Studying at Folkwang

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Folkwan g g at

Are you studying interested in Folkwan at the of the A g University rts?

As the s ole art A ND mus the state ic unive of North rsity in Rhine-W (NRW), internati estphali we offer onally re a aw in the fi cognise Master d elds of m ide range of sub d Bache e gree and lor and jects usic, the design a Artist D addition atre, dan nd acad iploma. to c s e, p emic stu e In c ia 1,600 stu l forms o as the Ju dies. The dents an f study nior Stu about s d a teac u over 400 ch d y Course a student hing sta come fr program nd gues ff of om the t of the e m e doctora s, you ca four corn arth. We l and po ers at Folkw stdoctora n also take particula as well a ang atta l progra r import s particip ch mmes ance to diversity ate in fu exchang . rther co e and urses. And wh atever s u Since 19 b je c s t you de tudying 27, the fu cide on: at the F ndamen training olkwang the Arts tal idea has been Universit m e o a f n o s interdisc y of ur studying and the dinary a iplinary fusion o in an ex tmosph work traorf the art e both the re , a in t s. For ex historica special lo exchang ample, ll cations, e among disciplin award-w y listed and arc st the va es and s hitectura in n ri in ta o g u g s building e/live ex from th l of the R s – in th e outset perience uhr Metr e heart an integ is of your o p o in li ra s Essen-W . With c l compo study co ampuse erden, E nent urse. Ea study co s ssen-Zo Duisburg ch Folkw urse cle llverein, , a B n o g c a h rl u y m innovati highligh a (O n d rc Dortmu hesterze ve art fo ts not o nd ntrum|N nly rms and also the anchore RW), we concepts constan d in a re but o t referen n e fessiona of the c industria ce to th ulturally l and ev lly most e proeryday w and academ in terestin c e o n rl tr ics, peda d of artis es of Eu g urban gogues rope. ts , Folkwan and des g offers igners. you som courses More in e 40 stu and pro formatio dy gramme n at: s, includ lkwanging the


STUDY P ROGRAM MES Alongsid e the fa miliar ra music, th nge of s eatre, da ubjects nce, des studies, from ign and Folkwan academ g also o that are ic ffers stu unique fo dy prog r an art sity – eit ra m mes and mu her in N sic univ RW or G Physical erermany. Theatre These in (Artist D Middle A clude: iploma), ges (M.M M usic of th us.) and Teaching e Primary (B.A./M.E School M d.). usic tudium folkwan g junior, the Insti of Youn tute for g Talent, the Prom offers o youth. w otion ptions fo ww.folk r children wang-u and lkwangjunior

Folkwan at a glang ce

TEACHIN G AN D R ESEARC _trainin H AT FO g with p LKWANG ra ctical ori projects entation or exhib : concert it io ns are p life at Fo s, art of yo lkwang ur every _seven d ay universit y stages _numero us studio s, labora a book b tories, w indery orkshop _Folkwa s and ng libra ry, conta media – TEACHIN in in g almos books, m G STAFF t 200,00 agazine AND STU storage _ your futu 0 s, music DENTS media e re fellow s c ores, sou tc. – one logical c o students ver 50 c nd of the la ollection ountries c rgest m s in Germ worldwid ome from _intensiv _our tea usicoany e e superv ching sta ision bo ff are in groups a recognis th in sm ternatio nd indiv ed and s all study nally idual ins u c _intensiv cessful a m ics and truction e contac rtists, ac d e s ig n ers adet and op teaching en exch staff ange wit _you ca h the n take a dvantag Folkwan e of pro g AGEN fessiona TUR artis still stud l ts‘ enga ying gements while


ENVIRO N M EN T _studyin g in histo rically li award-w sted and inning b architec uildings atmosph tural in a spe ere c ia l _six cam puses in one of th diverse e cultura urban ce lly most ntres – in the R uhr Metr opolis TH


ANG IDE _interdis A ciplinary coopera of music tion wit , theatre hin the , dance, studies fields design a n d acade _the foc mic us is on close ex between change students and netw and teac _Folkwa orking hing sta ng LABs ff : students from va and teac rious fa culties w hing sta experim ff ork, rese ent toge a rc h th and er in a F Althoug olkwang h the th LAB. emes un are free dertaken ly chose in n the LAB , they inv social re s ariably fe levance. a tu re a More in formatio n on the available Folkwan here: g LABs is bs

PARTNE RS & CO OPERAT _excelle IONS nt netw o rking to econom cultural ic partn and ers in th _some 1 e region 40 partn a n d beyon e r universit the worl d d ies in Eu rope an d


