Focus of New York Creative Issue

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JUL/AUG 2014


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Mani Zarrin 60 Laura Ferreira 66 Mariko Aramaki 70 Nina Pak 74 Corinne Rogers 78 Timea Hecendorfer 82 Vincent Gotti 88 Joseph Fortress 94 Yann Malotti 98 Steven Popovich 106 Aloye Adede 110 Meg Urbani 114 Huan Duong 120 David Walden 124 Lesley Pedraza 128 Michael St. Amand 134 Brandon Gould 136

16 18 23 24 35 36 38 40 46 48

Inside Out Posture Personal Power Beauty Queen Skincare Secrets Scent of Success Ivanka Trump Designer Katie Fong Just Takin' Makin' it Big

139 140 143 148 150 151 152 154 156 158

Laugh It Up Summer Beauty Footwear Style Designer J. Taylor Add Balance Milk Warm-Weather Pairing Mixing & Mashing With: Getting Naked Fitness Tips



of N E W Y O R K Publisher: Focus Magazine of SWFL Photographer: Kenal Louis Makeup & Hair: Omar Rodriguez Makeup & Hair Assistants: Samantha Strickland & Rachel Irika Studio: O STYLES Creative Coordinator: Raechel Dennis Model: Nancy Pham


26 News & Info

145 New Upper West Side Location 147 Best Selling Active Wear 10 FOCUS of New York 2014

Lina LaSalle, Samantha Ramos, Terri Profetto, Mai Yomioto, Heike Suhre, Raisa Kanareva, Caroline Flohr, Julian Bern, Ginny Grimsley, Mary Beth Logan, Dan Myricks, Cecilia Ponzi, BUT SOU LAI & PAMU, Michael Giragosian, Rosie Tamer, Vincent Gotti, Zohn Yancy, Alex Ralph, Nino Ignacio, Danielle Van Houton, Ryan Young, Robert Salvatore Focus Magazine of SWFL is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus Magazine of SWFL policy. Š 2010 Focus magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.



By Cortney Yod

We are surrounded by propaganda associated with outer beauty, but are we forgetting about inner beauty? Above all, your inner beauty is very important and you should focus on it, focusing on beauty on the outside is just an added benefit. As time and age can take a toll on your outer beauty, they can never take away your inner beauty. What follows are some ideas on how to develop your own inner beauty so that you can feel attractive on the inside as well as the outside. We are surrounded by beauty, particularly if we are capable of distinguishing it. If you learn to delight in the natural world and its beauty, you can begin to appreciate your inner beauty. You may have your own way of doing this, whether it's appreciating art, nature or spending time with children. Technology is another form in which people discovery beauty. If you intentionally encapsulate your life with attractive components, you will be able to have a positive mental state which will allow your most wonderful qualities to shine. It's not hard to find gorgeous items that will make you feel happy, you can appreciate simple things, such as a blooming flower or a fabulous pair of shoes. It's important to think on the bright side otherwise you could obstruct your inner beauty. You will block your inner beauty if you allow imminent feelings, such as misery, annoyance or even hatred to take over your life, thus resulting in the limitation of your true potential. Above all, you have the ultimate control and you should learn to recognize the areas in your life that can be improved upon. A therapist can occasionally be the greatest assistance to you however in a lot of instances you can just talk about your issues with a close confidant. It doesn't take much for negative feelings to take over your life, but it is important to scrutinize these and not allow them to consume your life. Your inner beauty can shine through when you are contented with your life, but not so much when you permit your bad mood to engulf your life. We live in a world now that is "on the go" and if you get caught up in all the action you may lose track of your path to inner beauty. Within this world, regardless if you are an insider or the outsider, there is no way to elude opposition. Even with our extra time, we battle with others - whether it is for a sporting event or maybe with our pets, for example a dog or horse show. There's nothing wrong with this, and competition can help bring out the best in us, but if we do this in a spirit of fair play and good sportsmanship, it can make a big difference. Winning at something can feel like a drug-free high, however if you had to bamboozle people in order to make it that far, will you really feel like a winner in the end? Being gracious, honest and fair, even when competing, is an important part of inner beauty. When you develop your inner beauty, you become attractive in ways that go far beyond your outward appearance and people will enjoy being around you without necessarily knowing why. There are a number of ways to cultivate your inner beauty and we have only shared a few of those in this article. If you don't remember anything else, do remember that natural beauty comes from within and your outward appearance is simply an expression of this. 16 FOCUS of New York 2014

POSTURE the Missing Link in Beauty

By Ginny Grimsley

• It’s not just sitting for hours on end that’s bad for you; it’s how one sits. The dangers of sitting have garnered plenty of attention in recent years, especially since we have become a society of sitters. Sitting for long periods comes with many health risks, including obesity and cardiovascular disease. But sitting with less than perfect posture – most frequently, sitting with the head and should in a forward position over a desk -- can cause significant neck pain, which involves muscles and nerves from the neck down. Proper posture can prevent neck and spinal damage.

To some extent, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the things we consider beautiful usually share certain characteristics, with symmetry and vitality being chief among them, says CEO Bill Schultz. “The human body is an excellent example,” says Schultz, president of posture innovator AlignMed, and recent recipient of a special Congressional Recognition certificate for his contributions. “The people we view as physically attractive are usually healthy and symmetrical in appearance. That’s not a coincidence; postural symmetry and good health go hand in hand.” Good posture – holding the head, shoulders and trunk in perfect alignment – creates balance, which allows our many physiological systems to function optimally, Schultz says. When we habitually sit, stand or walk in a less than a fully aligned position, muscles stretch or contract to accommodate. This can result in chronic imbalances that can lead to pain. Studies dating back to the 19th century also suggest our posture affects mood, energy and self-confidence, all of which affect how attractive we appear to others. “You don’t see supermodels, A-list actors or the rest of the ‘beautiful people’ slouched over as they strut down the runway or red carpet,” Schultz notes. “Think about the importance of posture among the most challenging sports; for track runners, ballerinas and gymnasts, optimal posture is essential,” says Schultz, who explores four ways in which posture is part of the beauty-health connection. 18 FOCUS of New York 2014

• More than 116 million Americans, or a third of the population, suffer from chronic pain at some point in their lives. That’s according to a recent report from the Institute of Medicine. Chronic pain means that a sufferer has anywhere from 30 to 60 days of lasting pain, and this massive problem is estimated to cost Americans $635 billion dollars. For many, treatment and/or prevention is out of reach, however, a reliable and easy way to prevent chronic pain is to maintain good posture. • A strong, well-functioning core is crucial for training and optimal health. The bulk of a body’s mass is located at and around one’s core, including the trunk and pelvis region. Today’s fitness fanatics firmly grasp the importance of a healthy core. Surprisingly, however, much of the health-conscious population today is musclecentric and does not fully appreciate the importance of posture, even though proper posture facilitates core strengthening, especially while exercising. • Using passive therapy to continuously improve posture. To feel and look your best, it’s important to maintain good posture throughout the day, but that’s difficult, especially for sedentary people. Neurologists at Rush University Medical Center say passive therapy can be even more effective than active therapy. Posture-enhancing apparel such as MyLign by AlignMed, worn by professional athletes including NBA player Dwight Howard, offer neurologic biofeedback that constantly remind the skeleton and muscles to self-correct. AlignMed founder Shultz says the shirts are not compression shirts, which squeeze the body and are primarily worn for aesthetics. “The shirts map muscles in the same way kinesio tape – used to reduce inflammation, relax muscles and enhance performance – assists world-class athletes,” he says.

Inimitable Pieces That Evoke Extraordinary Moments It is passion for gold and enthusiasm for the best craftsmanship – that which transforms a jewel into a work of art. Its collections are full of iconic jewels that serve as a benchmark for authentic mastery in sculpting gold and achieving a matte-shine combination effect. This savoir-faire along with the generous volumes and detailed carving of the gold bring each piece to life. For Carrera y Carrera, its link to Spain is essential as a source of inspiration for the development of its collections. The entire creative and development process of each jewelry piece takes place wholly in the Madrid workshop. Each step in the creation of a piece is influenced by the Spanish character that has become one of the fundamental pillars in the evolution of the company’s excellent trajectory throughout its history. Carrera y Carrera endures thanks to a standard of incalculable value – the savoir faire of the nearly 60 jewelers who work in its Madrid workshop, where tradition and the expertise of master goldsmiths are joined together. It is here that each jewelry piece is crafted entirely by hand, giving each one a flawless grandeur.


Personal Power by Lynda Chervil

Personal power is a core leadership competency that everyone needs to develop before they can lead others. It has to do with being able to lead yourself. "Personal power is the ability to achieve what you want,” according to Frederick Mann, a successful entrepreneur and author of The Economic Rape of America. “More than anything else, it is personal power that brings you success and happiness. The biggest barrier to success in almost any endeavor is powerlessness, negativity, helplessness, and inertia. They belong together. The problem is not only our own powerlessness, but also the powerlessness of those around us." We can help harness and learn to use our personal power by understanding and working on our Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills. Not long ago, when I worked in a corporate environment, there was a strong push to incorporate EI into the organization's leadership training curriculum as an array of skills and characteristics that drive leadership performance. EI is "the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions," according to psychologists John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, who co-developed the concept and were two of the three authors of the Emotional Intelligence Test. My EI training and its practical applications to my work team environment still resonate in my personal life. They became skills that I now methodically apply to current situations in both personal and entrepreneurial pursuits. There are several EI models, but the one to which I ascribe is the mixed model introduced by Daniel Goldman, a combination of ability and traits. Here are Goldman’s five main EI constructs, and my views on how each of us can develop them: 1. Self-awareness: the ability to know one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals and recognize their impact on others while using gut feelings to guide decisions. In order to become self-aware, you need to conduct an honest self-assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses, such as powerlessness and inertia, and determine the root causes. You then need to create a plan that will help you overcome your fears, which are barriers to courage and stand between you and your successes. While I am a big proponent of using my intuition to guide my decisions, whenever it is appropriate, I need to caution that unless your gut feelings are often more right than wrong, you cannot make decisions solely based upon intuition. You need to use a balanced combination of intuition and logic.

2. Self-regulation: involves controlling or redirecting one's disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances. Simply put, you need to exercise self-discipline and know how to control your emotions and be flexible in order to adapt to changing situations. You cannot continue on the same trajectory or keep the same plans when the circumstances or facts have changed. Your plans need to be modified accordingly. 3. Social skills: managing relationships to move people in the desired direction. Your social skills refer to your interpersonal skills or your ability to relate and connect with people, which can motivate them to deploy discretionary efforts to help you achieve goals that are best accomplished via partnership and collaboration. Here are some tips for improving your social skills: a. Pay attention to the feedback of friends and co-workers, good and bad. Train yourself to repeat the behaviors that get positive feedback and work on eliminating those that make people react negatively. b. View constructive criticism as just that. When we become defensive, we don’t hear what can be very helpful feedback. c. Learn to handle conflict and confrontation from a perspective of compassion and caring. Personal coaching can be very helpful in learning to be more diplomatic in your interactions with others. 4. Empathy: considering other people's feelings, especially when making decisions. Some people believe empathy cannot be learned, but I believe just the opposite. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to see situations from their perspective. Might they be feeling fear? Shame? Guilt? How do those emotions make you feel? Understanding and addressing the concerns of others is essential to EI. Always consider intent versus impact, and how your actions or decisions may affect the individuals or groups involved. 5. Motivation: being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement. Simply put, what motivates you? What are your benchmarks for success? Once you achieve certain levels of success, you need to consistently set new benchmarks to keep chasing personal excellence! Practice your EI skills on yourself first, and you’ll develop greater personal power. That can lead to achievements you may never have dreamed possible.

