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New Tourism Services to be Run by Impaneled Private Agencies -Tourism Minister
agencies for running new services.
It has been
F o r t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n a n d operation of new tourism services in the months to come, the tourism department wants to impanel private agencies. The tourism department has invited an indication of interest. Some of the services offered by the tourism department are also implemented through private individuals and agencies. In May, Rohan Khaunte, tourism minister hinted at the possibility of bringing in private t w o y e a r s since a new t o u r i s m service was introduced in G o a , a n d c u r r e n t services like b u n g e e jumping, hotair ballooning, monsoon treks, and white-water rafting were introduced more than five years ago. The only exception is the helicopter rides that were introduced last year. The tourism department said that the hop-on-hop-off can’t be called a new service because it was introduced 8 years ago but had to be stopped after there was some trouble. The hop-on-
Goa Branch of WIRC of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Hosts Conference at Taj

t h e S u b R e g i o n a l conference for the region.
Other office Bearers of WIRC, CA Ketan Saiya, Treasurer, WIRC and CA. Yashwant Kasar, Regional Council Member, WIRC & Goa Branch Nominee also addressed the delegates at the conference.
Eminent faculty CA hop-off bus service is set to be restarted shortly. The plan to reestablish the seaplane services has been on hold even after the routes were finalized a few years ago.
The officials said that Goa needs to offer more activities to tourists.
T h e y s a i d t h a t t h e y o u t h especially wants to spend quality time in the state. The tourism minister shared the same opinion as the department. The tourism minister also said that with Goa tourism expanding its reach to hinterlands, ecotourism, and wellness tourism, there is going to be a lot of scope for agencies and individuals specializing in these tourism segments. Expanding the tourism segments to other services will allow the department to improve the tourism industry and also increase employment opportunities for private service providers.
When talking about the chance of tourists getting cheated, the officials said that the operators will be under their watchful gaze and ensure that it does not happen. Khaunte said that the department has not received any major complaints against the services provided by agencies that are impaneled with the tourism department. He added that the quality of services and the safety of the tourists are the priorities when selecting a service provider.
The tourism department will be impaneling private agencies to run new tourism services. Private agencies and individuals will be invited to provide tourists with new services that appeal to the youth. The department will also be keeping a close eye on the private agencies to make sure that they do not cheat the tourists.
Bni Foundation Signs Mou With 21 Colleges In Goa
Every year, Goa Branch of WIRC of ICAI hosts its Sub Regional Conference, with great aplomb wherein CAs from Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra come to Goa for a learning extravaganza This year, Goa Branch of WIRC of ICAI has hosted a Conference on 16th & 17th June 2023 at Vivanta By Taj, Panaji, Goa.
Chairperson of Goa Branch CA.
Thomas Andrade, welcomed the delegates from the Western Region CA Chandrashekhar Chitale, Central Council Member of ICAI addressed the delegates at the conference. Dignitaries from Western Region addressed t h e d e l e g a t e s o n v a r i o u s initiatives taken by ICAI, WIRC Vice Chairman CA. Hitesh Pomal thanked Goa Branch for hosting
Pradip Kapasi covered Finance Act 2023- Important amendments including MSME a n d T a x A u d i t , C A . C h a n d r a s h e k a r C h i t a l e addressed delegates on Code of Ethics, CA Sushrut Chitale delivered a lecture on Companies Act - provisions pertaining to Deposits, legal structure and start-ups, CA. Harshal Bhuta addressed the New Overseas Investment Framework under FEMA and CA. Aditya Kulkarni on the topic Non-compliance with Audit Standards: A Discussion based on NFRA Audit Quality Reviews.The Conference was compared by CA. Sonal D'Silva and concluded with closing remarks and vote of thanks by Secretary, Goa Branch CA Vinayak Dhumatkar.
The "Leading the Change" event organized by BNI Goa Region and Business Voices BNI Foundation in Goa was a highly successful business gathering. Held on June 20, 2023, the event brought together entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals for empowerment and education. Distinguished guests included Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant, Dr. Ivan Misner (Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI Global), Mr. Mac Srinivasan (Global Markets President of BNI), Ms Meena Srinivasan (Chief Digital Officer of BNI), and Mr. Hemu Savarna (India National Director of BNI).
The event began with registration and a networking Hi-Tea session, followed by Dr. Ivan Misner's k e y n o t e s p e e c h o n t h e significance of networking in business success. Dr. Pramod S a w a n t h i g h l i g h t e d t h e government's focus on skilling the youth and expressed support for the BNI Foundation Mr Mac Srinivasan provided insights into the broader business landscape, while Mr. Rajkumar Kamat e m p h a s i z e d t h e r o l e o f entrepreneurship in driving economic growth in Goa.
The event also showcased the BNI Foundation's Business Voices initiative, promoting corporate s o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with 21 institutions to support entrepreneurship and innovation The outstanding performances of participating chapters were recognized, and the BNI Voices Coordinator Team was acknowledged.
Overall, the Leading the Change event successfully empowered and educated entrepreneurs in Goa, offering networking opportunities and valuable k n o w l e d g e s h a r i n g T h e organizers are looking forward to the next edition, aiming for an even more impactful experience. The event demonstrated the power of networking and entrepreneurship in Goa's business landscape, while emphasizing the importance of skilling the youth and corporate social responsibility.