Focus of SWFL - Bring on the new you

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JAN/FEB 2012


us of S W F L

Bring on the New You




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18 Embracing your setbacks 22 The Drama of Prosperity 24 Job Search 28 Need a New Year's Resolution 30 Contemporary Reinterpretation 32 Unprepared for long term care 37 Eat hearty and healthy (part 2) 53 Skin Resolutions 55 Engineering Unexpected 59 Your Style! 70 Selecting your dream ring 71 Drop the self pity 73 Quick tip 74 The Mandolin Model 78 Art Basel 81 The art of Tommy Simpson 34 84 A Musical Jewel 86 Girls night 88 Confederate Hellcat 91 2012 XJ even faster 92 Especially For you! Artist Gallery 94 Sprouts






Artist: Dee L Ott - Cherries n Pitcher

16 FOCUS of SWFL 2012





FO CM a g a z i n e

of S W F L

content Publisher: Ann Gordon Cover by: Eric Von Lockhart Design: Contributors:

Terry Profetto, Dan Myricks, Samantha Ramos, Moony Mann, Gina Battle, Kevin Pillion, Keri Glassman, Joe Vitale, Brad Locker, Pilar Corona, Scott Black, Danessa Myricks, Mai Yomioto, Kathleen Taylor, Caprice Krumsick, Douglas Foulke, Christine Lindsey, Nicole Weiss, Brittany E., Daniel Sroga, Vanessa Lausch, Olatoun Kolawole, Lina Lasalle, Shay Marie, TJ Philpott, Chris Zupo, Julia Cushman, Brooke Hudis, Tony Pignone, Norah Edward, Jamie Conley & Boglioli Wendy Focus Magazine of SWFL is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus Magazine of SWFL policy. Š 2010 Focus magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.

Embracing Your Setbacks By TJ Philpott

In order to achieve success it is almost always inevitable that mistakes will be made and setbacks encountered along the way! For those who may fear failure, get over it and realize these setbacks are as much a part of achieving success as the euphoric feelings you experience upon your accomplishments! There is much to be learned and benefits to be gained from your miscues that will actually help you to become successful provided you keep both your eyes and mind wide open! Here is a look at 3 benefits you can expect from mistakes made that hopefully demonstrate why you should NOT fear failure but rather embrace it! Uncover Obstacles The best way to find out what you're up against is to take action, get involved and quite frankly wait till you stub your toe! Planning is great and definitely needed but generally there will always be many 'unknowns' that only come to light through trial and error! One cannot become successful at anything unless they are made aware of and address any obstacles in their path! Once a mistake is made or a setback is experienced you now have a deeper understanding of what you need to do to eventually achieve success! Uncover Challenges Many times we discover challenges we did not anticipate which could alter our passions and even our paths! Unlike the obstacles we spoke of above these challenges could prove to be insurmountable due to a lack of resources or even skills that we are unable to acquire! The sooner we are made aware of such things the better since it will help minimize the time and effort that may be invested on an unachievable goal! Build Confidence Let's face it, meeting an challenge head on and defeating it helps to really boost your confidence! We're talking 'world beating' confidence that propels you forward into the unknown where you may have formally backed away from cheating you from the education, experiences and further opportunities! For those who fear failure and therefore are less incline to take risks that could pay off in new skills and greater self confidence, it is unlikely they will become successful at many things! The biggest loss of all perhaps could simply be the 'life experiences' involved in each new journey we take! In the vast majority of cases in order to achieve success it is normal to first experience setbacks due to your own mistakes! Without prior experience it is unrealistic to expect your efforts will be flawless or go unchallenged! The best approach is not to fear failure but embrace it for what it can teach you and how it actually benefits you as discussed above in becoming successful at whatever you pursue! Achieving success should always be regarded as a journey that offers many lessons provided you pay attention to what is being taught!

18 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Atenea, generous volumes, exquisite whorls, and fascinating symmetry... Air and light flow with ease through the intricate openwork of these jewelry pieces. Each jewel is alive and full of movement, showcasing magnificent volumes created by the expert hands of Carrera y Carrera goldsmiths, allowing light to be reflected in the most surprising manner. Jewelry pieces full of strength in spite of their astonishing lightness. Actea is the reflection of one of the most fascinating marine animals. With its infinite interlacing spirals, the shape of the Nautilus is one of the most attractive and captivating of the marine world. Jewelry pieces of exquisite design pay tribute to this singular organic form and to the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. Pendants that outline elegant designs in white gold and diamonds, earrings imbued with infinite light, and dazzling rings in yellow and white gold delicately embellished by diamonds, become objects of desire with their elegance and exclusivity. A line that enraptures with its unique beauty and luminosity. The jewelry pieces of this line have been created in yellow gold or white gold with diamonds, with great volumes and with versions that are easier to wear. These pieces are complemented by the line Mini Actea that is made up of a ring, earrings, and a pendant in yellow gold that are the perfect companion for younger, daring women. Jewelry with great character and personality, where the distinctive matte-gold finish makes each piece a faithful representation of the Brand’s unique values. The Actea ring, a fascinating, almost architectural piece, is created with two separate parts that are worked on independently in the Madrid workshop. In this manner, maximum perfection of the finish is achieved, also allowing for special attention to the lining of the piece that is in and of itself an authentic work of art. Once more Carrera y Carrera demonstrates the superior quality of its pieces and finishes, creating highly desirable jewelry.

20 FOCUS of SWFL 2011

FOCUS of SWFL 2011 21

The Drama of


A friend recently cried out, “I’m tired of the drama of poverty!” He smiled as he said it, but I knew the statement revealed his pain. He was truly tired of the struggle of wanting more but receiving less. He was tired of bills and debt while doing what he loves and going for his dreams. He was hurting. I wanted to help and felt inspired to ask him a question that stopped him in his tracks. “Why don’t you join me in the drama of prosperity?” I asked. His mouth dropped. The question derailed his thinking but opened his mind. “The drama of prosperity?” he asked. “Tell me about that.” “Well, we both know the drama of poverty,” I began. “Been there. Done that. But the drama of prosperity exists, too. We prosperous ones have characters, and color, and challenges, too. They’re just usually easier to handle because prosperity softens the experience.”


y friend smiled as he was taking in my new concept. It was new to me, too. I had just thought of it. I figured it was fine for me to continue. So I did. “Look, until we awaken, we are subject to what the ego wants,” I explained. “The ego likes struggle. It knows it can get it from keeping you in poverty, so that’s what it does. But you can out smart the ego by giving it the drama it seeks, just on a whole new playing field – one with abundance around you.” This made sense to my friend. He was ready to leave poverty and thought struggling with prosperity would be preferred. I had to agree. So I kept talking. “When I was struggling in Dallas and in my early years in Houston, looking for two dollars to get something to eat was the struggle. It was no fun at all,” I explained. “But prosperity has its own cast of characters and dramas. It’s also life theater.” I told him of the sevenal IRS audits I had been through years ago because a firm I hired misled their clients. That never happened when I was in poverty. It’s drama. Still, I prefer it over the drama of not having two dollars. 22 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

By Joe Vitale

And here’s the deeper secret: While I sometimes grumbled about the IRS audits, in reality they were no big deal. I hired other people to give the IRS what they wanted. Prosperity allows you to delegate. While the audits were in fact “struggle,” they were preferred over the struggle of finding enough money to eat lunch. Let me be clear: I’m not encouraging you to struggle at all. But as long as you’re going to do it, you might as well upgrade it. I’ve often explained that you can “trick” yourself out of your own limitations with psychological maneuvers. In my book, Attract Money Now, I suggest you support a cause bigger than you. Not only is it a way to help others, but it’s a way to allow more wealth to stream through your life. Most of us won’t allow ourselves to have too much good, but we will allow others in need to have it, which often stretches us to allow a little more good into our own lives. Here’s another example: In 1969, The Rolling Stones told us – You can’t always get what you want You can’t always get what you want You can’t always get what you want But if you try sometimes you just might find You get what you need Great music but what’s it doing to your thinking? I’ve talked about this very thing in my books, such as The Attractor Factor. That’s music that reprograms your mind. Notice how the key command, “You can’t always get what you want,” is repeated. That’s pure hypnosis. It creates a “trance of limitation” that runs your life. You end up thinking you really can’t get what you want. Well, if you can’t always get what you want but can always get what you need, then need more. You are simply working within your current mental paradigm to trick it into helping you be happier and wealthier. Again, the whole point of life is to awaken. But until you do, you are subject to the whims and programming of the ego. The monkey’s still in charge. Well, you can use the ego to go in a better direction. You can leave the drama of poverty and enter the drama of prosperity. The ego still gets drama but you now get prosperity. Sounds better to me.



Resolutions for the New Year By Jamie Conley

Photography by Daniel Sroga

A combination resume puts the focus on your skills and accomplishments — for example, it may have sections titled “Technical Skills,” “Management Experience” or “Financial Expertise.” This type of resume also features an abbreviated version of your work history. But you’d typically list your dates of employment and the names of companies you’ve worked for only, rather than specific duties or accomplishments for each position. A combination resume can be especially beneficial for professionals who are looking to change careers or who may struggle to illustrate the connection between their work history and the job they seek. Take networking offline. With the rapid growth of social media, job seekers are flocking to sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to network with ost people view January as an opportunity to reflect other professionals. Many people have had success with on the past few months and set resolutions for the this approach, but don’t keep all your efforts online. ConNew Year. When identifying upcoming goals, how- sider going “old school” by meeting others in person. ever, don’t forget job search related resolutions. If you have been looking for a job for an extended period of time, Networking face to face allows you to build a more pernow is when you need to re-evaluate your strategy and sonal — and potentially stronger — connection with condetermine what’s working and what’s not. Below are a few tacts because you can often establish better rapport with them. Some networking options to consider would be partips for jumpstarting your job hunt in 2012: ticipating in an industry conference, professional associa Revamp your resume. If you are using a tion meeting or other event that requires you to attach a chronological format, it may be time for a change. A chron- nametag and shake hands with other attendees. ological resume is by far the most common type used by Ask for the job. If you think a job interview job seekers, and for good reason: three-quarters of hiring managers prefer to receive chronological resumes. Chances has gone well, be proactive at the end of the meeting. For example, you might say, “It seems like my skills would be are good you’ve been using this format exclusively. a good match for your organization. I would very much like But that doesn’t mean a chronological resume is always to work for your company. When can I expect to hear from your best bet. If you haven’t had much response from po- you about this opportunity?” It’s unlikely you’ll be hired on tential employers, why not consider try a new approach? A the spot, but making such a statement underscores your interest in the position. popular alternative is the combination resume.


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Follow up with a handwritten thank you. After each and every job interview, send an e-mail to the person you met with thanking him or her for their time and emphasize your continued interest in the role. Then write another one, but this time, don’t use the keyboard. Instead, go “old school” once again and draft something by hand and put it in the mail. In your letter, bring up a point you didn’t mention in your e-mail — you might re-enforce your knowledge of a software program the company uses, for instance, or reference an online piece you saw that you think will interest the interviewer. Few job candidates use pen and paper anymore. For the cost of a postage stamp, you could set yourself apart from the competition in a memorable way. Be prepared to negotiate salary. The job market is still challenging, but that doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate starting pay if an employer offers you the job. In fact, it’s not unreasonable to assume you can command a higher salary or better benefits if you build a compelling case. Nearly half of executives polled by Robert Half said it is challenging to find skilled professional today. As a result, some employers are willing to boost salary offers to secure the professionals they want on staff. If you possess indemand skills, you might be among this group. The key is to understand how much leverage you have. Start by researching the going rate for a professional with your experience in your geographic area. Robert Half’s suite of Salary Guides can help you determine base compensation for the position you’re offered.