About Lynda Chervil Lynda Chervil is the author of “Fool’s Return,” a new novel that incorporates valuable life lessons in a page-turning tale that touches on technology, the green movement, and other aspects of contemporary society. She graduated from New York University with a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications and has extensive experience in consumer and commercial banking and has held positions in new business development, sales management and executive leadership. Chervil seeks to push the limits of established understanding by exploring alternative forms of spiritual healing, and, through creative writing, to expand the narrative of cutting-edge energy technology to promote sustainability.

FOCUS of New York 2014 23

Beauty Queen Look Like a

on a Budget By Lindsey Walker

Competing in beauty pageants is an amazing experience and can also be a costly one...but it always doesn't have to be. In this article owners of Eye For Design Hair company, also the official hair sponsors of quite a few of the Miss USA Pageants are giving you give the tricks of the trade, allowing you to look just like a beauty queen but on a budget. There are so many components that go into successfully competing in a pageant: the hair, the makeup, the gown, the pageant coach, the fitness trainer, the interview suit, the list can go on and on and so does the cost!

24 FOCUS of New York 2014

RPM Productions, Inc. Official Preliminaries to the MISS USA速 and MISS TEEN USA速 Pageants

Kristen Girault Miss Louisiana USA 2013, Ashley Love-Mills, Miss North Carolina USA 2013, Megan Pinckney Miss South Carolina USA 2013 and Mary Margaret McCord Miss Alabama USA 2013.

Hair: in pageants the majority of the girls are wearing hair

extensions. The hair extensions can cost between $140 to $1,500. The majority of this cost is the installation method. If you are using tape, fusion, micro beads, or sew -in the cost, not including the hair, can be between $150 - $1250.00. To save money but still look fabulous use quality clip-in Remy human hair extensions. Eye for Design's clip-in Remy human hair extensions cost from $140 - $250. Their hair extensions are 100% human hair and can be easily colored, curled and styled. There isn't any installation cost because you can install them yourself! Eye for Design will sends all their new and returning customers hair care instructions and application video. - savings - up to $1250 dollars

Make up: Some pageant systems do not allow makeup artist back stage. This means that the contestants have to do their own make up, Yikes! So hiring a makeup artist to teach you how to apply pageant make up is a necessary expense. The cost is $50 $150 per session. But to keep cost down go to your favorite make up counter (Mac or Bobby Brown are mine)and ask one of the popular artist to teach you how to apply make up. The only cost is the makeup (which you need) and have to buy. - savings up to $180.00

Gown: The evening gown is one of the most important parts of a pageant, so it must be fabulous! Cost is from $300 - $4000. The interview suit, shoes, jewelry can also be expensive. Cost is fron $200 - $1000. Luckily you can look fabulous without breaking your bank! The best way to save money on your gown is to go to an evening gown resale store. Naples Florida has a large number of resale stores. One of the most popular ones is The Dress Shop. Another great way is online and Facebook Pageant Resale Shops.

They re-sale everything related to pageants so you can easily find your suit, shoes, and accessories there. But be sure to know their refund policy before you purchase. - savings $ 1000 - $3000

Coach: A pageant coach is one thing that every first time con-

testant should invest in. Cost is $50 - $300. With Pageant coaches you do not want to bufget the quality of the coaching because like many things in life, you get what you paid for. Therefore the only way to save on this cost is to find a sponsor that will pay for it.

Fitness trainer: A lot of hard work and dedication goes

into preparing for a pageant and eating healthy and doing fitness training is one of them. Hiring a nutritionist/ fitness trainer is important but often expensive, $50 to $90 an hour. You cannot leave fitness out, but you can reduce the costs and even eliminate it. There are great online fitness sources. YouTube is a great resource with trainers like Jillian Micheals. There are also websites like Daily Burn that gives classes and tips on nutrition. - Savings $200 - $360

So in the end looking like a beauty pageant winner can be done on a budget when you take the time to research the different outlets available.

FOCUS of New York 2014 25

Fashion & Style Tiffany Enchant Keys (clockwise from top): primrose key pendant of diamonds in platinum and 18 karat rose gold; quatra heart pendant with pink and white diamonds in platinum and 18 karat rose gold; primrose key pendant of diamonds in platinum; scallop key pendant with yellow and white diamonds in platinum and 18 karat gold. Chain sold separately.

Tiffany & Co.


essence of chic sophistication, the premier jeweler of elegant simplicity.

(from top) Tiffany turquoise and diamond pendants in platinum, from the 2013 Blue Book Collection turquoise bordered with diamonds, turquoise with an overlay of diamonds.

Tiffany heart-shaped solitaire diamond ring in platinum.

Diamond engagement rings in platinum and 18 karat gold by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co. Ziegfeld locket in sterling silver. From The Great Gatsby collection by Tiffany & Co. Tiffany accessories in grain leather (clockwise from top): card case in Tiffany Blue速, loop tassel key chain in light camel, loop tassel key chain in Tiffany Blue速, flip tab french continental wallet in navy, continental wallet in cotton, flip tab continental wallet in light camel.

(from left) Tiffany Mercer zip tote in bright moss grain leather, Emerson flag shoulder bag in cognac, Astrid zip top handle clutch in bright moss vachetta leather. 26 FOCUS of New York 2014

Tiffany Kensington bucket hobos in grain leather (from left): poppy/gold, camel/gold.

FOCUS of New York 2014 27

Beauty & Care



to keep you feeling



It's finally time to start thinking about stocking up your beach bag (and even your office drawer!) with must-have summer beauty products - From cooling facial sprays to SPF to illuminating lotions and everything in between. As you plan for summer pieces, I wanted to offer these new standout products. Amarte's next-generation sunscreen is here and it excels as a skin care/ sunscreen hybrid; lightweight, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging. jane iredale's ECOCERT Hydration Sprays cool and rejuvenate, and the Golden Shimmer Face and Body Lotion lends a subtle glow to reveal your inner sun goddess, even on days you're stuck in the office. AGUACLARA Swimwear

New jane iredale Golden Shimmer Face and Body Lotion: A lightweight moisturizer that creates a subtle veil of shimmer designed to warm and smooth the complexion. It can be worn alone or paired with her favorite makeup. The natural formula rejuvenates and hydrates with botanical extracts, so it is gentle enough to be used on the face or body. It leaves skin soft and hydrated and imparts an irresistible golden glow. New jane iredale ECOCERT Hydration Sprays: Each of these three refreshing, uplifting sprays are 100 percent natural and have earned ECOCERT's Natural and Organic Cosmetics certification. They conceal pores and fine lines and quickly set mineral makeup for a smooth finish and long lasting hold. They may also be used as moisturizers under and over makeup, or to wet makeup brushes and create precise lines. Each formula offers its own unique ingredients, features and benefits to ensure a spritz for every skin type. o POMMISST Hydration Spray: Features the added benefit of pomegranate extract, a powerful antioxidant and UV protector. o Balance Hydration Spray: Balances skin's oil production and pH; Orange essential oil, orange peel extract, grapefruit peel extract and algae extract calm and feed the skin. o D2O Hydration Spray: Hydrates and plumps skin cells, ideal for anti-aging; features fragrant Ylang Ylang.

New Amarte Ultra Veil速: This incredibly light facial sunscreen fluid delivers Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB SPF 50+ protection, creating a physical photo-protective veil to shield skin exposed to sunlight. Ginkgo biloba nut extract and five other botanical plant extracts protect and condition skin while offering antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote collagen and elastin balance. Caviar extract delivers a surge of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids and finely processed pure mica imparts an elegant, glowing finish to treated skin.

New Amarte Natural Finish BB Cream: This finely pigmented moisturizing face tint brightens, softly conceals and protects with Broad Spectrum SPF 36 UVA/UVB protection, providing uniform coverage without caking or flaking for a long lasting, natural glow. Formulated with refined particles of titanium dioxide, rare argan oil, elemental sulfur and caviar extracts, the BB cream brightens, hydrates, heals and exfoliates the skin. 28 FOCUS of New York 2014

Fashion & Style

Black is back! This summer will be all about cool neutrals and trendy basics taking style to the next level for any office. Debuting Ann Taylor's new Collection, Head Designer Lisa Axelson wanted a refresh after so much color and print the past few seasons. Perfectly combining the classics that every woman needs from skirts and pants to dresses and topper coats, the collection plays on runway trends by adding sheer fabrics, piped lines and stripes in slate grays, creams, navy and black tones. "I like to mix different prints or textures within a color family so you can create this high-low look within your outfit. I think this love affair that we're having with blush instantly modernizes and feminizes old classics like black and navy," Creative Director Lisa Axelson says of the new Ann Taylor Collection.

30 FOCUS of New York 2014

Fashion & Style

Hugo Boss Suit - $599.90 Sale, $895 After Sale Dress Shirt - $82.90 Sale, $125 After Sale Tie - $62.90 Sale, $95 After Sale



A unique seasonal opportunity to shop brand merchandise at amazing prices Frends Taylor Headphones in Floral and Silver-Black - $132.90 Sale, $199.99 After Sale

Trina Turk Coat, $398.90 Sale, $625 After Sale

Rag & Bone Jeans - $159.90 Sale, $253 After Sale

Starting from July 18th to August 3rd. Stock up on must-haves and shop brands like rag & bone, Rebecca Minkoff, Vince, Frye, Diane von Furstenberg, Hugo Boss, The Honest Company, Alexis Bittar, J Brand, Tumi, Michael Kors and more. Prices only last for two weeks, and all Anniversary Sale merchandise will return to full price on August 4th.

Leith Faux Fur Jacket, $89.90 Sale, $128 After Sale, Tildon Long-Sleeve Dress, $36.90 Sale, $56 After Sale

Michael Kors Bradshaw Chronograph Bracelet Watch - $149.90 Sale, $250 After Sale The Honest Company Gift Set $32.90 Sale, $49.95 After Sale 32 FOCUS of New York 2014

Style & Beauty

SWIMS, the utmost in versatile footwear and a great option for beach and boating enthusiasts. Made with adaptable and breathable nylon and since they are entirely water-resistant, you can even throw them in your washing machine! The loafers also feature an anti-slip, natural rubber and non-marking sole and EVA insole with ventilation system. WWW.SWIMS.COM

Aspen Yoga Mats are custom embroidered yoga mats that come in 5 colors with 5 embroidered designs. Choose the color mat by reading about your personality traits on our label. Match the color with the embroidered design that speaks to you. WWW.ASPENYOGAMATS.COM

The mitoquinol molecule is the newest patented antioxidant to hit the U.S. market through the breakthrough anti-aging face cream, MitoQ. MitoQ is considered to be the most potent antioxidant on the market to date and proven to be 1,000x stronger than CoQ10. Developed over 10 years of rigorous research and development, it is the only topical cream proven to deliver antioxidants to mitochondria at levels shown to have an immense effect in rejuvenating the cells, encouraging the natural production of collagen and elastin and leaving skin looking radiant with a lit-fromwithin glow. WWW.MITOQ.COM

CozyChic Throw - Khloe Kardashian and Kendall Jenner enjoyed some relaxation time snuggling up in Barefoot Dreams! WWW.BAREFOOTDREAMS.COM

jane iredale - THE SKIN CARE MAKEUP® celebrates seven years of partnership with Living Beyond Breast Cancer® with the launch of Smell the Roses Hydration Spray. One hundred percent of profits from the sale of Smell the Roses Hydration Spray will be donated to Living Beyond Breast Cancer® in support of women affected by breast cancer. This moisturizing facial spritz features organic Rose Damascena Flower Water which is an excellent skin tonic and cleanses the skin, calms inflammation and reduces redness without disturbing its natural protective shield. The refreshing and uplifting rose fragrance de-stresses and promotes an overall feeling of wellbeing. Smell the Roses is recommended for any skin types, especially dry or sensitive skin, but may also be used as a moisturizer for oily skin or to wet makeup brushes to create precise lines. WWW.JANEIREDALE.COM

