths. I was tiny, but that never stopped me; I just dived in and swam the length of the pool. That was when I fell in love with swimming. From there, I swam locally, at the University of NSW swim club and Hefron high performance swim centre at Maroubra, where I trained under a former Australian swimming coach. I swam NSW and Australian titles every year from 12 until 18. I trained with and competed against people who later went on to represent Australia at Commonwealth Games and the Olympics. When I was 14, I entered an open water swimming race at Maroubra Beach, which I won. Following that, I was asked to join South Maroubra Surf Club. In the late 1980s, women were a minority in Surf Life

Saving, but I went real estate licence and I WENT INTO THE on to represent worked in real estate. HIGHWAY PATROL South Maroubra at I completed a Business ALMOST STRAIGHT AWAY state and national Diploma, then worked AT DACEYVILLE, WHERE titles until my early for Moriah College in WE WOULD OFTEN DO 20s, when I badly Queens Park, Sydney, HIGH SPEED RUNS ACROSS injured my knee but as soon as I was old NSW WITH THE HEART in an IRB carnival enough, I joined the TRANSPLANT TEAM FROM in giant swell at NSW Police Force. ST VINCENT'S HOSPITAL. Collaroy. The event I loved being a police was cancelled officer. I never used following my injury to want to go home. I - one event too late went into the Highway for me. Patrol almost straight away at Daceyville, Growing up, I loved all sport - tennis, where we would often do high speed runs softball, netball, and I went to school at across NSW with the Heart Transplant Kambala. One of my best friends growing team from St Vincent's Hospital. From up, Jane, was just as mad as me when it there, I moved to the Crash Investigation came to sport, and she later represented Unit, and I became a member of the Australia in race-walking. Operations Support Unit (Part-time Riot I enjoyed school, but swimming twice a Squad). day, three times in school holidays, made After nine years' service, I was promoted it a challenge to fit everything in. That is to Sergeant at Griffith Highway Patrol, probably how I learnt to organise myself. where I had 24 staff and was responsible I knew from an early age that I wanted for eight police stations and a huge area to be a police officer and did enough to from Griffith to Deniliquin and Narrandera. make sure I would be able to join. I loved it, but it was so different to what I When I finished school, I completed my was used to.



sam barlow Sam, husband Laurence and three children

In the early 2000s I first met Laurence during a training camp at the Police Academy. I never liked him very much there was a riot in a country town five hours' drive away, and a team of 20 police left our training in a bus - Laurence was the boss. He never let me go, because I hadn’t completed my annual mandatory training. I wasn’t used to people telling me no, so I thought he was a pig! In 2005 I spent a couple of weeks in Sydney at the Cronulla Riots. Laurence was one of the bosses again. When things settled down, we went to a function, got talking, and realised he was OK after all. Later that year I returned to Sydney, and that’s when we started going out. Within a couple of years we got married, had two children, built a new home in Sydney and were getting ready for a life together as a police family. Then I got up one morning to go to work, and our lives changed forever. Within an hour I was unconscious, undergoing emergency neurosurgery in St Vincent’s Hospital and wasn’t expected to live. How did that event impact you, and can you give our readers a small snippet of what happened? Since my near fatal attack, many people who read my book and hear me talk say

life we had, the career aspirations and the future we wanted ONE OF THE LESSONS was taken away WE’VE LEARNED FROM from us by a career OUR JOURNEY AS COVERED criminal and drug IN OUR BOOK, LEFT FOR addict who had been DEAD IS, 'EVERYONE on parole for three POSSESSES RESERVES OF weeks. I am not the STRENGTH AND ENERGY first person he has THAT WE’RE NOT AWARE been charged with OF UNTIL TESTED'. attempting to kill. I things like, “I could am the fifth! never do what you did”. Nothing good Laurence has heard this has come out of this for us. People who so many times; he translates to, “I’m glad I are motivated by hearing us speak or never had to do what you did”. who feel inspired by our journey might We don’t mean that in a malicious way. see it differently - that they got inspired In truth, we wish we never had to do what to overcome a challenge or felt uplifted I did. But one of the lessons we’ve learned through hearing our story. But not us - not from our journey as covered in our book, yet, anyway. Left for Dead is, “Everyone possesses You have been invited to be the guest reserves of strength and energy that we’re speaker at the International Women's not aware of until tested”. Day afternoon tea hosted by the The truth of the matter is most people go HBWN. Can you tell us what your through life without being tested like I have. talk will cover, without giving too When people hear just how badly I was much away? We hear it will be quite injured and the rehab I went through, they motivational. are stunned into silence. We have spoken I will challenge the audience to reflect to rooms of up to 500 people, and you can on their lives. I will share my story and if hear people openly sobbing and unable to we connect, you might leave with a slightly talk. different approach to the next problem you Our story has two parts. The incident, face. I am not an expert on overcoming a including the recovery, and the lessons we crisis. All I know is what worked for me and have learnt. By sharing our story we have if by sharing that it helps one person in the met some incredible people and shared audience, then maybe something good has some moving and heart warming disclosures come out of my journey. with people who have faced their own life You've spoken at a number of events changing incidents. nationally. What do you enjoy most People often look for a feel good closure, about these opportunities? like, “There’s a light at the end of the Meeting nice people again. When I was tunnel” OR, “Everything happens for a attacked, people looked the other way. They purpose”, but we don’t feel that way. The turned their back on me and couldn’t even

be bothered to call the police. That really hurts. Laurence and I were NSW Police for 50 years; we went to work every day to help people in adversity, we put our bodies on the line and have some injuries to show for it. But when I needed help that morning, no-one could be bothered to get involved. The International Women's Day is a fantastic event to celebrate women. Who are the special women in your life? My mum, my maternal grandmother who helped raise me, my daughter, who is growing into a beautiful young woman. Can you tell us what motivates you to get out of bed each day? My family, and cheese. What is your advice to other people who may have experienced adversity or may have gone through a traumatic event such as you did? It’s your life. Nobody has the right to tell you how to live OR place limits on what you can achieve. No-one expected me to recover. No-one expected me to go back to work or do any of the things I have done in the last 10 years. Success does not happen by accident. If you want to recover from a life changing incident - like I did - you have to believe in yourself and make it happen Also, buy my book and come and hear me speak! How can we get a copy of your book? Left for Dead was published in 2013 by Penguin Australia, and there aren’t too many paperback versions left in book stores. But, you can still purchase both the e-book and audio versions. Thanks Sam. You can hear Sam speak at Sails Resort on March 8th, for International Women’s Day. Tickets from Greater Port Macquarie focus 7


W a u c h o p e C o m m u n i t y A r t s C o u n c i l

Wilkinson The Wauchope Arts Hall is one of the most intimate venues within the region that attracts performers of extraordinary quality from all over the country. Local visual artist Krissa Wilkinson has been at the forefront of the Arts Council since its inception and continues to dedicate her time and energy to showcase what's on offer in our region.


i Krissa. Please introduce yourself and your connection to our region. In the 1980s, I was one of a collective of creatives and activists who moved to Birpai country in and around Wauchope. We had left careers in culturally dynamic cities like Melbourne, seeking the proverbial "sea change". When I ran the adult education centre in Wauchope, we began fundraising with a series of Bad Dag’s Cafés, featuring original theatre and music. In 1995 we became Wauchope Community Arts Council, and since1997 we have managed the Wauchope Community Arts Hall. As a visual artist I have exhibited at the Glasshouse, where my commissioned interpretation of Dorothy Hope’s ceramic mural is on permanent display. I also work on collaborative arts projects, including The Lost Plot community garden’s butterfly mosaic. Other significant connections with the community are my career as a teacher, researching local history and transforming the stories into performances, installations and editorials. Most recently I worked on the story of trail blazer Grace Easterbrook and the conservation campaigns that saved our coastal walk. Your dedication of 25 years of service within the Wauchope Arts Council has not 8 Greater Port Macquarie focus

gone unnoticed. Please share with us a master musicians from Rajasthan. little about your role. 2019 was a cracker year. It began with Over the decades I’ve had a number of Tibetan nomad, Tenzin Choegyal and roles, including President, but I am primarily the Kopan Nuns. Several award-winning, responsible for liaising with artists, planning independent Australian artists launched albums the events, collaborating with our publicist and at Wauchope, including David Bridie, Chaika introducing musicians at our concerts. and The Maes. The Hussy Hicks blew the In the early days I would go to festivals roof off in March and returned in December to look for artists, to support our RFS but these days I am fundraiser. inundated by requests This great community to perform at the Arts resource offers the IT’S ONE OF THE MOST Hall. International and local community INTIMATE VENUES IN Australian artists enjoy unique experiences THE REGION, ATTRACTS including Wauchope and a range of PERFORMERS OF on their tours and entertainment. Why EXTRAORDINARY QUALITY, regularly return. This do you believe the Arts AND IT FEELS AS IF puts Wauchope on the Council has been so THEY’RE PLAYING IN YOUR map as a popular venue successful? LOUNGE ROOM WITH A for music, theatre, Our committee of BUNCH OF YOUR FRIENDS. exhibitions and literary passionate volunteers events. represents a great What are some cross-section of our of your recent community. We are memorable highlights? teachers, nurses, disability workers, academics, There have been so many extraordinary therapists, scientists and businesspeople with moments. FourPlay’s recent show was certainly strong networks across the region. a highlight, rapturously received by the full The Wauchope Community Arts Hall is just house, as was Irish powerhouse Wallis Bird. that - community. It’s one of the most intimate Many remarkable shows stem from our venues in the region, attracts performers of ongoing relationship with Woodford Folk extraordinary quality, and it feels as if they’re Festival, including Maru Tarang, a collaboration playing in your lounge room with a bunch between Jeff Lang, Bobby Singh and two of your friends. We also proudly showcase

fabulous local talent as support artists. People travel from across the Mid North Coast to experience the acoustics and ambience of our small timber hall. It is also the base for many community activities, including choirs, workshops and all ability music programs. What unique events are on the cards for you and the Arts Council in 2020? Some sublime International artists are set to debut this year including Susan O’Neill (Ireland) and The Jellyman’s Daughter (Scotland). Favourites scheduled to return in 2020 are Mic Conway’s National Junk Band and Jeff Lang, each with new albums to share. On my wish list would be another concert from FourPlay and the Hussy Hicks. Being an incorporated organisation, the Arts Council relies on volunteers and memberships from locals. For anyone that would like to come on board, how can they do so? Come along to a performance to find out why so many world-class artists say it is one of the best live music venues on the coast. Better still, become a member or join our team of volunteers to enjoy a back-stage view of our amazing entertainment program. Membership and contact details are outlined on our website Find us on Facebook to check out what’s coming up, or subscribe to our newsletter. Thanks Krissa.

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Avocados In the heart of our region's hinterland lies a family owned and operated avocado farm. With lush green pastures, rich volcanic soil and picturesque settings, Ingleside Avocados produces some of the highest quality avos for its consumers.


e chatted with Nathan Bell about his passion for the farm and how an interstate move led him down an agricultural path. Hi Nathan. Please introduce yourself and tell us about life on your avocado farm. I am Nathan, your local avocado farmer, and I love my office. We have three farms located on top of Comboyne Plateau. Collectively, the land mass is 300 acres and each farm on average has 3,500 Hass Avocado trees - 11,500 all up. My family and I live on one farm and across the road we also run an Airbnb. We have a range of varying root stocks across the properties, and the age of the trees are between 18 months - six years. Avocado trees are considered mature from four to five years old, so we currently have 600 trees in full production. Your wife, Gracey grew up here in Port, and yourself in South Australia, and later lived as city slickers in Melbourne for some time. Tell us about the farm's history and how you came to be the managers? Originally the farm was a dairy farm like a lot of the farms up here in Comboyne. My in-laws purchased the first farm, which had 200 trees already planted on it from the previous owners. They saw an opportunity to expand and began planning. They required a full-time manager, as they have other business ventures they devote their time to, so my wife and I decided to make the move from Melbourne and join in on the family investment. We have been here for almost four years now, which is about the same that the farm has been operating; we’ve been busy! I have a background in electrical and horticulture, but no real experience in farming. I have definitely found my 10 Greater Port Macquarie focus

calling and am living my dream job. a ground crew will go through With Comboyne’s rich volcanic and get the low hanging fruit, Because our farms are continually soil and ideal climate for growing followed by a person in a cherry maturing, our crop intake is produce, what are you looking for picker who will then get the increasing yearly at this stage. in a good avo? higher fruit. All pickers wear a All of our fruit is sent off We as the grower strive to produce big bag on their front, which in refrigerated trucks to the highest percentage of premium will hold about 100 avocados. a packing shed in Stuarts fruit annually. Non-blemished, There are a lot of factors that Point, which is then graded by marketable sized fruit that has a can affect your yearly crop, machines and packed according buttery, creamy texture; that’s what which include frost, drought, to size and quality. we are aiming for. It is important strong winds, hail, pests and as the grower to ensure that care is diseases. It is important to taken during harvest and handling, so have strong farm management that the consumer does not receive an practices in place, so these can be handled with the least inferior product. amount of damage possible. Tell us about your harvesting process and the With 600 mature trees across three farms, how much farming practices you adhere to? produce does that equate to yearly, and where do Avocados are picked yearly and for us that season starts the majority of the avocados end up? around late July / early August, when the dry matter is Because our farms are continually maturing, our crop above a certain percentage and the fruit has sized up intake is increasing yearly at this stage. All of our fruit is nicely. For us, harvest only takes a week or so but as we sent off in refrigerated trucks to a packing shed in Stuarts grow more mature trees, our harvest will take months at Point, which is then graded by machines and packed a time. according to size and quality. The majority of our fruit There is a stringent nationwide set of standards in place ends up in the larger supermarket chains. for all growers who sell to a wholesaler or supermarket We are always on the lookout to sell our fruit to local chain. You must be certified in order to sell to these cafés, restaurants and markets. outlets. What do you have planned for the farm over the The process of maintaining the farm and the next five years? tree involves fertilising, irrigation, mulching, weed As we continue to grow, we strive to provide premium management, slashing, canopy management, soil health quality fruit to a rapidly expanding market. We are excited and moisture monitoring. With these tasks we use to see our crop expand yearly and thus in time, so will our a lot of heavy machinery, which can result in a lot of team. Watch this space! breakdowns, so we always try to employ those who are Thanks Nathan. also mechanically minded. Harvesting involves the fruit to be hand-picked. First Interview by Claire Dunkley

Greater Port Macquarie focus 11



STUNTS ON AWESOME CONTRAPTIONS WITH A WHOLE LOTTA ACTION. FOCUS caught up with Matt Whyatt and Ryan Williams, two Aussie action sport legends, to find out how their humble beginnings as a kid at the skate park turned into a professional career in action sports and what motivates them to keep pushing the limits of what is possible.

12 Greater Port Macquarie focus



i Matt. Your energy and commitment to provide us all with show stopping entertainment is really inspiring. Take us back to where your passion for BMX

began ... It all started as a kid riding and skating at the local skateparks! I just fell In love with action sports, the friends that come with it and the progression you are able to make with hard work. You’re a long time member of the Nitro crew. Tell us how you came to be involved in the team. My focus was all competitions and wanting to win! I heard Nitro was coming to Australia to start the first ever live shows and when I got asked to ride practice, it was a dream come true. I knew at that moment that this is what I wanted to do. This was a family that supported each other; I instantly didn’t care about the competition side of BMX and just wanted to travel with the Nitro Circus. You guys train hard to perform these crazy stunts that we see, not only physically, but mentally too. Can you share the kind of preparation and timeline that goes into these events? I stay pretty fit all year round. I like balance,

so I am big on my social life as well, but I’m sure to make it up in the gym! The mental side of things comes with truly believing in yourself and believing you can land this new trick. You have performed and executed the world's first backflip tailwhip to late 360, aka the "Whyatt Riot". Tell us about this and your career achievements. This was one of my biggest career achievements. I spent around five years learning and trying this before landing it. Other career achievements would definitely be landing my first triple backflip and riding X Games. You guys are amongst the best athletes in action sports, defying the odds with what is possible. What is it that keeps you coming back for more? The feeling of working so hard on a new trick, putting your heart and soul into it and having all your mates there cheering you on wanting you to land it. That feeling will never be replicated. What can the locals expect at the Nitro Circus You got this tour? You are in for a treat! We are back outdoors in the big stadiums, which means we are bringing our biggest ramps possible and our biggest tricks. You don’t want to miss this! @mattwhyatt



i Ryan. Your passion and commitment to provide us all with show stopping entertainment is really inspiring. Take us back to where it all began for you. I guess it all started back when I was really young and watched the X Games movie, Ultimate X. I watched guys like Travis Pastrana performing on the world stage doing all sorts of insane stunts, and I wanted to grow up and be just like them! Your skills in both scooter and BMX are really impressive and exciting to watch. Tell us how you came to be involved in the Nitro team. I started with Nitro Circus after they asked for some more scooter riders to fly down and see what tricks they could do on the ramp in practice. I was lucky enough to be one of those riders and tried a “Double Frontflip” in practice, which no one had ever tried before. So they put me in the show, and I managed to stomp the World First Double Frontflip in the show and was on every show after that! You guys train hard to perform these crazy stunts that we see, not only physically, but mentally too. Can you share the kind of preparation and timeline that goes into these events? Now I mainly train by learning tricks at my personal compound “RWilly Land”, which has a large Bagjump inflatable landing that is soft and reduces injuries if you are to crash.

But prior to having this compound, I would mentally go through the tricks in my head, almost like a simulation of what I expect the trick is going to be like. Then I go out and hope that what I imagined is what really happens during the trick. You have numerous world firsts tied to your name across both BMX and scooter. Tell us about these and your career achievements. I think I have counted over 100 world firsts on BMX and scooter, but some of my favourites would be: triple front flip, 1080 front flip and double front flip on BMX, triple backflip, 1440 front flip and 720 double backflip on scooter. Other than world firsts, I also accomplished my dream of becoming an X Games Gold Medalist. You guys are amongst the best athletes in action sports, defying the odds with what is possible. What is it that keeps you coming back for more? My fans, and that feeling of pushing action sports is what keeps me going and striving for that new world first trick. What can the locals expect at the Nitro Circus You got this Tour? Expect the biggest and baddest tricks in action sports, as well as some amazing contraptions (including some lounge room furniture with wheels) jumping over 40 feet through the air! See you there! @rwillyofficial

Nitro Circus - You got this tour - Saturday 21st March. Port Macquarie Regional Stadium I Get Tickets at Greater Port Macquarie focus 13

focus_What’s On Greater Port Macquarie



Players Theatre Presents SOMETHING’S AFOOT

This highly entertaining murder mystery musical comedy is one not to be missed. Spotlighting ten people stranded in an isolated English country house during a raging thunderstorms; one by one they’re picked off by cleverly fiendish devices. WHEN Season runs Friday 6th March to Sunday 22nd March. WHERE Players Theatre, corner of Lord and Gordon Streets, Port Macquarie. TICKETS or via the Glasshouse.


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Hastings Co-op’s Twilight Tastings returns for its fifth year and it is set to be the biggest event yet, with a record number of exhibitors and some new entertainment. Bringing together quality beer, wine, spirits and food, with a focus on showcasing local producers in a relaxed, family-friendly environment. It’s all about locals coming together to try something new, chat with producers and enjoy exclusive deals at the same time. WHEN Friday 20th March, 5pm - 9pm. WHERE Wauchope Showground. INFO 0457 766 965,


ROSS NOBLE Humournoid

Randomist cult comedian Ross Noble is set to return to the stage in 2020 for his new show, Humournoid. The show will visit 27 regional and metropolitan locations throughout Australia, while promising a truly unique stand-up experience. With an on-stage presence like no other, his exuberance, spontaneity and cerebral style have established Ross as one of the world’s best-loved comedians. Freewheeling and off the cuff, join the master surrealist as he uses an infinite imagination and plenty of tomfoolery in a night not to be missed WHEN Saturday 21st March, 8pm - 9pm. WHERE Glasshouse.

NITRO CIRCUS You got this tour An explosive, high-adrenaline action sports spectacular starring the best athletes in FMX, BMX, skate, scooter, and more - and it is all coming to Port Macquarie for one night only.


Rydges Port Macquarie presents "Ladies in Red". Featuring all things fashion, makeup and hair design, with judged categories and presenting partners. Ticket includes cocktail on arrival, canapés, DJ Diva and Settlement City fashion. WHEN Friday 13th March, 6:30pm until late. WHERE Rydges Port Macquarie. TICKETS $59 pp

14 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Witness Nitro’s thrill-loving daredevils brave the world’s largest jumps, as they launch 60 feet into the air. Be there live when they attempt the craziest stunts imaginable on contraptions you never imagined could fly. These real-life action heroes are sure to inspire fans of all ages, as they push the limits with recordbreaking attempts every night. Get your tickets now and step into the action-packed world of Nitro Circus. WHEN Saturday 21st March. VIP Doors open - 3pm, General Doors - 4pm, Showtime - 5pm. WHERE Port Macquarie Regional Stadium. Children under three are free, provided they don't occupy a seat. MORE INFO




ne of the company’s founders and talented acrobat Jascha Boyce spared the time to chat with us just after arriving back in Australia from touring in Canada … Hi Jascha. You're one of the founders of Gravity and Other Myths (GOM), which started in 2009 in Adelaide. How was it decided to form such a unique circus company? I began my journey into the world of circus and physical theatre when I was just four years old at Cirkidz Circus School in Adelaide, now part of the South Australian Circus Centre. It was in the performing troupe there that I met the group of people who went on to become the founders of GOM with me. We all began training together when we were around nine or 10 years old, and we have worked together ever since! When we all graduated from high school, we decided we wanted to continue to train, create and play together, so we developed our first work, Freefall. During the creative process we realised that if we were making a show, we should probably make a company as well, and that is when GOM was born. For the first few years our creative work was just a hobby for us while we studied and worked in “normal” jobs, but when we decided to take our second work, A Simple Space, to Edinburgh Fringe on a bit of a whim in 2013, we met our agent and we have been on the road full-time since! GOM has now won many awards. In what ways has the company grown since the early days? Originally GOM was just six friends, creating together and pretending it was our real job. Now we have almost 30 acrobats on the road full-time across three different touring shows - two of

"Backbone" is 80 minutes showcasing unbelievable human strength: physical, emotional, individual and collective. Presented by Gravity and Other Myths (GOM), "Backbone" won the Australian Dance Award in 2018 for Outstanding Achievement in Physical Theatre.

If you have ever seen a GOM

work, you will know that we don’t which premiered as part of the Adelaide Festival. ever hold back physically. We The six original founders love pushing ourselves are still involved, but in to our physical limit, varying ways. Two of them wringing the last bit of we had so much material, are now based in Adelaide water out of the towel we didn’t know where to and involved only in the (as they say!) Backbone is no begin. That was when we long-term vision for the exception. decided to hire an outside company, and the other Director for the first time. four still tour full-time Darcy Grant came while running the day to on board for the day business in conjunction with our wizard of development of Backbone, and with his help we an Operations Manager, Belinda Murphy. were able to hone in on the overarching concept In addition to this team, we work with Darcy of “strength”. Backbone explores strength in all Grant as the Creative Lead for the company - he of its forms: physical, emotional, individual and drives all of our up and coming creative projects collective. Each of these forms of strength are forward. Despite how much the company has intrinsic to circus, so the prospect of developing grown, at its core, GOM is still very much about a show with an abstract narrative exploring a group of friends who have now become a strength was endlessly creatively invigorating for family, creating, playing and dreaming together. us! What do you most love about what you do How many performers and musicians are for a living? currently touring with Backbone, and what I love so many things! I feel so incredibly lucky! are your roles? I love the freedom. I love being creative every day There are 10 acrobats, two musicians and one and having the opportunity to see the world with technician on tour with Backbone at all times. the people I love by my side. For the majority of the show I am a flyer in But on the flip side, I do miss the comforts of the acrobatic skills, but I do get to base (be on home! It’s such a luxury when I get to sleep in the bottom of) a skill here and there - a new and my own bed and actually cook my own food! exciting role for me! The show you'll be presenting in Port I also am the centre point of the “keystone” Macquarie is called Backbone, GOM’s act of the show. In this piece I give a rock to second work. How did the concept for this an audience member and holding a rock of my production come about? own, the rest of the company manipulates me Long before Backbone was Backbone, we and place me into acrobatic poses, all the while I began dreaming up ideas about our second do not take my eyes off the audience member. major work. Of course, second album syndrome Darcy describes this piece as the “keystone” was on our mind, so we wanted to create act of the show, as it is the moment where the something that was as far from A Simple Space fourth wall is truly broken and the audience as possible. Initially we undertook three x becomes part of the performance, allowing me two-week creation periods to explore all of our to genuinely connect to the individual holding thoughts and ideas. When these were complete, my rock.

What would you consider to be some of the most difficult and compelling components of Backbone? If you have ever seen a GOM work, you will know that we don’t ever hold back physically. We love pushing ourselves to our physical limit, wringing the last bit of water out of the towel (as they say!) Backbone is no exception. The acrobats never leave the stage throughout the entire 80-minute performance, and we barely ever even stop moving. The most strenuous and complex act in the show for the majority of us is the acrobatic swinging act that lasts for 15 minutes. Thankfully, this is also the most fun, so it keeps us energised! Also, the final act in the show is completely improvised, which brings with it a completely different kind of challenge. Why would you encourage our local audiences to come along to the show? Backbone really is circus and physical theatre like you have never seen it. It is visually compelling, emotionally charged and devastatingly human, all at the same time. It is rare for GOM to have the opportunity to present our work in Australia, so I would urge your local audiences to come along while they have the chance! Thanks Jascha. Interview: Jo Robinson.

See Backbone at the Glasshouse, April 8th and 9th at 8pm. Visit for tickets. Greater Port Macquarie focus 15


On Saturday 18th April from 9:30am until 2:30pm, a Heritage Day will be held at Douglas Vale Historic Homestead and Vineyard, offering entertainment galore!


hy is Douglas Vale hosting a Heritage Day? The day is being held to celebrate the Australian Heritage Festival, which this year spans from 18th April to the 19th May. The theme for this year is “Heritage for the future”. What special events and visitors are planned for the day? At 1pm Mayor Peta Pinson will officially open the Australian Heritage Festival in the Port Macquarie-Hastings region. She will be followed by the members of the combined Museums and Heritage Group that represents the interest of and serves as the collective voice of museums and heritage organisations in the Port Macquarie-Hastings region. They will give a brief presentation on the history of their organisation. There will be a wonderful opportunity here for the history enthusiasts to investigate the heritage of our region. Following this will be the official opening of the Archive Storage Facility by our own local State Member, Leslie Williams. This is the most recently completed project at Douglas Vale and was funded by the NSW 16 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Visitors to the Douglas Vale Heritage Day can

look forward to not only ceremony, stalls, historical displays, craft demonstrations, tours, food and wine, but

entertainment to nursing homes, State Government retirement villages, under a Community social clubs, community Building Partnership and charity events. Grant of $30,163. During recent years also some wonderful musical You will also have “Sing Australia “has entertainment. the opportunity of proven to be so popular, leaving a lasting record that two further groups of your family’s support have been established, of Douglas Vale through the purchase of a the first in Wauchope and a second daytime single paver, which you will have your family group in Port Macquarie. name engraved on. At only $70, this will be The Port Macquarie Bush Poets never laid at the Bamboo Entrance to Douglas Vale cease to amaze their audiences with their Historic Homestead and Vineyard. wonderful selection of bush poetry. They Corporate supporters can have their logo meet on the second and fourth Sunday or cooperate message engraved into a set of afternoons of the month at the Senior four pavers for $300. Citizens Hall in Munster Street, from 1pm What musical or other entertainment can until 4pm. we look forward to? They love sharing their wealth of poetry Visitors to the Douglas Vale Heritage Day with others. can look forward to not only ceremony, stalls, Khristina Joy and the Z Chords are a group historical displays, craft demonstrations, of enthusiastic and talented singers and tours, food and wine, but also some ukulele players who are keen to share their wonderful musical entertainment. love of music with their audience. Enjoy a The well known and loved “Sing Australia” fast- paced mystery tour of popular music. Choir will commence the day with their You may even like to sing along with them! entertaining melodies. Next on the program is well known and This group commenced with only twelve popular entertainer, Trevor Knight. members in 2002 and has now grown to He is one of Australia’s finest Country /Folk over one hundred. It meets every Monday entertainers and has a fine reputation as a night and is well known for providing songwriter, having won two Golden Globe

Awards, with many more nominations. He has performed in concerts around the world, performing in such countries as Peru, Tokyo, America, Russia and England. He gave a performance for her majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and his internationally acclaimed show, Rocky Mountain Echoes, has been rated as one of the best interpretations of the music of John Denver. Playing his acoustic guitar and five-string banjo, you will be taken on a magical tour of memories by Trevor. He will be performing twice at the Douglas Vale Garden Party, at 11:30am and at 1:45 pm. At 12:15pm we will have the pleasure of presenting the Hastings District Highland Pipe Band. This band was first formed in 1969, and it has been entertaining Hastings residents for fifty years, playing Scottish pipe band music. The band meets for practice at St Joseph’s Primary School at 6pm, except on the first Monday of the month during Daylight Saving, when it meets on Town Green and plays for the public. The Heritage Day entertainment program runs from 9:30am until 2:30pm. All this and so much more, for only a gold coin donation. Where can we find further information? Visit: for further info. Information supplied by Kay Morrison.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 17




rom sunup to sundown, Linda Manning from Happy Hounds Farmstay offers doggy daycare in a safe and secure environment, so your puppy can explore and enjoy the company of other furry friends. Swimming, running, bush walks, running, cuddles, belly rubs and, you guessed it, running - their day will be so fun, they may not want to come home. Hi Linda. Please introduce yourself and your connection to our region. My name is Linda Manning. My family and I own and run Happy Hounds Farmstay, situated in Johns River. Our whole family is involved with our farmstay for dogs. My husband, Graeme picks up and drops off our beautiful daycare dogs and looks after the dogs during the day with me. After school our children run and play with all the dogs, to make sure they go home extra tired. We moved to the Mid North Coast in 2017. We have met many amazing people in the community; everyone is so friendly. You are a qualified vet nurse and also have experience working with rescue dogs. Tell us a little about your career background with animals. I am a vet nurse and have been working with rescue dogs for the past six years. Our family has rehabilitated over 200 rescue dogs over the last six years. Through training and good social experiences, we watch as they grow from being scared and unsure of the world into confident, well-adjusted dogs that find their perfect forever homes. My love of

Socialisation, stimulation, exploration - we know it's important for human babies, but it's equally important for our fur babies. To ensure a well rounded, confident, happy pup, a trip to doggy daycare may just be what the doctor ordered. Doggy daycare offers these

animals started when swim. We have a 2.5 acre dogs an outlet for their energy. I was a child. I always yard to play in that is fully They play and run found a stray animal to fenced with six foot chain all day and can run bring home and care for. wire fencing and has its between 20 - 30 km per I grew up with a wide own beautiful big dam day and after they go home, range of animals, from for swimming. our daycare dogs are tired for dogs and cats to differWe have lots to do at two to three days. ent farm animals. Happy Hounds, including How did this venture fetch, tug of war, chasing of doggy day care bubbles, herding the big come about? ball in the dam, agility From my time working with rescue dogs, course, farm exploring, hugs and belly rubs I have seen a lot of dogs being surrendered be- and lots more. Our boarding dogs get to enjoy cause their owners work five days a week and a yummy home cooked meal after playing all the dogs get bored, which leads to destructive day and a nice comfy bed on the verandah to behaviour. These dogs bark (which drove the sleep. We keep all our fur parents up to date neighbours crazy), dig the yard and garden up, with pictures and videos and also update our chew and didn’t get enough exercise. Facebook and Instagram pages regularly. We wanted to offer an outlet for these Why is it so important for a dog's health dogs. Doggy daycare offers these dogs an to be socialised, not only with other comoutlet for their energy. They play and run all panions, but their surroundings? day and can run between 20 - 30 km per day Socialising your dog from an early age is so and after they go home, our daycare dogs are important to set your dog up for the future. tired for two to three days. Dogs are pack animals and are naturally social. Tell us about your property and what is on Socialising your dog to new environments, offer for the fur babies that come through with new people and new dogs from a young the gates? age, will build a confident and well-adjusted We own 119 acres in the beautiful town of dog ready for different situations that will arise Johns River. We provide daycare and boardin life. Dogs from an early age learn social cues ing for social dogs that love the company of and manners from other dogs and even learn other dogs. Our daycare day starts out with how to read human body language. picking up our daycare dogs and bringing Not only do you run doggy day care at the them to the farm. Once at the farm, everyfarm, you also offer the option for longer one is really excited to see and play with their farm stays. Do you run these two services fur-friends. Everyone gets out of the van and separately? plays zoomies and runs down to the dam for a Happy Hounds Farmstay is kennel free. Our

boarding dogs love to play and socialise with our daycare dogs and get to enjoy daycare days also. For those in the local area, you also have the "doggy bus", that allows you to pick up and drop off pets from their homes. I bet this trip is an interesting one with lots of noise! We pick up and drop off to our clients' homes. We provide transport for doggy daycare to Wauchope, Port Macquarie, Lake Cathie, Bonny Hills and Laurieton. All the dogs get really excited when they see our doggy van drive down their street, and they all know when we are about to pull into the farm; this is when the excited barks and howls start. When leaving the farm, everyone gets a nice treat in the van, and they sleep all the way home. What do you love the most about your job? We love seeing the dogs happy. We often get a dog who is not confident, and it’s amazing to see them come out of their shell and get to be a confident dog. They all have fantastic but different personalities, and we love getting to know all the dogs and their fur-parents. For anyone who would love to come and try, how can they get more information and contact you for a booking? For anyone who would like to enquire about our doggy daycare or boarding, you can contact us through our Facebook page, email us at or give us a call at 0466 249 773. Thanks Linda. Greater Port Macquarie focus 18














