Focus Magazine of SWFL

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JAN/FEB 2013



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22 The Return to Spirituality 24 Dreams... 28 Peace of Mind 30 Long Term Care Avoidance 32 More 34 Health Awareness 36 Going Cheap 40 The Ten Tenors 46 Exclusively Black 58 Luxury Roadster 64 FOBE House 69 Porsche Cayman 70 V57 72 V39 74 Sunreef Yachts 83 Malibu

42 6 FOCUS of SWFL 2013



ontent Collier Sa r a s o t a Charlotte Le e

105 Wear are You 122 Maritza Fernandez 124 Golden Dreams 131 Grande Dames Tea 148 Renewal in 2013 150 Listen to the Beat


News & Info


FO CM a g a z i n e

120 Publisher: Focus Magazine of SWFL Cover Photography: Yann Malotti Model: Laura Heckel Designer: Stéphanie Cappellini (13ème Lune) Contributors:




Michael Brady, Lina LaSalle, Dave Ballis, Jennifer Tiedmann, Gina Battle, Ann Gordon, Hillel L. Presser, Monica Gillen, Mai Yomioto, Dan Myricks, Terry Profetto, Chip Krespach, Guilhem Eustache, Scott Black, Ewa Stachurska, Trey Bell, Samantha Ramos, Julian Bern, Laura Holloway, Zainab Mansaray, Lily Golightly, Susan Bennett, Leonardo Canneto, Samantha Scott, Henry Bluemer, Tiffany Apostolou, Caroline Flohr,Thomas Concordia & Marion Curtis Focus Magazine of SWFL is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus Magazine of SWFL policy. © 2010 Focus magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.

8 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

of S W F L

33 Distinguished Financial Advisors 76 Falcon 2000S Breaks Performance Targets 129 Another Hit with Baby-G! 144 The Green Market Recipes




Staggeringly stylish boutique MARISSA COLLECTIONS has made a name for itself among the world’s most discerning shoppers, presenting a highly edited selection featuring the boutique’s signature, nuanced styling. Enhancing the mix is an unprecedented blend of handpicked jewelry designers. Here, Marissa Hartington reveals what’s on her style radar. BRUNELLO CUCINELLI







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The Return to Spirituality By Gina Battle

2013 has arrived and not a moment too soon. It is tradition to take an overview of the year gone by, conjuring up a brand new viewpoint of objectives to be met in the New Year. We review and identify any goals we may have accomplished; dust off our defeats, or wallow in them; we tend to examine things that could have been done differently, and regret responding impulsively. Remember that e-mail or tweet that was sent in the heat of the moment before taking a deep cleansing breath? In retrospect, there are plenty of occurrence’s to think about that perhaps could have been changed over the year. Looking at the news is more than enough to infuse negativity in to one’s spirit if allowed to. Without a doubt, there is always one moment in time when you decide there’s room for self-development. Perhaps the call for something bigger is tugging at you to seek conscious awareness that will align your lifelong goals and purpose on Earth to the authentic self. Is this the moment that you decide to implement positive life changes allowing an internal source (Spirit) to guide? There’s been a major shift in conscious awareness for the past 50-75+years. In fact, a spiritual evolutionary movement has become even more palpable over the past couple of decades resulting in a resurgence of a spiritual awakening. Spiritual/Self Help bookshelves at book stores, libraries, The New York Times (best-seller list,) online E-books, and blogs are inundated with an influx of a staggering number of spiritual teachers, all attempting to help the masses reach a pinnacle of personal spiritual growth and development. For decades, Oprah Winfrey, head of OWN, has been on the quest to find inner peace and show the world how to achieve it through her media empire. Winfrey isn’t the first on the path to spiritual enrichment however she certainly remains the conduit to broadcasting information to millions of curious seekers about the path to spirituality. 22 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

When something is askew, just not quite right in the moment, do you wonder if there is something more, something bigger? Is something commanding your attention? Your intuition may cry out for helpful answers through all the turmoil that is finding its way into the crevices of your body, mind and spirit. You are not alone. People of the world are crying out loudly for answers to larger-than-life questions. Everything old is new again. There isn’t anything new about attempting to find spirituality that resides within you, after all, this is the Center of the being. There no doubt when we need to take time away from the stresses of the day, we more often than not seek to restore calm at our core to grant us the patience to move with consideration of thought and grace in awareness. The disturbances may be momentary diversions, yet they are mighty enough for millions of people to find their way to (or back to)this transcendental place with desires of securing complete knowing that can only come from having conscious awareness stemming from a sense of cultivating spiritual space. The peace, the collective we long for is innately in and of us. Humans have sought after the meaning of life and all of their individual purposes; provocative questions through meditation; soul searching; tribal and communal rituals, and prayers since the beginning of time. It’s quite possible there may be times when the purpose is not evident for whatever the reasons. Not everyone recognizes it right away. However, the pull to find it and decipher its meaning always reveals itself. It’s the little things that say it’s time for change; move this way or go there now. It’s noticeable conflict. It's the constant feeling of being drawn toward something else. That is consciousness awakening. Is this the year the beautiful, talented, intelligent, loving you search within to discover her life’s purpose? For everything under the Sun, there is purpose.


By Ann Gordon

We all have dreams/passions/goals that we were either born with or was inspired by something or someone at some point in our lives. Many dreams are buried. Someone once said that the richest place on earth is the cemetery, because their lies many unspoken and unfulfilled dreams. What is your dream? How did it come about? Why is it buried or undiscovered? Why haven’t you began to do something about it? Excuses:

I am too young or too old. I could never become or do that. I don’t have any support. I don’t know how to get started. No one will ever believe I can do this. People like me never make it. I was a victim of… That dream stuff is garbage… My parents struggled and I am going to struggle also… etc., etc My Answer: Life is not simple. Some people deny their dreams because of fear or someone telling them that they can never become what they want to be; so they eventually talk themselves out of their own passion/ dreams. Your objective is to become your own visionary; help yourself to unearth your dreams. If your dream was buried at the back of your mind or deep in your soul, bring your dream to the forefront of your mind and keep it there. Question? Have you ever spoken to someone who never accomplished their dreams and heard them say, “You know, I never wanted to become a ____________. I always liked the idea of doing _________. Think? Reflect on how that person sounded. Do you recall the regret in their voice? Don’t let that be you!!! Make sense of the following lines:

Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. - Langston Hughes -

24 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

What is your dream? Just as our faces differ so do our dreams differ. Your dream is different from your sister/brother, parents, and friends. So do not try to be just like your friend, but pursue your own destiny. Pursue? What does this mean? Why do you need to pursue your dreams? That is right!!! Eventhough your dreams can be attainable, you still need to work at them. But this should be pleasurable, as you will learn to appreciate every challenge, disappointment and eventually accomplishments. Someone once said, “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” How many of you are afraid of rejection? We all are at some point. But there is a flip side to rejection. Rejection can help you get better at a skill and help you format your ideas and revolutionize yourself in a better and effective way. Everyone had to go on interview at some point in their life and they were nervous. Teach yourself how to smile, relax, to prepare better notes, to use proper body language and better verbal skills. Get to the point where you welcomed an interview. If at any point you feel like a failure, and your are working hard as you think you can and nothing is happening…reformat your ideas and your approach to the problem. Do not begin to say all the negative things and take the easy way out. If it takes looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, “You are not a messed up kid like your family tells you.” Or, “I can do this…and I will do this.” Think about this: Michael Jordan was overlooked in basketball camp. Abe Lincoln tried numerous times to be president. Remember, failure does not define who you are. It is your willingness and effort that defines who you are. It is so easy to give up. It is so easy to tell yourselves that you could not do it anyway, after one, two or more failure’s. That is why you need to reprogram your brain to think positive about yourself. So what if people start saying, “He/She think she better.” Oh, yes you are better. Opportunities/Take a Chance In order to fulfill your dreams you have got to have guts. You have got to know how to walk up to someone and introduce yourself and be presentable:

Attire - Verbal skills Body language - Intelligence

Undo the damage done Many young people have a rough life these days. Things happen in life, but do not take the blame for bad situations that you were born into. Also, do not make excuses for them. I would encourage you to read positive books to retrain your mind to see life and your future in a more positive way. If you were told that you would never amount to anything, you need to stop listening to those words and replace them with, “If I work hard I can achieve greatness.” Many adults today are not aware of the damage they bring to their own children directly or indirectly. You will need to change your own thinking and move on with your life and heal the best way possible. Visualize You have got to eat, sleep, write, talk, read up about your dreams. If you dream lays dormant, you will loose the passion to pursue it. Here are a few tips that can help: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Write down your short and or long term goals Keep this list at a location you will always see. Learn to ask questions. Read up on the subject. Share this with your support team- family, friends, experts in the field. Try to be around positive people constantly Appreciate the joys and struggles during your journey. Learn to value your time. Appreciate knowledge and learn as much as your can. Consider volunteering in an area that may benefit your goal. Consider shadowing someone to help you envision this goal. Work on your people skills and learn how to speak and network. Know how to see good opportunities and make use of them.

Know your worth Do not let anyone or anything come between you and your dreams. This includes negative people, negative tendencies and a negative past. Know that you are priceless and that you are worth every bit of your dreams and success.

Inimitable Pieces That Evoke Extraordinary Moments It is passion for gold and enthusiasm for the best craftsmanship – that which transforms a jewel into a work of art. Its collections are full of iconic jewels that serve as a benchmark for authentic mastery in sculpting gold and achieving a matte-shine combination effect. This savoir-faire along with the generous volumes and detailed carving of the gold bring each piece to life. For Carrera y Carrera, its link to Spain is essential as a source of inspiration for the development of its collections. The entire creative and development process of each jewelry piece takes place wholly in the Madrid workshop. Each step in the creation of a piece is influenced by the Spanish character that has become one of the fundamental pillars in the evolution of the company’s excellent trajectory throughout its history. Carrera y Carrera endures thanks to a standard of incalculable value – the savoir faire of the nearly 60 jewelers who work in its Madrid workshop, where tradition and the expertise of master goldsmiths are joined together. It is here that each jewelry piece is crafted entirely by hand, giving each one a flawless grandeur.

Want Peace of Mind:

Protect Your Assets

by Hillel L. Presser

Litigation is America’s fastest growing business because plaintiffs have everything to gain and nothing but a few hours’ time to lose, says Hillel Presser, author of “Financial Self-Defense (Revised Edition),.” “Even if a case seems utterly ridiculous -- like the man who struck and killed a teenager with his luxury car and then sued the boy’s family for damage to his bumper -- defendants are encouraged to settle. It’s sometimes the only way to avoid potentially astronomical legal fees,” he says. If you haven’t already taken steps to protect your assets, that’s one New Year’s resolution you’ll be glad you made and followed up on, Presser says. And while it helps to have the assistance of a lawyer who specializes in asset protection, there are many things you can do yourself. “You shouldn’t have any non-exempt assets in your name,” Presser says. “The goal is to ‘own’ nothing but control everything.” Presser suggests these resolutions for safeguarding your wealth in the event of a lawsuit: • Inventory your wealth. Figure out how much assets you really have (most people have more than they think). Take stock of valuable domain names, telephone numbers, intellectual property, potential inheritances, and other liquid and non-liquid assets. That way you can then work on actions to cost effectively keep them safe. • Set your goal. Setting your 2013 asset protection goal is your first step to becoming protected in the New Year! For instance, you could plan to execute an estate plan or set up a trust for your children in 2013. Decide what assets you want to protect in the New Year and a realistic timeline for implementation. Then -- and most importantly -- stick to your plan. Asset protection works only if you follow through. 28 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

• Protect your home. Find out how much of your home is protected by your state’s homestead laws and then encumber the remaining equity. Encumbering a home’s equity can be accomplished by recording a mortgage against it, re-financing a current mortgage or even taking out a lien of credit using your home as collateral! Another great strategy to protect your home is to transfer its title to a protective entity such as a limited liability company (LLC), trust, limited partnership, etc. • Get everything out of your name. The worst thing you can do as far as exposure is titling all of your assets to your personal name. That doesn’t mean you have to lose control of them – the goal of asset protection is to “own nothing, but control everything.” In 2013, work on moving your assets out of your personal name and into the name of protective entities such as limited liability companies (LLC’s), trusts, limited partnerships, etc. • Buy adequate insurance. Protect your loved ones. Make sure you have adequate insurance coverage in the event a job loss, natural disaster, or even a tragic loss of life. Those include -- but are not limited to -your car, home, and other valuables.

About Hillel L. Presser, Esq., MBA: Hillel L. Presser’s law firm, The Presser Law Firm, P.A., represents individuals and businesses in establishing comprehensive asset protection plans. He is a graduate of Syracuse University’s School of Management and Nova Southeastern University’s law school, and serves on Nova’s President’s Advisory Council. He also serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations for his professional athlete clients. He is a former adjunct faculty member for law at Lynn University.

Long Term Care Avoidance

Tips for ‘Resilient Planning’ By Lina Lasalle

According to the 2012 State of Planning Survey commissioned by Genworth, Americans aged 35 and over have many excuses for why they don’t have a plan in place for their future long term care needs. In fact, 82 percent of respondents ages 45-54 without a plan cited reasons such as not wanting to think about being dependent on others, not finding the right time to discuss options with loved ones, handling it themselves, and being unaware that long term care was something to plan for. This lack of initiative can have significant consequences for consumers in the long run, especially considering that, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Americans reaching the age of 65 have a 70% chance of requiring long term care. Resilient Planning = Resilient Retirement The survey found that when thinking about retirement, 38 percent of Americans who have not provided long term care for a loved one in the past 12 months were most worried about having enough money to maintain current lifestyles. This is a proportion significantly greater than the 23 percent of those who have provided long term care to a loved one and who cited money as most worrisome.

“Long term care isn’t a pleasant, happy topic to think about, however we can’t let these emotions overwhelm us,” says Dr. Nusbaum. “Instead, we can channel our negative emotions in a productive way. Our anxiety and fear can be signals that there is something very important that needs to be handled. If we use our emotions effectively, we will plan effectively and resiliently.” In order to put these difficult emotions of fear and anxiety to good use, Dr. Nusbaum suggests: • Remind yourself that everyone feels some fear, anxiety, sadness, and worry when thinking about a long term care event. Don’t feel badly about these feelings. Be resilient by using them and not avoiding them. • Choose a trusted long term care planning partner who can help carve out a plan that addresses personal anxieties and concerns for yourself and your family. • Get clear and specific on anxieties, thoughts and wishes by creating a 3-column list. In the first column list anxieties; in the 2nd column list specific thoughts about that anxiety; and in the 3rd column list what a wished-for scenario looks like. The wished-for scenarios are the goals for your long term care plan. • Don’t have a drive-by conversation with your planning partner. Have the conversation in at least three scheduled meetings. A conversation on the fly is a form of avoidance. Don’t let lack of money- or worries of not enough money- stop you from planning. Concerns about money are more often than not a part of the long term care planning process. Not planning because of money concerns is a form of avoidance and the potential cost of not planning can be far more expensiveand worrisome than planning.