The new City Nights Collection from jane iredale - THE SKIN CARE MAKEUP® delivers radiant fall makeup inspired by the glamour and energy of a night out on the town. For eyes, a trio of matte pearl, shimmery port wine and toasted caramel shadows and gel eyeliners in flirtatious jewel tones; for lips, a nourishing lipstick and gloss in pigmented shades of plum. WWW.JANEIREDALE.COM

Repêchage Spa Body Wash Travel Size: Aromatic, soap-free foaming gel cleanses the body naturally while conditioning all skin types. Infused with seven natural essential oils including Orange, Lime, Coriander and Mint and natural sea plants. Sea Spa Body Wash makes the perfect addition to your bath or shower. Leaves skin clean, smooth and hydrated. WWW.REPÊCHAGE.COM

34 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Skin is the largest organ in the body and it’s important to protect and care for it in order to keep it looking healthy and vibrant. Daily exposure to elements such as low humidity, harsh winds, ultraviolet rays, even your laundry detergent and makeup can take their toll, resulting in dry or irritated skin. Properly caring for your skin means more than simply washing your face twice a day. Moisture, exfoliation and diet also play key roles in your skin’s overall wellbeing. Following these simple tips will help you achieve an all-over healthy glow: Healthy Living • Adopt healthy lifestyle changes that reap rewards for your entire body, skin included. Drink plenty of water, get adequate sleep, practice stress management, take a daily multivitamin and eat a well-balanced diet. • Be sure to use sunscreen when outdoors to protect skin from the sun’s damaging rays and slow down the development of premature aging. Remember to apply sunscreen every day, even when it’s overcast, and reapply regularly if you’ll be in the water or active and sweaty. • For a natural sun-kissed glow without the harmful impact of the sun’s rays, rely on a moisturizing self-tanner lotion or spray. In the Shower • Avoid long showers, especially with hot water, which dries out skin. Lukewarm water is best for preserving natural oils. For your face, a slightly cooler rinse can help close pores after cleansing, but avoid outright cold water, as it also can have a drying effect. • Use a moisture-rich body wash such as Softsoap Coconut Island Quench enriched with coconut oil. This moisturizing formula will leave skin feeling soft and smooth. • Use a loofah sponge in the shower to gently exfoliate dead skin. To prevent unnecessary exposure to bacteria that could irritate your skin, be sure to replace your loofah every month.

Skincare Secrets FAMILY FEATURES

Spa-like Indulgence • Take a note from the pros and remove makeup, bacteria and dirt the natural way, with coconut oil or olive oil. Follow with a cleanser and moisturizer appropriate for your skin type for a fresh, well-hydrated face. • A gentle exfoliating body scrub lets you lightly exfoliate and renew your skin’s surface, while helping retain natural moisture. You can find recipes online featuring household items such as sugar or salt, or keep it simple with a store-bought option such as Softsoap Body Butter Coconut Scrub with jojoba butter and crushed coconut extracts. The formula gently exfoliate skin’s surface while helping retain natural moisture for soft, supple skin. • A body massage not only helps to ease tired muscles and relieve stress, but it will awaken your skin. Use a hand-held massager on your arms and legs to give your skin – and your spirits – a welcome boost.

FOCUS of New York 2014 35

Scent of

Success Ermenegildo Zegna introduces Haitian Vetiver to the exclusive Essenze Collection. Like the original fine fragrances that launched the Collection, Italian Bergamot, Sicilian Mandarin, Javanese Patchouli, Indonesian Oud and Florentine Iris, Haitian Vetiver is its own expression of one signature raw material with its own unique provenance. Discerningly sourced. Brilliantly composed. Like the finest tailored designs. The sophisticated star ingredient, Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides), a tropical fragrant grass with noble roots, derives from a single, private crop, produced exclusively for the House of Ermenegildo Zegna. Grown in Les Cayes in south west Haiti, it is planted and harvested for the sole purpose of creating Essenze. Essenze’s Haitian Vetiver celebrates the guiding sensitive hands that touch, feel, select and embody the world of true craftsmanship. Due to the Caribbean island’s hot, bright climate and rich, nutrient soil, Vetiver grows steady and abundantly all year. These conditions, paired with the time-honored expertise of the region’s farmers, are the driving force behind the country’s reputation for producing the most coveted Vetiver in the world.

Farmers meticulously unearth the plant, after growing for 12 to 18 months and forming a dense root network deep in the soil. Utilizing practices passed down through the generations, the cultivators then clean and dry the roots, before extracting the essential oils through steam distillation. The result: intensely fragrant oil with an earthy-woody aroma. As the sixth fragrance of the Essenze Collection, the Haitian Vetiver construction is distinctively paired with exclusively grown Zegna Italian Bergamot from Calabria, Italy the common thread that unites the six scents of the Essenze Collection. The complete olfactive structure of Haitian Vetiver includes threads of Neroli for a masterful blend that infuses bright, uplifting character into the luxurious depth of Carrot Seed SFE and Orris. Just as Ermenegildo Zegna uses only the finest fibers and fabrics to create its iconic fashion collection, the Essenze Collection is crafted from the most exquisite raw materials, recast as an exotic essence. Extending a work of hands from earth to atelier. From cultivation to fabrication. Each fragrance in the Essenze Collection is housed in a modern glass bottle and features a custom label with a corresponding colored border that reflects the key notes in each scent. It found exclusively at Bergdorf Goodman Men’s Store in New York City, Neiman Marcus stores in San Francisco, Dallas, and Houston, and Ermenegildo Zegna boutiques, and be available online at, 36 FOCUS of New York 2014

Ivanka Trump by Samantha Ramos

A model, business woman, fashion mogul and mother; she knows the steps it takes to succeed. We get a chance to speak with Ivanka, about her love for fashion and the passion she puts into every piece she creates today.

38 FOCUS of New York 2014

What drew you to the world of fashion?

A: I saw an opportunity to create a brand that appealed to a modern, sophisticated, self-purchasing woman. I began with jewelry and the brand has since evolved to include footwear, handbags, apparel, eyewear and more.

What excites you about your industry?

A: The fashion industry is a constant evolution. It is fast paced and highly competitive. As an entrepreneur this industry presents a great opportunity and that is incredibly exciting.

How is motherhood?

A: I love being a mother – it’s my most important and rewarding role!

Has it changed you or inspirited your creative talents into your collection?

A: Of course. In generations past women were either professionals or parents, but today we can be both and it’s important our clothes transition throughout the various phases of our days as easily as we do. We can no longer compartmentalize the various aspects of our lives. From playing with your children in the morning to a presentation at the office and dinner with your husband or a night out with girlfriends we should feel confident and polished throughout. We are modern, multifaceted women who work at all aspects of our lives and our clothes and accessories should be a reflection of that.

What made you decide to expand your collection beyond jewelry?

A: There are very few brands that are speaking to the modern women in an authentic way. Our brand mission and philosophy is representative of how I live my life. The products are inspired by me and made for women like me who are passionate about professional and personal endeavors and want to look and feel great while pursuing them. Brand expansion was a natural evolution as we saw a great opportunity in the need for a genuine representation of today’s modern woman.

Have you had any notable mentors that have guided you through the industry?

A: I’m very fortunate to have many relationships with titans of industry in a variety of fields, most important being my mother and father. They have both been incredibly influential over the course of my career.

How does Ivanka Trump relax?

A: When I have time I love to take advantage of our spa at Trump SoHo in New York City. The Turkish Hammam is an amazing experiential treatment and so restorative.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

A: It is so important to be prepared. In everything I do preparedness allows me to increase efficiency and always work to the best of my ability. I definitely expect that from others and it’s frustrating to see a lack of forethought.

When you’re not thinking about your collections, what’s your favorite outing?

A: This summer we’ve been spending a lot of time outside the city. We love to be active and plan things like afternoon golf, picnics and swimming with Arabella, which always seems to be an endless activity. She can’t get enough!

What are you wearing?

A: I love Prabal Garung and Peter Pilotto. On the more accessible front I like Zara and of course Ivanka Trump. I haven’t worn a pair of shoes from another designer in three years!

What would be your advice on selecting the right piece for an evening out?

A: Commit to one statement piece and supplement with subtle feminine touches. For example, if I wear a really beautiful, bold pair of earrings I’ll pair them with some delicate gold bangles and a diamond band on my ring finger. Jewelry is meant to compliment an outfit, not overpower it.

Any words of wisdom for men, when selecting jewelry for their spouse? A: Trust your instincts!

What are the key elements of your line?

A: My collection is inspired by classic jewelry from the art deco period. Many of the designs are very geometric and structured with traditional accents.

What was the inspiration involved in the creation of your new jewelry collection?

A: Travel is always an inspiration, architecture, interior design, and certainly the other brand categories. There is so much synergy across all of my endeavors and the sources of inspiration are organic.

What was the best vacation location you’ve ever had?

A: I’ve been to Patagonia twice and it was the ultimate adventure.

With such a fantastic line, do you have a favorite?

A: I’ve really gravitated towards the Metropolis Sol cuff. We recently launched the new collection in Vegas at Couture and I wore it the entire time I was there. It instantly became a staple in my wardrobe.

Is there one quote you would like to leave us with? A: Seize the moments as they come!

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Katie Fong

Add some sizzle and spark when you head out this summer; from colorful yet elegant day wear to glamorous pieces suitable for dinner and drinks with friends or a dazzling red carpet event, maybe even your wedding. Who is this minx designer? More than a newbie in the fashion world, yet she worked and trained with the best. Inspired by the artisan traditions of the great American and European ateliers and a bucolic yet enlightened childhood in Greenwich, Connecticut, a dynamic young visionary, Katie Fong, designs meant for the most discerning woman. The real beginning of the Katie Fong story was an adored grandmother and a little girl who drew pictures of evening gowns cared for by her family’s dry cleaning establishment. Many elements of The Katie Fong CollectionTM are based on techniques studied at The Fashion Institute of Technology and Oscar De La Renta which have been further refined in Ms. Fong’s thriving made-tomeasure business. The Collection will be manufactured in New York City and focus on integrating unique designs with the finest fabrics, laces and embroidery to give women around the world a sense of confidence and playfulness as they celebrate the notion of timeless elegance. “I was first introduced to Katie last summer by a mutual friend in Greenwich. I was immediately impressed by her maturity, personality and poise, as well as her passion to support and give back to the community she grew up in. Shortly thereafter, Katie invited me to a showing of her new collection. I immediately fell in love with her design aesthetic – from the delicacy of the lace and intricate beading, to the beautiful tailoring and femininity.” Geri Corrigan, Director of Marketing for Saks Fifth Avenue Greenwich “We are delighted to have a partnership with Katie Fong to provide custom design services for our clients. Katie provides an environment where client’s vision come to life. She has a sophisticated, elegant sensibility executed with couture workmanship. Katie makes women feel beautiful.” Linda Mitchell, Vice President of Women’s Merchandise for Mitchells Family of Stores “I met Katie Fong through her sketches, an unusual introduction, but one that speaks volumes to her talent. In getting to know Katie personally I am equally impressed by her as a person- she is wonderful to be around and her commitment to her work (and excellence of) is driven by pure passion. She clearly loves what she does and that joy shows through in the details of her work- from sketching to the final product. I marvel at her precision, elegance, and overall talent. I would steal her away for my brand if I wasn’t so excited to watch the greatness she’ll certainly accomplish on her own!” Nicole Hanley Mellon, Hanley Mellon Katie Fong’s collection has everything you need for the season, ravishing dresses that prove both timeless and timely.. Distinguished by her impeccable quality, the collection speaks of romance and mystery while being utterly modern and accessible. Immerse yourself in colors that pop alongside lilacs, purples, teals and greens. Details abound from hand embroidery, layering, beading, fringe and illusion surfaces. More and more women are discovering their inner fashionista with Katie’s beautiful dresses. Katie Fong’s collection is a favorite among modern women who gravitate toward its unbridled romanticism and sophistication.

