The BottomLine - July 2020

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members’ publication

e n e h t

l a m r o n w e c n a t is d r u o y p e e k e s Plea

A division of Foodbuy


THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 1




Aquafina 500 ml 591 ml CSD & NCB 12L BIBs all flavours 20L CSD BIBs


R Rebate

$2.00 $2.00 $3.00 $5.00

Contact your R.I.B.A. or Pepsi representative for details. DSD customers only. New customers and existing members are eligible. Does not include orders through distributors.

A division of Foodbuy

Pepsi® - PepsiCo, Inc. Used under licence. ©PepsiCo Canada ULC, 2012

2 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

July 1-Aug. 1, 2020





members’ publication

JULY 2020



in season Food for thought

Everything you need to know about tomatoes, leeks and watermelon — three summer-fresh treats



Summer refreshers

Recipes that are guaranteed to refresh, replenish, and rehydrate you this summer


Sandwich trends

See what’s trending in this favourite menu staple


Government Resources for COVID:19

Links to resources that can help you through these times.


Social Media Tips

You need to use it, and you need to use it right.

13 Safety measures

21 In the News 31 Survey says...

How to keep your staff and business safe during the pandemic

14 Marketing: The Big Idea

Restaurant goers will return... but when?

Marketing ideas you can use

17 Handy Information Hand sanitizer has become one the most essential items since the onset of COVID-19. Here’s some facts you need to know

Adding or Switching Distributors? Call us

A division of Foodbuy

433 Consortium Court, London, ON N6E 2S8 Toll Free 1-888-320-RIBA (7422)

R.I.B.A. Corporation retains the right to amend or negate any portion or part of this informative should there be an error or omission and re-publish the correct listing, rebate, article etc. in a future informative without liability.

Please notify the R.I.B.A. office if your restaurant has added or switched food distributors. This will ensure that there is no delay with your entitled rebate.


(7422) THE BOTTOM LINE March 2020| |3 3 July 2020

I R.I.B.A.

We are here for you A letter from Chris Kyriakopoulos, V.P. of Eastern Canada Independent Channel Foodbuy/R.I.B.A.

4 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

was taught years ago that in order to get one’s message across, they must be able to convey a convincing and interesting story. Reflecting on what the foodservice industry has experienced over the past couple months, one would have thought I was writing fiction, if it were not for the fact that we are all living this unbelievable tale. My experience in foodservice began when I was a child. I washed dishes for my Father at the Town Gate Inn (Tillsonburg), worked at the Bradgate Arms (Toronto), Chimo Hotel (Markham), Odyssey on the Danforth (Toronto) and at many other establishments. I studied Hospitality and Tourism at Ryerson PI and opened my first establishment in 1991. After my father’s passing in 1996, R.I.B.A. was one of my next ventures. Throughout my tenure within the industry, I always remembered what my father taught me regarding an ethical workday (usually 12-14 hours) and how not to wait for business, but to chase it. He would always say “use common sense, stay sharp, redevelop your business every 5 years and appreciate people because without customers, you may have the best concept, but have no business.” Like many of my friends, it takes a special sort of person to open or work in the foodservice industry and stay in business for years, if not decades. The industry is one we love and rarely, if ever, shuts down. It’s vibrant, sophisticated, evolutional and most of the time exhausting. Fast forward to our current situation. Who would have thought the industry that never sleeps would pause globally? There is no template for closure, no existing solution for such an unprecedented and catastrophic disruption, just utter disbelief. Notwithstanding, it happened and we are all experiencing and adjusting together. The Canadian foodservice industry was estimated to grow to $100 billion in revenues for 2020. Internally, our channel has experienced high double-digit growth year after year and this year should have proved to be no different. Our focus has always been to develop and maintain relationships and our proven record of delivering results has solidified our program since inception. R.I.B.A. does not want to be an average Group Purchasing Organization. Our Members have always been our top priority. We have either reached out or attempted to contact each Member of ours since the shutdown was introduced. We understand what our Members are going through and our primary objective was not to find out how our Members’ businesses were doing, but rather how you the owner, the chef, the manager etc., are coping. I am happy to report that out of the thousands of calls and emails, none of our Members or their staff have contracted the virus. The majority of Members remained optimistic for the future,

with a small percentage indicating they did not see a way out of the economic harm caused by this event. Our thoughts go out to all. In our effort to offer support to our Members RIBA is offering: 1. Updated website: With a COVID resource section including government links and program details. 2. Menu services: We understood there was a need for Members to restructure their menus in order to comply with opening necessities, as well as change pricing due to menu inflation and any strains with regard to the supply chain. Feel free to reach out to for further details. 3. Operating trends: Up to date trends on what is working and what isn’t during partial closure. 4. Ordering efficiencies: Registering direct Pepsi accounts to an online platform, ensuring they would not be limited due to high volumes tying up the regular ordering process. 5. Opening procedures: Pepsi, ensuring your lines and equipment is ready and health code compliant. This resource is available as a link or we are encouraging our customers to contact Pepsi sudden service in order to schedule an appointment. Pepsi Sudden Service 1-800-3876683. Feel free to contact peter.kalantzis@ for link and opening documentation. 6. Ecolab resources: Opening recommendations and a Coronavirus Factsheet can be found on our R.I.B.A. website in our Ignite Day 1 section 7. Canadian Linen update: Masks for staff now available to all of our Members. Please reach out to your Canadian Linen representative for more information or contact nancy.rasic@ for her to schedule your request. 8. Ignite Day One: Opening: Check out our R.I.B.A. website for some important resources 9. Optimization: We are currently offering an optimization service in order for our Members to receive an in-depth report on their current purchasing trends and alignment to our rebate program. Foodbuy uses their internal NOMA software to match like items to provide a maximum return for our Members. 10. Support – talk with us. We are here for you!!! Chris Kyriakopoulos, V.P. of Eastern Canada Independent Channel Foodbuy/R.I.B.A. 519.476.2331

Peter Kalantzis, Senior Director of Sales R.I.B.A. 519.476.6522 Wayne Mackie, Bi-lingual Support R.I.B.A. Eastern Ontario/Quebec 226.973.9329 George Kapogianis, Project Development Manager, Specializing in optimization 519.476.7966 Susan Batsford, Menu design and marketing specialist R.I.B.A./Foodbuy continues to implement strategies in order to support our Members. We are investing in our commitment to better serve the industry. With more than 97,000 food service establishments in Canada, we are all looking forward to some sort of normalcy for most of the sectors within our industry. Let’s encourage each other and try and remain supportive of one another. The industry is close knit and the fibers which bond one another have been stretched, but not ripped. Let our resilience bring us back even stronger and impermeable to future devastation. I have yet to cancel the upcoming golf event for this year. I want to promote an event which will bring us once again together and look forward to a bright future. My optimism should prevail, as we have missed the face to face we’ve encouraged for years with our friends and feel for each and every Member who is suffering. I would also like to take this time to thank the food service distributors who continue to maintain the supply chain for the industry. They have risked everything on behalf of the industry and must be congratulated for their efforts. They are true heroes! Stay safe my friends. I look forward to chatting with as many of you as possible, especially when the course of our future, changes for the better. Look after your families and your emotional health. Economics plays an essential role in our sustainment. Many of us harbor the impact internally and that is not healthy. As I struggle with trying to provide answers for the unprecedented times we are in, I’m not sure even the person who I look up to most – my late father - would be able to provide any, but I know he would spend 12-14 hours per day trying to figure one out. And I will also! Warm Regards, Chris Kyriakopoulos VP Eastern Canada Independent Channel Foodbuy/R.I.B.A.


