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By Rajesh Ghadge | Images - Fern Belagavi


Strategically located in the center of the city, The Fern Belagavi is the first 5-star- hotel and a leading environmentallysensitive ecotel that provides a p e r f e c t b l e n d o f l u x u r y & environment-friendliness. This hotel chain has won 200 awards a c r o s s m a n y s p e c t r u m s i n ‘ outstanding management and environmental practices’ making this property the only ecotel hotel in Belagavi city. Belagavi is a most sought-after area for Goans and The Fern Belagavi provides unmatched customer service along with topclass luxury for their guests. The cherry on top is their eco-friendly a p p r o a c h t o t h e e n t i r e experience and you’ll feel right at home during your stay. The property comprises 90 wellequipped rooms which are again subcategorised into aesthetically built 33 Wintergreen rooms, 33 Wintergreen Premier Rooms, 6 studio rooms, 6 Premium studios and 12 suites. The Fern Club Suite and the Hazel Suite are the most spacious and luxurious and each s u i t e c a r r i e s a s t a m p o f excellence. Earlier Belagavi did not have many options for travellers in the s e g m e n t o f b u d g e t h o t e l s c l u b b e d w i t h w o r l d - c l a s s facilities. There were options of either very expensive rooms or low-budget hotels that do not provide any facilities, but now the Fern Belagavi provides top-notch luxury and world-class facilities at the most affordable rates. Why spend more when you get both at one price? The Fern Belagavi also provides the facilities such as a welld e s i g n e d w o r l d - c u i s i n e r e s t a u r a n t , c o f f e e s h o p , multicuisine and a Pan-Asian restaurant, lobby lounge deli shop, a rooftop retro-bar and swimming pool, a state-of-theart banquet hall, a meeting room and the board room beside a large lawn to cater for social and corporate events. The Fern Belagavi believes in the principle of hospitality with responsibility and sustainable tourism, and it offers the perfect blend of luxury and coexistence with nature.

The Ecotel

The term Ecotel derives from ecofriendly and hotel. The hotel is e q u i p p e d w i t h a p r e m i u m standard of amenities and services with a true passion for the environment. Normally, luxury and eco-friendliness do not go hand in hand but this is not the case with the Fern Belagavi. According to them, the fern is a perennial plant, retaining a rare consistency and many of its best characteristics over millions of years. It is an epitome of pedigree flora and it aptly represents them. In an era where guests require proactive, individualized service, The Fern delivers much more l u x u r y w i t h e l e g a n c e a n d personalized service and all the contemporary facilities come together with minimal impact on the environment.

The Rooms

As mentioned above the hotel has 91 well-equipped rooms with topclass amenities and the rooms are divided into multiple types which include, 1 Winter Green room spread across 354 sqft area, 33 King Bed Rooms, 33 Fern Club Premium Studio 430 sq ft, 06 Studio Rooms (with Twin Beds and Showers), 4 Fern Club Premium Studio 588 sq ft, 06 Studio Rooms 03 Studio Rooms (with King Beds, Bathtub and Kitchen) 03 Studio Rooms (with King Beds, Showers and Kitchen), 5 Hazel Suite 896 sq ft, 06 Suites (with a dining area), 6 Fern Club Suite 924 sq ft, 06 Suites 03 Suites (with a Dining area) 03 Suites (with a Dining area and Jacuzzi).

The Amenities

The Fern Belagavi provided the world-class amenities at the most affordable cost, some of which include express check-in and check-out, complimentary buffet breakfast, high-speed internet connectivity, complimentary bottled drinking water, in-room tea & coffee facility, LED TV, inr o o m d i n i n g , b a n q u e t a n d meeting rooms, health club, swimming pool, travel desk, doctor on call, car parking, airport a n d l o c a l t r a n s f e r s ( o n chargeable basis)


Melange is a world-cuisine restaurant which takes you on a rollercoaster ride of tastes from across the world. There ’ s a s p e c t a c u l a r f i n e - d i n i n g experience on offer featuring their a la carte menu. The restaurant offers a culinary trail spanning the length of Indian, C h i n e s e , M e d i t e r r a n e a n & Continental. Also, when you are here do not forget to try the confectionery items from the bakery. The custom décor and the personalized services make ‘Mélange’ the ideal location to pamper oneself.


Yaki is a Pan-Asian restaurant situated in the Fern Belagavi and if you are wondering what it means, then you’ve come to the r i g h t p l a c e . P a n - A s i a n encompasses special dishes from different nations and cultures throughout the entire continent of Asia. On a Pan-Asian menu, you are likely to find a spicy curry dish from rural Southern India, pork, rice, and vegetable dishes from Vietnam, and a traditional Chinese rice and shrimp dish, all offered on the same menu.

UK Lounge Rooftop Restro

The Lounge is a chic haven based in the heart of Belagavi, where you can eat, drink & savour the breathtaking views. At UK 27 Lounge, they make every possible attempt to provide guests with a distinct experience on every visit, b o a s t i n g a w i d e r a n g e o f entertainment.

Curve The GYM

The layout is designed for quick a n d e f f e c t i v e e x e r c i s e . E q u i p m e n t o p t i o n s i n c l u d e elliptical machines, free weights treadmills and include personal trainers.

Rooftop Pool

The property also has a rooftop pool with an amazing 180° City view. Sunbeds are arranged for relaxing.

The Lawn

Only when we connect to nature, and engage with nature, we are truly alive and vigorous. To really be alive, one must be under the sun, the moon, and the shining stars and surrounded by beautiful greenery. The Lawn, with an extraordinary gazebo, creates wonders itself.

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