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PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. Large cocktail rings in amethyst or grey moonstone are perfect for stacking with this season’s more delicate pieces. New LovePod rings in white, yellow and rose 18K gold with brilliant-cut diamonds or colorful gemstones work beautifully with other pieces of PANDORA jewelry and interlock when stacked together. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a starshaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

Cooking Non-Stop

by Alyssa Pitchford

These days, Chef and television show host, Steven Meese, is taking us on a global journey through the culinary world one inspiring chef at a time. We take a closer look at what has brought Meese to this pivotal point in his career and why he wants to share it with us. Steven Meese, who now hosts A Chefs Journey on PBS, finds himself wearing many hats these days. "I'm a television host who is also a celebrity chef. An entrepreneur, a teacher, and most days my own creative director," he points out. Some would describe you as a very driven entrepreneur, what is required of a successful entrepreneur to stay inspired and balance all of these hats? SM: You have to be very passionate about what it is your working towards. At the same time, you have to maintain a very positive attitude while you learn to adapt and change in this Silicon Valley we live in. Meese elaborates on the subject by emphasizing the importance of finding out what you are really good at and what you love. It's easier to market what you are truly passionate about. So, a culinary career, an entrepreneur, is what you have always been passionate about? SM: Yes... and no. I come from a very proud Greek heritage. Many of whom owned restaurants that I worked in when I was younger. So, it has always been deeply rooted in me, However, I loved soccer and I played in the US Soccer League. I was headed to play in Europe, but things change. I had to learn to readapt. I loved to cook and I wanted to create something, be something that everyone could enjoy. 44 FOCUS of New York 2014

From the time Meese left the path to a professional soccer career, he became a chef. As a chef himself, he began to travel and meet other world famous Chefs. Through many charity events, like James Beard, he took every opportunity to connect with many amazing people and inspiring chefs. That's when he discovered a real need to share this experience with the world. Where would you say you find inspiration to be who you are today? SM: I find inspiration in the underdog. It gives me a reason to keep striving for success. I, also, often look to my peers, colleagues and Christian family. Being aware of what's around me. My mother was a huge influence on what I do today and why I love it so much. While most kids were out playing in the yard, my mother would bring me into the kitchen to teach me how to cook. It is where I got a taste of what cooking entails, the spices, the flavors, the herbs. With my family in Greece, we also traveled often. So, I was introduced early on to worldly cuisine. In Steven's new television show, A Chefs Journey, he takes the viewer around the world and on location as he interviews some of the top chefs in the world. We get an up close and personal account of the chefs work, who they are and the city they're located in. Not only do we get to follow Steven on his Journey as a Chef, but we get to learn about some amazingly talented chefs and their journey to where they are. It's what Steven says is, cooking, travel, and documentary style show all in one. Most recently, Steven traveled to Miami, Florida to the world famous Gaston Acurio's La Mar cevicheria at the Mandarin Oriental with Chef Diego Oka.

What most important things have you learned in this culinary career you have built? SM: Keep your eyes open to details. You need discipline and a strong work ethic; I have learned that much from my own mother. Your success can depend greatly on how you treat the people around you, how you connect with those people along the way. Again, having a passion and energy for something allows you to do just about anything. Well, the passion and energy does not stop here for Detroit based chef, Steven Meese. Steven says he has other television shows in mind, like celebrity kitchen makeovers and what it takes to run luxury hotels around the world. His newest cookbook, Modern Soul food, is set to be published [he hopes] by 2015. The cookbook takes a modern spin on worldly comfort foods. As, always Chef Steven continues to participate in many charity events like New York City Wine & Food Festival in October. On the side, Meese is stirring up designs for a new cookware line. There's not much out there Steven Meese doesn't want to get his hands on, in regards to food, travel, and entertainment. Watch out world!

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46 FOCUS of New York 2014 Photography by Corinne Rogers

Just Talkin' My musical journey has been a beautiful struggle of high and low notes. At a young age, I have discovered in order to be successful in this business; I must be dedicated and strong willed. There are a lot of obstacles to overcome, that can threaten your sense of self if you let it. I can never remember a time in my life when I did not love singing and performing. Beginning in 9th grade, I was given the honor of being selected as a vocal performer for SCMEA Jazz All County. I have sung on multiple television shows that have aired throughout different regions of America. Some of my credits include "Dancing on Air," "Dance City" and "Party Rockers." I have had the pleasure of performing alongside talented Motown and Doo Wop performers, such as the Tee-Tones and Billy Dawn Smith. I decided to attend night school my senior year, to help me focus on my music as well as balance my school work. While attending night school, I have experienced some wonderful accomplishments! It has given me the time that I need to focus on my music career. I have had the pleasure of performing the East coast of the U.S. I try to use my music to spread the message of the importance of anti-bullying. If I didn't have music in my life, I would be lost. Without music I wouldn’t be able to express myself or be who I am. I had the pleasure of meeting Ron Alexenburg in 2014, whom is a mogul in the music industry. Ron has inspired me to the realization that what is good then is good now. I am inspired to bring back iconic music from the past and mix it with my own sound. The skill of becoming a professional musician has become evident and has sparked a deep desire in my soul to pursue my passion and become one with my music and my fans. I have since signed with Alexenburg Entertainment Group to help guide my career. I’m currently working on an EPK (electronic press kit) and recording new music. I couldn't be more blessed, the excitement is overwhelming. I am looking forward to the future and sharing my music with the entire world through many concerts and tours.

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Makin' it


By Nathalie Williams

48 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photos courtesy of IBI Designs

Depending on who you talk to, perhaps McKinney’s ultimate achievement has been his work with the Caring House Foundation. A few times a year McKinney travels to Haiti, the poorest country in the world, to oversee the creation of new, entirely self-sufficient villages. These villages contain 40 - 50 houses, a community center, church, school, clinic, renewable food, clean drinking water and some form of free enterprise.

Gingerly traversing the suspension bridge as I eagerly anticipate my meeting with Frank McKinney in his world famous oceanfront treehouse office, I quickly realize I'm in for a life changing conversation. Frank McKinney is a modern-day renaissance man, and has been for the past 25 years. He's an oceanfront "artist" who single handedly changed the face of high-end oceanfront real estate, a five-time bestselling author in four genres, an ultra-marathoner who has run 135 non-stop miles across the Death Valley desert 6 times, oversees the Caring House Project – a charity building in Haiti and elsewhere, and he even played Jesus in a recent awardwinning short film. Now he has set out to revolutionize the self-help and real estate education industry by personally hosting day-long education events across the country where each guest not only comes away transformed, but each attendee also provides at least one permanent single family home to a desperately poor and homeless child in Haiti.

He builds some of the world most beautiful homes for the ultra-wealthy so he can provide shelter to the poorest of the poor. It's simply amazing. To date, McKinney (and his wife, Nilsa McKinney) have built 21 villages over the last 11 years housing over 10,000 people. In an innovative effort to raise awareness and resources for the Caring House Project, and to transform the lives of those who attend, McKinney has set out to host a series of what he calls the Make it BIG Event - The Anti-Seminar around the nation. The kickoff of the Make it BIG Event - The Anti-Seminar will be right here in Delray Beach on May 31 at the Delray Beach Marriott. McKinney began his successful 25-year real estate career in Delray Beach, has lived here for the same number of years and wanted to begin the tour right here at home. "I truly despise the snake-oil salesman mentality of some in the real estate guru industry. Many have only been in the business for 25 day or so....NOT 25 years!" McKinney says. "I hope to revolutionize the real estate seminar industry just as I did the oceanfront real estate market." McKinney truly has taken on real estate in a show-stopping fashion....Oprah, Donald Trump, 20/20, Fortune Magazine and Wall Street Journal are just a few that have been impressed with his work. He has been showcased in over 2,000 TV and print features. He built and sold on speculation the world's largest Leed Certified Spec Home (selling for $26 million dollars) right down the street (A1A) in Manalapan. He started 25 years ago with a $50,000 fixer-upper in a bad part of town. About his new Make It BIG Event – The Anti-Seminar series Frank puts it this way; “The Make it BIG event is more of an experience. Motivation washes off in the shower, inspiration fades like the effects of a sunburn, but aspiration can alter your DNA and forever change your life and the lives of those you love. The Make it BIG event will help you learn what legacy you aspire to leave, and be able to do so by building a nice net worth through investing in real estate and overcoming those fears that might be getting in your way. The immediately actionable curriculum I have developed and will personally deliver at the Make it BIG event is unlike any other.” About Frank McKinney

If you think you have lived a full life accomplishing all your goals....McKinney will cause you to aspire to higher ones.

Meet Frank McKinney. He has built a multi-million dollar real estate empire (starting out with $50 in his pocket) and for the last 11 years has built self-sufficient villages for the poorest families in Haiti. McKinney is a fivetime international bestselling author (in four genres), philanthro-capitalist, and extreme risk-taker who's best known for his unprecedented success as a real estate 'artist' and visionary. McKinney has been interviewed on Oprah, 20/20, FOX, Travel Channel and on the cover of USA Today, as well as NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Fortune and Barron's … just to name a few. FOCUS of New York 2014 49




• Location: Punta Gorda is one mile from Interstate 75 and situated on beautiful Charlooe Harbor. • Access: e city airport means convenient arrivals and departures for commercial, charter and private air travelers. Come by air, land, or sea. • Features: Over 70 miles of navigable canals ow seaward to white-sand barrier islands and the Gulf of Mexico. Around town, shady sidewalks, trails and marked routes invite shopping, exploring, walking and biking. • Fishing: It’s world class. Folks sh Punta Gorda the way they like it: blue-water sport, back bay driiing, marsh and mangrove, or surf and sand.

City of Punta Gorda

326 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 575-3302 | PGORDA.US Design by Christopher Frame




unta Gorda is the rarest of places a–gem at the edge of Florida’s Gulf Coast, a treasure that charms and delights. Florida’s best small city marries the allure of a world-class resort with the pleasures of a hometown welcome. National travel and lifestyle editors tout its premier sports and recreation, blue-ribbon arts and culture, and its variety of casual

and ne dining. If you haven’t yet enjoyed the pleasures of Punta Gorda, think of big shing and snug village shopping. Imagine a community for life and a unique weekend holiday. Historic Punta Gorda is safe, clean, and accessible. Folks never tire of its sunsets (no two are alike!) and celebrations. First-time or returning, visiting or staying, those who discover Punta Gorda nd it for life.

“Come for the weekend Stay for life.”

Copy and editing by: Marilyn Tarnowski Photography by: Thanks to the Punta Gorda community for a collaborative effort in producing the candid photographs.