EN TRAN CE REQU IREMEN _passin TS g an apti tu de test _eviden ce of th e genera (upon e l univers xhibiting ity entra outstan this qua nce qua d ing artis lification lification tic talen is possib _for pos t, a stud le t-gradu in most y withou ate stud instance t universit y course s) y degree s : evidenc in a sub _fulfilm e of a fi ject-rela ent of th rst ted field e langua _other re g e requirem quireme ents nts whe Detailed re appro informa priate tion is a under 'B vailable asic info at each rmation study co ': www.f urse we olkwang bsite tudium

Getting into LANGUA G



The lang EMENTS uage of instructi faculties on at all is Germ Folkwan an. There to provid g fore app e eviden li cants ha c e of the skills for ve necessa their stu ry langu dy cours ons requ a g e e as an irement admissior alrea Differen dy when t langua applying ge requir individu . ements al study a pply to c o u Informa rses. th e tion on this is a v a il able here : ternatio nal-app licants



N Please u se the o nline fo tive app rm d lication period to uring the respe an aptitu capply to de test fo take part r a stud pleted fo in y place. Th rm mus t be prin e com– togeth ted out, er with signed a other (in specific) nd part stu docume dy cours nts – se by the d ent to th ue date. e univers Further form are ity informa available ti on and at: th e ewerbun g



EST After re viewing your ap you – if plication you mee , we inv t the req Folkwan ite uiremen g for a te ts – to s t of your coursespecific artistic o aptitude r study structure . The con of the te te n t and s t study co differs a urse. ccording to the Precise informa tion in th on the w is re ebsite o f the rele gard is available under ‚A vant stu pplicatio dy cours n‘ at: e tudium

We supp o STUDEN


rt you!

DVISOR You can Y SERVIC obtain a E dvice on Folkwan studying 'START W g from th at ITH A BU e Student studienb DDY' The dive Advisory eratung rs it S y-sensit ervice: @folkw +49 (0)2 ive and 'Start wit ang-uni. 01_6505 interdisc h a Budd de -1407 (M iplinary +49 (0)2 y' orienta offers su on) 01_4903 ti on mento p p o rt to all -384 (Tu ring students new Bac e-Fri) helor de at the Fo At the F g re lk w e Arts in s olkwang tarting th ang University o Universit provide f the eir study y of the Buddies a whole . The soArts we – studen range o All conta called ts in the f advice higher – ct partn ir 4th se on stud a re ers can a y m v in a ester or il g a b . b e le n found a lkwangew stud to assist t: ents. Th and adv e Buddie eratung ise the on, say, s provid importa e inform nt conta the univ ation ct partn ersity w COMBIN ers with hile also ING STU issues re in g D iv IE ing supp lating to At Folkw S & LIFE ort on ang we accomm work an are activ odation d leisure barriere , tempo ly and disc a promoti c ti w v rary w ities. w.folkw riminati ng a environm ang-uni. on-free ent for a d e le /s arning tart-wit ll – irres social ori h-a-bud pective gin, ideo dy of logy, cu sexual o lt u re and re rientatio C A R E ER SERV n, age, g ligion, lity. There ICE ender or for the fa The tran disabisition fr mily serv the chall om stud ice help enge of is a spec ying to s with combinin ial phas family re working e g in s sponsib tu o th f d e a ie rt d s ists. The evelopm with ilities th provisio ent F rough c o lk w n, finan ang Care support hildcare cial aid s studen er Servic grants a and gra ts e mongst a nd alum process duation other th ni in this through compati ings. Re c o bility of u knowled rses, dev garding studies ge, expe eloping represen the and disa rtise on expert tative fo p e rs b o il instituti it n al comp y, the r studen lity or ch o n e s ts with d te a n nd c ronic illn in es, as w dividual isabiell as th ess prov individu consulta ro ides adv u al comp ti gh p o rogramm ns and a ice on ensation suffered e. Furth mentori for disad e n (e.g. in th rm b g etween ore the vantage e aptitu Folkwan network /s de test). g studen ing key obje ts and a ctive of lumni is the Care a er Servic lkwange . areerserv ice



NAL OFF The Inte ICE rnationa l Office Universit of the F y of the olkwang Arts is th service a e intern rea of th ational e Academ This is th ic Admin e place istration w here wo are coord . rldwide inated a e x changes n d studen on exch ts receiv ange pro e advice gramme abroad a s – both nd their o n their pa p a th to Fo More in th lkwang. formatio n o n advice as on su pport fo and offe r stays a rs, as we broad, is ll lkwangavailable at: ternatio nal



IPS AND There are GRANTS various funding students possibilit at Folkw ies for ang: ran scholars ging fro hip prog m ra individu mmes to fund. Th al an emerg e cash p ri ency z es availa competi ble in th tions ca e Folkwa n also c the stud ontribute ng y. to financin g oerderu lkwangng ettbewe rbe SEMEST


