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Outsiders are Responsible For Heinous Crimes in The State Says Goa CM
a c c u s e d o f crimes in other states often come to Goa as this could help deter criminal activities.
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, who previously stated that 90% of crimes in the state were committed by migrants, clarified his statement, saying that the majority of crimes in Goa are actually committed by people from outside the state. Sawant cited a detailed analysis of crime data, revealing that most crimes involving Goans are related to familial property disputes or family fights, which rarely escalate to murder cases. According to him, individuals a n d c o m m i t offenses while r e s i d i n g i n r e n t e d premises The Chief Minister did not specify the states from which these criminals originate.
To address the rising crime rate and recent incidents of murder, Sawant urged Goan citizens to take responsibility by conducting tenant verification and reducing crime in the state. He expressed concern that the lack of tenant verification allows potential criminals to find refuge in Goa. S a w a n t a l s o e n c o u r a g e d contractors to ensure that their workers possess labor cards issued by the labor department,