Photo: Jim Johnston



ail Magazine’s recent review of Punta Gorda’s front door describes Charlooe Harbor as a ““in-Water Paradise.” at’s how sailors identify friendly waters perfect for small and medium-size cruisers, yachts and charter boats. Punta Gorda has deep water access, too. National and regional shing tournaments draw world-class anglers. At the waterfront, Fishermen’s




Village harbors boardwalk shops, casual and ne dining, and resort accommodations. Marina Dock Age Magazine evaluated the bustling village’s full-service docks and shops, rating it “Marina of the Year.” Captains and crews rave about its protected harbor and chandlery services for just about every boating need. Whether arriving by kayak or yacht, maritime visitors nd Punta Gorda’s snug harbor is an island of enchantment.

MARINA of THE YEAR Marina Dock Age Magazine


Sail Magazine



Yachting Magazine

City of Punta Gorda

(941) 575-3302 | PGORDA.US Photo: Jim Johnston





hether pedaling around town with the city’s free bike-loaner program, taking a stroll, gollng, tennis, mini-marathons, regaaas or races – if it’s outdoors, Punta Gorda does it with style. Florida’s best small city is a bike-friendly, safe-walking community. Its network of pedestrian sidewalks links historic neighborhoods and parks, connecting strollers and joggers to downtown

City of Punta Gorda

(941) 575-3302 | PGORDA.US


aaractions and a vibrant city center. Eighteen miles of groomed paths and pet-friendly walking trails are professionally marked and maintained, winning the city Florida Bicycle Association’s Community of the Year award. Lifestyle columnists and sports writers – ranging from Golf Digest, Sail, and Money Magazine to Forbes and Rand McNally – keep Punta Gorda at the top of their national “Best of” lists year aaer year.


Florida Bicycle Association







lorida’s southwestern estuaries, mangrove wetlands, historic rivers, and productive uplands comprise one of the largest ecosystems of its kind in North America. Punta Gorda takes immense pride in its ecological riches. Inland, its green-tree canopy shades city streets and residential districts. Surrounding the city, maritime and coastal habitats support over 600 species of birds, sh, and marine wildlife. Punta Gorda’s ecosystem is

managed in partnership with state and federal scientists to accommodate a wide range of active and passive uses. Accessible parks and preserves, boat launches, and picnic areas invite family excursions. Fish for the 40-inch snook; catch-and-release the silver king tarpon. Stalk ocks of roseate spoonbills with binoculars; capture pods of dolphin on video. e region’s unique environment sustains Florida’s best small city.



FISHING SPOT IN THE WORLD Sport Fishing Magazine






Photo: Cynthia Zemen


Through these pages tout their own reliance on individuality, intent on conceiving inspiration. Served as unrepeatable inspiration of the work itself.

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SCREAMING ManiZarrin 60 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography by Mani Zarrin ( Model: Ger Duany

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Photographer: Mani Zarrin ( Special thanks: Steven Taylor

62 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer: Mani Zarrin ( Jewelry: NIMANY Model: Kristi Wilson, Q Model Management Makeup: Cheyenne Timperio

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64 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer: Mani Zarrin ( Art Direction: Jenna Marsh Wardrobe Stylist: Coleen Mccann Make up: Hiroshi Yonemoto Hair: Pepper Pastor Model: Emily Wilson, New York Models Special thanks: DDC NYC

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LauraFerreira Photography of

Photography by Laura Ferreira 66 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography by Laura Ferreira FOCUS of New York 2014 67

Photography by Laura Ferreira

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Photography by Laura Ferreira

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Mariko Aramaki By Lena Karaush

Photography by Nina Pak

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"Mariko Aramaki, a Kwantlen Polytechnic University graduate originally got her start in the fashion industry after completing an internship with Manuel Mendoza, a Vancouver based custom bridal shop. However, this up and coming designer’s interest in bridal, evening and flamenco wear started long before her debut into Vancouver’s fashion scene. At 24 years old Mariko Aramaki credits much of her personality as a designer to her formative years growing up on Vancouver’s West side. Growing up, Mariko’s parents put a strong emphasis on retaining a sense of continuity with their Japanese heritage while fully embracing a North West coast way of life. The middle among three children, Mariko was always trying new things. She first developed an interest in fashion while watching her mother sew. Before long she learned how to work the sewing machine on her own and even began making many of her own clothes. This hobby soon blossomed into a passion as Mariko was rarely seen without a sketchbook full of future designs. By the end of her high school years, it became clear that Mariko was destined for a career in fashion. Shortly after graduation, Mariko entered Kwantlen Polytechnic University where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design and Technology in 2010. Aramaki spent her time at Kwantlen honing both her technical skills as well as her design aesthetic to reflect her natural affinity for clothing that exudes grace, femininity and a certain “je ne sais quois’. As a student, Mariko travelled to Lyon, France for a summer semester to study French fashion history and textiles. That experience affirmed Mariko’s keen interest in producing work that echoes the French flair for combining modern and traditional styles.


ramaki’s involvement in the flamenco community had a profound influence on her art. A dancer herself, Aramaki was drawn to the vivid colors and fluid shapes of flamenco performance wear. As she gained experience and notoriety as a dancer with Centro Flamenco, she also got keen insight into the construction of the dresses themselves. Her insider knowledge of a dancer’s needs allowed Mariko to design well crafted gowns while retaining much of the magic of the dance, which quickly became a second passion in her life. After finishing her studies at Kwantlen, Mariko worked on expanding her portfolio by creating new custom designs as a freelancer. During this time Mariko made inroads into Vancouver’s fashion community by exhibiting her work locally and putting together a website. Recently, Mariko has decided to return to France and is currently living in Paris. There, she plans to expand her professional repertoire while being fully immersed in the French fashion landscape. Wherever she ends up, one can be sure that Mariko will continue to create and inspire through her unique pieces. 72 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography by Nina Pak FOCUS of New York 2014 73

Photography by Nina Pak

74 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography by Nina Pak

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Photography by Nina Pak

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Photography by Nina Pak

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CorinneRogers Hampton Photography is located in the Hamptons area of Long Island, NY. Photographer: Corinne Rogers gets inspiration for her images by her beautiful surroundings. The ocean and beach have always been her inspiration. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. & grew up on Rockaway Beach. She moved away from NY for a while BUT always found herself longing to be near the ocean. She is a mother of 4 boys. She credits her first born son Tyler for making her buy her first SLR camera in 1997. She did NOT want to miss a moment of him growing up. Since then she has had her photography on the cover of two books from Author C.Joybell C Titled: All things lit like fireflies and Wolves of the Sapphire Sun. She currently serves all of Long Island and NYC from Montauk to Manhattan and everywhere in between. She loves to hear from new clients and can be found on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, twitter. Email me at -

78 FOCUS of New York 2014

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Photography by Corinne Rogers

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Photography by Corinne Rogers

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Art Couture Timea Hecendorfer creations, express feelings and characteristics of approach and opinion‌ Look at my fruits of fantasy! Rich in its color yet delicate in its form, this admired bloom is full of life, incessantly evolving and changing in shape. A vibrant palette of flora in shades of fern, magnolia, rosebud, and willow are infused in the exquisite fabrics of silk linen, embroidered lace, and draped tulle. Her works are inspired by famous painting, romans, novels, statues. Hand painted brush strokes mirror the tulip’s unique petal markings; beading is sprinkled like dewdrops on a spring morning. Few flowers have fascinated and endured as powerfully as the tulip. By Samantha Ramos Photography by Andrea Marton

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Photography by Andrea Marton

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Photography by Zoran Varga FOCUS of New York 2014 87

BLACK & BOLD VincentGotti FASHION STYLIST: Moi Contre La Vie HMUA: Ozzie Mendoza Hair Stylist Assistant: Alisher Akhunzhanov Lighting Director: Scott Nobles Post Digital Work: Mariel L. Montaner

Photographer: Vincent Gotti Model: Adeline ChiChi Miss Zambia International and Miss Africa Dress: DVF Belt: Vintage McQueen Shoes: Steve Madden Collar: The Queen's Chair Bangle: The Queen's Chair 88 FOCUS of New York 2014

Adeline Chichi is a labor and delivery nurse, model and fitness instructor. As a former Miss Zambia Intl and Miss Africa, she has travelled around Africa educating women about domestic violence, and inspiring them to have a voice. She has earned respect among the first ladies in Africa, and had the honor of hosting the First Ladies Summit in Los Angeles in 2013. As a nurse, Adeline enjoys helping women bring new life into the world. She served as a manager for the prenatal unit at Kaiser Hospital in San Francisco. As a model she has participated in runway shows in Mexico, Africa and the US. She has also participated in New York Couture Fashion Week, San Francisco Fashion Week, and Sacramento Fashion Week. Adeline has been on the cover of Immigrant magazine, as well as being featured in the SF chronicle. As a hobby she enjoys fitness, and is a certified spin instructor. She enjoys helping others stay through personal training and healthy diets. She is currently developing a line of active wear for men and women.

Photographer: Vincent Gotti Model: Adeline ChiChi Miss Zambia International and Miss Africa Shoes: FENDI Black Pants: Victoria's Secret Bandeau: Steve Madden FOCUS of New York 2014 89

Photographer: Vincent Gotti Model: Adeline ChiChi Miss Zambia International and Miss Africa Dress: Live Love Moda

90 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer: Vincent Gotti Model: Adeline ChiChi Miss Zambia International and Miss Africa Bag: The Queen's Chair FOCUS of New York 2014 91

Photographer: Vincent Gotti Model: Adeline ChiChi Miss Zambia International and Miss Africa Dress: MM Couture Bracelet: Jewel Mint Ring: J Crew

92 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer: Vincent Gotti Model: Adeline ChiChi Miss Zambia International and Miss Africa Dress: ASOS Shoes: Sam Edelman Necklace: Maxwell Gold Mesh Bracelet: Jewel Mint

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Photographer Joseph Fortress and model Paulina Bateva creates structural beauty among the contours of a steel bridge with feminine, but edgy pieces from Ivana Tomic, Lucia Prieto, Leyre Valiente, Melania Moya, Amaya Lorea, Cristina Peral, Lotocoho, Plata pura, Asaad Awad, Buffalo London and OjĂş illa.

MODEL: Paulina Bateva STYLIST: Leticia Pascual MUA & HAIR: Carmen Belen Munoz IDEA & PHOTOGRAPHY: Josh Fortress

Body and feather boa: Melania Moya Skirt: Lucia Prieto Ring: Lotocoho Strap: Plata pura 94 FOCUS of New York 2014

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Jumpsuit: Amaya Lorea Ankle boot: Buffalo London Head-dress: Lotocoho Rings: Plata pura

96 FOCUS of New York 2014

Jacket and skirt: Ivana Tomic

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BESPOKE STYLE By Samantha Ramos

Creating unique fashion statement pieces for singers; like Melissa Mars, Candice from the band ETHS, Hélène Segara and a host of others. Stéphanie Cappellini started out at an early age in design and computer graphics and winning a fashion contest in 2009. Stéphanie, states how she loves working together with Yann Malotti, Alexandra Vallégant and Pierre-Yves Baudin; a creative team that puts together a visual impact that makes more than a powerful statement. Creating her brand, 13ème Lune (13th Moon) of ready to wear line allowed her to expose her side of unrestraint fashion. “I like to emphasize the “Dark and Mystical” side of my creations, while at the same time adding a touch of frailty and remaining within the context of a very feminine universe. I enjoy playing on paradoxes ! My creations are for women who like to assert the strength of their character through their style.”, states Stéphanie Cappellini.