Dr. Barbara Nusbaum

New York-based psychologist and money coach Dr. Barbara Nusbaum says fear may be to blame for the lack of planning. Difficult thoughts about aging, loss of physical and mental abilities, taking care of and losing aging parents, not having enough money, being a burden on family members and loss of personal power raises anxiety and fear and leads to avoidance. 30 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

• Educate yourself by speaking with others who have had a long term care event, caregivers and long term care plan experts to get a clear and true picture of what long term care may actually be like. Also speak to a long term care planning advisor to see what your options are, particularly focusing on your wish-list (watch for avoidance). • Finally, with a long term care partner and long term care advisor, develop a plan that gets as close to your wish-list as possible.

Facing Unique Situations ‘State of Planning’ also found that 60 percent of females report not having a plan in place for future long term care, an interesting statistic considering women tend to have the most exposure to long term care issues as caregivers and are aware of the challenges that coordinating care can pose. Women were also found to be significantly more likely (18 percent) than men (9 percent) to cite not having found the right time to bring this up with loved ones as the most important reason preventing them from creating a plan. “We’ve all heard the stories of women outliving their spouses and being left with a financial situation that’s less than ideal because they weren’t an active part of the planning process,” said Olympic Gold Medalist Wendy Boglioli, National Spokesperson for Genworth. “There’s an interesting juxtaposition between what women know as being a somber reality if they are unprepared for a potential long term care event and the fact that they are still not having these conversations with their loved ones. My hope is that our ongoing efforts to educate and elevate awareness around long term care will eventually close the planning gap.”

options and face their planning fears. “The crucial first step of any long term care plan is to have the conversation with loved ones about where you want to be and how you want to live should you require long term care in the future,” said Steve Zabel, senior vice president of Long Term Care Insurance at Genworth. “People often cite money restrictions as a reason to not create a plan, however, not having a basic game plan that allows loved ones to have a general understanding of your wishes could prove to have serious financial repercussions.”

Women face unique challenges in planning for long term care in that they are typically impacted twice, as the primary caregiver during an event and then as recipients themselves. It’s important for those facing these unique situations to lay the groundwork and initiate conversations with family members in order to be physically and mentally prepared.

Steve Zabel

Planning to Maintain Your Lifestyle Almost 60 percent of Americans do not have a plan in place to provide for future long term care needs, despite the fact that long term care planning is a necessary means to maintain quality of life. This month, during Long Term Care Awareness Month and beyond, Genworth encourages Americans to educate themselves on their long term care FOCUS of SWFL 2013 31


people Living Paycheck to Paycheck Almost half of Americans (48 percent) indicate they are living paycheck to paycheck today in a new survey by online lender and 44 percent are simply trying to stay current on bills or home payments and to avoid excessive debt or bankruptcy. The poll of 1,000 Americans identified population segments where the concern of living paycheck to paycheck runs highest: • 62 percent of Americans in their 30s • 54 percent among those Americans under the age of 60 • 57 percent of families with children • 64 percent of families with five or more people in the household versus 45 percent for households four and smaller • 53 percent of residents in southern states versus 41 percent of those in the Northeast U.S. “Living paycheck to paycheck puts many Americans dangerously close to their own personal fiscal cliff should they be hit with an emergency expense,” says Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending at NetCredit. “An unexpected medical bill, car repair or higher than usual utility bill can easily push them beyond their ability to pay bills on time.” According to the NetCredit poll, three out of 10 Americans report that their primary financial goal now is simply to stay current on their bills (24 percent) or home payments (six percent) with another 14 percent trying to prevent excessive debt or bankruptcy. Faced with the need to borrow cash today to meet a financial emergency, Americans indicate they would turn to the following sources (almost 30% would turn to more than one option): • General savings - 61 percent • Credit card - 23 percent • Borrow from family/friends -16 percent • Separate rainy day fund - 15 percent • Pawn or sell items – 7 percent • Bank loan - 5 percent • Short-term cash advances - 4 percent • Installment loans – 2 percent “But there might not be enough cash there to handle the crisis,” indicates Klein citing a recent FDIC study found nearly half of Americans cannot access $2,000 in 30 days to meet an emergency. “We established NetCredit this summer to provide more flexible options to Americans needing access to cash, especially in these emergency situations.” This survey was conducted online in September 2012 by TNS Omnibus among a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Americans age 18 plus. The margin of error for the national sample is approximately three percent. Surveys are subject to other error sources as well, including sampling coverage error, recording error, and respondent error.

32 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Distinguished Financial Advisors teams, revenue generated for their firms and indications of service quality of the advisors’ practices. Many of the top independent advisors head up firms, however, their scores were based on assets in accounts that they oversee themselves. Portfolio performance isn't a criterion, because many advisers don't have audited track records. The top 100 are comprised of advisors from major security firms and independent operations. This exclusive conference is designed to promote best practices and generate new ideas across the industry. Attendees conducted workshops led by the Top 100 Financial Advisors that explored current issues from business development ideas, managing high-net-worth accounts and families to portfolio management and retirement planning. Michael Landsberg & Lew Bennett, partners and co-founders of Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management in Punta Gorda attended the eighth-annual Barron’s Winner’s Circle Top Advisors Summit, hosted by Barron’s magazine to promote best practices in the industry and the value of advice to the investing public. The invitation-only conference was held at Waldorf Astoria, September 12-14 in Orlando, FL. This was Michael’s fourth conference and Lew’s first.

“Because the Summit brings together key leaders and top decision makers from around the country, it is recognized by the financial advisor community as the industry’s leading event,” said Ed Finn, editor and president of Barron’s. “The ideas and discussions generated here equip attendees to provide the best investment and financial advice to their clients, which are vital given the challenging economic and market conditions of today.”

58 of the Top 100 Financial Advisors in the U.S., as ranked and published in Barron’s April 16, 2012 issue, were in attendance. This annual ranking is the basis for the Top Advisor’s Summit and the advisors are chosen based on the volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their

Michael Landsberg was named one of the Top 1000 Financial Advisors in the U.S. by Barron’s in 2010, 2011 & 20122. Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management is located at 252 West Marion in downtown Punta Gorda and they can be reached at (941)-391-8000. Their website is

Attendees of the Barron’s Winner’s Circle® Conference were comprised of the 100 advisors listed in Barron’s/Winner’s Circle “Top 100 Financial Advisers”, (02/28/2012) as well as 400 financial advisors designated as the top 1% producers of their firms. Michael Landsberg was selected to attend based on his production. 2The rankings are based on data provided by over 4,000 advisors. Factors included in the rankings were assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, quality of the practice, and other factors. Institutional assets are given less weight in the scoring. Investment performance isn’t an explicit component. Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN). Landsberg Bennet Private Wealth Management is a separate entity from WFAFN.


FOCUS of SWFL 2013 33

Health Awareness

Learn The Facts About How To Detect And Manage Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. Millions of Americans are living with the condition, and many more may not know they have it. Over the next several years, the number of people with glaucoma is expected to rise. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases. In most cases, it is associated with increased pressure within the eye. Often called a “silent” disease, glaucoma may progress without symptoms until irreversible damage is done. However, early detection and proper management may help prevent the potentially serious outcomes of glaucoma. But today, the condition continues to be underdiagnosed and often overlooked. Many patients who have been diagnosed with glaucoma do not stay on track with their personal treatment plan. There are many things you can do to help become a better advocate for your eye health. Leading eye care and aging experts have joined for the TAKE on Glaucoma campaign (Take Action to Know your Eyes), to help educate Americans about understanding and managing glaucoma. “As a practicing ophthalmologist, I see firsthand from my patients just how important and challenging it can be to make glaucoma a priority,” said James C. Tsai, M.D., chairman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Yale University and TAKE on Glaucoma spokesperson. “There are many things in life that we must juggle, but taking the time to monitor your eye health and manage glaucoma should not be ignored.” The TAKE on Glaucoma campaign has useful tips that you can use—whether you have glaucoma, are at risk for the condition or know someone who has it. Understand the Risk Factors for Glaucoma Many Americans may be unaware of the risk factors for glaucoma. The most common risk factors include family history, ethnicity (African American or Hispanic), age (greater than age 40 in African Americans or above age 60 in the general population), nearsightedness (also called myopia) and pressure in the eye. There are other possible risk factors such as low central cornea thickness, diabetes, hypertension, eye trauma and use of steroids.

Schedule Regular Comprehensive Eye Exams It is important to visit your eye doctor for regular, comprehensive eye exams to evaluate and help maintain your eye health. Depending on your age and risk factors, it is recommended that you have an eye exam every one to two years. Do you know when you last had one? During your eye exam, it is important that your eye doctor dilates your eyes and also checks the pressure in your eye. These are critical steps to monitor for potential signs of glaucoma symptoms or disease progression. Create a Disease Management Plan That Works for You If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, work with your eye doctor to create a disease management plan that best fits your lifestyle and routine. Your eye doctor may recommend prescription eye drops, laser treatment or other types of surgery as part of your plan. While these treatments may help reduce high pressure in your eye, they do not improve sight already lost because of glaucoma. This is why it is important that you act now. If you believe you’ll have trouble staying on track with your treatment plan or taking your medication correctly, tell your eye doctor. He or she can help address these challenges. Family and close friends can also be good sources of support with reminders or other ways to help you follow your treatment plan. Did You Know ?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. The condition affects more than 2 million people in the U.S. today, and the number is expected to rise by 50 percent to more than 3 million by 2020. Early detection and proper management can help prevent the potential serious outcomes of the disease. Learn how you can be your best advocate for your eye health by going to

TAKE on Glaucoma is an educational program developed, in partnership, by The Glaucoma Foundation, the Alliance for Aging Research and Merck, and is funded by Merck. 34 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Going Cheap

Can be Bad for Your Health

Of the 15 toys recalled in the United States so far this year because of the dangers they pose to children, 10 were manufactured in China. Chinese drywall imported from 2001 to 2007 released sulfur gas that sickened homeowners and corroded wiring, air-conditioning systems and other metal surfaces. Many of those homeowners are still trying to win compensation. In recent years, U.S. dogs and cats died from eating Chinese pet food made with melamine, and the FDA warned consumers to throw away toothpastes made in China because of the risk they included an antifreeze ingredient. “The problem is, manufacturers, distributors and consumers alike are attracted to inexpensive goods, and in countries like China, things can be produced cheaply in part because there are fewer regulations regarding quality control,” says Joe Veilleux, president of Euromed USA and a registered pharmacist. “That’s why I warn people who buy all-natural nutritional supplements not to buy the cheapest products available. If the ingredients in them are not subject to regulatory oversight, they can be dangerous.” The active ingredients in many natural supplements are botanicals – extracts from herbs and other medicinal plants. Some of the dangerous potential problems that can occur without rigorous quality control include: • Contamination by pesticides and other heavy metals. Exposure to these contaminants can be hazardous to humans and can be present if growing conditions and plant materials are not carefully monitored. Manufacturers who aren’t held to government standards may not even check for contamination. • Radiation exposure. The ground the plants are grown in may have radiation, which is absorbed by the plants. This is another contaminant for which regulated manufacturers carefully test. • Species misidentification. Slightly different varieties of a plant may have vastly different properties. Black cohosh, for example, is a member of the buttercup family and is used to treat menopause symptoms like hot flashes. Some varieties of the genus Actaea may look similar to Actaea racemosa, but they do not have the same effect and, in fact, can be harmful. While price can be a red flag for consumers, surprisingly, one sign that a product meets high quality standards is if it comes from a company that incorporates environmental sustainability practices, Veilleux says. “A company that’s making an effort to address issues such as sustainability is farther along in the evolutionary process,” Vielleux explains. “A company’s first mission will be to provide the best quality of product it can. Once it has achieved that, it looks to improve in other ways, including sustainability, reducing its impact on the environment and social responsibility. But it can’t get to step 2 until it has mastered step 1.”

36 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Veilleux says a reliable sign that a company is serious about “green” issues is if it has earned ISO 14001 certification. “ISO stands for International Standardization Organization. Its criteria can be applied and measured uniformly in countries around the world,” Vielleux says. “So whether a company’s in China or the United States, if it has ISO 14001 certification, you can be assured it takes sustainability and environmental issues seriously.” Euromed’s factory in Barcelona earned the ISO 14001 certification in July of this year. Another way to safeguard yourself is to buy products from major U.S. brands, such as GNC and Whole Foods, Veilleux says. “The big brands have a lot to lose, so they’re not as likely to take chances by obtaining their ingredients from unregulated sources,” Veilleux says. “Having their products blamed for a public health crisis would be disastrous to them.”

6th Annual Diversity Festival 5 Annual th

5th Annual

Diversity Festival Feb. 23, 2013 Diversity Festival March 3, 2012 The Hodges University Diversity Festival will be held at the Sugden March 3, 2012 Regional Park/ 4284 Avalon Drive/ Naples/ 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The Hodges University Diversity Festival will be held at the Sugden Regional Park/ 4284 Avalon Drive/ Naples/ 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Festival offers everything Fun! Face painting Delicious multi-cultural food Fine art Bounce houses Raffles and a silent Auction, Diverse entertainment Sporting events

The highlight of the day will be the Multi-Cultural Fashion Show:

2013 event will be the Sugden Regional Park located at“The Parade of Nations”. 4284 Avalon Drive in East Naples, off the East Tamiami Trail.There will be award ceremonies o o o o o en- o o

and poem and poster contest.

The event is both educational and Sugden Regional Park has many amenities for our guests to entertaining. joy, such as a beach for swimming, an open play area, a sand Please join us for the largest Sugden Regional Park has many volleyball court, a 60-mile lake, two fishing piers, paddleboats, amenities for our guest to enjoy such Multicultural Diversity kayaks, and more. If even possible, our entertainment will be inas a beach swimming; open play The for Festival offers everything Fun!Celebration in this area! creasingly exciting this year with a host of returning and new talsand volleyball mile will be the Thearea; highlight ofcourt; thea 60 day The Festival offers everything Fun! ent. Our local elementary, middle, and high school students will lake; two fishing piers; paddleboats; Admission is FREE!! o Face painting Multi-Cultural kayaks, and more. Fashion Show: also entertain us. Traditionally, we present our award ceremonies o Delicious multi-cultural food o Face painting and poetry recitals. o Fine art

“The Parade of Nations”. o Delicious multi-cultural food o Bounce houses There will be marching bands, drummers, singers, and dance pero Raffles and a silent Auction, o Fine art Thereowill beentertainment award ceremonies formers from our diverse communities, beautiful arts and crafts Diverse o admire Bounce houses and an outdoor “Fine Art Gallery”and o Sporting events to and purchase, and poem and poster contest. “Cultural Heritage will be clowns, face painting, o Raffles andExhibit.” a silentThere Auction, bounce houses, and a variety of games and arts and crafts for Sugden Regional Park has many amenities for our guest to enjoy such as a beach The event is both educational andfor swimo children Diverse our to entertainment enjoy, as well as other fun surprises for the kids. ming; open play area; sand volleyball court; a 60 entertaining. o Sporting events mile lake; two fishing piers; paddleboats; kayaks,

Our vendors will be disseminating valuable and educational pub- and more. lic service information from the stage and from their booths. The Please join us for the largest Sugden Regional Park has many local fire and safety departments will be on hand to demonstrate amenities our guest enjoy such the latest for in equipment andtoreadiness. Multicultural Diversity

as a beach for swimming; open play area; sand volleyball court; a 60 mile lake; two fishing piers; paddleboats; kayaks, and more.