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20 Greater Port Macquarie focus



Star Port Expo

The Rotary Club of Port Macquarie Sunrise will host an event on April 4 at Port Macquarie Racecourse, from 5pm. The aim of the Star Port Expo event is to raise funds for a new telescope for the Port Macquarie Observatory in Rotary Park. The evening will include hands on activities, including rocket launches and electromagnetism, robotics, chemistry and Virtual Reality (VR) displays, star gazing and an informative presentation by Professor Fred Watson AM, the Australian Government's Astronomer at Large.


rofessor Watson is the author of several books, including StarCraving Mad: Tales of a Travelling Astronomer. He chatted with us about his work and what he plans to share with us in Port Macquarie. Hi Professor Watson. Your current professional title is “Australia’s Astronomer at Large”, which is a change from the last time we spoke around eight years ago. What does your role involve these days? My job for 20 years was Astronomer in Charge at the Australian Astronomical Observatory, and I was based for a lot of that time in Coonabarabran. In 2018, that institution as a government entity ceased to exist, because it was essentially devolved to the university sector. The telescopes are still there and doing great things, but they’re now operated by the ANU [Australian National University]. There was rather a complex change of governance for the observatory and its Sydney headquarters, and most of my colleagues went to various university departments, but I actually stayed with our parent government department - which is now the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources. My role is specifically directed to science outreach, science education, and advocacy for astronomy. I publicise what we do in the world of astronomy, particularly in Australia. The job title actually came about because someone in the department said if I was called “Astronomer at Large”, we’d only need to change four letters on the office door from Astronomer in Charge” (laughs). We all laughed at this, and Karen Andrews - the Science Minister - also thought it was great! So, for the last year and a half I’ve been the Australian Government’s Astronomer at Large, and to be honest, it’s a great honour. It means I can do what I love - talk and write about astronomy - full-time. Many of our readers may know you because of your regular segments on ABC radio, where listeners call in and ask you questions. What are some of the things you’re commonly asked? Many questions are the really big ones:

“What’s outside the universe?” or, “What happened before the ‘Big Bang’?” They’re the kind of questions you naturally think of when you want to look at the big picture - the fact that we live in a universe that had a beginning around 13.8 billion years ago and that seems to be expanding outwards ever more rapidly. When we think about that, we always imagine this within our own sphere of experience and tend to think of something like a bubble expanding, or an explosion. We always envisage these things from the outside, but the universe doesn’t have an outside, and that’s a really difficult concept to get A LOT OF WHAT I DO IS ALSO across … TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE TO Our galaxy, for When people ask, A WIDE RANGE OF PEOPLE example - that huge, “Does the universe have EDUCATORS, STUDENTS, beautiful spiral collection an edge?”, you can think THE PUBLIC; I NEED TO BE of around 400 billion about the surface of the ACROSS A LOT OF SCIENCE stars, gas and dust Earth. We’re immersed THAT’S HAPPENING. I GET we’re now able, with in the idea that the Earth EXCITED ABOUT NOT JUST modern technology, to doesn’t have an edge and WHAT I’M DOING, BUT WHAT look at these stars one you can keep travelling and OTHERS ARE DOING … by one. We have ways not get to a brick wall that of collecting intimate says “End of the Earth” information on stars … The way the astronomy hundreds at a time, community look at this so we can survey stars and look at their ages, is highly mathematical; the equations set the chemical composition, sizes and different aspects observations very clearly, but this can be quite and bring this information together to do what difficult to get your head around in an everyday you might call population census studies - similar context. to a population census on Earth, but through The bottom line is, space on the widest the type of light stars emit, rather than through horizons is not like space here on earth; it asking questions. When you do this, you can see probably curves, so if you travel far enough, it’s a lot of trends - about the way the galaxy has not three dimensional like it is here on Earth. evolved, perhaps the way it will evolve in the What are some of the things you’re future, but it also turns up unusual objects! researching at the moment? An example of this is the oldest known star, a The type of astronomy I do is through a group star whose light switched on somewhere around of astronomers based both here and overseas 13 billion years ago, when the universe was still who use equipment to gather enormous in its infancy. quantities of data about stars and galaxies. The A lot of what I do is also talking about science projects I’m involved with I must say I’m not a to a wide range of people - educators, students, leading light in at all, because my days of leading the public; I need to be across a lot of science research are done (there’s a cohort of bright that’s happening. I get excited about not just young astronomers who have some fantastic what I’m doing, but what others are doing ideas, but need a lot of help, and I provide the there are some fantastic things happening! help - particularly in observing and gathering the Astronomy is actually in a golden age, because data) …

we have the capacity to gather huge amounts of information and work out how the universe is evolving. You’ll be heading to Port Macquarie on April 4 for the Star Port Expo. What format will your talk take? Usually at these types of events I talk for about half an hour, but the interesting bit is when I open the presentation to questions, because that lets people explore the things they want to know. I like to give a bit of a talk first, so people can get to know me and realise I’m pretty harmless (laughs)! The talk I’ll do will probably be about my new book, Cosmic Chronicles - A User’s Guide to the Universe, but will also highlight some of the aspects I find interesting in our modern world. I may well end up talking about Mars, which is very much in the public eye at the moment … Thanks Professor Watson. Interview: Jo Robinson. Pic: Professor Fred Watson with Jim Daniels from the Port Macquarie Astronomical Association.

Star Port Expo 4th April, 5pm - 10pm, Port Macquarie Racecourse. Professor Watson’s talk will be held at 7pm. Event tickets event?eid=604152& Greater Port Macquarie focus 21


Futsal has become a popular sport of choice for many of us within the community; easily accessible, with a great social competition. It wasn't until Chris Whitefield noticed a gap in the opportunities for players with a disability, that All Abilities Futsal was born.


i Chris. Tell us about your role within All Abilities Futsal and why you got involved? Hi Claire. I only started playing futsal, or football in general, when I moved to Port Macquarie to study four years ago. I noticed when I was playing that there was a person with a disability who would sit on the sideline every week waiting for a team that was short to give her a run. So I asked around if there was futsal for people with disabilities and was pointed in the direction of Mick Day, who apart from being a legend, also runs Port Macquarie Futsal and the Eastcoast Futsal Academy. Mick said it was something he always wanted to pursue, and together we started All Abilities Futsal. Mick Day and I began this program charging only a gold coin donation to make it accessible to everyone. Mick, like Cheree and I, has poured a lot into making this program the success it is today. Not too long after, I became the program manager, which is a role I share with my wonderful partner Cheree Risson under the skilled guidance of Mick Day, who has been generous enough to share his wealth of knowledge and bring us into the Eastcoast family. Tell us about the amazing group of volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to the club. Yes, we have a wonderful family of people who dedicate a lot to this club, which first and foremost includes the amazing Cheree Risson. She does so much for this program that noone knows about. She is a gem, and I honestly can't say enough kind things about her. Another coach of ours, Shaun Liubertas, started coming and supporting a player and is now in the thick of everything we do. He gives up a lot of time and is a wonderful human being. We have David Gilbert, who is a fantastic referee 22 Greater Port Macquarie focus

with a wealth of knowledge from his 40+ years of being associated with futsal and having refereed international games, Paralympics, and National Championships, including the All Ability division in 2020. Shannon Day, who helps coach is an Australian international player and both last year and this year will be playing in the World Championships in Orlando, and kindly gives up time to assist throughout her insane schedule. Then there is Mick Day and the whole Eastcoast family, who without their wonderful support it would not be possible for our players to get these opportunities. There will be a couple of wonderful new additions to the volunteer group this year, who we trust and know have the same ethos as we do. The team makes this club what it is. Share a little about the group of players you have. I love each player who walks through our doors, for who they are as human beings, their untapped potential, and most importantly the stories which they bring, some filled with both resilience and sadness. We have players who were not allowed into mainstream sports due to their disabilities. They make this program what it is, and it belongs to them; they are our sounding board, our guiding light and the driving force behind everything we do. The beautiful thing is when we are all on the court and start playing, we are all equal, and we all respect each other regardless of one's disability or mental illness. Everyone has the opportunity and the support they need to succeed, and they look after each other better than any other sporting team/club I've ever been associated with. They thirst for more all the time and get amazing outcomes because of it. The players really are great people who have the best sense of humour and love a bit of banter, and they make All Abilities Futsal what it is.

'Oh the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done! There are

Not only can your of the best highlights points to be scored. There members compete at was catching up with are games to be won. a social level, they can Queensland, who won And the magical things also compete on a nathe final, after the preyou can do with that ball tional level and further sentation for some fun. will make you the winning-est their skills and dreams. We made heaps of new winner of all.' - Dr. Seuss. Tell us about the opfriends and connections portunities available to and will hopefully have them. something special in Our main social competition, which is open store later in the year with them. We also had to everyone who wants an opportunity to play Tanisha, the first female player in the division futsal, operates every Thursday, and now has inspiring some young girls at nationals and about 30 players attending each week. This is ending up with her own fan club, which was a great space to make friends, learn the game, a special moment. It's great to see our players and have some fun. We have two teams that making connections everywhere they go. play into a mainstream mixed social competiWhat are you looking forward to the most tion each week through Port Macquarie Futsal. in 2020? This allows our players to make connections to This year we are looking to connect with people in their community and test themselves other teams in NSW and Australia, and hopeagainst some wonderful players. Personally, fully bring some tournaments to Port MacquaI love this program because it demonstrates rie. We are also looking at doing some work what inclusion is all about. within schools to try and help young people We have an academy where players can with disabilities engage in sport, while having learn more about the game and develop fun, and making friends. But we are also lookthemselves further as players and as people. ing at some travel opportunities for our players Our junior program will be picking up again in too. We have made some connections around 2020 and will be a big focus for this year. PLUS Australia and overseas and want to provide … we have a lot more in store. Every year gets opportunities for our players to experience as bigger and better. In January for the last two much as they would like to. It really has the years we have had teams playing in the Napossibility of being an amazing year. tional Championships in the division for people What message would you send out to with a disability, which we won in the first year, anyone with a disability to help inspire and came runners up the second. them to chase their dreams? What were some of the highlights over Be true to yourself, don’t be afraid to give the 2019 tournament? something a go, and don’t let what other peoOur social competition was so insanely close ple tell you hinder what you can and can’t do. this year; there were only two wins between You know yourself better than everyone else, the teams that came first, and last. It was so and we see firsthand every day what people close that the final came down to a penalty with disabilities are capable of when given the shootout! At Nationals in January we went opportunity. Surround yourself with those who through the group stages undefeated, and believe in you and will support you to be the only lost the final by one goal in what was best version of yourself, and go for it! one of the best games I’ve ever seen. But one Thanks Chris.

The All-New Mazda CX-30 has rolled into Port Macquarie Mazda pairing sleek looks and versatile dimensions with advanced safety and leading technology – all for less than $30,000. (excl. on-road costs)

Very First All-New Mazda CX-30s arrive in Port Macquarie.

Available to test drive at Port Macquarie Mazda, the stunning SUV cuts a sleek figure inside and out; Mazda’s new generation styling embraces a minimalist aesthetic that gives All-New Mazda CX30 an air of elegance with a sporty edge.

Sitting between Mazda CX-3 and Mazda CX-5 in size, All-New Mazda CX-30 is the perfect fit for those needing space but looking for an easyto-manoeuvre vehicle. It offers the best of both worlds, giving roominess and ample cargo space for around town and out of town adventures, delivered in dimensions that make light work of tight city streets and carparks. Packed with a huge list of advanced safety features, All-New Mazda CX-30 raises the benchmark for small SUV safety and inspires confident, reassured driving and comfort for all passengers. Headlining some of the technology goodies on offer is a 360-degree bird’s eye view camera, as well as radar cruise control, and a driver monitoring system that tracks driver eye movement to keep attention on the road ahead.

Port Macquarie Mazda 115 Gordon Street, Port Macquarie (02) 5534 3300 23 Greater Port Macquarie focus

All-New Mazda CX-30 also features the sharp new Mazda Connect infotainment system, with integrated satellite navigation on all grades for convenience, plus phone-mirroring technologies Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™, so you can stay connected when you’re on the road. Toby Patrick from Port Macquarie Mazda said the All-New Mazda CX-30 is the complete package for customers looking for an all-rounder that doesn’t compromise on style. “All-New Mazda CX-30 is the perfect fit for customers needing something practical but wanting something that looks great too,” said Toby Patrick “Not only is it spacious, comfortable and packed with cutting edge safety, it is also a lot of fun to drive whether it’s on a winding country road or through built up areas.” Offered in Pure, Evolve, Touring and Astina model grades, All-New Mazda CX-30 is equipped with a choice between the highly efficient Skyactiv-G 2.0L or Skyactiv-G 2.5L petrol engines, available with a 6-speed Skyactiv-Drive automatic transmission. It’s available as Front-Wheel-Drive or with Mazda’s i-Activ All-Wheel-Drive system. All-New Mazda CX-30 is the fifth SUV to join the Mazda Australia range, and comes standard with Mazda’s five-year unlimited kilometre warranty and five-year Mazda Premium Roadside Assistance.


The Port Macquarie SES Taskforce Team has returned after four days assisting Lord Howe Island’s local SES unit clean up damage after ex Tropical Cyclone Uesi passed over the island late last week. Most of the damage was caused from fallen trees and debris, which blocked roads and access to many homes on the island.




ind gusts in excess of 155 km/h were recorded on the island during the storm, causing damage across the entire island. The velocity of the wind also caused tree branches to spear into the roofs or sides of homes, with one branch spearing through three different rooms in one house. A large Norfolk Pine also fell on to an unoccupied house, crushing the roof completely. Overall there were 65 requests for assistance on an island with less than 400 permanent residents. Five volunteer members of the Port Macquarie-Hastings SES Unit and four NSW Fire and Rescue personnel were deployed to Lord Howe Island to provide additional resources and support in the clean-up efforts. Tony Day (NSW SES Division Commander for the Mid North Coast) said, “Support from the mainland is part of the Emergency Management Plan, and this was able to be enacted seamlessly to ensure a timely response. The NSW SES is committed to saving lives and protecting communities.” When the Port Macquarie SES team arrived on the island, their first task was to assess the damage, prioritise jobs and determine if any jobs needed to be referred to specialist arborists. Locals spontaneously volunteered and helped guide members from the Port Macquarie SES and NSW Fire and Rescue teams around the island, to show them the affected properties and help assess the impact of the damage. The resilience shown by the local community in preparing for the storm and then in the recovery process was demonstrated by how the community came together to help each other clear roads and start the clean-up process. When asked to sum up his experience, Alfred Portenschlager from the Port Macquarie SES said, “It is a great feeling to help a community in need. The local ‘Islanders’ of Lord Howe Island were such warm and welcoming people. We were happy to be able to help

24 Greater Port Macquarie focus

make things a little bit safer for them again.” The resilience shown by The SES team of qualified storm the local community in water damage specialists also preparing for the storm had working at heights, general invited to attend and participate in and then in the recovery land rescue and vertical rescue the Lord Howe Island "Discovery Day" process was demonstrated qualifications. Katie Blake, who festivities on Monday 17th February. by how the community was part of the SES task force, said, The Lord Howe Island Board came together to help each “We were fully equipped to support decided to go ahead with the event, other clear roads and start the response operations on the showing that Lord Howe Islanders are the clean-up process. island and support the local Lord a resilient bunch. The event celebrates Howe Island SES Unit. It was great the island's history and discovery in experience, with some challenging 1788, and the community celebrate and interesting jobs. Lord Howe by holding an annual sports night. Island is such a beautiful place to be deployed, and it was The combined Lord Howe Island and Port Macquarie SES great to help the island to get back to business as usual.” team had a great time competing and took out first prize Kevin Sherwood (Port Macquarie SES Taskforce Team in the tunnel ball and tug-o-war competitions. Leader) said, “After four days of intense work, we were Leonie Stevenson from Port Macquarie SES said, “It was able to complete all 65 jobs, cutting up fallen trees a fun-filled night and great to see so many now familiar and branches, tarping the roofs of damaged homes, or faces, coming together to celebrate less than a week after referring some jobs to the local arborist. I am proud of Uesi passed over the Island. It was a privilege to assist the how well we worked together with the local SES unit and Lord Howe Island community in their time of need and an Lord Howe Island Board to share resources and utilise our honour to work with such a positive-spirited community”. skilled operators to help in the recovery process.” Photos and editorial supplied by Port Macquarie SES. After completing all their jobs, the Taskforce Teams were






ou won’t hear about them all, but the horrific crime that befell Hannah Clarke (Baxter) and her three beautiful children has been plastered across the news these past few weeks. We are lost for words on this, and it is a horrible yet timely reminder that we all need to be proactive in stopping this epidemic of violence. Locally, we are fortunate enough to have a refuge and place for women and children to go to when they need crisis accommodation and support. The services are run by Liberty Domestic & Family Violence Specialist Services, headed

up by CEO Kelly Lamb and her amazing team, who work tirelessly to help women and children in need. For the last ten years the local Hastings Business Women's Network and Leslie Williams MP have fundraised through their International Women’s Day events, raising over $80,000. Their event this year, on March 8th, will be a special celebration of those ten years and all that has been achieved for the local service. The event at Sails Resort is an afternoon garden party, with special guest speaker Sam Barlow. You can read about Sam on page 6 of this edition. In the lead up to the main event is the relative newcomer of fundraisers, Him in

Heels. Him in Heels was created three years ago to bring more men into the conversation about DV and how it affects all aspects of our community. This year there are 50 local business men doing the walk, which goes for 200 m along Town Green and finishes at Little Shack … Oh, and for a challenge, they do the walk in women’s high heels. The more conversations we can have about the effects of DV for men, women and children, at home, how it transpires in the work place, and the long term effects, then the better we will know how to help people

IF YOU NEED HELP, OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES You can call 1800 RESPECT, or Liberty Services: 6583 2155. Follow the fundraising on And please come along to the main event on Sunday 8th March. Tickets from Thank you to the sponsors across these events. FOCUS, Men at Work, Laing + Simmons, Commonwealth Bank Regional and Agri Business Banking, Constable Printing and Little Shack.

experiencing it.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 25

Avocado Smash with Feta and Balsamic Vinegar on Sourdough from Vibes Coffee House 24 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Pepperoni Pizza

TAPP at Panthers The TAPP Bar has an eclectic industrial style setting, with spectacular water views across the Hastings River. Whether you are visiting the area or a local, you can enjoy a quiet day on the deck soaking up the sun rays while sipping on a cocktail, or a night out with friends in an electric atmosphere with inspiring musicians playing live every Friday and Saturday from 6pm. Every Sunday in March, indulge yourself in our new Pizza and Pint Members special. Choose any pizza on the menu and pair it with a pint of beer for only $25!


There are so many delicious items on our Tapp menu, catering for our vegetarian and vegan friends too! Treat yourself to a Tapp experience today. 1 BAY STREET, PORT MACQUAIRE (02) 6580 2300 WWW.PORTMACQUARIE.PANTHERS.COM.AU OPEN 7 DAYS. SUNDAY - FRIDAY: 12PM - LATE, SATURDAY: 10AM - LATE. BREAKFAST 8AM - 12PM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.

Pumpkin and Feta Tart

Drift Bar.Café.Restaurant Drift is a place we have created with you in mind … The perfect space for a quiet coffee and catch up with friends to a lovely night out the whole family can enjoy. Our new summer lunch and dinner menus are now available, full of fresh and delicious dishes perfect for the warmer months. Now is the perfect time to join us at your local club, Port City! Remember, bookings are essential: reserve your table today! Weekly specials include: $20 Steak & Schooner Sunday


$20 Chicken Schnitzel Tuesday $20 Proper Roast Thursday *All specials include a free complimentary schooner of standard tap beer, glass of house wine or soft drink. PORT CITY BOWLING CLUB, OWEN ST, PORT MACQUARIE 6583 1133 WWW.PORTCITY.COM.AU LUNCH 11:30AM - 2PM AND DINNER FROM 5:30PM.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 27


PETE ROBERTS Pete Roberts not only writes songs and performs them, but makes his own guitars! He’s the complete entertainment package … dedicated to his craft, always learning and evolving, and so invested in his music he’s taken a year away from his career as a high school industrial arts/woodwork teacher to focus on his creative interests.


ete performs regularly around the local area and has also released an album, Lifatus, so you can listen to his music anywhere, anytime … G'day Pete! You currently call Kendall home ... but what brought you to the area? My wife and I are both high school teachers and we transferred to the Camden Haven area after meeting during our first teaching posts, in Menindee near Broken Hill. We had both lived and worked in Newcastle but we didn’t want to live in a large-ish city again. We both grew up in Taree, so we were familiar with the beauty of the area; plus, our parents live in the area. How did your interest in listening to and performing music begin? Growing up the Blue Mountains and Taree, I absorbed sounds from my four older brothers’ stereos, typically ‘70s to ‘90s rock, heavy metal, and grunge, including Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Pearl Jam, Sound Garden and many other artists. After I had bass guitar lessons in Year 6 and slapped the strings until my thumb bled, literally, I became interested in playing acoustic and electric guitars. My mum bought me a classical guitar from a garage sale; I then studied a chord book and have played on and off since then. I performed in high school at Chatham, both solo and in a band called “Slither Tool”. The group was politically driven and influenced by Midnight Oil. After school I performed in and around Newcastle, both solo, then in alternative rock band “Geisha Blue”. You're a cabinet maker by trade and also teach industrial arts/woodwork. How do you feel your skill with woodwork complements your musical craftsmanship?

28 Greater Port Macquarie focus

It’s hard to describe the sense of fulfilment in playing an instrument you’ve made from scratch. In making my first two guitars I’ve focused on the details that determine how sound is produced. I used precise techniques to refine the acoustic properties of the timbers that I used in each guitar. Working this way has strengthened my connection with the sound produced when playing the guitars. You've recently taken a year off from teaching, and you're currently focusing on your music. Why did you decide to do this - and how's it going so far? Long story short, I decided that telling myself and others that, “I’m gonna do this and that … when I’m older”, was me just making excuses. I have found teaching very rewarding, but it has restricted how much quality time I have to fulfil my creative urges. So I decided, with my wife’s approval of course, to take a break sooner rather than later. I’m aiming to learn more about recording music, write more original songs, perform more and extend my woodworking skills. I want to explore the world of lutherie (instrument making). Late last year, after saying for about 15 years that “I’m gonna make my own guitars”, I made two steel string acoustic guitars under the experienced tuition of John Buckham in Wauchope. I am now making my next batch, which I’ll be playing soon. You traverse a less travelled path with your music, writing your own songs but the covers you do play at gigs are definitely not conventional either! What/ who inspires you musically (and why?) My general method of writing songs is a “blurt it out and then hone” approach, where I’ll refine vocal melodies or phrases around guitar riffs or chord progressions. I rarely set out to write about one topic, as

I find that stifles my questions about the On stage I don’t want to just be creative thoughts. So, strange disappearance someone playing 'background some of my lyrics reflect of William Tyrrell from music' while people chat. I a mash of ideas, giving Kendall in 2014. want everyone to feel like my songs an intriguing Other songs have a part of my act. Sometimes and intricate depth of lyrics with a second I hand out small percussive meaning, which isn’t person narrative, where instruments, so the audience can always obvious to the I ask myself rhetorical tap along. listener. Although I have questions as a way of many musical influences, managing my personal I never try to emulate issues around anxiety, anyone, yet within my or being self-conscious own sound, I can recognise artists I’ve been and a perfectionist. The meanings behind my drawn to. lyrics are not always written in plain sight. How important is it to you to engage your The listener also has to make an effort to be audience in your performances, and what involved in the whole experience. are some of the ways you do this? Where can we catch up with you for On stage I don’t want to just be someone upcoming gigs, or find out more about playing “background music” while people you? chat. I want everyone to feel like a part of my I’ll be busking in the Wauchope CBD for act. For example, sometimes I hand out small the Lasiandra Festival on Thursday 12th percussive instruments, so the audience can March, performing at Flow Bar on Good tap along. I believe almost everyone loves to Friday 10th April, the Botanic Wine Garden hit stuff and make noise. I also encourage on Wednesday 15th April and Bonny’s Surf friends and random strangers to sing backing Club Bar on Friday 8th May. People can follow vocals for my original songs. peterobertsmusic on Facebook and Instagram, You recently released an album of your or visit my website own material, entitled Lifiatus. Please peterobertsmusic YouTube channel, listen to explain the meaning of the title and tracks on my SoundCloud account, email me how this title reflects in the music you've at or call me on written. 0459 692 300. “Lifiatus” blends “Life” and “Hiatus”, My album Lifiatus is also available on conveying my “on and off again” efforts with Spotify, Google Play, Apple/iTunes and writing, recording and performing music. This YouTube Music; just search “Pete Roberts" or concept also emerges in my songs, when I “Lifiatus”. consider aspects of the presence or absence As a few final words, I’d like to add a huge of life. For example, my song Something, thank you to Mella and Dave from Live2U for featuring vocals from local singer songwriter their assistance with my photos and social Jasmine O’Brien and piano by Sam Davison, media. channels elements of loss and grief, while the Thanks Pete. acapella/beat box track William Gone? poses Interview: Jo Robinson.




udley, you’ve been a Port Macquarie local of 30 years. What brought you here? I was born in Newtown in Sydney in the 1950s, where Mum originated; Dad had just come back from the war. We moved to Camden Haven when I was five, to take on the family business of running some holiday cottages and hire boats. I started out as apprentice carpenter with my father in Laurieton, but we spent a fair bit of time in Kempsey; whenever there were big floods we’d go over to help re-establish things, then moved on to Country Energy (now known as Essential Energy). I had 38 years there as a linesman, covering Laurieton, Kendell and Comboyne, until my retirement five years ago. My wife (Kerry) and I raised our three boys - Shane, Leslie and youngest Geoff in their early years down in Laurieton, but when my wife and I bought a couple of hair salons in Port Macquarie, we decided to head up also. So yes, that was 30 years ago! Tell us a little about your family. My eldest, Shane, played some pretty good footy growing up, played in the UK and is now assistant coach for the West Tigers. My middle son, Leslie, was a hairdresser and also a ballet dancer. Early on, he had to make the decision which career to take, and he chose dancing. He moved down to Melbourne to the Australian Ballet School and at one stage

In local rugby league circles, Dudley Millard is a household name - in particular because of his work with the Port City Breakers. For the last 30 years, however, Dudley doesn’t get to see many too many of the Breakers games; instead, you will find him running the canteen or working tirelessly behind the scenes, so everyone else can enjoy themselves. Now Dudley, what is it that you actually was the best ballet dancer in the world for do with the Breakers? two years in a row, winning the International Ha ha, a bit of everything! I’m just the Genee award. Unfortunately, life got the betbloke that’s always around, I suppose. I ter of him, and he passed away only last year. haven’t got a role; I’ve been the President in My youngest boy, Geoff, was an apprentice the past, I've done a bit butcher for a while. He of coaching. I’m basicalloved is footy also; he ly the coach’s roustabout now works for Essenbloke. I make the calls tial Energy and is living to chase blokes up for locally with his family. My wife and I have both had the weekend, make sure You think all my boys some illness, but I like to we’ve got the jumpers, would be chalk and keep myself busy and water bottles filled and cheese, but they were all help out where I can. I everyone’s rego is paid. great mates growing up. do the occasional bus run for I’m at every training My wife is an amazing whoever needs it; recently with lending a hand with lady; she ran a hairdressthe State Touch here I was whatever has to happen ing business as well as driving the bus ... and behind the BBQ at being a great mum, now the homes games. retired, but occasionally Funny story about my is a marriage celebrant. youngest - came home So, what has been with a mate one day, said something about keeping you busy in your retirement? playing for the Sharks; I said, "You’d better Well, I’ve just had half my lung removed. start thinking about some other accommodaThey found some cancer, so the doctor tion, fellas - no accommodation here if you’re insisted I have six weeks' down time. I tell playing for the Sharks!" So, they came across you what; it's a cheaper day at the pub now to the Breakers! I’m not buying the smokes! My wife and I You’ve been involved with the Port City have both had some illness, but I like to keep Breakers Rugby League Club since their myself busy and help out where I can. beginning in 1994. How did it all hapI do the occasional bus run for whoever pen? needs it; recently with the State Touch here I Well, the bottom line is, there were too was driving the bus, ferrying the kids out to the fields, and I do pub raffles every Friday for many kids and plenty weren’t getting a game of football on the weekend. We had to split the Port City Breakers.

off; it started with the Juniors. We eventually had the bigger problem of pushing two 16s sides into one 18s team. We were losing blokes to union and anywhere else, so that’s how the Seniors started. And actually, they started as the Port City Cavaliers, after being sponsored by Cavalier Homes. We collected a couple of key players who couldn’t get a run in the Sharks First Grade side, and we were away. Mate, what gets you up in the morning? To make sure my Breakers are going all right, really. I love the place, and I love seeing them do well; I’m very proud. The whole being a part of that community, a club like the Breakers - it is my life. And my wife, (don’t forget to mention that in there); I’d be buggered without my wife. She’s been behind me all the way; she’s run canteens, she’s run the beer tents, she’s even the licensee, and she does all that for me. Anything I’ve been involved in with footy, she’s given me 110% support. She pulls me into line every now and again, but I usually get through a season all right. Last one: what’s the best thing about Port Macquarie? It’s a great place. It’s got everything here now I’ve got a bit older, it's got every doctor, every specialist you need. It’s a great place to live. Thanks Dudley. Keep reading FOCUS for more of Al’s “In the Front Bar" stories. Greater Port Macquarie focus 29


Out to Lunch

with Susie Boswell


She’s clever, accomplished, and at the apex of Australian TV. And she’s “ours”, Wauchope and Port Macquarie the hub of her childhood years. Her parents still live at King Creek and she loves returning with husband and kids to visit home. She shares some insights with Susie.


he Hastings-bred country girl lingering in Ally Langdon - a sophisticated world traveller over two decades now - sees her display a distinct lack of the frou-frou and vanity of some of her peers. Now with Karl Stefanovic cohosting the Nine Network’s weekday breakfast show Today, she often sports trim tailored trousers, hair styled simply loose or just swept back informally. Langdon seems no-fuss, low maintenance. Her wardrobe mimics her onair persona: easygoing, even happy-go-lucky, content for it not to be “all about me”. The contrast with her previous gig on 60 Minutes is marked. Instead of pure journalism - exacting, single-focus stories taking months to produce - the switch is to flexible think-on-your-feet slick-paced variety, the day’s headline news coverage and short interviews supplemented by ephemera, pop culture and information segments. Naturalness is a big part of Langdon’s appeal. She moved here from Wollongong at age seven, educated at Wauchope Primary, Wauchope High, and MacKillop College. “The enthusiasm of Mr Roberts, my Year 8 English teacher, was infectious,” she recalls. “He had a critical influence on me and made me love reading, which first caused me to think about journalism. I credit him with inspiring me with a love of asking questions.” After moving to Bathurst to study for a journalism degree her most formative experience, she says, was as a US exchange student in second year uni, an internship at CBS. “I’d grown up in the country so moving to New