Standing out in a job search may seem like an impossible task in today’s hiring environment. However, if you implement the strategies discussed above, you will increase your chances of being noticed and landing a position in the New Year.

If you determine that you should ask for higher pay, remember to be realistic with your request. Even though there may be some wiggle room when it comes to the job offer, many firms are still operating under lean budgets. If you ask for the moon, the company may simply move on to the next candidate.

Jamie Conley is a regional vice president for Robert Half International. He oversees operations in four offices including Tampa, Brandon, St. Petersburg and Fort Myers. Robert Half International is the world's first and largest specialized staffing firm with a global network of more than 360 offices worldwide. For more information about our professional services, please visit For additional career advice, follow us on Twitter at

26 FOCUS of SWFL 2011

Need a new year's resolution Yes, it’s that time of year again – exchanging presents, sipping eggnog and making New Year’s resolutions. How about doing or updating your estate planning documents? Some common excuses I’ve heard from people to not do this… • It’s okay to procrastinate because nothing is going to happen to me. • I don’t need to take estate planning seriously, because it’s something I can always do later on when I’m old. • It’s worth the gamble to not do anything, because I’ll be dead and gone, and I’m sure my family can handle things on their own. It seems a lot of folks never take estate planning seriously in the first place, thinking it’s really only for senior citizens or very rich people. How many people are going through life without an estate plan? Forbes magazine investigated the matter last year and provided readers with the results of a Harris interactive survey that was quite eyeopening.


The study found that 65% of the participants did not even have a last will in place to direct the distribution of their assets after death. You might think that a significant percentage would be going through life without a will -- but the majority? This is truly a shocking statistic. If you drill down further you find that younger people were less likely to have executed estate planning documents than older Americans. Only 24% of the respondents who were under the age of 35 had signed even a single legacy planning document. Among those 55 and older, 77% did in fact have an estate plan, but that still leaves almost one-fourth who did not, and these are people who are old enough to know better. Bottom line -- every responsible adult should have an estate plan in place. If you’re currently unprepared for the future, take action now. Making an appointment to meet with an experienced estate planning attorney will be a New Year’s resolution both you and your loved ones will be glad about. By: Kevin Pillion, Attorney, Co-Executor PLC

28 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

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Contemporary Reinterpretation

2013 SL Legend Grows Stronger By Mai Yomioto

Continuing with a tradition that began 60 years ago; the SL has been synonymous for a blend of sport and comfort, infused with groundbreaking innovation. Again, this tradition lives on; for the first time, the all new SL will be produced almost entirely from aluminum and consequently weighs considerably less than its predecessor. Its highly rigid all-aluminum body shell provides the basis for agile, sporty handling that has been taken to an entirely new level, coupled with outstanding body roll and ride characteristics. With even better driving dynamics come courtesy of the new direct injection engine, which is more powerful and economical than the outgoing generation.

Compared with its successful predecessor, the 2013 Mercedes-Benz SL offers considerably more comfort and athletic character, setting new standards in the luxury roadster class. This includes amazing everyday usability, making the SL the most versatile of all sports cars. In short, anyone talking about the new SL is surely talking about the ultimate in passionate, refined motoring. The 2013 Mercedes-Benz SL takes the meaning of the famous letters "SL" - sporty, lightweight - quite literally. Weight reduction across the board is one of the most outstanding design characteristics of the new SL, as was the case for its namesake, the original SL of 1952 with its lightweight tubular frame. For the first time, Mercedes-Benz has implemented an all-aluminum body shell in a series-production model. Only very few components are made from other materials. The designers used even lighter magnesium for the cover panel behind the fuel tank and roof. High-strength steel tubing is integrated into the A-pillars for added safety. In terms of rigidity, safety and comfort, the aluminum structure is superior to the previous model's steel construction. One contributing factor is its intelligent lightweight construction with components optimized 30 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

for their specific task. As a result, diverse processes are used to make different kinds of aluminum depending on component use. In other words, the driving pleasure increases and the environmental impact decreases. The new SL is even more comfortable and has more assistance systems on-board than its predecessor, sacrificing some of the weight saved through the aluminum bodyshell as a result. Nevertheless, the scales show some astonishing readings - This is due to a host of other intelligent details that MercedesBenz has also implemented in the new SL in addition to the aluminum bodyshell. Powerful acceleration, effortless at all speeds, nimble on winding roads - the new SL delivers outstanding driving pleasure. As well as a powerful engine, the SL550 boasts a fine suspension that is both sporty and comfortable, and also features intelligent lightweight construction. The steering knuckles and suspension arms on the front axle, for instance, are also made from aluminum to reduce the unsprung masses. The same applies to virtually all the suspension components on the rear axle. Since the 2013 SL550 weighs around 275 pounds less than its predecessor. The new V8 in the SL550 develops 429 hp from its displacement of 4663 cc, which is around 12 percent more than its predecessor despite some 0.8 liters less displacement. Fuel consumption has been reduced while at the same time the torque has increased from 391 lb-ft to 516 lb-ft - a gain of 32 percent. The engine features an ECO stop/start function as standard equipment, while the 7-Speed DriverAdaptive automatic transmission has been optimized for fuel consumption and comfort. The fuel economy of the direct injection engine does not detract in any way from the roadster's sporty character. Quite the opposite in fact - the SL550 takes just 4.5 seconds from 0 to 60 mph - eight tenths less than the previous SL550. In contrast to its predecessor, the new SL offers two versions of the retractable hard top - glass or the unique panoramic roof with MAGIC SKY CONTROL. The transparent roof switches between light and dark at the push of a button. In the light setting it is virtually transparent, offering an open-air experience even in cold weather. In its dark state the roof provides welcome shade and prevents the interior from heating up in bright sunlight. continued on page 31...


Watch making is just like the cinema, it hides a precise mechanism which must then generate emotion. The world of ROGER DUBUIS, the arrival of its collections, like spaces of freedom, perfectly matches my principles. You need to take chances in life. And always push yourself.


Gerard Butler

Unprepared for Long Term Care Genworth Urges Consumers to Create a ‘Reality Check-List’ for Their Financial Futures

By Boglioli Wendy

According to the “2011 Financial Reality Check Study” conducted by Genworth, 75% of Americans have never had a conversation about long term care with their loved ones. However, 70% would not know what to do if a family member were to require immediate long term care assistance; an alarming statistic considering that 6 out of 10 people will need long term care sometime during their lifetimes. The data also suggests consumers are suffering from overall financial planning inertia; however, the lack of education around long term care (LTC) planning can have significant consequences.

care and are significantly more likely to not have purchased long term care insurance on their own compared to males. In fact, less than one third (31%) of women included in the study have purchased long term care insurance in the past 6-10 years, while 69% of men have purchased the protection during the same time frame. “It’s unfortunate, but not surprising that women would think of themselves last when it comes to long term care planning,” said Olympic Gold Medalist Wendy Boglioli, National Long Term Care Spokesperson, Genworth. “Women should feel empowered to create a winning strategy for themselves, family or loved ones. Of the people who said they would quit their jobs/reduce their income, 60% were women. A noble act, but without ensuring there is an adequate plan in place for their own care, women are putting themselves in serious danger. It’s imperative for women to redefine balance in their lives and have a clear plan in place for their long term care.” Family Confusion The lack of a conversation or a plan can create some confusion if a long term care event should occur, as people assume family members, primarily females, will handle care needs. The Financial Reality Check Study reveals that in these economic times, 58% of respondents would not be willing to “quit their job, work less or devote a majority of their time” to become the primary caregiver to someone in need of long term care. Yet in the next five years, 43% anticipate being in a situation where they may need to help care for a friend or family member.

Women – Long Term Care Double Whammy Women may be impacted twice by long term care, typically as the primary caregivers during an event and then as recipients themselves. When asked which family member would be most likely to provide care if professional care could not be afforded: • Almost 40% felt it would be a female providing care • Of those who indicated it would be themselves, 60% were female. Interestingly, women don’t prioritize this issue for themselves when it comes to their own long term 32 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

“Genworth’s ongoing goal, but particularly during Long Term Care Awareness Month, is to encourage consumers to not only initiate a conversation about long term care planning with their families, but to give them the tools they need to create a plan for their future care and overall financial well-being,” said Buck Stinson, President of Long Term Care, Genworth. Financial Reality Check-List: Although 89% of respondents said they took time to focus on their financial strategy at least once a year, Americans are not taking the steps to implement a plan for their financial futures. During LTC Awareness Month, Genworth is challenging consumers to include a discussion about long term

care planning in their overall financial planning discussions. A “reality check-list” of things to do include: • Have the conversation with loved ones to establish the baseline of your plan for a long term care event

how to break the ice with family members, guidance from experts, helpful ‘Do’s and Don’ts,’ and advice from people who have taken the important first step of discussing long term care with their own families.

• Research options and the Cost of Care in your area • Meet with a financial professional annually to create and review a holistic retirement portfolio that includes a plan for long term care • Write down your long term care wishes and instructions for loved ones in the event of a long term care event (Would you like to stay at home? Who is in charge of making the arrangements? Does your family know where to find important documents if necessary?) Let’s Talk Genworth believes that families benefit from being proactive about long term care planning. Genworth’s “Let’s Talk” campaign was developed to help families initiate conversations about long term care preferences, options, and strategies. The website,, offers tips and advice on

Buck Stinson - Genworth Financial, Inc.

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The redesigned SL combines its finely honed profile with a luxurious feel. Premium materials, perfectly finished with great attention to detail define the style and character of the interior. Compared with its predecessor, the new-generation SL is much longer and wider, providing more room for greater comfort in the interior. Clear lines create a coherent look & feel in this comfortable interior. A generous sweep of fine wood trim extends from the center console across the dashboard into the doors, creating a pleasant wrap-around effect. An unpretentious atmosphere of a high-performance sports car with the comfortable, stylish ambience you might expect from a luxurious touring car. The designers have brought the latest generation of the SL to life with a firm foundation in tradition, but with new perspectives and visions. The result is a stylishly sporty and elegant luxury sports car with balanced proportions that are classic SL. The long hood gives way to a compact passenger compartment that is set well back. A wide, powerful rear end with a strong racing character provides the finishing touch. Just a few carefully drawn lines define the powerfully sculpted, yet calm surfaces along the flanks. Finely crafted details, a striking rear end plus ventilation grilles with chromed fins from the dynamic tradition of the Mercedes- Benz heritage evoke the SL legend.

The 2013 SL550 will be available in showrooms this spring.

To coincide with the launch of the 2013 SL, MercedesBenz will also be offering a special-edition model, the "Edition 1", for a limited period. The "Edition 1" is superbly equipped and comes standard with AMG 19inch alloy wheels, designo exclusive leather with contrasting topstitching, AIRSCARF, the Harman/Kardon® Logic7® surround sound system and much more. The designo crystal silver magno special paintwork is available exclusively for the "Edition 1". Interior upholstery is designo classic red/black exclusive with designo black piano lacquer wood trim. FOCUS of SWFL 2012 33

Sarasota Pops Orchestra’s Newest Conductor By Gina Battle

It is unfortunate, nevertheless sometimes true, when we think of orchestra music or Conductors we assume that the ‘class’ in classical music somehow equates to being pretentious or perhaps a bit elitist. Nothing can be further from the truth when it comes to the Sarasota Pops Orchestra and their newest Conductor, Ms. Robyn Wilkes.

