4 minute read


By Kalyani Merwade

It was in the year 2017, at the tender age of seven, that Erica's martial arts odyssey b e g a n G u i d e d b y t h e esteemed Master Raunak Singh, an internationally renowned instructor, she embarked on a path that would shape her character and ignite her passion. It was her mother's heartfelt desire to ensure Erica's safety that led her to enroll in martial arts classes at Don Bosco Panjim. Little did they know that this decision would set the stage for an incredible journey of self-discovery.

Under the tutelage of Master Raunak Singh, Erica found herself drawn to the world of martial arts His profound k n o w l e d g e a n d u n i q u e training style pushed her to new heights, awakening a love for the discipline that would forever define her. Not only was he a remarkable teacher, but he also possessed a remarkable ability to explain the intricacies of the human body and the history of warriors, inspiring Erica to delve into the study of history. Specializing in Tong-il Moo-do (TIMD), a mesmerizing style of mixed martial arts from South Korea, Erica's dedication to her craft knows no bounds. TIMD, with its fusion of circular a n d l i n e a r t e c h n i q u e s , challenges practitioners to achieve a delicate balance between finesse and strength. It encompasses the best elements of various martial arts, ancient and modern alike, allowing Erica to explore a wide range of philosophies. The path to greatness is seldom without obstacles, and E r i c a ' s j o u r n e y w a s n o exception. In the early days of her martial arts training, she faced numerous challenges. As a newcomer to the world of sports, she found herself struggling to keep up with the demands of her training However, her unwavering commitment and persistence prevailed Inspired by her mother's advice to find joy in what she loved, Erica pushed forward, focusing intently on her coach's guidance and avoiding distractions along the way.

Memories are etched in our hearts when we accomplish great things, and Erica has h a d h e r f a i r s h a r e o f unforgettable moments. The road to success is paved with perseverance, and despite financial constraints and limited support, she refused to let her dreams fade away. In 2022, at the 10th Mombasa O p e n To n g - i l M o o - d o International Martial Arts

Championship, held in Kenya, E r i c a t r i u m p h a n t l y represented her nation, securing two gold medals and two bronze medals Her victory was a testament to her u n y i e l d i n g s p i r i t a n d unwavering determination. Balancing the rigorous demands of training with her s c h o o l w o r k a n d o t h e r activities has not been an easy feat for Erica. Yet, armed with her mother's sage advice, she tackles each challenge headon Erica approaches her studies with a mindset focused on understanding r a t h e r t h a n m e r e memorization, a strategy that a l l o w s h e r t o e x c e l academically Even in the f a c e o f d e m a n d i n g international competitions, she finds solace in YouTube tutorials, ensuring she never falls behind.

Erica's illustrious martial arts career is studded with remarkable accomplishments. From winning bronze in her state's national competition to securing silver and bronze medals in international tournaments, her journey has b e e n n o t h i n g s h o r t o f extraordinary Notably, she became the first woman from India to compete in the esteemed World Martial Arts Mastership Committee (WMC) competition in South Korea, earning a bronze medal in the team bon (demonstration) c a t e g o r y . T h e s e achievements serve as a t e s t a m e n t t o E r i c a ' s unwavering dedication and tenacity.

Throughout her martial arts journey, Erica has been inspired by two incredible role models. Her coach, Master Raunak Singh, embodies the true essence of martial arts, upholding its noble principles and instilling in his students the values of dedication and lifelong commitment. His words echo in Erica's mind, reminding her that martial arts is not merely a game but a way of life, a path that demands continuous learning and self-improvement.

A n o t h e r b e a c o n o f inspiration for Erica is the i c o n i c M a r y K o m , t h e celebrated Indian boxer.

Witnessing Mary Kom's meteoric rise to prominence even after becoming a mother has left an indelible mark on Erica's mindset. Her d e t e r m i n a t i o n a n d u n w a v e r i n g p u r s u i t o f excellence have taught Erica that one ' s dreams know no boundaries.

Erica's relentless pursuit of self-improvement fuels her d e s i r e t o c o n t i n u o u s l y challenge herself. Each day, she embarks on a quest to explore new feats, spins, and forms, constantly pushing the boundaries of her abilities. Her ultimate aspiration is to witness Tong-il Moo-do (TIMD) showcased at the Asian Games and the Olympics, an ambition driven by her unwavering patriotism and the desire to bring honor to her beloved nation. Martial arts has not only shaped Erica's physical p r o w e s s b u t h a s a l s o impacted her confidence and personal growth. With her body and mind aligned, she exudes a newfound sense of self-assurance. Her extensive knowledge of sports and physical anatomy has also enhanced her academic pursuits, granting her a unique perspective that sets her apart from her peers. With her unwavering spirit and unrelenting dedication, she continues to forge her path in the world of martial arts, leaving an indomitable mark on the hearts of all who bear witness to her remarkable journey. The future holds boundless opportunities for this young martial arts prodigy, as she strives to take her b e l o v e d d i s c i p l i n e t o unprecedented heights and cement her legacy as an icon of inspiration for generations to come.

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