30 Greater Port Macquarie focus

York was my introduction to a big city; it was huge for me. I was lonely; I sometimes went with next to no money; I was out on my own. I romanticise it now, but at the time it was really tough. Yet it showed me how strong I can be.” On graduation she began what’s now an unbroken 20-year tenure with Nine. She cites CNN’s Christiane Amanpour as her greatest professional influence: “... a trailblazer and role model for female journalists who’s carved a path for reporters across the world”. At home, 60 Minutes’ Liz Hayes and Tara Brown have been inspiring, “extremely knowledgeable women I’ve learnt so much from, and generous in sharing their advice”. Langdon’s career has seen her in some tense spots - submerged with great white sharks, stranded at the top of Kilimanjaro, covering a terrorist bombing and penetrating the dangers of war zones and violent Mexican drug cartels. 60 Minutes was “rewarding, and there were so many challenges. Some of my favourite stories were the hardest to do and overcome, really difficult emotionally and physically: you need your wits about you.” And: “I’ve met some extraordinary people I’ve admired over the years. Ralph and Kathy Kelly stand out. Their son Thomas was killed in a one-punch assault, then their younger son Stuart took his own life. The couple are truly inspirational in how they’ve dealt with such tragedy. [Athlete and burns victim] Turia Pitt’s another. She’s the most positive, caring person who’s handled her recovery like few would, and never let her injuries get on top of her.” An aspect of Langdon’s role-change that

appeals is Today’s largely regular hours, despite some OB (outside broadcast) travel: “I know the hours I have to work, where on 60 Minutes it got tricky balancing trips away and children. Early mornings don’t bother me and I’ve made the call I’m not going to make a drama out of what time I need to wake up! The hours mean I get to spend every afternoon and weekend with Mike and the kids.” “Mike” is husband Mike Willesee Jnr and the kids are son Mack, 3, and daughter Scout, just turned one; the family lives in Sydney’s east. Her output’s prolific, juggling a demanding career, family life and kids ... even known to take Mack, as an infant, on assignment (admittedly with the help of a nanny). Just as her new Today commitment was being announced she told Stellar magazine she and Mike share childcare responsibilities and he was poised to take paternity leave. Despite having had two children while still in her 30s, Langdon describes herself as a becoming a mother “later in life. Mike and I hadn’t factored in kids ... now I look at these two perfect humans who are our greatest achievement!” Additionally, she’s authored a book on the Keli Lane mystery; makes numerous public and media appearances in connection with her work and public profile, often relating to women’s issues; takes allied fashion shoots in good humour; publishes podcasts and posts in electronic media, with 24,000 followers on Twitter alone. She’s an ambassador for charities R U OK? and the Mirabel Foundation that helps children orphaned due to parental drug addiction and grandparents left bringing up kids. She’s remarkably frank, often self-

deprecating, in public utterances about her own work and personal life: yet preserves the privacy of, and is notably reserved about, family - husband, kids, parents, siblings. Some snippets: For her own TV viewing “I like to watch escapism where the good guy always wins, and bio-pics. I enjoy movies like Bohemian Rhapsody or Yesterday. I don’t watch anything scary.” A favourite book: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. How does she relax? “A jump in the ocean does the trick, but this year I’m going to try meditation, something I’m not good at.” Physically, “I’ve been relying on walking the pram up the hills near home. I’m slowly getting back into exercise after two kids and I now see a personal trainer twice a week, and do Pilates. Normally I’m a chardonnay girl and there’s nothing I won’t eat. But we had a pretty indulgent January so now I’m off booze, wheat and meat ... I can’t begin to tell you what a joy I’m like to be around at the moment!” she declares wryly, then adds brightly: “But it’s been really good to re-set.” Holiday spots? “Overseas, my favourite destination’s Buenos Aires. And I want one day to take the kids swimming with humpback whales off Tonga, an unreal experience I had with 60 Minutes.” Yet: “After years of travelling , when holidays come up I don’t want to travel the world. My favourite trip away is when I get back onto the farm in Wauchope, or visit South West Rocks or Blueys Beach.” Susie and guest are hosted by Lou Perri at The Stunned Mullet on Town Beach.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 31



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W I T H K AT E W O O D - F O Y E

Sam Wyper Photography

Little Glimpses Photography

Charles Sturt’s Mark Matheson and wife Ali at the Dancing with The Stars launch

Stars and their dancer teachers at the launch of Hastings Dance For Cancer 2020, Sails, Port Macquarie

Little Glimpses Photography

Lovely ladies enjoying the Tacking Point Surf Club fundraising event

Celebrating love with African dancing at Genna and Peter's wedding at Sails, Port Macquarie

Sam Wyper Photography

Dance Star Cassie Clarke and husband Marten with daughters Ally & Bella at Sails Port Macquarie

Genna and Peter’s luxe resort and African inspired wedding, Sails, Port Macquarie

Did someone say March already? Yikes! We are hurtling into autumn at a ridiculously rapid speed, soaking up all the delicious rain and goodness like a happy little coastal sponge whilst deftly dodging mosquitos the size of small birds and remembering what it’s like to see green, green, green!


omplete heaven - although we may need a little break in the precipitation to avoid installing a rubber ducky to get the car to the office each morning! Note to self - high heels are not floatation devices and should not be activated in any staircase situation! Along with the rain there is a tingle in the air - a little magic is growing as our beautiful community comes to life with events and celebrations to stamp their complete fabulousness on this year of 2020! So much to get involved with, and in typical form local legends from our community are right there amongst it with a smile, a whole bag of nerves, ready to raise some spirits and some funds for this gorgeous place we call home. Preparations are underway all over the city for a series of fabulous events to celebrate International Women’s Day. This year the Hastings Business Women’s Network have created a luxe afternoon at stunning Sails Port Macquarie, with a garden party in the pavilion on Sunday 8th March. Ladies and gents will sip on cocktails, enjoy delicious canapés and lots of fun, as we soak up the stunning location and listen to inspirational speaker Sam Barlow share her story of triumph over adversity. The International Women’s Day event is always a much anticipated special celebration,

and this year will be extra glam. Gather the girls and guys in your life to celebrate, with funds raised going back to Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Service - an amazing group of women who provide safety, support and other services for those who need it most in our community. Not to be outdone, the lads line up for my other favourite event celebrating the hairy legged heroes in our community - men who stand up against violence and are willing to make a glamorous goose of themselves in the process. As always, my 6 foot 4 hubby Steve from Peak Coffee will be there with bells on for the annual “Him in Heels” event, where brave and tentatively flamboyant men from our community beg borrow or Google madly to get their hands on high heels to wear in the annual breakwall breakneck event. These business men, tradies, academics and local personalities will join forces to wobble their way from the wharf to Little Shack in their sparkly heels, all to raise awareness for this cause. Teams include Glenn Triggs and the gang from Commonwealth Bank, Ross and the lads from Men at Work, and I may have just convinced a team of academics from Charles Sturt University to embrace their inner sparkle, including Garth Norris, Sam Willis, Johnathon Hewis, Richard Tindle and Bradd Payne! Go fellas! Completely love

your work - I will be there all the way with a piccolo latte, some bandaids and a camera to capture you in all your glory! Congrats to gorgeous bride Gennevieve Radnana and Peter Onuchukwu, who celebrated with a ceremony and reception in the Pavilion at Sails Port Macquarie with 100 guests from all over the country and the world. The bride was simply stunning and worked with stylist Emma Lilly to create a gorgeous resort feel for her wedding, incorporating her new husband’s beautiful African heritage. Peter, an electrician from Nigeria and Genna, who owns Gennarosity-Abroad celebrated with champagne in the gardens, canapés, entrée, main and their wedding cakes as dessert, with a fabulous infusion of African dancing and lawn games for fun. Congrats, Genna and Peter on the next chapter of your adventure together! Tacking Point Surf Lifesaving Club was filled to the brim with gorgeous ladies for the most recent installation of the Annual Girls Afternoon fundraiser overlooking Lighthouse Beach. Organised by Bec Gillespie, the event was attended by over 150 stunning ladies, who despite the rain were in fine form and enjoyed champagne, a delicious grazing station by Char Bar Catering and tunes by Simon Gudgeon and Andrew Cousins. Guests included Kathryn MacFarlane, Rache

Brown, Alison Bonney, Shandelle Shepherd, Brittany Brown, Jane Moye and Estelle Venter. The afternoon fun spilled over into the night, with not a single space left on the dance floor. Congrats to all involved! Dance fever has taken over the city, with 11 local dance stars and their partners gathering in all their glamour for the cocktail launch of Stars of the Hastings Dance for Cancer at Sails Port Macquarie recently. Lots of fabulous humans participating this year, including Amanda Perrin-Sumner of Rydges Port Macquarie; Brendan McDonald, Port Macquarie-Hastings Library; Cassie Clark, Seasalt; Cori Aspinall, Port Macquarie Orthodontics; Dr Kristy Kostalas, Port Medical Aesthetics Clinic; Mark Matheson, Charles Sturt University; Meaghan Cook, Hastings Secondary College; Natasha Swain, Hairdresser/TAFE Teacher; Tim Farnsworth, Westpac; Hadyn Oriti, Donovan Oates Hannaford; and Michael Ferguson, Wauchope Veterinary Clinic. The new stars have until Friday 12th June to perfect their dance moves with the talented teachers and raise as many funds as possible! Chookas to you all! Time to strap in, glam up and get ready for a fantastic event season ahead - trying to squeeze all the fabulousness in! 'til next month! Kate. Greater Port Macquarie focus 33





t certainly has been raining down on us this past month - as if somehow all the sultry, unstable weather of an entire summer decided to unleash over a period of a few short weeks, just in the nick of time before autumn was once again upon us. The timeworn saying, “It doesn’t rain, it pours” couldn’t apply any more aptly to our weather conditions over this past month. It just so happens that coincidentally this same few weeks have been extremely stormy and turbulent ones for the hospitality industry too. It all started innocuously enough at the end of January, with me being fortunate enough to be able to visit chef Matt Wilkinson’s new restaurant, Crofter Dining in Melbourne. Many of you may recall Matt featuring as our amazing guest chef for Tastings on Hastings 2016, and we have kept in touch these past few years. As it so happened, Matt’s restaurant had only opened a few weeks before, and he was in the throes of getting into the groove of managing a new business and all that entails. Needless to say, our table enjoyed a fabulous meal - inspired by wonderful vegcentric ingredients and whimsical takes on classic dishes, all done with great service in a groovy East Brunswick location. We all effusively congratulated Matt on his wonderful accomplishment and were thrilled to have been able to dine there. Returning home to Port Mac after that weekend, we swung back into the new year with a vengeance, and our blissful nights out in Melbourne were relegated to pleasing memories. Until less than two weeks later - with horror we watched the slow-motion car crash of George Calombaris’s MAdE Establishment. Now, this is indeed the stuff of any hospitality operator’s worst nightmare - and it would have been unsettling enough on its own, but as Matt Wilkinson’s restaurant Crofter Dining was owned by the MAdE group, it was infinitely more disturbing. Very unfortunately, Matt had to close Crofter

34 Greater Port Macquarie focus

after some heavy negotiations trying save it. It’s sad on so many levels - obviously knowing Matt, knowing how very much is involved with the start-up of a restaurant business, thinking of all the people involved who have been let down and are without jobs, the huge momentum that goes into opening - and then fizzles out so quickly and unexpectedly. Fortunately, Matt is somewhat of a resilient Northerner with other business interests and will emerge intact from this upheaval. For Calombaris, however, the future is somewhat bleaker - his entire empire has tumbled down. Contributing factors aside - large scale underpayment of employees, breaking away from the all-powerful security blanket of MasterChef, to name the most obvious, this is a tragic event for the entire hospitality industry and doesn’t fail to make all of us operators quiver in their boots regarding our future. For conditions here in Australia seem to get ever bleaker - rising costs from our suppliers, rising wages and entitlements, rising property values, rents, licenses and insurance. A dining public that for the most part doesn’t want to pay more to cover all these costs to keep these businesses afloat (ultimately the customer pays, or restaurants close their doors). In an ideal world this wouldn’t have to happen, if there were other avenues of support available to small businesses … If we want to keep the diversity we enjoy in terms of bars, restaurants and cafés, something has to give, and soon. The restaurant trade isn’t intended to be a not-for-profit (much as we love feeding you); there’s got to be an easier way to make a living. At the end of the day, that’s what we all have to do. We just need some room to breathe, so we can keep on doing it. The debate continues and is ultimately one for all of us operators to ponder and action … Meanwhile - it is down to you, our wonderful dining public to keep supporting local dining establishments, so we can keep serving up all those diverse and delicious things!

Ken Little's Fruit & Veg This is the month when we see the appearance of all the beaut citrus fruits. The Aussie navel orange will start arriving from Queensland about mid March, followed by the delicious imperial mandarins. March is certainly the month for all the new season apples! We now have new season gala apples, and it won’t be long before the Granny Smiths arrive. This month the stone fruit will start to disappear; however, the famous garnet plum is still in stock. The ever popular Coffs Harbour lychees are now finished. New season William pears are a real treat and very reasonably priced - extra good for the kids' lunch boxes. In the vegetable section we have local red and yellow capsicums, snake beans, and lots of fresh herbs from Som at Bago. The green beans, beetroot bunches, radish and rhubarb from Comboyne are very nice and crisp and of a high quality. The team would love to see you soon. Please come in and say good day! Ken.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 35

Port Macquarie-Hastings


Port Macquarie Library celebrates its milestone 20th birthday in 2020. Sarah Baker speaks with the Library Manager, Jim Maguire, on the upcoming celebration.


i Jim. Thank you so much for speaking with FOCUS. Please tell us about the significance of the library’s 20th birthday here in Port Macquarie. The “new” Port Macquarie Library was officially opened in March 2000. Since then we have had almost six million visits and loaned ten million items, well ... 9,848,125, to be precise. Over this period, libraries have embraced change, adapting and transforming to become meaningful to the community in new and exciting ways. The birthday celebrations not only commemorate 20 years in our library; they celebrate the library’s commitment to community and demonstrate some of the exciting programs and services the library has been rolling out. I understand all are welcome to attend the library’s birthday celebrations on Saturday, March 14th. What is planned for this special event at the Grant Street, Port Macquarie location?

Everyone is always welcome in the library. The celebration is an opportunity to celebrate all things “library”. There will be entertainment, games, face painting, virtual reality, the Big Book Swap, storytelling and CAKE! The library continues to be an iconic place of learning for the Port MacquarieHastings community. Tell us about some of the programs and services you provide. The library is a community facility with a recording studio, a virtual reality room, two outdoor areas, four meeting rooms and eight study rooms. We offer a raft of events, including author and information talks, Midwaste workshops (Declutter, Eco Cleaning, Food Smart), book clubs, children’s story times, baby bounce, a library van service and much more. We have access to over 180,000 physical items in a whole range of formats. We also have a range of online resources, accessible from the comfort of your own home (eBooks, eAudio, eMags, music and movies).

Port Macquarie Library Staff - BR L-R: Angie Hazelton-Kelly, Elizabeth Robinson, Kim Mason, Leanne Wright, Brendan McDonald. FR L-R: Jeff Stonehouse, Kate Forrest, Jim Maguire (Library Manager).

Some of our more esoteric collections include ukuleles, exercise equipment and a seed library. What is the future vision for the invaluable library service as we enter a new decade? Our vision pictures the library as a community hub. It should be a community living room, where people can hang out, relax and escape. A place that is inviting, relevant and functional and where the vibe is warm and welcoming. We believe a library’s value isn’t simply in its books, rather in its ability to bring people together and create a sense of community.

For people wanting to find out more about Port Macquarie-Hastings Library Service or become a member, how can they best get in touch? As a council funded community facility, everyone is already a member. To pick up your card, simply pop into your local library, visit our website or call us on 6581 8755. Thanks Jim.

Y HA A D PPY H h t T R I 20 B You’re invited to celebrate Port Macquarie Library’s 20th Birthday!

Saturday 14 March 9 am - 12 noon

36 Greater Port Macquarie focus

A fun-filled morning is planned with cake, entertainment, face painting, giant games, cake, a jumping castle, craft, the Big Book Swap and did we mention cake? Drop into our virtual reality room or recording studio and join in the fun!




Greater Port Macquarie focus 37




Discover the rich heritage of historic Manilla. With great experiences on offer all year round, plan a trip now to make sure you don’t miss out.


hilst it is renowned as an adventurer’s paradise, Manilla has many hidden gems just waiting to be discovered. History, outdoor adventures, foodie bliss and family fun - you name it, and Manilla will deliver! Manilla is primarily known for being the home of aero sports, having hosted 18 international level paragliding events since 1994. Mt Borah - located 880 m above sea level - has been a flying site since the early 1990s, providing the perfect launching spot for thrill-seeking participants. In 2007, Manilla hosted the first Paragliding World Championship outside of Europe; in addition to this, a great number of state and national events (both competitions and clinics) are held each year, including the NSW State Hang Gliding Championships and the Paragliding State of Origin. The Manilla Paragliding School offers a nine day live-in course, providing equipment, accommodation, a refresher training day and licence upgrades. However, Manilla is fast becoming known as a heritage destination; established on the junction of the Manilla and Namoi rivers, Manilla was originally a campsite for local Indigenous tribes and later, for teamsters

38 Greater Port Macquarie focus

and bullock wagons as they made their journey to outlying cattle stations with much needed supplies. Today, a walk down Manilla’s main street will step you back in time; discover the fascinating THINKING ABOUT period architecture; PLANNING A TRIP? Victorian and art deco CHECK OUT MANILLA’S facades, leadlight EVENTS TO MAKE IT windows, wrought iron AN ACTION-PACKED adjoining Manilla and balconies and ornate WEEKEND. AND DON’T Namoi rivers, there are verandahs. FORGET TO CHECK plenty of opportunities Bursting with history, OUT THE MANILLA to soak up the sun Manilla’s fascinating SHOW THIS MONTH! whilst you take in past is preserved in the the atmosphere. The Manilla Heritage and Manilla Golf Course Machinery Museums, offers a more structured or can be discovered outdoor activity with a 9-hole course, set along the Heritage Walk self-guided tour. amongst picturesque sand greens. 2016 Memorabilia from the past is on display saw the opening of the Manilla Road Safety to satisfy the curious mind in the old I.X.L Bike Park, providing a perfect location for a Bakery shopfront - now the Manilla Visitor day of family activities at Manilla’s Chaffey Information Outlet. Pop in and say hello to Park. Not too far from the park is the Manilla the friendly volunteers, who can take you on Weir, a hive of activity after recent rain in the a guided tour. area for picnics, swimming, water sports and If history is not your passion, take fishing when it’s flowing. advantage of the peaceful outdoors, as You’ll also be thrilled to discover boutique you explore parks, dams, lakes and rivers foodie experiences in Manilla. Satisfy your in Manilla and surrounds. With so much coffee craving with the perfect espresso to offer, like boating and fishing on the

served with a slice of homemade cake at Warm Discussions café, check out one of the town’s three pubs to enjoy a hearty meal, or indulge in a gourmet picnic in one of Manilla’s beautiful parks. For the sweeter tooth, venture into Molly May’s for a sweet treat like no other - an Ultimate Shake, topped with whipped cream, fairy floss sprinkles and more! A trip to the Manilla Museum Markets on the first Saturday of each month will please your palate when you taste the local produce that is on offer too! Plan your trip to Manilla to take advantage of this quaint historical town and all that it has to offer. To find out more about what’s on offer in Manilla, visit www.destinationtamworth. /manilla or pop into the Manilla Visitor Information Outlet.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 39

The 36th Annual Lasiandra Festival



WEDNESDAY 11TH MARCH Ladies Golf Day When 8.30am Jack Dwyer Memorial Triples, Men’s Bowls When 5.00pm Where Wauchope Country Club


MONDAY 2ND MARCH When 8.30am


Veteran Ladies Golf Day Women’s Bowls – Lasiandra Triples Where Wauchope Country Club

SUNDAY 8TH MARCH When 10.00am Live music on the pergola. Free entry with entertainment from 11.00am. N.B. Maze entry charges apply. Where Bago Vineyards

40 Greater Port Macquarie focus


THURSDAY 12TH MARCH When 8.30am Purple People Shopping & Market Day Art & Craft Markets in the CBD. Staff Costume, Window Front & Premises Displays Lifeline Shop Garden Party Where 41 Cameron Street “Lasiandra Festival Fiesta” Where TG’s Child Care 33B Hastings Street, 122A High Street, 3 Riverbreeze Drive

The 36th Annual Lasiandra Festival



"Purple" Wauchope parkrun Where @ Rocks Ferry Reserve, Rocks Ferry Road Info contact Wauchope parkrun via email for further details.

When 5.00pm - 9.00pm Hastings Co-op Twilight Tastings Bring the family and enjoy a night of food, fun and tastings. Local producers, Farmers markets, live music. Fun for the kids, show and shine from local car clubs. Entry $5. Children U/18 Free.

When 10.00am Hastings Valley Miniature Railway Family Fun Day Where Yippin Creek Reserve. Rides $2.00 pp. Please wear covered footwear. Lions Club BBQ.

Where Wauchope Showground.



When 10.00am


Lasiandra Mystery Winery Tour

When 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Where Departs Lasiandra Park. Limited seats @ $55 pp.

Bike Night, A Motorcycle Friendly Town Initiative Purple Theme.

Inc. BBQ lunch, wine tastings @ local wineries

Where Bransdon Street.

Bookings Essential: 0412 137 621

Greater Port Macquarie focus 41

focus_contributor - Travel Editor Susie Boswell.

A new view: Europe by bike

Skip the sedentary, the meditation, yoga and spa: a new active - trend in wellness tourism has arrived on two wheels.


ycling for non-cyclists” is how Italian tour group Tourissimo is billing its latest tour of the much-admired and desired destination, Tuscany. Let’s call it La Dolce Vita - alla Velocita. The tour organisers had noticed many companies offering “beginner” cycling tours yet still assuming a certain level of skill, and often attracting experienced cyclists. “This can make those new to cycling feel intimidated, afraid to ask questions, and worry about falling behind or slowing the group down,” they reckoned. So now Tourissimo tours, on the other hand, are entirely non-judgmental and designed for guests with “zero” cycling experience. The Tuscany tour is titled “Bici Basics” - “bici” (pronounced “beesee”) for the Italian word for bicycle, bicicletta - promoted as deliberately designed for ultimate beginners and aimed at enhancing a healthy lifestyle. Each day of the six-night seven-day tour will include cycling lessons with guides who are certified cycling instructors and an easy-paced 16 to 40km of riding. Guests will learn bike safety, bike components, how to shift, climb and descend, rules of the road and more. As well as the exhilaration of cycling, the tour offers the opportunity to indulge en route in the food, wine and culture of Tuscany. The wine-making region offers scenic cycling among rolling hills and medieval villages, including Leonardo da Vinci’s house and village, and a Medici Villa, a UNESCO Wold Heritage site. “On this tour for beginners you’ll build the skills necessary to be more confident on a bike as you experience the joys of cycling in Italy - the wind in your hair, the colours, sights, amazing food and

42 Greater Port Macquarie focus

On this tour for beginners you’ll build the skills necessary to be more confident on a bike as you experience the joys of cycling in Italy - the wind in your hair, the

wine, Italian culture - and all & Seek Bicycle Adventures is in a supportive atmosphere,” offering a 23-day 1500km Tourissimo says. Just two bases “Conquest of the Moors” (overnight stays) are involved, cycling tour across Morocco, to avoid excessive packing and Portugal and Spain from late colours, sights, amazing food and unpacking. September. Split into two wine, Italian culture - and all in a The tour’s set down for June stages, travellers will explore supportive atmosphere, 21-27 this year and includes the history of the Moors and accommodation in four-star 700 years of Muslim rule and boutique hotels; all breakfasts, Islamic influence still apparthree lunches, five dinners and ent in the regions by cycling wine with meals; coffee, cappuccino, and gelato from Fez to Tangiers, Morocco, before crossing the stops “in charming piazzas”; wine tasting; support Mediterranean to the Iberian Peninsula and riding vehicle and luggage transfer during the tour; shuttle from Silves in Portugal to Cordoba in Spain. The epic transfers at the beginning and the end of the tour. journey is scheduled for September 28 to October The experience does not come at a budget price: 20 and ranges in price from approx US$3900 to Bici Basics is listed at US$2995 (approx $4500) US$9767. Further info at with an optional extra private room supplement of Among locations to be visited is a two-night stay US$495 ($750). Of course, your bike is provided in the Spanish town of Jerez de la Frontera, known and essentially you’re securing the company of two for its sherry production, equestrian arts and flamenpersonal tour guides familiar with Tuscany and its at- co music. Further eastwards riders can experience tractions as well as the companionship of like-mindthe spectacular El Caminito del Rey, a path pinned ed travellers. Additionally you’ll pay for flights to along the steep walls of a narrow gorge, and later Italy, pre- and post-tour accommodation and, if you on a two-night stay in Granada, in the foothills wish, for a tour extension. of the Sierra Nevada and home to the sprawling When I inquired of Tourissimo recently I was fortress, UNESCO-listed Alhambra. As well, there’s advised the number of participants in June was the opportunity to climb the highest paved road in expected to be between eight and ten people and Europe, ascending Pico del Veleta, at 3380m. “The that the maximum will be 14, giving a ratio of one 40k climb is a brutal ride,” the organisers warn. guide to seven guests at most. Further information “For most of the group, a day exploring the town of is at and remember: Australia Granada will hold more appeal!” is backing domestic businesses including for tourism Meanwhile, for ultimate daredevils there’s “Ride purchases, so consult your local travel agent for the Roof of the World”, a mountain bike trip in the advice, tour and travel insurance and bookings. Nepalese Himalayas for breathtaking climbs and fast Meanwhile, at the other extreme of physical descents in the Kathmandu Valley, the world’s highendurance and distance, a company billed as Ride est peaks. See



tourism UPDATE

Smart Casuals for Travel now available at Colonial Cobbler Take on the new season autumn weather with the versatile and stylish ranges of new season smart casuals and travel footwear in a variety of shades and styles. You will find shoes with quality finishes in soft leathers and fashionable styles. All of Colonial Cobbler’s European stocked footwear offers superior all day comfort and practicability, perfect for your daily travel needs near and far. Some tips for packing shoes for your next holiday are as follows: - Choose shoes that can be worn with a few different outfits - Pack socks and underwear into your shoes to save suitcase or backpack space - Choose comfortable, breathable footwear for walking

- Check the local forecast before you head out exploring - Make sure your walking shoes are non-slip and waterproof All Colonial Cobbler’s branded footwear will ensure your feet stay cool and fresh for maximum comfort throughout the day. There are some great new season sneakers in-store, as well as sandals, with second-skin leather lining for extra comfort. Loafers and flats are also a great option for the savvy traveller. These are both lightweight and comfortable and versatile for both casual and dressy occasions. Come in to experience the comfort of new season smart casuals and travel footwear now in-store. Your bound to find your new favourites!

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital continues to be in the news, splashed across all forms of media, both in Australia and internationally. The work they have been doing with the koalas over past months has been amazing. The have now attracted the attention of the United Nations.


nited Nations’ World Wildlife Day is held on March 3 each year to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. They have invited the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital to New York as a key presenter, and to be the beneficiary of key fundraising events. Cheyne Flanagan, Clinical Director of the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, and Koala Ecologist Rebecca Montague-Drake, who is employed by the Mid North Coast Joint Organisation to lead the Koala Recovery Partnership Project across the Mid North Coast of NSW, will speak. Sue Ashton, President of Koala Conservation Australia said they are honoured to be invited. “I know that Cheyne and Rebecca will do a great job bringing their experience and wealth of knowledge to this global stage,” said Ms Ashton. Port Macquarie Museum is pleased to announce the launch of its newest online exhibition and digital story telling project website, Tourists Paradise. The exhibition is about Port Macquarie’s tourism history. Check out - lots of great memories. There is also another exhibition happening at the Museum, Out of the Frame, a collaborative exhibition with Port Macquarie U3A textile, fibre and acrylic artists., The exhibition runs until 31st March 2020. Lasiandra Festival is happening, and the colour purple will be spread all over the Wauchope Community this month. The Festival starts from the 2nd March and culminates on the 28th March. Check out www. for the full programme. If you are a model train buff, the Hastings Valley Miniature Railway @ Yippen Creek Reserve will be operating on 14th March from 10am - don’t miss this one. The place to be on the 8th March is at Bago Winery and Maze, where Lilly Munday and Friends will be performing from 11am.

The Purple People Shopping Day on the 12th March is always fun. Hastings Co-op presents Twilight Tastings from 5 - 9pm on the 16th March - local producers, live music, children’s entertainment, farmers' market stalls and tastings from Hastings Co-op Timbertown IGA Deli. Hastings Business Women’s Network Annual Celebration for International Women's Day Garden Party - March 8 at Sails Resort by Rydges. Samantha Barlow will be the guest speaker. For further details, check www. Another annual fundraising event - Ladies in Red, will be held at Rydges on Friday 13th March - check out rydgespmq Comboyne Show - Sat 7th to Sun 8th March at Showground Road, Comboyne. Flying the flag for Greater Port Macquarie, Hello Koalas Sculpture Trail, NRMA Breakwall Caravan Park and Telegraph Retreat Cottages, who are finalists in the Australian National Tourism Awards in Canberra, 6th March - good luck to our three finalists. Campaign to encourage tourists to our region: This month Minister for Tourism Stuart Ayres announced the “Now‘s The Time to Love NSW Campaign” as part of a $10 million Tourism Recovery package. We have had many media outlets visit our region over the last few weeks. Please if possible, shop local, as our business owners will appreciate the support. The newest member of Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association - Port Bus Charters, Tours and Rentals. Let them take the hassle out of your tours / charters / bus hire and all things transport. The friendly, reliable and experienced staff take pride in providing our valued customers with the highest quality service and support. For further information on What’s On in our region: Greater Port Macquarie focus 43

44 Greater Port Macquarie focus

K A Y L E Y Riddle

A S H L E Y Sargeson



Please introduce yourself and your business. Prior to running my own business, I gained over 20 years’ experience as an HR Director for large organisations such as the Hilton Group and TAFENSW. I now support businesses to achieve optimum results by maximising their "people engine". How does your business adapt to change? By always working with the needs of the business. Every business is different; everything we do is customised according to the stage of the business and its culture, whilst considering the current market and environment. Our work is driven by real outcomes. What are your greatest strengths in business? Being able to work at a range of levels and do meaningful work with leaders and teams, using years of experience and knowledge, utilising proven tools and strategies to ensure business growth. They always tell me I help make it easy! Tell us about your involvement in the local community. As VP of the Hastings Business Women's Network, we support locals in many ways. I particularly love coaching and providing business advice. A highlight from last year was the Emotional Intelligence workshop I facilitated; it's resulted in many local business owners and leaders being more productive, loving their work and achieving their goals! What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? Do what you love, make good choices about how you spend your time, get plenty of sleep!


Please introduce yourself and your business. I'm a 33 year old wife, mother of two beautiful children and owner of Touchwood Flowers for the past 15 years. My florist is made up of a team of talented, hard working, dedicated and passionate florists. Our style is modern and elegant, and we love creating designs with different flowers and lush foliage. Community involvement? We are very community focused at Touchwood. We donate to local schools, clubs and community groups on a regular basis. We take on work experience students from various schools to help a younger generation gain confidence and experience in the workplace. For me personally, I run and teach at the Bonny Hills Physical Culture Club. This is a voluntary position twice a week, where we encourage, empower and inspire girls and women of all ages through the love of dance. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? 1. family first always - especially with young kids, time goes so fast; don't sacrifice precious time. 2. Be kind to yourself - keep a healthy mind and body. 3. Ask for help - you really can't do everything! Quote to live by? She believed she could, and she did.


Please introduce yourself. Hi, I'm Emma, a mum, sister, daughter and business woman. I opened my salon, Plum Studio just over 19 months ago now, and it was the best and hardest thing I have ever done. What is your business vision for 2020? This year will see Plum Studio creating more of a presence in Port Macquarie and surrounds. Creating more jobs for experienced senior stylists and training opportunities for school based trainees. I have created a relaxed and uplifting work environment for staff, and I would love to keep that growing. How do you juggle work/life balance? This is definitely the one thing I wanted to make sure I got right. I have three little kids, and I don't want to miss out on watching them grow up. So my weekends are filled with quality time, where I am 100% present with the kids. That doesn't mean everything runs smoothly always. There are always days where I have been running in to pick the kids up three minutes before after school care closes. But for the most part, I feel I am juggling OK!