As though that were not enough, this extraordinary young lady is an accomplished musician with personal and professional accolades that showcase her accomplishments. Robyn’s association affiliations includes being a member of the Music Educators National Conference; the Florida Music Educators Association; the Florida Band Masters Association; Women Band Directors International (her presidency ended December 2011) all adding to her ability to accomplish more toward her musical endeavors both on the stage and in the classroom. Lest we not forget her philanthropic works that inspires young women to follow in her path.


ilkes has earned a Bachelor’s degree in music education with a Master’s degree in Conducting. Maestro Wilkes is currently a Doctoral candidate at Boston University. “My dissertation is focusing on popular music and secondary education. I did a comparative study for regular students in the history of rock to see if students learned about music any better or if teachers taught it any better. It’s a comparative, qualitative, quantitative, mixed method study.”

Robyn Wilkes is the Director of Instrumental Studies at State College of Florida, and is also the first female selected to lead as Conductor of the Sarasota Pops Orchestra.

34 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

One might imagine Robyn’s altruistic approach to conducting her newly acquired band of classically trained professional musicians is tantamount to the way she teaches her college students. It is most likely done with masterful teaching skills, a high standard of professionalism, quality leadership, and a great sense of humor. She is a “One for all musical Con-

ductor.” she says. “I teach in the beginning when I hand out the music, nurture, and then toward the end I become part of the band!” In a male dominated field, Wilkes’ style of conducting is obviously different in the fluidity of her movement in juxtaposition to the manner in which she instructs. “As a woman, I have to be the perfect synthesis between feminine and masculine.” There’s a fine line Robyn must balance to ensure the job is not seen as a woman stepping into a man’s role.

She just wants to perform at her optimum capability and please her audience. It was noted as an observation at the last Sarasota Pops Orchestra performance for 2011 that Robyn is not the taptap-tap- on the podium to get the Orchestra’s attention type of Conductor. There’s no need – all eyes are on her due to her authoritative commanding presence. The baton rises followed by a momentary pause, everyone inhales, and then she conducts what is sure to be a high energy, witty, and uniquely memorable performance. An innovative attribute to this season’s final concert was the inclusion of soloist ‘Whistling Tom Bryant’. “He was found on Craigslist…” one of Robyn’s laugh out loud jokes, and it’s true. ‘Whistling Tom’ provided an interesting twist to the program for the evening “Music of the British Isles”. Throughout the concert, the Principal Chairs’ for each section of the Orchestra were introduced. The entire afternoon was the perfect way to celebrate the holidays as the Orchestra’s season came to its end until 2012. Ms. Wilkes is bound to have a profound impact in Sarasota’s music culture; to State College of Florida; and to the Sarasota Pops Orchestra. For further information call (941) 926-POPS or visit: to order tickets online for 2012.

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 35

5th Annual

Diversity Festival March 3, 2012

The Hodges University Diversity Festival will be held at the Sugden Regional Park/ 4284 Avalon Drive/ Naples/ 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Go to Quick links; click on Diversity@hodges for sponsor; vendor and entertainment information and applications.

The Festival offers everything Fun! o o o o o o o

Face painting Delicious multi-cultural food Fine art Bounce houses Raffles and a silent Auction, Diverse entertainment Sporting events

Sugden Regional Park has many amenities for our guest to enjoy such as a beach for swimming; open play area; sand volleyball court; a 60 mile lake; two fishing piers; paddleboats; kayaks, and more.

The highlight of the day will be the Multi-Cultural Fashion Show:

“The Parade of Nations�. There will be award ceremonies and poem and poster contest.

The event is both educational and entertaining.

Please join us for the largest Multicultural Diversity Celebration in this area!

Admission is FREE!!

Eat Hearty and Healthy Disease-Preventing Recipes

(PART 2) By Keri Glassman, MS, RD

The expression “you are what you eat” doesn’t mean if you eat a carrot, you ARE a carrot but the popular slogan certainly rings true in that eating healthy, nutritious foods can help lead to a healthy, well-functioning body that performs its best. The following cheat sheet of “superfoods,” taken from Keri Glassman’s Disease-Preventing Recipe Collection, are items to look for at the grocery store. With the exception of lean sirloin, all of these ingredients are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and most are chock full of nutrients that may help keep your body in peak condition, fight off infections and prevent chronic diseases. In a country where obesity and type 2 diabetes rates are skyrocketing and cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death, having a healthy lifestyle with foods like these is more important than ever.

Powerhouse Ingredients That Pack a Nutritional Punch

“Superfoods” Brown Rice Brown rice doesn’t just differ from white rice in color – it has greater health benefits as a whole grain with more fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as iron and magnesium. Dietary fiber has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels, which may help lower the risk of heart disease. Brussels Sprouts This true powerhouse is a good source of fiber, vitamins C and K, folate, potassium and calcium. At only 56 calories per cup, Brussels sprouts also contain many phytochemicals, which studies show may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Canola Oil With the least saturated fat and most omega-3 fat of all cooking oils, canola oil delivers on heart health. It is free of trans fat and cholesterol, a good source of vitamins E and K, and contains plant sterols. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a qualified health claim for canola oil on its potential to reduce the risk of heart disease when used in place of saturated fat. Carrots These colorful root vegetables are fat-free with few calories and lots of fiber. Carrots contain vitamin C as well as carotenoids like beta-carotene, which studies have linked to reduced risk of heart disease.

Chicken Breast The leanest part of a chicken, a skinless chicken breast has roughly 24 grams of complete protein, less than 1 gram of saturated fat and less cholesterol than most other meats. Chicken also contains iron, B vitamins and the trace mineral selenium. Chickpeas Also known as garbanzo beans and the main ingredient in hummus, chickpeas have a low glycemic index, which means they won’t raise blood sugar levels significantly. They’re also a source of protein, folate, manganese and fiber, which aids in digestive and colon health. Halibut This white, thick fish is the largest of all saltwater fishes. It is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fat, which may help protect the heart. Halibut is also a source of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium.

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Thai Sweet Potato Bisque with Parmesan Whole-Wheat Crostini

Parmesan Whole-Wheat Crostini

This soup combines A and B vitamin-packed sweet potatoes and carrots with the exotic flavors of light coconut milk, curry, ginger and chile pepper for a healthy and hearty meal. Serve it as an entrée or starter. Yield: 10 servings. Serving Size: 1 slice. Yield: 10 servings. Serving Size: 1 cup. This simply-prepared, crispy bread takes advantage of canola oil’s neutral taste to showcase the dynamic duo of garlic and Parmesan cheese. 1 Tbsp canola oil 1 cup chopped yellow onion 1 1/2 Tbsp canola oil 2 cloves fresh garlic, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1-1 1/2 inches fresh ginger root, finely chopped 10 slices fresh, crusty whole-wheat bread or 4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed baguette 3 carrots, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces 2 Tbsp Parmesan cheese 1 small chile pepper or jalapeño, chopped 4 cups reduced-fat, reduced-sodium vegetable stock Instructions: 1/2 cup light coconut milk 2 Tbsp fresh lime juice 1. In small bowl, combine canola oil and garlic. Brush 1/2 tsp curry powder bread slices equally with mixture. 1/4 tsp ground red pepper 14 oz extra firm tofu, cubed 2. Sprinkle equally with Parmesan cheese and broil 3-5 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped minutes until toasted. Instructions: 1. In large stockpot, heat canola oil over high heat. Add onion, garlic and ginger and sauté 2-3 minutes. Add sweet potatoes, carrots, chile pepper and vegetable stock and bring to boil over high heat. Reduce to medium-low and simmer until vegetables are tender (35-40 minutes), stirring occasionally. 2. Allow to cool slightly. Transfer to blender in batches, and purée until smooth. Return to stockpot and add coconut milk, lime juice, curry powder and red pepper; stir well to blend. 3. Add tofu and cook another 10 minutes over medium heat, gently stirring once or twice. 4. Garnish soup with cilantro and serve with Parmesan Whole-Wheat Crostini. 38 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Zesty Beef Stir-Fry Over Brown Rice Just looking at this colorful stir-fry makes the mouth water. Lean sirloin combines with a “mini garden” for a protein- and antioxidantrich meal that’s a snap to prepare. Canola oil is ideal for stir-frying or sautéing with its high heat tolerance and light texture.

Yield: 6 servings. Serving Size: 1 cup stir-fry with 3/4 cup rice.

2 cups brown rice, cooked Beef: 1 Tbsp canola oil 4 Tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce 2 tsp cornstarch 3 Tbsp agave sweetener 1 Tbsp white vinegar 1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes 1 lb lean sirloin, sliced across grain in 1/4-inch strips Vegetables: 1 Tbsp canola oil 1 medium onion, sliced 1 cup broccoli florets 1 cup chopped cauliflower 1 small red bell pepper, sliced into 1 x 1/2-inch pieces 1 small yellow pepper, sliced into 1 x 1/2-inch pieces 3 carrots, sliced into 1 x 1/2-inch pieces 1/2 cup chopped green onion

Visit for healthy recipes Instructions: 1. Cook brown rice according to package instructions. Set aside. 2. In small bowl, combine all beef ingredients, tossing to coat sirloin. Cover and refrigerate 10-15 minutes. 3. In large sauté pan, heat canola oil over medium heat. Add onion and sauté 2-3 minutes. Add broccoli, cauliflower, red and yellow peppers and carrots; sauté 5 minutes. Set aside and keep warm. 4. Return sirloin with marinade to sauté pan and cook until meat is well done, 3-4 minutes per side. Add vegetables back in and heat through. Serve over brown rice. Garnish with chopped green onions. FOCUS of SWFL 2012 39

Vegetarian Greek Pizza & Spinach Sauté This homemade pizza is easy to prepare, using flatbread instead of dough. It combines hummus and feta cheese with traditional pizza ingredients for a healthy twist on an American favorite. Yield: 4 servings. Serving Size: 1 sandwich thin.

Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 °F. 2. In medium sauté pan, heat canola oil over medium heat. Add garlic and onion and sauté 1-2 minutes. Add tomatoes and sauté another 5 minutes; set aside. 3. Separate sandwich thins into four halves and lightly coat each side with canola oil cooking spray. Place on baking sheet and bake 15 minutes, turning once halfway through. 4. Spread hummus on each toasted sandwich thin and top equally with tomatoes, mozzarella, feta and olives. Sprinkle with oregano and broil about 5 minutes until cheese is melted. Serve with side of Spinach Sauté. 40 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

This quick, nutrient-dense side dish shows off the delicious nature of fresh produce. Canola oil is perfect for sautéing because of its high heat tolerance (smoke point of 468 °F). Spinach Sauté

1 Tbsp canola oil 2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 small (or 1/2 large) red onion, sliced into half moons 3 medium tomatoes, diced 2 whole-wheat sandwich thins or deli flats (or large piece flatbread cut into 4-inch squares) canola oil cooking spray 1/4 cup original flavor hummus 2 Tbsp reduced fat feta, crumbled 1/4 cup shredded, reduced-fat mozzarella 6 pitted Kalamata olives, chopped 1/4-1/2 tsp oregano

Yield: 4 servings. Serving Size: 1/4 cup.