Government resources CANADA Support for business • Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) • Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy • Extending the Work-Sharing program • Creating new jobs and opportunities for youth Support for individuals • CERB • Mortgage payment deferral • Temporary wage top-up for low-income essential workers • Special Goods and Services Tax credit payment

PROVINCIAL British Columbia






Nova Scotia

New Brunswick


Prince Edward Island topic/covid-19

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 5

TIP: You can eat the tougher, dark green leaves. Finely slice them against the grain and use in much the same way you would the rest of the vegetable.


Food for thought Nothing tastes as good as fresh picked produce. Here’s three fresh in-season ingredients you can incorporate into your menus right now plus some interesting food fodder to feed your brain


Growing season: July-September • Tomatoes originally came from Peru, where their Aztec name translated to ‘plump thing with a navel. • There are over 10,000 varieties of tomato, in a variety of colours including pink, purple, black, yellow and white. • The high acid content of tomatoes can slow down the cooking process of some other foods such as dried beans. • If you have some unusually highly acidic tomatoes and you want a sweeter sauce, add finely grated carrots instead of sugar. • Never use an aluminum pot when cooking tomatoes. The acidity in the tomato will create a chemical reaction that can turn cooked tomatoes bitter and fade the color. • Refrigerating tomatoes will make them mealy. • China is the biggest tomato producing country, followed by India.

TIP: When cutting tomatoes, use a sharpened serrated knife, rather than straight-edged one. Cut the tomato vertically from stem end to blossom end. This will result in a less runny slice that will hold its shape better.


Growing season: Summer and fall • Leeks are related to garlic, onions, shallots, and scallions. • The younger the leek, the more delicate the flavor and texture. Choose leeks that have a 2- to 3-inch clean, white, slender bottom with a diameter of at least 1/2”. If the bottoms are beginning to round into bulb shapes, the leeks are a bit too mature. • Store whole, fresh, unwashed leeks in the refrigerator for up to a week, wrapping well to keep the aroma at bay. • Leeks are an excellent source of Vitamin K. • Freezing leeks turns them to mush and gives them a bitter flavor. • Leeks partner well with chicken, ham, cheese, cream, garlic, and shallots. Complementary herbs and spices include chervil, parsley, sage, thyme, basil, lemon, and mustard.


Growing season: July-September • Watermelons are 92% water. • You can grill watermelon to enhance it’s sweetness and add a touch of smoky flavour. • Unlike cantaloupes and honeydews, watermelons don’t continue to ripen once they’re cut off the vine. The longer a watermelon stays on the vine the sweeter it will be. • In Egypt and Israel it is common for watermelon to be served with feta cheese • Watermelon is grown in 96 countries. • There are more than 1,200 varieties of different watermelons, some with orange, green, yellow or white flesh. • Yes, you can eat the rind. Pickling the rinds is a popular option.

TIP: To pick the best watermelon, look at the fieldspot (the big, light coloured area where it laid on the ground). Look for one with a larger, darker yellow colour. ~compiled by SUSAN BATSFORD/R.I.B.A.

6 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

You could be losing out on money. Are you doing business with, switched to or added one or more of the Distributors below?

Have you let the RIBA office or RIBA representative know your new account number? If not, you’re missing out on money. We cannot process your manufacture rebates without knowing your distributor account numbers. Your account number aligns you to our program for the sake of retrieving your velocities needed to invoice the manufactures for your entitled money.

Call us today 1-888-320-RIBA Senior Director of Sales Peter N. Kalantzis 1-888-320-RIBA (7422) Ext. 204 (519) 476-6522

Regional Development Representative Peter Zervos (519) 636-9092

Regional Development Representative Johanna Carlson (519) 495-7692

Regional Development Representative Wayne Mackie (226) 973-9329 Project Development Manager / Development Representative George Kapogianis (519) 476-7966

A division of Foodbuy



THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 7

Quick tips to help your business resiliency Minimize disruptions by accepting alternative payment methods Supporting you and your customers is a top priority. Here are some alternatives to consider to help you continue to serve your customers both short- and long-term. Prioritize Contactless Payments Encourage or require payments using tap-to-pay contactless credit and debit cards, Interac Flash®, or digital wallets (ApplePay® , GooglePay™or Samsung Pay™). We support the increased limits for contactless payments. Visit Chase Support for the new limits and related information.

Take payments online or over the phone To learn more about your options to take payments online or over the phone, visit Chase Payment Solutions.

Use Mobile Point-of-Sale (POS) Solutions We offer on-the-go standalone POS terminals. Visit Chase Payment Solutions to learn more. Mobile/Tablet Solutions: All you need is our card reader, Chase Mobile Checkout PlusSM app and your mobile device connected to a mobile phone network. On the Go Solutions, Long Range Terminals Long-range connectivity to process payment – via Rogers and Telus networks.

Visit Chase Business Resiliency for additional resources to help you navigate challenging times.

How to contact us If you have questions or concerns, please call1-800-265-5158 or email us at We are here to support your business.

©2020 JPMorgan Chase & Co Apple Pay, is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. GooglePay is a trademark of Google, Inc. SAMSUNG PAY is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 8 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020




Instagram The popularity of Instagram is constantly growing. As specified in one report, over one billion people use Instagram and they upload 95 million photos or videos daily.

Social media & online presence is more important than ever right now. No matter what platform you use - Facebook, a website, Twitter, Instagram - your customers need to know you are still out there. Make sure your content is always up to date and accurate, including hours, menus, delivery and pick-up options


Customers want to see and know the people behind the business they frequent. Build a relationship with your customers that goes beyond food transactions. Share your stories - your high points and your struggles. Post some candid shots. Don’t be afraid to go live on Instagram or Twitter and show yourself or staff in operation. Highlight local produce you use. Showcase how your food is made.

2 TWO P’S Be positive and proactive. Convey hope and optimism. Let your customers know you are all in this together and they can count on you to be professional and deliver what they need.


It’s important for your customers to know if you are actively helping out in the community. Customers will appreciate and support businesses that are actively supporting others that are in need. Are you donating leftovers or providing meals? Other options could be providing


• It’s important to have content that connects with your audience. Take the time to see what they are liking and sharing. Reach out to your audience and ask them questions, post a poll or ask for feedback.


free cooking classes online, or delivering groceries.


Many restaurants are scaling down their menus as they provide a take-out only business or have small patios open. Why not poll your customers to see what their favourite menu items are? Or poll them for new menu item suggestions. Create social media contests that encourage your audience to share your information to others. And when customers do comment on your posts, make sure you respond to them both positive and negative ones. Let them know they matter to you.

5 LET’S MAKE A DEAL Social media is free advertising for you. Let the world know you’ve got some great deals to share. Get creative and offer something that will make you stand out from the crowd. Family meal deals and meal kits are popular right now. Offer a side of toilet paper or a face mask with your burgers. Anything goes right now. Make sure to post high quality pics and use hashtags with your posts. ~ SUSAN BATSFORD/R.I.B.A.

• Be proactive and don’t wait for others to start a conversation with you. Take the first step and start conversations. Search for content, hashtags or other user profiles that are relevant and/or valuable to you, and begin conversations with them.