Greater Port Macquarie focus 45

D R E M M A Rees

C A S S A N D R A Clark

I N T E G R I T I B E S P O K E W O M E N ’ S H E A LT H M E D I C A L D I R E C T O R


Please introduce yourself and your business. Integriti Bespoke Women’s Health offers a range of screening, contraception, treatment and referral pathways for women in Port Macquarie. It is led by Dr Emma Rees, who has a special interest in women’s health and has UK diplomas in obstetrics and gynaecology and sexual and reproductive health. What is your business vision for 2020? Empowering women to make high quality decisions about their healthcare is a fundamental ethos of Integriti. Over the next 12 months we aim to establish shared decision making as routine in every woman’s healthcare journey. I have published research in shared decision making

46 Greater Port Macquarie focus

and truly hope to ensure "no decision about me, without me" will reflect the experience of women accessing the clinic. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? I think it’s really important to recognise how busy life can be and to ensure that every week some time is spent in activities focused on self. Personally I enjoy exercise and try to make time to exercise every day. This helps me to switch off and maintains my fitness levels, which are key to maintaining health and wellbeing. I am a strong advocate that we all need time to relax and recharge and with a three year old, I definitely have to actively make time for this!

Please introduce yourself and your business. My name is Cassandra Clark, and I have been married for 25 years. I moved to Port Macquarie seven years ago with my husband and three children. Since moving to Port Macquarie, we have opened a number of businesses - Seasalt Café and Restaurant at the Marina, and our newest addition 'Chickensalt Rotisserie' at the Kmart Complex. Tell us about your involvement in the local community. I have been involved with the hospitality industry my whole life, and I'm very passionate about it. Over the past five years I have continually supported our local community, from sponsoring sporting teams to individual

donations, to major groups like Braveheart and Cancer Council; this year I am one of the dancers for Stars of Hastings. We are very involved with work placement experience from local schools, teaching young adults hospitality. We now employ over 25 locals. What are your greatest strengths in business? The businesses are all family run with my husband, Marten, two daughters Ally and Bella and our son, Nelson; this is one of our greatest strengths. Seasalt - With its beautiful location, friendly staff, best coffee and fantastic food, has won the top Chamber of Commerce Business Awards in Café Restaurant three years in a row. That makes us proud! The connections and friendships we have made throughout our time here makes for a very happy life.




lease introduce yourself and your business. I’m Kelly, studio owner, yoga and pilates practitioner at Bodiline Yoga & Pilates. I’ve been in the business for three months, sharing my love and passion, guiding people from all walks of life on their journey to living healthier and more meaningful lives. Our studio and team are unique to this beautiful region; our space offers Yoga, Barre, Massage and is fully equipped with Pilates Reformers, Wunda Chairs, Caddy and more.

Tamara Grieve from GUT HAPPY. We’re sponsoring and training Dr Kristy from Port Aesthetics, who is Dancing with the Stars to help raise funds for Cancer Council NSW, and we’re teaming up with F45 Port Macquarie, offering yoga at their studio and more. We’re creating awareness of the benefits of who we are and what we represent in the health, wellness and fitness industry.

Bodiline Yoga & Pilates is a unique studio that has a wonderful community vibe and while we focus on continuing to build on the already strong foundation, we’re engaging and empowering more of our community through the traditional and mindful practices and treatments we offer.

We also have some of the most talented and experienced practitioners in our industry, who guide, heal and bring life into the lives of our community. All in all, our space is where our people feel inspired, safe and grow within, and it’s humbling to see and feel the authenticity we have within our community. It truly is a space for everyone.

What is your business vision for 2020? Bodiline Yoga & Pilates is a unique studio that has a wonderful community vibe and while we focus on continuing to build on the already strong foundation, we’re engaging and empowering more of our community through the traditional and mindful practices and treatments we offer. We’re working and collaborating with some inspiring and community focused talent; some of these include workshops with naturopath and nutritionist Denise Hales and nutritional health coach

How do you juggle work/life balance? I’m consciously aware of making time for myself and finding joy in every day, even when it is super crazy. Whether it be a walk along our coast or practicing first thing in the morning, I always set some time aside for me. I’m also fortunate to have supportive and grounding friends and family too.

If you were down to your last $20, how would you spend it? Easy smashed avo and a latte! Quote to live by? "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.” - Oprah Winfrey

Greater Port Macquarie focus 57


usiness visions 2020. After a whirlwind 2018/19, this year I am working on growing The Style Vibe brand, which will enable me to help more people in our community


48 Greater Port Macquarie focus

and beyond. Plans to complete a luxe and very personal styling suite are underway, allowing my clients a unique and beautiful experience during consultations, dress hire sessions, and group workshops - collaborating with other talented local women in the fashion, health and beauty, hair, makeup and fitness industries. Of course, my priority will continue to be helping women feel good about themselves through my customised personal styling sessions, tailored to each individual and their needs. Adapt to change. A new business is forever growing and changing. As there is no template for my business, I need to be creative, open to new opportunities and figure out the best way to tackle problems as they arise. Lucky for me - I LOVE a challenge! Each day in The Style Vibe brings something new, and I am extremely grateful for the trust and opportunities so many amazing people have given me since starting my business. My tip: Embrace change it’s an opportunity to grow!

Greatest strengths. I believe my greatest strength is that I truly deeply care. I have lived a pretty full life, and the road at times has certainly not been easy. From those experiences I have learnt, grown and understand the most important things in life are caring for yourself and others, not to judge and practice an attitude of gratitude. These qualities help me to do my job which I love so much, with an open mind and help me to make the very best out of every situation. My main goal is always making people feel good about themselves and happy. Involvement in community. I am so proud and love our local community and all the wonderful people in it. I think it is vital we support each other - not just in business, but emotionally too. Buying local, having a chat and being genuinely interested in what’s going on in our community can go a long way. Sharing your knowledge, ideas to help, donating time and lending an ear are all the things I like to do to show my support locally. Also this year I am proud to announce I will be working with the Cancer Council as Creative Consultant and Star Support Specialist at this year's Stars of the Hastings 2020! I am super excited to get on board and again support this very worthwhile cause. Be sure to get your tickets quick - because trust me, this event is going to be next level AMAZING!

MELISSA LEE PHOTOGRAPHY BY MELISSA LEE Please introduce yourself. Hi, I am Mel, the face behind Photography by Melissa Lee, creating your memories for the last 11 years. My experience in the photography industry is capturing weddings, maternity, newborn, family portraits, boudoir, glamour and professional online business branding images. I often get asked what is my favourite of all! My response is always the same - ALL OF THEM - especially when I get to follow a couple's journey as they become husband and wife, then capturing the moment they become parents holding their new little baby. I feel so incredibly honoured to photograph so many wonderful families, and even more so for those who come back year after year to update their family portraits, and I get to watch their families grow. What is your business vision for 2020? 2020 is all about being able to teach what I love PHOTOGRAPHY! This year I am running a beginners' "learn how to use your camera" workshop and looking forward to teaching. To me, I think back on where I started and if it wasn’t for my incredible mentor I had all those years ago, I may not be where I am today, so my vision for 2020 is to pass on as much knowledge as I can to those wanting to learn. How do you juggle work/life balance? With two children it can sometimes be hard, between school drop offs, sporting events and booking my weekends with sessions and trying to keep the family/work life balance right. However, I am incredibly lucky to have the most amazing husband and family support system; without their help it would be much harder being a mother and running a small business. If you were down to your last $20, how would you spend it? I'd spend it on doing something fun with my children. Quote to live by? "In life, you get what you put in; everything else comes back round."

Greater Port Macquarie focus 49


Please introduce yourself and your business. I’m Lauren Howard the General Manager of itravel Port Macquarie, and I have proudly worked in the travel industry since 1991. We are a boutique locally owned travel agency with experienced and dedicated consultants invested in designing and delivering dream holidays. Having travelled to all corners of our wonderful globe, I have firsthand experince in destinations including Canada, Alaska, America, Hawaii, Europe, many parts of Asia, NZ and of course, the ever popular cruise holidays. How does your business adapt to change? Airlines collapse, companies go into insolvency, and worldwide health issues occur - not to mention Australia’s own recent events of bushfires and drought. At itravel we are focused on discussing and planning holidays for clients to destinations that people feel comfortable going to and advising on the best solutions when people are affected. My team is 100% committed to our clients' holiday enjoyment, value for money and being there when unexpected circumstances occur. Being available and flexible is one of our strengths and why customers continue to choose to book with us. If you were down to your last $20, how would you spend it? I think I would order a Pina Colada with two glasses, sit on the waterfront somewhere and share it with a friend, so I felt like I was on holidays.

Lisa Robinson, Evelina Kemp, Grace Delaveau & Deanna Mcinerney EVELINA KEMP HAIR AND BEAUTY Hair and beauty specialists at Evelina Kemp hair and beauty

Please introduce yourself. We are a team of super skilled specialists who love our job. We are a part of a team in a business that has been doing many


Please introduce yourself and your business. My name is Claire; I am the Territory Manager for Colourworks Australia, and we provide Managed Print Services to local businesses.

Our team has changed and evolved over the years, but our

We are Canon’s largest regional partner and by leveraging Canon’s technology, we deliver a reliable and high-quality service.

degree of experience has allowed us to develop our skills to a

What are your greatest strengths in business?

level of perfection.

This is my 26th year in the print industry and my 3rd with Colourworks. I pride myself on Honesty, Transparency and Knowledge.

fantastic things in this area for 20 years.

What is your business vision for 2020? To improve the energy in people and our surroundings. People are so down due to all the horrible events that have been happening; we all need a space and some time to rejuvenate and be heard. Our team are a super skilled power pack of special souls who love to listen to and spoil our clients. Even if we are a small business, we can improve the emotions and level of self worth in each person who enters our business. Quote to live by? I heard a wonderful poem at the memorial for the fire victims being read on TV - The Dash, by Linda Ellis. She writes that life is not about the beginning nor the end, but all about the dash in the middle. We should try our best to make it all count.

The greatest contribution I make is my customer service and the ongoing advice we continue to give. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? My family moved to Port Macquarie three years ago to achieve a better balance. At home, there is a difference between being physically there and being present, so I make sure I’m present for my two boys. I am also very fortunate to have a supportive husband who ensures I have time for facials, friends and champagne! My role at Colourworks is supported by the business and I have been given flexibility - which helps.

reliable, intelligent & progressive

supporting local business owners to achieve better document management solutions with reliable, intelligent and progressive technology and software 1300 351 594 50 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Lee Turner, Cassie Jones-Jefferies, Sandra Magann, Laura Fava

L A U R E N Hawkes

S E A C H A N G E Accounting Solutions



Please introduce yourself and your business. I am Lauren Hawkes, the Director of Hawkes Conveyancing. Together with my staff Ivy and Jessica, we offer conveyancing services for anyone looking to buy or sell property in NSW. This will be my fifth year in business in Port Macquarie, and I’m really proud of what we have built. I’ve had Jessica Black, who is a newly licensed conveyancer, come on board in the last six months, which is an exciting new chapter for us. What is your business vision for 2020? We’re looking forward to continuing to offer great service to our clients, and now as a team of three, with two licensed conveyancers, we have more hands on deck to meet the

increasing demand. Our aim is to provide stress-free and efficient conveyancing for our clients each and every time. We don’t want our clients to ever have to settle for anything less. How does your business adapt to change? The conveyancing process has changed rapidly over the last couple of years. We are now transacting almost exclusively electronically, which has been a huge change from the old paper-based physical settlements. Being an early adapter was key for us - we started using the technology early so that when it became mandatory, we were already on board and knew our way around. We are constantly keeping ourselves up-to-date with all the latest developments, and we’re excited for the future of our industry.

At SeaChange Accounting, we know how important timesaving tech is to running a better business and achieving work/life balance. We use the latest online accounting solutions to provide the insights you need to grow your business and the freedom to focus on what you love. Principal, Sandra Magann, has been crunching numbers for more than 25 years across public practice, commerce and small business. She knows every business is unique and that customised solutions are key. Sandra also understands the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle and often encourages her team to join her for yoga or a gym session during lunch breaks. SeaChange is excited to welcome Lee Turner to the team. Lee and her husband know firsthand the juggle of balancing a young family and a busy

business. Lee has a Bachelor of Business and an Advanced Diploma in Accounting. After growing up locally, Lee spent six years in Kalgoorlie, WA before coming back to Port. Her passion is helping small business owners put systems in place to support growth, while freeing up time to spend with family and friends and enjoy the local lifestyle. Cassie Jones-Jefferies is our resident Xero guru and is completing a Bachelor of Accounting. She loves helping clients save time and money with cloud-based solutions for their accounting, tax and payroll needs. Laura Fava owned a small business for more than five years and has a knack for knowing exactly what clients need. This is what sparked her to undertake a Bachelor of Accounting, so she could help others.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 51

JANETTE HYDE We at FOCUS think it would be difficult to find anyone more deserving of being acknowledged in our Women in Business edition than Janette Hyde. Passionate advocate for the Greater Port Macquarie region, Janette is a tireless volunteer and an active voice for tourism, business and local events. You may also know her through the monthly tourism column she’s been penning for FOCUS for many years …


i Janette. You moved to Port Macquarie with husband, Alan, in 1975, and back in those days the town was more of a large fishing village, with a population of around 8,000. Fast forward to 2020 ... and what are your feelings about how the town has evolved? Greater Port Macquarie, even though 45 years have passed, is still an area that has so much to offer. Yes, the population has increased, but the diversity of the accommodation, attractions, cafés and restaurants and retail has certainly enhanced the lifestyle of our residents and visitors. The natural attractions - and throw into the mix our cultural opportunities - we have a lot to be thankful for. I personally remember you from your time owning Port Macquarie Food Bar, the Boatshed Restaurant and your later work with Port Macquarie RSL (then Port Panthers). What are your reflections when thinking about this work history? Since arriving in Port Macquarie and owning and working in the various businesses you mentioned, we were totally impressed with the friendliness we experienced. I think the original charm is still here, even though the population has increased fourfold. The Food Bar was our first impression of Port; the Boatshed Restaurant was fun and a steep learning curve. Many caring people supported us through this period of our lives. My 34 years working for Port Macquarie RSL Club and later Port Macquarie Panthers was the most rewarding time of my working life. The role was such a challenge, but so multifaceted and created so much job satisfaction. Meeting interesting people and organising so

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many events was the order of the day. I owe so much to the wonderful people who have guided and supported me through the years - simply thank you. I know you're a very humble person, and don't like to talk about yourself much, but you've received so many acknowledgements over the years (too many to list!) How did you feel when you were named Port Macquarie's Citizen of the Year in 2019? What an honour to be selected from all the wonderful finalists and be awarded 2019 Citizen of the Year! It made me very conscious of the contribution to the community you can achieve as an individual. One of the highlights during that year was when Mayor Peta Pinson asked me to attend a Citizenship Ceremony and present medals to Greater Port Macquarie residents who chose to become Australians. Whilst I am sure it was very emotional for the individuals, it made me very proud of my heritage and that these people chose to adopt our country for their future. I think the other things that was highlighted to me was the appreciation expressed by so many people for my efforts to make our region a better place. You're well known for your work with the Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association, and you're on the board for the Chamber of Commerce. What are a few spots/destinations you most enjoy frequenting - and why do you love them? My favourite place has to be Gaol Point in Port Macquarie. We check it out most days. I am sure many of our locals and especially our tourists appreciate the wonderful view. We also love travelling around the beaches, enjoy the tranquility of Sea Acres Boardwalk,

checking out Lake Cathie, Laurieton - North held in May each year is a really important to Brother Mountain in particular, travelling to the start of the Red Shield Appeal. It is heart the hinterland via Kendall and then on to wrenching to hear some of the stories and just Comboyne. As I mentioned earlier, our region how the Sallies support in times of need. has so much to offer. You and Alan retired in 2011, but you Some people may not realise you're a key certainly haven't slowed down. When driver behind events such as the Beatles you're not busy promoting our local area, Festival and the Touch Football State Cup. volunteering and advocating, what are Why do you feel events such as these are your other interests? What do you do to important for our area? relax? Events that add to our local economy, We love seeing Australia and travel regularly particularly in the shoulder season, are really to many destinations, and in particular, the important to many people. The Beatles Festival, Sunshine Coast. We are about to do the which I organised for “Empty Esky” Trip to four years, was just the South Coast, as we great. With its seven recognise the hardship events, it was so much many of coastal towns fun and involved have experienced since the What an honour to be many people in our devastating bushfires. selected from all the wonderful finalists community. You've been a columnist and be awarded 2019 The Touch State Cup for FOCUS for years Citizen of the Year! It is dear to my heart. I now. How much do made me very conscious never envisaged that you enjoy penning the of the contribution to the offer from the Touch tourism column each the community you can Association for Port month? achieve as an individual. Macquarie to host the The column provides State Cup event in 1989 a great way to highlight would have been the some of the wonderful start of a long-lasting experiences available to us relationship. The Junior in Greater Port Macquarie. State Cup was an added bonus for our local As you can tell, I am passionate about our economy. Long may it continue. region and really want to share some of the What volunteer organisations are closest unique experiences … One of which is the Port to your heart and do you still give time to Macquarie Koala Hospital. How many times these days? I have heard our locals say they have lived Bravehearts and the Salvation Army are here for many years and just not visited this very special charities. It is so rewarding for the wonderful facility! If that is you, then take the Bravehearts Local Committee to raise enough time to visit and see for yourself the important money to allow many local kids to see at no work that is being achieved. cost the Ditto Keep Safe Adventure Show. Thanks Janette. The Salvation Army’s fundraising breakfast Interview: Jo Robinson.

L-R back: Karen Bennison, Jacinda Wilson, Amanda Robinson, Denise Durant L-R front: Ally Downing, Michelle Percival, Di Calder


Please introduce yourself and your business? Percival Property is a residential, rural and lifestyle real estate sales office based in Port Macquarie servicing the stunning Hastings and Camden Haven, from Taree through to Kempsey, and west to Mount Seaview. I manage our sales business along with my husband Michael who manages our residential property management business.

We both lead teams of very passionate people who focus on achieving the best outcomes for our clients. We pride ourselves on the levels of service, communication and specialised knowledge. What are your greatest strengths in business? 35+ years in real estate has provided both Michael and I a tremendous skills base to develop marketing strategy and negotiate property transactions - both sales and leasing. Our people are the core of our business and

the reason behind our success. We pride ourselves on being able to identify people with not just the expertise required, but the personal qualities that are integral to creating a market leading team. The Percival ‘people’ excel in every aspect, not just because of their technical ability but their integrity, ethics and empathy. How does your business adapt to change? We have to be incredibly agile in real estate. In real estate the market change is constant. Over the past 36 years we have survived and prospered through very difficult times because



Phone 02 6583 8606 106 William Street, Port Macquarie

Phone 02 6583 7499 34 Buller Street, Port Macquarie

we have always aimed to raise our standards, focusing on excellence in customer service. We were the first real estate office in Port Macquarie to engage a full time in house specialist marketing team to allow us that agility in changing market conditions. We can respond and deliver outstanding content and marketing for our clients very quickly. We have donated our marketing team services to assist over 30 businesses with free video content and filmed countless community events because we are grateful for the support the local community has shown our business and we love to give back.


Greater Port Macquarie focus 53

KERRIE McMAHON Hard work is the most important key to success. Without being willing to work hard and put everything into a venture, business success is nearly impossible. Local tea leaf extraordinaire Kerrie McMahon is currently celebrating her 11th year in business and from humble beginnings, has proven that dedication really does pay off. With her store offering a huge array of teas, you are certain to find something here that really rocks your socks.


i Kerrie. You are excitedly celebrating your 11th year in business. How and when did you get started in making boutique tea blends? I have to admit, I didn’t even like tea when we purchased this business, as I had only ever tried tea bag tea. We began the venture with only the business name, a car full of teas, four wholesale clients and 30 teas. I can now look at a tea leaf and know by the aroma and leaf size/colour the type of tea it is. My tea blending inspiration came from so many lovely customers asking if I could source or create them a blend of a favourite tea that had been discontinued or one that was really hard to find. In the earlier days we had naturopath advice with the herbal tisanes blends. Now I think I can do it with my eyes closed. Your business has grown over the years. How many teas did you start out with compared to how many are on offer now? And how has the tea industry changed? We’ve found the tea industry is more directed to quality leaf tea and for us, as natural as possible. Which means NO NASTIES! Our range covers a diverse age, from young children who are wanting a healthy replacement to cordials with our natural only

54 Greater Port Macquarie focus

fine bone giftware. There's even something fruit infusions, to young adults with funky for the little ones, including Disney licensed natural flavoured teas such as chocolate teaware and "Alice in Wonderland" mini truffles - a gorgeous sweet blend of chocolate kiddies tea sets for a special "tea party". drops, cream pieces (coconut) and dried apple, What do you enjoy most about being to the more health conscious, for whom we able to run your business here on the Mid have organic herbal teas. We still have the North Coast? single estate "normal" I love the flexibility, the black teas, just of a high lifestyle, and of course the quality. We now stock location. We have created 230 teas. an ambience in our store You have a warehouse We stock beautiful Japanese teaware by J Style, along that makes you feel good along with a retail with well known Ashdene as soon as you walk shop, which is full of and fi ne bone giftware. through the doors. We goodies; teas, teapots, There's even something for only ever have very happy tea sets, saucers and the little ones, including customers. gifts. Are there any Disney licensed teaware How will you be particular brands that and 'Alice in Wonderland' celebrating your 11th are exclusive to you? mini kiddies tea sets for a year? It’s important to offer special ‘tea party’. Dinner out and spoiling unique products and our wonderful staff. We great service. Boutique don't drink alcohol, so businesses really can maybe one of my fruit make or break small sangria infusions! towns. We always aim to source the highest Do you have any new products or tea quality and organic products as much as blends coming in that we should keep an possible. We hand blend every single one of eye out for? our teas and only deal with exclusive suppliers, We can refill on the spot your favourite bulk as it's important to us to stand out as business teas. We have new blends in stock ready for - which can be difficult at times. you to take home: We stock beautiful Japanese teaware by PUMPING POMEGRANATE J Style, along with well known Ashdene and

blend of apple pomegranate blossoms and red currants, caffeine free. SINFUL LIQUORICE For lovers of liquorice, black tea, liquorice drops. TURMERIC ELIXIR Designed to support liver function and reduce inflammation. Serve hot or iced. BANANA BERRY SHAKE Delicious banana berry aroma, green tea, sun dried strawberries. STRESS LESS A refreshing and restorative herbal tisane. LOVE CHAI A romantic blend of apple pieces, rooibos, cinnamon, pineapple, rosehips, cocoa, star anise, almond, Rosa pepper and cloves! MONK PEAR A sophisticated tea for Earl Grey lovers with a touch of jasmine and sweet pear. AFRICAN KENYA Light premium African tea with many tips and a gentle touch of citrus tasting notes. CHAMOMILE APPLE SPICED Whole organic chamomile flowers, real apple pieces and cinnamon. A very calming blend. Where can we find you? Location: Between Port Day Spa and Rydges Hotel. Shop 2/1 Hay St., Port Macquarie. Thanks Kerrie.

K E R R I E McMahon

K Y L I E Johnson

J E S S I C A Bird




Please Introduce yourself and your business. I’m Kerrie from World Par-Tea, and for the last 11 years I‘ve been lucky enough to work each day surrounded by the amazing scent of everything from organic rose petals to zesty lemongrass, vanilla beans to lavender. I love sourcing teas from around the world, the finest greens through to delicate whites. What is your business vision for 2020? My vision is actually to find a new owner for World Par-Tea who wants to capitalise on what I’ve built. We’re in a great position with the perfect blend of retail, online and wholesale, which means our beautiful store in Port Macquarie has a wide reach that’s not solely reliant on tourists - though we do love them, as we’re right next door to Rydges! Tea makes people happy, and I’d love to see a family or group of friends invest in the business and themselves to take the company to the next level. What are your greatest strengths in business? Definitely customer service; it’s something that has really helped build the business. I’m also a bit of a detective and love scouting out amazing suppliers from plantations across Australia and around the world, as well as nailing down exclusive access to special lines of teapots and accessories. If I were down to my last $20, I would spend it ... That’s a tough one! On my kids probably, so a good supply of Peace Green or Blueberry Cheesecake tea, so we can enjoy some lovely conversation as we sip, and a packet of sprouted seeds to enjoy eating throughout the year!

Please introduce yourself. Hi, my name is Kylie, and I am the owner of Kylie’s Art Studio and Supplies. I’ve been providing quality art supplies and classes to the area for nine years. Previous to opening my shop, I taught classes from home and at Who Framed? In Wauchope. When that closed, there was a need for quality art supplies in the area, so I decided to open, and the business has been growing from strength to strength. What is your business vision for 2020? I am always striving to find new products and keep up to date with how to use all the products that I stock to provide a quality service. This will still be my goal throughout 2020 and to hopefully get Kylie’s Art Studio recognised as a quality art supply and unique gift retailer locally and for the surrounding areas. How do you juggle work/life balance? Working in retail is a six and half day week, so there isn’t a great deal of time to spend on me time; however, I make time for pilates and yoga in the morning and I do try to go walking after work. Painting is my hobby and my work, so it’s great I can practice my hobby while I‘m working.

Please introduce yourself and your business. Hi, my name is Jessica, and I am the head photographer here at Lumen photography - which is based on the Mid North Coast in the gorgeous Port Macquarie area. We specialise in outdoor family portraits, wedding photography, event photography and website/content photography. What is your business vision for 2020? My vision for 2020 is to continue to grow in all aspects of my business - from marketing, being a confident business woman, continually growing as a photographer and keeping up with trends and technology while staying true to the foundations of why I started Lumen, which is connecting with my clients and delivering a quality product. How does your business adapt to change? My business adapts to change by keeping myself up to date with educational resources (marketing, trends, diversifying), keeping an open mind and saying "YES" to everything! You never know when a hidden opportunity will appear camouflaged as something else. What are your greatest strengths in business? My strengths are my person-ability and patience. I love to connect with each person, family, or event that I am photographing. This allows me to customise each session and helps to put my clients at ease, which gives me freedom to capture some amazing moments with them, which translates into a fantastic image.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 55

A successful business

built on

“Beyond braces and Invisalign, we specialise in early intervention treatments for children - which deliver fantastic long-term outcomes - as well as a range of proven sleep apnea solutions to help families sleep soundly.” “I am so proud of the work Eric does - the way he literally changes people’s smiles and their lives. However what many people don’t realise is that he invests so much time into researching and purchasing state-of-the-art equipment, honing his skills and acquiring the knowledge to better educate patients and the wider community.” As Eric himself says: “The thing I love most about what I do is the before and after transformations. Even having treated thousands of patients over 25 years, I never tire of seeing my patients - especially children - leave with a renewed sense of inner confidence that lasts a lifetime.”

Dagmara Saacks // Saacks Orthodontics With a thriving business, an amazing team of professionals by her side, and a friendly and welcoming community, Dagmara Saacks has found her ‘happy place’ in Port Macquarie. So it’s no wonder she’s always smiling!

agmara is the Practice Manager at Saacks Orthodontics - a business she helped establish in 2005 with her husband, Dr Eric Saacks, before moving it from Sydney to Port Macquarie in 2013. “With a busy city practice and a growing family, the relaxed Port lifestyle and friendly community really appealed to us. So when the opportunity came to open a practice here, we grabbed it with both hands.” As well as being responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business, one of Dagmara’s primary roles is to introduce new patients to the practice, and make them feel welcome and comfortable every time they walk through the door. “I’m a real people person. I love getting to know our patients and their families and making sure their experience with Saacks Orthodontics is always positive.” “As we know, some people simply don’t like coming to the dentist or orthodontist, so we do everything we can to allay any fears and turn the visit into one that’s pleasant, comfortable and even fun!”

Supported by an incredible team With a Dental Technician and Hygienist background, plus a Business Degree under her belt, Dagmara knows only too well how important it is to surround yourself with the right people. “I can honestly say we have the most amazing team of therapists, hygienists, treatment coordinators and dental assistants here at Saacks Orthodontics.”

56 Greater Port Macquarie focus

“Our business simply wouldn’t be as successful without their hard work, positive attitudes and dedication to our patients. I absolutely love all the girls here and I feel so lucky to have them around.” “Being a Mum and running a business has its obvious challenges, however having such wonderful staff to support us means we get the balance right. Well, most of the time!”

Laying down deep roots in Port Macquarie Whether it’s making patients feel welcome at the practice, enjoying the perfect cup of coffee in a local café or feeling the sand between her toes on one of our beaches, it’s clear that Dagmara has found her happy place in Port and is here for the long haul. “I love everything about Port Macquarie. It has such a beautiful, relaxed lifestyle where people are so friendly and there’s a real sense of community.” Indeed, that’s one of the reasons why Eric and Dagmara enjoy getting into the community spirit, sponsoring the Port Macquarie Surf Life Saving Club, Thunder Hockey, and several local sporting teams, as well as getting involved with local schools.

a Mum and running a business has its “Being challenges, however having such wonderful staff to support us means we get the balance right. Well, most of the time!”

A passion to keep evolving Along with continually delivering exceptional customer service, Dagmara believes one of the key ingredients to long term business success is to keep evolving.

“Local businesses like Saacks Orthodontics play an important role in facilitating community activities and events, so we’re always keen to provide support and give back to the community wherever we can.”

That means investing in the right people and the right technology, plus ensuring they stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.

Welcoming patients, helping create perfect teeth or immersing herself in the community, it’s all about the smiles for Dagmara!

Chat to a local expert If you’re interested in exploring the latest orthodontic treatments for you or your family, contact the friendly Saacks Orthodontics team for a FREE consultation with no obligation. Call 02 6584 2333, email, visit or drop in to the treatment rooms at 85 William Street, Port Macquarie.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 57

A S H &J E S S

T A Y L A Ward, M A D D I S O N Ross, & L A R I S S A Ward



Please introduce yourself and your business. We are Jess and Ash from Sess & Sass Design Co. - a sister duo passionate about all aspects of interior/exterior design, property styling and staging homes for the sales market. What is your business vision for 2020? We are so excited to kick start 2020! Our business vision is to shape spaces with innovative yet timeless designs, providing solutions in the field of both commercial and residential interiors. What are your greatest strengths in business? Interior design is very personal; we love building strong, trusting and fun relationships with our clients. We believe this is one of the most important aspects when it comes to achieving the best result during the design process. We keep our knowledge of the latest products

89 Lord Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Ashley Hawthorne 0421 789 573 Jessica Hodge 0438 408 452

58 Greater Port Macquarie focus

and trends up to date through communicating with our product reps and regularly attending design expos in Sydney and Melbourne. We also own and have personally sourced and selected all of our property staging stock, which gives us the flexibility to custom decorate each home to showcase it in its best light. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? We are both busy wives and mothers, and let's be honest - the struggle is real … it really does take a village! We believe self care is really important for busy mothers like us; you can’t achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle if you don’t nurture yourself and ensure health is your number one priority. Working for ourselves really drives our passion to do our best for our clients; when you love what you do, it creates a sense of pride and balance.

Please introduce yourself and your business. We’re Tayla, Maddison, and Larissa and we were once tiny tots at TG’s, playing in TG’s natural gardens and playspaces while building up essential life skills. For us, Playing is Learning for Life. Once less than a metre high, we are now proud educators at TG’s Child Care, where we are sharing our gifts with a new generation of children, helping them to build relationships and encouraging collective thinking in a loving and fun environment. We’re still loving every single minute at TG’s! "Just come in for a day, come and play, because we guarantee you are just going to love it here!" What are your greatest strengths in business? Having experienced TG’s from the inside, we want to give the best care we can to the children

we now have under our wings. TG’s has empowered us as women, and we’re so grateful. TG’s lays a sound intellectual, psychological, emotional, social and physical foundation for the children’s development and lifelong learning. The engaging and inviting natural spaces encourage exploration and experiences. We trust and support each other’s gifts and growth. We have a strong connection with families and communities, and TG’s curriculum is always relevant, fun and exciting for the children. Everyone’s special gift makes TG's the magical place it is today. In a place where Playing is Learning for Life, TG's has cultivated a love of learning that took us from primary through high school and beyond as valuable members of our community.


Please introduce yourselves and your business. We are the cool chicks behind The Seed Creative Workshops: a comfortable, supportive and welcoming space in Port Macquarie for all ages and abilities to explore new creative processes and grow their own artistic style. We offer kids after school art classes, weekly creative workshops, an awesome school holiday program and private pARTies - the perfect spot for your next birthday, baby shower, hens or team building activity! What is your business vision for 2020? Our business vision for 2020 is to collaborate with local creatives and offer "Artist Retreats", providing a unique opportunity for people to travel to the area, stay a few nights and learn new skills from a variety of artistic workshops.