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Photography:Yann Malotti Model: Laura Heckel MakeUp & Hair: Carmlins Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

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Photographer : Yann Malotti Assistant : Alexandra Vallégant Model : Tifany Bly @ Roxane Vipmodels Make-up & Hair : Eve Mak'up Stylist : 13ème Lune harness : Atelier Sylphe Corset

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Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alexandra Model: Chloe DrHummer MakeUp & Nails: Delphine Boyer HairDresser: Cyril Belaman Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini FOCUS of New York 2014 101

Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alex Vallégant Models: Dayana Reeves, Yann Cecile & Mickael Prunier Dress: Denis Durand Shoes: Carmens Steffens Belt: Clodius Hair: Cyril Belaman & Corine Cappelli Makeup: Aurelie Ormeno, Audrey Robbino & (c) Mia Matillon Wadrobe & harness: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini 102 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alex Vallégant Hair: Cris Coiffure Make-up : Emilie Plume Stylish :13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

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Photographer:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alex Vallégant Hair: Cris Coiffure Make-up : Emilie Plume Stylish :13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

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Photographer:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alex Vallégant Hair: Cris Coiffure Make-up : Emilie Plume Stylish :13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

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Steven Popovich

Photographer: Steven Popovich Stylist: Janai Anselmi - Makeup: Isabella Schimid @ Names Agency - Hair: Dale Delaport @ Names Agency Model: Amy Pejkovic @ Work -

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Photographer: Steven Popovich Stylist: Janai Anselmi - Hair & Makeup: Margo Regan Using Ellis Faas and Kevin Murphy Model: Nikita Redmond @ London Management Group

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Photographer: Steven Popovich Stylist: Natalie Sarpi Hair & Makeup: Raquel Bester - Model: Julia @ Priscillas -

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One Kind of a

Born and raised in London and the English countryside Aloye Adede was educated at St Mary's School Shaftesbury in Dorset, also attended by Camilla Duchess of Cornwall's daughter Laura Rose Lopes. After Aloye's BScHons degree in Business Management in Surrey, she moved to Italy to study Fashion Communication and Styling at the prestigious design school Istituto Europeo di Design and graduated with a Masters degree in 2007. On her return to London in 2008 she set up her eponymous womenswear label Eyola which specializes in rich, intricate, exquisite and timeless Victorian inspired jackets and dresses that epitomize iconic British tailoring.

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loye Adede is the brainchild behind luxury women’s wear labels Eyola and Femme De Rose both taking inspiration from a period in history that thoroughly fascinates and inspires her - the Victorian era. By drawing inspiration from this era Aloye adopted fundamental characteristics of Victorian fashion that included: exclusivity, bespoke dressmaking and artisanal handiwork which together created the most enchantingly feminine designs. Aloye's designs follow two further fundamental elements of the nineteenth century: luxurious materials and meticulous fit, epitomized by Victorian couturier Charles Frederick Worth. Her dedication, commitment and knowledge of sharp British tailoring, acquired during her time working at Alexander McQueen and other leading fashion houses, is integral to Eyola and Femme De Rose's saviour faire.

On Aloye’s return to London in 2008 she set up her eponymous label Eyola, using the Victorian-invented anagram game to rearrange the letters of her name. Victorian fashion, traditional British tailoring and craftsmanship are the source of inspiration maintained throughout the brand’s style, expertise and culture. 112 FOCUS of New York 2014

In 2011 Eyola's sister label Femme De Rose was launched, a luxury online custom-made service giving women the ability to design and purchase a personalized jacket tailored to their exact size and taste. With over 12 million design options to choose from the choice for a one of a kind blazer is endless.

Currently women's sizes are based on standards created in the 1940s but a lot has changed and women come in a variety of shapes. Traditionally men buy personalized tailored jackets, in contrast women buy suits and jackets off the rack in dress sizes which rarely offer tailoring. The result is poorly fitted clothing. Jackets ride up, do not provide enough support and become shapeless and flat. In contrast a tailored Femme De Rose blazer can enhance each woman’s best features, flattering all body types from making a boyish shape look more feminine to a curvy shape more hourglass. The concept behind Eyola's Femme De Rose was developed during one of Aloye's countryside walks where she took inspiration from the breathtaking views and flower rich grasslands that surrounded her. Eyola's bespoke online service was influenced by Jean-Baptist Guillot and his discovery of 'La France'

the first hybrid tea rose that transformed the floral industry not just during the Victorian era but to this very day. Inspired by Guillot's rose crossbreading technique, Aloye created a concept of her own crossbreeding two hallmarks of the Eyola brand: timelessness and tailoring. With strong British roots and heritage, taking inspiration from the Victorian era and British tailoring, Eyola's Femme De Rose endeavours to source all materials (including a selection of sustainable nature-friendly wool), fabrics and accessories from the UK. Aspiring to follow in the tradition of bespoke British tailoring Eyola's Femme De Rose takes inspiration and follows in the footsteps of London Savile Row's craftsmanship. In an attempt to change the way women shop for clothes, Eyola's Femme De Rose encourages and supports women's freedom of expression by involving women in the design process - satisfying their style needs and ensuring the perfect fit by requesting their bust, waist and hip measurements. The lining of each blazer jacket is decorated with pink velvet ribbon, symbolizing timelessness and personality. The color also represents the rose flower, which forms an integral part of Femme De Rose’s heritage and guarantees the high quality fabrics and tailoring. Each blazer is packaged in environmentally friendly acidfree tissue paper, a rose-print reusable 'Furoshiki' gift wrap and an eco-polythene mailing bag. From the infinitely desirable and timeless blazer jacket to the nature friendly packaging, Eyola's Femme De Rose aims at an experience that will remain close to each woman's heart. FOCUS of New York 2014 113


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Photography- Meg Urbani Hair & Makeup- Amanda Forsyth Model- Masia Favero Muse NYC FOCUS of New York 2014 115

Photography- Meg Urbani Hair & Makeup- Amanda Forsyth Model- Masia Favero Muse NYC 116 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography- Meg Urbani Hair & Makeup- Amanda Forsyth Model- Suzi, Muse NYC

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Photography- Meg Urbani Hair & Makeup- Amanda Forsyth Model- Ira S Muse NYC 118 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography- Meg Urbani Hair & Makeup- Amanda Forsyth Model- Chantal Jones Muse NYC Styling- Eva Poleschinski Bodysuit- Wesley Nault

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Photographer: Huan Duong Photography Model: Tawny Jordan Designer: Red Carter

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Photographer: Huan Duong Photography Model: Tawny Jordan Designer: Victoria's Secret 122 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer: Huan Duong Photography Model: Tawny Jordan Designer: Red Carter

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Photography: David Walden Styling: Hair: Candice Hudson Makeup: Heiddis Ros Reynisdottir Model: Anastasia @ Pinkerton Swimsuit: Lee + Lani Heels: Zara Accessories: Forever21

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David Walden

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Photography: David Walden Styling: Hair: Candice Hudson Makeup: Heiddis Ros Reynisdottir Model: Anastasia @ Pinkerton Swimsuit: H&M Belt: H&M

126 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photography: David Walden Styling: Hair: Candice Hudson Makeup: Heiddis Ros Reynisdottir Model: Anastasia @ Pinkerton Swimsuit: Lee + Lani Accessories: H&M

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Jacket: Sanctuary Body Suit: Nike Tights: Pretty Polly Bra: Victoria Secret Fur: Vintage (Stylist’s Grandmother)

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By Deb Reynolds

Photographer: Lesley Pedraza Model: Jacqueline Depaul - Wilhelmina Agency Hair: Carla Ross - More Than A Slash Salon/Academy Make-up: Daniel Chinchilla Styling: Lauren Gold Location: More Than a Slash Salon/Academy

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Photographer: Lesley Pedraza Model: Jacqueline Depaul Dress: BCBG Pearls: Express Fur: Vintage (Stylist’s Grandmother)

Our celebrity diva, in great shape as she partied at the latest hot spot last night and didn’t leave until the morning, emerges looking a little worse for wear. It is business as usual as she moved around the room like a queen working her contacts and maintaining her professional lifeline. Whether she is picking out the benefits, product launches, film after-parties or just frequenting the LA hotspots, she must keep up appearances. Going from award shows to elaborate costumed soirees every other night of the week can leave a diva in dire need of some serious aid from her entourage. There’s no free party pass there. The morning-after remedy for this diva is to dial up her top stylist who puts her through her paces. Her team works its magic to bring back the flawless looking diva. Once again, she is red carpet ready and making people wonder, “Is she born with it?” Every time she steps out there are cameras aiming at her, but our diva shows no concern as she readies herself to sign a few autographs, and board the limousine en route to the next gala bash. 130 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photographer: Lesley Pedraza Model: Jacqueline Depaul Sunglasses: Kaenon Robe: Kimono

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Photographer: Lesley Pedraza Model: Jacqueline Depaul Dress: All Saints

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Photographer: Lesley Pedraza Model: Jacqueline Depaul Dress: BCBG Runway Necklace: BCBG

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Michael St. Amand

United States of America

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St. Amand (Born 1958) uses a multi-disciplined approach to his art making – painting, printmaking, digital art, video, sculpture, installations, and mixed media constructs. The artist’s work cannot be classified within a particular generation of art movements. St. Amand’s style is a combination of Avant-Garde, Abstract Expressionism, Modernism, and Color-Field Painting. The artist focuses on the basic elements of an artwork – color, shape, and composition and chooses materials to psychologically evoke certain kinds of feelings. St. Amand’s paintings affect the space in which they hang. His use of multi-layered raw, vibrant color and fluorescent pigments put the viewer on the spot. His paintings vibrate with energy and light causing the art to interact with the audience. The artwork reflects glaring bursts of color back at the viewer, necessitating a multi-angled tour of the canvas in order to form a complete image of it. Because of the way light reacts to the fluorescent pigments, as ones physical relationship to them changes so does the artwork.

Repicant 2012

There is nothing “quick” about St. Amand's work. His art needs time to be ingested, digested, and contemplated. Messages are coming from all sides -- political, social, cultural, sexual, and aesthetical. St. Amand juxtaposes the sacred with the profane and leaves the viewers to determine where on the continuum their perceptions lie. “All the objects are just objects. As with all art, it is what the viewer brings to it,” St. Amand says of his work. “It is the viewer’s own – very personal – reactionary emotion or self-analysis. Whether it is disdain or shock, passion or compassion, every person will create his or her own truth attached to the work.” This is at the heart of St. Amand’s work. As art, his pieces are unique and visually engaging. As social commentary, they are thought evoking and provoking. His work inspires conversation and insight into three worlds: the artist’s, the one in which we all share, and the very personal one within each individual. Michael St. Amand, with the endorsement of the United States Embassy and The Georgian Ministry of Culture, had two solo exhibitions: Myths and Mayhem exhibited at the Tbilisi History Museum and the Signagi Museum in the Republic of Georgia in 2013. In addition he has earned numerous awards for his work. The artist has been listed in Art in America Magazine’s Who’s Who in American Art. He has exhibited his art nationally and internationally, including Paris, Bordeaux, New York City, The Republic of Georgia, Germany, Dallas, New Zealand, Washington, D.C., and throughout Florida. His work can be found in many corporate and private collections. Photo Credit: Michael St. Amand by Nicholas Berdysheff

Tipping Point 2013

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of Brandon Gould By David Burne

136 FOCUS of New York 2014

Brandon Gould a.k.a. Im_possibleman is a very well-known artist who invites his style in many other avenues in life. He has worked with Victor Rossi, a couture house and have made clothes for Miss Maryland 2007 and 2010. With great local seamstresses, he had developed great shades of women’s wear; including for plus sized females. In his leisure time, he chooses to meet new people, play video games with them, and usually party. A lifetime artist, many call his work "anime". The name of his art style is Violin. It is infused with the heart of gaming, the power of heavy metal, and the beauty of life. Growing up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, he refined his skills inventively. Now, as a fashion designer for women’s wear, he brings into life the life of Violin.