Celebration in this area!

Admission Our is FREE!!World Embrace Diversity, Empower

Go to Quick links; click on Diversity@hodges for sponsor; vendor and entertainment information and applications.

(239) 598-6135 38 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

40 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

During ground-breaking achievements in 2010 and 2011, not only were ‘The TEN’ gaining new audiences in South America, Sweden, Japan and the Baltic States but also some famous new friends, leading to an appearance on Oprah’s Ultimate Australian Adventure (broadcast to an estimated 10 million viewers). Building on the roaring success of their 2010 show The Power of Ten, the TEN are continuing to bring rock and classical music together kicking and screaming; creating a sound that is uniquely theirs.

over 4 million concert tickets; have four gold CDs and two platinum; two gold DVDs and one platinum DVD and continually strive to challenge themselves and their audience. Touring like a rock band, the TEN, whose average is 28, and their crew have seen enviable, unique sights from all corners of the globe and have crazy stories to challenge any touring rock band. They are also renowned for their commitment to their fans; meeting their fans after every show for signings, which is a rare and admirable quality for an artist at all these days, let alone one with the gruelling touring schedule of The TEN.

It is clear this is a continually evolving group. What was once known as a group of university friends whom banded together for extra beer money during their studies Long-serving member of the TEN, David at the Queensland Kidd says “So many Conservatorium of people, particularly Music has, powered men, turn up to a through 15 years show, having been on the international dragged by their stage, morphing into wives, arms folded, a group of road warthinking they’re goriors, respected and ing to watch us adored throughout croon to the ladies the world, champiand serve up yet anoning the legacy of other watery classiD-J Wendt, Producer cal-crossover show. the group’s humble beginnings whilst Not too far into the striving forward into the future of the clas- show they realise we are a group of downsical cross-over genre. to-earth Aussie blokes, that have power and guts in our performance and they leave not The TEN Tenors respectfully tip their hats only pleasantly surprised, but fans themto their classical roots and share with au- selves. dience’s unique renditions of the genre’s best loved pieces, but they also push the The group’s Producer, D-J Wendt adds “We boundaries of what it means to be a ‘tenor’ like to think audiences come to our show to and to sit in the ‘classical’ genre in today’s hear Arias that will give them goose bumps world. Taking cues from some of music’s like they have never felt before. With the most courageous contemporary artists such DOUBLE PLATINUM show they will get that, as Freddy Mercury and Meatloaf, The TEN but we promise to also make you feel like see rock opera as not only a way of keeping you have just rocked out or been to the their show fresh and reaching new audienc- best party you have been to in ages”. es, but appealing to the myriad of musical preferences a ten-piece musical act shares. Since the release of their tenth studio album DOUBLE PLATINUM, The TEN Tenors Amidst incredible international success, this have been surprising and delighting audiAustralian group has become known as one ence all over their home country and quietly of the hardest working touring acts; per- suggest, amongst the new look and new forming an average of 250 show per year songs – they have many more surprises up across seven continents, they have sold their sleeve.

"We're throwing down the gauntlet with this show. It'll be bolder, bigger and better than ever before."

Australia's most famous musical export,THE TEN TENORSbring their lavish celebration of vocal power back to North America on their Double Platinum World Tour in 2013. NORTH AMERICAN TOUR: 10-11 February Bunnell FLORIDA 12 February Naples FLORIDA 14 February Sarasota FLORIDA 15-16 February TBA USA 17 February Fort Collins COLORADO 19 February Edmonton ALBERTA, CA 21 February Calgary ALBERTA, CA 22-24 February Palm Desert CALIFORNIA

By Monica Gillen

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 41

Pleasure Passionate, sporty

By Mai Yomioto

Mercedes-Benz has restyled the Coupe and Cabriolet members of the E-Class family for the 2014 model year. The bold new styling is combined with sophisticated new assistance systems which are part of Mercedes-Benz "intelligent drive." These new systems include technology that can help prevent accidents with crossing vehicles or pedestrians as well as an enhanced version of Active Lane Keeping Assist. Visually, Coupe and Cabriolet have been brought in line with the new Mercedes-Benz design idiom. These models also feature exclusive, luxurious appointments for refined driving, which are hallmarks of the entire E-Class family. The 2014 E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet go on sale in the U.S. in Summer 2013. The classic Coupe and the four-seat Cabriolet versions of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class are among the most coveted vehicles in the premium medium-size segment. With intelligent and efficient technology as well as luxurious and comfortable appointments, both are uncompromisingly designed for passionate driving enjoyment. They are therefore regarded as emotionally appealing highlights of the successful E-Class family. Both on the outside and inside the design is fresh, sharpened and so ideally reflects the many new technical features. The new look of the E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet is accentuated by the redesigned front end with new headlamps which contain all functional elements within a single lens. The headlamps are fitted with partial LED lights as standard, while full LED technology is available as an option for the first time in this segment. Flowing light elements within the headlamps ensure that the "four-eye" look typical of the E-Class is retained. 42 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

The new, more V-shaped front bumpers with large air intakes clearly accentuate the athletic character. The bold front end puts a distinctive, sporty face forward, but at the same time emphasizes the close relationship of the Coupe and Cabriolet with the redesigned E-Class Sedan. The rear fenders, whose powerfully muscular shape has been retained, lend visual emphasis to the rear-wheel drive of the sporty cars. New tail lights and a wide rear bumper with a chrome trim element additionally underscore the aggressive appearance of these models. The proportions, with a long hood, extended side line, flat roof and powerful rear end, are those of a classic coupe. Traditional styling features that make the Mercedes-Benz Coupes unmistakable – for instance the layout of the fully retractable side windows, which is unbroken by B-pillars – lend emphasis to the distinctive lines of the two-door car. Fully retractable side windows are characteristic also of the four-seater Cabriolet and give emphasis to the clear proportions with a gently rising shoulder line from the front to the trunk lid. Mercedes-Benz also has restyled the interior of the 2014 E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet and tastefully matched it to the expressive exterior. Fine materials, two-piece trim stretching across the entire dashboard, and clean surfaces dominate in the interior. All models in the entire 2014 E-Class family feature an analog clock between the redesigned air vents and console switches are now finished in chrome.

The interior is further characterized by a redesigned center console without a gear selector lever as well as a new three-spoke multifunction steering wheel with DIRECT SELECT shift lever and shift paddles. This makes room for additional storage space and larger cup holders. A special highlight of the new E-Class Cabriolet is its acoustic soft top with high-grade insulation, giving it the lowest noise level in its class. The unique acoustic cabriolet soft top ensures that little wind noise penetrates the interior even at high speeds. With the top down, the standard AIRCAP, which reduces interior turbulence and wind noise, ensures exceptional convertible driving comfort, especially in the rear seat. Now at speeds over 25 mph the AIRCAP system deploys automatically, and at speeds less than 10 mph the wind deflector in the windshield frame is automatically retracted again to present the E-Class Cabriolet in its purest and most beautiful form during slow driving and at a stop. The wind deflector between the rear head restraints responds to the number of occupants, which it automatically recognizes by the buckled rear seat belts, and adjusts the position of the extendible wind deflector in the front and rear accordingly. The available AIRSCARF neck-level heating extends the convertible season by making comfortable top-down driving possible even at low exterior temperatures.

E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet offer virtually unlimited possibilities for individual configuration. New interior colors and color combinations, such as blue with contrasting beige boldly brings a breath of fresh air to the exclusive ambience of the two E-Class athletes.

The 2014 E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet feature a comprehensive selection of premium equipment as standard. It includes a modern range of infotainment systems that allow the driver to keep up to date on what is happening around the world, or in the office, while on the road. continued on page 44...

All the available engines for the 2014 E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet now feature an ECO start/stop system and are highly efficient. The E350 features a directinjection V6 gasoline engine with 302 hp and 273 lb ft of torque. The E550 is powered by a twin-turbo direct-injection V8 producing 402 hp and 443 lb-ft of torque. The E350 Coupe is also available in the U.S. with 4MATIC All-Wheel-Drive. The electronically-controlled system displays an impressive level of traction on all manner of terrain, raises active safety and offers an outstanding degree of driveline refinement. Mercedes-Benz offers a 7-speed automatic transmission with DIRECT SELECT lever and shift paddles. This latest version of this transmission provides significant advantages in terms of efficiency and ease of maintenance. A new feature is the short-term ‘M’ mode. If the driver has shifted up or down manually, after a set period of time the transmission independently switches back to the fuelefficient automatic shift mode. The 2014 E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet feature the AGILITY CONTROL suspension with selective damping system. Its shock absorbers adapt to the condition of the road surface and ensure sporty handling and long-distance comfort typical of Mercedes-Benz. Standard equipment includes the COMAND system featuring a 7-inch high resolution color display, sound system w/ AM/FM/WB radio, in-dash DVD/CD player, in-dash memory card slot, auxiliary input jack and Bluetooth interface for hands-free calling.

44 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Additionally, Mercedes-Benz offers the mbrace2 system as standard equipment. mbrace2 provides drivers top-ofthe-line features related to safety, infotainment, personal assistance and vehicle care. mbrace2 creates a truly networked vehicle offering open Internet access and custom versions of popular apps, including Facebook, Yelp and Google Local Search designed specifically for in-vehicle use - called Mercedes-Benz Apps. It also includes a solution to remotely update software via cloud networks ensuring that mbrace2 users always have the latest app versions in their vehicles and at their fingertips. Sensible user design and limited functionality of these Internetbased apps ensures that they provide maximum utility without unnecessary distraction when the vehicle is in motion; certain features are not available for use when the vehicle is in motion.

As in the Sedan and Wagon, new assistance systems that combine comfort and safety also are being introduced in the 2014 E-Class Coupe and Cabriolet. Mercedes-Benz refers to all this as "intelligent drive." The basis for this is formed by state-of-the-art sensors – for instance a Stereo Multi-Purpose Camera in the vicinity of the rearview mirror that produces a three-dimensional view of the area up to 165 feet in front of the vehicle, and is able to monitor the overall situation ahead up to a range of 1,640 feet. Part of the Driver Assistance Package, intelligent algorithms combine the data of the stereo camera with that of the installed radar sensors. They perform an evaluation of this three-dimensional visual information in order to detect vehicles that are driving ahead, oncoming or crossing, as well as pedestrians and road markings within a large field of vision, and to carry out a spatial classification of moving objects.

The 2014 Coupe and Cabriolet are fitted with standard COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST, a radar-based collision warning system with adaptive brake assist systems, which helps to significantly reduce the risk of a collision. Also part of the standard equipment is ATTENTION ASSIST, which is now able to warn of inattentiveness and drowsiness across a wider speed range, and also inform the driver about his level of fatigue and the amount of driving time which has elapsed since the last break. It also offers an adjustable sensitivity level. Professor Dr. Thomas Weber, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development: "The new E-Class makes a big step forward in every respect. With an emotionally appealing design it provides for fresh highlights in its segment. And in technical respect it offers unique things. They include new assistance systems from the future S-Class which, for example, relieve driver stress with steering assist, DISTRONIC PLUS® and for the first time also can prevent accidents with crossing vehicles or pedestrians. In addition, the EClass achieves best ratings in the area of efficiency, offers an internetcapable cloud-based infotainment system and improves night-time driving safety with state-of-the-art LED headlamps. So the E-Class is a veritable high-tech package – a very attractively packaged one at that." Dr. Joachim Schmidt, Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing Mercedes- Benz Cars: "Three words suffice to very briefly characterize the Coupe and the four-seater Cabriolet: stunning, athletic, passionate. Especially gratifying is that both cars also offer the most intelligent engineering that currently can be had. This makes both of them genuine dream cars."

Exclusively Black

By Dan Myricks

Black Series is a name that resonates with automobile experts and enthusiasts worldwide. Following the SLK55 AMG Black Series from 2006 (European model), the 2008 CLK63 AMG Black Series, the 2009 SL65 AMG Black Series and the 2013 C63 AMG Black Series, the fifth in the lineup sees the Black Series enter a whole new dimension with the iconic SLS AMG.

46 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Mercedes-AMG presents the most extreme version of the celebrated SLS, the 2014 SLS AMG Black Series. Inspired by the SLS AMG GT3 race car, the fifth Black Series model from Mercedes-AMG boasts a fascinating mix of breathtaking design, outstanding driving dynamics and uncompromising lightweight construction in line with the "AMG Lightweight Performance" strategy. With a curb weight of 3,417 pounds, the SLS AMG Black Series achieves a power/weight ratio of 5.49 lb/hp. The AMG 6.3-liter V8 engine generates a power output of 622 hp at 7,400 rpm and accelerates the most dynamic SLS of all time to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds and onward to a top speed of 196 mph. The SLS AMG Black Series achieves a whole new level of performance with the coil-over AMG Adaptive Performance Suspension, AMG high-performance ceramic two-piece brake system and weightoptimized, forged AMG light-alloy wheels with new sport tires. Additional highlights include electronically-controlled AMG rear-axle differential lock and the AMG SPEEDSHIFT DCT 7-speed sports transmission featuring spectacular shift and response times. The available AMG Aerodynamics package delivers a further boost to the vehicle's handling and dynamics. The SLS AMG Black Series goes on-sale in the U.S. in summer 2013. "The new SLS AMG Black Series is a perfect study in the one hundred percent transfer of technology and engineering from motorsport to road. We have drawn inspiration from the worldwide success of the SLS AMG GT3 customer sport racing car on both a conceptual and a technological level. Boasting numerous lightweight components and fascinating dynamics, our fifth Black Series model guarantees pure, unadulterated 'Driving Performance.' The SLS AMG Black Series is the ultimate choice for fast laps and a highly emotional experience," says Ola K채llenius, Chairman of Mercedes-AMG GmbH. "Fans of high-performance super sports cars will be fascinated by its high-tech package. The basis for passionate performance and supreme driving dynamics is provided by numerous new developments in the engine, transmission, suspension and aerodynamics - also giving top priority to our "AMG Lightweight Performance" strategy. Outstanding efforts in the field of lightweight design have resulted in a curb weight of 3,417 pounds," notes Tobias Moers, Head of Total Vehicle Development and Member of the Board of Mercedes-AMG GmbH. AMG 6.3-liter V8 engine - synonymous with thrilling driving dynamics.

