Water Access and participatory management of water resources and of sanitation
why water Much remains to be done: more
than 700 million people still lack access to quality water services and
more than a third of the world population does not use adequate sanitation. This gap is not only due to a lack of investment in new infrastructure: in developing countries it is estimated that corruption increases the cost of connecting a new tap to the water supply system by about 30% and that, in general, between 30% and 40% of existing water systems are not working or are working below capabilities. 26
For ACRA, dealing with water and sanitation means seeking
sustainable solutions to address this challenge, by engaging in the promotion of the human right to water and sanitation, which has been asserted in 2010 by the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.
Guaranteeing access to water means guaranteeing also the other fundamental rights: healthcare, education, economic development, dignity and social inclusion.
Project Focus
Equity, social inclusion and sustainability are the focus on which we are mainly investing in to guarantee a correct approach to management of and access to water and sanitation.
We deal with water supply services through the construction of aqueducts and other infrastructures that can guarantee drinking water to the populations; sanitation through the construction of household and school toilets, hygiene in its broadest sense (good practices for
the prevention of hygiene related pathologies), and education in responsible use of water. We strive to ensure the sustainability of access to water and sanitation. This means not only building or revamping the infrastructure (aqueducts, wells, latrines), but also, and above all, making sure that such infrastructure is properly operated and correctly used, also after construction and after we move out of the area.
how we work
We are looking for innovative ways to increase the effectiveness of development aid, and new tools so that our donors can check what we are doing. We provide the tools so that management committees, private operators or municipalities use
fair, transparent and accountable procedures; can handle all operation and maintenance activities;
We create market conditions for local entrepreneurs so that they can provide quality services, which are useful to users and can be replicated on a wider scale. In Italy and Europe we spread the culture of water as a common good and a human right, through seminars that are organized in collaboration with local authorities and institutions, and through workshops and educational programmes in schools and universities.
become financially independent; meet the needs of all users, especially the most vulnerable groups. social report 2014
Water ongoing projects in 2014
nicaragua and honduras Cooperation in local public policies between Europe and Central America for better governance and integrated management of water resources duration
total value
36 months
490,959 造*
senegal Drinking water and sanitation for the rural communities of Coubalan, Niamone, Tenghory and Ouonk duration
total value
48 months
5,166,197 造
The initiative includes a number of co-financed projects by public and private donors
a Council of micro basins was created with representatives of the national government, local government and civil society, in honduras
60,000 inhabitants of the Arrondissement of Tenghory in Senegal were provided with access to safe drinking water
Note: The total value of the projects includes monetary contributions, contributions from volunteers and donations in kind. * Share managed by ACRA as project partner 28
Access to sanitation and to good hygiene practices in the Municipality of Bignona and the Transgambienne neighborhood, Senegal duration
total value
48 months
1,388,628 造
in congo, 80 water fountains were built, together with 62 km of pipes for distributing water and 2 tanks with a total capacity of 340,000 liters
Democratic Republic Congo Access to drinking water in the territories of Kahemba and Popokabaka, Democratic Republic of Congo duration
total value
36 months
1,235,453 造*
tanzania Integrated environmental sanitation concepts for poor, underserved and peri-urban areas of Iringa Municipality duration
total value
60 months
1,834,509 造
mozambique A sustainable chain of sanitation Market solutions as a response to access problems to basic sanitation in Maputo province, Mozambique duration
total value
36 months
2,143,277 造
lavatories were built for 3000 students in the school district of Zimpeto in Maputo in Mozambique
social report 2014