USE HASHTAGS/KEYWORD • Search hashtags and keywords that are relevant and associated with your business, and niche audience. Using trending hashtags will increase your reach and help you get more followers. TIP: Popular for restaurants to follow and use: #foodstagram (63.4M) or #foodie(144M posts)

HIGH QUALITY CONTENT • If you don’t put any effort into your posts, then you won’t see any effort back from your followers. Make sure your profile is up-to-date. Everything needs to look professional. Use high quality images. TIP: Make sure your content has no spelling or grammar errors.

THE POWER OF VISUALS • As a photo-sharing app, Instagram is a perfect place to showcase your menu. There’s an endless audience of foodies out there that are ready to like and share your images that capture their imagination or stimulate their appetite. TIP: Make sure your photos are high quality THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 9

Menu trends

Sandwiches Triple deckers. Grilled. Bagelwiches. On a roll or in a pocket. No matter how you like your ‘wich, you’re apt to find some version of it on most menus across Canada. Here’s a look at current trends in sandwich making and what customers are craving, according to Technomic.

“I would like more restaurants and other foodservice locations to offer healthier sides that I can eat

36% Overall 28% Male 44% Female

10 THE BOTTOM BOTTOM LINE LINE July July 2020 2020 10 || THE



of consumers ranked meat quality as the #1 most important sandwich component

of consumers purchase a sandwich away from home at least once a week



• The versatility of Cheddar and Swiss make them top cheeses for breakfast, lunch and dinner. • Unique/new flavours are gaining popularity on lunch and dinner menus. These specialty cheeses can help to reflect premium offerings and higher quality.

• Sourdough is growing in popularity during lunch and dinner due its versatility and dense texture. • English muffins are also growing during lunch and dinner, indicating that breakfast sandwiches are blurring into daytime menus. • While consumer trends are leaning towards healthier options, few are driven to buy a sandwich because of lighter bread options. Only 20% of consumers strongly agree and 44% agree at least somewhat that, “I would order sandwiches more if restaurants offered skinny (thinner bread) versions of more sandwiches.” • Bread texture and quality is important to many consumers and can drive cravings.

Growing options: Lunch/Dinner Smoked Gouda (+100%) Ricotta (+100%) Blue Cheese (+50%)

TOPPING TRENDS • Avocado toppings lead in growth in breakfast, lunch and dinner sandwiches. The freshness, health and premium aspects of the ingredient make it appealing to many consumers. • Hash browns - being used as both a topping and a side in combo deals for sandwiches - are also growing on lunch/ dinner menus. This aligns with the rise of breakfast sandwiches throughout the day. Growing options: Breakfast Avocado (+50%) Hash browns (+8%) Growing options: Lunch/Dinner Guacamole (+40%) Caramelized Onion (+8%) Hash browns (+4%) Up and coming topping trends inlcude: Cabbage Eggplant Chickpeas Portobello Radish Turnips Shallots

Top options: Breakfast Bagel English Muffin Bun

Growing options: Breakfast Sourdough (+150%) Brioche (+60%) Pita Bread (+20%)

Top options: Lunch/Dinner Wrap Bun Pita Bread

Growing options: Lunch/Dinner Sourdough (+32%) Whole Grain Tortilla (+25%) English Muffin (+14%)

CONDIMENT TRENDS Mayo is a top option across dayparts and flavour twists on mayo are growing across menus. These small twists on a popular condiment can make innovation more approachable and craveable for consumers. Growing options: Lunch/Dinner Sambal (+100%)* Sundried Tomato Mayo (+100%) Tapenade (+50%)*

63.5% of operators have sandwiches on their menus

Top Lunch and dinner proteins that consumers are most likely to order

49% Grilled chicken 48% Sliced Chicken 46% Bacon 43% Roast Beef 41% Ham “I would like restaurants to offer more sandwiches with new or unique flavours and ingredients.”

37% Gen Zers 44% Millennials 35% Gen Xers 24% Baby Boomers 25% Matures ~R.I.B.A.

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 11

Servicing local independent owner operators for over 100 years since 1919.

Look What’s New at Morton

Servicing Local Independent Food Service Operators for over 100 years since 1919.

Phone 519-737-6961 Fax 519-737-1836 Toll-Free 1-800-265-5663 Email 12 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020


Safety measures

How to keep your staff and business safe during the pandemic

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 13 THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 13

Limited time offers


The big idea Sometimes you need to think outside of the box. In today’s competitive restaurant industry, you need to have ideas that will make you stand out from the pack. From the bizarre, to the common sense, here’s a few marketing ideas that have certainly been noticed. Put your own spin on these ideas, or be inspired to create new ones. Whatever you do, you’ll be sure to create some buzz around your brand.

STARBUCKS PRIDE Starbucks Canada has unveiled its new summer lineup of bright and cheerful PRIDE merchandise, including colour-changing cold cups and tumblers adorned with bursts of rainbow pride.

A PUZZLING IDEA A favourite pastime is making a comeback during this stay-at-home period - the jigsaw puzzle. And Heinz Ketchup is releasing it’s own version. The box has 570 pieces and every piece is the same ketchup-red colour.

HOW TO JUDGE DISTANCE Oscar Mayer has come up with the perfect example of thinking outside the box when it comes to marketing. Instead of the now-old adage of “Please stay 6 ft. apart”, Oscar Mayer suggests you stand 12 hot dogs apart from each other.

ONLINE DANCE PARTY White Castle hosted an online dance party, called “Slider Jam” to thank team members for their work during the pandemic and to raise money for the National Restaurant Association’s Restaurant Employee Relief Fund. DJ duo Dude Skywalker donated their time to the cause.

MMM...MULES & COOKIES DIY kits are popping up everywhere and if you haven’t started doing any, now is the time. Earls Canada has some brilliant ones, such as their DIY Moscow Mule Kit, complete with 14 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

ginger syrup, Smirnoff vodka, limes and sparkling water. And two bonus classic copper mugs. (Price $75) And for your sweet tooth, they’ve prepared Chocolate Chip Cookie Kits, which includes all the ingredients to bake two dozen cookies from scratch. (Price $10).

PIZZA VENDING MACHINES PizzaForno, an automated pizza oven (a.k.a. pizza-vending machine) opened up at a Petro Canada in Mississauga. The oven can serves up fresh, artisanal pizzas made with natural, locally sourced ingredients in under three minutes. The idea grew from the need to help truck drivers access fresh, hot meals. The pizzas are transported by a robotic arm with no human interaction involved.

NEED SOME TP? Guerrilla Tacos in California offered up a Taco Survival Kit that comes with 4 rolls of toilet paper – a unique add-on that will get people talking. And it also includes all the fixings to create your own wraps: roasted chicken, carne asada, salsas, diced onions, cilantro, rice and beans, eggs and tortillas.

MATH FOR WHOPPERS Burger King gave students a new reason to do their homework: free Whoppers. The Home of the Whopper’s latest giveaway gimmick asks diners to solve questions on the BK app in subjects such as math, biology, chemistry or literature. Once a student enters the correct answer, they can use the app to score a Whopper with any purchase at the restaurant. ~ compiled by SUSAN BATSFORD/R.I.B.A.