The updated AMG 6.3-liter V8 engine generating a power output of 622 hp and 468 lb-ft of torque is a synonym for thrilling driving dynamics, making the SLS AMG Black Series the most powerful AMG high-performance automobile with a combustion engine. Only the SLS AMG Electric Drive with a maximum output of 740 hp has more power. The engineers at Mercedes-AMG have further optimized the crank assembly in the interests of optimum stability under tough race track conditions. The measures include modified oil bores in the crankshaft, new crankshaft bearings, a new oil pump and high-strength screw fasteners for the connecting rods. The entire water and oil cooling system for the engine and transmission has been optimized further. The AMG V8 engine in the SLS AMG Black Series also has an additional specialized mounting system. A gas-filled strut braces the eight-cylinder engine against the body, effectively eliminating undesired load shifts during highly-dynamic race-track driving. The AMG 6.3-liter V8 engine is hand-built in the AMG factory in Affalterbach, in line with the philosophy "one man, one engine." This hand-made quality is confirmed by the black AMG engine badge bearing the signature of the engine builder, which is a hallmark of the Black Series models. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 47

Calculating interpretation

By Terry Profetto

50 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


egendary supercar-maker Bugatti and French artist Bernar Venet, come together to create a work of art that combines an artist’s vision and passions with Bugatti’s celebrated Grand Sport. Through a congenial synthesis of artistic concept and technical possibilities, Venet has created an object that integrates the symbol of speed with a fascinating, painterly exterior and an interior that alludes to haute couture. This one-of-a-kind sculptural work was on view at the Rubell Family Collection in Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach. Bernar Venet remarks, “A Bugatti is already a work of art in itself, one that transports both its beholder and its driver into new dimensions of reality. I realized how I could translate my passion for mathematical equations and scientific treatises into three-dimensional form. My works are usually self-referential. So I found the idea of translating the equations of the Bugatti engineers onto the bodywork of the car very appealing. It was, so to speak, a logical conclusion and a new challenge in terms of the specific form of collaboration and implementation. To me, the result is also exceptional when measured by artistic standards and bestows the object with a mythical character.”

The artistic avant-gardes of the first half of the twentieth century found inspiration in the car as an object of desire; they depicted it in drawings, paintings and sculptures that projected absolute speed as their point of orientation. In the 1970s, the car served as an unconventional canvas for many artists, such as Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, who painted what became known as “art cars”. This practice continued to be embraced in the 1980s. Since the 1990s, international artists have concentrated on exploring the shifting cultural historical significance of the car. This has resulted in sculptural and conceptual responses such as those by Erwin Wurm, Gabriel Orozco, Christoph Keller, Olafur Eliasson and Damian Ortega, which tend to contextualize the car as a paradigm for the acute social and cultural changes of a globalized world. Bernar Venet´s approach is radically different from these movements and art works. He takes on the Bugatti Grand Sport by selecting a totally original solution, which distinguishes itself from the more traditional work of his predecessors. The application of mathematical formulae calculating the enormous power of the Bugatti engine on the car itself, allows him to implement the self-referential character inherent for his paintings. In doing so he pays tribute to the genius of technological science as well as the German Know-How of automobile production. continued on page 55...

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52 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Bernar Venet Born in France and based in New York, Bernar Venet is one of the most influential contemporary sculptors of our time. During the summer of 2011, Venet unveiled his monumental sculptures in a solo exhibition at the Château de Versailles in France, becoming one of only five contemporary artists to be given the honor. From 1961 to 1963, he covered canvases in tar; his notoriety from this period was further established after his installation of a sculpture without any specific form, composed only of a Pile of Coal heaped onto the floor. Originally known for his early radical gestures, Venet moved from Nice to New York in 1966 where, over the course of the following four decades, he has continued to explore painting, poetry, film, and performance. He is known for creating abstract pieces that make reference to the language of mathematical concepts and scientific theories, bridging pure science as a subject for art and introducing the concept of “monosemy”. His capacity for intellectual abstraction and his taste for pure reason and experimentation led him to the Conceptual Art Movement of which he is one of the most prominent figures. He represented France at the 1974 São Paulo Biennial, and also participated in the 1977 Documenta VI in Kassel. 1979 marked a turning point in Venet’s career, when he began a series of wood reliefs, Arcs, Angles, Diagonals, and created the first of his Indeterminate Lines. That same year, he was awarded an artist grant by the National Endowment for the Arts.

In 1994, Jacques Chirac, then the Mayor of Paris, invited Venet to present twelve sculptures from his Indeterminate Lines series on the Champs de Mars, which afterwards developed into a world tour in Asia, Europe, South and North America. To celebrate the establishment’s bicentennial in 2007, Bernar Venet was chosen by the French Ministry of Culture to paint the ceiling of the Palais Cambon at the Cour des Comptes in Paris. In May of 2010, President Nicolas Sarkozy inaugurated 9 Lignes obliques, a 30-meter tall sculpture to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Nice's reunification with France. Venet is represented in many important public and private collections all over the world, including The Museum of Modern Art (New York), The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York), the Centre Pompidou (Paris), and the Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles). In recent years, important retrospectives of the artist’s work have been mounted in Germany, Hungary, France, Spain and South Korea. After the 2009 Venice Biennale, where 1,200 square meters were dedicated to the installation of his steel Arcs, Venet is returning to the Biennale in 2013, this time with the intention of highlighting his works on canvas. Venet has been the recipient of several distinguishing honors such as France’s Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres and Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, and is also a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 2013, Venet will be awarded the international Julio Gonzaléz Prize by the IVAM in Valencia.

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In his 2012 artistic adaptation and exploration of the Bugatti Grand Sport Bernar Venet has combined image and object to highlight the fascination with this model’s absolute beauty and speed. His work unites a conceptual approach and sculptural craft on equal footing. In this work for Bugatti, Venet links the Pop artists’ claim to the car as a canvas with the utilization of every technical and aesthetic means available for designing the fastest and costliest car in the world today. Venet incorporates signs taken from the realm of production into his visual idiom and creates a total work of art that harmonizes object and outer surface, interior and exterior, and evokes the exhilarating speed of the Bugatti Grand Sport.

we met Bernar he was already an accomplished artist and a very intuitive collector of emerging art. We benefitted from his generous insight into the artist’s perspective and his artwork has been part of our collection since the 1970s. Bernar’s life-long, signature obsession with mathematical formulas has found a ready-made canvas on the Bugatti, which is both original and dynamic. We’re proud to present the Venet/Bugatti collaboration at our Foundation’s museum.” The Rubell Family Collection (RFC) was established in 1964 in New York City, shortly after its founders Donald and Mera Rubell were married. It is now one of the world’s largest, privately owned contemporary art collections. In Miami, Florida, since 1993, the RFC is exhibited within a 45,000-squarefoot repurposed Drug Enforcement Agency confiscated goods facility. The museum and its sculpture garden are publicly accessible. The Contemporary Arts Foundation (CAF) was created in 1994 to expand the RFC’s public mission inside the paradigm of a contemporary art museum. The collection is constantly expanding and features such well-known artists as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Neo Rauch, Cindy Sherman, Kara Walker and Andy

Achim Anscheidt, Chief Designer at Bugatti, states, “Our collaboration with Bernar Venet, one of the most demanding artists of our time, has led to creative impulses and inspiration that will continue to motivate us in the fields of concept and design. We are pleased that this collaboration has resulted in the creation of a significant, collectible work of art. The self-image of the Bugatti brand derives from an artistic identity that unites sketch, drawing, technical planning and realization into an intermedial whole. Bernar Venet doubly honors our brand by making reference to the technical formulae of our engineers without fully revealing their secrets. It is an homage to the principle of dialogue and to the human capacity to question and redefine established boundaries. Venet is always focused on the essentials and so is Bugatti.” The Rubells have a long history with the artist, and Mera Rubell notes, “Our friendship with Bernar Venet began in the mid-1970s. Our young families bonded over dinners and great conversations in his SoHo loft. The children played and the adults engaged in endless talk about contemporary art. Don [Rubell] and Bernar have always shared an obsession with the beauty and complexities of mathematics. When

Warhol. In addition to displaying internationally established artists, the RFC actively acquires, exhibits and champions emerging artists working at the forefront of contemporary art. continued on page 57... FOCUS of SWFL 2013 55

56 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Each year the Foundation presents thematic exhibitions drawn from the collection with accompanying catalogs. These exhibitions often travel to museums around the world. In 2011–12, 30 Americans was presented at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, and the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina. Paintings from the Rubell Family Collection were at the Fundación Banco Santander in Madrid, Spain in 2012. Time Capsule, Age 13-21: The Contemporary Art Collection of Jason Rubell is currently at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University. Other exhibitions have been presented at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, Palm Springs Art Museum in California and North Carolina Museum of Art. Sponsors for recent exhibitions have included Bank of America, Puma, Audi, Lanvin and Dedon.

The Foundation has been recognized as a pioneer in what is often referred to as the “Miami model,” whereby private collectors create a new, independent form of public institution. The Foundation also maintains an internship program, an ongoing lecture series and an extensive artwork loan program to facilitate exhibitions at museums around the world. Its ongoing partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools enables thousands of schoolchildren to visit and have educational programming inside the Foundation every year. In addition, the Foundation has a public research library containing over 40,000 volumes and a comprehensive contemporary art bookstore.

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 57


Luxury Roadster

By Mai Yomioto

On the heels of the successful coupe introduced in Summer 2011, and with over 1,300 units already delivered to customers, the House of the Raging Bull is now offering the convertible version of the Aventador, a vehicle that perfectly balances the ultimate driving experience with the ultimate in sports car sophistication. The new Lamborghini Aventador LP 7004 Roadster can immediately be recognized by the unique profile of its upper area, which extends along newly designed geometric lines from the removable roof to the engine hood. The Roadster's design is the result of a careful study into the best way of combining performance, elegant style, ease of use and a driving experience that excites all five senses. The two-piece roof is made entirely from carbon fiber using various technologies such as RTM and Forged Composite®. These technologies guarantee maximum aesthetic performance and stiffness although each component is extremely light, weighing less than 6 kg. These two parts are removable, easy to handle, and being lightweight and simple to attach, can be stored in the front luggage compartment. In just a few seconds the Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster can be admired in all its luxurious beauty. The rear pillar has been redesigned to of 58 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

The most exciting Lamborghini ever built and the new benchmark in the world of opentop luxury super sports cars.

fer total support for the removable roof, accommodate an automatic protection system for passengers, and provide the engine compartment with ample ventilation. Right at first glance, it’s noticeable that the engine hood on the Roadster differs from the hood on the coupé because of its central “spinal column” with two pairs of hexagonal windows connected at the sides as if they were hyper-tech armor plates. Their purpose is to cool the engine, drain off rain water properly and, of course, allow the beauty of the V12 power unit to be admired. The driver of the Aventador Roadster and his passenger can decide for themselves how intensely they would like to enjoy the driving experience. The powered rear windshield not only influences the flow of air in the vehicle, but also controls the experience of the sound from the twelve-cylinder engine. The wind deflector, on the other hand, delivers almost complete calm inside the car, even at high speed. It rests on the front windshield frame and can likewise be stored in the luggage compartment when not in use. The Aventador Roadster is also equipped with door windows with chamfered edges, which always ensure a perfect fit into the hard-top seal, and underline the sharp side profile of the car.

The body of the new Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster sports a two-tone finish, as the windshield pillar, the two roof sections and the rear window area up to the “fins” are painted in gloss black. The visual effect is that of a completely open vehicle with sleek lines combining perfectly balanced sportiness and elegance. The range of colors available for the Roadster has been supplemented with a very light, metallic blue color, Azzuro Thetis, whose tone varies with the angle of the light. This color recalls the shade of the extraordinarily beautiful 1968 Miura Roadster, and both highlights and reinforces the lines of the vehicle by adding strength and dynamism.

Of course the Roadster's V12 also includes a cylinder deactivation system when the engine is working at partial capacity, while the innovative, instant Stop & Start system includes high-performance capacitors known as supercaps to awaken the engine. This is an absolute first in the super sports car segment. The new Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster is a dream that can be realized and ordered at any Lamborghini dealer in the world.

Even the interior has a new look. The use of leather called Sabbia Nefertem highlights the superb handmade craftsmanship of the upholstery from Sant' Agata Bolognese and is a perfect match for the exterior in Azzuro Thetis. Finally, the new Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster also features new Dione 20”/21” rims with a daring, aggressive look. Crafted in light forged aluminum, they lower the weight of the vehicle by 10 Kg as compared with the standard set of rims. These numbers, combined with a drive train featuring a centrally located, 6.5 liter aspirated V12 generating 700 hp, an ISR 7-speed gearbox and push-rod suspension make the new Aventador Roadster a unique super sports car with no direct competition.

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60 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Quail West...

Excellence Has An Address By Chip Krespach

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Look up the word “excellence” in a thesaurus and one finds corresponding terms such as superiority, distinction and quality. During my recent re-discovery tour of luxury communities in North Naples it is abundantly evident that “Quail West” could also be in the list of synonymous terms… with a bit of literary license of course. Tucked away between the Gulf of Mexico and the Everglades on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Quail West is located just east of Interstate 75, one mile south of Bonita Beach Road at Exit 116. With over 1,180 pristine acres Quail West has been acknowledged by Collier Building Industry Association's coveted Sand Dollar Award for Community of the Year in the Average Home Over $1,000,000 category for the second time in three years and was named recipient of the Lee Building Industry Association's prestigious Pinnacle Award for Community of the Year in the 501+ Acres category. In an area with many outstanding luxury communities, Quail West stands out. More exciting news in recent months was Stock Development’s announcement that it purchased 234 luxury home sites thereby welcoming the community to its prestigious group of award-winning Stock family developed properties that feature exceptional golf, outstanding amenities and a selection of beautifully crafted homes. Quail West’s Preferred Builders have created an assortment of new model residences and floor plans that are ideally suited to the Quail West lifestyle. Five existing models were named recipients of 2012 Sand Dollar Awards. Twenty new fullyfurnished model and spec residences are scheduled for completion by the 2013 Season. Now, for the first time, luxury homebuyers can enjoy Quail West's award-winning lifestyle from the low $600's. 62 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Stock Construction has broken ground in Escala, a new neighborhood of luxury villas offering three unique floor plans ranging from 2,822 to 3,239 square feet of living space with base prices ranging from $599,990 to $649,990. In Quail West's La Caille neighborhood, McGarvey Custom Homes single-family villas not only live up to the community's exacting standards, but also provide for carefree and maintenance-free living. These single family villas offer several luxury floor plans ranging from 2,702 to 3,612 square feet under air base priced from the $800's. Fullyfurnished La Caille villa models are available for viewing and immediate purchase, including the just completed, fully-furnished Cipriani residence. McGarvey has also broken ground on three spec villas that will be completed by mid-January 2013.