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Laugh Photo courtesy of Getty Images

it Up


time. Getting together for drinks or dinner creates an opportunity for plenty of intimate chatting and laughter for hours on end. Heading to a local movie theater or piling on the couch to watch a comedy favorite is just the ticket for a much-needed belly laugh. Eliminate distractions. Good girlfriend time means letting your cares slip away. Leave the kids with a sitter, avoid taking calls or texting, and dedicate your time to catching up and sharing a few good laughs.

Laughter and friendship go hand-in-hand, and according to a recent survey, women across America are looking to inject more laughter into their lives this year. One sure bet, spending more quality time with their girlfriends. The survey, commissioned by Skinny Cow Candy, showed that on average, women are twice as likely to prefer a good laugh with their girlfriends over a new piece of jewelry, a manicure, or even a new pair of shoes. And while a good phone chat with a dear friend goes a long way, 61 percent of women believe that an in-person laugh is better than a virtual one. Read on for some inspiration to create that treasured girlfriend time and start Laughing Out Loud. Set the stage. Quality girlfriend time can happen anywhere at any

Add chocolate. According to the Skinny Cow survey, the majority of women think life would be a lot less fun without chocolate, so make sure you have some on hand. Skinny Cow Candy makes the no guilt kind – rich, creamy and delicious; great portion sizes; and low in calories. Yes, you really can have it all. Stay within your means. Time spent with the girls need not break the bank. If budget is a concern, choose a restaurant or bar with happy hour specials, or have everyone bring a little something and cook together. Check out interesting events around town, or tie on athletic shoes and enjoy a fun-filled walk in the park. Say cheese. Don’t forget to take photos to capture your laugh-outloud moments; they make for great memories. Post them on your social media pages and share your good times for years to come. FOCUS of New York 2014 139

Summer Beauty


Whether your summer plans include an exotic trip or simply enjoying sunny days with friends, it’s the perfect time to add a little fun into your beauty routine. Celebrity makeup artist Ashunta Sheriff shares her expert tips to freshen up your look. Don the Dewy Look Sheriff recommends cream products to achieve that dewy, healthy glow. A gorgeous peach cream blush will mimic the skin’s natural summer color – natural enough for a daytime look with the potential to make a statement for the evening. Get a Natural Glow Self-tanners and body glows are the perfect way to look sun-kissed without the harmful rays. To get the best results, skin must be hair-free and smooth. Sheriff’s pick is Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Total Care Body Trio, the only 3-step depilatory system that offer professional results but at a fraction of the cost of salons. Plus it works while you shower to save time. To stay smooth even longer, try Nair wax strips for results that last up to 8 weeks. Bring on the Color This summer, Sheriff suggests a bright eye liner to bring out the color of your eyes. To get the desired effect, apply two coats along your lower lash line with a shade that complements your eyes. For example, if your eyes are brown, purple eyeliner will make your eyes pop. Less is More Add products to your makeup kit that do double-duty in soaring summer temperatures: an SPF foundation primer will protect against sun damage and create a sleek canvas while a tinted moisturizer will create a sheer finish. For a flawless application, Sheriff suggests using a foundation brush. The Perfect Pout Red lips are on trend this summer, but finding the perfect red lipstick can be a challenge for many women. Sheriff recommends a sheer red or deep wine gloss for an easy, wearable way to get the look without going too bold. With just a few expert tips in your beauty routine, you can enjoy a renewed summertime look to last all season long. 140 FOCUS of New York 2014

Photo courtesy of Getty Images


Established by Joseph Li in 1995, the LAMO Footwear collection has since become a fashion staple for a continuously growing number of shoppers. "Our mission is to provide consistent value, quality, and comfort through our entire life and to create ideal investment pieces. While other brands have resorted to lower quality of synthetics and linings, we wanted to maintain the quality of our line by using natural sheepskin fiber, which is the hallmark of our brand."


LAMO FOOTWEAR is the perfect shoe for weathering the changing seasons. LAMO's 2014 collection offers fun, versatile selections like moccasin slip-ons and colorful flats, while keeping true to the classic warmer, boot and bootie options. LAMO Footwear is a great option for warm or cool weather, adding fashionable comfort to any outfit. Inspired by California-casual style, LAMO Footwear designs seasonal collections to stay true to the original sheepskin surfer boot while adding distinct details that make each product unique. Manufactured from the finest quality Australian Merino sheepskin, LAMO Footwear not only provides superior quality and cushion, but is also created with temperature balancing properties and durable flexibility.

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NEW UPPER WEST SIDE LOCATION Judith Richardson and Charles Le Pierrès are pleased to announce the expansion of the Judith & Charles brand as they open their latest boutique on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. The recently opened boutique introduces an inspiring approach to retail and one that is consistent with the Judith & Charles design philosophy. For the first time, the brand is using this new location to test their innovative ideas and retail concepts, more of which will be unveiled in the coming year. The boutique presents a refined and understated retail experience, bringing the brand’s quality craftsmanship, impeccable tailoring and minimalist styling to the forefront. The minimalist interior combines modern and natural elements, such as cool cement with breezy linen, in a neutral color palette of warm grey and off-white. Located at 188 Columbus Avenue, the boutique is mere steps away from Central Park yet centered in the heart of a bustling shopping district, with neighbors that include rag & bone, Maje and Comptoir des Cotonniers. “We are thrilled to unveil our second Judith & Charles location in Manhattan,” says Judith Richardson. “We look forward to sharing our brand with new clientele in the neighborhood,” adds Charles Le Pierrès. The brand currently has ten retail locations across Canada and another on New York City’s Upper East Side.

ABOUT JUDITH & CHARLES Judith & Charles is a Canadian womenswear brand founded in 2008 by Judith Richardson and Charles Le Pierrès, after successfully building the Parisian brand Teenflo for the preceding 20 years. With locations across Canada and in New York, the brand sources premium fabrics and yarns from Italy, and prides itself on producing modern clothing in Canada with quality craftsmanship, impeccable fit and minimalist styling. Keeping the modern woman as their core inspiration, Judith & Charles creates every piece with the fundamentals of fashion in mind.

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ANITA INTERNATIONAL is one of the world’s leading intimate apparel companies. Established in 1886, the family owned, fourth generation Anita International was founded with the simple mission to provide women with comfortable, fashionable products that fit perfectly. With 127 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and producing their own intimate apparel collections, Anita international is a world-class brand of lingerie that is suitable for women of all ages, at any stage of life. Focusing products on fit and comfort, Anita products are fashionable and made to flatter and compliment a woman’s body. With five different collections including swimwear, activewear, shapewear, maternity and a specially designed mastectomy collection, Anita International sets itself apart from the competition by instituting intimate apparel for every body.

Best-selling line ANITA ACTIVE provides both support and style for women with an active lifestyle. Anita Active is an exceptional activewear line constructed with a wide variety of cup and band sizes, as well as optimum moisture management. The Anita Active Collection retails from $59 - $75. One of the most authoritative intimate apparel specialists in the world, with a diverse line of products that cater to women of all body types and ages, ANITA offers unique products that gives women confidence.

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J. Taylor Couture A high-end, high-quality and entirely unique collection of women’s wear. Honing into detail, the collection embraces chic silhouettes, color palettes, and embellishments that bring a work of art in the form of clothing to the wardrobes of fashionistas all over the map. Offering high-end pieces that focus on craftsmanship and quality at an affordable price point, Alicia Williams, CEO and Founder of J. Taylor Couture, creates a collection that embodies luxury, confidence & opulence. “Each individual should be able to walk into a room and feel confident, stylish and leave a great first impression. This collection empowers the modern woman to put their best foot forward with unique detailing and pieces that play off the natural beauty of the body,” states Williams. Innovative design is the cornerstone of the fashion industry today, especially with fast fashion being so accessible all over the map; J. Taylor Couture allows the fashion forward individual to embrace their unique style and not blend in. Ranging from sheer, nature-inspired pieces to unique material and textile combinations, J. Taylor Couture completely reinvents the fashion industry with a stunning assortment.

148 FOCUS of New York 2014

Add Balance

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

to Lunches and Snacks


When you supply your kids with nutritious and sensible choices, you’re ensuring a productive day in the classroom and beyond. It’s simple to make lunch and snack time fun by tossing in some new, wholesome options that add variety and appeal for your little learner. Add new foods to the mix The most important nutrients parents seek when selecting the foods they feed their kids are protein, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D and iron.1 While stocking up on foods rich in these nourishing elements is certainly helpful, there’s no way to ensure your child will eat them. But recent studies have found that kids are actually more likely than their parents to be the first of their friends to try new food or nutrition products.1 Take the opportunity to start nutritious eating habits at a young age with flavorful food combinations that create balance at snack and meal time. For example, pair a kid- and parent-pleasing choice, such as Mini Babybel® cheese, a 100 percent natural cheese with a rich and creamy taste, with their favorite fruit or vegetable. In fact, a recent study shows that replacing non-nutrient rich snack foods like chips with a combination of cheese and vegetables can help reduce calories by 72 percent and keep kids feeling fuller longer.2 Easy ways to pack To help parents make better choices while grocery shopping, Catherine McCord, author of Weelicious Lunches and Weelicious. com, and Mini Babybel Brand Advocate, offers these tasty ideas to make lunches and snacks more wholesome for the whole family: • Protein Picks: To keep them feeling satisfied and fuller longer, include a few protein-packed choices in their lunch bag. Some options include roasted chicken, steamed edamame, hard boiled eggs, nuts or a Mini Babybel cheese. With seven delicious flavors that offer 5-6 grams of protein and 15-20 percent of daily calcium needs, this cheese snack is sure to satisfy.

• Sweet Additions: Make their midday meal and snack time more complete with the addition of one or two servings of fruit. Some delicious options include apples, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis or pears. • Fresh Finds: Many vegetables offer fiber and other nutrients not found in other snacks. Throw in a bag of chopped vegetables, such as baby carrots, broccoli florets, celery, red bell peppers or sugar snap peas. With a balanced approach to eating, you’ll be able to send the whole family off to school or work prepared for whatever their busy day brings. You may also introduce them to some new favorite foods.

1 Survey data from Porter Novelli’s nationally-representative HealthStyles (a survey of US adults 18 years or older) and YouthStyles (a survey of youth ages 12-17). 2 Wansink, B., Shimizu, M., Brumberg, A. Association of nutrient-dense snack combinations with calories and vegetable intake. J Pediatrics. 2013 Jan; 131(1):22-28.

150 FOCUS of New York 2014


Mooove Over Sports Drinks By Chris Pouy

With the hot days of summer come summer sports -- baseball, tennis, football practice -- both in the neighborhood and at camp. Before you send the kids out to practice or just for a long day of play in the sun learn to protect your kid against dehydration and sun sickness. Experts say that children age nine and up should drink at least 2 liters of fluids a day. With this said it is important to ensure that your kids are drinking fluids and this may mean doing a little research. You may be doing more harm then good when handing them a soda or “sports” drink. Getting them to drink plain water may be near impossible, and with experts saying that chocolate milk is the new go to for sports recovery drinks both you and your kids can win the dehydration battle.