Art Classes

Creative Workshops

We’re also focusing on group excursions for schools to come to our space and explore mediums they may not have the chance to at school. Teacher groups are welcome to come and earn PLUs and develop new skills in the creative field to incorporate into their curriculum. How do you juggle work/life balance? We both have an awesome tribe supporting us, which is essential for success. Organisation is key; scheduling, to do lists and teamwork helps us stay up to date on daily tasks, to ensure we have leisure time and we always make time for a family funday every week! Our new tradition of Friday lunchtime yoga keeps us grounded and centered, ready to take on the challenges of the week ahead! Quote to live by? “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Private Parties

Kids holiday programs

Fun for all ages and abilities!

@theseedcw Phone: 0447 114 796 or 0402 070 404

2/44 Gordon Street, Port Macquarie

Where Creativity Grows

Greater Port Macquarie focus 59





What better way to celebrate women’s achievements for “INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY “EACHFOREQUAL” 2020 than with an art exhibition!


acleay Valley Community media with your "hands out" equal pose for Art gallery chooses to a strong call-to-action for others to support celebrate the positives for #EachforEqual also. International Women’s So, why not join us at the Opening Day by holding an art Celebration on Sunday 8th March from 2pm exhibition highlighting - 4pm for afternoon tea (and wine, of course) how talented women are and encourage at our vibrant little gallery: MVCAG, 5 Kinchela women to participate and follow their dreams. Street, Gladstone, NSW. The exhibition is non-competitive and is All are welcome, and entry to the gallery is open to all women artists in the Mid North free. Coast region. Artists can use any medium e.g. The positive energy, fun and comradery painting, textiles, ceramics, of this event is a delight, sculpture, wood work, metal as women, friends and work, photography, quilting community members join or floral art. to share each other’s artistic The exhibition is nonThis is an opportunity for talents. The catering will be competitive and is open to women to exhibit their art provided by the generosity of all women artists in the Mid work in a gallery; to meet the Macleay Valley Business North Coast region. Artists other female artists and to Women’s Network. can use any medium e.g. discuss their experience; The exhibition runs from painting, textiles, ceramics, to get feedback from their Thursday 5th March to sculpture, wood work, metal work, photography, quilting peers; and to encourage Sunday 15th March 2020. or floral art. and promote art making by For the minimal cost of women. The Macleay Valley $10, you can enter two art Community Art Gallery is a pieces. Entry fees will be community run gallery open donated to the Samaritans, to all artists to hire for exhibitions. to aid in their support for women and children This year the race is on for the gender equal suffering domestic violence. boardroom, a gender equal government, See for exhibition gender equal media coverage, gender equal entry forms and exhibition programs. Please workplaces, gender equal sports coverage, join us on for more gender equality in health and wealth ... gallery news. Enquiries: phone Barbara (02) so let's make it happen. Let's be #EachforEqual. 6569 0974 or the gallery (02) 6567 5092. Post your #IWD2020 message on social Email: 60 Greater Port Macquarie focus




arrie, can you please and building capability, both to deliver within introduce yourself and the Optus world and provide future skills tell us how long you have for additional sales careers. We’re fortunate lived in the Port Macquarie to have a lot of talented and enthusiastic region? individuals across our store network, who I grew up in Port are eager to become the best version of Macquarie since 4th Class; however, I moved themselves. It’s a privilege to play a part in to Sydney when I was 19 to embark on a helping develop this. Having worked within career in the big city. The lure of home and the telecommunications industry for so long, family became too much, so I returned two I’ve developed an agile mindset, allowing me years ago when I transferred with Optus. I to pivot fast to deliver and respond to change. just love the lifestyle which Port Macquarie It’s a crucial skill in telco! provides and spend lots of time at the beach As a working woman, how do you juggle with my fiancé, Kirk and two dogs. life, family and work commitments? How long have you been in Luckily, I have a very supportive partner who telecommunications is very hands on around and in particular, with the home and helps share Optus? the home front workload, I have been working especially because I do work I manage the local Optus at Optus since 2003; long hours and travel quite retail stores across the Mid however, I did have a year a bit. Something I have North Coast and North West away to try something learnt the hard way in my NSW region, providing different, but telco was in career is to try to make sure operational support and the blood and I returned you have a work/life balance guidance across our store to Optus to take on a and give yourself time network and local licensees. management position. So, to switch off each night all up I’ve been with the away from technology and company for just over 16 communication. years. What are you looking Can you tell us exactly what the channel forward to most about achieving in your manager does? role this year? I manage the local Optus retail stores across To create a world class customer experience the Mid North Coast and North West NSW in all of our Optus distribution points, along region, providing operational support and with supporting the local communities' guidance across our store network and local understanding of how Optus can help them licensees. I’m also involved with the planning get connected. I’m also eager to demonstrate and execution of local events, experiential our social responsibility programs across marketing initiatives and Optus sponsorships the Mid North Coast and support those within these local communities. in need via local community sponsorships What are your greatest strengths in and initiatives, such as “Donate your business? data”, “Digital Thumbprint” and “Virtual I’m passionate about developing our people Psychologist”.

T R I S H McGrady

N A R E L L E M C A R D L E (Chapman)

P O R T B U S C H A R T E R S , T O U R S & R E N TA L S P T Y LT D O W N E R / T O U R M A N A G E R


Please introduce yourself and your business. My name is Trish McGrady. Our family lives at Telegraph Point and we operate our family business, "Port Bus", from Sancrox. I am a mother of four children, two of whom still live at home, and three of whom work part-time in the business. Port Bus is a charter, tour and rental company that we have owned for approximately two years now. We have been continuously aiming to grow the tour side of our business, and after taking over the fantastic "Busy Bus" and making it Port Bus, this has been more evident. What is your business vision for 2020? In 2020 our goals are to add an accessible vehicle to our fleet. We believe this will allow all members of the community to join us

on our tours. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? At times I struggle to maintain a healthy balance between work, home and self. The most important tip is to set routines and schedule time for yourself. Every night our family sits at the table and shares a meal together. It is a part of my day that I look forward to most, and it gives everyone a chance to debrief from their work/school life and think more about their home and their self. If you were down to your last $20, how would you spend it? I would take my family out to a meal, as we have always treasured doing together.

Narelle McArdle (Chapman) has a Diploma in Remedial and Sports Massage, with 20 years of experience working with sporting groups, pregnant women, the elderly and people in the workforce. Over the last year, Energy Work Massage is loving its new tranquil space at Flynns Beach. It has been an eventful year travelling to Barcelona with the Australian women’s hockey team to the Exin Masters World Cup to help them bring home a silver medal against England. Massage is my passion - I love making a difference to people’s lives. I have been dedicated to gaining knowledge and will love to share this knowledge with you. I have learned that when the body is working in alignment, energy flows and the body works at peak performance. I invite everyone to have a massage to help decompress energy and lower anxiety levels, bringing your energy inwards. As a bodyworker, I support the whole body, mind and soul. Renew yourself with my specialty Ka Huna Massage, which can be for 1 hour, or to truly experience deep relaxation, I highly

recommend 1.5 hours. The benefits of massage can assist muscular and physical pain. When it’s hard to get to work, go to Energy Work Massage: • Cranial Sacral Massage can assist with headaches • Shoulder Release techniques ease tight shoulders from working on the computer • Remedial Massage eases sore backs from heavy lifting I am disciplined in a wide variety of modalities, and I use a combination of these to tailor the treatment to the individual’s needs. For instance, you could experience Hot Rocks / Modern Cupping / Trigger Point to complement your massage. My business hours have now been extended to include Monday to Friday and Saturdays. As I have three young children, I will be closed for the school holidays so try and grab an appointment now. Energy Work Massage offers Gift Certificates. Come see me for a massage to realise the full potential of your body’s natural energy and vitality.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 61


Meet Susan Rupert, Director of mbc. Susan manages all four divisions of mbc and finds her role a particularly rewarding one. Outside of work she’s also a keen advocate for sport and supporting charitable organisations …


i Susan. What originally analyses, problem solving are essential day to brought you to the day skills that I would struggle without. Greater Port Macquarie What do you love most about your area (or are you a born current job? and bred local)? I love the ability to assist our candidates We relocated here with what could be at times life-saving from Sydney after we acquired mbc. Living opportunities. in Sydney was incredible, but we love the Being involved in nursing services allows us incredible opportunity and lifestyle that the to help some very vulnerable people. Most Mid North Coast offers. of all, the business allows us to be able to What's your role with mbc ... and what's contribute to some very worthy causes. That generally involved alone makes it all worth with this position on a it. day to day basis? mbc Recruitment won I manage the four Business of the Year divisions in mbc, which at the Holiday Coast Don’t try and fight are all run as individual Credit Union Greater every battle; pick out the businesses. Together Port Macquarie important ones and battle with the divisional Business Awards those. You sometimes have to managers we decide last year. This is a lose a battle to win a war. When you are at home, be on business goals and fantastic achievement! present in the moment directions. Our head To what do you feel your family is precious. office here in Port the business owes its Macquarie provides success? central services for all This is a direct result of locations in NSW, and I the dedication and effort have direct responsibility of all the staff working for the staff providing those services. at mbc. We have some incredible staff who What gets you out of bed and motivated have worked for a number of years towards for each day? this goal. I can make a difference in the world It'll be difficult to top this achievement, around me. We are blessed enough to but what are the business' plans for 2020 secure oftentimes life changing positions and moving forward? for our candidates. We are in this business Due to the fast-paced growth experienced to help people and empower those in over the past five years, we curbed growth our communities. By expanding into new in 2018 / 2019. This allowed us to bring communities and expanding our service business policies and procedures in line range, we are able to help more people. with growth, and we will concentrate on You have a background in accounting; continuation of aggressive business growth how does this help with your current in 2020. role? When you're not working, I hear you're a My background in accounting has instilled keen advocate for sports! What sports do in me some very basic principles which has you follow/most enjoy - and what sports benefited me throughout my career. do you/your family get involved with at Time management, accuracy, financial a local level? 62 Greater Port Macquarie focus

I love most sport and enjoy watching it. We are very involved with rugby union. Our youngest son is still playing with the Pirates. Outside of work, what do you do you to be a good member of our community? We contribute to a number of charitable organisations. We support some families in our community privately. We also sponsor some sporting clubs, including the Port Pirates in Port Macquarie and the referees club in Tamworth. Every year we choose a specific charity to support and contribute to that cause throughout the year. How do you juggle all your commitments of work, leisure and family? Always be present in the moment, whether you are at work or at home. I am careful to organise my time between

work, leisure and family. Organising myself focuses on firstly finding free time and then making sure I use it effectively. This allows me to recharge and be present in everything I do. What advice would you give to other women in business when it comes to achieving a great work/life balance? Don’t try and fight every battle; pick out the important ones and battle those. You sometimes have to lose a battle to win a war. When you are at home, be present in the moment - your family is precious. What do you love most about work and life here in Port Macquarie? I love the close proximity to the beautiful nature in Port Macquarie; within minutes you can connect with nature and for a moment forget about the stresses of life. Thanks Susan.



lease introduce yourself and your business. I’m Leah Kelly, I have over 15 years’ experience in homecare and I’m the Director and Business Owner of Just

Better Care Mid North Coast. I’m also a local,

be a business that values its staff. We know

to making our staff feel valued and part of

community aged care network meetings.

all our clients well and our staff when they

our success. We never let them forget how

What are your tips for maintaining a

call. We feel that being a part of the local

important they are being at the frontline.

balanced lifestyle with work, home and

community is key to our success.

As a business, we cater to both aged care

How does your business adapt to

and disability customers so this means our


work is varied and we have the opportunity

Change is our business! Working within

to make a positive impact on more people in

a wife and a mother to a busy three-year-

the home and health space it’s critical we

the local community.

old boy. Just Better Care Mid North Coast

continue to support our customer’s needs as

Tell us about your involvement in the

is an in-home support provider here in the

they can change quite rapidly. We are always

local community.

Port Macquarie/Hastings region, providing

checking in with our customers to ensure

support to people who are ageing or those

they are listened to and that we have met

Macquarie community. In the last twelve

living with a disability. Our number one

their support needs at the end of each visit

months I’ve been out visiting our customers,

priority is to help our customers feel safe,

to their home.

as well as holding a series of open days at

secure and independent in their homes and communities. What is your business vision for 2020? Our vision is simple; to continue to

What are your greatest strengths in business? see this as a weakness, but it is vital when

This is a work in progress! Running a business with a 3-year-old and husband who works shift work in emergency services has been a massive challenge. We recently unplugged and spent a weekend in Waitui as a family. The peace and scenery allowed

I’m a local! I live and work in the Port

us to take a well needed break to recharge.

the Glasshouse, educating attendees on our services, and how they can access in-home

I’m a big people pleaser. Many would


I’m lucky that I have a terrific team of professionals that can look after the office whilst I was away. If you were down to your last $20, how would you spend it?

aged care.

We love being near the water so it would

I’m also involved in the local Chamber

establish Just Better Care Mid North Coast as

providing a quality and reliable support

of Commerce; Hastings Women’s Business

be spent putting together a picnic and

a provider of choice for customers but also

service for our customers. This is also integral

Network and I regularly attend the

enjoying a day at the beach as a family.

In-home, social & lifestyle support Just Better Care Mid North Coast supports people to live independently and confidently within their home and local community. Whether it’s help with everyday tasks, or a Home Care Package, Just Better Care can deliver customised support that’s tailored just for you. Our Services

Ask us about a Home Care Package

Help around the home

Personal care

Meal preparation

Post-hospital support

Overnight support

Dementia support

In-home nursing

Respite for carers

Palliative care support

Travel & transport

Speak to our friendly, local team today. Call (02) 6590 1060

Greater Port Macquarie focus 63

G A B R I E L A Schwartzberger

S H A R O N Rathbone





My name is Sharon Rathbone, and I am a creative content writer. I cover everything from real estate advertising to website content, video scripts, resumes, company and personal profiling and business award submissions. I generate original copy ideas that grab the attention of the target audience.

Please introduce yourself and your business. Support Services For You Mid North Coast was founded by business partners Alison Williams and Jodie Candia in May of 2019. We are a NDIS provider of compassionate, nurturing and experienced carers, specialising in disability support. No matter how little or how much help is needed, we are “Committed to Caring”. What are your greatest strengths in business? Driven by our vision to be the most trusted care provider and inspired by our mission “To Empower People”, we strive to make a real difference in the community, giving our clients the support and empowerment they need to live their best life. We are committed to providing world-class services for people and families living with a broad range of disabilities on the Mid North Coast. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? At Support Services for You our balance of work, life, home and self is not difficult to maintain. We are keen to get out of bed every morning to see what the day brings, what new awesome people we meet and how we may enhance someone else’s life; this in turn improves our lives. To have a job/workplace that you are passionate about brings all aspects of your life balance into play; how wonderful to be doing a job that we truly love.

Please introduce yourself and your business. Our business specialises in engineering and steel fabrication of any kind, but mainly we build truss press machinery designed in house. Our staff consists of husband Tony Kundicevic and a team of another three. What is your business vision for 2020? Exporting of our machinery overseas and assisting local businesses with any engineering and fabrication needs. How does your business adapt to change? We constantly improve our machinery design with regards to safety and technical aspects. We always find more efficient processes to complete projects and handle daily changes. What are your greatest strengths in business? We are able to design and manufacture world class machinery sought after worldwide. Tell us about your involvement in the local community. We employ two apprentices, buy local and assist other businesses with special design components. My husband and I also play music as “Chill Factor duo” and have done a few charity events for Leslie Williams, cancer and the RFS. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? Work hard, but also find a hobby/passion and take time out to relax and holiday.

64 Greater Port Macquarie focus

What is your business vision for 2020? Stay aware of the latest industry trends, as well as listen, research, create and focus on compelling copy that delivers the required key message. How does your business adapt to change? Thinking strategically and being constantly vigilant on a daily basis. It’s a balancing act between being resolute and flexible. Being open to learning and aligning to shifts in today’s working environment is vital. What are your greatest strengths in business? Determination, dedication and creativity. Tell us about your involvement in the local community. Organised cancer fundraising initiatives for two local families with the support of some amazing individuals and businesses. Donated my artwork to various charities. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? Take one day a week for yourself. Plan your week so that you have that day to look forward to. I diarise on my phone as “Flamingo Day” and try to work appointments around that one day.


How did you get started in your role?

from the local members about their experience

I came to Port City in 2002 from working in a club in Sydney for nearly eight years, where I worked my way through the ranks from picking up glasses (GPU), working in the cashbox to supervisor and then manager.

and knowledge of Port Macquarie and then to

After working here for nine years, initially working in the cashbox, I was given the opportunity to be the Gaming Manager at Port City. Which of course, I accepted. What do you love the most about working at Port City Bowling Club? To be able to go to work and love what I do is easy when I work with such amazing staff and meet characters in our members and visitors. I like the diversity in the Club and my role. No day is the same. There are always great stories

hear stories from the visitors to our beautiful town is a bonus. I can have a laugh and I'm always learning something new. What are your greatest strengths in business? • Great listener, able to interact with a diverse range of people and environments. I can pick up on what’s going on before it's spoken about. • Attention to detail and ability to find a workable solution. Quote to live by? Everything happens for a reason.

Think H I B B A R D S Over 85% of people enquiring to own their own home with Hibbards are women. Women are the doers, the influencers, the mothers (even to those who are not their own) and arguably a driving force behind the continual success of businesses and society - to say the least. Women are so highly valued within this company, and we attribute our success at Hibbards to the collaboration between the amazing women and men we have on staff. Here are just some of our awesome team at Hibbards working in Head office, Coffs Harbour: Kath Sparke: with Hibbards for 20 years! Together with her daughter Keryn Sparke they are the cracking team that run the conveyancing department. Tash Stengert: Pre-Construction Manager; managing the work leading up to the construction of each home. Kelly Frewen: Sales Administration Manager.

An integral part of driving each sale through to settlement across all our regions; assists with special projects and acquisitions. Karen Lauder: Accounts Manager, with Rachael Newman: accounts receivable; these ladies are the heart of the Accounts Department. Trisha Barry and Fiona Whalan: the clever duo forming a fundamental part of our estimating team. Kim Purcell: Service Consultant; running our After-Sales Service Department. Taking care of current clients, past clients, and assists property managers for our investor clients. Tamzin Shotbolt: Promotion; Marketing; PR and Media. Responsible for bringing in new business and making sure everyone in all our regions knows who we are. This is big business. And we’re changing lives by creating opportunities for people to fulfill their dream of home ownership.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 65

meet the


Styled by The Style Vibe Vanessa Jane - and wearing Steal My Vibe dresses.

K I R S T Y Rayner R AY N E R S L AW Y E R S P R I N C I PA L S O L I C I TO R

Please introduce yourself and your business. I am the owner and principal solicitor of Rayners Lawyers, Port Macquarie’s newest law firm. I have a special interest in preparing sophisticated estate plans for singles, couples, blended families and high net wealth clients. As a small business owner, I also love helping other small businesses with their business succession planning and business contracts, including terms and conditions, website terms of use and appropriate disclaimers. Tell us about your involvement in the local community. Rayners Lawyers is hosting free estate planning seminars covering Wills, Powers of Attorney, Enduring Guardianships, Trusts and Superannuation on 3rd March at 7pm at the Bonny Hills Community Hall and on 22nd April at 7:30pm at the Emerald Downs Community Centre. Further details about our free community events can be found on our website or by contacting our office. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? Personally, I find that exercise, healthy eating habits and being outdoors is key. They all help to alleviate stress and provide the energy that I need to perform at my best both professionally and at home.

J E S S I C A Cassegrain What were your first thoughts when you were asked to be on the cover? I was absolutely honoured to be in the company of so many inspiring and successful local business women. You were selected as an "emerging woman in business". Can you tell us what goals you have in 2020 for yourself and your business? Continue to build on the success that our agency has cultivated for 35+ years through my commitment to discover new ways to better support our clients throughout their real estate journey. What sort of feelings did you have once you were all dressed up and shooting the cover? It was a fusion of feeling excited and humbled (with just a dash of nerves!) If you could have lunch with three women (dead or alive) who would they be and why? Emma Isaacs, founder and global CEO of "Business Chicks", for her passionate advocacy of women in business. Lisa Wilkinson, whom I admire for her tenacity, philanthropy and enduring success as an accomplished journalist. And lastly my mum, Robyn, who raised her three daughters to be strong, independent women and is our guide post for everything.

J E N Stevens What were your first thoughts when you were asked to be on the cover? Pure elation and excitement! I’ve never been on a cover before, let alone done a photo shoot! You were selected as an "Emerging Woman in Business". Can you tell us what goals you have in 2020 for yourself and your business/brand? Continued growth for the business, working on collaborating with local artists and schools and continuing to develop and improve our creative programs and provide a fun and relaxed environment for people to express themselves creatively. For myself, focusing on health and a good work/life balance. What sort of feelings did you have once you were all dressed up and shooting your first FOCUS cover? I’ve never felt more glam in my life! Vanessa styled us all so beautifully and made us feel like a million dollars! The shoot was relaxed and fun; everyone at FOCUS is warm, welcoming and helpful. I felt so honoured to be standing alongside such strong, empowering women! If you could have lunch with three women (dead or alive) who would they be and why? Audrey Hepburn for fashion advice; I have always admired her sophisticated style. Jane Austen, to discuss Mr Darcy, of course. My great grandmother, who passed before I was born. I’ve been told we are a lot alike; I would love to have a conversation with her. 66 Greater Port Macquarie focus

A I M E E Pelley What were your first thoughts when you were asked to be on the cover? I screamed out loud, then I thought, "Are you sure?" Lol. We're so grateful and honoured. You were selected as an "Emerging Woman in Business". Can you tell us what goals you have in 2020 for yourself and your business/brand? For me, it's all about collaborating with our community and offering interesting ways for our kids and adult customers to get creative. We have an exciting round of workshops coming in the next few months featuring amazing locals, so keep your eyes on our upcoming events! What sort of feelings did you have once you were all dressed up and shooting your first FOCUS cover? I couldn't believe it! I kept asking the girls to pinch me. Honestly, it's every business owner's dream to be featured in the best local magazine! We're so very proud to be a part of this. If you could have lunch with three women (dead or alive) who would they be and why? Michelle Obama, Jennifer Lopez, and Amelia Earhart. These three women have challenged themselves by setting goals and gracefully reaching them, no matter what it takes. I can relate, in that I have the confidence to do what needs to be done - and we're pushing our boundaries every day here at The Seed!

K E L L Y Wilson What were your first thoughts when you were asked to be on the cover? Huh? What? Really? Completely blindsided, but felt absolutely humbled. You were selected as an "Emerging Woman in Business". Can you tell us what goals you have in 2020 for yourself and your business/brand? As humble as I am by the selection, the key focuses for me this year include completing my studies in Clinical Pilates and Barre, taking time for myself on a yoga retreat or perhaps more training and continuing to build strong and genuine relationships within our community. We’re going to some exciting places with Bodiline Yoga & Pilates in 2020 and as we continue to engage and build strong relationships with our community, our ultimate goal is to create awareness of the benefits of who we are and what we represent in the health, wellness and fitness industry. I truly want everyone to experience mindful and meaningful movement. What sort of feelings did you have once you were all dressed up and shooting your first FOCUS cover? Most days (… actually, every day) I live in yoga tights, crops and Pilates grip socks, so to have a pretty gown on felt amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and I’d do it all again. If you could have lunch with three women (dead or alive) who would they be and why? Oprah Winfrey - the journey she continues to live, her empowering vision and leadership is inspirational. Brene Brown - besides wanting to ask 17 million questions, she is authentic yet fierce. My nana - a very wise, spiritual woman who is forever my guide.



lease introduce yourself and your business. I’m a business and marketing strategist at Vermilion Pinstripes, an international sales marketing and communications agency dedicated to creating happy businesses. We harness the power of our collective expertise in business, communications, marketing and technology to help brands thrive with confidence. What is your business vision for 2020? I want to strengthen our PR and Communications Services in Port Macquarie. In 2020. We’ll introduce service automation, which is a sophisticated customer Help Desk. We’ll also expand into Melbourne. How does your business adapt to change?

I’m a forward thinker and I think a lot - deep and far. As a HubSpot agent we create websites, social media, SEO, apps and other digital tools that work seamlessly together, so you can sell without selling.

Our business model is agile and creative we sense and respond to market conditions quickly, and we predict and create future offerings even before customers need them. For example, we know traditional communications and digital marketing will become obsolete, so we’ve created lead generation communications to humanise digital marketing with deep personalisation. What are your greatest strengths in business? I help businesses be different from competition, not just better. I’m a forward thinker and I think a lot - deep and far. As a HubSpot agent we create websites, social media, SEO, apps and other digital tools that work seamlessly together, so you can sell without selling. Tell us about your involvement in the local community.

Businesses are trying to recover from the effects of drought, bushfires, storms and now coronavirus. We’re giving a helping hand with free marketing consulting on vital business tools like brand message, websites, Facebook, SEO, Google searches and Sales and Marketing automation - spreading some happiness on the road to recovery. Contact me on 0407 779 828 to book your free consultation! What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? I focus on giving happiness to my clients, friends, family and myself! If you were down to your last $20, how would you spend it? I’d buy a lottery ticket. I always win something, so I’ll get my money’s worth! Lol!

Many happy brands use our marketing services

Websites . SEO . Social Media . Emails . CRM . Sales & Marketing Automation Contact us for a FREE marketing consultation Tel 0407 779 828 Web Email

Sales / Marketing / Communications Greater Port Macquarie focus 67



lease introduce yourself and your business. My name is Wendy, and I have worked within the community service industry as part of the Linked Community Services organisation for 18 years. I am someone who is known for my formidable attention to detail. I pay great attention to crossing the "t"s and dotting the "i"s. So much so, that I have earnt the nickname of "Barbara from Bank World" - a reference from an old TV ad. Linked Community Services helps members of our local community retain their independence by linking them to vital services and social activities. The individual and specialised transport services we provide are relied upon by many to safely deliver them to their destination, with friendly conversation and helpful assistance along the way. This vital link to our community provides our clients with independence, social connection, access to the community and wellbeing. While the organisation is not as old as me, it has been servicing the local area for over 30 years. What is your business vision for 2020? Our mission is to deliver quality services that link people to the community, to promote independence and inclusion. Our business vision for 2020 is driven by an objective of business growth. We plan to drive this growth by helping to enhance the lives of our community members through services such as transport and support. We believe that our local regions have so many untapped opportunities, and I am personally excited to play a key part in helping to realise these opportunities.

68 Greater Port Macquarie focus

We have recently refreshed our organisation's name Tell us about your involvement in the local (we were previously known as Hastings Macleay community. Community Transport Service) and brand to reflect our I like to be involved in community events and have future vision. We are extremely proud of the new look assisted in fundraising initiatives for our local car club and feel that we have created, and you will soon see our and Careflight Service. I take part in Clean Up Australia new branding all around town on our buses and cars, as Days, and I am a volunteer visitor with our Community well as our updated website. Visitors Scheme. I am Secretary of Parents and Citizens How does your business adapt to change? and I love to attend community trivia nights to help raise We see change as a positive, and money for special programs such we pride ourselves with the ability as Bravehearts and Make a Wish to adapt to changes. Nothing stays Foundation. the same very long. And if it has, What are your tips for we believe it is time to take a step maintaining a balanced lifestyle Change reflects good management, as it back and take a look at what’s with work, home and self? brings new ownership going on around you and ask Maintaining a balanced lifestyle of business ideas to team yourself is it time for a change? ultimately starts with you. My members that can only Change reflects good tips in this area are to look after encourage positive team management, as it brings new yourself, understand yourself and engagement across the ownership of business ideas to team to regularly check in with yourself organisation. members that can only encourage about what gets you motivated. positive team engagement across I try to practice regular selfthe organisation. Many of our reflection, so that I can identify organisation's achievements have where I need to start taking occurred as a result of change. better care of myself. This is really What are your greatest strengths in business? important because if you are not taking care of yourself, One of my biggest strengths is the ability to lead you could potentially become a liability at work, at in times of uncertainty. Changes in government and home or to yourself. legislation can lead to a lot of unknowns and sometimes If you were down to your last $20, how would you a bit of chaos. In these times I recognise that I don’t spend it? have the answers to everything, and I deliver honest I’m all for helping others, so I would spend it on feedback without delay. I regularly communicate to another person who had a need more than I, and I staff about what we are doing and why it will make totally believe I would receive that $20 back to me a difference. I also have resilience and an ability to be twofold. politically savvy. Thanks Wendy.

T R A C Y Driscoll T H E L E A D E R S H I P G R O U P ( T LG ) A PA C H E A D O F C O A C H I N G A N D PA R T N E R

Please introduce yourself and your business. After 23 years in Beijing, China, I moved home to Australia last year and very happily settled in Bonny Hills with my family. My husband is from Beijing, and my two lovely daughters were born there. I’ve been with TLG for six years and have been an executive coach for senior leaders for around 12 years. I have a team of around 70 coaches in Asia Pacific. At TLG we work with organisations, teams and leaders to transform effectiveness and performance. The work I do is incredibly rewarding; I’m very fortunate to do what I love. What are your greatest strengths in business? Before becoming a coach, I held national roles in a global organisation and in an Asia-based company, ran a start up in Beijing and ran my own business. So, I draw

on a lot experience and have the ability to go from big picture to details. I also help leaders balance results and relationships, doing the deeper inside work that helps to achieve big results on the outside. My colleagues and my clients tell me I am a great listener, compassionate and strategic. Tell us about your involvement in the local community. While my focus this year will be establishing the business in Australia, focusing on Sydney and Melbourne to begin with, I also hope I can help in the local community. I’ve joined the HWBN, and they are an amazing bunch of women, so I feel sure there will be lots for me to contribute here. What are your tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle with work, home and self? Pause, reflect and breathe regularly!


Hi Aleisa. You have recently completed a stunning Airbnb build here in Port Macquarie, creatively designed using your own materials and have just reached Superhost status. Tell us about your property. Sunnyside Studio is a luxury self-contained guest studio built by my partner, who is a local builder and bee keeper, using a combination of our two personalities, passions and skills to ensure it is unique and personal to us, whilst also being a beautiful, relaxing space for guests to feel comfortable in and enjoy themselves. I have handmade the bathroom basin, kitchen splashback tiles and many of the ceramics throughout the studio. We enjoy discussing our work and passions with our guests and being able to provide them with our own complimentary honey. We also have an honesty box out the front for guests and the general public to purchase honey, and anyone can purchase my ceramics by appointment. You are widely known as Aleisa Byfield Artisan and exhibit your pieces for sale at local markets and events. What is your vision for your ceramics brand in 2020? As well as continuing on with my ever-evolving jewellery and homewares lines, which I also sell online through my website and through nationwide stockists, I also plan to diversify and embrace a new direction. I have some exciting new collections in the pipeline, which I’m really excited to share soon. I’m also intending on prioritising my passion for gallery exhibitions

and competitions. I am exhibiting again this year in the bi-annual Northern Exposure at The Glasshouse, where I have collaborated with honey bees on a joint artwork to showcase the artistry and supremacy of the honey bee. The exhibition is on until 19th April and is a wonderful opportunity to see what some of our local artists have been creating. How do you juggle work/life balance? Honestly, not too successfully! The early years in business can be extremely busy and exhausting and whilst working from home definitely has its perks, it’s also incredibly challenging at times. It’s often a continuing juggle of being pulled in many different directions with having three businesses at home and managing the guest studio, but I’m striving for a much healthier balance this year! For people wanting to find out more about you, your brand and your property, how can they best reach you? You can reach me through my email address (, Instagram (aleisabyfield.artisan) or Facebook (Aleisa Byfield Artisan). You can also jump on to my website ( for purchases, stockists and to find the markets and events I’ll be attending. The guest studio can be found directly through this link: s=67&shared_item_type=1&virality_entry_ point=1&sharer_id=126740358&unique_ share_id=8a37d297-59ff-4f47-81d5c311c8e46397 Greater Port Macquarie focus 69


Jo Astorini - Vice President / Contest Director, Robyn Wallace - President

Mid North Coast Girls Surfriders is a fastgrowing all-girls surf fraternity run by two bubbly characters from the local beaches of our region.