Take advantage of what’s trending and special days on the calendar to create some unique marketing campaigns and food items. LTOs are a great way to spice up your menu, get new customers, and keep regulars coming back to try something new. July 1: Canada Day Celebrate all month with some Canadian fare. Poutine anyone? July 7: World Chocolate Day July13: National French Fry Day July 19: National Ice Cream Day July 29: National Chicken Wing Day August Aug. 1: Food Day Canada Aug. 3: Civic Holiday Aug. 4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day Aug. 7: International Beer Day Aug. 10: National S’mores Day Aug. 24: National Waffle Day September National Potato Month Sept. 1: Pumpkin spice season begins Sept. 5: International Bacon Day Sept. 5: National Cheese Pizza Day Sept. 7: Labour Day Sept. 7: National Beer Lover’s Day Sept. 18: National Cheeseburger Day Sept. 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day Sept. 29: National Coffee Day

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Buy any 8 cases of 591ml CSD/NCB, 450ml Dole or 547ml Pure Leaf



Get 2 FREE 591ml Aquafina

A division of Foodbuy

Pepsi® - PepsiCo, Inc. Used under licence. ©PepseCo Canada ULC, 2012

Contact your R.I.B.A. or Pepsi representative for details. DSD customers only. New customers and existing members are eligible. THE BOTTOM July 2020 | 15 Does not include ordersLINE through distributors.












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Register At: to Keep You Updated on Critical Delivery, ng Information /pepsico-canada/en_CA/CAD/register 16 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

How hand sanitizers work H3C

Hand sanitizers

Ethanol is a chemical compound. It is the “alcohol” that is consumed in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol has other uses as well, and its disinfectant properties make it a common choice for use in hand sanitizers and other disinfectant products.

WHAT IS “USP”- OR “PHARMACEUTICAL-GRADE” ETHANOL? “USP” stands for United States Pharmacopeia, which is an organization that develops quality and safety standards. USP-grade ethanol, which is also called “pharmaceutical-grade” ethanol, must meet certain purity standards, including maximum limits on the concentration of impurities that may be commonly found in ethanol. For example, the maximum




Hand sanitizer has become one the most essential items for everyone since the onset of COVID-19.


Alcohol based sanitizers contain 60-95% alcohol. Most contain either ethanol n-propanol isopropanol or a combination of these.



Handy information As COVID-19 situation continues to evolve there is global shortage of ethanol grades that can be used in the manufacturing of hand sanitizers. As a result, Health Canada has issued a temporary policy where hand sanitizers may be produced using a technical grade ethanol. Manufacturers that leverage this interim policy are required to communicate to the end user some different information, including the phrase “Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding”. In addition, users may notice a stronger or different odor associated with the products manufactured with technical-grade ethanol.


allowable level for acetaldehyde in USP-grade ethanol is 10 micrograms in every liter of ethanol. This is equivalent to a concentration of 10 parts per million (ppm).

WHAT IS “TECHNICAL-GRADE” ETHANOL? Technical grade ethanol has purity standards that are not as strict as USP-grade ethanol. Technical grade ethanol may contain acetaldehyde in the range of 800 to 1000 micrograms in every liter of ethanol. This is equivalent to a concentration of 800 to 1000 parts per million (ppm).


VIRUS Envelope


Envelope protein

Capsule Cell wall

Viral genome

Bacteria DNA

Alcohols in hand sanitizers alter (or denature) the structure of proteins. They destroy the envelope of viruses and the cell walls and membranes of bacteria cells. Non-alcohol based sanitizers can kill bacteria but are less effective against viruses.

Effectiveness 60%+

WHAT IS A PART PER MILLION? A part per million (ppm) is a measure of concentration, or how much of one substance is contained within another substance. For example, if we had a 55-gallon (208 Liter) drum of water and added 4 drops of orange juice to that drum, then the drum would contain 1 part orange juice in a million parts of water; the orange juice concentration would be 1 ppm. If the orange juice concentration was 1000 ppm, then this would be equivalent to pouring just under 1 cup of orange juice into the 55-gallon drum of water.

Hand sanitizers with less than 60% alcohol can be effective if applied generously, but they do not kill all virus types. They are also less effective on dirty or greasy hands.

60%+ Studies have shown that alcohol kills a more broad variety of bacteria and viruses when the concentration exceeds 60%, and it works faster as the concentration increases. SUSAN BATSFORD/R.I.B.A.

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 17

At Selectpath, we are here for you throughout this crisis to assist your business and your employees with quality employee benefit options. Now more than ever, employees need confidence and convenience in their benefit offering. We are please to offer TIA Health - FREE virtual doctor services to all those restaurants participating in our R.I.B.A. employee benefit programs

TIA Health

FREE virtual doctor services For more information on the R.I.B.A. employee benefit program, contact: Kevin Routley Email: Cellphone: 519-872-8557

18 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

RATIONAL CookingLive Online. Experience the unexpected. With just a few clicks. Attend an online RATIONAL CookingLive event to learn how the SelfCookingCenterÂŽ: > Achieves consistently excellent results without monitoring > Cooks multiple items at the same time to gain efficiencies > Minimizes food cost by increasing yields > Reduces labour time and cost > Saves kitchen space, resources and energy If you have any questions, a RATIONAL corporate chef will be on hand to answer them live. See upcoming events and register for free at THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 19



steps for a healthier relationship with the griddle.

SQUIRT — Pour Scotch-Brite™ Quick Clean Griddle Liquid 700-40 or 701* onto a hot griddle 150-180˚C (300-350˚F). The bubbling of this powerful liquid lifts and loosens stubborn burned-on food, soil and grease from the griddle surface.




SCOUR — Using the Scotch-Brite™ Griddle Polishing Pad 46 and the Scotch-Brite™ Multi-Purpose Pad Holder 405-R, apply light pressure and gently scrub the griddle. SQUEEGEE — Use the Scotch-Brite™ Squeegee to reveal your clean griddle.

MOVE ON TO A BETTER CLEAN Watch a virtual demo and request your free starter kit at 3M will use the information to respond to your request and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 3M reserves the right to discontinue or terminate this offer at any time. 3M reserves the right to provide a demo and/or starter kit to those who complete the web request and qualify for the program. No purchase necessary. No substitutions, refunds, transfers or cash equivilent payments will be allowed. Offer is limited to commercial food establishments in Canada only. Offer void where prohibited or restrictred. Offer available while supplied last. The provided Scotch-Brite™ Quick Clean Starter Kit will be used in the demonstration. 3M may cancel or modify this promotion in its sole discretion and without prior notice.

3M Commercial Solutions Division 3M Canada P.O. Box 5757 London, Ontario N6A 4T1 1-800-364-3577

20 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

* Scotch-Brite™ Quick Clean Griddle Liquid meets Green Seal™ Standard GS-53, based on effective performance, with minimized and recycled packaging, and protective limits on VOCs and human and environmental toxicity. See for more information. 3M and Scotch-Brite are trademarks of 3M. Used under license in Canada. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. © 2020, 3M. All rights reserved. 2005-17450 E

Bits and Bites

Financial advise offered The federal government has set up a new customized financial advice service to help small businesses recover from the pandemic. The free hotline is meant to help vulnerable businesses with pressing financial needs navigate tax regulations and government supports to plan a path to recovery. Set up by the federal government in partnership with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the business resilience service hotline (1-866-989-1080) will be serviced by 125 advisers and chartered accountants seven days a week.

THE WINNERS ARE... The James Beard Foundation announced its Media Awards winners for 2020. Big winners include Josh Niland’s The Whole Fish Cookbook: New Ways to Cook, Eat and Think, which won in the “restaurant and professional” category and for Book of the Year; chef Roy Choi for outstanding personality; and Pati’s Mexican Table, which won for television program (in studio or fixed location) for the second year in a row.

SAVING OUR SEAFOOD Canadians are making changes to the way they choose to buy seafood in the last year in order to protect fish and seafood in the ocean, according to a recent survey done for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). - 22% are switching to brands or products that help protect the ocean or fish - 16% are buying different seafood species - 13% are changing where they buy seafood - 74% want grocery stores to remove all unsustainable fish and seafood products from their shelves.