Some of Southwest Florida's best local builders, including Stock Construction, Florida Lifestyle Homes of Fort Myers and Castle Harbour Homes have created a new collection of model residences ranging from 3,000 to over 4,000 square feet. Named Tamworth this collection of single-family residences are base priced in the high $600’s and present a redefinition on the Naples lifestyle.

Tennis enthusiasts enjoy eight lighted red-clay, hydro tennis courts. The Quail on the Beach Club provides members the right to beach access and dining privileges at a newly renovated facility. A new entry presentation complete with a circular approach, stunning water features and an elegantly designed welcome tower is in development and slated for completion in January, 2013.

Stock Construction, Florida Lifestyle Homes of Fort Myers and Castle Harbour Homes have also created Newlands, a new collection of single family residences on estate sized home sites in one of Naples' most elegant neighborhoods. An outstanding array of models ranges from 3,000 to over 5,000 square feet. The Newlands Collection is base priced from the high $600's.

Chip Krespach is a luxury home specialist in Southwest Florida. Contact him at 239-823-6768 or for more information.

The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center

Our Guest Book says it all...

Luxurious estate residences are tucked along Quail West's rolling fairways, glistening lakes and nature preserves. There is no rival to Quail West's hallmark custom designed, custom built homes offered by some of Southwest Florida's finest luxury home builders. These elegant custom estate home sites with home and home site packages are priced from $1.8 million to over $7 million. The Quail West lifestyle and amenities are truly unsurpassed and include two championship golf courses designed by Arthur Hills, a 70,000 square-foot Grand Clubhouse, a fullservice spa and salon, a fitness center providing a variety of classes, including Pilates, water aerobics, cycling and cardio kick boxing.

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Conscious Inspiration

FOBE House


64 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

For many years I regularly visited Morocco. From the first trip I was bewitched by that country and the three projects studied to date are certainly fed, to varying degrees, by all the images and impressions gathered during my stays. A client introduced me to a film producer in Belgium. He offered me to draw up the plans of several houses on land he had bought in Morocco. The main difficulty was to define the program with the client. Originally we had planned to build three houses on this site. The project gradually decreased to finally the smallest of these three houses in order to preserve the field. The client informed me he bought a second larger plot (5 hectares) under the same conditions but closer to the Atlas in order to implement the other two houses. This modest building (1800 square feet of living space) visually occupies the five-acre parcel of land. Two parallel concrete sails create a noise and visual barrier to the west. A steep stairway stands between the two walls, rising to a rooftop terrace that gives way to a spectacular view to the south and the Atlas Mountains on a clear day. Large heights, flowing and open spaces, a play on shadow and light: the house spans the landscape.

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All these impressions we carry, "some of them since a very long

time, will fit at some point in our work, it's very mysterious. I find it difficult to establish precisely, for this project, where and when it refers to such or such painter or architect work. That's why I'm always surprised when an architecture journalist accurately established similarities between my work and that of such artist.


66 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

By Photography Ian Scigliuzzi

For this first project my desire was to establish a close dialogue with the land, vegetation and the atlas to the horizon. Being a small house, we had to create a dynamic equilibrium despite this difference of scale. We played with light and shadow to enhance and strengthen the volumes. We used local materials and techniques like clay, tadelack, Pierre de Ourika. We have preserved the wildness of the land although we have planted more than 500 trees. We doubled the walls to help deal with the climate, creating room high-rise and sun protections. Each region and country deserves architectural answers, adapted in line with requirements climatic, cultural and economic conditions. There is a narrow link that exists between architecture and cinema, I have to remind you that the client is a Belgian film producer and director. The perception of architecture is mainly achieved through movement. The eye in movement, when the perspective opens, reveals little by little the various elements which constitute the house. In the distance, a white square - when getting closer – becomes a cube, a white wall a tube, then we discover openings‌ But another white rectangle is finally only a simple wall, a small triangle a pyramid.

It is quite exciting to captivate the visitor, to suggest him (her) a vertiginous rise of steps, a plunging view into space or a panoramic view on the horizon. It is a real scenario which must be worked out with dynamic sequences, such as travelling, then rotations, fixed framings which can finally transform into a zoom towards the infinite during a slow frontal movement. Paradoxically simple and complex: a foliation of longitudinal sails between which stages the project program; tall windows; sets of geometric cutouts; framing, especially from the living room across the pool and its bleachers. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 67


Watch making is just like the cinema, it hides a precise mechanism which must then generate emotion. The world of ROGER DUBUIS, the arrival of its collections, like spaces of freedom, perfectly matches my principles. You need to take chances in life. And always push yourself.


Gerard Butler


Porsche Cayman

By Dan Myricks

The third generation of the Cayman has been completely redevelop;. It’s lower and longer, lighter and faster, more efficient and more powerful than ever. A longer wheelbase, wider track and larger wheels enhance the driving performance of the mid-engine sports car to a level without equal in its competitive class. The new two-seater is – after the 911 Carrera and Boxster – the third sports car model line from Porsche to feature innovative lightweight body design. The new Cayman is lighter, depending on the specific model and equipment, and it consumes up to 15 per cent less fuel than the previous model – despite higher engine and driving performance.

The new generation of the two-seat mid-engine sports car is debuting in two classic Porsche versions: the Cayman and the Cayman S. The base model is powered by a 2.7-liter flat sixcylinder engine with 275 hp. The 3.4-liter engine of the Cayman S produces 325 hp. Both sport coupés are equipped with standard manual six-speed transmission. The seven-speed Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) can be delivered as an option; it enables faster acceleration and better fuel economy.

Porsche is also upgrading the Cayman with new optional features. For example, the sport coupé is now available with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) for the first time, which controls the distance to the car ahead in traffic and vehicle speed, as well as a specially developed Burmester sound system. Another new feature for the Cayman is the keyless Entry & Drive system, which is available as an option. The new Cayman is more distinctive than ever. Its proportions are new, and yet it is clearly a Porsche sport coupé; an extended wheelbase with shorter overhangs and 18- and 19-inch diameter wheels with larger rolling circumference are identifying visual characteristics of the car’s more enhanced driving performance. Its styling is marked by precise lines and razorsharp sculpted edges. They emphasize the car’s low, extended silhouette with the windscreen shifted forward and the roof line that reaches far back. Especially expressive and characteristic are the dynamic recesses in the doors, which guide induction air into the distinctive air scoops on the rear side panels and then directly to the engine. This offers the most prominent visualization of the concept of a mid-engine car. From the front end, the new Cayman is marked by its dominant cooling air inlets, which increase in size towards the sides of the car. Just as unique to the new generation of the sport coupé are the large, low rear lid made of aluminum and the rear section with its wrap-around edges. Mounted directly to the rear lid is the thin blade of the rear spoiler, which – in contrast to that of the Boxster – is higher and deploys at a steeper angle. The overall appearance of the Cayman is more independent than before, and it is well-differentiated from the previous model. The market launch of the new Cayman generation is scheduled for the second quarter of 2013.

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Fun with the


By Scott Black

Princess Yachts International launched another two exciting new models to their V Class range of sports yachts, the V39 (next page) which marks a return to the sub 40-foot market for the brand and the new V57. Elegant, exhilarating and incredibly spacious, the new V57 is set to be the ultimate sports yacht for versatility, fun and sociable cruising.

There is also an electro-hydraulic platform as standard for easy launch and recovery of the tender.

Her spacious main deck saloon with large opening sunroof and triple sliding doors connects beautifully to the aft cockpit to provide a truly exhilarating ‘open boating’ experience. Yet, with doors and roof closed, also offers the perfect haven to escape from the heat of the day without sacrificing the wonderful views.

Below deck, the use of space and ingenious design give the V57 the feel of a much larger craft. The galley is stylishly equipped and finished, and the three light-filled cabins all have spacious en-suite bathrooms. The owner’s stateroom is positioned aft where it enjoys the full beam, the starboard guest cabin has two full size single berths, while the forward double cabin can be fitted with optional scissor berths (twin or double) for greater flexibility. Additionally a lower dinette can be fitted in lieu of the starboard bathroom to provide an alternative dining or entertaining space for larger families.

The cockpit, with its generous U-shaped seating and teak table is the perfect place to relax or soak up the sun on the large sunbed beneath which is a tender garage for a 3.2m Jet-RIB.

With a spacious layout, flexible accommodation and a performance capable of 36 knots, the new Princess V57 is set to redefine the class for large sports cruisers.

70 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Princess's New


By Scott Black

Princess Yachts International unveiled the eagerly awaited V39. Fast, agile and spacious the V39 is not only an exciting addition to their V Class range of sports yachts but also marks a stunning return to the sub 40-foot market for the brand. For the first time in over a decade, there is a new Princess below 40 feet opening up a whole new category for the Company and providing a very welcome proposition for those who prefer smaller craft yet still demand the very best in style, performance and quality – in short a Princess. As with all the latest Princess models, her hull and deck have been produced using the resin infusion technology to reduce weight, increase torsional strength and improve efficiency. This coupled with a unique hull design and powerful Volvo D6-330 engines ensures the new V39 is both exhilarating and economical with quick transition to plane and highly efficient cruising speeds.

72 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Her interior is incredibly light and spacious and, as with every Princess, she is finished with the finest materials, craftsmanship and detailing throughout providing the feeling of a much larger craft. The saloon and well equipped galley combine for a highly sociable entertaining space and both cabins are generously proportioned and contemporary styled. The forward cabin has an en-suite bathroom with secondary access to the saloon whilst the aft cabin can be fitted with optional sliding berths to provide easy conversion to a double when required. She has also been designed to be as practical as she is elegant with an expansive teak-laid cockpit complete with large wet bar and generous seating, a transom platform large enough to accommodate a tender and ample storage throughout. The new V39, is set to redefine the standard for her size category and in keeping with the rest of the Princess V Class range, she truly is a sports cruiser without compromise.

Sunreef Yachts

New Motor Yacht By Ewa Stachurska

Sunreef Yachts is delighted to announce the launch of the new power yacht model, the 60 Sunreef Power EWHALA. The 60 Sunreef Power was made in response to the growing demand for compact yet highly impressive powerboat. This yacht has all the features of the popular 70 Sunreef Power, except its 27.8 ft / 8.5 m beam that makes it more convenient for crowded marinas, especially in the Mediterranean. It is also an interesting alternative for traditional motoryachts with much lower fuel consumption, long range, superb living space with the best comfort and intimacy for the owner and his guests, customized interior design and stability.

EWHALA has been commissioned by a European owner, and is laid out in a semi-owner version with two double cabins in the forward section, two double cabins in the starboard hull, and one double, one bunk-bed cabin (for the crew) in the port hull. All cabins have private bathrooms and abundant storage. The interior of the main deck features the galley and a dining area, while a mezzanine floor located in the midship comprises internal helm station and lounge, providing access to the forward guest cabins. The spacious sun deck, Sunreef’s speciality and trademark, accessible from the cockpit, houses external helm station, wet bar with barbecue, dining area and a huge sun pad, ideal for outdoor lounging in the sun. For future units, there is also an option to GENERAL Specifications: include a Jacuzzi on the flybridge. • Length overall: 60 feet • Waterline Length: 58.7 feet • Lightship displacement: 40 T • Draught: 5 feet • Main engines: 2 x 800 HP MAN • Fuel capacity: 2 x 1486 US Gal • Water capacity: 4 x 57 US Gal • Range: 3500 nautical miles * • Cruising/Top speed: 20/25 knots • Berths: 10 guests + 2 crew

74 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

The innovative JMS boat control system by ZF Marine Electronics Group, allowing the boat to be easily maneuvered with a joystick, has been installed aboard EWHALA. It is a very rare feature on large catamaran yachts, and Sunreef is delighted to apply this system on its new power model. The interior design is modern and minimalist, based on wenge and oak contrast, finished with gray and white upholstery and brushed stainless steel details.

t Je s w Ne

Falcon 2000S Beats Performance Targets

When certified in early 2013, the final performance specifications for the Falcon 2000S will be substantially better than initially projected. An 18 month test program that lasted 350 flight hours over 150 flights demonstrated better than expected low speed performance, in particular. Landing distance at typical landing weight has been reduced to 2,315 feet (705 m), from 2,600 feet (792 m); approach speed, to 107 knots; and balanced field length, to 4,325 feet (1,318 m). "The performance of this aircraft is remarkable. Customers will enjoy the cabin, range and speed of a high performance large cabin business jet but with airport performance usually reserved for a typical turboprop aircraft," said John Rosanvallon, President and CEO of Dassault Falcon. "This combination gives the Falcon 2000S more range, more destination options and better performance out of more airports." 76 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

The Falcon 2000S will be able to access up to 50% more airports than any other business jet in its class. Launched in May 2011, the Falcon 2000S brings a large cabin aircraft to the super mid-sized business jet market. The aircraft can carry six passengers 3,350 nm at M .80 and features inboard slats, high-Mach blended winglets and a new generation PW308C engine that produces fewer emissions. It is equipped with an entirely new BMW Group DesignworksUSA interior and a redesigned cockpit featuring a next-generation EASy II flight deck. The Falcon 2000S will have the largest payload with full fuel in its class. It will climb directly to 41,000 feet in 19 minutes, reach a mid-cruise altitude of 45,000 feet and offer a certified ceiling of 47,000 feet.

Angela Hernandez 78 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


De signer Owner

By Trey Bell

It is the quintessential Florida December morning, think warm, bright and summer for anyone above the Georgia border. The white sand of the beach at the end of 13th Ave South in Naples is reflecting the sun back up into the morning air with the nonchalance befitting an heiress haunting the shops just a stone’s throw from where I stand. It’s a perfect morning to showcase the 2013 Ocean de Luxe swimwear line, because this is where it belongs. It’s a fitting metaphor; a Sunday morning, the new week, a bright sunrise to illuminate the most recent offering from a rising designer deserving of the spotlight, and getting it through patience, perseverance and a little luck. This is a true Horatio Alger “American Dream” story. The foreign born daughter of immigrant parents comes to the United States from South America and builds herself up and creates something from nothing. Flirting with success trying to take that next step up in the business world through sheer will Angela Hernandez is nothing if not driven and ready to take the world head on, and at full speed.

continued on page 80...

