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Panasonic Explores Collaboration with Goa-Based Startup for Energy-Efficient BLDC Motors
Panasonic has recently sent a team of three experts to Kundaim industrial estate in Goa with the aim of forging a collaboration with local startup LitAir. LitAir specializes in the manufacturing of brushless direct current (BLDC) motors and controllers used in various home appliances The team from Panasonic was particularly impressed by the energy-saving capabilities of L i t A i r ' s B L D C m o t o r s a n d controllers, which prompted them to place an order for 100,000 components Additionally, Panasonic has expressed interest in further partnerships and suggested a tie-up for the production of more products. During their visit to LitAir, the Panasonic team sought to gain a deeper understanding of how BLDC motors work and how they e f f e c t i v e l y r e d u c e p o w e r consumption in fans, coolers, lights, and air conditioners. Rohan Nadkarni, co-founder of LitAir, mentioned that Panasonic had approached them to explore the feasibility of an exclusive manufacturing arrangement LitAir has already established itself as a reliable supplier of components to prominent electronic firms like Panasonic, Crompton Greaves, RR Kabel, Hindware Appliances, and CG Power.
LitAir, a three-year-old startup, has experienced considerable success, having shipped 600,000 BLDC controllers and motors last year, resulting in a reported t u r n o v e r o f R s 1 6 c r o r e s Recognizing LitAir's potential, Panasonic is keen on expanding their product offerings and has expressed their desire for LitAir to manufacture more products exclusively for them. Moreover, Panasonic sees Goa as a favorable location for production due to its proximity to their plant in Valsad, Gujarat, and its logistical advantages for both domestic and export markets. The Panasonic team also visited Tuem, where the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) facility is situated. While LitAir's manufacturing activities currently take place in Himachal Pradesh, their research and development efforts are centered in Kundaim to cater to their North Indian clientele However, Panasonic believes that Goa would be an ideal location for manufacturing, considering its strategic advantages. LitAir's technical team consists entirely of Goan engineers who have developed seven designs that can achieve up to 50% power consumption savings Their c o m m i t m e n t t o i m p o r t substitution and domestic manufacturing has been praised by the Electronic Industries Association for their innovative contributions.
Overall, Panasonic's interest in collaborating with LitAir reflects a significant step toward reducing import dependency and fostering d o m e s t i c m a n u f a c t u r i n g c a p a b i l i t i e s i n I n d i a . B y establishing LitAir as their manufacturer of choice for BLDC motors and controllers in Goa, Panasonic aims to leverage LitAir's expertise and contribute to the country's objective of p r o m o t i n g i n d i g e n o u s production.
Goa Unveils Ambitious Plans for Sea Hubs and Design Villages, to Boost The Economy
healthier worklife balance but a l s o h a s t h e p o t e n t i a l t o boost creativity, overall general health, and job s a t i s f a c t i o n .
A s s o c i a t e
P r o f e s s o r V
Padmanabhan from the Goa
I n s t i t u t e o f
M a n a g e m e n t highlighted the b e n e f i t s o f working within a natural setting, a l l o w i n g employees to
Goa, one of India's top tourist destinations known for its rich history and Portuguese influence, is set to undergo a transformation with the creation of sea hubs and design villages. These initiatives, recently announced by the authorities, aim to attract professionals, artists, and tourists while revitalizing the state's economy.
At the SartUp20 Engagement Group meeting, IT and Tourism
Minister Rohan Khaunte revealed that the government plans to establish 12 sea hubs along the shoreline. These co-working spaces will serve as creative hubs, offering professionals the opportunity to work amidst the natural beauty of Goa The selected beaches will be transformed into workspaces, blending coastal landscapes with development.
This initiative not only promotes a e n g a g e i n outdoor activities and combat work-related stress.
The establishment of co-working spaces within the sea hubs will greatly benefit those in the creative and technology sectors, providing cost-effective options for companies and empowering work environments Aaron Fernandez, founder of Kilowott, emphasized that the creation of sea hubs will enhance the co- working system and foster a more empowering work culture. Additionally, the government plans to set up a "Design Village" t o p r o v i d e a n u r t u r i n g environment for creators and innovators to develop their skills. This community will contribute to employment opportunities in Goa a n d c r e a t e a s u p p o r t i v e ecosystem for fostering creativity. Goa's beautiful beaches and natural surroundings make it an ideal destination for nomadic employees and individuals in the creative and technology sectors seeking to work in a picturesque setting. The development of sea hubs not only attracts tourists but also provides a significant economic boost to the state. Overall, the creation of sea hubs and design villages in Goa demonstrates the government's c o m m i t m e n t t o f o s t e r i n g innovation, attracting talent, and bolstering the state's economy. By combining the beauty of Goa's c o a s t w i t h p r o f e s s i o n a l w o r k s p a c e s a n d c r e a t i v e environments, these initiatives hold immense potential for the future development and growth of the region.