1 Tbsp canola oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 cups or 4 large handfuls baby spinach, rinsed and pat dry Instructions: 1. In large sauté pan, heat canola oil over mediumhigh heat. Add garlic and sauté 2-3 minutes. Add spinach one handful at a time, stirring frequently. Continue adding spinach as space becomes available in pan and cook until wilted, about 8-10 minutes.

continued from page 35...

Eat Hearty and Healthy “Superfoods”

Kale The new rock star in the produce aisle, kale has several nutrients with antioxidant and anti-inflammator properties. It contains vitamins C, E and K plus beta-carotene; thiamin, riboflavin and folate; iron and magnesium; fiber and phytochemicals that may help ward off chronic diseases. Portobello Mushrooms One serving of these delicious, large brown mushrooms contains only 42 calories and 1 gram of fat. Portobellos are a source of protein, fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate. They are also mineral moguls with magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and potassium. Quinoa A rediscovered ancient “grain” (it’s technically a vegetable relative) native to South America, quinoa is rich in protein, with all nine amino acids, and a good source of fiber. It also contains riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. A satisfying complex carbohydrate, dieters love quinoa – vegans also love it as a non-dairy source of calcium. Red Peppers Raw and cooked red bell peppers are not only nice to look at from the outside, they are great for you inside. They contain beta-carotene and vitamins B6, C, E and K. In addition, red peppers are among few foods that have lycopene, which has antioxidant properties. Sirloin, Lean Besides being mouth-watering, a slice of 95 percent lean sirloin has about 24 grams of protein with only 2.5 grams of saturated fat. It is also rich in iron and contains various amino acids, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Trim off any visible fat and skin before preparing for maximum health benefits.

Did You Know? Brussels sprouts, canola and kale are related; they all belong to the Brassica family of plants. Sweet Potatoes These colorful taters are sweet on health with their beta-carotene; vitamins B6 and K; and minerals, including calcium, potassium, copper and manganese. Tofu Long a staple in vegetarian diets, tofu has finally made it mainstream. This food is low in calories and fat and a great source of soy protein, which may reduce cholesterol levels. Tofu also offers a medley of minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Tomatoes In addition to containing almost no fat and plenty of vitamin C, tomatoes contain beta-carotene plus vitamins B6, E and K; thiamin, niacin and folate; fiber; and iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, potassium and manganese. They also are a rich source of lycopene.

Spinach Popeye had it right: spinach rocks. Low in calories and high in vitamins, this leafy green is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can put in your mouth. It has beta-carotene, folate, vitamin K, iron, calcium and magnesium.

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 41




Everyone loves fashions shows; the image of seeing new designs coupled with high energy music gives us unlimited ideas, of what could be heading towards our closets in the near future. Especially if you happen to be at this year’s Victoria’s Secret fashion Show. With so many gorgeous models for this spectacular fashion event, to model the trendiest lingerie collection. Known as “Angel’s”, well more like… 'Victoria's Secret Angels' showing off their enviable figures. Supermodels Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr, Doutzen Kroes, Erin Heatherton, Candice Swanepoel, Lily Aldridge, Lindsay Ellingson, and a bevy of other Victoria’s Secret Angels were the stars in the Victoria’s Secret lingerie runway show. Each one of the spectacular pieces within the collection suggests unforgettable moments that combine femininity, strength, and the glamour.

Taking a year for planning and development, including the use of designers, embroiderers, prop makers and more; was no small feat. So, unless you have been living in another universe, you wouldn't have missed one of the biggest nights in fashion on the CBS Network. A trendy fresh collection that tells a story of great moments in her life. This year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show inspired each of us with passion and desire for each woman that shows her strength of character through her own image.

42 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

O v e r- t h e - t o p lingerie embellished with Swarovski Elements the iconic Angel wings and the much-anticipated $2.5 million diamond studded Fantasy Treasure Bra worn by Miranda Kerr. The guests were alive and full of movement, from the showcasing of magnificent pieces and the music from Grammy award-winning artists. As entertainment was over the top with an all-star line-up from Kanye West, Jay Z, Maroon 5 and Nicki Minaj; including Beyonce enjoying the show from the front row. By Lina Lasalle

The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center

Our Guest Book says it all... Thank you! Helpful - got lots to read! Very helpful and friendly smiles! So pretty! See you next year! Very visitor friendly and lovely scenery! Help is fantastic! Danke! Just moved into an older home so thanks for the info on services to my home! OMG! Merci Beaucoup! Wonderfully warm and helpful individuals! Great service! I love Naples! Grazie! Our second visit here! Thanks for your valued advice! Excellent help from a local! Volunteer was a wonderful help! Awesome staff! We love it here! You’re great people! Very good advice and ideas! We want to live here! We’ll be back! Beautiful Center! Excited to be here! One of the nicest and prettiest Visitor Centers we’ve seen on our trip! I love Paradise! Fabulous place...wonderful people! Gracias! Wonderful information! Thanks for helping me find things to do for my grandchildren’s visit! Gorgeous! live, work and play in Greater Naples

900 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 102 Open Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Stop in to see us and sign our Guest Book too!


FOCUS of SWFL 2012 43

44 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

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46 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

R i s e

of the Sarasota Garment District

By Shay Marie Photography by Chris Zupo

Who would expect that, of all places, the city of Sarasota would be the next location for a fashion incubator in the country and, on top of that, during The Great Recession? Well, it is; and Sarasota is on the brink of a fashion anomaly. Located on Florida's west coast, with a vast view of the open waters in the Gulf of Mexico, lies a gem waiting to be discovered. Sarasota's emergence within the fashion industry has gained the support of many of Florida's fashion professionals and designers. Its biggest supporter is local entrepreneur Paul Gruber, the founder of SRQ Fashion Week. Paul is a proven motivational speaker, with extensive experience in business development as well as the executive director of the non-profit organization The Backroom School of Film & Art. But this is only the beginning of Paul's vision; welcome to the Sarasota Garment District. Paul's vision for the future of the Sarasota Garment District is to provide an educational environment that will foster the creativity of fashion designers, merchants, fabricators, artisans and fashion photographers and filmmakers. Its purpose is to serve as an incubator and mentoring program for individuals involved in the fashion industry. With target areas such as fashion design, print and runway modeling, lighting, film and film editing, the Sarasota Garment District will provide these individuals with a location to start their business. A city that already embraces the Arts, Sarasota is the perfect place to house a garment district. It is set up to birth highly talented individual’s right here, locally. Developing a local industry will reduce our dependency on mass production and will allow our community, to benefit from educating, producing and providing its own garments. The motto of the Sarasota Garment District is to "Reduce consumption, produce

locally and shorten the supply chain". By doing this, we will reduce our dependency on foreign imports, support American manufacturers and workers, reduce our carbon footprint and be more eco-friendly, reduce the US trade deficit and therefore keep our national debt from growing. According to research by the University of Delaware, fashion contributes $250 billion to the global economy each year with over $20 billion by the United States alone. The highest number of fashion employers is concentrated in New York, California, Miami, London, Paris, and Italy. Some production is still done domestically but the majority is done overseas in places like China, India, Mexico, and South America. With the rise in awareness of domestic job loss to overseas sweatshops, there have even been celebrities vowing to produce their clothing lines solely in the US. Among these are the Olsen twins which, with this announcement, created a media buzz and further awareness in the fashion sector. The Sarasota Garment District seeks to make a name for itself in domestic production and contribute to the global economy by providing designers the tools needed to start a successful business. The future of the Sarasota Garment District faces a major challenge during The Great Recession. Through local and national support, its prime location combined with media exposure will further the cause of a thriving local economy and well-equipped fashion professionals. By providing a location, a vision and a set of goals, future top designers and industry leaders will be able to look back at the source that initiated a movement. The Sarasota Garment District will be the most innovative fashion incubator of its kind likely to cause a revolution. About the author: Shay Marie is the owner of, the leading media source for fashion in Florida. FOCUS of SWFL 2012 47

Gerro art

"You don't choose your passion, Your passion chooses you"

By Terry Profetto

Photography by Tony Pignone

Fabulously fun... Inspired by the Lady Ga Ga, This mini cut black neo prene material cut into a flapper styled dress flaps attached with silver grommets great for stage by Gerro. Hair bow by Gerro. Modeled by Stacie Crist-Harmon

Black tulle ruffled mini maxi skirt, worn with vintage button bustier by Gerro, topped off with a feathered tulle haute head piece by Gerro Modeled by Wendy Williams

48 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Vivid color, unique art and a statement making women's wear. Something different & having a one of a kind piece of art, truly sets one’s character apart. Since 2002 Helen Gerro started her fashion art design in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now in Southwest, Florida showcasing fashion and art at her Punta Gorda location and the Sidney Berne Davis Art Center. Gerro hosts Trunk Parties full of handmade couture wearable art, with items ranging from jackets to jeans exclusively by Helen Gerro, and lovely handmade Jewels of Zhia. You may also see several of Gerro’s painting. View Gerro's featured designs at every Art Walk or you can visit Gerro boutique gallery on line

Gerro red liquid spandex dress - jewels of Zhai head piece by Gerro Modeled by Stacie Crist-Harmon

Gerro les mis dress - Gerro art Modeled by Melissa Tschari DeHaven

Bustier dress hand painted swarovski crystals and satin bows side slits to the thigh, crinkled fabric skirting, Haute head pieces by Gerro. Modeled by Radnkristiana Dragash FOCUS of SWFL 2012 49

In a league of her own

By Gina Battle

Photography by Brad Locker

Christina Martin, the owner of Backstage Artists’ Lounge, is a L.A., California based entertainment hosting business that tours with some of the best known, most prestigious entertainment industry clientele in the business, both in the U.S. and internationally. Her company has grown exponentially and is on its way to tour in with clients in Australia in 2012. Christina is a phenomenon in the music industry today because she has created a business model and cultivated it in terms that other successful entrepreneurs will want to emulate for many decades to come. In a fledgling economy she has taken the music industry by storm, carving her innovative company into a brand that provides all of the accoutrement of her industry clientele’s backstage needs and wants. Armed with a Bachelors degree in Finance from the University of Colorado, Christina has taken two of her favorite passions and is benefiting from an upside down industry, creating a metamorphosis out of decaying ruins. The transition is a mega hit for herself, her team, the hundreds of 50 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

sponsors who support her endeavors, as well as the artists’ who call upon her to professionally deck out, stage and host the backstage lounging area. The latest tour, a 5 band cruise called ‘Ship Rock’ set sail from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Cozumel, Mexico for 5 rockin’ days. The difference between land and sea, says Christina is that “Backstage Artists Lounge hosts the artists’ backstage everyday with a different vibe providing sunglasses, tanning lotion, and swimwear, for a more tropical island feel. This is her company brand “It takes everything I’ve got to make it work.” The secret to her success, says Christina is “Staying focused and moving forward.” She is amazed at the progress her business has made in the past seven years, and knows the best is yet to come. There is no shortage of requests from the artists, studio heads, and promotional tour managers, as a result of a great reputation and word of mouth from well known, rock ‘n roll groups. The company is expanding to other genres such as Hip-Hop and is headed toward country.