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 79

The suits for the 2013 line are vibrant; encompassing the rainbow, and more. The offerings range from super colorful patterns to solid white and neon orange and electric pink, we shoot them one right after the other, enlisting the help of owner/ designer Angela Hernandez’ younger sister to assist in modeling the new line in the warm December morning sun. The use of avian inspired patterns is something that lets the colors spring from tops and allows for a wide use of colors with accents of rhinestone to make the whole piece shimmer. The fringe of the “Edge” design gives the piece a movement that draws the eye to the suit and makes it stand out on a beach populated with boring bikinis and old fashion one-pieces. This is par for the course when you look at the 2013 offerings, as well as past lines from Ocean de Luxe, imagination and innovation with something as simple as the bikini. The 27 year old owner/designer and spokesmodel is just getting started. She has a vision that includes the very boutiques on “5th” here in Naples, as a step, on that path, to attaining her ultimate goal. After the short meeting and shoot on the beach we make our way to Altin Café and Grill to have breakfast, and talk about that vision. As a seven year veteran of the fashion industry, in front of the camera, Ms. Hernandez always came away disappointed at the offerings available when it came to swimwear, so she decided to take matters into her own hands, and a company was born. Ocean de Luxe swimwear is that company, a place where owner and designer Angela Hernandez can take her vision and make it a reality. Started in the spring of 2011 Ms. Hernandez’ Ocean de Luxe Swimwear has really started coming into its own, as a boutique fashion label that commands notice, and is deservedly receiving that recognition. In the two short years since its inception Ocean de Luxe has become the official swimsuit of the Miss Munda Latina beauty pageant, last April it received the award for “Best Swimwear Designer of the Year” at the Orlando fashion week, as well as being awarded the “Business of the Year” by the Miss Munda Latina organization. Ms. Hernandez also works with Miss Latina of the Glades and Miss Florida Latina. This is far from the pinnacle of what she sees as success. All of these accolades and the attention are just tools to get people talking and looking at her line, something she wants more of in 2013. Looking forward Angela sees her label in the boutiques that line 5th Ave S in Naples, along South Beach, or out in Malibu. The unique and one of a kind nature of her line lends itself to the high end fashion outlets that these locales demand. Determination and a willingness to tirelessly promote her dream by truly utilizing social media to its potential (on twitter you can find them @Odeluxeswimwear, and on facebook it’s:, not to mention her official website. Ms. Hernandez is ready to let you know that Ocean de Luxe is a label to look for now and into the future.

80 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Ocean de Luxe owner and designer Angela Hernandez (left) models the "Edge" design with a little help from her sister, during a sunday morning morning shoot on Naples beach.

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82 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Malibu Jim Jordan

A down-to-earth low maintenance, free spirit who thoroughly loves his work; Jim lives and works bi-coastal, but the majority of his time is spent in exotic locations around the globe. He has photographed such celebrities as Charlize Theron, Leonardo Dicaprio, Drew Barrymore, Alicia Silverstone, and Robert Redford to name a few. His work can be seen in such magazines as interview, elle, marie claire, j. Crew and vogue. His client list contains such companies as BMW, Warner Brothers, American Express, etc.

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84 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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86 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Swe t

E volution By Lily Golightly Photography by Leonardo Canneto

88 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Kelly Sweet’s forthcoming EP release, Sirens, is a musical mission statement. Exploding with metallic synths and heavy beats, the collection of songs is only strengthened by the alterna-pop star’s all-encompassing voice.


90 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


riginally from Cape Cod, Sweet landed in Kanab, Utah; a tiny town with only two sets of traffic lights. Though she had this small town to call home, most of her childhood years were spent in transit, gracing the stages of many state fairs across the U.S., filling the occasional support slot while touring with high profile artists including Paul Simon, or singing the National Anthem in front of thousands at the odd Los Angeles Lakers basketball game. Naming Annie Lennox as one of her main influences, Sirens idles comfortably between the quirkiness of Sia, the innocence of Lykke Li, and the dance ready energy of Metric. The EP has been a long time in the making, with the singer/songwriter confessing that she has been building the foundations for the tracks since 2008. “I heard beautiful ambient electronic synths and pads, combined with big beats to fill in the low end. I wanted it to feel warm, and like the music surrounded you."

Sirens takes off with the low and heavy dance track, “Ashes of My Paradise.” Sweet’s voice adds a subtle touch of intensity to the minimalistic drops of bass that encompass the song. As she breathes over the infectious synths and leads us into a fast paced chorus, there is an encompassing darkness hidden in the lyrics that is hard to ignore. “I lost both of my parents to cancer during the making of this new record - my mother in December of 2011, and my father in June of 2012. I was 23 years old and I felt I stood amongst the ash of the dreams of my life. But like a phoenix, I can rise again.” Despite the powerful entrance she makes on the EP, Sweet breaks herself down and offers herself up like an innocent lamb in the unabashed ballad, “My Amazing Grace.” A tender portrayal of her experiences in love, Sweet confesses, “I am yours and yours alone,” over a vintage hook reminiscent of a Depeche Mode track. She speaks of a creeping lion, which Sweet admits, “represents my own fear and getting lost in everything I was afraid of”. Never one to go quietly, Sweet regains courage once more in the chorus, which to her, signifies the moment in love when “all your fears fall away, and everything is right.” The EP’s title track concludes the collection perfectly, with the infectious chorus capturing Sweet’s optimism and strength as an artist. The song tells of guilt, and the all too familiar alarm bells that sound when we experience the emotion. But the aptly titled “Sirens” represents Sweet’s true release, and her way of breaking free. “Sometimes, things in the past can hold you hostage, like you’re trapped behind the bars of your mind... But this EP is the first release of my new sound. Sirens represents, in that case, ‘watch out, here it comes!’” You have been warned...

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 91




by Samantha Ramos Photography by Thomas Concordia & Marion Curtis

Unless you have been living in another universe, you wouldn't have missed one of the biggest nights in fashion on the CBS Network. Taking a year of planning and development, to bring you the trendiest lingerie fashion collection and a bevy of models known as “Angel’s”, well more like… 'Victoria's Secret Angels' showing off their enviable figures.


his year's runway displaying over-the-top lingerie embellished with Swarovski Elements the iconic Angel wings. Victoria’s Secret Angels Miranda Kerr, Alessandra Ambrosio, Adriana Lima, Doutzen Kroes, Candice Swanepoel, Erin Heatherton, Lily Aldridge, Lindsay Ellingson and a bevy of other Supermodels wowed the audience along the runway show. As entertainment was over the top with an all-star line-up from Grammy® Award-winning artists Rihanna, Bruno Mars, and Grammy® Award nominated artist Justin Bieber.

Candice Swanepoel - after party


Everyone loves fashions shows; the image of seeing new designs coupled with high energy music gives us unlimited ideas, of what will be heading to our closets.

92 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Jourdan Dunn - hair & makeup

Bruno Mars performing

Finale - Angel's on runway during Victoria's Sercet fashion show 2012

Behati Prinsloo - after party

Each one of the spectacular pieces within the collection suggests unforgettable moments that combine femininity, strength, and the glamour. A comfortable fresh collection that tells a story of great moments in her life. This year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show inspired each of us with passion and desire for each woman that shows her strength of character through her own image.

Alexa C, Derek B & Poppy D - front row

Kimberly Chandler & Tyson Chandler

Candice, Justin Bieber & Lindsay

All throughout the day guests, designers, embroiderers, prop makers were alive. From backstage to the moment of the first "Angel" hitting the runway. A showcase of magnificent pieces, gorgeous models and the music from Grammy awardwinning artists made this evening a spectacular fashion event.

Behati Prinsloo & Lily Aldridge FOCUS of SWFL 2013 93


94 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Bespoke style By Samantha Ramos

Creating unique fashion statement pieces for singers; like Melissa Mars, Candice from the band ETHS, Hélène Segara and a host of others. Stéphanie Cappellini started out at an early age in design and computer graphics and winning a fashion contest in 2009. Stéphanie, states how she loves working together with Yann Malotti, Alexandra Vallégant and Pierre-Yves Baudin; a creative team that puts together a visual impact that makes more than a powerful statement. Creating her brand, 13ème Lune (13th Moon) of ready to wear line allowed her to expose her side of unrestraint fashion. “I like to emphasize the “Dark and Mystical” side of my creations, while at the same time adding a touch of frailty and remaining within the context of a very feminine universe. I enjoy playing on paradoxes ! My creations are for women who like to assert the strength of their character through their style.”, states Stéphanie Cappellini.

96 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography:Yann Malotti Model: Laura Heckel MakeUp & Hair: Carmlins Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

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Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alexandra Model: Stéphanie Cappellini MakeUp & Hair: Alexandra & Stéphanie Cappellini Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini 98 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alexandra Model: Chloe DrHummer MakeUp & Nails: Delphine Boyer HairDresser: Cyril Belaman Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini FOCUS of SWFL 2013 99

Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alex Vallégant Models: Dayana Reeves, Yann Cecile & Mickael Prunier Dress: Denis Durand Shoes: Carmens Steffens Belt: Clodius Hair: Cyril Belaman & Corine Cappelli Makeup: Aurelie Ormeno, Audrey Robbino & (c) Mia Matillon Wadrobe & harness: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini 100 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alexandra Model: Anna Reis MakeUp & Hair: Carmlins Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini Bag: Michael Kors

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Photography:Yann Malotti Assistant: Alexandra Model: Masha Alexandra Obolensky MakeUp: Carmlins Hair: Alexia Bridier Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

102 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photography:Yann Malotti Model: Aurélie MakeUp: Wissam Hair: Bernard Gabelli Stylist: 13ème Lune by Stéphanie Cappellini

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Wear are

YOU This statement may well be this season’s most over-used word. We keep hearing it in reference to fashion – usually applied to how well it all pulls together. From pouty lip- colored a vibrant red, link necklaces with precious materials, handbags made from faux, down to black patent shoes. We even have the boot cut pants, skinny jeans or that velvet dress, but more ambitious symphonic blends of leather or boldly shaded fabric trim. What all the above statements seem to be saying is: “I’m hip, I’m trendy, yet I don’t want to break the bank in order to be fashionable; “a laudable sentiment in these days of modest economic recovery. More importantly it’s about wearing you- your style… your statement! Let’s see what styles this season’s brings for you...

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 105

BAR III Jacket 89.00 Dress 69.00 Available at select Macy's and at

106 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

RACHEL Rachel Roy Cardigan 139.00 Top 99.00 Skirt 109.00 Available at select Macy's and at

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 107

Original Chino Slim Ankle, $60 Long Sleeve Fine Guage Supima Crew Cardigan, $49 Drop Shoulder Tuck Blouse, $50 Greer Point Toe Ballet, $110 Leather Clutch, $90/strong> Triple Hammered Bangle Set, $25

108 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Slim Ankle Cord, $50 3 Quarter Drape Silk Shirt, $35 Long Sleeve , $25 Leather Belt, $50 Ashby Essential High Heel Shoe, $110

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 109

RAG & BONE ‘Bailey’ jacket, polyester/cotton/viscose/wool, black, $535. Sheer ‘Juliet’ tee, wool/polyester, black, $255. Underneath: ‘Classic’ tank, cotton, bright white, $70. Double-stripe track pants, rayon/triacetate, black, $325. All in via C at select Nordstrom stores and

110 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

CYNTHIA STEFFE Color-blocked ponte sheath, rayon/nylon/spandex, cobalt/black; also in ivory/black, $198. In Dresses at Nordstrom and

L SPACE L Space fringe halter, nylon/spandex, multi, $84. Full-cut bottoms, nylon/spandex, multi, $73. Laser-cut bandeau, nylon/spandex, sea, $132. Laser-cut classic bottoms, reversible, nylon/spandex, sea, $99. In Women’s Active and Swim at Nordstrom and

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 111

PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. The collection features a brand new necklace concept: a unique design that can combine as many as eight necklaces into a layered look that is luxurious and interchangeable. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a starshaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

Model: Isa Flores Baena Dress: Alberto Makali Jewelry: Harmony design Shoes: Showroom Brand group 114 FOCUS of SWFL 2013



Photographer: Julian Bern ( Stylist: Leticia Pascual Hairdressing: Veronica Lopez Photo Assistants: Xavier BG Mua.: Carmen Belen Munoz

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 115

Photographer: Julian Bern Model: Isa Flores Baena Dress: Alberto Makali Head Dress: Pluma azul Jewellery: Harmony design Shoes: Showroom Brand group

116 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photographer: Julian Bern Model: Isa Flores Baena

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Photographer: Julian Bern Model: Yulia Demoss Dress: Mabel Feijo Vintage Head Dress: Pluma azul Jewellery: Harmony design

118 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Photographer: Julian Bern Model: Isa Flores Baena Dress: Alejandro De Lorenzo Jewellery: Harmony design Shoes: Showroom Brand group

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 119

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By Laura Holloway

The gym: a drab, sweaty place filled with resolution-makers trudging a few miles on the treadmill, clad in baggy sweatpants and old college hoodies. While going to the gym seems tedious or downright disheartening, there's no better way to add some color to your workout than with attractive workout gear. Enter BSkinz apparel. With swimsuit season just around the corner, find a new motivation for your workout with attractive workout apparel. BSkinz mixes fashion with fitness, in more ways than one. 120 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

There are few things more discouraging than heading out to the gym in ill-fitting clothes, especially those that seem to cling in all the wrong places. Curve-hugging spandex compression shorts, however, in spring's hottest colors and patterns, add a little spring to your treadmill step. BSkinz brings trendy stripes and animal prints to what is usually a boring piece of clothing, creating a look that turns heads, not only at the gym, but on your daily run or bike ride. Custom lengths are available to give just the right fit, and each pair nicely accentuates and hugs your, ahem, assets.

Another typically unflattering piece of gym clothing is the sports bra, which tends to flatten, squish or make for otherwise uncomfortable wear. With vibrant hues and cool patterns, BSkinz sports bras are the next thing in fashionable athletic attire. Varied fits and levels of support provide a customized look for each wearer, and with more than 40 unique patterns, there is truly something for every personality and cup size. For that tennis ace inside you, BSkinz offers the perfect outlet: colorful, flirty tennis dresses. Pretty and fitted, the choices for the tennis dress are varied as well, and their versatility makes them a perfect outfit for tennis and beyond. Equally feminine and just as endearing are the company's collection of skirts and skorts. Perfect for any sport, these pieces are just as fashionable for working out as they are for everyday wear. Over 50 multicolored prints offer something for everyone, and the adaptability of these skirts and skorts take them to the gym, to the golf and tennis course, or even around town. Creating a workout regime for yourself is hard enough without adding droopy, unflattering clothes to the mix. Treat yourself to your new athletic motivation: BSkinz athletic apparel. Just because you can keep up with the boys doesn't mean your feminine side has to take a back seat.

