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MONOTACTILE Fashion show Organised by Final Year Students of Garment Technology Government Polytechnic, Panaji
MONOTACTILE, a fashion show organized by the final year students of the department of G a r m e n t T e c h n o l o g y , Government Polytechnic Panaji was a huge success. It was heartening to see such budding talents in the fashion industry of Goa. The professionalism shown
c o u l d m a t c h I n t e r n a t i o n a l standards. The hard work & efforts of the students was o b v i o u s i n t h e g a r m e n t s p r o j e c t e d t h a t w e r e conceptualized, cut, stitched & embellished by the students themselves. The department has been holding such fashion shows since 2001 in large public venues with professionals who are the best available in the Goan industry. The show is part of the curriculum & has been designed in a way to encourage students to r a i s e f u n d s , o r g a n i z e a professional event, learn to stick
to a given budget & also aim to get some profit which they take back with them. This not only gives students an opportunity to plan & organize a huge event & work with professionals but also gives publicity to the Department & the Institute. This year the show was held on 26th June at Taleigao Community Hall with 17 passing out students. MONOTACTILE m e a n t w e a r i n g c l o t h i n g & accessories of a single colour. The s h o w h a d 3 r o u n d s . T h e introductory round had some soothing Loungewear/ Resort wear & Casual Clothing in Gray, unprocessed fabrics. The clothes looked beautiful & the models appeared to be enjoying a holiday mood. For Round 2, the students designed Smart Casuals & F o r m a l O f f i c e w e a r i n Bleached, Dyed, Printed & Yarn dyed fabrics that set the mood to work. The models looked serious & professional. For the Finale round, bright coloured fabrics were used to design in some amazing Occassional wear that were embellished with Embroideries,
Appliques, Patchwork, Beads, Sequins & got everyone in a festive mood!! 17 professional models walked the ramp & set the stage on fire with their moves. Professional sound, light & ramp was set up by ASSIS, w h o h a s b e e n d o i n g t h e production for this department since 2 decades & has done the best of shows in Goa. The choreography was by Goa's ace fashion designer MONTY SALLY, a fashion designer who has always been most creative with every collection. The photography & videography was by SANJAY DAFRE STUDIO, who started small b u t h a s t o d a y r e a c h e d International heights. The models l o o k e d t h e i r b e s t w i t h professional make-up & hair by BLOSSOM PINTO of TENDER LOCKS. International celebrity MC DESMOND OLIVEIRA brought t h e s h o w t o l i f e w i t h h i s compering. The clothing & accessories were designed, constructed & embellished by the students with the help of the staff JANE FERNANDES & CHARULATA ANANT. The Incharge Principal of the Government Polytechnic P a n a j i M r J . M . R N O R O N H A a l o n g w i t h t h e D i r e c t o r o f Technical Education Dr VIVEK B. KAMAT were present for the show along with the faculty of the department to boost their morale. Mrs AMITA SALATRY, a very popular TV artist, a Show host & actress was the guest of Honour & as usual brought sweetness to the show with her words of motivation to the staff & students. Mrs VINI KENI, founder of Saree Speaks
was the second guest of Honour. The biggest assest to the show was the Chief guest who was none other than a Goan singer who has gained International fame, our very own HEMAA SARDESSAI, who enthralled the audience with her melodious v o i c e . T h e s h o w w a s c o ordinated by the department faculty Mrs RAHILA KHAN who is known for organizing the best shows in Goa including The International Fashion Week.