Girls Mid North Coast Surfriders


ith a focus on getting more girls in the water and across the waves, the group has grown from its humble beginnings. But who are these women behind the women's surfing competition that volunteer their time each month without fail? FOCUS took the time to chat with longtime Presidents and Directors Jo and Rob to find out. Hi Jo and Rob. You are longtime members, Contest Directors and Presidents of Mid North Coast Girls Surfriders. Please introduce yourselves and tell us about your roles within the club. Jo: I have been surfing since I was a teenager in the late '70’s / early '80s on the Northern Beaches in Sydney. It was predominantly a male dominated sport. When I moved out of the rat race to the Mid North Coast, it was a wonderful surprise to learn there was an all-girls boardriders club. Being a mother of three daughters who also surfed, it was the only thing to do, get involved in and support the evolution of woman in the sport of surfing. I joined in 2005 as a member and Contest Director. My daughters have now grown up and moved on; however, I have remained a loyal member and Director to this day. Robyn: I was born and bred in and around Port Macquarie, always at the beach riding my surf mat in the good ol’ days. My husband was a surfer as well, so I thought I would give it a go. As only a surfer knows the feeling, I was instantly hooked and also joined the club and have been a member ever since. I joined in 2006 as President 70 Greater Port Macquarie focus


and Jo Astorini Vice President/Contest Director, and 15 years later we remain in these voluntary positions. How many members does the club currently have, and why do you think it's been si successful? This year, the club has 60 financial members registered, ranging from three years old to 60 years old. What makes this MNCGS so successful and great to be apart of? Our club just keeps growing from strength to strength, for several reasons. Firstly the demographic of our members; we have administrators, vet nurses, aged care workers, teachers, journalists, real estate agents and retail operators - such a vast array of people coming together for the love of the ocean and the sport of surfing. All of our dedicated committee members are highly skilled volunteers which support them within their nominated roles. The camaraderie and teamwork of the group contribute to the efficiency and running of the club. What is the main focus of the club, and how do you hope to inspire girls young and old to get out amongst the waves? Our unique point score and monthly contest format enables each surfer girl to surf two rounds each month, which encourages participation, consistency and commitment to come back each month, instead of a straight out knock out, cut throat competition. Our members are

encouraged to just have a go, regardless of their age and or ability. We always remind our surfer girls that the best surfer in the water is the one having the most fun! Our club's values and focus is to: Promote girls' surfing Promote fun, fitness and friendship Promote the enjoyment of surfing Promote inclusiveness and full participation, regardless of age and or ability Provide a non-threatening and nurturing environment Provide the opportunity to ride short boards, mini mal and longboards What divisions are available? There is something for everyone. You can choose to jump in just one or multiple divisions. We accommodate those who are in different categories and the mums who are caddying the little ones, so they can compete in their individual division. Under 13 Beginner Caddy (white water rider) any size board - soft boards, foamies, fibreglass; Under 13 Intermediate Beginner Caddy Optional (white water rider), any size board - soft boards, foamies, fibreglass; Short Board - Intermediate, Open; Mini Mal - Intermediate, Open; Longboard - Intermediate, Open. Do you have any fond memories that stand out from over the years? It’s fantastic to see fathers enjoying their

Sunday mornings in the water and supporting their daughters in learning to surf. There are not many sports that involve father/daughter relationships. It’s also been wonderful to see the young girls grow and develop over the years. Starting as young as four in the caddy division with their dads riding the white water and progressing over the years into fully independent "hot" little surfers in the open divisions. And to see our girls from the club compete in NSW Surfing State Titles and Australian Titles this is always amazing. Are there any events on the cards for 2020? Other than our monthly competitions, which are held on the second Sunday of every month at Rainbow Beach, Bonny Hills, we have the following events on our 2020 calendar: In February/March our annual Scotts Head Camp Out and free surfing weekend, where our members and families join us for a fun-filled weekend of surfing. We often get the mums out on the boards to have a go! Our Winter Championship round on Sunday 9th August 2020 at Rainbow Beach, Bonny Hills. The Mid North Coast Girls Surf Classic on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October 2020 Lots to look forward to. For any further information or to get in contact with our club, you can visit our website, email us or visit us on Facebook. Website: Facebook: MNCGS Nsw Email: Thanks Rob and Jo.



K AT E W O O D - F O Y E - D I R E C T O R O F E X T E R N A L E N G A G E M E N T , C H A R L E S S T U R T U N I V E R S I T Y

at, you have had some incredible experiences all over the country in particular your time teaching on Thursday Island. Can you tell us how your passion for human anatomy started and why you were inspired to study and share your knowledge in everything from basic biology to neurophysiology? My passion for anatomy started when I was studying the eyes of birds, Guinea pigs and humans when I was undertaking my postgraduate research. I was amazed by the beauty of the retina and how we, as organisms are made up of such complex yet amazing structures and biochemical “machines”. I have always had a passion for teaching and I love it when you teach students how something works in their bodies and they have a look of utter amazement on their faces. Sometimes I feel like I am the person telling them nature’s secrets which is so rewarding for me. Nat, Health Science is a significant growth employment sector in our regional community resulting in a high demand at the Port Macquarie campus. Which degrees do you both teach across and what do you hope your students take with them out in the field? We teach into nursing, paramedicine and

Dr Natalia Bilton is a Lecturer in Human Anatomy and Physiology in the School of Biomedical Sciences at Charles Sturt University. Together with fellow Microbiologist and Lecturer Dr Clare Chapman they form the bio-dynamic duo seeking to inspire and inform future health science professionals in the fields of nursing, paramedicine and medical radiation. It’s not all blood types and body parts – these human scientists have extended and implemented a nationally acclaimed learning experience using proven methods of indigenous storytelling, teamed with virtual reality technology, imaginative and tactile creativity to better share the understanding of the human body. medical imaging. We always strive to do our best as educators in order to equip our students with the knowledge they need to be the best practitioners that they can be. When they leave us, they understand that anatomy and physiology is governed by a limited set of basic principles and that they as learners are more than capable of both understanding and using that knowledge when they enter the workforce. Nat, you recently collaborated with renowned indigenous author and academic Dr Tyson Yunkaporta on the Eight Ways of Aboriginal Learning - can you tell about this concept and how it seeks to engage and empower students? We teach subjects which some might consider as being challenging both in scope, complexity and cognitive load. Our success, here at the Port Macquarie campus, is partly due to the fact that we do not teach using the traditional lecture model. We use techniques based on the neuroscience of learning and those based on Tyson’s work. This serves to honour the contribution that Indigenous Australians have made to education as well as ensuring evidence-based teaching practise. In order to match our teaching to the needs of our cohort of students, we design learning experiences based on an understanding of the workings and limits of the human brain

whilst using the methods that align with how humans have transferred knowledge to each other for thousands of years. This framework has helped support the educational success of our students particularly in their crucial first year of university study. Clare, you have specialised in flipped classroom pedagogy both here in Australia and overseas using virtual reality to enhance your student’s experience. How does this positively impact your current students and the way you teach across anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology at the Port Macquarie campus? The study of anatomy and physiology often requires the learning of vast amounts of material within a relatively limited time frame. Traditionally this material has been commonly delivered in the form of lectures, involving a slideshow show presentation and verbal description of concepts, practical laboratory sessions including dissections and self directed study using 2D images and multimedia resources. However, immersive, social media technology such as virtual reality has affordances that enhance constructivist type learning which can engage modern students and enhance teaching and learning in tertiary health science education. It is suggested that VR is no longer just a medium

for entertainment and social interaction, but is a tool used to enhance teaching and learning in anatomy and physiology. Clare, can you predict any trends emerging in your field that will shape the future of health? Modern students need to have some autonomy over their learning activities and being given the opportunity to explore and create new ideas which are oriented towards the needs and interests of modern students are hence useful for the learner. Our B.Paramedicine, B. Medical Radiation and B.Nursing students will become better health professionals as virtual reality technology allows for greater interactivity, first person perspective, enhanced learning and collaborative experiences. Virtual reality will also become a tool in the health industry for treatment, physical therapy, access to health care and a tool for training staff. To investigate a career in health sciences visit: Thanks Nat and Clare.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 71


Kindergarten Enrolments 2021 Information Night: 26 March 2020 I School Tours: 19 March, 02 April 2020




Coordinating Executive Officer for St Agnes’ Parish Education Stephen Pares says the unique educational pathway offered by St Agnes’ Parish has long been trusted and respected and will continue to be ground-breaking in the next stage of its renewal.


ou’ve been in the role of Coordinating Executive Officer for St Agnes’ Parish Education for 12 months now. How have you found it different to your previous role as Principal of Newman Senior Technical College? It was a privilege to be the Principal of Newman Senior Technical College for over 10 years. In my current role, I am able to work across the totality of the educational offering at St Agnes’ Parish. It is broad and diverse work that provides a unique educational pathway that is unmatched anywhere. I am constantly amazed at the commitment of staff and students from our early education centres, through our primary and secondary schools, and to our training provider, who are so committed to creating this experience for our youth. St Agnes’ Parish has offered education to the local community for over 100 years. How has it grown over that time? St Agnes’ Parish Education has a rich history and tradition of which anyone would be proud. Port Macquarie’s first Catholic school commenced in 1913 and since then, the Parish’s educational offering has grown to provide an individualised and holistic pathway to developing knowledge, skills and experience that is unmatched locally and the envy of schools on a national stage. From this pathway, the Parish consistently produces great academic, cultural, sporting, pastoral and community achievements, which are largely due to the commitment of students and the belief of staff in what St Agnes’ Parish education offers. What areas of education make the Parish experience so different? The Parish established its first early education centre in the 1970s, and now we have three. We then went on to build three new primary schools, two new secondary schools and a vocational college to address the unanswered educational needs of the local community. Building on our success in the

vocational education space, we established the John Henry Institute to continue training in partnerships with schools and after formal schooling is completed. We are, in effect, building our own education system that is dedicated to providing an individualised and holistic educational pathway for over 4,000 students and 2,500 families every day. Importantly, our pathway is not embedded to any one location - it offers many options across many locations, going beyond the latest and best facilities to create a unique educational experience for every student. This is ingrained in the approach across all of our teaching and educational leaders. What does the pathway look like for individual students? Recognition of the importance of early platforms for education is crucial. Our early education approach is the springboard for young ones to learn and grow in preparation for kindergarten. It is here where a love of learning is nurtured and grown so that they are best placed to find success and joy through their primary education and beyond. This approach continues at MacKillop College and St Joseph’s Regional College, where the educational pathway for students become the roadmap for the rest of their lives. For those wanting to choose a vocational path, Newman Senior Technical College provides direct links to skills development and on-the-job training. It is important to note that the Parish were the ones that had the courage and innovative foresight to take the risks to invest in education locally when nobody else was doing it. While we will still continue to do this, the result is that we have a proven educational model that people trust and many others attempt to emulate. Where next for St Agnes’ Parish Education? We recognise that education is changing and the type and form of educating young people is very different to what is has been in the past. There are many influences at work

We are well placed to do that will shape this new leadership group, with this, as we have a culture of model. Locally, we have extensive experience embracing innovation and expanding opportunities across many areas of tapping into new education with university education. offerings. This is because offerings, industry We are also very a great strength within partnerships and fortunate to have over the Parish education evolving opportunities 500 staff and thousands pathway, is that we have in the region. Layered of families who have a very talented leadership over that is our provided us with group, with extensive access to a national extensive feedback on experience across many and international what our future may areas of education. understanding of the deliver. This richness and changing future of work diversity will be reflected and communities. This is in the outcomes into the why we have engaged future. with national and international partners to For more information about what makes work with us in building a new future for our the St Agnes’ Parish Educational Pathway education model. an exceptional choice for your family, We are well placed to do this, as we have a school tours and an Information Night for culture of embracing innovation and tapping Kindergarten starting in 2021 will begin in into new education offerings. This is because March. Go to for a great strength within the Parish education more information. pathway is that we have a very talented Thanks Stephen. Greater Port Macquarie focus 73

DELIVERING FOR THE NEW REHAB CENTRE IN LAKE CATHIE Congratulations Lake Cathie Medical Centre on the official opening of a new rehabilitation centre as part of a $1.8-million expansion. The new expansion was made possible thanks to the Federal Coalition Government investing $300,000 towards the project. This new facility will enable the medical centre to increase its capacity of Physiotherapists as well as allow for the addition of Exercise Physiology and Occupational Therapy. The Rehab Centre will include five consulting rooms, increased gym floor space for classes as well as Hydrotherapy pool and gym section.

ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS FOR WASTE Integrated Green Energy Solutions Ltd is a frontrunner in developing sustainable technology to generate energy from the end of life non-recyclable plastics. The company is engaged in producing a range of fuels and products, including Naphtha, Marine fuel, Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) and Road-Ready Transport Fuels such as EN590 (Road Ready Diesel) and EN228 (Road Ready Petrol). It is positioned as the only company in the world that can deliver road-ready fuels from the end of life plastics without further refinement, blending or processing. Recently I inspected the new technology at the Jim Pearson Transport depot.

Dr David GILLESPIE MP 74 Greater Port Macquarie focus


HASTINGS & CAMDEN HAVEN MORE BUSHFIRE RECOVERY SUPPORT FOR COUNCIL Following a recent grant of $1-million Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will receive further bushfire recovery funding from a $17 million fund through The National Bushfire Recovery Agency. Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will receive a further $416,667 in this round of funding bringing the total for each Council to $1,416,667 to date. This extra funding will further empower our region to lead a local recovery. In the Port Macquarie-Hastings area 7,962 claims have also been processed providing $9,728,000 in Federal Disaster Recovery Payments. Payments have also been made to the Disaster Recovery Allowance. In the Port Macquarie-Hastings area, 15 claims have been made worth $38,972.36. The fires have hit hard across our region but we’re a tough bunch and we know what’s needed to recover. The Australian Defence Force, including the Army Reserve, has also been assisting with the Recovery effort.



The Federal and State Ministers for Emergency Management approved the assistance which is provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Australians living with advanced breast cancer will have access to an important new treatment option, with the Federal Coalition Government listing a life-changing new medicine on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

The storms and flooding that passed through our region in February caused damage to both public and private property and I’m pleased the measures incorporated in the disaster arrangements will be able to be accessed locally in the Port Macquarie-Hastings area.

On 1 January, Verzenio® (abemaciclib) was listed on the PBS for the first time. It will treat non-premenopausal patients with advanced hormone receptor positive human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative breast cancer.

Shops 2&3, 43 High Street, Wauchope NSW 2446 144 Victoria Street, Taree NSW 2430

02 6586 4462

02 6557 8910

Authorised by David Gillespie MP, National Party of Australia, Shops 2&3, 43 High Street, Wauchope NSW 2446.

DavidGillespieMP Greater Port Macquarie focus 75



Minding your Excessive revenue collection, bureaucratic obstruction and unnecessary red tape is stifling business growth, innovation, wages and jobs growth in NSW. Regional businesses in particular are suffering from both a high revenue take in the form of Stamp Duty, Payroll Tax & Land Tax and obstruction by NSW Government Departments.


evenue NSW collected a total revenue of $29.4Bn in FY16/17 from these regressive and antibusiness duties and taxes. In regional areas this revenue take is disproportionately more damaging to small businesses because of lower annual turnover and higher risks of lost income due to drought, fire and floods. In the past 6 months many NSW regions have experienced all three disasters and businesses have reported significantly lower trading as a result. Consider the example of a small regional business that buys its own premises, employs new staff who relocate and commensurately increases its operation and payroll to over the current threshold of $900,000 pa. Buying commercial premises the business pays between 3-5% stamp duty on the purchase. A modest building bought for $2m attracts stamp duty of approximately $95,000. The business will also pay ongoing Land Taxes at 1.7% of the land value – say $3,400 annually, CPI adjusted forever. Key staff relocating to work in the business will purchase homes in the area at say $600,000 each and pay 3% or $18,000 each to Revenue NSW. In the event three families relocate the revenue take is a total of $54,000. If the business is mildly successful and employs 15 people (including contractors) at an average salary of $80,000/pa then the overall payroll is $1,200,000. As this exceeds the threshold by $300,000 Revenue NSW collects 5.45% or $16,350 per year, every year after that. A small business trying to grow its operation under the above theoretical but entirely possible scenario would pay Revenue NSW a collective total of $168,750. NSW Government policy on revenue collection, particularly in regional areas is punitive and regressive. Especially so when the culminative impact of the above taxes & duties are taken into consideration. Despite recent increases to payroll tax thresholds this remains a tax on employment and disincentive to create jobs. A variety NSW State Government Agencies are well resourced to conduct bureaucratic

76 Greater Port Macquarie focus

obstruction by constantly generating a need for more compliance and the creation of red tape. NSW State Government public service had a total workforce of 330,000 in 2017. That equates to 1 public servant to every 14 people of working age in the state. A good example is the NSW Planning system that adds to the cost of housing through delays caused by confusing and irrelevant regulations meant for city areas. The recent introduction of flawed mapping for coastal wetlands based on out of date aerial imagery has resulted in time delays and unnecessary costs for simple applications on building sites free of any vegetation. In recent disturbing news the EPA proposed stringent emissions rules for rail freight that will potentially shut down businesses, cost regional jobs, resulting in higher freight costs and more trucks on regional roads. Intervention by Deputy Premier and a compromise by Environment Minister Matt Keane has since allowed existing freight trains to continue operating. This is another example of ill-conceived, ideologically driven policy causing a significant negative impact on regional businesses. Revenue NSW who administer Land Tax have recently moved to enforce their own interpretation of how the “foreign investor” surcharge is levied. New rules now mean any land owned via trust deeds that do not specifically exclude foreign owners will be levied the surcharge even if there are no foreign owners. Many unsuspecting regional landowners who are Australian citizens will be charged hundreds of dollars in levies or face thousands of dollars in legal fees to amend trusts due to a concocted legal technicality. The Berejiklian Coalition Government was given a mandate at the 2019 election to promote business and make NSW No.1 again. As part of this coalition the NSW Nationals have the responsibility of protecting the interests of regional voters many of whom work in primary industry and small business. High levels of state revenue collection, bureaucratic obstruction and red tape need to be remedied by this State Government immediately.

Monday 16th March - 8:30am Thursday 19th March - 8:30am & 4:00pm


Art has been a part of Chris Wilson’s life since she was a small child. She made a career as an illustrator and now that she has retired from the world of commercial illustration, she is creating her own work and exhibiting locally.


ey Chris. When did your artistic journey begin? When I was a small child. I have always drawn. I was fortunate enough to go to art school and we had a fabulous teacher, who made sure we were all taught the basics. Coming from a commercial illustration background, how have you found the transition from following a brief to full creative control? That required a sizeable break of about two years, when I did no artwork at all. This is a common problem with commercial creatives. Every journalist is going to write their earth-shattering novel ... same thing. In the end, a friend set up an exhibition and told me to do some pieces for it. Once I had a brief and a deadline, I got to work. I later had to learn to do this for myself. I still function better with a deadline though ... old habits die hard. You don’t stick to a specific medium or genre; you go from oil to charcoal, portraits to landscapes; why do you feel it’s important not to stick with what you know? The thing is, because of my background I have always done that. I keep thinking of something else I would like to try. I suspect it’s just my nature. Not everyone would react to change as I do. In the end, you have to go where the “muse” takes you. If something gives you joy, why wouldn’t you do it? In saying that, do you have a favourite medium or subject that you are often drawn back to? I love portraiture, and painting and drawing the

human figure. I don’t look for commissions, because I like to choose for myself the person I want to paint. Not everyone interests me in that way. Where do you draw your inspiration from, and how has the Coffs Coast played its part in our artwork? The wonderful landscape here is a constant inspiration. It’s also a hotbed of creativity. I have made many friends here in the arts community, not only in art, but in music and literature. It really helps to be in that nurturing environment. You have been involved with ArtSpace at Urunga over the past few years. Can you tell us about your role there? I was one of the original seven who moved in and threw up an exhibition in a week or so. I have had various roles, beginning with jack of all trades (cleaner, wall painter, GIVE YOURSELF co-curator, exhibitor, as we all PERMISSION TO were.) Later on I helped with CREATE, THEN selections for exhibitions. Now FIND A WAY TO I help with publicity. is; give yourself permission to DO IT. DOESN’T Out of all the pieces you create, then find a way to do it. MATTER HOW have created, what is your Doesn’t matter how you do it. YOU DO IT. favourite art piece and I believe creativity should why? be a subject in schools. Not all A painting I did of my schools are as enlightened as nanna when I was 16. I will Bellingen, though I believe the situation is very much never part with it. improved from when I was at school. We often think artists are born with “natural Where can we see more of your work? talent”, which is true in a lot of cases, but you I exhibit at the Art Space Urunga, and have three believe everyone has creativity within them. pieces there at the moment. What would you say to someone to invoke the I am also a member of Nexus, so I am often in the creative spirit? members’ shows. I have a piece going into Northern Clearly, not everyone will be a great artist, or Exposure at the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie (end of musician or writer. Some people have a particular February ‘til the end of April). talent. I do believe that everyone has the capacity My website is and to be creative. Sometimes this can be beaten out most of my pieces are there. of people (not necessarily physically). My message Thanks Chris. Greater Port Macquarie focus 77


Health Wellbeing and



Biofilm and your Health

up Whiten

Tooth whitening is a popular dental technique to rejuvenate the colour of your teeth and your smile. If you feel your teeth have become dull and yellow after years of accumulated staining, why not consider tooth whitening with your dental professionals?


aving an attractive smile whether God-given or courtesy of a highly skilled dental professional - is important for self confidence. On the other hand, the embarrassment of revealing grey, yellow, or discoloured teeth could be enough to make someone too embarrassed to smile ... and what a pity that would be. Moreover, stained teeth can affect a person’s overall self image, their self confidence and their sense of self worth. So why not aim for a brilliant smile and whiten up! Unlike simple scaling or polishing, which is a purely mechanical process that removes superficial stains caused by coffee, tea, and red wine, tooth whitening removes internal stains through a process called oxidation. The most common ingredient used for whitening teeth is peroxide gel. Home or Away? The take home whitening system usually involves a custom tray filled with a whitening solution from 10 - 20 per cent concentration. The patient wears the trays as prescribed by their dental professional for 20 minutes to hours over the course of a week, until they get the desired result. The Take Home System requires an initial consultation, impressions and then a follow up appointment to fit the

78 Greater Port Macquarie focus

trays and begin treatment. The benefit of the take home system is YOU are in control of your whitening, and can choose the shade you like. Also, you can top up your whitening at any time, and down the track additional tubes of the whitening solution can be purchased for $20 - $30. The in-office whitening system is a one-off treatment that uses a higher concentration of peroxide gel and takes from 30 - 60 minutes in the dental chair, under the supervision of a dental professional. The in-office system gives patients the confidence that their treatment is being supervised, but this tends to cost more if they ever want to repeat the process, as they have to completely repeat the treatment. What Can You Expect? It’s usually possible to achieve a shade that is six to eight shades lighter, taking years off your smile and making you look and feel younger. Your teeth can become sensitive during the treatment, but the effect is transient, and with care causes minimal discomfort. Don’t forget to take advantage of our March Take Home Whitening Special for only $199. For more information, contact the caring team at Sundial Dental Port Macquarie 6583 3533 or Wauchope 6585 2015 or visit


Coronavirus is a word that we have all heard mentioned lately.


HAT IS A CORONAVIRUS? Unless you have been to China this year or Coronaviruses are a have come in to close contact with someone group of viruses that can who has it is very unlikely that you will catch make us sick (animals too). it. Some coronaviruses cause HOW IS NOVEL CORONAVIRUS SPREAD? mild illness, like the common cold, and others As with other viral illnesses it is spread by an can make people very infected person coughing sick like SARS did several or sneezing on someone years ago. else or on a surface that is A novel coronavirus touched by someone else. Viruses are present in our is a new virus, which HOW CAN I communities all the time means that it has not AVOID CATCHING and because we have some been seen before this CORONAVIRUS? exposure to them our outbreak occurred. It is always important immune system can build WHY IS A NEW VIRUS to have good hygiene to up some immunity to them BAD? prevent the spread of this so that we don’t get as sick New viruses can affect and other illnesses. This and we recover faster. more people as no one includes washing hands has immunity to them. well with soap and water Viruses are present in and coughing or sneezing our communities all the into a tissue or your elbow time and because we have some exposure to if you don’t have a tissue. them our immune system can build up some CAN NOVEL CORONAVIRUS BE TREATED? immunity to them so that we don’t get as sick There is no treatment for this. Antibiotics and we recover faster. There is no vaccination do not work on viruses. for a virus that is new and there is no For more information visit the Australian immunity to it present in our immune systems. Government Department of Health website IS IT LIKELY THAT I WILL CATCH NOVEL CORONAVIRUS? novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov

Dr. Bobby Kumar, Cosmetic Surgery What is Breast Augmentation Surgery? Insertion of a breast implant into the breast to enhance breast size, shape and volume. Why Breast Augmentation Surgery? Women choose Breast Augmentation for different reasons, including: • Dissatisfaction with small or uneven breasts; • To restore volume and shape lost through breast feeding or weight loss; • To achieve confidence in a curvaceous and feminine figure. Women considering breast implants should be fully informed as to the range of choices available, with surgery tailored to meet each individual’s needs and goals. With an emphasis on pre operative planning and post operative follow up, caring for the individual over the short and long term is given top priority. What do you need to know: • Differences in Breast Implant Size/Volume, Shape, Projection and Profile and how they relate to your individual anatomy • Placement of Implants (e.g. above or below pec muscle) • Safety of Implants Can Breast Implants look natural? Absolutely! By far the majority of women who seek Breast Augmentation Surgery with Dr. Bobby Kumar, Cosmetic Surgeon, are looking for natural results, with full, shapely breasts in proportion to their body shape and figure. Consultations by appointment - call Wendy today on 1300 676 003 or 0430 491 009 or visit

Massage at Port Macquarie He Ling Ying’s (Ling’s) recent cancellation of a planned trip to China proved very fortunate and she has subsequently been genuinely flattered by the multitude of concerned enquiries from her many clients and friends. As the highlyskilled principal of Massage at Port Macquarie, she continues to provide the very finest Remedial Massage treatments available anywhere. Highly qualified in Australia, as well as in her native China, Ling’s abilities are quite unique, as she successfully combines today’s recognised contemporary techniques with time-honoured Chinese modalities to provide genuine assistance to those with physical discomfort, sport, health or occupational mobility issues, insomnia or even common fatigue. In fact, Ling’s loyal long-term clients are an ongoing testimony to her outstanding level of care. Fully accredited by Australian Association of Massage Therapists / Massage & Myotherapy Australia, Ling practices from her air conditioned home clinic in the Lighthouse Beach area, where parking is just metres from the door. Approved treatments are recognised by all major health funds, with HICAPS providing instant rebates where applicable. Warm, gracious, considerate and surprisingly strong, Ling cares for her clients - male, female, young and not-so-young - with compassion, respect and always with traditional Chinese courtesy and values.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 79


Local mum Angie Reichelt will be a guest speaker at a Biggest Morning Tea event held by Port Macquarie’s Uniting Church on March 12. Angie’s son Cooper (who’s now 20) had a harrowing experience with cancer, being diagnosed with a neuroblastoma when he was just nine years old.


ngie is profoundly grateful every day that Cooper survived his cancer treatment - against all odds - and will speak of the importance of further research at the event. Hi Angie. You and husband Jason know firsthand the experience of watching a family member battle cancer. Please tell us a little about your son, Cooper, and how he came to be diagnosed with a neuroblastoma when he was nine. Cooper was excited to be starting a new school. He was almost nine and heading into Year 4 at St Columba Anglican school. During the previous six months he had mentioned tummy aches. We had these checked out, with most doctors telling us it was simply constipation. It didn’t seem right, as Cooper was such an active boy, whose favourite food was fruit. We’d recently had a family vacation to The Big Banana in Coffs Harbour, and my mum was in a twin room with Coop. He had tummy pains that night, for which we gave him Panadol. In the morning, my mum mentioned that he was quietly moaning throughout the night. When we returned home, I took him to our family doctor, who had been on leave for the past six months in South Africa. I explained Cooper’s symptoms and that we’d been to three doctors and to the hospital twice. One doc said he was faking it, and the rest said he was constipated and to add fibre to his diet - which we did. As a mum, your gut tells you this is wrong, so when Dr Burger discussed the possibility of an ulcer, I thought maybe this was 80 Greater Port Macquarie focus

an explanation of the pain. I asked if there was a test we could do, and he agreed to send Coop for an ultrasound. We couldn’t get in until the weekend, so Cooper commenced Grade 4 at his new school. Saturday came, his dad was at work and a friend was looking after our other three children, while Cooper and I headed to the hospital for an ultrasound. Frustratingly, after being in the room for about 20 minutes, the young technician asked if we wouldn’t mind coming back in an hour, so the head of X-ray could take a look. She was young and said she’d not had a lot of experience with kids, so this explanation sounded very plausible. Cooper and I went home to wait for an hour. He was frustrated, as he was hungry, and I was frustrated, as with four young children I had a lot to do. Finally, we returned to X-ray - only to see a team of eight doctors and other staff waiting. I can’t even write about what happened next without tears; the keyboard is blurring. The young technician quickly grabbed Coop and gave him a hands-on look at the ultrasound, while the head of X-ray explained to me that they’d found a large mass and they were fairly confident it was a tumour. My legs gave way, as I dropped to the ground. This couldn’t be happening. This happened to other people. Why us? Why Coop? Cooper is now 20 and has made great strides in his life. What's his current health status/prognosis? Cooper has just turned 20; he’s ten years post


treatment. He is happy, of getting Neuroblastoma WAY, AS I DROPPED healthy and commencing was one in 250,000,000, TO THE GROUND. his third year of a when you are in the THIS COULDN’T BE teaching degree. oncology ward - it doesn’t HAPPENING. THIS There’s not a day that seem like it. Our story was HAPPENED TO OTHER goes by that we don’t so similar. think of how blessed Please help raise money PEOPLE. WHY US? we are to still have him for cancer research; WHY COOP? in our lives. We’ve been it really does make a blessed, and we celebrate difference. all the milestones. He You'll be visiting the doesn’t talk much about that time; he doesn’t Uniting Church for their Biggest Morning really like to think about it. He’s been left with Tea event on March 12. What are you a few long-term side effects, but is pretty lucky hoping to speak about and achieve at this considering some children lose their hearing event? after treatment or relapse. I’m looking forward to being part of the Looking back over the past 10 years Biggest Morning Tea this year at my local and your personal experience watching church. My hope is to put a face, a family, someone you love go through cancer behind the fundraising. A lot of people think it treatment, how important do you feel it will never happen to them, but more and more is to keep investing time and funding into these days it seems that cancer has touched cancer research? people’s lives. Sadly, many of the children Cooper met We got to celebrate Cooper’s 20th birthday during his journey have passed away. It’s not because of cancer research. We pray that more fair. His cancer, Neuroblastoma, was one of the funds are raised, so more children get to see worst. Brain tumours were the most horrific of their 20th birthday. all. Thanks Angie. The one thing that has always stuck in our Interview: Jo Robinson. minds is that we were told when Coop finished treatment after almost 12 full months, that 10 years ago there was no chance he would have survived. The only reason my son is here today Biggest Morning Tea event: is due to cancer research. 12th March, 10am, at the Port Uniting For this reason only, I implore people to dig Church, cnr. Oxley Highway and Sherwood deep at their biggest morning tea and donate. Road. This is an open-door event: $5 for We need a future where all children survive. morning tea, with an opportunity to donate Even though we were told that the chances further on the day towards cancer research.

In February 2019, at age 67, I suffered a work-related fall on an airport apron (runway), resulting in a broken and severely dislocated little finger and a shattered, dislocated left elbow.

Miraculous RECOVE RY THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY PAIN FREE LIVING... BOOK YOUR 30 MINUTE OBLIGATION FREE DISCUSSION TODAY. I had a lengthy operation to remove bone fragments and to reconstruct the elbow with metal plates and screws. The process required a 200mm incision to be made on the underside of the elbow and then literally “pulling” all muscle and nerve tissue out of the way to expose the bones for repair. At the time, I was advised that I would experience “some” Ulna Nerve damage as a result of the operation, but that full sensory recovery would occur with the passage of time. Months later, the hand and arm were still grotesquely swollen, and in a metal brace, with very limited functionality; the Ulna Nerve damage was catastrophic, with “dead” areas of the elbow, forearm, wrist and stiff with unresponsive left ring and little fingers. Months of Physio followed, with a final: “ have done all the right things, but I can do nothing else to help you...”. Two spaced Neurological Nerve Conduction tests resulted a prognosis of: “..the Ulna Nerve has been damaged, and it will continue to deteriorate, it will never

get better...” In October 2019 my wife and I retired to Port Macquarie; while over the moon about our new life, I remained disappointed and depressed about my “disabled” arm. The arm was performing like I had experienced a stroke event, I regularly dropped things, spilt things and had difficulty gripping things with my left hand, not to mention the severe tremors when I tried to force the hand to work how I wanted it to. In January 2020, I read about Krystyna in a local magazine.; I rang and made an appointment. On the 3rd of February 2020, I received my first treatment from Krystyna. I have only had three treatment sessions with Krystyna so far; but from the very first treatment, I know that my Ulna Nerve function is returning, skin sensitivity has improved out of site, and for the first time in just on a year, I can fully close my left hand to make a fist. As unbelievable as it may sound, during the very first treatment, I literally “felt” the nerve fibres coursing through my left hand ring and little fingers. I cannot praise Krystyna enough, I feel like a new man, my confidence has returned and my hand and arm are defying the doom and gloom predictions of my past therapists. To me, my progress to date is absolutely amazing, and I look forward to my next sessions.

