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The Monsoon has arrived right on time in Goa this year, with early showers and thunderstorms in May signalling its arrival. As we transition to the off-season, beach tourism is expected to stagnate for the next four months, opening up new avenues for tourism activities such as backwater tourism.
Backwater tourism is not a novel idea in the state; however, its implementation has received r e l a t i v e l y l e s s a t t e n t i o n compared to beach tourism. This concept may be unfamiliar to many individuals due to its limited promotion compared to the pristine beaches. Despite the understanding that beach tourism lasts for only six months of the year, it has remained a primary focus for tourism stakeholders in Goa. Nonetheless, with the evolving concept of yearround tourism in Goa, backwater tourism is expected to gain increasing popularity in the near future.
While I was unable to obtain a written statement from the Minister due to his busy schedule, it is clear that he shares a keen interest in aggressively promoting backwater tourism across different tourism sectors and promotional activities.
As part of our ongoing efforts to create the most comprehensive and informative publication, we have ensured that all other sections are well-curated with content that can be improved further. Our goal is to provide r e a d e r s w i t h a v a l u a b l e information guide that covers various aspects of interest. In line with this objective, we have plans to introduce additional sections to the magazine in the near future, expanding its scope and enhancing its usefulness By continuously evolving and incorporating new content, we aim to create a publication that remains relevant and engaging for our readers.
Rajesh’s long journey began with an early realization of his writing skills and nearly a superhuman power of vivid imagination; which together led to the birth of a successful media portal. His never-ending spree of learning has made him efficient in varied fields like coding, designing and also marketing. He fuels himself with continuous reading being a history fanatic and bouts of music and movies. Acting as a one-man army he prizes work over almost everything.
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The cover story of this issue primarily focuses on Backwater Tourism and explores strategies to maximize its potential during the monsoon season By shedding light on various aspects, I aim to bring attention to this lesserk n o w n f o r m o f t o u r i s m , encouraging both stakeholders and the state government to take further steps in promoting it and making it more popular in the near future.
One significant development in this regard is the inclusion of Backwater Tourism in the New Tourism Policy, a testament to the Tourism Minister of Goa's commitment to its promotion.
In conclusion, the cover story d e l v e s i n t o t h e r e a l m o f Backwater Tourism, emphasizing the need for its promotion and exploring strategies to make it more popular. With the support of stakeholders, including the Tourism Minister's inclination towards its aggressive promotion, backwater tourism can thrive and contribute to the year-round tourism potential of Goa. By embracing the monsoon season and showcasing the beauty of Goa's waterways, we can unlock the full potential of backwater tourism and offer visitors a truly m e m o r a b l e a n d d i v e r s e experience in the picturesque state.
Rajesh Ghadge rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadgeofficial rajeshghadge www.rajeshghadge.com rajesh@rajeshghadge
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