By Jeanine Consoli
e are a foodie family. I started encouraging my daughters to join me in the kitchen when they were ve. In high school, they often baked on the weekends crafting cookies or cupcakes for fun; I had a stocked pantry just for those occasions. Cooking is a hobby. I read recipes like others read New York Times best-selling novels. I linger over the techniques, buy the best ingredients, and shower my family with culinary love. I guess it’s the Italian in me. I enjoy having conversations over delicious meals.
The Pandemic Paus When we locked down in March of 2020, my travel and food writing opportunities came to a halt. My Instagram feed, once full of indulgences from my travels, now re ected creations from my kitchen. I joined the throngs of newbies who began to make sourdough from scratch, swelling with pride when my “babies” came out of the oven. My husband was thrilled and slathered butter on the hot slices of crusty goodness. But I write about food, too. I seek out restaurant gems and describe the cuisine in detail for travelers to discover. Dining out is a favorite activity for my family and is taken just as seriously. The decision of where to eat and what to order is a ritual. Menus are often previewed in advance, and usually, deals are made, "If you get this dish, I'll get that so we can split." The other person agrees, and a happy compromise is reached. Many memories occurred in restaurants around fabulous meals, and we often reminisce about those experiences. When the pandemic forced lockdowns, the shutdowns caused permanent closures to many food businesses, including one of our cherished places. We cried when we heard. Where am I going next? I am going to a restaurant
Spring Brings Re-opening
My 23-year-old twins graduated from college and moved to Washington D.C. in August. I planned to visit for March, when some dining orders were lifted. During our weekly phone call, they mentioned that Belga Café was only blocks from their apartment. Belga Café is award-winning Chef Bart Vandaele’s 44
Feeding One’s Soul As Restrictions Ease