Allan Joyce

Krystyna Zawadzka Krystyna of Somatherapy is a Certified FSM Practitioner and has been using FSM Therapy since 2003. She also has multi-modalities extensive experience in treatment of chronic pain for over 20 years. Krystyna is a member of IAHP - International Association of HealthCare Practitioners since 2008. Tactile Therapist Accredited Practitioner • International Association of HealthCare Practitioners Australian Traditional Medicine Society • The Medical Register of Australia

Phone 1300 877 011 • 0414 332 037

Master Degree Uni (Warsaw), Dip MFR, Dip Ref, Dip RM, Cert FSM (USA), Cert LDT (USA), Government Cert IV Tactile Therapies

ABN: 73 718 575 340

23 Serene Circuit, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Greater Port Macquarie focus 81


Do you or your pet have problem skin? Sandra Ollinkoski farms goats and produces an array of beautiful goats’ milk products, with a range of soaps for all skin types (including sensitive). Sandra’s goats free range on the cliffs at Mount Cairncross, living an idyllic lifestyle. You can check out Mountain Goat Soap at our local markets, or purchase online …

Soap Mountain Goat


ow did you come to own goats ... and what breed/s do you currently run on your property? We purchased goats again after my son’s allergies to cows’ milk became more troublesome. The goats were used for clearing the bush, but also to have fresh milk for the family and goats’ cheese! So, we started with some Boer cross goats for clearing and then a few British Alpine and Saanen cross for milking in 2005. I had milked goats while I was at uni many years before. The feeding program is important, so we have healthy goats and sweet, fresh milk - we didn't want it to taste like the bush. Especially Stinking Roger! Our goats are free range, browsing on the beautiful cliffs of Mt Caincross and returning home each night under the protection of our Maremmas. Now we mainly have British Alpines and some Anglo Nubian cross. The aim of our breeding program is to have strong, hardy does with a well attached udder, good for long term milking. Each year we have goats for sale. We try to support our local Wauchope Show each year with our dairy goats and our soap; both have won prizes each year. You produce a range of beautiful goats' milk soap products. What's involved with 82 Greater Port Macquarie focus

I love having a natural soap and helping others learn that we

different skin types. Our Low Salicylate soap don't have to add extra was probably our longest commercial “stuff ” to in research and testing; creating these soaps have a great product! we communicated with an ... Do you milk the There are already many allergy clinic to refine this goats yourself, and cocktails of artificial fragrances one. So glad our testers what are the basic and preservatives we encounter human testers - all came steps involved in each day; why add more! back with positive results! turning the milk into We also make a range of soap products? essential oil, scrubs and clay There are many soap soaps. makers out there using Our shampoo bar is a little different. Many different methods, but not many have the goats shampoo bars are made from commercial and enjoy the full process - especially kidding surfactants or are just another bar of soap with time! Busy, yes, but the enjoyment young goats some castor oil added to make it foam more. give is special. Not ours! In the morning we mix grain with lucerne and Deodorants and oil blends with no essential oaten chaff, feed and hand milk the girls; I say oils or perfumes added are also on our market we, but mostly that is just me nowadays! The stall. milk is then strained and refrigerated. What do you add to your goats' milk When making soap, you need three basic products? ingredients: oils, a “salt” (NaOH) to convert the There are no added artificial colours, fillers, oils to soap, and a fluid to dissolve the salt in. perfumes, hardeners, etc. in any of our soaps or This all needs to be calculated correctly, as the products! saponification value of oils differs. The reason we don't use these, is because Most soap makers use water as the fluid; we of my own allergies. I love having a natural use goats’ milk from our farm. The oils we use are mainly from fruit, nuts and soap and helping others learn that we don't have to add extra commercial “stuff” to have a rice. great product! There are already many cocktails These ingredients are weighed and added of artificial fragrances and preservatives we together to make soap! encounter each day; why add more! Our soap dries for at least six weeks before What have you learned are some of the going out to the public. benefits of goats' milk over the years What products are in your range? Our range is mainly made up of fragrance-free you've been working with it? The start was my son’s eczema. I had worked goats’ milk soap, using different oil bases for

in research before I married and loved trying new things. So started my journey of research into goats’ milk soap and skin issues. As the skin is the largest organ of the body, what goes on can do good - or not so good! The first thing I learned is that not all oils in the soap worked on his eczema, so the trials began. Then others told me of their plights to find a soap they could use … more trials, and more varieties of fragrance-free soap! We learnt very early that just because a label says goats’ milk, doesn't mean that the product has a high percentage of milk! As a goat farmer, we add as much as we can to each bar - “real goats’ milk soap”! You create a pet soap too, which is interesting! How would this differ from most other pet cleaning products on the market? Our pet soap was created for our old dog when she started to get a summer itch and an old doggy smell. So, yes, this product was tested on my dogs (animals, including goats)! We were amazed at the results; plus, it killed the fleas. Many customers have found excellent results. How can we source your products? Do you attend any local markets? Our regular markets are the Foreshore Market in Port Macquarie, second Saturday of the month and Wauchope Farmers' Market, fourth Saturday of the month. I love chatting and listening to people’s journey at trying to find a product they can use and like; plus their own “goaty” story! What's the best way to contact you/find out more? Mountain Goat Soap on Facebook for market days and goat pictures! Ph 0412 705 024. We sell in bulk, plus post throughout Australia. Thanks Sandra. Interview: Jo Robinson.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 83

focus_guest contributor Ainslee Dennis from

Creating COMMUNITY connection with


Creating and caring for community is the tenet on which Lake Cathie Public School and Salt Community Church collaborate to help people, and it is enriching the lives of many families during times of need.


ake Cathie Public School opened its doors to students in 2015 and to Salt Community Church in 2016. Principal Jock Garven says the partnership is positively impacting the school community. How did it begin? Marty Dures and the team came to me several years ago with the idea of forming Salt Community Church. It was the “community” in their title that really brought home that there was an opportunity for a partnership. We are a community facility as a public school, and we provide the opportunity for community groups to use the facilities when we are not teaching the children between 8:30am and 3:30pm every day. We have two church groups who use the school, Salt Community Church and Camden Haven Anglican Church. How is Salt Community Church supporting the growing Lake Cathie Public School community of children and their families?

84 Greater Port Macquarie focus

It’s amazing to see the give back to our school community. Financially every year Salt Community Church provide quite a substantial amount of money to use at my discretion with our Wellbeing Team to support families who might need assistance with excursions, school supplies, and in particular, the simple requirement of a school uniform. It is important to help children to feel they are part of everything that goes on in our lovely school, and that includes showing personal and collective pride in wearing the school uniform. Some families can’t afford all of the extras that come along with the cost of schooling. We are a public school and do try to keep our costs down to a minimum, but sometimes it’s just not possible for some families to buy what is needed. We have quite a lot of our lovely students running around wearing a school shirt, or a new school hat, or a warm school jacket in winter, with thanks to Salt Community Church. Obviously with bushfire activity last year and the impact of drought on our rural families,

things were certainly very, community - we hope to very uncomfortable for create connections that WE WANTED TO many people. There are allow all of our families, CREATE SOMETHING also a lot of families in our who may from time-toTHAT WAS REAL, area where both children time feel a little bit lost, or RELEVANT, RELAXED and adults are showing children that feel isolated, BUT REVERENT. greater presentations of perhaps due to a reliance mental health concerns on social media - to know and experiencing a feeling we are thinking of them, of isolation from the community. and to encourage people to come out of their One of the loveliest things that I get to homes, and to join whatever is going on at the do every year to help families is just before school, whether that is with Salt Community Christmas. Marty and the team ask me to think Church, the karate clubs, or the local cricket carefully on the families in our school who and netball clubs that also use our facilities … are doing it tough. I then get to make a lovely just come out and connect with community. phone call to 10 families and say, “Hey, we’ve Marty Dures is part of the Salt Community got this lovely group, Salt Community Church, Church leadership team. What do you value that uses the school facilities and one of the about the collaboration with Lake Cathie things that they like to do is just touch base and Public School? make sure families within our wider community Marty: When Salt started, one of its big are OK, and this year, if it’s OK with you, would passions was to do stuff within the community you be happy to receive some Christmas cheer that actually meant something to the in the form of a lovely Christmas hamper community. We wanted to create something delivered to your door, no strings attached, with that was real, relevant, relaxed but reverent. the message, Merry Christmas?” We didn’t just want to be a little enclave of We have received a lot of teary responses on people that loved God and Jesus; we wanted the phone when there is this lovely recognition to serve people, to be His hands and feet in that people are thinking about others … that the community, and Jock has given us that gesture of a Christmas hamper means the opportunity. world, not for what’s in the basket, but for what So while Jesus was doing things of God and the sentiment means. eternity, he also addressed the practical needs Salt Community Church uses the school of people, and some of the things we do are for its 4pm service each Sunday. Do hopefully doing that. We are also responding its members contribute to the school to the conviction that church is more than just community in any other way? meeting together for an hour once a week; it’s Anytime we have an activity that involves actually living in community as Christians and the general school community and wider being relevant and responsive to the broader community, Salt are on board - they will provide community as well. manpower, they’ve come and done gardening days for us, and taken part in fundraising activities. Salt Community Church meets at Lake As a community church they have a goal to Cathie Public School at 4pm on Sunday. provide more than just a religious connection To learn more, visit to community, and we have a goal to provide more than just an educational connection to






Concerned about your


Poorly-fitting dentures? You may be missing teeth from birth, from traumatic incidents, from decay and gum disease, or from wear and tear. Missing teeth may cause many problems, from tipping adjacent teeth, alterations to the bite, and reduction of chewing efficiency (10% for one molar; 25% if you are missing two molars).


here are three possible solutions teeth removable dentures, bridgework (which • “Exposure and bonding” of impacted teeth (usually requires reduction of adjacent teeth to canines) to assist with orthodontic tooth alignment. fit the crowns, which potentially results • Mucosal biopsies of mouth lesions in long-term damage to the teeth) or • Diagnosis and management of bone pathology such as dental implants. jaw cysts. Dental implants presently provide the most biologically • Extensive bone grafting for jaw bone defects in sound tooth-replacement method, not relying on adjacent preparation for dental implant surgery teeth and preserving surrounding bone. Drs Wilson and Gupta also undertake a full range of Dental implants are placed with a relatively simple dental implant procedures, including: surgical procedure. There is then usually a healing period. • Dental implant surgery (including the “all-on-4™”, Subsequently, a crown is constructed. Implants can also be Osseo-FrameTM and quad zygoma techniques) to replace utilised to provide a full arch of teeth missing or decayed teeth. where all of your teeth are missing Dr Wilson first trained in dental or need removal. In many instances, implant surgery in 1991. Since implants can be placed at the same that time, he has completed many Dental implants time as teeth are removed, and workshops with world experts, including presently provide the occasionally a full arch of new teeth “All-on-4™” in 2008, “Zygomatic most biologically sound can be inserted within a few days implants” 2012, Advanced Bone tooth-replacement method, Regeneration course May, 2016, (“All-on-4”TM) or on the same day not relying on adjacent (OsseoFrameTM). Advanced Soft Tissue Regeneration teeth and preserving Dental implants may also be used to Techniques in Implant Therapy, surrounding bone. support full dentures (over-denture). Advanced Sinus and Posterior Maxillary Dr Ian Wilson is one of the Hunter’s Augmentation Techniques in Implant leading Oral and Maxillofacial Therapy July 2016, and Osseo-Frame Surgeons. Dr Wilson has been in 2019. specialist practice since May 1989 in Newcastle. Being Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, many of the fees Dr Wilson, Professor Hoffman and Dr Gupta undertake at Hunter OMS are claimable through Medicare. a variety of Oral and Maxillofacial surgical procedures, For any questions about the above information including: or to make an appointment with Dr Wilson in his • Removal of impacted teeth such as third molars (wisdom Port Macquarie rooms, call 1800 623 338 or www. teeth). - a referral enables some fees to • Removal of retained roots and fractured / broken down be charged through Medicare.



Inconvenient denture plate and retention hooks


Requires cutting possibly healthy adjacent teeth


Look, feel and function like natural teeth

Greater Port Macquarie focus 85

with Clairvoyant Terri Hall Phone. 0424 818 343

March 2020





MAY 22 - JUNE 22


Love yourself enough to receive the best possible outcomes. This will ensure a peaceful, uncomplicated existence, giving you the quality time you need to immerse yourself in your personal life happily. Career and other responsibilities will fall into their rightful place and life will seem better balanced. Garnet will enhance your passion for living.


You are gifted at being able to think laterally and offer practical solutions to life’s dilemmas. For this reason, people are drawn to your energy. Hear the wise words you are offering in a counselling situation, as these words are channelling through you for your guidance as well. Protect your energy levels by thinking yourself in a bubble. Citrine shatters negative energy; wear some whilst helping others.

Avoid taking life too seriously at present; this is why all your fears and insecurities are playing with you. This is leaving you feeling trapped in life, instead of owning it and creating it. Try to connect to your silly self and do some pranking to lighten up your energy and brighten your world. Ruby shatters fear and leaves us feeling safe and comfortable in our reality.

You are a person of your word. Your wisdom will be greatly drawn on in this next cycle; to make the most of every possible opportunity, set some fresh goals and don’t compromise your standards. Your mind is likely to be busy recognising possibilities that exist, so make the most of this talent and seize the moment. Amethyst is great for connecting to our higher qualities and life’s purpose.



JUNE 23 - JULY 23


Self-esteem issues need to be addressed, as these will create scenarios that potentially ruin your most cherished feelings if not attended to. Know you are a beautiful soul, so you attract an abundance of nice things into your life. Smile at your reflection to realign your self-worth with positive influences. Citrine attracts abundance; carry some.

Your sensitivity is increasing and so is your wisdom. This is the reason so many people are drawing strength from you at this time. If you find you are being drained or affected in a negative way, look inward and recognise all the qualities you bare that you are proud of. This technique will charge your energy. Clear Quartz enhances our energy; carry some.







Listen to your wise words when helping others, as these are your answers too. You will be feeling quite independent and secure as you make plans for your future happiness. You may need to protect yourself from energetic drainage, as your vulnerability increases; simply achieve this by thinking yourself inside a bubble. Selenite is great for auric protection; carry some in stressful times.

A feeling of stagnation is taking place, because your fears have stopped your progress. You must take hold of them and reshape them, and then positive things will begin to flow again. Your soul is learning self-appreciation and self-love. Listen to your wise words, as they will provide clear direction. Turquoise is great for self-confidence.

You can expect an opportunity to fulfill a dream from a long time ago or one that you carried for a long time to cross your path very soon. Prepare your mind by recognising it and list everything needed to make it a reality, then take action and acquire a few things from the list. This way you will be armed and prepared for it and little time will be wasted. Turquoise assists in recognition of one’s higher purposes.




APRIL 21 - MAY 21



Think about what you want, but be aware of why you want it because if your motive is beneficial to your highest good, you are very clever at manifesting. If your motive is insecurity based, you will align yourself with some big challenges. Remain in a positive headspace when goal setting, just to ensure a good outcome. Clear Quartz amplifies a happy mood; hold some to set fresh goals.

86 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Look within and identify all your attributes and qualities that you chose to bring forth in this life that leave you feeling proud to be who you are. You are getting ready to step into a new cycle, and it will be very emotionally rewarding. Your nurturing compassion will be used a lot in this cycle, delivering great self-worth. Clear Quartz will help maintain strong positive thoughts.

Patience is one of the higher lessons you’re drawing into your reality at this time. In pursuit of exciting outcomes where you have little control of timing, avoid making hasty decisions to cure frustration, as this will alter your happy outcome. Instead, re-connect with the passion driving you. Clear Quartz keeps us focused on positive outcomes; carry some.


Willing & Able and Visa Global a great team

Sister Marjorie with volunteers Wayne Ellis and Gary Nosworthy.


Aaron Fox from the Willing & Able team delivering to Farmer Joe's Pantry, Wauchope.

Willing & Able has a new friendship, and the benefits have been widespread throughout the Port Macquarie-Hastings community and even reached all the way to Quirindi.


isa Global Logistics made contact with us club has made two deliveries to Quirindi Bowling Club in December, to see if we would be happy since December 2019. The goods were then distributed by to accept donations from them and their Quirindi Bowling Club and the local Rotary Club over the customers. They advised they had been holiday period. collecting for Bushfire Relief and had given Farmer Joe’s Pantry at Wauchope received a truck full away all they could, and the excess was now just sitting in of bottled water and mattresses, followed by a ute full of storage. non-perishable food and cleaning products. They certainly didn’t need to ask us twice; we advised Willing & Able have also been able to make multiple we would be delighted to accept the donations and food deliveries to both Sister Marjorie’s and St Thomas' started making calls to local community groups to see Anglican Soup Kitchens, as well as filling a car boot for the who else could benefit. Make a Difference Foundation to share In January, the first truck arrived; with the Willawarrin community. the team is used to seeing large Visa Global Logistics made a real trucks in the industrial area, but this difference to our community, and the was the first time one was parking Willing & Able team were privileged in our driveway. The truck was filled Through the with a mixed load of bottled water, and absolutely delighted to be part of generosity of Visa mattresses and furniture. Two weeks it. Global, the Willing & later a second truck arrived, this time Able team have been At Willing and Able our mission is to including non-perishable food items, able to work with and provide meaningful paid employment clothing and more furniture. assist several local and personal growth opportunities for February saw truck number three community groups. adults with intellectual disabilities in arrive; by now, the team were old a safe and happy environment, whilst hands at managing the parking and providing quality products and services getting ready for the unload. Truck to our customers. number three was filled with non-perishable food items With more than 40 supported employees at Willing and and cleaning products. Able, people are individually placed in work most suited Through the generosity of Visa Global, the Willing & to their physical and intellectual strengths and personal Able team have been able to work with and assist several local community groups. Port City Bowling Club Drought Relief hired a storage shed, and we were able to half fill it with pallets of bottled water, non-perishable food and cleaning products. The

preferences. We also run daily activity programs for adults with

DROUGHT RELIEF Campaign Update Port City would like to thank all our members and guests for their ongoing support and contributions to our drought relief campaign. The club has now made two deliveries to Quirindi Bowling Club since December 2019. The goods were then distributed by Quirindi Bowling Club and the local Rotary Club over the holiday period, December and January. The second delivery just took place over the weekend of February 8th; the delivery included three pallets of bottled water, as well as numerous boxes of non-perishable food and new clothing items. Port City would like to thank Willing & Able Foundation for their help, as they have been a collection point and have contributed the pallets of bottled water and food items as well.

intellectual disabilities, with a focus on having fun in a safe, happy and inclusive environment.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 87










infinity FO

88 Greater Port Macquarie focus








focus_contributor contributor


The Forestry NSW Team celebrates the announcement of the new Cowarra State Forest Tourism Precinct, 21st January 2020. Photo: Rob Cleary, Seen Australia.

Forest Bathing. There is a growing fascination with the term “forest bathing”, which can be explained by a recent article in the "Guardian" newspaper titled “Getting back to nature: how forest bathing can make us feel better”.

Wauchope artist Verqelle Fisher with Hello Koalas sculpture Guula and Margret Meagher at Wauchope Train Station.

efore you head for your swimmers, let me explain that “Forest Bathing” does not involve getting wet unless it’s raining when you visit one of our local state forests. It’s a term which is grounded in the philosophy of arts and health and the influence of nature to bring calm and quiet into people’s lives. Forest bathing lets you take time out, slow down, de-stress and connect with the environment, listening to the wind rustling the leaves and seeing the light filtering through the trees. The forest has its own musical chorus of birdsong too. The Duchess of Cambridge is a fan, according to the Guardian. The garden she co-designed for last year’s Chelsea Flower Show was inspired by the practice of “shinrin-yoku”, which literally means “forest bath”, a phrase coined in Japan in the 1980s. Research studies point to reduced blood pressure, lower cortisol levels, improved concentration, memory and sleep and they cite a chemical released by trees and plants, called Phytoncides, that boosts the immune system. Locals and visitors to our region will have visited Old Bottlebutt in the Burrawan State Forest, one of nature’s grandest monuments. Now there is a new nature-based tourism precinct planned for Cowarra State Forest, supported by a $2.1 million State Government grant. There will be walking trails and other nature experiences, as well as adventure activities and a café. Forestry NSW plans to follow the tourism model of their award-winning Sealy Lookout (Niigi Niigi) in Orara East State Forest, Coffs Harbour. Plans for the site include forest and wildlife recovery education and information signage, and the Koala Hospital is establishing a wild koala breeding program. Koalas rehabilitated from the bushfires will take up residence in enclosures in

Cowarra State Forest to complete their recovery and become part of a renewed koala population. Forestry is also working with the Bunyah community to share their cultural practices and stories. Hello Koalas sculpture Guula, painted by eight Aboriginal art students from Wauchope TAFE and based at Wauchope Train Station, is an ambassador for the project and will take up residence at Cowarra State Forest when the precinct is completed. According to Leslie Williams MP, “sustainable forest management is more important than ever, as we rebuild fire-affected towns with sustainably-managed timber for bridges, electricity poles and homes. This new precinct is no different and will include local hardwood timber features throughout”. There will be a 700 metre perimeter fence, including a natural feature wall design along the Oxley Highway side, and new signage will showcase local history and celebrate the timber heritage of the region. Last week, I was participating in a Go Regional NSW tourism campaign at Wauchope Train Station along with Guula and another Hello Koalas sculpture, Carramar, painted by Elise Howard. In the waiting area, a traveller called my name and introduced herself as Verqelle Fisher, a local from Wauchope and one of the original artists of Guula. I was delighted to have a quick catch up and photo opportunity before her train arrived. My world continuously seems to come full circle as the arts intermingle with the environment and health and wellbeing. It’s great to be alive! For more information: https://www. forest-bathing-japanese-practice-in-westwellbeing Shinrin-Yoku: The Art and Science of Forest Bathing, Dr Qing Li, President of the Society for Forest Medicine in Japan.


Greater Port Macquarie focus 89

Downsize your home, upgrade your lifestyle Nestled within a vibrant community of like-minded people, a Stockland village in Port Macquarie could be just what you’re looking for. We have the perfect one, two or three-bedroom homes to suit your needs – whatever they may be. Chat with our Sales Professional Ally O’Shea on 1800 72 71 70 or visit to find out more.

Bellevue Gardens Retirement Village 1 Parker Street, Port Macquarie

Lincoln Gardens Retirement Village 23 Marian Drive, Port Macquarie

• Only 1.3km to CBD • Right next door to Medical Centre and Port Macquarie Private Hospital • Indoor heated swimming pool • 24-hour personal care assistants on site • Serviced apartments available • Pet-friendly village

• Modern village with beautiful gardens throughout • Friendly and contented community • Ground level villas with no stairs • Close proximity to hospital, shopping centre and medical precinct • Pet-friendly village

Homes from $196,000*

Homes from $335,000*

Parklands Retirement Village Cnr Central Road & Hindman Street, Port Macquarie • Two-bedroom villas and one-bedroom serviced apartments available • Indoor heated pool & spa • Bowling green available for residents • Friendly village community and staff • Pet-friendly village

Homes from $227,000*

*Price correct as of 21/01/20. Subject to change. All details, images and statements are based on the intention of, and information available to Stockland as at the date of this press ad and may change due to future circumstances.

Retirement 90 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Freecall 1800 72 71 70

Greater Port Macquarie focus 91

Final release of new villa units!

! y a D n e Op th 3pm 4 o 1 t 10am arch

M y a d r Satu



There won’t be a better time to choose your dream villa unit than right now! Construction on Stage 3, the final stage of our Village, has just begun, so the widest choice of quality villa units at Sunrise Village is available right now! There’s no other village like it in the district. Advantages of Sunrise Village include: n Couples stay together regardless of each individual’s health care needs n You have your own home with a fully equipped kitchen OR have your meals in our Community Dining Room. The choice is always yours






You can bring your current Home Care package with you OR we will facilitate a fully funded package for you You choose and change the type and level of domestic and care services as you need On-site Nursing staff available to provide care services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The village can cater for dementia and palliative care You don’t have to move.

Our onsite Nursing staff bring all the Care you need into your own villa unit, even if your Care needs change n Our Village is pet-friendly. Saturday March 14th is Open Day, so please feel free to drop by for a cup of tea and a chat!

You may have to pay a Departure Fee when you leave this village.

Sunrise Village: 11A Chapmans Road Tuncurry NSW 2428 | Tel: (02) 5528 5000 | 92 Greater Port Macquarie focus


We are talking today with Paul Greenup, Director of the Sunrise Supported Living Village in Forster/Tuncurry.

starts construction on F I N A L STAG E T H R E E


aul, we hear that there are exciting things happening at the Sunrise Village at the moment. Yes, that’s right; we have just started building the third, and final, stage of the village. Stage Three will include a total of 28 new units. We are really excited about our upcoming Open Day to launch Stage Three. It is on Saturday 14th March from 10am to 3pm at 11A Chapmans Rd, Tuncurry. Will the new units be as impressive as those in the existing Sunrise Village? Yes, for the first time we will be building some units with their own attached garages. This is something that our residents have been asking for. Some want to be able to enter their villa unit directly from their cars. Some just want additional storage space, and others want an additional space for their craft or hobby room. All the villa units at Sunrise currently feature under cover parking; this is just an added bonus for some. The new units are similar to those in the current village and have high 9 foot (2.7 m) ceilings that really give an impressive feeling of space. The new units being built will feature high quality designer kitchens with lovely granite benchtops and soft polyurethane two-pack finish joinery. The kitchens come with all appliances provided, including stainless steel drawer-style dishwashers, convection microwaves ovens, ceramic cooktops and stainless steel fridges. The laundries feature quality washing machines and dryers already

installed. All villas are reverse cycle airconditioned, and every room has ceiling fans. Every unit has it own private rear landscaped courtyard. What sort of support services will be available to the residents? Naturally, all the new residents will be able to avail themselves of all the support services that Sunrise already offer onsite to our existing residents. They can enjoy delicious meals in the community dining room three times a day, seven days a week if they wish, or just once a week if they prefer. Our two village buses provide easy transport to all residents for weekly shopping trips and regular outings. The new residents of the village will also be able to access our huge community lounge. It includes a cinema and computer kiosk and library and a tea/coffee bar. The community lounge is connected to the existing community dining room with a large covered outdoor dining area. The community lounge is also used for our regular exercise classes, craft and games afternoons and painting classes. It is also a lovely space just to sit and have a chat with friends over a tea or coffee. I believe that Sunrise also provides nursing and personal care in the village? Yes, this is what really sets Sunrise apart from every other retirement village on the coast. Sunrise are fully approved, accredited home care providers and have their nursing team onsite 24 hours a day/seven days a week to provide whatever care and personal services the residents may need. This means that our residents can receive the care they need in the privacy of their own villa unit. It also means

The community lounge is that couples can stay If you don’t have a Care connected to the existing together, in their own Package, then Sunrise can community dining room with a home, and each receive facilitate your application large covered outdoor dining area. any individual care or to obtain a Government The community lounge is support they need. funded package. also used for our regular Having this high-level Can Sunrise provide exercise classes, craft and support available 24/7 high care in the village? games afternoons and painting allows a degree of Yes, we are approved classes. freedom for the partner to provide Level 4 High that has low, or no, care Care. This is equivalent to needs. They can go out high care in a residential and enjoy a coffee or care facility. It means that “lunch with the girls” for example, knowing for 99% of our residents they will never need that their loved one is being well cared for in to move again. This is very comforting to elderly the village. This can mean a lot to the “carer” people. of the couple. What do you think is the best thing about What happens if someone already has a Sunrise Supported Living? Home Care Package and they want to move Oh, that’s an easy one! Love and family. There into the Sunrise Village? is a lot of love at Sunrise. Our residents, their If you currently have a Home Care Package, family and staff really are like one big family. you can bring that with you and Sunrise nursing There is also a very strong connection between staff can provide your care in your own villa unit all our staff and our residents. Our residents at a time, and in a way, that suits you. Because really do appreciate that our staff always go Sunrise staff are onsite 24 hours a day, seven that extra mile to care for them in such a loving days a week, it means that we can be much and respectful and caring way. Our residents more flexible in the way that we provide care to have a very active social life, with regular visits our residents. to the village by singers and entertainers, even Most people who live in their own home and bush poets! We have regular craft and painting currently receive a Home Care Package get a classes and games afternoons. Our “movie visit from their nurse once a day, or possibly and a choc-top” afternoons are always well once every two days, usually for one hour at attended. BUT, by far and away, the best thing a time. At Sunrise, if our resident is on a Care about Sunrise is the way that our residents look Package like this, we can see them for, say, out for each other; there is a genuine, warm 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the camaraderie between our residents. It is a very afternoon and also 20 minutes in the evening. happy village. Our residents really do love the flexibility that REMINDER. OPEN DAY, SATURDAY 14TH we can offer. MARCH - 10am to 3pm. Greater Port Macquarie focus 93

Riverside Retirement Living.


Broadwater Gardens Retirement Village 160 Park Street, Port Macquarie

Open for inspection Monday and Wednesday 10am – 12pm or by appointment. Now available – 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom homes, single level, open-plan living with private courtyard, air-conditioning and remote control garage*. Located amidst the stunning natural beauty of Port Macquarie, Broadwater Gardens is a wonderful place to call home. You’ll find cafes, restaurants and shops close at hand and enjoy a 3-minute walk to the Hastings River.