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 121

ner file g i es D Pro

Maritza Fernandez

Filomena Fernandez, a woman’s apparel brand founded by Maritza Fernandez, is a collection of garments inspired by Latin American and Asian cultures. The injection of cultural influences including deepened femininity and minimalism results in a women’s wear line that is at once practical and wearable. A fresh approach to the reinvention of everyday basics is enveloped in a distinctively laid-back yet modern look. Filomena Fernandez’s first outpost is located in Coral Gables, Florida. The presentation of originality and flair is created with the utmost attention to detail to make a woman feel confident and refined. Each garment is carefully crafted to ensure comfort, durability and most importantly, ease in maintenance. Filomena Fernandez features the fundamentals of fashion with loose-fitting knits, wide-leg trousers, slouchy shirts and whimsical peasant-style blouses. “I believe that extra room in garments positively works in two fashion techniques,” explains Fernandez. “One, looser clothing produces a thought of ‘what’s under there’ from onlookers. It’s sexy to make one wonder. Secondly, a generous fit provides great elegance – with the way a garment flows to how it molds the body in a way without completely embracing it.” The decidedly minimalistic designs – clean lines fluidly captured throughout each collection – are inspired by Fernandez’s four-year tenure in Tokyo and the consumption of the Asian aesthetic, rich culture and purity of life. All fabrics are selected for its appeal, comfort and preservation in mind. Cotton, jersey, silk and microfibers are the foundation for garments, while lace, fine gauze, chiffon, tencel and tulle are frequented forFilomena Fernandez’s most elegant pieces. Embellishments range from crochet and embroidery to pleats. Lace is a common feature, as it lends a romantic touch to classics. The 2013 collection fantasizes as a bohemian romance with effortlessly transitional garments for day and night. Fernandez infused basic hues of black, white, gray and khaki with the coolness of pinks, oranges, yellows and floral prints. Traditional silhouettes of a less structured fit; however, each garment is infused with the brand’s novelty of simple and sharp pieces. At the affordable price of $150 - $350, top sizes include small, medium large or 0 to 12; pants are available in American sizes of 0 to 14.

122 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

By Lina Lasalle

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by Zainab Mansaray

124 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

A new and upcoming fashion designer, Diarra Gueye is a young Senegalese photographer published in Vogue Italia and the New York Times who currently blogs on about her passion for fashion, art, style, photography and travel. When asked what inspires her work, her answer is simply; dreams. At 16, she was chosen to represent her country on the merit of strong academic and personal achievements to join the selective United World College in Flekke Norway. ‘I had to learn English in a matter of months and I used the art studio as my outlet when no words could translate my homesickness. I started to draw, paint and slowly the beautiful colors in my palette turned into English words I could speak and understand.’ From Norway, she went to college to Minnesota to pursue a BA in Mathematics and Economics. Diarra graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 2011 and went on to become a bond trader, in Wall Street. ‘Living in NYC is an inspiration. Everything is big, sparkly, magical and possible. I bought a DSLR camera with my very first paycheck and started capturing everything around me, from opulent street fashionistas to overwhelming scenery in this concrete jungle. Every day, I imagined I was a traveler, a designer, a photographer, a star, an artist. After a recent car accident that left her in a coma for several weeks, Diarra took a leave from Wall Street and returned to her home country in Senegal to recover. ‘Those long days, spent lying in bed, unable to move allowed me to take the time to really rethink my priorities. I survived and I had to stop dreaming and start living them. I always wanted to be an artist, but as I grew up, it got complicated with family expectations. Although on crutches and unable to sit, I was determined to develop my skills as a photographer and work on a new blog before returning to New York.’ She started submitting her daily photographs of family, scenery and friends to Vogue Italia and the New York times and soon enough got published. She kept documenting every aspect of her recovery period in her blog reves dores (‘Golden dreams’). ‘After the accident, I decided that revesdores would become my happy diary and would allow me to document everything beautiful I created or liked while recovering. When I reached 19,000 followers in less then 2 months I realized something bigger had to come out of these golden dreams; they had to come true’ A few weeks later, Diarra launched, Senegal’s very first online shopping site. A new concept in Senegal, Diarra responded to a culture not yet comfortable with online credit card purchases by allowing customers to pay in cash at delivery. She established a door-to-door delivery service in Dakar where it is otherwise non-existent.

continued on page 126...

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‘The db style was really inspired by my background and travels. I grew up in Senegal, lived in Norway, Minnesota and New York. I have travelled a lot across Europe, the US and the Carribean and my designs take bits and pieces from all my experiences to suit any worldclass shopper. When I think about db, the words that come to mind are chic, sophisticated, eclectic, vintage, tribal, exotic, minimalistic yet relatable to anyone. I think it is only natural to say that db was the translation of my golden dreams into wearable art.’ Diarra also founded a non-profit foundation dedicated to sponsoring children’s education worldwide; the Global Education Movement (GEM). ‘I believe all children are gems to be protected and my biggest dream is for the entire world to share that vision.’ A portion of Dakar Boutique’s profits go directly to support the GEM foundation. 126 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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One of a kind handmade fashion Photography by Tone Imaging Model Wendy Wil liams

Another Hit With Baby-G! Global pop icon and Baby-G Brand Ambassador Ke$ha is taking the stage for an encore performance of her collaboration with the Baby-G brand of women’s watches. Returning to create another watch after the successful launch of the 2011 Ke$ha watch collection, the fun and fearless star is launching her second watch design, along with gearing up for the launch of her second studio album, Warrior, which is scheduled for release on December 4th 2012. Taking on her sophomore design effort with the same warrior spirit, Ke$ha debuts a tough and trendy watch to match her style sensibility, while truly standing the test of time! The limited-edition Baby-G x Ke$ha watch reflects the eyecatching essence of the “Die Young” singer/songwriter. Ke$ha drew inspiration for her BGA160KS-7B watch from the evolvement of her personal style while keeping with trends of the season. “Just like music, fashion is a form of expression. And as you might have been able to tell, I’m all about expressing myself,” said Ke$ha. “Having a good time with your style is so important, and that’s why I’m thrilled with the design of my new goto accessory with Baby-G!” The limited-edition BGA160KS-7B Baby-G x Ke$ha model is a classic timepiece perfect for any outfit or occasion. It features a white, semi gloss case and gold pinstriped band with Ke$ha’s signature logo and a gold 3D Roman numeral index consisting of four layers. The watch takes wrist wear to a new dimension utilizing a Neon Illuminator in which a black light LED illuminates special luminous ink on hour markers on the hour and minute hands, and on the dial. The result is a dazzling array of colors. The Ke$ha-branded accessory is not only fashionably on-trend, it’s also tough with a shock resistant & 100-meter water resistant structure and offers functionality with 27-city world time, 4 daily alarms, countdown timer, stopwatch, 12/24 hour formats and a mute function. This warrior’s watch is perfect for keeping the popstar on time and in style all tour long! Ke$ha is also as multi-tasking as her namesake watch. In addition to music and design, she is the first-ever Global Ambassador for Humane Society International where she helps to end cruelty to animals worldwide. To support Ke$ha’s “pet” cause, Baby-G is paying it forward by supporting a Humane Society International initiative close to the star’s heart, their Street Dog Welfare Program. “Ke$ha’s standout character and mass appeal is the ideal pairing for our upbeat Baby-G brand,” said Shigenori Itoh, Chairman and CEO of Casio America. “Merging our fashionable and functional watches with a fun, fearless and charitable star makes this collaboration a perfect fit for our consumer.” The limited edition collaboration watch is available at Tourneau, Nordstrom, select Macy’s stores and fashion boutiques. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 129

PACE Center for Girls of Lee County has selected three more women to be honored at the Fifth Annual Grande Dames Tea honoring some of our community’s most revered women. This year’s honorees are: ● Thelma Hodges of Naples – Philanthropist and namesake of Hodges University with her husband Earl, Thelma Hodges was one of the first three nurses hired at Naples Community Hospital. She retired from the hospital after a 22-year career, but continued to devote herself to the hospital as an auxiliary volunteer. She is the longest-serving volunteer, accumulating more than 15,000 hours of service. The Community Foundation of Collier County named her one of its “Women of Initiative” in 2011. ● Helen O’Rourke McClary of Matlacha – Known as the “Charity Watchdog” on the national level for developing national standards for charities for the Better Business Bureau, McClary has dedicated her life to raising money for charities, including Project HOPE’s overseas program. She is the recipient of the Better Business Bureau Hall of Fame Award and was honored by The Salvation Army for her 60 years of volunteer service. She is now known as the “Doll Lady” of Matlacha. ● Ettie Francis Walsh of Fort Myers – From picking cotton to working in The Capitol, Walsh has led a varied life full of love of country, family, friends, fishing and farming. Walsh served as a WAVE in the U.S. Navy during World War II and worked in the Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington, D.C. After moving south to follow her husband’s career, Walsh was the office manager and bookkeeper for Kelley’s Gardens and A. W. Kelley’s Gardens in Fort Myers for more than 25 years. The Grande Dames Tea honoring the three women will take place Friday, March 15, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Broadway Palm at 1380 Colonial Blvd. in Fort Myers. Co-chairs of the Grande Dames Tea are Sandy Stilwell and Cheryl Komnick. “These three outstanding women come from varied backgrounds and are sure to have some insightful advice for the audience and the PACE girls,” said Stilwell, who also is a member of the PACE Lee Board of Directors. “Our theme of The Wisdom of Age – Honoring the Female Spirit is so appropriate because each of these women has much to share from her own life’s journey,” Komnick said.

Invitations to the Grande Dames Tea will be mailed in mid-February, at which time guests may also register online at Admission is $50 per person. Table sponsorships are also available. Attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite tea party hat. This is the fifth year of the historic Grande Dames Tea. Previous honorees have included Berne Davis, Eleanore Kleist and Barbara B. Mann in 2009; Jeanne Bochette, Helen Hendry and Veronica Shoemaker in 2010; Myra Daniels, Kathleen Nealon and Mimi Straub in 2011; and Michel Doherty, Mavis Miller and Anna “Boots” Tolles in 2012. The Grande Dames Tea was originated by PACE Center for Girls of Lee County to honor women who have played major roles in Southwest Florida history through decades of service, philanthropy and helping others. The agenda for the tea will include interaction between the PACE girls and the three Grande Dames, in a question and answer format that Stilwell and Komnick said “is sure to be thought-provoking and poignant.” Mei-Mei Chan, News-Press Media Group President and Publisher, will once again serve as mistress of ceremonies. PACE Center for Girls, Inc., is a non-residential delinquency prevention program targeting the unique needs of girls, ages 12 to 18 years old, facing challenges such as physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, foster care, neglect, death of a parent, family history of incarceration and declining grades. PACE is a Florida-based, not for profit organization, and the only statewide prevention program for adolescent at-risk girls in the nation. Its mission is to provide girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. Since the Lee County program opened its doors in 2007, nearly 600 girls have been served, helping them on the journey to begin lives of dignity and success. PACE accepts referrals from the juvenile justice system, the Department of Children & Families, school personnel, community services agencies, parents, family members, friends and self-referrals. PACE Lee’s most recent outcome report shows that 94 percent of girls served have no involvement with the criminal justice system a year after transitioning from PACE’s day program. As a result, PACE reduces the significant long term costs associated with teen pregnancy, substance abuse, unemployment and long term economic dependency. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 131

Helen O’Rourke McClary

By Susan Bennett

On a national level, Helen O’Rourke McClary is known as the “Charity Watchdog” who developed national standards for charities for the Better Business Bureau. On a local level, she’s known as the “Doll Lady of Matlacha” for her work refurbishing dolls and giving them away.

received the phone call that her husband died at age 60. “To dull the pain, I threw myself into my work,” She recalls. The couple’s three sons were grown by that time, so Helen committed to a travel schedule that kept her away from home 75 percent of the time.

Whether it’s making her mark on the national stage or helping those less fortunate in her own backyard, this 92-year-old dynamo doesn’t know the meaning of the word “no.”

Helen retired from the BBB in 1986 and was honored with the BBB Hall of Fame Award for her work in developing the first BBB Standards for Charitable Solicitations and her work as a Charity Watch Dog.

Helen grew up in Chillicothe, Mo., where she met her husband Barney while both were students at Chillicothe Business College. After Barney landed a job in the Pentagon, Helen followed and began working in public relations handling the speakers bureau at The Pentagon. During World War II, she became the first female civilian chief of the Speakers Bureau for the War Department. After leaving The Pentagon, she served as Vice President and National Director for Project HOPE, raising money for HOPE’s overseas programs. She later began a 17-year career with the National Council of Better Business Bureaus as vice president of philanthropic advisory services, where she developed the first BBB Standards for Charitable Solicitations, much of which still stands today. She has testified before the U.S. Senate on charity costs and the U.S. House of Representatives regarding fraudulent mail solicitations, and has appeared on NBC’s “Today” show, “Good Morning America,” “60 Minutes,” MacNeil/ Lehrer PBS Newshour and many others. It was during one of her many out-of-town trips that Helen 132 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

After her retirement, she married Mac McClary and the couple settled in Cape Coral and Matlacha, where she’s become known as the “Doll Lady.” Residents bring her dolls that she repairs and refurbishes and gives away to children in need. Never one to slow down, Helen continues to be involved with the Calusa Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, Matlacha Hookers and the Salvation Army Advisory Board. The Salvation Army honored her 60 years of volunteer service in 2004. Just last year, Helen and her son B. Pat O’Rourke gathered more than 100 boxes of clothing and plush toys for children who would not otherwise enjoy Christmas.“It is a year-round family charity,” Helen says about The Salvation Army. “It has brought in my whole family.” Her advice to young women is: “Volunteer. Do something for somebody else and it will always come back to you” and “Don’t wait for people to come to you – go to them and ask their advice.”

Thelma Hodges

By Susan Bennett

A professional nurse as well as a committed volunteer, Thelma Hodges' heart is a thing of rare beauty. Few lives have been untouched by her 50 years of tireless work for the community, culminating in a $12 million gift to International College, appropriately renamed Hodges University. Money didn't come easily to the young Thelma Rapa who was recruited as a Registered Nurse for the new Naples Community Hospital in November, 1955. Born in Lawrence, Mass., Thelma, 84, was one of seven children. She counts her mother as one of her two mentors in life, and received the gift of her mom's work ethic. "She had six children in eight years, worked in a mill and took care of her own mother all at the same time…A Herculean task," Hodges recalled. After working at an air base, Boston City Hospital and the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital, Hodges moved to Naples in 1955 as charge nurse of Naples Community Hospital and its staff of 13: two other nurses and 10 physicians. The hospital opened in 1956 with 50 beds. Within a year, she met Earl Glenn Hodges, a World War II and Korean War veteran who had moved to Naples from Tennessee. The couple were introduced to each other by a Naples Chamber of Commerce employee. Earl didn't know anyone, so Thelma and her friends invited him to the annual Tinsel Ball. They became fast friends and were married the following year.

While Earl built Earl G. Hodges Funeral Chapel as well as the Johnson-Hayes Funeral Home, Thelma stepped up her commitment to the community by becoming a NCH Hospital Auxiliary volunteer in 1965 while she was still working as a nurse. When Thelma retired from nursing in 1977, she devoted herself to volunteer work and, to this day, continues as an auxiliary volunteer. She is, in fact, the hospital's longest-serving volunteer and, according to Allen Weiss, the hospital's CEO, Thelma accumulated more than 15,000 hours of service, equivalent to another eight years of full-time employment. Thelma believes some of her hardest and finest work went into her marriage, noting that being married to the same man for 54 years is a challenge. It is a strong message to young women that a committed relationship is more than romance and roses. In 2011, Thelma was appointed honorary chairwoman of NCH's annual ball, and the Community Foundation of Collier County named her one of its "Women of Initiative." Thelma remains physically fit - and keeps up her high energy level - by watching what she eats and working out for an hour three times a week using weights, the treadmill and bicycle. "Live a healthy life so you can help others," Thelma advises. If she could impart one other piece of advice to youngsters it would be what her mentor, the late Ellen Summerlin, told her: "If you don't have pride in yourself, no one else will." She has taken that to heart ever since. FOCUS of SWFL 2013 133

Ettie Francis Walsh

By Susan Bennett

From picking cotton to working in The Capitol, 90-year-old Ettie Francis Walsh has led a varied life, full of love of country, family, fishing, friends and farming.

by returning south to Mississippi where they bought a 60-acre farm, built a house and barn, which they tended together for 10 years..