SAY CHEESE Looking for a new cheese recipe? Tre Stelle marked its 60th anniversary with a free commemorative cookbook featuring 60 tempting cheese recipes. Home cooks and professional chefs from coast-to-coast have shared their treasured family recipes in the new cookbook, Say Cheese! 60 Years of

Canadians Cooking with Cheese. The cookbook can be downloaded in English and French for free at cookbook or purchased online for $39.95.

and the addition of 2.3 million taps in the last two years helped with the success.


KFC, McDonlad’s and Pizza Hut have reportedly started operating street carts in China. The developemnt of mobile carts reportedly comas as some local governments encourage operators to reenergizze the longstanding format.

Flashfood has announced that its successful partnership with Loblaw Companies Ltd. will be extended to more stores this year. With the Flashfood app, shoppers can purchase food items nearing their best-before date at a reduced price at select Loblaw grocery stores. To date, the Flashfood app has surpassed one million downloads in Canada. In 2019, the Canada-wide program helped divert 4.6 million pounds of potential food waste from landfills, in the process feeding more than 110,000 families and allowing shoppers to collectively save more than $10 million on groceries. The app was originally launched in 138 Maxi and Provigo stores throughout Quebec, then rolled out nationwide in more than 400 Loblaw stores in the last half of 2019.

HERE’S A TIP According to new data released by Uber Eats, Canadians are being more generous across the board when it comes to tipping, despite challenging times. Uber Eats suggests that the average tip on orders has increased over 55 per cent since the week of March 9. Best tips days: Friday and Saturday. Best tip time: Between 5-6 pm. Best tipping cities: 1. Quebec City 6. Edmonton 2. Victoria 7. Vancouver 3. Sherbrooke, Que. 8. Calgary 4. Gatineau, Que. 9. Trois-Rivieres, Que. 5. Montreal 10. Saskatoon

SWEET SUCCESS Québec Maple Syrup Producers have announced they set a new record for maple syrup production this year. Harvest is estimated at more than 175 million pounds of maple syrup for all of Quebec, and average yield of 3.59 pounds per tap. A chilly April


50/50 Maple Leaf Foods has launched its Maple Leaf 50/50™ line of products made with 50% premium meat and 50% plant-based and natural ingredients to deliver the taste, satisfaction, and sensory experience of traditional meat products. The line includes burgers, sausages and grounds. Interest in plant-based protein is growing, with 55% of Canadians thinking about reducing their meat consumption. Fusion protein is a great alternative for Canadians who love meat protein but want to make sustainable food choices.

TIMMIE’S HERO CUPS Tim Hortons is calling on Canadians to nominate the hard-working essential workers and other frontline heroes they know for a chance to be featured on limited-edition Tim Hortons Hero Cups and on timhortons. ca. The cup will feature a large “Thank You” message in place of the Tim Hortons logo with the names and professions of 100 heroes wrapping around the cup.

OUTLOOK BLEAK IN U.S. According to the latest survey from the National Restaurant Association, 75% of all operators surveyed said it is unlikely their restaurant will be profitable within the next six months. “State mandated stay-at-home policies and forced closures of restaurant dining rooms resulted in losses of $30 billion in March, $50 billion in April, and another $40 billion in May,” the NRA said. ~ compiled by SUSAN BATSFORD/R.I.B.A.

THE THE BOTTOM BOTTOM LINE LINE July July 2020 2020 || 21 21



SEPT. 16

2020 19th ANNUAL




6000 Marineland Pkwy, Niagara Falls, ON

22 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

6400 Lundy's Ln, Niagara Falls, ON

• 18 Holes of Golf at Thundering Waters Golf Course • Lunch during Golf Registration • Dinner at the Best Western Plus Cairn Croft • Hotel room at the Best Western Plus Cairn Croft • Prizes


$ 275.00


* Per person, based on double occupancy

$ 325.00


* Per person, based on single occupancy * If you book before July 30th, 2020 Valid for R.I.B.A. Members and their guests only



• 18 Holes of Golf at Thundering Waters G.C. • Lunch during Golf Registration • Dinner at the Best Western Plus Cairn Croft $250.00/per person


• 18 Holes of Golf at Thundering Waters G.C. • Lunch during Golf Registration $200.00/per person


• Dinner at the Best Western Plus Cairn Croft • Hotel room at the Best Western Plus Cairn Croft $250.00/per person Double Occupancy $295.00/per person Single Occupancy


• Dinner at the Best Western Plus Cairn Croft $150.00/per person


1.888.320.RIBA (1.888.320.7422)

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 23



Add Excitement to Your Menu! Introducing New Ocean Jewel™ Quinoa Crusted and Cereal Coated Value Added Shrimp! Completely New Taste Sensations.

Shrimp Delivers on Taste & Profit: Shrimp is perceived as having high value and can generate higher profit Made from premium Pacific White BAP* certified shrimp Fast and easy fryer or oven preparation Layered-pack for ease of use, portioning and storage

Quinoa Crusted Butterfly Shrimp

Cereal Coated Shrimp Bites

A nutty flavoured crust made from tri-coloured quinoa, oats, chia seeds, and buckwheat.

Slightly sweet cereal coating combined with the savoury flavour of shrimp.







21-25 ct

4.54 kg (10 lb)



15 g / pc.

4.54 kg (10 lb)

For more information, please visit our website at, or contact your nearest Export Packers office: West: 604-591-1603 Ontario: 905-792-9700 East: 514-745-6655

24 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020


Please contact your Bimbo Canada Representatives Greg Clark Greg.clark @ or Deborah Adams Deborah.adams @

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 25


Refresh Replenish Rehydrate As the outdoor temperatures rise, foodies are seeking out refreshing new ways to hydrate,


DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients except ice and rum in blender container; cover. Puree until smooth, about 3 minutes.

Whether chilled or frozen, there’s

Servings: 10

an increased demand for icy


treats crafted with creative

2 cups (500 ml) water

2. Place 1 cup (250ml) shaved ice in beverage glass. Pour ½ cup (125ml) of the Blueberry Lemonade mixture over top. Garnish with lemon twist and mint leaves. Repeat with remaining ingredients


1 ½ cups (375 ml) chopped celery


Try out some of these summer

1 ½ cups (375 ml) fresh blueberries

coolers from McCormick Flavour

½ cup (125 ml) calamansi juice*


6 tbsps (90 ml) light agave nectar

• To make an icy low-alcohol cocktail, place 1 cup (250ml) shaved ice in beverage glass. Pour ½ ounce (15 ml) rum, vodka, or gin over shaved ice and top with ½ cup (125 ml) of the Blueberry Lemonade mixture. Garnish with lemon twist and mint leaves.

replenish and beat the heat.