With true grit, hard work and sometimes tumultuous roads, Christina adds “Nothing worth having comes easy… if you really want it.” This is her dream career because the ability to combine her finance degree with the music industry – makes for a great marriage, building what her business has become today. “That’s probably the best part.” Finance is one love that allows her the ability to focus on what the presidents and other corporate heads are doing, and she is thrilled to learn from these encounters. Christina’s business acumen has given her an edge learning different aspects from a host of venues from the beverage market to the fashion market. She’s also sponsored by new products like smokeless cigarettes – a favorite of the musicians, among others new products, too many to name. In the short time since the inception of the company and its first client, turned to two in the first year, then by year seven her staff has grown, to the point that during touring season she must hire extra staff to accommodate all of her clients. Being a consummate professional, her standards for perfection are set high; something her clients require and appreciate. Her goals are lofty, yet not out of the realm of possibility. Christina has already proven to herself that if one actually sets goals not only are they achievable, but you can exceed them with perseverance and a strong willingness to put yourself out on the preverbal limb – taking the chance to achieve your successes. This young lady is unstoppable and most definitely a strong, positive role model for young women and girls. As an alumnus, Christina was given the prestigious honor to be a keynote speaker at a commencement graduation, in addition has been on the board of Trustees for 3 years. The Backstage Artists Lounge is also known for philanthropic work and gives back to those in need on behalf of charities like Make a Wish Foundation, among others.

at one time dreamed of becoming a professional in this arena. She speaks five languages, which she professes not being proficiently fluent in all except one (English). Somehow, I suspect she’s a better linguist than the credit given. Impressive and persuasive, Martin prides her self on the positive imprint she will leave for others to note – so much so that when the opportunity presents itself, she intends to continue her education earning a PhD, and looks forward to teaching at the university level. Many have said, ‘Those who can – do; and those who can’t do – teach.’ I am of the opinion that Christina will earn her doctorate degree and be able to say, in no uncertain terms, in the language of her choice, I can teach because I can do. The day will come when the face of Christina Martin will grace the front page of either: Fortune, Forbes or Entrepreneur. This will no doubt be sooner than later.

That’s not all that makes Christina unique. In her personal life, she is a hobbyist ballroom dancer and Gina L Battle is a freelance writer and can be reached at FOCUS of SWFL 2012 51

Skin Resolutions

For 2012

By Brooke Hudis

The New Year is the perfect time to shake up your skin care routine. Swapping out your daily cleanser, toner, spot treatment or moisturizer for products that are targeted for your skin concerns could be the remedy you need to maintain that radiant glow all year long. Recharge your spirits (and pores!) with a new regime & tips from the experts with ULTA Beauty. To focus on the importance of great skincare by offering exclusive tips from our experts for the New Year from top beauty industry experts.

6 Skin Resolutions for Beautiful Skin in 2012: 1. Enjoy Your Coffee. Studies show that coffee beans & caffeine can produce elastin (aka tight skin). A quick skin tightening tip that may surprise you! If only spin class could be this easy & sweat free: • Bliss – Like a spinning class for your not-so-skinny cells, bliss's topical treatments FatGirlScrub and FatGirlSlim targets problem areas by energizing lethargic lipids to let loose and go 'lymphatic'. 2. Stay Hydrated. Skin thirsty for some moisture? Staying hydrated through the harsh winter months is key. Stay smooth with these featured products: • Radiant SkinCare by Benefit Set – Dull skin from daily stress? With this 6 step set, skin is guaranteed to be polished, cleansed & hydrated for travelers on the go. • DDF – Their simplifying elixir boosts skin's moisture barrier by 70% with ingredients including ficus leaf, lotus flower and red clover extracts. 3. Thou Shall Not Pick. Spots should only be for the runway or your cute pup! For those with combination or breakout prone skin, ULTA skincare experts offer these suggestions: • StriVectin-EV – Their new Get Even Spot Repair has a concentrated formula that targets stubborn spots at the source. After 4 weeks, excess pigmentation diminishes and after 8 weeks, stubborn spots visibly lighten. • Philosophy – Want amplified results on skin discoloration? Look to the #1 professional protocol for addressing dark spots: a skin brightener + a retinoid. Simply pair Philosophy's revolutionary new Miracle Worker Miraculous All-Over Brightener and Dark Spot Corrector with their best-selling Miracle Worker Miraculous Anti-Aging Retinoid Pads for fast, clinically-proven results. • Mario Badescu – Did you know that the Whitening Mask isn't only for discoloration? it's a great mask for overall brightening too! This hydrating mask will brighten uneven skin tones and gently minimize the look of old acne scars. Give the Whitening Mask a try!

4. Get 8-10 Hours of Sleep a Night. Research shows cells are most efficient at healing during nighttime sleep. Work on cell renewal and say "hasta la vista" to dark under eye circles with these miracle go-to products: • bareMinerals – With their active cell renewal night serum, accelerate cell turnover and boost moisture levels while you sleep. Wake up to firm, healthy, younger-looking skin. • Hydroxatone – Always apply under eye products with your ring finger! This is your weakest finger and will ensure a gentle product application to the delicate, thin skin under the eyes -- applying too much pressure can break capillaries and even cause bruising! 5. Prepare to Change. Your skin changes as you age and so should your skin care if you want to keep a youthful appearance. Be sure to use products that correspond with your age and skin concerns. The experts at Dermalogica suggest these: • 20s: Clean skin is the foundation of healthy skin. Perform the Dermalogica Double cleanse that begins with PreCleanse to lift makeup and oil-based debris, and follow with your favorite Dermalogica Cleanser for super clean skin. • 30s: Adding a weekly hydrating masque to your routine can dramatically boost radiance and reduce appearance of fine lines. • 40s: Keep up with your water intake to hydrate skin from the inside out. • 50s: Menopause can trigger up to a 30% reduction in collagen. Speak with your skin therapist about products that can help boost collagen production to keep skin firm. 6. Glow as you Go. A great skin care regime need not take a long time. It's all about using the right products and keeping up a regular skin care routine. New services like Dermalogica's MicroZone treatments take only 20-minutes at ULTA Salons and can be adapted to individual needs. Try Flash Exfoliation, Lip Renewal or Eye Rescue for targeted solutions for immediate skin care concerns. FOCUS of SWFL 2012 53

Engineering Unexpected Designs Made of Recyclable Lexus CT Hybrid Parts By Samantha Ramos

Elevating the notion of recycling to an art form, Lexus challenged four of fashion’s most inventive designers to rethink their notions of automotive design. Using some of the more than 2,000 individual parts of a completely dismantled Lexus CT hybrid, a vehicle that is 90 percent recyclable*, the designers created fashionable works of art as part of The Lexus Fashion Workshop. From crank bearings to exhaust gaskets, the designers took on the challenge with verve, turning some of the best engineered auto parts into innovative fashion accessories – all while driving home the beauty of recycling. “Merging the worlds of luxury automobiles, art and fashion is another example of how Lexus is ‘Engineering Amazing’ or maybe more appropriately, ‘Engineering Unexpected,’” said Brian Smith, vice president of marketing for Lexus. “We were able to challenge four designers to turn one of our most progressive hybrid vehicles into innovative fashion pieces, inspiring the designers, and the world, to see things differently.” The collection was on display during the first two opening days of Art Basel Miami Beach, one of the most prestigious art shows in the Americas. The pieces were sold during a private auction, with the proceeds benefiting the Council of Fashion Designers of America/Vogue Fashion Fund (CFDA), a notfor-profit trade association representing more than 400 of America’s foremost women’s wear, menswear, jewelry, and accessory designers.

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The Valve Collection - Designed by jewelry creator Eddie Borgo using valve lifters, crank bearings and hose clamps.

The Luna Shoe - Created by Alejandro Ingelmo using armrest leather trim and clear plastic tubing.

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Nomadic Sanctuary - A sleek trench coat, shorts and clutch designed by John Patrick, featuring floor mats made from plant-based plastic, sustainable sound-dampening material, wire harness, leather seat covers and cargo covers

Environmental Crown of Virtue - A truly head-turning piece designed by Moss Lipow using a transmission starter and exhaust manifold gasket.

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 57

Inspired Decision

Maserati GranCabrio Sport By Mai Yomioto

As one of the world’s most-beautiful and desirable cars, Maserati has worked to maintain that status by giving the GranCabrio a range-topping powerhouse in the flagship GranCabrio Sport. The critically acclaimed GranCabrio is a full four-seat convertible offering the perfect blend of pace and luxury, with a smooth, fast, six-speed automatic transmission, perfect weight distribution and rear-wheel drive. The GranCabrio has the longest wheelbase in the fourseat convertible segment, yet boasts class-leading structural rigidity, providing added safety, comfort and agile handling. The GranCabrio’s underbody was reengineered to ensure Maserati’s trademark handling and agility carried over to the convertible intact. It also boasts special materials in its triple-layer cloth roof to ensure thermal and sound insulation, regardless of the outside temperature. The roof mechanism itself is strong and light, and takes just 20 seconds to fully fold back into its compartment.

Visually, the GranCabrio Sport is characterized by a more pronounced dynamic look that begins with the GranCabrio’s distinctive nose, a black grille and a Trident with red accents. The headlights now have a black look with white sidemarks, while front corner splitters and the redesigned side skirts are both body coloured. The dynamic look is finished with new, bespoke 20” Astro-design rims. The GranCabrio Sport featured two significant standard additions to emphasize its extremes of driving fun: elongated, Trofeo-design shift paddles at the wheel (with Maserati “Active Shifting”) and drilled aluminum pedals.

Already a sales success in every one of Maserati’s 63 markets worldwide, the GranCabrio has been further boosted by the addition of the GranCabrio Sport, a car that offers a unique blend of enriched performance and luxury refinements. Conceived to give the GranCabrio a harder-edged model to sit alongside the GranTurismo S and the Quattroporte Sport GT S, the GranCabrio Sport is the first GranCabrio to benefit from Maserati’s Low Friction Program to give it 450HP. This configuration of the naturally aspirated 4.7-litre V8 generates more torque and makes the GranCabrio Sport’s engine more reactive to the driver’s most-nuanced inputs. Its six-speed automatic transmission now includes the super-fast MC Auto Shift software. Developed directly from the transmission in the Quattroporte Sport GT S, the MC Auto Shift gives the GranCabrio Sport driver even greater engagement by improving gearshift times and introduces a digital indash display to indicate the ideal gear-shift timing. The handling has received attention, too, with an upgrade and revision of the Skyhook active-suspension system to give it sportier tuning, and the adoption of drilled and slotted dual-cast brake discs. The mechanical changes also include a revised exhaust system which automatically opens its bypass valves in Sport mode to provide an even richer sound and a shorter exhaust path. 58 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

The GranCabrio Sport also debuted a new body colour for Maserati: Rosso Trionfale, inspired by the red national colour used on 1950s racing Maseratis – in 1957, Juan Manuel Fangio won his fifth F1 World Title at the wheel of a red Maserati 250F. Inside the cabin, two new leather colours are available for the new M-design seats: Bianco Pregiato, a brilliant ivory shade; and Grigio Chrono, a sporty, dark tone of grey. With a range of upgrades that has changed the rules for fast, comfortable sports cars that can carry four fullsized adults. The Maserati GranCabrio Sport provides quality performance without compromise.”