Born in Freetrade, Leake County, Miss., Ettie grew up on a family-owned farm where picking cotton and growing their own vegetables and livestock was a way of life. Indoor plumbing was a luxury the family didn’t have and Ettie recalls how, as a child, she once fell into the outhouse hole while walking around the perimeter of the seat.

Their new home featured such lavish furnishings as a mattress made at the local Extension Office stuffed with cotton they had picked from the fields, feed sacks fashioned into cushion covers, and pages from the latest Sears Roebuck catalog did double-duty as makeshift toilet paper for the outhouse.

“During the depression, we were poor, but we didn’t know it,” she says. “We always had food on the table. Mother took in boarders and made clothes for others to help make ends meet.” After graduating as valedictorian of her high school class, Ettie attended and graduated from East Central Junior College in Decatur, Miss., and became the secretary to the college president the day she graduated. But it was wartime and Ettie felt a strong urge to serve her country. She enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a WAVE and was assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington, D.C., where she worked as secretary to Commander Heslip, Head of the Training Section for all Naval Intelligence Officers assigned to duty aboard U.S. ships. While in Washington, she met her future husband William T. “Bill” Walsh, Jr., who was in the U.S. Army. The couple married when World War II ended and began their new life together 134 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

A rare vacation to Florida to visit Bill’s sister in Winter Haven changed the course of life for the young family. Bill was offered a position with the Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture, which became a 27-year career that eventually landed the family, including sons Bill III and Bob, in Fort Myers in 1960. During the 1960s, Ettie served as a substitute teacher at Orangewood Elementary School. As luck would have it, they moved into a home across the Winkler Canal from Kelley’s Gardens, Inc. and became close friends with Arthur and Dixie Kelley. Ettie became bookkeeper and office manager of Kelley’s Gardens and A.W. Kelley’s Gardens for more than 25 years until her retirement in the late 1990s. Ettie now volunteers in her church, Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, and is an active member of the Caloosa WAVES Chapter. Her advice to young women is: “Have a good attitude. Remember that life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.”


Cia Sherman, Lisa Sands, Sharon Torregrossa, Mary Fischer, Peri Bluemer & Sarah Mutka

CHARITIES AT ANNUAL GOLF INVITATIONAL 16th Annual Paul Sands Memorial Slaw Dog Invitational at Cypress Lake Country Club

Good deeds can come from golf! Recently, 120 businessmen from around Southwest Florida joined together for the 16th Annual Paul Sands Memorial Slaw Dog Invitational and raised more than $16,000 for four local charities. Held at the Cypress Lake Country Club, 30 teams competed in the event founded originally by the late REALTORÂŽ, Paul Sands of VIP Commercial TCN Worldwide and motorsports entrepreneur, Scott Fischer of Scott Fischer Enterprises. This year, the tournament raised funds for four needy organizations in the area: 1. Blessings in a Backpack; which feeds children on the weekend who are on the federally funded free or reduced meal program in select local public schools. 2. The Paul Sands Scholarship Fund; which was created to support individuals interested in pursuing a career in real estate.

136 FOCUS of SWFL 2013


3. Stockings 4 Kids; which was created by children to help other children have a happy holiday season by providing stockings and gifts. 4. Hope Hospice Adopt a Family, providing special holiday assistance for children and younger families either by making a financial gift or by purchasing and wrapping presents from someone’s wish list. Major sponsors for the 16th Annual Paul Sands Memorial Slaw Dog Invitational included: Pool Pros, Tween Waters, Bartholomew Realty, Dan Kraft, Entech Computers, Risk Management Insurance, and VIP Commercial. Live auction items were provided by Cru, Boston Red Sox, Scott Fischer, Nick Sands and David Grant.

by Samantha Scott Photography by Henry Bluemer

Winning Team - Keith Geiger, David Wright, Craig Albert & Jeff Burns

Jeff Neice, Gil Gibson, John Dempsey & Sean Delaney



Martin Haas, Jake Spanberger, Buddy Martin & Kyle Cebull

Nick Cross, Dave Winkleman, Chris Speake & Kelly Tolbert Jim Sievers, Dana Vidussi, John Toggweiler & Mike Dignam

FOCUS of SWFL 2013 137

Art Basel Miami 2012

by Terry Profetto

All the world is your stage, well the world came to Miami, in Decemember. To see a strong line-up from international museum directors, curators and artist's at Art Basel Miami Beach. Showcasing premier art shows of Modern and contemporary works to ambitious stands featuring leading galleries from around the globe, each show's singular exhibition sectors spotlighted the latest developments in the visual arts, offering visitors new ideas, inspiration and new contacts in the art world. Complementing the Art Basel Conversations program, Art Salon serves as a platform for shorter, more freestyle presentations, including artist talks, panel discussions, lectures and book launches. Presenting a range of speakers, this year's program featured a number of stimulating talks focusing on a global range of topics from the art world today, including a Latin American art-market panel 'Challenges and Opportunities in Brazil and Mexico' and a 'Biennial of the Americas' talk. A talk on 'Street Art in the Middle East' and one looking at 'New Perspectives from the Edge of Arabia' will direct focus toward current perspectives in the Middle East. Defined by its host city and region, Art Basel is unique, which is reflected in its participating galleries, artworks presented, and the content of parallel programming produced in collaboration with local institutions for each edition. For example; on Friday, the 'Public/Private' panel discussed 'The Encyclopedic Museum' and featureed Thomas P. Campbell, Director and CEO of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and Michael Govan, CEO and Wallis Annenberg Director of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art as guest speakers. Saturday’s panel 'Why Japanese Post-War Art Matters Now' presented Doryun Chong, Associate Curator, Department of Painting and Sculpture, The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Allan Schwartzman, Chief Curator, Inhotim, Minas Gerais and Director, Rachofsky Collection, Dallas; and Mika Yoshitake, Assistant Curator, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC. The panels were moderated by Alexandra Munroe, Samsung Senior Curator of Asian Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. On Sunday the 'Artistic Practice' series, hosted by Hans Ulrich Obrist, focuses on 'The Artist as Musician,' bringing together Angela Bulloch, Rodney Graham, Ragnar Kjartansson, Ari Benjamin Meyers and Jim Shaw. Art Video, presented several films by some of today’s most exciting artists across two venues, inside the Miami Beach Convention Center and the outdoor setting of SoundScape Park. During the evening guest viewed short creations on the 7,000-square-foot outdoor projection wall of the Frank Gehry designed New World Center. 'We were delighted again this year by the results at Art Basel Miami Beach. It remains the gold standard of the international art fair circuit.' - Adam Sheffer FOCUS of SWFL 2013 139

Artist Gallery

Art Basel Miami 2012

Century of Progress, Boardwalk by Thomas Hart Benton

Love Stream - by Randy Polumbo

140 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

The History of Fugue - by Yan Xing

Anti Mercator - by William Kentridge

Fountain - by Joseph Stella

Increment in the Spring by Yayoi_Kusama

Crystallization of the Brazilian Landscape - by Ano Afonso FOCUS of SWFL 2013 141

Artist Gallery

Art Basel Miami 2012

Street Lamp 2012 - by Iv n Navarro & Courtney Smith

Pronmodsidedonna 2012 - by Ivan Seal

142 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

Greyhounds 1913 - by Wilhelm Hunt Diederich

Prayer Yellow - by Makoto_Saito

Twin Vortexes 2012 - by Alice_Aycock

Brad Pitt 2012- by Chuck Close GRAND PIROUETTE - by Pedro S. De Movellan

Peinture 10, oil & pencil on masonite by Joan Mir FOCUS of SWFL 2013 143

The Green Market Recipes The Fresh Market invites everyone to stop by their local store, and see one of our step-by-step presentations. Ask questions and learn more from our Cooking in Season with The Fresh Market Cookbook.



W I N E S U G G E S T I O N : S P A N I S H or F R E N C H R O S É

This tasty appetizer, which balances the sweet flavor of blueberries with buttery Brie, will be ready in minutes, and it is likely to disappear from the table in record time, too. It works especially well with Brie, but try it over goat cheese or even a sharp Cheddar. 2 tablespoons sliced almonds 1 teaspoon vegetable oil 1 tablespoon minced shallot 1 small garlic clove, minced 1/4 cup honey 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar 1/2 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary, plus more for garnish 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

teaspoon red pepper flakes One 6-ounce container fresh blueberries (about 1 1/3 cups)


1 small wheel ripe Brie (12 to 14 ounces), top rind trimmed off, at room temperature Crackers, for serving

Heat a medium skillet over medium heat. Add almonds and cook, stirring constantly, until toasted, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Add oil to skillet and heat over medium heat. Add shallot and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 2 minutes. Add honey, balsamic vinegar, 1/ 2 teaspoon rosemary, mustard, and pepper flakes and bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve mustard. Add blueberries and cook just until warmed through without bursting, about 1 minute. Place cheese on a serving platter. Pour blueberry chutney on top and garnish with toasted almonds and additional rosemary. Serve at once, with crackers. 144 FOCUS of SWFL 2013




Pork tenderloin roasts quickly, and while it is in the oven, you can create a tasty side dish of parsnips, apples, and bacon. Or, make the hash ahead of time and reheat it before serving. Whatever scenario you choose, this recipe will become a favorite to serve to company. Use vegetable broth to make this recipe gluten-free. 1 1/2 pounds pork tenderloin, thin ends folded back and tied with kitchen twine 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 thick bacon slices, cut into 1-inch pieces 4 parsnips (about 1 pound), peeled and cut into 1/2-inch dice 1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored, and cut into 1/2-inch dice

1 tablespoon minced shallot 1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary SAUCE

cup dry white vermouth or dry white wine 1/2 cup reduced-sodium chicken or vegetable broth 1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter 1/4

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Season pork tenderloin with salt and pepper and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Cook bacon in a large ovenproof skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until crisp and browned, about 10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels to drain. Pour off and reserve bacon fat. Return 1 tablespoon of bacon fat to skillet and heat over medium heat. Add pork tenderloin and cook, turning occasionally, until browned on all sides, about 5 minutes. Transfer skillet to oven and bake, turning pork occasionally, until an instant-read thermometer inserted in center of tenderloin registers 145ºF, 25 to 30 minutes. continued WINTER

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9/28/12 6:59145 PM FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Wet-Rock Innovations FOCUS of SWFL 2013 147

Renewal in 2013

by Caroline Flohr

As a New Year dawns, many Americans still grieve losses experienced in 2012. For some, it’s very personal – the death of a parent, spouse or child. Others mourn the lives lost in one of the many tragedies we experienced together as a nation. As a mother of a 16-year-old twin daughter killed in a car accident involving eight teenagers, I assure those of you who are still coming to terms with your loss and grief – it is possible to journey from the unimaginable to acceptance and a spiritual peace. I urge you to embrace the healing power of family and community, love and faith. You will be surprised at how it can transform you. You can find renewal in this New Year. I have learned that death defines not the end, but a beginning. I have learned that, by weaving tragedy into the fabric of our lives, we can be stronger, spiritually richer and, yes, even happier for it. Here are some of the milestones I experienced on my journey to inner peace: • Deeper meaning: Through the death of someone so important, you will be changed. The question is how you will be changed. Will you grow, or become diminished? I grew with the realization that death – so often viewed as an end – is just the beginning of another phase of existence. One of my favorite quotes is from poet Rabindranath Tagore: Death is not extinguishing the light. It is putting out the lamp because dawn has come. • Celebrate life: When the bereaved are able to look at the life of a person who has passed and see more beauty than pain, they should rejoice. The reality of a person’s absence will always have an element of sadness, but the joy of wonderful memories is even more powerful. When loved ones leave this Earth, graces are given to those relationships left behind. These are gifts. When we can acknowledge them, our lives can expand in the present. • Ready for anything: Once you’ve experienced the worst and pulled through, you know you will be able to weather just about any adversity. Maya Angelou wrote, ‘“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Have faith in that inner strength we all harbor. • Appreciate what you have: Life as we know it will come to an end. This includes everyone we know, love and care about; it’s a fact that we often forget, and it’s as startling to remember as it is true. Come good or bad, we do not know what the future will bring, which means we should take every opportunity to fully embrace the present, and our loved ones.

About Caroline Flohr Caroline Flohr is the author of “Heaven’s Child,”. It details her spiritual journey beginning with the sudden death of 16-year-old twin daughter, Sarah. Flohr was forced to dig into the deeper meaning of existence and came away with profound edification and appreciation for the gifts left behind by those who leave us. Flohr lives with her husband and children on Bainbridge Island, a suburb of Seattle. 148 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

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Beat to the

by Tiffany Apostolou


hile sitting at Nokomis beach watching the sunset with a friend one evening, Chip Nary decided that this beach would be the spot for a new drum circle to branch off from the circle on Siesta Key beach. They started it about 12 years ago. It began with just those two, but within 6 weeks, it had taken off. “It’s the coolest thing.” says Nary. “It’s a delightful time at the beach. It’s always changing; so many people come and go over time. It’s something magical.” Coming to the drum circle is never the same twice. A vast array of things can be seen there. This particular night was met with rhythmic dancing, hula hoops, glow sticks, gymnastics, belly dancing and juggling sticks. Another night… who knows? The crowd was very diverse. Young and old, new comers and veterans, and generations of families can be found sitting around the circle. Many were asked what the drum circle was about and what it meant to them. Each time, no matter which group of comers a particular person fell into, the response was almost the same. Evan, who was twirling around glow poi tonight, says that it’s about community. “It’s the beat, the rhythm, and the love.” Richard, a new comer to the circle finds that “The rhythm of the drums fills you up. It’s a thank you to the sun and an invite to come back the next day.” Jojo has been attending for 10 years. For her, it’s a celebration of the day, a connection of people, and a time of relaxation. The atmosphere of the circle was one of constant ease. It felt as though everyone let go of their problems. There is a very real sense of openness and acceptance. Anyone can come and go and do as they please. 150 FOCUS of SWFL 2013

As I walked off the beach, I found myself dancing to the beat and wanting to come back again. The drum circle is held on Nokomis beach every Wednesday and Saturday night, gathering about an hour before sunset. Sunday night is held on Siesta Key beach, and little known to most, Monday nights are at Venice beach. It’s rain or shine every week of the year. Listen for the drums, and they will lead the way to an evening that won’t soon be forgotten.

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