1 tbsp (15 ml) chopped fresh mint, loosely packed 2 tsp (10 ml) pure vanilla extract ½ tsp (2 ml) ginger, ground ¼ tsp (1 ml) sea salt 10 cups (2 ½ l) shaved ice 26 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

* Calamansi is a citrus fruit similar to lemons and limes. The ripe fruit is juicy, tart

MINI FROZEN THAI LIME PIES Inspired by the classic key lime pie, these mini frozen pies have a rich burst of citrus flavour. Servings: 12

INGREDIENTS Kaffir Lime Coconut Cream ¼ cup (60 ml) water 2 tbsps (30 ml) sugar 3 kaffir lime leaves (6 leaflets), center stem/vein removed 1 cup (250 ml) Thai Kitchen® Coconut Cream Coconut Peanut Crust 1 ½ cups (375 ml) unsalted dry roasted peanuts

mixture into bottom of each of 12 paperlined muffin cups. 3. For the Filling: Beat cream cheese and sugar in large bowl with electric mixer until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute. Add Kaffir Lime Coconut Cream, heavy cream and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of the lime zest; beat 2 minutes or until well mixed. Pour filling mixture evenly over crust in muffin cups. Sprinkle with toasted coconut and remaining lime zest. Cover and freeze overnight. Serve frozen.

PINEAPPLE CARROT “CAKE” SHAVED ICE Treat yourself to the goodness of carrot cake in this icy treat Servings: 5


3/4 cup (175 ml) shredded coconut, toasted

2 cups (500 ml) frozen pineapple chunks

¼ cup (60 ml) sugar

2 cups (500 ml) frozen sliced carrots

2 tbsps (28 g) melted butter

2 ½ cups (625 ml) pineapple juice

1/2 tsp (2 ml) ginger, ground

1 cup (250 ml) ice

1/2 tsp (2 ml) salt

3 tbsps (45 ml) less-fat cream cheese

¼ tsp (1 ml) ground cayenne pepper

2 tsps (10 ml) pure vanilla extract


½ tsp (1 ml) ground cinnamon

1 pkg (8 ozs) (227g) whipped cream cheese

½ tsp (1 ml) ground nutmeg

1/3 cup (75 ml) sugar 2/3 cup (150 ml) heavy cream Zest of one lime, divided ¼ cup (60 ml) shredded coconut, toasted DIRECTIONS 1. For the Kaffir Lime Coconut Cream: Place water, sugar and lime leaves in small saucepan on medium heat. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer 5 minutes or until mixture is reduced by half. Stir in coconut cream. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours. Remove lime leaves and discard. 2. For the Crust: Mix sugar, butter, ginger, salt and pepper in large bowl. Place peanuts and toasted coconut in food processor and pulse until coarsely chopped. Stir peanut mixture into butter mixture until evenly combined. Press about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of peanut crust

½ tsp (1 ml) ginger, ground ½ tsp (1 ml) sea salt DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients in blender container; cover. Blend on high speed, scraping down sides and stirring as needed, until mixture is smooth, about 3 minutes. 2. Pour mixture into large freezer-safe container (about 13x9-inch/33x23-cm size). Cover with plastic wrap. Freeze 3 to 4 hours, stirring and scraping mixture every 30 to 45 minutes to create a fluffy, shaved ice texture. 3. To serve, scoop or shave frozen mixture into serving bowls. OPTIONS • Skip the freezer and serve straight from the blender for a delicious, creamy smoothie. • Try using a variety of other frozen fruit in place of the pineapple, such as peaches or blackberries for a fruity twist. THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 27

Make a Difference


Local Proudly Canadian Owned

Canada’s third largest foodservice distributor, with distribution centres in Kitchener, Sudbury and Whitby, we proudly serve Ontario food operators with service that represents the warmth and tradition that Canadians are famous for. With over 10,000 products listed, Flanagan Foodservice can supply and equip every aspect of your restaurant; from fresh meat and seafood to a full line of smallwares and equipment.

Contact us today at 1-855-Flanagan or visit us at to learn more.


28 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

Flanagan Foodservice Announcement

Purchase of Summit Food Service Flanagan Foodservice Inc. announced it has purchased Summit Food Service from Colabor Group Inc. The acquisition will bring two great Canadian-owned foodservice distribution companies together dedicated to exceptional service, product quality and distribution solutions. “Summit is a well-respected distributor with a strong track record of providing superior service, value and integrity which complements the Flanagan culture and our own commitment to quality,” said Dan Flanagan, CEO of Flanagan. “As one company, we will use our scale to enhance service to our customers and continue to offer them the difference they deserve.” After the transaction closes, Flanagan will become the largest Canadian-owned and third largest foodservice distributor in Canada. This is the next step in the evolution and growth of Flanagan Foodservice Inc. that will lead to new and exciting opportunities for customers, suppliers and employees. Flanagan Foodservice Inc. will also continue its efforts to advance innovative, business practices that earned it recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for the past seven consecutive years and the 2019 Pinnacle Supplier of the Year Award.

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 29


In today’s new environment, cleanliness and sanitation are at the forefront of the minds of customers and employees alike. You can count on Canadian Linen to provide uniform and supply services to help your business operate safely and efficiently. We can’t wait to be an extension of your team to help you deliver the dining experience your guests expect.


Hard Surface Disinfectant

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MicroFiber Towels

Washable Preventive Mask*

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First Aid Supplies and Service

Chef Wear


855.326.0940 | 855.326.0940for | Ask your representative more details. 30 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 ©2020 Canadian Linen & Uniform Service Co. All rights reserved.

PeopleYou YouCan CanCount CountOn On People

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Survey Says

They will return... but when? A recent survey conducted by the Angus Reid Institute in partnership with the Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University shows that after nearly three months of lockdown life Canadians are looking forward to eating out again, but only 18 per cent plan to take a seat in a dining room as soon as possible. Thirty-eight per cent expect their first visit to take place at some point over the summer, and 33 per cent intend to eat out after the second wave of COVID-19 has passed. Of the respondents who couldn’t wait to get back to eating at restaurants, Quebec has the highest rate (26 per cent) of people wanting to dine out, while concern about a second wave was highest in Ontario (43 per cent) and Alberta (33 per cent). Some good news for independent restaurants: 64 per cent plan to pay a visit to an independent restaurant on their first outing. While many aren’t eager to take a seat just yet, results suggest many Canadians have been ordering food regularly from restaurants during the pandemic. Sixty-four per cent of Canadians have ordered restaurant food (pick-up or delivery) at least every two weeks during the pandemic. Saskatchewan has the highest rate of respondents who ordered during the pandemic, at 76 per cent. The Atlantic region has the lowest, at 58 per cent. Younger people were more likely to order out from a restaurant - 81 per cent of respondents between the ages of 18 to 34 years old had ordered from restaurants, the highest rate among age groups. “The majority of Canadians say that they want to go out to restaurants, which is the good news. The bad news is they don’t want to do it right away,” says Howard Ramos, professor of sociology at Dalhousie University and one of the report’s collaborators. The survey showed that 78% of Canadians expect to see more personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by staff, and 60% expect to see more plexiglass. Only 36% expect slower service and just 29% of Canadian respondents expect to see menu changes or fewer choices. ~ SUSAN BATSFORD/R.I.B.A.

Q: Have you been ordering from restaurants since quarantine began?




9% Yes, more than once a week

Yes, about once a week

Yes, once every couple of weeks

No, rarely or never

Q: As restaurants begin to open, are you planning to

avoid some restaurants because you consider them to be of higher risks to your own health? 48% 26% 7% No

Yes, because of the cuisine served


10% Yes, because of the establishment’s reputation on food safety

Yes, because Yes, for of the estab- other lishment’s reasons physical layout

Q: When do you plan to go out and eat at a restaurant? 38%


18% 7% As soon as possible

Withing the next two weeks


Likely over the summer

I want to wait until the second COVID wave has passed

I don’t think I will ever go back to a restaurant

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 31

32 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020


THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 33


Sanitizing Station Crafted in Canada with long lasting stainless steel by our partners at Quest. These sanitation stations provide a stylish, functional, hygienic and modern reminder that no one can miss when they walk in the door. Latch mechanism makes refilling simple. Available in free standing and wall mount. Free Standing Wall Mount


GERMS BE GONE!® Hand Sanitizer Kills 99.9% of germs and is enriched with Aloe and Vitamin E so you can rest assured that your hands will remain clean and safe. Say no to sticky residue and hello to soft and smooth hands! Approved by the Canadian Government as a quality hand sanitizer. 236 ml bottle 330 ml bottle


HYGEN™ Microfiber Cloths

Physical Distancing Floor Stickers, 17”

Removes stains 30% more effectively than cotton. aunderable up to 40 times. Blue (28) or red (27).