Style! By Vanessa Lausch

Evolving your own style requires attention to fabric, fit, color, pattern, and detail. However, women with a true fashion sense also know these three simple steps. Step 1: Know your strengths and play them up. Whether you have sexy shoulders, a beautiful chest, great cleavage, or toned legs, there is something about your body that you love. You should play up and highlight this feature in every outfit you wear. Shine, bright or light colors, fabric details, or skin all tend to draw eyes toward you. Use these elements to your benefit in every outfit to showcase your good features and make yourself look stylish. Step 2: Find your distinctive look. People will tend to judge you and form opinions about you based upon your appearance, so give them a taste of who you really are. Perhaps you have a certain accessory or color you love to wear. You can begin adding a small, distinctive touch of that color or accessory to every outfit. Or, if you love a certain style of clothing, such as sexy pantsuits or flirty dresses, try wearing some variation of your favorite outfit every day. Your style will not be boring; it will simply be true to who you are. Step 3: Never underestimate the flattering power of confidence and good posture. Standing up straight and letting your shoulders fall down and back will do wonderful things for your appearance. Good posture can make you appear taller, thinner, more elegant, and more graceful. It will also make you feel more confident, and, as a rule, confident people naturally draw attention and admiration, regardless of what they are wearing. These simple steps are guaranteed to turn a growing knowledge of fit and fashion into a true sense of style. FOCUS of SWFL 2012 59

TRUTH & PRIDE / DECCA Truth & Pride drapey blazer, silk, tomato red, xs-l, $298. Decca burnt pailette shift dress, silk, cream, xs-l, $539. Both available in Savvy at Nordstrom and online at

TROUVÉ Quilted leather jacket, black, xs-l, $298. Mixed-pleat dress, polyester, berry radiance, xs-l, $128. Both available exclusively at Nordstrom in t.b.d. and online at

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 63

Long Sleeve Cotton Voile Pintuck Tunic $49.50 Paisley Soft Cotton Voile Scarf $29.50 Stretch Hollywood Bootleg Jean $49.50

64 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

3Q 1x1 Rib Boatneck $24.50 Ridgid Wideleg Chino $49.50 Emma Buckle Ballet $59.50

Ellen Tracy Cardigan $89.50 Dress $139.50 Available at select Macy's and at

66 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

bar III Tank $69.00 Skirt $69.00 Available at select Macy's and at

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 67

PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. The collection features a brand new necklace concept: a unique design that can combine as many as eight necklaces into a layered look that is luxurious and interchangeable. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. Large cocktail rings in amethyst or grey moonstone are perfect for stacking with this season’s more delicate pieces. New LovePod rings in white, yellow and rose 18K gold with brilliant-cut diamonds or colorful gemstones work beautifully with other pieces of PANDORA jewelry and interlock when stacked together. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a starshaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

68 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Dream Ring Selecting Your

By Lina Lasalle


s unique wedding styles evolve, the world-class designers who create the ultimate soul mate symbols, the engagement and wedding band, continue to design new approaches to classic platinum styles. Platinum remains a timeless choice for engagement and wedding rings because it doesn’t fade or change color. It symbolizes a relationship that will endure. Why are platinum rings such a popular choice? Platinum not only puts the diamond on display more securely, its natural color never fades, making it the perfect symbol of enduring love. “Since most of us can't afford to spend what some celebrities spend on an engagement ring, here are a few great tips on how you can still get one of the latest celebrity platinum ring styles without breaking the bank," says jewelry and style expert Michael O'Connor. "And now is a great time to buy platinum, as it has never been available at such extraordinary value now that the metal price is trading below gold."

O'Connor offers the following tips: 1. Opt for a solitaire diamond on a solid platinum band or one with some micro-pave: This design draws attention to the center diamond, and since platinum is naturally white, it makes the diamond appear even brighter, regardless of its size! Solitaire styles are the perfect choice for women who have a classic and timeless sensibility, just like Anne Hathaway. It's possible to find a diamond in a size and quality to fit almost any budget. Also, you now have so many options for your band, including brushed, polished and milgrain edging. 2. Pave diamonds on the band can make a big statement: The modern elegance of many small diamonds sitting closely together covering a narrow platinum band is capturing the imaginations of celebrities like Reese Witherspoon, by providing an extra ring of scintillation and sparkle. Since a full circle of pave diamonds typically costs a fraction of a single center diamond, you can dazzle without paying a hefty price tag! Additionally, platinum will never fade or change color, which means the diamonds, will always look their brightest. 3. Choose colored gemstones: Blue sapphires made a huge resurgence recently, thanks to Kate Middleton, Penelope Cruz, Liz Hurley and Carey Mulligan. Colored stones have a vintage and heirloom quality, which make them appear pricier, but in reality they can be much less expensive than diamonds. Colored gems are also a romantic way to personalize a ring, using the birthstone of the bride or groom, or the month that you met. The benefit of setting a colored gem in platinum is that since the gems are valued because of their specific color, and because platinum is a naturally white metal, the setting won't cast any color into it, allowing the beauty and color to be true and untainted. Plus, the ring will look just as beautiful in 100 years, so you are essentially customizing an heirloom piece of jewelry for generations to come. 70 FOCUS of SWFL 2012


Many live their life daily thinking of the reasons why they shouldn’t forgive, thinking about the mum or dad that left years ago and all sort of broken bonds/relationships…. It’s important to forgive and move forward don’t let your past or background deprive you of your future… Ask yourself: 1. WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR?. Many get through life setting goals and dreams that will only end in depression…. Know the difference between what you NEED and what you WANT….stop chasing what doesn’t matter, your happiness should be number one on your priority list. Your capabilities are very important when you are thinking about your dreams .Resolve to make an impact. Dedicate your life to a cause…When you give your life to something you immediately dedicate yourself to the passion. 2. WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW?. Don’t go through life watching the days go by; have a plan, face challenges, take risk. The difference between extraordinarily wealthy people and those struggling is a matter of knowledge. Find out from the informed all the avenues through which you can make wealth. Don’t ever attach your happiness to a particular goal or achievement, love yourself, pamper yourself ,eat healthy and rest well .Happiness is a choice. You have full control over your life and the decisions that you make. 3. WHAT WOULD YOU REGRET NOT DOING? Many people have regrets when they realize they are going to die real soon. It is often too late for many people to go back and change the things they missed out on. They would have lived their lives completely differently if they had the chance. If a doctor told you that you hadn’t any time left but a few weeks, then what would your regrets be? Would you want to do before your time was up? Now that you have answered these questions you should have a good idea of some of the things that will make you happy and fulfill your dreams. You need to have a clear idea of the things you have always dreamed to do. Finally your passion is your purpose , Everyone has a passion and they can live a full life when they know exactly what their passion is and what they need to do. Think about this…. By Olatoun Kolawole


make-up artist Danessa Myricks guides on how to create a stunning look

SPICY SHIMMERY LIPS For lasting lip color...

Step 1. Use a dense cream base and apply evenly on the entire lip. You can smudge the base on with your finger or use a lip brush for precision application. This will create a bold lip with long-lasting coverage.

Step 2. For a precise application outline the lip using a lip brush.

Step 3. To give the illusion of a fuller plumper lip apply your lip liner just outside your natural lip line and fill in with bold color.

Pro tip - because lip glosses can be too sheer and don't last throughout the day without a base - try using a similar tone base on the lip to lock on the shine.

AMAZING EYES Amazing Eyes for Every Eye shape...

Step 1. Use your lash line as your guide and apply a

deep shade cream base as a liner using a liner brush to create depth and shape the eye.

Step 2. Dab a bit of loose shimmer shadow to the inner corners of the eye as a highlight for some extra pop!

Step 3. Turn it up a notch by creating a smol-

der effect - apply a deep cream base to the entire lid using a shadow brush and tap loose reflective shimmer over the cream base to create a sultry subtle glimmer to the lid.

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 73

The Mandolin Model

By The Aubuchon Team of Companies

The Mandolin is the newest model home from The Aubuchon Team of Companies’ affordable luxury home building division, The Sterling Collection. Named for the canal on which it is situated, this home greets you as you enter the waterfront wonderland of Cape Coral. This fresh, chic, coastal home represents the Florida lifestyle at its best with wide open spaces and a strong nautical theme throughout, with hints of the tropics that only Southwest Florida can offer.

with custom hanging platform beds, nautical themed mirrors and furniture, and retro “at the beach” artwork. The spacious study gives you the flexibility to use this as an office or a contemporary gallery. The 3 car garage completes the home and offers additional storage for all your boating needs….and maybe those extra jet ski’s or other “toys”!

The experience starts as you meander down the walkway to the front entrance of the home. You will notice the Grand Bubble mirror in the foyer….then suddenly you will be magically drawn to the outdoor living area. Cape Coral is known for extravagant outdoor living areas, and this home sets the example. Experience the infinity-edge pool, with tiered levels allowing you to enjoy tanning on the sundeck, or sit poolside. The oversized spa spills over into the pool and offers your guests the chance to unwind in a unique setting. The enchanting firewall and refreshing waterfall serve as the perfect background allowing you to experience all of earth’s natural elements! The oversized lanai offers a large covered area with a summer kitchen and is the perfect place for entertaining your family and friends. And after dinner, enjoy the tranquility of the water on the lower terrace where the dolphin play and the views are endless. Enjoy the fabulous sunset from the spacious great room with raised ceilings, and oversized sliding glass doors that magically disappear as they slide into their pockets. Once they open, the outdoors is brought inside and the tropical breezes bring a refreshing ambiance to the room. The dining area offers an oversized window so you won’t miss a beat as the boats sail by. The large master suite and bath combine luxury and tranquility, with an additional spa. The kitchen offers a unique bar area, and practical - yet decorative - island for preparing foods and extra storage. The 2 guests retreats continue the maritime theme, 74 FOCUS of SWFL 2011

Come see what our in-house team of architectural designers, interior designers, and team of professionals can create for you. With expert advice from each team member at your side, we will walk you through the home building process making it one of the most rewarding and exciting times of your life. All you have to do is imagine...and we'll take it from there. Cape Coral is SW Florida’s” Venice” with hundreds of miles of canals and waterfront properties, offering amazing views! And with quick access to Caribbean-like islands, i.e. Sanibel, Captiva, Matlacha, Pine Island, and Fort Myers Beach, it doesn’t get much better than this! When you’re ready to escape from the cold and build your dream home in this tropical wonderland, contact Caprice Krumsick, 239.677.7141, or

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 75

It's Atomic...

By Samantha Ramos

Once again, ringing in the holiday season with its 6th annual Atomic Holiday Bazaar, a festive celebration designed to support the creative in you for the holidays. Being the first original indie craft show exclusively showing vintage apparel, jewelry, house wares, clothing, antique assemblage, vinyl and other items. More than a 130 vendors come together to sell their unique products and handmade wares. Adrien Lucas the event organizer, welcomed all to join in the festivities at this year’s Atomic Holiday Bazaar in Sarasota, Florida. This annual holiday tradition continues to be the place to buy affordable, amusing and elegant American handmade craft. Atomic is “not your granny’s craft show” and offers high end to low brow jewelry that you could imagine seen in a Teen Vogue spread. “I am excited about introducing my version of an Atomic estate sale, based upon my eclectic kitschy tastes and years of experience working with vintage clothing and admiring beautiful used objects. Every year I see more and more applications based in vintage collections and a growing number of people interested in retro objects. I want this show to grow into a nationally recognized vintage venue for purveyors and collectors of anything and everything vintage.” The first 100 guests were given totes from the fabulous Suncoast Quad Squad, a roller derby team in Sarasota who are hard hitting and fun loving.