Sports drinks = Soda: More children and teenagers are drinking sports drinks like Gatorade and PowerAde, instead of soda. While that may sound like a good thing, new research from the University of Minnesota shows, in most cases, it’s not a better option. Many people see that a 20-ounce sports drink may have fewer calories than a soda, but it has more sugar and more sodium — and no nutritional value. Chocolate milk and Protein: Post-workout chocolate milk is beneficial because of its protein content. Every cup contains between eight and 11 grams of protein, ideally you’ll want to consume between 15 and 25 grams of protein after a workout, which equates to 500 to 750 ml of chocolate milk. Chocolate milk and Carbs: Turning to post-workout chocolate milk immediately following your lifting sessions is a smart move because of the types of carbohydrates it provides. CowWow contains only 22 grams of Carbohydrates. This sugar will cause a spike in insulin levels, driving the glucose molecules into the muscle tissue and replenishing the energy stores for your next workout. Without this insulin spike, you’re going to be looking at a slower recovery period, which could mean more time out of the gym. Calcium Content: Drinking post-workout chocolate milk is a smart move because of its calcium content. Calcium is one of the minerals that play a critical role in the “power stroke” – when the individual muscle fibers generate tension through a cross-bridge cycling pattern, causing contraction to take place. CowWow contains 40% of the daily intake needed for Calcium.

Ideal to keep sugar low: On average, most “sport’s” drinks include close to ten teaspoons of added sugar. High sugar intake is one of the main contributing factors to obesity in the country. Some people choose a sport drink thinking it's the better choice.,. never knowing how sweet it really is. CowWow contains only six grams of added sugar, in teaspoon talk that equates to little over one teaspoon.

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Warm-Weather Pairings

For your next al fresco gathering, complete the menu and satisfy guests by pairing a flavorful meal with wines to celebrate sunny days and warm evenings. When it comes to outdoor entertaining, choose fresh, vibrantly colored vegetables and a flavorful meat selection, such as tender lamb. Take your fare to the next level by uncorking one of the many delicious wines from Sterling Vineyards, all of which are perfect for celebrating warm evenings and special friends. Whether your event is an elegant Mother’s Day meal or a casual summer brunch, Sterling’s wide portfolio of wines at a range of prices ensures there’s something for everyone. Carneros Pinot Noir offers a dark red fruit profile and toasty oak complexity, making it the perfect wine to pair with lamb. Sweet Endings When it comes time to dish out the finale to your meal, pair those yummy desserts with a sweet and lightly-flavored wine, such as Butterfly Kiss Moscato. This well-balanced, sweet white wine is loaded with stone fruit and citrus flavors and tastes delicious after a hearty lamb dish. For other delicious entertaining ideas, visit and

Pinot Noir-Braised Lamb Shanks with Porcini and Cannellini Beans Yield: 4 servings 4 1 1 1/2 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1/4

12- to 14-ounce lamb shanks Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste ounce dried porcini mushrooms bottle Sterling Carneros Pinot Noir cup extra virgin olive oil large yellow onion, cut into 1/4-inch dice medium garlic cloves, peeled and minced medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1/4-inch dice large celery rib, cut into 1/4-inch dice can (14 ounces) diced tomatoes can (14 ounces) cannellini beans, drained bay leaf tablespoon chopped fresh thyme tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary servings of soft polenta cup chopped flat leaf parsley, for garnish

Preheat oven to 325°F. Trim skin and tendons from lamb shanks. Season meat with salt and pepper. Rinse porcini and soak in 2 cups of wine. Brown shanks in 1/4 cup oil in large Dutch oven or heavy, oven-proof pot over medium heat until browned on all sides. Transfer to plate. Add onions, carrots, and celery to pan, adding more oil if needed. Cook, stirring occasionally until it begins to brown, about 5 minutes. Add garlic, cooking and stirring for another 2 minutes. Remove mushrooms from soaking liquid, squeeze, and chop into medium pieces. Add them to pot along with soaking wine, remaining wine, tomatoes, cannellini beans, bay leaf, thyme and rosemary. Season with salt and pepper. Return shanks to pot, cover, and transfer to oven until shanks are very tender and meat has shrunk back to expose an inch of bone, 2 to 2-1/2 hours, turning every 30 minutes. Remove from oven and season again to taste. To serve, mound a serving of polenta on each plate, top with a lamb shank, smother with sauce from pan, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. 152 FOCUS of New York 2014


Mixing and Mashing with: Of course everyone has their own opinion on what makes the “best guacamole,” but George Duran’s recipe for Crunchy Herbed Guacamole stands out amongst the crowd for two very delicious reasons. What George’s version has is the magic crunch factor, stemming from a fresh medley of diced radishes and chives, taking texture to another level. Also, George’s recipe is prepared authentically, as it would be in a traditional Latin household by means of a Granite Molcajete (he uses one from IMUSA), to mince and mix ingredients. Not only does this method make a mean Guac, but it makes for a rich, festive presentation for parties, small get-together’s, or family dinner night.

Chef George Duran and IMUSA’s Recipe for Crunchy Herbed Guacamole Ingredients: 2 Ripened avocados, halved and pitted 3 Small red radishes, diced ¼ Cup finely chopped cilantro ¼ Cup snipped fresh chives Kosher salt or table salt, to taste Juice of ½ lime Bottled Chipotle Hot Pepper Sauce (optional) Preparation: Scoop avocado flesh (for best results, inside an IMUSA Molcajete) and add the cilantro, chopped chives, lime juice, and chipotle hot pepper sauce. Gently mash with until the desired consistency is reached. Fold in diced radishes and season with salt to taste.

154 FOCUS of New York 2014

Naked Getting

By Ryan Spencer

Over the years, I have put together some wonderful social gathering and during these summer months, as always, I plan to throw some more. Thinking on what to include on the list; a few bottles of wine and maybe create something new or bizarre. Well, I decided to go with something new, warm and clear; Naked Turtle White Rum. The bottle captured my eye with the look of a relaxed turtle, taking it easy in a hammock. Reminding me of how I like to relax during the weekend; taking in some sun and fun with my family and friends. Naked Turtle White Rum is from the island of St. Croix; a wonderful island within the U.S. Virgin Islands. Located in a beautiful location that is all about what I’m into, stress-free living and fun with some good friends. Kicking back wherever you may be to enjoy the good things in life and leave your worries behind. What I really liked about this rum was its crisp taste and how smooth it is, but the first thing you will notice when you pick up the bottle, is how well it fits in your hand. This is not the regular shape bottle that has an odd shape of some kind. It fits nicely and is easy to pour. But importantly is taste. Using a shot glass, I appreciated this rums smooth texture and a nice hint of vanilla, it has a natural flavor that is delicious and something to be experienced. Being so clear and crisp I wondered how well it would mix with others, because it's not about how you drink your rum it's about how you mix it. My wife was cooking up some shrimp and fresh mixed vegetables for this evening’s dinner. She asked, “What’s the deal with the turtle?”… I replied, “I’m getting Naked”, she giggled and pickd up the bottle. I later explained how The Naked Turtle is a big fan of sea turtles and encourages awareness to help protect their homes. Naked Turtle mutually works with David Godfrey, the Executive Director at the Sea Turtle Conservancy, promoting the understanding of the health of the sea and turtles. She noted my statement and returned to stirring the meal. I began to look over what I can mix for tonight’s dinner. I was thinking of a nice cool daiquiri to take in this evening’s wonderful weather, but decided on something quick. For me, a simple rum and coke with crushed ice. For her, fruit punch and rum with a twist of lime and the glass rim dipped in white sugar, also with crushed ice. The relatively clear flavor is why I found The Naked Turtle White Rum easy to like, easy to mix and easy to drink. We discovered, looking at the sunset with its blue and orange hues, that this was truly a relaxing, kick back evening with the Naked Turtle, wonderfully smooth tasting rum. I can see why their motto is. “Don’t Worry. Drink Naked.” We both agreed to add The Naked Turtle White Rum to our list of spirits for many of our events, including our New Year’s party. My wife closed off the evening with, “I’m getting Naked, too”.

Please remember to drink responsibly 156 FOCUS of New York 2014

Naked Cola Ingredients: 1 1/2 ounces Naked Turtle Rum 3 1/2 ounces Coca Cola Lime Slice for Garnish

With the temperatures heating up, there’s nothing better than to mix up a refreshing and easy-to-make cocktail. These classic summertime drinks are uncomplicated and sure to be an enjoyable break on a sticky summer day.

Preparation: 1. Combine Naked Turtle Rum and Coca Cola into a highball glass over ice. 2. Garnish with lime slice. Ideal Serving Glass: Highball Glass Yield: 1 drink, no drink contains more than 0.6 fluid ounces of alcohol

Naked Punch Ingredients: 1 1/4 ounces Naked Turtle Rum 1 ounce Pineapple Juice 1 ounce Cranberry Juice Splash Grenadine Lime Slice for Garnish Preparation: 1. Combine Naked Turtle Rum, pineapple juice, cranberry juice and splash of grenadine into a rocks glass over ice. 2. Garnish with lime slice. Ideal Serving Glass: Rocks Glass Yield: 1 drink, no drink contains more than 0.6 fluid ounces of alcohol Please remember to drink responsibly



Whether you want to get your body ready for swimsuit season or stay fit during the summer months, it’s important to find a fitness routine that you can maintain. These tips will help you get motivated and keep moving for a healthier body. Shake things up – Having a variety of fitness activities works different parts of your body, keeps you engaged in the process, and ensures you have some way to exercise no matter what the weather is like. Lifting weights, swimming, cycling, walking, dancing – there are plenty of ways to have fun as you work out. Many people choose to include an exercise video game as part of their fitness routine. A study by the University of Calgary Exergaming Research Centre, the American Council on Exercise, and the University of Massachusetts Department of Exercise and Health Sciences found that when used at an intermediate or high intensity level, “exergaming” can improve your fitness. And another study, commissioned by the American Council on Exercise, found that the Zumba® Fitness program– experienced via a game or class – can burn a significant amount of calories due to its level of cardiovascular intensity. “The dance-based routines within Zumba Fitness Core are specifi 158 FOCUS of New York 2014


cally designed to sculpt stronger abs and provide an exhilarating total body workout,” said Liz Buckley, General Manager of the Zumba Fitness video game franchise at Majesco Entertainment. “In fact, Zumba Fitness Core is the only video game on the market to target your core. With 33 different dance styles, and 40 contagious music tracks, you get an incredible amount of variety as you benefit from ‘exercise in disguise.’”

player feature, two-player on Kinect and four-player on Wii, you can party with friends and work out in a fun, cooperative way.”

Buddy up with someone else – It’s harder to avoid exercising when you’ve made a commitment to someone else that you’ll be there. Partnering with a friend can make activities more fun, and you and your partner can help each other be accountable for working out.

• Set achievable goals. It won’t help you to set goals you can’t meet – you’ll either injure yourself or be constantly discouraged. It’s OK to start small and work your way up. • Make sure the rewards are appropriate. Enjoying a calorie-laden meal or sugary treat after hitting a goal isn’t the way to go. Look for non-food related rewards that will help motivate you to keep going. • With Zumba Fitness Core, for example, when you reach certain goals, you are rewarded with lifestyle tips, achievements and unlockable bonus videos that give you a behind-thescenes peek at the celebrity Zumba instructors featured in game.

• Set a regular time and place to meet. Set ground rules for when it’s acceptable to miss a session and how you’re to communicate. • Make sure your partner is equally committed. • Have common fitness goals. • Be sure you have similar fitness levels and abilities. You can also buddy up online. For example, Zumba Fitness Core on Kinect for Xbox 360 enables you and friends to share fitness goals and work together to complete them. Buckley said that “Utilizing the game’s multi-

Reward yourself – Changing behavior is hard, but little rewards along the way can help you stay motivated. You might enjoy a new pair of walking shoes when you reach 5,000 steps a day or a new DVD after sticking to your plan for 30 days.

It’s easier – and more fun – than you might think to get in shape for the summer and find a fitness program you love.

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