High visability floor sign to help customers maintain proper distance. Durable slip resistant surface.



Health & Hygiene Physical distancing Cleaning & Sanitation Takeout & Delivery

34 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

Re-open with confidence.

RE-OPENING GUIDE From proper cleaning and sanitation, to social distancing measures and pivoting to takeout and delivery options, we’re here to help you transition back to serving your community in the safest way possible.

TamperSeal™ Labeling System Forehead Thermometer Accurate results in 1 second. “Fever Glow” technology turns the screen red when a fever is detected. Thermometer stores 20 readings. Auto-shut off. 929/275DI

Ensures food is appropriately labeled and handled during delivery. Aggressive adhesive keeps label attached to package. Security slits prove food hasn’t been tampered with. Direct thermal labels designed for use with MenuPilot™ app. Working temp: -65° F to 160° F. Minimum application temp: 35° F. 3” circle. 500 labels/roll.

Approved by Health Canada


Fabric Food Carrier

Premium® Reusable Face Mask


Small 274/FCE-MSK-SMALLMedium 274/FCE-MSK-MEDLarge 274/FCE-MSK-LARGE-

Double-layer & re-usable. Not approved by the FDA. Personal use only. Wash after each use. (BLACK), (WHITE), (NAVY).

GoBag® Delivery Bag, large, 21" x 14" x 14", holds full-sized food pans, velcro lid, sewn-in straps and ticket pouch, side pocket, high density insulation, nylon fabric, black.

*Custom Logoing Available!


Hands-Free Door Pulls Curved design allows the foot or forearm to pull the door open while ensuring a safe release for closure. Corrosion resistant 304 Stainless Steel. Made in Canada. Screws included. Foot Pull 1480/FOOT-OPENER Arm Pull 1480/ARM-OPENER

Foot + Arm Pull 1480/FOOTARM-OPEN *Custom engraving available!

Food Safety Equipment start-up

BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 35 View the full Re-Opening Guide atTHE

• • • •

Nestle Espresso • Americano • Americano Misto • Cappuccino • Latte • Flat White • Cortado French Vanilla Latte • French Vanilla Cappuccino • Mocha • Hot Chocolate Deluxe Hot Chocolate • Vanilla Hot Chocolate • Decaf Offerings • Black Coffee • Hot Water

For more information on our product solutions for the NESCAFÉ Krea Touch, contact

36 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

Contact you R.I.B.A. sales representative for more information Kim Westenbrink at 1-705-623-6340 • All trademarks are owned by at Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Switzerland and used under licence. @2020 Nestlé •Vevey, Brendan Hardee 1-438342-1304 All trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland and used under licence. ©2020 Nestlé.

Flavour Trends

Looking for some new flavour inspirations? Here’s the up and comers, as forecasted by Technomic

Introduction: Flavours that are relatively new on the in the market Growth: Flavours already introduced, but are now seeing a surge in popularity



Introduction 1. Almond 2. Orange 3. Ricotta 4. Coriander 5. Anchovy 6. Miso 7. Mint 8. Caviar 9. Hazelnut 10. Pistachio

Introduction 1. Saffron 2. Pecorino 3. Anchovy 4. Hazelnut 5. Yuzu 6. Caviar 7. Gruyere 8. Cider 9. Lemon Grass 10. Cherry

Growth 1. Guacamole 2. Chipotle 3. Basil 4. Sesame 5. Dill 6. Avocado 7. Spiced 8. Cilantro 9. Cajun 10. Sweet Chile

Nouveau Palais in Montreal has fried chicken with kale salad and cider barbecue sauce

Beverages Introduction 1. Hibiscus 2. Cucumber 3. Rose 4. Pear 5. Spiced 6. Lavender 7. Lemon-Ginger 8. Cinnamon 9. Lemon Grass 10. Blood Orange

Growth 1. Dill 2. Mango 3. Blue Cheese 4. Roasted Garlic 5. Peppercorn 6. Monterey Jack 7. Citrus 8. Beets 9. Horseradish 10. Salt

Lupo in Vancouver roasts baby Simply Thai in Vancouver serves beets with warm goat cheese Chocolate cake with chocolate and orange vinaigrette and raspberry mousses


Growth 1. Sugar 2. Caesar 3. Cherry 4. Grenadine 5. Cranberry 6. Orange 7. Pomegranate 8. Watermelon 9. Passion Fruit 10. Blackberry

Desserts Introduction 1. Pear 2. Pistachio 3. Passion Fruit 4. Dulce de Leche 5. Shortbread 6. Ricotta 7. Sour 8. Vanilla Creme 9. Lime 10. Sesame

Growth 1. Creme Brulee 2. Graham Cracker 3. Espresso 4. Toffee 5. Cinnamon Sugar 6. French Vanilla 7. Salted Caramel 8. Chocolate Raspberry 9. Key Lime 10. Vanilla Bean

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 37

Summer Feast value added (pre-cut)



ITEM #: 1447 PACK SIZE: 2 X 5LB

ITEM #: 1212 PACK SIZE: 2 X 3LB



ITEM #: 1233 PACK SIZE: 2 X 5LB 38 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020


ITEM #: 1444 PACK SIZE: 2 X 2LB



ITEM #: 1645 PACK SIZE: 4 X 276G

ITEM #: 5336 PACK SIZE: 3 X 236G



ITEM #: 5334 PACK SIZE: 3 X 146G

ITEM #: 1646 PACK SIZE: 4 X 296G



ITEM #: 1647 PACK SIZE: 4 X 321G

ITEM #: 5355 PACK SIZE: 3 X 198G

From our value added items to our grab and go meals, Fresh Start Foods is committed to pleasing our customers with our quality produce and service. We have distribution centers located in Milton, London, Ottawa, Mississauga, Quebec and Vancouver. This means, we’ve got you covered - coast to coast! MILTON 2705 DURANTE WAY MILTON ON, L9T 5J1 TEL: 905-878-9000 FAX: 905-878-9010 TOLL FREE: 1-800-563-5033

OTTAWA 2072 WALKLEY ROAD OTTAWA ON, K1G 3V3 TEL: 613-521-7415 FAX: 613-521-0155 TOLL FREE: 1-866-578-0765

LONDON 75 BESSEMER ROAD - UNIT 7 LONDON ON, N6E 1P9 TEL: 519-659-5757 FAX: 519-659-1583 TOLL FREE: 1-800-399-1509 THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 39

COVID-19: THE NEW WORLD OF UNCERTAINTY To all our Valued Clients As the COVID-19 World Pandemic rages on, we realize the world is also quickly and continuously changing around the situation. We want to reassure you that we are continuing to work with our company partners as well as staying up to date with all information and direction by our governing bodies. We are ensuring lines of communication are open and available to answer any questions and or concerns you may have. In regards to the numerous questions that exist today, please be informed the entire insurance industry is working on identifying industry standard responses. Taking into consideration that COVID-19 is evolving at an extremely fast, a “one-size-fits-all” answer is not always fitting. As advised by the IBAO (Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario: “March 20, 2020 letter; Many questions and answers may take months to resolve. Most insurance companies are grappling with the same questions that brokers and clients have. All efforts are being made to identify industry positions wherever and whenever possible; communication channels are open with and across the country”.