76 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Attendees purchased a variety of gifts from the bazaar including handmade jewelry and clothing from a list of inventive creators. Including Recycle My Bag, Art of Skulls, McLeod 9, Betsy Bell, La Caja, Somewhere Glassworks, The Chalk Board Tee, embs b. Jewelry, You Are a Robot, Colleen White Jewelry, Anti Sparkle Apparel, Like A Fox and more! Which turned out to be an excellent opportunity to show the importance of economic development for artisans in Southwest, Florida. “I enjoy giving my family socially conscious holiday gift options!", quoted one guest.

Suncoast Quad Squad

This year was again a wonderful turn-out, as It brings to light a positive impact of such diverse businesses from all over our communities. But most importantly, it helps strengthen and expand efforts throughout the year. Don’t miss the next one… It’s ATOMIC! See more at

AntiSparkle Apparel

McLeod 9

ReCycle My Bag

Are You a Robot

Adrien Lucas

Like A Fox Betsy Bell

ems b. Jewelry Somewhere Glassworks

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 77

Art V ideo Nigh ts

Jen D eNike | Iem an

Robe r

t Ind iana


Once a and t year an he ad e ult mi xhibition o Basel n f M d more iami Bea s alike. T creativity his ye c h, p than ignite ro 2 a Amer ica, E 60 galler vided a c r’s 10th e s the youn ies fr urope dition enter g work om s , o o 21st by over 2 Latin Ame 30 count f inspirati f Art ,0 ce on ri ri unde ntury. Co 00 highly ca, Asia a es across . With rstan m Nor th nd Af diver ing to di r s tiona l aud ng and en gether to e artists o ica exhibi ience ted f the joyme encou acros s. T 20 s n r of co the world he show a t of art w age an ev th and ith llecto . From er tt rs. renow racted ov national -deeper a e n nd r e 5 d col If you lector 0,000 vis inter nah a i s to t ve ne a pro he ne tors, from ver fo xt ge 7,000 und effe attended nerat ct A ion all un square-fo on you. F rt Basel M rom t ique ot ou i a mi B he a td imag inativ nd stunnin oor proje hundred eac h one so g e c vi young , supp . ti orting Eac h year on wall, th f gallerie sit leaves a n d manc s old. e p to the a r p l ese l le res e T Black s. Starting he exhibit vels of cre nts somet entations hi io w w a M and t onks of M ith the op ns demon tivity am ng new an ere o s he Al d t e n r i ssissip ning g ar t ated al an ou tside aô collect pi, Sanfo night by T unparalle ists both heast ive p rd Big expe Ar t P led p re er rie ub e g and p lic, whic h nce prese senting Ro ers and M Gates an rforn d trans erfor n o the forme ted by th ald Duar on Medi manc te. Th cine, es. e Bas d Co e llins P s The e ark in Museum re was als v of Ar o to 24 in con ent also p ta ro uniqu v e ar t nd of the ersations vided op work w p s discu newest ar hic h reac h ortunities ssed. f tistic o f r a y r o pract b ices f eyond the u to parle or no Ar t B w an canvas, a y with oth a d into er s strong sel Miami the fu live Q&A s B e d a e ’ ture, s ch ma newe was st art nd and p confirms t istic t hat h rovid ende i e ncies. s an idea gh-quality l opp ortun work rem a ity to disco ins in ver th e

78 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

| Lan dsc


A r t B Miam asel i Be ac h By S am


a Ra mo


Ronald Duarte | Nimbo Oxalà Ryan McGinley | Entrance Romance (it felt like a kiss)

Fondation Beyeler

Antony Gormley | SHY VIII

Elmgreen & Dragset | New Blood

Ai Weiwei | Tree

duardo Sarabia | Snake Skin Boots with Snake Head

Ruth Benzacar | Galería de Arte

Pae White | Pop Storm

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 79



of Tommy Simpson By Kathleen Taylor Photography by Douglas Foulke

Tommy Simpson is an "imaginist" who works in nearly every medium, including; woodworking, painting, printmaking, clay, woodcarving, bookmaking, jewelry, and even prose. In each work of art there is an identifiable style that "puzzles together" the artist's personal and cultural references into a signature blend of joyfulness and subtle commentary. "The ultimate goal," Simpson says, "is to bring the artwork to life, so that the viewer can identify the human spirit behind the work, and experience its poetry."

I enter a realm of adventure, a place to discover and explore what Mother Nature was up to the night before.

Simpson was born in Dundee, Illinois. His work reflects the joys of his carefree childhood during the 1940s and '50s. He is most known for his mixed-media sculptures made from carved, laminated or wheel-turned wood combined with found objects and vivid hand-brushed colors. Many of his creations are purely aesthetic in nature, while others serve a dual purpose as both art and functional objects for the home. His functional sculptures include tables, chairs, lamps, beds, cabinets and ladders. Many of his sculptures celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of important people in his life; past and present. All of his artwork is whimsical yet complex. Simpson's artwork has been exhibited in major museums across the country including the Renwick Gallery and the American Art Museum at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC; the Museum of Art and Design, New York; the Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; the Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, Connecticut; and the Art Institute of Chicago. His work is included in public and private collections worldwide. Tommy Simpson will be exhibited at the von Liebig Art Center located at 585 Park Street in downtown Naples, starting January 27-February 27, 2012 FOCUS of SWFL 2012 81

Artist Gallery

Sunset Reflection - by Ikki Matsumoto SBDAC EYE - by Socrates

Lemanjรก - by Mendes Wood

Conversations On French Kissing - by Matt Deterior Dr Sketchy Anti-Art School 82 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Photography by Brad Stanton

THE GREEN HILLS OF YOUTH - by Tommy Simpson The von Liebig Art Gallery

MIDNIGHT VASE - by Thomas Van Sciver

Flowery Shape - by Dmitry Fisher Submit request for submission to FOCUS of SWFL 2012 83

A Musical Jewel in Paradise

By Moony Mann

As a singer/guitarist who performs over four hundred times each year in SWFL, I rely on quality equipment to consistently deliver for me performance after performance. I usually bring at least two guitars to each gig and sometimes as many as five. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in the tools of my trade and with my heavy schedule; maintenance and repair are common necessities. Over the years I have picked up tricks and tips on how to care for my instruments but often find little time to perform the more technically involved procedures on my guitars and various other equipment. I have learned that a good Luthier is good to have as a friend when you are in my line of work. And it doesn't hurt if that Luthier owns and operates a local music shop. Bob Duffy (pictured holding a guitar built in the 1890's) is the owner/operator of Show Your Axe on Marco Island Florida and not only does he take care of all my guitars but also keeps and eye out for new additions to my collection. He gets his inventory from many sources and I recently learned he had a guitar in his stock that I wanted to take a look at. A beautiful Gibson (Chet Atkins) "Country Gentleman" in Ruby Red with gold hardware. While I was in the shop playing the guitar I learned the following about Mr. Duffy. Bob has spent the last 40 years building and working on guitars. He has a background in custom cabinet making and woodworking and made his first guitar when he was fifteen and has made custom guitars that have been played and collected by artists such as Frank Zappa and Andy Summers of The Police. Bob has owned and operated several music shops in the past in Chicago and in Fort Lauderdale but considers his current location second to none as do many others on Marco Island. The shop focuses on the sale of new and used guitars but with an emphasis on older vintage guitars and other various rare instruments. Other departments include rental, repair and service, custom builds, appraisals and music lessons. Bob also provides his customers access to the legendary Mr. Lee Brovitz (Bassist for Shadows of Night and Cyndi Lauper among other things) who's knowledge of musical instruments and of the music business in general has proven to be a huge asset to the business and the local music community.

84 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Bob's business philosophy aims to preserve the old fashion "Mom and Pop" style music shop and to provide personalized service to each customer. He has countless gems in his inventory of electric, acoustic and bass guitars and carries a multitude of new and vintage guitar amplifiers. Also, in the mix are various exotic stringed instruments from around the world. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran musician, looking for your first instrument or a serious collector, I recommend a visit to check out this jewel in paradise... and, yes, I bought the guitar.

SHOW YOUR AXE 1165 Bald Eagle Drive Marco Island, FL 34145 239.642.0354

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Girl's Night By Terry Profetto

When the lights go out, so do the girls. They go to the Dillard’s Pajama Party. This only happens twice a year and the next one is in April. All the girls came out in their PJ’s to get beauty tips, makeovers, converse and enjoy a pampered evening. Jessica Sxoczylas, Sales Manager and her team put together a wonderful evening with all you can expect from a pajama party thrown by Dillard’s at the Town Center Mall in Port Charlotte. The girls enjoyed food, entertainment,makeovers and night time skin care as well as letters to Santa. Girls were sporting pajamas of different colors and styles. Some wore polka dots, animal prints, silk pajamas, cotton pajamas to onesies. There was sharing of beauty secrets, trying on different make-up colors, sharing ideas and lots of talk about tips and tricks. Girls just like to have fun. The night turned out a success, as what girl doesn't like to get made up? Prizes were given out throughout the evening from gift baskets to the grand prize of a pajama party of your own at the Wyvern Hotel. For infomration about the next Dillards pajama party contact Jessica or any of the Sales Associates.

86 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Confederate hellcat Confederate Motors, Inc. makers of handcrafted heirloom motorcycles, unveiled their anticipated third generation Hellcat. Drawing on the first and second generations' distinctive drag race architecture, the company's new X132 Hellcat advances that architecture with innovative engineering and avant-garde design. The result is yet another iconic machine that challenges the paradigms of the American motoring landscape. The company's founder and CEO, H. Matthew Chambers, described the new Hellcat by saying, "This is the motorcycle we were conceived to execute when I founded the company 21 years ago. I have every confidence that we have delivered all we ever dreamed of giving."

the best approach for maximizing strength and guaranteeing permanence." Confederate's lead designer, Edward Jacobs, said, "We've always dreamed of designing the core of the machine. For the first time in our 21 year history, we've been able to do that with the unitized case of this new Hellcat. The result is the first pure and undiluted Confederate." The company's uncompromised approach does not end with the case. "Because we design and craft each Confederate motorcycle to be a multi-generational heirloom product, we require that each component, from the carbon fiber wheels to the smallest stainless steel bolts, be of the highest quality, no matter the cost. Our clients deserve nothing less," said Clay Morrison, the company's Director of Marketing. With over 40 units already pre-sold, the company is set to begin production in January at a rate of two units per week. Pricing for the X132 Hellcat is set at $45,000 through February 29, 2012. The price will rise to $49,500 on March 1, 2012. Orders may be placed online at For the past the 21 years, Confederate Motors, Inc. has designed and crafted uncompromised heirloom motorcycles for the motoring purist. For more information, visit By Scott Black

Named after the legendary F6F Hellcat fighter plane of WWII, the X132 Hellcat is the result of an uncompromised design and manufacturing approach. The centerpiece of this approach is the Hellcat's billet aluminum case. Instead of the usual casting method, the Hellcat's case is machined from two blocks of billet 6061 aircraft grade aluminum. Chambers said, "This new case unites America's best V-twin technology and America's superior powertrain technology into a singularity. Although this is the most expensive material selection and craft methodology, it is simply

Audrey's Jamaican Cuisine 4463-D Ashton Rd Sarasota, FL 34233 941-928-3309

A simple way to indulge yourself! 88 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

FOCUS of SWFL 2012 89


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2012 XJ even faster

With the XJ, Jaguar has created an entirely new template for the luxury performance sedan. The XJ seamlessly blends sporting potential, dynamic driving abilities and luxurious appointments; a combination that has gathered plaudits worldwide. The flagship Jaguar XJ sedan combines elegance, drama and sporting prowess.

both aesthetically and dynamically. Both packs are comprised of exterior and interior design elements that clearly underline the assertive side of the car's personality. The elegantly integrated design changes that comprise the Sport and Speed Packs are not simply cosmetic; they allow Jaguar to increase the top speed limiter to 174 mph, transforming the supercharged XJ models into the fastest sedans the company has ever built. These changes have been reinforced with a number of cosmetic additions that clearly distinguish these cars from other models.