Contact your local agent: Allison Purdy 0438 841 403 *Advertised home and price details are correct at the time of publishing, though subject to availability, eligibility criteria and are subject to change without notice. RSL Care RDNS Limited ACN 010 488 454

At Home Support

94 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Retirement Living

Residential Aged Care





erry’s written a book about his life, Life in a Minor Key, in an effort to resolve the challenges of his past and move into a brighter future … Hi Terry. You were born in Manchester, England, but when did you move to Australia? The nearest city to where I lived was Manchester, which is in the county of Lancashire. Although the centre of Manchester is only 10 km from where I grew up, it was in another county - Cheshire. I lived in the small market town of Hyde, which had many mills - some of them “the dark satanic type”, but there were a few dairy farms and a vibrant market place. This small town was dominated by the Moors. These moors were beautiful in the very short summer, but for the rest of the year, were to me, dark, cold, bleak, and eerie. It was 1967. I was an immature teenager of 19 when I left England, not knowing if Australia was the capital of Venezuela, or perhaps that country where Adolf Hitler was born. I was alone and believing the boat would take an unbelievable two or three days. It took three months! I knew nothing. I left because I had to. What are some of your strongest memories from growing up in the U.K., and how do you feel these experiences helped shape you into the person you are today? Music has had its grip on me for as far back as I can remember. Music gave me the only

Terry Memory arrived in Australia as a “Ten Pound Pom”, leaving behind a difficult past in the U.K. for a fresh life. Music has always been Terry’s salvation, helping him survive the challenging times - and he can be out supporting local events, both through his fundraising efforts and performing. peace in a world of mayhem - it was my love, my sadness, or melancholy. It can relate to horror, sanctuary, my friend. It helped me to bear the loneliness or dread. A minor key is emotive. It's rest of my life. You asked, "What is my stronhow my mind connects with my life. gest memory?". It was a life full of fear. How Many may not know it, but you're a harddid those experiences shape me? It pushed me working volunteer in the local community. into borderline insanity and deep depression for What are some of the organisations and decades. fundraisers you advoYou've played and percate for? formed music for most For nine years I have of your life. What have been, in one way or Because I have been so busy with been some of your another, involved with my book, and other activities, favourite performances helping refugees. Actually, I have put my music on over the years? when I was only eight the backburner, but am My band in England years old, I'd worked out really looking forward to played with the Hollies, that racism was a festering getting back out there and “He Ain’t Heavy”. In sore on the ar*e of huperforming. Keep an eye out for Australia, in another manity. posters and ads on social media, to see band, we performed on At the moment I am where I am playing next. television and radio and working with the Mid actually won best AustraNorth Coast Refugee lian Country Band in one Support Group. I am so of the most prestigious honoured to know these music awards. It's one of the nicer memories. wonderful people, both the other volunteers and You've recently produced a book about your the refugees themselves. These are truly people life, Life in a Minor Key. Why did you decide who care. to set pen to paper and write this story? I also help raise money for Motor Neurone DisI wrote it to try and have an understanding of ease, via a table tennis club that I started eight myself. I wrote it for my mother, for my sister, my years ago. It took several months, but eventually brother and my children. I hoped it would give there were enough players to form a club, so me clarity and clear away the mayhem going on that the donations for playing went to research inside me - a form of therapy, if you like. for this hideous disease. This was spurred on Why do you describe your life as being in a because of my partner at the time; her brother minor key ... why not major? died from Motor Neurone Disease. In music, a minor key can denote a feeling of I volunteer for Make A Difference - M.A.D. -

which assists in feeding the homeless too. What do you have planned for the rest of this year? Are there any other special projects in the pipeline? I'd like to write a song for Malala Yousafzal, the courageous Pakistani advocate for women's education, and the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate at around 17 years of age. I also would like to write a song for my sister Kath, and for my brother. Where's the best place to source your book, or to find out where you may be performing around the area? I'm self published, so those who are interested in sourcing a book can give me a call me on (02) 6559 6435. Because I have been so busy with my book, and other activities, I have put my music on the backburner, but am really looking forward to getting back out there and performing. Keep an eye out for posters and advertisements on social media, to see where I am playing next. Final say ... This story does indeed need a happy ending! I am delighted to say there certainly is one. Sixteen years ago my life changed dramatically for the better. I was able to rid myself of something that had been holding me back for at least 40 years. I live here in the Camden Haven as content as any man could possibly wish to be, both happy and at peace. Thanks Terry. Interview: Jo Robinson, with many thanks to Sue Lee-Newman for her assistance. Greater Port Macquarie focus 95 Ph. 6583 8644 / linkedservices 96 Greater Port Macquarie focus

HOME Rod Lewis and Scott Marsh Home Instead Senior Care Mid North Coast is the trusted choice for in home care and companionship services. They are committed to making a positive dierence in the lives of local seniors and their families. Chrissy Jones spoke with owners Scott Marsh and Rod Lewis about how they support seniors to age well in the comfort of their own homes.


i Scott and Rod. Can considering services and support to you tell us a bit about remain at home? Home Instead Senior The first step is to register with My Aged Care Mid North Coast? Care, the Government Assessment Agency. Home Instead Senior They can arrange a face to face assessment Care Mid North Coast for you in your home to discuss what is part of a national network of over 38 Government subsidised services you might be HISC offices around Australia, each office eligible for and any charges or co-payments. being individually owned and operated. We Unfortunately, there are waiting times for a opened our first office in Port Macquarie in number of services, due to the high level of September 2015 and demand. have since opened If you currently receive offices in Kempsey, services and feel they are Tuncurry and most not meeting your needs, IF THEY ARE ACCESSING recently Bellingen. we would encourage A GOVERNMENT HOME Our team of over 120 you to speak with your CARE PACKAGE, PEOPLE CAREGivers provide service provider and CAN CHOOSE THE services to over 320 talk to them about your PROVIDER OF THEIR seniors each week concerns. Frequently PACKAGE FROM A LIST OF across the Mid North seniors do not speak GOVERNMENT APPROVED Coast from Coffs up, but we value your PROVIDERS AVAILABLE Harbour to Forster, feedback, as this is how FROM MY AGED CARE. delivering over 6,500 we improve what we do. hours of home care Can seniors change service each month. their service provider I understand you if they wish? are relocating your Port Macquarie and If they are accessing a Government Kempsey offices? Home Care Package, people can choose Due to our growth, we will shortly be the provider of their package from a list of moving our Port Macquarie office to Shop Government approved providers available 2, 143 Horton St, Port Macquarie and from My Aged Care. our Kempsey office to 18 Kemp St, West We provide free Care Consultations to Kempsey. Both shopfronts operate as Ageing those considering changing providers, so Information Centres and will be open from they can compare costings and decide which 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday, or by provider best meets their needs. HISC Mid appointment. Please pop in and see us for North Coast offers one the lowest Package information on what services and support Management and Care Management charges might be available to you. across the Mid North Coast. Do you have any advice for people "To us, it’s personal", and it always will be. Greater Port Macquarie focus 97

98 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Wave Bowl has unveiled its newly renovated bowling alley and entertainment centre, and the locals are loving it! Chrissy Jones had a look and chatted with the owners, Sam and Jules.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 99



ave Bowl (“The Bowl”) has undergone a refurbishment in recent months. What are some of the main aspects undertaken, and why

did you do them? Well, we’re certainly not an “old school” bowling alley anymore, that’s for sure. Initially, Jules and I wanted to see what was new in our industry, so we spent months scouring the larger, more modern centres looking for ideas. We wanted to transform Wave Bowl into a modern facility while keeping the traditional bowler happy. We also had a vision to create an exciting social destination where folks could bowl, eat, drink and be merry; all in one location. “Stay a little longer” was Jules’ mantra, and we worked around this idea throughout the renovations. So, what is new at Wave Bowl? The whole centre … literally! Everything you see and touch has been modernised. It’s stylish and full of creativity. Thanks to Michelle from

100 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Designing Divas, we have a beautiful welcoming entrance, new bar areas, kitchen, and fresh dining and seating. Soft couches offer our bowlers places to relax, have a coffee or a beer. And an eye-catching bowling mural greets patrons walking through the front door. It is just an amazing transformation. The locals think it is way cool; the millennials come out for a beer and cocktail and listen to live music on weekends. We’ve done minor changes over the years, but this is way bigger - even the exterior of the building and signs are brand new. So, I hear you’ve introduced Port Macquarie to its first private karaoke room? Tell us about that … Yes. How exciting! There is a new beat in Port Macquarie! From the moment you enter the centre, the neon karaoke sign beckons you. Who doesn’t like a good sing-along every now and then? Punters can hire the room by the half hour. The front of the room has a bay window, so we get to see groups belting out their favourite tunes

(poor Queen ha ha). Lucky for us, the room’s one hundred per cent soundproof. What sort of equipment does the karaoke room have? The room has been beautifully designed with upholstered booth seating and fitted out with a state-of-the-art sound system. The crowdDJ® Kiosk (which is like a modern-day jukebox) has a library of thousands of songs to choose from, and the room is full bar and kitchen serviced. How will patrons benefit from the renovations and refurbishments? Quality food from a modern kitchen. We have a full-time chef working with us now. Most of our menu is meant to be shared amongst friends, and it’s been expanded to include things like chicken wings, pizzas, graze platters and trendy hot dogs. Topped with a cold tap beer, great service and bowling, I think this place is hard to beat. Tell us about your monthly Open Mic Nights. Well, anyone who knows about these events

will know that these types of gigs have helped so many budding musicians and artists. Local musicians get the opportunity to stand up and perform to friends, family and strangers right here at the Bowl in a safe and supportive environment. We’ve teamed up with Adam Barbuto (Port Mac Gigs and Events) and Mark Spence (Royal Chant) who share a passion for the local music scene. Our goal is to provide a safe space for local young musicians to get experience performing in front of a live audience. Bookings are free and can be made through Mark from Royal Chant’s FB page. Bowling is back. It’s the new hip, cool thing to do. It’s cool to ask your wife, your date or partner, "Hey, let’s go to Wave Bowl and do some bowling." We want people to make great memories with us, and once they get in there, I think they will.


FROM THE INTERIOR DESIGNER, MICHELLE BURTON OF DESIGNING DIVAS. How did you approach the "stay a little longer" design brief? With great enthusiasm, because at the first meeting it was clear that this wasn’t just a superficial makeover - Sam and Jules wanted to create a bowling centre that would be a standout. The redesign had to look great, be super functional, relaxing and stimulating and cater for business growth, whilst appealing to patrons aged five to 85. There are many multifunctional spaces. How did you tie the spaces together? The renovation included the redesign of the external entry, service counter, players’ area, coffee bar, dining areas and the inclusion of

a cocktail bar and karaoke room. It was my role as the interior designer to ensure that the re-designed spaces flowed and the choice of finishes and materials were suitable for the use. The entrance wall tiling design set the scene, with the tile design flowing outside to inside. Colortile had a wide range to choose from. Finally, what does the Wave Bowl reflect through its new look? I was looking through the before photographs, and what a transformation - from tired and dated to stylishly contemporary, warm and energetic. Definitely a place to have fun and stay longer. From Port Macquarie Carpet One Floor

& Home - When I got the call to work with Wave Bowl on their project, I was over-excited. We have nothing but fantastic memories of Wave Bowl from boys' nights out, to our own kids' birthday parties. Understanding what the owners wanted and the feel they want to give, we knew the following floors would be perfect. First was the main area. We used carpet tiles from Interface Floors Australia, Stone Course/ Orange Stone, which gave the look, feel and acoustic sound absorption they needed. Second, we worked on the players' area, and to have a seamless transition between the two areas we went straight to Interface and used the Woodgrains/Antique Light Oak laid in

Herringbone, and WOW what a perfect, easyclean, safe floor that looks like a million dollars, without costing the world. Last but not least, the Karaoke room. This was the hardest area, as the room had a completely different feel but still had to flow with the rest of the flooring, which brought us to Kenbrock Smart Drop Acoustic Luxury Vinyl Planks/Ebony Oak. SmartDrop Acoustic is the result of the newest development in luxury vinyl planks, where sound absorption is acutely critical. It was a great pleasure working with everyone involved in this project, and we hope the public love the flooring as much as we do.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 101


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02 9781 3141 Greater Port Macquarie focus 102




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eGift Card* via redemption

eGift Card* via redemption

Electrolux 90cm Induction Cooktop $1995 5 cooking zones with flexibridge, 14 heat settings, chef mode, maxizone, Hob2Hood compatible, black ceramic glass surface EHI997BD

bonus $200 woolworths supermarket

eGift Card* via redemption

Electrolux 90cm Canopy Rangehood $995 Hob2Hood technology, 790m3/h airflow, 3 speeds, silent operation, LED lighting, touch controls, dishwasher safe filters ERC925DSD

Any bonus items and/or cashback promotions are via redemption from the manufacturer unless stated otherwise. All offers are available at the time of printing but stocks are limited and may not be on display at all stores. Offers contained within this catalogue end 31/03/20 or while stocks lasts. Some images may be representative only. Bing Lee reserves the right to correct any typographical or pricing errors.*WOOLWORTHS SUPERMARKET EGIFT CARD: Purchase a selected Cooking Appliances, Dishwashers or Vintec Wine Cabinets (”Participating Product(s)”) and receive a Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card up to the value of $300. Promotion available on qualifying purchases made between 02/03/20 to 31/03/20 or while stocks last (“Promotional Period”). Must be redeemed online from Bing Lee Electrics Pty Limited by 30/04/20 (“Redemption Period”). Promotion is not available on eBay or in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Personal Shoppers only. Conditions apply. Visit for full terms and conditions. 1SAVE 5% ON MIELE KITCHEN APPLIANCES: Purchase a Miele connected Kitchen Appliance and save 5%. Promotion available on purchases made between 17/02/20 to 31/03/20 or while stocks last. This offer only applies to new customer orders placed during promotional period. Offer does not apply to Project orders, Professional products, damaged, display or run-out models. Visit for full terms and conditions.2SAVE UP TO 10% ON MIELE PACKAGES: Purchase a selected Miele Cooking Appliance and save up to 10%. Promotion available on purchases made between 17/02/20 to 31/03/20 or while stocks last. This offer only applies to new customer orders placed during promotional period. Offer does not apply to Project orders, Professional products, damaged, display or run-out models. Visit for full terms and conditions. 3BONUS SMEG TRAMONTINA PRIMA COOKWARE SET: Purchase any Smeg Induction Cooktop and receive a bonus Piece Tramontina Prima Cookware Set valued at $500 RRP. Promotion available on purchases made between 01/01/20 to 31/12/20 or while stocks last. Must be redeemed online from Smeg by 31/01/21. Visit for full terms and conditions. 4UP TO 10% CASHBACK ON SMEG CLASSIC OR VICTORIA PRODUCTS: Purchase 3 selected Smeg products in one (1) transaction and receive 5% Cashback; Purchase 4 selected Smeg products in one (1) transaction and receive 7.5% Cashback or Purchase 5 or more selected Smeg products in one (1) transaction and receive a 10% Cashback. Promotion available on purchases made between 01/03/20 to 31/05/20 or while stocks last. Discount applies at point of purchase. All quotes in system must be finalised with 30% deposit by 31/12/20 or 30 day from quote in order to be eligible for the offer. Visit for full terms and conditions. 5SAVE UP TO 15% ON ASKO COOKING APPLIANCES: Spend $7,500 on Asko Cooking Appliances and save 10%, spend $10,000 on Asko Cooking Appliances and save 12.5% or spend $15,000 or more and save 15%. Promotion available on purchases made between 03/02/20 to 03/03/20 or while stocks last. This offer is valid in conjunction with the ‘Receive two free gifts with the purchase of a Duo Fusion cooktop’ offer. Offer only available on purchases of new ASKO ovens, cooktops, rangehoods and warming/vacuum drawers designed for domestic/personal use (not available on any other ASKO refrigeration, dishwashers and laundry appliances). Visit for full terms and conditions. 6SAVE UP TO $300 ON ASKO PYROLYTIC OVENS: Purchase a selected Asko Pyrolytic Oven and save up to $300. Promotion available on purchases made between 01/03/20 to 31/03/20 or while stocks last. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Visit for full terms and conditions. 7SAVE $300 ON ASKO DBI653 DISHWASHER: Purchase a selected Asko DBI653 Dishwasher and save $300. Promotion available on purchases made between 01/02/20 to 30/04/20 or while stocks last. This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Offer only available on purchases of new ASKO dishwashers below designed for domestic/personal use (not available on any other ASKO appliances). Visit for full terms and conditions.

1 5 8 L A K E R OA D, P O RT M AC Q UA R I E

103 Greater Port Macquarie focus

02 9781 3141

Johnson Family Homes

BING LEE G r e g

R o b i n s o n

Greg Robinson has been the manager of Bing Lee Port Macquarie for the past two years. Chrissy Jones chatted with him about the family owned business that has survived 63 years in retail.


crusts on breads and pastries. hat are you most - Food view; a camera in the oven interior proud of, Greg? will keep you up to date with progress I am very proud wherever you are; just look at the app on your to be the leader of a phone. team with a combined - Taste control; after a time controlled experience in retail of process, the oven interior is cooled down to over 100 years and of course, being associated stop food cooking then keep the food warm, with a family owned business that has been ready for serving. around for over 63 years in retail. Tell us about the Asko volcano cooktop … Your products have expanded over the The revolutionary Volcano - as well as having years; tell us more … the Volcano function with directed flame for Many of you who have recently visited wok cooking - the Volcano burner has an may notice our store constantly evolving as additional outer flame for larger pots and a consumer tastes change; front load washing simmer setting for lower heat cooking. This can machines became more popular than top load be used, for instance, to boil water for pasta washing machines, and or for keeping a small this has never been more pot containing sauce just true, as cooking and the below boiling point. kitchen play a bigger part And the Sirius in families lives. Below The revolutionary Volcano - as rangehoods … we will highlight some well as having the Volcano Sirius was established innovation and unique function with directed in Sassoferrato, Italy in features from brands flame for wok cooking 1996. Since then it has within our cooking the Volcano burner has an become a world leader range, albeit a very small additional outer flame for larger in top-end rangehoods. selection from over 180+ pots and a simmer setting for Sirius products offer kitchen appliances on lower heat cooking. an excellent blend of modern display within design and functionality. our showroom. When Sirius is a rangehood you next visit our store, specialist, with on board ask for a kitchen expert and off board motors for help. which deliver power yet are very quiet. Tell us about the Miele Generation 7000. And Electrolux comfortlift dishwashers … The Miele recent launch of Generation 7000 At Electrolux, the philosophy is simple: life in cooking appliances brings more than five years the kitchen should be seamless and intuitive. of research and development, involvement As gentle on you as on your dishes, of 10 Miele factories, 15 different categories, the world’s first ComfortLift® raises your four design lines and 353 appliances globally, dishwasher’s lower basket to a comfortable making it the largest launch in the company’s height, making it effortless to load and unload. 120-year history. It then descends in a gentle motion, to ensure Some key innovation include: your dishes are always cared for. - Moisture plus, optimum results with Bing Lee Port Macquarie invite you to visit additional moisture, gives better roasting and the store and see these amazing appliances for baking results for still browned but juicy meats yourself. and incredibly light dough and nicely browned

104 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Choosing the right builder for you. If you are looking at getting into the housing market, for your own home or an investment property, choosing the right builder is essential for a happy outcome. New home builders can be put into two main categories - project home builders and custom home builders. Project Home Builders - you will find these at display villages, with a home on show and sample plans to take away. These plans will be built over and over, generally restricted to land sourced by the company involved. The choice of inclusions will be restricted, with heavy penalties to move away from these. As a general rule, landscaping will not be included by these companies. By using a "cookie-cutter" approach to building homes, the costs are predictable, with an opportunity to up-sell by the salesman. Custom Home Builders - you will find these independent builders everywhere; a quick Google search will bring up a number in your area. These builders will help you source a plan to suit your

lifestyle and advise on the right block of land to make it all come together. The choice of inclusions are endless and will be discussed in detail to set a budget that works. A common misconception is that project home builders will be cheaper, but a bit of research will show that this is not the case, especially when the items NOT INCLUDED are taken into account. Without the display home and sales staff, custom home builders have drastically reduced overhead costs. Often an independent builder can offer a better overall deal, with more items included and a flexibility that project builders just can’t match! Johnson Family Homes are a local, independent, custom home building company that can build YOUR home to suit YOUR lifestyle, at the RIGHT PRICE. You can be as involved as you like in the build, or leave it to us to make the decisions for you. Either way, the choice and flexibility are yours. We are not just building a house; we are building a home…

Greater Port Macquarie focus 105



Feel the Nundle welcome this autumn Our small gold rush town of Nundle, 50km south-west of Tamworth, has so much to offer including boutique businesses The Peel Inn, Nundle Woollen Mill, Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores, Sacs on Jenkins, Stormcrow Studio, Old Church Boutique, Mount Misery Gold Mine Cafe and Museum, Nundle Craft Inc, and Jenkins Street Antiques and Fine China.

landcare. update

Explore the tranquil bush environment of nearby Chaffey Dam, Sheba Dams, Crawney Pass National Park, Nundle State Forest, Ponderosa Park, Hanging Rock Lookout, and Nundle River Walk. Visit our website to browse accommodation ranging from self-contained cabins to luxury B&Bs, motel, hotel, bunkhouses, and camping, and autumn events: Nundle Country Picnic, Sunday, March 22nd; Nundle Go For Gold Festival, Saturday-Sunday, April 11th-12th; Great Nundle Dog Race, Sunday, May 3rd; and Tamworth Regional Heritage Festival, Nundle Program, May 8th-17th.


NUNDLE.COM . AU Nundle Visitor Information Outlet 02 6769 3026 106 Greater Port Macquarie focus


The gift of blue carbon

arine plants have a marvellous gift for us, just when we need it most! They can help us fix the root cause of climate change, because they are so good at storing carbon. Mangroves, sea grasses and salt marshes do it 40 to 50 times more efficiently than land plants. They absorb carbon directly from water, storing it in plant material and sediments. It’s “blue carbon”, because it’s captured by oceans, coastal ecosystems and marine plants. These are the ecosystems that nurture marine biodiversity and fisheries: think beaches, seafood and whale watching. Seagrasses feed and shelter fish and invertebrates, and they are food for birds. Mangroves are “nurseries” for fish and crabs, also collecting sediments and organic material. Tidal saltmarshes provide nutrients and habitat for fish, birds and invertebrates. Not only are they very productive, they also protect our coasts from erosion. They are nature’s engineers, maintaining our coastline and our lifestyle for free - and unnoticed most of the time, though they exist throughout our local government area (there are maps at Professor Paul Lavery says Australia’s coastal ecosystems are storing 1,500 million tonnes of blue carbon. Every year they can lock away another 20 million tonnes - and that’s how much carbon four million cars emit in a year. But where does the carbon come from? It’s part of the complex cycle of carbon capture and release that includes the atmosphere, soil and water, and living things. This natural cycle maintained a baseline level

of 280 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere before the industrial age began. Since then humans have increased it to the current level of 411 ppm, and it continues to rise. We add 37 gigatonnes of CO2 from fossil fuels every year. Half of this stays in the atmosphere, while the rest is taken up by oceans and plants - depending on weather patterns that influence plant growth (New Scientist 1/2/2020). Australia’s 2019-20 bushfires have just added an extra 0.4 gigatonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere. Now more than ever, we need our blue carbon plants to lock up carbon and maintain productivity of our coastal waters. But they also need us to protect them. Professor Lavery says Australia has lost a quarter of its sea grasses, half its tidal marshes and 70% of its mangroves since European settlement. These losses are continuing, and it allows blue carbon to escape. Development pressure in coastal areas is a factor. One example is a current bid to replace Ramsar wetlands in Moreton Bay Marine Park with a large residential development and marina. Clearly, more people would receive more benefit from keeping mangroves and tidal marshes, and restoring them where they used to be along our rivers and estuaries. We should protect seagrasses when siting marine developments, and move fish farming away from estuaries out to sea. The loss of blue carbon can be turned around, if we choose the long-term benefits over short-term gain. It’s up to us. Julie Ho.




ost of us have watched a few property auction shows on television. As the bidding progresses, we witness how the cameras always focus upon the vendors’ faces. First, looks of concern, followed by genuine hope, as offers slowly increase. Then absolute exuberance as expectations are well and truly exceeded and realisation dawns that their future hopes and dreams have, quite excitedly and within that very moment, suddenly become attainable! For vendors, the difference between “securing a sale” and “achieving the highest possible price at sale” is significant, possibly even life changing, and it was for this targeted purpose that, over many years of strategic cultivation, McGrath’s unique marketing concepts were developed. “The McGrath Difference” isn’t a throw-away slogan, it’s a fact. From the outset of the brand, founder, John McGrath, had the foresight to establish his business framework as a network of local offices, each independent yet universally sharing the brand’s market-leading and award-

Auctions are also done differently at McGrath, with a process more similar to that now adopted winning automated digital systems; benchmark facilities which placed McGrath Estate Agents far into the forefront of the property industry. It wasn’t long before the brand’s modern forward-thinking structure became highly coveted by its more traditional competition; as others persisted with tired photos in shop windows, the McGrath network delivered property promotion far into the new dimension – and it worked so well! Totally exclusive to McGrath and inescapably linked to the group’s network structure, its pooled database of qualified buyers is but one of the many “McGrath differences.” Whilst other real estate agents hold database records of a few hundred or a thousand previous enquirers, this uniquely centralised facility is substantially larger; reviewed monthly, as at 31st January 2020 it held details of a massive 412,828 prospective buyers! Of course, these buyers stem from across Australia’s east coast and not all would be looking for property in the Port Macquarie region but with Port’s recent history, whereby approximately 50 percent of local sales are traditionally transacted to “out-of-town” buyers,

it has never been more important to spread the word far and wide, to let all interested parties know when your home becomes available. At McGrath, these notifications happen through even more of the brand’s advanced digital wizardry. Buyer interests are profiled, both by their specific choices and by area dynamics. As each listed property matches buyers’ requirements, McGrath’s central database automatically (within 24 hours) emails details to each potential match; notifications which are promptly followed up by the listing agents. The differences continue and they are all carefully structured to achieving the highest possible returns for McGrath clients. Quite understandably, the greater the number of interested buyers, the greater the level of competition and strong competition inevitably creates the potential for far better prices at sale. Some properties most definitely sell better through Private Treaty, others benefit greatly from the auction process. You’ll find your McGrath agents fully-trained to offer fair and honest advice in this area and contrary to popular opinion, the net cost of each choice need not be notably different.

by television shows. Instead of holding the transaction, rain, hail or shine, on your front lawn, McGrath conducts very special, widely publicised and celebrated Auction Events. Held at beautiful waterfront Rydges hotel, just two or three times each year, these events professionally showcase featured properties in a positive and buyer-focussed environment. They work wonderfully well! McGrath’s last three Auction Events achieved SOLD figures of 83%, 92% and 84%, with event “above reserve” outcomes as high as $270,500.00. The first Auction Event for 2020 will take place at Rydges on Tuesday May 26th, starting promptly at 6pm and for any interested parties, it still may not be too late to include your property. All of “The McGrath Differences” will come into play, with the accent firmly upon exceeding clients’ expectations. It really costs no more to use the best, so it’s always worth that first telephone call. After all, it shouldn’t be about simply selling your home; it should be about achieving the very highest possible price at sale.

Greater Port Macquarie focus 107




Scott Langford

The concept of in home floor care has evolved dramatically over the past two decades. Dyson revolutionised the category by introducing bagless technology, then took things a step further with powerful cord free stick vacuums. Carpet deep cleaning is no longer a hire from a supermarket affair, with a range of units available for sale - and use - whenever desired; and hard floor cleaning no longer requires a mop and bucket or a scrubbing brush.


ACUUM CLEANERS Bagged and bagless technologies exist for barrel and upright vacuums; stick vacuums are almost exclusively bagless. Bags can be a more hygienic option for those with breathing difficulties triggered by dust when it comes time to empty the vacuum, but bagless is a far more convenient option, with little to no ongoing costs. Vacuums will have a series of filters some replaceable, some washable - to ensure optimal performance and correct operation of any vacuum, it is important that the filters are checked, maintained, cleaned and if necessary replaced on a regular basis. For homes with a lot of carpet, turbo brush or power brush machines are the best option - the brush head will part and get further into the pile of the carpet than a hard floor head; the brush action will also help to loosen up dust and hair embedded in the carpet. Whilst great for hard mess, a vacuum will not offer a true deep clean of the floor it is being used on. DEEP CLEANERS / SHAMPOO UNITS The best way to truly clean your carpets is to use a deep cleaner. Deep cleaners have now become an affordable,

108 Greater Port Macquarie focus

easy to use product available to purchase being cleaned has been vacuumed, to and consequently use whenever required prevent pushing damp dust around the - often with spot cleaner attachments to floor. clean up food, drink, and spills as they Another great option is the Crosswave, happen. Anti allergen solutions combined a hard floor cleaner from Bissell. The with deep cleaners are the best way of Crosswave utilises cleaning fluid and a cleaning the carpet and eliminating most rotating brush to effectively scrub the allergens at floor after treating it the same time, with cleaning solution something and its suction removes vacuums the bulk of the residual Vacuums will have a series of cannot do liquid as it cleans. It can filters - some replaceable, some effectively by also be used to vacuum washable - to ensure optimal themselves. up liquid spills as they performance and correct STEAMERS / happen. Corded and operation of any vacuum, it HARD FLOOR rechargeable versions is important that the filters CLEANERS exist; the Crosswave are checked, maintained, Hard floor Professional models cleaned and if necessary replaced cleaning can be sold exclusively at on a regular basis. possible with Harvey Norman come some deep with an additional cleaners and wood floor brush roll a hard floor not available with the attachment. However, steam cleaners standard Crosswave, and a three year can do an incredible job of cleaning factory warranty versus two years on the hard floors and killing bacteria without standard Crosswave. chemicals - an important consideration Caution must be exercised with all fluid for many people. Steam is also great based cleaners on wooden floors - none for breaking down dry mess and certain are suitable for unsealed wooden floors. stains. The biggest drawback is that For a complete floor cleaning solution some units will leave the surface damp. A for your home, come and see the friendly steam cleaner is best used after the floor team at Harvey Norman Port Macquarie.

109 Greater Port Macquarie focus





As HEM turns three and is about to embark on their fourth year in business, we meet the team to reflect on how their innovative and client focused approach has shaken up the local real estate market and what the future holds for HEM and the vibrant Port Macquarie property market.


hree years in and things seems to be going well. Must be a good feeling? We are thrilled and often pinch ourselves when we look at what HEM is today. Despite the fact that our ethos and attitude is all about the client, rather than glorifying ourselves, we must admit we are proud of where we have got to. When we set out, we took a big risk. Tired of what we saw, a dog eat dog and ego driven world of real estate, that seemed obsessed with promoting the agent, we decided to make a change and create a modern, innovative agency that focused purely on the clients and the homes we were selling. The fact that we are still going so strong three years on is hopefully a sign that people like this approach, which is both satisfying and somewhat a relief! What have been the highlights for HEM so far? I think purely from a business point of view, we are proud of our track record and to have

exceeded on what we set out to do. In just three years, we have sold over 500 homes, leased over 240 and grown our rental department to almost 300 managements, which is a good result for a start-up. Being able to assist with so many great community events, such as the Mothers’ Day Classic and supporting local sporting organisations and school fundraisers is another thing that we have loved. We have run some great initiatives, such as the “design our sold sticker” art competition for schools and our current “Renovation Royalty” competition, that also helps makes our business more than just a real estate company. The biggest sense of achievement or pride that we feel, however, is in the reputation we have earned and the culture we have at HEM. This really all stems from the exceptional team of staff we have. Very cheesy I know, but we are like a family. We are a very close-knit group, and every person involved is just as important as the other in making it all work. The Property Management

team, in particular, have transformed over the past 12 months into what we feel is a stand-out in the area, offering a level of service and care factor that is unmatched. We are so appreciative every day when we walk into our beautiful offices, with energetic, happy staff and that we have clients wanting us to help with their move. Why do you think your particular model has been successful? We feel it is fundamentally down to our core philosophy of treating people the way we would like to be treated ourselves, that has worked. People don’t want to be seen as just another cog in the wheel. With us, people see we are genuine about what we do and more importantly that we have the necessary experience, skills and team to do it. There is no faking it, we do what we say we are going to. We don’t make false promises, we work hard and we do whatever it takes, every step of the way to make sure we deliver the best possible outcome every time. We feel word of mouth is the best advertising you can get, so if we do a good job, then the rest of our business

will follow from there. Going forwards, what does the future look like for HEM and Port Macquarie? In terms of HEM, we will always be listening to our customers and adapting our service to this accordingly. But essentially, we are happy with our model. We don’t need to be the biggest or feel the need to jump on the latest technological gimic. We believe our approach really does work and as long as we stick to our philosophy, we hope to be delivering happy ever more's across 2444 for years to come. In terms of the future for our region, we are extremely excited. Our town continues to prosper, and we have hit that pivotal point that will see us continue to thrive as a town and a region. Our beautiful beaches, infrastructure and culture is attracting relocators and investment interest from all over Australia. The result is a high demand real estate market that should see more positive growth over the years to come. As a real estate agency and as individuals, we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!

IT IS HAPPY EVER MORE IN 2444 HEM Property have seen a resurgence in our local property market in 2020. Boosted by a strong Sydney market, lowinterest rates and an over-riding positive consumer confidence in the economy, we have seen house prices start to rise again across the board. With a higher number of active buyers out there at our open homes, we are now selling properties more quickly (often over asking price) and with multiple offers being placed on the same properties. We see this trend continuing throughout 2020 and with a real shortage of homes currently listed for sale in our area, we suggest that if you are thinking of moving home or selling an investment property, now is a very good time to do so.











**Statistics sourced through rpdata, and HEM research.

3/90 Horton Street, Port Macquarie 02 6583 2324 |

110 Greater Port Macquarie focus




MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER CLIENT For HEM, real estate is all about relationships. Simply getting a great sale price alone is not enough. It is about providing honest and accurate advice, building trust, peace of mind and empathising with every clients’ individual needs. For me, it’s important that my clients know I am with them on the journey and that I take their outcome personally. I am invested in their move and despite the need for tough negotiation and a structured plan, I feel it’s important to be likeable, personable and do whatever it takes, every step of the way, to make the entire process as simple and stressfree as possible.”

So if it’s MORE THAN just the average agent and a personalised, one-on-one service you are looking for, contact Naomi Hunter and find your happy ever more…

NAOMI HUNTER | 0434 358 298 02 6583 2324 | 2 Greater Port Macquarie focus

Greater Port Macquarie focus 111

Extraordinary. Just like you.

The A-Class Sedan. The Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan is here. Talk to it and it listens. Touch it and it responds. Drive it and it learns. With a cutting edge mix of athletic design, extra spacious interior, intelligent safety features and newgeneration tech, it has everything to be extraordinary. Just like you. Visit Andrew Miedecke Motors and meet the A-Class Sedan today.

100 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie 6583 8855 DL8071 108 Greater Port Macquarie focus

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