--------------------------------------------------PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH US WE ARE ALWAYS HERE TO ASSIST YOU

Ensure your financial stability in the event of an insured loss by making sure that you carry the proper limits of insurance coverage to replace all of the property/contents and financial losses in the event you suffer an insured loss.

We will always do our utmost best to assist you and your restaurant operations and provide you with all the information we have available, especially during this unprecedented time.

WE ARE ASKING EACH OF OUR CLIENTS TO CONTACT OUR OFFICE AND ADVISE US OF ANY CHANGE IN OPERATIONS: Are you closed? Are you offering delivery, take out or curbside pickup? All of the above are operational changes that will alter the insured risks. CALL 1-800-280-0937 (your call will be directed accordingly) Insureds are responsible to advise of any operational changes. WE WILL accordingly advise the insurance company of any changes. WE WILL make every attempt we can to assist in gaining some of a financial benefit, if and where possible. Whether it be lowering liability premiums due to the decrease in revenue and/or assessing policies to provide direction on if, where coverages can be removed or reduced during the pandemic closure.

--------------------------------------------------Insurance Coverages in the form of BUSINESS INTERRUPTION:

1-800-280-0937 norwichinsurance visit www.


Norwich Insurance Brokers also offers Home & Auto Insurance We welcome all R.I.B.A. MEMBERS to contact us for a FREE QUOTATION on all your insurance needs

13 Stover Street, P.O. Box 277 Norwich ON N0J 1P0 Phone: 519-863-2014 or 800-280-0937 1129337 Ontario Inc. 40 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

PRESENT Business Interruption wording states: • Coverage insures against loss directly resulting from necessary interruption caused by destruction or damage by the perils insured against, to building(s), structure(s) or contents on the described premises. •There is a provision that will cover actual loss sustained as insured hereunder during the period, not exceeding two weeks, while access to the described premises are prohibited by order of civil authority but only when such order is given as a direct result of damage to neighbouring premises by a peril insured against. Now, as per the wordings, there is no coverage for this event. The government is working on financial assistance plans for these businesses and more information will continue to be available. We want each one of you to know we are proceeding to protect you and our best interests at such a time. We will be available for calls and questions and will answer them to the best of our ability with the most current and up to date information we have. We will make every effort to inform our clients of various types of assistance that are available and becoming available from both insurance companies and the government.

Please stay safe, healthy and take care of yourselves and your family. Sincerely, Norwich Insurance Brokers

Beef Market

Prices rising dramatically Over the last few weeks there has been a dramatic impact to the beef market in Canada.

Why The two largest Canadian beef producers, Cargill and JBS Canada, who produce approximately 75% of beef in Canada have been impacted by COVID-19. Cargill closed its operation for 2 weeks and reopened the beginning of May causing a void in the market. Both have implemented social distancing measures and have slowed production due to capacity and labour constraints. These restrictions have caused major supply disruptions, limiting the amount of product that can be produced in these beef facilities. Many USA facilities are experiencing similar production constraints. The amount of beef currently entering the market is limited and at a premium.

Impact Beef prices have risen abruptly in recent weeks as a result in the decline in production. Currently, production and slaughter have remained at record lows due to the lack of manpower. This lack of supply in the market will continue to push pricing to new extreme highs.

Recommendations No one can predict how long it will be before the beef market returns to normal. In order to mitigate financial risk and supply disruptions here are some recommendations:

• Reduce or eliminate beef on menus • Engineer menus to offer less impacted cuts of beef and other proteins • Engineer menu to reduce the amount of beef used

Further risks There is a risk that as many opt for less expensive proteins to fill the void, this will have an effect on other protein markets. We have seen a rise pork markets the last few weeks, and we anticipate that with the current supply issues on beef there will be an added strain on other proteins in the near future. THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 41 THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 41

News and information you need


A division of Foodbuy

m o c . n o i t a r o p r o c a b i r . w w w Keeping you up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 news and government resources

Program information

Supplier information

Distributor information

Latest promotions

Visit to find out all the latest information from your suppliers and distributors. 42 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020 | 43

Contacts Office Contacts

Reference Numbers A division of Foodbuy

Vice President Christos N. Kyriakopoulos 1-888-320-RIBA (7422) Ext. 202 (519) 476-2331 General Manager Rich Hsu 1-888-320-RIBA (7422) Ext. 203 Administrative Assistant Nancy Rasic 1-888-320-RIBA (7422) Ext. 208 Marketing Manager / Graphic Designer Susan Batsford 1-888-320-RIBA (7422) Ext. 205

Key Regional Contacts Senior Director of Sales Peter N. Kalantzis 1-888-320-RIBA (7422) Ext. 204 (519) 476-6522 Regional Development Representative Johanna Carlson (519) 495-7692 Regional Development Representative Wayne Mackie (226) 973-9329 Regional Development Representative Peter Zervos (519) 636-9092 Project Development Manager / Development Representative George Kapogianis (519) 476-7966 Coffee Equipment & Service Technical, Logistics & Warehouse Manager Jay Gahwi (226) 688-7299 Service Technician / Delivery Dean Kalantzis 1-866-942-4569

44 | THE BOTTOM LINE July 2020

Supplier Listings

Belmont Meats Burnbrae Farms Canada Bread Consumer Centre Canadian Linen Chase® Merchant Services Ecolab Erie Meat Products Ltd. Export Packers Fresh Start Foods My Barista 888 Norwich Insurance Brokers Pepsico Foodservice Rational Russell Hendrix Restaurant Equip. Saporito Foods Selectpath - Benefits and Financial Sofina Foods

Call the R.I.B.A. Office Call the R.I.B.A. Office

1-800-465-5515 1-855-326-0940

Call the R.I.B.A. Office


Call the R.I.B.A. Office

(905) 792-9700 1-800-563-5033 1-888-320-7422 1-800-280-0937 1-800-387-9546

Call the R.I.B.A. Office

1-855-687-2706 (905) 944-0505

Call the R.I.B.A. Office Call the R.I.B.A. Office

Distributor Listings Findlay Foods (Kingston) Ltd. Flanagan Foodservice Inc. (Kitchener) Flanagan Foodservice Inc. (Whitby) Flanagan Foodservice Inc. (Sudbury) Gordon Food Service Mercury Foodservice Morton Food Service Stewart Foodservice Inc. Summit Food Service Sysco Central Ontario Sysco Southwestern Ontario Sysco Tannis Sysco Toronto

1-800-267-2596 1-800-265-6550 1-800-265-6550 1-800-565-5850 1-800-268-0159 (905) 546-5554 1-800-265-5663 1-800-461-4473 1-800-265-9267 1-800-461-6543 1-855-373-4555 1-855-736-6000 1-888-440-2524

Equipment Service Numbers Pepsi Sudden Service 1-800-387-6683 Ecolab 1-800-35-CLEAN R.I.B.A. Coffee Direct* 1-866-942-4569 Chase® Merchant Services Help Desk 1-800-265-5158 *A direct customer is defined as an account that is invoiced/delivered coffee by R.I.B.A. Corporation.

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