The XJ benefits from superb aerodynamics and Jaguar's innovative lightweight aluminum architecture to offer tangible benefits in terms of economy, emissions, driving dynamics, agility and performance. To further enhance the performance aspect of its character, the XJ is now available with optional Sport and Speed Packs. The Sport and Speed Packs further unlock the performance potential of the XJ

Reflecting the exterior styling changes and befitting its performance oriented remit, these options feature interior changes that give driver and passengers a heightened sense of occasion and an indication of the dynamic abilities available. The XJ Supercharged "Sport & Speed Pack" also features new sport seats and a suedecloth headliner. Active ventilation supplies heated or chilled air as required to each individual front seat. The Sport and Speed Packs serve to emphasize the sporting character and driver involvement that are core strengths of every XJ model.

By Scott Black

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Especially For you!

By Ann Gordon

Dillard’s in the Town Center Mall, Port Charlotte opened its doors after hours and offered a very unique evening of personnel shopping for customers. It's a holiday celebration just for you. This event was Sunday, December 4 when Dillards offered guests an opportunity to experience their exclusive holiday inspiring evening. Customers were waited on by elegantly dressed servers offering everything from chocolates, hor d’ourves and gift wrapping. There was live music by Roberta Gurland-Fraser; a sophisticated jazz performer/composer and a festive atmosphere that was warm and welcoming. “This exclusive opening of Dillard’s demonstrates the versatility of our understanding and unique emotional appeal to consumers during the holiday season,”explains Tony Edgars, the store manager. All the Sales Associates provided a oneof-a-kind experience for the customers. The personalized shopping experience offered demonstrations assisted by staff. This overall experience shows Dillards commitment to servicing their customers. 92 FOCUS of SWFL 2012

Anglea, Tony, Cindy and Jessica

e f a


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outs A healthy addition to A healthy addition to your diet

People often ask me, “What do I do with sprouts?” The first th mind is adding them to salads but what if you made a salad out o as those pictured? You would have a variety of colors, textures, your diet ByFLAVORS! Christine Lindsey ‘The Sprout Queen’

Known as the father of Western medicine, one of Add sprouts in place of or in addition Hipprocrates’ famous quotes is ”Let food be thy Addto sprouts place of orUse in as addition to lettuce on lettuce oninsandwiches. a medicine, and medicine by thy food”. If he was alive sandwiches. Use asfoods. a garnish on cooked foods. The garnish on cooked The less today, I doubt he would be referring to the many lessheat heat your sprouts experience, your sprouts experience, the the more nutrition By at Christine Lindsey Queen’ they’ll retain. items offered your local fast ‘The food Sprout establishment more nutrition they’ll retain. store. Various over the years have he fatheror of grocery Western medicine, one ofstudies Hipprocrates’ famous quotes is shown the increased consumption of convenience Finally, few people realize how Finally, few people realize howsimple, simple, inexpensive, hy medicine, and medicine by thy food”. If he was alive I doubt food, whether canned, boxed, bagged or today, frozen, has quick, and beneficial it is to sprout vs inexpensive, quick, and beneficial it is tothemselves sprout referring led to the many items offered at your heart local fast food establishto an increase in diabetes, disease, various purchasing those available in the store. Many say: themselves vs purchasing those available in the store. Many say other ailments. So what can be “I have a blackorthumb.” or “Ithe don’t thereply: time.” ery store.cancers, Various and studies overchronic the years have shown the increased black thumb.” “I don’t have time.”have I often “Can you ri done to help reverse this trend? Add sprouts to your I often reply: “Can you rinse a jar?” For less than of convenience food, whether canned, boxed, bagged or frozen, has less than an initial investment of $20 (includes a sprouting jar and diet! an initial investment of $20 (includes a sprouting jar organic sprouting seed such as alfalfa, radish, or red clov ease in diabetes, heart disease, various cancers, and other chronic andquality a pound of quality organic sprouting seed such People often ask me, “What do I do with sprouts?” The first that comes to pounds of sprouts. The other investment – a few grow numerous what can be can doneyou to help reverse this trend? Addadding sproutssprouts to your as alfalfa, radish, How benefit nutritionally from or red clover), you can grow numind is adding them to salads but what if you made a salad out of sprouts such your time. to your diet? As you can merous pounds of sprouts. The other investment – a thosethe pictured? You would have a variety of colors, textures, and bestof of your all time. see as from nutrient few minutes People often ask me, “What I do with sprouts?” The first that comes t you benefit nutritionally from adding Simple steps todo sprouting: dataFLAVORS! provided on the mind is adding them to salads but what a sprout salad out sprouts s • 10 minutes or less per day if you made• A jar of and fresh w our diet? right, As you can see from the a cup of alfalfa as those pictured? You would a variety of colors, textures, of Simple steps tohave sprouting: inofplace • A little counter space • Teaspoon or and morebest of see providedsprouts on theAdd right, a cup alfalis sprouts less than 10 of or in addition • 10 minutes or less per day FLAVORS! to lettuce onfrom sandwiches. Use as a • Soaking the seed 8-12 hours (overnight the easiest) (50% carless thancalories 10 calories (50% from car• •ARinsing sproutthe jar seed/sprouts and fresh water garnish on cooked foods. The less 2-3 times per day andis a 50% • A little counter Add sprouts in place of or space in addition nd 50% bohydrates fromheat protein) and good your sprouts experience, the • Harvest in 7 days or less when an inch or so long from protein) and is a or more ofaseed to lettuce •onTeaspoon sandwiches. Use as Queen’ cin, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin K, Thiamin, good source of they’ll Niacin, more nutrition retain. • cooked Soaking the seed 8-12 garnish on The isless Sincefoods. sprouting easy, it is a great project for children. They olate, Acid, Magnesium, otes isPantothenic Dietary Fiber, Vitamin hours (overnight the easiest) what little it takes to go from seed heat your sprouts experience, the portunity to visually experience Finally, fewRiboflapeople realize how simple, K,By Thiamin, and Manganese. IZinc, doubtCopper Christine LindseyThe ‘The Sprout Queen’ • Rinsing the seed/sprouts theythey’ll can eat in a week. It can be done at home or in the classroo retain. quick, and beneficial it is to sprout more nutrition vin,inexpensive, Folate, Pantothenic 2-3 times per day pennies. when grown yourself. ablishWesternAcid, medicine, one of Hipprocrates’ famous quotes is you’ll get them to eat more greens! themselves vs purchasing those available in the store. Many say: “I have a Magnesium, Phos• Harvest in 7 days or simple, less Finally, few people realize how reased e, and medicine by thy food”. If he was alive today, I doubt black thumb.” or “I don’t have the time.” I often reply: “Can you rinse a jar?” For Zinc, Copper Visit fo can you phorus, benefit from sprouts? when an inch or so long inexpensive, quick, and beneficial it is to sprout en, less than an at initial of $20 (includes a sprouting jar and a pound of and Manganese. The thehas many items offered yourinvestment local fast food establishLee Charlotte counties, to coo themselves vs purchasing those availableand in the store. Many say:how “I have a hey feel more alert after eating cost is mere pennies, quality organic sprouting seed such as alfalfa, radish, or red clover), you can chronic to Sprout class at a location of your ch Various studies over the years have shown the increased black thumb.” or “I don’t have the time.” I often reply: “Can you rinse a jar?” experience a grow ‘crash’ often associated when grown yourself. numerous pounds of sprouts. The other investment – a few minutes of o your ing a scheduled classjar date inaCape Coo ence food, whether canned, boxed, bagged or frozen, has less thanSince an initial investment of $20it(includes a sprouting and pound sprouting is easy, is a great project for chiladed with sugars caffeine. your or time. onalfalfa, havingto the Sprout present/le quality organic sprouting seed as radish, or redQueen clover), you can betes, heart various cancers,from and other chronic Howdisease, else can you benefit dren. They have ansuch opportunity visually experits are more readily available to your body sprouts? because they are grow plant numerous pounds of sprouts. The other investment – a few minutes o group or organization, and most say they alert aftertoeating ence what little it takes to go from seed to something impor Simple steps tomore sprouting: be done •toMany help reverse thisfeel trend? Add sprouts your • Most don’t experience a ‘crash’ often associated theywater can eat in a week. Itsprouting can be supplies. done at home or your • 10 minutes or less per day • A sprout jar andtime. fresh with• A foods loaded space with sugars or caffeine. little counter • Teaspoon or moreinofthe seedclassroom. And maybe you’ll get them to eat t nutritionally from adding are more readily available to your Simple steps to sprouting: • The nutrients more greens! • Soaking the seed 8-12 hours (overnight the easiest) • 10 minutes or less per day • A sprout jar and fresh water As you can see from the body because are plant based. • Rinsing thethey seed/sprouts 2-3 times per day • A little counter space • Teaspoon or more of seed n the right, a• Harvest cup of alfalin 7 days or less when an inch or so long • Soaking the seed 8-12 hours (overnight the easiest) People often ask me, “What do I do with sprouts?” 0 calories (50% from carThe first thatsprouting comes to minditisisadding • Rinsing They the seed/sprouts Since is easy, a great them projectto forsalads children. have an op- 2-3 times per day om protein) is aif good butand what you madeexperience a salad out oflittle sprouts such asfrom seed in 7 days or less when an inch or so long portunity to visually what it takes to• Harvest go to something Fiber, Vitamin K, Thiamin, those pictured? would have a variety of colors, they can eat inYou a week. It can be done at home or in the classroom. And maybe Since sprouting is easy, it is a great project for children. They have an op textures, and best FLAVORS! othenic Acid, Magnesium, you’ll get them to of eatall more greens! portunity to visually experience what little it takes to go from seed to someth per and Manganese. The Visit they can eatfor in locations a week. Itincan be done at home or in the classroom. And m hen grown yourself. Lee Charlotte counties, how to coordinate a locations Learn Visit formore you’ll get them to eat greens! in Lee and Charlotte to Sprout class at a location of your choice or attendcounties, how to coordinate a Learn to Sprout class at a locationfor oflocations i Visit nefit from sprouts? your choice or attending a Coral, scheduled class date in Cape Coral, inforing a scheduled class date in Cape information Lee and Charlotte counties, how to coordinate a L re alert after eating mation the Sprout Queento present/lecture to a local group or on havingon thehaving Sprout Queen present/lecture a local to Sprout class at a location of your choice or atte ea plant ‘crash’ often associated organization, and most important access to sprouting supplies. group or organization, and most important access to ing a scheduled class date in Cape Coral, inform ugars or caffeine. sprouting supplies. on having the Sprout Queen present/lecture to a l e readily 94available to your FOCUS of SWFL 2012 body because they are plant group or organization, and most important access sprouting supplies.

iet ts healthy addition to your diet

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