EES The Folk wang U niversity charge s of the A tudy fee rts does s. A sem shall be not e ster con paid for tribution e a c semeste h semes r ticket ter (VRR plus soc & NRW Informa ial contr tion on ibution). the amo fees can unt and be foun breakdo d here: wn of ueckme ldung STUDIER ENDENW ERK The Stud ierenden werk Ess (student en-Duis services burg provider) at Folkw provides ang with students a compre all matt hensive ers relati s n e rvice on g to their to a wid study. In e range o a f d affordab dition tion pro le accom vided in modaEssen, y the BAfĂś o u will als G (Germ o find h an state assistan ere student ce) Offic fi nancial e a s Psycholo well as th gical Ad e Social visory S and www.stw ervice. /beratun g/konta kt


Artist Diploma Artist Diploma Artist Diploma

Regie / Directing

Schauspiel / Acting


Musikpädagogik / Music Pedagogy

Physical Theatre


Lehramt Musik / Music Teaching



Kommunikationsdesign / Communication Design



Jazz | Performing Artist



Integrative Komposition / Integrative Composition

Tanz / Dance


Instrumentalausbildung / Instrumental Training



Industrial Design

B.A. & Licence


Gesang | Musiktheater / Voice | Music Theatre

Musikwissenschaft, Deutsch-Französischer Studiengang / German French Musicology Study Course


Fotografie / Photography

Musikwissenschaft / Musicology

Abschluss / Degree

Studiengang / Study Course

Studienbeginn / Start of study

Abschluss / Degree Zertifikat M.A.

Studiengang / Study Course

Gregorianik / Gregorian Chant

Industrial Design

Weiterführende Studiengänge / Postgraduate Study Courses

SoSe* (Apr)

WiSe* (Okt/Oct)

Studienbeginn / Start of study

Grundständige Studiengänge / Undergraduate Study Courses


15. Mär/Mar 20. Mai/May

15. Jun

Bewerbungsfrist(en) / Application Deadline(s)

15. Nov des Vorjahres / of the previous year

15. Mär/Mar

in Essen: in Tours:

15. Mär/Mar

Bewerbungsfrist(en) / Application Deadline(s)


M.A. M.Mus. M.A. M.A. M.Mus. M.A. M.A.

Kunst- und Designwissenschaft / Art and Design Science

Leitung vokaler Ensembles / Direction of Vocal Ensembles

Photography Studies and Practice

Photography Studies and Research

Populäre Musik / Popular Music

Professional Media Creation

Tanzkomposition / Dance Composition Tanzpädagogik für künstlerischen Tanz / Dance Pedagogy for Artistic Dance M.Mus. M.Mus. M.Mus. M.Mus. M.Mus. M.Ed. M.Mus. M.A. M.Mus. M.Mus.

Gesang | Musiktheater / Voice | Music Theatre

Instrumentalausbildung / Instrumental Training

Integrative Musiktheorie / Integrative Music Theory

Jazz | Artistic Producer

Jazz | Improvising Artist

Lehramt Musik / Music Teaching

Musik des Mittelalters / Music of the Middle Ages

Musikwissenschaft / Musicology

Orchesterspiel / Orchestral Performance

Professional Performance

Herausgeber | Published by: Folkwang Universität der Künste, KdöR, vertreten durch ihren Rektor Prof. Dr. Andreas Jacob, Klemensborn 39, 45239 Essen, Tel +49 (0)201_4903-0, Fax +49 (0)201_4903-288,, Redaktion | Editing: BMBF-Projekt „Exzellent beraten – reloaded“ (FKZ 01 PL 16080): Dr. Barbara Jesse (ViSdP) in Zusammenarbeit mit Dezernat 3 | Kommunikation & Medien Gestaltung | Design: Dipl.-Des. Clara Pörtner, Carina Letzas Übersetzung | Translation: TE-KAAT . COM, Kristina Rauschan, Annemarie Döpper Bildrechte | Photorights: Heike Kandalowski, Veronika Kurnosova, Jana Kölmel, Marie Laforge Stand | As of: Oktober 2019


zum/for SoSe*: 15. Nov des Vorjahres / of the previous year

zum/for WiSe*: 15. Mär/Mar

15. Mär/Mar

15. Mär/Mar 15. Jun (beim/at SAE Institute Bochum)

31. Mai/May

15. Mär/Mar

31. Mai/May

15. Mär/Mar

* WiSe = Wintersemester / winter semester; SoSe = Sommersemester / summer semester

Zertifikat / Certificate

Folkwang Konzertexamen / Folkwang Concert Study Course



Kommunikationsdesign / Communication Design

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter / More information is available at:

WiSe* (Okt/Oct) & SoSe* (Apr)

WiSe* (Okt/Oct)


Integrative Komposition / Integrative Composition


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